diff --git a/.codecov.yml b/.codecov.yml
index 594d928c..5e0c371e 100644
--- a/.codecov.yml
+++ b/.codecov.yml
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
- notify:
- require_ci_to_pass: yes
+ notify:
+ require_ci_to_pass: yes
- round: nearest
- precision: 2
- status:
- project:
- default:
- target: 99%
- patch:
- default:
- target: 95%
- changes: yes
+ round: nearest
+ precision: 2
+ status:
+ project:
+ default:
+ target: 99%
+ patch:
+ default:
+ target: 95%
+ changes: yes
- require_changes: yes
+ require_changes: yes
diff --git a/.git-blame-ignore-revs b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45ba9d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# ruff auto fixing lints
+# ruff-format
+# EOF autofix
+# trailing whitespace autofix
+# prettify yaml files
diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f524954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Please see the documentation for all configuration options:
+# https://docs.github.com/github/administering-a-repository/configuration-options-for-dependency-updates
+version: 2
+- package-ecosystem: pip
+ directory: /
+ target-branch: develop
+ schedule:
+ interval: monthly
+- package-ecosystem: github-actions
+ directory: /.github/workflows
+ target-branch: develop
+ schedule:
+ interval: monthly
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lint_python.yml b/.github/workflows/lint_python.yml
index 47846006..0a59a0b2 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/lint_python.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/lint_python.yml
@@ -4,18 +4,11 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- - run: pip install bandit black codespell flake8 isort mypy pytest pyupgrade safety
- - run: bandit --recursive --skip B101 . # B101 is assert statements
- - run: black --check . || true
- - run: codespell --ignore-words-list="mutch"
- - run: flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
- - run: flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=88 --show-source --statistics
- - run: isort --check-only --profile black . || true
- - run: pip install -r requirements.txt || true
- - run: mypy --ignore-missing-imports . || true
- - run: pytest . || true
- - run: pytest --doctest-modules . || true
- - run: shopt -s globstar && pyupgrade --py36-plus **/*.py || true
- - run: safety check
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
+ - run: pipx run pre-commit run --all-files
+ - run: pip install mypy pytest safety
+ - run: pip install -r requirements.txt || true
+ - run: mypy --ignore-missing-imports . || true
+ - run: shopt -s globstar
+ #- run: safety check
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index 6fa0afa7..566e103b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -7,46 +7,90 @@ on: [push, pull_request]
- name: ${{ matrix.os }} ${{ matrix.architecture }}, Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ name: ${{ matrix.os }}, Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- architecture: [x86, x64]
- os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
- python-version: [3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9]
- exclude:
- - os: ubuntu-latest
- architecture: x86
- - os: macos-latest
- architecture: x86
+ os:
+ - ubuntu-latest
+ - macos-latest
+ - windows-latest
+ python-version:
+ - '3.9'
+ - '3.10'
+ - '3.11'
+ - '3.12'
+ include:
+ - os: ubuntu-20.04
+ python-version: '3.9'
fail-fast: false
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} ${{ matrix.architecture }}
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- architecture: ${{ matrix.architecture }}
- - name: Install dependencies
+ - if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu-20.04' }}
+ name: Install minimal env
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ python -m pip install tomli tomli_w
+ python scripts/pin_requirements.py
+ python -m pip uninstall --yes tomli tomli_w
+ python -m pip install -e . --only-binary ':all:'
+ python -m pip install pytest pytest-mpl pytest-cov
+ - if: ${{ matrix.os != 'ubuntu-20.04' }}
+ name: Install full test env
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
- - name: Test deployment
- run: |
- check-manifest
- python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
- twine check dist/*
+ - run: python -m pip freeze
- name: Test package
run: |
- pytest
+ pytest --color=yes --mpl --cov --cov-config=pyproject.toml --cov-report=term-missing
- name: Upload coverage
run: |
curl -s https://codecov.io/bash | bash
+ check-manifest:
+ name: Check MANIFEST.in
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.x
+ - run: pipx run check-manifest
+ check-twine:
+ name: Test deployment
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.x
+ - run: |
+ pipx run build --sdist
+ pipx run twine check dist/*
+ publish:
+ name: Publish to PyPI
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - build
+ - check-manifest
+ - check-twine
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.x
- name: Deploy package
- if: ${{ success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' && github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
+ if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
run: |
- twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
+ pipx twine upload
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02d91257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ autofix_prs: false
+ autoupdate_schedule: quarterly
+- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
+ rev: v4.4.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: no-commit-to-branch
+ - id: debug-statements
+ - id: check-merge-conflict
+ - id: trailing-whitespace
+ - id: end-of-file-fixer
+ - id: check-toml
+- repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
+ rev: v0.1.3
+ hooks:
+ - id: ruff-format
+ - id: ruff
+ args: [--fix]
+- repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell
+ rev: v2.2.4
+ hooks:
+ - id: codespell
+ args: [--ignore-words-list, 'mutch, ore']
+- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit
+ rev: 1.7.6
+ hooks:
+ - id: bandit
+ # B101 is assert statements
+ args: [--recursive, --skip, B101, .]
+- repo: https://github.com/macisamuele/language-formatters-pre-commit-hooks
+ rev: v2.11.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: pretty-format-yaml
+ args: [--autofix, --indent, '2']
diff --git a/CITATION b/CITATION
index 552cdca9..b10f8ba5 100644
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {eess.IV},
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020JOSS....5.2004V},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index e78f652c..ee7df068 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ recursive-include cmasher data/*
recursive-exclude cmasher/colormaps *
recursive-include cmasher/colormaps cm_*
-exclude docs joss_paper .github
+exclude docs joss_paper .git* scripts/*
recursive-exclude docs *
recursive-exclude joss_paper *
recursive-exclude .github *
-exclude *.yml
+exclude *.yml *.yaml
recursive-exclude * __pycache__
recursive-exclude * *.py[co]
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index e60e1941..4346d733 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Let's get rid of all bad colormaps in the world together!
.. _issue: https://github.com/1313e/CMasher/issues
.. _online documentation: https://cmasher.readthedocs.io
.. _matplotlib: https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib
-.. _viscm: https://github.com/1313e/viscm
+.. _viscm: https://github.com/matplotlib/viscm
Colormap overview
@@ -73,12 +73,13 @@ So, for example, if one were to use the *rainforest* colormap, this could be don
import cmasher as cmr
# Import packages for plotting
+ import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Access rainforest colormap through CMasher or MPL
cmap = cmr.rainforest # CMasher
- cmap = plt.get_cmap('cmr.rainforest') # MPL
+ cmap = mpl.colormaps['cmr.rainforest'] # MPL
# Generate some data to plot
x = np.random.rand(100)
diff --git a/cmasher/__init__.py b/cmasher/__init__.py
index 387eaed8..9593689e 100644
--- a/cmasher/__init__.py
+++ b/cmasher/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@@ -10,15 +8,13 @@
# CMasher imports
+from . import app_usage, cm, utils
from .__version__ import __version__
-from . import utils
-from .utils import *
-from . import cm
from .cm import *
-from . import app_usage
+from .utils import *
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['app_usage', 'cm', 'utils']
+__all__ = ["app_usage", "cm", "utils"]
diff --git a/cmasher/__version__.py b/cmasher/__version__.py
index 1deb93f3..a68551a0 100644
--- a/cmasher/__version__.py
+++ b/cmasher/__version__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CMasher Version
@@ -10,4 +8,4 @@
# Default/Latest/Current version
-__version__ = '1.6.3'
+__version__ = "1.7.0" # keep in sync with pyproject.toml
diff --git a/cmasher/_handlercolorpolycollection.py b/cmasher/_handlercolorpolycollection.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdda9107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmasher/_handlercolorpolycollection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerBase
+# Define legend handler class for artists that use colormaps
+class _HandlerColorPolyCollection(HandlerBase):
+ # Override create_artists to create an AxesImage resembling a colormap
+ def create_artists(
+ self, legend, artist, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans
+ ):
+ from matplotlib.image import AxesImage
+ # Obtain the Axes object of this legend
+ ax = legend.axes
+ # Obtain the colormap of the artist
+ cmap = artist.cmap
+ # Create an AxesImage to contain the colormap with proper dimensions
+ image = AxesImage(
+ ax, cmap=cmap, transform=trans, extent=[xdescent, width, ydescent, height]
+ )
+ # Set the data of the image
+ image.set_data(np.arange(cmap.N)[np.newaxis, ...])
+ # Return the AxesImage object
+ return [image]
diff --git a/cmasher/app_usage.py b/cmasher/app_usage.py
index dc991bf3..7b2a9c91 100644
--- a/cmasher/app_usage.py
+++ b/cmasher/app_usage.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Application usage
@@ -11,20 +9,20 @@
# Built-in imports
-from os import path
import re
+from os import path
from textwrap import dedent, indent
# Import packages
import cmasher as cmr
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['update_tableau_pref_file']
+__all__ = ["update_tableau_pref_file"]
# Define function that generates a Tableau properties file with colormaps
-def update_tableau_pref_file(dirname: str = '.') -> None:
+def update_tableau_pref_file(dirname: str = ".") -> None:
Update an existing Tableau 'Preferences.tps' file to include colormaps from
@@ -46,16 +44,16 @@ def update_tableau_pref_file(dirname: str = '.') -> None:
takes these cases into account as well.
# Obtain all colormaps in CMasher without reversed versions
# This is because Tableau already has a function for this
- cmaps = [y for y in cmr.cm.cmap_d.values() if not y.name.endswith('_r')]
+ cmaps = [y for y in cmr.cm.cmap_d.values() if not y.name.endswith("_r")]
# Create a dict that contains the Tableau type for each colormap type
cmap_types = {
- 'sequential': 'ordered-sequential',
- 'diverging': 'ordered-diverging',
- 'cyclic': 'regular'}
+ "sequential": "ordered-sequential",
+ "diverging": "ordered-diverging",
+ "cyclic": "regular",
+ }
# Create empty dict of color-palette entries for all colormaps
entries_dict = {}
@@ -66,38 +64,38 @@ def update_tableau_pref_file(dirname: str = '.') -> None:
cmap_type = cmap_types[cmr.get_cmap_type(cmap)]
# Obtain all colors of this colormap in HEX-format
- colors_hex = cmr.take_cmap_colors(cmap, N=None, return_fmt='hex')
+ colors_hex = cmr.take_cmap_colors(cmap, N=None, return_fmt="hex")
# Create a list with all color representations in HEX
- colors_list = list(map(lambda x: "%s" % (x),
- colors_hex))
+ colors_list = [f"{x}" for x in colors_hex]
# Combine all these colors into a single string
- colors_str = '\n'.join(colors_list)
+ colors_str = "\n".join(colors_list)
# Make sure to indent all lines in this string by 1 tab
- colors_str = indent(colors_str, '\t').expandtabs(4)
+ colors_str = indent(colors_str, "\t").expandtabs(4)
# Create color-palette entry string
- entry_str = dedent("""
+ entry_str = dedent(
+ """
- """).format(
- cmap.name, cmap_type, colors_str)[1:]
+ """
+ ).format(cmap.name, cmap_type, colors_str)[1:]
# Indent this string by 1 tab
- entry_str = indent(entry_str, '\t').expandtabs(4)
+ entry_str = indent(entry_str, "\t").expandtabs(4)
# Add this entry to the dict
entries_dict[cmap.name] = entry_str
# Obtain absolute path to preferences file in provided dirname
- filename = path.abspath(path.join(dirname, 'Preferences.tps'))
+ filename = path.abspath(path.join(dirname, "Preferences.tps"))
# Check if this file already exists
if path.exists(filename):
# If so, read in the file contents
- with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+ with open(filename) as f:
text = f.read()
# Define the strings that enclose the colormap entries usually
@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ def update_tableau_pref_file(dirname: str = '.') -> None:
end_str = "\n \n"
# Search for these strings
- start_idx = text.find(start_str)+29
+ start_idx = text.find(start_str) + 29
end_idx = text.find(end_str)
sub_contents = text[start_idx:end_idx]
@@ -117,61 +115,68 @@ def update_tableau_pref_file(dirname: str = '.') -> None:
# Check if cmap is in entries_dict
if cmap not in entries_dict:
# If not, obtain the entire entry
- idx = sub_contents.find('cmr.'+cmap)
- start_idx_entry = idx-25
- match = re.search(r"<\/color-palette>\n",
- sub_contents[start_idx_entry:])
- end_idx_entry = match.end()+start_idx_entry
+ idx = sub_contents.find("cmr." + cmap)
+ start_idx_entry = idx - 25
+ match = re.search(
+ r"<\/color-palette>\n", sub_contents[start_idx_entry:]
+ )
+ end_idx_entry = match.end() + start_idx_entry
# Remove this entry from sub_contents
- sub_contents = ''.join([sub_contents[:start_idx_entry],
- sub_contents[end_idx_entry:]])
+ sub_contents = "".join(
+ [sub_contents[:start_idx_entry], sub_contents[end_idx_entry:]]
+ )
# Search this sub_contents string for all strings in entries_dict
for cmap, cmap_entry in dict(entries_dict).items():
# Check if this colormap name already exists
- idx = sub_contents.find('cmr.'+cmap)
- if(idx != -1):
+ idx = sub_contents.find("cmr." + cmap)
+ if idx != -1:
# If so, obtain the entire entry
- start_idx_entry = idx-25
- match = re.search(r"<\/color-palette>",
- sub_contents[start_idx_entry:])
- end_idx_entry = match.end()+start_idx_entry
+ start_idx_entry = idx - 25
+ match = re.search(r"<\/color-palette>", sub_contents[start_idx_entry:])
+ end_idx_entry = match.end() + start_idx_entry
# Replace this entry with the new entry
- sub_contents = ''.join([sub_contents[:start_idx_entry],
- cmap_entry,
- sub_contents[end_idx_entry:]])
+ sub_contents = "".join(
+ [
+ sub_contents[:start_idx_entry],
+ cmap_entry,
+ sub_contents[end_idx_entry:],
+ ]
+ )
# Remove cmap from entries_dict
# Combine everything remaining in entries_dict together
- entries_str = '\n'.join(['', *entries_dict.values()])
+ entries_str = "\n".join(["", *entries_dict.values()])
# Join sub_contents and entries_str together
- sub_contents = ''.join([sub_contents, entries_str])
+ sub_contents = "".join([sub_contents, entries_str])
# Insert the sub_contents into pref_file_contents
- text = ''.join([text[:start_idx], sub_contents, text[end_idx:]])
+ text = "".join([text[:start_idx], sub_contents, text[end_idx:]])
# Save this to the preferences file
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ with open(filename, "w") as f:
# If not, combine everything in entries_dict together to single string
- entries_str = '\n'.join(entries_dict.values())
+ entries_str = "\n".join(entries_dict.values())
# Create the string for the new 'Preferences.tps' file
- pref_file = dedent("""
+ pref_file = dedent(
+ """
- """).format(entries_str)[1:]
+ """
+ ).format(entries_str)[1:]
# Create this file
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ with open(filename, "w") as f:
diff --git a/cmasher/cli_tools.py b/cmasher/cli_tools.py
index 0399f5e5..a2f5d09e 100644
--- a/cmasher/cli_tools.py
+++ b/cmasher/cli_tools.py
@@ -1,40 +1,88 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Built-in imports
import argparse
-from importlib import import_module
import os
+import re
import sys
+from importlib import import_module
from textwrap import dedent
# Package imports
-import e13tools as e13
-from matplotlib import cm as mplcm
+import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
+import cmasher as cmr
# CMasher imports
from cmasher import __version__
-import cmasher as cmr
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['main']
+__all__ = ["main"]
# Define set of packages with colormaps
-cmap_pkgs = {'cmocean', 'colorcet', 'palettable'}
+cmap_pkgs = {"cmocean", "colorcet", "palettable"}
# Define main description of this package
-main_desc = dedent("""
+main_desc = dedent(
+ """
CMasher: Scientific colormaps for making accessible, informative and
- 'cmashing' plots""")[1:]
-main_epilog = dedent("""
+ 'cmashing' plots"""
+main_epilog = dedent(
+ """
This CLI-tool provides access to several of CMasher's utility functions.
As several commands require a colormap object to work, all Python packages
defined in the 'CMR_CMAP_PKGS' environment variable in addition to the
following packages %s are attempted to be imported before any command is
- executed.""")[1:] % (tuple(cmap_pkgs),)
+ executed."""
+)[1:] % (tuple(cmap_pkgs),)
+def _get_main_desc(source):
+ """
+ Retrieves the main description of the provided object `source` and returns
+ it.
+ The main description is defined as the first paragraph of its docstring.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ source : object
+ The object whose main description must be retrieved.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ main_desc : str or None
+ The main description string of the provided `source` or *None* if
+ `source` has not docstring.
+ """
+ # this function is copied from the e13tools package
+ # Retrieve the docstring of provided source
+ doc = source.__doc__
+ # If doc is None, return None
+ if doc is None:
+ return None
+ # Obtain the index of the last character of the first paragraph
+ index = doc.find("\n\n")
+ # If index is -1, there is only 1 paragraph
+ if index == -1:
+ index = len(doc)
+ # Gather everything up to this index
+ doc = doc[:index]
+ # Replace all occurrences of 2 or more whitespace characters by a space
+ doc = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", doc)
+ # Return doc
+ return doc.strip()
@@ -55,8 +103,9 @@ def add_argument(self, action):
subparser = action.choices[name]
# Format the description of this subcommand and add it
- self._add_item(self.format_subcommands,
- [name, subparser.description])
+ self._add_item(
+ self.format_subcommands, [name, subparser.description]
+ )
# Call super method in all other cases
@@ -64,28 +113,31 @@ def add_argument(self, action):
# This function formats the description of a subcommand with given name
def format_subcommands(self, name, description):
# Determine the positions and widths of the help texts
- help_position = min(self._action_max_length+2, self._max_help_position)
- help_width = max(self._width-help_position, 11)
- name_width = help_position-self._current_indent-2
+ help_position = min(self._action_max_length + 2, self._max_help_position)
+ help_width = max(self._width - help_position, 11)
+ name_width = help_position - self._current_indent - 2
# Transform name to the proper formatting
name = "{0}{1: <{2}}{3}".format(
- ' '*self._current_indent, name, name_width,
- ' ' if(len(name) <= name_width) else '\n'+' '*help_position)
+ " " * self._current_indent,
+ name,
+ name_width,
+ " " if (len(name) <= name_width) else "\n" + " " * help_position,
+ )
# Split the lines of the subcommand description
desc_lines = self._split_lines(description, help_width)
# Create list of all parts of the description of this subcommand
- parts = [name, desc_lines.pop(0), '\n']
+ parts = [name, desc_lines.pop(0), "\n"]
# Loop over all remaining desc_lines
for line in desc_lines:
# Format and add to parts
- parts.append("%s%s\n" % (' '*help_position, line))
+ parts.append(f"{' '*help_position}{line}\n")
# Convert to a single string and return
- return(''.join(parts))
+ return "".join(parts)
@@ -97,11 +149,12 @@ def cli_bibtex():
# This function handles the 'cmlist' subcommand
def cli_cmlist():
# Obtain list without reversed versions
- cmaps = [cmap for cmap in cmr.get_cmap_list(ARGS.cmap_type)
- if not cmap.endswith('_r')]
+ cmaps = [
+ cmap for cmap in cmr.get_cmap_list(ARGS.cmap_type) if not cmap.endswith("_r")
+ ]
# Create string with all cmaps
- cmaps_str = '\n'.join(cmaps)
+ cmaps_str = "\n".join(cmaps)
# Print string
@@ -122,17 +175,20 @@ def cli_cmap_colors():
# Obtain the colors
- colors = cmr.take_cmap_colors(get_cmap(ARGS.cmap), ARGS.ncolors,
- cmap_range=ARGS.cmap_range,
- return_fmt=ARGS.return_fmt)
+ colors = cmr.take_cmap_colors(
+ get_cmap(ARGS.cmap),
+ ARGS.ncolors,
+ cmap_range=ARGS.cmap_range,
+ return_fmt=ARGS.return_fmt,
+ )
# Print the colors line-by-line
- if ARGS.return_fmt in ('float', 'norm'):
- np.savetxt(sys.stdout, colors, '%.8f')
- elif ARGS.return_fmt in ('int', '8bit'):
- np.savetxt(sys.stdout, colors, '%i')
+ if ARGS.return_fmt in ("float", "norm"):
+ np.savetxt(sys.stdout, colors, "%.8f")
+ elif ARGS.return_fmt in ("int", "8bit"):
+ np.savetxt(sys.stdout, colors, "%i")
- np.savetxt(sys.stdout, colors, '%s')
+ np.savetxt(sys.stdout, colors, "%s")
# This function handles the 'mkcmod' subcommand
@@ -143,8 +199,7 @@ def cli_mk_cmod():
cmap_path = cmr.create_cmap_mod(cmap, save_dir=ARGS.dir)
# Print on commandline that module has been created
- print("Created standalone colormap module of %r as %r."
- % (cmap, cmap_path))
+ print(f"Created standalone colormap module of {cmap} as {cmap_path}.")
# This function handles the 'cmview' subcommand
@@ -153,9 +208,10 @@ def cli_cmap_view():
# View cmap
- save = ARGS.cmap+'.png' if ARGS.save is True else ARGS.save
- cmr.view_cmap(get_cmap(ARGS.cmap), savefig=save, show_test=ARGS.test,
- show_grayscale=ARGS.gs)
+ save = ARGS.cmap + ".png" if ARGS.save is True else ARGS.save
+ cmr.view_cmap(
+ get_cmap(ARGS.cmap), savefig=save, show_test=ARGS.test, show_grayscale=ARGS.gs
+ )
# This function handles the 'app_usage tableau' subcommand
@@ -164,15 +220,18 @@ def cli_app_usage_tableau():
# Print on commandline that properties file was created/updated
- print("Created/Updated Tableau preferences file in %r."
- % (os.path.abspath(ARGS.dir)))
+ print(
+ "Created/Updated Tableau preferences file in %r." % (os.path.abspath(ARGS.dir))
+ )
# This function handles the 'lang_usage r' subcommand
def cli_lang_usage_r():
# Print on commandline to look this up on the CMasher docs
- print("Please see "
- "for instructions on how to access *CMasher* colormaps in *R*.")
+ print(
+ "Please see "
+ "for instructions on how to access *CMasher* colormaps in *R*."
+ )
@@ -180,15 +239,15 @@ def cli_lang_usage_r():
def get_cmap(cmap):
# Try to obtain the colormap from MPL
- cmap = mplcm.get_cmap(cmap)
+ cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]
# If this does not work, try to expand given cmap in setuptools-style
except ValueError:
# Check if cmap contains a colon
- if ':' in cmap:
+ if ":" in cmap:
# Split cmap up into mod_name and obj_name
- mod_name, obj_name = cmap.split(':', 1)
- obj_path = obj_name.split('.')
+ mod_name, obj_name = cmap.split(":", 1)
+ obj_path = obj_name.split(".")
# Import the provided module as cmap
cmap = import_module(mod_name)
@@ -200,26 +259,26 @@ def get_cmap(cmap):
# If cmap is still a string, raise error
if isinstance(cmap, str):
# Print error and exit
- print("Requested 'CMAP' ({!r}) cannot be found!".format(cmap))
+ print(f"Requested 'CMAP' ({cmap!r}) cannot be found!")
# Return cmap
- return(cmap)
+ return cmap
# This function attempts to import a collection of packages with colormaps
def import_cmap_pkgs():
# Obtain packages from CMR_CMAP_PKGS environment variable
- env_pkgs = os.environ.get('CMR_CMAP_PKGS', None)
+ env_pkgs = os.environ.get("CMR_CMAP_PKGS", None)
# Add env_pkgs to cmap_pkgs if it is not empty
if env_pkgs is not None:
# If Windows, split variable at semicolons
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- env_pkgs = env_pkgs.split(';')
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ env_pkgs = env_pkgs.split(";")
# Else, if UNIX, split variable at colons
- elif sys.platform.startswith(('darwin', 'linux')):
- env_pkgs = env_pkgs.split(':')
+ elif sys.platform.startswith(("darwin", "linux")):
+ env_pkgs = env_pkgs.split(":")
# Else, ignore the variable
env_pkgs = []
@@ -240,42 +299,48 @@ def add_app_usage_parser(main_subparsers):
# Add app_usage parser
parser = main_subparsers.add_parser(
- 'app_usage',
- description=("Access various function definitions useful for porting "
- "*CMasher* colormaps to other applications."),
+ "app_usage",
+ description=(
+ "Access various function definitions useful for porting "
+ "*CMasher* colormaps to other applications."
+ ),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Set defaults for this parser
- parser.set_defaults(func='app_usage')
+ parser.set_defaults(func="app_usage")
# Create app_usage subparsers for app_usage parser
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
- title='Applications',
- metavar='APP')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="Applications", metavar="APP")
# Add tableau subparser
tableau_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'tableau',
- description=e13.get_main_desc(cmr.app_usage.update_tableau_pref_file),
+ "tableau",
+ description=_get_main_desc(cmr.app_usage.update_tableau_pref_file),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Add 'dir' optional argument
- '-d', '--dir',
- help=("Path to directory where the Tableau preferences file should be "
- "updated or created if it does not exist there."),
- action='store',
+ "-d",
+ "--dir",
+ help=(
+ "Path to directory where the Tableau preferences file should be "
+ "updated or created if it does not exist there."
+ ),
+ action="store",
- type=str)
+ type=str,
+ )
# Set default for tableau parser
# Return parser
- return(parser)
+ return parser
# This function adds the lang_usage parser
@@ -283,34 +348,38 @@ def add_lang_usage_parser(main_subparsers):
# Add lang_usage parser
parser = main_subparsers.add_parser(
- 'lang_usage',
- description=("Access various function definitions useful for porting "
- "*CMasher* colormaps to other languages."),
+ "lang_usage",
+ description=(
+ "Access various function definitions useful for porting "
+ "*CMasher* colormaps to other languages."
+ ),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Set defaults for this parser
- parser.set_defaults(func='lang_usage')
+ parser.set_defaults(func="lang_usage")
# Create lang_usage subparsers for lang_usage parser
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
- title='Languages',
- metavar='LANG')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="Languages", metavar="LANG")
# Add tableau subparser
r_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'r',
- description=("Prints a URL to the online docs that describes how to "
- "access *CMasher* colormaps in *R*."),
+ "r",
+ description=(
+ "Prints a URL to the online docs that describes how to "
+ "access *CMasher* colormaps in *R*."
+ ),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Set default for tableau parser
# Return parser
- return(parser)
+ return parser
@@ -320,48 +389,49 @@ def main():
invoked from the command-line.
# Initialize argparser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- 'cmr',
+ "cmr",
- allow_abbrev=True)
+ allow_abbrev=True,
+ )
# Add subparsers
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
- title='commands',
- metavar='COMMAND')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", metavar="COMMAND")
# Add 'version' argument
- '-v', '--version',
- action='version',
- version="CMasher v{}".format(__version__))
+ "-v", "--version", action="version", version=f"CMasher v{__version__}"
+ )
# Create a cmap parser for several commands
cmap_parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
# Add 'cmap' argument
- 'cmap',
- help=("Name of colormap to use as registered in *matplotlib* or the "
- "object path of a colormap (e.g., 'a.b:c.d' -> import a.b; "
- "cmap = a.b.c.d)."),
- metavar='CMAP',
- action='store',
- type=str)
+ "cmap",
+ help=(
+ "Name of colormap to use as registered in *matplotlib* or the "
+ "object path of a colormap (e.g., 'a.b:c.d' -> import a.b; "
+ "cmap = a.b.c.d)."
+ ),
+ metavar="CMAP",
+ action="store",
+ type=str,
+ )
# Add bibtex subparser
bibtex_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'bibtex',
- description=e13.get_main_desc(cmr.get_bibtex),
+ "bibtex",
+ description=_get_main_desc(cmr.get_bibtex),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Set defaults for bibtex_parser
@@ -369,24 +439,40 @@ def main():
# Add cmlist subparser
cmlist_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'cmlist',
- description=("Prints a list of all colormaps available in *CMasher*. "
- "Reversed versions are excluded from this list."),
- epilog=("Note that *CMasher* colormaps registered in *MPL* have an "
- "added 'cmr.' prefix."),
+ "cmlist",
+ description=(
+ "Prints a list of all colormaps available in *CMasher*. "
+ "Reversed versions are excluded from this list."
+ ),
+ epilog=(
+ "Note that *CMasher* colormaps registered in *MPL* have an "
+ "added 'cmr.' prefix."
+ ),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Add 'type' optional argument
- '--type',
+ "--type",
help="Which colormap type to print.",
- action='store',
+ action="store",
- choices=['all', 's', 'seq', 'sequential', 'd', 'div', 'diverging', 'c',
- 'cyc', 'cyclic'],
+ choices=[
+ "all",
+ "s",
+ "seq",
+ "sequential",
+ "d",
+ "div",
+ "diverging",
+ "c",
+ "cyc",
+ "cyclic",
+ ],
- dest='cmap_type')
+ dest="cmap_type",
+ )
# Set defaults for cmlist_parser
@@ -394,11 +480,12 @@ def main():
# Add cmap_type subparser
cmap_type_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'cmtype',
+ "cmtype",
- description=e13.get_main_desc(cmr.get_cmap_type),
+ description=_get_main_desc(cmr.get_cmap_type),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Set defaults for cmap_type_parser
@@ -412,41 +499,47 @@ def main():
# Add 'cmap_range' optional argument
- '--range',
- help=("Normalized value range in the colormap from which colors should"
- " be taken."),
- metavar=('LOWER', 'UPPER'),
- action='store',
+ "--range",
+ help=(
+ "Normalized value range in the colormap from which colors should"
+ " be taken."
+ ),
+ metavar=("LOWER", "UPPER"),
+ action="store",
- default=defaults['cmap_range'],
+ default=defaults["cmap_range"],
- dest='cmap_range')
+ dest="cmap_range",
+ )
# Add 'fmt' optional argument
- '--fmt',
+ "--fmt",
help="Format to return colors in.",
- action='store',
- default=defaults['return_fmt'],
- choices=['float', 'norm', 'int', '8bit', 'str', 'hex'],
+ action="store",
+ default=defaults["return_fmt"],
+ choices=["float", "norm", "int", "8bit", "str", "hex"],
- dest='return_fmt')
+ dest="return_fmt",
+ )
# Add cmap_colors subparser
cmap_colors_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'cmcolors',
+ "cmcolors",
parents=[cmap_parent_parser, take_colors_parent_parser],
- description=e13.get_main_desc(cmr.take_cmap_colors),
+ description=_get_main_desc(cmr.take_cmap_colors),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Add 'N' argument
- 'ncolors',
+ "ncolors",
help="Number of colors to take.",
- metavar='N',
- action='store',
- type=int)
+ metavar="N",
+ action="store",
+ type=int,
+ )
# Set defaults for cmap_colors_parser
@@ -454,47 +547,50 @@ def main():
# Add rgb_table subparser
rgb_table_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'rgbtable',
+ "rgbtable",
parents=[cmap_parent_parser, take_colors_parent_parser],
description="Retrieves the RGB values of the provided `cmap`.",
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Set defaults for rgb_table_parser
- rgb_table_parser.set_defaults(func=cli_cmap_colors,
- ncolors=None)
+ rgb_table_parser.set_defaults(func=cli_cmap_colors, ncolors=None)
# Add cmap_view subparser
cmap_view_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'cmview',
+ "cmview",
- description=e13.get_main_desc(cmr.view_cmap),
+ description=_get_main_desc(cmr.view_cmap),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Add 'save' optional argument
- '--save',
+ "--save",
help="Path where plot must be saved to.",
- metavar='PATH',
- action='store',
- nargs='?',
+ metavar="PATH",
+ action="store",
+ nargs="?",
- type=str)
+ type=str,
+ )
# Add 'test' optional argument
- '--test',
- help="Show a colormap test of `cmap` instead.",
- action='store_true')
+ "--test", help="Show a colormap test of `cmap` instead.", action="store_true"
+ )
# Add 'test' optional argument
- '--gs', '--grayscale',
+ "--gs",
+ "--grayscale",
help="Show grayscale version of `cmap` as well.",
- action='store_true')
+ action="store_true",
+ )
# Set defaults for cmap_view_parser
@@ -502,27 +598,31 @@ def main():
# Add mk_cmod subparser
mk_cmod_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'mkcmod',
- description=e13.get_main_desc(cmr.create_cmap_mod),
+ "mkcmod",
+ description=_get_main_desc(cmr.create_cmap_mod),
- add_help=True)
+ add_help=True,
+ )
# Add 'cmap' argument
- 'cmap',
+ "cmap",
help="Name of *CMasher* colormap(s) to create standalone module for.",
- metavar='CMAP',
- action='store',
- nargs='+',
- type=str)
+ metavar="CMAP",
+ action="store",
+ nargs="+",
+ type=str,
+ )
# Add 'dir' optional argument
- '-d', '--dir',
+ "-d",
+ "--dir",
help="Path to directory where the module must be saved.",
- action='store',
- default=cmr.create_cmap_mod.__kwdefaults__['save_dir'],
- type=str)
+ action="store",
+ default=cmr.create_cmap_mod.__kwdefaults__["save_dir"],
+ type=str,
+ )
# Set defaults for mk_cmod_parser
@@ -540,13 +640,13 @@ def main():
ARGS = parser.parse_args()
# If arguments is empty (no func was provided), show help
- if 'func' not in ARGS:
+ if "func" not in ARGS:
# Else if 'func' is 'app_usage', show help of 'app_usage' parser
- elif(ARGS.func == 'app_usage'):
+ elif ARGS.func == "app_usage":
# Else if 'func' is 'lang_usage', show help of 'lang_usage' parser
- elif(ARGS.func == 'lang_usage'):
+ elif ARGS.func == "lang_usage":
# Else, call the corresponding function
diff --git a/cmasher/cm.py b/cmasher/cm.py
index 9075e8d5..cdc17e91 100644
--- a/cmasher/cm.py
+++ b/cmasher/cm.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CMasher Colormaps
@@ -10,7 +8,6 @@
# Built-in imports
-from typing import Dict
# Package imports
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap as LC
@@ -21,13 +18,14 @@
# Type aliases
-CMAP_DCT = Dict[str, LC]
+CMAP_DCT = dict[str, LC]
# Initialize empty dict to hold colormaps in
cmap_d: CMAP_DCT = {}
-cmap_cd: Dict[str, CMAP_DCT] = {
- 'sequential': {},
- 'diverging': {},
- 'cyclic': {},
- 'qualitative': {},
- 'misc': {}}
+cmap_cd: dict[str, CMAP_DCT] = {
+ "sequential": {},
+ "diverging": {},
+ "cyclic": {},
+ "qualitative": {},
+ "misc": {},
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/amber/amber.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/amber/amber.jscm
index c66a2c64..4d2a9fd2 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/amber/amber.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/amber/amber.jscm
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/amber/amber.py b/cmasher/colormaps/amber/amber.py
index 5dd31f84..0b247a78 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/amber/amber.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/amber/amber.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00027022, 0.00019212, 0.00020587],
- [0.00096304, 0.00065703, 0.00071188],
- [0.00204508, 0.00134366, 0.00147063],
- [0.00350856, 0.00222749, 0.00246041],
- [0.00535221, 0.00329214, 0.00366701],
- [0.00757776, 0.00452536, 0.00507988],
- [0.01018856, 0.00591737, 0.00669055],
- [0.01318900, 0.00746001, 0.00849191],
- [0.01658415, 0.00914629, 0.01047778],
- [0.02037961, 0.01097012, 0.01264259],
- [0.02458134, 0.01292603, 0.01498127],
- [0.02919561, 0.01500912, 0.01748909],
- [0.03422895, 0.01721491, 0.02016157],
- [0.03968806, 0.01953927, 0.02299445],
- [0.04531868, 0.02197839, 0.02598358],
- [0.05090566, 0.02452870, 0.02912494],
- [0.05646220, 0.02718685, 0.03241458],
- [0.06199227, 0.02994969, 0.03584857],
- [0.06749930, 0.03281425, 0.03942305],
- [0.07298632, 0.03577768, 0.04303969],
- [0.07845598, 0.03883730, 0.04658955],
- [0.08391079, 0.04194805, 0.05008449],
- [0.08935272, 0.04500145, 0.05352652],
- [0.09478364, 0.04800810, 0.05691734],
- [0.10020524, 0.05097015, 0.06025847],
- [0.10561922, 0.05388947, 0.06355116],
- [0.11102684, 0.05676793, 0.06679660],
- [0.11642930, 0.05960724, 0.06999581],
- [0.12182792, 0.06240883, 0.07314960],
- [0.12722366, 0.06517415, 0.07625875],
- [0.13261737, 0.06790461, 0.07932394],
- [0.13801023, 0.07060123, 0.08234560],
- [0.14340273, 0.07326539, 0.08532433],
- [0.14879582, 0.07589801, 0.08826042],
- [0.15419005, 0.07850022, 0.09115424],
- [0.15958614, 0.08107290, 0.09400597],
- [0.16498455, 0.08361705, 0.09681588],
- [0.17038597, 0.08613344, 0.09958399],
- [0.17579064, 0.08862305, 0.10231051],
- [0.18119931, 0.09108647, 0.10499530],
- [0.18661211, 0.09352465, 0.10763847],
- [0.19202947, 0.09593829, 0.11023995],
- [0.19745187, 0.09832799, 0.11279954],
- [0.20287943, 0.10069459, 0.11531721],
- [0.20831240, 0.10303874, 0.11779278],
- [0.21375116, 0.10536102, 0.12022597],
- [0.21919587, 0.10766210, 0.12261658],
- [0.22464664, 0.10994267, 0.12496437],
- [0.23010363, 0.11220334, 0.12726904],
- [0.23556699, 0.11444473, 0.12953028],
- [0.24103680, 0.11666745, 0.13174774],
- [0.24651314, 0.11887210, 0.13392105],
- [0.25199607, 0.12105931, 0.13604983],
- [0.25748561, 0.12322967, 0.13813367],
- [0.26298174, 0.12538380, 0.14017214],
- [0.26848445, 0.12752234, 0.14216482],
- [0.27399366, 0.12964590, 0.14411126],
- [0.27950930, 0.13175513, 0.14601098],
- [0.28503126, 0.13385066, 0.14786352],
- [0.29055939, 0.13593316, 0.14966839],
- [0.29609353, 0.13800331, 0.15142512],
- [0.30163360, 0.14006170, 0.15313309],
- [0.30717934, 0.14210906, 0.15479185],
- [0.31273046, 0.14414615, 0.15640093],
- [0.31828674, 0.14617366, 0.15795977],
- [0.32384799, 0.14819226, 0.15946776],
- [0.32941373, 0.15020285, 0.16092455],
- [0.33498380, 0.15220606, 0.16232943],
- [0.34055769, 0.15420281, 0.16368203],
- [0.34613510, 0.15619386, 0.16498174],
- [0.35171555, 0.15818010, 0.16622814],
- [0.35729867, 0.16016233, 0.16742062],
- [0.36288386, 0.16214158, 0.16855888],
- [0.36847077, 0.16411861, 0.16964223],
- [0.37405875, 0.16609447, 0.17067038],
- [0.37964722, 0.16807017, 0.17164291],
- [0.38523568, 0.17004663, 0.17255932],
- [0.39082346, 0.17202491, 0.17341924],
- [0.39640989, 0.17400610, 0.17422240],
- [0.40199427, 0.17599129, 0.17496847],
- [0.40757589, 0.17798159, 0.17565714],
- [0.41315403, 0.17997814, 0.17628817],
- [0.41872790, 0.18198211, 0.17686136],
- [0.42429670, 0.18399471, 0.17737654],
- [0.42985959, 0.18601716, 0.17783360],
- [0.43541572, 0.18805071, 0.17823249],
- [0.44096419, 0.19009664, 0.17857321],
- [0.44650409, 0.19215623, 0.17885582],
- [0.45203447, 0.19423082, 0.17908043],
- [0.45755437, 0.19632171, 0.17924723],
- [0.46306280, 0.19843027, 0.17935646],
- [0.46855878, 0.20055783, 0.17940843],
- [0.47404130, 0.20270573, 0.17940344],
- [0.47950929, 0.20487536, 0.17934205],
- [0.48496170, 0.20706810, 0.17922481],
- [0.49039751, 0.20928527, 0.17905222],
- [0.49581562, 0.21152825, 0.17882502],
- [0.50121496, 0.21379838, 0.17854403],
- [0.50659449, 0.21609694, 0.17820994],
- [0.51195309, 0.21842528, 0.17782382],
- [0.51728973, 0.22078464, 0.17738660],
- [0.52260336, 0.22317627, 0.17689933],
- [0.52789290, 0.22560139, 0.17636323],
- [0.53315736, 0.22806114, 0.17577943],
- [0.53839571, 0.23055665, 0.17514930],
- [0.54360697, 0.23308898, 0.17447413],
- [0.54879018, 0.23565914, 0.17375540],
- [0.55394442, 0.23826810, 0.17299454],
- [0.55906877, 0.24091674, 0.17219313],
- [0.56416240, 0.24360589, 0.17135272],
- [0.56922447, 0.24633631, 0.17047496],
- [0.57425419, 0.24910869, 0.16956153],
- [0.57925084, 0.25192364, 0.16861412],
- [0.58421372, 0.25478172, 0.16763450],
- [0.58914218, 0.25768338, 0.16662440],
- [0.59403562, 0.26062904, 0.16558565],
- [0.59889351, 0.26361899, 0.16452001],
- [0.60371532, 0.26665350, 0.16342934],
- [0.60850062, 0.26973274, 0.16231538],
- [0.61324900, 0.27285682, 0.16118009],
- [0.61796012, 0.27602577, 0.16002512],
- [0.62263366, 0.27923956, 0.15885242],
- [0.62726938, 0.28249810, 0.15766372],
- [0.63186707, 0.28580123, 0.15646078],
- [0.63642657, 0.28914875, 0.15524553],
- [0.64094774, 0.29254039, 0.15401956],
- [0.64543053, 0.29597585, 0.15278463],
- [0.64987489, 0.29945476, 0.15154265],
- [0.65428082, 0.30297672, 0.15029515],
- [0.65864836, 0.30654129, 0.14904382],
- [0.66297757, 0.31014801, 0.14779035],
- [0.66726857, 0.31379636, 0.14653648],
- [0.67152148, 0.31748582, 0.14528383],
- [0.67573645, 0.32121583, 0.14403395],
- [0.67991367, 0.32498582, 0.14278848],
- [0.68405335, 0.32879521, 0.14154900],
- [0.68815572, 0.33264339, 0.14031712],
- [0.69222100, 0.33652975, 0.13909441],
- [0.69624947, 0.34045366, 0.13788246],
- [0.70024140, 0.34441451, 0.13668283],
- [0.70419708, 0.34841168, 0.13549708],
- [0.70811680, 0.35244451, 0.13432685],
- [0.71200090, 0.35651238, 0.13317383],
- [0.71584966, 0.36061469, 0.13203943],
- [0.71966341, 0.36475082, 0.13092522],
- [0.72344247, 0.36892016, 0.12983289],
- [0.72718723, 0.37312206, 0.12876431],
- [0.73089795, 0.37735600, 0.12772073],
- [0.73457501, 0.38162136, 0.12670406],
- [0.73821876, 0.38591755, 0.12571599],
- [0.74182948, 0.39024407, 0.12475802],
- [0.74540760, 0.39460029, 0.12383223],
- [0.74895336, 0.39898575, 0.12293998],
- [0.75246717, 0.40339987, 0.12208333],
- [0.75594934, 0.40784217, 0.12126395],
- [0.75940015, 0.41231221, 0.12048341],
- [0.76282006, 0.41680936, 0.11974413],
- [0.76620927, 0.42133329, 0.11904739],
- [0.76956811, 0.42588353, 0.11839508],
- [0.77289694, 0.43045961, 0.11778919],
- [0.77619611, 0.43506108, 0.11723169],
- [0.77946586, 0.43968757, 0.11672417],
- [0.78270649, 0.44433869, 0.11626849],
- [0.78591832, 0.44901406, 0.11586647],
- [0.78910163, 0.45371329, 0.11551993],
- [0.79225673, 0.45843604, 0.11523063],
- [0.79538390, 0.46318195, 0.11500029],
- [0.79848341, 0.46795070, 0.11483061],
- [0.80155553, 0.47274197, 0.11472320],
- [0.80460054, 0.47755545, 0.11467964],
- [0.80761869, 0.48239087, 0.11470142],
- [0.81061023, 0.48724794, 0.11478996],
- [0.81357540, 0.49212640, 0.11494660],
- [0.81651451, 0.49702595, 0.11517275],
- [0.81942784, 0.50194631, 0.11546968],
- [0.82231551, 0.50688733, 0.11583821],
- [0.82517774, 0.51184880, 0.11627929],
- [0.82801490, 0.51683040, 0.11679411],
- [0.83082717, 0.52183194, 0.11738334],
- [0.83361463, 0.52685333, 0.11804735],
- [0.83637773, 0.53189422, 0.11878715],
- [0.83911652, 0.53695454, 0.11960285],
- [0.84183121, 0.54203412, 0.12049476],
- [0.84452216, 0.54713268, 0.12146336],
- [0.84718932, 0.55225024, 0.12250832],
- [0.84983319, 0.55738644, 0.12363009],
- [0.85245367, 0.56254134, 0.12482809],
- [0.85505118, 0.56771466, 0.12610244],
- [0.85762579, 0.57290634, 0.12745260],
- [0.86017762, 0.57811632, 0.12887808],
- [0.86270713, 0.58334428, 0.13037874],
- [0.86521415, 0.58859035, 0.13195353],
- [0.86769902, 0.59385432, 0.13360199],
- [0.87016205, 0.59913601, 0.13532351],
- [0.87260315, 0.60443550, 0.13711700],
- [0.87502252, 0.60975267, 0.13898165],
- [0.87742056, 0.61508731, 0.14091679],
- [0.87979728, 0.62043943, 0.14292129],
- [0.88215278, 0.62580902, 0.14499410],
- [0.88448722, 0.63119600, 0.14713420],
- [0.88680077, 0.63660030, 0.14934057],
- [0.88909364, 0.64202184, 0.15161217],
- [0.89136605, 0.64746052, 0.15394797],
- [0.89361802, 0.65291639, 0.15634676],
- [0.89584969, 0.65838941, 0.15880743],
- [0.89806121, 0.66387954, 0.16132889],
- [0.90025272, 0.66938675, 0.16391003],
- [0.90242436, 0.67491102, 0.16654974],
- [0.90457626, 0.68045233, 0.16924694],
- [0.90670855, 0.68601066, 0.17200053],
- [0.90882135, 0.69158601, 0.17480944],
- [0.91091479, 0.69717838, 0.17767262],
- [0.91298897, 0.70278777, 0.18058902],
- [0.91504402, 0.70841418, 0.18355762],
- [0.91708003, 0.71405764, 0.18657742],
- [0.91909722, 0.71971809, 0.18964748],
- [0.92109572, 0.72539554, 0.19276685],
- [0.92307552, 0.73109008, 0.19593454],
- [0.92503671, 0.73680174, 0.19914964],
- [0.92697936, 0.74253055, 0.20241126],
- [0.92890356, 0.74827657, 0.20571853],
- [0.93080962, 0.75403970, 0.20907069],
- [0.93269760, 0.75982001, 0.21246690],
- [0.93456737, 0.76561766, 0.21590630],
- [0.93641898, 0.77143270, 0.21938815],
- [0.93825282, 0.77726505, 0.22291174],
- [0.94006890, 0.78311476, 0.22647637],
- [0.94186703, 0.78898206, 0.23008126],
- [0.94364737, 0.79486695, 0.23372578],
- [0.94541040, 0.80076929, 0.23740933],
- [0.94715560, 0.80668944, 0.24113119],
- [0.94888326, 0.81262736, 0.24489079],
- [0.95059371, 0.81858300, 0.24868757],
- [0.95228640, 0.82455672, 0.25252091],
- [0.95396204, 0.83054830, 0.25639031],
- [0.95562023, 0.83655803, 0.26029521],
- [0.95726104, 0.84258598, 0.26423510],
- [0.95888483, 0.84863210, 0.26820952],
- [0.96049102, 0.85469678, 0.27221794],
- [0.96208051, 0.86077971, 0.27625997],
- [0.96365225, 0.86688148, 0.28033512],
- [0.96520746, 0.87300166, 0.28444299],
- [0.96674486, 0.87914094, 0.28858316],
- [0.96826576, 0.88529886, 0.29275525],
- [0.96976891, 0.89147609, 0.29695887],
- [0.97125542, 0.89767226, 0.30119367],
- [0.97272433, 0.90388791, 0.30545929],
- [0.97417630, 0.91012287, 0.30975540],
- [0.97561094, 0.91637745, 0.31408168],
- [0.97702817, 0.92265180, 0.31843783],
- [0.97842846, 0.92894584, 0.32282353],
- [0.97981096, 0.93526007, 0.32723852],
- [0.98117646, 0.94159427, 0.33168251],
- [0.98252438, 0.94794882, 0.33615525],
- [0.98385440, 0.95432397, 0.34065652]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00027022, 0.00019212, 0.00020587],
+ [0.00096304, 0.00065703, 0.00071188],
+ [0.00204508, 0.00134366, 0.00147063],
+ [0.00350856, 0.00222749, 0.00246041],
+ [0.00535221, 0.00329214, 0.00366701],
+ [0.00757776, 0.00452536, 0.00507988],
+ [0.01018856, 0.00591737, 0.00669055],
+ [0.01318900, 0.00746001, 0.00849191],
+ [0.01658415, 0.00914629, 0.01047778],
+ [0.02037961, 0.01097012, 0.01264259],
+ [0.02458134, 0.01292603, 0.01498127],
+ [0.02919561, 0.01500912, 0.01748909],
+ [0.03422895, 0.01721491, 0.02016157],
+ [0.03968806, 0.01953927, 0.02299445],
+ [0.04531868, 0.02197839, 0.02598358],
+ [0.05090566, 0.02452870, 0.02912494],
+ [0.05646220, 0.02718685, 0.03241458],
+ [0.06199227, 0.02994969, 0.03584857],
+ [0.06749930, 0.03281425, 0.03942305],
+ [0.07298632, 0.03577768, 0.04303969],
+ [0.07845598, 0.03883730, 0.04658955],
+ [0.08391079, 0.04194805, 0.05008449],
+ [0.08935272, 0.04500145, 0.05352652],
+ [0.09478364, 0.04800810, 0.05691734],
+ [0.10020524, 0.05097015, 0.06025847],
+ [0.10561922, 0.05388947, 0.06355116],
+ [0.11102684, 0.05676793, 0.06679660],
+ [0.11642930, 0.05960724, 0.06999581],
+ [0.12182792, 0.06240883, 0.07314960],
+ [0.12722366, 0.06517415, 0.07625875],
+ [0.13261737, 0.06790461, 0.07932394],
+ [0.13801023, 0.07060123, 0.08234560],
+ [0.14340273, 0.07326539, 0.08532433],
+ [0.14879582, 0.07589801, 0.08826042],
+ [0.15419005, 0.07850022, 0.09115424],
+ [0.15958614, 0.08107290, 0.09400597],
+ [0.16498455, 0.08361705, 0.09681588],
+ [0.17038597, 0.08613344, 0.09958399],
+ [0.17579064, 0.08862305, 0.10231051],
+ [0.18119931, 0.09108647, 0.10499530],
+ [0.18661211, 0.09352465, 0.10763847],
+ [0.19202947, 0.09593829, 0.11023995],
+ [0.19745187, 0.09832799, 0.11279954],
+ [0.20287943, 0.10069459, 0.11531721],
+ [0.20831240, 0.10303874, 0.11779278],
+ [0.21375116, 0.10536102, 0.12022597],
+ [0.21919587, 0.10766210, 0.12261658],
+ [0.22464664, 0.10994267, 0.12496437],
+ [0.23010363, 0.11220334, 0.12726904],
+ [0.23556699, 0.11444473, 0.12953028],
+ [0.24103680, 0.11666745, 0.13174774],
+ [0.24651314, 0.11887210, 0.13392105],
+ [0.25199607, 0.12105931, 0.13604983],
+ [0.25748561, 0.12322967, 0.13813367],
+ [0.26298174, 0.12538380, 0.14017214],
+ [0.26848445, 0.12752234, 0.14216482],
+ [0.27399366, 0.12964590, 0.14411126],
+ [0.27950930, 0.13175513, 0.14601098],
+ [0.28503126, 0.13385066, 0.14786352],
+ [0.29055939, 0.13593316, 0.14966839],
+ [0.29609353, 0.13800331, 0.15142512],
+ [0.30163360, 0.14006170, 0.15313309],
+ [0.30717934, 0.14210906, 0.15479185],
+ [0.31273046, 0.14414615, 0.15640093],
+ [0.31828674, 0.14617366, 0.15795977],
+ [0.32384799, 0.14819226, 0.15946776],
+ [0.32941373, 0.15020285, 0.16092455],
+ [0.33498380, 0.15220606, 0.16232943],
+ [0.34055769, 0.15420281, 0.16368203],
+ [0.34613510, 0.15619386, 0.16498174],
+ [0.35171555, 0.15818010, 0.16622814],
+ [0.35729867, 0.16016233, 0.16742062],
+ [0.36288386, 0.16214158, 0.16855888],
+ [0.36847077, 0.16411861, 0.16964223],
+ [0.37405875, 0.16609447, 0.17067038],
+ [0.37964722, 0.16807017, 0.17164291],
+ [0.38523568, 0.17004663, 0.17255932],
+ [0.39082346, 0.17202491, 0.17341924],
+ [0.39640989, 0.17400610, 0.17422240],
+ [0.40199427, 0.17599129, 0.17496847],
+ [0.40757589, 0.17798159, 0.17565714],
+ [0.41315403, 0.17997814, 0.17628817],
+ [0.41872790, 0.18198211, 0.17686136],
+ [0.42429670, 0.18399471, 0.17737654],
+ [0.42985959, 0.18601716, 0.17783360],
+ [0.43541572, 0.18805071, 0.17823249],
+ [0.44096419, 0.19009664, 0.17857321],
+ [0.44650409, 0.19215623, 0.17885582],
+ [0.45203447, 0.19423082, 0.17908043],
+ [0.45755437, 0.19632171, 0.17924723],
+ [0.46306280, 0.19843027, 0.17935646],
+ [0.46855878, 0.20055783, 0.17940843],
+ [0.47404130, 0.20270573, 0.17940344],
+ [0.47950929, 0.20487536, 0.17934205],
+ [0.48496170, 0.20706810, 0.17922481],
+ [0.49039751, 0.20928527, 0.17905222],
+ [0.49581562, 0.21152825, 0.17882502],
+ [0.50121496, 0.21379838, 0.17854403],
+ [0.50659449, 0.21609694, 0.17820994],
+ [0.51195309, 0.21842528, 0.17782382],
+ [0.51728973, 0.22078464, 0.17738660],
+ [0.52260336, 0.22317627, 0.17689933],
+ [0.52789290, 0.22560139, 0.17636323],
+ [0.53315736, 0.22806114, 0.17577943],
+ [0.53839571, 0.23055665, 0.17514930],
+ [0.54360697, 0.23308898, 0.17447413],
+ [0.54879018, 0.23565914, 0.17375540],
+ [0.55394442, 0.23826810, 0.17299454],
+ [0.55906877, 0.24091674, 0.17219313],
+ [0.56416240, 0.24360589, 0.17135272],
+ [0.56922447, 0.24633631, 0.17047496],
+ [0.57425419, 0.24910869, 0.16956153],
+ [0.57925084, 0.25192364, 0.16861412],
+ [0.58421372, 0.25478172, 0.16763450],
+ [0.58914218, 0.25768338, 0.16662440],
+ [0.59403562, 0.26062904, 0.16558565],
+ [0.59889351, 0.26361899, 0.16452001],
+ [0.60371532, 0.26665350, 0.16342934],
+ [0.60850062, 0.26973274, 0.16231538],
+ [0.61324900, 0.27285682, 0.16118009],
+ [0.61796012, 0.27602577, 0.16002512],
+ [0.62263366, 0.27923956, 0.15885242],
+ [0.62726938, 0.28249810, 0.15766372],
+ [0.63186707, 0.28580123, 0.15646078],
+ [0.63642657, 0.28914875, 0.15524553],
+ [0.64094774, 0.29254039, 0.15401956],
+ [0.64543053, 0.29597585, 0.15278463],
+ [0.64987489, 0.29945476, 0.15154265],
+ [0.65428082, 0.30297672, 0.15029515],
+ [0.65864836, 0.30654129, 0.14904382],
+ [0.66297757, 0.31014801, 0.14779035],
+ [0.66726857, 0.31379636, 0.14653648],
+ [0.67152148, 0.31748582, 0.14528383],
+ [0.67573645, 0.32121583, 0.14403395],
+ [0.67991367, 0.32498582, 0.14278848],
+ [0.68405335, 0.32879521, 0.14154900],
+ [0.68815572, 0.33264339, 0.14031712],
+ [0.69222100, 0.33652975, 0.13909441],
+ [0.69624947, 0.34045366, 0.13788246],
+ [0.70024140, 0.34441451, 0.13668283],
+ [0.70419708, 0.34841168, 0.13549708],
+ [0.70811680, 0.35244451, 0.13432685],
+ [0.71200090, 0.35651238, 0.13317383],
+ [0.71584966, 0.36061469, 0.13203943],
+ [0.71966341, 0.36475082, 0.13092522],
+ [0.72344247, 0.36892016, 0.12983289],
+ [0.72718723, 0.37312206, 0.12876431],
+ [0.73089795, 0.37735600, 0.12772073],
+ [0.73457501, 0.38162136, 0.12670406],
+ [0.73821876, 0.38591755, 0.12571599],
+ [0.74182948, 0.39024407, 0.12475802],
+ [0.74540760, 0.39460029, 0.12383223],
+ [0.74895336, 0.39898575, 0.12293998],
+ [0.75246717, 0.40339987, 0.12208333],
+ [0.75594934, 0.40784217, 0.12126395],
+ [0.75940015, 0.41231221, 0.12048341],
+ [0.76282006, 0.41680936, 0.11974413],
+ [0.76620927, 0.42133329, 0.11904739],
+ [0.76956811, 0.42588353, 0.11839508],
+ [0.77289694, 0.43045961, 0.11778919],
+ [0.77619611, 0.43506108, 0.11723169],
+ [0.77946586, 0.43968757, 0.11672417],
+ [0.78270649, 0.44433869, 0.11626849],
+ [0.78591832, 0.44901406, 0.11586647],
+ [0.78910163, 0.45371329, 0.11551993],
+ [0.79225673, 0.45843604, 0.11523063],
+ [0.79538390, 0.46318195, 0.11500029],
+ [0.79848341, 0.46795070, 0.11483061],
+ [0.80155553, 0.47274197, 0.11472320],
+ [0.80460054, 0.47755545, 0.11467964],
+ [0.80761869, 0.48239087, 0.11470142],
+ [0.81061023, 0.48724794, 0.11478996],
+ [0.81357540, 0.49212640, 0.11494660],
+ [0.81651451, 0.49702595, 0.11517275],
+ [0.81942784, 0.50194631, 0.11546968],
+ [0.82231551, 0.50688733, 0.11583821],
+ [0.82517774, 0.51184880, 0.11627929],
+ [0.82801490, 0.51683040, 0.11679411],
+ [0.83082717, 0.52183194, 0.11738334],
+ [0.83361463, 0.52685333, 0.11804735],
+ [0.83637773, 0.53189422, 0.11878715],
+ [0.83911652, 0.53695454, 0.11960285],
+ [0.84183121, 0.54203412, 0.12049476],
+ [0.84452216, 0.54713268, 0.12146336],
+ [0.84718932, 0.55225024, 0.12250832],
+ [0.84983319, 0.55738644, 0.12363009],
+ [0.85245367, 0.56254134, 0.12482809],
+ [0.85505118, 0.56771466, 0.12610244],
+ [0.85762579, 0.57290634, 0.12745260],
+ [0.86017762, 0.57811632, 0.12887808],
+ [0.86270713, 0.58334428, 0.13037874],
+ [0.86521415, 0.58859035, 0.13195353],
+ [0.86769902, 0.59385432, 0.13360199],
+ [0.87016205, 0.59913601, 0.13532351],
+ [0.87260315, 0.60443550, 0.13711700],
+ [0.87502252, 0.60975267, 0.13898165],
+ [0.87742056, 0.61508731, 0.14091679],
+ [0.87979728, 0.62043943, 0.14292129],
+ [0.88215278, 0.62580902, 0.14499410],
+ [0.88448722, 0.63119600, 0.14713420],
+ [0.88680077, 0.63660030, 0.14934057],
+ [0.88909364, 0.64202184, 0.15161217],
+ [0.89136605, 0.64746052, 0.15394797],
+ [0.89361802, 0.65291639, 0.15634676],
+ [0.89584969, 0.65838941, 0.15880743],
+ [0.89806121, 0.66387954, 0.16132889],
+ [0.90025272, 0.66938675, 0.16391003],
+ [0.90242436, 0.67491102, 0.16654974],
+ [0.90457626, 0.68045233, 0.16924694],
+ [0.90670855, 0.68601066, 0.17200053],
+ [0.90882135, 0.69158601, 0.17480944],
+ [0.91091479, 0.69717838, 0.17767262],
+ [0.91298897, 0.70278777, 0.18058902],
+ [0.91504402, 0.70841418, 0.18355762],
