Fluent Assertions - A very extensive set of extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style unit test
specflow - BDD tool
BDDfy - simplest BDD framework to use, customize and extend
Golem - Test automation framework https://github.com/ProtoTest/ProtoTest.Golem
Selenium.WebDriver - Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting browser automation. These tools are highly flexible, allowing many options for locating and manipulating elements within a browser, and one of its key features is the support for automating multiple browser platforms.This package contains the .NET bindings for the concise and object-based Selenium WebDriver API, which uses native OS-level events to manipulate the browser, bypassing the JavaScript sandbox, and does not require the Selenium Server to automate the browser.
Atata - C#/.NET automated web testing full featured framework
CodedUI - MSDN test automation library https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff977233.aspx
Winium - C# Framework for automated testing of Windows application based on WinFroms and WPF platforms. https://github.com/2gis/Winium.Cruciatus
TestStack.White - White is a framework for automating rich client applications based on Win32, WinForms, WPF, Silverlight and SWT (Java) platforms. It is .NET based and does not require the use of any proprietary scripting languages. Tests/automation programs using White can be written with whatever .NET language, IDE and tools you are already using. White provides a consistent object-oriented API, hiding the complexity of Microsoft's UIAutomation library (on which White is based) and windows messages. https://github.com/TestStack/White
AutoIt - Automation using COM
FlaUI - UI automation library for .Net https://github.com/Roemer/FlaUI
WinAppDriver - Windows Application Driver is a service to support Selenium-like UI Test Automation on Windows Applications. This service supports testing Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Classic Windows (Win32) apps on Windows 10 PCs https://github.com/Microsoft/WinAppDriver
Progress Testing Framework - Use the Progress Test Studio plugin for Visual Studio to create robust automated tests for almost any web and desktop app: HTML5, XAML, AJAX and MVC. Record and run tests against multiple browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Then further customize and extend them in C# or VB.NET. Easily update elements across all your test cases by using the Elements explorer. Debug both code via Visual Studio and recorded steps via the Test Studio Visual Debugger. http://www.telerik.com/teststudio/testing-framework
JBehave - JBehave is a framework for Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD). BDD is an evolution of test-driven development (TDD) and acceptance-test driven design, and is intended to make these practices more accessible and intuitive to newcomers and experts alike. It shifts the vocabulary from being test-based to behaviour-based, and positions itself as a design philosophy. http://jbehave.org/
cucumber-jvm Cucumber for the JVM https://cucumber.io https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-jvm
JGiven - Behavior-Driven Development in plain Java http://jgiven.org https://github.com/TNG/JGiven
spectrum - A BDD-style test runner for Java 8. Inspired by Jasmine, RSpec, and Cucumber. https://github.com/greghaskins/spectrum
Selenium - Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) be automated as well. http://docs.seleniumhq.org/
Sikulix - SikuliX automates anything you see on the screen of your desktop computer running Windows, Mac or some Linux/Unix. It uses image recognition powered by OpenCV to identify and control GUI components. This is handy in cases when there is no easy access to a GUI's internals or the source code of the application or web page you want to act on. http://www.sikulix.com/
sikuli-factory - A based PageFactory model for SikuliX. https://github.com/marcoslimaqa/sikuli-factory
selenide - Selenide is a framework for test automation powered by Selenium WebDriver http://selenide.org/
Selenified - The Selenified Test Framework provides mechanisms for simply testing applications at multiple tiers while easily integrating into DevOps build environments. Selenified provides traceable reporting for both web and API testing, wraps and extends Selenium calls to more appropriately handle testing errors, and supports testing over multiple browser https://github.com/Coveros/selenified
SERENITY - Serenity BDD helps you write better, more effective automated acceptance tests, and use these acceptance tests to produce world-class test reports and living documentation http://www.thucydides.info/#/
htmlelements - Html Elements is a Java framework providing easy-to-use way of interaction with web-page elements in web-page tests. http://htmlelements.qatools.ru
darcy framework - Darcy is an open source Java 8 framework for modeling user interfaces as page objects with a declarative, automation-library-agnostic DSL. https://github.com/darcy-framework
JDI - JDI is the test Framework for UI test automation https://github.com/epam/JDI/
Geb - Very Groovy browser automation. Web Testing, Screen Scraping and more http://gebish.org/ Geb is a browser automation solution. It brings together the power of WebDriver, the elegance of jQuery content selection, the robustness of Page Object modelling and the expressiveness of the Groovy language. It can be used for scripting, scraping and general automation — or equally as a functional/web/acceptance testing solution via integration with testing frameworks such as Spock, JUnit & TestNG.
