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Lesson 9 Lab: Dependency Injection with Dagger

In this lab, we'll refactor our TipCalculator app from lesson 5 to use dependency injection.

First thing we'll want to do is to add the relevant dependencies to our build.gradle:

dependencies {
  implementation ''
  annotationProcessor ''
  implementation '' // if you use the support libraries
  annotationProcessor ''

Next, we'll refactor TipCalcViewModel to only have 1 constructor that takes in an Application and a Calculator. This is the basis for dependency injection. Instead of instantiating something ourselves, it will get created created by an external entity, then passed to us.

public TipCalcViewModel(@NonNull Application app, Calculator calculator) {
  this.calculator = calculator;
  updateOutputs(new TipCalculation());

Now that we have additional arguments in the ViewModel's constructor, Android no longer knows how to construct a TipCalcViewModel for us. Where will it get the Calculator instance from? To solve this problem, we'll create a ViewModelProvider.Factory that tells Android how to create an instance of TipCalcViewModel. Android will use this factory whenever it needs to create a new instance. Implement TipCalcViewModelFactory like so:

package com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab.viewmodel;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel;
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider;
import com.orobator.helloandroid.tipcalc.model.Calculator;

public class TipCalcViewModelFactory implements ViewModelProvider.Factory {
  private final Application app;
  private final Calculator calculator;

  public TipCalcViewModelFactory(Application app, Calculator calculator) { = app;
    this.calculator = calculator;

  @NonNull @Override public <T extends ViewModel> T create(@NonNull Class<T> modelClass) {
    return (T) new TipCalcViewModel(app, calculator);

In our TipCalcActivity we'll have to tell the ViewModelsProviders to use our factory when creating an instance of TipCalcViewModel. For now, we'll instantiate an instance of our factory directly in the Activity, but after that, we'll use Dagger to inject our Factory into our Activity.

TipCalcViewModelFactory factory =
  new TipCalcViewModelFactory(getApplication(), new Calculator());
TipCalcViewModel vm = ViewModelProviders.of(this, factory).get(TipCalcViewModel.class);

Now that we've refactored our ViewModel to have its dependencies injected, we'll start to use Dagger to inject all the dependencies into our Activity. The first thing we'll do is create a Module. A Module in Dagger is responsible for actually creating the dependencies. Create TipCalcModule using the following implementation:

package com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab.di;

import com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab.viewmodel.TipCalcViewModelFactory;
import com.orobator.helloandroid.tipcalc.model.Calculator;
import dagger.Module;
import dagger.Provides;

public class TipCalcModule {
  private final Application app;

  public TipCalcModule(Application application) { = application;
  public Calculator provideCalculator() {
    return new Calculator();

  public TipCalcViewModelFactory provideTipCalcViewModelFactory(Calculator calc) {
    return new TipCalcViewModelFactory(app, calc);

After we've created the Module, we'll need to create a Component. A Component in Dagger will do the actual injection. It will pass the required dependencies to TipCalcActivity after TipCalcModule creates the dependencies. Create TipCalcComponent using the following implementation:

package com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab.di;

import com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab.view.TipCalcActivity;
import dagger.Component;

@Component(modules = TipCalcModule.class)
public interface TipCalcComponent {
  void inject(TipCalcActivity target);
  interface Builder {
    Builder tipCalcModule(TipCalcModule module);
    TipCalcComponent build();

When we build our application, Dagger will inspect our code for any Dagger annotations (@Component, @Module, etc). For all components that it sees, it will generate a real implementation that we can use. The name of the generated Component will be Dagger<YourComponentName>. For this specific lab, DaggerTipCalcComponent will be generated. Go ahead and build the app (using Command+Shift+A) in order to generate an implementation of TipCalcComponent.

We now have the entity that will provide dependencies, as well as the entity that will inject the dependencies, so we're ready to wire everything together. However, there's one question we need to answer: Where will we store our component? For more complicated object graphs, it could be very expensive to initialize, so we don't want to keep it in an Activity. Storing it in an Activity, would mean that the object graph would get recreated every time we rotate the device, and we don't want that. Instead, we'll store our object graph (a.k.a. Component) in our Application class which will be around for the entire lifecycle of our app. To do this, we'll need to create a custom Application class, instead of using the default implementation that Android provides. Create a new class called TipCalcApplication.

package com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab;


public class TipCalcApplication extends Application {
  @Override public void onCreate() {

In order for Android to recognize that we want to use this custom implementation, we have to declare it in the AndroidManifest.xml.


