and arrays
are data types used for storing data in rows and column. However, lists cannot be used to perform column-wise operations, where as arrays can.
- used to check the dimension of the data. .type()
- used to check the datatype of the variable.
- If the array contains more than one column then it is known as
function is used to change the datatype.
is a datatype with strings, integers (as a mixture). The mathematical operations can only preformed on integers so we convert from unicode
to int
- In numpy we can provide the field name, it supports (in market people believe it cant so we move to pandas), example to demonstrate the field name in numpy,
had no field names.
a = numpy.array([[1, "sai", 10], [2, "sia", 20], [3, "ias" ,30]])
# if you observe the dtypes of a ('<U21'), c('int64') and d ('<U1') are different at a: we have mixture of numericals and strings, c: its only numericals and d: has only strings. The dtype values for different mixture and individual datatypes is different.
# inorder to provide the filed names, we need to update it
a.dtype = {'names' : ['StudentRollNo', 'StudentName', 'StudetnAttendance'], 'formats' : [numpy.int64, numpy.unicode, numpy.int64]}
t = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
t.dtype = {'names' : ['ID'], 'formats' : [numpy.int64]}
keyword is used to mention the data type of a particular column stored in an array.
- In
array, a 2D array
is called matrix
and a 1D array
is called a vector
. In pandas
is just a library extension of numpy that can help to reduce the complexity induced by writing a code for numpy. Numpy is hard-corded, whereas pandas is built on numpy.
extension is one of the file formats which are extensively used in numpy or pandas to read the datasets stored in files. It stands for comma separation file format.
- We can use
<variable name>.columns
to retrieve all the names of column fields in an array.
- The
function helps retrieve data present at particular location of an array.