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Multi-task is a Java framework for parallel processing which is based annotation. That is high performance, not intrusive and loose coupled.

1. Quick Start

This chapter will show you how to get started with Multi-Task. 中文使用说明

1.1 Prerequisite

In order to use Multi-Task within a Maven project, simply add the following dependency to your pom.xml.


1.2 Create a normal service with annotation

Create a normal service class whose methods will be called parallely on later. For example, a DevicePlanStatServiceImpl class is created as below.

public class DevicePlanStatServiceImpl implements DevicePlanStatService {
    public List<DeviceStatViewItem> queryPlanDeviceData(DeviceStatRequest req) {
        return this.mockList1();

    public List<DeviceUvViewItem> queryPlanDeviceUvData(DeviceUvRequest req) {
        return this.mockList2();

The class is marked by @TaskService, which could be scanned by Multi-Task framework. The @TaskBean(task name) is attached on the method. Then, the method could be regarded as parallel task.

1.3 Applying parallely processing with defined task

    @Resource(name = "simpleParallelExePool")
    private ParallelExePool parallelExePool;

    public void testParallelFetch() {
        DeviceStatRequest req1 = new DeviceStatRequest();
        DeviceUvRequest req2 = new DeviceUvRequest();

        MultiResult ctx = parallelExePool.submit(
                new TaskPair("deviceStatFetcher", req1),
                new TaskPair("deviceUvFetcher", req2));

        List<DeviceStatViewItem> stat = ctx.getResult("deviceStatFetcher");
        List<DeviceUvViewItem> uv = ctx.getResult("deviceUvFetcher");


The task deviceStatFetcher and deviceUvFetcher will be parallely processing and atomic return. Actually, the method queryPlanDeviceData and queryPlanDeviceUvData of class DevicePlanStatServiceImpl will be implicitly executed.

1.4 Some other type' TaskBean

Besides single param method, we could also define multi-param or void param' method for task by using @TaskBean.

public class OtherStatServiceImpl implements OtherStatService {
    public List<DeviceViewItem> queryPlanDeviceDataByMultiParam(String p1, int p2, int p3) {
        return this.mockList1();

    public List<DeviceViewItem> queryPlanDeviceDataByVoidParam() {
        return this.mockList2();
    public List<DeviceViewItem> queryPlanDeviceDataWithBusinessException(DeviceRequest req) {
        throw new BusinessException("Some business, just for test!");
    public List<DeviceViewItem> queryPlanDeviceDataWithBadNetwork(DeviceRequest req) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // do nothing, just for test
        return this.mockList1();

2. Advanced features

2.1 Explicit define task

You can also define Task by implement Taskable<T> interface. But, not recommended.

public class ExplicitDefTask implements Taskable<List<DeviceViewItem>> {

    public <E> List<DeviceViewItem> work(E request) {
        if (request instanceof  DeviceRequest) {
            // do sth;
            return result;
        return null;

2.2 Explicit config thread pool

Multi-Task will specify the thread pool configuration automatically considering hardware resources. It is possible to set pool parameters explicitly as well. Examples are as follows.

    <bean name="xmlThreadPoolConfig" class="">
        <property name="coreTaskNum" value="12"/>
        <property name="maxTaskNum" value="22"/>
        <property name="maxCacheTaskNum" value="4"/>
        <property name="queueFullSleepTime" value="10"/>
        <property name="taskTimeoutMillSeconds" value="5000"/>

    <bean name="simpleParallelExePool" class="">
        <constructor-arg ref="xmlThreadPoolConfig"/>

2.3 Fork Join

Multi-task could handle homogenous computing more friendly by fork-join mode. ForkJoin strategy should be provided to framework.

    public void testParallelForkJoinFetch() {
        TaskPair taskPair = new TaskPair("deviceStatFetcher", new DeviceRequest()));

        ForkJoin<DeviceRequest, List<DeviceViewItem>> forkJoin = new ForkJoin<DeviceRequest, List<DeviceViewItem>>() {

            public List<DeviceRequest> fork(DeviceRequest deviceRequest) {
                List<DeviceRequest> reqs = new ArrayList<DeviceRequest>();
                return reqs;

            public List<DeviceViewItem> join(List<List<DeviceViewItem>> lists) {
                List<DeviceViewItem> result = new ArrayList<DeviceViewItem>();
                if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(lists)) {
                    return result;
                for (List<DeviceViewItem> res : lists) {
                return result;

        List<DeviceViewItem> result = parallelExePool.submit(taskPair, forkJoin);

2.4 ThreadLocal Support

Multi-task will ingore ThreadLocal of Java by default. If you want to let the ThreadLocal take effect in running task, you should do the following configuration once:


3. Examples

All test cases or samples can be found from the below links:

Samples - How to define task

Test cases - How to use task

Resources - Optional, not necessary

This project is licensed under Apache v2 license.