+ [0.91708003, 0.71405764, 0.18657742],
+ [0.91909722, 0.71971809, 0.18964748],
+ [0.92109572, 0.72539554, 0.19276685],
+ [0.92307552, 0.73109008, 0.19593454],
+ [0.92503671, 0.73680174, 0.19914964],
+ [0.92697936, 0.74253055, 0.20241126],
+ [0.92890356, 0.74827657, 0.20571853],
+ [0.93080962, 0.75403970, 0.20907069],
+ [0.93269760, 0.75982001, 0.21246690],
+ [0.93456737, 0.76561766, 0.21590630],
+ [0.93641898, 0.77143270, 0.21938815],
+ [0.93825282, 0.77726505, 0.22291174],
+ [0.94006890, 0.78311476, 0.22647637],
+ [0.94186703, 0.78898206, 0.23008126],
+ [0.94364737, 0.79486695, 0.23372578],
+ [0.94541040, 0.80076929, 0.23740933],
+ [0.94715560, 0.80668944, 0.24113119],
+ [0.94888326, 0.81262736, 0.24489079],
+ [0.95059371, 0.81858300, 0.24868757],
+ [0.95228640, 0.82455672, 0.25252091],
+ [0.95396204, 0.83054830, 0.25639031],
+ [0.95562023, 0.83655803, 0.26029521],
+ [0.95726104, 0.84258598, 0.26423510],
+ [0.95888483, 0.84863210, 0.26820952],
+ [0.96049102, 0.85469678, 0.27221794],
+ [0.96208051, 0.86077971, 0.27625997],
+ [0.96365225, 0.86688148, 0.28033512],
+ [0.96520746, 0.87300166, 0.28444299],
+ [0.96674486, 0.87914094, 0.28858316],
+ [0.96826576, 0.88529886, 0.29275525],
+ [0.96976891, 0.89147609, 0.29695887],
+ [0.97125542, 0.89767226, 0.30119367],
+ [0.97272433, 0.90388791, 0.30545929],
+ [0.97417630, 0.91012287, 0.30975540],
+ [0.97561094, 0.91637745, 0.31408168],
+ [0.97702817, 0.92265180, 0.31843783],
+ [0.97842846, 0.92894584, 0.32282353],
+ [0.97981096, 0.93526007, 0.32723852],
+ [0.98117646, 0.94159427, 0.33168251],
+ [0.98252438, 0.94794882, 0.33615525],
+ [0.98385440, 0.95432397, 0.34065652],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.amber', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.amber", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/amethyst/amethyst.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/amethyst/amethyst.jscm
index 7e062d22..25a895a0 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/amethyst/amethyst.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/amethyst/amethyst.jscm
@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/amethyst/amethyst.py b/cmasher/colormaps/amethyst/amethyst.py
index 77fec1fd..27f373bb 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/amethyst/amethyst.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/amethyst/amethyst.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00026424, 0.00021708, 0.00028431],
- [0.00092970, 0.00074511, 0.00101916],
- [0.00195182, 0.00152900, 0.00217634],
- [0.00331484, 0.00254258, 0.00375422],
- [0.00501100, 0.00376845, 0.00575809],
- [0.00703637, 0.00519353, 0.00819657],
- [0.00938920, 0.00680736, 0.01108027],
- [0.01206917, 0.00860113, 0.01442116],
- [0.01507694, 0.01056725, 0.01823225],
- [0.01841392, 0.01269897, 0.02252745],
- [0.02208207, 0.01499022, 0.02732142],
- [0.02608380, 0.01743543, 0.03262954],
- [0.03042188, 0.02002940, 0.03846783],
- [0.03509952, 0.02276720, 0.04464933],
- [0.04012007, 0.02564424, 0.05081384],
- [0.04523353, 0.02865615, 0.05697177],
- [0.05030216, 0.03179870, 0.06312822],
- [0.05533516, 0.03506780, 0.06928770],
- [0.06033640, 0.03845947, 0.07545419],
- [0.06530931, 0.04192822, 0.08163128],
- [0.07025691, 0.04533260, 0.08782221],
- [0.07518190, 0.04867984, 0.09402991],
- [0.08008669, 0.05197229, 0.10025709],
- [0.08497345, 0.05521205, 0.10650624],
- [0.08984468, 0.05840044, 0.11278112],
- [0.09470187, 0.06153938, 0.11908316],
- [0.09954649, 0.06463052, 0.12541389],
- [0.10438000, 0.06767518, 0.13177524],
- [0.10920379, 0.07067452, 0.13816903],
- [0.11401909, 0.07362957, 0.14459700],
- [0.11882787, 0.07654038, 0.15106315],
- [0.12363070, 0.07940829, 0.15756765],
- [0.12842832, 0.08223429, 0.16411134],
- [0.13322162, 0.08501902, 0.17069568],
- [0.13801182, 0.08776263, 0.17732315],
- [0.14280038, 0.09046479, 0.18399722],
- [0.14758705, 0.09312702, 0.19071635],
- [0.15237250, 0.09574970, 0.19748183],
- [0.15715826, 0.09833201, 0.20429774],
- [0.16194480, 0.10087429, 0.21116500],
- [0.16673190, 0.10337763, 0.21808261],
- [0.17152075, 0.10584130, 0.22505388],
- [0.17631241, 0.10826459, 0.23208194],
- [0.18110606, 0.11064913, 0.23916410],
- [0.18590324, 0.11299336, 0.24630520],
- [0.19070423, 0.11529734, 0.25350615],
- [0.19550828, 0.11756238, 0.26076476],
- [0.20031813, 0.11978497, 0.26809007],
- [0.20513167, 0.12196822, 0.27547552],
- [0.20995088, 0.12410941, 0.28292802],
- [0.21477508, 0.12620955, 0.29044580],
- [0.21960507, 0.12826738, 0.29803215],
- [0.22444084, 0.13028282, 0.30568765],
- [0.22928283, 0.13225497, 0.31341459],
- [0.23413080, 0.13418389, 0.32121301],
- [0.23898574, 0.13606767, 0.32908730],
- [0.24384625, 0.13790806, 0.33703369],
- [0.24871483, 0.13970049, 0.34506210],
- [0.25358923, 0.14144797, 0.35316594],
- [0.25847052, 0.14314802, 0.36135046],
- [0.26335917, 0.14479899, 0.36961891],
- [0.26825396, 0.14640203, 0.37796864],
- [0.27315531, 0.14795539, 0.38640302],
- [0.27806417, 0.14945618, 0.39492765],
- [0.28297910, 0.15090571, 0.40353941],
- [0.28790001, 0.15230275, 0.41224040],
- [0.29282677, 0.15364601, 0.42103271],
- [0.29775949, 0.15493361, 0.42991962],
- [0.30269797, 0.15616399, 0.43890356],
- [0.30764126, 0.15733701, 0.44798426],
- [0.31258891, 0.15845138, 0.45716364],
- [0.31754038, 0.15950581, 0.46644355],
- [0.32249501, 0.16049907, 0.47582575],
- [0.32745201, 0.16142998, 0.48531189],
- [0.33241046, 0.16229746, 0.49490348],
- [0.33736967, 0.16309963, 0.50460344],
- [0.34232881, 0.16383463, 0.51441474],
- [0.34728592, 0.16450300, 0.52433605],
- [0.35223936, 0.16510434, 0.53436800],
- [0.35718797, 0.16563665, 0.54451411],
- [0.36213040, 0.16609782, 0.55477822],
- [0.36706298, 0.16649188, 0.56515397],
- [0.37198552, 0.16681244, 0.57565304],
- [0.37689299, 0.16706658, 0.58626483],
- [0.38178435, 0.16724897, 0.59700002],
- [0.38665483, 0.16736482, 0.60785249],
- [0.39150048, 0.16741630, 0.61882203],
- [0.39631696, 0.16740583, 0.62990908],
- [0.40109916, 0.16733732, 0.64111292],
- [0.40584105, 0.16721663, 0.65243133],
- [0.41053556, 0.16705201, 0.66386021],
- [0.41517441, 0.16685477, 0.67539321],
- [0.41974795, 0.16663991, 0.68702119],
- [0.42424642, 0.16641935, 0.69874325],
- [0.42865593, 0.16622114, 0.71053811],
- [0.43296232, 0.16606992, 0.72239489],
- [0.43714833, 0.16600035, 0.73429359],
- [0.44119366, 0.16605689, 0.74620640],
- [0.44507497, 0.16629214, 0.75810111],
- [0.44876492, 0.16677496, 0.76992880],
- [0.45223283, 0.16757972, 0.78164083],
- [0.45544397, 0.16880100, 0.79316284],
- [0.45836096, 0.17054168, 0.80440956],
- [0.46094493, 0.17291044, 0.81528130],
- [0.46315959, 0.17601682, 0.82565706],
- [0.46497451, 0.17995217, 0.83541256],
- [0.46637118, 0.18477694, 0.84442326],
- [0.46734779, 0.19050472, 0.85258099],
- [0.46792136, 0.19709458, 0.85980957],
- [0.46812630, 0.20445531, 0.86607466],
- [0.46800986, 0.21246004, 0.87138503],
- [0.46762606, 0.22096576, 0.87578604],
- [0.46702908, 0.22983195, 0.87934856],
- [0.46626957, 0.23893263, 0.88215671],
- [0.46539292, 0.24816169, 0.88429869],
- [0.46443697, 0.25743572, 0.88585957],
- [0.46343365, 0.26669069, 0.88691806],
- [0.46240927, 0.27587938, 0.88754471],
- [0.46138628, 0.28496711, 0.88780241],
- [0.46038161, 0.29393135, 0.88774480],
- [0.45940980, 0.30275671, 0.88741881],
- [0.45848323, 0.31143335, 0.88686537],
- [0.45761161, 0.31995643, 0.88611932],
- [0.45680235, 0.32832487, 0.88520998],
- [0.45606325, 0.33653824, 0.88416454],
- [0.45539876, 0.34459984, 0.88300411],
- [0.45481491, 0.35251178, 0.88174987],
- [0.45431445, 0.36027928, 0.88041732],
- [0.45390085, 0.36790678, 0.87902148],
- [0.45357692, 0.37539912, 0.87757536],
- [0.45334512, 0.38276121, 0.87609062],
- [0.45320699, 0.38999847, 0.87457668],
- [0.45316394, 0.39711609, 0.87304215],
- [0.45321715, 0.40411911, 0.87149463],
- [0.45336773, 0.41101231, 0.86994117],
- [0.45361618, 0.41780059, 0.86838745],
- [0.45396291, 0.42448866, 0.86683856],
- [0.45440813, 0.43108098, 0.86529905],
- [0.45495195, 0.43758187, 0.86377294],
- [0.45559461, 0.44399517, 0.86226438],
- [0.45633578, 0.45032493, 0.86077628],
- [0.45717499, 0.45657506, 0.85931112],
- [0.45811209, 0.46274891, 0.85787191],
- [0.45914652, 0.46884993, 0.85646077],
- [0.46027749, 0.47488157, 0.85507921],
- [0.46150477, 0.48084655, 0.85372992],
- [0.46282717, 0.48674819, 0.85241350],
- [0.46424418, 0.49258908, 0.85113195],
- [0.46575477, 0.49837202, 0.84988609],
- [0.46735813, 0.50409951, 0.84867727],
- [0.46905322, 0.50977402, 0.84750623],
- [0.47083909, 0.51539785, 0.84637397],
- [0.47271463, 0.52097327, 0.84528104],
- [0.47467885, 0.52650233, 0.84422831],
- [0.47673053, 0.53198715, 0.84321604],
- [0.47886866, 0.53742955, 0.84224506],
- [0.48109197, 0.54283149, 0.84131544],
- [0.48339938, 0.54819466, 0.84042786],
- [0.48578964, 0.55352080, 0.83958239],
- [0.48826159, 0.55881150, 0.83877940],
- [0.49081400, 0.56406833, 0.83801910],
- [0.49344567, 0.56929278, 0.83730162],
- [0.49615539, 0.57448625, 0.83662720],
- [0.49894194, 0.57965013, 0.83599588],
- [0.50180411, 0.58478572, 0.83540778],
- [0.50474068, 0.58989428, 0.83486298],
- [0.50775048, 0.59497701, 0.83436152],
- [0.51083228, 0.60003510, 0.83390339],
- [0.51398493, 0.60506962, 0.83348870],
- [0.51720723, 0.61008170, 0.83311728],
- [0.52049804, 0.61507232, 0.83278930],
- [0.52385621, 0.62004252, 0.83250458],
- [0.52728061, 0.62499323, 0.83226318],
- [0.53077013, 0.62992537, 0.83206503],
- [0.53432367, 0.63483986, 0.83190999],
- [0.53794018, 0.63973753, 0.83179818],
- [0.54161857, 0.64461924, 0.83172925],
- [0.54535783, 0.64948575, 0.83170348],
- [0.54915693, 0.65433788, 0.83172038],
- [0.55301491, 0.65917633, 0.83178028],
- [0.55693076, 0.66400188, 0.83188269],
- [0.56090357, 0.66881516, 0.83202787],
- [0.56493240, 0.67361691, 0.83221545],
- [0.56901636, 0.67840775, 0.83244548],
- [0.57315458, 0.68318831, 0.83271789],
- [0.57734622, 0.68795924, 0.83303229],
- [0.58159045, 0.69272108, 0.83338902],
- [0.58588649, 0.69747446, 0.83378750],
- [0.59023358, 0.70221992, 0.83422784],
- [0.59463096, 0.70695796, 0.83471006],
- [0.59907795, 0.71168916, 0.83523370],
- [0.60357387, 0.71641401, 0.83579871],
- [0.60811806, 0.72113298, 0.83640513],
- [0.61270990, 0.72584655, 0.83705278],
- [0.61734884, 0.73055518, 0.83774138],
- [0.62203434, 0.73525935, 0.83847062],
- [0.62676587, 0.73995944, 0.83924056],
- [0.63154297, 0.74465587, 0.84005099],
- [0.63636521, 0.74934904, 0.84090170],
- [0.64123220, 0.75403932, 0.84179248],
- [0.64614362, 0.75872707, 0.84272311],
- [0.65109917, 0.76341264, 0.84369336],
- [0.65609861, 0.76809634, 0.84470300],
- [0.66114176, 0.77277847, 0.84575181],
- [0.66622856, 0.77745932, 0.84683929],
- [0.67135895, 0.78213915, 0.84796517],
- [0.67653291, 0.78681817, 0.84912944],
- [0.68175056, 0.79149658, 0.85033176],
- [0.68701224, 0.79617458, 0.85157118],
- [0.69231806, 0.80085226, 0.85284823],
- [0.69766865, 0.80552975, 0.85416159],
- [0.70306436, 0.81020708, 0.85551176],
- [0.70850604, 0.81488427, 0.85689766],
- [0.71399448, 0.81956126, 0.85831909],
- [0.71953066, 0.82423793, 0.85977578],
- [0.72511582, 0.82891409, 0.86126723],
- [0.73075140, 0.83358949, 0.86279302],
- [0.73643909, 0.83826376, 0.86435282],
- [0.74218079, 0.84293644, 0.86594641],
- [0.74797879, 0.84760693, 0.86757352],
- [0.75383582, 0.85227452, 0.86923372],
- [0.75975465, 0.85693832, 0.87092761],
- [0.76573885, 0.86159727, 0.87265510],
- [0.77179239, 0.86625009, 0.87441656],
- [0.77791962, 0.87089527, 0.87621315],
- [0.78412566, 0.87553101, 0.87804603],
- [0.79041634, 0.88015520, 0.87991695],
- [0.79679787, 0.88476539, 0.88182911],
- [0.80327764, 0.88935871, 0.88378592],
- [0.80986384, 0.89393178, 0.88579223],
- [0.81656525, 0.89848077, 0.88785493],
- [0.82339136, 0.90300133, 0.88998320],
- [0.83035266, 0.90748846, 0.89218842],
- [0.83745973, 0.91193666, 0.89448582],
- [0.84472274, 0.91634002, 0.89689514],
- [0.85215096, 0.92069239, 0.89944105],
- [0.85975062, 0.92498795, 0.90215463],
- [0.86752377, 0.92922171, 0.90507279],
- [0.87546482, 0.93339077, 0.90823842],
- [0.88355788, 0.93749566, 0.91169773],
- [0.89177570, 0.94154130, 0.91549519],
- [0.90007923, 0.94553793, 0.91966755],
- [0.90842150, 0.94950053, 0.92423680],
- [0.91675301, 0.95344729, 0.92920595],
- [0.92502858, 0.95739720, 0.93455848],
- [0.93321162, 0.96136803, 0.94026179],
- [0.94127596, 0.96537494, 0.94627265],
- [0.94920444, 0.96943048, 0.95254222],
- [0.95698652, 0.97354492, 0.95902011],
- [0.96461467, 0.97772735, 0.96565700],
- [0.97208078, 0.98198676, 0.97240707],
- [0.97937278, 0.98633302, 0.97923162],
- [0.98647225, 0.99077716, 0.98610463],
- [0.99335546, 0.99533023, 0.99302058],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00026424, 0.00021708, 0.00028431],
+ [0.00092970, 0.00074511, 0.00101916],
+ [0.00195182, 0.00152900, 0.00217634],
+ [0.00331484, 0.00254258, 0.00375422],
+ [0.00501100, 0.00376845, 0.00575809],
+ [0.00703637, 0.00519353, 0.00819657],
+ [0.00938920, 0.00680736, 0.01108027],
+ [0.01206917, 0.00860113, 0.01442116],
+ [0.01507694, 0.01056725, 0.01823225],
+ [0.01841392, 0.01269897, 0.02252745],
+ [0.02208207, 0.01499022, 0.02732142],
+ [0.02608380, 0.01743543, 0.03262954],
+ [0.03042188, 0.02002940, 0.03846783],
+ [0.03509952, 0.02276720, 0.04464933],
+ [0.04012007, 0.02564424, 0.05081384],
+ [0.04523353, 0.02865615, 0.05697177],
+ [0.05030216, 0.03179870, 0.06312822],
+ [0.05533516, 0.03506780, 0.06928770],
+ [0.06033640, 0.03845947, 0.07545419],
+ [0.06530931, 0.04192822, 0.08163128],
+ [0.07025691, 0.04533260, 0.08782221],
+ [0.07518190, 0.04867984, 0.09402991],
+ [0.08008669, 0.05197229, 0.10025709],
+ [0.08497345, 0.05521205, 0.10650624],
+ [0.08984468, 0.05840044, 0.11278112],
+ [0.09470187, 0.06153938, 0.11908316],
+ [0.09954649, 0.06463052, 0.12541389],
+ [0.10438000, 0.06767518, 0.13177524],
+ [0.10920379, 0.07067452, 0.13816903],
+ [0.11401909, 0.07362957, 0.14459700],
+ [0.11882787, 0.07654038, 0.15106315],
+ [0.12363070, 0.07940829, 0.15756765],
+ [0.12842832, 0.08223429, 0.16411134],
+ [0.13322162, 0.08501902, 0.17069568],
+ [0.13801182, 0.08776263, 0.17732315],
+ [0.14280038, 0.09046479, 0.18399722],
+ [0.14758705, 0.09312702, 0.19071635],
+ [0.15237250, 0.09574970, 0.19748183],
+ [0.15715826, 0.09833201, 0.20429774],
+ [0.16194480, 0.10087429, 0.21116500],
+ [0.16673190, 0.10337763, 0.21808261],
+ [0.17152075, 0.10584130, 0.22505388],
+ [0.17631241, 0.10826459, 0.23208194],
+ [0.18110606, 0.11064913, 0.23916410],
+ [0.18590324, 0.11299336, 0.24630520],
+ [0.19070423, 0.11529734, 0.25350615],
+ [0.19550828, 0.11756238, 0.26076476],
+ [0.20031813, 0.11978497, 0.26809007],
+ [0.20513167, 0.12196822, 0.27547552],
+ [0.20995088, 0.12410941, 0.28292802],
+ [0.21477508, 0.12620955, 0.29044580],
+ [0.21960507, 0.12826738, 0.29803215],
+ [0.22444084, 0.13028282, 0.30568765],
+ [0.22928283, 0.13225497, 0.31341459],
+ [0.23413080, 0.13418389, 0.32121301],
+ [0.23898574, 0.13606767, 0.32908730],
+ [0.24384625, 0.13790806, 0.33703369],
+ [0.24871483, 0.13970049, 0.34506210],
+ [0.25358923, 0.14144797, 0.35316594],
+ [0.25847052, 0.14314802, 0.36135046],
+ [0.26335917, 0.14479899, 0.36961891],
+ [0.26825396, 0.14640203, 0.37796864],
+ [0.27315531, 0.14795539, 0.38640302],
+ [0.27806417, 0.14945618, 0.39492765],
+ [0.28297910, 0.15090571, 0.40353941],
+ [0.28790001, 0.15230275, 0.41224040],
+ [0.29282677, 0.15364601, 0.42103271],
+ [0.29775949, 0.15493361, 0.42991962],
+ [0.30269797, 0.15616399, 0.43890356],
+ [0.30764126, 0.15733701, 0.44798426],
+ [0.31258891, 0.15845138, 0.45716364],
+ [0.31754038, 0.15950581, 0.46644355],
+ [0.32249501, 0.16049907, 0.47582575],
+ [0.32745201, 0.16142998, 0.48531189],
+ [0.33241046, 0.16229746, 0.49490348],
+ [0.33736967, 0.16309963, 0.50460344],
+ [0.34232881, 0.16383463, 0.51441474],
+ [0.34728592, 0.16450300, 0.52433605],
+ [0.35223936, 0.16510434, 0.53436800],
+ [0.35718797, 0.16563665, 0.54451411],
+ [0.36213040, 0.16609782, 0.55477822],
+ [0.36706298, 0.16649188, 0.56515397],
+ [0.37198552, 0.16681244, 0.57565304],
+ [0.37689299, 0.16706658, 0.58626483],
+ [0.38178435, 0.16724897, 0.59700002],
+ [0.38665483, 0.16736482, 0.60785249],
+ [0.39150048, 0.16741630, 0.61882203],
+ [0.39631696, 0.16740583, 0.62990908],
+ [0.40109916, 0.16733732, 0.64111292],
+ [0.40584105, 0.16721663, 0.65243133],
+ [0.41053556, 0.16705201, 0.66386021],
+ [0.41517441, 0.16685477, 0.67539321],
+ [0.41974795, 0.16663991, 0.68702119],
+ [0.42424642, 0.16641935, 0.69874325],
+ [0.42865593, 0.16622114, 0.71053811],
+ [0.43296232, 0.16606992, 0.72239489],
+ [0.43714833, 0.16600035, 0.73429359],
+ [0.44119366, 0.16605689, 0.74620640],
+ [0.44507497, 0.16629214, 0.75810111],
+ [0.44876492, 0.16677496, 0.76992880],
+ [0.45223283, 0.16757972, 0.78164083],
+ [0.45544397, 0.16880100, 0.79316284],
+ [0.45836096, 0.17054168, 0.80440956],
+ [0.46094493, 0.17291044, 0.81528130],
+ [0.46315959, 0.17601682, 0.82565706],
+ [0.46497451, 0.17995217, 0.83541256],
+ [0.46637118, 0.18477694, 0.84442326],
+ [0.46734779, 0.19050472, 0.85258099],
+ [0.46792136, 0.19709458, 0.85980957],
+ [0.46812630, 0.20445531, 0.86607466],
+ [0.46800986, 0.21246004, 0.87138503],
+ [0.46762606, 0.22096576, 0.87578604],
+ [0.46702908, 0.22983195, 0.87934856],
+ [0.46626957, 0.23893263, 0.88215671],
+ [0.46539292, 0.24816169, 0.88429869],
+ [0.46443697, 0.25743572, 0.88585957],
+ [0.46343365, 0.26669069, 0.88691806],
+ [0.46240927, 0.27587938, 0.88754471],
+ [0.46138628, 0.28496711, 0.88780241],
+ [0.46038161, 0.29393135, 0.88774480],
+ [0.45940980, 0.30275671, 0.88741881],
+ [0.45848323, 0.31143335, 0.88686537],
+ [0.45761161, 0.31995643, 0.88611932],
+ [0.45680235, 0.32832487, 0.88520998],
+ [0.45606325, 0.33653824, 0.88416454],
+ [0.45539876, 0.34459984, 0.88300411],
+ [0.45481491, 0.35251178, 0.88174987],
+ [0.45431445, 0.36027928, 0.88041732],
+ [0.45390085, 0.36790678, 0.87902148],
+ [0.45357692, 0.37539912, 0.87757536],
+ [0.45334512, 0.38276121, 0.87609062],
+ [0.45320699, 0.38999847, 0.87457668],
+ [0.45316394, 0.39711609, 0.87304215],
+ [0.45321715, 0.40411911, 0.87149463],
+ [0.45336773, 0.41101231, 0.86994117],
+ [0.45361618, 0.41780059, 0.86838745],
+ [0.45396291, 0.42448866, 0.86683856],
+ [0.45440813, 0.43108098, 0.86529905],
+ [0.45495195, 0.43758187, 0.86377294],
+ [0.45559461, 0.44399517, 0.86226438],
+ [0.45633578, 0.45032493, 0.86077628],
+ [0.45717499, 0.45657506, 0.85931112],
+ [0.45811209, 0.46274891, 0.85787191],
+ [0.45914652, 0.46884993, 0.85646077],
+ [0.46027749, 0.47488157, 0.85507921],
+ [0.46150477, 0.48084655, 0.85372992],
+ [0.46282717, 0.48674819, 0.85241350],
+ [0.46424418, 0.49258908, 0.85113195],
+ [0.46575477, 0.49837202, 0.84988609],
+ [0.46735813, 0.50409951, 0.84867727],
+ [0.46905322, 0.50977402, 0.84750623],
+ [0.47083909, 0.51539785, 0.84637397],
+ [0.47271463, 0.52097327, 0.84528104],
+ [0.47467885, 0.52650233, 0.84422831],
+ [0.47673053, 0.53198715, 0.84321604],
+ [0.47886866, 0.53742955, 0.84224506],
+ [0.48109197, 0.54283149, 0.84131544],
+ [0.48339938, 0.54819466, 0.84042786],
+ [0.48578964, 0.55352080, 0.83958239],
+ [0.48826159, 0.55881150, 0.83877940],
+ [0.49081400, 0.56406833, 0.83801910],
+ [0.49344567, 0.56929278, 0.83730162],
+ [0.49615539, 0.57448625, 0.83662720],
+ [0.49894194, 0.57965013, 0.83599588],
+ [0.50180411, 0.58478572, 0.83540778],
+ [0.50474068, 0.58989428, 0.83486298],
+ [0.50775048, 0.59497701, 0.83436152],
+ [0.51083228, 0.60003510, 0.83390339],
+ [0.51398493, 0.60506962, 0.83348870],
+ [0.51720723, 0.61008170, 0.83311728],
+ [0.52049804, 0.61507232, 0.83278930],
+ [0.52385621, 0.62004252, 0.83250458],
+ [0.52728061, 0.62499323, 0.83226318],
+ [0.53077013, 0.62992537, 0.83206503],
+ [0.53432367, 0.63483986, 0.83190999],
+ [0.53794018, 0.63973753, 0.83179818],
+ [0.54161857, 0.64461924, 0.83172925],
+ [0.54535783, 0.64948575, 0.83170348],
+ [0.54915693, 0.65433788, 0.83172038],
+ [0.55301491, 0.65917633, 0.83178028],
+ [0.55693076, 0.66400188, 0.83188269],
+ [0.56090357, 0.66881516, 0.83202787],
+ [0.56493240, 0.67361691, 0.83221545],
+ [0.56901636, 0.67840775, 0.83244548],
+ [0.57315458, 0.68318831, 0.83271789],
+ [0.57734622, 0.68795924, 0.83303229],
+ [0.58159045, 0.69272108, 0.83338902],
+ [0.58588649, 0.69747446, 0.83378750],
+ [0.59023358, 0.70221992, 0.83422784],
+ [0.59463096, 0.70695796, 0.83471006],
+ [0.59907795, 0.71168916, 0.83523370],
+ [0.60357387, 0.71641401, 0.83579871],
+ [0.60811806, 0.72113298, 0.83640513],
+ [0.61270990, 0.72584655, 0.83705278],
+ [0.61734884, 0.73055518, 0.83774138],
+ [0.62203434, 0.73525935, 0.83847062],
+ [0.62676587, 0.73995944, 0.83924056],
+ [0.63154297, 0.74465587, 0.84005099],
+ [0.63636521, 0.74934904, 0.84090170],
+ [0.64123220, 0.75403932, 0.84179248],
+ [0.64614362, 0.75872707, 0.84272311],
+ [0.65109917, 0.76341264, 0.84369336],
+ [0.65609861, 0.76809634, 0.84470300],
+ [0.66114176, 0.77277847, 0.84575181],
+ [0.66622856, 0.77745932, 0.84683929],
+ [0.67135895, 0.78213915, 0.84796517],
+ [0.67653291, 0.78681817, 0.84912944],
+ [0.68175056, 0.79149658, 0.85033176],
+ [0.68701224, 0.79617458, 0.85157118],
+ [0.69231806, 0.80085226, 0.85284823],
+ [0.69766865, 0.80552975, 0.85416159],
+ [0.70306436, 0.81020708, 0.85551176],
+ [0.70850604, 0.81488427, 0.85689766],
+ [0.71399448, 0.81956126, 0.85831909],
+ [0.71953066, 0.82423793, 0.85977578],
+ [0.72511582, 0.82891409, 0.86126723],
+ [0.73075140, 0.83358949, 0.86279302],
+ [0.73643909, 0.83826376, 0.86435282],
+ [0.74218079, 0.84293644, 0.86594641],
+ [0.74797879, 0.84760693, 0.86757352],
+ [0.75383582, 0.85227452, 0.86923372],
+ [0.75975465, 0.85693832, 0.87092761],
+ [0.76573885, 0.86159727, 0.87265510],
+ [0.77179239, 0.86625009, 0.87441656],
+ [0.77791962, 0.87089527, 0.87621315],
+ [0.78412566, 0.87553101, 0.87804603],
+ [0.79041634, 0.88015520, 0.87991695],
+ [0.79679787, 0.88476539, 0.88182911],
+ [0.80327764, 0.88935871, 0.88378592],
+ [0.80986384, 0.89393178, 0.88579223],
+ [0.81656525, 0.89848077, 0.88785493],
+ [0.82339136, 0.90300133, 0.88998320],
+ [0.83035266, 0.90748846, 0.89218842],
+ [0.83745973, 0.91193666, 0.89448582],
+ [0.84472274, 0.91634002, 0.89689514],
+ [0.85215096, 0.92069239, 0.89944105],
+ [0.85975062, 0.92498795, 0.90215463],
+ [0.86752377, 0.92922171, 0.90507279],
+ [0.87546482, 0.93339077, 0.90823842],
+ [0.88355788, 0.93749566, 0.91169773],
+ [0.89177570, 0.94154130, 0.91549519],
+ [0.90007923, 0.94553793, 0.91966755],
+ [0.90842150, 0.94950053, 0.92423680],
+ [0.91675301, 0.95344729, 0.92920595],
+ [0.92502858, 0.95739720, 0.93455848],
+ [0.93321162, 0.96136803, 0.94026179],
+ [0.94127596, 0.96537494, 0.94627265],
+ [0.94920444, 0.96943048, 0.95254222],
+ [0.95698652, 0.97354492, 0.95902011],
+ [0.96461467, 0.97772735, 0.96565700],
+ [0.97208078, 0.98198676, 0.97240707],
+ [0.97937278, 0.98633302, 0.97923162],
+ [0.98647225, 0.99077716, 0.98610463],
+ [0.99335546, 0.99533023, 0.99302058],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.amethyst', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.amethyst", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/apple/apple.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/apple/apple.jscm
index 0583ff05..ee647c9e 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/apple/apple.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/apple/apple.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/apple/apple.py b/cmasher/colormaps/apple/apple.py
index 34c9b233..9bc4da8e 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/apple/apple.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/apple/apple.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00034522, 0.00019191, 0.00022230],
- [0.00125317, 0.00064517, 0.00076656],
- [0.00270346, 0.00129799, 0.00157932],
- [0.00470212, 0.00211827, 0.00263526],
- [0.00726113, 0.00308337, 0.00391731],
- [0.01039481, 0.00417548, 0.00541234],
- [0.01411864, 0.00537976, 0.00710952],
- [0.01844900, 0.00668326, 0.00899939],
- [0.02340314, 0.00807431, 0.01107344],
- [0.02899795, 0.00954253, 0.01332384],
- [0.03525113, 0.01107815, 0.01574318],
- [0.04213125, 0.01267185, 0.01832428],
- [0.04909383, 0.01431527, 0.02106030],
- [0.05602829, 0.01599999, 0.02394439],
- [0.06294069, 0.01771814, 0.02696984],
- [0.06983598, 0.01946225, 0.03012998],
- [0.07671928, 0.02122461, 0.03341796],
- [0.08359352, 0.02299853, 0.03682718],
- [0.09046311, 0.02477635, 0.04035051],
- [0.09732985, 0.02655195, 0.04383743],
- [0.10419738, 0.02831787, 0.04724805],
- [0.11106708, 0.03006814, 0.05058590],
- [0.11794152, 0.03179585, 0.05385217],
- [0.12482240, 0.03349468, 0.05704796],
- [0.13171089, 0.03515874, 0.06017420],
- [0.13860946, 0.03678085, 0.06323111],
- [0.14551857, 0.03835565, 0.06621933],
- [0.15243940, 0.03987710, 0.06913901],
- [0.15937355, 0.04131818, 0.07198991],
- [0.16632185, 0.04266018, 0.07477184],
- [0.17328490, 0.04391025, 0.07748454],
- [0.18026353, 0.04506769, 0.08012743],
- [0.18725849, 0.04613166, 0.08269980],
- [0.19427045, 0.04710110, 0.08520078],
- [0.20129998, 0.04797477, 0.08762932],
- [0.20834760, 0.04875126, 0.08998426],
- [0.21541372, 0.04942899, 0.09226428],
- [0.22249867, 0.05000619, 0.09446791],
- [0.22960272, 0.05048090, 0.09659352],
- [0.23672600, 0.05085102, 0.09863937],
- [0.24386859, 0.05111424, 0.10060352],
- [0.25103045, 0.05126810, 0.10248393],
- [0.25821174, 0.05130947, 0.10427816],
- [0.26541283, 0.05123449, 0.10598337],
- [0.27263259, 0.05104128, 0.10759750],
- [0.27987156, 0.05072481, 0.10911701],
- [0.28712880, 0.05028207, 0.11053915],
- [0.29440436, 0.04970784, 0.11186007],
- [0.30169684, 0.04899892, 0.11307672],
- [0.30900651, 0.04814841, 0.11418422],
- [0.31633188, 0.04715204, 0.11517876],
- [0.32367181, 0.04600426, 0.11605574],
- [0.33102511, 0.04469878, 0.11681005],
- [0.33839028, 0.04322910, 0.11743623],
- [0.34576546, 0.04158862, 0.11792849],
- [0.35314838, 0.03976262, 0.11828070],
- [0.36053718, 0.03777454, 0.11848531],
- [0.36792832, 0.03566444, 0.11853569],
- [0.37531858, 0.03344367, 0.11842368],
- [0.38270352, 0.03112820, 0.11814132],
- [0.39007897, 0.02873506, 0.11767881],
- [0.39743892, 0.02628810, 0.11702704],
- [0.40477679, 0.02381517, 0.11617589],
- [0.41208471, 0.02135040, 0.11511495],
- [0.41935272, 0.01893711, 0.11383500],
- [0.42657074, 0.01662246, 0.11232422],
- [0.43372513, 0.01446824, 0.11057478],
- [0.44080099, 0.01254460, 0.10857882],
- [0.44778099, 0.01093412, 0.10633169],
- [0.45464606, 0.00972993, 0.10383133],
- [0.46137441, 0.00903875, 0.10108357],
- [0.46794387, 0.00897334, 0.09809894],
- [0.47433204, 0.00965080, 0.09489650],
- [0.48051809, 0.01118527, 0.09150369],
- [0.48648460, 0.01367983, 0.08795515],
- [0.49221926, 0.01721884, 0.08429021],
- [0.49771586, 0.02186266, 0.08054970],
- [0.50297446, 0.02764559, 0.07677266],
- [0.50800082, 0.03457755, 0.07299329],
- [0.51280504, 0.04257830, 0.06923870],
- [0.51740012, 0.05084025, 0.06552888],
- [0.52180052, 0.05911816, 0.06187727],
- [0.52602085, 0.06736027, 0.05828986],
- [0.53007551, 0.07553228, 0.05477040],
- [0.53397761, 0.08361433, 0.05131678],
- [0.53773925, 0.09159491, 0.04792586],
- [0.54137116, 0.09946893, 0.04459257],
- [0.54488277, 0.10723567, 0.04131059],
- [0.54828266, 0.11489620, 0.03807605],
- [0.55157772, 0.12245497, 0.03501120],
- [0.55477470, 0.12991547, 0.03212465],
- [0.55787876, 0.13728356, 0.02940333],
- [0.56089478, 0.14456437, 0.02683721],
- [0.56382693, 0.15176322, 0.02441749],
- [0.56667881, 0.15888540, 0.02213650],
- [0.56945354, 0.16593613, 0.01998773],
- [0.57215388, 0.17292018, 0.01796603],
- [0.57478249, 0.17984179, 0.01606769],
- [0.57734092, 0.18670616, 0.01428825],
- [0.57983160, 0.19351643, 0.01262656],
- [0.58225549, 0.20027739, 0.01107966],
- [0.58461462, 0.20699168, 0.00964789],
- [0.58690975, 0.21366327, 0.00833017],
- [0.58914192, 0.22029527, 0.00712691],
- [0.59131209, 0.22689048, 0.00603920],
- [0.59342128, 0.23345135, 0.00506895],
- [0.59546990, 0.23998070, 0.00421783],
- [0.59745851, 0.24648090, 0.00348841],
- [0.59938757, 0.25295415, 0.00288374],
- [0.60125745, 0.25940253, 0.00240734],
- [0.60306844, 0.26582798, 0.00206318],
- [0.60482076, 0.27223230, 0.00185568],
- [0.60651479, 0.27861699, 0.00178991],
- [0.60815043, 0.28498384, 0.00187093],
- [0.60972770, 0.29133438, 0.00210445],
- [0.61124659, 0.29766999, 0.00249661],
- [0.61270710, 0.30399196, 0.00305404],
- [0.61410943, 0.31030124, 0.00378401],
- [0.61545312, 0.31659932, 0.00469365],
- [0.61673800, 0.32288726, 0.00579085],
- [0.61796431, 0.32916572, 0.00708428],
- [0.61913147, 0.33543597, 0.00858242],
- [0.62023930, 0.34169882, 0.01029454],
- [0.62128782, 0.34795489, 0.01223053],
- [0.62227641, 0.35420524, 0.01440030],
- [0.62320516, 0.36045028, 0.01681470],
- [0.62407348, 0.36669089, 0.01948466],
- [0.62488127, 0.37292754, 0.02242188],
- [0.62562813, 0.37916087, 0.02563837],
- [0.62631376, 0.38539137, 0.02914672],
- [0.62693787, 0.39161953, 0.03296000],
- [0.62750010, 0.39784578, 0.03709177],
- [0.62800014, 0.40407053, 0.04152896],
- [0.62843766, 0.41029415, 0.04603751],
- [0.62881232, 0.41651698, 0.05059055],
- [0.62912380, 0.42273931, 0.05518862],
- [0.62937174, 0.42896144, 0.05983233],
- [0.62955585, 0.43518360, 0.06452236],
- [0.62967575, 0.44140603, 0.06925942],
- [0.62973115, 0.44762890, 0.07404424],
- [0.62972168, 0.45385242, 0.07887755],
- [0.62964703, 0.46007674, 0.08376012],
- [0.62950686, 0.46630198, 0.08869268],
- [0.62930080, 0.47252828, 0.09367600],
- [0.62902857, 0.47875573, 0.09871081],
- [0.62868975, 0.48498443, 0.10379791],
- [0.62828404, 0.49121445, 0.10893804],
- [0.62781104, 0.49744586, 0.11413199],
- [0.62727039, 0.50367872, 0.11938055],
- [0.62666171, 0.50991306, 0.12468455],
- [0.62598457, 0.51614893, 0.13004483],
- [0.62523861, 0.52238634, 0.13546228],
- [0.62442334, 0.52862534, 0.14093782],
- [0.62353835, 0.53486591, 0.14647244],
- [0.62258320, 0.54110805, 0.15206716],
- [0.62155726, 0.54735183, 0.15772314],
- [0.62046037, 0.55359707, 0.16344144],
- [0.61929143, 0.55984400, 0.16922359],
- [0.61805056, 0.56609232, 0.17507068],
- [0.61673671, 0.57234218, 0.18098443],
- [0.61534949, 0.57859344, 0.18696638],
- [0.61388865, 0.58484591, 0.19301815],
- [0.61235295, 0.59109975, 0.19914196],
- [0.61074229, 0.59735464, 0.20533966],
- [0.60905629, 0.60361040, 0.21161344],
- [0.60729425, 0.60986688, 0.21796583],
- [0.60545531, 0.61612403, 0.22439967],
- [0.60353962, 0.62238136, 0.23091759],
- [0.60154686, 0.62863856, 0.23752272],
- [0.59947683, 0.63489524, 0.24421845],
- [0.59732947, 0.64115096, 0.25100843],
- [0.59510497, 0.64740516, 0.25789665],
- [0.59280372, 0.65365720, 0.26488735],
- [0.59042649, 0.65990632, 0.27198515],
- [0.58797441, 0.66615161, 0.27919498],
- [0.58544914, 0.67239200, 0.28652214],
- [0.58285292, 0.67862624, 0.29397228],
- [0.58018876, 0.68485287, 0.30155144],
- [0.57745982, 0.69107038, 0.30926647],
- [0.57467066, 0.69727689, 0.31712444],
- [0.57182825, 0.70346986, 0.32513212],
- [0.56893823, 0.70964719, 0.33329841],
- [0.56601138, 0.71580544, 0.34163050],
- [0.56305674, 0.72194171, 0.35013840],
- [0.56008941, 0.72805165, 0.35883006],
- [0.55712527, 0.73413085, 0.36771503],
- [0.55418327, 0.74017428, 0.37680318],
- [0.55128713, 0.74617597, 0.38610368],
- [0.54846504, 0.75212914, 0.39562526],
- [0.54574957, 0.75802625, 0.40537647],
- [0.54317922, 0.76385877, 0.41536438],
- [0.54079905, 0.76961709, 0.42559363],
- [0.53865981, 0.77529084, 0.43606673],
- [0.53681754, 0.78086896, 0.44678355],
- [0.53533534, 0.78633953, 0.45773753],
- [0.53427876, 0.79169067, 0.46891834],
- [0.53371551, 0.79691067, 0.48030864],
- [0.53371171, 0.80198877, 0.49188424],
- [0.53432764, 0.80691584, 0.50361474],
- [0.53561395, 0.81168510, 0.51546372],
- [0.53760763, 0.81629267, 0.52739033],
- [0.54032907, 0.82073795, 0.53935195],
- [0.54378095, 0.82502365, 0.55130587],
- [0.54794864, 0.82915560, 0.56321133],
- [0.55280224, 0.83314206, 0.57503337],
- [0.55829996, 0.83699321, 0.58674162],
- [0.56439128, 0.84072061, 0.59831054],
- [0.57102144, 0.84433605, 0.60972314],
- [0.57813389, 0.84785149, 0.62096666],
- [0.58567189, 0.85127892, 0.63203103],
- [0.59358322, 0.85462890, 0.64291461],
- [0.60181747, 0.85791196, 0.65361483],
- [0.61033011, 0.86113720, 0.66413438],
- [0.61907874, 0.86431372, 0.67447414],
- [0.62802743, 0.86744907, 0.68463939],
- [0.63714420, 0.87055014, 0.69463567],
- [0.64639946, 0.87362365, 0.70446725],
- [0.65576881, 0.87667511, 0.71414071],
- [0.66523194, 0.87970917, 0.72366350],
- [0.67476755, 0.88273131, 0.73303917],
- [0.68436195, 0.88574474, 0.74227625],
- [0.69399752, 0.88875450, 0.75137733],
- [0.70366496, 0.89176296, 0.76035071],
- [0.71335305, 0.89477346, 0.76920115],
- [0.72305222, 0.89778904, 0.77793338],
- [0.73275432, 0.90081242, 0.78655208],
- [0.74245250, 0.90384603, 0.79506184],
- [0.75214098, 0.90689210, 0.80346713],
- [0.76181497, 0.90995260, 0.81177225],
- [0.77147050, 0.91302933, 0.81998134],
- [0.78110429, 0.91612393, 0.82809835],
- [0.79071163, 0.91923868, 0.83612565],
- [0.80028979, 0.92237518, 0.84406647],
- [0.80983908, 0.92553392, 0.85192554],
- [0.81935293, 0.92871812, 0.85970269],
- [0.82883440, 0.93192729, 0.86740351],
- [0.83827741, 0.93516459, 0.87502749],
- [0.84768508, 0.93842957, 0.88257941],
- [0.85705172, 0.94172530, 0.89005845],
- [0.86637916, 0.94505192, 0.89746793],
- [0.87566660, 0.94841061, 0.90480923],
- [0.88491005, 0.95180393, 0.91208173],
- [0.89411026, 0.95523250, 0.91928709],
- [0.90326638, 0.95869764, 0.92642573],
- [0.91237672, 0.96220108, 0.93349724],
- [0.92143936, 0.96574467, 0.94050072],
- [0.93045131, 0.96933076, 0.94743435],
- [0.93940998, 0.97296162, 0.95429606],
- [0.94831207, 0.97663987, 0.96108301],
- [0.95715223, 0.98036907, 0.96779110],
- [0.96592287, 0.98415376, 0.97441532],
- [0.97461302, 0.98799992, 0.98095011],
- [0.98320653, 0.99191554, 0.98739077],
- [0.99167977, 0.99591121, 0.99373688],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00034522, 0.00019191, 0.00022230],
+ [0.00125317, 0.00064517, 0.00076656],
+ [0.00270346, 0.00129799, 0.00157932],
+ [0.00470212, 0.00211827, 0.00263526],
+ [0.00726113, 0.00308337, 0.00391731],
+ [0.01039481, 0.00417548, 0.00541234],
+ [0.01411864, 0.00537976, 0.00710952],
+ [0.01844900, 0.00668326, 0.00899939],
+ [0.02340314, 0.00807431, 0.01107344],
+ [0.02899795, 0.00954253, 0.01332384],
+ [0.03525113, 0.01107815, 0.01574318],
+ [0.04213125, 0.01267185, 0.01832428],
+ [0.04909383, 0.01431527, 0.02106030],
+ [0.05602829, 0.01599999, 0.02394439],
+ [0.06294069, 0.01771814, 0.02696984],
+ [0.06983598, 0.01946225, 0.03012998],
+ [0.07671928, 0.02122461, 0.03341796],
+ [0.08359352, 0.02299853, 0.03682718],
+ [0.09046311, 0.02477635, 0.04035051],
+ [0.09732985, 0.02655195, 0.04383743],
+ [0.10419738, 0.02831787, 0.04724805],
+ [0.11106708, 0.03006814, 0.05058590],
+ [0.11794152, 0.03179585, 0.05385217],
+ [0.12482240, 0.03349468, 0.05704796],
+ [0.13171089, 0.03515874, 0.06017420],
+ [0.13860946, 0.03678085, 0.06323111],
+ [0.14551857, 0.03835565, 0.06621933],
+ [0.15243940, 0.03987710, 0.06913901],
+ [0.15937355, 0.04131818, 0.07198991],
+ [0.16632185, 0.04266018, 0.07477184],
+ [0.17328490, 0.04391025, 0.07748454],
+ [0.18026353, 0.04506769, 0.08012743],
+ [0.18725849, 0.04613166, 0.08269980],
+ [0.19427045, 0.04710110, 0.08520078],
+ [0.20129998, 0.04797477, 0.08762932],
+ [0.20834760, 0.04875126, 0.08998426],
+ [0.21541372, 0.04942899, 0.09226428],
+ [0.22249867, 0.05000619, 0.09446791],
+ [0.22960272, 0.05048090, 0.09659352],
+ [0.23672600, 0.05085102, 0.09863937],
+ [0.24386859, 0.05111424, 0.10060352],
+ [0.25103045, 0.05126810, 0.10248393],
+ [0.25821174, 0.05130947, 0.10427816],
+ [0.26541283, 0.05123449, 0.10598337],
+ [0.27263259, 0.05104128, 0.10759750],
+ [0.27987156, 0.05072481, 0.10911701],
+ [0.28712880, 0.05028207, 0.11053915],
+ [0.29440436, 0.04970784, 0.11186007],
+ [0.30169684, 0.04899892, 0.11307672],
+ [0.30900651, 0.04814841, 0.11418422],
+ [0.31633188, 0.04715204, 0.11517876],
+ [0.32367181, 0.04600426, 0.11605574],
+ [0.33102511, 0.04469878, 0.11681005],
+ [0.33839028, 0.04322910, 0.11743623],
+ [0.34576546, 0.04158862, 0.11792849],
+ [0.35314838, 0.03976262, 0.11828070],
+ [0.36053718, 0.03777454, 0.11848531],
+ [0.36792832, 0.03566444, 0.11853569],
+ [0.37531858, 0.03344367, 0.11842368],
+ [0.38270352, 0.03112820, 0.11814132],
+ [0.39007897, 0.02873506, 0.11767881],
+ [0.39743892, 0.02628810, 0.11702704],
+ [0.40477679, 0.02381517, 0.11617589],
+ [0.41208471, 0.02135040, 0.11511495],
+ [0.41935272, 0.01893711, 0.11383500],
+ [0.42657074, 0.01662246, 0.11232422],
+ [0.43372513, 0.01446824, 0.11057478],
+ [0.44080099, 0.01254460, 0.10857882],
+ [0.44778099, 0.01093412, 0.10633169],
+ [0.45464606, 0.00972993, 0.10383133],
+ [0.46137441, 0.00903875, 0.10108357],
+ [0.46794387, 0.00897334, 0.09809894],
+ [0.47433204, 0.00965080, 0.09489650],
+ [0.48051809, 0.01118527, 0.09150369],
+ [0.48648460, 0.01367983, 0.08795515],
+ [0.49221926, 0.01721884, 0.08429021],
+ [0.49771586, 0.02186266, 0.08054970],
+ [0.50297446, 0.02764559, 0.07677266],
+ [0.50800082, 0.03457755, 0.07299329],
+ [0.51280504, 0.04257830, 0.06923870],
+ [0.51740012, 0.05084025, 0.06552888],
+ [0.52180052, 0.05911816, 0.06187727],
+ [0.52602085, 0.06736027, 0.05828986],
+ [0.53007551, 0.07553228, 0.05477040],
+ [0.53397761, 0.08361433, 0.05131678],
+ [0.53773925, 0.09159491, 0.04792586],
+ [0.54137116, 0.09946893, 0.04459257],
+ [0.54488277, 0.10723567, 0.04131059],
+ [0.54828266, 0.11489620, 0.03807605],
+ [0.55157772, 0.12245497, 0.03501120],
+ [0.55477470, 0.12991547, 0.03212465],
+ [0.55787876, 0.13728356, 0.02940333],
+ [0.56089478, 0.14456437, 0.02683721],
+ [0.56382693, 0.15176322, 0.02441749],
+ [0.56667881, 0.15888540, 0.02213650],
+ [0.56945354, 0.16593613, 0.01998773],
+ [0.57215388, 0.17292018, 0.01796603],
+ [0.57478249, 0.17984179, 0.01606769],
+ [0.57734092, 0.18670616, 0.01428825],
+ [0.57983160, 0.19351643, 0.01262656],
+ [0.58225549, 0.20027739, 0.01107966],
+ [0.58461462, 0.20699168, 0.00964789],
+ [0.58690975, 0.21366327, 0.00833017],
+ [0.58914192, 0.22029527, 0.00712691],
+ [0.59131209, 0.22689048, 0.00603920],
+ [0.59342128, 0.23345135, 0.00506895],
+ [0.59546990, 0.23998070, 0.00421783],
+ [0.59745851, 0.24648090, 0.00348841],
+ [0.59938757, 0.25295415, 0.00288374],
+ [0.60125745, 0.25940253, 0.00240734],
+ [0.60306844, 0.26582798, 0.00206318],
+ [0.60482076, 0.27223230, 0.00185568],
+ [0.60651479, 0.27861699, 0.00178991],
+ [0.60815043, 0.28498384, 0.00187093],
+ [0.60972770, 0.29133438, 0.00210445],
+ [0.61124659, 0.29766999, 0.00249661],
+ [0.61270710, 0.30399196, 0.00305404],
+ [0.61410943, 0.31030124, 0.00378401],
+ [0.61545312, 0.31659932, 0.00469365],
+ [0.61673800, 0.32288726, 0.00579085],
+ [0.61796431, 0.32916572, 0.00708428],
+ [0.61913147, 0.33543597, 0.00858242],
+ [0.62023930, 0.34169882, 0.01029454],
+ [0.62128782, 0.34795489, 0.01223053],
+ [0.62227641, 0.35420524, 0.01440030],
+ [0.62320516, 0.36045028, 0.01681470],
+ [0.62407348, 0.36669089, 0.01948466],
+ [0.62488127, 0.37292754, 0.02242188],
+ [0.62562813, 0.37916087, 0.02563837],
+ [0.62631376, 0.38539137, 0.02914672],
+ [0.62693787, 0.39161953, 0.03296000],
+ [0.62750010, 0.39784578, 0.03709177],
+ [0.62800014, 0.40407053, 0.04152896],
+ [0.62843766, 0.41029415, 0.04603751],
+ [0.62881232, 0.41651698, 0.05059055],
+ [0.62912380, 0.42273931, 0.05518862],
+ [0.62937174, 0.42896144, 0.05983233],
+ [0.62955585, 0.43518360, 0.06452236],
+ [0.62967575, 0.44140603, 0.06925942],
+ [0.62973115, 0.44762890, 0.07404424],
+ [0.62972168, 0.45385242, 0.07887755],
+ [0.62964703, 0.46007674, 0.08376012],
+ [0.62950686, 0.46630198, 0.08869268],
+ [0.62930080, 0.47252828, 0.09367600],
+ [0.62902857, 0.47875573, 0.09871081],
+ [0.62868975, 0.48498443, 0.10379791],
+ [0.62828404, 0.49121445, 0.10893804],
+ [0.62781104, 0.49744586, 0.11413199],
+ [0.62727039, 0.50367872, 0.11938055],
+ [0.62666171, 0.50991306, 0.12468455],
+ [0.62598457, 0.51614893, 0.13004483],
+ [0.62523861, 0.52238634, 0.13546228],
+ [0.62442334, 0.52862534, 0.14093782],
+ [0.62353835, 0.53486591, 0.14647244],
+ [0.62258320, 0.54110805, 0.15206716],
+ [0.62155726, 0.54735183, 0.15772314],
+ [0.62046037, 0.55359707, 0.16344144],
+ [0.61929143, 0.55984400, 0.16922359],
+ [0.61805056, 0.56609232, 0.17507068],
+ [0.61673671, 0.57234218, 0.18098443],
+ [0.61534949, 0.57859344, 0.18696638],
+ [0.61388865, 0.58484591, 0.19301815],
+ [0.61235295, 0.59109975, 0.19914196],
+ [0.61074229, 0.59735464, 0.20533966],
+ [0.60905629, 0.60361040, 0.21161344],
+ [0.60729425, 0.60986688, 0.21796583],
+ [0.60545531, 0.61612403, 0.22439967],
+ [0.60353962, 0.62238136, 0.23091759],
+ [0.60154686, 0.62863856, 0.23752272],
+ [0.59947683, 0.63489524, 0.24421845],
+ [0.59732947, 0.64115096, 0.25100843],
+ [0.59510497, 0.64740516, 0.25789665],
+ [0.59280372, 0.65365720, 0.26488735],
+ [0.59042649, 0.65990632, 0.27198515],
+ [0.58797441, 0.66615161, 0.27919498],
+ [0.58544914, 0.67239200, 0.28652214],
+ [0.58285292, 0.67862624, 0.29397228],
+ [0.58018876, 0.68485287, 0.30155144],
+ [0.57745982, 0.69107038, 0.30926647],
+ [0.57467066, 0.69727689, 0.31712444],
+ [0.57182825, 0.70346986, 0.32513212],
+ [0.56893823, 0.70964719, 0.33329841],
+ [0.56601138, 0.71580544, 0.34163050],
+ [0.56305674, 0.72194171, 0.35013840],
+ [0.56008941, 0.72805165, 0.35883006],
+ [0.55712527, 0.73413085, 0.36771503],
+ [0.55418327, 0.74017428, 0.37680318],
+ [0.55128713, 0.74617597, 0.38610368],
+ [0.54846504, 0.75212914, 0.39562526],
+ [0.54574957, 0.75802625, 0.40537647],
+ [0.54317922, 0.76385877, 0.41536438],
+ [0.54079905, 0.76961709, 0.42559363],
+ [0.53865981, 0.77529084, 0.43606673],
+ [0.53681754, 0.78086896, 0.44678355],
+ [0.53533534, 0.78633953, 0.45773753],
+ [0.53427876, 0.79169067, 0.46891834],
+ [0.53371551, 0.79691067, 0.48030864],
+ [0.53371171, 0.80198877, 0.49188424],
+ [0.53432764, 0.80691584, 0.50361474],
+ [0.53561395, 0.81168510, 0.51546372],
+ [0.53760763, 0.81629267, 0.52739033],
+ [0.54032907, 0.82073795, 0.53935195],
+ [0.54378095, 0.82502365, 0.55130587],
+ [0.54794864, 0.82915560, 0.56321133],
+ [0.55280224, 0.83314206, 0.57503337],
+ [0.55829996, 0.83699321, 0.58674162],
+ [0.56439128, 0.84072061, 0.59831054],
+ [0.57102144, 0.84433605, 0.60972314],
+ [0.57813389, 0.84785149, 0.62096666],
+ [0.58567189, 0.85127892, 0.63203103],
+ [0.59358322, 0.85462890, 0.64291461],
+ [0.60181747, 0.85791196, 0.65361483],
+ [0.61033011, 0.86113720, 0.66413438],
+ [0.61907874, 0.86431372, 0.67447414],
+ [0.62802743, 0.86744907, 0.68463939],
+ [0.63714420, 0.87055014, 0.69463567],
+ [0.64639946, 0.87362365, 0.70446725],
+ [0.65576881, 0.87667511, 0.71414071],
+ [0.66523194, 0.87970917, 0.72366350],
+ [0.67476755, 0.88273131, 0.73303917],
+ [0.68436195, 0.88574474, 0.74227625],
+ [0.69399752, 0.88875450, 0.75137733],
+ [0.70366496, 0.89176296, 0.76035071],
+ [0.71335305, 0.89477346, 0.76920115],
+ [0.72305222, 0.89778904, 0.77793338],
+ [0.73275432, 0.90081242, 0.78655208],
+ [0.74245250, 0.90384603, 0.79506184],
+ [0.75214098, 0.90689210, 0.80346713],
+ [0.76181497, 0.90995260, 0.81177225],
+ [0.77147050, 0.91302933, 0.81998134],
+ [0.78110429, 0.91612393, 0.82809835],
+ [0.79071163, 0.91923868, 0.83612565],
+ [0.80028979, 0.92237518, 0.84406647],
+ [0.80983908, 0.92553392, 0.85192554],
+ [0.81935293, 0.92871812, 0.85970269],
+ [0.82883440, 0.93192729, 0.86740351],
+ [0.83827741, 0.93516459, 0.87502749],
+ [0.84768508, 0.93842957, 0.88257941],
+ [0.85705172, 0.94172530, 0.89005845],
+ [0.86637916, 0.94505192, 0.89746793],
+ [0.87566660, 0.94841061, 0.90480923],
+ [0.88491005, 0.95180393, 0.91208173],
+ [0.89411026, 0.95523250, 0.91928709],
+ [0.90326638, 0.95869764, 0.92642573],
+ [0.91237672, 0.96220108, 0.93349724],
+ [0.92143936, 0.96574467, 0.94050072],
+ [0.93045131, 0.96933076, 0.94743435],
+ [0.93940998, 0.97296162, 0.95429606],
+ [0.94831207, 0.97663987, 0.96108301],
+ [0.95715223, 0.98036907, 0.96779110],
+ [0.96592287, 0.98415376, 0.97441532],
+ [0.97461302, 0.98799992, 0.98095011],
+ [0.98320653, 0.99191554, 0.98739077],
+ [0.99167977, 0.99591121, 0.99373688],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.apple', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.apple", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/arctic/arctic.py b/cmasher/colormaps/arctic/arctic.py
index 1584f856..2a6de9c4 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/arctic/arctic.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/arctic/arctic.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00023317, 0.00023028, 0.00027453],
- [0.00080462, 0.00079836, 0.00097870],
- [0.00165943, 0.00165369, 0.00207937],
- [0.00277259, 0.00277421, 0.00357020],
- [0.00412797, 0.00414626, 0.00545173],
- [0.00571385, 0.00576031, 0.00772779],
- [0.00752107, 0.00760925, 0.01040421],
- [0.00954215, 0.00968758, 0.01348806],
- [0.01177083, 0.01199092, 0.01698708],
- [0.01420170, 0.01451574, 0.02090980],
- [0.01682996, 0.01725912, 0.02526553],
- [0.01965133, 0.02021868, 0.03006390],
- [0.02266196, 0.02339243, 0.03531473],
- [0.02585832, 0.02677874, 0.04101630],
- [0.02923711, 0.03037623, 0.04680336],
- [0.03279517, 0.03418377, 0.05256750],
- [0.03652963, 0.03820048, 0.05831331],
- [0.04043774, 0.04236545, 0.06404492],
- [0.04433712, 0.04648195, 0.06976602],
- [0.04818165, 0.05055441, 0.07547990],
- [0.05197463, 0.05458604, 0.08118947],
- [0.05571879, 0.05857973, 0.08689746],
- [0.05941653, 0.06253805, 0.09260633],
- [0.06307009, 0.06646337, 0.09831801],
- [0.06668142, 0.07035781, 0.10403447],
- [0.07025225, 0.07422330, 0.10975749],
- [0.07378415, 0.07806161, 0.11548875],
- [0.07727855, 0.08187438, 0.12122978],
- [0.08073670, 0.08566311, 0.12698202],
- [0.08415976, 0.08942918, 0.13274679],
- [0.08754875, 0.09317389, 0.13852534],
- [0.09090463, 0.09689843, 0.14431884],
- [0.09422821, 0.10060392, 0.15012841],
- [0.09752027, 0.10429141, 0.15595507],
- [0.10078149, 0.10796188, 0.16179981],
- [0.10401247, 0.11161626, 0.16766357],
- [0.10721376, 0.11525541, 0.17354722],
- [0.11038584, 0.11888017, 0.17945162],
- [0.11352914, 0.12249131, 0.18537756],
- [0.11664405, 0.12608957, 0.19132582],
- [0.11973075, 0.12967564, 0.19729754],
- [0.12278963, 0.13325021, 0.20329312],
- [0.12582092, 0.13681391, 0.20931317],
- [0.12882482, 0.14036737, 0.21535833],
- [0.13180148, 0.14391117, 0.22142921],
- [0.13475095, 0.14744588, 0.22752663],
- [0.13767317, 0.15097202, 0.23365158],
- [0.14056835, 0.15449014, 0.23980401],
- [0.14343650, 0.15800077, 0.24598443],
- [0.14627744, 0.16150436, 0.25219383],
- [0.14909104, 0.16500140, 0.25843288],
- [0.15187739, 0.16849239, 0.26470139],
- [0.15463619, 0.17197775, 0.27100034],
- [0.15736717, 0.17545792, 0.27733049],
- [0.16007039, 0.17893339, 0.28369136],
- [0.16274519, 0.18240452, 0.29008469],
- [0.16539162, 0.18587178, 0.29650983],
- [0.16800916, 0.18933556, 0.30296778],
- [0.17059751, 0.19279629, 0.30945877],
- [0.17315623, 0.19625436, 0.31598321],
- [0.17568492, 0.19971020, 0.32254145],
- [0.17818299, 0.20316418, 0.32913409],
- [0.18065017, 0.20661674, 0.33576076],
- [0.18308543, 0.21006823, 0.34242314],
- [0.18548865, 0.21351911, 0.34912010],
- [0.18785897, 0.21696976, 0.35585259],
- [0.19019551, 0.22042058, 0.36262130],
- [0.19249785, 0.22387200, 0.36942564],
- [0.19476516, 0.22732445, 0.37626595],
- [0.19699630, 0.23077831, 0.38314312],
- [0.19919049, 0.23423404, 0.39005705],
- [0.20134687, 0.23769208, 0.39700759],
- [0.20346440, 0.24115288, 0.40399493],
- [0.20554197, 0.24461690, 0.41101921],
- [0.20757840, 0.24808461, 0.41808051],
- [0.20957247, 0.25155650, 0.42517886],
- [0.21152287, 0.25503307, 0.43231423],
- [0.21342823, 0.25851484, 0.43948652],
- [0.21528710, 0.26200234, 0.44669555],
- [0.21709795, 0.26549615, 0.45394105],
- [0.21885920, 0.26899683, 0.46122269],
- [0.22056856, 0.27250496, 0.46854123],
- [0.22222469, 0.27602122, 0.47589516],
- [0.22382576, 0.27954625, 0.48328375],
- [0.22536896, 0.28308073, 0.49070781],
- [0.22685272, 0.28662541, 0.49816540],
- [0.22827420, 0.29018103, 0.50565656],
- [0.22963128, 0.29374843, 0.51317967],
- [0.23092057, 0.29732842, 0.52073491],
- [0.23213990, 0.30092192, 0.52831985],
- [0.23328601, 0.30452990, 0.53593347],
- [0.23435505, 0.30815334, 0.54357517],
- [0.23534395, 0.31179334, 0.55124246],
- [0.23624897, 0.31545103, 0.55893339],
- [0.23706609, 0.31912763, 0.56664575],
- [0.23779107, 0.32282445, 0.57437693],
- [0.23841869, 0.32654289, 0.58212496],
- [0.23894471, 0.33028441, 0.58988569],
- [0.23936426, 0.33405062, 0.59765495],
- [0.23967036, 0.33784324, 0.60543039],
- [0.23985856, 0.34166406, 0.61320537],
- [0.23992182, 0.34551506, 0.62097538],
- [0.23985322, 0.34939836, 0.62873454],
- [0.23964615, 0.35331618, 0.63647532],
- [0.23929319, 0.35727092, 0.64418979],
- [0.23878605, 0.36126518, 0.65186941],
- [0.23811713, 0.36530167, 0.65950346],
- [0.23727862, 0.36938322, 0.66707989],
- [0.23626216, 0.37351288, 0.67458555],
- [0.23505958, 0.37769382, 0.68200540],
- [0.23366438, 0.38192919, 0.68932165],
- [0.23206980, 0.38622226, 0.69651517],
- [0.23027216, 0.39057610, 0.70356355],
- [0.22826953, 0.39499363, 0.71044243],
- [0.22606398, 0.39947733, 0.71712482],
- [0.22366202, 0.40402912, 0.72358176],
- [0.22107696, 0.40864995, 0.72978242],
- [0.21832968, 0.41333960, 0.73569535],
- [0.21544988, 0.41809642, 0.74128972],
- [0.21247761, 0.42291694, 0.74653688],
- [0.20946307, 0.42779582, 0.75141235],
- [0.20646549, 0.43272585, 0.75589785],
- [0.20355123, 0.43769824, 0.75998287],
- [0.20079063, 0.44270297, 0.76366565],
- [0.19825429, 0.44772938, 0.76695329],
- [0.19600914, 0.45276682, 0.76986099],
- [0.19411495, 0.45780520, 0.77241053],
- [0.19262197, 0.46283542, 0.77462841],
- [0.19156935, 0.46784963, 0.77654391],
- [0.19098524, 0.47284129, 0.77818757],
- [0.19088570, 0.47780537, 0.77958923],
- [0.19127741, 0.48273790, 0.78077786],
- [0.19215751, 0.48763616, 0.78178014],
- [0.19351606, 0.49249821, 0.78262084],
- [0.19533693, 0.49732293, 0.78332228],
- [0.19759934, 0.50210982, 0.78390439],
- [0.20027919, 0.50685888, 0.78438479],
- [0.20335048, 0.51157040, 0.78477933],
- [0.20678595, 0.51624499, 0.78510186],
- [0.21055813, 0.52088345, 0.78536478],
- [0.21463978, 0.52548677, 0.78557863],
- [0.21900458, 0.53005601, 0.78575302],
- [0.22362738, 0.53459230, 0.78589635],
- [0.22848445, 0.53909681, 0.78601595],
- [0.23355363, 0.54357075, 0.78611828],
- [0.23881437, 0.54801530, 0.78620933],
- [0.24424778, 0.55243167, 0.78629411],
- [0.24983662, 0.55682106, 0.78637693],
- [0.25556507, 0.56118460, 0.78646219],
- [0.26141893, 0.56552344, 0.78655322],
- [0.26738534, 0.56983870, 0.78665310],
- [0.27345257, 0.57413143, 0.78676497],
- [0.27961017, 0.57840266, 0.78689133],
- [0.28584880, 0.58265342, 0.78703432],
- [0.29216004, 0.58688468, 0.78719602],
- [0.29853635, 0.59109738, 0.78737827],
- [0.30497098, 0.59529242, 0.78758272],
- [0.31145792, 0.59947068, 0.78781085],
- [0.31799178, 0.60363300, 0.78806406],
- [0.32456766, 0.60778019, 0.78834372],
- [0.33118143, 0.61191303, 0.78865069],
- [0.33782932, 0.61603230, 0.78898592],
- [0.34450779, 0.62013870, 0.78935056],
- [0.35121386, 0.62423294, 0.78974540],
- [0.35794502, 0.62831570, 0.79017091],
- [0.36469854, 0.63238763, 0.79062834],
- [0.37147270, 0.63644936, 0.79111774],
- [0.37826529, 0.64050149, 0.79164021],
- [0.38507499, 0.64454462, 0.79219580],
- [0.39189995, 0.64857932, 0.79278557],
- [0.39873922, 0.65260612, 0.79340949],
- [0.40559148, 0.65662556, 0.79406830],
- [0.41245575, 0.66063816, 0.79476235],
- [0.41933127, 0.66464439, 0.79549189],
- [0.42621714, 0.66864476, 0.79625747],
- [0.43311270, 0.67263971, 0.79705942],
- [0.44001747, 0.67662971, 0.79789795],
- [0.44693096, 0.68061519, 0.79877340],
- [0.45385264, 0.68459657, 0.79968616],
- [0.46078217, 0.68857428, 0.80063655],
- [0.46771930, 0.69254870, 0.80162476],
- [0.47466379, 0.69652023, 0.80265107],
- [0.48161542, 0.70048924, 0.80371576],
- [0.48857403, 0.70445612, 0.80481911],
- [0.49553947, 0.70842121, 0.80596139],
- [0.50251165, 0.71238488, 0.80714286],
- [0.50949047, 0.71634746, 0.80836382],
- [0.51647592, 0.72030930, 0.80962448],
- [0.52346799, 0.72427072, 0.81092511],
- [0.53046668, 0.72823205, 0.81226596],
- [0.53747200, 0.73219359, 0.81364728],
- [0.54448397, 0.73615566, 0.81506936],
- [0.55150265, 0.74011857, 0.81653244],
- [0.55852809, 0.74408262, 0.81803679],
- [0.56556035, 0.74804809, 0.81958270],
- [0.57259949, 0.75201529, 0.82117042],
- [0.57964557, 0.75598450, 0.82280027],
- [0.58669869, 0.75995601, 0.82447251],
- [0.59375893, 0.76393009, 0.82618741],
- [0.60082638, 0.76790703, 0.82794527],
- [0.60790113, 0.77188710, 0.82974637],
- [0.61498325, 0.77587057, 0.83159103],
- [0.62207283, 0.77985772, 0.83347954],
- [0.62916996, 0.78384883, 0.83541221],
- [0.63627470, 0.78784415, 0.83738935],
- [0.64338707, 0.79184398, 0.83941135],
- [0.65050719, 0.79584857, 0.84147847],
- [0.65763514, 0.79985820, 0.84359103],
- [0.66477096, 0.80387314, 0.84574936],
- [0.67191472, 0.80789365, 0.84795379],
- [0.67906640, 0.81192004, 0.85020472],
- [0.68622604, 0.81595257, 0.85250247],
- [0.69339371, 0.81999150, 0.85484735],
- [0.70056942, 0.82403713, 0.85723972],
- [0.70775318, 0.82808975, 0.85967992],
- [0.71494489, 0.83214965, 0.86216838],
- [0.72214463, 0.83621711, 0.86470538],
- [0.72935239, 0.84029242, 0.86729125],
- [0.73656808, 0.84437589, 0.86992639],
- [0.74379161, 0.84846784, 0.87261119],
- [0.75102301, 0.85256856, 0.87534593],
- [0.75826220, 0.85667836, 0.87813094],
- [0.76550897, 0.86079759, 0.88096669],
- [0.77276334, 0.86492656, 0.88385341],
- [0.78002521, 0.86906558, 0.88679144],
- [0.78729432, 0.87321505, 0.88978119],
- [0.79457064, 0.87737527, 0.89282293],
- [0.80185404, 0.88154660, 0.89591693],
- [0.80914417, 0.88572944, 0.89906364],
- [0.81644105, 0.88992412, 0.90226322],
- [0.82374437, 0.89413104, 0.90551602],
- [0.83105389, 0.89835059, 0.90882234],
- [0.83836951, 0.90258315, 0.91218235],
- [0.84569073, 0.90682918, 0.91559647],
- [0.85301755, 0.91108904, 0.91906475],
- [0.86034944, 0.91536322, 0.92258758],
- [0.86768629, 0.91965211, 0.92616502],
- [0.87502760, 0.92395622, 0.92979737],
- [0.88237314, 0.92827598, 0.93348471],
- [0.88972239, 0.93261192, 0.93722727],
- [0.89707509, 0.93696449, 0.94102508],
- [0.90443060, 0.94133428, 0.94487836],
- [0.91178868, 0.94572174, 0.94878703],
- [0.91914846, 0.95012756, 0.95275133],
- [0.92650970, 0.95455223, 0.95677110],
- [0.93387153, 0.95899642, 0.96084644],
- [0.94123333, 0.96346078, 0.96497727],
- [0.94859441, 0.96794597, 0.96916344],
- [0.95595357, 0.97245284, 0.97340496],
- [0.96331004, 0.97698211, 0.97770154],
- [0.97066265, 0.98153466, 0.98205293],
- [0.97800972, 0.98611156, 0.98645894],
- [0.98534976, 0.99071387, 0.99091911],
- [0.99268073, 0.99534284, 0.99543298],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00023317, 0.00023028, 0.00027453],
+ [0.00080462, 0.00079836, 0.00097870],
+ [0.00165943, 0.00165369, 0.00207937],
+ [0.00277259, 0.00277421, 0.00357020],
+ [0.00412797, 0.00414626, 0.00545173],
+ [0.00571385, 0.00576031, 0.00772779],
+ [0.00752107, 0.00760925, 0.01040421],
