The AgentConnect API provides a WebSocket-based communication system with REST endpoints for managing AI agent interactions. Built with FastAPI, it supports multiple AI providers and implements secure authentication.
The system enables real-time communication between human users and AI agents through WebSocket connections:
participant Client
participant API
participant Hub
participant AIAgent
participant Provider as AI Provider
Client->>API: POST /chat/sessions/create
API->>Hub: Initialize Session
Hub->>AIAgent: Create & Configure Agent
AIAgent->>Provider: Initialize Model
API-->>Client: Return Session Details
Client->>API: WS Connect /ws/{session_id}
activate API
loop Message Exchange
Client->>API: Send Message
API->>Hub: Route Message
Hub->>AIAgent: Process Message
AIAgent->>Provider: Generate Response
Provider-->>AIAgent: Return Response
AIAgent->>Hub: Send Response
Hub->>API: Broadcast
API-->>Client: Send Response
Note over Client,Provider: Connection remains open until timeout or explicit close
deactivate API
Key Features:
- Real-time bidirectional communication
- Automatic message routing
- Provider-agnostic interface
- Session state management
- Automatic cleanup on inactivity
Enables autonomous communication between AI agents with real-time monitoring:
participant Client
participant API
participant Hub
participant Agent1
participant Agent2
participant Provider1 as AI Provider 1
participant Provider2 as AI Provider 2
Client->>API: POST /chat/sessions/create (agent_agent)
API->>Hub: Initialize Session
Hub->>Agent1: Create Primary Agent
Hub->>Agent2: Create Secondary Agent
Agent1->>Provider1: Initialize Model
Agent2->>Provider2: Initialize Model
API-->>Client: Return Session Details
Client->>API: WS Connect /ws/{session_id}
activate API
activate Agent1
activate Agent2
loop Autonomous Exchange
Agent1->>Hub: Generate & Send Message
Hub->>API: Broadcast to Client
Hub->>Agent2: Route Message
Agent2->>Provider2: Process & Generate
Provider2-->>Agent2: Return Response
Agent2->>Hub: Send Response
Hub->>API: Broadcast to Client
Hub->>Agent1: Route Response
Note over Agent1,Agent2: Continues until goal achieved or limit reached
deactivate Agent2
deactivate Agent1
deactivate API
Key Features:
- Autonomous interaction
- Multi-provider support
- Real-time monitoring
- Structured data exchange
- Configurable interaction patterns
participant Client
participant API
participant Auth
participant Hub
Client->>API: WS Connection Request
API->>Auth: Validate Token
alt Token Valid
Auth-->>API: Token OK
API->>Hub: Register Connection
API-->>Client: Connection Accepted
loop Keep Alive
API->>Client: Ping (30s interval)
Client-->>API: Pong
alt Inactivity Timeout (30s)
API->>Client: Close Connection
else Session Timeout (3600s)
API->>Client: Close Connection
else Client Disconnects
Client->>API: Close Connection
API->>Hub: Cleanup Connection
else Token Invalid
Auth-->>API: Token Invalid
API-->>Client: Close (4003)
Key Features:
- Token-based authentication
- Automatic keep-alive
- Timeout handling
- Clean disconnection
- Resource cleanup
All endpoints require JWT authentication:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
POST /auth/login
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Response: 200 OK
interface Token {
access_token: string;
token_type: "bearer";
expires_in: number; // Seconds until expiration
- 401: Invalid credentials
- 422: Validation error
- 429: Too many attempts
POST /auth/verify
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Response: 200 OK
interface TokenVerification {
valid: boolean;
user: string;
type: "access";
exp: number;
iat: number;
timestamp: string;
- 401: Invalid or expired token
- 422: Malformed token
- 429: Too many attempts (10 requests/minute)
Connect to: ws://{session_id}
Authentication options:
- Query parameter:
- Header:
Authorization: Bearer <jwt>
enum MessageType {
TEXT = "text",
PING = "ping",
ERROR = "error",
INFO = "info",
SYSTEM = "system",
RESPONSE = "response",
STOP = "stop",
COOLDOWN = "cooldown"
enum MessageRole {
USER = "user",
ASSISTANT = "assistant",
SYSTEM = "system"
interface WebSocketMessage {
type: MessageType;
content?: string;
sender?: string;
receiver?: string;
timestamp: string; // ISO format
metadata?: Record<string, any>;
Sending a message:
"type": "text",
"content": "Hello AI!",
"timestamp": "2024-02-23T12:00:00Z"
Receiving a response:
"type": "response",
"content": "Hello! How can I help you today?",
"sender": "ai_agent_123",
"receiver": "user_456",
"timestamp": "2024-02-23T12:00:01Z",
"metadata": {
"role": "assistant",
"provider": "groq",
"model": "llama-3-70b"
Creates a new chat session with specified configuration.
