This folder contains the results for the task type 'SPARQL Syntax Fixing' (SSF).
The raw results are included in the zip file This zip file is password protected with: 2Forbes-4Tech-2Mouse-4Freeze-2Sheet4
The task SPARQL Syntax Fixing asks to fix a syntax error in a given SPARQL query. To be more precise, the LLM is given a syntactically malformed SPARQL query together with the resulting rdflib parsing error message.
An example prompt is the following:
Please correct a syntax error in the following SPARQL query for wikidata. Assume common prefixes like wd or wdt to be defined.
To support automated parsing, please answer with just a markdown fenced code block (start and end with `````) containing the sparql query, no other text.
Example for Answer format:
SPARQL:SELECT ?obj WHERE wd:Q42168 p:P1082 ?s . ?s ps:P1082 ?obj . ?s pq:P585 ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'2013'))
Error message: Expected SelectQuery, found 'wd' (at char 18), (line:1, col:19)