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AOSP build for Akebi96

AOSP development version for Akebi96 is based on AOSP P and Android Common Kernel 4.19 and 5.4 (WIP).


Install Packages

On the Ubuntu 18.04, following packages are needed for basic BSP.

apt-get install --fix-missing -y git bc cmake ncurses-dev autoconf bison ccache cscope curl flex gdisk libfdt-dev libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev netcat python-crypto python-serial uuid-dev xz-utils zlib1g-dev gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm cpio libssl-dev

And also followings for AOSP

apt-get install -y mtd-utils genromfs sudo stgit device-tree-compiler python3 iputils-ping iasl sparse bsdmainutils u-boot-tools img2simg repo openjdk-8-jdk ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z1-dev zip dosfstools mtools simg2img connect-proxy locales python-mako python-pycryptopp kmod

Install Cross Compilers

Also, you need to install cross build gcc.

cd /opt/
tar xf gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
tar xf gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin:/opt/gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin"

Build the Kernel and Drivers


Set environmental variables and make working directories.

export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
mkdir -p ~/aosp/kernel-build ~/aosp/android ~/aosp/images ~/aosp/tftpboot

Download Kernel Related Repositories

Download kernel, kconfigs and out-of-tree drivers as below

cd ~/aosp/
git clone -b unph-android-v4.19-testing
git clone -b master --single-branch
git clone -b master --single-branch
git clone -b akebi96 --single-branch
git clone -b master --single-branch
git clone -b akebi96/r29p0 --single-branch
git clone -b master --single-branch

Build ACK-4.19 based kernel

And build the kernel as below

cd ~/aosp/linux
export KBUILD=~/aosp/kernel-build
export JOBS=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`
cp arch/arm64/configs/defconfig ${KCONFIG_CONFIG}
./scripts/kconfig/ -m ${KCONFIG_CONFIG} \
        ~/aosp/akebi96-configs/linux/akebi96-base.config \
        ~/aosp/configs/android-4.19/android-base.config \
        ~/aosp/configs/android-4.19/android-recommended.config \
        ~/aosp/configs/android-4.19/android-recommended-arm64.config \
make O=$KBUILD  olddefconfig
make O=$KBUILD  -j $JOBS  Image socionext/uniphier-ld20-akebi96.dtb
cp ~/aosp/kernel-build/arch/arm64/boot/Image ~/aosp/images/
cp ~/aosp/kernel-build/arch/arm64/boot/dts/socionext/uniphier-ld20-akebi96.dtb ~/aosp/images/

Build ACK-5.4 based kernel

cd ~/aosp/linux
git checkout -b WIP/unph-android-v5.4-testing origin/WIP/unph-android-v5.4-testing
export KBUILD=~/aosp/kernel-build
export JOBS=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`
cp arch/arm64/configs/defconfig ${KCONFIG_CONFIG}
./scripts/kconfig/ -m ${KCONFIG_CONFIG} \
        ~/aosp/akebi96-configs/linux/akebi96-base.config \
        ~/aosp/configs/android-5.4/android-base.config \
        ~/aosp/configs/android-5.4/android-recommended.config \
        ~/aosp/configs/android-5.4/android-recommended-arm64.config \
make O=$KBUILD  olddefconfig
make O=$KBUILD  -j $JOBS  Image socionext/uniphier-ld20-akebi96.dtb
cp ~/aosp/kernel-build/arch/arm64/boot/Image ~/aosp/images/
cp ~/aosp/kernel-build/arch/arm64/boot/dts/socionext/uniphier-ld20-akebi96.dtb ~/aosp/images/

Build out-of-tree drivers

For both 4.19 and 5.4 based kernel, we can build out-of-tree drivers in same way, but note that the 5.4 support is under development.

KVER=`make O=$KBUILD -s kernelrelease`
cd ~/aosp/rtl8822bu/
make clean
make KSRC=~/aosp/linux KVER=${KVER} O=${KBUILD} -j ${JOBS}
cp rtl8822bu.ko ~/aosp/images/8822bu.ko
cd ~/aosp/rtk_btusb/
make KERNEL_DIR=~/aosp/linux O=${KBUILD} -j ${JOBS}
cp rtk_btusb_core.ko ~/aosp/images/rtk_btusb.ko
cd ~/aosp/kmod-video-out/
make modules KERNEL_DIR=${KBUILD} -j ${JOBS}
cp vocdrv_ld20/vocdrv-ld20.ko ~/aosp/images/
cd ~/aosp/mali-kbase/
make clean
make KERNEL_DIR=~/aosp/linux MAKETOP=~/aosp/images O=${KBUILD} modules -j  ${JOBS}
cp drivers/gpu/arm/midgard/mali_kbase.ko ~/aosp/images/

At this point, ~/aosp/images/ contain the kernel, dtb and modules that we copy over images that come with android sync.

Build AOSP 9 for Akebi96

Download AOSP 9 for Akebi96

Download and sync the AOSP repositories. This may take a long time (depends on your network performance, etc.)

cd ~/aosp/android
git clone  -b master --single-branch
repo init -u -b master
cp akebi96-manifests/akebi96.xml .repo/manifests/
repo sync -j $JOBS -m akebi96.xml

NOTE: The akebi96-manifests master branch will build OP-TEE v3.3.0 based image. If you want to try OP-TEE 3.8.0+ (master branch), you can checkout WIP/optee-master branch instead of master branch.

And copy the pre-build binaries

cp ~/aosp/images/Image ~/aosp/images/uniphier-ld20-akebi96.dtb \
       ~/aosp/images/8822bu.ko ~/aosp/images/rtk_btusb.ko ~/aosp/images/mali_kbase.ko \
       ~/aosp/images/vocdrv-ld20.ko \
mkdir -p device/linaro/akebi96/copy/kernel-headers/asm/
cp ~/aosp/kmod-video-out/vocdrv_ld20/vocd_driver.h device/linaro/akebi96/copy/kernel-headers/asm/

Build AOSP for Akebi96

This may take a few hours. Setting ARCH=arm is for building OP-TEE.

export ARCH=arm
source build/
lunch akebi96-userdebug
make -j $JOBS

Split system.img into smaller files

Since LD20 reserves the last 0x4b bytes of memory for each channel, we can not touch it. And on Akebi96 board, we have 1GB DDR for each channel (3 channels, 3GB in total). This means we can not use the image file over 1GB. system.img will be bigger than 1GB, so we have to split it into 512MB.

Convert sparse-image to raw image and split it as below.

cd ~/aosp/android/out/target/product/akebi96/
simg2img system.img system-raw.img
split -d -b 512M system-raw.img system.img
rm system-raw.img

Since the system raw image size is 1.5GB, you must have 3 files, _system.img00, _system.img01, and _system.img02. Then make those sparse-image and compressed.

for img in _system.img0* ; do img2simg $img ${img#_}; rm $img ; gzip ${img#_}; done

Check Images

Now you should have following image files in ~/aosp/android/out/target/product/akebi96/

  • boot_fat_sparse.img
  • system.img*.gz
  • userdata.img
  • vendor.img

These are the files which is required to be installed on the board.