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793 lines (787 loc) · 32.1 KB
/*小程序:牙博士口腔微商城变量:ybshd多号&或换行抓包https://mall.0512kq.cn data内的token有问题联系3288588344频道:https://pd.qq.com/s/672fku8ge*/const $ = new Env("牙博士口腔微商城"), axios = require("axios");let request = require("request");const crypto = require("crypto");request = request.defaults({ "jar": true});const { log } = console, Notify = 1, debug = 0;let ybshd = ($.isNode() ? process.env.ybshd : $.getdata("ybshd")) || "", ybshdArr = [], data = "", msg = "", a = {};!(async () => { if (typeof $request !== "undefined") await GetRewrite();else { if (!(await Envs())) return;else { log("\n\n============================================= \n脚本执行 - 北京时间(UTC+8):" + new Date(new Date().getTime() + new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000 + 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toLocaleString() + " \n=============================================\n"); log("\n=================== 共找到 " + ybshdArr.length + " 个账号 ==================="); debug && log("【debug】 这是你的全部账号数组:\n " + ybshdArr); for (let _0xf864f1 = 0; _0xf864f1 < ybshdArr.length; _0xf864f1++) { let _0x372177 = _0xf864f1 + 1; addNotifyStr("\n==== 开始【第 " + _0x372177 + " 个账号】====\n", true); ybshd = ybshdArr[_0xf864f1]; await checkin(); await checkin2(); await checkin4(); await checkin3(); } } }})().catch(_0x15f3ac => log(_0x15f3ac)).finally(() => $.done());async function checkin() { const _0x5e6af0 = new Date().getTime(); let _0x47b502 = Object.assign(filterEmpty(a), { "task_id": 1, "integralactivity_id": 6, "code_type": 1, "ad": 33, "activity_code": 1, "wxapp_id": 10004, "token": ybshd, "timestamp": _0x5e6af0, "secret": "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680" }), _0x228093 = urlEncode(ksort(_0x47b502)) + "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680"; return _0x47b502.sign = crypto.createHash("md5").update(encodeURIComponent(_0x228093)).digest("hex").toUpperCase(), new Promise(_0x5a9287 => { var _0x575110 = { "method": "post", "url": "https://mall.0512kq.cn/index.php?s=/apimicrov4/activity.Integral/sign_in", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "xweb_xhr": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090819)XWEB/9185" }, "data": _0x47b502 }; if (debug) { log("\n【debug】=============== 这是 请求 url ==============="); log(JSON.stringify(_0x575110)); } axios.request(_0x575110).then(async function (_0x3fb91f) { try { data = _0x3fb91f.data; if (debug) { log("\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回data=============="); log(JSON.stringify(_0x3fb91f.data)); } log("签到:" + data.msg); } catch (_0x5ef3c8) { log("异常:" + data + ",原因:" + data.message); } }).catch(function (_0x4c1c14) { console.error(_0x4c1c14); }).then(_0x2631da => { _0x5a9287(); }); });}async function checkin1() { const _0x15e35e = new Date().getTime(); let _0x30ad1f = Object.assign(filterEmpty(a), { "integralactivity_id": 6, "id": 4, "visit_type": 676, "ad": 33, "wxapp_id": 10004, "token": ybshd, "timestamp": _0x15e35e, "secret": "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680" }), _0x18e6e4 = urlEncode(ksort(_0x30ad1f)) + "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680"; return _0x30ad1f.sign = crypto.createHash("md5").update(encodeURIComponent(_0x18e6e4)).digest("hex").toUpperCase(), new Promise(_0x3ee8de => { var _0xd25c24 = { "method": "post", "url": "https://mall.0512kq.cn/index.php?s=/apimicrov4/activity.raffle/index", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "xweb_xhr": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090819)XWEB/9185" }, "data": _0x30ad1f }; debug && (log("\n【debug】=============== 这是 请求 url ==============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0xd25c24))); axios.request(_0xd25c24).then(async function (_0x4d4aac) { try { data = _0x4d4aac.data; debug && (log("\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回data=============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0x4d4aac.data))); cjid = data.data.raffle_detail.integral_raffle_number; log("剩余抽奖次数: " + data.data.raffle_detail.integral_raffle_number); for (let _0x3c0c4d = 1; _0x3c0c4d <= cjid; _0x3c0c4d++) { cjid > 0 && (await checkin2(), await $.wait(3000)); } } catch (_0x3c64a3) { log("异常:" + data + ",原因:" + data.message); } }).catch(function (_0x40e185) { console.error(_0x40e185); }).then(_0x180f73 => { _0x3ee8de(); }); });}async function checkin2() { const _0x3bb3f4 = new Date().getTime(); let _0x1ee9fa = Object.assign(filterEmpty(a), { "integralactivity_id": 6, "id": 4, "visit_type": 676, "raffle_type": 1, "code_type": 1, "wxapp_id": 10004, "token": ybshd, "timestamp": _0x3bb3f4, "secret": "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680" }), _0x1abd60 = urlEncode(ksort(_0x1ee9fa)) + "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680"; return _0x1ee9fa.sign = crypto.createHash("md5").update(encodeURIComponent(_0x1abd60)).digest("hex").toUpperCase(), new Promise(_0x4f9a6c => { var _0x57470f = { "method": "post", "url": "https://mall.0512kq.cn/index.php?s=/apimicrov4/activity.raffle/desire", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "xweb_xhr": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090819)XWEB/9185" }, "data": _0x1ee9fa }; debug && (log("\n【debug】=============== 这是 请求 url ==============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0x57470f))); axios.request(_0x57470f).then(async function (_0xe3dd5b) { try { data = _0xe3dd5b.data; debug && (log("\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回data=============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0xe3dd5b.data))); if (data.code == 1) { log("抽奖获得: " + data.data.prize_name); } else log("抽奖: " + data.msg); await checkin6(); } catch (_0x147090) { log("异常:" + data + ",原因:" + data.message); } }).catch(function (_0x137b0a) { console.error(_0x137b0a); }).then(_0xa1be23 => { _0x4f9a6c(); }); });}async function checkin4() { const _0x2e127c = new Date().getTime(); let _0x4eecb0 = Object.assign(filterEmpty(a), { "integralactivity_id": 6, "id": 4, "visit_type": 676, "raffle_type": 2, "code_type": 1, "wxapp_id": 10004, "token": ybshd, "timestamp": _0x2e127c, "secret": "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680" }), _0x139259 = urlEncode(ksort(_0x4eecb0)) + "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680"; return _0x4eecb0.sign = crypto.createHash("md5").update(encodeURIComponent(_0x139259)).digest("hex").toUpperCase(), new Promise(_0x11b002 => { var _0x44d764 = { "method": "post", "url": "https://mall.0512kq.cn/index.php?s=/apimicrov4/activity.raffle/desire", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "xweb_xhr": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090819)XWEB/9185" }, "data": _0x4eecb0 }; debug && (log("\n【debug】=============== 这是 请求 url ==============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0x44d764))); axios.request(_0x44d764).then(async function (_0x1886fc) { try { data = _0x1886fc.data; debug && (log("\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回data=============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0x1886fc.data))); data.code == 1 ? log("抽奖获得: " + data.data.prize_name) : log("抽奖: " + data.msg); await checkin5(); } catch (_0x21d0a9) { log("异常:" + data + ",原因:" + data.message); } }).catch(function (_0x4abce3) { console.error(_0x4abce3); }).then(_0x428dc1 => { _0x11b002(); }); });}async function checkin5() { const _0x28e915 = new Date().getTime(); let _0x34dd56 = Object.assign(filterEmpty(a), { "integralactivity_id": 6, "id": 4, "visit_type": 676, "raffle_type": 3, "code_type": 1, "wxapp_id": 10004, "token": ybshd, "timestamp": _0x28e915, "secret": "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680" }), _0x213d07 = urlEncode(ksort(_0x34dd56)) + "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680"; return _0x34dd56.sign = crypto.createHash("md5").update(encodeURIComponent(_0x213d07)).digest("hex").toUpperCase(), new Promise(_0x36bc1c => { var _0x493337 = { "method": "post", "url": "https://mall.0512kq.cn/index.php?s=/apimicrov4/activity.raffle/desire", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "xweb_xhr": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090819)XWEB/9185" }, "data": _0x34dd56 }; debug && (log("\n【debug】=============== 这是 请求 url ==============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0x493337))); axios.request(_0x493337).then(async function (_0x22f093) { try { data = _0x22f093.data; debug && (log("\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回data=============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0x22f093.data))); data.code == 1 ? log("抽奖获得: " + data.data.prize_name) : log("抽奖: " + data.msg); } catch (_0x31b5f7) { log("异常:" + data + ",原因:" + data.message); } }).catch(function (_0x3e4dc5) { console.error(_0x3e4dc5); }).then(_0x380da5 => { _0x36bc1c(); }); });}async function checkin6() { const _0x481d2a = new Date().getTime(); let _0xdecb56 = Object.assign(filterEmpty(a), { "ad": 33, "share_id": 497175, "integralactivity_id": 6, "ascription_id": 59338, "activity_code": 1, "code_type": 1, "wxapp_id": 10004, "token": ybshd, "timestamp": _0x481d2a, "secret": "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680" }), _0x1d0574 = urlEncode(ksort(_0xdecb56)) + "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680"; return _0xdecb56.sign = crypto.createHash("md5").update(encodeURIComponent(_0x1d0574)).digest("hex").toUpperCase(), new Promise(_0x576d65 => { var _0xfc6f32 = { "method": "post", "url": "https://mall.0512kq.cn/index.php?s=/apimicrov4/activity.Integral/user_wecom_assist", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "xweb_xhr": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090819)XWEB/9185" }, "data": _0xdecb56 }; debug && (log("\n【debug】=============== 这是 请求 url ==============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0xfc6f32))); axios.request(_0xfc6f32).then(async function (_0x227649) { try { data = _0x227649.data; debug && (log("\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回data=============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0x227649.data))); } catch (_0x3e1eeb) { log("异常:" + data + ",原因:" + data.message); } }).catch(function (_0x357c4a) { console.error(_0x357c4a); }).then(_0x4e4a63 => { _0x576d65(); }); });}async function checkin3() { const _0x553ddb = new Date().getTime(); let _0x1e6210 = Object.assign(filterEmpty(a), { "page": 1, "mechanism_id": 10042, "wxapp_id": 10004, "token": ybshd, "timestamp": _0x553ddb, "secret": "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680" }), _0x48186a = urlEncode(ksort(_0x1e6210)) + "36c8edde3d61c0411511d3b1866f0680"; return _0x1e6210.sign = crypto.createHash("md5").update(encodeURIComponent(_0x48186a)).digest("hex").toUpperCase(), new Promise(_0x77822c => { var _0x1ddc2e = { "method": "post", "url": "https://mall.0512kq.cn/index.php?s=/apimicrov4/goods/goodsList", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "xweb_xhr": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090819)XWEB/9185" }, "data": _0x1e6210 }; debug && (log("\n【debug】=============== 这是 请求 url ==============="), log(JSON.stringify(_0x1ddc2e))); axios.request(_0x1ddc2e).then(async function (_0x58e452) { try { data = _0x58e452.data; if (debug) { log("\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回data=============="); log(JSON.stringify(_0x58e452.data)); } log("积分: " + data.data.per_page); } catch (_0x42e19d) { log("异常:" + data + ",原因:" + data.message); } }).catch(function (_0x513a19) { console.error(_0x513a19); }).then(_0x125127 => { _0x77822c(); }); });}function filterEmpty(_0x40bf95) { var _0x2a666e = {}; for (var _0x55a62f in _0x40bf95) (_0x40bf95[_0x55a62f] && "null" !== _0x40bf95[_0x55a62f] && "" !== _0x40bf95[_0x55a62f] || "0" == _0x40bf95[_0x55a62f]) && (_0x2a666e[_0x55a62f] = _0x40bf95[_0x55a62f]); return _0x2a666e;}function urlEncode(_0xde6c8e) { var _0x337251 = []; for (var _0x5a67e9 in _0xde6c8e) { var _0x366784 = _0xde6c8e[_0x5a67e9]; _0x366784.constructor == Array ? _0x366784.forEach(function (_0x2278ea) { _0x337251.push(_0x5a67e9 + "=" + _0x2278ea); }) : _0x337251.push(_0x5a67e9 + "=" + _0x366784); } return _0x337251.join("&");}function ksort(_0x7252c0) { var _0x566d89 = {}, _0x704d51 = Object.keys(_0x7252c0); return _0x704d51.sort(), _0x704d51.forEach(function (_0x164aaf) { _0x566d89[_0x164aaf] = _0x7252c0[_0x164aaf]; }), _0x566d89;}async function Envs() { if (ybshd) { if (ybshd.indexOf("&") != -1) ybshd.split("&").forEach(_0x876ee8 => { ybshdArr.push(_0x876ee8); });else { if (ybshd.indexOf("\n") != -1) { ybshd.split("\n").forEach(_0x585c8a => { ybshdArr.push(_0x585c8a); }); } else ybshdArr.push(ybshd); } } else { log("\n 【" + $.name + "】:未填写变量 ybshd"); return; } return true;}function addNotifyStr(_0x4204a4, _0x192dcb = true) { _0x192dcb && log(_0x4204a4 + "\n"); msg += _0x4204a4 + "\n";}async function SendMsg(_0x4f5738) { if (!_0x4f5738) return; if (Notify > 0) { if ($.isNode()) { var _0x4163b3 = require("./sendNotify"); await _0x4163b3.sendNotify($.name, _0x4f5738); } else { $.msg(_0x4f5738); } } else { log(_0x4f5738); }}function randomString(_0x3c1bcf) { for (var _0x3c8a0a = _0x3c1bcf > 0 && void 0 !== _0x3c1bcf ? _0x3c1bcf : 21, _0x113152 = ""; _0x113152.length < _0x3c8a0a;) _0x113152 += Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); return _0x113152.slice(0, _0x3c8a0a);}function randomnum(_0x59309a) { _0x59309a = _0x59309a || 32; var _0x1fe653 = "1234567890", _0x18e61f = _0x1fe653.length, _0x467dd7 = ""; for (i = 0; i < _0x59309a; i++) _0x467dd7 += _0x1fe653.