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Conservative Q-Improvement

Conservative Q-Improvement is a reinforcement learning method that builds a decision tree as the policy. Nodes represent abstract states, with leaves corresponding to actions to execute.


CQI has been tested with Python 3.6.

Manually instally the following dependencies

pip install ray
pip install Cython

Then run

pip install cqi-rl

More Information

For a detailed explanation of CQI, please see the paper "Conservative Q-Improvement: Reinforcement Learning for an Interpretable Decision-Tree Policy"


CQI is designed for environments that are written according to OpenAI Gym specifications. Here is a small example of initializing a QTree for training on CartPole. Note that you must have gym installed to run the example.

from collections import defaultdict
import gym
import numpy as np

from cqi_cpp.src.wrapper.qtree_wrapper import PyBox as Box
from cqi_cpp.src.wrapper.qtree_wrapper import PyDiscrete as Discrete
from cqi_cpp.src.wrapper.qtree_wrapper import PyQTree as QTree
from cqi_cpp.src.wrapper.qtree_wrapper import PyVector as Vector
from cqi_cpp.src.wrapper.qtree_wrapper import PyState as State
from cqi_cpp.src.wrapper.qtree_wrapper import PyAction as Action

class Train(object):
    def __init__(self, qfunc, gym_env):
        self.qfunc = qfunc
        self.env = gym_env

    def train(self, num_steps, eps_func, eval_only=False, track_data_per=0):
        if eval_only:
        hist = defaultdict(list)   # number of nodes, reward per ep
        ep_r = 0
        done = True
        r_per_ep = []
        ts_per_ep = []
        num_eps = 0
        last_step_ep = -1
        for step in range(num_steps):
            if done:
                if eval_only and step > 0:
                    ts = step - last_step_ep
                    last_step_ep = step
                if track_data_per > 0 and num_eps % track_data_per == 0:
                    num_nodes = self.qfunc.num_nodes()
                s = self.env.reset()
                ep_r = 0
                num_eps = num_eps + 1
                done = False
            if np.random.random() < eps_func(step):
                a = self.env.action_space.sample()
                s = convert_to_pystate(s)
                a = self.qfunc.select_a(s)
            s2, r, done, _ = self.env.step(a)
            if not eval_only:
                s, s2 = convert_to_pystate(s), convert_to_pystate(s2)
                a = Action(a)

                self.qfunc.take_tuple(s, a, r, s2, done)
            s = s2
            ep_r += r
        if eval_only:
            avg_r_per_ep = np.mean(r_per_ep)
            return hist, avg_r_per_ep
            return hist

def convert_to_pybox(b):
    low = Vector()
    high = Vector()

    for i in b.low: low.add(i)

    for i in b.high: high.add(i)

    return Box(low, high)

def convert_to_pystate(s):
    if type(s) is State: return s

    v = Vector()

    for i in s: v.add(i)

    return State(v)

env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
discrete = Discrete(env.action_space.n)

box = convert_to_pybox(env.observation_space)

qfunc = QTree(box, discrete, None, 

t = Train(qfunc, env)

eps_func = (lambda step: max(0.05, 1 - step/1e5))

# Training
t.train(2000, eps_func)

# Evaluation:
t.train(1000, lambda step: 0.05, eval_only=True, track_data_per=1)


You should see this as the final tree.

 └ (vis: 0.73) if f[0] ? 0.000000:
  ├< (vis: 0.07) if f[1] ? 0.000000:
  │ ├< (vis: 0.58) qvals: [5.14032, 5.26714]
  │ └> (vis: 0.42) qvals: [4.68586, 4.37377]
  └> (vis: 0.28) if f[3] ? 0.000000:
    ├< (vis: 0.59) qvals: [4.74022, 4.84136]
    └> (vis: 0.41) qvals: [4.09998, 4.48871]

The vis value is the visit frequency for that node and for every leaf node there is an array containing the Q-values for the two actions available in the CartPole environment. This tree has three branch nodes and four leaf nodes.

Building From Repo

To build the C++ wrapper and import it as a Python module, you will need to run ./ in the cqi_cpp/src/wrapper directory. You will need to install the system package Cython to build the module.

Run python to see CQI try to solve the environment specified in the file. You can pass in command line arguments as well to try different hyperparameters. You will need to install the Python package box2d to run the given LunarLander example.

Python Dependencies:

  • Cython

  • gym

  • Ray


This library has been created by

  • Aaron M. Roth

  • Nicholay Topin

  • Saadiq Shaik

Citation Information

Please cite using the following bibtex:

    title={Conservative Q-Improvement: Reinforcement Learning for an
Interpretable Decision-Tree Policy},
    author="Aaron M. Roth and Nicholay Topin and Pooyan Jamshidi and Manuela Veloso",
    booktitle={arXiv 1907.01180}