Credit scoring is the process of assessing the creditworthiness of an individual or business. This process is used by lenders to determine whether or not to approve a loan application and what interest rate to charge. Creditworthiness is typically assessed based on a number of factors, including the applicant's credit history, income, employment history, and debt-to-income ratio.
The objective of a credit score prediction project is to develop a machine learning model that can accurately predict credit scores. This model can then be used by lenders to make more informed decisions about loan applications. The objective of a credit score prediction project is to develop a machine learning/Deep Learning model that can accurately predict credit scores. This model can then be used by lenders to make more informed decisions about loan applications.
- ID: Represents a unique identification of an entry
- Customer_ID: Represents a unique identification of a person
- Month: Represents the month of the year
- Name: Represents the name of a person
- Age: Represents the age of the person
- SSN: Represents the social security number of a person
- Occupation: Represents the occupation of the person
- Annual_Income: Represents the annual income of the person
- Monthly_Inhand_Salary: Represents the monthly base salary of a person
- Num_Bank_Accounts: Represents the number of bank accounts a person holds
- Num_Credit_Card: Represents the number of other credit cards held by a person
- Interest_Rate: Represents the interest rate on credit card
- Num_of_Loan: Represents the number of loans taken from the bank
- Type_of_Loan: Represents the types of loan taken by a person
- Delay_from_due_date: Represents the average number of days delayed from the payment date
- Num_of_Delayed_Payment: Represents the average number of payments delayed by a person
- Changed_Credit_Limit: Represents the percentage change in credit card limit
- Num_Credit_Inquiries: Represents the number of credit card inquiries
- Credit_Mix: Represents the classification of the mix of credits
- Outstanding_Debt: Represents the remaining debt to be paid