+ [0.00954215, 0.00968758, 0.01348806],
+ [0.01177083, 0.01199092, 0.01698708],
+ [0.01420170, 0.01451574, 0.02090980],
+ [0.01682996, 0.01725912, 0.02526553],
+ [0.01965133, 0.02021868, 0.03006390],
+ [0.02266196, 0.02339243, 0.03531473],
+ [0.02585832, 0.02677874, 0.04101630],
+ [0.02923711, 0.03037623, 0.04680336],
+ [0.03279517, 0.03418377, 0.05256750],
+ [0.03652963, 0.03820048, 0.05831331],
+ [0.04043774, 0.04236545, 0.06404492],
+ [0.04433712, 0.04648195, 0.06976602],
+ [0.04818165, 0.05055441, 0.07547990],
+ [0.05197463, 0.05458604, 0.08118947],
+ [0.05571879, 0.05857973, 0.08689746],
+ [0.05941653, 0.06253805, 0.09260633],
+ [0.06307009, 0.06646337, 0.09831801],
+ [0.06668142, 0.07035781, 0.10403447],
+ [0.07025225, 0.07422330, 0.10975749],
+ [0.07378415, 0.07806161, 0.11548875],
+ [0.07727855, 0.08187438, 0.12122978],
+ [0.08073670, 0.08566311, 0.12698202],
+ [0.08415976, 0.08942918, 0.13274679],
+ [0.08754875, 0.09317389, 0.13852534],
+ [0.09090463, 0.09689843, 0.14431884],
+ [0.09422821, 0.10060392, 0.15012841],
+ [0.09752027, 0.10429141, 0.15595507],
+ [0.10078149, 0.10796188, 0.16179981],
+ [0.10401247, 0.11161626, 0.16766357],
+ [0.10721376, 0.11525541, 0.17354722],
+ [0.11038584, 0.11888017, 0.17945162],
+ [0.11352914, 0.12249131, 0.18537756],
+ [0.11664405, 0.12608957, 0.19132582],
+ [0.11973075, 0.12967564, 0.19729754],
+ [0.12278963, 0.13325021, 0.20329312],
+ [0.12582092, 0.13681391, 0.20931317],
+ [0.12882482, 0.14036737, 0.21535833],
+ [0.13180148, 0.14391117, 0.22142921],
+ [0.13475095, 0.14744588, 0.22752663],
+ [0.13767317, 0.15097202, 0.23365158],
+ [0.14056835, 0.15449014, 0.23980401],
+ [0.14343650, 0.15800077, 0.24598443],
+ [0.14627744, 0.16150436, 0.25219383],
+ [0.14909104, 0.16500140, 0.25843288],
+ [0.15187739, 0.16849239, 0.26470139],
+ [0.15463619, 0.17197775, 0.27100034],
+ [0.15736717, 0.17545792, 0.27733049],
+ [0.16007039, 0.17893339, 0.28369136],
+ [0.16274519, 0.18240452, 0.29008469],
+ [0.16539162, 0.18587178, 0.29650983],
+ [0.16800916, 0.18933556, 0.30296778],
+ [0.17059751, 0.19279629, 0.30945877],
+ [0.17315623, 0.19625436, 0.31598321],
+ [0.17568492, 0.19971020, 0.32254145],
+ [0.17818299, 0.20316418, 0.32913409],
+ [0.18065017, 0.20661674, 0.33576076],
+ [0.18308543, 0.21006823, 0.34242314],
+ [0.18548865, 0.21351911, 0.34912010],
+ [0.18785897, 0.21696976, 0.35585259],
+ [0.19019551, 0.22042058, 0.36262130],
+ [0.19249785, 0.22387200, 0.36942564],
+ [0.19476516, 0.22732445, 0.37626595],
+ [0.19699630, 0.23077831, 0.38314312],
+ [0.19919049, 0.23423404, 0.39005705],
+ [0.20134687, 0.23769208, 0.39700759],
+ [0.20346440, 0.24115288, 0.40399493],
+ [0.20554197, 0.24461690, 0.41101921],
+ [0.20757840, 0.24808461, 0.41808051],
+ [0.20957247, 0.25155650, 0.42517886],
+ [0.21152287, 0.25503307, 0.43231423],
+ [0.21342823, 0.25851484, 0.43948652],
+ [0.21528710, 0.26200234, 0.44669555],
+ [0.21709795, 0.26549615, 0.45394105],
+ [0.21885920, 0.26899683, 0.46122269],
+ [0.22056856, 0.27250496, 0.46854123],
+ [0.22222469, 0.27602122, 0.47589516],
+ [0.22382576, 0.27954625, 0.48328375],
+ [0.22536896, 0.28308073, 0.49070781],
+ [0.22685272, 0.28662541, 0.49816540],
+ [0.22827420, 0.29018103, 0.50565656],
+ [0.22963128, 0.29374843, 0.51317967],
+ [0.23092057, 0.29732842, 0.52073491],
+ [0.23213990, 0.30092192, 0.52831985],
+ [0.23328601, 0.30452990, 0.53593347],
+ [0.23435505, 0.30815334, 0.54357517],
+ [0.23534395, 0.31179334, 0.55124246],
+ [0.23624897, 0.31545103, 0.55893339],
+ [0.23706609, 0.31912763, 0.56664575],
+ [0.23779107, 0.32282445, 0.57437693],
+ [0.23841869, 0.32654289, 0.58212496],
+ [0.23894471, 0.33028441, 0.58988569],
+ [0.23936426, 0.33405062, 0.59765495],
+ [0.23967036, 0.33784324, 0.60543039],
+ [0.23985856, 0.34166406, 0.61320537],
+ [0.23992182, 0.34551506, 0.62097538],
+ [0.23985322, 0.34939836, 0.62873454],
+ [0.23964615, 0.35331618, 0.63647532],
+ [0.23929319, 0.35727092, 0.64418979],
+ [0.23878605, 0.36126518, 0.65186941],
+ [0.23811713, 0.36530167, 0.65950346],
+ [0.23727862, 0.36938322, 0.66707989],
+ [0.23626216, 0.37351288, 0.67458555],
+ [0.23505958, 0.37769382, 0.68200540],
+ [0.23366438, 0.38192919, 0.68932165],
+ [0.23206980, 0.38622226, 0.69651517],
+ [0.23027216, 0.39057610, 0.70356355],
+ [0.22826953, 0.39499363, 0.71044243],
+ [0.22606398, 0.39947733, 0.71712482],
+ [0.22366202, 0.40402912, 0.72358176],
+ [0.22107696, 0.40864995, 0.72978242],
+ [0.21832968, 0.41333960, 0.73569535],
+ [0.21544988, 0.41809642, 0.74128972],
+ [0.21247761, 0.42291694, 0.74653688],
+ [0.20946307, 0.42779582, 0.75141235],
+ [0.20646549, 0.43272585, 0.75589785],
+ [0.20355123, 0.43769824, 0.75998287],
+ [0.20079063, 0.44270297, 0.76366565],
+ [0.19825429, 0.44772938, 0.76695329],
+ [0.19600914, 0.45276682, 0.76986099],
+ [0.19411495, 0.45780520, 0.77241053],
+ [0.19262197, 0.46283542, 0.77462841],
+ [0.19156935, 0.46784963, 0.77654391],
+ [0.19098524, 0.47284129, 0.77818757],
+ [0.19088570, 0.47780537, 0.77958923],
+ [0.19127741, 0.48273790, 0.78077786],
+ [0.19215751, 0.48763616, 0.78178014],
+ [0.19351606, 0.49249821, 0.78262084],
+ [0.19533693, 0.49732293, 0.78332228],
+ [0.19759934, 0.50210982, 0.78390439],
+ [0.20027919, 0.50685888, 0.78438479],
+ [0.20335048, 0.51157040, 0.78477933],
+ [0.20678595, 0.51624499, 0.78510186],
+ [0.21055813, 0.52088345, 0.78536478],
+ [0.21463978, 0.52548677, 0.78557863],
+ [0.21900458, 0.53005601, 0.78575302],
+ [0.22362738, 0.53459230, 0.78589635],
+ [0.22848445, 0.53909681, 0.78601595],
+ [0.23355363, 0.54357075, 0.78611828],
+ [0.23881437, 0.54801530, 0.78620933],
+ [0.24424778, 0.55243167, 0.78629411],
+ [0.24983662, 0.55682106, 0.78637693],
+ [0.25556507, 0.56118460, 0.78646219],
+ [0.26141893, 0.56552344, 0.78655322],
+ [0.26738534, 0.56983870, 0.78665310],
+ [0.27345257, 0.57413143, 0.78676497],
+ [0.27961017, 0.57840266, 0.78689133],
+ [0.28584880, 0.58265342, 0.78703432],
+ [0.29216004, 0.58688468, 0.78719602],
+ [0.29853635, 0.59109738, 0.78737827],
+ [0.30497098, 0.59529242, 0.78758272],
+ [0.31145792, 0.59947068, 0.78781085],
+ [0.31799178, 0.60363300, 0.78806406],
+ [0.32456766, 0.60778019, 0.78834372],
+ [0.33118143, 0.61191303, 0.78865069],
+ [0.33782932, 0.61603230, 0.78898592],
+ [0.34450779, 0.62013870, 0.78935056],
+ [0.35121386, 0.62423294, 0.78974540],
+ [0.35794502, 0.62831570, 0.79017091],
+ [0.36469854, 0.63238763, 0.79062834],
+ [0.37147270, 0.63644936, 0.79111774],
+ [0.37826529, 0.64050149, 0.79164021],
+ [0.38507499, 0.64454462, 0.79219580],
+ [0.39189995, 0.64857932, 0.79278557],
+ [0.39873922, 0.65260612, 0.79340949],
+ [0.40559148, 0.65662556, 0.79406830],
+ [0.41245575, 0.66063816, 0.79476235],
+ [0.41933127, 0.66464439, 0.79549189],
+ [0.42621714, 0.66864476, 0.79625747],
+ [0.43311270, 0.67263971, 0.79705942],
+ [0.44001747, 0.67662971, 0.79789795],
+ [0.44693096, 0.68061519, 0.79877340],
+ [0.45385264, 0.68459657, 0.79968616],
+ [0.46078217, 0.68857428, 0.80063655],
+ [0.46771930, 0.69254870, 0.80162476],
+ [0.47466379, 0.69652023, 0.80265107],
+ [0.48161542, 0.70048924, 0.80371576],
+ [0.48857403, 0.70445612, 0.80481911],
+ [0.49553947, 0.70842121, 0.80596139],
+ [0.50251165, 0.71238488, 0.80714286],
+ [0.50949047, 0.71634746, 0.80836382],
+ [0.51647592, 0.72030930, 0.80962448],
+ [0.52346799, 0.72427072, 0.81092511],
+ [0.53046668, 0.72823205, 0.81226596],
+ [0.53747200, 0.73219359, 0.81364728],
+ [0.54448397, 0.73615566, 0.81506936],
+ [0.55150265, 0.74011857, 0.81653244],
+ [0.55852809, 0.74408262, 0.81803679],
+ [0.56556035, 0.74804809, 0.81958270],
+ [0.57259949, 0.75201529, 0.82117042],
+ [0.57964557, 0.75598450, 0.82280027],
+ [0.58669869, 0.75995601, 0.82447251],
+ [0.59375893, 0.76393009, 0.82618741],
+ [0.60082638, 0.76790703, 0.82794527],
+ [0.60790113, 0.77188710, 0.82974637],
+ [0.61498325, 0.77587057, 0.83159103],
+ [0.62207283, 0.77985772, 0.83347954],
+ [0.62916996, 0.78384883, 0.83541221],
+ [0.63627470, 0.78784415, 0.83738935],
+ [0.64338707, 0.79184398, 0.83941135],
+ [0.65050719, 0.79584857, 0.84147847],
+ [0.65763514, 0.79985820, 0.84359103],
+ [0.66477096, 0.80387314, 0.84574936],
+ [0.67191472, 0.80789365, 0.84795379],
+ [0.67906640, 0.81192004, 0.85020472],
+ [0.68622604, 0.81595257, 0.85250247],
+ [0.69339371, 0.81999150, 0.85484735],
+ [0.70056942, 0.82403713, 0.85723972],
+ [0.70775318, 0.82808975, 0.85967992],
+ [0.71494489, 0.83214965, 0.86216838],
+ [0.72214463, 0.83621711, 0.86470538],
+ [0.72935239, 0.84029242, 0.86729125],
+ [0.73656808, 0.84437589, 0.86992639],
+ [0.74379161, 0.84846784, 0.87261119],
+ [0.75102301, 0.85256856, 0.87534593],
+ [0.75826220, 0.85667836, 0.87813094],
+ [0.76550897, 0.86079759, 0.88096669],
+ [0.77276334, 0.86492656, 0.88385341],
+ [0.78002521, 0.86906558, 0.88679144],
+ [0.78729432, 0.87321505, 0.88978119],
+ [0.79457064, 0.87737527, 0.89282293],
+ [0.80185404, 0.88154660, 0.89591693],
+ [0.80914417, 0.88572944, 0.89906364],
+ [0.81644105, 0.88992412, 0.90226322],
+ [0.82374437, 0.89413104, 0.90551602],
+ [0.83105389, 0.89835059, 0.90882234],
+ [0.83836951, 0.90258315, 0.91218235],
+ [0.84569073, 0.90682918, 0.91559647],
+ [0.85301755, 0.91108904, 0.91906475],
+ [0.86034944, 0.91536322, 0.92258758],
+ [0.86768629, 0.91965211, 0.92616502],
+ [0.87502760, 0.92395622, 0.92979737],
+ [0.88237314, 0.92827598, 0.93348471],
+ [0.88972239, 0.93261192, 0.93722727],
+ [0.89707509, 0.93696449, 0.94102508],
+ [0.90443060, 0.94133428, 0.94487836],
+ [0.91178868, 0.94572174, 0.94878703],
+ [0.91914846, 0.95012756, 0.95275133],
+ [0.92650970, 0.95455223, 0.95677110],
+ [0.93387153, 0.95899642, 0.96084644],
+ [0.94123333, 0.96346078, 0.96497727],
+ [0.94859441, 0.96794597, 0.96916344],
+ [0.95595357, 0.97245284, 0.97340496],
+ [0.96331004, 0.97698211, 0.97770154],
+ [0.97066265, 0.98153466, 0.98205293],
+ [0.97800972, 0.98611156, 0.98645894],
+ [0.98534976, 0.99071387, 0.99091911],
+ [0.99268073, 0.99534284, 0.99543298],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.arctic', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.arctic", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/bubblegum/bubblegum.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/bubblegum/bubblegum.jscm
index 9f304351..108f07ae 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/bubblegum/bubblegum.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/bubblegum/bubblegum.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/bubblegum/bubblegum.py b/cmasher/colormaps/bubblegum/bubblegum.py
index 59d2561b..6ac57389 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/bubblegum/bubblegum.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/bubblegum/bubblegum.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.02586988, 0.13396061, 0.22008069],
- [0.02932680, 0.13607927, 0.22570997],
- [0.03295280, 0.13817140, 0.23137885],
- [0.03675548, 0.14023620, 0.23708894],
- [0.04073682, 0.14227325, 0.24283975],
- [0.04471234, 0.14428193, 0.24863160],
- [0.04865358, 0.14626150, 0.25446542],
- [0.05256964, 0.14821150, 0.26034038],
- [0.05646862, 0.15013121, 0.26625704],
- [0.06035752, 0.15201983, 0.27221591],
- [0.06424214, 0.15387684, 0.27821626],
- [0.06812779, 0.15570151, 0.28425810],
- [0.07201927, 0.15749300, 0.29034184],
- [0.07592078, 0.15925055, 0.29646730],
- [0.07983593, 0.16097348, 0.30263393],
- [0.08376813, 0.16266099, 0.30884152],
- [0.08772045, 0.16431225, 0.31508979],
- [0.09169570, 0.16592642, 0.32137843],
- [0.09569644, 0.16750266, 0.32770702],
- [0.09972503, 0.16904008, 0.33407510],
- [0.10378361, 0.17053779, 0.34048212],
- [0.10787418, 0.17199489, 0.34692745],
- [0.11199855, 0.17341048, 0.35341040],
- [0.11615841, 0.17478360, 0.35993016],
- [0.12035530, 0.17611334, 0.36648586],
- [0.12459064, 0.17739873, 0.37307654],
- [0.12886572, 0.17863883, 0.37970113],
- [0.13318174, 0.17983267, 0.38635848],
- [0.13753977, 0.18097931, 0.39304731],
- [0.14194112, 0.18207751, 0.39976694],
- [0.14638650, 0.18312643, 0.40651554],
- [0.15087658, 0.18412521, 0.41329131],
- [0.15541222, 0.18507276, 0.42009288],
- [0.15999435, 0.18596787, 0.42691905],
- [0.16462299, 0.18680996, 0.43376702],
- [0.16929911, 0.18759771, 0.44063571],
- [0.17402280, 0.18833037, 0.44752252],
- [0.17879446, 0.18900695, 0.45442546],
- [0.18361430, 0.18962653, 0.46134218],
- [0.18848250, 0.19018820, 0.46827034],
- [0.19339886, 0.19069131, 0.47520696],
- [0.19836383, 0.19113463, 0.48215018],
- [0.20337673, 0.19151787, 0.48909625],
- [0.20843754, 0.19184013, 0.49604259],
- [0.21354618, 0.19210056, 0.50298647],
- [0.21870190, 0.19229888, 0.50992410],
- [0.22390422, 0.19243453, 0.51685223],
- [0.22915259, 0.19250707, 0.52376742],
- [0.23444654, 0.19251594, 0.53066641],
- [0.23978510, 0.19246105, 0.53754521],
- [0.24516736, 0.19234229, 0.54439994],
- [0.25059237, 0.19215960, 0.55122669],
- [0.25605905, 0.19191308, 0.55802144],
- [0.26156626, 0.19160292, 0.56478007],
- [0.26711275, 0.19122948, 0.57149835],
- [0.27269719, 0.19079325, 0.57817202],
- [0.27831815, 0.19029487, 0.58479675],
- [0.28397436, 0.18973492, 0.59136838],
- [0.28966402, 0.18911457, 0.59788226],
- [0.29538550, 0.18843495, 0.60433395],
- [0.30113705, 0.18769740, 0.61071901],
- [0.30691706, 0.18690325, 0.61703316],
- [0.31272376, 0.18605406, 0.62327210],
- [0.31855508, 0.18515193, 0.62943125],
- [0.32440920, 0.18419878, 0.63550646],
- [0.33028436, 0.18319663, 0.64149369],
- [0.33617828, 0.18214824, 0.64738857],
- [0.34208933, 0.18105578, 0.65318745],
- [0.34801526, 0.17992235, 0.65888623],
- [0.35395426, 0.17875068, 0.66448139],
- [0.35990423, 0.17754404, 0.66996930],
- [0.36586333, 0.17630560, 0.67534668],
- [0.37182949, 0.17503895, 0.68061028],
- [0.37780097, 0.17374752, 0.68575725],
- [0.38377568, 0.17243533, 0.69078466],
- [0.38975207, 0.17110598, 0.69569013],
- [0.39572813, 0.16976377, 0.70047119],
- [0.40170223, 0.16841276, 0.70512577],
- [0.40767275, 0.16705715, 0.70965202],
- [0.41363799, 0.16570146, 0.71404822],
- [0.41959650, 0.16435000, 0.71831298],
- [0.42554682, 0.16300733, 0.72244508],
- [0.43148750, 0.16167809, 0.72644352],
- [0.43741728, 0.16036683, 0.73030755],
- [0.44333494, 0.15907819, 0.73403660],
- [0.44923925, 0.15781688, 0.73763032],
- [0.45512915, 0.15658757, 0.74108854],
- [0.46100367, 0.15539479, 0.74441130],
- [0.46686181, 0.15424324, 0.74759880],
- [0.47270272, 0.15313743, 0.75065142],
- [0.47852558, 0.15208184, 0.75356969],
- [0.48432970, 0.15108083, 0.75635429],
- [0.49011436, 0.15013869, 0.75900604],
- [0.49587897, 0.14925958, 0.76152588],
- [0.50162296, 0.14844750, 0.76391488],
- [0.50734584, 0.14770628, 0.76617420],
- [0.51304714, 0.14703961, 0.76830509],
- [0.51872647, 0.14645097, 0.77030891],
- [0.52438345, 0.14594363, 0.77218708],
- [0.53001777, 0.14552063, 0.77394108],
- [0.53562913, 0.14518479, 0.77557246],
- [0.54121726, 0.14493869, 0.77708280],
- [0.54678195, 0.14478464, 0.77847376],
- [0.55232297, 0.14472470, 0.77974700],
- [0.55784015, 0.14476065, 0.78090421],
- [0.56333331, 0.14489401, 0.78194712],
- [0.56880230, 0.14512603, 0.78287747],
- [0.57424697, 0.14545770, 0.78369700],
- [0.57966719, 0.14588972, 0.78440746],
- [0.58506283, 0.14642256, 0.78501061],
- [0.59043377, 0.14705643, 0.78550820],
- [0.59577987, 0.14779128, 0.78590200],
- [0.60110100, 0.14862688, 0.78619372],
- [0.60639704, 0.14956273, 0.78638513],
- [0.61166784, 0.15059819, 0.78647793],
- [0.61691326, 0.15173239, 0.78647384],
- [0.62213313, 0.15296432, 0.78637455],
- [0.62732729, 0.15429282, 0.78618176],
- [0.63249555, 0.15571661, 0.78589713],
- [0.63763770, 0.15723427, 0.78552232],
- [0.64275354, 0.15884430, 0.78505897],
- [0.64784283, 0.16054514, 0.78450871],
- [0.65290531, 0.16233514, 0.78387317],
- [0.65794070, 0.16421263, 0.78315394],
- [0.66294872, 0.16617588, 0.78235263],
- [0.66792903, 0.16822318, 0.78147083],
- [0.67288130, 0.17035277, 0.78051013],
- [0.67780516, 0.17256292, 0.77947210],
- [0.68270021, 0.17485192, 0.77835834],
- [0.68756605, 0.17721807, 0.77717042],
- [0.69240222, 0.17965970, 0.77590994],
- [0.69720826, 0.18217520, 0.77457849],
- [0.70198367, 0.18476296, 0.77317766],
- [0.70672794, 0.18742145, 0.77170909],
- [0.71144050, 0.19014919, 0.77017441],
- [0.71612080, 0.19294473, 0.76857529],
- [0.72076823, 0.19580670, 0.76691338],
- [0.72538217, 0.19873375, 0.76519039],
- [0.72996196, 0.20172461, 0.76340808],
- [0.73450695, 0.20477805, 0.76156820],
- [0.73901642, 0.20789290, 0.75967257],
- [0.74348966, 0.21106803, 0.75772302],
- [0.74792594, 0.21430235, 0.75572145],
- [0.75232450, 0.21759483, 0.75366979],
- [0.75668457, 0.22094447, 0.75157005],
- [0.76100535, 0.22435029, 0.74942425],
- [0.76528606, 0.22781138, 0.74723449],
- [0.76952586, 0.23132682, 0.74500292],
- [0.77372395, 0.23489573, 0.74273177],
- [0.77787950, 0.23851725, 0.74042330],
- [0.78199169, 0.24219053, 0.73807984],
- [0.78605969, 0.24591474, 0.73570381],
- [0.79008267, 0.24968904, 0.73329767],
- [0.79405983, 0.25351260, 0.73086394],
- [0.79799036, 0.25738459, 0.72840520],
- [0.80187349, 0.26130418, 0.72592409],
- [0.80570845, 0.26527049, 0.72342336],
- [0.80949450, 0.26928267, 0.72090575],
- [0.81323094, 0.27333984, 0.71837405],
- [0.81691709, 0.27744110, 0.71583109],
- [0.82055231, 0.28158552, 0.71327984],
- [0.82413600, 0.28577213, 0.71072324],
- [0.82766762, 0.28999997, 0.70816417],
- [0.83114667, 0.29426805, 0.70560559],
- [0.83457270, 0.29857530, 0.70305065],
- [0.83794532, 0.30292066, 0.70050224],
- [0.84126420, 0.30730308, 0.69796328],
- [0.84452909, 0.31172138, 0.69543690],
- [0.84773978, 0.31617444, 0.69292600],
- [0.85089613, 0.32066113, 0.69043333],
- [0.85399810, 0.32518016, 0.68796212],
- [0.85704568, 0.32973039, 0.68551485],
- [0.86003895, 0.33431057, 0.68309444],
- [0.86297806, 0.33891943, 0.68070358],
- [0.86586323, 0.34355576, 0.67834475],
- [0.86869476, 0.34821823, 0.67602065],
- [0.87147299, 0.35290564, 0.67373352],
- [0.87419833, 0.35761668, 0.67148575],
- [0.87687130, 0.36235007, 0.66927961],
- [0.87949239, 0.36710468, 0.66711685],
- [0.88206228, 0.37187902, 0.66500006],
- [0.88458156, 0.37667209, 0.66293053],
- [0.88705092, 0.38148267, 0.66090998],
- [0.88947118, 0.38630943, 0.65894038],
- [0.89184312, 0.39115128, 0.65702299],
- [0.89416753, 0.39600715, 0.65515902],
- [0.89644528, 0.40087593, 0.65334969],
- [0.89867728, 0.40575653, 0.65159609],
- [0.90086445, 0.41064794, 0.64989920],
- [0.90300775, 0.41554913, 0.64825986],
- [0.90510814, 0.42045915, 0.64667877],
- [0.90716659, 0.42537709, 0.64515654],
- [0.90918411, 0.43030207, 0.64369362],
- [0.91116168, 0.43523328, 0.64229038],
- [0.91310028, 0.44016993, 0.64094705],
- [0.91500091, 0.44511129, 0.63966376],
- [0.91686454, 0.45005668, 0.63844054],
- [0.91869214, 0.45500547, 0.63727733],
- [0.92048492, 0.45995675, 0.63617456],
- [0.92224367, 0.46491015, 0.63513162],
- [0.92396926, 0.46986528, 0.63414803],
- [0.92566292, 0.47482126, 0.63322411],
- [0.92732541, 0.47977785, 0.63235910],
- [0.92895761, 0.48473467, 0.63155245],
- [0.93056069, 0.48969100, 0.63080423],
- [0.93213518, 0.49464690, 0.63011319],
- [0.93368234, 0.49960159, 0.62947950],
- [0.93520273, 0.50455508, 0.62890199],
- [0.93669725, 0.50950704, 0.62838014],
- [0.93816695, 0.51445695, 0.62791368],
- [0.93961226, 0.51940499, 0.62750124],
- [0.94103411, 0.52435079, 0.62714240],
- [0.94243352, 0.52929390, 0.62683679],
- [0.94381087, 0.53423455, 0.62658308],
- [0.94516690, 0.53917257, 0.62638053],
- [0.94650233, 0.54410781, 0.62622838],
- [0.94781792, 0.54904011, 0.62612595],
- [0.94911441, 0.55396930, 0.62607252],
- [0.95039225, 0.55889553, 0.62606698],
- [0.95165203, 0.56381875, 0.62610850],
- [0.95289435, 0.56873896, 0.62619623],
- [0.95411973, 0.57365616, 0.62632929],
- [0.95532872, 0.57857038, 0.62650680],
- [0.95652180, 0.58348168, 0.62672789],
- [0.95769942, 0.58839013, 0.62699166],
- [0.95886218, 0.59329569, 0.62729738],
- [0.96001055, 0.59819843, 0.62764422],
- [0.96114474, 0.60309860, 0.62803111],
- [0.96226509, 0.60799635, 0.62845714],
- [0.96337190, 0.61289186, 0.62892141],
- [0.96446554, 0.61778523, 0.62942312],
- [0.96554679, 0.62267622, 0.62996192],
- [0.96661530, 0.62756553, 0.63053633],
- [0.96767122, 0.63245339, 0.63114548],
- [0.96871540, 0.63733950, 0.63178917],
- [0.96974757, 0.64222443, 0.63246618],
- [0.97076750, 0.64710868, 0.63317540],
- [0.97177641, 0.65199166, 0.63391708],
- [0.97277321, 0.65687450, 0.63468942],
- [0.97375861, 0.66175697, 0.63549231],
- [0.97473234, 0.66663955, 0.63632482],
- [0.97569439, 0.67152252, 0.63718629],
- [0.97664481, 0.67640610, 0.63807621],
- [0.97758333, 0.68129073, 0.63899384],
- [0.97850985, 0.68617670, 0.63993865],
- [0.97942435, 0.69106424, 0.64091025],
- [0.98032602, 0.69595410, 0.64190771],
- [0.98121566, 0.70084593, 0.64293142],
- [0.98209177, 0.70574090, 0.64398008],
- [0.98295476, 0.71063888, 0.64505393],
- [0.98380415, 0.71554033, 0.64615262],
- [0.98463897, 0.72044601, 0.64727555],
- [0.98545943, 0.72535587, 0.64842306],
- [0.98626492, 0.73027040, 0.64959496],
- [0.98705444, 0.73519030, 0.65079091],
- [0.98782745, 0.74011596, 0.65201102]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.02586988, 0.13396061, 0.22008069],
+ [0.02932680, 0.13607927, 0.22570997],
+ [0.03295280, 0.13817140, 0.23137885],
+ [0.03675548, 0.14023620, 0.23708894],
+ [0.04073682, 0.14227325, 0.24283975],
+ [0.04471234, 0.14428193, 0.24863160],
+ [0.04865358, 0.14626150, 0.25446542],
+ [0.05256964, 0.14821150, 0.26034038],
+ [0.05646862, 0.15013121, 0.26625704],
+ [0.06035752, 0.15201983, 0.27221591],
+ [0.06424214, 0.15387684, 0.27821626],
+ [0.06812779, 0.15570151, 0.28425810],
+ [0.07201927, 0.15749300, 0.29034184],
+ [0.07592078, 0.15925055, 0.29646730],
+ [0.07983593, 0.16097348, 0.30263393],
+ [0.08376813, 0.16266099, 0.30884152],
+ [0.08772045, 0.16431225, 0.31508979],
+ [0.09169570, 0.16592642, 0.32137843],
+ [0.09569644, 0.16750266, 0.32770702],
+ [0.09972503, 0.16904008, 0.33407510],
+ [0.10378361, 0.17053779, 0.34048212],
+ [0.10787418, 0.17199489, 0.34692745],
+ [0.11199855, 0.17341048, 0.35341040],
+ [0.11615841, 0.17478360, 0.35993016],
+ [0.12035530, 0.17611334, 0.36648586],
+ [0.12459064, 0.17739873, 0.37307654],
+ [0.12886572, 0.17863883, 0.37970113],
+ [0.13318174, 0.17983267, 0.38635848],
+ [0.13753977, 0.18097931, 0.39304731],
+ [0.14194112, 0.18207751, 0.39976694],
+ [0.14638650, 0.18312643, 0.40651554],
+ [0.15087658, 0.18412521, 0.41329131],
+ [0.15541222, 0.18507276, 0.42009288],
+ [0.15999435, 0.18596787, 0.42691905],
+ [0.16462299, 0.18680996, 0.43376702],
+ [0.16929911, 0.18759771, 0.44063571],
+ [0.17402280, 0.18833037, 0.44752252],
+ [0.17879446, 0.18900695, 0.45442546],
+ [0.18361430, 0.18962653, 0.46134218],
+ [0.18848250, 0.19018820, 0.46827034],
+ [0.19339886, 0.19069131, 0.47520696],
+ [0.19836383, 0.19113463, 0.48215018],
+ [0.20337673, 0.19151787, 0.48909625],
+ [0.20843754, 0.19184013, 0.49604259],
+ [0.21354618, 0.19210056, 0.50298647],
+ [0.21870190, 0.19229888, 0.50992410],
+ [0.22390422, 0.19243453, 0.51685223],
+ [0.22915259, 0.19250707, 0.52376742],
+ [0.23444654, 0.19251594, 0.53066641],
+ [0.23978510, 0.19246105, 0.53754521],
+ [0.24516736, 0.19234229, 0.54439994],
+ [0.25059237, 0.19215960, 0.55122669],
+ [0.25605905, 0.19191308, 0.55802144],
+ [0.26156626, 0.19160292, 0.56478007],
+ [0.26711275, 0.19122948, 0.57149835],
+ [0.27269719, 0.19079325, 0.57817202],
+ [0.27831815, 0.19029487, 0.58479675],
+ [0.28397436, 0.18973492, 0.59136838],
+ [0.28966402, 0.18911457, 0.59788226],
+ [0.29538550, 0.18843495, 0.60433395],
+ [0.30113705, 0.18769740, 0.61071901],
+ [0.30691706, 0.18690325, 0.61703316],
+ [0.31272376, 0.18605406, 0.62327210],
+ [0.31855508, 0.18515193, 0.62943125],
+ [0.32440920, 0.18419878, 0.63550646],
+ [0.33028436, 0.18319663, 0.64149369],
+ [0.33617828, 0.18214824, 0.64738857],
+ [0.34208933, 0.18105578, 0.65318745],
+ [0.34801526, 0.17992235, 0.65888623],
+ [0.35395426, 0.17875068, 0.66448139],
+ [0.35990423, 0.17754404, 0.66996930],
+ [0.36586333, 0.17630560, 0.67534668],
+ [0.37182949, 0.17503895, 0.68061028],
+ [0.37780097, 0.17374752, 0.68575725],
+ [0.38377568, 0.17243533, 0.69078466],
+ [0.38975207, 0.17110598, 0.69569013],
+ [0.39572813, 0.16976377, 0.70047119],
+ [0.40170223, 0.16841276, 0.70512577],
+ [0.40767275, 0.16705715, 0.70965202],
+ [0.41363799, 0.16570146, 0.71404822],
+ [0.41959650, 0.16435000, 0.71831298],
+ [0.42554682, 0.16300733, 0.72244508],
+ [0.43148750, 0.16167809, 0.72644352],
+ [0.43741728, 0.16036683, 0.73030755],
+ [0.44333494, 0.15907819, 0.73403660],
+ [0.44923925, 0.15781688, 0.73763032],
+ [0.45512915, 0.15658757, 0.74108854],
+ [0.46100367, 0.15539479, 0.74441130],
+ [0.46686181, 0.15424324, 0.74759880],
+ [0.47270272, 0.15313743, 0.75065142],
+ [0.47852558, 0.15208184, 0.75356969],
+ [0.48432970, 0.15108083, 0.75635429],
+ [0.49011436, 0.15013869, 0.75900604],
+ [0.49587897, 0.14925958, 0.76152588],
+ [0.50162296, 0.14844750, 0.76391488],
+ [0.50734584, 0.14770628, 0.76617420],
+ [0.51304714, 0.14703961, 0.76830509],
+ [0.51872647, 0.14645097, 0.77030891],
+ [0.52438345, 0.14594363, 0.77218708],
+ [0.53001777, 0.14552063, 0.77394108],
+ [0.53562913, 0.14518479, 0.77557246],
+ [0.54121726, 0.14493869, 0.77708280],
+ [0.54678195, 0.14478464, 0.77847376],
+ [0.55232297, 0.14472470, 0.77974700],
+ [0.55784015, 0.14476065, 0.78090421],
+ [0.56333331, 0.14489401, 0.78194712],
+ [0.56880230, 0.14512603, 0.78287747],
+ [0.57424697, 0.14545770, 0.78369700],
+ [0.57966719, 0.14588972, 0.78440746],
+ [0.58506283, 0.14642256, 0.78501061],
+ [0.59043377, 0.14705643, 0.78550820],
+ [0.59577987, 0.14779128, 0.78590200],
+ [0.60110100, 0.14862688, 0.78619372],
+ [0.60639704, 0.14956273, 0.78638513],
+ [0.61166784, 0.15059819, 0.78647793],
+ [0.61691326, 0.15173239, 0.78647384],
+ [0.62213313, 0.15296432, 0.78637455],
+ [0.62732729, 0.15429282, 0.78618176],
+ [0.63249555, 0.15571661, 0.78589713],
+ [0.63763770, 0.15723427, 0.78552232],
+ [0.64275354, 0.15884430, 0.78505897],
+ [0.64784283, 0.16054514, 0.78450871],
+ [0.65290531, 0.16233514, 0.78387317],
+ [0.65794070, 0.16421263, 0.78315394],
+ [0.66294872, 0.16617588, 0.78235263],
+ [0.66792903, 0.16822318, 0.78147083],
+ [0.67288130, 0.17035277, 0.78051013],
+ [0.67780516, 0.17256292, 0.77947210],
+ [0.68270021, 0.17485192, 0.77835834],
+ [0.68756605, 0.17721807, 0.77717042],
+ [0.69240222, 0.17965970, 0.77590994],
+ [0.69720826, 0.18217520, 0.77457849],
+ [0.70198367, 0.18476296, 0.77317766],
+ [0.70672794, 0.18742145, 0.77170909],
+ [0.71144050, 0.19014919, 0.77017441],
+ [0.71612080, 0.19294473, 0.76857529],
+ [0.72076823, 0.19580670, 0.76691338],
+ [0.72538217, 0.19873375, 0.76519039],
+ [0.72996196, 0.20172461, 0.76340808],
+ [0.73450695, 0.20477805, 0.76156820],
+ [0.73901642, 0.20789290, 0.75967257],
+ [0.74348966, 0.21106803, 0.75772302],
+ [0.74792594, 0.21430235, 0.75572145],
+ [0.75232450, 0.21759483, 0.75366979],
+ [0.75668457, 0.22094447, 0.75157005],
+ [0.76100535, 0.22435029, 0.74942425],
+ [0.76528606, 0.22781138, 0.74723449],
+ [0.76952586, 0.23132682, 0.74500292],
+ [0.77372395, 0.23489573, 0.74273177],
+ [0.77787950, 0.23851725, 0.74042330],
+ [0.78199169, 0.24219053, 0.73807984],
+ [0.78605969, 0.24591474, 0.73570381],
+ [0.79008267, 0.24968904, 0.73329767],
+ [0.79405983, 0.25351260, 0.73086394],
+ [0.79799036, 0.25738459, 0.72840520],
+ [0.80187349, 0.26130418, 0.72592409],
+ [0.80570845, 0.26527049, 0.72342336],
+ [0.80949450, 0.26928267, 0.72090575],
+ [0.81323094, 0.27333984, 0.71837405],
+ [0.81691709, 0.27744110, 0.71583109],
+ [0.82055231, 0.28158552, 0.71327984],
+ [0.82413600, 0.28577213, 0.71072324],
+ [0.82766762, 0.28999997, 0.70816417],
+ [0.83114667, 0.29426805, 0.70560559],
+ [0.83457270, 0.29857530, 0.70305065],
+ [0.83794532, 0.30292066, 0.70050224],
+ [0.84126420, 0.30730308, 0.69796328],
+ [0.84452909, 0.31172138, 0.69543690],
+ [0.84773978, 0.31617444, 0.69292600],
+ [0.85089613, 0.32066113, 0.69043333],
+ [0.85399810, 0.32518016, 0.68796212],
+ [0.85704568, 0.32973039, 0.68551485],
+ [0.86003895, 0.33431057, 0.68309444],
+ [0.86297806, 0.33891943, 0.68070358],
+ [0.86586323, 0.34355576, 0.67834475],
+ [0.86869476, 0.34821823, 0.67602065],
+ [0.87147299, 0.35290564, 0.67373352],
+ [0.87419833, 0.35761668, 0.67148575],
+ [0.87687130, 0.36235007, 0.66927961],
+ [0.87949239, 0.36710468, 0.66711685],
+ [0.88206228, 0.37187902, 0.66500006],
+ [0.88458156, 0.37667209, 0.66293053],
+ [0.88705092, 0.38148267, 0.66090998],
+ [0.88947118, 0.38630943, 0.65894038],
+ [0.89184312, 0.39115128, 0.65702299],
+ [0.89416753, 0.39600715, 0.65515902],
+ [0.89644528, 0.40087593, 0.65334969],
+ [0.89867728, 0.40575653, 0.65159609],
+ [0.90086445, 0.41064794, 0.64989920],
+ [0.90300775, 0.41554913, 0.64825986],
+ [0.90510814, 0.42045915, 0.64667877],
+ [0.90716659, 0.42537709, 0.64515654],
+ [0.90918411, 0.43030207, 0.64369362],
+ [0.91116168, 0.43523328, 0.64229038],
+ [0.91310028, 0.44016993, 0.64094705],
+ [0.91500091, 0.44511129, 0.63966376],
+ [0.91686454, 0.45005668, 0.63844054],
+ [0.91869214, 0.45500547, 0.63727733],
+ [0.92048492, 0.45995675, 0.63617456],
+ [0.92224367, 0.46491015, 0.63513162],
+ [0.92396926, 0.46986528, 0.63414803],
+ [0.92566292, 0.47482126, 0.63322411],
+ [0.92732541, 0.47977785, 0.63235910],
+ [0.92895761, 0.48473467, 0.63155245],
+ [0.93056069, 0.48969100, 0.63080423],
+ [0.93213518, 0.49464690, 0.63011319],
+ [0.93368234, 0.49960159, 0.62947950],
+ [0.93520273, 0.50455508, 0.62890199],
+ [0.93669725, 0.50950704, 0.62838014],
+ [0.93816695, 0.51445695, 0.62791368],
+ [0.93961226, 0.51940499, 0.62750124],
+ [0.94103411, 0.52435079, 0.62714240],
+ [0.94243352, 0.52929390, 0.62683679],
+ [0.94381087, 0.53423455, 0.62658308],
+ [0.94516690, 0.53917257, 0.62638053],
+ [0.94650233, 0.54410781, 0.62622838],
+ [0.94781792, 0.54904011, 0.62612595],
+ [0.94911441, 0.55396930, 0.62607252],
+ [0.95039225, 0.55889553, 0.62606698],
+ [0.95165203, 0.56381875, 0.62610850],
+ [0.95289435, 0.56873896, 0.62619623],
+ [0.95411973, 0.57365616, 0.62632929],
+ [0.95532872, 0.57857038, 0.62650680],
+ [0.95652180, 0.58348168, 0.62672789],
+ [0.95769942, 0.58839013, 0.62699166],
+ [0.95886218, 0.59329569, 0.62729738],
+ [0.96001055, 0.59819843, 0.62764422],
+ [0.96114474, 0.60309860, 0.62803111],
+ [0.96226509, 0.60799635, 0.62845714],
+ [0.96337190, 0.61289186, 0.62892141],
+ [0.96446554, 0.61778523, 0.62942312],
+ [0.96554679, 0.62267622, 0.62996192],
+ [0.96661530, 0.62756553, 0.63053633],
+ [0.96767122, 0.63245339, 0.63114548],
+ [0.96871540, 0.63733950, 0.63178917],
+ [0.96974757, 0.64222443, 0.63246618],
+ [0.97076750, 0.64710868, 0.63317540],
+ [0.97177641, 0.65199166, 0.63391708],
+ [0.97277321, 0.65687450, 0.63468942],
+ [0.97375861, 0.66175697, 0.63549231],
+ [0.97473234, 0.66663955, 0.63632482],
+ [0.97569439, 0.67152252, 0.63718629],
+ [0.97664481, 0.67640610, 0.63807621],
+ [0.97758333, 0.68129073, 0.63899384],
+ [0.97850985, 0.68617670, 0.63993865],
+ [0.97942435, 0.69106424, 0.64091025],
+ [0.98032602, 0.69595410, 0.64190771],
+ [0.98121566, 0.70084593, 0.64293142],
+ [0.98209177, 0.70574090, 0.64398008],
+ [0.98295476, 0.71063888, 0.64505393],
+ [0.98380415, 0.71554033, 0.64615262],
+ [0.98463897, 0.72044601, 0.64727555],
+ [0.98545943, 0.72535587, 0.64842306],
+ [0.98626492, 0.73027040, 0.64959496],
+ [0.98705444, 0.73519030, 0.65079091],
+ [0.98782745, 0.74011596, 0.65201102],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.bubblegum', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.bubblegum", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/chroma/chroma.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/chroma/chroma.jscm
index baf0645e..cc18c4d2 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/chroma/chroma.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/chroma/chroma.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/chroma/chroma.py b/cmasher/colormaps/chroma/chroma.py
index a0a9c521..c8241424 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/chroma/chroma.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/chroma/chroma.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00016341, 0.00024676, 0.00038403],
- [0.00052242, 0.00086296, 0.00144610],
- [0.00099817, 0.00180016, 0.00323165],
- [0.00154485, 0.00303697, 0.00581624],
- [0.00212830, 0.00455892, 0.00928738],
- [0.00272091, 0.00635421, 0.01374260],
- [0.00329967, 0.00841204, 0.01928940],
- [0.00384519, 0.01072164, 0.02604588],
- [0.00434138, 0.01327163, 0.03414149],
- [0.00477441, 0.01604957, 0.04359410],
- [0.00513434, 0.01904141, 0.05344120],
- [0.00541552, 0.02223128, 0.06349793],
- [0.00561401, 0.02560078, 0.07378828],
- [0.00573154, 0.02912873, 0.08432983],
- [0.00577453, 0.03279060, 0.09514061],
- [0.00575600, 0.03655819, 0.10623536],
- [0.00569251, 0.04039779, 0.11764024],
- [0.00561326, 0.04410891, 0.12936457],
- [0.00555453, 0.04762553, 0.14142600],
- [0.00556418, 0.05092941, 0.15384030],
- [0.00570386, 0.05399783, 0.16662046],
- [0.00605062, 0.05680333, 0.17977925],
- [0.00670000, 0.05931283, 0.19332865],
- [0.00777085, 0.06149025, 0.20726410],
- [0.00940507, 0.06329131, 0.22158424],
- [0.01177290, 0.06466445, 0.23627918],
- [0.01507477, 0.06555333, 0.25131840],
- [0.01954042, 0.06589623, 0.26665220],
- [0.02542441, 0.06562938, 0.28220323],
- [0.03299966, 0.06468689, 0.29786996],
- [0.04247316, 0.06301186, 0.31351073],
- [0.05289772, 0.06056538, 0.32894543],
- [0.06382304, 0.05733957, 0.34396041],
- [0.07509756, 0.05336155, 0.35833296],
- [0.08656068, 0.04870282, 0.37184876],
- [0.09806030, 0.04347138, 0.38433331],
- [0.10946487, 0.03781011, 0.39566922],
- [0.12067600, 0.03224204, 0.40580650],
- [0.13162962, 0.02706350, 0.41475494],
- [0.14229227, 0.02239242, 0.42256999],
- [0.15265635, 0.01828971, 0.42933733],
- [0.16272937, 0.01477506, 0.43515623],
- [0.17252899, 0.01183645, 0.44012991],
- [0.18207954, 0.00943891, 0.44435856],
- [0.19140636, 0.00753672, 0.44793457],
- [0.20053485, 0.00607779, 0.45094103],
- [0.20948880, 0.00500886, 0.45345121],
- [0.21829007, 0.00427759, 0.45552884],
- [0.22695982, 0.00383216, 0.45722838],
- [0.23551492, 0.00362753, 0.45859669],
- [0.24397204, 0.00361978, 0.45967289],
- [0.25234437, 0.00377154, 0.46049045],
- [0.26064508, 0.00404677, 0.46107655],
- [0.26888436, 0.00441543, 0.46145434],
- [0.27707160, 0.00485014, 0.46164261],
- [0.28521540, 0.00532614, 0.46165633],
- [0.29332284, 0.00582230, 0.46150768],
- [0.30140013, 0.00632011, 0.46120619],
- [0.30945264, 0.00680351, 0.46075915],
- [0.31748502, 0.00725862, 0.46017187],
- [0.32550122, 0.00767372, 0.45944808],
- [0.33350472, 0.00803873, 0.45858991],
- [0.34149835, 0.00834547, 0.45759839],
- [0.34948444, 0.00858742, 0.45647354],
- [0.35746484, 0.00875956, 0.45521450],
- [0.36544098, 0.00885833, 0.45381970],
- [0.37341390, 0.00888157, 0.45228699],
- [0.38138425, 0.00882842, 0.45061372],
- [0.38935231, 0.00869934, 0.44879688],
- [0.39731805, 0.00849601, 0.44683316],
- [0.40528109, 0.00822140, 0.44471904],
- [0.41324074, 0.00787974, 0.44245091],
- [0.42119601, 0.00747648, 0.44002506],
- [0.42914563, 0.00701836, 0.43743780],
- [0.43708801, 0.00651341, 0.43468548],
- [0.44502130, 0.00597101, 0.43176458],
- [0.45294338, 0.00540190, 0.42867173],
- [0.46085183, 0.00481827, 0.42540377],
- [0.46874396, 0.00423380, 0.42195776],
- [0.47661691, 0.00366359, 0.41833093],
- [0.48446736, 0.00312470, 0.41452108],
- [0.49229181, 0.00263584, 0.41052632],
- [0.50008644, 0.00221759, 0.40634516],
- [0.50784715, 0.00189252, 0.40197659],
- [0.51556955, 0.00168532, 0.39742009],
- [0.52324909, 0.00162254, 0.39267530],
- [0.53088083, 0.00173338, 0.38774270],
- [0.53845930, 0.00204996, 0.38262399],
- [0.54597894, 0.00260656, 0.37732100],
- [0.55343418, 0.00343953, 0.37183526],
- [0.56081843, 0.00458969, 0.36617144],
- [0.56812547, 0.00609927, 0.36033271],
- [0.57534839, 0.00801445, 0.35432458],
- [0.58248022, 0.01038395, 0.34815265],
- [0.58951357, 0.01325991, 0.34182414],
- [0.59644109, 0.01669693, 0.33534616],
- [0.60325487, 0.02075318, 0.32872854],
- [0.60994727, 0.02548876, 0.32198018],
- [0.61651033, 0.03096663, 0.31511231],
- [0.62293611, 0.03725166, 0.30813705],
- [0.62921684, 0.04423790, 0.30106707],
- [0.63534495, 0.05141249, 0.29391560],
- [0.64131306, 0.05874627, 0.28669727],
- [0.64711421, 0.06623181, 0.27942720],
- [0.65274194, 0.07386131, 0.27212075],
- [0.65819043, 0.08162647, 0.26479352],
- [0.66345452, 0.08951846, 0.25746111],
- [0.66852987, 0.09752791, 0.25013884],
- [0.67341297, 0.10564500, 0.24284153],
- [0.67810125, 0.11385958, 0.23558318],
- [0.68259303, 0.12216125, 0.22837680],
- [0.68688758, 0.13053952, 0.22123411],
- [0.69098506, 0.13898395, 0.21416554],
- [0.69488645, 0.14748433, 0.20717988],
- [0.69859350, 0.15603086, 0.20028420],
- [0.70210861, 0.16461420, 0.19348388],
- [0.70543473, 0.17322564, 0.18678262],
- [0.70857528, 0.18185713, 0.18018243],
- [0.71153414, 0.19050102, 0.17368448],
- [0.71431525, 0.19915086, 0.16728755],
- [0.71692265, 0.20780106, 0.16098899],
- [0.71936074, 0.21644603, 0.15478633],
- [0.72163355, 0.22508174, 0.14867461],
- [0.72374515, 0.23370445, 0.14264863],
- [0.72569954, 0.24231101, 0.13670260],
- [0.72750041, 0.25089901, 0.13082982],
- [0.72915102, 0.25946687, 0.12502250],
- [0.73065519, 0.26801228, 0.11927466],
- [0.73201532, 0.27653505, 0.11357695],
- [0.73323415, 0.28503443, 0.10792141],
- [0.73431422, 0.29350987, 0.10230012],
- [0.73525782, 0.30196112, 0.09670499],
- [0.73606648, 0.31038871, 0.09112681],
- [0.73674177, 0.31879295, 0.08555697],
- [0.73728500, 0.32717436, 0.07998676],
- [0.73769719, 0.33553357, 0.07440741],
- [0.73797911, 0.34387131, 0.06881001],
- [0.73813132, 0.35218841, 0.06318561],
- [0.73815413, 0.36048574, 0.05752509],
- [0.73804766, 0.36876420, 0.05181924],
- [0.73781228, 0.37702427, 0.04605966],
- [0.73744739, 0.38526723, 0.04023277],
- [0.73695258, 0.39349398, 0.03451051],
- [0.73632730, 0.40170539, 0.02922306],
- [0.73557126, 0.40990195, 0.02437092],
- [0.73468367, 0.41808447, 0.01995555],
- [0.73366329, 0.42625396, 0.01597958],
- [0.73250948, 0.43441084, 0.01244844],
- [0.73122134, 0.44255560, 0.00936865],
- [0.72979720, 0.45068921, 0.00674711],
- [0.72823647, 0.45881170, 0.00459355],
- [0.72653738, 0.46692390, 0.00291734],
- [0.72469861, 0.47502617, 0.00172958],
- [0.72271881, 0.48311879, 0.00104228],
- [0.72059597, 0.49120241, 0.00086769],
- [0.71832881, 0.49927709, 0.00121957],
- [0.71591482, 0.50734356, 0.00211138],
- [0.71335247, 0.51540187, 0.00355801],
- [0.71063888, 0.52345273, 0.00557407],
- [0.70777198, 0.53149629, 0.00817532],
- [0.70474856, 0.53953326, 0.01137745],
- [0.70156577, 0.54756396, 0.01519703],
- [0.69821994, 0.55558906, 0.01965092],
- [0.69470733, 0.56360911, 0.02475670],
- [0.69102361, 0.57162480, 0.03053261],
- [0.68716394, 0.57963690, 0.03699776],
- [0.68312315, 0.58764613, 0.04401602],
- [0.67889514, 0.59565348, 0.05104669],
- [0.67447364, 0.60365974, 0.05806530],
- [0.66985104, 0.61166609, 0.06507801],
- [0.66501981, 0.61967338, 0.07209106],
- [0.65997045, 0.62768298, 0.07911092],
- [0.65469409, 0.63569571, 0.08614409],
- [0.64917874, 0.64371325, 0.09319764],
- [0.64341394, 0.65173629, 0.10027859],
- [0.63738549, 0.65976654, 0.10739479],
- [0.63107987, 0.66780494, 0.11455425],
- [0.62448165, 0.67585265, 0.12176558],
- [0.61757220, 0.68391137, 0.12903842],
- [0.61033426, 0.69198166, 0.13638241],
- [0.60274715, 0.70006460, 0.14380833],
- [0.59478610, 0.70816180, 0.15132834],
- [0.58642785, 0.71627352, 0.15895463],
- [0.57764488, 0.72440045, 0.16670088],
- [0.56840673, 0.73254308, 0.17458199],
- [0.55867975, 0.74070167, 0.18261421],
- [0.54842676, 0.74887616, 0.19081528],
- [0.53760655, 0.75706610, 0.19920461],
- [0.52617347, 0.76527055, 0.20780349],
- [0.51407690, 0.77348797, 0.21663528],
- [0.50126067, 0.78171603, 0.22572573],
- [0.48766252, 0.78995147, 0.23510316],
- [0.47320598, 0.79819128, 0.24480118],
- [0.45781799, 0.80642870, 0.25485342],
- [0.44140345, 0.81465770, 0.26530162],
- [0.42386805, 0.82286809, 0.27618894],
- [0.40509905, 0.83104831, 0.28756641],
- [0.38497429, 0.83918304, 0.29949099],
- [0.36336633, 0.84725211, 0.31202554],
- [0.34015171, 0.85522894, 0.32523806],
- [0.31522429, 0.86307939, 0.33920155],
- [0.28852485, 0.87076004, 0.35399231],
- [0.26012226, 0.87821481, 0.36967902],
- [0.23034835, 0.88537382, 0.38631028],
- [0.20005003, 0.89215446, 0.40389631],
- [0.17106100, 0.89846573, 0.42237531],
- [0.14679032, 0.90422191, 0.44159836],
- [0.13235007, 0.90935992, 0.46131624],
- [0.13233945, 0.91385732, 0.48121869],
- [0.14684813, 0.91773789, 0.50099309],
- [0.17148250, 0.92106251, 0.52038209],
- [0.20135567, 0.92391137, 0.53921307],
- [0.23322432, 0.92636675, 0.55739902],
- [0.26532651, 0.92850520, 0.57490457],
- [0.29680640, 0.93039125, 0.59173875],
- [0.32727417, 0.93207894, 0.60792784],
- [0.35659105, 0.93361090, 0.62351321],
- [0.38473040, 0.93502240, 0.63853573],
- [0.41172511, 0.93634184, 0.65303666],
- [0.43763999, 0.93759139, 0.66705766],
- [0.46252334, 0.93879395, 0.68062529],
- [0.48647082, 0.93996081, 0.69378390],
- [0.50954374, 0.94110644, 0.70656008],
- [0.53180158, 0.94224300, 0.71897868],
- [0.55330243, 0.94338038, 0.73106362],
- [0.57410183, 0.94452649, 0.74283758],
- [0.59425204, 0.94568770, 0.75432188],
- [0.61380179, 0.94686908, 0.76553639],
- [0.63278315, 0.94807818, 0.77649378],
- [0.65123401, 0.94931954, 0.78720949],
- [0.66919107, 0.95059650, 0.79769863],
- [0.68668379, 0.95191307, 0.80797323],
- [0.70373150, 0.95327516, 0.81804111],
- [0.72037045, 0.95468262, 0.82791747],
- [0.73662057, 0.95613915, 0.83761052],
- [0.75249754, 0.95764907, 0.84712670],
- [0.76801982, 0.95921517, 0.85647372],
- [0.78320893, 0.96083846, 0.86566051],
- [0.79808010, 0.96252143, 0.87469329],
- [0.81264749, 0.96426635, 0.88357776],
- [0.82692425, 0.96607538, 0.89231908],
- [0.84092251, 0.96795060, 0.90092180],
- [0.85464941, 0.96989551, 0.90938826],
- [0.86811536, 0.97191213, 0.91772181],
- [0.88133184, 0.97400172, 0.92592577],
- [0.89430673, 0.97616663, 0.93400143],
- [0.90704657, 0.97840951, 0.94194883],
- [0.91954628, 0.98073751, 0.94976270],
- [0.93181647, 0.98315156, 0.95744220],
- [0.94385909, 0.98565603, 0.96498128],
- [0.95565959, 0.98826216, 0.97236573],
- [0.96721384, 0.99097737, 0.97958193],
- [0.97849787, 0.99381755, 0.98660734],
- [0.98945501, 0.99681218, 0.99341415],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00016341, 0.00024676, 0.00038403],
+ [0.00052242, 0.00086296, 0.00144610],
+ [0.00099817, 0.00180016, 0.00323165],
+ [0.00154485, 0.00303697, 0.00581624],
+ [0.00212830, 0.00455892, 0.00928738],
+ [0.00272091, 0.00635421, 0.01374260],
+ [0.00329967, 0.00841204, 0.01928940],
+ [0.00384519, 0.01072164, 0.02604588],
+ [0.00434138, 0.01327163, 0.03414149],
+ [0.00477441, 0.01604957, 0.04359410],
+ [0.00513434, 0.01904141, 0.05344120],
+ [0.00541552, 0.02223128, 0.06349793],
+ [0.00561401, 0.02560078, 0.07378828],
+ [0.00573154, 0.02912873, 0.08432983],
+ [0.00577453, 0.03279060, 0.09514061],
+ [0.00575600, 0.03655819, 0.10623536],
+ [0.00569251, 0.04039779, 0.11764024],
+ [0.00561326, 0.04410891, 0.12936457],
+ [0.00555453, 0.04762553, 0.14142600],
+ [0.00556418, 0.05092941, 0.15384030],
+ [0.00570386, 0.05399783, 0.16662046],
+ [0.00605062, 0.05680333, 0.17977925],
+ [0.00670000, 0.05931283, 0.19332865],
+ [0.00777085, 0.06149025, 0.20726410],
+ [0.00940507, 0.06329131, 0.22158424],
+ [0.01177290, 0.06466445, 0.23627918],
+ [0.01507477, 0.06555333, 0.25131840],
+ [0.01954042, 0.06589623, 0.26665220],
+ [0.02542441, 0.06562938, 0.28220323],
+ [0.03299966, 0.06468689, 0.29786996],
+ [0.04247316, 0.06301186, 0.31351073],
+ [0.05289772, 0.06056538, 0.32894543],
+ [0.06382304, 0.05733957, 0.34396041],
+ [0.07509756, 0.05336155, 0.35833296],
+ [0.08656068, 0.04870282, 0.37184876],
+ [0.09806030, 0.04347138, 0.38433331],
+ [0.10946487, 0.03781011, 0.39566922],
+ [0.12067600, 0.03224204, 0.40580650],
+ [0.13162962, 0.02706350, 0.41475494],
+ [0.14229227, 0.02239242, 0.42256999],
+ [0.15265635, 0.01828971, 0.42933733],
+ [0.16272937, 0.01477506, 0.43515623],
+ [0.17252899, 0.01183645, 0.44012991],
+ [0.18207954, 0.00943891, 0.44435856],
+ [0.19140636, 0.00753672, 0.44793457],
+ [0.20053485, 0.00607779, 0.45094103],
+ [0.20948880, 0.00500886, 0.45345121],
+ [0.21829007, 0.00427759, 0.45552884],
+ [0.22695982, 0.00383216, 0.45722838],
+ [0.23551492, 0.00362753, 0.45859669],
+ [0.24397204, 0.00361978, 0.45967289],
+ [0.25234437, 0.00377154, 0.46049045],
+ [0.26064508, 0.00404677, 0.46107655],
+ [0.26888436, 0.00441543, 0.46145434],
+ [0.27707160, 0.00485014, 0.46164261],
+ [0.28521540, 0.00532614, 0.46165633],
+ [0.29332284, 0.00582230, 0.46150768],
+ [0.30140013, 0.00632011, 0.46120619],
+ [0.30945264, 0.00680351, 0.46075915],
+ [0.31748502, 0.00725862, 0.46017187],
+ [0.32550122, 0.00767372, 0.45944808],
+ [0.33350472, 0.00803873, 0.45858991],
+ [0.34149835, 0.00834547, 0.45759839],
+ [0.34948444, 0.00858742, 0.45647354],
+ [0.35746484, 0.00875956, 0.45521450],
+ [0.36544098, 0.00885833, 0.45381970],
+ [0.37341390, 0.00888157, 0.45228699],
+ [0.38138425, 0.00882842, 0.45061372],
+ [0.38935231, 0.00869934, 0.44879688],
+ [0.39731805, 0.00849601, 0.44683316],
+ [0.40528109, 0.00822140, 0.44471904],
+ [0.41324074, 0.00787974, 0.44245091],
+ [0.42119601, 0.00747648, 0.44002506],
+ [0.42914563, 0.00701836, 0.43743780],
+ [0.43708801, 0.00651341, 0.43468548],
+ [0.44502130, 0.00597101, 0.43176458],
+ [0.45294338, 0.00540190, 0.42867173],
+ [0.46085183, 0.00481827, 0.42540377],
+ [0.46874396, 0.00423380, 0.42195776],
+ [0.47661691, 0.00366359, 0.41833093],
+ [0.48446736, 0.00312470, 0.41452108],
+ [0.49229181, 0.00263584, 0.41052632],
+ [0.50008644, 0.00221759, 0.40634516],
+ [0.50784715, 0.00189252, 0.40197659],
+ [0.51556955, 0.00168532, 0.39742009],
+ [0.52324909, 0.00162254, 0.39267530],
+ [0.53088083, 0.00173338, 0.38774270],
+ [0.53845930, 0.00204996, 0.38262399],
+ [0.54597894, 0.00260656, 0.37732100],
+ [0.55343418, 0.00343953, 0.37183526],
+ [0.56081843, 0.00458969, 0.36617144],
+ [0.56812547, 0.00609927, 0.36033271],
+ [0.57534839, 0.00801445, 0.35432458],
+ [0.58248022, 0.01038395, 0.34815265],
+ [0.58951357, 0.01325991, 0.34182414],
+ [0.59644109, 0.01669693, 0.33534616],
+ [0.60325487, 0.02075318, 0.32872854],
+ [0.60994727, 0.02548876, 0.32198018],
+ [0.61651033, 0.03096663, 0.31511231],
+ [0.62293611, 0.03725166, 0.30813705],
+ [0.62921684, 0.04423790, 0.30106707],
+ [0.63534495, 0.05141249, 0.29391560],
+ [0.64131306, 0.05874627, 0.28669727],
+ [0.64711421, 0.06623181, 0.27942720],
+ [0.65274194, 0.07386131, 0.27212075],
+ [0.65819043, 0.08162647, 0.26479352],
+ [0.66345452, 0.08951846, 0.25746111],
+ [0.66852987, 0.09752791, 0.25013884],
+ [0.67341297, 0.10564500, 0.24284153],
+ [0.67810125, 0.11385958, 0.23558318],
+ [0.68259303, 0.12216125, 0.22837680],
+ [0.68688758, 0.13053952, 0.22123411],
+ [0.69098506, 0.13898395, 0.21416554],
+ [0.69488645, 0.14748433, 0.20717988],
+ [0.69859350, 0.15603086, 0.20028420],
+ [0.70210861, 0.16461420, 0.19348388],
+ [0.70543473, 0.17322564, 0.18678262],
+ [0.70857528, 0.18185713, 0.18018243],
+ [0.71153414, 0.19050102, 0.17368448],
+ [0.71431525, 0.19915086, 0.16728755],
+ [0.71692265, 0.20780106, 0.16098899],
+ [0.71936074, 0.21644603, 0.15478633],
+ [0.72163355, 0.22508174, 0.14867461],
+ [0.72374515, 0.23370445, 0.14264863],
+ [0.72569954, 0.24231101, 0.13670260],
+ [0.72750041, 0.25089901, 0.13082982],
+ [0.72915102, 0.25946687, 0.12502250],
+ [0.73065519, 0.26801228, 0.11927466],
+ [0.73201532, 0.27653505, 0.11357695],
+ [0.73323415, 0.28503443, 0.10792141],
+ [0.73431422, 0.29350987, 0.10230012],
+ [0.73525782, 0.30196112, 0.09670499],
+ [0.73606648, 0.31038871, 0.09112681],
+ [0.73674177, 0.31879295, 0.08555697],
+ [0.73728500, 0.32717436, 0.07998676],
+ [0.73769719, 0.33553357, 0.07440741],
+ [0.73797911, 0.34387131, 0.06881001],
+ [0.73813132, 0.35218841, 0.06318561],
+ [0.73815413, 0.36048574, 0.05752509],
+ [0.73804766, 0.36876420, 0.05181924],
+ [0.73781228, 0.37702427, 0.04605966],
+ [0.73744739, 0.38526723, 0.04023277],
+ [0.73695258, 0.39349398, 0.03451051],
+ [0.73632730, 0.40170539, 0.02922306],
+ [0.73557126, 0.40990195, 0.02437092],
+ [0.73468367, 0.41808447, 0.01995555],
+ [0.73366329, 0.42625396, 0.01597958],
+ [0.73250948, 0.43441084, 0.01244844],
+ [0.73122134, 0.44255560, 0.00936865],
+ [0.72979720, 0.45068921, 0.00674711],
+ [0.72823647, 0.45881170, 0.00459355],
+ [0.72653738, 0.46692390, 0.00291734],
+ [0.72469861, 0.47502617, 0.00172958],
+ [0.72271881, 0.48311879, 0.00104228],
+ [0.72059597, 0.49120241, 0.00086769],
+ [0.71832881, 0.49927709, 0.00121957],
+ [0.71591482, 0.50734356, 0.00211138],
+ [0.71335247, 0.51540187, 0.00355801],
+ [0.71063888, 0.52345273, 0.00557407],
+ [0.70777198, 0.53149629, 0.00817532],
+ [0.70474856, 0.53953326, 0.01137745],
+ [0.70156577, 0.54756396, 0.01519703],
+ [0.69821994, 0.55558906, 0.01965092],
+ [0.69470733, 0.56360911, 0.02475670],
+ [0.69102361, 0.57162480, 0.03053261],
+ [0.68716394, 0.57963690, 0.03699776],
+ [0.68312315, 0.58764613, 0.04401602],
+ [0.67889514, 0.59565348, 0.05104669],
+ [0.67447364, 0.60365974, 0.05806530],
+ [0.66985104, 0.61166609, 0.06507801],
+ [0.66501981, 0.61967338, 0.07209106],
+ [0.65997045, 0.62768298, 0.07911092],
+ [0.65469409, 0.63569571, 0.08614409],
+ [0.64917874, 0.64371325, 0.09319764],
+ [0.64341394, 0.65173629, 0.10027859],
+ [0.63738549, 0.65976654, 0.10739479],
+ [0.63107987, 0.66780494, 0.11455425],
+ [0.62448165, 0.67585265, 0.12176558],
+ [0.61757220, 0.68391137, 0.12903842],
+ [0.61033426, 0.69198166, 0.13638241],
+ [0.60274715, 0.70006460, 0.14380833],
+ [0.59478610, 0.70816180, 0.15132834],
+ [0.58642785, 0.71627352, 0.15895463],
+ [0.57764488, 0.72440045, 0.16670088],
+ [0.56840673, 0.73254308, 0.17458199],
+ [0.55867975, 0.74070167, 0.18261421],
+ [0.54842676, 0.74887616, 0.19081528],
+ [0.53760655, 0.75706610, 0.19920461],
+ [0.52617347, 0.76527055, 0.20780349],
+ [0.51407690, 0.77348797, 0.21663528],
+ [0.50126067, 0.78171603, 0.22572573],
+ [0.48766252, 0.78995147, 0.23510316],
+ [0.47320598, 0.79819128, 0.24480118],
+ [0.45781799, 0.80642870, 0.25485342],
+ [0.44140345, 0.81465770, 0.26530162],
+ [0.42386805, 0.82286809, 0.27618894],
+ [0.40509905, 0.83104831, 0.28756641],
+ [0.38497429, 0.83918304, 0.29949099],
+ [0.36336633, 0.84725211, 0.31202554],
+ [0.34015171, 0.85522894, 0.32523806],
+ [0.31522429, 0.86307939, 0.33920155],
+ [0.28852485, 0.87076004, 0.35399231],
+ [0.26012226, 0.87821481, 0.36967902],
+ [0.23034835, 0.88537382, 0.38631028],
+ [0.20005003, 0.89215446, 0.40389631],
+ [0.17106100, 0.89846573, 0.42237531],
+ [0.14679032, 0.90422191, 0.44159836],
+ [0.13235007, 0.90935992, 0.46131624],
+ [0.13233945, 0.91385732, 0.48121869],
+ [0.14684813, 0.91773789, 0.50099309],
+ [0.17148250, 0.92106251, 0.52038209],
+ [0.20135567, 0.92391137, 0.53921307],
+ [0.23322432, 0.92636675, 0.55739902],
+ [0.26532651, 0.92850520, 0.57490457],
+ [0.29680640, 0.93039125, 0.59173875],
+ [0.32727417, 0.93207894, 0.60792784],
+ [0.35659105, 0.93361090, 0.62351321],
+ [0.38473040, 0.93502240, 0.63853573],
+ [0.41172511, 0.93634184, 0.65303666],
+ [0.43763999, 0.93759139, 0.66705766],
+ [0.46252334, 0.93879395, 0.68062529],
+ [0.48647082, 0.93996081, 0.69378390],
+ [0.50954374, 0.94110644, 0.70656008],
+ [0.53180158, 0.94224300, 0.71897868],
+ [0.55330243, 0.94338038, 0.73106362],
+ [0.57410183, 0.94452649, 0.74283758],
+ [0.59425204, 0.94568770, 0.75432188],
+ [0.61380179, 0.94686908, 0.76553639],
+ [0.63278315, 0.94807818, 0.77649378],
+ [0.65123401, 0.94931954, 0.78720949],
+ [0.66919107, 0.95059650, 0.79769863],
+ [0.68668379, 0.95191307, 0.80797323],
+ [0.70373150, 0.95327516, 0.81804111],
+ [0.72037045, 0.95468262, 0.82791747],
+ [0.73662057, 0.95613915, 0.83761052],
+ [0.75249754, 0.95764907, 0.84712670],
+ [0.76801982, 0.95921517, 0.85647372],
+ [0.78320893, 0.96083846, 0.86566051],
+ [0.79808010, 0.96252143, 0.87469329],
+ [0.81264749, 0.96426635, 0.88357776],
+ [0.82692425, 0.96607538, 0.89231908],
+ [0.84092251, 0.96795060, 0.90092180],
+ [0.85464941, 0.96989551, 0.90938826],
+ [0.86811536, 0.97191213, 0.91772181],
+ [0.88133184, 0.97400172, 0.92592577],
+ [0.89430673, 0.97616663, 0.93400143],
+ [0.90704657, 0.97840951, 0.94194883],
+ [0.91954628, 0.98073751, 0.94976270],
+ [0.93181647, 0.98315156, 0.95744220],
+ [0.94385909, 0.98565603, 0.96498128],
+ [0.95565959, 0.98826216, 0.97236573],
+ [0.96721384, 0.99097737, 0.97958193],
+ [0.97849787, 0.99381755, 0.98660734],
+ [0.98945501, 0.99681218, 0.99341415],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.chroma', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.chroma", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/copper/copper.py b/cmasher/colormaps/copper/copper.py
index 27c6f057..ff500518 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/copper/copper.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/copper/copper.py
@@ -1,550 +1,552 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'cyclic'
+cm_type = "cyclic"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00021215, 0.00021135, 0.00023974],
- [0.00073154, 0.00073353, 0.00084820],
- [0.00150738, 0.00152103, 0.00178986],
- [0.00251610, 0.00255435, 0.00305400],
- [0.00374222, 0.00382163, 0.00463651],
- [0.00517421, 0.00531477, 0.00653641],
- [0.00680286, 0.00702793, 0.00875448],
- [0.00862048, 0.00895672, 0.01129266],
- [0.01062043, 0.01109781, 0.01415359],
- [0.01279684, 0.01344862, 0.01734051],
- [0.01514438, 0.01600721, 0.02085708],
- [0.01765818, 0.01877208, 0.02470733],
- [0.02033371, 0.02174214, 0.02889549],
- [0.02316672, 0.02491664, 0.03342601],
- [0.02615316, 0.02829509, 0.03830358],
- [0.02928916, 0.03187725, 0.04341645],
- [0.03257098, 0.03566308, 0.04849401],
- [0.03599501, 0.03965275, 0.05354258],
- [0.03955775, 0.04371116, 0.05856561],
- [0.04315474, 0.04772234, 0.06356612],
- [0.04668644, 0.05169826, 0.06854677],
- [0.05016466, 0.05564175, 0.07350991],
- [0.05359166, 0.05955534, 0.07845765],
- [0.05696946, 0.06344134, 0.08339191],
- [0.06029988, 0.06730185, 0.08831433],
- [0.06358452, 0.07113878, 0.09322642],
- [0.06682483, 0.07495388, 0.09812957],
- [0.07002209, 0.07874877, 0.10302503],
- [0.07317746, 0.08252496, 0.10791393],
- [0.07629198, 0.08628382, 0.11279730],
- [0.07936658, 0.09002664, 0.11767608],
- [0.08240210, 0.09375464, 0.12255115],
- [0.08539927, 0.09746893, 0.12742327],
- [0.08835878, 0.10117058, 0.13229318],
- [0.09128120, 0.10486058, 0.13716153],
- [0.09416706, 0.10853987, 0.14202892],
- [0.09701682, 0.11220934, 0.14689593],
- [0.09983086, 0.11586983, 0.15176308],
- [0.10260955, 0.11952215, 0.15663079],
- [0.10535320, 0.12316706, 0.16149945],
- [0.10806207, 0.12680527, 0.16636946],
- [0.11073636, 0.13043749, 0.17124112],
- [0.11337622, 0.13406438, 0.17611478],
- [0.11598170, 0.13768660, 0.18099080],
- [0.11855299, 0.14130475, 0.18586927],
- [0.12109013, 0.14491941, 0.19075038],
- [0.12359308, 0.14853118, 0.19563440],
- [0.12606178, 0.15214061, 0.20052150],
- [0.12849630, 0.15574822, 0.20541163],
