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AgentConnect API Documentation


The AgentConnect API provides a WebSocket-based communication system with REST endpoints for managing AI agent interactions. Built with FastAPI, it supports multiple AI providers and implements secure authentication.

Interaction Patterns

Human-Agent Communication

The system enables real-time communication between human users and AI agents through WebSocket connections:

    participant Client
    participant API
    participant Hub
    participant AIAgent
    participant Provider as AI Provider

    Client->>API: POST /chat/sessions/create
    API->>Hub: Initialize Session
    Hub->>AIAgent: Create & Configure Agent
    AIAgent->>Provider: Initialize Model
    API-->>Client: Return Session Details

    Client->>API: WS Connect /ws/{session_id}
    activate API
    loop Message Exchange
        Client->>API: Send Message
        API->>Hub: Route Message
        Hub->>AIAgent: Process Message
        AIAgent->>Provider: Generate Response
        Provider-->>AIAgent: Return Response
        AIAgent->>Hub: Send Response
        Hub->>API: Broadcast
        API-->>Client: Send Response
    Note over Client,Provider: Connection remains open until timeout or explicit close
    deactivate API

Key Features:

  • Real-time bidirectional communication
  • Automatic message routing
  • Provider-agnostic interface
  • Session state management
  • Automatic cleanup on inactivity

Agent-Agent Communication

Enables autonomous communication between AI agents with real-time monitoring:

    participant Client
    participant API
    participant Hub
    participant Agent1
    participant Agent2
    participant Provider1 as AI Provider 1
    participant Provider2 as AI Provider 2

    Client->>API: POST /chat/sessions/create (agent_agent)
    API->>Hub: Initialize Session
    Hub->>Agent1: Create Primary Agent
    Hub->>Agent2: Create Secondary Agent
    Agent1->>Provider1: Initialize Model
    Agent2->>Provider2: Initialize Model
    API-->>Client: Return Session Details

    Client->>API: WS Connect /ws/{session_id}
    activate API
    activate Agent1
    activate Agent2
    loop Autonomous Exchange
        Agent1->>Hub: Generate & Send Message
        Hub->>API: Broadcast to Client
        Hub->>Agent2: Route Message
        Agent2->>Provider2: Process & Generate
        Provider2-->>Agent2: Return Response
        Agent2->>Hub: Send Response
        Hub->>API: Broadcast to Client
        Hub->>Agent1: Route Response
        Note over Agent1,Agent2: Continues until goal achieved or limit reached
    deactivate Agent2
    deactivate Agent1
    deactivate API

Key Features:

  • Autonomous interaction
  • Multi-provider support
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Structured data exchange
  • Configurable interaction patterns

WebSocket Connection Lifecycle

    participant Client
    participant API
    participant Auth
    participant Hub
    Client->>API: WS Connection Request
    API->>Auth: Validate Token
    alt Token Valid
        Auth-->>API: Token OK
        API->>Hub: Register Connection
        API-->>Client: Connection Accepted
        loop Keep Alive
            API->>Client: Ping (30s interval)
            Client-->>API: Pong
        alt Inactivity Timeout (30s)
            API->>Client: Close Connection
        else Session Timeout (3600s)
            API->>Client: Close Connection
        else Client Disconnects
            Client->>API: Close Connection
        API->>Hub: Cleanup Connection
    else Token Invalid
        Auth-->>API: Token Invalid
        API-->>Client: Close (4003)

Key Features:

  • Token-based authentication
  • Automatic keep-alive
  • Timeout handling
  • Clean disconnection
  • Resource cleanup

Base URL


Token-Based Authentication

All endpoints require JWT authentication:

Authorization: Bearer <token>


POST /auth/login
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Response: 200 OK

interface Token {
    access_token: string;
    token_type: "bearer";
    expires_in: number;  // Seconds until expiration


  • 401: Invalid credentials
  • 422: Validation error
  • 429: Too many attempts

Verify Token

POST /auth/verify
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response: 200 OK

interface TokenVerification {
    valid: boolean;
    user: string;
    type: "access";
    exp: number;
    iat: number;
    timestamp: string;


  • 401: Invalid or expired token
  • 422: Malformed token
  • 429: Too many attempts (10 requests/minute)

WebSocket Communication


Connect to: ws://{session_id}

Authentication options:

  1. Query parameter: ?token=<jwt>
  2. Header: Authorization: Bearer <jwt>

Message Types

enum MessageType {
    TEXT = "text",
    PING = "ping",
    ERROR = "error",
    INFO = "info",
    SYSTEM = "system",
    RESPONSE = "response",
    STOP = "stop",
    COOLDOWN = "cooldown"

enum MessageRole {
    USER = "user",
    ASSISTANT = "assistant",
    SYSTEM = "system"

interface WebSocketMessage {
    type: MessageType;
    content?: string;
    sender?: string;
    receiver?: string;
    timestamp: string;  // ISO format
    metadata?: Record<string, any>;

Example Messages

Sending a message:

    "type": "text",
    "content": "Hello AI!",
    "timestamp": "2024-02-23T12:00:00Z"

Receiving a response:

    "type": "response",
    "content": "Hello! How can I help you today?",
    "sender": "ai_agent_123",
    "receiver": "user_456",
    "timestamp": "2024-02-23T12:00:01Z",
    "metadata": {
        "role": "assistant",
        "provider": "groq",
        "model": "llama-3-70b"

Chat Sessions

Create Session

Creates a new chat session with specified configuration.

