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Merkle Mountain Range

MMR is a structure that allows appending and proving efficiently. Time complexity of both operations is O(log tree_size).


import MemoryStore from "@accumulators/memory";
import { KeccakHasher } from "@accumulators/hashers";
import Mmr from "@accumulators/merkle-mountain-range";

const store = new MemoryStore();
const hasher = new KeccakHasher();

const mmr = new Mmr(store, hasher);

await mmr.append("1");
await mmr.append("2");
await mmr.append("3");
const { elementIndex } = await mmr.append("4");
await mmr.append("5");

const proof = await mmr.getProof(elementIndex);

console.log(await mmr.verifyProof(proof, "4")); // true


constructor(store: Store, hasher: Hasher, mmrId?: string)

Creates a new MMR with a given hasher instance and stores its value in provided store.

All the values in store have keys prefixes with mmrId. If you want to recreate an existing MMR, you need to provide the same mmrId as the original MMR. In case you want to create a new MMR, you can omit mmrId and it will be generated automatically. mmrId can be later accessed using the property (e.g. myMmr.mmrId).

append(value: string)

Appends a new value to the MMR. Returns the promise of AppendResult.

interface AppendResult {
  leavesCount: number; // number of leaves in the mmr after append
  elementsCount: number; // number of all nodes in the mmr after append
  elementIndex: number; // index in the mmr of the appended element
  rootHash: string; // root hash of the mmr after append

For instance after appending 6th element ot the MMR, the result would be:

    leavesCount: 6,
    elementsCount: 10,
    elementIndex: 9,
    rootHash: "0x..."

getProof(elementIndex: number, options?: ProofOptions)

Returns information that is needed to verify the proof of the element with a given elementIndex.

interface Proof {
  elementIndex: number; // index in the mmr of requested element (same as in function argument)
  elementHash: number; // hash of the requested element
  siblingHashes: string[]; // hashes of all siblings on the path from requested element to the peak
  peaksHashes: string[]; // hashes of all peaks
  elementsCount: number; // number of all nodes in the mmr
interface ProofOptions {
  elementsCount?: number; // You can provide elementsCount if you know its value, so it doesn't have to be fetched from the store
  formattingOpts?: {
    proof: FormattingOptions;
    peaks: FormattingOptions;

formattingOpts.proof apply to siblingHashes and formattingOpts.peaks apply to peaksHashes.

More about FormattingOptions

verifyProof(proof: Proof, elementValue: string, options?: ProofOptions)

Verifies if a certain element in the MMR has a given value. Returns true if the proof is valid, false otherwise.

getProofs(elementsIds: number[], options?: ProofOptions)

Same as getProof but for multiple elements. Returns an array of Proof. Store is accessed for all proofs at once, so it's more efficient than calling getProof multiple times.

verifyProofs(proofs: Proof[], elementsValues: string[], options?: ProofOptions)

Same as verifyProof but for multiple elements. Returns an array of booleans. Store is accessed for all proofs at once, so it's more efficient than calling verifyProof multiple times.

getPeaks(options?: PeaksOptions)

Returns an array of hashes of all peaks in the MMR. The return type is promise of string[].

interface PeaksOptions {
  elementsCount?: number; // You can provide elementsCount if you know its value, so it doesn't have to be fetched from the store
  formattingOpts?: FormattingOptions;

More about FormattingOptions

bagThePeaks(elementsCount?: number)

Bags all peaks in the MMR and returns the final hash of type promise of string.

You can provide elementsCount if you know its value, so it doesn't have to be fetched from the store.

calculateRootHash(bag: string, leafCount: number)

Calculates the root hash of the MMR based on the hash returned from bagThePeaks function and the size of the MMR. Returns the promise of string.

retrievePeaksHashes(peaksIdxs: number[], formattingOptions?: FormattingOptions)

Returns promise of an array of hashes of peaks with given indexes. If formattingOptions are provided, the array will be formatted according to them.

More about FormattingOptions


Clears all the MMR data from the store.

Helper functions

All helper functions are static.

mapLeafIndexToElementIndex(leafIndex: number)

Converts leaf index (0-based) to element index.

Table of first few values:

leafIndex elementIndex
0 1
1 2
2 4
3 5
4 8

mapElementIndexToLeafIndex(elementIndex: number)

Converts element index to leaf index (0-based). If the element is not a leaf, it will throw an error.


In some cases you may want peaks and siblings arrays to have a constant size between all requests. In that case you can set formatting options and provide nullValue that will be added at the end of an array if it's shorter than outputSize. If the array is longer than outputSize, it will throw an error.

interface FormattingOptions {
  outputSize: number; // size of the output array
  nullValue: string; // value with which the array will be filled

For example this code

const mmr = new Mmr(store, hasher);

await mmr.append("0x1");
await mmr.append("0x2");
await mmr.append("0x3");

const formattingOptions = {
  nullValue: `0x0`,
  outputSize: 4,
const options = {
  formattingOpts: {
    peaks: formattingOptions,
    proof: formattingOptions,

const proof = await mmr.getProof(2, options);


without formatting options would return

["0xe90b7bce...", "0x3"]

but with formatting options it will return

["0xe90b7bce...", "0x3", "0x0", "0x0"]

(0xe90b7bce... is just a hash("0x1", "0x2"))