We may declare arrays of intrinsic type with a fairly elastic syntax, e.g.:
integer, dimension(10, 2) :: a
integer, dimension(10, 2) :: b, c, d, e(10, 3)
One may also omit the dimension
integer, dimension(10, 2) :: a
integer :: b(10, 2)
The two declarations of b(10,2)
above are equivalent. If one restricts
oneself to one variable
declaration per line, then the second form is more concise, and will
be preferred in the rest of this course.
Arrays have a rank, a size (the number of elements). The sequence of
extents in each dimension is the shape. The array in Fortran is a
self-describing object and its properties may be interrogated via
intrinsic functions: size()
, shape()
, lbound()
, and ubound()
There is an array element order which has the left-most index counting fastest; we expect this to correspond to contiguous locations in memory.
There are a number of ways one may obtain array sections or array-valued objects which may not be contiguous:
integer :: a(5)
real :: b(10, 2)
a(1:5:2) ! an array section referencing elements 1, 3, and 5
a( [1, 3, 5] ) ! a vector subscript referencing elements 1, 3, and 5
b(1:5, 1) ! a rank one section of size 5
b(1:2, 1:2) ! a rank two section of shape (2, 2)
Arrays of rank up to 7 were supported (pre-F2008); this was increased to
a limit of 15 at F2008. F2018 introduced an intrinsic rank()
function which returns the scaler integer rank of the array argument.
There are a number of ways to provide initial values for array elements:
integer, parameter :: j(3) = (/ -1, 0, +1 /) ! F2003
integer, parameter :: k(3) = [ -1, 0, +1 ] ! F2008
One may also use an implied do construction:
integer :: i
real, parameter :: s(300) = [ (i, i = 1,300) ]
real :: t(3) = [ (2.0*(i*i + 1), i = 1,3) ]
Older code may also see use of the data
statement to initialise tables
of values. This has the form:
data data-statement-set [[,] data-statement-set] ...
where the data-statement-set
consists of pairs of
data-statment-object-list / data-statement-value-list /
That is, one associates a list of values with a list of variables, e.g.:
real a, b, c
data a, b, c / 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 /
The data
statement is quite flexible in syntax, but generally can be
omitted in favour of array constructors or other "more modern" facilities.
The data
statement cannot be used to initialise allocatable or pointer
Storage for arrays may be established at run time via the allocatable
attribute, e.g.:
real, allocatable :: a(:)
! ...
! ...
The allocation status of the array may be interrogated via the
intrinsic function allocated()
One may combine allocation with initialisation in a number of ways including:
real, allocatable :: a(:)
real, allocatable :: b(:)
real, allocatable :: c(:)
a = [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] ! status now allocated
allocate(b, source = a) ! "sourced allocation"
c = b(:)
Automatic reallocation is also possible for intrinsic assignments, e.g., following on from the above:
a = [ a(:), 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 ] ! Append to the existing elements
Allocatable scalars are allowed and may be useful in some circumstances.
Formally, a zero-sized allocation is not well defined by malloc()
in C. However, as Fortran arrays are objects, zero-sized arrays
are possible:
integer :: a(0) ! a zero-sized array
integer :: b(0:0) ! an array with one element b(0)
This can make it easier to write generic code which does not have to include conditionals to handle edge-cases where the array size might go to zero.
Two zero-sized arrays of the same rank may have different shapes, and so do not necessarilty conform (although a zero-sized array always confirms with a scalar, as usual). As a zero-sized array has no elements, it is always considered to be defined.
Look at the accompanying programs to be found in the current directory.
problem1.f90 ! needs completing
problem2.f90 ! will fail to compile; correct
problem3.f90 ! will fail at run time; what is the problem?
These may be compiled with, e.g.,
$ ftn problem1.f90
As arrays are self-describing in Fortran, it is relatively easy for the
compiler to analyse whether array accesses are valid, or within bounds.
This can help debugging. Most compilers will have an option that instructs
the compiler to inject additional code which checks bounds at run time.
For the Cray Fortran compiler, this is -hbounds
; for the GNU compiler,
this is -fbounds-check
The first example contains a fixed array element reference which is incorrect. This should be visible to the compiler at compile time:
$ ftn -hbounds bounds-compile-time.f90
The second example prompts for an array index at run time. This may
or may not be out of bounds. Check what happens at run time if the
value of 4
is entered.
$ ftn -hbounds bounds-run-time.f90