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Types of Fraud.

This may take shape inform of things like; fake scholarships, relationship fraud, bank account theft and social media fraud among others.

Credit card and mobile money fraud.

These occurrences are based on the access of confidential information of an individual by fraudsters such as the pins or passwords to their bank or mobile money accounts. This information may be made available unknowingly by user on scenerios such as online shopping, inquiries at banks or even during use of the services. However individuals can overcome this challenge of the access of this information through several ways such as;

  • Declining messages from unknow sources that require an individual to avail pins or password.
  • Use of highly encrypted passwords for bank and mobile pins.


Spam mails.

Spam mails are an unsolicited messages sent in bulk by email. In most cases they want to have your credit card information. Individuals may be subjected to receiving harassing emails from unknown sources or even emails demanding an individual to make their passwords accessible, In this cases individuals need to block this email addresses from accessing them and from this types of information users need to take precautions such as;

Email filtering.

Refers to organizing of emails in its specific criteria by applying anti spam techniques on both incoming and outgoing emails for example on a Gmail app automatically categorises emails as spam, promotional or social as pre users wish.for instance; Examples_of_email_filtering


Fraudsters may acquire your number from somewehere else, they give you calls and they want to get money from you especially on allegations of you have won aprize competition which you havent participated in or even require you pay money to be able to get the prize money "you have won". other scenrios include blackmail calls that cocerives individuals sent money inorder to stop blackmails.

Click bait / Strange Websites.

Clikbaits are mostly inform of websites that publishes perusavie content that tricks people to consume your content making them to believe it will be better than what it really is for example websites or social media channels headlines or videos with entizing information or deals like"no startup capital needed start abusiness and earn from it now".



Individuals can minimize this traps through;

  • Staying away from headlines that sound outlandish.

  • Hover over the link: Before clicking, hover over the link with your mouse to see its true destination.

  • Protect your personal data ie Never give away personal information or share passwords with any websites that request it.

  • Tricking people to consume your content making them to believe it will be better than what it really is.

Spying in public/ Social engineering.

On individuals in public places especially with the aim of getting their passwords.For example at social gatherings.

Spy software / Virus.

These are malicious softwares that may enter your computer,gather information and data about you with the sole purpose of forwarding to third parties. This is dangerous as individuals may subrcibe to these softwares for example Redshell spyware without knowning and important information like passwords, pins and locations may be availed easily.

Individuals can detect when their devices have spysoftware;

  • When their devices are slower than usual and brower homepage changes unexpectly,
  • keeping operating system updated among other things can help prevent this issue.