All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Sort search results.
- Update items in a database.
- Merge duplicate items in a database.
- Search by partial title.
- Search by partial author name.
- Search by partial date.
2.1.2 - 2023-03-19
- MIT License
- Completed project README.
2.1.1 - 2023-03-07
- An issue when loading a backup that caused the application to crash.
2.1.0 - 2023-03-05
- Save a backup of the database.
- Load a backup of the database.
- Return to Main Menu options for all submenus.
- UserInterface class is now Menu.
- BookDatabase constructor now takes a filename as a parameter.
- Microservice to use variable names for files.
- save_backup no longer crashes the program when trying to backup a file with the same name.
- load_backup now only accepts a file that exists.
- Code clean up.
- Menu readability.
- exit_program function from
2.0.0 - 2023-02-26
- .gitattributes
- Pipfile
- Support for writing JSON files.
- Support for opening HTML files in a web browser.
- BookDatabase can now output query results as a dictionary.
- Microservice integration to convert JSON data to an HTML document.
- View search results in a web browser.
- MicroserviceException class in case the microservice fails to respond.
- BookDatabase now creates a new database file if one does not exist.
- Replaced the Menu classes with a single UserInterface class.
- Replaced the BookLogDB class with BookDatabase class.
- Updated the project README.
- Full support for searching database by author.
- Full support for searching database by title.
- Full support for searching database by date.
- Full support for searching database by id
- Renamed the UserInterface get_user_input method to get_user_selection.
- BookDatabase interface functions are no longer part of the database class.
- Repository architecture for organization.
- Moved various utility functions into their own module.
- Menu and Menu derived classes from the UserInterface module.
- BookDatabase connection method is now a private method.
- Menu selection is now part of the UserInterface class.
- Minor corrections to the CHANGELOG.
- Refactored repeat code in the into functions.
- Issue with converting some queries to JSON ready dictionary.
1.0.0 - 2023-01-28
- User Interface design with the 8 Cognitive Style Heuristics.
- Feature to add items to a database.
- Feature to view all items in a database.
- Feature to remove items from a database.
- Basic support for searching a database.
- Encapsulated the user interface into Menu classes.
- Encapsulated database operations into it's own class.
- Project README.
- .gitignore