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File metadata and controls

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Process Description definiton

This document describes the definition of the process description to ingest data from a source into the database.

Currently, the following sources with CSV formatted payload are supported:

  • MQTT
  • FTP

To describe the ingestion process from the source into the database the AggregateProcess of the OGC SensorML 2.0 standard (SML) is used. How the AggregateProcess should be defined is described in the following sections.


The AggregateProcess contains as a minimum components and connections.


An AggregateProcess should have two or more components in which the first component defines the source while the last component defines the sink (SOS). Other components can be inserted in between to describe further processing steps.

Source component

The first component of the list describes the sensor which produces the observed data and how the data is provided by this sensor.

To identify this component as source, the name attribute should be set to source_output.

The content of the component should be of type PhysicalSystem and should contain the information described in Default source and sink.

The sml:outputs of this component contains a sml:outputList with several one sml:output that contains a sml:DataInterface that describes the data stream of the source which is different for each source. More information about the definition of the sml:DataInterface is described in the Sources section.

Sink component

The last component of the list describes the sensor that would be provided by the SOS service

To identify this component as sink, the name attribute should be set to sos_input.

The content of the component should be of type PhysicalSystem and should contain the information described in Default source and sink.

Sink sml:outputs

The sml:outputs contains a sml:outputList with several sml:output that describes the observedProperties/phenomenon that would be provided by the SOS server.

Each sml:output requires a name attribute that is NCName conform. The content of this element should be a swe:AbstractSimpleComponent such as:

  • swe:Quantity
  • swe:Count
  • swe:Text
  • ...

Description of the elements and attributes of the swe:AbstractSimpleComponents:

name (a)ttribute/(e)lement description
definition a the identifier of the observedProperty/phenomenon, should be a link to a vocabulary entry
sml:label e the label/name of the observedProperty/phenomenon
sml:description e the description of the observedProperty/phenomenon
sml:uom e the unit of measure of the observedProperty/phenomenon (only for swe:Quantity)

Description of the attributes of the swe:uom element of the swe:Quantity

name description
code the symbol of the unit like degC, %, m/s
xlink:href link to the definition in a vocabulary
xlink:title the human readable name of the unit

Here is an example of the sml:outputs:

     <sml:output name="AirTemperature">
        <swe:Quantity definition="">
           <swe:label>air temperature</swe:label>
           <swe:description>Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature.</swe:description>
           <swe:uom code="degC" xlink:href="" xlink:title="Degrees Celsius"/>
     <sml:output name="RelativeHumidity">
        <swe:Quantity definition="">
           <swe:description>The ratio of the amount of water vapour in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapour that can theoretically be held at the air's temperature</swe:description>
           <swe:uom code="%" xlink:href="" xlink:title="Percent" />
     <sml:output name="DewPoint">
        <swe:Quantity definition="">
           <swe:description>The temperature to which air must cool to become saturated with water vapour</swe:description>
           <swe:uom code="degC" xlink:href="" xlink:title="Degrees Celsius"/>
     <sml:output name="WindDirection">
        <swe:Quantity definition="">
           <swe:description>Direction from of wind relative to True North {wind direction} in the atmosphere by in-situ anemometer</swe:description>
           <swe:uom code="degT" xlink:href="" xlink:title="Degrees True" />
     <sml:output name="WindSpeed">
        <swe:Quantity definition="">
           <swe:label>	earth relative wind speed</swe:label>
           <swe:description>Speed of wind {wind speed} in the atmosphere by in-situ anemometer</swe:description>
           <swe:uom code="m/s" xlink:href="" xlink:title="Metres per second" />

Default source and sink


The unique identifier of the sensor, which would also be used to query the SOS server, should be defined in the gml:identifier element of the PhysicalProcess with codeSpace="uniqueID".

Here is an example of the gml:identifier with identifier DWD-OPENDATA-10315:

<gml:identifier codeSpace="uniqueID">DWD-OPENDATA-10315</gml:identifier>

The sml:identification should contain more detailed information to identify the sensor if they are available. This can be a *long name, a short name, the manufacturer, a model name, a serial number or further information.

Here is an example of the sml:identification:

        <sml:Term definition="">
           <sml:label>Long name</sml:label>
           <sml:value>Marine Institute - AIRMAR Weather Station</sml:value>
        <sml:Term definition="">
           <sml:label>Short name</sml:label>
           <sml:value>Marine Institute - AIRMAR WX Series WeatherStation</sml:value>
        <sml:Term definition="">
        <sml:Term definition="">
           <sml:label>Model name</sml:label>
        <sml:Term definition="">
           <sml:label>Serial number</sml:label>

The sml:sml:featuresOfInterest provides the identifier and the name of the featureOfInterest that relates to the sensor.

The identifier should be defined in the xlink:href attribute and the name in the xlink:title of the sml:feature element.

Here is an example description:

        <sml:feature xlink:href="Muenster-Osnabrueck" xlink:title="Airport Muenster/Osnabrueck (FMO)" />

The sml:position should contain the coordinates of the sensor.