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * _0x18e61f)); return _0x467dd7;}function Env(_0x4ad131, _0x221774) { "undefined" != typeof process && JSON.stringify(process.env).indexOf("GITHUB") > -1 && process.exit(0); class _0x4a9c87 { constructor(_0x21f694) { this.env = _0x21f694; } ["send"](_0xb05397, _0x4e443b = "GET") { _0xb05397 = "string" == typeof _0xb05397 ? { "url": _0xb05397 } : _0xb05397; let _0x3ac6d8 = this.get; return "POST" === _0x4e443b && (_0x3ac6d8 = this.post), new Promise((_0x1c415c, _0x239f8f) => { _0x3ac6d8.call(this, _0xb05397, (_0x28a769, _0x25365f, _0x40dc7a) => { _0x28a769 ? _0x239f8f(_0x28a769) : _0x1c415c(_0x25365f); }); }); } ["get"](_0x4be11f) { return this.send.call(this.env, _0x4be11f); } ["post"](_0x434bcd) { return this.send.call(this.env, _0x434bcd, "POST"); } } return new class { constructor(_0x5c4206, _0x170692) { this.name = _0x5c4206; this.http = new _0x4a9c87(this); this.data = null; this.dataFile = "box.dat"; this.logs = []; this.isMute = !1; this.isNeedRewrite = !1; this.logSeparator = "\n"; this.startTime = new Date().getTime(); Object.assign(this, _0x170692); this.log("", "📣" + this.name + ", 开始!"); } ["isNode"]() { return "undefined" != typeof module && !!module.exports; } ["isQuanX"]() { return "undefined" != typeof $task; } ["isSurge"]() { return "undefined" != typeof $httpClient && "undefined" == typeof $loon; } ["isLoon"]() { return "undefined" != typeof $loon; } ["toObj"](_0x184553, _0x149eea = null) { try { return JSON.parse(_0x184553); } catch { return _0x149eea; } } ["toStr"](_0x386d47, _0x2e7883 = null) { try { return JSON.stringify(_0x386d47); } catch { return _0x2e7883; } } ["getjson"](_0x111eeb, _0x555009) { let _0x38d290 = _0x555009; const _0x4bc371 = this.getdata(_0x111eeb); if (_0x4bc371) try { _0x38d290 = JSON.parse(this.getdata(_0x111eeb)); } catch {} return _0x38d290; } ["setjson"](_0x414404, _0x221481) { try { return this.setdata(JSON.stringify(_0x414404), _0x221481); } catch { return !1; } } ["getScript"](_0x2e1e52) { return new Promise(_0x33e3e6 => { this.get({ "url": _0x2e1e52 }, (_0x279bae, _0x4802f8, _0x437331) => _0x33e3e6(_0x437331)); }); } ["runScript"](_0x1313cf, _0x23fee0) { return new Promise(_0x1a5a5d => { let _0x276ed9 = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi"); _0x276ed9 = _0x276ed9 ? _0x276ed9.replace(/\n/g, "").trim() : _0x276ed9; let _0x5bf72a = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi_timeout"); _0x5bf72a = _0x5bf72a ? 1 * _0x5bf72a : 20; _0x5bf72a = _0x23fee0 && _0x23fee0.timeout ? _0x23fee0.timeout : _0x5bf72a; const [_0x44a369, _0x324f33] = _0x276ed9.split("@"), _0x28a18d = { "url": "http://" + _0x324f33 + "/v1/scripting/evaluate", "body": { "script_text": _0x1313cf, "mock_type": "cron", "timeout": _0x5bf72a }, "headers": { "X-Key": _0x44a369, "Accept": "*/*" } }; this.post(_0x28a18d, (_0x4044ac, _0x2a3d8f, _0x263a0e) => _0x1a5a5d(_0x263a0e)); }).catch(_0x4de70b => this.logErr(_0x4de70b)); } ["loaddata"]() { if (!this.isNode()) return {}; { this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs"); this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path"); const _0x5bd5ba = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile), _0xff8459 = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile), _0x4a9220 = this.fs.existsSync(_0x5bd5ba), _0x4f4469 = !_0x4a9220 && this.fs.existsSync(_0xff8459); if (!_0x4a9220 && !