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COWBIRD: Coordinated Optimization Without Big Resource Demands


This document proposes an approach to simultaneously achieving two conflicting goals: preserving privacy for browser users, and enabling machine learning optimization within the ad-tech ecosystem.

In particular, we propose the use of a federated learning paradigm in which the browser is responsible for evaluating tiny ad-tech models stored on-device. Later, the browser evaluates the gradients of these models and sends them to an aggregation service. After these gradients are aggregated, they are sent to the corresponding ad-tech company, where they can be used to privately improve model accuracy.

In this proposal, the browser acts as a federated learning platform, allowing ad-tech companies to optimize toward customizable objectives with customizable models and features.


The ad-tech ecosystem pays publishers for the content they create while enabling companies to advertise their products. A key component of this value exchange is the ability of buyers to accurately value ad opportunities. Without this ability, there is an asymmetry of information about the value of ad opportunities that could have severe adverse effects on the efficacy of this market.

Presently, buyers learn the value of ad opportunities by training machine learning models on centralized datasets collected using third-party cookies. However, third-party cookies pose serious privacy risks, and there is much interest in deprecating them. Consequently, we would like to design a privacy preserving mechanism by which buyers in the ad-tech ecosystem may perform machine learning optimizations.

The Motivating Observation

The primary observation inspiring this proposal comes from MURRE: the sparse logistic regression models like those used at NextRoll can be reduced in size by several orders of magnitude without sacrificing all that much in terms of performance. We even see tiny bidding models with as few as 2^15 weights performing reasonably well.

Moreover, [1] shows that we can represent model weights using two bytes or less without degrading performance. (Other compact encoding schemes such as minifloats could also work.) This means we can have a decent bidding model despite using only approximately 2^16 bytes or 64KB. With models this small it becomes possible to run many of them on-device.

The Proposal


This proposal is concerned specifically with enabling machine-learning optimizations within the ad-tech ecosystem. Were this proposal to be adopted, other mechanisms would still be required to address other open questions about the functioning of the ad-tech ecosystem in a world without third-party cookies.


This proposal assumes that the browser is storing an event history in a way resembling the SPURFOWL proposal. These events include impression, pixel, click, and conversion events along with some associated metadata. This private cache of personal data is to remain in the browser, and as described below, will be leveraged to provide feature information to the local bidding models.

Step 1: On an Advertiser's Site

In this proposal, when a person browses an advertiser's site, the DSP asks the browser to download some data and code that will allow the browser to evaluate bidding logic on behalf of the DSP. In particular, the following data associated with that DSP is to be periodically pulled by the browser:

  • Interest groups like those described in TURTLEDOVE/TERN
  • A limited amount of versioned model data
  • A function to compute model features for an ad-opportunity given:
    • Contextual information related to the ad opportunity
    • The browser event history
    • The interest group data
  • A function to evaluate the model given model features

For example, we might be interested in performing sparse binary logistic regression. In this case, the model data would be an array of floats. The model feature function could extract information such as the number of impressions the user has seen from the advertiser associated with the interest group from the browser event history. (See this section of MURRE for a more detailed explanation of feature extraction). Evaluating the model given features, in this example, would be summing weights in the array of floats and passing the result through the sigmoid function.

The DSP also asks the browser to periodically pull code for computing the model gradient. The model gradient is what allows the DSPs to optimize their bidding based on the outcomes associated with purchased impressions. In particular, the following data is written into the browser:

  • A function to determine observation labels given the browser event history
  • A function to determine the model gradient given:
    • The label of the observation
    • The model features associated with the observation
    • The model data

As an example, let's say a DSP is interested in optimizing for long clicks, which are clicks that successfully load the landing page URL. Whether an impression resulted in a long click can be determined from the browser event history by checking for clicked impressions followed shortly by a pixel event from the advertiser associated with the impression. Under this proposal, a DSP could label impressions by whether or not they long clicked in order to train a long click prediction rate model. As another example a DSP could label clicks by whether or not they resulted in a conversion, allowing a DSP to train a post-click conversion model.

Thus, a strength of this proposal is that it allows DSPs to make their own modeling choices including how to label their training data, and what sort of model to use. The key restrictions are that these models must be small so as to fit comfortably on-device, and that these models need to be trainable using gradient descent.

Step 2: On a Publisher's Site

On the publisher's site, model inference is straightforward. It is the browser's responsibility to evaluate each model for each of its associated interest groups. By design, the browser has everything it needs to compute bids for any impression opportunity. In particular, the browser can do something like the following:

all_bids = []
foreach model in models_downloaded:
    foreach interest_group associated with model:
        features  = compute_features(interest_group, contextual_info, browser_history)
        bid_price = compute_bid(features, model)

At this point, the browser could run the auction or the bids could be communicated to whatever party is responsible for the auction itself.

It is important for the gradient computation, described next, that we store the features associated with the winning bid. A natural place for this is in the browser event history.