- [0.13089643, 0.15935455, 0.21030500],
- [0.13326205, 0.16296011, 0.21520167],
- [0.13559316, 0.16656537, 0.22010147],
- [0.13788928, 0.17017086, 0.22500476],
- [0.14015053, 0.17377701, 0.22991108],
- [0.14237635, 0.17738432, 0.23482073],
- [0.14456679, 0.18099319, 0.23973324],
- [0.14672117, 0.18460415, 0.24464888],
- [0.14883950, 0.18821757, 0.24956710],
- [0.15092122, 0.19183391, 0.25448792],
- [0.15296596, 0.19545362, 0.25941106],
- [0.15497343, 0.19907708, 0.26433610],
- [0.15694307, 0.20270475, 0.26926284],
- [0.15887433, 0.20633705, 0.27419099],
- [0.16076686, 0.20997438, 0.27911997],
- [0.16262011, 0.21361714, 0.28404934],
- [0.16443351, 0.21726576, 0.28897859],
- [0.16620648, 0.22092065, 0.29390717],
- [0.16793841, 0.22458222, 0.29883444],
- [0.16962867, 0.22825089, 0.30375969],
- [0.17127663, 0.23192705, 0.30868215],
- [0.17288166, 0.23561113, 0.31360094],
- [0.17444311, 0.23930352, 0.31851511],
- [0.17596036, 0.24300462, 0.32342360],
- [0.17743252, 0.24671489, 0.32832542],
- [0.17885899, 0.25043473, 0.33321927],
- [0.18023937, 0.25416448, 0.33810363],
- [0.18157247, 0.25790467, 0.34297736],
- [0.18285832, 0.26165557, 0.34783843],
- [0.18409564, 0.26541772, 0.35268550],
- [0.18528445, 0.26919142, 0.35751627],
- [0.18642423, 0.27297708, 0.36232870],
- [0.18751445, 0.27677510, 0.36712055],
- [0.18855495, 0.28058585, 0.37188927],
- [0.18954582, 0.28440965, 0.37663201],
- [0.19048725, 0.28824681, 0.38134571],
- [0.19137943, 0.29209768, 0.38602719],
- [0.19222337, 0.29596245, 0.39067272],
- [0.19302040, 0.29984128, 0.39527830],
- [0.19377176, 0.30373439, 0.39983983],
- [0.19448015, 0.30764173, 0.40435252],
- [0.19514790, 0.31156335, 0.40881163],
- [0.19577915, 0.31549902, 0.41321169],
- [0.19637843, 0.31944843, 0.41754713],
- [0.19695137, 0.32341113, 0.42181204],
- [0.19750485, 0.32738645, 0.42600031],
- [0.19804707, 0.33137351, 0.43010565],
- [0.19858740, 0.33537124, 0.43412183],
- [0.19913677, 0.33937827, 0.43804270],
- [0.19970761, 0.34339297, 0.44186248],
- [0.20031323, 0.34741352, 0.44557592],
- [0.20096822, 0.35143782, 0.44917855],
- [0.20168779, 0.35546360, 0.45266692],
- [0.20248729, 0.35948847, 0.45603876],
- [0.20338187, 0.36350999, 0.45929316],
- [0.20438587, 0.36752572, 0.46243065],
- [0.20551228, 0.37153333, 0.46545318],
- [0.20677232, 0.37553070, 0.46836406],
- [0.20817520, 0.37951590, 0.47116781],
- [0.20972765, 0.38348736, 0.47386989],
- [0.21143412, 0.38744378, 0.47647653],
- [0.21329695, 0.39138417, 0.47899449],
- [0.21531610, 0.39530790, 0.48143067],
- [0.21748990, 0.39921459, 0.48379210],
- [0.21981518, 0.40310408, 0.48608579],
- [0.22228734, 0.40697648, 0.48831830],
- [0.22490098, 0.41083206, 0.49049597],
- [0.22764998, 0.41467123, 0.49262470],
- [0.23052783, 0.41849449, 0.49471004],
- [0.23352779, 0.42230242, 0.49675717],
- [0.23664289, 0.42609572, 0.49877048],
- [0.23986639, 0.42987504, 0.50075446],
- [0.24319155, 0.43364114, 0.50271266],
- [0.24661197, 0.43739469, 0.50464893],
- [0.25012141, 0.44113644, 0.50656616],
- [0.25371395, 0.44486712, 0.50846722],
- [0.25738401, 0.44858743, 0.51035469],
- [0.26112633, 0.45229805, 0.51223087],
- [0.26493596, 0.45599966, 0.51409784],
- [0.26880829, 0.45969291, 0.51595743],
- [0.27273898, 0.46337841, 0.51781151],
- [0.27672404, 0.46705678, 0.51966149],
- [0.28075978, 0.47072861, 0.52150856],
- [0.28484267, 0.47439443, 0.52335443],
- [0.28896963, 0.47805482, 0.52519967],
- [0.29313756, 0.48171026, 0.52704586],
- [0.29734387, 0.48536128, 0.52889348],
- [0.30158600, 0.48900834, 0.53074346],
- [0.30586153, 0.49265189, 0.53259683],
- [0.31016842, 0.49629239, 0.53445400],
- [0.31450468, 0.49993027, 0.53631565],
- [0.31886849, 0.50356591, 0.53818234],
- [0.32325815, 0.50719973, 0.54005461],
- [0.32767212, 0.51083210, 0.54193293],
- [0.33210898, 0.51446339, 0.54381772],
- [0.33656744, 0.51809394, 0.54570935],
- [0.34104629, 0.52172410, 0.54760817],
- [0.34554444, 0.52535420, 0.54951447],
- [0.35006088, 0.52898455, 0.55142851],
- [0.35459469, 0.53261546, 0.55335053],
- [0.35914498, 0.53624723, 0.55528086],
- [0.36371097, 0.53988014, 0.55721968],
- [0.36829202, 0.54351447, 0.55916705],
- [0.37288749, 0.54715049, 0.56112310],
- [0.37749663, 0.55078847, 0.56308824],
- [0.38211908, 0.55442865, 0.56506230],
- [0.38675432, 0.55807128, 0.56704541],
- [0.39140180, 0.56171661, 0.56903785],
- [0.39606129, 0.56536485, 0.57103941],
- [0.40073228, 0.56901624, 0.57305041],
- [0.40541458, 0.57267100, 0.57507065],
- [0.41010782, 0.57632933, 0.57710034],
- [0.41481184, 0.57999144, 0.57913933],
- [0.41952633, 0.58365755, 0.58118778],
- [0.42425122, 0.58732782, 0.58324547],
- [0.42898623, 0.59100247, 0.58531264],
- [0.43373137, 0.59468166, 0.58738897],
- [0.43848642, 0.59836558, 0.58947464],
- [0.44325139, 0.60205440, 0.59156947],
- [0.44802624, 0.60574828, 0.59367336],
- [0.45281085, 0.60944740, 0.59578640],
- [0.45760532, 0.61315190, 0.59790831],
- [0.46240964, 0.61686193, 0.60003908],
- [0.46722381, 0.62057765, 0.60217866],
- [0.47204795, 0.62429919, 0.60432683],
- [0.47688215, 0.62802669, 0.60648348],
- [0.48172644, 0.63176028, 0.60864861],
- [0.48658101, 0.63550008, 0.61082195],
- [0.49144600, 0.63924622, 0.61300336],
- [0.49632156, 0.64299880, 0.61519274],
- [0.50120785, 0.64675794, 0.61738994],
- [0.50610512, 0.65052373, 0.61959476],
- [0.51101358, 0.65429628, 0.62180701],
- [0.51593345, 0.65807567, 0.62402657],
- [0.52086499, 0.66186200, 0.62625326],
- [0.52580851, 0.66565532, 0.62848685],
- [0.53076429, 0.66945573, 0.63072718],
- [0.53573266, 0.67326328, 0.63297404],
- [0.54071393, 0.67707803, 0.63522728],
- [0.54570849, 0.68090003, 0.63748668],
- [0.55071670, 0.68472933, 0.63975204],
- [0.55573897, 0.68856596, 0.64202316],
- [0.56077572, 0.69240996, 0.64429986],
- [0.56582736, 0.69626134, 0.64658196],
- [0.57089437, 0.70012012, 0.64886925],
- [0.57597722, 0.70398631, 0.65116155],
- [0.58107641, 0.70785990, 0.65345868],
- [0.58619245, 0.71174088, 0.65576048],
- [0.59132588, 0.71562923, 0.65806676],
- [0.59647726, 0.71952493, 0.66037737],
- [0.60164716, 0.72342794, 0.66269218],
- [0.60683618, 0.72733821, 0.66501105],
- [0.61204492, 0.73125569, 0.66733385],
- [0.61727402, 0.73518031, 0.66966049],
- [0.62252415, 0.73911200, 0.67199086],
- [0.62779595, 0.74305068, 0.67432491],
- [0.63309011, 0.74699626, 0.67666260],
- [0.63840733, 0.75094863, 0.67900391],
- [0.64374835, 0.75490767, 0.68134881],
- [0.64911390, 0.75887327, 0.68369735],
- [0.65450470, 0.76284531, 0.68604961],
- [0.65992152, 0.76682363, 0.68840568],
- [0.66536514, 0.77080808, 0.69076568],
- [0.67083637, 0.77479851, 0.69312974],
- [0.67633595, 0.77879475, 0.69549813],
- [0.68186469, 0.78279661, 0.69787112],
- [0.68742345, 0.78680392, 0.70024893],
- [0.69301302, 0.79081646, 0.70263194],
- [0.69863418, 0.79483405, 0.70502061],
- [0.70428777, 0.79885647, 0.70741538],
- [0.70997467, 0.80288348, 0.70981667],
- [0.71569560, 0.80691488, 0.71222521],
- [0.72145139, 0.81095043, 0.71464163],
- [0.72724295, 0.81498985, 0.71706651],
- [0.73307094, 0.81903294, 0.71950083],
- [0.73893618, 0.82307943, 0.72194540],
- [0.74483951, 0.82712906, 0.72440113],
- [0.75078152, 0.83118158, 0.72686923],
- [0.75676315, 0.83523670, 0.72935062],
- [0.76278489, 0.83929419, 0.73184675],
- [0.76884753, 0.84335376, 0.73435884],
- [0.77495166, 0.84741516, 0.73688839],
- [0.78109786, 0.85147812, 0.73943697],
- [0.78728671, 0.85554239, 0.74200621],
- [0.79351867, 0.85960771, 0.74459797],
- [0.79979421, 0.86367384, 0.74721413],
- [0.80611371, 0.86774055, 0.74985675],
- [0.81247741, 0.87180762, 0.75252809],
- [0.81888569, 0.87587482, 0.75523031],
- [0.82533849, 0.87994201, 0.75796609],
- [0.83183609, 0.88400897, 0.76073784],
- [0.83837830, 0.88807559, 0.76354842],
- [0.84496491, 0.89214179, 0.76640077],
- [0.85159588, 0.89620741, 0.76929776],
- [0.85827062, 0.90027247, 0.77224272],
- [0.86498859, 0.90433698, 0.77523896],
- [0.87174919, 0.90840096, 0.77828985],
- [0.87855159, 0.91246452, 0.78139897],
- [0.88539469, 0.91652783, 0.78457004],
- [0.89227736, 0.92059113, 0.78780680],
- [0.89919828, 0.92465468, 0.79111306],
- [0.90615594, 0.92871886, 0.79449269],
- [0.91314858, 0.93278413, 0.79794962],
- [0.92017432, 0.93685101, 0.80148773],
- [0.92723111, 0.94092010, 0.80511088],
- [0.93431673, 0.94499210, 0.80882282],
- [0.93151196, 0.93952554, 0.80216375],
- [0.92874316, 0.93406391, 0.79554196],
- [0.92600923, 0.92860725, 0.78895792],
- [0.92330879, 0.92315573, 0.78241241],
- [0.92064107, 0.91770930, 0.77590569],
- [0.91800476, 0.91226808, 0.76943854],
- [0.91539891, 0.90683209, 0.76301142],
- [0.91282232, 0.90140144, 0.75662507],
- [0.91027404, 0.89597616, 0.75027998],
- [0.90775279, 0.89055636, 0.74397697],
- [0.90525769, 0.88514207, 0.73771652],
- [0.90278749, 0.87973342, 0.73149943],
- [0.90034117, 0.87433046, 0.72532630],
- [0.89791770, 0.86893328, 0.71919778],
- [0.89551584, 0.86354202, 0.71311465],
- [0.89313463, 0.85815674, 0.70707750],
- [0.89077298, 0.85277755, 0.70108701],
- [0.88842973, 0.84740459, 0.69514394],
- [0.88610387, 0.84203796, 0.68924890],
- [0.88379431, 0.83667777, 0.68340258],
- [0.88149998, 0.83132417, 0.67760566],
- [0.87921978, 0.82597729, 0.67185884],
- [0.87695269, 0.82063726, 0.66616276],
- [0.87469764, 0.81530423, 0.66051810],
- [0.87245357, 0.80997836, 0.65492553],
- [0.87021943, 0.80465979, 0.64938570],
- [0.86799420, 0.79934870, 0.64389926],
- [0.86577683, 0.79404524, 0.63846688],
- [0.86356629, 0.78874959, 0.63308920],
- [0.86136156, 0.78346193, 0.62776686],
- [0.85916162, 0.77818244, 0.62250050],
- [0.85696546, 0.77291132, 0.61729075],
- [0.85477209, 0.76764875, 0.61213823],
- [0.85258049, 0.76239495, 0.60704356],
- [0.85038966, 0.75715013, 0.60200736],
- [0.84819862, 0.75191450, 0.59703023],
- [0.84600642, 0.74668827, 0.59211276],
- [0.84381204, 0.74147170, 0.58725554],
- [0.84161450, 0.73626501, 0.58245915],
- [0.83941288, 0.73106844, 0.57772414],
- [0.83720620, 0.72588224, 0.57305108],
- [0.83499348, 0.72070669, 0.56844049],
- [0.83277379, 0.71554206, 0.56389292],
- [0.83054621, 0.71038859, 0.55940884],
- [0.82830976, 0.70524660, 0.55498877],
- [0.82606351, 0.70011637, 0.55063317],
- [0.82380658, 0.69499819, 0.54634247],
- [0.82153800, 0.68989239, 0.54211712],
- [0.81925687, 0.68479927, 0.53795751],
- [0.81696231, 0.67971916, 0.53386400],
- [0.81465338, 0.67465239, 0.52983693],
- [0.81232923, 0.66959931, 0.52587662],
- [0.80998897, 0.66456025, 0.52198332],
- [0.80763171, 0.65953559, 0.51815729],
- [0.80525665, 0.65452566, 0.51439871],
- [0.80286289, 0.64953086, 0.51070774],
- [0.80044963, 0.64455154, 0.50708448],
- [0.79801606, 0.63958809, 0.50352899],
- [0.79556136, 0.63464090, 0.50004129],
- [0.79308478, 0.62971034, 0.49662133],
- [0.79058552, 0.62479682, 0.49326902],
- [0.78806290, 0.61990071, 0.48998421],
- [0.78551614, 0.61502244, 0.48676668],
- [0.78294460, 0.61016236, 0.48361618],
- [0.78034757, 0.60532091, 0.48053235],
- [0.77772444, 0.60049844, 0.47751483],
- [0.77507458, 0.59569537, 0.47456314],
- [0.77239743, 0.59091208, 0.47167677],
- [0.76969241, 0.58614894, 0.46885513],
- [0.76695903, 0.58140633, 0.46609758],
- [0.76419678, 0.57668461, 0.46340340],
- [0.76140524, 0.57198415, 0.46077180],
- [0.75858398, 0.56730530, 0.45820196],
- [0.75573264, 0.56264838, 0.45569297],
- [0.75285087, 0.55801372, 0.45324386],
- [0.74993839, 0.55340164, 0.45085362],
- [0.74699492, 0.54881243, 0.44852117],
- [0.74402026, 0.54424637, 0.44624538],
- [0.74101422, 0.53970373, 0.44402507],
- [0.73797667, 0.53518477, 0.44185901],
- [0.73490750, 0.53068970, 0.43974594],
- [0.73180665, 0.52621874, 0.43768454],
- [0.72867411, 0.52177209, 0.43567346],
- [0.72550987, 0.51734993, 0.43371131],
- [0.72231401, 0.51295241, 0.43179669],
- [0.71908659, 0.50857967, 0.42992815],
- [0.71582774, 0.50423183, 0.42810424],
- [0.71253762, 0.49990898, 0.42632346],
- [0.70921640, 0.49561121, 0.42458434],
- [0.70586430, 0.49133858, 0.42288537],
- [0.70248156, 0.48709113, 0.42122501],
- [0.69906846, 0.48286887, 0.41960180],
- [0.69562527, 0.47867184, 0.41801416],
- [0.69215232, 0.47449999, 0.41646063],
- [0.68864994, 0.47035331, 0.41493966],
- [0.68511849, 0.46623176, 0.41344978],
- [0.68155833, 0.46213527, 0.41198952],
- [0.67796986, 0.45806377, 0.41055734],
- [0.67435348, 0.45401717, 0.40915186],
- [0.67070959, 0.44999537, 0.40777159],
- [0.66703863, 0.44599826, 0.40641513],
- [0.66334102, 0.44202570, 0.40508110],
- [0.65961719, 0.43807757, 0.40376808],
- [0.65586760, 0.43415372, 0.40247475],
- [0.65209268, 0.43025399, 0.40119981],
- [0.64829289, 0.42637822, 0.39994190],
- [0.64446866, 0.42252624, 0.39869979],
- [0.64062047, 0.41869787, 0.39747224],
- [0.63674873, 0.41489293, 0.39625801],
- [0.63285391, 0.41111124, 0.39505591],
- [0.62893643, 0.40735259, 0.39386479],
- [0.62499674, 0.40361680, 0.39268354],
- [0.62103525, 0.39990367, 0.39151100],
- [0.61705238, 0.39621300, 0.39034611],
- [0.61304856, 0.39254458, 0.38918784],
- [0.60902417, 0.38889822, 0.38803516],
- [0.60497962, 0.38527372, 0.38688703],
- [0.60091529, 0.38167087, 0.38574251],
- [0.59683154, 0.37808948, 0.38460064],
- [0.59272874, 0.37452935, 0.38346049],
- [0.58860723, 0.37099028, 0.38232115],
- [0.58446735, 0.36747208, 0.38118172],
- [0.58030941, 0.36397456, 0.38004136],
- [0.57613373, 0.36049754, 0.37889921],
- [0.57194060, 0.35704085, 0.37775444],
- [0.56773029, 0.35360430, 0.37660624],
- [0.56350307, 0.35018774, 0.37545381],
- [0.55925919, 0.34679099, 0.37429636],
- [0.55499887, 0.34341390, 0.37313313],
- [0.55072234, 0.34005633, 0.37196335],
- [0.54642978, 0.33671813, 0.37078627],
- [0.54212139, 0.33339917, 0.36960115],
- [0.53779732, 0.33009933, 0.36840723],
- [0.53345773, 0.32681850, 0.36720380],
- [0.52910275, 0.32355657, 0.36599010],
- [0.52473249, 0.32031344, 0.36476544],
- [0.52034703, 0.31708904, 0.36352906],
- [0.51594647, 0.31388327, 0.36228020],
- [0.51153085, 0.31069609, 0.36101813],
- [0.50710022, 0.30752745, 0.35974212],
- [0.50265460, 0.30437729, 0.35845139],
- [0.49819399, 0.30124560, 0.35714513],
- [0.49371839, 0.29813235, 0.35582256],
- [0.48922774, 0.29503756, 0.35448293],
- [0.48472201, 0.29196122, 0.35312533],
- [0.48020113, 0.28890336, 0.35174888],
- [0.47566501, 0.28586401, 0.35035276],
- [0.47111354, 0.28284323, 0.34893602],
- [0.46654664, 0.27984108, 0.34749764],
- [0.46196413, 0.27685762, 0.34603672],
- [0.45736589, 0.27389295, 0.34455217],
- [0.45275178, 0.27094716, 0.34304284],
- [0.44812158, 0.26802037, 0.34150773],
- [0.44347517, 0.26511267, 0.33994549],
- [0.43881234, 0.26222421, 0.33835498],
- [0.43413292, 0.25935510, 0.33673480],
- [0.42943672, 0.25650548, 0.33508360],
- [0.42472358, 0.25367548, 0.33339990],
- [0.41999331, 0.25086523, 0.33168219],
- [0.41524580, 0.24807484, 0.32992881],
- [0.41048087, 0.24530444, 0.32813814],
- [0.40569851, 0.24255410, 0.32630831],
- [0.40089855, 0.23982391, 0.32443760],
- [0.39608108, 0.23711389, 0.32252397],
- [0.39124611, 0.23442404, 0.32056547],
- [0.38639375, 0.23175433, 0.31856004],
- [0.38152422, 0.22910462, 0.31650552],
- [0.37663780, 0.22647475, 0.31439978],
- [0.37173487, 0.22386449, 0.31224062],
- [0.36681597, 0.22127346, 0.31002581],
- [0.36188172, 0.21870125, 0.30775319],
- [0.35693287, 0.21614730, 0.30542061],
- [0.35197037, 0.21361095, 0.30302598],
- [0.34699527, 0.21109141, 0.30056736],
- [0.34200878, 0.20858775, 0.29804290],
- [0.33701229, 0.20609892, 0.29545097],
- [0.33200726, 0.20362375, 0.29279016],
- [0.32699531, 0.20116093, 0.29005931],
- [0.32197828, 0.19870901, 0.28725749],
- [0.31695790, 0.19626651, 0.28438418],
- [0.31193610, 0.19383179, 0.28143914],
- [0.30691487, 0.19140314, 0.27842245],
- [0.30189602, 0.18897892, 0.27533460],
- [0.29688170, 0.18655723, 0.27217635],
- [0.29187355, 0.18413645, 0.26894887],
- [0.28687350, 0.18171475, 0.26565354],
- [0.28188327, 0.17929042, 0.26229209],
- [0.27690429, 0.17686188, 0.25886644],
- [0.27193804, 0.17442755, 0.25537873],
- [0.26698591, 0.17198583, 0.25183127],
- [0.26204899, 0.16953535, 0.24822646],
- [0.25712817, 0.16707483, 0.24456681],
- [0.25222426, 0.16460306, 0.24085486],
- [0.24733805, 0.16211882, 0.23709319],
- [0.24246998, 0.15962112, 0.23328434],
- [0.23762030, 0.15710910, 0.22943079],
- [0.23278911, 0.15458197, 0.22553494],
- [0.22797707, 0.15203862, 0.22159933],
- [0.22318354, 0.14947873, 0.21762601],
- [0.21840889, 0.14690135, 0.21361735],
- [0.21365241, 0.14430623, 0.20957517],
- [0.20891452, 0.14169238, 0.20550178],
- [0.20419430, 0.13905964, 0.20139873],
- [0.19949140, 0.13640752, 0.19726777],
- [0.19480538, 0.13373554, 0.19311053],
- [0.19013582, 0.13104322, 0.18892854],
- [0.18548213, 0.12833017, 0.18472320],
- [0.18084356, 0.12559606, 0.18049568],
- [0.17621947, 0.12284049, 0.17624716],
- [0.17160929, 0.12006299, 0.17197878],
- [0.16701215, 0.11726326, 0.16769140],
- [0.16242722, 0.11444095, 0.16338580],
- [0.15785364, 0.11159567, 0.15906268],
- [0.15329065, 0.10872694, 0.15472277],
- [0.14873767, 0.10583413, 0.15036686],
- [0.14419328, 0.10291712, 0.14599496],
- [0.13965693, 0.09997514, 0.14160780],
- [0.13512749, 0.09700777, 0.13720552],
- [0.13060395, 0.09401443, 0.13278831],
- [0.12608531, 0.09099448, 0.12835634],
- [0.12157054, 0.08794723, 0.12390966],
- [0.11705818, 0.08487217, 0.11944788],
- [0.11254771, 0.08176809, 0.11497155],
- [0.10803726, 0.07863456, 0.11047973],
- [0.10352559, 0.07547062, 0.10597216],
- [0.09901178, 0.07227497, 0.10144886],
- [0.09449403, 0.06904677, 0.09690890],
- [0.08997077, 0.06578485, 0.09235154],
- [0.08544039, 0.06248787, 0.08777602],
- [0.08090116, 0.05915439, 0.08318143],
- [0.07635128, 0.05578277, 0.07856676],
- [0.07178876, 0.05237126, 0.07393081],
- [0.06721127, 0.04891800, 0.06927197],
- [0.06261643, 0.04542084, 0.06458861],
- [0.05800160, 0.04187738, 0.05987883],
- [0.05336390, 0.03828285, 0.05514045],
- [0.04870011, 0.03479097, 0.05037098],
- [0.04400662, 0.03144361, 0.04556755],
- [0.03926966, 0.02824309, 0.04072684],
- [0.03467330, 0.02519178, 0.03592370],
- [0.03036959, 0.02229235, 0.03142367],
- [0.02635538, 0.01954754, 0.02722970],
- [0.02262782, 0.01696033, 0.02333948],
- [0.01918439, 0.01453390, 0.01975084],
- [0.01602293, 0.01227176, 0.01646179],
- [0.01314185, 0.01017769, 0.01347076],
- [0.01053976, 0.00825608, 0.01077604],
- [0.00821602, 0.00651185, 0.00837651],
- [0.00617077, 0.00495069, 0.00627159],
- [0.00440527, 0.00357928, 0.00446166],
- [0.00292198, 0.00240593, 0.00294785],
- [0.00172567, 0.00144116, 0.00173327],
- [0.00082481, 0.00069938, 0.00082428],
- [0.00023535, 0.00020285, 0.00023387]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00021215, 0.00021135, 0.00023974],
+ [0.00073154, 0.00073353, 0.00084820],
+ [0.00150738, 0.00152103, 0.00178986],
+ [0.00251610, 0.00255435, 0.00305400],
+ [0.00374222, 0.00382163, 0.00463651],
+ [0.00517421, 0.00531477, 0.00653641],
+ [0.00680286, 0.00702793, 0.00875448],
+ [0.00862048, 0.00895672, 0.01129266],
+ [0.01062043, 0.01109781, 0.01415359],
+ [0.01279684, 0.01344862, 0.01734051],
+ [0.01514438, 0.01600721, 0.02085708],
+ [0.01765818, 0.01877208, 0.02470733],
+ [0.02033371, 0.02174214, 0.02889549],
+ [0.02316672, 0.02491664, 0.03342601],
+ [0.02615316, 0.02829509, 0.03830358],
+ [0.02928916, 0.03187725, 0.04341645],
+ [0.03257098, 0.03566308, 0.04849401],
+ [0.03599501, 0.03965275, 0.05354258],
+ [0.03955775, 0.04371116, 0.05856561],
+ [0.04315474, 0.04772234, 0.06356612],
+ [0.04668644, 0.05169826, 0.06854677],
+ [0.05016466, 0.05564175, 0.07350991],
+ [0.05359166, 0.05955534, 0.07845765],
+ [0.05696946, 0.06344134, 0.08339191],
+ [0.06029988, 0.06730185, 0.08831433],
+ [0.06358452, 0.07113878, 0.09322642],
+ [0.06682483, 0.07495388, 0.09812957],
+ [0.07002209, 0.07874877, 0.10302503],
+ [0.07317746, 0.08252496, 0.10791393],
+ [0.07629198, 0.08628382, 0.11279730],
+ [0.07936658, 0.09002664, 0.11767608],
+ [0.08240210, 0.09375464, 0.12255115],
+ [0.08539927, 0.09746893, 0.12742327],
+ [0.08835878, 0.10117058, 0.13229318],
+ [0.09128120, 0.10486058, 0.13716153],
+ [0.09416706, 0.10853987, 0.14202892],
+ [0.09701682, 0.11220934, 0.14689593],
+ [0.09983086, 0.11586983, 0.15176308],
+ [0.10260955, 0.11952215, 0.15663079],
+ [0.10535320, 0.12316706, 0.16149945],
+ [0.10806207, 0.12680527, 0.16636946],
+ [0.11073636, 0.13043749, 0.17124112],
+ [0.11337622, 0.13406438, 0.17611478],
+ [0.11598170, 0.13768660, 0.18099080],
+ [0.11855299, 0.14130475, 0.18586927],
+ [0.12109013, 0.14491941, 0.19075038],
+ [0.12359308, 0.14853118, 0.19563440],
+ [0.12606178, 0.15214061, 0.20052150],
+ [0.12849630, 0.15574822, 0.20541163],
+ [0.13089643, 0.15935455, 0.21030500],
+ [0.13326205, 0.16296011, 0.21520167],
+ [0.13559316, 0.16656537, 0.22010147],
+ [0.13788928, 0.17017086, 0.22500476],
+ [0.14015053, 0.17377701, 0.22991108],
+ [0.14237635, 0.17738432, 0.23482073],
+ [0.14456679, 0.18099319, 0.23973324],
+ [0.14672117, 0.18460415, 0.24464888],
+ [0.14883950, 0.18821757, 0.24956710],
+ [0.15092122, 0.19183391, 0.25448792],
+ [0.15296596, 0.19545362, 0.25941106],
+ [0.15497343, 0.19907708, 0.26433610],
+ [0.15694307, 0.20270475, 0.26926284],
+ [0.15887433, 0.20633705, 0.27419099],
+ [0.16076686, 0.20997438, 0.27911997],
+ [0.16262011, 0.21361714, 0.28404934],
+ [0.16443351, 0.21726576, 0.28897859],
+ [0.16620648, 0.22092065, 0.29390717],
+ [0.16793841, 0.22458222, 0.29883444],
+ [0.16962867, 0.22825089, 0.30375969],
+ [0.17127663, 0.23192705, 0.30868215],
+ [0.17288166, 0.23561113, 0.31360094],
+ [0.17444311, 0.23930352, 0.31851511],
+ [0.17596036, 0.24300462, 0.32342360],
+ [0.17743252, 0.24671489, 0.32832542],
+ [0.17885899, 0.25043473, 0.33321927],
+ [0.18023937, 0.25416448, 0.33810363],
+ [0.18157247, 0.25790467, 0.34297736],
+ [0.18285832, 0.26165557, 0.34783843],
+ [0.18409564, 0.26541772, 0.35268550],
+ [0.18528445, 0.26919142, 0.35751627],
+ [0.18642423, 0.27297708, 0.36232870],
+ [0.18751445, 0.27677510, 0.36712055],
+ [0.18855495, 0.28058585, 0.37188927],
+ [0.18954582, 0.28440965, 0.37663201],
+ [0.19048725, 0.28824681, 0.38134571],
+ [0.19137943, 0.29209768, 0.38602719],
+ [0.19222337, 0.29596245, 0.39067272],
+ [0.19302040, 0.29984128, 0.39527830],
+ [0.19377176, 0.30373439, 0.39983983],
+ [0.19448015, 0.30764173, 0.40435252],
+ [0.19514790, 0.31156335, 0.40881163],
+ [0.19577915, 0.31549902, 0.41321169],
+ [0.19637843, 0.31944843, 0.41754713],
+ [0.19695137, 0.32341113, 0.42181204],
+ [0.19750485, 0.32738645, 0.42600031],
+ [0.19804707, 0.33137351, 0.43010565],
+ [0.19858740, 0.33537124, 0.43412183],
+ [0.19913677, 0.33937827, 0.43804270],
+ [0.19970761, 0.34339297, 0.44186248],
+ [0.20031323, 0.34741352, 0.44557592],
+ [0.20096822, 0.35143782, 0.44917855],
+ [0.20168779, 0.35546360, 0.45266692],
+ [0.20248729, 0.35948847, 0.45603876],
+ [0.20338187, 0.36350999, 0.45929316],
+ [0.20438587, 0.36752572, 0.46243065],
+ [0.20551228, 0.37153333, 0.46545318],
+ [0.20677232, 0.37553070, 0.46836406],
+ [0.20817520, 0.37951590, 0.47116781],
+ [0.20972765, 0.38348736, 0.47386989],
+ [0.21143412, 0.38744378, 0.47647653],
+ [0.21329695, 0.39138417, 0.47899449],
+ [0.21531610, 0.39530790, 0.48143067],
+ [0.21748990, 0.39921459, 0.48379210],
+ [0.21981518, 0.40310408, 0.48608579],
+ [0.22228734, 0.40697648, 0.48831830],
+ [0.22490098, 0.41083206, 0.49049597],
+ [0.22764998, 0.41467123, 0.49262470],
+ [0.23052783, 0.41849449, 0.49471004],
+ [0.23352779, 0.42230242, 0.49675717],
+ [0.23664289, 0.42609572, 0.49877048],
+ [0.23986639, 0.42987504, 0.50075446],
+ [0.24319155, 0.43364114, 0.50271266],
+ [0.24661197, 0.43739469, 0.50464893],
+ [0.25012141, 0.44113644, 0.50656616],
+ [0.25371395, 0.44486712, 0.50846722],
+ [0.25738401, 0.44858743, 0.51035469],
+ [0.26112633, 0.45229805, 0.51223087],
+ [0.26493596, 0.45599966, 0.51409784],
+ [0.26880829, 0.45969291, 0.51595743],
+ [0.27273898, 0.46337841, 0.51781151],
+ [0.27672404, 0.46705678, 0.51966149],
+ [0.28075978, 0.47072861, 0.52150856],
+ [0.28484267, 0.47439443, 0.52335443],
+ [0.28896963, 0.47805482, 0.52519967],
+ [0.29313756, 0.48171026, 0.52704586],
+ [0.29734387, 0.48536128, 0.52889348],
+ [0.30158600, 0.48900834, 0.53074346],
+ [0.30586153, 0.49265189, 0.53259683],
+ [0.31016842, 0.49629239, 0.53445400],
+ [0.31450468, 0.49993027, 0.53631565],
+ [0.31886849, 0.50356591, 0.53818234],
+ [0.32325815, 0.50719973, 0.54005461],
+ [0.32767212, 0.51083210, 0.54193293],
+ [0.33210898, 0.51446339, 0.54381772],
+ [0.33656744, 0.51809394, 0.54570935],
+ [0.34104629, 0.52172410, 0.54760817],
+ [0.34554444, 0.52535420, 0.54951447],
+ [0.35006088, 0.52898455, 0.55142851],
+ [0.35459469, 0.53261546, 0.55335053],
+ [0.35914498, 0.53624723, 0.55528086],
+ [0.36371097, 0.53988014, 0.55721968],
+ [0.36829202, 0.54351447, 0.55916705],
+ [0.37288749, 0.54715049, 0.56112310],
+ [0.37749663, 0.55078847, 0.56308824],
+ [0.38211908, 0.55442865, 0.56506230],
+ [0.38675432, 0.55807128, 0.56704541],
+ [0.39140180, 0.56171661, 0.56903785],
+ [0.39606129, 0.56536485, 0.57103941],
+ [0.40073228, 0.56901624, 0.57305041],
+ [0.40541458, 0.57267100, 0.57507065],
+ [0.41010782, 0.57632933, 0.57710034],
+ [0.41481184, 0.57999144, 0.57913933],
+ [0.41952633, 0.58365755, 0.58118778],
+ [0.42425122, 0.58732782, 0.58324547],
+ [0.42898623, 0.59100247, 0.58531264],
+ [0.43373137, 0.59468166, 0.58738897],
+ [0.43848642, 0.59836558, 0.58947464],
+ [0.44325139, 0.60205440, 0.59156947],
+ [0.44802624, 0.60574828, 0.59367336],
+ [0.45281085, 0.60944740, 0.59578640],
+ [0.45760532, 0.61315190, 0.59790831],
+ [0.46240964, 0.61686193, 0.60003908],
+ [0.46722381, 0.62057765, 0.60217866],
+ [0.47204795, 0.62429919, 0.60432683],
+ [0.47688215, 0.62802669, 0.60648348],
+ [0.48172644, 0.63176028, 0.60864861],
+ [0.48658101, 0.63550008, 0.61082195],
+ [0.49144600, 0.63924622, 0.61300336],
+ [0.49632156, 0.64299880, 0.61519274],
+ [0.50120785, 0.64675794, 0.61738994],
+ [0.50610512, 0.65052373, 0.61959476],
+ [0.51101358, 0.65429628, 0.62180701],
+ [0.51593345, 0.65807567, 0.62402657],
+ [0.52086499, 0.66186200, 0.62625326],
+ [0.52580851, 0.66565532, 0.62848685],
+ [0.53076429, 0.66945573, 0.63072718],
+ [0.53573266, 0.67326328, 0.63297404],
+ [0.54071393, 0.67707803, 0.63522728],
+ [0.54570849, 0.68090003, 0.63748668],
+ [0.55071670, 0.68472933, 0.63975204],
+ [0.55573897, 0.68856596, 0.64202316],
+ [0.56077572, 0.69240996, 0.64429986],
+ [0.56582736, 0.69626134, 0.64658196],
+ [0.57089437, 0.70012012, 0.64886925],
+ [0.57597722, 0.70398631, 0.65116155],
+ [0.58107641, 0.70785990, 0.65345868],
+ [0.58619245, 0.71174088, 0.65576048],
+ [0.59132588, 0.71562923, 0.65806676],
+ [0.59647726, 0.71952493, 0.66037737],
+ [0.60164716, 0.72342794, 0.66269218],
+ [0.60683618, 0.72733821, 0.66501105],
+ [0.61204492, 0.73125569, 0.66733385],
+ [0.61727402, 0.73518031, 0.66966049],
+ [0.62252415, 0.73911200, 0.67199086],
+ [0.62779595, 0.74305068, 0.67432491],
+ [0.63309011, 0.74699626, 0.67666260],
+ [0.63840733, 0.75094863, 0.67900391],
+ [0.64374835, 0.75490767, 0.68134881],
+ [0.64911390, 0.75887327, 0.68369735],
+ [0.65450470, 0.76284531, 0.68604961],
+ [0.65992152, 0.76682363, 0.68840568],
+ [0.66536514, 0.77080808, 0.69076568],
+ [0.67083637, 0.77479851, 0.69312974],
+ [0.67633595, 0.77879475, 0.69549813],
+ [0.68186469, 0.78279661, 0.69787112],
+ [0.68742345, 0.78680392, 0.70024893],
+ [0.69301302, 0.79081646, 0.70263194],
+ [0.69863418, 0.79483405, 0.70502061],
+ [0.70428777, 0.79885647, 0.70741538],
+ [0.70997467, 0.80288348, 0.70981667],
+ [0.71569560, 0.80691488, 0.71222521],
+ [0.72145139, 0.81095043, 0.71464163],
+ [0.72724295, 0.81498985, 0.71706651],
+ [0.73307094, 0.81903294, 0.71950083],
+ [0.73893618, 0.82307943, 0.72194540],
+ [0.74483951, 0.82712906, 0.72440113],
+ [0.75078152, 0.83118158, 0.72686923],
+ [0.75676315, 0.83523670, 0.72935062],
+ [0.76278489, 0.83929419, 0.73184675],
+ [0.76884753, 0.84335376, 0.73435884],
+ [0.77495166, 0.84741516, 0.73688839],
+ [0.78109786, 0.85147812, 0.73943697],
+ [0.78728671, 0.85554239, 0.74200621],
+ [0.79351867, 0.85960771, 0.74459797],
+ [0.79979421, 0.86367384, 0.74721413],
+ [0.80611371, 0.86774055, 0.74985675],
+ [0.81247741, 0.87180762, 0.75252809],
+ [0.81888569, 0.87587482, 0.75523031],
+ [0.82533849, 0.87994201, 0.75796609],
+ [0.83183609, 0.88400897, 0.76073784],
+ [0.83837830, 0.88807559, 0.76354842],
+ [0.84496491, 0.89214179, 0.76640077],
+ [0.85159588, 0.89620741, 0.76929776],
+ [0.85827062, 0.90027247, 0.77224272],
+ [0.86498859, 0.90433698, 0.77523896],
+ [0.87174919, 0.90840096, 0.77828985],
+ [0.87855159, 0.91246452, 0.78139897],
+ [0.88539469, 0.91652783, 0.78457004],
+ [0.89227736, 0.92059113, 0.78780680],
+ [0.89919828, 0.92465468, 0.79111306],
+ [0.90615594, 0.92871886, 0.79449269],
+ [0.91314858, 0.93278413, 0.79794962],
+ [0.92017432, 0.93685101, 0.80148773],
+ [0.92723111, 0.94092010, 0.80511088],
+ [0.93431673, 0.94499210, 0.80882282],
+ [0.93151196, 0.93952554, 0.80216375],
+ [0.92874316, 0.93406391, 0.79554196],
+ [0.92600923, 0.92860725, 0.78895792],
+ [0.92330879, 0.92315573, 0.78241241],
+ [0.92064107, 0.91770930, 0.77590569],
+ [0.91800476, 0.91226808, 0.76943854],
+ [0.91539891, 0.90683209, 0.76301142],
+ [0.91282232, 0.90140144, 0.75662507],
+ [0.91027404, 0.89597616, 0.75027998],
+ [0.90775279, 0.89055636, 0.74397697],
+ [0.90525769, 0.88514207, 0.73771652],
+ [0.90278749, 0.87973342, 0.73149943],
+ [0.90034117, 0.87433046, 0.72532630],
+ [0.89791770, 0.86893328, 0.71919778],
+ [0.89551584, 0.86354202, 0.71311465],
+ [0.89313463, 0.85815674, 0.70707750],
+ [0.89077298, 0.85277755, 0.70108701],
+ [0.88842973, 0.84740459, 0.69514394],
+ [0.88610387, 0.84203796, 0.68924890],
+ [0.88379431, 0.83667777, 0.68340258],
+ [0.88149998, 0.83132417, 0.67760566],
+ [0.87921978, 0.82597729, 0.67185884],
+ [0.87695269, 0.82063726, 0.66616276],
+ [0.87469764, 0.81530423, 0.66051810],
+ [0.87245357, 0.80997836, 0.65492553],
+ [0.87021943, 0.80465979, 0.64938570],
+ [0.86799420, 0.79934870, 0.64389926],
+ [0.86577683, 0.79404524, 0.63846688],
+ [0.86356629, 0.78874959, 0.63308920],
+ [0.86136156, 0.78346193, 0.62776686],
+ [0.85916162, 0.77818244, 0.62250050],
+ [0.85696546, 0.77291132, 0.61729075],
+ [0.85477209, 0.76764875, 0.61213823],
+ [0.85258049, 0.76239495, 0.60704356],
+ [0.85038966, 0.75715013, 0.60200736],
+ [0.84819862, 0.75191450, 0.59703023],
+ [0.84600642, 0.74668827, 0.59211276],
+ [0.84381204, 0.74147170, 0.58725554],
+ [0.84161450, 0.73626501, 0.58245915],
+ [0.83941288, 0.73106844, 0.57772414],
+ [0.83720620, 0.72588224, 0.57305108],
+ [0.83499348, 0.72070669, 0.56844049],
+ [0.83277379, 0.71554206, 0.56389292],
+ [0.83054621, 0.71038859, 0.55940884],
+ [0.82830976, 0.70524660, 0.55498877],
+ [0.82606351, 0.70011637, 0.55063317],
+ [0.82380658, 0.69499819, 0.54634247],
+ [0.82153800, 0.68989239, 0.54211712],
+ [0.81925687, 0.68479927, 0.53795751],
+ [0.81696231, 0.67971916, 0.53386400],
+ [0.81465338, 0.67465239, 0.52983693],
+ [0.81232923, 0.66959931, 0.52587662],
+ [0.80998897, 0.66456025, 0.52198332],
+ [0.80763171, 0.65953559, 0.51815729],
+ [0.80525665, 0.65452566, 0.51439871],
+ [0.80286289, 0.64953086, 0.51070774],
+ [0.80044963, 0.64455154, 0.50708448],
+ [0.79801606, 0.63958809, 0.50352899],
+ [0.79556136, 0.63464090, 0.50004129],
+ [0.79308478, 0.62971034, 0.49662133],
+ [0.79058552, 0.62479682, 0.49326902],
+ [0.78806290, 0.61990071, 0.48998421],
+ [0.78551614, 0.61502244, 0.48676668],
+ [0.78294460, 0.61016236, 0.48361618],
+ [0.78034757, 0.60532091, 0.48053235],
+ [0.77772444, 0.60049844, 0.47751483],
+ [0.77507458, 0.59569537, 0.47456314],
+ [0.77239743, 0.59091208, 0.47167677],
+ [0.76969241, 0.58614894, 0.46885513],
+ [0.76695903, 0.58140633, 0.46609758],
+ [0.76419678, 0.57668461, 0.46340340],
+ [0.76140524, 0.57198415, 0.46077180],
+ [0.75858398, 0.56730530, 0.45820196],
+ [0.75573264, 0.56264838, 0.45569297],
+ [0.75285087, 0.55801372, 0.45324386],
+ [0.74993839, 0.55340164, 0.45085362],
+ [0.74699492, 0.54881243, 0.44852117],
+ [0.74402026, 0.54424637, 0.44624538],
+ [0.74101422, 0.53970373, 0.44402507],
+ [0.73797667, 0.53518477, 0.44185901],
+ [0.73490750, 0.53068970, 0.43974594],
+ [0.73180665, 0.52621874, 0.43768454],
+ [0.72867411, 0.52177209, 0.43567346],
+ [0.72550987, 0.51734993, 0.43371131],
+ [0.72231401, 0.51295241, 0.43179669],
+ [0.71908659, 0.50857967, 0.42992815],
+ [0.71582774, 0.50423183, 0.42810424],
+ [0.71253762, 0.49990898, 0.42632346],
+ [0.70921640, 0.49561121, 0.42458434],
+ [0.70586430, 0.49133858, 0.42288537],
+ [0.70248156, 0.48709113, 0.42122501],
+ [0.69906846, 0.48286887, 0.41960180],
+ [0.69562527, 0.47867184, 0.41801416],
+ [0.69215232, 0.47449999, 0.41646063],
+ [0.68864994, 0.47035331, 0.41493966],
+ [0.68511849, 0.46623176, 0.41344978],
+ [0.68155833, 0.46213527, 0.41198952],
+ [0.67796986, 0.45806377, 0.41055734],
+ [0.67435348, 0.45401717, 0.40915186],
+ [0.67070959, 0.44999537, 0.40777159],
+ [0.66703863, 0.44599826, 0.40641513],
+ [0.66334102, 0.44202570, 0.40508110],
+ [0.65961719, 0.43807757, 0.40376808],
+ [0.65586760, 0.43415372, 0.40247475],
+ [0.65209268, 0.43025399, 0.40119981],
+ [0.64829289, 0.42637822, 0.39994190],
+ [0.64446866, 0.42252624, 0.39869979],
+ [0.64062047, 0.41869787, 0.39747224],
+ [0.63674873, 0.41489293, 0.39625801],
+ [0.63285391, 0.41111124, 0.39505591],
+ [0.62893643, 0.40735259, 0.39386479],
+ [0.62499674, 0.40361680, 0.39268354],
+ [0.62103525, 0.39990367, 0.39151100],
+ [0.61705238, 0.39621300, 0.39034611],
+ [0.61304856, 0.39254458, 0.38918784],
+ [0.60902417, 0.38889822, 0.38803516],
+ [0.60497962, 0.38527372, 0.38688703],
+ [0.60091529, 0.38167087, 0.38574251],
+ [0.59683154, 0.37808948, 0.38460064],
+ [0.59272874, 0.37452935, 0.38346049],
+ [0.58860723, 0.37099028, 0.38232115],
+ [0.58446735, 0.36747208, 0.38118172],
+ [0.58030941, 0.36397456, 0.38004136],
+ [0.57613373, 0.36049754, 0.37889921],
+ [0.57194060, 0.35704085, 0.37775444],
+ [0.56773029, 0.35360430, 0.37660624],
+ [0.56350307, 0.35018774, 0.37545381],
+ [0.55925919, 0.34679099, 0.37429636],
+ [0.55499887, 0.34341390, 0.37313313],
+ [0.55072234, 0.34005633, 0.37196335],
+ [0.54642978, 0.33671813, 0.37078627],
+ [0.54212139, 0.33339917, 0.36960115],
+ [0.53779732, 0.33009933, 0.36840723],
+ [0.53345773, 0.32681850, 0.36720380],
+ [0.52910275, 0.32355657, 0.36599010],
+ [0.52473249, 0.32031344, 0.36476544],
+ [0.52034703, 0.31708904, 0.36352906],
+ [0.51594647, 0.31388327, 0.36228020],
+ [0.51153085, 0.31069609, 0.36101813],
+ [0.50710022, 0.30752745, 0.35974212],
+ [0.50265460, 0.30437729, 0.35845139],
+ [0.49819399, 0.30124560, 0.35714513],
+ [0.49371839, 0.29813235, 0.35582256],
+ [0.48922774, 0.29503756, 0.35448293],
+ [0.48472201, 0.29196122, 0.35312533],
+ [0.48020113, 0.28890336, 0.35174888],
+ [0.47566501, 0.28586401, 0.35035276],
+ [0.47111354, 0.28284323, 0.34893602],
+ [0.46654664, 0.27984108, 0.34749764],
+ [0.46196413, 0.27685762, 0.34603672],
+ [0.45736589, 0.27389295, 0.34455217],
+ [0.45275178, 0.27094716, 0.34304284],
+ [0.44812158, 0.26802037, 0.34150773],
+ [0.44347517, 0.26511267, 0.33994549],
+ [0.43881234, 0.26222421, 0.33835498],
+ [0.43413292, 0.25935510, 0.33673480],
+ [0.42943672, 0.25650548, 0.33508360],
+ [0.42472358, 0.25367548, 0.33339990],
+ [0.41999331, 0.25086523, 0.33168219],
+ [0.41524580, 0.24807484, 0.32992881],
+ [0.41048087, 0.24530444, 0.32813814],
+ [0.40569851, 0.24255410, 0.32630831],
+ [0.40089855, 0.23982391, 0.32443760],
+ [0.39608108, 0.23711389, 0.32252397],
+ [0.39124611, 0.23442404, 0.32056547],
+ [0.38639375, 0.23175433, 0.31856004],
+ [0.38152422, 0.22910462, 0.31650552],
+ [0.37663780, 0.22647475, 0.31439978],
+ [0.37173487, 0.22386449, 0.31224062],
+ [0.36681597, 0.22127346, 0.31002581],
+ [0.36188172, 0.21870125, 0.30775319],
+ [0.35693287, 0.21614730, 0.30542061],
+ [0.35197037, 0.21361095, 0.30302598],
+ [0.34699527, 0.21109141, 0.30056736],
+ [0.34200878, 0.20858775, 0.29804290],
+ [0.33701229, 0.20609892, 0.29545097],
+ [0.33200726, 0.20362375, 0.29279016],
+ [0.32699531, 0.20116093, 0.29005931],
+ [0.32197828, 0.19870901, 0.28725749],
+ [0.31695790, 0.19626651, 0.28438418],
+ [0.31193610, 0.19383179, 0.28143914],
+ [0.30691487, 0.19140314, 0.27842245],
+ [0.30189602, 0.18897892, 0.27533460],
+ [0.29688170, 0.18655723, 0.27217635],
+ [0.29187355, 0.18413645, 0.26894887],
+ [0.28687350, 0.18171475, 0.26565354],
+ [0.28188327, 0.17929042, 0.26229209],
+ [0.27690429, 0.17686188, 0.25886644],
+ [0.27193804, 0.17442755, 0.25537873],
+ [0.26698591, 0.17198583, 0.25183127],
+ [0.26204899, 0.16953535, 0.24822646],
+ [0.25712817, 0.16707483, 0.24456681],
+ [0.25222426, 0.16460306, 0.24085486],
+ [0.24733805, 0.16211882, 0.23709319],
+ [0.24246998, 0.15962112, 0.23328434],
+ [0.23762030, 0.15710910, 0.22943079],
+ [0.23278911, 0.15458197, 0.22553494],
+ [0.22797707, 0.15203862, 0.22159933],
+ [0.22318354, 0.14947873, 0.21762601],
+ [0.21840889, 0.14690135, 0.21361735],
+ [0.21365241, 0.14430623, 0.20957517],
+ [0.20891452, 0.14169238, 0.20550178],
+ [0.20419430, 0.13905964, 0.20139873],
+ [0.19949140, 0.13640752, 0.19726777],
+ [0.19480538, 0.13373554, 0.19311053],
+ [0.19013582, 0.13104322, 0.18892854],
+ [0.18548213, 0.12833017, 0.18472320],
+ [0.18084356, 0.12559606, 0.18049568],
+ [0.17621947, 0.12284049, 0.17624716],
+ [0.17160929, 0.12006299, 0.17197878],
+ [0.16701215, 0.11726326, 0.16769140],
+ [0.16242722, 0.11444095, 0.16338580],
+ [0.15785364, 0.11159567, 0.15906268],
+ [0.15329065, 0.10872694, 0.15472277],
+ [0.14873767, 0.10583413, 0.15036686],
+ [0.14419328, 0.10291712, 0.14599496],
+ [0.13965693, 0.09997514, 0.14160780],
+ [0.13512749, 0.09700777, 0.13720552],
+ [0.13060395, 0.09401443, 0.13278831],
+ [0.12608531, 0.09099448, 0.12835634],
+ [0.12157054, 0.08794723, 0.12390966],
+ [0.11705818, 0.08487217, 0.11944788],
+ [0.11254771, 0.08176809, 0.11497155],
+ [0.10803726, 0.07863456, 0.11047973],
+ [0.10352559, 0.07547062, 0.10597216],
+ [0.09901178, 0.07227497, 0.10144886],
+ [0.09449403, 0.06904677, 0.09690890],
+ [0.08997077, 0.06578485, 0.09235154],
+ [0.08544039, 0.06248787, 0.08777602],
+ [0.08090116, 0.05915439, 0.08318143],
+ [0.07635128, 0.05578277, 0.07856676],
+ [0.07178876, 0.05237126, 0.07393081],
+ [0.06721127, 0.04891800, 0.06927197],
+ [0.06261643, 0.04542084, 0.06458861],
+ [0.05800160, 0.04187738, 0.05987883],
+ [0.05336390, 0.03828285, 0.05514045],
+ [0.04870011, 0.03479097, 0.05037098],
+ [0.04400662, 0.03144361, 0.04556755],
+ [0.03926966, 0.02824309, 0.04072684],
+ [0.03467330, 0.02519178, 0.03592370],
+ [0.03036959, 0.02229235, 0.03142367],
+ [0.02635538, 0.01954754, 0.02722970],
+ [0.02262782, 0.01696033, 0.02333948],
+ [0.01918439, 0.01453390, 0.01975084],
+ [0.01602293, 0.01227176, 0.01646179],
+ [0.01314185, 0.01017769, 0.01347076],
+ [0.01053976, 0.00825608, 0.01077604],
+ [0.00821602, 0.00651185, 0.00837651],
+ [0.00617077, 0.00495069, 0.00627159],
+ [0.00440527, 0.00357928, 0.00446166],
+ [0.00292198, 0.00240593, 0.00294785],
+ [0.00172567, 0.00144116, 0.00173327],
+ [0.00082481, 0.00069938, 0.00082428],
+ [0.00023535, 0.00020285, 0.00023387],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.copper', N=510)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.copper", N=510)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
# Shift the entire colormap by half of its length
cm_data_s = list(cm_data[255:])
# Create ListedColormap object for this shifted version
-cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name='cmr.copper_s', N=510)
+cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name="cmr.copper_s", N=510)
cmap_s_r = cmap_s.reversed()
# Register shifted versions in MPL as well
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/cosmic/cosmic.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/cosmic/cosmic.jscm
index 146dd4de..740ca184 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/cosmic/cosmic.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/cosmic/cosmic.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/cosmic/cosmic.py b/cmasher/colormaps/cosmic/cosmic.py
index 06f4365e..4b9d4710 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/cosmic/cosmic.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/cosmic/cosmic.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00022254, 0.00017671, 0.00025009],
- [0.00078387, 0.00060500, 0.00090179],
- [0.00164763, 0.00123817, 0.00193717],
- [0.00280144, 0.00205342, 0.00336061],
- [0.00423939, 0.00303533, 0.00518202],
- [0.00595880, 0.00417200, 0.00741444],
- [0.00795875, 0.00545370, 0.01007259],
- [0.01023937, 0.00687218, 0.01317220],
- [0.01280170, 0.00842008, 0.01673051],
- [0.01564747, 0.01009067, 0.02076595],
- [0.01877857, 0.01187795, 0.02529699],
- [0.02219739, 0.01377623, 0.03034346],
- [0.02590682, 0.01577996, 0.03592673],
- [0.02990978, 0.01788399, 0.04202298],
- [0.03420930, 0.02008340, 0.04820472],
- [0.03880874, 0.02237336, 0.05439934],
- [0.04358445, 0.02474908, 0.06061196],
- [0.04832042, 0.02720564, 0.06684805],
- [0.05302794, 0.02973858, 0.07311083],
- [0.05771012, 0.03234333, 0.07940403],
- [0.06236976, 0.03501524, 0.08573111],
- [0.06700933, 0.03774971, 0.09209532],
- [0.07163105, 0.04054044, 0.09849968],
- [0.07623693, 0.04327934, 0.10494709],
- [0.08082877, 0.04595941, 0.11144026],
- [0.08540827, 0.04858162, 0.11798198],
- [0.08997690, 0.05114686, 0.12457468],
- [0.09453596, 0.05365588, 0.13122062],
- [0.09908671, 0.05610920, 0.13792216],
- [0.10363029, 0.05850720, 0.14468161],
- [0.10816775, 0.06085010, 0.15150121],
- [0.11270017, 0.06313785, 0.15838356],
- [0.11722839, 0.06537049, 0.16533065],
- [0.12175321, 0.06754789, 0.17234460],
- [0.12627538, 0.06966979, 0.17942753],
- [0.13079560, 0.07173582, 0.18658154],
- [0.13531450, 0.07374552, 0.19380872],
- [0.13983264, 0.07569829, 0.20111112],
- [0.14435069, 0.07759327, 0.20849123],
- [0.14886940, 0.07942918, 0.21595220],
- [0.15338885, 0.08120569, 0.22349476],
- [0.15790940, 0.08292181, 0.23112093],
- [0.16243170, 0.08457592, 0.23883387],
- [0.16695619, 0.08616646, 0.24663627],
- [0.17148270, 0.08769287, 0.25452854],
- [0.17601191, 0.08915275, 0.26251464],
- [0.18054395, 0.09054460, 0.27059648],
- [0.18507865, 0.09186716, 0.27877510],
- [0.18961684, 0.09311710, 0.28705556],
- [0.19415775, 0.09429396, 0.29543682],
- [0.19870231, 0.09539359, 0.30392490],
- [0.20324973, 0.09641511, 0.31251899],
- [0.20780042, 0.09735485, 0.32122351],
- [0.21235420, 0.09821004, 0.33004063],
- [0.21691053, 0.09897843, 0.33897132],
- [0.22146970, 0.09965550, 0.34802028],
- [0.22603124, 0.10023806, 0.35718935],
- [0.23059455, 0.10072284, 0.36648009],
- [0.23515923, 0.10110562, 0.37589528],
- [0.23972479, 0.10138193, 0.38543762],
- [0.24429061, 0.10154697, 0.39510979],
- [0.24885596, 0.10159568, 0.40491433],
- [0.25341998, 0.10152262, 0.41485371],
- [0.25798164, 0.10132206, 0.42493024],
- [0.26253975, 0.10098790, 0.43514603],
- [0.26709296, 0.10051368, 0.44550301],
- [0.27163969, 0.09989258, 0.45600280],
- [0.27617812, 0.09911739, 0.46664673],
- [0.28070701, 0.09817741, 0.47743992],
- [0.28522342, 0.09706670, 0.48837993],
- [0.28972520, 0.09577455, 0.49946960],
- [0.29420947, 0.09429133, 0.51070913],
- [0.29867327, 0.09260527, 0.52210001],
- [0.30311267, 0.09070667, 0.53363982],
- [0.30752387, 0.08858214, 0.54532909],
- [0.31190255, 0.08621737, 0.55716750],
- [0.31624329, 0.08360013, 0.56915082],
- [0.32054033, 0.08071586, 0.58127560],
- [0.32478720, 0.07754942, 0.59353712],
- [0.32897683, 0.07408316, 0.60593109],
- [0.33310058, 0.07030445, 0.61844686],
- [0.33714920, 0.06619871, 0.63107428],
- [0.34111255, 0.06174960, 0.64380328],
- [0.34497874, 0.05694953, 0.65661652],
- [0.34873478, 0.05179404, 0.66949545],
- [0.35236629, 0.04628711, 0.68241857],
- [0.35585736, 0.04044955, 0.69535960],
- [0.35919048, 0.03450248, 0.70828712],
- [0.36234671, 0.02894281, 0.72116432],
- [0.36530584, 0.02392884, 0.73395112],
- [0.36804648, 0.01964477, 0.74659946],
- [0.37054659, 0.01629018, 0.75905887],
- [0.37278395, 0.01408742, 0.77127140],
- [0.37473691, 0.01326930, 0.78317727],
- [0.37638521, 0.01407636, 0.79471435],
- [0.37771093, 0.01674823, 0.80582046],
- [0.37869941, 0.02151387, 0.81643596],
- [0.37934000, 0.02858112, 0.82650669],
- [0.37962694, 0.03812858, 0.83598519],
- [0.37955939, 0.04951968, 0.84483436],
- [0.37914154, 0.06144082, 0.85302802],
- [0.37838226, 0.07366794, 0.86055174],
- [0.37729438, 0.08604353, 0.86740266],
- [0.37589428, 0.09845369, 0.87358820],
- [0.37420030, 0.11081496, 0.87912536],
- [0.37223249, 0.12306544, 0.88403831],
- [0.37001170, 0.13515937, 0.88835682],
- [0.36755886, 0.14706339, 0.89211456],
- [0.36489450, 0.15875385, 0.89534754],
- [0.36203830, 0.17021480, 0.89809281],
- [0.35900949, 0.18143572, 0.90038753],
- [0.35582553, 0.19241145, 0.90226812],
- [0.35250263, 0.20314042, 0.90376962],
- [0.34905654, 0.21362321, 0.90492566],
- [0.34550110, 0.22386312, 0.90576779],
- [0.34184894, 0.23386511, 0.90632553],
- [0.33811203, 0.24363489, 0.90662650],
- [0.33430129, 0.25317905, 0.90669631],
- [0.33042661, 0.26250480, 0.90655861],
- [0.32649697, 0.27161973, 0.90623512],
- [0.32252050, 0.28053167, 0.90574576],
- [0.31850454, 0.28924853, 0.90510876],
- [0.31445576, 0.29777822, 0.90434077],
- [0.31038061, 0.30612826, 0.90345722],
- [0.30628532, 0.31430588, 0.90247243],
- [0.30217392, 0.32231916, 0.90139844],
- [0.29805278, 0.33017428, 0.90024789],
- [0.29392464, 0.33787908, 0.89903036],
- [0.28979522, 0.34543927, 0.89775663],
- [0.28566704, 0.35286192, 0.89643473],
- [0.28154364, 0.36015310, 0.89507278],
- [0.27742935, 0.36731812, 0.89367887],
- [0.27332615, 0.37436312, 0.89225902],
- [0.26923690, 0.38129344, 0.89081940],
- [0.26516428, 0.38811418, 0.88936560],
- [0.26111077, 0.39483025, 0.88790274],
- [0.25707865, 0.40144635, 0.88643542],
- [0.25307008, 0.40796697, 0.88496784],
- [0.24908704, 0.41439642, 0.88350381],
- [0.24513141, 0.42073882, 0.88204676],
- [0.24120493, 0.42699810, 0.88059982],
- [0.23730925, 0.43317804, 0.87916579],
- [0.23344590, 0.43928225, 0.87774724],
- [0.22961633, 0.44531416, 0.87634645],
- [0.22582190, 0.45127709, 0.87496549],
- [0.22206389, 0.45717419, 0.87360621],
- [0.21834349, 0.46300848, 0.87227029],
- [0.21466236, 0.46878272, 0.87095954],
- [0.21102119, 0.47449978, 0.86967506],
- [0.20742080, 0.48016236, 0.86841794],
- [0.20386210, 0.48577303, 0.86718919],
- [0.20034666, 0.49133403, 0.86599021],
- [0.19687454, 0.49684789, 0.86482134],
- [0.19344637, 0.50231688, 0.86368323],
- [0.19006344, 0.50774301, 0.86257688],
- [0.18672570, 0.51312849, 0.86150244],
- [0.18343350, 0.51847533, 0.86046025],
- [0.18018787, 0.52378532, 0.85945104],
- [0.17698826, 0.52906048, 0.85847458],
- [0.17383532, 0.53430249, 0.85753132],
- [0.17072887, 0.53951311, 0.85662124],
- [0.16766875, 0.54469402, 0.85574432],
- [0.16465509, 0.54984675, 0.85490071],
- [0.16168705, 0.55497296, 0.85409003],
- [0.15876483, 0.56007400, 0.85331248],
- [0.15588710, 0.56515145, 0.85256749],
- [0.15305387, 0.57020657, 0.85185517],
- [0.15026358, 0.57524082, 0.85117488],
- [0.14751579, 0.58025541, 0.85052658],
- [0.14480878, 0.58525167, 0.84990960],
- [0.14214173, 0.59023075, 0.84932376],
- [0.13951263, 0.59519388, 0.84876836],
- [0.13692028, 0.60014214, 0.84824310],
- [0.13436243, 0.60507669, 0.84774724],
- [0.13183741, 0.60999854, 0.84728036],
- [0.12934276, 0.61490877, 0.84684171],
- [0.12687634, 0.61980834, 0.84643072],
- [0.12443548, 0.62469823, 0.84604664],
- [0.12201756, 0.62957937, 0.84568878],
- [0.11961967, 0.63445266, 0.84535639],
- [0.11723878, 0.63931897, 0.84504866],
- [0.11487170, 0.64417916, 0.84476479],
- [0.11251507, 0.64903403, 0.84450394],
- [0.11016531, 0.65388437, 0.84426522],
- [0.10781885, 0.65873094, 0.84404775],
- [0.10547170, 0.66357448, 0.84385054],
- [0.10312014, 0.66841567, 0.84367273],
- [0.10075970, 0.67325523, 0.84351320],
- [0.09838664, 0.67809378, 0.84337110],
- [0.09599597, 0.68293198, 0.84324519],
- [0.09358395, 0.68777038, 0.84313463],
- [0.09114522, 0.69260963, 0.84303810],
- [0.08867599, 0.69745020, 0.84295474],
- [0.08617051, 0.70229269, 0.84288313],
- [0.08362511, 0.70713753, 0.84282243],
- [0.08103357, 0.71198527, 0.84277110],
- [0.07839237, 0.71683626, 0.84272829],
- [0.07569525, 0.72169103, 0.84269246],
- [0.07293844, 0.72654989, 0.84266263],
- [0.07011617, 0.73141325, 0.84263735],
- [0.06722404, 0.73628145, 0.84261542],
- [0.06425764, 0.74115477, 0.84259561],
- [0.06121130, 0.74603356, 0.84257635],
- [0.05808247, 0.75091799, 0.84255664],
- [0.05486570, 0.75580838, 0.84253483],
- [0.05155846, 0.76070488, 0.84250968],
- [0.04815913, 0.76560763, 0.84247998],
- [0.04466405, 0.77051685, 0.84244395],
- [0.04107468, 0.77543259, 0.84240043],
- [0.03741096, 0.78035490, 0.84234809],
- [0.03385282, 0.78528385, 0.84228537],
- [0.03043137, 0.79021949, 0.84221065],
- [0.02716948, 0.79516171, 0.84212275],
- [0.02409051, 0.80011044, 0.84202021],
- [0.02122047, 0.80506559, 0.84190153],
- [0.01858815, 0.81002699, 0.84176524],
- [0.01622412, 0.81499451, 0.84160961],
- [0.01416537, 0.81996783, 0.84143342],
- [0.01245080, 0.82494667, 0.84123518],
- [0.01112317, 0.82993067, 0.84101341],
- [0.01022949, 0.83491944, 0.84076663],
- [0.00982139, 0.83991250, 0.84049339],
- [0.00995551, 0.84490931, 0.84019224],
- [0.01069215, 0.84990934, 0.83986145],
- [0.01210010, 0.85491187, 0.83949971],
- [0.01425466, 0.85991610, 0.83910577],
- [0.01723795, 0.86492117, 0.83867832],
- [0.02113724, 0.86992620, 0.83821555],
- [0.02605147, 0.87493010, 0.83771618],
- [0.03209157, 0.87993158, 0.83717944],
- [0.03937186, 0.88492950, 0.83660298],
- [0.04753062, 0.88992218, 0.83598667],
- [0.05607917, 0.89490805, 0.83532877],
- [0.06500234, 0.89988525, 0.83462804],
- [0.07428800, 0.90485162, 0.83388399],
- [0.08393083, 0.90980477, 0.83309565],
- [0.09393285, 0.91474203, 0.83226231],
- [0.10430211, 0.91966031, 0.83138359],
- [0.11505191, 0.92455607, 0.83045962],
- [0.12619999, 0.92942531, 0.82949010],
- [0.13776962, 0.93426332, 0.82847628],
- [0.14978894, 0.93906464, 0.82741934],
- [0.16229169, 0.94382285, 0.82632213],
- [0.17531808, 0.94853039, 0.82518803],
- [0.18891548, 0.95317821, 0.82402273],
- [0.20313976, 0.95775546, 0.82283421],
- [0.21805616, 0.96224898, 0.82163430],
- [0.23374218, 0.96664270, 0.82043899],
- [0.25028497, 0.97091692, 0.81927329],
- [0.26778032, 0.97504765, 0.81817391],
- [0.28632927, 0.97900591, 0.81719338],
- [0.30601898, 0.98275811, 0.81640936],
- [0.32689118, 0.98626848, 0.81593233],
- [0.34888332, 0.98950593, 0.81591102],
- [0.37176267, 0.99245625, 0.81652140]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00022254, 0.00017671, 0.00025009],
+ [0.00078387, 0.00060500, 0.00090179],
+ [0.00164763, 0.00123817, 0.00193717],
+ [0.00280144, 0.00205342, 0.00336061],
+ [0.00423939, 0.00303533, 0.00518202],
+ [0.00595880, 0.00417200, 0.00741444],
+ [0.00795875, 0.00545370, 0.01007259],
+ [0.01023937, 0.00687218, 0.01317220],
+ [0.01280170, 0.00842008, 0.01673051],
+ [0.01564747, 0.01009067, 0.02076595],
+ [0.01877857, 0.01187795, 0.02529699],
+ [0.02219739, 0.01377623, 0.03034346],
+ [0.02590682, 0.01577996, 0.03592673],
+ [0.02990978, 0.01788399, 0.04202298],
+ [0.03420930, 0.02008340, 0.04820472],
+ [0.03880874, 0.02237336, 0.05439934],
+ [0.04358445, 0.02474908, 0.06061196],
+ [0.04832042, 0.02720564, 0.06684805],
+ [0.05302794, 0.02973858, 0.07311083],
+ [0.05771012, 0.03234333, 0.07940403],
+ [0.06236976, 0.03501524, 0.08573111],
+ [0.06700933, 0.03774971, 0.09209532],
+ [0.07163105, 0.04054044, 0.09849968],
+ [0.07623693, 0.04327934, 0.10494709],
+ [0.08082877, 0.04595941, 0.11144026],
+ [0.08540827, 0.04858162, 0.11798198],
+ [0.08997690, 0.05114686, 0.12457468],
+ [0.09453596, 0.05365588, 0.13122062],
+ [0.09908671, 0.05610920, 0.13792216],
+ [0.10363029, 0.05850720, 0.14468161],
+ [0.10816775, 0.06085010, 0.15150121],
+ [0.11270017, 0.06313785, 0.15838356],
+ [0.11722839, 0.06537049, 0.16533065],
+ [0.12175321, 0.06754789, 0.17234460],
+ [0.12627538, 0.06966979, 0.17942753],
+ [0.13079560, 0.07173582, 0.18658154],
+ [0.13531450, 0.07374552, 0.19380872],
+ [0.13983264, 0.07569829, 0.20111112],
+ [0.14435069, 0.07759327, 0.20849123],
+ [0.14886940, 0.07942918, 0.21595220],
+ [0.15338885, 0.08120569, 0.22349476],
+ [0.15790940, 0.08292181, 0.23112093],
+ [0.16243170, 0.08457592, 0.23883387],
+ [0.16695619, 0.08616646, 0.24663627],
+ [0.17148270, 0.08769287, 0.25452854],
+ [0.17601191, 0.08915275, 0.26251464],
+ [0.18054395, 0.09054460, 0.27059648],
+ [0.18507865, 0.09186716, 0.27877510],
+ [0.18961684, 0.09311710, 0.28705556],
+ [0.19415775, 0.09429396, 0.29543682],
+ [0.19870231, 0.09539359, 0.30392490],
+ [0.20324973, 0.09641511, 0.31251899],
+ [0.20780042, 0.09735485, 0.32122351],
+ [0.21235420, 0.09821004, 0.33004063],
+ [0.21691053, 0.09897843, 0.33897132],
+ [0.22146970, 0.09965550, 0.34802028],
+ [0.22603124, 0.10023806, 0.35718935],
+ [0.23059455, 0.10072284, 0.36648009],
+ [0.23515923, 0.10110562, 0.37589528],
+ [0.23972479, 0.10138193, 0.38543762],
+ [0.24429061, 0.10154697, 0.39510979],
+ [0.24885596, 0.10159568, 0.40491433],
+ [0.25341998, 0.10152262, 0.41485371],
+ [0.25798164, 0.10132206, 0.42493024],
+ [0.26253975, 0.10098790, 0.43514603],
+ [0.26709296, 0.10051368, 0.44550301],
+ [0.27163969, 0.09989258, 0.45600280],
+ [0.27617812, 0.09911739, 0.46664673],
+ [0.28070701, 0.09817741, 0.47743992],
+ [0.28522342, 0.09706670, 0.48837993],
+ [0.28972520, 0.09577455, 0.49946960],
+ [0.29420947, 0.09429133, 0.51070913],
+ [0.29867327, 0.09260527, 0.52210001],
+ [0.30311267, 0.09070667, 0.53363982],
+ [0.30752387, 0.08858214, 0.54532909],
+ [0.31190255, 0.08621737, 0.55716750],
+ [0.31624329, 0.08360013, 0.56915082],
+ [0.32054033, 0.08071586, 0.58127560],
+ [0.32478720, 0.07754942, 0.59353712],
+ [0.32897683, 0.07408316, 0.60593109],
+ [0.33310058, 0.07030445, 0.61844686],
+ [0.33714920, 0.06619871, 0.63107428],
+ [0.34111255, 0.06174960, 0.64380328],
+ [0.34497874, 0.05694953, 0.65661652],
+ [0.34873478, 0.05179404, 0.66949545],
+ [0.35236629, 0.04628711, 0.68241857],
+ [0.35585736, 0.04044955, 0.69535960],
+ [0.35919048, 0.03450248, 0.70828712],
+ [0.36234671, 0.02894281, 0.72116432],
+ [0.36530584, 0.02392884, 0.73395112],
+ [0.36804648, 0.01964477, 0.74659946],
+ [0.37054659, 0.01629018, 0.75905887],
+ [0.37278395, 0.01408742, 0.77127140],
+ [0.37473691, 0.01326930, 0.78317727],
+ [0.37638521, 0.01407636, 0.79471435],
+ [0.37771093, 0.01674823, 0.80582046],
+ [0.37869941, 0.02151387, 0.81643596],
+ [0.37934000, 0.02858112, 0.82650669],
+ [0.37962694, 0.03812858, 0.83598519],
+ [0.37955939, 0.04951968, 0.84483436],
+ [0.37914154, 0.06144082, 0.85302802],
+ [0.37838226, 0.07366794, 0.86055174],
+ [0.37729438, 0.08604353, 0.86740266],
+ [0.37589428, 0.09845369, 0.87358820],
+ [0.37420030, 0.11081496, 0.87912536],
+ [0.37223249, 0.12306544, 0.88403831],
+ [0.37001170, 0.13515937, 0.88835682],
+ [0.36755886, 0.14706339, 0.89211456],
+ [0.36489450, 0.15875385, 0.89534754],
+ [0.36203830, 0.17021480, 0.89809281],
+ [0.35900949, 0.18143572, 0.90038753],
+ [0.35582553, 0.19241145, 0.90226812],
+ [0.35250263, 0.20314042, 0.90376962],
+ [0.34905654, 0.21362321, 0.90492566],
+ [0.34550110, 0.22386312, 0.90576779],