POST /chat/sessions/create
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Request Body:
interface CreateSessionRequest {
session_type: "human_agent" | "agent_agent";
agents: {
[key: string]: {
provider: string;
model?: string;
capabilities?: string[];
personality?: string;
metadata?: Record<string, any>;
interaction_modes?: string[];
metadata?: Record<string, any>;
Response: 200 OK
interface SessionResponse {
session_id: string;
type: "system";
created_at: string;
status: "active" | "initializing";
session_type: "human_agent" | "agent_agent";
agents: {
[key: string]: {
agent_id: string;
provider: string;
model: string;
capabilities: string[];
personality?: string;
status: string;
metadata?: Record<string, any>;
Example Request:
"session_type": "human_agent",
"agents": {
"primary": {
"provider": "groq",
"model": "llama-3-70b",
"capabilities": ["conversation"],
"personality": "helpful and professional"
- 400: Invalid request body
- 401: Unauthorized
- 422: Validation error
- 429: Rate limit exceeded (5 requests/minute)
- 500: Server error
Retrieves information about an existing chat session.
GET /chat/sessions/{session_id}
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Response: Same as SessionResponse above
DELETE /chat/sessions/{session_id}
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Response: 204 No Content
interface DeleteSessionResponse {
status: "success" | "error";
message?: string;
interface AgentConfig {
name: string;
provider: string;
model?: string;
capabilities?: string[];
interaction_modes?: string[];
personality?: string;
metadata?: Record<string, any>;
GET /agents/status/{agent_id}
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Response: 200 OK
interface AgentStatus {
agent_id: string;
agent_type: string;
name?: string;
status: "active" | "inactive" | "cooldown" | "error";
last_active: string;
capabilities: string[];
interaction_modes: string[];
owner_id: string;
is_running: boolean;
message_count: number;
metadata: {
provider?: string;
model?: string;
cooldown_until?: string | null;
active_conversations?: number;
GET /agents/list
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Response: 200 OK
interface AgentListResponse {
agents: Array<AgentStatus>;
timestamp: string;
total_count: number;
user_owned_count: number;
POST /agents/{agent_id}/message
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Request Body:
interface AgentMessageRequest {
receiver_id: string;
content: string;
message_type: MessageType;
structured_data?: Record<string, any>;
metadata?: Record<string, any>;
Response: 200 OK
interface AgentMessageResponse {
status: string;
message_id: string;
sender: string;
receiver: string;
timestamp: string;
interface ErrorResponse {
detail: string;
code?: string;
timestamp?: string;
- 400: Bad Request (Invalid input)
- 401: Unauthorized (Invalid/missing token)
- 403: Forbidden (Insufficient permissions)
- 404: Not Found (Resource doesn't exist)
- 422: Validation Error (Invalid request format)
- 429: Too Many Requests (Rate limit exceeded)
- 500: Internal Server Error
Connection Errors:
- 4000: Generic error
- 4001: Invalid session
- 4002: Session expired
- 4003: Authentication failed
- 4004: Rate limited
Message Errors:
{ "type": "error", "content": "Error description", "metadata": { "code": "ERROR_CODE", "details": {} } }
- Authentication endpoints: 10-50 requests/minute
- Session creation: 5 requests/minute
- Session queries: 10 requests/minute
- WebSocket messages: 60 messages/minute
- Agent operations: 20 requests/minute
- Always handle WebSocket reconnection
- Implement exponential backoff for retries
- Keep track of message order using timestamps
- Handle all error types appropriately
- Validate session existence before WebSocket connection
- Clean up resources by closing unused sessions