A simple effort towards automating git repo creation under the same name as the project folder with an empty README.md
Update your github credentials in cred.py
Requirements :
1. Python
1.1 PyGithub
Installing createProject
Install using the given command after cloning, make sure to update the cred.py in the git_create folder before installing
python setup.py install
Help Details:
usage: git-create [-h] -n NAME [-p [PRIVATE]] [-hi [HAS_ISSUES]] [-d [DESCRIPTION]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p [PRIVATE], --private [PRIVATE]
Set repository to private if set to True. By default the repository is set to public.
-hi [HAS_ISSUES], --has-issues [HAS_ISSUES]
Has issues?.
-d [DESCRIPTION], --description [DESCRIPTION]
Set description.
required named arguments:
-n NAME, --name NAME Set the name of the repository.
Example :
git-create -n test_repo -p True -hi False -d "This is a sample description"