+ [0.34184894, 0.23386511, 0.90632553],
+ [0.33811203, 0.24363489, 0.90662650],
+ [0.33430129, 0.25317905, 0.90669631],
+ [0.33042661, 0.26250480, 0.90655861],
+ [0.32649697, 0.27161973, 0.90623512],
+ [0.32252050, 0.28053167, 0.90574576],
+ [0.31850454, 0.28924853, 0.90510876],
+ [0.31445576, 0.29777822, 0.90434077],
+ [0.31038061, 0.30612826, 0.90345722],
+ [0.30628532, 0.31430588, 0.90247243],
+ [0.30217392, 0.32231916, 0.90139844],
+ [0.29805278, 0.33017428, 0.90024789],
+ [0.29392464, 0.33787908, 0.89903036],
+ [0.28979522, 0.34543927, 0.89775663],
+ [0.28566704, 0.35286192, 0.89643473],
+ [0.28154364, 0.36015310, 0.89507278],
+ [0.27742935, 0.36731812, 0.89367887],
+ [0.27332615, 0.37436312, 0.89225902],
+ [0.26923690, 0.38129344, 0.89081940],
+ [0.26516428, 0.38811418, 0.88936560],
+ [0.26111077, 0.39483025, 0.88790274],
+ [0.25707865, 0.40144635, 0.88643542],
+ [0.25307008, 0.40796697, 0.88496784],
+ [0.24908704, 0.41439642, 0.88350381],
+ [0.24513141, 0.42073882, 0.88204676],
+ [0.24120493, 0.42699810, 0.88059982],
+ [0.23730925, 0.43317804, 0.87916579],
+ [0.23344590, 0.43928225, 0.87774724],
+ [0.22961633, 0.44531416, 0.87634645],
+ [0.22582190, 0.45127709, 0.87496549],
+ [0.22206389, 0.45717419, 0.87360621],
+ [0.21834349, 0.46300848, 0.87227029],
+ [0.21466236, 0.46878272, 0.87095954],
+ [0.21102119, 0.47449978, 0.86967506],
+ [0.20742080, 0.48016236, 0.86841794],
+ [0.20386210, 0.48577303, 0.86718919],
+ [0.20034666, 0.49133403, 0.86599021],
+ [0.19687454, 0.49684789, 0.86482134],
+ [0.19344637, 0.50231688, 0.86368323],
+ [0.19006344, 0.50774301, 0.86257688],
+ [0.18672570, 0.51312849, 0.86150244],
+ [0.18343350, 0.51847533, 0.86046025],
+ [0.18018787, 0.52378532, 0.85945104],
+ [0.17698826, 0.52906048, 0.85847458],
+ [0.17383532, 0.53430249, 0.85753132],
+ [0.17072887, 0.53951311, 0.85662124],
+ [0.16766875, 0.54469402, 0.85574432],
+ [0.16465509, 0.54984675, 0.85490071],
+ [0.16168705, 0.55497296, 0.85409003],
+ [0.15876483, 0.56007400, 0.85331248],
+ [0.15588710, 0.56515145, 0.85256749],
+ [0.15305387, 0.57020657, 0.85185517],
+ [0.15026358, 0.57524082, 0.85117488],
+ [0.14751579, 0.58025541, 0.85052658],
+ [0.14480878, 0.58525167, 0.84990960],
+ [0.14214173, 0.59023075, 0.84932376],
+ [0.13951263, 0.59519388, 0.84876836],
+ [0.13692028, 0.60014214, 0.84824310],
+ [0.13436243, 0.60507669, 0.84774724],
+ [0.13183741, 0.60999854, 0.84728036],
+ [0.12934276, 0.61490877, 0.84684171],
+ [0.12687634, 0.61980834, 0.84643072],
+ [0.12443548, 0.62469823, 0.84604664],
+ [0.12201756, 0.62957937, 0.84568878],
+ [0.11961967, 0.63445266, 0.84535639],
+ [0.11723878, 0.63931897, 0.84504866],
+ [0.11487170, 0.64417916, 0.84476479],
+ [0.11251507, 0.64903403, 0.84450394],
+ [0.11016531, 0.65388437, 0.84426522],
+ [0.10781885, 0.65873094, 0.84404775],
+ [0.10547170, 0.66357448, 0.84385054],
+ [0.10312014, 0.66841567, 0.84367273],
+ [0.10075970, 0.67325523, 0.84351320],
+ [0.09838664, 0.67809378, 0.84337110],
+ [0.09599597, 0.68293198, 0.84324519],
+ [0.09358395, 0.68777038, 0.84313463],
+ [0.09114522, 0.69260963, 0.84303810],
+ [0.08867599, 0.69745020, 0.84295474],
+ [0.08617051, 0.70229269, 0.84288313],
+ [0.08362511, 0.70713753, 0.84282243],
+ [0.08103357, 0.71198527, 0.84277110],
+ [0.07839237, 0.71683626, 0.84272829],
+ [0.07569525, 0.72169103, 0.84269246],
+ [0.07293844, 0.72654989, 0.84266263],
+ [0.07011617, 0.73141325, 0.84263735],
+ [0.06722404, 0.73628145, 0.84261542],
+ [0.06425764, 0.74115477, 0.84259561],
+ [0.06121130, 0.74603356, 0.84257635],
+ [0.05808247, 0.75091799, 0.84255664],
+ [0.05486570, 0.75580838, 0.84253483],
+ [0.05155846, 0.76070488, 0.84250968],
+ [0.04815913, 0.76560763, 0.84247998],
+ [0.04466405, 0.77051685, 0.84244395],
+ [0.04107468, 0.77543259, 0.84240043],
+ [0.03741096, 0.78035490, 0.84234809],
+ [0.03385282, 0.78528385, 0.84228537],
+ [0.03043137, 0.79021949, 0.84221065],
+ [0.02716948, 0.79516171, 0.84212275],
+ [0.02409051, 0.80011044, 0.84202021],
+ [0.02122047, 0.80506559, 0.84190153],
+ [0.01858815, 0.81002699, 0.84176524],
+ [0.01622412, 0.81499451, 0.84160961],
+ [0.01416537, 0.81996783, 0.84143342],
+ [0.01245080, 0.82494667, 0.84123518],
+ [0.01112317, 0.82993067, 0.84101341],
+ [0.01022949, 0.83491944, 0.84076663],
+ [0.00982139, 0.83991250, 0.84049339],
+ [0.00995551, 0.84490931, 0.84019224],
+ [0.01069215, 0.84990934, 0.83986145],
+ [0.01210010, 0.85491187, 0.83949971],
+ [0.01425466, 0.85991610, 0.83910577],
+ [0.01723795, 0.86492117, 0.83867832],
+ [0.02113724, 0.86992620, 0.83821555],
+ [0.02605147, 0.87493010, 0.83771618],
+ [0.03209157, 0.87993158, 0.83717944],
+ [0.03937186, 0.88492950, 0.83660298],
+ [0.04753062, 0.88992218, 0.83598667],
+ [0.05607917, 0.89490805, 0.83532877],
+ [0.06500234, 0.89988525, 0.83462804],
+ [0.07428800, 0.90485162, 0.83388399],
+ [0.08393083, 0.90980477, 0.83309565],
+ [0.09393285, 0.91474203, 0.83226231],
+ [0.10430211, 0.91966031, 0.83138359],
+ [0.11505191, 0.92455607, 0.83045962],
+ [0.12619999, 0.92942531, 0.82949010],
+ [0.13776962, 0.93426332, 0.82847628],
+ [0.14978894, 0.93906464, 0.82741934],
+ [0.16229169, 0.94382285, 0.82632213],
+ [0.17531808, 0.94853039, 0.82518803],
+ [0.18891548, 0.95317821, 0.82402273],
+ [0.20313976, 0.95775546, 0.82283421],
+ [0.21805616, 0.96224898, 0.82163430],
+ [0.23374218, 0.96664270, 0.82043899],
+ [0.25028497, 0.97091692, 0.81927329],
+ [0.26778032, 0.97504765, 0.81817391],
+ [0.28632927, 0.97900591, 0.81719338],
+ [0.30601898, 0.98275811, 0.81640936],
+ [0.32689118, 0.98626848, 0.81593233],
+ [0.34888332, 0.98950593, 0.81591102],
+ [0.37176267, 0.99245625, 0.81652140],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.cosmic', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.cosmic", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/dusk/dusk.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/dusk/dusk.jscm
index 5d4fe1bc..e6bf38d9 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/dusk/dusk.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/dusk/dusk.jscm
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/dusk/dusk.py b/cmasher/colormaps/dusk/dusk.py
index f6fac53e..68f13682 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/dusk/dusk.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/dusk/dusk.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00016543, 0.00017235, 0.00023614],
- [0.00056507, 0.00059773, 0.00085492],
- [0.00115294, 0.00123867, 0.00184354],
- [0.00190503, 0.00207923, 0.00320909],
- [0.00280372, 0.00310993, 0.00496346],
- [0.00383417, 0.00432455, 0.00712121],
- [0.00498316, 0.00571890, 0.00969761],
- [0.00623839, 0.00729020, 0.01270841],
- [0.00758744, 0.00903673, 0.01617173],
- [0.00901874, 0.01095766, 0.02010290],
- [0.01051967, 0.01305290, 0.02452127],
- [0.01207825, 0.01532304, 0.02944250],
- [0.01368165, 0.01776930, 0.03488387],
- [0.01531606, 0.02039355, 0.04085579],
- [0.01696791, 0.02319825, 0.04696683],
- [0.01862249, 0.02618652, 0.05307570],
- [0.02026433, 0.02936211, 0.05918365],
- [0.02187713, 0.03272950, 0.06529073],
- [0.02344352, 0.03629391, 0.07139618],
- [0.02494467, 0.04006143, 0.07749896],
- [0.02636225, 0.04389129, 0.08359395],
- [0.02767477, 0.04771267, 0.08967853],
- [0.02886183, 0.05153595, 0.09574519],
- [0.02990029, 0.05536627, 0.10178747],
- [0.03076681, 0.05920868, 0.10779602],
- [0.03143784, 0.06306816, 0.11375905],
- [0.03188926, 0.06694974, 0.11966277],
- [0.03209927, 0.07085806, 0.12548923],
- [0.03204485, 0.07479790, 0.13121964],
- [0.03170914, 0.07877316, 0.13682947],
- [0.03107872, 0.08278722, 0.14229185],
- [0.03014850, 0.08684216, 0.14757605],
- [0.02892314, 0.09093857, 0.15264897],
- [0.02742180, 0.09507468, 0.15747575],
- [0.02567782, 0.09924639, 0.16202295],
- [0.02374284, 0.10344650, 0.16626052],
- [0.02168272, 0.10766529, 0.17016587],
- [0.01957446, 0.11189102, 0.17372630],
- [0.01750057, 0.11611087, 0.17694064],
- [0.01554158, 0.12031222, 0.17981907],
- [0.01377041, 0.12448375, 0.18238128],
- [0.01224870, 0.12861610, 0.18465359],
- [0.01102527, 0.13270222, 0.18666593],
- [0.01013654, 0.13673734, 0.18844911],
- [0.00960796, 0.14071870, 0.19003286],
- [0.00945611, 0.14464524, 0.19144452],
- [0.00969160, 0.14851694, 0.19270899],
- [0.01031902, 0.15233494, 0.19384744],
- [0.01134072, 0.15610072, 0.19487905],
- [0.01275549, 0.15981642, 0.19581928],
- [0.01456113, 0.16348428, 0.19668168],
- [0.01675444, 0.16710668, 0.19747760],
- [0.01933158, 0.17068605, 0.19821647],
- [0.02228850, 0.17422480, 0.19890610],
- [0.02562126, 0.17772520, 0.19955350],
- [0.02932575, 0.18118959, 0.20016348],
- [0.03339835, 0.18462010, 0.20074050],
- [0.03783568, 0.18801874, 0.20128825],
- [0.04256515, 0.19138746, 0.20180927],
- [0.04732039, 0.19472808, 0.20230550],
- [0.05208430, 0.19804224, 0.20277901],
- [0.05684929, 0.20133154, 0.20323032],
- [0.06160993, 0.20459744, 0.20366006],
- [0.06636254, 0.20784126, 0.20406847],
- [0.07110480, 0.21106422, 0.20445542],
- [0.07583546, 0.21426743, 0.20482045],
- [0.08055413, 0.21745189, 0.20516282],
- [0.08526112, 0.22061849, 0.20548155],
- [0.08995729, 0.22376802, 0.20577543],
- [0.09464400, 0.22690114, 0.20604306],
- [0.09932297, 0.23001842, 0.20628291],
- [0.10399629, 0.23312032, 0.20649326],
- [0.10866630, 0.23620720, 0.20667231],
- [0.11333562, 0.23927930, 0.20681819],
- [0.11800703, 0.24233678, 0.20692895],
- [0.12268344, 0.24537967, 0.20700274],
- [0.12736801, 0.24840794, 0.20703752],
- [0.13206401, 0.25142142, 0.20703121],
- [0.13677474, 0.25441989, 0.20698188],
- [0.14150347, 0.25740301, 0.20688783],
- [0.14625367, 0.26037038, 0.20674716],
- [0.15102874, 0.26332149, 0.20655811],
- [0.15583197, 0.26625581, 0.20631922],
- [0.16066665, 0.26917269, 0.20602911],
- [0.16553603, 0.27207145, 0.20568642],
- [0.17044314, 0.27495136, 0.20529017],
- [0.17539092, 0.27781164, 0.20483949],
- [0.18038218, 0.28065148, 0.20433362],
- [0.18541944, 0.28347005, 0.20377221],
- [0.19050512, 0.28626648, 0.20315496],
- [0.19564140, 0.28903991, 0.20248181],
- [0.20083015, 0.29178948, 0.20175306],
- [0.20607312, 0.29451432, 0.20096901],
- [0.21137172, 0.29721359, 0.20013034],
- [0.21672715, 0.29988644, 0.19923788],
- [0.22214038, 0.30253209, 0.19829263],
- [0.22761211, 0.30514975, 0.19729584],
- [0.23314282, 0.30773868, 0.19624890],
- [0.23873275, 0.31029817, 0.19515339],
- [0.24438198, 0.31282757, 0.19401100],
- [0.25009029, 0.31532625, 0.19282364],
- [0.25585738, 0.31779364, 0.19159329],
- [0.26168271, 0.32022921, 0.19032209],
- [0.26756557, 0.32263248, 0.18901231],
- [0.27350521, 0.32500300, 0.18766618],
- [0.27950062, 0.32734040, 0.18628626],
- [0.28555074, 0.32964434, 0.18487502],
- [0.29165448, 0.33191449, 0.18343498],
- [0.29781051, 0.33415064, 0.18196891],
- [0.30401760, 0.33635255, 0.18047943],
- [0.31027437, 0.33852004, 0.17896932],
- [0.31657935, 0.34065302, 0.17744148],
- [0.32293119, 0.34275134, 0.17589866],
- [0.32932838, 0.34481497, 0.17434382],
- [0.33576938, 0.34684390, 0.17277997],
- [0.34225277, 0.34883811, 0.17121001],
- [0.34877705, 0.35079763, 0.16963696],
- [0.35534066, 0.35272256, 0.16806399],
- [0.36194213, 0.35461298, 0.16649417],
- [0.36858009, 0.35646897, 0.16493051],
- [0.37525297, 0.35829071, 0.16337635],
- [0.38195932, 0.36007838, 0.16183489],
- [0.38869780, 0.36183214, 0.16030931],
- [0.39546704, 0.36355217, 0.15880289],
- [0.40226559, 0.36523875, 0.15731904],
- [0.40909213, 0.36689211, 0.15586112],
- [0.41594539, 0.36851250, 0.15443249],
- [0.42282416, 0.37010016, 0.15303652],
- [0.42972710, 0.37165543, 0.15167676],
- [0.43665302, 0.37317861, 0.15035671],
- [0.44360075, 0.37467001, 0.14907987],
- [0.45056916, 0.37612995, 0.14784975],
- [0.45755721, 0.37755874, 0.14666983],
- [0.46456375, 0.37895675, 0.14554374],
- [0.47158775, 0.38032436, 0.14447503],
- [0.47862821, 0.38166191, 0.14346724],
- [0.48568416, 0.38296977, 0.14252388],
- [0.49275469, 0.38424832, 0.14164842],
- [0.49983891, 0.38549792, 0.14084430],
- [0.50693599, 0.38671895, 0.14011489],
- [0.51404506, 0.38791181, 0.13946356],
- [0.52116534, 0.38907688, 0.13889354],
- [0.52829607, 0.39021456, 0.13840799],
- [0.53543653, 0.39132521, 0.13800994],
- [0.54258604, 0.39240923, 0.13770233],
- [0.54974396, 0.39346699, 0.13748795],
- [0.55690966, 0.39449889, 0.13736943],
- [0.56408256, 0.39550527, 0.13734929],
- [0.57126210, 0.39648653, 0.13742983],
- [0.57844776, 0.39744302, 0.13761321],
- [0.58563906, 0.39837510, 0.13790141],
- [0.59283552, 0.39928312, 0.13829622],
- [0.60003670, 0.40016744, 0.13879923],
- [0.60724220, 0.40102839, 0.13941187],
- [0.61445161, 0.40186631, 0.14013536],
- [0.62166458, 0.40268153, 0.14097075],
- [0.62888073, 0.40347438, 0.14191891],
- [0.63609975, 0.40424519, 0.14298058],
- [0.64332130, 0.40499426, 0.14415631],
- [0.65054506, 0.40572192, 0.14544653],
- [0.65777074, 0.40642849, 0.14685155],
- [0.66499813, 0.40711420, 0.14837155],
- [0.67222686, 0.40777944, 0.15000670],
- [0.67945657, 0.40842454, 0.15175708],
- [0.68668695, 0.40904986, 0.15362274],
- [0.69391762, 0.40965576, 0.15560372],
- [0.70114845, 0.41024245, 0.15770005],
- [0.70837887, 0.41081044, 0.15991188],
- [0.71560837, 0.41136022, 0.16223944],
- [0.72283661, 0.41189213, 0.16468302],
- [0.73006311, 0.41240664, 0.16724311],
- [0.73728696, 0.41290454, 0.16992039],
- [0.74450787, 0.41338611, 0.17271575],
- [0.75172465, 0.41385239, 0.17563038],
- [0.75893666, 0.41430395, 0.17866580],
- [0.76614250, 0.41474200, 0.18182389],
- [0.77334135, 0.41516724, 0.18510703],
- [0.78053127, 0.41558134, 0.18851800],
- [0.78771077, 0.41598558, 0.19206029],
- [0.79487796, 0.41638158, 0.19573806],
- [0.80203018, 0.41677161, 0.19955616],
- [0.80916467, 0.41715810, 0.20352042],
- [0.81627808, 0.41754393, 0.20763775],
- [0.82336641, 0.41793260, 0.21191626],
- [0.83042481, 0.41832838, 0.21636549],
- [0.83744739, 0.41873650, 0.22099658],
- [0.84442740, 0.41916297, 0.22582291],
- [0.85135614, 0.41961561, 0.23085986],
- [0.85822307, 0.42010398, 0.23612549],
- [0.86501518, 0.42063999, 0.24164089],
- [0.87171687, 0.42123795, 0.24743117],
- [0.87830796, 0.42191663, 0.25352456],
- [0.88476392, 0.42269894, 0.25995402],
- [0.89105353, 0.42361441, 0.26675528],
- [0.89713870, 0.42469934, 0.27396697],
- [0.90297311, 0.42599833, 0.28162702],
- [0.90850263, 0.42756409, 0.28976751],
- [0.91366763, 0.42945556, 0.29840528],
- [0.91840936, 0.43173187, 0.30753127],
- [0.92268010, 0.43444246, 0.31710142],
- [0.92645438, 0.43761557, 0.32703485],
- [0.92973622, 0.44125030, 0.33722476],
- [0.93255776, 0.44531707, 0.34755792],
- [0.93496881, 0.44976688, 0.35793893],
- [0.93702770, 0.45454143, 0.36829025],
- [0.93879037, 0.45958348, 0.37856247],
- [0.94030466, 0.46484294, 0.38873049],
- [0.94161285, 0.47027591, 0.39877692],
- [0.94274802, 0.47584738, 0.40869798],
- [0.94373625, 0.48152948, 0.41849613],
- [0.94459927, 0.48729936, 0.42817485],
- [0.94535537, 0.49313811, 0.43773793],
- [0.94601805, 0.49903156, 0.44719269],
- [0.94659665, 0.50496942, 0.45654895],
- [0.94710340, 0.51094028, 0.46580810],
- [0.94754294, 0.51693861, 0.47498097],
- [0.94792325, 0.52295717, 0.48407057],
- [0.94825061, 0.52899034, 0.49308073],
- [0.94852981, 0.53503389, 0.50201594],
- [0.94876435, 0.54108475, 0.51088110],
- [0.94895662, 0.54714081, 0.51968145],
- [0.94910860, 0.55320041, 0.52842168],
- [0.94922934, 0.55925760, 0.53709655],
- [0.94931274, 0.56531615, 0.54571978],
- [0.94936957, 0.57136941, 0.55428294],
- [0.94939588, 0.57741995, 0.56279566],
- [0.94939385, 0.58346663, 0.57125933],
- [0.94936862, 0.58950665, 0.57967159],
- [0.94932104, 0.59553985, 0.58803490],
- [0.94925112, 0.60156661, 0.59635233],
- [0.94916065, 0.60758632, 0.60462461],
- [0.94905115, 0.61359854, 0.61285258],
- [0.94892393, 0.61960303, 0.62103711],
- [0.94878009, 0.62559967, 0.62917910],
- [0.94862057, 0.63158846, 0.63727947],
- [0.94844916, 0.63756791, 0.64533610],
- [0.94826642, 0.64353831, 0.65335011],
- [0.94807105, 0.64950092, 0.66132426],
- [0.94786345, 0.65545611, 0.66925949],
- [0.94764883, 0.66140178, 0.67715195],
- [0.94742779, 0.66733825, 0.68500229],
- [0.94719628, 0.67326821, 0.69281534],
- [0.94696326, 0.67918779, 0.70058375],
- [0.94672432, 0.68509983, 0.70831247],
- [0.94648171, 0.69100389, 0.71600025],
- [0.94623948, 0.69689864, 0.72364423],
- [0.94599436, 0.70278636, 0.73124796],
- [0.94575276, 0.70866465, 0.73880651],
- [0.94551208, 0.71453544, 0.74632267],
- [0.94527502, 0.72039816, 0.75379466],
- [0.94504581, 0.72625156, 0.76121950],
- [0.94481859, 0.73209905, 0.76860231],
- [0.94460694, 0.73793516, 0.77593272],
- [0.94440291, 0.74376425, 0.78321739],
- [0.94420783, 0.74958643, 0.79045556]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00016543, 0.00017235, 0.00023614],
+ [0.00056507, 0.00059773, 0.00085492],
+ [0.00115294, 0.00123867, 0.00184354],
+ [0.00190503, 0.00207923, 0.00320909],
+ [0.00280372, 0.00310993, 0.00496346],
+ [0.00383417, 0.00432455, 0.00712121],
+ [0.00498316, 0.00571890, 0.00969761],
+ [0.00623839, 0.00729020, 0.01270841],
+ [0.00758744, 0.00903673, 0.01617173],
+ [0.00901874, 0.01095766, 0.02010290],
+ [0.01051967, 0.01305290, 0.02452127],
+ [0.01207825, 0.01532304, 0.02944250],
+ [0.01368165, 0.01776930, 0.03488387],
+ [0.01531606, 0.02039355, 0.04085579],
+ [0.01696791, 0.02319825, 0.04696683],
+ [0.01862249, 0.02618652, 0.05307570],
+ [0.02026433, 0.02936211, 0.05918365],
+ [0.02187713, 0.03272950, 0.06529073],
+ [0.02344352, 0.03629391, 0.07139618],
+ [0.02494467, 0.04006143, 0.07749896],
+ [0.02636225, 0.04389129, 0.08359395],
+ [0.02767477, 0.04771267, 0.08967853],
+ [0.02886183, 0.05153595, 0.09574519],
+ [0.02990029, 0.05536627, 0.10178747],
+ [0.03076681, 0.05920868, 0.10779602],
+ [0.03143784, 0.06306816, 0.11375905],
+ [0.03188926, 0.06694974, 0.11966277],
+ [0.03209927, 0.07085806, 0.12548923],
+ [0.03204485, 0.07479790, 0.13121964],
+ [0.03170914, 0.07877316, 0.13682947],
+ [0.03107872, 0.08278722, 0.14229185],
+ [0.03014850, 0.08684216, 0.14757605],
+ [0.02892314, 0.09093857, 0.15264897],
+ [0.02742180, 0.09507468, 0.15747575],
+ [0.02567782, 0.09924639, 0.16202295],
+ [0.02374284, 0.10344650, 0.16626052],
+ [0.02168272, 0.10766529, 0.17016587],
+ [0.01957446, 0.11189102, 0.17372630],
+ [0.01750057, 0.11611087, 0.17694064],
+ [0.01554158, 0.12031222, 0.17981907],
+ [0.01377041, 0.12448375, 0.18238128],
+ [0.01224870, 0.12861610, 0.18465359],
+ [0.01102527, 0.13270222, 0.18666593],
+ [0.01013654, 0.13673734, 0.18844911],
+ [0.00960796, 0.14071870, 0.19003286],
+ [0.00945611, 0.14464524, 0.19144452],
+ [0.00969160, 0.14851694, 0.19270899],
+ [0.01031902, 0.15233494, 0.19384744],
+ [0.01134072, 0.15610072, 0.19487905],
+ [0.01275549, 0.15981642, 0.19581928],
+ [0.01456113, 0.16348428, 0.19668168],
+ [0.01675444, 0.16710668, 0.19747760],
+ [0.01933158, 0.17068605, 0.19821647],
+ [0.02228850, 0.17422480, 0.19890610],
+ [0.02562126, 0.17772520, 0.19955350],
+ [0.02932575, 0.18118959, 0.20016348],
+ [0.03339835, 0.18462010, 0.20074050],
+ [0.03783568, 0.18801874, 0.20128825],
+ [0.04256515, 0.19138746, 0.20180927],
+ [0.04732039, 0.19472808, 0.20230550],
+ [0.05208430, 0.19804224, 0.20277901],
+ [0.05684929, 0.20133154, 0.20323032],
+ [0.06160993, 0.20459744, 0.20366006],
+ [0.06636254, 0.20784126, 0.20406847],
+ [0.07110480, 0.21106422, 0.20445542],
+ [0.07583546, 0.21426743, 0.20482045],
+ [0.08055413, 0.21745189, 0.20516282],
+ [0.08526112, 0.22061849, 0.20548155],
+ [0.08995729, 0.22376802, 0.20577543],
+ [0.09464400, 0.22690114, 0.20604306],
+ [0.09932297, 0.23001842, 0.20628291],
+ [0.10399629, 0.23312032, 0.20649326],
+ [0.10866630, 0.23620720, 0.20667231],
+ [0.11333562, 0.23927930, 0.20681819],
+ [0.11800703, 0.24233678, 0.20692895],
+ [0.12268344, 0.24537967, 0.20700274],
+ [0.12736801, 0.24840794, 0.20703752],
+ [0.13206401, 0.25142142, 0.20703121],
+ [0.13677474, 0.25441989, 0.20698188],
+ [0.14150347, 0.25740301, 0.20688783],
+ [0.14625367, 0.26037038, 0.20674716],
+ [0.15102874, 0.26332149, 0.20655811],
+ [0.15583197, 0.26625581, 0.20631922],
+ [0.16066665, 0.26917269, 0.20602911],
+ [0.16553603, 0.27207145, 0.20568642],
+ [0.17044314, 0.27495136, 0.20529017],
+ [0.17539092, 0.27781164, 0.20483949],
+ [0.18038218, 0.28065148, 0.20433362],
+ [0.18541944, 0.28347005, 0.20377221],
+ [0.19050512, 0.28626648, 0.20315496],
+ [0.19564140, 0.28903991, 0.20248181],
+ [0.20083015, 0.29178948, 0.20175306],
+ [0.20607312, 0.29451432, 0.20096901],
+ [0.21137172, 0.29721359, 0.20013034],
+ [0.21672715, 0.29988644, 0.19923788],
+ [0.22214038, 0.30253209, 0.19829263],
+ [0.22761211, 0.30514975, 0.19729584],
+ [0.23314282, 0.30773868, 0.19624890],
+ [0.23873275, 0.31029817, 0.19515339],
+ [0.24438198, 0.31282757, 0.19401100],
+ [0.25009029, 0.31532625, 0.19282364],
+ [0.25585738, 0.31779364, 0.19159329],
+ [0.26168271, 0.32022921, 0.19032209],
+ [0.26756557, 0.32263248, 0.18901231],
+ [0.27350521, 0.32500300, 0.18766618],
+ [0.27950062, 0.32734040, 0.18628626],
+ [0.28555074, 0.32964434, 0.18487502],
+ [0.29165448, 0.33191449, 0.18343498],
+ [0.29781051, 0.33415064, 0.18196891],
+ [0.30401760, 0.33635255, 0.18047943],
+ [0.31027437, 0.33852004, 0.17896932],
+ [0.31657935, 0.34065302, 0.17744148],
+ [0.32293119, 0.34275134, 0.17589866],
+ [0.32932838, 0.34481497, 0.17434382],
+ [0.33576938, 0.34684390, 0.17277997],
+ [0.34225277, 0.34883811, 0.17121001],
+ [0.34877705, 0.35079763, 0.16963696],
+ [0.35534066, 0.35272256, 0.16806399],
+ [0.36194213, 0.35461298, 0.16649417],
+ [0.36858009, 0.35646897, 0.16493051],
+ [0.37525297, 0.35829071, 0.16337635],
+ [0.38195932, 0.36007838, 0.16183489],
+ [0.38869780, 0.36183214, 0.16030931],
+ [0.39546704, 0.36355217, 0.15880289],
+ [0.40226559, 0.36523875, 0.15731904],
+ [0.40909213, 0.36689211, 0.15586112],
+ [0.41594539, 0.36851250, 0.15443249],
+ [0.42282416, 0.37010016, 0.15303652],
+ [0.42972710, 0.37165543, 0.15167676],
+ [0.43665302, 0.37317861, 0.15035671],
+ [0.44360075, 0.37467001, 0.14907987],
+ [0.45056916, 0.37612995, 0.14784975],
+ [0.45755721, 0.37755874, 0.14666983],
+ [0.46456375, 0.37895675, 0.14554374],
+ [0.47158775, 0.38032436, 0.14447503],
+ [0.47862821, 0.38166191, 0.14346724],
+ [0.48568416, 0.38296977, 0.14252388],
+ [0.49275469, 0.38424832, 0.14164842],
+ [0.49983891, 0.38549792, 0.14084430],
+ [0.50693599, 0.38671895, 0.14011489],
+ [0.51404506, 0.38791181, 0.13946356],
+ [0.52116534, 0.38907688, 0.13889354],
+ [0.52829607, 0.39021456, 0.13840799],
+ [0.53543653, 0.39132521, 0.13800994],
+ [0.54258604, 0.39240923, 0.13770233],
+ [0.54974396, 0.39346699, 0.13748795],
+ [0.55690966, 0.39449889, 0.13736943],
+ [0.56408256, 0.39550527, 0.13734929],
+ [0.57126210, 0.39648653, 0.13742983],
+ [0.57844776, 0.39744302, 0.13761321],
+ [0.58563906, 0.39837510, 0.13790141],
+ [0.59283552, 0.39928312, 0.13829622],
+ [0.60003670, 0.40016744, 0.13879923],
+ [0.60724220, 0.40102839, 0.13941187],
+ [0.61445161, 0.40186631, 0.14013536],
+ [0.62166458, 0.40268153, 0.14097075],
+ [0.62888073, 0.40347438, 0.14191891],
+ [0.63609975, 0.40424519, 0.14298058],
+ [0.64332130, 0.40499426, 0.14415631],
+ [0.65054506, 0.40572192, 0.14544653],
+ [0.65777074, 0.40642849, 0.14685155],
+ [0.66499813, 0.40711420, 0.14837155],
+ [0.67222686, 0.40777944, 0.15000670],
+ [0.67945657, 0.40842454, 0.15175708],
+ [0.68668695, 0.40904986, 0.15362274],
+ [0.69391762, 0.40965576, 0.15560372],
+ [0.70114845, 0.41024245, 0.15770005],
+ [0.70837887, 0.41081044, 0.15991188],
+ [0.71560837, 0.41136022, 0.16223944],
+ [0.72283661, 0.41189213, 0.16468302],
+ [0.73006311, 0.41240664, 0.16724311],
+ [0.73728696, 0.41290454, 0.16992039],
+ [0.74450787, 0.41338611, 0.17271575],
+ [0.75172465, 0.41385239, 0.17563038],
+ [0.75893666, 0.41430395, 0.17866580],
+ [0.76614250, 0.41474200, 0.18182389],
+ [0.77334135, 0.41516724, 0.18510703],
+ [0.78053127, 0.41558134, 0.18851800],
+ [0.78771077, 0.41598558, 0.19206029],
+ [0.79487796, 0.41638158, 0.19573806],
+ [0.80203018, 0.41677161, 0.19955616],
+ [0.80916467, 0.41715810, 0.20352042],
+ [0.81627808, 0.41754393, 0.20763775],
+ [0.82336641, 0.41793260, 0.21191626],
+ [0.83042481, 0.41832838, 0.21636549],
+ [0.83744739, 0.41873650, 0.22099658],
+ [0.84442740, 0.41916297, 0.22582291],
+ [0.85135614, 0.41961561, 0.23085986],
+ [0.85822307, 0.42010398, 0.23612549],
+ [0.86501518, 0.42063999, 0.24164089],
+ [0.87171687, 0.42123795, 0.24743117],
+ [0.87830796, 0.42191663, 0.25352456],
+ [0.88476392, 0.42269894, 0.25995402],
+ [0.89105353, 0.42361441, 0.26675528],
+ [0.89713870, 0.42469934, 0.27396697],
+ [0.90297311, 0.42599833, 0.28162702],
+ [0.90850263, 0.42756409, 0.28976751],
+ [0.91366763, 0.42945556, 0.29840528],
+ [0.91840936, 0.43173187, 0.30753127],
+ [0.92268010, 0.43444246, 0.31710142],
+ [0.92645438, 0.43761557, 0.32703485],
+ [0.92973622, 0.44125030, 0.33722476],
+ [0.93255776, 0.44531707, 0.34755792],
+ [0.93496881, 0.44976688, 0.35793893],
+ [0.93702770, 0.45454143, 0.36829025],
+ [0.93879037, 0.45958348, 0.37856247],
+ [0.94030466, 0.46484294, 0.38873049],
+ [0.94161285, 0.47027591, 0.39877692],
+ [0.94274802, 0.47584738, 0.40869798],
+ [0.94373625, 0.48152948, 0.41849613],
+ [0.94459927, 0.48729936, 0.42817485],
+ [0.94535537, 0.49313811, 0.43773793],
+ [0.94601805, 0.49903156, 0.44719269],
+ [0.94659665, 0.50496942, 0.45654895],
+ [0.94710340, 0.51094028, 0.46580810],
+ [0.94754294, 0.51693861, 0.47498097],
+ [0.94792325, 0.52295717, 0.48407057],
+ [0.94825061, 0.52899034, 0.49308073],
+ [0.94852981, 0.53503389, 0.50201594],
+ [0.94876435, 0.54108475, 0.51088110],
+ [0.94895662, 0.54714081, 0.51968145],
+ [0.94910860, 0.55320041, 0.52842168],
+ [0.94922934, 0.55925760, 0.53709655],
+ [0.94931274, 0.56531615, 0.54571978],
+ [0.94936957, 0.57136941, 0.55428294],
+ [0.94939588, 0.57741995, 0.56279566],
+ [0.94939385, 0.58346663, 0.57125933],
+ [0.94936862, 0.58950665, 0.57967159],
+ [0.94932104, 0.59553985, 0.58803490],
+ [0.94925112, 0.60156661, 0.59635233],
+ [0.94916065, 0.60758632, 0.60462461],
+ [0.94905115, 0.61359854, 0.61285258],
+ [0.94892393, 0.61960303, 0.62103711],
+ [0.94878009, 0.62559967, 0.62917910],
+ [0.94862057, 0.63158846, 0.63727947],
+ [0.94844916, 0.63756791, 0.64533610],
+ [0.94826642, 0.64353831, 0.65335011],
+ [0.94807105, 0.64950092, 0.66132426],
+ [0.94786345, 0.65545611, 0.66925949],
+ [0.94764883, 0.66140178, 0.67715195],
+ [0.94742779, 0.66733825, 0.68500229],
+ [0.94719628, 0.67326821, 0.69281534],
+ [0.94696326, 0.67918779, 0.70058375],
+ [0.94672432, 0.68509983, 0.70831247],
+ [0.94648171, 0.69100389, 0.71600025],
+ [0.94623948, 0.69689864, 0.72364423],
+ [0.94599436, 0.70278636, 0.73124796],
+ [0.94575276, 0.70866465, 0.73880651],
+ [0.94551208, 0.71453544, 0.74632267],
+ [0.94527502, 0.72039816, 0.75379466],
+ [0.94504581, 0.72625156, 0.76121950],
+ [0.94481859, 0.73209905, 0.76860231],
+ [0.94460694, 0.73793516, 0.77593272],
+ [0.94440291, 0.74376425, 0.78321739],
+ [0.94420783, 0.74958643, 0.79045556],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.dusk', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.dusk", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/eclipse/eclipse.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/eclipse/eclipse.jscm
index c331c923..544fafb5 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/eclipse/eclipse.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/eclipse/eclipse.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/eclipse/eclipse.py b/cmasher/colormaps/eclipse/eclipse.py
index d291e2dc..7bdf4b2e 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/eclipse/eclipse.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/eclipse/eclipse.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00020752, 0.00021063, 0.00026451],
- [0.00071257, 0.00073062, 0.00094948],
- [0.00146225, 0.00151423, 0.00203025],
- [0.00243079, 0.00254182, 0.00350650],
- [0.00360050, 0.00380143, 0.00538382],
- [0.00495756, 0.00528496, 0.00767079],
- [0.00649035, 0.00698660, 0.01037767],
- [0.00818873, 0.00890205, 0.01351553],
- [0.01004331, 0.01102813, 0.01709677],
- [0.01204552, 0.01336249, 0.02113358],
- [0.01418695, 0.01590343, 0.02563962],
- [0.01645970, 0.01864981, 0.03062802],
- [0.01885585, 0.02160095, 0.03611293],
- [0.02136760, 0.02475654, 0.04206180],
- [0.02398731, 0.02811666, 0.04806272],
- [0.02670699, 0.03168169, 0.05405266],
- [0.02951882, 0.03545230, 0.06003560],
- [0.03241486, 0.03942946, 0.06601491],
- [0.03538693, 0.04349302, 0.07199371],
- [0.03842653, 0.04751224, 0.07797503],
- [0.04149896, 0.05150027, 0.08396098],
- [0.04448307, 0.05546028, 0.08995333],
- [0.04738356, 0.05939521, 0.09595374],
- [0.05020066, 0.06330775, 0.10196364],
- [0.05293426, 0.06720042, 0.10798419],
- [0.05558396, 0.07107557, 0.11401631],
- [0.05814908, 0.07493542, 0.12006072],
- [0.06062867, 0.07878206, 0.12611792],
- [0.06302145, 0.08261749, 0.13218830],
- [0.06532561, 0.08644364, 0.13827248],
- [0.06753971, 0.09026234, 0.14436984],
- [0.06966178, 0.09407535, 0.15048004],
- [0.07168900, 0.09788446, 0.15660339],
- [0.07361907, 0.10169132, 0.16273878],
- [0.07544903, 0.10549761, 0.16888548],
- [0.07717549, 0.10930497, 0.17504266],
- [0.07879489, 0.11311502, 0.18120905],
- [0.08030370, 0.11692934, 0.18738273],
- [0.08169692, 0.12074959, 0.19356280],
- [0.08297031, 0.12457733, 0.19974675],
- [0.08411886, 0.12841415, 0.20593219],
- [0.08513701, 0.13226166, 0.21211653],
- [0.08601877, 0.13612147, 0.21829678],
- [0.08675772, 0.13999519, 0.22446947],
- [0.08734703, 0.14388441, 0.23063064],
- [0.08777872, 0.14779082, 0.23677629],
- [0.08804482, 0.15171602, 0.24290141],
- [0.08813724, 0.15566154, 0.24900005],
- [0.08804546, 0.15962914, 0.25506690],
- [0.08776032, 0.16362029, 0.26109451],
- [0.08727107, 0.16763654, 0.26707532],
- [0.08656611, 0.17167938, 0.27300102],
- [0.08563339, 0.17575023, 0.27886221],
- [0.08446054, 0.17985031, 0.28464843],
- [0.08303505, 0.18398069, 0.29034804],
- [0.08134352, 0.18814225, 0.29594861],
- [0.07937315, 0.19233557, 0.30143634],
- [0.07711134, 0.19656086, 0.30679645],
- [0.07454755, 0.20081780, 0.31201284],
- [0.07167261, 0.20510556, 0.31706873],
- [0.06848091, 0.20942260, 0.32194659],
- [0.06497150, 0.21376662, 0.32662863],
- [0.06114941, 0.21813447, 0.33109734],
- [0.05703060, 0.22252189, 0.33533591],
- [0.05264149, 0.22692379, 0.33932936],
- [0.04802437, 0.23133416, 0.34306519],
- [0.04324242, 0.23574608, 0.34653426],
- [0.03837989, 0.24015216, 0.34973158],
- [0.03379849, 0.24454466, 0.35265678],
- [0.02972020, 0.24891592, 0.35531430],
- [0.02625390, 0.25325868, 0.35771319],
- [0.02349768, 0.25756635, 0.35986660],
- [0.02153598, 0.26183329, 0.36179099],
- [0.02043807, 0.26605495, 0.36350511],
- [0.02025786, 0.27022790, 0.36502908],
- [0.02103461, 0.27434983, 0.36638345],
- [0.02279504, 0.27841934, 0.36758867],
- [0.02555405, 0.28243604, 0.36866411],
- [0.02931797, 0.28640014, 0.36962819],
- [0.03408545, 0.29031254, 0.37049756],
- [0.03985004, 0.29417450, 0.37128759],
- [0.04624921, 0.29798765, 0.37201207],
- [0.05293050, 0.30175383, 0.37268321],
- [0.05980831, 0.30547506, 0.37331172],
- [0.06681349, 0.30915345, 0.37390694],
- [0.07389469, 0.31279106, 0.37447779],
- [0.08101487, 0.31639008, 0.37503071],
- [0.08814613, 0.31995256, 0.37557280],
- [0.09526879, 0.32348058, 0.37610904],
- [0.10236830, 0.32697611, 0.37664425],
- [0.10943415, 0.33044108, 0.37718260],
- [0.11645887, 0.33387733, 0.37772763],
- [0.12343728, 0.33728664, 0.37828237],
- [0.13036591, 0.34067068, 0.37884938],
- [0.13724257, 0.34403108, 0.37943080],
- [0.14406552, 0.34736939, 0.38002895],
- [0.15083456, 0.35068706, 0.38064500],
- [0.15754958, 0.35398550, 0.38128032],
- [0.16421063, 0.35726605, 0.38193627],
- [0.17081856, 0.36052998, 0.38261349],
- [0.17737419, 0.36377849, 0.38331271],
- [0.18387812, 0.36701279, 0.38403481],
- [0.19033183, 0.37023393, 0.38477982],
- [0.19673640, 0.37344299, 0.38554806],
- [0.20309296, 0.37664099, 0.38633973],
- [0.20940252, 0.37982891, 0.38715507],
- [0.21566653, 0.38300767, 0.38799379],
- [0.22188620, 0.38617817, 0.38885572],
- [0.22806276, 0.38934124, 0.38974059],
- [0.23419741, 0.39249773, 0.39064804],
- [0.24029137, 0.39564841, 0.39157761],
- [0.24634568, 0.39879407, 0.39252888],
- [0.25236157, 0.40193543, 0.39350116],
- [0.25834028, 0.40507319, 0.39449368],
- [0.26428296, 0.40820800, 0.39550559],
- [0.27019078, 0.41134053, 0.39653600],
- [0.27606463, 0.41447141, 0.39758415],
- [0.28190579, 0.41760124, 0.39864883],
- [0.28771554, 0.42073055, 0.39972873],
- [0.29349483, 0.42385992, 0.40082281],
- [0.29924488, 0.42698985, 0.40192965],
- [0.30496712, 0.43012078, 0.40304756],
- [0.31066236, 0.43325325, 0.40417542],
- [0.31633235, 0.43638759, 0.40531107],
- [0.32197812, 0.43952424, 0.40645307],
- [0.32760132, 0.44266350, 0.40759926],
- [0.33320328, 0.44580569, 0.40874782],
- [0.33878575, 0.44895106, 0.40989644],
- [0.34435023, 0.45209983, 0.41104309],
- [0.34989878, 0.45525212, 0.41218514],
- [0.35543298, 0.45840807, 0.41332053],
- [0.36095521, 0.46156768, 0.41444635],
- [0.36646745, 0.46473094, 0.41556022],
- [0.37197210, 0.46789774, 0.41665936],
- [0.37747172, 0.47106790, 0.41774095],
- [0.38296870, 0.47424121, 0.41880247],
- [0.38846601, 0.47741730, 0.41984090],
- [0.39396655, 0.48059577, 0.42085348],
- [0.39947319, 0.48377615, 0.42183768],
- [0.40498925, 0.48695786, 0.42279062],
- [0.41051795, 0.49014025, 0.42370977],
- [0.41606251, 0.49332262, 0.42459285],
- [0.42162640, 0.49650417, 0.42543744],
- [0.42721300, 0.49968405, 0.42624146],
- [0.43282565, 0.50286136, 0.42700311],
- [0.43846767, 0.50603517, 0.42772078],
- [0.44414231, 0.50920449, 0.42839306],
- [0.44985267, 0.51236835, 0.42901888],
- [0.45560165, 0.51552576, 0.42959752],
- [0.46139200, 0.51867573, 0.43012845],
- [0.46722624, 0.52181731, 0.43061144],
- [0.47310659, 0.52494958, 0.43104660],
- [0.47903502, 0.52807166, 0.43143428],
- [0.48501320, 0.53118276, 0.43177504],
- [0.49104250, 0.53428214, 0.43206970],
- [0.49712395, 0.53736913, 0.43231925],
- [0.50325836, 0.54044315, 0.43252479],
- [0.50944616, 0.54350372, 0.43268762],
- [0.51568751, 0.54655044, 0.43280910],
- [0.52198236, 0.54958300, 0.43289061],
- [0.52833046, 0.55260115, 0.43293348],
- [0.53473119, 0.55560478, 0.43293920],
- [0.54118384, 0.55859384, 0.43290916],
- [0.54768765, 0.56156830, 0.43284446],
- [0.55424153, 0.56452828, 0.43274638],
- [0.56084431, 0.56747393, 0.43261609],
- [0.56749490, 0.57040544, 0.43245438],
- [0.57419204, 0.57332307, 0.43226201],
- [0.58093425, 0.57622716, 0.43203985],
- [0.58772038, 0.57911802, 0.43178814],
- [0.59454903, 0.58199603, 0.43150722],
- [0.60141862, 0.58486168, 0.43119751],
- [0.60832828, 0.58771527, 0.43085836],
- [0.61527618, 0.59055742, 0.43049016],
- [0.62226129, 0.59338853, 0.43009211],
- [0.62928218, 0.59620917, 0.42966375],
- [0.63633758, 0.59901987, 0.42920428],
- [0.64342627, 0.60182118, 0.42871265],
- [0.65054696, 0.60461371, 0.42818767],
- [0.65769830, 0.60739812, 0.42762811],
- [0.66487935, 0.61017495, 0.42703193],
- [0.67208831, 0.61294507, 0.42639798],
- [0.67932449, 0.61570901, 0.42572344],
- [0.68658624, 0.61846767, 0.42500637],
- [0.69387202, 0.62122196, 0.42424445],
- [0.70118041, 0.62397277, 0.42343475],
- [0.70851036, 0.62672091, 0.42257341],
- [0.71585967, 0.62946768, 0.42165765],
- [0.72322649, 0.63221428, 0.42068362],
- [0.73060876, 0.63496208, 0.41964712],
- [0.73800413, 0.63771263, 0.41854357],
- [0.74540986, 0.64046769, 0.41736803],
- [0.75282281, 0.64322931, 0.41611516],
- [0.76023991, 0.64599959, 0.41477824],
- [0.76765649, 0.64878139, 0.41335153],
- [0.77506719, 0.65157798, 0.41182874],
- [0.78246720, 0.65439262, 0.41020076],
- [0.78984818, 0.65723008, 0.40846192],
- [0.79720284, 0.66009502, 0.40660215],
- [0.80452028, 0.66299374, 0.40461461],
- [0.81178825, 0.66593337, 0.40249154],
- [0.81899203, 0.66892235, 0.40022604],
- [0.82611389, 0.67197061, 0.39781323],
- [0.83313277, 0.67508974, 0.39525137],
- [0.84002473, 0.67829273, 0.39254203],
- [0.84676184, 0.68159424, 0.38969494],
- [0.85331446, 0.68500962, 0.38672638],
- [0.85965199, 0.68855417, 0.38366248],
- [0.86574578, 0.69224176, 0.38053815],
- [0.87157189, 0.69608335, 0.37739599],
- [0.87711399, 0.70008565, 0.37428259],
- [0.88236530, 0.70425031, 0.37124278],
- [0.88732859, 0.70857409, 0.36831738],
- [0.89201521, 0.71304965, 0.36553621],
- [0.89644246, 0.71766689, 0.36292043],
- [0.90063116, 0.72241426, 0.36048078],
- [0.90460357, 0.72727973, 0.35822182],
- [0.90838133, 0.73225200, 0.35613912],
- [0.91198538, 0.73732011, 0.35422865],
- [0.91543398, 0.74247484, 0.35247885],
- [0.91874362, 0.74770790, 0.35087906],
- [0.92192980, 0.75301137, 0.34942166],
- [0.92500419, 0.75837970, 0.34809172],
- [0.92797854, 0.76380700, 0.34688102],
- [0.93086157, 0.76928918, 0.34577711],
- [0.93366225, 0.77482181, 0.34477250],
- [0.93638808, 0.78040128, 0.34385912],
- [0.93904454, 0.78602512, 0.34302699],
- [0.94163810, 0.79169016, 0.34227096],
- [0.94417281, 0.79739465, 0.34158253],
- [0.94665215, 0.80313705, 0.34095405],
- [0.94907990, 0.80891565, 0.34038010],
- [0.95146098, 0.81472804, 0.33985856],
- [0.95379530, 0.82057461, 0.33937898],
- [0.95608824, 0.82645270, 0.33894205],
- [0.95834009, 0.83236242, 0.33854004],
- [0.96055211, 0.83830332, 0.33816790],
- [0.96272833, 0.84427346, 0.33782579],
- [0.96486919, 0.85027282, 0.33750838],
- [0.96697533, 0.85630125, 0.33721124],
- [0.96904808, 0.86235823, 0.33693159],
- [0.97108858, 0.86844333, 0.33666665],
- [0.97309777, 0.87455623, 0.33641372],
- [0.97507640, 0.88069667, 0.33617010],
- [0.97702504, 0.88686452, 0.33593311],
- [0.97894412, 0.89305969, 0.33570012],
- [0.98083390, 0.89928217, 0.33546848],
- [0.98269451, 0.90553200, 0.33523558],
- [0.98452841, 0.91180809, 0.33500238],
- [0.98633465, 0.91811104, 0.33476499],
- [0.98811199, 0.92444153, 0.33451937],
- [0.98986009, 0.93079981, 0.33426289],
- [0.99158350, 0.93718382, 0.33400002],
- [0.99327819, 0.94359557, 0.33372312],
- [0.99494266, 0.95003581, 0.33342831]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00020752, 0.00021063, 0.00026451],
+ [0.00071257, 0.00073062, 0.00094948],
+ [0.00146225, 0.00151423, 0.00203025],
+ [0.00243079, 0.00254182, 0.00350650],
+ [0.00360050, 0.00380143, 0.00538382],
+ [0.00495756, 0.00528496, 0.00767079],
+ [0.00649035, 0.00698660, 0.01037767],
+ [0.00818873, 0.00890205, 0.01351553],
+ [0.01004331, 0.01102813, 0.01709677],
+ [0.01204552, 0.01336249, 0.02113358],
+ [0.01418695, 0.01590343, 0.02563962],
+ [0.01645970, 0.01864981, 0.03062802],
+ [0.01885585, 0.02160095, 0.03611293],
+ [0.02136760, 0.02475654, 0.04206180],
+ [0.02398731, 0.02811666, 0.04806272],
+ [0.02670699, 0.03168169, 0.05405266],
+ [0.02951882, 0.03545230, 0.06003560],
+ [0.03241486, 0.03942946, 0.06601491],
+ [0.03538693, 0.04349302, 0.07199371],
+ [0.03842653, 0.04751224, 0.07797503],
+ [0.04149896, 0.05150027, 0.08396098],
+ [0.04448307, 0.05546028, 0.08995333],
+ [0.04738356, 0.05939521, 0.09595374],
+ [0.05020066, 0.06330775, 0.10196364],
+ [0.05293426, 0.06720042, 0.10798419],
+ [0.05558396, 0.07107557, 0.11401631],
+ [0.05814908, 0.07493542, 0.12006072],
+ [0.06062867, 0.07878206, 0.12611792],
+ [0.06302145, 0.08261749, 0.13218830],
+ [0.06532561, 0.08644364, 0.13827248],
+ [0.06753971, 0.09026234, 0.14436984],
+ [0.06966178, 0.09407535, 0.15048004],
+ [0.07168900, 0.09788446, 0.15660339],
+ [0.07361907, 0.10169132, 0.16273878],
+ [0.07544903, 0.10549761, 0.16888548],
+ [0.07717549, 0.10930497, 0.17504266],
+ [0.07879489, 0.11311502, 0.18120905],
+ [0.08030370, 0.11692934, 0.18738273],
+ [0.08169692, 0.12074959, 0.19356280],
+ [0.08297031, 0.12457733, 0.19974675],
+ [0.08411886, 0.12841415, 0.20593219],
+ [0.08513701, 0.13226166, 0.21211653],
+ [0.08601877, 0.13612147, 0.21829678],
+ [0.08675772, 0.13999519, 0.22446947],
+ [0.08734703, 0.14388441, 0.23063064],
+ [0.08777872, 0.14779082, 0.23677629],
+ [0.08804482, 0.15171602, 0.24290141],
+ [0.08813724, 0.15566154, 0.24900005],
+ [0.08804546, 0.15962914, 0.25506690],
+ [0.08776032, 0.16362029, 0.26109451],
+ [0.08727107, 0.16763654, 0.26707532],
+ [0.08656611, 0.17167938, 0.27300102],
+ [0.08563339, 0.17575023, 0.27886221],
+ [0.08446054, 0.17985031, 0.28464843],
+ [0.08303505, 0.18398069, 0.29034804],
+ [0.08134352, 0.18814225, 0.29594861],
+ [0.07937315, 0.19233557, 0.30143634],
+ [0.07711134, 0.19656086, 0.30679645],
+ [0.07454755, 0.20081780, 0.31201284],
+ [0.07167261, 0.20510556, 0.31706873],
+ [0.06848091, 0.20942260, 0.32194659],
+ [0.06497150, 0.21376662, 0.32662863],
+ [0.06114941, 0.21813447, 0.33109734],
+ [0.05703060, 0.22252189, 0.33533591],
+ [0.05264149, 0.22692379, 0.33932936],
+ [0.04802437, 0.23133416, 0.34306519],
+ [0.04324242, 0.23574608, 0.34653426],
+ [0.03837989, 0.24015216, 0.34973158],
+ [0.03379849, 0.24454466, 0.35265678],
+ [0.02972020, 0.24891592, 0.35531430],
+ [0.02625390, 0.25325868, 0.35771319],
+ [0.02349768, 0.25756635, 0.35986660],
+ [0.02153598, 0.26183329, 0.36179099],
+ [0.02043807, 0.26605495, 0.36350511],
+ [0.02025786, 0.27022790, 0.36502908],
+ [0.02103461, 0.27434983, 0.36638345],
+ [0.02279504, 0.27841934, 0.36758867],
+ [0.02555405, 0.28243604, 0.36866411],
+ [0.02931797, 0.28640014, 0.36962819],
+ [0.03408545, 0.29031254, 0.37049756],
+ [0.03985004, 0.29417450, 0.37128759],
+ [0.04624921, 0.29798765, 0.37201207],
+ [0.05293050, 0.30175383, 0.37268321],
+ [0.05980831, 0.30547506, 0.37331172],
+ [0.06681349, 0.30915345, 0.37390694],
+ [0.07389469, 0.31279106, 0.37447779],
+ [0.08101487, 0.31639008, 0.37503071],
+ [0.08814613, 0.31995256, 0.37557280],
+ [0.09526879, 0.32348058, 0.37610904],
+ [0.10236830, 0.32697611, 0.37664425],
+ [0.10943415, 0.33044108, 0.37718260],
+ [0.11645887, 0.33387733, 0.37772763],
+ [0.12343728, 0.33728664, 0.37828237],
+ [0.13036591, 0.34067068, 0.37884938],
+ [0.13724257, 0.34403108, 0.37943080],
+ [0.14406552, 0.34736939, 0.38002895],
+ [0.15083456, 0.35068706, 0.38064500],
+ [0.15754958, 0.35398550, 0.38128032],
+ [0.16421063, 0.35726605, 0.38193627],
+ [0.17081856, 0.36052998, 0.38261349],
+ [0.17737419, 0.36377849, 0.38331271],
+ [0.18387812, 0.36701279, 0.38403481],
+ [0.19033183, 0.37023393, 0.38477982],
+ [0.19673640, 0.37344299, 0.38554806],
+ [0.20309296, 0.37664099, 0.38633973],
+ [0.20940252, 0.37982891, 0.38715507],
+ [0.21566653, 0.38300767, 0.38799379],
+ [0.22188620, 0.38617817, 0.38885572],
+ [0.22806276, 0.38934124, 0.38974059],
+ [0.23419741, 0.39249773, 0.39064804],
+ [0.24029137, 0.39564841, 0.39157761],
+ [0.24634568, 0.39879407, 0.39252888],
+ [0.25236157, 0.40193543, 0.39350116],
+ [0.25834028, 0.40507319, 0.39449368],
+ [0.26428296, 0.40820800, 0.39550559],
+ [0.27019078, 0.41134053, 0.39653600],
+ [0.27606463, 0.41447141, 0.39758415],
+ [0.28190579, 0.41760124, 0.39864883],
+ [0.28771554, 0.42073055, 0.39972873],
+ [0.29349483, 0.42385992, 0.40082281],
+ [0.29924488, 0.42698985, 0.40192965],
+ [0.30496712, 0.43012078, 0.40304756],
+ [0.31066236, 0.43325325, 0.40417542],
+ [0.31633235, 0.43638759, 0.40531107],
+ [0.32197812, 0.43952424, 0.40645307],
+ [0.32760132, 0.44266350, 0.40759926],
+ [0.33320328, 0.44580569, 0.40874782],
+ [0.33878575, 0.44895106, 0.40989644],
+ [0.34435023, 0.45209983, 0.41104309],
+ [0.34989878, 0.45525212, 0.41218514],
+ [0.35543298, 0.45840807, 0.41332053],
+ [0.36095521, 0.46156768, 0.41444635],
+ [0.36646745, 0.46473094, 0.41556022],
+ [0.37197210, 0.46789774, 0.41665936],
+ [0.37747172, 0.47106790, 0.41774095],
+ [0.38296870, 0.47424121, 0.41880247],
+ [0.38846601, 0.47741730, 0.41984090],
+ [0.39396655, 0.48059577, 0.42085348],
+ [0.39947319, 0.48377615, 0.42183768],
+ [0.40498925, 0.48695786, 0.42279062],
+ [0.41051795, 0.49014025, 0.42370977],
+ [0.41606251, 0.49332262, 0.42459285],
+ [0.42162640, 0.49650417, 0.42543744],
+ [0.42721300, 0.49968405, 0.42624146],
+ [0.43282565, 0.50286136, 0.42700311],
+ [0.43846767, 0.50603517, 0.42772078],
+ [0.44414231, 0.50920449, 0.42839306],
+ [0.44985267, 0.51236835, 0.42901888],
+ [0.45560165, 0.51552576, 0.42959752],
+ [0.46139200, 0.51867573, 0.43012845],
+ [0.46722624, 0.52181731, 0.43061144],
+ [0.47310659, 0.52494958, 0.43104660],
+ [0.47903502, 0.52807166, 0.43143428],
+ [0.48501320, 0.53118276, 0.43177504],
+ [0.49104250, 0.53428214, 0.43206970],
+ [0.49712395, 0.53736913, 0.43231925],
+ [0.50325836, 0.54044315, 0.43252479],
+ [0.50944616, 0.54350372, 0.43268762],
+ [0.51568751, 0.54655044, 0.43280910],
+ [0.52198236, 0.54958300, 0.43289061],
+ [0.52833046, 0.55260115, 0.43293348],
+ [0.53473119, 0.55560478, 0.43293920],
+ [0.54118384, 0.55859384, 0.43290916],
+ [0.54768765, 0.56156830, 0.43284446],
+ [0.55424153, 0.56452828, 0.43274638],
+ [0.56084431, 0.56747393, 0.43261609],
+ [0.56749490, 0.57040544, 0.43245438],
+ [0.57419204, 0.57332307, 0.43226201],
+ [0.58093425, 0.57622716, 0.43203985],
+ [0.58772038, 0.57911802, 0.43178814],
+ [0.59454903, 0.58199603, 0.43150722],
+ [0.60141862, 0.58486168, 0.43119751],
+ [0.60832828, 0.58771527, 0.43085836],
+ [0.61527618, 0.59055742, 0.43049016],
+ [0.62226129, 0.59338853, 0.43009211],
+ [0.62928218, 0.59620917, 0.42966375],
+ [0.63633758, 0.59901987, 0.42920428],
+ [0.64342627, 0.60182118, 0.42871265],
+ [0.65054696, 0.60461371, 0.42818767],
+ [0.65769830, 0.60739812, 0.42762811],
+ [0.66487935, 0.61017495, 0.42703193],
+ [0.67208831, 0.61294507, 0.42639798],
+ [0.67932449, 0.61570901, 0.42572344],
+ [0.68658624, 0.61846767, 0.42500637],
+ [0.69387202, 0.62122196, 0.42424445],
+ [0.70118041, 0.62397277, 0.42343475],
+ [0.70851036, 0.62672091, 0.42257341],
+ [0.71585967, 0.62946768, 0.42165765],
+ [0.72322649, 0.63221428, 0.42068362],
+ [0.73060876, 0.63496208, 0.41964712],
+ [0.73800413, 0.63771263, 0.41854357],
+ [0.74540986, 0.64046769, 0.41736803],
+ [0.75282281, 0.64322931, 0.41611516],
+ [0.76023991, 0.64599959, 0.41477824],
+ [0.76765649, 0.64878139, 0.41335153],
+ [0.77506719, 0.65157798, 0.41182874],
+ [0.78246720, 0.65439262, 0.41020076],
+ [0.78984818, 0.65723008, 0.40846192],
+ [0.79720284, 0.66009502, 0.40660215],
+ [0.80452028, 0.66299374, 0.40461461],
+ [0.81178825, 0.66593337, 0.40249154],
+ [0.81899203, 0.66892235, 0.40022604],
+ [0.82611389, 0.67197061, 0.39781323],
+ [0.83313277, 0.67508974, 0.39525137],
+ [0.84002473, 0.67829273, 0.39254203],
+ [0.84676184, 0.68159424, 0.38969494],
+ [0.85331446, 0.68500962, 0.38672638],
+ [0.85965199, 0.68855417, 0.38366248],
+ [0.86574578, 0.69224176, 0.38053815],
+ [0.87157189, 0.69608335, 0.37739599],
+ [0.87711399, 0.70008565, 0.37428259],
+ [0.88236530, 0.70425031, 0.37124278],
+ [0.88732859, 0.70857409, 0.36831738],
+ [0.89201521, 0.71304965, 0.36553621],
+ [0.89644246, 0.71766689, 0.36292043],
+ [0.90063116, 0.72241426, 0.36048078],
+ [0.90460357, 0.72727973, 0.35822182],
+ [0.90838133, 0.73225200, 0.35613912],
+ [0.91198538, 0.73732011, 0.35422865],
+ [0.91543398, 0.74247484, 0.35247885],
+ [0.91874362, 0.74770790, 0.35087906],
+ [0.92192980, 0.75301137, 0.34942166],
+ [0.92500419, 0.75837970, 0.34809172],
+ [0.92797854, 0.76380700, 0.34688102],
+ [0.93086157, 0.76928918, 0.34577711],
+ [0.93366225, 0.77482181, 0.34477250],
+ [0.93638808, 0.78040128, 0.34385912],
+ [0.93904454, 0.78602512, 0.34302699],
+ [0.94163810, 0.79169016, 0.34227096],
+ [0.94417281, 0.79739465, 0.34158253],
+ [0.94665215, 0.80313705, 0.34095405],
+ [0.94907990, 0.80891565, 0.34038010],
+ [0.95146098, 0.81472804, 0.33985856],
+ [0.95379530, 0.82057461, 0.33937898],
+ [0.95608824, 0.82645270, 0.33894205],
+ [0.95834009, 0.83236242, 0.33854004],
+ [0.96055211, 0.83830332, 0.33816790],
+ [0.96272833, 0.84427346, 0.33782579],
+ [0.96486919, 0.85027282, 0.33750838],
+ [0.96697533, 0.85630125, 0.33721124],
+ [0.96904808, 0.86235823, 0.33693159],
+ [0.97108858, 0.86844333, 0.33666665],
+ [0.97309777, 0.87455623, 0.33641372],
+ [0.97507640, 0.88069667, 0.33617010],
+ [0.97702504, 0.88686452, 0.33593311],
+ [0.97894412, 0.89305969, 0.33570012],
+ [0.98083390, 0.89928217, 0.33546848],
+ [0.98269451, 0.90553200, 0.33523558],
+ [0.98452841, 0.91180809, 0.33500238],
+ [0.98633465, 0.91811104, 0.33476499],
+ [0.98811199, 0.92444153, 0.33451937],
+ [0.98986009, 0.93079981, 0.33426289],
+ [0.99158350, 0.93718382, 0.33400002],
+ [0.99327819, 0.94359557, 0.33372312],
+ [0.99494266, 0.95003581, 0.33342831],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.eclipse', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.eclipse", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/ember/ember.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/ember/ember.jscm
index a2908e05..4eab7607 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/ember/ember.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/ember/ember.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/ember/ember.py b/cmasher/colormaps/ember/ember.py
index 902f1585..1a729389 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/ember/ember.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/ember/ember.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00017349, 0.00019533, 0.00025655],
- [0.00059221, 0.00067750, 0.00092984],
- [0.00121203, 0.00140234, 0.00200731],
- [0.00201644, 0.00234817, 0.00349882],
- [0.00299956, 0.00349901, 0.00541963],
- [0.00416255, 0.00484105, 0.00778710],
- [0.00551226, 0.00636121, 0.01061897],
- [0.00706076, 0.00804639, 0.01393240],
- [0.00882503, 0.00988326, 0.01774150],
- [0.01082647, 0.01185807, 0.02205744],
- [0.01309032, 0.01395686, 0.02688592],
- [0.01564467, 0.01616578, 0.03222658],
- [0.01851927, 0.01847146, 0.03807261],
- [0.02174414, 0.02086148, 0.04423843],
- [0.02534829, 0.02332468, 0.05031776],
- [0.02935885, 0.02585131, 0.05630031],
- [0.03380051, 0.02843306, 0.06217914],
- [0.03869539, 0.03106288, 0.06794949],
- [0.04391432, 0.03373472, 0.07360907],
- [0.04919604, 0.03644326, 0.07915750],
- [0.05454023, 0.03918377, 0.08459591],
- [0.05994022, 0.04191092, 0.08992649],
- [0.06539041, 0.04454725, 0.09515237],
- [0.07088571, 0.04710653, 0.10027668],
- [0.07642223, 0.04959208, 0.10530298],
- [0.08199630, 0.05200710, 0.11023442],
- [0.08760543, 0.05435397, 0.11507442],
- [0.09324732, 0.05663497, 0.11982592],
- [0.09892011, 0.05885206, 0.12449165],
- [0.10462229, 0.06100695, 0.12907411],
- [0.11035269, 0.06310110, 0.13357554],
- [0.11611032, 0.06513579, 0.13799796],
- [0.12189405, 0.06711239, 0.14234302],
- [0.12770344, 0.06903174, 0.14661238],
- [0.13353792, 0.07089473, 0.15080742],
- [0.13939664, 0.07270240, 0.15492926],
- [0.14527950, 0.07445523, 0.15897902],
- [0.15118585, 0.07615405, 0.16295756],
- [0.15711534, 0.07779942, 0.16686569],
- [0.16306781, 0.07939174, 0.17070409],
- [0.16904279, 0.08093159, 0.17447334],
- [0.17503989, 0.08241944, 0.17817391],
- [0.18105903, 0.08385552, 0.18180624],
- [0.18709992, 0.08524014, 0.18537066],
- [0.19316229, 0.08657359, 0.18886747],
- [0.19924590, 0.08785609, 0.19229686],
- [0.20535051, 0.08908784, 0.19565901],
- [0.21147591, 0.09026896, 0.19895405],
- [0.21762187, 0.09139956, 0.20218203],
- [0.22378819, 0.09247971, 0.20534299],
- [0.22997467, 0.09350942, 0.20843692],
- [0.23618110, 0.09448869, 0.21146377],
- [0.24240729, 0.09541747, 0.21442345],
- [0.24865303, 0.09629569, 0.21731585],
- [0.25491815, 0.09712324, 0.22014081],
- [0.26120243, 0.09789997, 0.22289815],
- [0.26750567, 0.09862571, 0.22558766],
- [0.27382768, 0.09930026, 0.22820910],
- [0.28016821, 0.09992344, 0.23076222],
- [0.28652709, 0.10049495, 0.23324670],
- [0.29290412, 0.10101448, 0.23566222],
- [0.29929909, 0.10148169, 0.23800843],
- [0.30571178, 0.10189625, 0.24028496],
- [0.31214195, 0.10225778, 0.24249139],
- [0.31858937, 0.10256590, 0.24462733],
- [0.32505382, 0.10282011, 0.24669229],
- [0.33153506, 0.10301998, 0.24868579],
- [0.33803282, 0.10316499, 0.25060735],
- [0.34454684, 0.10325464, 0.25245644],
- [0.35107688, 0.10328834, 0.25423248],
- [0.35762262, 0.10326554, 0.25593491],
- [0.36418378, 0.10318562, 0.25756313],
- [0.37076004, 0.10304797, 0.25911650],
- [0.37735107, 0.10285192, 0.26059439],
- [0.38395657, 0.10259675, 0.26199608],
- [0.39057617, 0.10228176, 0.26332089],
- [0.39720948, 0.10190626, 0.26456809],
- [0.40385611, 0.10146948, 0.26573694],
- [0.41051564, 0.10097068, 0.26682666],
- [0.41718763, 0.10040907, 0.26783645],
- [0.42387163, 0.09978383, 0.26876549],
- [0.43056722, 0.09909406, 0.26961286],
- [0.43727383, 0.09833905, 0.27037774],
- [0.44399090, 0.09751796, 0.27105923],
- [0.45071788, 0.09662999, 0.27165640],
- [0.45745416, 0.09567434, 0.27216832],
- [0.46419910, 0.09465021, 0.27259402],
- [0.47095201, 0.09355687, 0.27293249],
- [0.47771219, 0.09239358, 0.27318273],
- [0.48447885, 0.09115970, 0.27334370],
- [0.49125120, 0.08985466, 0.27341437],
- [0.49802837, 0.08847796, 0.27339366],
- [0.50480943, 0.08702925, 0.27328050],
- [0.51159341, 0.08550832, 0.27307380],
- [0.51837934, 0.08391501, 0.27277238],
- [0.52516613, 0.08224945, 0.27237510],
- [0.53195254, 0.08051228, 0.27188094],
- [0.53873730, 0.07870435, 0.27128882],
- [0.54551907, 0.07682692, 0.27059766],
- [0.55229662, 0.07488124, 0.26980608],
- [0.55906835, 0.07286990, 0.26891316],
- [0.56583253, 0.07079626, 0.26791804],
- [0.57258771, 0.06866360, 0.26681931],
- [0.57933193, 0.06647729, 0.26561621],
- [0.58606325, 0.06424367, 0.26430788],
- [0.59277979, 0.06197002, 0.26289314],
- [0.59947918, 0.05966658, 0.26137160],
- [0.60615929, 0.05734455, 0.25974222],
- [0.61281759, 0.05501854, 0.25800460],
- [0.61945139, 0.05270628, 0.25615853],
- [0.62605826, 0.05042744, 0.25420305],
- [0.63263505, 0.04820781, 0.25213867],
- [0.63917874, 0.04607650, 0.24996544],
- [0.64568614, 0.04406738, 0.24768365],
- [0.65215403, 0.04221892, 0.24529361],
- [0.65857878, 0.04057534, 0.24279654],
- [0.66495673, 0.03917498, 0.24019368],
- [0.67128412, 0.03809881, 0.23748664],
- [0.67755703, 0.03738500, 0.23467744],
- [0.68377146, 0.03707101, 0.23176853],
- [0.68992334, 0.03719575, 0.22876282],
- [0.69600854, 0.03779932, 0.22566367],
- [0.70202299, 0.03892272, 0.22247481],
- [0.70796252, 0.04060518, 0.21920081],
- [0.71382312, 0.04281527, 0.21584653],
- [0.71960090, 0.04555099, 0.21241731],
- [0.72529217, 0.04879068, 0.20891881],
- [0.73089342, 0.05250438, 0.20535724],
- [0.73640145, 0.05665649, 0.20173920],
- [0.74181339, 0.06120823, 0.19807139],
- [0.74712677, 0.06611983, 0.19436077],
- [0.75233948, 0.07135215, 0.19061439],
- [0.75744991, 0.07686772, 0.18683921],
- [0.76245686, 0.08263149, 0.18304222],
- [0.76735964, 0.08861113, 0.17923010],
- [0.77215800, 0.09477718, 0.17540912],
- [0.77685215, 0.10110303, 0.17158523],
- [0.78144269, 0.10756477, 0.16776400],
- [0.78593066, 0.11414097, 0.16395065],
- [0.79031742, 0.12081273, 0.16014938],
- [0.79460464, 0.12756326, 0.15636407],
- [0.79879424, 0.13437776, 0.15259798],
- [0.80288839, 0.14124323, 0.14885380],
- [0.80688938, 0.14814834, 0.14513362],
- [0.81079969, 0.15508309, 0.14143925],
- [0.81462184, 0.16203887, 0.13777184],
- [0.81835836, 0.16900849, 0.13413165],
- [0.82201181, 0.17598572, 0.13051869],
- [0.82558491, 0.18296465, 0.12693377],
- [0.82908005, 0.18994124, 0.12337539],
- [0.83249982, 0.19691138, 0.11984331],
- [0.83584655, 0.20387208, 0.11633606],
- [0.83912274, 0.21082034, 0.11285311],
