Extent Reports - ExtentAPI can produce an interactive report, real-time reports with slf4j and also email reports which can be mailed right after your unit test session. http://extentreports.com/
GHPReporter - Real-time report http://ghpreporter.github.io/
Allure - There are lots of cool testing frameworks for different programming languages. Unfortunately only a few of them can provide good representation of test execution output. The Yandex testing team is working on Allure - an open-source framework designed to create test execution reports that are clear to everyone in the team. http://allure.qatools.ru/
gradle-allure-plugin - Gradle plugin generating Allure report from test results https://github.com/d10xa/gradle-allure-plugin
Report Portal - Full-featured result management tool http://reportportal.io/ https://github.com/reportportal/reportportal
cucumber-report-db - Stores results of BDD tests with Cucumber-JVM in a database and provides reporting capabilities https://github.com/porscheinformatik/cucumber-report-db
ReportNG - An HTML/XML Reporting Plug-in for TestNG https://reportng.uncommons.org/
ashot - WebDriver Screenshot utility. Take screenshots, crop, prettify, compare https://github.com/yandex-qatools/ashot
HTMLTestRunner - HTMLTestRunner is an extension to the Python standard library's unittest module. It generates easy to use HTML test reports. See a sample report here. HTMLTestRunner is released under a BSD style license. http://tungwaiyip.info/software/HTMLTestRunner.html
unittest-xml-reporting - unittest-based test runner with Ant/JUnit like XML reporting. https://github.com/xmlrunner/unittest-xml-reporting
ReportNG - ReportNG is a simple HTML reporting plug-in for the TestNG unit-testing framework.https://reportng.uncommons.org/
mochawesome - A Gorgeous HTML/CSS Reporter for Mocha.js https://gitter.im/mochawesome/general
Browsershots - Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different operating systems and browsers. It is a free open-source online web application providing developers a convenient way to test their website's browser compatibility in one place. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to our central dedicated server for your review. http://browsershots.org/
Perfomatic - The Mozilla graph server is used to understand how multiple performance metrics change over time. It is a web application for creating graphs of performance test results for a user-configurable combination of branch, operating system and machine.https://wiki.mozilla.org/Perfomatic