Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four |
Mod 1 | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four |
Mod 2 | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four |
Mod 3 | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four Presentations |
Mod 4 | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four Presentations |
Training | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Project Four | Graduation!!!! |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Day Off for Fourth of July | Fourth of July |
Morning Exercise + Lightning Talk Presentations |
Morning Exercise + Lightning Talks Presentations |
Morning Exercise + Lightning Talks Presentations |
Mod 1 | Day Off for the Fourth | Fourth of July | Intro to TDD | TDD | TDD |
Mod 2 | Day Off for the Fourth | Fourth of July | Intro to TDD | TDD | TDD |
Mod 3 | Day Off for the Fourth | Fourth of July |
Technical Interviews/ Bog App |
Technical Interviews/ Bog App |
Technical Interviews/ Bog App |
Mod 4 | Day Off for the Fourth | Fourth of July |
Technical Interviews/ Bog App |
Technical Interviews/ Bog App |
Technical Interviews/ Bog App Intro to Project Four |
Training | Day Off for the Fourth | Fourth of July | Homework- Catch Up or work on Lightning talks | Homework- Catch Up or work on Lightning talks | Project Four |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Morning Exercise | Outcomes/ HTTP Party | Sample Project | Vagabond Project | Vagabond Project |
Mod 1 | Angular on Rails with Webpack | HTTP Party | Sample Project | Vagabond Project | Vagabond Project |
Mod 2 | Angular on Rails with Webpack | HTTP Party | Sample Project | Vagabond Project | Vagabond Project |
Mod 3 | SASS with Webpack | Review | Intro to Vagabond Project | Vagabond Project | Vagabond Project Presentations |
Mod 4 | LAB | Review | Vagabond Project | Vagabond Project | Vagabond Project Presentations |
Training | Homework | Homework | Vagabond Project | Vagabond Project | Homework |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Morning Exercise | Outcomes | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise |
Mod 1 | Inheritance in Ruby | Intro to Active Record | Intro to Rails | Rails Views + Controllers | Rails Asset Pipeline, Forms, Helpers Helpers and Forms |
Mod 2 | Inheritance in Ruby | Active Record One to Many | Intro to Rails | LAB | Rails Asset Pipeline, Forms, Helpers Helpers and Forms |
Mod 3 | OOP in Ruby | Rails Migrations, Associations and Validations | Rails Resources and Routing | Devise + Cancancan | |
Mod 4 | LAB | LAB | LAB | Rails Resources and Routing Lab | Devise + Cancancan |
Training | Homework | Homework | Homework | Homework |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Project Three | Project Three | Project Three Retrospective | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise |
Mod 1 | Project Three | Project Three |
Downloading Postgres Intro to SQL |
SQL Joins + Schema SQL + Advanced SQL |
Intro to Ruby |
Mod 2 | Project Three | Project Three | Relationships in SQL |
SQL Joins + Schema SQL + Advanced SQL |
Intro to Ruby |
Mod 3 | Project Three | Project Three Presentations | Domain Modeling & ERDs | Install Ruby | Advanced Ruby |
Mod 4 | Project Three | Project Three Presentations | Library SQL | How to Run Ruby | LAB |
Training | Project Three | No homework!!! | Homework | Homework |
Homework Extra Code School Resources |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Review | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise | Week 7 Survey | Project Three |
Mod 1 | Angular Services | Webpack and Angular | UI Router |
Git Cheat Sheet + Collaborating with git |
Project Three |
Mod 2 | Angular Services | Webpack and Angular | UI Router | Project Three | Project Three |
Mod 3 | Angular Forms + Validations | Components | Giphy with UI Router | Project Three | Project Three |
Mod 4 | Services and Forms LAB | Components | Giphy Lab | Project Three | Project Three |
Training | Homework | Homework | Homework | Project Three | Project Three |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Memorial Day | Project Two | Project Two Retrospective | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise |
Mod 1 | Memorial Day | Project Two | Code School Angular | Angular Directives and Nested Controllers | Ajax and $HTTP Presidents LAB |
Mod 2 | Memorial Day | Project Two | Code School Angular | Angular Directives LAB | Ajax and $HTTP Presidents LAB |
Mod 3 | Memorial Day | Project Two Presentations | Intro to Angular | LAB | LAB |
Mod 4 | Memorial Day | Project Two Presentations | LAB | LAB | LAB |
Training | Project Two | No Homework | Homework | Homework | Homework |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Project One Retrospective | WDI9 Outcomes: Linkedin for your Job Search | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise | Diagnostic |
Mod 1 | Intro to Node | Express Views- Handlebars | Database Design | Express- Update/Delete | AJAX Session |
Mod 2 | Intro to Node | Express Views- Handlebars | Database Design | Express- Update/Delete | AJAX Session |
Mod 3 | Intro to Express | Express Router | DB Operations Create/Read | Express To Don't- Update/Delete Lab + Add Update/Delete Functionality to Express Recipes Lab |
Giphy LAB + Bootflix LAB |
Mod 4 |
Finish Node Lab or Start on hw |