- [0.84233043, 0.21775456, 0.10939203],
- [0.84547192, 0.22467268, 0.10595188],
- [0.84854935, 0.23157321, 0.10253126],
- [0.85156453, 0.23845546, 0.09912776],
- [0.85451935, 0.24531865, 0.09573962],
- [0.85741560, 0.25216222, 0.09236499],
- [0.86025494, 0.25898585, 0.08900196],
- [0.86303895, 0.26578944, 0.08564856],
- [0.86576909, 0.27257301, 0.08230278],
- [0.86844672, 0.27933676, 0.07896256],
- [0.87107311, 0.28608100, 0.07562583],
- [0.87364960, 0.29280584, 0.07229109],
- [0.87617742, 0.29951158, 0.06895674],
- [0.87865734, 0.30619915, 0.06561995],
- [0.88109037, 0.31286901, 0.06227903],
- [0.88347791, 0.31952107, 0.05893377],
- [0.88582012, 0.32615688, 0.05558035],
- [0.88811848, 0.33277612, 0.05221941],
- [0.89037312, 0.33938027, 0.04884759],
- [0.89258534, 0.34596912, 0.04546571],
- [0.89475509, 0.35254428, 0.04207040],
- [0.89688378, 0.35910531, 0.03865698],
- [0.89897132, 0.36565369, 0.03535486],
- [0.90101819, 0.37219010, 0.03221081],
- [0.90302556, 0.37871430, 0.02922685],
- [0.90499322, 0.38522773, 0.02640095],
- [0.90692160, 0.39173097, 0.02373367],
- [0.90881111, 0.39822457, 0.02122584],
- [0.91066237, 0.40470882, 0.01887928],
- [0.91247553, 0.41118450, 0.01669477],
- [0.91425074, 0.41765232, 0.01467355],
- [0.91598827, 0.42411283, 0.01281748],
- [0.91768836, 0.43056659, 0.01112866],
- [0.91935119, 0.43701414, 0.00960944],
- [0.92097696, 0.44345602, 0.00826240],
- [0.92256581, 0.44989274, 0.00709035],
- [0.92411787, 0.45632484, 0.00609634],
- [0.92563324, 0.46275282, 0.00528364],
- [0.92711202, 0.46917718, 0.00465574],
- [0.92855425, 0.47559841, 0.00421637],
- [0.92995998, 0.48201699, 0.00396944],
- [0.93132934, 0.48843330, 0.00391931],
- [0.93266260, 0.49484757, 0.00407079],
- [0.93395944, 0.50126052, 0.00442786],
- [0.93521984, 0.50767260, 0.00499531],
- [0.93644377, 0.51408422, 0.00577811],
- [0.93763131, 0.52049570, 0.00678164],
- [0.93878286, 0.52690705, 0.00801202],
- [0.93989780, 0.53331914, 0.00947390],
- [0.94097604, 0.53973234, 0.01117305],
- [0.94201800, 0.54614663, 0.01311613],
- [0.94302350, 0.55256245, 0.01530913],
- [0.94399205, 0.55898045, 0.01775781],
- [0.94492407, 0.56540055, 0.02046936],
- [0.94581941, 0.57182313, 0.02345037],
- [0.94667745, 0.57824886, 0.02670705],
- [0.94749906, 0.58467735, 0.03024754],
- [0.94828330, 0.59110947, 0.03407803],
- [0.94903036, 0.59754529, 0.03820619],
- [0.94974035, 0.60398491, 0.04256985],
- [0.95041255, 0.61042902, 0.04695588],
- [0.95104780, 0.61687720, 0.05136417],
- [0.95164477, 0.62333052, 0.05579248],
- [0.95220472, 0.62978827, 0.06024077],
- [0.95272605, 0.63625167, 0.06470738],
- [0.95321010, 0.64271996, 0.06919261],
- [0.95365529, 0.64919431, 0.07369536],
- [0.95406283, 0.65567405, 0.07821597],
- [0.95443136, 0.66216015, 0.08275377],
- [0.95476168, 0.66865224, 0.08730898],
- [0.95505298, 0.67515090, 0.09188131],
- [0.95530533, 0.68165618, 0.09647082],
- [0.95551873, 0.68816819, 0.10107749],
- [0.95569231, 0.69468751, 0.10570120],
- [0.95582710, 0.70121362, 0.11034214],
- [0.95592170, 0.70774740, 0.11500014],
- [0.95597639, 0.71428878, 0.11967526],
- [0.95599118, 0.72083780, 0.12436751],
- [0.95596516, 0.72739504, 0.12907682],
- [0.95589879, 0.73396029, 0.13380322],
- [0.95579151, 0.74053390, 0.13854665],
- [0.95564270, 0.74711627, 0.14330709],
- [0.95545271, 0.75370724, 0.14808447],
- [0.95522092, 0.76030718, 0.15287873],
- [0.95494670, 0.76691644, 0.15768983],
- [0.95463009, 0.77353503, 0.16251766],
- [0.95427085, 0.78016311, 0.16736214],
- [0.95386807, 0.78680113, 0.17222320],
- [0.95342137, 0.79344930, 0.17710075],
- [0.95293106, 0.80010747, 0.18199461],
- [0.95239596, 0.80677622, 0.18690475],
- [0.95181553, 0.81345580, 0.19183105],
- [0.95118934, 0.82014641, 0.19677340],
- [0.95051739, 0.82684801, 0.20173162],
- [0.94979844, 0.83356118, 0.20670566],
- [0.94903187, 0.84028615, 0.21169543],
- [0.94821703, 0.84702320, 0.21670082],
- [0.94735371, 0.85377234, 0.22172164],
- [0.94644078, 0.86053406, 0.22675786],
- [0.94547732, 0.86730868, 0.23180941],
- [0.94446250, 0.87409648, 0.23687620],
- [0.94339547, 0.88089777, 0.24195816]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00017349, 0.00019533, 0.00025655],
+ [0.00059221, 0.00067750, 0.00092984],
+ [0.00121203, 0.00140234, 0.00200731],
+ [0.00201644, 0.00234817, 0.00349882],
+ [0.00299956, 0.00349901, 0.00541963],
+ [0.00416255, 0.00484105, 0.00778710],
+ [0.00551226, 0.00636121, 0.01061897],
+ [0.00706076, 0.00804639, 0.01393240],
+ [0.00882503, 0.00988326, 0.01774150],
+ [0.01082647, 0.01185807, 0.02205744],
+ [0.01309032, 0.01395686, 0.02688592],
+ [0.01564467, 0.01616578, 0.03222658],
+ [0.01851927, 0.01847146, 0.03807261],
+ [0.02174414, 0.02086148, 0.04423843],
+ [0.02534829, 0.02332468, 0.05031776],
+ [0.02935885, 0.02585131, 0.05630031],
+ [0.03380051, 0.02843306, 0.06217914],
+ [0.03869539, 0.03106288, 0.06794949],
+ [0.04391432, 0.03373472, 0.07360907],
+ [0.04919604, 0.03644326, 0.07915750],
+ [0.05454023, 0.03918377, 0.08459591],
+ [0.05994022, 0.04191092, 0.08992649],
+ [0.06539041, 0.04454725, 0.09515237],
+ [0.07088571, 0.04710653, 0.10027668],
+ [0.07642223, 0.04959208, 0.10530298],
+ [0.08199630, 0.05200710, 0.11023442],
+ [0.08760543, 0.05435397, 0.11507442],
+ [0.09324732, 0.05663497, 0.11982592],
+ [0.09892011, 0.05885206, 0.12449165],
+ [0.10462229, 0.06100695, 0.12907411],
+ [0.11035269, 0.06310110, 0.13357554],
+ [0.11611032, 0.06513579, 0.13799796],
+ [0.12189405, 0.06711239, 0.14234302],
+ [0.12770344, 0.06903174, 0.14661238],
+ [0.13353792, 0.07089473, 0.15080742],
+ [0.13939664, 0.07270240, 0.15492926],
+ [0.14527950, 0.07445523, 0.15897902],
+ [0.15118585, 0.07615405, 0.16295756],
+ [0.15711534, 0.07779942, 0.16686569],
+ [0.16306781, 0.07939174, 0.17070409],
+ [0.16904279, 0.08093159, 0.17447334],
+ [0.17503989, 0.08241944, 0.17817391],
+ [0.18105903, 0.08385552, 0.18180624],
+ [0.18709992, 0.08524014, 0.18537066],
+ [0.19316229, 0.08657359, 0.18886747],
+ [0.19924590, 0.08785609, 0.19229686],
+ [0.20535051, 0.08908784, 0.19565901],
+ [0.21147591, 0.09026896, 0.19895405],
+ [0.21762187, 0.09139956, 0.20218203],
+ [0.22378819, 0.09247971, 0.20534299],
+ [0.22997467, 0.09350942, 0.20843692],
+ [0.23618110, 0.09448869, 0.21146377],
+ [0.24240729, 0.09541747, 0.21442345],
+ [0.24865303, 0.09629569, 0.21731585],
+ [0.25491815, 0.09712324, 0.22014081],
+ [0.26120243, 0.09789997, 0.22289815],
+ [0.26750567, 0.09862571, 0.22558766],
+ [0.27382768, 0.09930026, 0.22820910],
+ [0.28016821, 0.09992344, 0.23076222],
+ [0.28652709, 0.10049495, 0.23324670],
+ [0.29290412, 0.10101448, 0.23566222],
+ [0.29929909, 0.10148169, 0.23800843],
+ [0.30571178, 0.10189625, 0.24028496],
+ [0.31214195, 0.10225778, 0.24249139],
+ [0.31858937, 0.10256590, 0.24462733],
+ [0.32505382, 0.10282011, 0.24669229],
+ [0.33153506, 0.10301998, 0.24868579],
+ [0.33803282, 0.10316499, 0.25060735],
+ [0.34454684, 0.10325464, 0.25245644],
+ [0.35107688, 0.10328834, 0.25423248],
+ [0.35762262, 0.10326554, 0.25593491],
+ [0.36418378, 0.10318562, 0.25756313],
+ [0.37076004, 0.10304797, 0.25911650],
+ [0.37735107, 0.10285192, 0.26059439],
+ [0.38395657, 0.10259675, 0.26199608],
+ [0.39057617, 0.10228176, 0.26332089],
+ [0.39720948, 0.10190626, 0.26456809],
+ [0.40385611, 0.10146948, 0.26573694],
+ [0.41051564, 0.10097068, 0.26682666],
+ [0.41718763, 0.10040907, 0.26783645],
+ [0.42387163, 0.09978383, 0.26876549],
+ [0.43056722, 0.09909406, 0.26961286],
+ [0.43727383, 0.09833905, 0.27037774],
+ [0.44399090, 0.09751796, 0.27105923],
+ [0.45071788, 0.09662999, 0.27165640],
+ [0.45745416, 0.09567434, 0.27216832],
+ [0.46419910, 0.09465021, 0.27259402],
+ [0.47095201, 0.09355687, 0.27293249],
+ [0.47771219, 0.09239358, 0.27318273],
+ [0.48447885, 0.09115970, 0.27334370],
+ [0.49125120, 0.08985466, 0.27341437],
+ [0.49802837, 0.08847796, 0.27339366],
+ [0.50480943, 0.08702925, 0.27328050],
+ [0.51159341, 0.08550832, 0.27307380],
+ [0.51837934, 0.08391501, 0.27277238],
+ [0.52516613, 0.08224945, 0.27237510],
+ [0.53195254, 0.08051228, 0.27188094],
+ [0.53873730, 0.07870435, 0.27128882],
+ [0.54551907, 0.07682692, 0.27059766],
+ [0.55229662, 0.07488124, 0.26980608],
+ [0.55906835, 0.07286990, 0.26891316],
+ [0.56583253, 0.07079626, 0.26791804],
+ [0.57258771, 0.06866360, 0.26681931],
+ [0.57933193, 0.06647729, 0.26561621],
+ [0.58606325, 0.06424367, 0.26430788],
+ [0.59277979, 0.06197002, 0.26289314],
+ [0.59947918, 0.05966658, 0.26137160],
+ [0.60615929, 0.05734455, 0.25974222],
+ [0.61281759, 0.05501854, 0.25800460],
+ [0.61945139, 0.05270628, 0.25615853],
+ [0.62605826, 0.05042744, 0.25420305],
+ [0.63263505, 0.04820781, 0.25213867],
+ [0.63917874, 0.04607650, 0.24996544],
+ [0.64568614, 0.04406738, 0.24768365],
+ [0.65215403, 0.04221892, 0.24529361],
+ [0.65857878, 0.04057534, 0.24279654],
+ [0.66495673, 0.03917498, 0.24019368],
+ [0.67128412, 0.03809881, 0.23748664],
+ [0.67755703, 0.03738500, 0.23467744],
+ [0.68377146, 0.03707101, 0.23176853],
+ [0.68992334, 0.03719575, 0.22876282],
+ [0.69600854, 0.03779932, 0.22566367],
+ [0.70202299, 0.03892272, 0.22247481],
+ [0.70796252, 0.04060518, 0.21920081],
+ [0.71382312, 0.04281527, 0.21584653],
+ [0.71960090, 0.04555099, 0.21241731],
+ [0.72529217, 0.04879068, 0.20891881],
+ [0.73089342, 0.05250438, 0.20535724],
+ [0.73640145, 0.05665649, 0.20173920],
+ [0.74181339, 0.06120823, 0.19807139],
+ [0.74712677, 0.06611983, 0.19436077],
+ [0.75233948, 0.07135215, 0.19061439],
+ [0.75744991, 0.07686772, 0.18683921],
+ [0.76245686, 0.08263149, 0.18304222],
+ [0.76735964, 0.08861113, 0.17923010],
+ [0.77215800, 0.09477718, 0.17540912],
+ [0.77685215, 0.10110303, 0.17158523],
+ [0.78144269, 0.10756477, 0.16776400],
+ [0.78593066, 0.11414097, 0.16395065],
+ [0.79031742, 0.12081273, 0.16014938],
+ [0.79460464, 0.12756326, 0.15636407],
+ [0.79879424, 0.13437776, 0.15259798],
+ [0.80288839, 0.14124323, 0.14885380],
+ [0.80688938, 0.14814834, 0.14513362],
+ [0.81079969, 0.15508309, 0.14143925],
+ [0.81462184, 0.16203887, 0.13777184],
+ [0.81835836, 0.16900849, 0.13413165],
+ [0.82201181, 0.17598572, 0.13051869],
+ [0.82558491, 0.18296465, 0.12693377],
+ [0.82908005, 0.18994124, 0.12337539],
+ [0.83249982, 0.19691138, 0.11984331],
+ [0.83584655, 0.20387208, 0.11633606],
+ [0.83912274, 0.21082034, 0.11285311],
+ [0.84233043, 0.21775456, 0.10939203],
+ [0.84547192, 0.22467268, 0.10595188],
+ [0.84854935, 0.23157321, 0.10253126],
+ [0.85156453, 0.23845546, 0.09912776],
+ [0.85451935, 0.24531865, 0.09573962],
+ [0.85741560, 0.25216222, 0.09236499],
+ [0.86025494, 0.25898585, 0.08900196],
+ [0.86303895, 0.26578944, 0.08564856],
+ [0.86576909, 0.27257301, 0.08230278],
+ [0.86844672, 0.27933676, 0.07896256],
+ [0.87107311, 0.28608100, 0.07562583],
+ [0.87364960, 0.29280584, 0.07229109],
+ [0.87617742, 0.29951158, 0.06895674],
+ [0.87865734, 0.30619915, 0.06561995],
+ [0.88109037, 0.31286901, 0.06227903],
+ [0.88347791, 0.31952107, 0.05893377],
+ [0.88582012, 0.32615688, 0.05558035],
+ [0.88811848, 0.33277612, 0.05221941],
+ [0.89037312, 0.33938027, 0.04884759],
+ [0.89258534, 0.34596912, 0.04546571],
+ [0.89475509, 0.35254428, 0.04207040],
+ [0.89688378, 0.35910531, 0.03865698],
+ [0.89897132, 0.36565369, 0.03535486],
+ [0.90101819, 0.37219010, 0.03221081],
+ [0.90302556, 0.37871430, 0.02922685],
+ [0.90499322, 0.38522773, 0.02640095],
+ [0.90692160, 0.39173097, 0.02373367],
+ [0.90881111, 0.39822457, 0.02122584],
+ [0.91066237, 0.40470882, 0.01887928],
+ [0.91247553, 0.41118450, 0.01669477],
+ [0.91425074, 0.41765232, 0.01467355],
+ [0.91598827, 0.42411283, 0.01281748],
+ [0.91768836, 0.43056659, 0.01112866],
+ [0.91935119, 0.43701414, 0.00960944],
+ [0.92097696, 0.44345602, 0.00826240],
+ [0.92256581, 0.44989274, 0.00709035],
+ [0.92411787, 0.45632484, 0.00609634],
+ [0.92563324, 0.46275282, 0.00528364],
+ [0.92711202, 0.46917718, 0.00465574],
+ [0.92855425, 0.47559841, 0.00421637],
+ [0.92995998, 0.48201699, 0.00396944],
+ [0.93132934, 0.48843330, 0.00391931],
+ [0.93266260, 0.49484757, 0.00407079],
+ [0.93395944, 0.50126052, 0.00442786],
+ [0.93521984, 0.50767260, 0.00499531],
+ [0.93644377, 0.51408422, 0.00577811],
+ [0.93763131, 0.52049570, 0.00678164],
+ [0.93878286, 0.52690705, 0.00801202],
+ [0.93989780, 0.53331914, 0.00947390],
+ [0.94097604, 0.53973234, 0.01117305],
+ [0.94201800, 0.54614663, 0.01311613],
+ [0.94302350, 0.55256245, 0.01530913],
+ [0.94399205, 0.55898045, 0.01775781],
+ [0.94492407, 0.56540055, 0.02046936],
+ [0.94581941, 0.57182313, 0.02345037],
+ [0.94667745, 0.57824886, 0.02670705],
+ [0.94749906, 0.58467735, 0.03024754],
+ [0.94828330, 0.59110947, 0.03407803],
+ [0.94903036, 0.59754529, 0.03820619],
+ [0.94974035, 0.60398491, 0.04256985],
+ [0.95041255, 0.61042902, 0.04695588],
+ [0.95104780, 0.61687720, 0.05136417],
+ [0.95164477, 0.62333052, 0.05579248],
+ [0.95220472, 0.62978827, 0.06024077],
+ [0.95272605, 0.63625167, 0.06470738],
+ [0.95321010, 0.64271996, 0.06919261],
+ [0.95365529, 0.64919431, 0.07369536],
+ [0.95406283, 0.65567405, 0.07821597],
+ [0.95443136, 0.66216015, 0.08275377],
+ [0.95476168, 0.66865224, 0.08730898],
+ [0.95505298, 0.67515090, 0.09188131],
+ [0.95530533, 0.68165618, 0.09647082],
+ [0.95551873, 0.68816819, 0.10107749],
+ [0.95569231, 0.69468751, 0.10570120],
+ [0.95582710, 0.70121362, 0.11034214],
+ [0.95592170, 0.70774740, 0.11500014],
+ [0.95597639, 0.71428878, 0.11967526],
+ [0.95599118, 0.72083780, 0.12436751],
+ [0.95596516, 0.72739504, 0.12907682],
+ [0.95589879, 0.73396029, 0.13380322],
+ [0.95579151, 0.74053390, 0.13854665],
+ [0.95564270, 0.74711627, 0.14330709],
+ [0.95545271, 0.75370724, 0.14808447],
+ [0.95522092, 0.76030718, 0.15287873],
+ [0.95494670, 0.76691644, 0.15768983],
+ [0.95463009, 0.77353503, 0.16251766],
+ [0.95427085, 0.78016311, 0.16736214],
+ [0.95386807, 0.78680113, 0.17222320],
+ [0.95342137, 0.79344930, 0.17710075],
+ [0.95293106, 0.80010747, 0.18199461],
+ [0.95239596, 0.80677622, 0.18690475],
+ [0.95181553, 0.81345580, 0.19183105],
+ [0.95118934, 0.82014641, 0.19677340],
+ [0.95051739, 0.82684801, 0.20173162],
+ [0.94979844, 0.83356118, 0.20670566],
+ [0.94903187, 0.84028615, 0.21169543],
+ [0.94821703, 0.84702320, 0.21670082],
+ [0.94735371, 0.85377234, 0.22172164],
+ [0.94644078, 0.86053406, 0.22675786],
+ [0.94547732, 0.86730868, 0.23180941],
+ [0.94446250, 0.87409648, 0.23687620],
+ [0.94339547, 0.88089777, 0.24195816],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.ember', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.ember", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/emerald/emerald.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/emerald/emerald.jscm
index 6e928a99..88110ba7 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/emerald/emerald.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/emerald/emerald.jscm
@@ -36,4 +36,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/emerald/emerald.py b/cmasher/colormaps/emerald/emerald.py
index 16585ac0..9294ffc2 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/emerald/emerald.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/emerald/emerald.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00017861, 0.00020267, 0.00016611],
- [0.00060987, 0.00070825, 0.00056492],
- [0.00124533, 0.00147776, 0.00114900],
- [0.00206179, 0.00249549, 0.00189491],
- [0.00304382, 0.00375232, 0.00278676],
- [0.00417997, 0.00524234, 0.00381243],
- [0.00546119, 0.00696146, 0.00496219],
- [0.00687998, 0.00890681, 0.00622782],
- [0.00843003, 0.01107632, 0.00760227],
- [0.01010581, 0.01346857, 0.00907928],
- [0.01190249, 0.01608256, 0.01065331],
- [0.01381574, 0.01891770, 0.01231931],
- [0.01584160, 0.02197367, 0.01407265],
- [0.01797652, 0.02525040, 0.01590912],
- [0.02021719, 0.02874801, 0.01782477],
- [0.02256054, 0.03246683, 0.01981592],
- [0.02500371, 0.03640730, 0.02187911],
- [0.02754400, 0.04056787, 0.02401111],
- [0.03017888, 0.04474398, 0.02620884],
- [0.03290595, 0.04888427, 0.02846940],
- [0.03572290, 0.05299160, 0.03079003],
- [0.03862753, 0.05706852, 0.03316808],
- [0.04158856, 0.06111730, 0.03560101],
- [0.04449925, 0.06514000, 0.03808640],
- [0.04736808, 0.06913850, 0.04061880],
- [0.05019690, 0.07311448, 0.04310709],
- [0.05298738, 0.07706950, 0.04555185],
- [0.05574104, 0.08100499, 0.04795472],
- [0.05845927, 0.08492225, 0.05031724],
- [0.06114335, 0.08882250, 0.05264081],
- [0.06379444, 0.09270685, 0.05492672],
- [0.06641359, 0.09657636, 0.05717619],
- [0.06900179, 0.10043199, 0.05939033],
- [0.07155993, 0.10427465, 0.06157020],
- [0.07408886, 0.10810518, 0.06371678],
- [0.07658932, 0.11192439, 0.06583098],
- [0.07906206, 0.11573301, 0.06791371],
- [0.08150770, 0.11953175, 0.06996574],
- [0.08392684, 0.12332129, 0.07198784],
- [0.08632003, 0.12710224, 0.07398074],
- [0.08868778, 0.13087522, 0.07594510],
- [0.09103058, 0.13464077, 0.07788162],
- [0.09334884, 0.13839944, 0.07979087],
- [0.09564295, 0.14215174, 0.08167344],
- [0.09791327, 0.14589817, 0.08352988],
- [0.10016014, 0.14963917, 0.08536074],
- [0.10238387, 0.15337521, 0.08716650],
- [0.10458471, 0.15710672, 0.08894765],
- [0.10676291, 0.16083409, 0.09070464],
- [0.10891870, 0.16455773, 0.09243792],
- [0.11105226, 0.16827801, 0.09414792],
- [0.11316376, 0.17199530, 0.09583502],
- [0.11525334, 0.17570996, 0.09749963],
- [0.11732115, 0.17942231, 0.09914212],
- [0.11936727, 0.18313269, 0.10076285],
- [0.12139179, 0.18684142, 0.10236217],
- [0.12339478, 0.19054880, 0.10394042],
- [0.12537626, 0.19425514, 0.10549793],
- [0.12733627, 0.19796073, 0.10703502],
- [0.12927481, 0.20166583, 0.10855199],
- [0.13119186, 0.20537074, 0.11004916],
- [0.13308738, 0.20907573, 0.11152680],
- [0.13496133, 0.21278104, 0.11298522],
- [0.13681362, 0.21648694, 0.11442469],
- [0.13864418, 0.22019367, 0.11584550],
- [0.14045286, 0.22390149, 0.11724789],
- [0.14223956, 0.22761062, 0.11863216],
- [0.14400414, 0.23132131, 0.11999858],
- [0.14574641, 0.23503377, 0.12134741],
- [0.14746617, 0.23874826, 0.12267888],
- [0.14916322, 0.24246498, 0.12399326],
- [0.15083734, 0.24618415, 0.12529084],
- [0.15248828, 0.24990599, 0.12657186],
- [0.15411576, 0.25363071, 0.12783660],
- [0.15571947, 0.25735853, 0.12908527],
- [0.15729908, 0.26108966, 0.13031816],
- [0.15885428, 0.26482431, 0.13153555],
- [0.16038469, 0.26856266, 0.13273771],
- [0.16188993, 0.27230494, 0.13392491],
- [0.16336956, 0.27605135, 0.13509744],
- [0.16482313, 0.27980207, 0.13625557],
- [0.16625017, 0.28355733, 0.13739961],
- [0.16765014, 0.28731732, 0.13852981],
- [0.16902252, 0.29108224, 0.13964652],
- [0.17036674, 0.29485228, 0.14075006],
- [0.17168219, 0.29862766, 0.14184077],
- [0.17296821, 0.30240855, 0.14291899],
- [0.17422413, 0.30619518, 0.14398507],
- [0.17544921, 0.30998774, 0.14503939],
- [0.17664268, 0.31378642, 0.14608235],
- [0.17780372, 0.31759145, 0.14711435],
- [0.17893141, 0.32140302, 0.14813579],
- [0.18002485, 0.32522135, 0.14914713],
- [0.18108308, 0.32904663, 0.15014887],
- [0.18210506, 0.33287908, 0.15114153],
- [0.18308970, 0.33671891, 0.15212564],
- [0.18403584, 0.34056633, 0.15310179],
- [0.18494208, 0.34442160, 0.15407046],
- [0.18580719, 0.34828491, 0.15503236],
- [0.18662985, 0.35215648, 0.15598826],
- [0.18740842, 0.35603656, 0.15693879],
- [0.18814125, 0.35992540, 0.15788468],
- [0.18882687, 0.36382318, 0.15882698],
- [0.18946306, 0.36773024, 0.15976628],
- [0.19004826, 0.37164673, 0.16070387],
- [0.19058000, 0.37557301, 0.16164050],
- [0.19105645, 0.37950925, 0.16257759],
- [0.19147470, 0.38345581, 0.16351601],
- [0.19183256, 0.38741290, 0.16445736],
- [0.19212722, 0.39138081, 0.16540304],
- [0.19235541, 0.39535988, 0.16635442],
- [0.19251406, 0.39935040, 0.16731330],
- [0.19259975, 0.40335265, 0.16828156],
- [0.19260869, 0.40736697, 0.16926118],
- [0.19253681, 0.41139368, 0.17025438],
- [0.19237971, 0.41543312, 0.17126357],
- [0.19213266, 0.41948563, 0.17229142],
- [0.19179056, 0.42355155, 0.17334090],
- [0.19134729, 0.42763133, 0.17441498],
- [0.19079730, 0.43172523, 0.17551751],
- [0.19013387, 0.43583363, 0.17665239],
- [0.18934945, 0.43995695, 0.17782386],
- [0.18843639, 0.44409553, 0.17903688],
- [0.18738627, 0.44824967, 0.18029689],
- [0.18618956, 0.45241976, 0.18160983],
- [0.18483599, 0.45660613, 0.18298235],
- [0.18331475, 0.46080900, 0.18442194],
- [0.18161393, 0.46502860, 0.18593691],
- [0.17972121, 0.46926499, 0.18753659],
- [0.17762323, 0.47351816, 0.18923123],
- [0.17530545, 0.47778802, 0.19103208],
- [0.17275373, 0.48207414, 0.19295169],
- [0.16995361, 0.48637590, 0.19500364],
- [0.16689090, 0.49069233, 0.19720251],
- [0.16355281, 0.49502206, 0.19956375],
- [0.15992882, 0.49936318, 0.20210329],
- [0.15601086, 0.50371337, 0.20483697],
- [0.15179735, 0.50806949, 0.20777995],
- [0.14729090, 0.51242802, 0.21094564],
- [0.14250303, 0.51678473, 0.21434476],
- [0.13745254, 0.52113509, 0.21798428],
- [0.13216660, 0.52547437, 0.22186658],
- [0.12668001, 0.52979790, 0.22598900],
- [0.12103297, 0.53410144, 0.23034393],
- [0.11527016, 0.53838131, 0.23491926],
- [0.10943708, 0.54263468, 0.23969957],
- [0.10358051, 0.54685949, 0.24466699],
- [0.09774411, 0.55105464, 0.24980287],
- [0.09197048, 0.55521972, 0.25508845],
- [0.08630094, 0.55935492, 0.26050567],
- [0.08077568, 0.56346093, 0.26603778],
- [0.07543362, 0.56753881, 0.27166980],
- [0.07031502, 0.57158986, 0.27738835],
- [0.06546241, 0.57561544, 0.28318159],
- [0.06091953, 0.57961707, 0.28903951],
- [0.05673544, 0.58359617, 0.29495298],
- [0.05295775, 0.58755426, 0.30091492],
- [0.04964095, 0.59149268, 0.30691822],
- [0.04683293, 0.59541283, 0.31295792],
- [0.04458111, 0.59931600, 0.31902925],
- [0.04292482, 0.60320339, 0.32512831],
- [0.04189597, 0.60707608, 0.33125097],
- [0.04150542, 0.61093521, 0.33739504],
- [0.04175238, 0.61478175, 0.34355775],
- [0.04261686, 0.61861665, 0.34973729],
- [0.04406952, 0.62244076, 0.35593085],
- [0.04606233, 0.62625493, 0.36213767],
- [0.04854397, 0.63005993, 0.36835625],
- [0.05145936, 0.63385649, 0.37458535],
- [0.05475327, 0.63764531, 0.38082399],
- [0.05837293, 0.64142702, 0.38707142],
- [0.06227185, 0.64520224, 0.39332618],
- [0.06640543, 0.64897155, 0.39958813],
- [0.07073460, 0.65273552, 0.40585732],
- [0.07522992, 0.65649465, 0.41213163],
- [0.07985961, 0.66024947, 0.41841262],
- [0.08460358, 0.66400045, 0.42469783],
- [0.08943898, 0.66774805, 0.43098863],
- [0.09434958, 0.67149270, 0.43728442],
- [0.09932265, 0.67523485, 0.44358388],
- [0.10434494, 0.67897489, 0.44988784],
- [0.10940670, 0.68271322, 0.45619602],
- [0.11449973, 0.68645021, 0.46250818],
- [0.11961710, 0.69018624, 0.46882415],
- [0.12475298, 0.69392167, 0.47514382],
- [0.12990245, 0.69765685, 0.48146712],
- [0.13506138, 0.70139210, 0.48779402],
- [0.14022626, 0.70512776, 0.49412453],
- [0.14539415, 0.70886414, 0.50045870],
- [0.15056257, 0.71260156, 0.50679659],
- [0.15572990, 0.71634034, 0.51313745],
- [0.16089405, 0.72008077, 0.51948186],
- [0.16605342, 0.72382312, 0.52583024],
- [0.17120696, 0.72756769, 0.53218229],
- [0.17635391, 0.73131479, 0.53853740],
- [0.18149291, 0.73506465, 0.54489693],
- [0.18662370, 0.73881758, 0.55125969],
- [0.19174542, 0.74257381, 0.55762659],
- [0.19685768, 0.74633363, 0.56399739],
- [0.20196008, 0.75009729, 0.57037218],
- [0.20705228, 0.75386505, 0.57675108],
- [0.21213395, 0.75763714, 0.58313445],
- [0.21720506, 0.76141385, 0.58952167],
- [0.22226518, 0.76519536, 0.59591413],
- [0.22731448, 0.76898199, 0.60231033],
- [0.23235266, 0.77277393, 0.60871159],
- [0.23737964, 0.77657139, 0.61511823],
- [0.24239556, 0.78037469, 0.62152906],
- [0.24740026, 0.78418399, 0.62794527],
- [0.25239372, 0.78799952, 0.63436714],
- [0.25737596, 0.79182151, 0.64079474],
- [0.26234713, 0.79565025, 0.64722719],
- [0.26730714, 0.79948589, 0.65366572],
- [0.27225604, 0.80332865, 0.66011044],
- [0.27719388, 0.80717876, 0.66656151],
- [0.28212073, 0.81103643, 0.67301908],
- [0.28703665, 0.81490187, 0.67948333],
- [0.29194173, 0.81877534, 0.68595402],
- [0.29683601, 0.82265701, 0.69243175],
- [0.30171955, 0.82654708, 0.69891680],
- [0.30659245, 0.83044576, 0.70540939],
- [0.31145476, 0.83435326, 0.71190973],
- [0.31630657, 0.83826978, 0.71841807],
- [0.32114795, 0.84219551, 0.72493463],
- [0.32597899, 0.84613066, 0.73145966],
- [0.33079977, 0.85007542, 0.73799344],
- [0.33561037, 0.85402999, 0.74453621],
- [0.34041088, 0.85799456, 0.75108827],
- [0.34520137, 0.86196932, 0.75764989],
- [0.34998193, 0.86595446, 0.76422137],
- [0.35475266, 0.86995020, 0.77080262],
- [0.35951365, 0.87395670, 0.77739416],
- [0.36426496, 0.87797414, 0.78399641],
- [0.36900669, 0.88200270, 0.79060971],
- [0.37373892, 0.88604256, 0.79723437],
- [0.37846175, 0.89009390, 0.80387075],
- [0.38317526, 0.89415690, 0.81051918],
- [0.38787958, 0.89823178, 0.81717934],
- [0.39257478, 0.90231870, 0.82385194],
- [0.39726094, 0.90641779, 0.83053761],
- [0.40193815, 0.91052923, 0.83723672],
- [0.40660651, 0.91465319, 0.84394962],
- [0.41126620, 0.91878993, 0.85067551],
- [0.41591722, 0.92293952, 0.85741593],
- [0.42055969, 0.92710213, 0.86417129],
- [0.42519371, 0.93127794, 0.87094171],
- [0.42981947, 0.93546718, 0.87772666],
- [0.43443698, 0.93966993, 0.88452770],
- [0.43904634, 0.94388633, 0.89134526],
- [0.44364778, 0.94811665, 0.89817838],
- [0.44824131, 0.95236096, 0.90502854],
- [0.45282701, 0.95661940, 0.91189644],
- [0.45740515, 0.96089223, 0.91878106],
- [0.46197574, 0.96517952, 0.92568390],
- [0.46653884, 0.96948138, 0.93260574]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00017861, 0.00020267, 0.00016611],
+ [0.00060987, 0.00070825, 0.00056492],
+ [0.00124533, 0.00147776, 0.00114900],
+ [0.00206179, 0.00249549, 0.00189491],
+ [0.00304382, 0.00375232, 0.00278676],
+ [0.00417997, 0.00524234, 0.00381243],
+ [0.00546119, 0.00696146, 0.00496219],
+ [0.00687998, 0.00890681, 0.00622782],
+ [0.00843003, 0.01107632, 0.00760227],
+ [0.01010581, 0.01346857, 0.00907928],
+ [0.01190249, 0.01608256, 0.01065331],
+ [0.01381574, 0.01891770, 0.01231931],
+ [0.01584160, 0.02197367, 0.01407265],
+ [0.01797652, 0.02525040, 0.01590912],
+ [0.02021719, 0.02874801, 0.01782477],
+ [0.02256054, 0.03246683, 0.01981592],
+ [0.02500371, 0.03640730, 0.02187911],
+ [0.02754400, 0.04056787, 0.02401111],
+ [0.03017888, 0.04474398, 0.02620884],
+ [0.03290595, 0.04888427, 0.02846940],
+ [0.03572290, 0.05299160, 0.03079003],
+ [0.03862753, 0.05706852, 0.03316808],
+ [0.04158856, 0.06111730, 0.03560101],
+ [0.04449925, 0.06514000, 0.03808640],
+ [0.04736808, 0.06913850, 0.04061880],
+ [0.05019690, 0.07311448, 0.04310709],
+ [0.05298738, 0.07706950, 0.04555185],
+ [0.05574104, 0.08100499, 0.04795472],
+ [0.05845927, 0.08492225, 0.05031724],
+ [0.06114335, 0.08882250, 0.05264081],
+ [0.06379444, 0.09270685, 0.05492672],
+ [0.06641359, 0.09657636, 0.05717619],
+ [0.06900179, 0.10043199, 0.05939033],
+ [0.07155993, 0.10427465, 0.06157020],
+ [0.07408886, 0.10810518, 0.06371678],
+ [0.07658932, 0.11192439, 0.06583098],
+ [0.07906206, 0.11573301, 0.06791371],
+ [0.08150770, 0.11953175, 0.06996574],
+ [0.08392684, 0.12332129, 0.07198784],
+ [0.08632003, 0.12710224, 0.07398074],
+ [0.08868778, 0.13087522, 0.07594510],
+ [0.09103058, 0.13464077, 0.07788162],
+ [0.09334884, 0.13839944, 0.07979087],
+ [0.09564295, 0.14215174, 0.08167344],
+ [0.09791327, 0.14589817, 0.08352988],
+ [0.10016014, 0.14963917, 0.08536074],
+ [0.10238387, 0.15337521, 0.08716650],
+ [0.10458471, 0.15710672, 0.08894765],
+ [0.10676291, 0.16083409, 0.09070464],
+ [0.10891870, 0.16455773, 0.09243792],
+ [0.11105226, 0.16827801, 0.09414792],
+ [0.11316376, 0.17199530, 0.09583502],
+ [0.11525334, 0.17570996, 0.09749963],
+ [0.11732115, 0.17942231, 0.09914212],
+ [0.11936727, 0.18313269, 0.10076285],
+ [0.12139179, 0.18684142, 0.10236217],
+ [0.12339478, 0.19054880, 0.10394042],
+ [0.12537626, 0.19425514, 0.10549793],
+ [0.12733627, 0.19796073, 0.10703502],
+ [0.12927481, 0.20166583, 0.10855199],
+ [0.13119186, 0.20537074, 0.11004916],
+ [0.13308738, 0.20907573, 0.11152680],
+ [0.13496133, 0.21278104, 0.11298522],
+ [0.13681362, 0.21648694, 0.11442469],
+ [0.13864418, 0.22019367, 0.11584550],
+ [0.14045286, 0.22390149, 0.11724789],
+ [0.14223956, 0.22761062, 0.11863216],
+ [0.14400414, 0.23132131, 0.11999858],
+ [0.14574641, 0.23503377, 0.12134741],
+ [0.14746617, 0.23874826, 0.12267888],
+ [0.14916322, 0.24246498, 0.12399326],
+ [0.15083734, 0.24618415, 0.12529084],
+ [0.15248828, 0.24990599, 0.12657186],
+ [0.15411576, 0.25363071, 0.12783660],
+ [0.15571947, 0.25735853, 0.12908527],
+ [0.15729908, 0.26108966, 0.13031816],
+ [0.15885428, 0.26482431, 0.13153555],
+ [0.16038469, 0.26856266, 0.13273771],
+ [0.16188993, 0.27230494, 0.13392491],
+ [0.16336956, 0.27605135, 0.13509744],
+ [0.16482313, 0.27980207, 0.13625557],
+ [0.16625017, 0.28355733, 0.13739961],
+ [0.16765014, 0.28731732, 0.13852981],
+ [0.16902252, 0.29108224, 0.13964652],
+ [0.17036674, 0.29485228, 0.14075006],
+ [0.17168219, 0.29862766, 0.14184077],
+ [0.17296821, 0.30240855, 0.14291899],
+ [0.17422413, 0.30619518, 0.14398507],
+ [0.17544921, 0.30998774, 0.14503939],
+ [0.17664268, 0.31378642, 0.14608235],
+ [0.17780372, 0.31759145, 0.14711435],
+ [0.17893141, 0.32140302, 0.14813579],
+ [0.18002485, 0.32522135, 0.14914713],
+ [0.18108308, 0.32904663, 0.15014887],
+ [0.18210506, 0.33287908, 0.15114153],
+ [0.18308970, 0.33671891, 0.15212564],
+ [0.18403584, 0.34056633, 0.15310179],
+ [0.18494208, 0.34442160, 0.15407046],
+ [0.18580719, 0.34828491, 0.15503236],
+ [0.18662985, 0.35215648, 0.15598826],
+ [0.18740842, 0.35603656, 0.15693879],
+ [0.18814125, 0.35992540, 0.15788468],
+ [0.18882687, 0.36382318, 0.15882698],
+ [0.18946306, 0.36773024, 0.15976628],
+ [0.19004826, 0.37164673, 0.16070387],
+ [0.19058000, 0.37557301, 0.16164050],
+ [0.19105645, 0.37950925, 0.16257759],
+ [0.19147470, 0.38345581, 0.16351601],
+ [0.19183256, 0.38741290, 0.16445736],
+ [0.19212722, 0.39138081, 0.16540304],
+ [0.19235541, 0.39535988, 0.16635442],
+ [0.19251406, 0.39935040, 0.16731330],
+ [0.19259975, 0.40335265, 0.16828156],
+ [0.19260869, 0.40736697, 0.16926118],
+ [0.19253681, 0.41139368, 0.17025438],
+ [0.19237971, 0.41543312, 0.17126357],
+ [0.19213266, 0.41948563, 0.17229142],
+ [0.19179056, 0.42355155, 0.17334090],
+ [0.19134729, 0.42763133, 0.17441498],
+ [0.19079730, 0.43172523, 0.17551751],
+ [0.19013387, 0.43583363, 0.17665239],
+ [0.18934945, 0.43995695, 0.17782386],
+ [0.18843639, 0.44409553, 0.17903688],
+ [0.18738627, 0.44824967, 0.18029689],
+ [0.18618956, 0.45241976, 0.18160983],
+ [0.18483599, 0.45660613, 0.18298235],
+ [0.18331475, 0.46080900, 0.18442194],
+ [0.18161393, 0.46502860, 0.18593691],
+ [0.17972121, 0.46926499, 0.18753659],
+ [0.17762323, 0.47351816, 0.18923123],
+ [0.17530545, 0.47778802, 0.19103208],
+ [0.17275373, 0.48207414, 0.19295169],
+ [0.16995361, 0.48637590, 0.19500364],
+ [0.16689090, 0.49069233, 0.19720251],
+ [0.16355281, 0.49502206, 0.19956375],
+ [0.15992882, 0.49936318, 0.20210329],
+ [0.15601086, 0.50371337, 0.20483697],
+ [0.15179735, 0.50806949, 0.20777995],
+ [0.14729090, 0.51242802, 0.21094564],
+ [0.14250303, 0.51678473, 0.21434476],
+ [0.13745254, 0.52113509, 0.21798428],
+ [0.13216660, 0.52547437, 0.22186658],
+ [0.12668001, 0.52979790, 0.22598900],
+ [0.12103297, 0.53410144, 0.23034393],
+ [0.11527016, 0.53838131, 0.23491926],
+ [0.10943708, 0.54263468, 0.23969957],
+ [0.10358051, 0.54685949, 0.24466699],
+ [0.09774411, 0.55105464, 0.24980287],
+ [0.09197048, 0.55521972, 0.25508845],
+ [0.08630094, 0.55935492, 0.26050567],
+ [0.08077568, 0.56346093, 0.26603778],
+ [0.07543362, 0.56753881, 0.27166980],
+ [0.07031502, 0.57158986, 0.27738835],
+ [0.06546241, 0.57561544, 0.28318159],
+ [0.06091953, 0.57961707, 0.28903951],
+ [0.05673544, 0.58359617, 0.29495298],
+ [0.05295775, 0.58755426, 0.30091492],
+ [0.04964095, 0.59149268, 0.30691822],
+ [0.04683293, 0.59541283, 0.31295792],
+ [0.04458111, 0.59931600, 0.31902925],
+ [0.04292482, 0.60320339, 0.32512831],
+ [0.04189597, 0.60707608, 0.33125097],
+ [0.04150542, 0.61093521, 0.33739504],
+ [0.04175238, 0.61478175, 0.34355775],
+ [0.04261686, 0.61861665, 0.34973729],
+ [0.04406952, 0.62244076, 0.35593085],
+ [0.04606233, 0.62625493, 0.36213767],
+ [0.04854397, 0.63005993, 0.36835625],
+ [0.05145936, 0.63385649, 0.37458535],
+ [0.05475327, 0.63764531, 0.38082399],
+ [0.05837293, 0.64142702, 0.38707142],
+ [0.06227185, 0.64520224, 0.39332618],
+ [0.06640543, 0.64897155, 0.39958813],
+ [0.07073460, 0.65273552, 0.40585732],
+ [0.07522992, 0.65649465, 0.41213163],
+ [0.07985961, 0.66024947, 0.41841262],
+ [0.08460358, 0.66400045, 0.42469783],
+ [0.08943898, 0.66774805, 0.43098863],
+ [0.09434958, 0.67149270, 0.43728442],
+ [0.09932265, 0.67523485, 0.44358388],
+ [0.10434494, 0.67897489, 0.44988784],
+ [0.10940670, 0.68271322, 0.45619602],
+ [0.11449973, 0.68645021, 0.46250818],
+ [0.11961710, 0.69018624, 0.46882415],
+ [0.12475298, 0.69392167, 0.47514382],
+ [0.12990245, 0.69765685, 0.48146712],
+ [0.13506138, 0.70139210, 0.48779402],
+ [0.14022626, 0.70512776, 0.49412453],
+ [0.14539415, 0.70886414, 0.50045870],
+ [0.15056257, 0.71260156, 0.50679659],
+ [0.15572990, 0.71634034, 0.51313745],
+ [0.16089405, 0.72008077, 0.51948186],
+ [0.16605342, 0.72382312, 0.52583024],
+ [0.17120696, 0.72756769, 0.53218229],
+ [0.17635391, 0.73131479, 0.53853740],
+ [0.18149291, 0.73506465, 0.54489693],
+ [0.18662370, 0.73881758, 0.55125969],
+ [0.19174542, 0.74257381, 0.55762659],
+ [0.19685768, 0.74633363, 0.56399739],
+ [0.20196008, 0.75009729, 0.57037218],
+ [0.20705228, 0.75386505, 0.57675108],
+ [0.21213395, 0.75763714, 0.58313445],
+ [0.21720506, 0.76141385, 0.58952167],
+ [0.22226518, 0.76519536, 0.59591413],
+ [0.22731448, 0.76898199, 0.60231033],
+ [0.23235266, 0.77277393, 0.60871159],
+ [0.23737964, 0.77657139, 0.61511823],
+ [0.24239556, 0.78037469, 0.62152906],
+ [0.24740026, 0.78418399, 0.62794527],
+ [0.25239372, 0.78799952, 0.63436714],
+ [0.25737596, 0.79182151, 0.64079474],
+ [0.26234713, 0.79565025, 0.64722719],
+ [0.26730714, 0.79948589, 0.65366572],
+ [0.27225604, 0.80332865, 0.66011044],
+ [0.27719388, 0.80717876, 0.66656151],
+ [0.28212073, 0.81103643, 0.67301908],
+ [0.28703665, 0.81490187, 0.67948333],
+ [0.29194173, 0.81877534, 0.68595402],
+ [0.29683601, 0.82265701, 0.69243175],
+ [0.30171955, 0.82654708, 0.69891680],
+ [0.30659245, 0.83044576, 0.70540939],
+ [0.31145476, 0.83435326, 0.71190973],
+ [0.31630657, 0.83826978, 0.71841807],
+ [0.32114795, 0.84219551, 0.72493463],
+ [0.32597899, 0.84613066, 0.73145966],
+ [0.33079977, 0.85007542, 0.73799344],
+ [0.33561037, 0.85402999, 0.74453621],
+ [0.34041088, 0.85799456, 0.75108827],
+ [0.34520137, 0.86196932, 0.75764989],
+ [0.34998193, 0.86595446, 0.76422137],
+ [0.35475266, 0.86995020, 0.77080262],
+ [0.35951365, 0.87395670, 0.77739416],
+ [0.36426496, 0.87797414, 0.78399641],
+ [0.36900669, 0.88200270, 0.79060971],
+ [0.37373892, 0.88604256, 0.79723437],
+ [0.37846175, 0.89009390, 0.80387075],
+ [0.38317526, 0.89415690, 0.81051918],
+ [0.38787958, 0.89823178, 0.81717934],
+ [0.39257478, 0.90231870, 0.82385194],
+ [0.39726094, 0.90641779, 0.83053761],
+ [0.40193815, 0.91052923, 0.83723672],
+ [0.40660651, 0.91465319, 0.84394962],
+ [0.41126620, 0.91878993, 0.85067551],
+ [0.41591722, 0.92293952, 0.85741593],
+ [0.42055969, 0.92710213, 0.86417129],
+ [0.42519371, 0.93127794, 0.87094171],
+ [0.42981947, 0.93546718, 0.87772666],
+ [0.43443698, 0.93966993, 0.88452770],
+ [0.43904634, 0.94388633, 0.89134526],
+ [0.44364778, 0.94811665, 0.89817838],
+ [0.44824131, 0.95236096, 0.90502854],
+ [0.45282701, 0.95661940, 0.91189644],
+ [0.45740515, 0.96089223, 0.91878106],
+ [0.46197574, 0.96517952, 0.92568390],
+ [0.46653884, 0.96948138, 0.93260574],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.emerald', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.emerald", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/emergency/emergency.py b/cmasher/colormaps/emergency/emergency.py
index 8ace9af6..39464549 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/emergency/emergency.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/emergency/emergency.py
@@ -1,553 +1,555 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'cyclic'
+cm_type = "cyclic"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00019077, 0.00024831, 0.00026157],
- [0.00063461, 0.00087064, 0.00092705],
- [0.00126358, 0.00182192, 0.00196005],
- [0.00204134, 0.00308485, 0.00335177],
- [0.00294185, 0.00464987, 0.00510116],
- [0.00394442, 0.00651110, 0.00721106],
- [0.00503169, 0.00866477, 0.00968670],
- [0.00618851, 0.01110844, 0.01253504],
- [0.00740142, 0.01384057, 0.01576430],
- [0.00865822, 0.01686026, 0.01938384],
- [0.00994766, 0.02016707, 0.02340395],
- [0.01125933, 0.02376092, 0.02783582],
- [0.01258350, 0.02764199, 0.03269141],
- [0.01391097, 0.03181065, 0.03798357],
- [0.01523314, 0.03626741, 0.04359775],
- [0.01654187, 0.04100118, 0.04920422],
- [0.01782945, 0.04574650, 0.05480556],
- [0.01908855, 0.05044639, 0.06040690],
- [0.02031224, 0.05510441, 0.06601283],
- [0.02149386, 0.05972361, 0.07162752],
- [0.02262701, 0.06430671, 0.07725488],
- [0.02370605, 0.06885596, 0.08289817],
- [0.02472548, 0.07337337, 0.08856054],
- [0.02567977, 0.07786080, 0.09424518],
- [0.02656427, 0.08231975, 0.09995469],
- [0.02737474, 0.08675154, 0.10569150],
- [0.02810641, 0.09115746, 0.11145843],
- [0.02875623, 0.09553843, 0.11725734],
- [0.02932044, 0.09989540, 0.12309063],
- [0.02979633, 0.10422912, 0.12896020],
- [0.03018127, 0.10854024, 0.13486808],
- [0.03047338, 0.11282931, 0.14081598],
- [0.03067077, 0.11709679, 0.14680582],
- [0.03077294, 0.12134300, 0.15283893],
- [0.03077840, 0.12556831, 0.15891737],
- [0.03068789, 0.12977284, 0.16504219],
- [0.03050193, 0.13395672, 0.17121482],
- [0.03022082, 0.13812009, 0.17743699],
- [0.02984702, 0.14226289, 0.18370957],
- [0.02938280, 0.14638507, 0.19003378],
- [0.02883114, 0.15048652, 0.19641073],
- [0.02819537, 0.15456709, 0.20284163],
- [0.02748016, 0.15862656, 0.20932729],
- [0.02669076, 0.16266465, 0.21586855],
- [0.02583308, 0.16668105, 0.22246619],
- [0.02491384, 0.17067541, 0.22912091],
- [0.02394058, 0.17464735, 0.23583332],
- [0.02292170, 0.17859643, 0.24260396],
- [0.02186647, 0.18252219, 0.24943325],
- [0.02078507, 0.18642413, 0.25632151],
- [0.01968859, 0.19030172, 0.26326898],
- [0.01858904, 0.19415442, 0.27027579],
- [0.01749939, 0.19798164, 0.27734197],
- [0.01643335, 0.20178277, 0.28446755],
- [0.01540584, 0.20555721, 0.29165234],
- [0.01443291, 0.20930429, 0.29889595],
- [0.01353142, 0.21302338, 0.30619796],
- [0.01271909, 0.21671380, 0.31355792],
- [0.01201441, 0.22037488, 0.32097539],
- [0.01143762, 0.22400593, 0.32844934],
- [0.01100939, 0.22760628, 0.33597897],
- [0.01075097, 0.23117523, 0.34356357],
- [0.01068555, 0.23471211, 0.35120169],
- [0.01083628, 0.23821624, 0.35889238],
- [0.01122776, 0.24168696, 0.36663419],
- [0.01188527, 0.24512361, 0.37442569],
- [0.01283482, 0.24852555, 0.38226540],
- [0.01410346, 0.25189217, 0.39015153],
- [0.01571873, 0.25522287, 0.39808243],
- [0.01770909, 0.25851707, 0.40605612],
- [0.02010359, 0.26177422, 0.41407061],
- [0.02293179, 0.26499381, 0.42212391],
- [0.02622411, 0.26817536, 0.43021361],
- [0.03001110, 0.27131839, 0.43833771],
- [0.03432415, 0.27442253, 0.44649361],
- [0.03919489, 0.27748739, 0.45467885],
- [0.04446566, 0.28051261, 0.46289108],
- [0.04990117, 0.28349794, 0.47112747],
- [0.05549452, 0.28644313, 0.47938534],
- [0.06123158, 0.28934796, 0.48766207],
- [0.06710034, 0.29221229, 0.49595474],
- [0.07309044, 0.29503604, 0.50426042],
- [0.07919292, 0.29781915, 0.51257621],
- [0.08540000, 0.30056160, 0.52089921],
- [0.09170483, 0.30326347, 0.52922631],
- [0.09810133, 0.30592486, 0.53755442],
- [0.10458410, 0.30854594, 0.54588046],
- [0.11114828, 0.31112692, 0.55420130],
- [0.11778949, 0.31366805, 0.56251383],
- [0.12450367, 0.31616968, 0.57081479],
- [0.13128713, 0.31863218, 0.57910098],
- [0.13813645, 0.32105600, 0.58736917],
- [0.14504843, 0.32344161, 0.59561612],
- [0.15202010, 0.32578957, 0.60383856],
- [0.15904867, 0.32810047, 0.61203325],
- [0.16613148, 0.33037497, 0.62019688],
- [0.17326601, 0.33261378, 0.62832615],
- [0.18044987, 0.33481769, 0.63641773],
- [0.18768077, 0.33698750, 0.64446831],
- [0.19495650, 0.33912411, 0.65247456],
- [0.20227497, 0.34122844, 0.66043314],
- [0.20963413, 0.34330151, 0.66834068],
- [0.21703201, 0.34534435, 0.67619382],
- [0.22446672, 0.34735808, 0.68398918],
- [0.23193639, 0.34934388, 0.69172334],
- [0.23943922, 0.35130296, 0.69939290],
- [0.24697344, 0.35323662, 0.70699440],
- [0.25453733, 0.35514621, 0.71452439],
- [0.26212918, 0.35703314, 0.72197938],
- [0.26974734, 0.35889889, 0.72935583],
- [0.27739016, 0.36074500, 0.73665021],
- [0.28505600, 0.36257307, 0.74385892],
- [0.29274325, 0.36438479, 0.75097834],
- [0.30045030, 0.36618189, 0.75800479],
- [0.30817554, 0.36796619, 0.76493457],
- [0.31591738, 0.36973959, 0.77176390],
- [0.32367418, 0.37150405, 0.77848897],
- [0.33144433, 0.37326162, 0.78510591],
- [0.33922618, 0.37501441, 0.79161079],
- [0.34701804, 0.37676464, 0.79799960],
- [0.35481832, 0.37851456, 0.80426833],
- [0.36262520, 0.38026657, 0.81041281],
- [0.37043689, 0.38202316, 0.81642883],
- [0.37825155, 0.38378688, 0.82231212],
- [0.38606730, 0.38556040, 0.82805834],
- [0.39388234, 0.38734638, 0.83366313],
- [0.40169448, 0.38914777, 0.83912194],
- [0.40950162, 0.39096751, 0.84443020],
- [0.41730165, 0.39280861, 0.84958334],
- [0.42509225, 0.39467424, 0.85457666],
- [0.43287092, 0.39656771, 0.85940541],
- [0.44063530, 0.39849230, 0.86406486],
- [0.44838261, 0.40045154, 0.86855018],
- [0.45611006, 0.40244900, 0.87285658],
- [0.46381477, 0.40448831, 0.87697928],
- [0.47149353, 0.40657327, 0.88091353],
- [0.47914318, 0.40870767, 0.88465466],
- [0.48676015, 0.41089548, 0.88819812],
- [0.49434084, 0.41314065, 0.89153950],
- [0.50188145, 0.41544719, 0.89467459],
- [0.50937782, 0.41781922, 0.89759952],
- [0.51682592, 0.42026071, 0.90031063],
- [0.52422118, 0.42277577, 0.90280481],
- [0.53155901, 0.42536837, 0.90507938],
- [0.53883474, 0.42804237, 0.90713221],
- [0.54604340, 0.43080156, 0.90896194],
- [0.55317995, 0.43364954, 0.91056796],
- [0.56023931, 0.43658965, 0.91195055],
- [0.56721638, 0.43962496, 0.91311094],
- [0.57410600, 0.44275824, 0.91405153],
- [0.58090317, 0.44599181, 0.91477583],
- [0.58760302, 0.44932759, 0.91528857],
- [0.59420090, 0.45276698, 0.91559581],
- [0.60069248, 0.45631085, 0.91570488],
- [0.60707387, 0.45995948, 0.91562431],
- [0.61334161, 0.46371257, 0.91536387],
- [0.61949268, 0.46756921, 0.91493476],
- [0.62552486, 0.47152789, 0.91434869],
- [0.63143647, 0.47558651, 0.91361848],
- [0.63722642, 0.47974245, 0.91275794],
- [0.64289456, 0.48399260, 0.91178058],
- [0.64844110, 0.48833339, 0.91070124],
- [0.65386718, 0.49276094, 0.90953385],
- [0.65917451, 0.49727110, 0.90829252],
- [0.66436518, 0.50185944, 0.90699175],
- [0.66944201, 0.50652148, 0.90564465],
- [0.67440820, 0.51125268, 0.90426398],
- [0.67926729, 0.51604852, 0.90286189],
- [0.68402314, 0.52090454, 0.90144968],
- [0.68867980, 0.52581642, 0.90003774],
- [0.69324144, 0.53077983, 0.89863669],
- [0.69771246, 0.53579096, 0.89725413],
- [0.70209722, 0.54084604, 0.89589797],
- [0.70640004, 0.54594136, 0.89457637],
- [0.71062529, 0.55107379, 0.89329444],
- [0.71477718, 0.55624026, 0.89205788],
- [0.71885990, 0.56143770, 0.89087269],
- [0.72287745, 0.56666373, 0.88974192],
- [0.72683374, 0.57191593, 0.88866935],
- [0.73073251, 0.57719212, 0.88765816],
- [0.73457738, 0.58249033, 0.88671093],
- [0.73837177, 0.58780880, 0.88582970],
- [0.74211896, 0.59314596, 0.88501601],
- [0.74582227, 0.59850001, 0.88427291],
- [0.74948450, 0.60387005, 0.88359978],
- [0.75310846, 0.60925495, 0.88299728],
- [0.75669717, 0.61465320, 0.88246809],
- [0.76025279, 0.62006449, 0.88201004],
- [0.76377816, 0.62548742, 0.88162576],
- [0.76727536, 0.63092164, 0.88131383],
- [0.77074654, 0.63636656, 0.88107399],
- [0.77419411, 0.64182123, 0.88090765],
- [0.77761992, 0.64728537, 0.88081371],
- [0.78102580, 0.65275861, 0.88079157],
- [0.78441360, 0.65824055, 0.88084100],
- [0.78778507, 0.66373085, 0.88096161],
- [0.79114188, 0.66922920, 0.88115296],
- [0.79448559, 0.67473539, 0.88141450],
- [0.79781771, 0.68024923, 0.88174561],
- [0.80113966, 0.68577058, 0.88214560],
- [0.80445279, 0.69129935, 0.88261374],
- [0.80775868, 0.69683517, 0.88315027],
- [0.81105856, 0.70237805, 0.88375430],
- [0.81435339, 0.70792816, 0.88442431],
- [0.81764435, 0.71348545, 0.88515972],
- [0.82093327, 0.71904933, 0.88596184],
- [0.82422041, 0.72462052, 0.88682754],
- [0.82750741, 0.73019854, 0.88775777],
- [0.83079513, 0.73578358, 0.88875137],
- [0.83408458, 0.74137566, 0.88980771],
- [0.83737688, 0.74697473, 0.89092644],
- [0.84067301, 0.75258082, 0.89210699],
- [0.84397363, 0.75819420, 0.89334805],
- [0.84728043, 0.76381436, 0.89465087],
- [0.85059350, 0.76944199, 0.89601283],
- [0.85391425, 0.77507677, 0.89743458],
- [0.85724378, 0.78071861, 0.89891602],
- [0.86058250, 0.78636794, 0.90045553],
- [0.86393140, 0.79202473, 0.90205278],
- [0.86729199, 0.79768862, 0.90370867],
- [0.87066480, 0.80335990, 0.90542190],
- [0.87405066, 0.80903870, 0.90719184],
- [0.87745055, 0.81472498, 0.90901819],
- [0.88086548, 0.82041875, 0.91090071],
- [0.88429644, 0.82611996, 0.91283913],
- [0.88774454, 0.83182857, 0.91483331],
- [0.89121096, 0.83754444, 0.91688326],
- [0.89469656, 0.84326767, 0.91898831],
- [0.89820248, 0.84899818, 0.92114829],
- [0.90172990, 0.85473586, 0.92336308],
- [0.90528008, 0.86048059, 0.92563256],
- [0.90885432, 0.86623221, 0.92795670],
- [0.91245402, 0.87199051, 0.93033548],
- [0.91608070, 0.87775526, 0.93276905],
- [0.91973619, 0.88352599, 0.93525798],
- [0.92342201, 0.88930251, 0.93780216],
- [0.92714003, 0.89508439, 0.94040201],
- [0.93089226, 0.90087113, 0.94305810],
- [0.93468092, 0.90666216, 0.94577124],
- [0.93850836, 0.91245677, 0.94854257],
- [0.94237717, 0.91825419, 0.95137361],
- [0.94629052, 0.92405321, 0.95426732],
- [0.95025085, 0.92985303, 0.95722594],
- [0.95426066, 0.93565270, 0.96025301],
- [0.95832214, 0.94145122, 0.96335360],
- [0.96243675, 0.94724769, 0.96653492],
- [0.96660389, 0.95304181, 0.96980599],
- [0.97081882, 0.95883488, 0.97317666],
- [0.97507187, 0.96462991, 0.97665905],
- [0.97934643, 0.97043254, 0.98026590],
- [0.98361583, 0.97625308, 0.98400356],
- [0.98784645, 0.98210542, 0.98786931],
- [0.99200407, 0.98800498, 0.99184699],
- [0.99606013, 0.99396652, 0.99590409],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
- [0.99657667, 0.99382951, 0.99526842],
- [0.99304738, 0.98772939, 0.99054309],
- [0.98940976, 0.98169700, 0.98586019],
- [0.98567914, 0.97572192, 0.98126232],
- [0.98189319, 0.96978534, 0.97678593],
- [0.97810525, 0.96386404, 0.97244775],
- [0.97436864, 0.95793706, 0.96824098],
- [0.97072295, 0.95199032, 0.96414318],
- [0.96718989, 0.94601726, 0.96012769],
- [0.96377677, 0.94001665, 0.95617114],
- [0.96048208, 0.93399021, 0.95225598],
- [0.95730010, 0.92794078, 0.94837001],
- [0.95422360, 0.92187140, 0.94450510],
- [0.95124534, 0.91578486, 0.94065589],
- [0.94835929, 0.90968324, 0.93681914],
- [0.94555900, 0.90356876, 0.93299209],
- [0.94283929, 0.89744305, 0.92917296],
- [0.94019569, 0.89130739, 0.92536039],
- [0.93762480, 0.88516260, 0.92155348],
- [0.93512354, 0.87900938, 0.91775136],
- [0.93268836, 0.87284864, 0.91395287],
- [0.93031669, 0.86668089, 0.91015715],
- [0.92800759, 0.86050583, 0.90636390],
- [0.92575772, 0.85432437, 0.90257174],
- [0.92356541, 0.84813660, 0.89877986],
- [0.92143013, 0.84194211, 0.89498780],
- [0.91934890, 0.83574163, 0.89119410],
- [0.91732155, 0.82953457, 0.88739827],
- [0.91534599, 0.82332129, 0.88359905],
- [0.91342137, 0.81710151, 0.87979557],
- [0.91154643, 0.81087519, 0.87598675],
- [0.90972008, 0.80464219, 0.87217153],
- [0.90794108, 0.79840244, 0.86834874],
- [0.90620889, 0.79215554, 0.86451737],
- [0.90452141, 0.78590185, 0.86067595],
- [0.90287944, 0.77964031, 0.85682374],
- [0.90128034, 0.77337154, 0.85295902],
- [0.89972354, 0.76709516, 0.84908062],
- [0.89820898, 0.76081049, 0.84518742],
- [0.89673462, 0.75451788, 0.84127778],
- [0.89529959, 0.74821709, 0.83735031],
- [0.89390345, 0.74190763, 0.83340367],
- [0.89254527, 0.73558928, 0.82943635],
- [0.89122359, 0.72926208, 0.82544671],
- [0.88993746, 0.72292582, 0.82143318],
- [0.88868592, 0.71658029, 0.81739414],
- [0.88746795, 0.71022529, 0.81332791],
- [0.88628251, 0.70386067, 0.80923275],
- [0.88512852, 0.69748627, 0.80510690],
- [0.88400485, 0.69110196, 0.80094852],
- [0.88291034, 0.68470765, 0.79675573],
- [0.88184378, 0.67830327, 0.79252661],
- [0.88080388, 0.67188878, 0.78825916],
- [0.87978934, 0.66546419, 0.78395138],
- [0.87879876, 0.65902953, 0.77960117],
- [0.87783127, 0.65258456, 0.77520643],
- [0.87688537, 0.64612941, 0.77076496],
- [0.87595907, 0.63966449, 0.76627453],
- [0.87505107, 0.63318984, 0.76173289],
- [0.87416051, 0.62670523, 0.75713767],
- [0.87328453, 0.62021165, 0.75248658],
- [0.87242283, 0.61370859, 0.74777711],
- [0.87157229, 0.60719721, 0.74300692],
- [0.87073246, 0.60067714, 0.73817340],
- [0.86990015, 0.59414965, 0.73327419],
- [0.86907444, 0.58761468, 0.72830659],
- [0.86825286, 0.58107316, 0.72326811],
- [0.86743304, 0.57452598, 0.71815621],
- [0.86661291, 0.56797388, 0.71296831],
- [0.86579072, 0.56141747, 0.70770167],
- [0.86496363, 0.55485807, 0.70235383],
- [0.86412914, 0.54829684, 0.69692226],
- [0.86328472, 0.54173505, 0.69140442],
- [0.86242771, 0.53517409, 0.68579787],
- [0.86155534, 0.52861549, 0.68010020],
- [0.86066476, 0.52206092, 0.67430909],
- [0.85975341, 0.51551192, 0.66842215],
- [0.85881777, 0.50897078, 0.66243747],
- [0.85785463, 0.50243967, 0.65635315],
- [0.85686107, 0.49592063, 0.65016721],
- [0.85583379, 0.48941610, 0.64387803],
- [0.85476900, 0.48292895, 0.63748443],
- [0.85366389, 0.47646148, 0.63098483],
- [0.85251432, 0.47001704, 0.62437870],
- [0.85131704, 0.46359847, 0.61766520],
- [0.85006850, 0.45720896, 0.61084395],
- [0.84876480, 0.45085207, 0.60391515],
- [0.84740240, 0.44453123, 0.59687911],
- [0.84597780, 0.43824997, 0.58973644],
- [0.84448737, 0.43201204, 0.58248827],
- [0.84292746, 0.42582133, 0.57513627],
- [0.84129461, 0.41968174, 0.56768238],
- [0.83958543, 0.41359721, 0.56012900],
- [0.83779663, 0.40757172, 0.55247897],
- [0.83592514, 0.40160921, 0.54473549],
- [0.83396798, 0.39571362, 0.53690223],
- [0.83192227, 0.38988891, 0.52898339],
- [0.82978542, 0.38413891, 0.52098350],
- [0.82755503, 0.37846735, 0.51290744],
- [0.82522911, 0.37287769, 0.50476016],
- [0.82280559, 0.36737348, 0.49654745],
- [0.82028286, 0.36195797, 0.48827510],
- [0.81765964, 0.35663411, 0.47994892],
- [0.81493469, 0.35140481, 0.47157538],
- [0.81210728, 0.34627260, 0.46316066],
- [0.80917677, 0.34123983, 0.45471136],
- [0.80614289, 0.33630857, 0.44623395],
- [0.80300558, 0.33148061, 0.43773500],
- [0.79976504, 0.32675748, 0.42922104],
- [0.79642169, 0.32214044, 0.42069856],
- [0.79297618, 0.31763047, 0.41217391],
- [0.78942936, 0.31322828, 0.40365338],
- [0.78578226, 0.30893434, 0.39514303],
- [0.78203608, 0.30474884, 0.38664880],
- [0.77819219, 0.30067174, 0.37817641],
- [0.77425207, 0.29670278, 0.36973135],
- [0.77021732, 0.29284147, 0.36131891],
- [0.76608967, 0.28908712, 0.35294411],
- [0.76187088, 0.28543883, 0.34461175],
- [0.75756284, 0.28189555, 0.33632633],
- [0.75316746, 0.27845603, 0.32809218],
- [0.74868668, 0.27511890, 0.31991327],
- [0.74412251, 0.27188262, 0.31179344],
- [0.73947695, 0.26874555, 0.30373616],
- [0.73475202, 0.26570590, 0.29574478],
- [0.72994974, 0.26276181, 0.28782230],
- [0.72507213, 0.25991128, 0.27997164],
- [0.72012117, 0.25715227, 0.27219532],
- [0.71509887, 0.25448263, 0.26449585],
- [0.71000717, 0.25190016, 0.25687535],
- [0.70484802, 0.24940259, 0.24933594],
- [0.69962331, 0.24698759, 0.24187939],
- [0.69433492, 0.24465281, 0.23450742],
- [0.68898468, 0.24239582, 0.22722154],
- [0.68357441, 0.24021419, 0.22002308],
- [0.67810587, 0.23810542, 0.21291335],
- [0.67258078, 0.23606703, 0.20589337],
- [0.66700087, 0.23409649, 0.19896415],
- [0.66136777, 0.23219125, 0.19212655],
- [0.65568313, 0.23034876, 0.18538129],
- [0.64994855, 0.22856644, 0.17872909],
- [0.64416559, 0.22684171, 0.17217048],
- [0.63833578, 0.22517201, 0.16570594],
- [0.63246066, 0.22355471, 0.15933593],
- [0.62654170, 0.22198724, 0.15306078],
- [0.62058037, 0.22046701, 0.14688079],
- [0.61457811, 0.21899142, 0.14079622],
- [0.60853637, 0.21755788, 0.13480731],
- [0.60245655, 0.21616381, 0.12891420],
- [0.59634005, 0.21480664, 0.12311709],
- [0.59018830, 0.21348376, 0.11741616],
- [0.58400265, 0.21219264, 0.11181154],
- [0.57778450, 0.21093073, 0.10630342],
- [0.57153524, 0.20969547, 0.10089200],
- [0.56525628, 0.20848431, 0.09557756],
- [0.55894898, 0.20729475, 0.09036038],
- [0.55261474, 0.20612430, 0.08524084],
- [0.54625498, 0.20497046, 0.08021942],
- [0.53987113, 0.20383074, 0.07529673],
- [0.53346462, 0.20270270, 0.07047353],
- [0.52703689, 0.20158393, 0.06575071],
- [0.52058940, 0.20047201, 0.06112943],
- [0.51412363, 0.19936458, 0.05661104],
- [0.50764107, 0.19825928, 0.05219725],
- [0.50114324, 0.19715381, 0.04789006],
- [0.49463167, 0.19604588, 0.04369191],
- [0.48810791, 0.19493324, 0.03959662],
- [0.48157352, 0.19381371, 0.03572442],
- [0.47503005, 0.19268515, 0.03218882],
- [0.46847909, 0.19154546, 0.02897008],
- [0.46192222, 0.19039260, 0.02604936],
- [0.45536102, 0.18922459, 0.02340864],
- [0.44879712, 0.18803949, 0.02103070],
- [0.44223210, 0.18683543, 0.01889913],
- [0.43566752, 0.18561065, 0.01699827],
- [0.42910495, 0.18436344, 0.01531319],
- [0.42254592, 0.18309217, 0.01382966],
- [0.41599196, 0.18179530, 0.01253414],
- [0.40944458, 0.18047132, 0.01141369],
- [0.40290535, 0.17911876, 0.01045595],
- [0.39637554, 0.17773645, 0.00964932],
- [0.38985655, 0.17632316, 0.00898266],
- [0.38334994, 0.17487756, 0.00844520],
- [0.37685670, 0.17339887, 0.00802707],
- [0.37037834, 0.17188587, 0.00771847],
- [0.36391582, 0.17033789, 0.00751045],
- [0.35747047, 0.16875394, 0.00739413],
- [0.35104307, 0.16713353, 0.00736151],
- [0.34463502, 0.16547568, 0.00740434],
- [0.33824689, 0.16378011, 0.00751550],
- [0.33187957, 0.16204629, 0.00768785],
- [0.32553411, 0.16027358, 0.00791435],
- [0.31921103, 0.15846177, 0.00818878],
- [0.31291096, 0.15661055, 0.00850504],
- [0.30663450, 0.15471965, 0.00885731],
- [0.30038217, 0.15278885, 0.00924005],
- [0.29415443, 0.15081797, 0.00964799],
- [0.28795164, 0.14880691, 0.01007614],
- [0.28177410, 0.14675556, 0.01051978],
- [0.27562204, 0.14466388, 0.01097442],
- [0.26949562, 0.14253188, 0.01143583],
- [0.26339490, 0.14035955, 0.01190002],
- [0.25732000, 0.13814688, 0.01236308],
- [0.25127110, 0.13589376, 0.01282112],
- [0.24524782, 0.13360045, 0.01327115],
- [0.23925000, 0.13126700, 0.01370998],
- [0.23327796, 0.12889316, 0.01413388],
- [0.22733084, 0.12647934, 0.01454084],
- [0.22140887, 0.12402528, 0.01492745],
- [0.21551127, 0.12153126, 0.01529180],
- [0.20963813, 0.11899703, 0.01563087],
- [0.20378848, 0.11642289, 0.01594321],
- [0.19796241, 0.11380848, 0.01622596],
