ncat Scanning banner grab apt install ncat for port in {1..65535}; do echo "" | ncat -vvn $port 2>&1 | grep "READ SUCCESS for EID " | grep -v "peer unspecified" | cut -d ":" -f 3- ; done banner grab the whole subnet apt install ncat for hosts in {1..254}; do for ports in {1..65535}; do echo "" | ncat -vvn 192.168.1.$hosts $ports 2>&1 | grep "READ SUCCESS for EID " | grep -v "peer unspecified" ; done ;done port scanner tcp scan: parallel ncat -nvz [host] ::: {1..65535} 2>&1 | grep "Connected" udp scan: parallel ncat -nvuz [host] ::: {1..65535} 2>&1 | grep "Connected" SSL connection listener: nc --ssl -nvlp [local port] -e /bin/sh client: nc --ssl localhost [remote port] FTP nc -l -p 443 < C:\ --from machine that has the file, this one is windows. nc -w3 443 > C:\