Back in TipCalcApplication, we'll create our object graph and store it in an instance variable. We'll also write a method to retrieve this component.

package com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab;

import com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab.di.DaggerTipCalcComponent;
import com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab.di.TipCalcComponent;
import com.orobator.helloandroid.lesson09_lab.di.TipCalcModule;

public class TipCalcApplication extends Application {
  private TipCalcComponent component;

  @Override public void onCreate() {
    component = DaggerTipCalcComponent
        .tipCalcModule(new TipCalcModule(this))

  public TipCalcComponent getComponent() {
    return component;

Now we're ready to inject our TipCalcActivity! The first thing we'll want to do is convert our ViewModel Factory to an instance field, and annotate it with @Inject so Dagger knows this field will be injected. We'll want to remove the initialization of the factory in onCreate as well, as it will be created and injected by Dagger.

public class TipCalcActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  @Inject TipCalcViewModelFactory factory;

When we finish refactoring our factory to an instance field, we'll grab the component from our application and inject our dependencies into our activity.

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    ((TipCalcApplication) getApplication())

After calling inject(), we now have an instance of TipCalcViewModelFactory to use.

Code Cleanup Part 1: @BindsInstance

Technically, we have now implemented dependency injection with Dagger, but we can still clean this code up using some more features of Dagger.

The first way we'll clean up our code is by eliminating the constructor of TipCalcModule. It'll be a bit cleaner if Dagger provides the Application dependency for us instead of passing it through the constructor. After eliminating the constructor, we'll have to update our provideTipCalcViewModelFactory method to take an Application as a method parameter.

public class TipCalcModule {
  public TipCalcViewModelFactory provideTipCalcViewModelFactory(Application app, Calculator calc) {
    return new TipCalcViewModelFactory(app, calc);

Next, we'll give TipCalcComponent an instance of Application to use by adding a method to our Builder and annotating it with @BindsInstance so it is included in our object graph. Since the TipCalcModule no longer has a constructor dependency, we can eliminate it from our Builder as Dagger will know how to construct it.

public interface TipCalcComponent {
  interface Builder {
    Builder application(Application app);

Then we'll modify the component initialization in onCreate of TipCalcApplication to use this new builder method.

component = DaggerTipCalcComponent

This way, all new modules will now have access to an Application object without explicitly requiring one in the constructor.

Code Cleanup Part 2: AndroidInjection

Now for the second way we'll clean up this code. If you look at TipCalcActivity you'll find that it's very tightly coupled to the implementation of its injection. It knows exactly who is injecting it (the Application class) and how it is done (via the TipCalcComponent).

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  ((TipCalcApplication) getApplication())

Such tight coupling would prevent us from using an alternate injection method via tests and decreases modularity as well. With Dagger's AndroidInjection we can abstract away how Activities are injected. We will essentially inject an injector using AndroidInjection.

yo dawg

To get started with AndroidInjection, we'll create another Module that specifies how TipCalcActivity will get injected. Create a new module that's an abstract class, name it ActivityBindingModule, and use the following implementation:

public abstract class ActivityBindingModule {
  @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = { TipCalcModule.class })
  abstract TipCalcActivity bindTipCalcActivity();

The @ContributesAndroidInjector will specify what modules are needed to inject a particular Activity. All the methods are abstract because the concrete implementation will be created by Dagger. The method name isn't important, just the return type to specify the Activity. However, for readability, it's recommended to name the methods as bind<ThingYouAreBinding>().

Next we'll modify TipCalcComponent to include this Module as well as the AndroidSupportInjectionModule which will provide injectors for all Activities. We'll also inject our Application instead of our Activity. You'll see why soon enough.

@Component(modules = {
public interface TipCalcComponent {
  void inject(TipCalcApplication target);

Now we'll have to update the TipCalcApplication class so it doesn't leak implementation details about how it achieves dependency injection. First we'll eliminate the component field and getter and add the injected field @Inject DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> dispatchingAndroidInjector;. As its name suggests, this Dagger provided dependency will inject our Activities. Next we'll build our TipCalcComponent and immediately inject ourselves so we can get an instance of a DispatchingAndroidInjector. After that, we need our Application to implement the HasActivityInjector interface, and when we implement the single method activityInjector(), we'll return the DispatchingAndroidInjector that was injected.

public class TipCalcApplication extends Application implements HasActivityInjector {
  @Inject DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> dispatchingAndroidInjector;

  @Override public void onCreate() {


  @Override public AndroidInjector<Activity> activityInjector() {
    return dispatchingAndroidInjector;

Finally in TipCalcActivity, instead of referencing our Application class directly, we can simply call AndroidInjection.inject(this)

public class TipCalcActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

  @Inject TipCalcViewModelFactory factory;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // Use Dependencies