- [0.19215900, 0.11115398, 0.01647778],
- [0.18637762, 0.10845933, 0.01669701],
- [0.18061794, 0.10572425, 0.01688163],
- [0.17487919, 0.10294866, 0.01703033],
- [0.16916050, 0.10013242, 0.01714202],
- [0.16346110, 0.09727531, 0.01721551],
- [0.15778019, 0.09437701, 0.01724979],
- [0.15211687, 0.09143718, 0.01724397],
- [0.14647019, 0.08845542, 0.01719735],
- [0.14083913, 0.08543126, 0.01710936],
- [0.13522259, 0.08236417, 0.01697961],
- [0.12961940, 0.07925353, 0.01680787],
- [0.12402827, 0.07609863, 0.01659405],
- [0.11844785, 0.07289868, 0.01633825],
- [0.11287667, 0.06965276, 0.01604072],
- [0.10731316, 0.06635986, 0.01570189],
- [0.10175561, 0.06301879, 0.01532236],
- [0.09620241, 0.05962813, 0.01490259],
- [0.09065150, 0.05618642, 0.01444364],
- [0.08510056, 0.05269202, 0.01394688],
- [0.07954720, 0.04914300, 0.01341365],
- [0.07398931, 0.04553697, 0.01284492],
- [0.06842349, 0.04187165, 0.01224313],
- [0.06284668, 0.03814430, 0.01161018],
- [0.05725558, 0.03452194, 0.01094803],
- [0.05164566, 0.03104829, 0.01025987],
- [0.04601296, 0.02772732, 0.00954794],
- [0.04035002, 0.02456352, 0.00881618],
- [0.03480545, 0.02156113, 0.00806772],
- [0.02969721, 0.01872485, 0.00730721],
- [0.02501705, 0.01605932, 0.00653877],
- [0.02075618, 0.01356969, 0.00576817],
- [0.01690717, 0.01126123, 0.00500097],
- [0.01346257, 0.00913980, 0.00424424],
- [0.01041583, 0.00721177, 0.00350585],
- [0.00776139, 0.00548429, 0.00279480],
- [0.00549439, 0.00396561, 0.00212227],
- [0.00361164, 0.00266556, 0.00150154],
- [0.00211222, 0.00159635, 0.00094927],
- [0.00099870, 0.00077436, 0.00048798],
- [0.00028159, 0.00022444, 0.00015045]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00019077, 0.00024831, 0.00026157],
+ [0.00063461, 0.00087064, 0.00092705],
+ [0.00126358, 0.00182192, 0.00196005],
+ [0.00204134, 0.00308485, 0.00335177],
+ [0.00294185, 0.00464987, 0.00510116],
+ [0.00394442, 0.00651110, 0.00721106],
+ [0.00503169, 0.00866477, 0.00968670],
+ [0.00618851, 0.01110844, 0.01253504],
+ [0.00740142, 0.01384057, 0.01576430],
+ [0.00865822, 0.01686026, 0.01938384],
+ [0.00994766, 0.02016707, 0.02340395],
+ [0.01125933, 0.02376092, 0.02783582],
+ [0.01258350, 0.02764199, 0.03269141],
+ [0.01391097, 0.03181065, 0.03798357],
+ [0.01523314, 0.03626741, 0.04359775],
+ [0.01654187, 0.04100118, 0.04920422],
+ [0.01782945, 0.04574650, 0.05480556],
+ [0.01908855, 0.05044639, 0.06040690],
+ [0.02031224, 0.05510441, 0.06601283],
+ [0.02149386, 0.05972361, 0.07162752],
+ [0.02262701, 0.06430671, 0.07725488],
+ [0.02370605, 0.06885596, 0.08289817],
+ [0.02472548, 0.07337337, 0.08856054],
+ [0.02567977, 0.07786080, 0.09424518],
+ [0.02656427, 0.08231975, 0.09995469],
+ [0.02737474, 0.08675154, 0.10569150],
+ [0.02810641, 0.09115746, 0.11145843],
+ [0.02875623, 0.09553843, 0.11725734],
+ [0.02932044, 0.09989540, 0.12309063],
+ [0.02979633, 0.10422912, 0.12896020],
+ [0.03018127, 0.10854024, 0.13486808],
+ [0.03047338, 0.11282931, 0.14081598],
+ [0.03067077, 0.11709679, 0.14680582],
+ [0.03077294, 0.12134300, 0.15283893],
+ [0.03077840, 0.12556831, 0.15891737],
+ [0.03068789, 0.12977284, 0.16504219],
+ [0.03050193, 0.13395672, 0.17121482],
+ [0.03022082, 0.13812009, 0.17743699],
+ [0.02984702, 0.14226289, 0.18370957],
+ [0.02938280, 0.14638507, 0.19003378],
+ [0.02883114, 0.15048652, 0.19641073],
+ [0.02819537, 0.15456709, 0.20284163],
+ [0.02748016, 0.15862656, 0.20932729],
+ [0.02669076, 0.16266465, 0.21586855],
+ [0.02583308, 0.16668105, 0.22246619],
+ [0.02491384, 0.17067541, 0.22912091],
+ [0.02394058, 0.17464735, 0.23583332],
+ [0.02292170, 0.17859643, 0.24260396],
+ [0.02186647, 0.18252219, 0.24943325],
+ [0.02078507, 0.18642413, 0.25632151],
+ [0.01968859, 0.19030172, 0.26326898],
+ [0.01858904, 0.19415442, 0.27027579],
+ [0.01749939, 0.19798164, 0.27734197],
+ [0.01643335, 0.20178277, 0.28446755],
+ [0.01540584, 0.20555721, 0.29165234],
+ [0.01443291, 0.20930429, 0.29889595],
+ [0.01353142, 0.21302338, 0.30619796],
+ [0.01271909, 0.21671380, 0.31355792],
+ [0.01201441, 0.22037488, 0.32097539],
+ [0.01143762, 0.22400593, 0.32844934],
+ [0.01100939, 0.22760628, 0.33597897],
+ [0.01075097, 0.23117523, 0.34356357],
+ [0.01068555, 0.23471211, 0.35120169],
+ [0.01083628, 0.23821624, 0.35889238],
+ [0.01122776, 0.24168696, 0.36663419],
+ [0.01188527, 0.24512361, 0.37442569],
+ [0.01283482, 0.24852555, 0.38226540],
+ [0.01410346, 0.25189217, 0.39015153],
+ [0.01571873, 0.25522287, 0.39808243],
+ [0.01770909, 0.25851707, 0.40605612],
+ [0.02010359, 0.26177422, 0.41407061],
+ [0.02293179, 0.26499381, 0.42212391],
+ [0.02622411, 0.26817536, 0.43021361],
+ [0.03001110, 0.27131839, 0.43833771],
+ [0.03432415, 0.27442253, 0.44649361],
+ [0.03919489, 0.27748739, 0.45467885],
+ [0.04446566, 0.28051261, 0.46289108],
+ [0.04990117, 0.28349794, 0.47112747],
+ [0.05549452, 0.28644313, 0.47938534],
+ [0.06123158, 0.28934796, 0.48766207],
+ [0.06710034, 0.29221229, 0.49595474],
+ [0.07309044, 0.29503604, 0.50426042],
+ [0.07919292, 0.29781915, 0.51257621],
+ [0.08540000, 0.30056160, 0.52089921],
+ [0.09170483, 0.30326347, 0.52922631],
+ [0.09810133, 0.30592486, 0.53755442],
+ [0.10458410, 0.30854594, 0.54588046],
+ [0.11114828, 0.31112692, 0.55420130],
+ [0.11778949, 0.31366805, 0.56251383],
+ [0.12450367, 0.31616968, 0.57081479],
+ [0.13128713, 0.31863218, 0.57910098],
+ [0.13813645, 0.32105600, 0.58736917],
+ [0.14504843, 0.32344161, 0.59561612],
+ [0.15202010, 0.32578957, 0.60383856],
+ [0.15904867, 0.32810047, 0.61203325],
+ [0.16613148, 0.33037497, 0.62019688],
+ [0.17326601, 0.33261378, 0.62832615],
+ [0.18044987, 0.33481769, 0.63641773],
+ [0.18768077, 0.33698750, 0.64446831],
+ [0.19495650, 0.33912411, 0.65247456],
+ [0.20227497, 0.34122844, 0.66043314],
+ [0.20963413, 0.34330151, 0.66834068],
+ [0.21703201, 0.34534435, 0.67619382],
+ [0.22446672, 0.34735808, 0.68398918],
+ [0.23193639, 0.34934388, 0.69172334],
+ [0.23943922, 0.35130296, 0.69939290],
+ [0.24697344, 0.35323662, 0.70699440],
+ [0.25453733, 0.35514621, 0.71452439],
+ [0.26212918, 0.35703314, 0.72197938],
+ [0.26974734, 0.35889889, 0.72935583],
+ [0.27739016, 0.36074500, 0.73665021],
+ [0.28505600, 0.36257307, 0.74385892],
+ [0.29274325, 0.36438479, 0.75097834],
+ [0.30045030, 0.36618189, 0.75800479],
+ [0.30817554, 0.36796619, 0.76493457],
+ [0.31591738, 0.36973959, 0.77176390],
+ [0.32367418, 0.37150405, 0.77848897],
+ [0.33144433, 0.37326162, 0.78510591],
+ [0.33922618, 0.37501441, 0.79161079],
+ [0.34701804, 0.37676464, 0.79799960],
+ [0.35481832, 0.37851456, 0.80426833],
+ [0.36262520, 0.38026657, 0.81041281],
+ [0.37043689, 0.38202316, 0.81642883],
+ [0.37825155, 0.38378688, 0.82231212],
+ [0.38606730, 0.38556040, 0.82805834],
+ [0.39388234, 0.38734638, 0.83366313],
+ [0.40169448, 0.38914777, 0.83912194],
+ [0.40950162, 0.39096751, 0.84443020],
+ [0.41730165, 0.39280861, 0.84958334],
+ [0.42509225, 0.39467424, 0.85457666],
+ [0.43287092, 0.39656771, 0.85940541],
+ [0.44063530, 0.39849230, 0.86406486],
+ [0.44838261, 0.40045154, 0.86855018],
+ [0.45611006, 0.40244900, 0.87285658],
+ [0.46381477, 0.40448831, 0.87697928],
+ [0.47149353, 0.40657327, 0.88091353],
+ [0.47914318, 0.40870767, 0.88465466],
+ [0.48676015, 0.41089548, 0.88819812],
+ [0.49434084, 0.41314065, 0.89153950],
+ [0.50188145, 0.41544719, 0.89467459],
+ [0.50937782, 0.41781922, 0.89759952],
+ [0.51682592, 0.42026071, 0.90031063],
+ [0.52422118, 0.42277577, 0.90280481],
+ [0.53155901, 0.42536837, 0.90507938],
+ [0.53883474, 0.42804237, 0.90713221],
+ [0.54604340, 0.43080156, 0.90896194],
+ [0.55317995, 0.43364954, 0.91056796],
+ [0.56023931, 0.43658965, 0.91195055],
+ [0.56721638, 0.43962496, 0.91311094],
+ [0.57410600, 0.44275824, 0.91405153],
+ [0.58090317, 0.44599181, 0.91477583],
+ [0.58760302, 0.44932759, 0.91528857],
+ [0.59420090, 0.45276698, 0.91559581],
+ [0.60069248, 0.45631085, 0.91570488],
+ [0.60707387, 0.45995948, 0.91562431],
+ [0.61334161, 0.46371257, 0.91536387],
+ [0.61949268, 0.46756921, 0.91493476],
+ [0.62552486, 0.47152789, 0.91434869],
+ [0.63143647, 0.47558651, 0.91361848],
+ [0.63722642, 0.47974245, 0.91275794],
+ [0.64289456, 0.48399260, 0.91178058],
+ [0.64844110, 0.48833339, 0.91070124],
+ [0.65386718, 0.49276094, 0.90953385],
+ [0.65917451, 0.49727110, 0.90829252],
+ [0.66436518, 0.50185944, 0.90699175],
+ [0.66944201, 0.50652148, 0.90564465],
+ [0.67440820, 0.51125268, 0.90426398],
+ [0.67926729, 0.51604852, 0.90286189],
+ [0.68402314, 0.52090454, 0.90144968],
+ [0.68867980, 0.52581642, 0.90003774],
+ [0.69324144, 0.53077983, 0.89863669],
+ [0.69771246, 0.53579096, 0.89725413],
+ [0.70209722, 0.54084604, 0.89589797],
+ [0.70640004, 0.54594136, 0.89457637],
+ [0.71062529, 0.55107379, 0.89329444],
+ [0.71477718, 0.55624026, 0.89205788],
+ [0.71885990, 0.56143770, 0.89087269],
+ [0.72287745, 0.56666373, 0.88974192],
+ [0.72683374, 0.57191593, 0.88866935],
+ [0.73073251, 0.57719212, 0.88765816],
+ [0.73457738, 0.58249033, 0.88671093],
+ [0.73837177, 0.58780880, 0.88582970],
+ [0.74211896, 0.59314596, 0.88501601],
+ [0.74582227, 0.59850001, 0.88427291],
+ [0.74948450, 0.60387005, 0.88359978],
+ [0.75310846, 0.60925495, 0.88299728],
+ [0.75669717, 0.61465320, 0.88246809],
+ [0.76025279, 0.62006449, 0.88201004],
+ [0.76377816, 0.62548742, 0.88162576],
+ [0.76727536, 0.63092164, 0.88131383],
+ [0.77074654, 0.63636656, 0.88107399],
+ [0.77419411, 0.64182123, 0.88090765],
+ [0.77761992, 0.64728537, 0.88081371],
+ [0.78102580, 0.65275861, 0.88079157],
+ [0.78441360, 0.65824055, 0.88084100],
+ [0.78778507, 0.66373085, 0.88096161],
+ [0.79114188, 0.66922920, 0.88115296],
+ [0.79448559, 0.67473539, 0.88141450],
+ [0.79781771, 0.68024923, 0.88174561],
+ [0.80113966, 0.68577058, 0.88214560],
+ [0.80445279, 0.69129935, 0.88261374],
+ [0.80775868, 0.69683517, 0.88315027],
+ [0.81105856, 0.70237805, 0.88375430],
+ [0.81435339, 0.70792816, 0.88442431],
+ [0.81764435, 0.71348545, 0.88515972],
+ [0.82093327, 0.71904933, 0.88596184],
+ [0.82422041, 0.72462052, 0.88682754],
+ [0.82750741, 0.73019854, 0.88775777],
+ [0.83079513, 0.73578358, 0.88875137],
+ [0.83408458, 0.74137566, 0.88980771],
+ [0.83737688, 0.74697473, 0.89092644],
+ [0.84067301, 0.75258082, 0.89210699],
+ [0.84397363, 0.75819420, 0.89334805],
+ [0.84728043, 0.76381436, 0.89465087],
+ [0.85059350, 0.76944199, 0.89601283],
+ [0.85391425, 0.77507677, 0.89743458],
+ [0.85724378, 0.78071861, 0.89891602],
+ [0.86058250, 0.78636794, 0.90045553],
+ [0.86393140, 0.79202473, 0.90205278],
+ [0.86729199, 0.79768862, 0.90370867],
+ [0.87066480, 0.80335990, 0.90542190],
+ [0.87405066, 0.80903870, 0.90719184],
+ [0.87745055, 0.81472498, 0.90901819],
+ [0.88086548, 0.82041875, 0.91090071],
+ [0.88429644, 0.82611996, 0.91283913],
+ [0.88774454, 0.83182857, 0.91483331],
+ [0.89121096, 0.83754444, 0.91688326],
+ [0.89469656, 0.84326767, 0.91898831],
+ [0.89820248, 0.84899818, 0.92114829],
+ [0.90172990, 0.85473586, 0.92336308],
+ [0.90528008, 0.86048059, 0.92563256],
+ [0.90885432, 0.86623221, 0.92795670],
+ [0.91245402, 0.87199051, 0.93033548],
+ [0.91608070, 0.87775526, 0.93276905],
+ [0.91973619, 0.88352599, 0.93525798],
+ [0.92342201, 0.88930251, 0.93780216],
+ [0.92714003, 0.89508439, 0.94040201],
+ [0.93089226, 0.90087113, 0.94305810],
+ [0.93468092, 0.90666216, 0.94577124],
+ [0.93850836, 0.91245677, 0.94854257],
+ [0.94237717, 0.91825419, 0.95137361],
+ [0.94629052, 0.92405321, 0.95426732],
+ [0.95025085, 0.92985303, 0.95722594],
+ [0.95426066, 0.93565270, 0.96025301],
+ [0.95832214, 0.94145122, 0.96335360],
+ [0.96243675, 0.94724769, 0.96653492],
+ [0.96660389, 0.95304181, 0.96980599],
+ [0.97081882, 0.95883488, 0.97317666],
+ [0.97507187, 0.96462991, 0.97665905],
+ [0.97934643, 0.97043254, 0.98026590],
+ [0.98361583, 0.97625308, 0.98400356],
+ [0.98784645, 0.98210542, 0.98786931],
+ [0.99200407, 0.98800498, 0.99184699],
+ [0.99606013, 0.99396652, 0.99590409],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
+ [0.99657667, 0.99382951, 0.99526842],
+ [0.99304738, 0.98772939, 0.99054309],
+ [0.98940976, 0.98169700, 0.98586019],
+ [0.98567914, 0.97572192, 0.98126232],
+ [0.98189319, 0.96978534, 0.97678593],
+ [0.97810525, 0.96386404, 0.97244775],
+ [0.97436864, 0.95793706, 0.96824098],
+ [0.97072295, 0.95199032, 0.96414318],
+ [0.96718989, 0.94601726, 0.96012769],
+ [0.96377677, 0.94001665, 0.95617114],
+ [0.96048208, 0.93399021, 0.95225598],
+ [0.95730010, 0.92794078, 0.94837001],
+ [0.95422360, 0.92187140, 0.94450510],
+ [0.95124534, 0.91578486, 0.94065589],
+ [0.94835929, 0.90968324, 0.93681914],
+ [0.94555900, 0.90356876, 0.93299209],
+ [0.94283929, 0.89744305, 0.92917296],
+ [0.94019569, 0.89130739, 0.92536039],
+ [0.93762480, 0.88516260, 0.92155348],
+ [0.93512354, 0.87900938, 0.91775136],
+ [0.93268836, 0.87284864, 0.91395287],
+ [0.93031669, 0.86668089, 0.91015715],
+ [0.92800759, 0.86050583, 0.90636390],
+ [0.92575772, 0.85432437, 0.90257174],
+ [0.92356541, 0.84813660, 0.89877986],
+ [0.92143013, 0.84194211, 0.89498780],
+ [0.91934890, 0.83574163, 0.89119410],
+ [0.91732155, 0.82953457, 0.88739827],
+ [0.91534599, 0.82332129, 0.88359905],
+ [0.91342137, 0.81710151, 0.87979557],
+ [0.91154643, 0.81087519, 0.87598675],
+ [0.90972008, 0.80464219, 0.87217153],
+ [0.90794108, 0.79840244, 0.86834874],
+ [0.90620889, 0.79215554, 0.86451737],
+ [0.90452141, 0.78590185, 0.86067595],
+ [0.90287944, 0.77964031, 0.85682374],
+ [0.90128034, 0.77337154, 0.85295902],
+ [0.89972354, 0.76709516, 0.84908062],
+ [0.89820898, 0.76081049, 0.84518742],
+ [0.89673462, 0.75451788, 0.84127778],
+ [0.89529959, 0.74821709, 0.83735031],
+ [0.89390345, 0.74190763, 0.83340367],
+ [0.89254527, 0.73558928, 0.82943635],
+ [0.89122359, 0.72926208, 0.82544671],
+ [0.88993746, 0.72292582, 0.82143318],
+ [0.88868592, 0.71658029, 0.81739414],
+ [0.88746795, 0.71022529, 0.81332791],
+ [0.88628251, 0.70386067, 0.80923275],
+ [0.88512852, 0.69748627, 0.80510690],
+ [0.88400485, 0.69110196, 0.80094852],
+ [0.88291034, 0.68470765, 0.79675573],
+ [0.88184378, 0.67830327, 0.79252661],
+ [0.88080388, 0.67188878, 0.78825916],
+ [0.87978934, 0.66546419, 0.78395138],
+ [0.87879876, 0.65902953, 0.77960117],
+ [0.87783127, 0.65258456, 0.77520643],
+ [0.87688537, 0.64612941, 0.77076496],
+ [0.87595907, 0.63966449, 0.76627453],
+ [0.87505107, 0.63318984, 0.76173289],
+ [0.87416051, 0.62670523, 0.75713767],
+ [0.87328453, 0.62021165, 0.75248658],
+ [0.87242283, 0.61370859, 0.74777711],
+ [0.87157229, 0.60719721, 0.74300692],
+ [0.87073246, 0.60067714, 0.73817340],
+ [0.86990015, 0.59414965, 0.73327419],
+ [0.86907444, 0.58761468, 0.72830659],
+ [0.86825286, 0.58107316, 0.72326811],
+ [0.86743304, 0.57452598, 0.71815621],
+ [0.86661291, 0.56797388, 0.71296831],
+ [0.86579072, 0.56141747, 0.70770167],
+ [0.86496363, 0.55485807, 0.70235383],
+ [0.86412914, 0.54829684, 0.69692226],
+ [0.86328472, 0.54173505, 0.69140442],
+ [0.86242771, 0.53517409, 0.68579787],
+ [0.86155534, 0.52861549, 0.68010020],
+ [0.86066476, 0.52206092, 0.67430909],
+ [0.85975341, 0.51551192, 0.66842215],
+ [0.85881777, 0.50897078, 0.66243747],
+ [0.85785463, 0.50243967, 0.65635315],
+ [0.85686107, 0.49592063, 0.65016721],
+ [0.85583379, 0.48941610, 0.64387803],
+ [0.85476900, 0.48292895, 0.63748443],
+ [0.85366389, 0.47646148, 0.63098483],
+ [0.85251432, 0.47001704, 0.62437870],
+ [0.85131704, 0.46359847, 0.61766520],
+ [0.85006850, 0.45720896, 0.61084395],
+ [0.84876480, 0.45085207, 0.60391515],
+ [0.84740240, 0.44453123, 0.59687911],
+ [0.84597780, 0.43824997, 0.58973644],
+ [0.84448737, 0.43201204, 0.58248827],
+ [0.84292746, 0.42582133, 0.57513627],
+ [0.84129461, 0.41968174, 0.56768238],
+ [0.83958543, 0.41359721, 0.56012900],
+ [0.83779663, 0.40757172, 0.55247897],
+ [0.83592514, 0.40160921, 0.54473549],
+ [0.83396798, 0.39571362, 0.53690223],
+ [0.83192227, 0.38988891, 0.52898339],
+ [0.82978542, 0.38413891, 0.52098350],
+ [0.82755503, 0.37846735, 0.51290744],
+ [0.82522911, 0.37287769, 0.50476016],
+ [0.82280559, 0.36737348, 0.49654745],
+ [0.82028286, 0.36195797, 0.48827510],
+ [0.81765964, 0.35663411, 0.47994892],
+ [0.81493469, 0.35140481, 0.47157538],
+ [0.81210728, 0.34627260, 0.46316066],
+ [0.80917677, 0.34123983, 0.45471136],
+ [0.80614289, 0.33630857, 0.44623395],
+ [0.80300558, 0.33148061, 0.43773500],
+ [0.79976504, 0.32675748, 0.42922104],
+ [0.79642169, 0.32214044, 0.42069856],
+ [0.79297618, 0.31763047, 0.41217391],
+ [0.78942936, 0.31322828, 0.40365338],
+ [0.78578226, 0.30893434, 0.39514303],
+ [0.78203608, 0.30474884, 0.38664880],
+ [0.77819219, 0.30067174, 0.37817641],
+ [0.77425207, 0.29670278, 0.36973135],
+ [0.77021732, 0.29284147, 0.36131891],
+ [0.76608967, 0.28908712, 0.35294411],
+ [0.76187088, 0.28543883, 0.34461175],
+ [0.75756284, 0.28189555, 0.33632633],
+ [0.75316746, 0.27845603, 0.32809218],
+ [0.74868668, 0.27511890, 0.31991327],
+ [0.74412251, 0.27188262, 0.31179344],
+ [0.73947695, 0.26874555, 0.30373616],
+ [0.73475202, 0.26570590, 0.29574478],
+ [0.72994974, 0.26276181, 0.28782230],
+ [0.72507213, 0.25991128, 0.27997164],
+ [0.72012117, 0.25715227, 0.27219532],
+ [0.71509887, 0.25448263, 0.26449585],
+ [0.71000717, 0.25190016, 0.25687535],
+ [0.70484802, 0.24940259, 0.24933594],
+ [0.69962331, 0.24698759, 0.24187939],
+ [0.69433492, 0.24465281, 0.23450742],
+ [0.68898468, 0.24239582, 0.22722154],
+ [0.68357441, 0.24021419, 0.22002308],
+ [0.67810587, 0.23810542, 0.21291335],
+ [0.67258078, 0.23606703, 0.20589337],
+ [0.66700087, 0.23409649, 0.19896415],
+ [0.66136777, 0.23219125, 0.19212655],
+ [0.65568313, 0.23034876, 0.18538129],
+ [0.64994855, 0.22856644, 0.17872909],
+ [0.64416559, 0.22684171, 0.17217048],
+ [0.63833578, 0.22517201, 0.16570594],
+ [0.63246066, 0.22355471, 0.15933593],
+ [0.62654170, 0.22198724, 0.15306078],
+ [0.62058037, 0.22046701, 0.14688079],
+ [0.61457811, 0.21899142, 0.14079622],
+ [0.60853637, 0.21755788, 0.13480731],
+ [0.60245655, 0.21616381, 0.12891420],
+ [0.59634005, 0.21480664, 0.12311709],
+ [0.59018830, 0.21348376, 0.11741616],
+ [0.58400265, 0.21219264, 0.11181154],
+ [0.57778450, 0.21093073, 0.10630342],
+ [0.57153524, 0.20969547, 0.10089200],
+ [0.56525628, 0.20848431, 0.09557756],
+ [0.55894898, 0.20729475, 0.09036038],
+ [0.55261474, 0.20612430, 0.08524084],
+ [0.54625498, 0.20497046, 0.08021942],
+ [0.53987113, 0.20383074, 0.07529673],
+ [0.53346462, 0.20270270, 0.07047353],
+ [0.52703689, 0.20158393, 0.06575071],
+ [0.52058940, 0.20047201, 0.06112943],
+ [0.51412363, 0.19936458, 0.05661104],
+ [0.50764107, 0.19825928, 0.05219725],
+ [0.50114324, 0.19715381, 0.04789006],
+ [0.49463167, 0.19604588, 0.04369191],
+ [0.48810791, 0.19493324, 0.03959662],
+ [0.48157352, 0.19381371, 0.03572442],
+ [0.47503005, 0.19268515, 0.03218882],
+ [0.46847909, 0.19154546, 0.02897008],
+ [0.46192222, 0.19039260, 0.02604936],
+ [0.45536102, 0.18922459, 0.02340864],
+ [0.44879712, 0.18803949, 0.02103070],
+ [0.44223210, 0.18683543, 0.01889913],
+ [0.43566752, 0.18561065, 0.01699827],
+ [0.42910495, 0.18436344, 0.01531319],
+ [0.42254592, 0.18309217, 0.01382966],
+ [0.41599196, 0.18179530, 0.01253414],
+ [0.40944458, 0.18047132, 0.01141369],
+ [0.40290535, 0.17911876, 0.01045595],
+ [0.39637554, 0.17773645, 0.00964932],
+ [0.38985655, 0.17632316, 0.00898266],
+ [0.38334994, 0.17487756, 0.00844520],
+ [0.37685670, 0.17339887, 0.00802707],
+ [0.37037834, 0.17188587, 0.00771847],
+ [0.36391582, 0.17033789, 0.00751045],
+ [0.35747047, 0.16875394, 0.00739413],
+ [0.35104307, 0.16713353, 0.00736151],
+ [0.34463502, 0.16547568, 0.00740434],
+ [0.33824689, 0.16378011, 0.00751550],
+ [0.33187957, 0.16204629, 0.00768785],
+ [0.32553411, 0.16027358, 0.00791435],
+ [0.31921103, 0.15846177, 0.00818878],
+ [0.31291096, 0.15661055, 0.00850504],
+ [0.30663450, 0.15471965, 0.00885731],
+ [0.30038217, 0.15278885, 0.00924005],
+ [0.29415443, 0.15081797, 0.00964799],
+ [0.28795164, 0.14880691, 0.01007614],
+ [0.28177410, 0.14675556, 0.01051978],
+ [0.27562204, 0.14466388, 0.01097442],
+ [0.26949562, 0.14253188, 0.01143583],
+ [0.26339490, 0.14035955, 0.01190002],
+ [0.25732000, 0.13814688, 0.01236308],
+ [0.25127110, 0.13589376, 0.01282112],
+ [0.24524782, 0.13360045, 0.01327115],
+ [0.23925000, 0.13126700, 0.01370998],
+ [0.23327796, 0.12889316, 0.01413388],
+ [0.22733084, 0.12647934, 0.01454084],
+ [0.22140887, 0.12402528, 0.01492745],
+ [0.21551127, 0.12153126, 0.01529180],
+ [0.20963813, 0.11899703, 0.01563087],
+ [0.20378848, 0.11642289, 0.01594321],
+ [0.19796241, 0.11380848, 0.01622596],
+ [0.19215900, 0.11115398, 0.01647778],
+ [0.18637762, 0.10845933, 0.01669701],
+ [0.18061794, 0.10572425, 0.01688163],
+ [0.17487919, 0.10294866, 0.01703033],
+ [0.16916050, 0.10013242, 0.01714202],
+ [0.16346110, 0.09727531, 0.01721551],
+ [0.15778019, 0.09437701, 0.01724979],
+ [0.15211687, 0.09143718, 0.01724397],
+ [0.14647019, 0.08845542, 0.01719735],
+ [0.14083913, 0.08543126, 0.01710936],
+ [0.13522259, 0.08236417, 0.01697961],
+ [0.12961940, 0.07925353, 0.01680787],
+ [0.12402827, 0.07609863, 0.01659405],
+ [0.11844785, 0.07289868, 0.01633825],
+ [0.11287667, 0.06965276, 0.01604072],
+ [0.10731316, 0.06635986, 0.01570189],
+ [0.10175561, 0.06301879, 0.01532236],
+ [0.09620241, 0.05962813, 0.01490259],
+ [0.09065150, 0.05618642, 0.01444364],
+ [0.08510056, 0.05269202, 0.01394688],
+ [0.07954720, 0.04914300, 0.01341365],
+ [0.07398931, 0.04553697, 0.01284492],
+ [0.06842349, 0.04187165, 0.01224313],
+ [0.06284668, 0.03814430, 0.01161018],
+ [0.05725558, 0.03452194, 0.01094803],
+ [0.05164566, 0.03104829, 0.01025987],
+ [0.04601296, 0.02772732, 0.00954794],
+ [0.04035002, 0.02456352, 0.00881618],
+ [0.03480545, 0.02156113, 0.00806772],
+ [0.02969721, 0.01872485, 0.00730721],
+ [0.02501705, 0.01605932, 0.00653877],
+ [0.02075618, 0.01356969, 0.00576817],
+ [0.01690717, 0.01126123, 0.00500097],
+ [0.01346257, 0.00913980, 0.00424424],
+ [0.01041583, 0.00721177, 0.00350585],
+ [0.00776139, 0.00548429, 0.00279480],
+ [0.00549439, 0.00396561, 0.00212227],
+ [0.00361164, 0.00266556, 0.00150154],
+ [0.00211222, 0.00159635, 0.00094927],
+ [0.00099870, 0.00077436, 0.00048798],
+ [0.00028159, 0.00022444, 0.00015045],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.emergency', N=510)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.emergency", N=510)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
# Determine central value index of the colormap
-idx = len(cm_data)//2
+idx = len(cm_data) // 2
# Shift the entire colormap by this index
cm_data_s = list(cm_data[idx:])
# Create ListedColormap object for this shifted version
-cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name='cmr.emergency_s', N=510)
+cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name="cmr.emergency_s", N=510)
cmap_s_r = cmap_s.reversed()
# Register shifted versions in MPL as well
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/fall/fall.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/fall/fall.jscm
index acc45731..5d516933 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/fall/fall.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/fall/fall.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/fall/fall.py b/cmasher/colormaps/fall/fall.py
index ec365c70..1abb142d 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/fall/fall.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/fall/fall.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.14076345, 0.02071182, 0.11281771],
- [0.14594974, 0.02188968, 0.11920054],
- [0.15119936, 0.02298197, 0.12556240],
- [0.15651621, 0.02397587, 0.13189825],
- [0.16190398, 0.02485843, 0.13820273],
- [0.16736520, 0.02561824, 0.14446827],
- [0.17290235, 0.02624375, 0.15068734],
- [0.17851688, 0.02672508, 0.15685067],
- [0.18420965, 0.02705347, 0.16294811],
- [0.18998083, 0.02722158, 0.16896862],
- [0.19582983, 0.02722385, 0.17490016],
- [0.20175529, 0.02705665, 0.18072994],
- [0.20775515, 0.02671842, 0.18644447],
- [0.21382623, 0.02621060, 0.19202938],
- [0.21996496, 0.02553634, 0.19747035],
- [0.22616659, 0.02470239, 0.20275241],
- [0.23242597, 0.02371745, 0.20786094],
- [0.23873698, 0.02259360, 0.21278132],
- [0.24509295, 0.02134550, 0.21749953],
- [0.25148665, 0.01999035, 0.22200228],
- [0.25791041, 0.01854779, 0.22627730],
- [0.26435616, 0.01703959, 0.23031358],
- [0.27081562, 0.01548935, 0.23410160],
- [0.27728039, 0.01392204, 0.23763357],
- [0.28374209, 0.01236363, 0.24090352],
- [0.29019252, 0.01084059, 0.24390751],
- [0.29662372, 0.00937946, 0.24664363],
- [0.30302813, 0.00800639, 0.24911204],
- [0.30939868, 0.00674675, 0.25131492],
- [0.31572887, 0.00562475, 0.25325640],
- [0.32201283, 0.00466312, 0.25494238],
- [0.32824537, 0.00388290, 0.25638036],
- [0.33442201, 0.00330326, 0.25757922],
- [0.34053899, 0.00294139, 0.25854900],
- [0.34659324, 0.00281248, 0.25930062],
- [0.35258238, 0.00292973, 0.25984565],
- [0.35850456, 0.00330469, 0.26019624],
- [0.36435863, 0.00394687, 0.26036455],
- [0.37014392, 0.00486427, 0.26036284],
- [0.37586022, 0.00606351, 0.26020326],
- [0.38150768, 0.00754997, 0.25989773],
- [0.38708692, 0.00932771, 0.25945750],
- [0.39259875, 0.01140008, 0.25889357],
- [0.39804423, 0.01376965, 0.25821636],
- [0.40342462, 0.01643832, 0.25743567],
- [0.40874134, 0.01940749, 0.25656063],
- [0.41399593, 0.02267821, 0.25559969],
- [0.41919003, 0.02625124, 0.25456060],
- [0.42432521, 0.03012728, 0.25345096],
- [0.42940320, 0.03430678, 0.25227717],
- [0.43442568, 0.03879022, 0.25104532],
- [0.43939434, 0.04345886, 0.24976088],
- [0.44431078, 0.04809924, 0.24842917],
- [0.44917667, 0.05271829, 0.24705430],
- [0.45399357, 0.05731565, 0.24564043],
- [0.45876300, 0.06189134, 0.24419131],
- [0.46348642, 0.06644565, 0.24271023],
- [0.46816524, 0.07097911, 0.24120011],
- [0.47280082, 0.07549238, 0.23966351],
- [0.47739446, 0.07998626, 0.23810267],
- [0.48194739, 0.08446165, 0.23651952],
- [0.48646080, 0.08891948, 0.23491572],
- [0.49093575, 0.09336066, 0.23329327],
- [0.49537333, 0.09778622, 0.23165317],
- [0.49977453, 0.10219721, 0.22999634],
- [0.50414025, 0.10659452, 0.22832444],
- [0.50847140, 0.11097928, 0.22663746],
- [0.51276880, 0.11535236, 0.22493680],
- [0.51703321, 0.11971480, 0.22322258],
- [0.52126535, 0.12406762, 0.22149508],
- [0.52546590, 0.12841159, 0.21975536],
- [0.52963549, 0.13274777, 0.21800307],
- [0.53377467, 0.13707705, 0.21623839],
- [0.53788400, 0.14140031, 0.21446144],
- [0.54196396, 0.14571840, 0.21267228],
- [0.54601500, 0.15003211, 0.21087101],
- [0.55003752, 0.15434231, 0.20905740],
- [0.55403191, 0.15864979, 0.20723123],
- [0.55799849, 0.16295535, 0.20539229],
- [0.56193756, 0.16725973, 0.20354032],
- [0.56584938, 0.17156370, 0.20167504],
- [0.56973420, 0.17586791, 0.19979629],
- [0.57359220, 0.18017313, 0.19790354],
- [0.57742354, 0.18448004, 0.19599637],
- [0.58122836, 0.18878933, 0.19407432],
- [0.58500676, 0.19310167, 0.19213691],
- [0.58875883, 0.19741769, 0.19018367],
- [0.59248464, 0.20173792, 0.18821452],
- [0.59618418, 0.20606309, 0.18622846],
- [0.59985744, 0.21039382, 0.18422490],
- [0.60350442, 0.21473062, 0.18220354],
- [0.60712507, 0.21907406, 0.18016380],
- [0.61071928, 0.22342480, 0.17810474],
- [0.61428699, 0.22778330, 0.17602605],
- [0.61782806, 0.23215013, 0.17392699],
- [0.62134232, 0.23652588, 0.17180659],
- [0.62482967, 0.24091091, 0.16966479],
- [0.62828985, 0.24530592, 0.16750018],
- [0.63172270, 0.24971127, 0.16531245],
- [0.63512796, 0.25412753, 0.16310060],
- [0.63850541, 0.25855515, 0.16086391],
- [0.64185476, 0.26299460, 0.15860155],
- [0.64517573, 0.26744635, 0.15631261],
- [0.64846802, 0.27191086, 0.15399626],
- [0.65173129, 0.27638857, 0.15165151],
- [0.65496520, 0.28087993, 0.14927742],
- [0.65816940, 0.28538536, 0.14687300],
- [0.66134348, 0.28990530, 0.14443712],
- [0.66448706, 0.29444015, 0.14196884],
- [0.66759970, 0.29899036, 0.13946680],
- [0.67068100, 0.30355627, 0.13693009],
- [0.67373044, 0.30813837, 0.13435717],
- [0.67674760, 0.31273697, 0.13174696],
- [0.67973195, 0.31735252, 0.12909795],
- [0.68268296, 0.32198539, 0.12640873],
- [0.68560012, 0.32663596, 0.12367783],
- [0.68848285, 0.33130462, 0.12090357],
- [0.69133057, 0.33599172, 0.11808438],
- [0.69414268, 0.34069765, 0.11521839],
- [0.69691853, 0.34542279, 0.11230376],
- [0.69965749, 0.35016750, 0.10933850],
- [0.70235888, 0.35493213, 0.10632054],
- [0.70502196, 0.35971709, 0.10324758],
- [0.70764604, 0.36452269, 0.10011737],
- [0.71023032, 0.36934934, 0.09692724],
- [0.71277404, 0.37419738, 0.09367465],
- [0.71527635, 0.37906718, 0.09035668],
- [0.71773639, 0.38395913, 0.08697024],
- [0.72015332, 0.38887355, 0.08351225],
- [0.72252610, 0.39381089, 0.07997886],
- [0.72485391, 0.39877141, 0.07636682],
- [0.72713557, 0.40375564, 0.07267144],
- [0.72937020, 0.40876379, 0.06888911],
- [0.73155654, 0.41379641, 0.06501440],
- [0.73369361, 0.41885372, 0.06104297],
- [0.73578004, 0.42393628, 0.05696855],
- [0.73781479, 0.42904431, 0.05278605],
- [0.73979630, 0.43417841, 0.04848788],
- [0.74172351, 0.43933875, 0.04406818],
- [0.74359469, 0.44452599, 0.03950843],
- [0.74540863, 0.44974032, 0.03496736],
- [0.74716365, 0.45498227, 0.03061831],
- [0.74885810, 0.46025226, 0.02647651],
- [0.75049051, 0.46555057, 0.02255949],
- [0.75205882, 0.47087783, 0.01888448],
- [0.75356139, 0.47623430, 0.01547235],
- [0.75499642, 0.48162033, 0.01234546],
- [0.75636178, 0.48703642, 0.00952762],
- [0.75765535, 0.49248300, 0.00704533],
- [0.75887522, 0.49796029, 0.00492862],
- [0.76001921, 0.50346863, 0.00320981],
- [0.76108507, 0.50900832, 0.00192458],
- [0.76207052, 0.51457964, 0.00111230],
- [0.76297317, 0.52018282, 0.00081636],
- [0.76379071, 0.52581798, 0.00108485],
- [0.76452092, 0.53148512, 0.00197104],
- [0.76516152, 0.53718415, 0.00353359],
- [0.76571020, 0.54291496, 0.00583717],
- [0.76616493, 0.54867718, 0.00895343],
- [0.76652389, 0.55447023, 0.01296137],
- [0.76678550, 0.56029331, 0.01794799],
- [0.76694857, 0.56614535, 0.02400887],
- [0.76701214, 0.57202510, 0.03124883],
- [0.76697576, 0.57793095, 0.03978262],
- [0.76684045, 0.58386049, 0.04903227],
- [0.76660722, 0.58981131, 0.05845547],
- [0.76627868, 0.59578020, 0.06807116],
- [0.76585862, 0.60176337, 0.07788875],
- [0.76535207, 0.60775653, 0.08791591],
- [0.76476592, 0.61375464, 0.09815770],
- [0.76410868, 0.61975203, 0.10861653],
- [0.76339058, 0.62574253, 0.11929191],
- [0.76262383, 0.63171933, 0.13017975],
- [0.76182218, 0.63767533, 0.14127273],
- [0.76100088, 0.64360319, 0.15256015],
- [0.76017623, 0.64949558, 0.16402820],
- [0.75936551, 0.65534529, 0.17565990],
- [0.75858557, 0.66114578, 0.18743710],
- [0.75785387, 0.66689082, 0.19933860],
- [0.75718617, 0.67257532, 0.21134402],
- [0.75659702, 0.67819514, 0.22343301],
- [0.75610095, 0.68374654, 0.23558301],
- [0.75570882, 0.68922752, 0.24777627],
- [0.75543037, 0.69463672, 0.25999526],
- [0.75527358, 0.69997362, 0.27222411],
- [0.75524459, 0.70523852, 0.28444919],
- [0.75534786, 0.71043232, 0.29665885],
- [0.75558798, 0.71555598, 0.30883969],
- [0.75596488, 0.72061196, 0.32098797],
- [0.75648039, 0.72560206, 0.33309460],
- [0.75713411, 0.73052872, 0.34515503],
- [0.75792615, 0.73539419, 0.35716277],
- [0.75885397, 0.74020137, 0.36911783],
- [0.75991624, 0.74495271, 0.38101667],
- [0.76111117, 0.74965073, 0.39285671],
- [0.76243653, 0.75429795, 0.40463631],
- [0.76388981, 0.75889688, 0.41635461],
- [0.76546826, 0.76344999, 0.42801150],
- [0.76716895, 0.76795967, 0.43960747],
- [0.76898887, 0.77242823, 0.45114355],
- [0.77092495, 0.77685790, 0.46262121],
- [0.77297624, 0.78125047, 0.47403404],
- [0.77513802, 0.78560829, 0.48538994],
- [0.77740852, 0.78993312, 0.49668600],
- [0.77978481, 0.79422686, 0.50792385],
- [0.78226461, 0.79849125, 0.51910268],
- [0.78484437, 0.80272804, 0.53022801],
- [0.78752360, 0.80693874, 0.54129084],
- [0.79029816, 0.81112501, 0.55230015],
- [0.79316597, 0.81528830, 0.56325566],
- [0.79612510, 0.81943002, 0.57415608],
- [0.79917377, 0.82355160, 0.58499933],
- [0.80230923, 0.82765431, 0.59578953],
- [0.80552950, 0.83173944, 0.60652681],
- [0.80883262, 0.83580818, 0.61721134],
- [0.81221670, 0.83986173, 0.62784337],
- [0.81567989, 0.84390121, 0.63842318],
- [0.81922039, 0.84792772, 0.64895110],
- [0.82283648, 0.85194230, 0.65942750],
- [0.82652647, 0.85594596, 0.66985275],
- [0.83028877, 0.85993968, 0.68022721],
- [0.83412190, 0.86392442, 0.69055029],
- [0.83802458, 0.86790127, 0.70081942],
- [0.84199514, 0.87187092, 0.71103821],
- [0.84603224, 0.87583420, 0.72120697],
- [0.85013466, 0.87979188, 0.73132599],
- [0.85430141, 0.88374511, 0.74139023],
- [0.85853122, 0.88769446, 0.75140249],
- [0.86282303, 0.89164047, 0.76136498],
- [0.86717599, 0.89558416, 0.77127319],
- [0.87158923, 0.89952624, 0.78112660],
- [0.87606198, 0.90346693, 0.79092948],
- [0.88059358, 0.90740758, 0.80067298],
- [0.88518356, 0.91134818, 0.81036274],
- [0.88983148, 0.91528954, 0.81999489],
- [0.89453708, 0.91923231, 0.82956689],
- [0.89930038, 0.92317665, 0.83908024],
- [0.90412127, 0.92712356, 0.84852781],
- [0.90900037, 0.93107285, 0.85791252],
- [0.91393789, 0.93502555, 0.86722582],
- [0.91893496, 0.93898147, 0.87646830],
- [0.92399247, 0.94294130, 0.88563254],
- [0.92911186, 0.94690532, 0.89471312],
- [0.93429512, 0.95087352, 0.90370558],
- [0.93954337, 0.95484728, 0.91259476],
- [0.94485945, 0.95882622, 0.92137673],
- [0.95024408, 0.96281229, 0.93003235],
- [0.95569778, 0.96680718, 0.93854633],
- [0.96121881, 0.97081370, 0.94690106],
- [0.96679890, 0.97483827, 0.95506881],
- [0.97242367, 0.97888876, 0.96303135],
- [0.97806688, 0.98297733, 0.97077466],
- [0.98368847, 0.98712026, 0.97829771],
- [0.98924194, 0.99133313, 0.98563169],
- [0.99468610, 0.99562624, 0.99283900],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.14076345, 0.02071182, 0.11281771],
+ [0.14594974, 0.02188968, 0.11920054],
+ [0.15119936, 0.02298197, 0.12556240],
+ [0.15651621, 0.02397587, 0.13189825],
+ [0.16190398, 0.02485843, 0.13820273],
+ [0.16736520, 0.02561824, 0.14446827],
+ [0.17290235, 0.02624375, 0.15068734],
+ [0.17851688, 0.02672508, 0.15685067],
+ [0.18420965, 0.02705347, 0.16294811],
+ [0.18998083, 0.02722158, 0.16896862],
+ [0.19582983, 0.02722385, 0.17490016],
+ [0.20175529, 0.02705665, 0.18072994],
+ [0.20775515, 0.02671842, 0.18644447],
+ [0.21382623, 0.02621060, 0.19202938],
+ [0.21996496, 0.02553634, 0.19747035],
+ [0.22616659, 0.02470239, 0.20275241],
+ [0.23242597, 0.02371745, 0.20786094],
+ [0.23873698, 0.02259360, 0.21278132],
+ [0.24509295, 0.02134550, 0.21749953],
+ [0.25148665, 0.01999035, 0.22200228],
+ [0.25791041, 0.01854779, 0.22627730],
+ [0.26435616, 0.01703959, 0.23031358],
+ [0.27081562, 0.01548935, 0.23410160],
+ [0.27728039, 0.01392204, 0.23763357],
+ [0.28374209, 0.01236363, 0.24090352],
+ [0.29019252, 0.01084059, 0.24390751],
+ [0.29662372, 0.00937946, 0.24664363],
+ [0.30302813, 0.00800639, 0.24911204],
+ [0.30939868, 0.00674675, 0.25131492],
+ [0.31572887, 0.00562475, 0.25325640],
+ [0.32201283, 0.00466312, 0.25494238],
+ [0.32824537, 0.00388290, 0.25638036],
+ [0.33442201, 0.00330326, 0.25757922],
+ [0.34053899, 0.00294139, 0.25854900],
+ [0.34659324, 0.00281248, 0.25930062],
+ [0.35258238, 0.00292973, 0.25984565],
+ [0.35850456, 0.00330469, 0.26019624],
+ [0.36435863, 0.00394687, 0.26036455],
+ [0.37014392, 0.00486427, 0.26036284],
+ [0.37586022, 0.00606351, 0.26020326],
+ [0.38150768, 0.00754997, 0.25989773],
+ [0.38708692, 0.00932771, 0.25945750],
+ [0.39259875, 0.01140008, 0.25889357],
+ [0.39804423, 0.01376965, 0.25821636],
+ [0.40342462, 0.01643832, 0.25743567],
+ [0.40874134, 0.01940749, 0.25656063],
+ [0.41399593, 0.02267821, 0.25559969],
+ [0.41919003, 0.02625124, 0.25456060],
+ [0.42432521, 0.03012728, 0.25345096],
+ [0.42940320, 0.03430678, 0.25227717],
+ [0.43442568, 0.03879022, 0.25104532],
+ [0.43939434, 0.04345886, 0.24976088],
+ [0.44431078, 0.04809924, 0.24842917],
+ [0.44917667, 0.05271829, 0.24705430],
+ [0.45399357, 0.05731565, 0.24564043],
+ [0.45876300, 0.06189134, 0.24419131],
+ [0.46348642, 0.06644565, 0.24271023],
+ [0.46816524, 0.07097911, 0.24120011],
+ [0.47280082, 0.07549238, 0.23966351],
+ [0.47739446, 0.07998626, 0.23810267],
+ [0.48194739, 0.08446165, 0.23651952],
+ [0.48646080, 0.08891948, 0.23491572],
+ [0.49093575, 0.09336066, 0.23329327],
+ [0.49537333, 0.09778622, 0.23165317],
+ [0.49977453, 0.10219721, 0.22999634],
+ [0.50414025, 0.10659452, 0.22832444],
+ [0.50847140, 0.11097928, 0.22663746],
+ [0.51276880, 0.11535236, 0.22493680],
+ [0.51703321, 0.11971480, 0.22322258],
+ [0.52126535, 0.12406762, 0.22149508],
+ [0.52546590, 0.12841159, 0.21975536],
+ [0.52963549, 0.13274777, 0.21800307],
+ [0.53377467, 0.13707705, 0.21623839],
+ [0.53788400, 0.14140031, 0.21446144],
+ [0.54196396, 0.14571840, 0.21267228],
+ [0.54601500, 0.15003211, 0.21087101],
+ [0.55003752, 0.15434231, 0.20905740],
+ [0.55403191, 0.15864979, 0.20723123],
+ [0.55799849, 0.16295535, 0.20539229],
+ [0.56193756, 0.16725973, 0.20354032],
+ [0.56584938, 0.17156370, 0.20167504],
+ [0.56973420, 0.17586791, 0.19979629],
+ [0.57359220, 0.18017313, 0.19790354],
+ [0.57742354, 0.18448004, 0.19599637],
+ [0.58122836, 0.18878933, 0.19407432],
+ [0.58500676, 0.19310167, 0.19213691],
+ [0.58875883, 0.19741769, 0.19018367],
+ [0.59248464, 0.20173792, 0.18821452],
+ [0.59618418, 0.20606309, 0.18622846],
+ [0.59985744, 0.21039382, 0.18422490],
+ [0.60350442, 0.21473062, 0.18220354],
+ [0.60712507, 0.21907406, 0.18016380],
+ [0.61071928, 0.22342480, 0.17810474],
+ [0.61428699, 0.22778330, 0.17602605],
+ [0.61782806, 0.23215013, 0.17392699],
+ [0.62134232, 0.23652588, 0.17180659],
+ [0.62482967, 0.24091091, 0.16966479],
+ [0.62828985, 0.24530592, 0.16750018],
+ [0.63172270, 0.24971127, 0.16531245],
+ [0.63512796, 0.25412753, 0.16310060],
+ [0.63850541, 0.25855515, 0.16086391],
+ [0.64185476, 0.26299460, 0.15860155],
+ [0.64517573, 0.26744635, 0.15631261],
+ [0.64846802, 0.27191086, 0.15399626],
+ [0.65173129, 0.27638857, 0.15165151],
+ [0.65496520, 0.28087993, 0.14927742],
+ [0.65816940, 0.28538536, 0.14687300],
+ [0.66134348, 0.28990530, 0.14443712],
+ [0.66448706, 0.29444015, 0.14196884],
+ [0.66759970, 0.29899036, 0.13946680],
+ [0.67068100, 0.30355627, 0.13693009],
+ [0.67373044, 0.30813837, 0.13435717],
+ [0.67674760, 0.31273697, 0.13174696],
+ [0.67973195, 0.31735252, 0.12909795],
+ [0.68268296, 0.32198539, 0.12640873],
+ [0.68560012, 0.32663596, 0.12367783],
+ [0.68848285, 0.33130462, 0.12090357],
+ [0.69133057, 0.33599172, 0.11808438],
+ [0.69414268, 0.34069765, 0.11521839],
+ [0.69691853, 0.34542279, 0.11230376],
+ [0.69965749, 0.35016750, 0.10933850],
+ [0.70235888, 0.35493213, 0.10632054],
+ [0.70502196, 0.35971709, 0.10324758],
+ [0.70764604, 0.36452269, 0.10011737],
+ [0.71023032, 0.36934934, 0.09692724],
+ [0.71277404, 0.37419738, 0.09367465],
+ [0.71527635, 0.37906718, 0.09035668],
+ [0.71773639, 0.38395913, 0.08697024],
+ [0.72015332, 0.38887355, 0.08351225],
+ [0.72252610, 0.39381089, 0.07997886],
+ [0.72485391, 0.39877141, 0.07636682],
+ [0.72713557, 0.40375564, 0.07267144],
+ [0.72937020, 0.40876379, 0.06888911],
+ [0.73155654, 0.41379641, 0.06501440],
+ [0.73369361, 0.41885372, 0.06104297],
+ [0.73578004, 0.42393628, 0.05696855],
+ [0.73781479, 0.42904431, 0.05278605],
+ [0.73979630, 0.43417841, 0.04848788],
+ [0.74172351, 0.43933875, 0.04406818],
+ [0.74359469, 0.44452599, 0.03950843],
+ [0.74540863, 0.44974032, 0.03496736],
+ [0.74716365, 0.45498227, 0.03061831],
+ [0.74885810, 0.46025226, 0.02647651],
+ [0.75049051, 0.46555057, 0.02255949],
+ [0.75205882, 0.47087783, 0.01888448],
+ [0.75356139, 0.47623430, 0.01547235],
+ [0.75499642, 0.48162033, 0.01234546],
+ [0.75636178, 0.48703642, 0.00952762],
+ [0.75765535, 0.49248300, 0.00704533],
+ [0.75887522, 0.49796029, 0.00492862],
+ [0.76001921, 0.50346863, 0.00320981],
+ [0.76108507, 0.50900832, 0.00192458],
+ [0.76207052, 0.51457964, 0.00111230],
+ [0.76297317, 0.52018282, 0.00081636],
+ [0.76379071, 0.52581798, 0.00108485],
+ [0.76452092, 0.53148512, 0.00197104],
+ [0.76516152, 0.53718415, 0.00353359],
+ [0.76571020, 0.54291496, 0.00583717],
+ [0.76616493, 0.54867718, 0.00895343],
+ [0.76652389, 0.55447023, 0.01296137],
+ [0.76678550, 0.56029331, 0.01794799],
+ [0.76694857, 0.56614535, 0.02400887],
+ [0.76701214, 0.57202510, 0.03124883],
+ [0.76697576, 0.57793095, 0.03978262],
+ [0.76684045, 0.58386049, 0.04903227],
+ [0.76660722, 0.58981131, 0.05845547],
+ [0.76627868, 0.59578020, 0.06807116],
+ [0.76585862, 0.60176337, 0.07788875],
+ [0.76535207, 0.60775653, 0.08791591],
+ [0.76476592, 0.61375464, 0.09815770],
+ [0.76410868, 0.61975203, 0.10861653],
+ [0.76339058, 0.62574253, 0.11929191],
+ [0.76262383, 0.63171933, 0.13017975],
+ [0.76182218, 0.63767533, 0.14127273],
+ [0.76100088, 0.64360319, 0.15256015],
+ [0.76017623, 0.64949558, 0.16402820],
+ [0.75936551, 0.65534529, 0.17565990],
+ [0.75858557, 0.66114578, 0.18743710],
+ [0.75785387, 0.66689082, 0.19933860],
+ [0.75718617, 0.67257532, 0.21134402],
+ [0.75659702, 0.67819514, 0.22343301],
+ [0.75610095, 0.68374654, 0.23558301],
+ [0.75570882, 0.68922752, 0.24777627],
+ [0.75543037, 0.69463672, 0.25999526],
+ [0.75527358, 0.69997362, 0.27222411],
+ [0.75524459, 0.70523852, 0.28444919],
+ [0.75534786, 0.71043232, 0.29665885],
+ [0.75558798, 0.71555598, 0.30883969],
+ [0.75596488, 0.72061196, 0.32098797],
+ [0.75648039, 0.72560206, 0.33309460],
+ [0.75713411, 0.73052872, 0.34515503],
+ [0.75792615, 0.73539419, 0.35716277],
+ [0.75885397, 0.74020137, 0.36911783],
+ [0.75991624, 0.74495271, 0.38101667],
+ [0.76111117, 0.74965073, 0.39285671],
+ [0.76243653, 0.75429795, 0.40463631],
+ [0.76388981, 0.75889688, 0.41635461],
+ [0.76546826, 0.76344999, 0.42801150],
+ [0.76716895, 0.76795967, 0.43960747],
+ [0.76898887, 0.77242823, 0.45114355],
+ [0.77092495, 0.77685790, 0.46262121],
+ [0.77297624, 0.78125047, 0.47403404],
+ [0.77513802, 0.78560829, 0.48538994],
+ [0.77740852, 0.78993312, 0.49668600],
+ [0.77978481, 0.79422686, 0.50792385],
+ [0.78226461, 0.79849125, 0.51910268],
+ [0.78484437, 0.80272804, 0.53022801],
+ [0.78752360, 0.80693874, 0.54129084],
+ [0.79029816, 0.81112501, 0.55230015],
+ [0.79316597, 0.81528830, 0.56325566],
+ [0.79612510, 0.81943002, 0.57415608],
+ [0.79917377, 0.82355160, 0.58499933],
+ [0.80230923, 0.82765431, 0.59578953],
+ [0.80552950, 0.83173944, 0.60652681],
+ [0.80883262, 0.83580818, 0.61721134],
+ [0.81221670, 0.83986173, 0.62784337],
+ [0.81567989, 0.84390121, 0.63842318],
+ [0.81922039, 0.84792772, 0.64895110],
+ [0.82283648, 0.85194230, 0.65942750],
+ [0.82652647, 0.85594596, 0.66985275],
+ [0.83028877, 0.85993968, 0.68022721],
+ [0.83412190, 0.86392442, 0.69055029],
+ [0.83802458, 0.86790127, 0.70081942],
+ [0.84199514, 0.87187092, 0.71103821],
+ [0.84603224, 0.87583420, 0.72120697],
+ [0.85013466, 0.87979188, 0.73132599],
+ [0.85430141, 0.88374511, 0.74139023],
+ [0.85853122, 0.88769446, 0.75140249],
+ [0.86282303, 0.89164047, 0.76136498],
+ [0.86717599, 0.89558416, 0.77127319],
+ [0.87158923, 0.89952624, 0.78112660],
+ [0.87606198, 0.90346693, 0.79092948],
+ [0.88059358, 0.90740758, 0.80067298],
+ [0.88518356, 0.91134818, 0.81036274],
+ [0.88983148, 0.91528954, 0.81999489],
+ [0.89453708, 0.91923231, 0.82956689],
+ [0.89930038, 0.92317665, 0.83908024],
+ [0.90412127, 0.92712356, 0.84852781],
+ [0.90900037, 0.93107285, 0.85791252],
+ [0.91393789, 0.93502555, 0.86722582],
+ [0.91893496, 0.93898147, 0.87646830],
+ [0.92399247, 0.94294130, 0.88563254],
+ [0.92911186, 0.94690532, 0.89471312],
+ [0.93429512, 0.95087352, 0.90370558],
+ [0.93954337, 0.95484728, 0.91259476],
+ [0.94485945, 0.95882622, 0.92137673],
+ [0.95024408, 0.96281229, 0.93003235],
+ [0.95569778, 0.96680718, 0.93854633],
+ [0.96121881, 0.97081370, 0.94690106],
+ [0.96679890, 0.97483827, 0.95506881],
+ [0.97242367, 0.97888876, 0.96303135],
+ [0.97806688, 0.98297733, 0.97077466],
+ [0.98368847, 0.98712026, 0.97829771],
+ [0.98924194, 0.99133313, 0.98563169],
+ [0.99468610, 0.99562624, 0.99283900],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.fall', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.fall", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/flamingo/flamingo.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/flamingo/flamingo.jscm
index 17295475..3925f88d 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/flamingo/flamingo.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/flamingo/flamingo.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/flamingo/flamingo.py b/cmasher/colormaps/flamingo/flamingo.py
index 75c69a15..003ff15a 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/flamingo/flamingo.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/flamingo/flamingo.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00032031, 0.00020876, 0.00015576],
- [0.00115213, 0.00071222, 0.00050933],
- [0.00246632, 0.00145292, 0.00099932],
- [0.00426111, 0.00240248, 0.00159470],
- [0.00654129, 0.00354149, 0.00227479],
- [0.00931453, 0.00485497, 0.00302435],
- [0.01259008, 0.00633067, 0.00383153],
- [0.01637810, 0.00795809, 0.00468676],
- [0.02068947, 0.00972796, 0.00558214],
- [0.02553552, 0.01163194, 0.00651101],
- [0.03092793, 0.01366243, 0.00746771],
- [0.03687870, 0.01581232, 0.00844736],
- [0.04329108, 0.01807499, 0.00944575],
- [0.04970018, 0.02044415, 0.01045917],
- [0.05607744, 0.02291381, 0.01148441],
- [0.06242826, 0.02547822, 0.01251862],
- [0.06875727, 0.02813185, 0.01355932],
- [0.07506844, 0.03086930, 0.01460431],
- [0.08136524, 0.03368535, 0.01565167],
- [0.08765071, 0.03657489, 0.01669973],
- [0.09392754, 0.03953289, 0.01774700],
- [0.10019812, 0.04248851, 0.01879222],
- [0.10646459, 0.04536893, 0.01983431],
- [0.11272888, 0.04818555, 0.02087234],
- [0.11899272, 0.05094021, 0.02190555],
- [0.12525770, 0.05363453, 0.02293331],
- [0.13152527, 0.05626994, 0.02395516],
- [0.13779673, 0.05884770, 0.02497073],
- [0.14407332, 0.06136894, 0.02597979],
- [0.15035614, 0.06383462, 0.02698225],
- [0.15664624, 0.06624561, 0.02797810],
- [0.16294457, 0.06860266, 0.02896747],
- [0.16925203, 0.07090640, 0.02995057],
- [0.17556946, 0.07315739, 0.03092776],
- [0.18189762, 0.07535608, 0.03189947],
- [0.18823726, 0.07750287, 0.03286623],
- [0.19458905, 0.07959805, 0.03382870],
- [0.20095364, 0.08164185, 0.03478764],
- [0.20733163, 0.08363445, 0.03574389],
- [0.21372359, 0.08557593, 0.03669841],
- [0.22013006, 0.08746634, 0.03765228],
- [0.22655154, 0.08930565, 0.03860667],
- [0.23298852, 0.09109380, 0.03956286],
- [0.23944144, 0.09283065, 0.04052097],
- [0.24591073, 0.09451600, 0.04146142],
- [0.25239679, 0.09614964, 0.04239527],
- [0.25890000, 0.09773126, 0.04332440],
- [0.26542072, 0.09926052, 0.04425071],
- [0.27195929, 0.10073705, 0.04517610],
- [0.27851612, 0.10216029, 0.04610242],
- [0.28509144, 0.10352983, 0.04703172],
- [0.29168551, 0.10484515, 0.04796603],
- [0.29829858, 0.10610566, 0.04890741],
- [0.30493089, 0.10731073, 0.04985793],
- [0.31158270, 0.10845962, 0.05081968],
- [0.31825437, 0.10955144, 0.05179469],
- [0.32494588, 0.11058558, 0.05278533],
- [0.33165741, 0.11156121, 0.05379388],
- [0.33838918, 0.11247734, 0.05482253],
- [0.34514146, 0.11333282, 0.05587349],
- [0.35191413, 0.11412692, 0.05694939],
- [0.35870733, 0.11485850, 0.05805261],
- [0.36552140, 0.11552606, 0.05918537],
- [0.37235602, 0.11612887, 0.06035055],
- [0.37921149, 0.11666531, 0.06155047],
- [0.38608774, 0.11713411, 0.06278785],
- [0.39298465, 0.11753398, 0.06406542],
- [0.39990243, 0.11786308, 0.06538571],
- [0.40684070, 0.11812026, 0.06675174],
- [0.41379968, 0.11830340, 0.06816610],
- [0.42077900, 0.11841110, 0.06963182],
- [0.42777857, 0.11844140, 0.07115178],
- [0.43479835, 0.11839213, 0.07272887],
- [0.44183779, 0.11826176, 0.07436631],
- [0.44889692, 0.11804763, 0.07606698],
- [0.45597537, 0.11774759, 0.07783407],
- [0.46307262, 0.11735955, 0.07967086],
- [0.47018828, 0.11688094, 0.08158056],
- [0.47732206, 0.11630887, 0.08356643],
- [0.48447342, 0.11564059, 0.08563184],
- [0.49164167, 0.11487339, 0.08778027],
- [0.49882616, 0.11400421, 0.09001524],
- [0.50602619, 0.11302981, 0.09234030],
- [0.51324096, 0.11194681, 0.09475911],
- [0.52046957, 0.11075165, 0.09727541],
- [0.52771103, 0.10944063, 0.09989300],
- [0.53496423, 0.10800987, 0.10261578],
- [0.54222828, 0.10645458, 0.10544773],
- [0.54950158, 0.10477099, 0.10839295],
- [0.55678265, 0.10295467, 0.11145561],
- [0.56407005, 0.10100050, 0.11463998],
- [0.57136221, 0.09890294, 0.11795046],
- [0.57865683, 0.09665778, 0.12139144],
- [0.58595251, 0.09425758, 0.12496762],
- [0.59324637, 0.09169820, 0.12868351],
- [0.60053647, 0.08897198, 0.13254399],
- [0.60781996, 0.08607290, 0.13655381],
- [0.61509391, 0.08299424, 0.14071783],
- [0.62235528, 0.07972847, 0.14504098],
- [0.62960086, 0.07626735, 0.14952833],
- [0.63682690, 0.07260321, 0.15418475],
- [0.64402945, 0.06872768, 0.15901515],
- [0.65120429, 0.06463189, 0.16402435],
- [0.65834703, 0.06030595, 0.16921717],
- [0.66545273, 0.05574060, 0.17459807],
- [0.67251615, 0.05092618, 0.18017123],
- [0.67953179, 0.04585268, 0.18594053],
- [0.68649408, 0.04050791, 0.19190990],
- [0.69339656, 0.03501827, 0.19808181],
- [0.70023310, 0.02974032, 0.20445918],
- [0.70699677, 0.02473108, 0.21104325],
- [0.71368081, 0.02004735, 0.21783521],
- [0.72027805, 0.01575128, 0.22483488],
- [0.72678121, 0.01190847, 0.23204104],
- [0.73318299, 0.00858729, 0.23945145],
- [0.73947609, 0.00585900, 0.24706262],
- [0.74565328, 0.00379723, 0.25486974],
- [0.75170751, 0.00247734, 0.26286660],
- [0.75763201, 0.00197573, 0.27104565],
- [0.76342035, 0.00236912, 0.27939796],
- [0.76906659, 0.00373375, 0.28791328],
- [0.77456531, 0.00614457, 0.29658016],
- [0.77991170, 0.00967453, 0.30538600],
- [0.78510166, 0.01439382, 0.31431727],
- [0.79013176, 0.02036922, 0.32335963],
- [0.79499936, 0.02766356, 0.33249813],
- [0.79970258, 0.03633527, 0.34171740],
- [0.80424028, 0.04610137, 0.35100187],
- [0.80861206, 0.05593074, 0.36033595],
- [0.81281824, 0.06575513, 0.36970423],
- [0.81685977, 0.07556701, 0.37909164],
- [0.82073820, 0.08536045, 0.38848361],
- [0.82445563, 0.09513050, 0.39786621],
- [0.82801462, 0.10487292, 0.40722623],
- [0.83141814, 0.11458394, 0.41655122],
- [0.83466964, 0.12426002, 0.42582926],
- [0.83777258, 0.13389850, 0.43505012],
- [0.84073089, 0.14349659, 0.44420371],
- [0.84354864, 0.15305194, 0.45328109],
- [0.84622995, 0.16256264, 0.46227431],
- [0.84877908, 0.17202698, 0.47117623],
- [0.85120054, 0.18144313, 0.47998013],
- [0.85349849, 0.19081025, 0.48868085],
- [0.85567734, 0.20012720, 0.49727347],
- [0.85774150, 0.20939307, 0.50575378],
- [0.85969539, 0.21860703, 0.51411817],
- [0.86154321, 0.22776871, 0.52236389],
- [0.86328918, 0.23687774, 0.53048865],
- [0.86493759, 0.24593368, 0.53849050],
- [0.86649243, 0.25493655, 0.54636825],
- [0.86795766, 0.26388635, 0.55412108],
- [0.86933714, 0.27278325, 0.56174857],
- [0.87063488, 0.28162708, 0.56925039],
- [0.87185473, 0.29041795, 0.57662667],
- [0.87299987, 0.29915672, 0.58387836],
- [0.87407470, 0.30784267, 0.59100548],
- [0.87508176, 0.31647731, 0.59800984],
- [0.87602545, 0.32505984, 0.60489185],
- [0.87690829, 0.33359164, 0.61165350],
- [0.87773379, 0.34207284, 0.61829617],
- [0.87850545, 0.35050356, 0.62482133],
- [0.87922592, 0.35888478, 0.63123109],
- [0.87989827, 0.36721697, 0.63752735],
- [0.88052548, 0.37550059, 0.64371209],
- [0.88111058, 0.38373605, 0.64978738],
- [0.88165635, 0.39192396, 0.65575540],
- [0.88216538, 0.40006502, 0.66161845],
- [0.88264034, 0.40815983, 0.66737883],
- [0.88308383, 0.41620898, 0.67303885],
- [0.88349837, 0.42421311, 0.67860087],
- [0.88388658, 0.43217272, 0.68406723],
- [0.88425089, 0.44008842, 0.68944031],
- [0.88459352, 0.44796098, 0.69472256],
- [0.88491674, 0.45579107, 0.69991638],
- [0.88522277, 0.46357936, 0.70502418],
- [0.88551386, 0.47132645, 0.71004831],
- [0.88579260, 0.47903263, 0.71499109],
- [0.88606054, 0.48669904, 0.71985498],
- [0.88631967, 0.49432634, 0.72464230],
- [0.88657273, 0.50191463, 0.72935531],
- [0.88682100, 0.50946512, 0.73399636],
- [0.88706656, 0.51697833, 0.73856771],
- [0.88731166, 0.52445464, 0.74307157],
- [0.88755748, 0.53189523, 0.74751019],
- [0.88780677, 0.53930002, 0.75188571],
- [0.88806029, 0.54667042, 0.75620029],
- [0.88832077, 0.55400637, 0.76045604],
- [0.88858898, 0.56130917, 0.76465503],
- [0.88886751, 0.56857881, 0.76879932],
- [0.88915723, 0.57581648, 0.77289087],
- [0.88946027, 0.58302245, 0.77693169],
- [0.88977801, 0.59019749, 0.78092369],
- [0.89011184, 0.59734231, 0.78486874],
- [0.89046385, 0.60445719, 0.78876876],
- [0.89083498, 0.61154309, 0.79262552],
- [0.89122688, 0.61860051, 0.79644080],
- [0.89164127, 0.62562987, 0.80021639],
- [0.89207922, 0.63263202, 0.80395396],
- [0.89254218, 0.63960749, 0.80765517],
- [0.89303193, 0.64655664, 0.81132175],
- [0.89354946, 0.65348027, 0.81495521],
- [0.89409613, 0.66037894, 0.81855714],
- [0.89467341, 0.66725312, 0.82212908],
- [0.89528268, 0.67410333, 0.82567258],
- [0.89592507, 0.68093022, 0.82918904],
- [0.89660188, 0.68773430, 0.83267991],
- [0.89731440, 0.69451609, 0.83614660],
- [0.89806405, 0.70127602, 0.83959053],
- [0.89885189, 0.70801470, 0.84301299],
- [0.89967918, 0.71473262, 0.84641529],
- [0.90054714, 0.72143026, 0.84979872],
- [0.90145701, 0.72810810, 0.85316454],
- [0.90241007, 0.73476657, 0.85651399],
- [0.90340743, 0.74140617, 0.85984825],
- [0.90445031, 0.74802735, 0.86316849],
- [0.90553992, 0.75463054, 0.86647585],
- [0.90667746, 0.76121615, 0.86977146],
- [0.90786415, 0.76778459, 0.87305641],
- [0.90910120, 0.77433626, 0.87633178],
- [0.91038981, 0.78087154, 0.87959861],
- [0.91173124, 0.78739078, 0.88285793],
- [0.91312673, 0.79389433, 0.88611074],
- [0.91457758, 0.80038249, 0.88935803],
- [0.91608500, 0.80685562, 0.89260074],
- [0.91765039, 0.81331396, 0.89583983],
- [0.91927511, 0.81975775, 0.89907623],
- [0.92096059, 0.82618722, 0.90231088],
- [0.92270830, 0.83260254, 0.90554466],
- [0.92451964, 0.83900395, 0.90877841],
- [0.92639632, 0.84539150, 0.91201305],
- [0.92834008, 0.85176524, 0.91524947],
- [0.93035272, 0.85812518, 0.91848857],
- [0.93243609, 0.86447132, 0.92173117],
- [0.93459223, 0.87080356, 0.92497815],
- [0.93682359, 0.87712161, 0.92823055],
- [0.93913266, 0.88342515, 0.93148937],
- [0.94152187, 0.88971391, 0.93475546],
- [0.94399458, 0.89598719, 0.93803021],
- [0.94655427, 0.90224421, 0.94131502],
- [0.94920436, 0.90848425, 0.94461125],
- [0.95194957, 0.91470593, 0.94792118],
- [0.95479468, 0.92090786, 0.95124737],
- [0.95774485, 0.92708839, 0.95459314],
- [0.96080631, 0.93324527, 0.95796364],
- [0.96398446, 0.93937648, 0.96136518],
- [0.96728521, 0.94547938, 0.96480785],
- [0.97071125, 0.95155233, 0.96830475],
- [0.97426122, 0.95759472, 0.97187464],
- [0.97792404, 0.96360932, 0.97554077],
- [0.98167361, 0.96960465, 0.97932802],
- [0.98546619, 0.97559672, 0.98325573],
- [0.98924336, 0.98160914, 0.98732439],
- [0.99294687, 0.98766807, 0.99150675],
- [0.99653673, 0.99379467, 0.99575160],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00032031, 0.00020876, 0.00015576],
+ [0.00115213, 0.00071222, 0.00050933],