FluentLenium - FluentLenium helps you writing readable, reusable, reliable and resilient UI functional tests for the browser. http://fluentlenium.org https://github.com/FluentLenium/FluentLenium
SeLion - Enabling Test Automation in Java http://selion.io https://github.com/paypal/SeLion
video-recorder-java - This library allows easily record video of your UI tests by just putting couple annotations. http://automation-remarks.com/video-r… https://github.com/SergeyPirogov/video-recorder-java
Robot JS - The only Node.js first Desktop Automation Library https://robotjs.io/
Mocha - Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases. Hosted on GitHub. http://mochajs.org/
Chai - Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework. http://chaijs.com/
Intern - Write tests in JavaScript and TypeScript using any style you like (TDD, BDD, whatever!). https://theintern.io/
Jasmine - Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests. https://jasmine.github.io/
cucumber-js - Cucumber for JavaScript https://cucumber.io/ https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js
Wallaby.js - runs your JavaScript tests immediately as you type and displays execution results in your code editor. It also provides beautiful test and code coverage reports updated in realtime. https://wallabyjs.com/
Jest - Jest is used by Facebook to test all JavaScript code including React applications. One of Jest's philosophies is to provide an integrated "zero-configuration" experience. We observed that when engineers are provided with ready-to-use tools, they end up writing more tests, which in turn results in more stable and healthy code bases. https://facebook.github.io/jest/
WebDriverJs - The WebDriverJS library uses a promise manager to ease the pain of working with a purely asynchronous API. Rather than writing a long chain of promises, the promise manager allows you to write code as if WebDriverJS had a synchronous, blocking API (like all of the other Selenium language bindings). https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/WebDriverJs
http://webdriver.io/ WebDriver bindings for Node.js
Protractor - is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would. http://www.protractortest.org/#/
Nightwatch.js - Browser automated testing done easy. http://nightwatchjs.org/
DalekJS - Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript!Exterminate all the bugs! http://dalekjs.com/
Nemo.js - Launch your web sites & applications with confidence http://nemo.js.org/
TestCafe - A node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testinghttps://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/
Nightmare - A high-level browser automation library. http://www.nightmarejs.org/
Gemini - Gemini is a utility for regression testing the visual appearance of web pages. https://gemini-testing.github.io/
gremlins.js - Monkey testing library for web apps and Node.js https://github.com/marmelab/gremlins.js
puppeteer - Headless Chrome Node API https://try-puppeteer.appspot.com/ https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer
Chrome automation - made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda. https://chromeless.netlify.com https://github.com/graphcool/chromeless
Chromy - is a library for operating headless chrome. https://github.com/OnetapInc/chromy
navalia - A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API https://joelgriffith.github.io/navalia/
lambdium - prototype of headless chrome + selenium webdriver in AWS Lambda w/ terraform https://github.com/smithclay/lambdium
ghostjs - provides modern UI testing with async functions https://github.com/KevinGrandon/ghostjs
CasperJS - allows you to build full navigation scenarios using high-level functions and a straight forward interface to accomplish all sizes of tasks. http://casperjs.org/
Mailosaur - allows you to automate tests involving email. Allowing you to perform end-to-end automated and functional email testing. https://github.com/mailosaur/mailosaur-node
Grail - Grail is a library which allows test script creation based on steps. It helps to structure your tests and get rid of additional test documentation for your code https://github.com/wgnet/grail
pytest - The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/
green - Green is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner. https://github.com/CleanCut/green
ddt- Data-Driven Tests https://github.com/txels/ddt
pytractor - Python selenium extensions for testing angular.js apps https://github.com/kpodl/pytractor
behave - behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style https://pypi.python.org/pypi/behave
Lettuce - BDD tool - http://lettuce.it/
Lettuce Tools - Lettuce Tools are a set of tools and utilities that extend the lettuce out of the box features fill some of the gaps detected in the projects. https://github.com/telefonicaid/lettuce-tools
Contexts - Descriptive testing for Python https://github.com/benjamin-hodgson/Contexts
mamba: the definitive testing tool for Python http://nestorsalceda.github.io/mamba/
pytest - BDD library for the py.test runner https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-bdd
radish - Behavior Driven Development tool for Python - the root from red to green http://radish-bdd.io https://github.com/radish-bdd/radish
pyshould - Should style asserts based on pyhamcrest https://github.com/drslump/pyshould
sure - idiomatic assertion toolkit with human-friendly failure messages, inspired on RSpec Expectations and should.js http://sure.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/sure
selenium - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/selenium
splinter - splinter - python test framework for web applications http://splinter.readthedocs.org/en/la… https://github.com/cobrateam/splinter
mechanize - Stateful programmatic web browsing. Stateful programmatic web browsing, after Andy Lester’s Perl module WWW::Mechanize. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mechanize/
py.saunter - sample framework for using selenium with python and page objects https://github.com/element-34/py.saunter
pytest-mozwebqa - Mozilla WebQA plugin for py.test. https://github.com/davehunt/pytest-mozwebqa
wtframework - Framework for configurable Web Tests in Python.
