This API allows access to the Unreal Engine 4 plugin system (IPluginManager, and IPlugin interfaces)
import unreal_engine
# get the list of all discovered plugins
plugins_list = unreal_engine.get_discovered_plugins()
# get the list of enabled plugins
plugins_list = unreal_engine.get_enabled_plugins()
# name is the string name of the plugin (like 'UnrealEnginePython' or 'Paper2D')
plugin = unreal_engine.find_plugin(name)
The unreal_engine.IPlugin class represents a plugin
import unreal_engine
paper2d = ue.find_plugin('Paper2D')
# the name of the plugin
name = paper2d.get_name()
base_dir = paper2d.get_base_dir()
content_dir = paper2d.get_content_dir()
descriptor_file_name = paper2d.get_descriptor_file_name()
mounted_asset_path = paper2d.get_mounted_asset_path()
can_contain_content = paper2d.can_contain_content()
is_enabled = paper2d.is_enabled()
You can load/write a json string from/to the plugin descriptor
The boolean argument is the bPluginTypeEnabledByDefault field (it is the 'Enabled' tick in the plugins menu of the editor)
# get the current json descriptor of the plugin
json = paper2d.to_json(True)
# load a json in the plugin descriptor
paper2d.from_json(json_blob, True)