Step 3: Label and Gradient Generation

We must wait some period of time before we can know the correct label for an observation. If we are interested in whether an impression long clicked then this could be on the order of 20 minutes. If we are are interested in whether a click became a conversion this delay could be days or weeks. Consequently, when and how labels and gradients are evaluated is somewhat subtle.

One approach to this timing issue is that label and gradient generation be attempted periodically. In this implementation the label extraction functions could have a return value signifying that an observation's label is not yet ready. It would also be important to keep track of which observations had already reported their gradients so as not to double count anything.

We propose the browser compute something like the following for each DSP with data in the browser:

batch_gradient = (0, ..., 0)
foreach observation in browser_history:
    if observation.dsp = current_dsp and observation is not labeled:
        label = compute_label(observation, browser_history)
        if label is not SUBSAMPLE_EVENT or RECOMPUTE_LATER:
            features = observation.saved_model_feature_state
            gradient = compute_gradient(label, features, model)
            batch_gradient += gradient

At this point, the batch gradient can be sent to the gradient aggregation service. The submission should be keyed on both the DSP and a model version. Keying on model version is necessary because gradients are only meaningful in the context of the weights they were computed against. It is worth noting that associating a model version with gradients submissions also unlocks A/B testing.

It would also make sense for each DSP to send information about the state of model training to the aggregate reporting API at this stage of the process. In particular, information such as the training loss over the observations in the browser should be sent for aggregation so that the value of optimization objective function can be known for each model version.

Step 4: Gradient Aggregation

The gradient aggregation service simply sums gradients associated with a each model version and DSP. The gradient aggregation service may also distort model gradients before summing for privacy purposes. This is is elaborated on below. After a sufficient number of gradient updates have been collected for a particular model, the results may be pulled by the DSP.

Step 5: Model Training and Updates

To train their model, the DSP takes a step in the direction of the gradient computed by the gradient aggregation service. Weight decay, as described in [2] can also be applied for regularization, if desired. Information about the performance of the model can be pulled from the aggregate reporting API to monitor things like overfitting.

At this point, the DSP can release a new and improved version of their model. Browsers, periodically pulling the latest model version, would eventually receive this model update. At which point, the process described here can repeat itself indefinitely.

It is worth noting here that the compute_bid function need not leverage the model being trained. For example, it could be reasonable to flat-bid during the first few training iterations of a new model.

Resource Considerations

Resource limitations are a concern for the feasibility of this proposal. We should consider each of the following:

  • The amount of on-device memory consumed by bidding models
  • The amount of network communication required to communicate models and gradients
  • The amount of CPU required to compute predictions in the browser

For the back-of-the-envelope style calculations that follow, we will assume that the browser has a limit of 2^9 ~ 500 ad-tech models per device, and that each model is 128 KB. This isn't to say that this many models will be needed on each device, but rather to give a rough sense of the scale of resources that may be consumed on-device under this proposal. It is likely far fewer models would be required for a typical device.

On-Device Memory

If we had 500 models each of 128KB in size we would need 64MB of memory in which to store them. Gradients are likely to be sparse, but they could require as much as another 64MB of memory in the worst case. Memory for gradients would only be needed until gradients are sent to the aggregation service.

Network Communication

First, each model needs to be downloaded on a regular cadence, perhaps at the start of each browsing session. This would require as much as 64MB of data to be downloaded per session, per device. In the case of model downloads, compression is unlikely to have a large impact on communication requirements because these tiny models are unlikely to have unused weights, and each weight is likely to be distinct.

Second, model gradients need to be communicated to the aggregation servers on a regular cadence. The end of each browsing session might be a reasonable time to do this. Most likely these will be sparse gradients. After accumulating a browsing session worth of these sparse gradients on the device we might have approximately 2^9 non-zero gradient components per model. Let's also assume that each of the 500 models had a labeled observation, and therefore a gradient. With 2 bytes per gradient component this might require that roughly 512KB (2 * 2^9 * 2^9 = 2^19) of gradient data be uploaded per session, per device. The upload format of this data could be a sparse vector, or it could be a compressed dense vector. In the case of a sparse gradient, compression should work well. In the worst possible case, where every model required a dense gradient, this proposal might ask the browser to upload as much as 64MB of gradient data per session, per device. As with the model data download, in this worst case scenario, compression would probably not reduce the communication requirements much.

However, it is important to note that if models failed to download from time to time on a subset of browsers with limited connectivity that would be acceptable. The same is true of failed gradient update uploads (so long as they didn't systematically bias the resulting model). With this in mind, network usage minimizing optimizations, such as only uploading a subset of gradients, would be possible in certain situations.

On-Device CPU Requirements

We are proposing that machine learning models be evaluated by the browser. This includes feature extraction, model evaluation, observation labeling, and the computation of the model gradient. We are proposing feature extraction and model evaluation be done for each ad-tech model stored in the browser as a webpage with an advertisement opportunity loads. This would, of course, need to be done in such a way as to not impact user-experience. At NextRoll, it takes roughly one millisecond to perform feature extraction and evaluate our model. Using this crude estimate, it could take approximately half of a second to evaluate 500 ad-tech bidding models on a single CPU.