Here is an example description:

    <swe:Vector referenceFrame="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
        <swe:coordinate name="easting">
            <swe:Quantity axisID="x">
                <swe:uom code="degree"/>
        <swe:coordinate name="northing">
            <swe:Quantity axisID="y">
                <swe:uom code="degree"/>
        <swe:coordinate name="altitude">
            <swe:Quantity axisID="z">
                <swe:uom code="m"/>


The Connections contains multiple links between the outputs of the source and the sink component to define which

In the following example the the @source is a placeholder for the gml:id of the source (first) component and the @sink is a placeholder for the gml:id of the sink (last) component. The @name is the placeholder for the name of the sml:output elements.

				<sml:source ref="components/@source/outputs/@name"/>
				<sml:destination ref="components/@sink/outputs/@name"/>


This section describes how the sml:DataInterface should be defined an which conventions should be followed.

In the sml:DataInterface/sml:data/swe:DataStream/swe:elementType/swe:DataRecod the elements of the data stream are defined with the following conventions:

  1. The element that describes values/columns which should not be processed/passed to the sink should NOT have defined a definition attribute
  2. The sampling/phenomenon time should be defined as a swe:Time with definition
    1. If the sampling/phenomenon time is splitted into a date and a time value/column the definition value should be expanded with #date for the date and #time for time
  3. The swe:encoding defines the encoding of the data stream, for example swe:TextEncoding with the definition of the separators.
  4. In the sml:interfaceParameters the definition attribute defines the name of the source sink that should be used.

Here is a reduced example of the sml:outputs for the sources:

        <sml:output name="streamOutput">
                        <swe:elementType name="outputStream">
                                <swe:field name="datetime">
                                  <swe:Time definition="">
                                     <swe:label>Date and time</swe:label>
                                     <swe:description>Date-time is a time stamp from a Global Positioning System receiver at the cable observatory shore station in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss .</swe:description>
                                <swe:field ...
                            <swe:TextEncoding tokenSeparator=";" blockSeparator="\n" decimalSeparator="."/>
                    <swe:DataRecord definition="">
                        <swe:field ...

MQTT source

The MQTT source can be used to get data from a MQTT stream. The following definitions should be used to identify the source and the interface parameters:

defininition of value description
swe:DataRecord definition of the source
swe:Text the URL to the MQTT service
swe:Text the password for the MQTT service
swe:Text the password for the MQTT service
swe:Text the topic that should be subscribed to
  <swe:DataRecord definition="">
     <swe:field name="mqtt_broker_url">
        <swe:Text definition="">
     <swe:field name="mqtt_broker_password">
        <swe:Text definition="">
     <swe:field name="mqtt_broker_username">
        <swe:Text definition="">
     <swe:field name="mqtt_broker_topics">
        <swe:Text definition="">
MQTT example process description

An example process description is located here:

MQTT AggreagateProcess for Weather data

FTP source

The FTP source can be used to get data from a FTP server.

To process only the latest data from the FTP server that have not yet been processed, an additional component should be defined that defines the filtering processes. How the component should be defined is described in the Filter component.

The following definitions should be used to identify the source and the interface parameters:

defininition of value description
swe:DataRecord definition of the source
swe:Text the URL to the FTP service
swe:Text the password for the FTP service
swe:Text the password for the FTP service
swe:Text the remote directory that should be read
swe:Text the file that should be read
    <swe:DataRecord definition="">
        <swe:field name="ftp_host">
            <swe:Text definition="">
        <!-- optional, default: guest -->
        <swe:field name="ftp_password">
            <swe:Text definition="">
        <!-- optional, default: anonymous -->
        <swe:field name="ftp_username">
            <swe:Text definition="">
        <swe:field name="ftp_remote-dir">
            <swe:Text definition="">
        <swe:field name="ftp_filename-pattern">
            <swe:Text definition="">

Filter component

The filter component should be a sml:SimpleProcess with sml:inputs and the sml:outputs which should be equal to the sml:outputs of the Source component without sml:interfaceParameters definition.

Additionally, the filter component should define sml:parameters which defines configuration parameter for the filter processors and a sml:method that should be defined as follows:

<sml:method xlink:href=""/>

In the sml:parameters you should define the header line count, the date, time or datetime format if it is not ISO 8601 formatted.

        <sml:parameter name="file-filter-config">
            <swe:Count definition="">
                <swe:label>Header Line Count</swe:label>
                <swe:description>The number of lines to strip from the csv file</swe:description>
		  <sml:parameter ...

Definition of parameters for data and time format:

<sml:parameter name="configuration3">
    <swe:Text definition="">
        <swe:label>Format of date</swe:label>
        <swe:description>The format of the date</swe:description>
<sml:parameter name="configuration5">
    <swe:Text definition="">
        <swe:label>Format of time</swe:label>
        <swe:description>The format of the time in UTC</swe:description>

Definition of parameter for datatime format:

<sml:parameter name="configuration3">
    <swe:Text definition="">
        <swe:label>Format of date</swe:label>
        <swe:description>The format of the date</swe:description>
        <swe:value>dd.MM.yy HH:mm</swe:value>
FTP example process description

An example process description is located here:

FTP AggregateProcess for DWD Weather data