_0x4f4469) return {}; { const _0x11f53e = _0x4a9220 ? _0x5bd5ba : _0xff8459; try { return JSON.parse(this.fs.readFileSync(_0x11f53e)); } catch (_0x1e1c51) { return {}; } } } } ["writedata"]() { if (this.isNode()) { this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs"); this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path"); const _0x69929 = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile), _0x59abfa = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile), _0x78ed39 = this.fs.existsSync(_0x69929), _0x5eda83 = !_0x78ed39 && this.fs.existsSync(_0x59abfa), _0x387d54 = JSON.stringify(this.data); _0x78ed39 ? this.fs.writeFileSync(_0x69929, _0x387d54) : _0x5eda83 ? this.fs.writeFileSync(_0x59abfa, _0x387d54) : this.fs.writeFileSync(_0x69929, _0x387d54); } } ["lodash_get"](_0x57987d, _0x5c0a6b, _0x43a4ef) { const _0x21d801 = _0x5c0a6b.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, ".$1").split("."); let _0x3f156f = _0x57987d; for (const _0x216dd4 of _0x21d801) if (_0x3f156f = Object(_0x3f156f)[_0x216dd4], void 0 === _0x3f156f) return _0x43a4ef; return _0x3f156f; } ["lodash_set"](_0x1a7527, _0x3edc87, _0x3723f8) { return Object(_0x1a7527) !== _0x1a7527 ? _0x1a7527 : (Array.isArray(_0x3edc87) || (_0x3edc87 = _0x3edc87.toString().match(/[^.[\]]+/g) || []), _0x3edc87.slice(0, -1).reduce((_0x2076aa, _0x11ae68, _0x734af1) => Object(_0x2076aa[_0x11ae68]) === _0x2076aa[_0x11ae68] ? _0x2076aa[_0x11ae68] : _0x2076aa[_0x11ae68] = Math.abs(_0x3edc87[_0x734af1 + 1]) >> 0 == +_0x3edc87[_0x734af1 + 1] ? [] : {}, _0x1a7527)[_0x3edc87[_0x3edc87.length - 1]] = _0x3723f8, _0x1a7527); } ["getdata"](_0x267feb) { let _0x17f1ea = this.getval(_0x267feb); if (/^@/.test(_0x267feb)) { const [, _0x21a238, _0x3d0fd8] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(_0x267feb), _0x1dd852 = _0x21a238 ? this.getval(_0x21a238) : ""; if (_0x1dd852) try { const _0x11766e = JSON.parse(_0x1dd852); _0x17f1ea = _0x11766e ? this.lodash_get(_0x11766e, _0x3d0fd8, "") : _0x17f1ea; } catch (_0x35ec82) { _0x17f1ea = ""; } } return _0x17f1ea; } ["setdata"](_0x38ce29, _0x59b948) { let _0x3ae2b6 = false; if (/^@/.test(_0x59b948)) { const [, _0x2f504e, _0x26f2c8] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(_0x59b948), _0x38f837 = this.getval(_0x2f504e), _0x555d73 = _0x2f504e ? "null" === _0x38f837 ? null : _0x38f837 || "{}" : "{}"; try { const _0x1f3dd6 = JSON.parse(_0x555d73); this.lodash_set(_0x1f3dd6, _0x26f2c8, _0x38ce29); _0x3ae2b6 = this.setval(JSON.stringify(_0x1f3dd6), _0x2f504e); } catch (_0x595836) { const _0x2c9487 = {}; this.lodash_set(_0x2c9487, _0x26f2c8, _0x38ce29); _0x3ae2b6 = this.setval(JSON.stringify(_0x2c9487), _0x2f504e); } } else _0x3ae2b6 = this.setval(_0x38ce29, _0x59b948); return _0x3ae2b6; } ["getval"](_0x2bd501) { return this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $persistentStore.read(_0x2bd501) : this.isQuanX() ? $prefs.valueForKey(_0x2bd501) : this.isNode() ? (this.data = this.loaddata(), this.data[_0x2bd501]) : this.data && this.data[_0x2bd501] || null; } ["setval"](_0x37dd3f, _0x20d779) { return this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $persistentStore.write(_0x37dd3f, _0x20d779) : this.isQuanX() ? $prefs.setValueForKey(_0x37dd3f, _0x20d779) : this.isNode() ? (this.data = this.loaddata(), this.data[_0x20d779] = _0x37dd3f, this.writedata(), !0) : this.data && this.data[_0x20d779] || null; } ["initGotEnv"](_0x3a44a5) { this.got = this.got ? this.got : require("got"); this.cktough = this.cktough ? this.cktough : require("tough-cookie"); this.ckjar = this.ckjar ? this.ckjar : new this.cktough.CookieJar(); _0x3a44a5 && (_0x3a44a5.headers = _0x3a44a5.headers ? _0x3a44a5.headers : {}, void 0 === _0x3a44a5.headers.Cookie && void 0 === _0x3a44a5.cookieJar && (_0x3a44a5.cookieJar = this.ckjar)); } ["get"](_0xa2470, _0x1acb6d = () => {}) { _0xa2470.headers && (delete _0xa2470.headers["Content-Type"], delete _0xa2470.headers["Content-Length"]); this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? (this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && (_0xa2470.headers = _0xa2470.headers || {}, Object.assign(_0xa2470.headers, { "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 })), $httpClient.get(_0xa2470, (_0x6376de, _0x3f6fca, _0x194990) => { !_0x6376de && _0x3f6fca && (_0x3f6fca.body = _0x194990, _0x3f6fca.statusCode = _0x3f6fca.status); _0x1acb6d(_0x6376de, _0x3f6fca, _0x194990); })) : this.isQuanX() ? (this.isNeedRewrite && (_0xa2470.opts = _0xa2470.opts || {}, Object.assign(_0xa2470.opts, { "hints": !1 })), $task.fetch(_0xa2470).then(_0x4f87e1 => { const { statusCode: _0x470202, statusCode: _0x80c4a8, headers: _0x5aed49, body: _0x8fba9 } = _0x4f87e1; _0x1acb6d(null, { "status": _0x470202, "statusCode": _0x80c4a8, "headers": _0x5aed49, "body": _0x8fba9 }, _0x8fba9); }, _0x16c9fc => _0x1acb6d(_0x16c9fc))) : this.isNode() && (this.initGotEnv(_0xa2470), this.got(_0xa2470).on("redirect", (_0x294f4b, _0x543360) => { try { if (_0x294f4b.headers["set-cookie"]) { const _0x4bf383 = _0x294f4b.headers["set-cookie"].map(this.cktough.Cookie.parse).toString(); _0x4bf383 && this.ckjar.setCookieSync(_0x4bf383, null); _0x543360.cookieJar = this.ckjar; } } catch (_0x4080b1) { this.logErr(_0x4080b1); } }).then(_0x1a07ae => { const { statusCode: _0x39dbba, statusCode: _0xf03482, headers: _0x4125bf, body: _0x1e63ff } = _0x1a07ae; _0x1acb6d(null, { "status": _0x39dbba, "statusCode": _0xf03482, "headers": _0x4125bf, "body": _0x1e63ff }, _0x1e63ff); }, _0x301d6b => { const { message: _0x3ddb03, response: _0x36ff3a } = _0x301d6b; _0x1acb6d(_0x3ddb03, _0x36ff3a, _0x36ff3a && _0x36ff3a.body); })); } ["post"](_0x14fe20, _0x15d495 = () => {}) { if (_0x14fe20.body && _0x14fe20.headers && !_0x14fe20.headers["Content-Type"] && (_0x14fe20.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), _0x14fe20.headers && delete _0x14fe20.headers["Content-Length"], this.isSurge() || this.isLoon()) this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && (_0x14fe20.headers = _0x14fe20.headers || {}, Object.assign(_0x14fe20.headers, { "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 })), $httpClient.post(_0x14fe20, (_0x5282aa, _0x4decf2, _0x189fd4) => { !_0x5282aa && _0x4decf2 && (_0x4decf2.body = _0x189fd4, _0x4decf2.statusCode = _0x4decf2.status); _0x15d495(_0x5282aa, _0x4decf2, _0x189fd4); });else { if (this.isQuanX()) _0x14fe20.method = "POST", this.isNeedRewrite && (_0x14fe20.opts = _0x14fe20.opts || {}, Object.assign(_0x14fe20.opts, { "hints": !1 })), $task.fetch(_0x14fe20).then(_0x329a5f => { const { statusCode: _0x7bdac8, statusCode: _0x5ce9b8, headers: _0x112c57, body: _0x3cb4c4 } = _0x329a5f; _0x15d495(null, { "status": _0x7bdac8, "statusCode": _0x5ce9b8, "headers": _0x112c57, "body": _0x3cb4c4 }, _0x3cb4c4); }, _0x133692 => _0x15d495(_0x133692));else { if (this.isNode()) { this.initGotEnv(_0x14fe20); const { url: _0x20c43f, ..._0x2465db } = _0x14fe20; this.got.post(_0x20c43f, _0x2465db).then(_0x41b9e6 => { const { statusCode: _0x5e807f, statusCode: _0x4cde24, headers: _0x3e1f3d, body: _0x4a0249 } = _0x41b9e6; _0x15d495(null, { "status": _0x5e807f, "statusCode": _0x4cde24, "headers": _0x3e1f3d, "body": _0x4a0249 }, _0x4a0249); }, _0x43970f => { const { message: _0x4fb7ef, response: _0x1cfbeb } = _0x43970f; _0x15d495(_0x4fb7ef, _0x1cfbeb, _0x1cfbeb && _0x1cfbeb.body); }); } } } } ["time"](_0x4b1e33, _0x33bace = null) { const _0x46ced7 = _0x33bace ? new Date(_0x33bace) : new Date(); let _0x3fb527 = { "M+": _0x46ced7.getMonth() + 1, "d+": _0x46ced7.getDate(), "H+": _0x46ced7.getHours(), "m+": _0x46ced7.getMinutes(), "s+": _0x46ced7.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((_0x46ced7.getMonth() + 3) / 3), "S": _0x46ced7.getMilliseconds() }; /(y+)/.test(_0x4b1e33) && (_0x4b1e33 = _0x4b1e33.replace(RegExp.$1, (_0x46ced7.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))); for (let _0x447f50 in _0x3fb527) new RegExp("(" + _0x447f50 + ")").test(_0x4b1e33) && (_0x4b1e33 = _0x4b1e33.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? _0x3fb527[_0x447f50] : ("00" + _0x3fb527[_0x447f50]).substr(("" + _0x3fb527[_0x447f50]).length))); return _0x4b1e33; } ["msg"](_0x516bbe = _0x4ad131, _0x3dbecd = "", _0x1ef3f3 = "", _0x43ca5d) { const _0x1508d0 = _0x427309 => { if (!_0x427309) return _0x427309; if ("string" == typeof _0x427309) return this.isLoon() ? _0x427309 : this.isQuanX() ? { "open-url": _0x427309 } : this.isSurge() ? { "url": _0x427309 } : void 0; if ("object" == typeof _0x427309) { if (this.isLoon()) { let _0x4eb487 = _0x427309.openUrl || _0x427309.url || _0x427309["open-url"], _0x4ef6c3 = _0x427309.mediaUrl || _0x427309["media-url"]; return { "openUrl": _0x4eb487, "mediaUrl": _0x4ef6c3 }; } if (this.isQuanX()) { let _0x4a421e = _0x427309["open-url"] || _0x427309.url || _0x427309.openUrl, _0x281530 = _0x427309["media-url"] || _0x427309.mediaUrl; return { "open-url": _0x4a421e, "media-url": _0x281530 }; } if (this.isSurge()) { let _0x422b83 = _0x427309.url || _0x427309.openUrl || _0x427309["open-url"]; return { "url": _0x422b83 }; } } }; if (this.isMute || (this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $notification.post(_0x516bbe, _0x3dbecd, _0x1ef3f3, _0x1508d0(_0x43ca5d)) : this.isQuanX() && $notify(_0x516bbe, _0x3dbecd, _0x1ef3f3, _0x1508d0(_0x43ca5d))), !this.isMuteLog) { let _0x1a1a17 = ["", "==============📣系统通知📣=============="]; _0x1a1a17.push(_0x516bbe); _0x3dbecd && _0x1a1a17.push(_0x3dbecd); _0x1ef3f3 && _0x1a1a17.push(_0x1ef3f3); console.log(_0x1a1a17.join("\n")); this.logs = this.logs.concat(_0x1a1a17); } } ["log"](..._0x334f37) { _0x334f37.length > 0 && (this.logs = [...this.logs, ..._0x334f37]); console.log(_0x334f37.join(this.logSeparator)); } ["logErr"](_0x1aa1a7, _0x5406d0) { const _0x495930 = !this.isSurge() && !this.isQuanX() && !this.isLoon(); _0x495930 ? this.log("", "📣" + this.name + ", 错误!", _0x1aa1a7.stack) : this.log("", "📣" + this.name + ", 错误!", _0x1aa1a7); } ["wait"](_0x4e1463) { return new Promise(_0x67aa53 => setTimeout(_0x67aa53, _0x4e1463)); } ["done"](_0x310ad9 = {}) { const _0x2df5a2 = new Date().getTime(), _0x2097c5 = (_0x2df5a2 - this.startTime) / 1000; this.log("", "📣" + this.name + ", 结束! 📣 " + _0x2097c5 + " 秒"); this.log(); (this.isSurge() || this.isQuanX() || this.isLoon()) && $done(_0x310ad9); } }(_0x4ad131, _0x221774);}