POST /chat/sessions/create
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Request Body:

interface CreateSessionRequest {
    session_type: "human_agent" | "agent_agent";
    agents: {
        [key: string]: {
            provider: string;
            model?: string;
            capabilities?: string[];
            personality?: string;
            metadata?: Record<string, any>;
    interaction_modes?: string[];
    metadata?: Record<string, any>;

Response: 200 OK

interface SessionResponse {
    session_id: string;
    type: "system";
    created_at: string;
    status: "active" | "initializing";
    session_type: "human_agent" | "agent_agent";
    agents: {
        [key: string]: {
            agent_id: string;
            provider: string;
            model: string;
            capabilities: string[];
            personality?: string;
            status: string;
    metadata?: Record<string, any>;

Example Request:

    "session_type": "human_agent",
    "agents": {
        "primary": {
            "provider": "groq",
            "model": "llama-3-70b",
            "capabilities": ["conversation"],
            "personality": "helpful and professional"


  • 400: Invalid request body
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 422: Validation error
  • 429: Rate limit exceeded (5 requests/minute)
  • 500: Server error

Get Session

Retrieves information about an existing chat session.

GET /chat/sessions/{session_id}
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response: Same as SessionResponse above

Delete Session

DELETE /chat/sessions/{session_id}
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response: 204 No Content

interface DeleteSessionResponse {
    status: "success" | "error";
    message?: string;

Agent Management

Agent Configuration

interface AgentConfig {
    name: string;
    provider: string;
    model?: string;
    capabilities?: string[];
    interaction_modes?: string[];
    personality?: string;
    metadata?: Record<string, any>;

Get Agent Status

GET /agents/status/{agent_id}
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response: 200 OK

interface AgentStatus {
    agent_id: string;
    agent_type: string;
    name?: string;
    status: "active" | "inactive" | "cooldown" | "error";
    last_active: string;
    capabilities: string[];
    interaction_modes: string[];
    owner_id: string;
    is_running: boolean;
    message_count: number;
    metadata: {
        provider?: string;
        model?: string;
        cooldown_until?: string | null;
        active_conversations?: number;

List Agents

GET /agents/list
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response: 200 OK

interface AgentListResponse {
    agents: Array<AgentStatus>;
    timestamp: string;
    total_count: number;
    user_owned_count: number;

Send Agent Message

POST /agents/{agent_id}/message
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Request Body:

interface AgentMessageRequest {
    receiver_id: string;
    content: string;
    message_type: MessageType;
    structured_data?: Record<string, any>;
    metadata?: Record<string, any>;

Response: 200 OK

interface AgentMessageResponse {
    status: string;
    message_id: string;
    sender: string;
    receiver: string;
    timestamp: string;

Error Handling

Common Error Responses

interface ErrorResponse {
    detail: string;
    code?: string;
    timestamp?: string;

HTTP Status Codes

  • 400: Bad Request (Invalid input)
  • 401: Unauthorized (Invalid/missing token)
  • 403: Forbidden (Insufficient permissions)
  • 404: Not Found (Resource doesn't exist)
  • 422: Validation Error (Invalid request format)
  • 429: Too Many Requests (Rate limit exceeded)
  • 500: Internal Server Error

WebSocket Error Types

  1. Connection Errors:

    • 4000: Generic error
    • 4001: Invalid session
    • 4002: Session expired
    • 4003: Authentication failed
    • 4004: Rate limited
  2. Message Errors:

        "type": "error",
        "content": "Error description",
        "metadata": {
            "code": "ERROR_CODE",
            "details": {}

Rate Limiting

  • Authentication endpoints: 10-50 requests/minute
  • Session creation: 5 requests/minute
  • Session queries: 10 requests/minute
  • WebSocket messages: 60 messages/minute
  • Agent operations: 20 requests/minute

Best Practices

  1. Always handle WebSocket reconnection
  2. Implement exponential backoff for retries
  3. Keep track of message order using timestamps
  4. Handle all error types appropriately
  5. Validate session existence before WebSocket connection
  6. Clean up resources by closing unused sessions