Privacy Considerations

Federated learning provides strong privacy protections because nearly all data created by the browser user is kept on-device. The main possible source of private data leakage is the model gradient because this vector eventually makes its way to ad-tech companies. Let's explore how a malicious client of this system might try to violate privacy, and how these attacks could be mitigated.

The Attack Surface

In this proposal ad-tech companies provide their own logic for feature extraction, and are therefore in control of what hashed features are created. This could, in theory, allow for sensitive information to be encoded in the presence or absence of features. An example of such an attack is presented in issue #1 of MURRE.

Similarly, in this proposal ad-tech companies provide their own logic for gradient computations. This could, in theory, allow for attacks in which private information is encoded in the value of one or more gradient components. An example of such an attack is also presented in issue #1 of MURRE.

Possible Mitigations

It is an open question to what extent attacks, such as those above, can be prevented, while still allowing non-malicious ad-tech players the ability to do machine learning.

That said, there are at least mitigations for the attacks above. The first mitigation is the aggregation of gradients. In theory, the sparse gradients from browsers could be aggregated until they resulting batch gradient became dense. This would mitigate attacks based on programming features, and some attacks based on programming gradient values.

A second class of mitigation approaches involves introducing small distortions into the gradients. One such approach is adding mean 0 noise to gradients. Another approach is gradient clipping, where components are not allowed to be too large. It would also be possible to drop random components of some gradients. Yet another option is scaling the gradients by a random positive number with mean 1. Each of these distortions probably prevent some classes of attacks based on programming the gradient values, while still providing useful data to the ad-tech ecosystem.

Enabling these defenses is the reason for the aggregation service introduced in the proposal.


This proposal has some known shortcomings, and probably some shortcomings that are to be discovered. We will try to enumerate the key ones here.

  • Small models -- In this proposal the browser stores and evaluates the models of many DSPs bidding on ad opportunities for a particular browser user. As a result, small models are necessary for the feasibility of this proposal, and some prediction accuracy reduction would be inevitable.

  • Bidding logic in the clear -- My understanding is that there is currently no way to keep the data and code downloaded by the browser from prying eyes. This would mean any DSP could see the bidding logic of any other. This is a shortcoming because this bidding logic could include intellectual property. Perhaps some legal protections may apply, but ideally we could come up with a way of obfuscating this code and data so as to make reverse engineering another DSP's bidding logic very difficult, at a minimum.

  • Lack of centralized data -- In this proposal, DSPs do not ever directly see any user data. This is what makes the proposal strong from a privacy perspective, and also what makes it weak from other perspectives. In particular, its not clear how one can do basic things like backtesting a modeling or code change.

  • Contextual targeting -- Contextual targeting is not well supported by this proposal. This is because this proposal does not include a simple way of identifying and filtering based on ad context. That said, other types of upper-funnel advertising such as look-alike targeting is supported by this proposal.

Relationships with Other Proposals

  • TURTLEDOVE / TERN -- This proposal is compatible with a TURTLEDOVE framework. The interest group request would work in more or less the same way. The only difference is that in addition to interest group information, a tiny bidding model would also be written into the browser. Another difference is that the contextual request becomes less important under this proposal. This is because contextual information would be processed for bidding within the browser. That said, the contextual request would still be useful to solicit bids based purely on ad context. A potential advantage of this proposal over a TURTLEDOVE-like framework is that model inference is much simpler since no partial model evaluations are needed.

  • Aggregate Reporting API -- This proposal suggests an aggregation service for gradients not unlike the aggregate reporting API. Gradient aggregation could perhaps be built into the aggregate reporting API. Regardless, this proposal would likely leverage the aggregate reporting API as it is currently envisioned for estimating the value of the machine learning objective function achieved by each model version.

  • MURRE -- This proposal is inspired by MURRE and similar in a number of ways, most notably that feature extraction for machine learning happens on the browser. The main difference is that aggregated gradients, rather than individual observations are received by ad-tech companies. Receiving individual observations rather than aggregated gradients makes optimization easier, but less privacy preserving. Unlike individual observations, gradients can be summed, making them less vulnerable to attacks from programmed features. That said, gradient components are real-valued unlike the binary features in MURRE, which opens new avenues of attack. However, gradients can be distorted many ways without losing their utility for optimization so perhaps these attacks can be prevented.

  • PARRROT -- This proposal is concerned with the generation of bids, as opposed to their evaluation within an auction. In particular, this proposal is agnostic about which party runs the auction.

  • PELICAN -- This proposal provides a concrete mechanism by which ad-tech companies might train statistical multi-touch attribution models.


  1. Sculley, D., Golovin, D., Young, M. Big Learning with Little RAM. 2012.
  2. Loshchilov, I., Hutter, F. Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization. 2019.