# Smart-Bore-System-IOT --- Project by Aditya Mogili and Abhilash Poreddy
Smart Bore system is used for automating the bore well motor, this device doesn’t require any human assistance rather
turns on/off bore well motor based on the level of water. This IOT device is used to automatically turn off bore well motor
if the level of water is above certain threshold limit, while it also automatically turns on bore well motor if the level of
water is too low in water tank. The Proposed solution detects the water depth continuously using Node MCU and Ultra Sonic
Sensor and based the data i.e., water depth the Node MCU activates the Circuit connected to Relay module.
** Objective Of Project :
Water waste age due to overrun of bore well is of the major concerns. Its is major concern now a days that people might forget to
turn off the bore motor and due that water may run off continuously and likewise the bore well motor continuously runs, hence to
overcome the wastage of water and excess use of electricity as described ,this device can be used.
** Components Used :
1) Jumper Wires
2) Bread Board
3) Ultrasonic Sensor -- for calculating water depth
4) Relay Module for switcing of connection in circuit
5) Node Mcu
The Ultrsonic sensor is placed in line of sight with water present in overhead tank, for every 5 seconds the water depth/level is
calculated and either of one of the action is perfomed
1) Turn On the Circuit/Bore Well Motor if water level is too low
2) Turn Off the Circuit/Bore Well Motor if water level is too high
** Future Work
* Live Analysis of water usage
* Dispalying of average filling time
* Stats of water usage/ average filling time of overhead tank
* GUI stats using blynk app
Integrating Ultrasonic sensor with Node Mcu

Integrating Relay Module with Node Mcu:

The Practical Result/Working of Project can be viewed here
Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XBgBeK7ryDEIADKaCiLM3lSPNMNEk96l/view?usp=sharing