Welcome to my shelf! This is where I put a bunch of programs that do need there own repositories. almost all of these programs are just one file. These languages vary, and include:
- Javascript
- C
- C++
- Shell
- Go
- Powershell
- Python
- Static HTML
- 1upt.bat: Update my old icon pack
- dave.html: get a video from dave carusos site.
- fg.c: an attempt at making a field goal kick generator
- mocker.c: gtk4 app for MaKiNg MoCkInG tExT LiKe ThIs
- noother.js: a userscript for removinng the 'Other' in github language listings
- ohright.py: web scraper for pro football reference (which doesn't have an API!!)
- main.go: systemgo, which checks if apps are installed or not. could have been it's own repository but I realized that go wasn't that nice so now it's on the shelf.
- coords.html: jquery test that i wanted to use in wotw to get mouse coordinates. never made a wotw using that.
- art.sh: ANSI art for programming languages, but realized that colors were a big issue and a lot of them were ugly and tedious to make.
- meme.c: cli original version of mocker.c
- lyrics.py: get a random bill wurtz lyrinc pre 2021.
- readme.sh: update [this])(https://github.com/1ctinus/1ctinus)
- scrabble.c: get a scrabble score from a string.
- calc.cpp: terrible calculator in C++
- test.ps1: scrapped idea of making a zoom meeting joiner in Powershell, but eventually wrote it in Python.
- print.ps1: because Powershell wasnt make for ascii art.
- todo.sh: unnecessary and clunky todo list creator and editor in Bash.
- haiku.html: created html for haikus to copy and paste. this is why yaml exists.
- fizz.cob: fizzbuzz in COBOL
- linux.cob: roasting you for your distro choice
- math.cob: calculator in COBOL