Ble process started. Ble instance initialized Advertising started. Connected. Client process started: initiate service discovery. Service discovered: value = 1801, start = 1, end = 3. Characteristic discovered: uuid = 2A05, properties = [ indicate ], decl handle = 2, value handle = 3, last handle = 3. Service discovered: value = 1800, start = 20, end = 65535. Characteristic discovered: uuid = 2A00, properties = [ read ], decl handle = 21, value handle = 22, last handle = 22. Characteristic discovered: uuid = 2A01, properties = [ read ], decl handle = 23, value handle = 24, last handle = 24. Characteristic discovered: uuid = 2AA6, properties = [ read ], decl handle = 25, value handle = 26, last handle = 65535. All services and characteristics discovered, process them. Initiating descriptor discovery of 3. Warning: characteristic with notify or indicate attribute without CCCD. Initiating read at 22. Characteristic value at 22 equal to: 0x52 0x65 0x64 0x6D 0x69 . Initiating read at 24. Characteristic value at 24 equal to: 0x00 0x00 . Initiating read at 26. Characteristic value at 26 equal to: 0x01 . All characteristics discovered have been processed. Client process stopped. Disconnected. Advertising started.