holmium.core - Page objects & Utilities for writing selenium test cases. https://holmiumcore.readthedocs.org/e… https://github.com/alisaifee/holmium.core
gocept.selenium - Test-friendly Python API for Selenium and integration with web application frameworks. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gocept.selenium
webium - Webium is a Page Object pattern implementation library for Python (http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html). It allows you to extend WebElement class to your custom controls like Link, Button and group them as pages. https://github.com/wgnet/webium
robotframework-anywherelibrary - AnywhereLibrary is a cross platform(desktop browser,Android,iOS) testing library for Robot Framework that leverages the [Selenium 2(WebDriver)] libraries internally to control a web browser and [appium] as mobile test automation framework for use with native and hybrid app.https://github.com/luisxiaomai/robotframework-anywherelibrary
elementium - jQuery-style syntactic sugar for highly reliable automated browser testing in Python https://github.com/actmd/elementium
Slick Webdriver Python - The slick-webdriver-python project (source on github, package available from pypi) is a wrapper around the python webdriver client bindings. http://www.slickqa.com/webdriver/python/
selene - Concise UI tests in Python + Ajax support + PageObjects https://github.com/yashaka/selene/
Needle - Needle is a tool for testing your CSS and visuals with Selenium and nose. http://needle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
PyPOM - Python page object model for Selenium https://github.com/mozilla/PyPOM
POM is Page-Object-Model microframework to develop web UI tests easy, quickly and with pleasure. https://github.com/schipiga/pom
Websmith - A Domain Specific Language (DSL) for Web UI Testing. https://github.com/omaciel/websmith
pages - pages is a lightweight page object and component Python library for UI tests. https://github.com/Skyscanner/pages
widgetastic.core - Widgetastic is a Python library designed to abstract out web UI widgets into a nice object-oriented layer. This library includes the core classes and some basic widgets that are universal enough to exist in this core repository. https://github.com/nextQE/widgetastic.core
navmazing - Simple navigation framework supporting complex designs https://github.com/nextQE/navmazing
nightwatch - UI Automated Testing Framework using Python and Selenium. Influenced by nightwatch.js https://github.com/nextQE/nightwatch
pytest splinter - and selenium integration for anyone interested in browser interaction in tests https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-splinter
lettuce_webdriver - selenium for lettuce https://github.com/bbangert/lettuce_webdriver
browsermob-proxy-py - A python wrapper for Browsermob Proxy http://oss.theautomatedtester.co.uk/b… https://github.com/AutomatedTester/browsermob-proxy-py
FireRobot - FireRobot is a Firefox extension that allows you to create Robot Framework/Selenium tests, in a more efficient way. Check the demonstration videos on YouTube or keep reading:
Mailosaur - Mailosaur allows you to automate tests involving email. Allowing you to perform end-to-end automated and functional email testing. https://github.com/mailosaur/mailosaur-python
Winium.Desktop is Selenium Remote WebDriver implementation for automated testing of Windows application based on WinFroms and WPF platforms. https://github.com/2gis/Winium.Desktop/
PyAutoGUI - A cross-platform module for GUI automation for human beings. Control the keyboard and mouse from a Python script.https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyAutoGUI
robotframework-autoitlibrary - AutoItLibrary is a Python keyword library that extends Robot Framework by providing keywords based on the COM interface to AutoIt, a freeware tool for automating the Windows GUI. https://code.google.com/archive/p/robotframework-autoitlibrary/
autopy - A simple, cross-platform GUI automation toolkit for Python. http://www.autopy.org https://github.com/msanders/autopy
UISoup - This library supports UI-related testing using Python on Windows and Mac OS. (Only Python x86 is supported)