REVIEW: Router LAB + 99 Bottles Express LAB + Compliment Express LAB |
Express Recipes- Create/Read Lab | Express To Don't- Update/Delete Lab + Add Update/Delete Functionality to Express Recipes Lab |
Giphy LAB + Bootflix LAB |
Training | Homework | Homework | Homework | Homework | Homework Update |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | SDLC / Agile | WDI9 Outcomes: Elevator Pitch + Networking in ATL | Project One | Project One | Project One |
Mod 1 | SDLC / Agile | Project One | Project One | Project One | Project One |
Mod 2 | SDLC / Agile | Project One | Project One | Project One | Project One |
Mod 3 | User Stories | Project One | Project One | Project One | Project One Presentations |
Mod 4 | Wireframes | Project One | Project One | Project One |
Project One Presentations + Week 3 Survey |
Training | Homework: Catch Up | Project One | Project One | Project One | Homework: Portfolio Site |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise | WDI9 Outcomes: Intro to Outcomes Program + Post-Course Support | Morning Exercise |
Mod 1 | JS Arrays | JS Functions + Scope | Debugging, Chrome Dev Tools | Intro to jQuery |
LAB OR Intro to ES2015- (Breakout Session) |
Mod 2 | JS Objects | JS Functions + Scope | Dom Manipulation | Intro to jQuery |
LAB OR CSS Animations- (Breakout Session) |
Mod 3 | JS Loops | JS Functions + Scope | Click Events | Intermediate jQuery | LAB |
Mod 4 | LAB |
JS Functions LAB + Independent Practice LAB |
Click Events LAB + JS Dice LAB + Wendy Bite LAB |
In class LAB + Homes LAB + jQuery LAB + jQuery Jedi LAB |
Homework | Homework | Homework | Homework | Homework | Homework |
- Intro to Loops
- Array methods pages 78 - 83
- Functions pages 26 - 28
- Functions
- Eloquent JavaScript
- Khan Academy- HTML/jQuery
- Khan Academy- JS Drawing and Animation
- If/else w3 schools
- If/else MDN
- If/else tutorial-after hours programming
- Switch statements w3 schools
- Switch statements MDN
- Switch statements tutorial- tutorialspoint
- Switch Statements tutorial-after hours programming
- DOM Cheatsheet
- Dom Reference
- DOM- Element.classList
- this in JS
- Functions in JS
- Event.target in JS
- Event.target in JS
- Event bubbling
- Const
- Const
- Let
- Let
- Block Scope
- Default Parameters
- Arrow functions
- Arrow Functions
- Template Literals
- Template Literals
- Destructuring
- Destructuring
- Destructuring
- Property Shorthand
- Property Shorthand
- Spread Operator
- ES2016 and beyond
- Block Scope
- Destructuring
- Template Literals
- More History
- ES6 Compatibility
- Specificity
- CSS Transform- W3 Schools
- CSS Tricks- Flexbox
- Keyframe Animation
- Prefix Free
- How Flexbox works — explained with big, colorful, animated gifs
- JavaScript Tips
- Getting Started with ECMAScript 6
- Understanding ES5, ES2015 and TypeScript
- Paul Irish article- Why Moving Elements With Translate() Is Better Than Pos:abs Top/left
- Paul Irish video- 2D transform's translate() vs absolute positioning: Performance evaluation with Chrome DevTools
- Chris Coyier- Animation Performance
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
WarmUp | Big Goal/Culture | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise | Morning Exercise | Intro to Bootstrap |
Mod 1 | Big Goal/Culture | Intro to Git + Github | HTML + DOM | CSS Specificity & Selectors | Intro to JS |
Mod 2 |
Installation + Tooling + Bug Report |
Intro to Git + Github |
HTML Practice LAB + DOM LAB |
Responsive CSS | Intro to JS |
Mod 3 | Intro to CLI |
Git Lab |
Intro to CSS | Flexbox | Control Flow |
Mod 4 | Sublime Editor |
Git Lab |
CSS Box Model + Complete LABs from earlier or work on hw |
Control Flow LAB + Choose your own adventure LAB |
Homework |
Wiki + Wiki Treasure Hunt + Command Line Mystery |
Homework | Homework | Homework | Homework |
- Khan Academy- HTML/CSS
- Code Academy- HTML/CSS
- Code Academy- CSS Overview
- Code Academy- CSS Coding with Style
- Code Academy- CSS Positioning
- CSS Specificity
- W3 Schools CSS CSS documentation for extra stuff
- Level-up CSS Tutorial
- CSS Selector Reference PDF
- Dev Tool Shortcuts
- Debugging JS
- Debugging on different browsers- Tutorialspoint
- Debugging- W3 Schools
- Debugging- Creative Bloq Article
- Debugging on Wired
- Debugging on Chrome- Tutorial
- Google Calendar
- Hypepotamus Calendar of Events
- Meetups
- Pomodoro Timer
- Bullet Journal
- Can I Use
- Silicon Valley Scene
- Markdown Cheat Sheet
- Daily Design/UI Challenge- become a better designer in 100 days!
- Code Wars
- Nodingbat
- Free Code Camp
- r/learn programming
- Khan Academy
- Code Academy- JS
- Code Academy- HTML
- Daily UI
- A Smarter Way to Learn JS
- A Smarter Way to Learn jQuery
- JavaScript + JQuery - So good! Might be worth buying...
- JavaScript the Good Parts
- Eloquent JS
- DOM Enlightenment
- You Don't Know JS
- You Don't Know ES6
- My first month of coding
- Things we wish we knew when learning to code
- How a typo took down S3, the backbone of the internet
- Programmers are confessing their coding sins to protest a broken job interview process
- How to Fail as a Web Developer
- How creating CSS images made me a better developer – Coding Artist
- How NOT to design Netflix in your 45-minute System Design Interview?
- Imposter syndrome on high — my amateur Web developer start
- Make your First Game- MVP