AImplementation of file storage abstraction based on WebDav protocol.
Well suited for small applications that work in content and do not have their own persistent storage, as well as for storing files that are used by two or more instances.
For use you needed install packages:
Install-Package Skidbladnir.Storage.WebDav
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddWebDavStorage(new WebDavStorageConfiguration(){
Address = "https://my-webdav/",
Username = "User",
Password = "Pass"
service.AddHostedService<TestBackgroundService>(); //Add sample service
public class TestBackgroundService : BackgroundService{
private IStorage<WebDavStorageInfo> _storage;
private ILogger<StartupModule> _logger;
public TestBackgroundService(ILogger<StartupModule> logger , IStorage<WebDavStorageInfo> storage){
_storage = storage;
_logger = logger;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
var currentDir = await _storage.GetFilesAsync("");
_logger.LogInformation("Files in root dir");
foreach (var fileInfo in currentDir)
_logger.LogInformation("Filename: {FileName}\t\t Length: {Length}\t\t Date: {Date}",
fileInfo.Size, fileInfo.CreatedDate);