DAY 1 | 8 August | 1. Python 3 basics to expert
Q/A: How to read data stored in RAM?
will be updated soon
Note: deadline 15th August
Things learnt
- how to make python to launch notepad/ chrome/ any particular site in chrome
import os
os.system("start chrome")
os.system("start chrome youtube")
- how to make python to speak out the argument passed
pip install pyttsx3
import pyttsx3
pyttsx3.speak("Welcome world")
pyttsx3.speak("It's good to learn How to learn")
DAY 2 | 9 August | 2. Python 3 basics to expert
- Summary :
- Fundamentals of learning (how to understand things)
- exploring what all we can do with command prompt in windows
- New :
- Underhood function of accessing an elements in list
- Varibales(at a time can store only one element) has its limitation, so we moved to lists
- Limitation of list data type (can only do row operations but not col operations), so we moved to numpy array (can do both row and column operations)
- In order to use a package first we need to know about it well rather using for the solving the current situation
- whats those
in live programming, its called REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) | webiste
- Idea : Take few minutes to go through the core usage/ limitation/ documentation of every module in use
notepad # by deafults it is saved with "" .txt extension
notepad "" # no extension
dir # to check it
# when we declare a list to hold multiple elements, access them using list_name[index_number], the underhood function is
# when we import a module, if we wants to what all the functions it provides
# what about built-in functions of python, then try this