All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- single file source code ( both backdoor and listener )
- direct shell access
- get target system information
- AES encrypted communication
- add/remove firewall rules
- backdoor access protection with password
- run powershell commands and scripts
- spawn independent powershell session
- screenshot
- dump clipboard
- check for VM and sandbox
- windows persistence using registry keys
- download/upload files
- client/server connection wait
- dump windows hashes using ntds and reg save methods
- completely refactored code base and modular structure
- improved sysinfo function
- threaded command and control script with session handling
- execution of commands on multiple sessions
- threaded keylogger
- enable/disable RDP
- enable/disable UAC
- turn on/off display
- backdoor password protection removed to prevent interfering with
- major changes in the configuration script
- bug fixes in cnc session handling functionality
- minor code refactor
- integrated pyinstaller 3.6 and pyarmor for automatic obfuscation and packing