Pywinauto - pywinauto is a GUI automation library written in pure Python and well developed for Windows GUI. At its simplest it allows you to send mouse and keyboard actions to dialogs and controls on both Windows and Linux, while more complex text-based actions are supported on Windows only so far (Linux AT-SPI support is under development). http://pywinauto.github.io/
Sikuli - SikuliX automates anything you see on the screen of your desktop computer running Windows, Mac or some Linux/Unix. It uses image recognition powered by OpenCV to identify and control GUI components. This is handy in cases when there is no easy access to a GUI's internals or the source code of the application or web page you want to act on.
Linux Desktop (GUI Application) Testing Project - Cross Platform GUI Automation tool Linux version is LDTP, Windows version is Cobra and Mac version is PyATOM. Linux GUI testing is known to work on GNOME / KDE (QT >= 4.8) / Java Swing / LibreOffice / Mozilla application on all major Linux distribution Windows GUI testing is known to work on application written in .NET / C++ / Java / QT on Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 development version Mac GUI testing is known to work on OS X Snow Leopard/Lion/Mountain Lion. Where ever ATOMac runs, LDTP should work on it https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ldtp
pyatom- Python Automated Testing on Mac http://pyatom.com/ https://github.com/pyatom/pyatom
RR is a test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax. http://rr.github.com/rr
rspec - Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby. Making TDD Productive and Fun. http://rspec.info/
Cucumber - https://cucumber.io/
Bacon - a small RSpec clone http://rubyforge.org/projects/test-spec/
minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking. http://docs.seattlerb.org/minitest/ https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest
Spinach is a BDD framework on top of Gherkin. http://codegram.github.com/spinach https://github.com/codegram/spinach
shoulda - Makes tests easy on the fingers and the eyes http://www.thoughtbot.com/community Collection of testing matchers extracted from Shoulda http://matchers.shoulda.io
Behat - BDD in PHP http://behat.org
Codeception - Elegant and Efficient Testing for PHP ~ http://codeception.com/
phpSpec - A php toolset to drive emergent design by specification. http://www.phpspec.net/en/stable/
php-webdriver - A php client for webdriver. https://github.com/facebook/php-webdriver
Mink - test that our web application behaves correctly, we need a way to simulate this interaction between the browser and the web application in our tests. We need Mink. http://mink.behat.org/en/latest/
saunter.php - (Selenium) Page Objects in PHP - https://github.com/Element-34/saunter.php
mailosaur-php - Mailosaur PHP Client Library https://mailosaur.com
SauceLabs - ccelerate their development testing across any browser, OS and platform combination without the time and expense of managing their own lab. https://saucelabs.com/
BrowserStack - 1100+ desktop browsers Latest versions of IE, Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox and more on a range of Windows and OS X platforms on a robust cloud infrastructure. https://www.browserstack.com/
Crossbrowsertesting - all-in-one web testing platform. Run parallel automated tests, compare screenshots, and remotely debug on 1500+ real desktop and mobile browsers. https://crossbrowsertesting.com/
TestAnywhere - Simple tool for testing your product frontend with no need to integrate or write code https://testanywhere.co/
BackTrac - Monitor visual changes on your website - http://backtrac.io/
Applitools - Leverage your existing tests,automatically validates the look and feel and user experience of your apps and sites. It is designed to integrate with your existing tests rather than requiring you to create new tests or learn a new test automation language. Validate entire application pages at a time with a single line of code. We support all major test automation frameworks and programming languages covering web, mobile, and desktop apps. https://applitools.com/