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Type extension and polymorphism

Type extension and polymorphism provide the ability to define a uniform interface which can be used to interact with different implementations, and also handle references to such objects in a uniform way. This is the basis for abstraction.

Extending an existing type

Suppose we had a type to represent a general category of entity or object, e.g.,

type, public :: object_t
  real :: rho           ! density
  real :: x(3)          ! position of centre of mass
end type base_t

We can now define a more specific entity by extending the object_t, e.g.,

type, extends(object_t), public :: sphere_t
  real :: a             ! radius
end type sphere_t

This new type is said to inherit the components of the original type which may be accessed via the component selector in one of two ways:

  type (sphere_t) :: s
  real            :: density

  density = s%object_t%rho
  density = s%rho

The two assignments are equivalent. The new type has a parent component which has the name of the original, or base, type.

For operations which treat the base type as a whole, the longer form may be useful. However, if just component access is required, the second, shorter, form is more concise and to be preferred.

A new type may extend only one existing type in Fortran: it has a so-called single inheritance model.

Structure constructors

There is a default structure constructor associated with the new type

  type (sphere_t) :: s
  real            :: rho = 1.0
  real            :: x(3) = [ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ]
  real            :: radius = 1.5

  s = sphere_t(rho, x, radius)

The order for the components in the structure constructor is the base type components first, and then the extended type compoments second. The components of each type alos appear in the order that they have been declared.

The order can be adjusted with the use of keywords, e.g.:

  s = sphere_t(a = radius, rho = rho, x = x)

We may also use the base type as a component of the structure contructor

  type (object_t) :: obj
  type (sphere_t) :: s
  real            :: a = 2.5

  obj = object_t(1.5, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
  s   = sphere_t(object_t = obj, a)

Keywords are not necessary unless the order of the arguments is other than the defined order. Recall that components with default initialisations may be omitted in the structure constructor.

New types can be further extended by following the same procedure.

Example (4 minutes)

Further extend the sphere_t to give a charged_sphere_t by adding a (real) component q in the new type. The first two type definitions are provided in the file object_type.f90.

In the example main program, check you can provide some value for the new charge component via a constructor (e.g., q = -1.0), and access the charge component of the new type in both long and short forms.

$ ftn example1.f90 object_type.f90


In order to be able to handle types and extended types in a flexible way, we need a mechanism that allows a given variable to reference objects of different type. Such a variable is typically a pointer in many langauges.

Fortran provides the pointer mechanism using

  class (object_t), pointer :: obj => null()

One may also have an allocatable polymorphic object:

  class (object_t), allocatable :: obj

A class pointer cannot be declared as being of an intrinsic type: the object must be an extensible derived type.

The class declaration is a signal that we intend to use this variable in a polymorphic context. We will consider just the pointer alternative for the time being.

Declared and dynamic type

The declaration

  class (object_t), pointer :: obj => null()

allows the pointer obj to be associated with a target which has a type object_t or any other type which extends object_t. The pointer is said to be type-compatible with this class of objects.

In the above example, the declared type of the polymorphic pointer is object_t. The declared type does not change.

The dynamic type may be changed by associating the pointer with a target of an extended type, e.g. with:

  class (object_t), pointer :: obj => null()
  type (sphere_t),  target  :: s

  obj => s

the dynamic type would become sphere_t. The dynamic type of an unassociated pointer is its declared type.

The polymorphic variable has access to components of only of the declared type, but not of its descendents. So

  class (object_t), pointer :: obj => null()
  type (sphere_t),  target  :: s

  obj => s
  obj%rho      ! ok: rho is a component of the declared type
  obj%a        ! erroneous: radius `a` is component of the extended type

Dynamic type will also be relevant when procedures are considered: polymorhic dummy arguments take on the dynamic type of the associated actual arguemnt.

Exercise (2 minutes)

Compile the second example togther with your updated object_type.f90 which includes a charged_sphere_t:

$ ftn example2.f90 object_type.f90

(or use the canned solution object_types.f90).

Comment out (don't remove for the time being) the erroneous statements from the example so it will compile.

Why can't we just declare the pointer to be:

 class (charged_sphere_t), pointer :: p

in this example? What is the compiler error if you try?

Type selection

Code may detect the dynamic type of a polymorphic variable via use of the select type construct, which allows appropriate action to to taken depending on the dynamic type. This is similar to the simple select case construct, where the behaviour is controlled by the dynamic type of the selector, here p:

select type (p)
type is (charged_sphere_t)
  print *, "Charge is ", p%q
class is (sphere_t)
  print *, "Radius is ", p%a
class default
  print *, "bare object_t"
end select

The are two forms of the so-called type guard statement: type is and class is. They may be combined in a single construct. The result depends on the following logic:

  1. if the dynamic type of the selector exactly matches a type is block, then that block is executed;
  2. otherwise, if the dynamic type matches a class is block (i.e., it matches that type or a descendant) the class is block is executed;
  3. otherwise, the default block is executed (if present).

So at most one block is executed for any given selector.

Type inquiry functions

There are a number of intrinsic type inquiry functions which take polymorphic arguments, and return a logical result depending on dynamic type.

  extends_type_of(a, b)

returns .true. if the dynamic type of a is an extesion of b; and

  same_type_as(a, b)

returns .true. if the dynamic types of both arguments are equal.

Exercise (5 minutes)

Write a subroutine in object_type.f90 which takes a single polymorphic argument of object_t, and prints out all the relevant components depending on the dynmaic type of the actual argument.

Check your subroutine works by passing each different type in turn from the example2.f90 program.

Exercise (optional)

Type constructors again. Write some generic constructors for object types which take different data types as arguments. For example, it might be a convenience to be able to specify the position as a three-vector of integers.