- Try Harder = Enumerate Harder
- Nmap -> Gobuster / Wfuzz -> Nikto -> Searchsploit
- Useful OSCP Notes
- Read up on what specific requirements there are for extra points
- Over the next week of study, refine note-taking & screenshotting to make life easier
- Use OneNote, seems to be recommended a bunch
- Compiling exploits for various operating systems so I don't need to later down the line... github might be best here for finding & checking these.
- Making the most of the labs whilst they are available. Try to get through as much as possible, because it's the only limited resource.
- Look at Penetration Testing book for good methodology
nmap -F $TARGET
{Check web services/anything obvious)
nmap -p- $TARGET -oA fullPortSweep
nmap -p -A $TARGET -oA scriptsVersionsOS
nmap -p --script=vuln $TARGET -oA vulnScripts
nmap -p- -sU Full UDP Scan -oA UDPSweep