+ [0.00246632, 0.00145292, 0.00099932],
+ [0.00426111, 0.00240248, 0.00159470],
+ [0.00654129, 0.00354149, 0.00227479],
+ [0.00931453, 0.00485497, 0.00302435],
+ [0.01259008, 0.00633067, 0.00383153],
+ [0.01637810, 0.00795809, 0.00468676],
+ [0.02068947, 0.00972796, 0.00558214],
+ [0.02553552, 0.01163194, 0.00651101],
+ [0.03092793, 0.01366243, 0.00746771],
+ [0.03687870, 0.01581232, 0.00844736],
+ [0.04329108, 0.01807499, 0.00944575],
+ [0.04970018, 0.02044415, 0.01045917],
+ [0.05607744, 0.02291381, 0.01148441],
+ [0.06242826, 0.02547822, 0.01251862],
+ [0.06875727, 0.02813185, 0.01355932],
+ [0.07506844, 0.03086930, 0.01460431],
+ [0.08136524, 0.03368535, 0.01565167],
+ [0.08765071, 0.03657489, 0.01669973],
+ [0.09392754, 0.03953289, 0.01774700],
+ [0.10019812, 0.04248851, 0.01879222],
+ [0.10646459, 0.04536893, 0.01983431],
+ [0.11272888, 0.04818555, 0.02087234],
+ [0.11899272, 0.05094021, 0.02190555],
+ [0.12525770, 0.05363453, 0.02293331],
+ [0.13152527, 0.05626994, 0.02395516],
+ [0.13779673, 0.05884770, 0.02497073],
+ [0.14407332, 0.06136894, 0.02597979],
+ [0.15035614, 0.06383462, 0.02698225],
+ [0.15664624, 0.06624561, 0.02797810],
+ [0.16294457, 0.06860266, 0.02896747],
+ [0.16925203, 0.07090640, 0.02995057],
+ [0.17556946, 0.07315739, 0.03092776],
+ [0.18189762, 0.07535608, 0.03189947],
+ [0.18823726, 0.07750287, 0.03286623],
+ [0.19458905, 0.07959805, 0.03382870],
+ [0.20095364, 0.08164185, 0.03478764],
+ [0.20733163, 0.08363445, 0.03574389],
+ [0.21372359, 0.08557593, 0.03669841],
+ [0.22013006, 0.08746634, 0.03765228],
+ [0.22655154, 0.08930565, 0.03860667],
+ [0.23298852, 0.09109380, 0.03956286],
+ [0.23944144, 0.09283065, 0.04052097],
+ [0.24591073, 0.09451600, 0.04146142],
+ [0.25239679, 0.09614964, 0.04239527],
+ [0.25890000, 0.09773126, 0.04332440],
+ [0.26542072, 0.09926052, 0.04425071],
+ [0.27195929, 0.10073705, 0.04517610],
+ [0.27851612, 0.10216029, 0.04610242],
+ [0.28509144, 0.10352983, 0.04703172],
+ [0.29168551, 0.10484515, 0.04796603],
+ [0.29829858, 0.10610566, 0.04890741],
+ [0.30493089, 0.10731073, 0.04985793],
+ [0.31158270, 0.10845962, 0.05081968],
+ [0.31825437, 0.10955144, 0.05179469],
+ [0.32494588, 0.11058558, 0.05278533],
+ [0.33165741, 0.11156121, 0.05379388],
+ [0.33838918, 0.11247734, 0.05482253],
+ [0.34514146, 0.11333282, 0.05587349],
+ [0.35191413, 0.11412692, 0.05694939],
+ [0.35870733, 0.11485850, 0.05805261],
+ [0.36552140, 0.11552606, 0.05918537],
+ [0.37235602, 0.11612887, 0.06035055],
+ [0.37921149, 0.11666531, 0.06155047],
+ [0.38608774, 0.11713411, 0.06278785],
+ [0.39298465, 0.11753398, 0.06406542],
+ [0.39990243, 0.11786308, 0.06538571],
+ [0.40684070, 0.11812026, 0.06675174],
+ [0.41379968, 0.11830340, 0.06816610],
+ [0.42077900, 0.11841110, 0.06963182],
+ [0.42777857, 0.11844140, 0.07115178],
+ [0.43479835, 0.11839213, 0.07272887],
+ [0.44183779, 0.11826176, 0.07436631],
+ [0.44889692, 0.11804763, 0.07606698],
+ [0.45597537, 0.11774759, 0.07783407],
+ [0.46307262, 0.11735955, 0.07967086],
+ [0.47018828, 0.11688094, 0.08158056],
+ [0.47732206, 0.11630887, 0.08356643],
+ [0.48447342, 0.11564059, 0.08563184],
+ [0.49164167, 0.11487339, 0.08778027],
+ [0.49882616, 0.11400421, 0.09001524],
+ [0.50602619, 0.11302981, 0.09234030],
+ [0.51324096, 0.11194681, 0.09475911],
+ [0.52046957, 0.11075165, 0.09727541],
+ [0.52771103, 0.10944063, 0.09989300],
+ [0.53496423, 0.10800987, 0.10261578],
+ [0.54222828, 0.10645458, 0.10544773],
+ [0.54950158, 0.10477099, 0.10839295],
+ [0.55678265, 0.10295467, 0.11145561],
+ [0.56407005, 0.10100050, 0.11463998],
+ [0.57136221, 0.09890294, 0.11795046],
+ [0.57865683, 0.09665778, 0.12139144],
+ [0.58595251, 0.09425758, 0.12496762],
+ [0.59324637, 0.09169820, 0.12868351],
+ [0.60053647, 0.08897198, 0.13254399],
+ [0.60781996, 0.08607290, 0.13655381],
+ [0.61509391, 0.08299424, 0.14071783],
+ [0.62235528, 0.07972847, 0.14504098],
+ [0.62960086, 0.07626735, 0.14952833],
+ [0.63682690, 0.07260321, 0.15418475],
+ [0.64402945, 0.06872768, 0.15901515],
+ [0.65120429, 0.06463189, 0.16402435],
+ [0.65834703, 0.06030595, 0.16921717],
+ [0.66545273, 0.05574060, 0.17459807],
+ [0.67251615, 0.05092618, 0.18017123],
+ [0.67953179, 0.04585268, 0.18594053],
+ [0.68649408, 0.04050791, 0.19190990],
+ [0.69339656, 0.03501827, 0.19808181],
+ [0.70023310, 0.02974032, 0.20445918],
+ [0.70699677, 0.02473108, 0.21104325],
+ [0.71368081, 0.02004735, 0.21783521],
+ [0.72027805, 0.01575128, 0.22483488],
+ [0.72678121, 0.01190847, 0.23204104],
+ [0.73318299, 0.00858729, 0.23945145],
+ [0.73947609, 0.00585900, 0.24706262],
+ [0.74565328, 0.00379723, 0.25486974],
+ [0.75170751, 0.00247734, 0.26286660],
+ [0.75763201, 0.00197573, 0.27104565],
+ [0.76342035, 0.00236912, 0.27939796],
+ [0.76906659, 0.00373375, 0.28791328],
+ [0.77456531, 0.00614457, 0.29658016],
+ [0.77991170, 0.00967453, 0.30538600],
+ [0.78510166, 0.01439382, 0.31431727],
+ [0.79013176, 0.02036922, 0.32335963],
+ [0.79499936, 0.02766356, 0.33249813],
+ [0.79970258, 0.03633527, 0.34171740],
+ [0.80424028, 0.04610137, 0.35100187],
+ [0.80861206, 0.05593074, 0.36033595],
+ [0.81281824, 0.06575513, 0.36970423],
+ [0.81685977, 0.07556701, 0.37909164],
+ [0.82073820, 0.08536045, 0.38848361],
+ [0.82445563, 0.09513050, 0.39786621],
+ [0.82801462, 0.10487292, 0.40722623],
+ [0.83141814, 0.11458394, 0.41655122],
+ [0.83466964, 0.12426002, 0.42582926],
+ [0.83777258, 0.13389850, 0.43505012],
+ [0.84073089, 0.14349659, 0.44420371],
+ [0.84354864, 0.15305194, 0.45328109],
+ [0.84622995, 0.16256264, 0.46227431],
+ [0.84877908, 0.17202698, 0.47117623],
+ [0.85120054, 0.18144313, 0.47998013],
+ [0.85349849, 0.19081025, 0.48868085],
+ [0.85567734, 0.20012720, 0.49727347],
+ [0.85774150, 0.20939307, 0.50575378],
+ [0.85969539, 0.21860703, 0.51411817],
+ [0.86154321, 0.22776871, 0.52236389],
+ [0.86328918, 0.23687774, 0.53048865],
+ [0.86493759, 0.24593368, 0.53849050],
+ [0.86649243, 0.25493655, 0.54636825],
+ [0.86795766, 0.26388635, 0.55412108],
+ [0.86933714, 0.27278325, 0.56174857],
+ [0.87063488, 0.28162708, 0.56925039],
+ [0.87185473, 0.29041795, 0.57662667],
+ [0.87299987, 0.29915672, 0.58387836],
+ [0.87407470, 0.30784267, 0.59100548],
+ [0.87508176, 0.31647731, 0.59800984],
+ [0.87602545, 0.32505984, 0.60489185],
+ [0.87690829, 0.33359164, 0.61165350],
+ [0.87773379, 0.34207284, 0.61829617],
+ [0.87850545, 0.35050356, 0.62482133],
+ [0.87922592, 0.35888478, 0.63123109],
+ [0.87989827, 0.36721697, 0.63752735],
+ [0.88052548, 0.37550059, 0.64371209],
+ [0.88111058, 0.38373605, 0.64978738],
+ [0.88165635, 0.39192396, 0.65575540],
+ [0.88216538, 0.40006502, 0.66161845],
+ [0.88264034, 0.40815983, 0.66737883],
+ [0.88308383, 0.41620898, 0.67303885],
+ [0.88349837, 0.42421311, 0.67860087],
+ [0.88388658, 0.43217272, 0.68406723],
+ [0.88425089, 0.44008842, 0.68944031],
+ [0.88459352, 0.44796098, 0.69472256],
+ [0.88491674, 0.45579107, 0.69991638],
+ [0.88522277, 0.46357936, 0.70502418],
+ [0.88551386, 0.47132645, 0.71004831],
+ [0.88579260, 0.47903263, 0.71499109],
+ [0.88606054, 0.48669904, 0.71985498],
+ [0.88631967, 0.49432634, 0.72464230],
+ [0.88657273, 0.50191463, 0.72935531],
+ [0.88682100, 0.50946512, 0.73399636],
+ [0.88706656, 0.51697833, 0.73856771],
+ [0.88731166, 0.52445464, 0.74307157],
+ [0.88755748, 0.53189523, 0.74751019],
+ [0.88780677, 0.53930002, 0.75188571],
+ [0.88806029, 0.54667042, 0.75620029],
+ [0.88832077, 0.55400637, 0.76045604],
+ [0.88858898, 0.56130917, 0.76465503],
+ [0.88886751, 0.56857881, 0.76879932],
+ [0.88915723, 0.57581648, 0.77289087],
+ [0.88946027, 0.58302245, 0.77693169],
+ [0.88977801, 0.59019749, 0.78092369],
+ [0.89011184, 0.59734231, 0.78486874],
+ [0.89046385, 0.60445719, 0.78876876],
+ [0.89083498, 0.61154309, 0.79262552],
+ [0.89122688, 0.61860051, 0.79644080],
+ [0.89164127, 0.62562987, 0.80021639],
+ [0.89207922, 0.63263202, 0.80395396],
+ [0.89254218, 0.63960749, 0.80765517],
+ [0.89303193, 0.64655664, 0.81132175],
+ [0.89354946, 0.65348027, 0.81495521],
+ [0.89409613, 0.66037894, 0.81855714],
+ [0.89467341, 0.66725312, 0.82212908],
+ [0.89528268, 0.67410333, 0.82567258],
+ [0.89592507, 0.68093022, 0.82918904],
+ [0.89660188, 0.68773430, 0.83267991],
+ [0.89731440, 0.69451609, 0.83614660],
+ [0.89806405, 0.70127602, 0.83959053],
+ [0.89885189, 0.70801470, 0.84301299],
+ [0.89967918, 0.71473262, 0.84641529],
+ [0.90054714, 0.72143026, 0.84979872],
+ [0.90145701, 0.72810810, 0.85316454],
+ [0.90241007, 0.73476657, 0.85651399],
+ [0.90340743, 0.74140617, 0.85984825],
+ [0.90445031, 0.74802735, 0.86316849],
+ [0.90553992, 0.75463054, 0.86647585],
+ [0.90667746, 0.76121615, 0.86977146],
+ [0.90786415, 0.76778459, 0.87305641],
+ [0.90910120, 0.77433626, 0.87633178],
+ [0.91038981, 0.78087154, 0.87959861],
+ [0.91173124, 0.78739078, 0.88285793],
+ [0.91312673, 0.79389433, 0.88611074],
+ [0.91457758, 0.80038249, 0.88935803],
+ [0.91608500, 0.80685562, 0.89260074],
+ [0.91765039, 0.81331396, 0.89583983],
+ [0.91927511, 0.81975775, 0.89907623],
+ [0.92096059, 0.82618722, 0.90231088],
+ [0.92270830, 0.83260254, 0.90554466],
+ [0.92451964, 0.83900395, 0.90877841],
+ [0.92639632, 0.84539150, 0.91201305],
+ [0.92834008, 0.85176524, 0.91524947],
+ [0.93035272, 0.85812518, 0.91848857],
+ [0.93243609, 0.86447132, 0.92173117],
+ [0.93459223, 0.87080356, 0.92497815],
+ [0.93682359, 0.87712161, 0.92823055],
+ [0.93913266, 0.88342515, 0.93148937],
+ [0.94152187, 0.88971391, 0.93475546],
+ [0.94399458, 0.89598719, 0.93803021],
+ [0.94655427, 0.90224421, 0.94131502],
+ [0.94920436, 0.90848425, 0.94461125],
+ [0.95194957, 0.91470593, 0.94792118],
+ [0.95479468, 0.92090786, 0.95124737],
+ [0.95774485, 0.92708839, 0.95459314],
+ [0.96080631, 0.93324527, 0.95796364],
+ [0.96398446, 0.93937648, 0.96136518],
+ [0.96728521, 0.94547938, 0.96480785],
+ [0.97071125, 0.95155233, 0.96830475],
+ [0.97426122, 0.95759472, 0.97187464],
+ [0.97792404, 0.96360932, 0.97554077],
+ [0.98167361, 0.96960465, 0.97932802],
+ [0.98546619, 0.97559672, 0.98325573],
+ [0.98924336, 0.98160914, 0.98732439],
+ [0.99294687, 0.98766807, 0.99150675],
+ [0.99653673, 0.99379467, 0.99575160],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.flamingo', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.flamingo", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/freeze/freeze.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/freeze/freeze.jscm
index 1b0a43dd..6b4efb00 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/freeze/freeze.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/freeze/freeze.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/freeze/freeze.py b/cmasher/colormaps/freeze/freeze.py
index d97665d3..b8d56f45 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/freeze/freeze.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/freeze/freeze.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00025090, 0.00022180, 0.00028925],
- [0.00087549, 0.00076428, 0.00103974],
- [0.00182388, 0.00157413, 0.00222593],
- [0.00307531, 0.00262693, 0.00384875],
- [0.00461724, 0.00390688, 0.00591605],
- [0.00644107, 0.00540250, 0.00843895],
- [0.00854045, 0.00710488, 0.01143060],
- [0.01091047, 0.00900677, 0.01490552],
- [0.01354717, 0.01110213, 0.01887938],
- [0.01644728, 0.01338580, 0.02336873],
- [0.01960804, 0.01585328, 0.02839099],
- [0.02302706, 0.01850063, 0.03396434],
- [0.02670223, 0.02132431, 0.04010768],
- [0.03063167, 0.02432113, 0.04646570],
- [0.03481365, 0.02748820, 0.05281301],
- [0.03924657, 0.03082286, 0.05916034],
- [0.04378837, 0.03432267, 0.06551273],
- [0.04826530, 0.03798534, 0.07187471],
- [0.05269083, 0.04177303, 0.07825031],
- [0.05706819, 0.04551195, 0.08464294],
- [0.06140021, 0.04920217, 0.09105579],
- [0.06568940, 0.05284659, 0.09749177],
- [0.06993794, 0.05644777, 0.10395354],
- [0.07414780, 0.06000805, 0.11044356],
- [0.07832072, 0.06352946, 0.11696443],
- [0.08245823, 0.06701392, 0.12351815],
- [0.08656168, 0.07046319, 0.13010659],
- [0.09063230, 0.07387885, 0.13673166],
- [0.09467117, 0.07726234, 0.14339511],
- [0.09867929, 0.08061489, 0.15009922],
- [0.10265747, 0.08393780, 0.15684521],
- [0.10660647, 0.08723223, 0.16363453],
- [0.11052696, 0.09049921, 0.17046865],
- [0.11441954, 0.09373956, 0.17734982],
- [0.11828468, 0.09695432, 0.18427876],
- [0.12212282, 0.10014435, 0.19125672],
- [0.12593432, 0.10331032, 0.19828561],
- [0.12971948, 0.10645298, 0.20536659],
- [0.13347851, 0.10957313, 0.21250039],
- [0.13721161, 0.11267126, 0.21968909],
- [0.14091888, 0.11574805, 0.22693347],
- [0.14460038, 0.11880417, 0.23423425],
- [0.14825613, 0.12183991, 0.24159398],
- [0.15188608, 0.12485608, 0.24901224],
- [0.15549013, 0.12785296, 0.25649132],
- [0.15906812, 0.13083117, 0.26403158],
- [0.16261986, 0.13379110, 0.27163450],
- [0.16614509, 0.13673323, 0.27930098],
- [0.16964351, 0.13965796, 0.28703215],
- [0.17311475, 0.14256578, 0.29482882],
- [0.17655839, 0.14545700, 0.30269245],
- [0.17997399, 0.14833225, 0.31062302],
- [0.18336096, 0.15119161, 0.31862312],
- [0.18671878, 0.15403587, 0.32669189],
- [0.19004675, 0.15686522, 0.33483129],
- [0.19334416, 0.15968012, 0.34304214],
- [0.19661026, 0.16248118, 0.35132441],
- [0.19984417, 0.16526873, 0.35967957],
- [0.20304493, 0.16804315, 0.36810880],
- [0.20621158, 0.17080514, 0.37661184],
- [0.20934304, 0.17355524, 0.38518939],
- [0.21243811, 0.17629397, 0.39384213],
- [0.21549547, 0.17902179, 0.40257132],
- [0.21851379, 0.18173945, 0.41137689],
- [0.22149160, 0.18444770, 0.42025899],
- [0.22442730, 0.18714726, 0.42921793],
- [0.22731918, 0.18983894, 0.43825391],
- [0.23016540, 0.19252363, 0.44736698],
- [0.23296397, 0.19520229, 0.45655706],
- [0.23571277, 0.19787598, 0.46582388],
- [0.23840952, 0.20054584, 0.47516700],
- [0.24105165, 0.20321298, 0.48458666],
- [0.24363654, 0.20587884, 0.49408181],
- [0.24616141, 0.20854502, 0.50365089],
- [0.24862323, 0.21121323, 0.51329246],
- [0.25101845, 0.21388495, 0.52300671],
- [0.25334368, 0.21656240, 0.53279066],
- [0.25559513, 0.21924783, 0.54264188],
- [0.25776839, 0.22194330, 0.55255957],
- [0.25985932, 0.22465179, 0.56253898],
- [0.26186289, 0.22737595, 0.57257800],
- [0.26377390, 0.23011893, 0.58267277],
- [0.26558696, 0.23288439, 0.59281783],
- [0.26729599, 0.23567604, 0.60300847],
- [0.26889427, 0.23849783, 0.61323986],
- [0.27037497, 0.24135445, 0.62350459],
- [0.27173064, 0.24425084, 0.63379488],
- [0.27295327, 0.24719240, 0.64410211],
- [0.27403391, 0.25018480, 0.65441750],
- [0.27496352, 0.25323444, 0.66472940],
- [0.27573251, 0.25634820, 0.67502483],
- [0.27633020, 0.25953324, 0.68529063],
- [0.27674544, 0.26279727, 0.69551159],
- [0.27696685, 0.26614854, 0.70566997],
- [0.27698258, 0.26959564, 0.71574631],
- [0.27677941, 0.27314731, 0.72572114],
- [0.27634519, 0.27681274, 0.73557034],
- [0.27566713, 0.28060105, 0.74526910],
- [0.27473265, 0.28452119, 0.75479072],
- [0.27352966, 0.28858173, 0.76410686],
- [0.27204633, 0.29279060, 0.77318850],
- [0.27027341, 0.29715471, 0.78200417],
- [0.26820235, 0.30167962, 0.79052335],
- [0.26582668, 0.30636924, 0.79871595],
- [0.26314304, 0.31122542, 0.80655274],
- [0.26015086, 0.31624773, 0.81400690],
- [0.25685210, 0.32143337, 0.82105518],
- [0.25325310, 0.32677687, 0.82767775],
- [0.24936298, 0.33227037, 0.83385990],
- [0.24519404, 0.33790378, 0.83959211],
- [0.24076142, 0.34366505, 0.84487037],
- [0.23608281, 0.34954062, 0.84969607],
- [0.23117775, 0.35551592, 0.85407576],
- [0.22606710, 0.36157585, 0.85802062],
- [0.22077265, 0.36770526, 0.86154574],
- [0.21531691, 0.37388928, 0.86466937],
- [0.20972262, 0.38011371, 0.86741218],
- [0.20401169, 0.38636546, 0.86979634],
- [0.19820716, 0.39263224, 0.87184514],
- [0.19233052, 0.39890328, 0.87358201],
- [0.18640436, 0.40516872, 0.87503047],
- [0.18044969, 0.41142032, 0.87621317],
- [0.17449003, 0.41765045, 0.87715258],
- [0.16854689, 0.42385314, 0.87786951],
- [0.16264352, 0.43002317, 0.87838395],
- [0.15680424, 0.43615623, 0.87871467],
- [0.15105467, 0.44224882, 0.87887926],
- [0.14542201, 0.44829818, 0.87889403],
- [0.13993537, 0.45430220, 0.87877411],
- [0.13462605, 0.46025931, 0.87853341],
- [0.12952780, 0.46616843, 0.87818476],
- [0.12467691, 0.47202887, 0.87773994],
- [0.12011220, 0.47784031, 0.87720971],
- [0.11587493, 0.48360267, 0.87660400],
- [0.11200905, 0.48931600, 0.87593229],
- [0.10855740, 0.49498086, 0.87520238],
- [0.10556400, 0.50059777, 0.87442194],
- [0.10307166, 0.50616728, 0.87359826],
- [0.10111766, 0.51169039, 0.87273708],
- [0.09973624, 0.51716776, 0.87184481],
- [0.09895171, 0.52260053, 0.87092607],
- [0.09878172, 0.52798951, 0.86998626],
- [0.09923172, 0.53333589, 0.86902915],
- [0.10029868, 0.53864057, 0.86805927],
- [0.10196801, 0.54390472, 0.86707983],
- [0.10421719, 0.54912936, 0.86609426],
- [0.10701631, 0.55431553, 0.86510567],
- [0.11032983, 0.55946432, 0.86411656],
- [0.11411937, 0.56457672, 0.86312957],
- [0.11834484, 0.56965375, 0.86214696],
- [0.12296614, 0.57469642, 0.86117064],
- [0.12794465, 0.57970567, 0.86020254],
- [0.13324382, 0.58468242, 0.85924441],
- [0.13882971, 0.58962759, 0.85829767],
- [0.14467143, 0.59454205, 0.85736371],
- [0.15074117, 0.59942660, 0.85644385],
- [0.15701408, 0.60428205, 0.85553918],
- [0.16346824, 0.60910915, 0.85465073],
- [0.17008437, 0.61390862, 0.85377945],
- [0.17684564, 0.61868114, 0.85292617],
- [0.18373744, 0.62342735, 0.85209166],
- [0.19074714, 0.62814784, 0.85127664],
- [0.19786384, 0.63284317, 0.85048178],
- [0.20507824, 0.63751387, 0.84970756],
- [0.21238235, 0.64216041, 0.84895462],
- [0.21976940, 0.64678321, 0.84822350],
- [0.22723371, 0.65138268, 0.84751460],
- [0.23477048, 0.65595917, 0.84682835],
- [0.24237570, 0.66051298, 0.84616533],
- [0.25004610, 0.66504439, 0.84552589],
- [0.25777909, 0.66955362, 0.84491036],
- [0.26557243, 0.67404086, 0.84431940],
- [0.27342457, 0.67850624, 0.84375329],
- [0.28133426, 0.68294987, 0.84321250],
- [0.28930049, 0.68737179, 0.84269776],
- [0.29732295, 0.69177205, 0.84220916],
- [0.30540104, 0.69615059, 0.84174776],
- [0.31353492, 0.70050738, 0.84131382],
- [0.32172449, 0.70484229, 0.84090833],
- [0.32997021, 0.70915520, 0.84053179],
- [0.33827222, 0.71344593, 0.84018534],
- [0.34663130, 0.71771426, 0.83986954],
- [0.35504765, 0.72195996, 0.83958586],
- [0.36352212, 0.72618277, 0.83933505],
- [0.37205510, 0.73038239, 0.83911863],
- [0.38064704, 0.73455851, 0.83893806],
- [0.38929869, 0.73871080, 0.83879454],
- [0.39801020, 0.74283894, 0.83869004],
- [0.40678177, 0.74694259, 0.83862643],
- [0.41561350, 0.75102143, 0.83860568],
- [0.42450548, 0.75507513, 0.83862976],
- [0.43345718, 0.75910343, 0.83870123],
- [0.44246798, 0.76310607, 0.83882259],
- [0.45153700, 0.76708287, 0.83899653],
- [0.46066304, 0.77103367, 0.83922588],
- [0.46984454, 0.77495843, 0.83951363],
- [0.47907957, 0.77885716, 0.83986290],
- [0.48836584, 0.78272998, 0.84027691],
- [0.49770064, 0.78657714, 0.84075898],
- [0.50708091, 0.79039899, 0.84131248],
- [0.51650318, 0.79419602, 0.84194076],
- [0.52596364, 0.79796886, 0.84264717],
- [0.53545814, 0.80171828, 0.84343499],
- [0.54498225, 0.80544521, 0.84430734],
- [0.55453129, 0.80915071, 0.84526721],
- [0.56410039, 0.81283597, 0.84631738],
- [0.57368456, 0.81650235, 0.84746034],
- [0.58327872, 0.82015129, 0.84869834],
- [0.59287781, 0.82378438, 0.85003326],
- [0.60247685, 0.82740326, 0.85146665],
- [0.61207096, 0.83100967, 0.85299972],
- [0.62165538, 0.83460544, 0.85463332],
- [0.63122562, 0.83819240, 0.85636792],
- [0.64077759, 0.84177240, 0.85820356],
- [0.65030746, 0.84534729, 0.86013994],
- [0.65981175, 0.84891893, 0.86217646],
- [0.66928693, 0.85248921, 0.86431238],
- [0.67873032, 0.85605990, 0.86654644],
- [0.68813976, 0.85963268, 0.86887706],
- [0.69751237, 0.86320941, 0.87130298],
- [0.70684710, 0.86679155, 0.87382199],
- [0.71614179, 0.87038083, 0.87643245],
- [0.72539598, 0.87397857, 0.87913191],
- [0.73460771, 0.87758647, 0.88191867],
- [0.74377717, 0.88120567, 0.88479007],
- [0.75290380, 0.88483749, 0.88774385],
- [0.76198665, 0.88848336, 0.89077799],
- [0.77102620, 0.89214431, 0.89388990],
- [0.78002246, 0.89582144, 0.89707729],
- [0.78897560, 0.89951584, 0.90033785],
- [0.79788586, 0.90322852, 0.90366935],
- [0.80675363, 0.90696045, 0.90706954],
- [0.81557937, 0.91071256, 0.91053626],
- [0.82436362, 0.91448570, 0.91406738],
- [0.83310697, 0.91828073, 0.91766081],
- [0.84181004, 0.92209843, 0.92131454],
- [0.85047348, 0.92593960, 0.92502662],
- [0.85909758, 0.92980508, 0.92879528],
- [0.86768305, 0.93369561, 0.93261867],
- [0.87623077, 0.93761181, 0.93649497],
- [0.88474116, 0.94155446, 0.94042253],
- [0.89321422, 0.94552444, 0.94439991],
- [0.90165110, 0.94952226, 0.94842532],
- [0.91005156, 0.95354885, 0.95249749],
- [0.91841619, 0.95760487, 0.95661487],
- [0.92674495, 0.96169117, 0.96077616],
- [0.93503794, 0.96580855, 0.96498002],
- [0.94329477, 0.96995798, 0.96922525],
- [0.95151541, 0.97414029, 0.97351050],
- [0.95969854, 0.97835678, 0.97783479],
- [0.96784374, 0.98260842, 0.98219677],
- [0.97594916, 0.98689671, 0.98659540],
- [0.98401251, 0.99122336, 0.99102959],
- [0.99203098, 0.99559025, 0.99549813],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00025090, 0.00022180, 0.00028925],
+ [0.00087549, 0.00076428, 0.00103974],
+ [0.00182388, 0.00157413, 0.00222593],
+ [0.00307531, 0.00262693, 0.00384875],
+ [0.00461724, 0.00390688, 0.00591605],
+ [0.00644107, 0.00540250, 0.00843895],
+ [0.00854045, 0.00710488, 0.01143060],
+ [0.01091047, 0.00900677, 0.01490552],
+ [0.01354717, 0.01110213, 0.01887938],
+ [0.01644728, 0.01338580, 0.02336873],
+ [0.01960804, 0.01585328, 0.02839099],
+ [0.02302706, 0.01850063, 0.03396434],
+ [0.02670223, 0.02132431, 0.04010768],
+ [0.03063167, 0.02432113, 0.04646570],
+ [0.03481365, 0.02748820, 0.05281301],
+ [0.03924657, 0.03082286, 0.05916034],
+ [0.04378837, 0.03432267, 0.06551273],
+ [0.04826530, 0.03798534, 0.07187471],
+ [0.05269083, 0.04177303, 0.07825031],
+ [0.05706819, 0.04551195, 0.08464294],
+ [0.06140021, 0.04920217, 0.09105579],
+ [0.06568940, 0.05284659, 0.09749177],
+ [0.06993794, 0.05644777, 0.10395354],
+ [0.07414780, 0.06000805, 0.11044356],
+ [0.07832072, 0.06352946, 0.11696443],
+ [0.08245823, 0.06701392, 0.12351815],
+ [0.08656168, 0.07046319, 0.13010659],
+ [0.09063230, 0.07387885, 0.13673166],
+ [0.09467117, 0.07726234, 0.14339511],
+ [0.09867929, 0.08061489, 0.15009922],
+ [0.10265747, 0.08393780, 0.15684521],
+ [0.10660647, 0.08723223, 0.16363453],
+ [0.11052696, 0.09049921, 0.17046865],
+ [0.11441954, 0.09373956, 0.17734982],
+ [0.11828468, 0.09695432, 0.18427876],
+ [0.12212282, 0.10014435, 0.19125672],
+ [0.12593432, 0.10331032, 0.19828561],
+ [0.12971948, 0.10645298, 0.20536659],
+ [0.13347851, 0.10957313, 0.21250039],
+ [0.13721161, 0.11267126, 0.21968909],
+ [0.14091888, 0.11574805, 0.22693347],
+ [0.14460038, 0.11880417, 0.23423425],
+ [0.14825613, 0.12183991, 0.24159398],
+ [0.15188608, 0.12485608, 0.24901224],
+ [0.15549013, 0.12785296, 0.25649132],
+ [0.15906812, 0.13083117, 0.26403158],
+ [0.16261986, 0.13379110, 0.27163450],
+ [0.16614509, 0.13673323, 0.27930098],
+ [0.16964351, 0.13965796, 0.28703215],
+ [0.17311475, 0.14256578, 0.29482882],
+ [0.17655839, 0.14545700, 0.30269245],
+ [0.17997399, 0.14833225, 0.31062302],
+ [0.18336096, 0.15119161, 0.31862312],
+ [0.18671878, 0.15403587, 0.32669189],
+ [0.19004675, 0.15686522, 0.33483129],
+ [0.19334416, 0.15968012, 0.34304214],
+ [0.19661026, 0.16248118, 0.35132441],
+ [0.19984417, 0.16526873, 0.35967957],
+ [0.20304493, 0.16804315, 0.36810880],
+ [0.20621158, 0.17080514, 0.37661184],
+ [0.20934304, 0.17355524, 0.38518939],
+ [0.21243811, 0.17629397, 0.39384213],
+ [0.21549547, 0.17902179, 0.40257132],
+ [0.21851379, 0.18173945, 0.41137689],
+ [0.22149160, 0.18444770, 0.42025899],
+ [0.22442730, 0.18714726, 0.42921793],
+ [0.22731918, 0.18983894, 0.43825391],
+ [0.23016540, 0.19252363, 0.44736698],
+ [0.23296397, 0.19520229, 0.45655706],
+ [0.23571277, 0.19787598, 0.46582388],
+ [0.23840952, 0.20054584, 0.47516700],
+ [0.24105165, 0.20321298, 0.48458666],
+ [0.24363654, 0.20587884, 0.49408181],
+ [0.24616141, 0.20854502, 0.50365089],
+ [0.24862323, 0.21121323, 0.51329246],
+ [0.25101845, 0.21388495, 0.52300671],
+ [0.25334368, 0.21656240, 0.53279066],
+ [0.25559513, 0.21924783, 0.54264188],
+ [0.25776839, 0.22194330, 0.55255957],
+ [0.25985932, 0.22465179, 0.56253898],
+ [0.26186289, 0.22737595, 0.57257800],
+ [0.26377390, 0.23011893, 0.58267277],
+ [0.26558696, 0.23288439, 0.59281783],
+ [0.26729599, 0.23567604, 0.60300847],
+ [0.26889427, 0.23849783, 0.61323986],
+ [0.27037497, 0.24135445, 0.62350459],
+ [0.27173064, 0.24425084, 0.63379488],
+ [0.27295327, 0.24719240, 0.64410211],
+ [0.27403391, 0.25018480, 0.65441750],
+ [0.27496352, 0.25323444, 0.66472940],
+ [0.27573251, 0.25634820, 0.67502483],
+ [0.27633020, 0.25953324, 0.68529063],
+ [0.27674544, 0.26279727, 0.69551159],
+ [0.27696685, 0.26614854, 0.70566997],
+ [0.27698258, 0.26959564, 0.71574631],
+ [0.27677941, 0.27314731, 0.72572114],
+ [0.27634519, 0.27681274, 0.73557034],
+ [0.27566713, 0.28060105, 0.74526910],
+ [0.27473265, 0.28452119, 0.75479072],
+ [0.27352966, 0.28858173, 0.76410686],
+ [0.27204633, 0.29279060, 0.77318850],
+ [0.27027341, 0.29715471, 0.78200417],
+ [0.26820235, 0.30167962, 0.79052335],
+ [0.26582668, 0.30636924, 0.79871595],
+ [0.26314304, 0.31122542, 0.80655274],
+ [0.26015086, 0.31624773, 0.81400690],
+ [0.25685210, 0.32143337, 0.82105518],
+ [0.25325310, 0.32677687, 0.82767775],
+ [0.24936298, 0.33227037, 0.83385990],
+ [0.24519404, 0.33790378, 0.83959211],
+ [0.24076142, 0.34366505, 0.84487037],
+ [0.23608281, 0.34954062, 0.84969607],
+ [0.23117775, 0.35551592, 0.85407576],
+ [0.22606710, 0.36157585, 0.85802062],
+ [0.22077265, 0.36770526, 0.86154574],
+ [0.21531691, 0.37388928, 0.86466937],
+ [0.20972262, 0.38011371, 0.86741218],
+ [0.20401169, 0.38636546, 0.86979634],
+ [0.19820716, 0.39263224, 0.87184514],
+ [0.19233052, 0.39890328, 0.87358201],
+ [0.18640436, 0.40516872, 0.87503047],
+ [0.18044969, 0.41142032, 0.87621317],
+ [0.17449003, 0.41765045, 0.87715258],
+ [0.16854689, 0.42385314, 0.87786951],
+ [0.16264352, 0.43002317, 0.87838395],
+ [0.15680424, 0.43615623, 0.87871467],
+ [0.15105467, 0.44224882, 0.87887926],
+ [0.14542201, 0.44829818, 0.87889403],
+ [0.13993537, 0.45430220, 0.87877411],
+ [0.13462605, 0.46025931, 0.87853341],
+ [0.12952780, 0.46616843, 0.87818476],
+ [0.12467691, 0.47202887, 0.87773994],
+ [0.12011220, 0.47784031, 0.87720971],
+ [0.11587493, 0.48360267, 0.87660400],
+ [0.11200905, 0.48931600, 0.87593229],
+ [0.10855740, 0.49498086, 0.87520238],
+ [0.10556400, 0.50059777, 0.87442194],
+ [0.10307166, 0.50616728, 0.87359826],
+ [0.10111766, 0.51169039, 0.87273708],
+ [0.09973624, 0.51716776, 0.87184481],
+ [0.09895171, 0.52260053, 0.87092607],
+ [0.09878172, 0.52798951, 0.86998626],
+ [0.09923172, 0.53333589, 0.86902915],
+ [0.10029868, 0.53864057, 0.86805927],
+ [0.10196801, 0.54390472, 0.86707983],
+ [0.10421719, 0.54912936, 0.86609426],
+ [0.10701631, 0.55431553, 0.86510567],
+ [0.11032983, 0.55946432, 0.86411656],
+ [0.11411937, 0.56457672, 0.86312957],
+ [0.11834484, 0.56965375, 0.86214696],
+ [0.12296614, 0.57469642, 0.86117064],
+ [0.12794465, 0.57970567, 0.86020254],
+ [0.13324382, 0.58468242, 0.85924441],
+ [0.13882971, 0.58962759, 0.85829767],
+ [0.14467143, 0.59454205, 0.85736371],
+ [0.15074117, 0.59942660, 0.85644385],
+ [0.15701408, 0.60428205, 0.85553918],
+ [0.16346824, 0.60910915, 0.85465073],
+ [0.17008437, 0.61390862, 0.85377945],
+ [0.17684564, 0.61868114, 0.85292617],
+ [0.18373744, 0.62342735, 0.85209166],
+ [0.19074714, 0.62814784, 0.85127664],
+ [0.19786384, 0.63284317, 0.85048178],
+ [0.20507824, 0.63751387, 0.84970756],
+ [0.21238235, 0.64216041, 0.84895462],
+ [0.21976940, 0.64678321, 0.84822350],
+ [0.22723371, 0.65138268, 0.84751460],
+ [0.23477048, 0.65595917, 0.84682835],
+ [0.24237570, 0.66051298, 0.84616533],
+ [0.25004610, 0.66504439, 0.84552589],
+ [0.25777909, 0.66955362, 0.84491036],
+ [0.26557243, 0.67404086, 0.84431940],
+ [0.27342457, 0.67850624, 0.84375329],
+ [0.28133426, 0.68294987, 0.84321250],
+ [0.28930049, 0.68737179, 0.84269776],
+ [0.29732295, 0.69177205, 0.84220916],
+ [0.30540104, 0.69615059, 0.84174776],
+ [0.31353492, 0.70050738, 0.84131382],
+ [0.32172449, 0.70484229, 0.84090833],
+ [0.32997021, 0.70915520, 0.84053179],
+ [0.33827222, 0.71344593, 0.84018534],
+ [0.34663130, 0.71771426, 0.83986954],
+ [0.35504765, 0.72195996, 0.83958586],
+ [0.36352212, 0.72618277, 0.83933505],
+ [0.37205510, 0.73038239, 0.83911863],
+ [0.38064704, 0.73455851, 0.83893806],
+ [0.38929869, 0.73871080, 0.83879454],
+ [0.39801020, 0.74283894, 0.83869004],
+ [0.40678177, 0.74694259, 0.83862643],
+ [0.41561350, 0.75102143, 0.83860568],
+ [0.42450548, 0.75507513, 0.83862976],
+ [0.43345718, 0.75910343, 0.83870123],
+ [0.44246798, 0.76310607, 0.83882259],
+ [0.45153700, 0.76708287, 0.83899653],
+ [0.46066304, 0.77103367, 0.83922588],
+ [0.46984454, 0.77495843, 0.83951363],
+ [0.47907957, 0.77885716, 0.83986290],
+ [0.48836584, 0.78272998, 0.84027691],
+ [0.49770064, 0.78657714, 0.84075898],
+ [0.50708091, 0.79039899, 0.84131248],
+ [0.51650318, 0.79419602, 0.84194076],
+ [0.52596364, 0.79796886, 0.84264717],
+ [0.53545814, 0.80171828, 0.84343499],
+ [0.54498225, 0.80544521, 0.84430734],
+ [0.55453129, 0.80915071, 0.84526721],
+ [0.56410039, 0.81283597, 0.84631738],
+ [0.57368456, 0.81650235, 0.84746034],
+ [0.58327872, 0.82015129, 0.84869834],
+ [0.59287781, 0.82378438, 0.85003326],
+ [0.60247685, 0.82740326, 0.85146665],
+ [0.61207096, 0.83100967, 0.85299972],
+ [0.62165538, 0.83460544, 0.85463332],
+ [0.63122562, 0.83819240, 0.85636792],
+ [0.64077759, 0.84177240, 0.85820356],
+ [0.65030746, 0.84534729, 0.86013994],
+ [0.65981175, 0.84891893, 0.86217646],
+ [0.66928693, 0.85248921, 0.86431238],
+ [0.67873032, 0.85605990, 0.86654644],
+ [0.68813976, 0.85963268, 0.86887706],
+ [0.69751237, 0.86320941, 0.87130298],
+ [0.70684710, 0.86679155, 0.87382199],
+ [0.71614179, 0.87038083, 0.87643245],
+ [0.72539598, 0.87397857, 0.87913191],
+ [0.73460771, 0.87758647, 0.88191867],
+ [0.74377717, 0.88120567, 0.88479007],
+ [0.75290380, 0.88483749, 0.88774385],
+ [0.76198665, 0.88848336, 0.89077799],
+ [0.77102620, 0.89214431, 0.89388990],
+ [0.78002246, 0.89582144, 0.89707729],
+ [0.78897560, 0.89951584, 0.90033785],
+ [0.79788586, 0.90322852, 0.90366935],
+ [0.80675363, 0.90696045, 0.90706954],
+ [0.81557937, 0.91071256, 0.91053626],
+ [0.82436362, 0.91448570, 0.91406738],
+ [0.83310697, 0.91828073, 0.91766081],
+ [0.84181004, 0.92209843, 0.92131454],
+ [0.85047348, 0.92593960, 0.92502662],
+ [0.85909758, 0.92980508, 0.92879528],
+ [0.86768305, 0.93369561, 0.93261867],
+ [0.87623077, 0.93761181, 0.93649497],
+ [0.88474116, 0.94155446, 0.94042253],
+ [0.89321422, 0.94552444, 0.94439991],
+ [0.90165110, 0.94952226, 0.94842532],
+ [0.91005156, 0.95354885, 0.95249749],
+ [0.91841619, 0.95760487, 0.95661487],
+ [0.92674495, 0.96169117, 0.96077616],
+ [0.93503794, 0.96580855, 0.96498002],
+ [0.94329477, 0.96995798, 0.96922525],
+ [0.95151541, 0.97414029, 0.97351050],
+ [0.95969854, 0.97835678, 0.97783479],
+ [0.96784374, 0.98260842, 0.98219677],
+ [0.97594916, 0.98689671, 0.98659540],
+ [0.98401251, 0.99122336, 0.99102959],
+ [0.99203098, 0.99559025, 0.99549813],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.freeze', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.freeze", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/fusion/fusion.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/fusion/fusion.jscm
index 8a190a9d..d0892705 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/fusion/fusion.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/fusion/fusion.jscm
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/fusion/fusion.py b/cmasher/colormaps/fusion/fusion.py
index 95478944..474c0781 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/fusion/fusion.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/fusion/fusion.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.15269566, 0.01594210, 0.06988881],
- [0.15825218, 0.01698613, 0.07448610],
- [0.16381559, 0.01801391, 0.07904903],
- [0.16938824, 0.01902024, 0.08357670],
- [0.17497227, 0.02000000, 0.08806795],
- [0.18056933, 0.02094854, 0.09252115],
- [0.18618125, 0.02186079, 0.09693475],
- [0.19180964, 0.02273184, 0.10130694],
- [0.19745571, 0.02355734, 0.10563546],
- [0.20312086, 0.02433247, 0.10991812],
- [0.20880647, 0.02505241, 0.11415254],
- [0.21451331, 0.02571326, 0.11833582],
- [0.22024232, 0.02631087, 0.12246503],
- [0.22599426, 0.02684139, 0.12653697],
- [0.23176973, 0.02730126, 0.13054822],
- [0.23756918, 0.02768731, 0.13449511],
- [0.24339322, 0.02799614, 0.13837386],
- [0.24924171, 0.02822590, 0.14218023],
- [0.25511451, 0.02837495, 0.14590987],
- [0.26101189, 0.02844103, 0.14955835],
- [0.26693291, 0.02842451, 0.15312083],
- [0.27287751, 0.02832433, 0.15659247],
- [0.27884443, 0.02814220, 0.15996819],
- [0.28483274, 0.02787955, 0.16324286],
- [0.29084134, 0.02753849, 0.16641124],
- [0.29686854, 0.02712298, 0.16946810],
- [0.30291252, 0.02663769, 0.17240825],
- [0.30897122, 0.02608836, 0.17522660],
- [0.31504239, 0.02548174, 0.17791823],
- [0.32112348, 0.02482582, 0.18047848],
- [0.32721154, 0.02413013, 0.18290307],
- [0.33330350, 0.02340514, 0.18518817],
- [0.33939638, 0.02266162, 0.18733027],
- [0.34548643, 0.02191286, 0.18932678],
- [0.35157038, 0.02117156, 0.19117542],
- [0.35764438, 0.02045243, 0.19287499],
- [0.36370491, 0.01976980, 0.19442473],
- [0.36974824, 0.01913910, 0.19582493],
- [0.37577077, 0.01857585, 0.19707658],
- [0.38176904, 0.01809548, 0.19818146],
- [0.38773974, 0.01771347, 0.19914209],
- [0.39367973, 0.01744507, 0.19996177],
- [0.39958615, 0.01730503, 0.20064439],
- [0.40545640, 0.01730756, 0.20119435],
- [0.41128814, 0.01746625, 0.20161659],
- [0.41707934, 0.01779395, 0.20191636],
- [0.42282828, 0.01830274, 0.20209920],
- [0.42853351, 0.01900391, 0.20217081],
- [0.43419385, 0.01990800, 0.20213703],
- [0.43980839, 0.02102481, 0.20200373],
- [0.44537650, 0.02236329, 0.20177660],
- [0.45089772, 0.02393184, 0.20146133],
- [0.45637175, 0.02573832, 0.20106358],
- [0.46179860, 0.02778978, 0.20058845],
- [0.46717826, 0.03009310, 0.20004129],
- [0.47251097, 0.03265447, 0.19942678],
- [0.47779699, 0.03547995, 0.19874971],
- [0.48303675, 0.03857509, 0.19801427],
- [0.48823063, 0.04190477, 0.19722484],
- [0.49337920, 0.04533361, 0.19638501],
- [0.49848295, 0.04885560, 0.19549855],
- [0.50354245, 0.05246016, 0.19456891],
- [0.50855829, 0.05613794, 0.19359908],
- [0.51353106, 0.05988082, 0.19259203],
- [0.51846134, 0.06368175, 0.19155052],
- [0.52334968, 0.06753461, 0.19047725],
- [0.52819668, 0.07143406, 0.18937444],
- [0.53300287, 0.07537552, 0.18824429],
- [0.53776881, 0.07935505, 0.18708888],
- [0.54249498, 0.08336925, 0.18591011],
- [0.54718187, 0.08741520, 0.18470977],
- [0.55182995, 0.09149040, 0.18348952],
- [0.55643964, 0.09559271, 0.18225093],
- [0.56101135, 0.09972030, 0.18099554],
- [0.56554545, 0.10387162, 0.17972470],
- [0.57004228, 0.10804535, 0.17843965],
- [0.57450218, 0.11224039, 0.17714162],
- [0.57892543, 0.11645581, 0.17583175],
- [0.58331227, 0.12069081, 0.17451137],
- [0.58766296, 0.12494477, 0.17318140],
- [0.59197769, 0.12921716, 0.17184282],
- [0.59625664, 0.13350755, 0.17049678],
- [0.60049995, 0.13781560, 0.16914425],
- [0.60470775, 0.14214109, 0.16778605],
- [0.60888014, 0.14648377, 0.16642339],
- [0.61301718, 0.15084356, 0.16505701],
- [0.61711892, 0.15522035, 0.16368797],
- [0.62118537, 0.15961411, 0.16231725],
- [0.62521654, 0.16402486, 0.16094574],
- [0.62921239, 0.16845259, 0.15957459],
- [0.63317286, 0.17289743, 0.15820467],
- [0.63709789, 0.17735940, 0.15683719],
- [0.64098737, 0.18183867, 0.15547315],
- [0.64484118, 0.18633534, 0.15411376],
- [0.64865919, 0.19084955, 0.15276021],
- [0.65244121, 0.19538149, 0.15141373],
- [0.65618709, 0.19993128, 0.15007576],
- [0.65989658, 0.20449916, 0.14874755],
- [0.66356950, 0.20908526, 0.14743075],
- [0.66720557, 0.21368981, 0.14612684],
- [0.67080453, 0.21831301, 0.14483750],
- [0.67436611, 0.22295502, 0.14356461],
- [0.67788999, 0.22761609, 0.14230996],
- [0.68137585, 0.23229639, 0.14107563],
- [0.68482337, 0.23699614, 0.13986380],
- [0.68823217, 0.24171554, 0.13867669],
- [0.69160188, 0.24645478, 0.13751682],
- [0.69493213, 0.25121406, 0.13638677],
- [0.69822249, 0.25599358, 0.13528928],
- [0.70147255, 0.26079351, 0.13422734],
- [0.70468187, 0.26561404, 0.13320407],
- [0.70785001, 0.27045535, 0.13222275],
- [0.71097649, 0.27531759, 0.13128691],
- [0.71406086, 0.28020092, 0.13040026],
- [0.71710262, 0.28510549, 0.12956671],
- [0.72010127, 0.29003143, 0.12879035],
- [0.72305631, 0.29497887, 0.12807554],
- [0.72596723, 0.29994790, 0.12742676],
- [0.72883351, 0.30493864, 0.12684874],
- [0.73165462, 0.30995115, 0.12634639],
- [0.73443003, 0.31498551, 0.12592479],
- [0.73715922, 0.32004174, 0.12558920],
- [0.73984165, 0.32511988, 0.12534501],
- [0.74247679, 0.33021994, 0.12519777],
- [0.74506413, 0.33534188, 0.12515309],
- [0.74760315, 0.34048567, 0.12521671],
- [0.75009333, 0.34565125, 0.12539436],
- [0.75253419, 0.35083851, 0.12569182],
- [0.75492525, 0.35604733, 0.12611484],
- [0.75726603, 0.36127756, 0.12666908],
- [0.75955612, 0.36652901, 0.12736013],
- [0.76179510, 0.37180145, 0.12819340],
- [0.76398258, 0.37709464, 0.12917414],
- [0.76611821, 0.38240828, 0.13030734],
- [0.76820170, 0.38774203, 0.13159774],
- [0.77023277, 0.39309552, 0.13304977],
- [0.77221122, 0.39846833, 0.13466751],
- [0.77413687, 0.40386001, 0.13645469],
- [0.77600962, 0.40927004, 0.13841463],
- [0.77782945, 0.41469787, 0.14055024],
- [0.77959637, 0.42014290, 0.14286400],
- [0.78131049, 0.42560450, 0.14535795],
- [0.78297201, 0.43108193, 0.14803371],
- [0.78458119, 0.43657447, 0.15089242],
- [0.78613838, 0.44208132, 0.15393484],
- [0.78764406, 0.44760163, 0.15716125],
- [0.78909879, 0.45313449, 0.16057155],
- [0.79050321, 0.45867899, 0.16416524],
- [0.79185809, 0.46423414, 0.16794145],
- [0.79316437, 0.46979884, 0.17189894],
- [0.79442299, 0.47537209, 0.17603613],
- [0.79563505, 0.48095278, 0.18035117],
- [0.79680179, 0.48653975, 0.18484187],
- [0.79792464, 0.49213177, 0.18950575],
- [0.79900496, 0.49772771, 0.19434016],
- [0.80004432, 0.50332634, 0.19934218],
- [0.80104441, 0.50892642, 0.20450869],
- [0.80200701, 0.51452672, 0.20983640],
- [0.80293413, 0.52012589, 0.21532172],
- [0.80382766, 0.52572276, 0.22096109],
- [0.80468967, 0.53131609, 0.22675077],
- [0.80552232, 0.53690464, 0.23268687],
- [0.80632783, 0.54248721, 0.23876543],
- [0.80710851, 0.54806261, 0.24498237],
- [0.80786670, 0.55362968, 0.25133358],
- [0.80860481, 0.55918732, 0.25781488],
- [0.80932526, 0.56473444, 0.26442207],
- [0.81003050, 0.57027003, 0.27115092],
- [0.81072299, 0.57579311, 0.27799721],
- [0.81140518, 0.58130277, 0.28495673],
- [0.81207972, 0.58679806, 0.29202509],
- [0.81274908, 0.59227815, 0.29919806],
- [0.81341552, 0.59774241, 0.30647173],
- [0.81408137, 0.60319018, 0.31384208],
- [0.81474926, 0.60862071, 0.32130478],
- [0.81542167, 0.61403338, 0.32885569],
- [0.81610036, 0.61942795, 0.33649157],
- [0.81678817, 0.62480368, 0.34420784],
- [0.81748695, 0.63016037, 0.35200121],
- [0.81819885, 0.63549767, 0.35986798],
- [0.81892611, 0.64081526, 0.36780440],
- [0.81967060, 0.64611297, 0.37580716],
- [0.82043411, 0.65139072, 0.38387313],
- [0.82121909, 0.65664815, 0.39199823],
- [0.82202656, 0.66188554, 0.40018042],
- [0.82285870, 0.66710267, 0.40841599],
- [0.82371744, 0.67229949, 0.41670163],
- [0.82460384, 0.67747627, 0.42503525],
- [0.82551949, 0.68263309, 0.43341401],
- [0.82646594, 0.68777007, 0.44183516],
- [0.82744484, 0.69288728, 0.45029574],
- [0.82845747, 0.69798494, 0.45879337],
- [0.82950490, 0.70306338, 0.46732598],
- [0.83058837, 0.70812283, 0.47589127],
- [0.83170905, 0.71316357, 0.48448704],
- [0.83286801, 0.71818592, 0.49311119],
- [0.83406629, 0.72319019, 0.50176173],
- [0.83530503, 0.72817668, 0.51043647],
- [0.83658533, 0.73314569, 0.51913321],
- [0.83790779, 0.73809768, 0.52785070],
- [0.83927317, 0.74303306, 0.53658732],
- [0.84068221, 0.74795225, 0.54534156],
- [0.84213588, 0.75285557, 0.55411142],
- [0.84363540, 0.75774329, 0.56289444],
- [0.84518059, 0.76261608, 0.57169073],
- [0.84677218, 0.76747433, 0.58049871],
- [0.84841181, 0.77231818, 0.58931505],
- [0.85009872, 0.77714844, 0.59814098],
- [0.85183442, 0.78196527, 0.60697334],
- [0.85361898, 0.78676924, 0.61581180],
- [0.85545300, 0.79156074, 0.62465496],
- [0.85733708, 0.79634019, 0.63350137],
- [0.85927157, 0.80110804, 0.64235012],
- [0.86125682, 0.80586474, 0.65120031],
- [0.86329372, 0.81061062, 0.66004984],
- [0.86538175, 0.81534633, 0.66889970],
- [0.86752270, 0.82007195, 0.67774580],
- [0.86971583, 0.82478816, 0.68658960],
- [0.87196152, 0.82949538, 0.69543018],
- [0.87426133, 0.83419375, 0.70426386],
- [0.87661459, 0.83888389, 0.71309208],
- [0.87902177, 0.84356618, 0.72191377],
- [0.88148352, 0.84824093, 0.73072734],
- [0.88400075, 0.85290842, 0.73953068],
- [0.88657330, 0.85756911, 0.74832427],
- [0.88920173, 0.86222332, 0.75710696],
- [0.89188662, 0.86687134, 0.76587761],
- [0.89462859, 0.87151346, 0.77463504],
- [0.89742844, 0.87614990, 0.78337778],
- [0.90028705, 0.88078089, 0.79210422],
- [0.90320498, 0.88540665, 0.80081379],
- [0.90618322, 0.89002734, 0.80950508],
- [0.90922288, 0.89464305, 0.81817656],
- [0.91232527, 0.89925383, 0.82682655],
- [0.91549189, 0.90385964, 0.83545317],
- [0.91872454, 0.90846037, 0.84405428],
- [0.92202532, 0.91305582, 0.85262744],
- [0.92539674, 0.91764567, 0.86116973],
- [0.92884183, 0.92222945, 0.86967767],
- [0.93236418, 0.92680655, 0.87814698],
- [0.93596810, 0.93137619, 0.88657233],
- [0.93965884, 0.93593743, 0.89494635],
- [0.94344228, 0.94048919, 0.90326058],
- [0.94732508, 0.94503036, 0.91150406],
- [0.95131441, 0.94955998, 0.91966230],
- [0.95541703, 0.95407768, 0.92771676],
- [0.95963758, 0.95858437, 0.93564471],
- [0.96397569, 0.96308327, 0.94342013],
- [0.96842214, 0.96758121, 0.95101597],
- [0.97295466, 0.97208912, 0.95841520],
- [0.97753779, 0.97662151, 0.96561627],
- [0.98212842, 0.98119340, 0.97264191],
- [0.98668707, 0.98581600, 0.97953727],
- [0.99118833, 0.99049355, 0.98636053],
- [0.99562415, 0.99522369, 0.99316724],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
- [0.99286734, 0.99599371, 0.99614812],
- [0.98570140, 0.99201791, 0.99234019],
- [0.97850515, 0.98807093, 0.98857653],
- [0.97128081, 0.98415141, 0.98485747],
- [0.96403006, 0.98025821, 0.98118332],
- [0.95675420, 0.97639033, 0.97755440],
- [0.94945423, 0.97254691, 0.97397106],
- [0.94213095, 0.96872714, 0.97043361],
- [0.93478417, 0.96493058, 0.96694278],
- [0.92741484, 0.96115639, 0.96349871],
- [0.92002357, 0.95740386, 0.96010167],
- [0.91261066, 0.95367238, 0.95675205],
- [0.90517530, 0.94996172, 0.95345071],
- [0.89771808, 0.94627115, 0.95019787],
- [0.89023961, 0.94259997, 0.94699371],
- [0.88273889, 0.93894800, 0.94383920],
- [0.87521615, 0.93531462, 0.94073469],
- [0.86767223, 0.93169907, 0.93768025],
- [0.86010488, 0.92810149, 0.93467745],
- [0.85251625, 0.92452070, 0.93172572],
- [0.84490442, 0.92095675, 0.92882652],
- [0.83727062, 0.91740873, 0.92597970],
- [0.82961330, 0.91387653, 0.92318658],
- [0.82193388, 0.91035919, 0.92044693],
- [0.81423010, 0.90685681, 0.91776249],
- [0.80650377, 0.90336829, 0.91513282],
- [0.79875363, 0.89989342, 0.91255918],
- [0.79097948, 0.89643167, 0.91004225],
- [0.78318199, 0.89298227, 0.90758225],
- [0.77536055, 0.88954478, 0.90518014],
- [0.76751441, 0.88611881, 0.90283699],
- [0.75964444, 0.88270351, 0.90055296],
- [0.75175053, 0.87929829, 0.89832878],
- [0.74383262, 0.87590255, 0.89616521],
- [0.73589072, 0.87251564, 0.89406298],
- [0.72792492, 0.86913691, 0.89202278],
- [0.71993521, 0.86576571, 0.89004544],
- [0.71192219, 0.86240124, 0.88813142],
- [0.70388623, 0.85904276, 0.88628135],
- [0.69582754, 0.85568955, 0.88449599],
- [0.68774673, 0.85234079, 0.88277592],
- [0.67964457, 0.84899564, 0.88112162],
- [0.67152191, 0.84565322, 0.87953357],
- [0.66337974, 0.84231265, 0.87801219],
- [0.65521921, 0.83897298, 0.87655784],
- [0.64704068, 0.83563346, 0.87517148],
- [0.63884614, 0.83229298, 0.87385299],
- [0.63063758, 0.82895047, 0.87260229],
- [0.62241561, 0.82560511, 0.87142035],
- [0.61418307, 0.82225567, 0.87030656],
- [0.60594176, 0.81890115, 0.86926118],
- [0.59769403, 0.81554044, 0.86828407],
- [0.58944247, 0.81217242, 0.86737501],
- [0.58119025, 0.80879588, 0.86653338],
- [0.57293967, 0.80540980, 0.86575933],
- [0.56469499, 0.80201285, 0.86505150],
- [0.55645949, 0.79860391, 0.86440940],
- [0.54823663, 0.79518185, 0.86383250],
- [0.54003116, 0.79174538, 0.86331922],
- [0.53184747, 0.78829334, 0.86286840],
- [0.52369022, 0.78482455, 0.86247868],
- [0.51556437, 0.78133787, 0.86214854],
- [0.50747510, 0.77783215, 0.86187634],
- [0.49942800, 0.77430627, 0.86166013],
- [0.49142890, 0.77075916, 0.86149781],
- [0.48348378, 0.76718977, 0.86138716],
- [0.47559884, 0.76359711, 0.86132585],
- [0.46778040, 0.75998024, 0.86131146],
- [0.46003500, 0.75633830, 0.86134138],
- [0.45236936, 0.75267044, 0.86141286],
- [0.44479028, 0.74897593, 0.86152307],
- [0.43730459, 0.74525408, 0.86166912],
- [0.42991920, 0.74150429, 0.86184809],
- [0.42264101, 0.73772603, 0.86205698],
- [0.41547682, 0.73391885, 0.86229290],
- [0.40843352, 0.73008237, 0.86255277],
- [0.40151789, 0.72621630, 0.86283355],
- [0.39473655, 0.72232041, 0.86313228],
- [0.38809598, 0.71839456, 0.86344609],
- [0.38160250, 0.71443865, 0.86377213],
- [0.37526225, 0.71045270, 0.86410756],
- [0.36908114, 0.70643673, 0.86444972],
- [0.36306481, 0.70239086, 0.86479601],
- [0.35721866, 0.69831525, 0.86514393],
- [0.35154777, 0.69421011, 0.86549111],
- [0.34605694, 0.69007569, 0.86583531],
- [0.34075062, 0.68591227, 0.86617437],
- [0.33563291, 0.68172019, 0.86650626],
- [0.33070754, 0.67749978, 0.86682914],
- [0.32597787, 0.67325141, 0.86714125],
- [0.32144684, 0.66897547, 0.86744092],
- [0.31711700, 0.66467238, 0.86772661],
- [0.31299046, 0.66034252, 0.86799697],
- [0.30906887, 0.65598631, 0.86825072],
- [0.30535347, 0.65160416, 0.86848667],
- [0.30184500, 0.64719650, 0.86870371],
- [0.29854375, 0.64276372, 0.86890085],
- [0.29544956, 0.63830622, 0.86907725],
- [0.29256178, 0.63382438, 0.86923211],
- [0.28987929, 0.62931858, 0.86936472],
- [0.28740051, 0.62478917, 0.86947441],
- [0.28512341, 0.62023651, 0.86956060],
- [0.28304548, 0.61566092, 0.86962274],
- [0.28116383, 0.61106270, 0.86966040],
- [0.27947513, 0.60644214, 0.86967318],
- [0.27797569, 0.60179951, 0.86966073],
- [0.27666143, 0.59713504, 0.86962272],
- [0.27552793, 0.59244896, 0.86955888],
- [0.27457047, 0.58774146, 0.86946893],
- [0.27378405, 0.58301273, 0.86935267],
- [0.27316343, 0.57826292, 0.86920990],
- [0.27270315, 0.57349216, 0.86904042],
- [0.27239757, 0.56870055, 0.86884409],
- [0.27224091, 0.56388818, 0.86862073],
- [0.27222727, 0.55905510, 0.86837022],
- [0.27235069, 0.55420136, 0.86809242],
- [0.27260513, 0.54932696, 0.86778718],
- [0.27298455, 0.54443190, 0.86745438],
- [0.27348292, 0.53951613, 0.86709387],
- [0.27409422, 0.53457961, 0.86670552],
- [0.27481251, 0.52962225, 0.86628917],
- [0.27563190, 0.52464394, 0.86584466],
- [0.27654662, 0.51964457, 0.86537182],
- [0.27755099, 0.51462399, 0.86487045],
- [0.27863945, 0.50958201, 0.86434035],
- [0.27980659, 0.50451846, 0.86378130],
- [0.28104713, 0.49943311, 0.86319304],
- [0.28235594, 0.49432573, 0.86257530],
- [0.28372807, 0.48919605, 0.86192779],
- [0.28515870, 0.48404380, 0.86125019],
- [0.28664319, 0.47886866, 0.86054215],
- [0.28817706, 0.47367032, 0.85980329],
- [0.28975598, 0.46844842, 0.85903319],
- [0.29137580, 0.46320260, 0.85823140],
- [0.29303250, 0.45793246, 0.85739743],
- [0.29472223, 0.45263759, 0.85653076],
- [0.29644130, 0.44731755, 0.85563081],
- [0.29818615, 0.44197190, 0.85469698],
- [0.29995337, 0.43660014, 0.85372861],
- [0.30173966, 0.43120178, 0.85272499],
- [0.30354187, 0.42577630, 0.85168538],
- [0.30535698, 0.42032315, 0.85060895],
- [0.30718208, 0.41484175, 0.84949487],
- [0.30901435, 0.40933154, 0.84834220],
- [0.31085108, 0.40379189, 0.84714995],
- [0.31268965, 0.39822218, 0.84591709],
- [0.31452753, 0.39262176, 0.84464249],
- [0.31636229, 0.38698995, 0.84332498],
- [0.31819155, 0.38132607, 0.84196330],
- [0.32001300, 0.37562939, 0.84055611],
- [0.32182440, 0.36989919, 0.83910199],
- [0.32362357, 0.36413471, 0.83759945],
- [0.32540842, 0.35833516, 0.83604691],
- [0.32717680, 0.35249976, 0.83444267],
- [0.32892666, 0.34662771, 0.83278494],
- [0.33065594, 0.34071820, 0.83107184],
- [0.33236262, 0.33477038, 0.82930136],
- [0.33404470, 0.32878343, 0.82747138],
- [0.33570018, 0.32275648, 0.82557967],
- [0.33732703, 0.31668868, 0.82362385],
- [0.33892344, 0.31057909, 0.82160147],
- [0.34048732, 0.30442687, 0.81950987],
- [0.34201654, 0.29823123, 0.81734622],
- [0.34350900, 0.29199133, 0.81510757],
- [0.34496286, 0.28570623, 0.81279086],
- [0.34637591, 0.27937515, 0.81039277],
- [0.34774576, 0.27299746, 0.80790978],
- [0.34907049, 0.26657226, 0.80533828],
- [0.35034765, 0.26009898, 0.80267437],
- [0.35157477, 0.25357710, 0.79991393],
- [0.35274974, 0.24700593, 0.79705268],
- [0.35386957, 0.24038540, 0.79408603],
- [0.35493209, 0.23371498, 0.79100920],
- [0.35593417, 0.22699489, 0.78781709],
- [0.35687304, 0.22022524, 0.78450439],
- [0.35774590, 0.21340635, 0.78106545],
- [0.35854927, 0.20653923, 0.77749437],
- [0.35927989, 0.19962502, 0.77378495],
- [0.35993451, 0.19266520, 0.76993060],
- [0.36050928, 0.18566214, 0.76592451],
- [0.36100028, 0.17861881, 0.76175953],
- [0.36140342, 0.17153899, 0.75742820],
- [0.36171435, 0.16442749, 0.75292275],
- [0.36192848, 0.15729037, 0.74823513],
- [0.36204093, 0.15013519, 0.74335708],
- [0.36204673, 0.14297118, 0.73827997],
- [0.36194040, 0.13580989, 0.73299516],
- [0.36171608, 0.12866551, 0.72749406],
- [0.36136795, 0.12155514, 0.72176784],
- [0.36088975, 0.11449965, 0.71580795],
- [0.36027488, 0.10752429, 0.70960628],
- [0.35951665, 0.10065933, 0.70315520],
- [0.35860825, 0.09394083, 0.69644767],
- [0.35754257, 0.08741135, 0.68947827],
- [0.35631270, 0.08112040, 0.68224270],
- [0.35491188, 0.07512464, 0.67473859],
- [0.35333367, 0.06948733, 0.66696587],
- [0.35157216, 0.06427682, 0.65892725],
- [0.34962224, 0.05956371, 0.65062860],
- [0.34747984, 0.05541636, 0.64207929],
- [0.34514220, 0.05189493, 0.63329238],
- [0.34260814, 0.04904439, 0.62428467],
- [0.33987821, 0.04688785, 0.61507656],
- [0.33695485, 0.04542168, 0.60569166],
- [0.33384244, 0.04461402, 0.59615620],
- [0.33054719, 0.04440736, 0.58649826],
- [0.32707699, 0.04472460, 0.57674681],
- [0.32344118, 0.04547712, 0.56693081],
- [0.31965016, 0.04657302, 0.55707817],
- [0.31571506, 0.04792403, 0.54721501],
- [0.31164748, 0.04944885, 0.53736593],
- [0.30745900, 0.05107806, 0.52755208],
- [0.30316106, 0.05275303, 0.51779232],
- [0.29876453, 0.05442732, 0.50810188],
- [0.29427986, 0.05606322, 0.49849429],
- [0.28971686, 0.05763199, 0.48898038],
- [0.28508450, 0.05911251, 0.47956842],
- [0.28039092, 0.06048993, 0.47026435],
- [0.27564340, 0.06175448, 0.46107205],
- [0.27084884, 0.06289865, 0.45199509],
- [0.26601325, 0.06391846, 0.44303518],
- [0.26114211, 0.06481189, 0.43419322],
- [0.25623998, 0.06557967, 0.42546825],
- [0.25131127, 0.06622224, 0.41685990],
- [0.24635989, 0.06674117, 0.40836707],
- [0.24138922, 0.06713884, 0.39998800],
- [0.23640219, 0.06741821, 0.39172046],
- [0.23140135, 0.06758265, 0.38356178],
- [0.22638882, 0.06763578, 0.37550902],
- [0.22136723, 0.06757936, 0.36756094],
- [0.21633793, 0.06741776, 0.35971365],
- [0.21130262, 0.06715380, 0.35196469],
- [0.20626253, 0.06679084, 0.34431091],
- [0.20121936, 0.06633069, 0.33675064],
- [0.19617350, 0.06577759, 0.32927959],
- [0.19112598, 0.06513382, 0.32189534],
- [0.18607797, 0.06440103, 0.31459602],
- [0.18102995, 0.06358187, 0.30737861],
- [0.17598229, 0.06267883, 0.30024012],
- [0.17093544, 0.06169384, 0.29317803],
- [0.16588972, 0.06062873, 0.28618983],
- [0.16084537, 0.05948518, 0.27927302],
- [0.15580287, 0.05826412, 0.27242584],
- [0.15076217, 0.05696715, 0.26564568],
- [0.14572304, 0.05559583, 0.25892982],
- [0.14068532, 0.05415133, 0.25227586],
- [0.13564929, 0.05263380, 0.24568244],
- [0.13061484, 0.05104378, 0.23914760],
- [0.12558094, 0.04938293, 0.23266799],
- [0.12054835, 0.04764989, 0.22624353],
- [0.11551573, 0.04584618, 0.21987072],
- [0.11048325, 0.04397075, 0.21354882],
- [0.10544988, 0.04202398, 0.20727521],
- [0.10041564, 0.03999828, 0.20104928],
- [0.09537889, 0.03791701, 0.19486783]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.15269566, 0.01594210, 0.06988881],
+ [0.15825218, 0.01698613, 0.07448610],
+ [0.16381559, 0.01801391, 0.07904903],
+ [0.16938824, 0.01902024, 0.08357670],
+ [0.17497227, 0.02000000, 0.08806795],
+ [0.18056933, 0.02094854, 0.09252115],
+ [0.18618125, 0.02186079, 0.09693475],
+ [0.19180964, 0.02273184, 0.10130694],
+ [0.19745571, 0.02355734, 0.10563546],
+ [0.20312086, 0.02433247, 0.10991812],
+ [0.20880647, 0.02505241, 0.11415254],
+ [0.21451331, 0.02571326, 0.11833582],
+ [0.22024232, 0.02631087, 0.12246503],
+ [0.22599426, 0.02684139, 0.12653697],
+ [0.23176973, 0.02730126, 0.13054822],
+ [0.23756918, 0.02768731, 0.13449511],
+ [0.24339322, 0.02799614, 0.13837386],
+ [0.24924171, 0.02822590, 0.14218023],
+ [0.25511451, 0.02837495, 0.14590987],
+ [0.26101189, 0.02844103, 0.14955835],
+ [0.26693291, 0.02842451, 0.15312083],
+ [0.27287751, 0.02832433, 0.15659247],
+ [0.27884443, 0.02814220, 0.15996819],
+ [0.28483274, 0.02787955, 0.16324286],
+ [0.29084134, 0.02753849, 0.16641124],
+ [0.29686854, 0.02712298, 0.16946810],
+ [0.30291252, 0.02663769, 0.17240825],
+ [0.30897122, 0.02608836, 0.17522660],
+ [0.31504239, 0.02548174, 0.17791823],
+ [0.32112348, 0.02482582, 0.18047848],
+ [0.32721154, 0.02413013, 0.18290307],
+ [0.33330350, 0.02340514, 0.18518817],
+ [0.33939638, 0.02266162, 0.18733027],
+ [0.34548643, 0.02191286, 0.18932678],
+ [0.35157038, 0.02117156, 0.19117542],
+ [0.35764438, 0.02045243, 0.19287499],
+ [0.36370491, 0.01976980, 0.19442473],
+ [0.36974824, 0.01913910, 0.19582493],
+ [0.37577077, 0.01857585, 0.19707658],
+ [0.38176904, 0.01809548, 0.19818146],
+ [0.38773974, 0.01771347, 0.19914209],
+ [0.39367973, 0.01744507, 0.19996177],
+ [0.39958615, 0.01730503, 0.20064439],
+ [0.40545640, 0.01730756, 0.20119435],
+ [0.41128814, 0.01746625, 0.20161659],
+ [0.41707934, 0.01779395, 0.20191636],
+ [0.42282828, 0.01830274, 0.20209920],
+ [0.42853351, 0.01900391, 0.20217081],
+ [0.43419385, 0.01990800, 0.20213703],
+ [0.43980839, 0.02102481, 0.20200373],
+ [0.44537650, 0.02236329, 0.20177660],
+ [0.45089772, 0.02393184, 0.20146133],
+ [0.45637175, 0.02573832, 0.20106358],
+ [0.46179860, 0.02778978, 0.20058845],
+ [0.46717826, 0.03009310, 0.20004129],
+ [0.47251097, 0.03265447, 0.19942678],
+ [0.47779699, 0.03547995, 0.19874971],
+ [0.48303675, 0.03857509, 0.19801427],
+ [0.48823063, 0.04190477, 0.19722484],
+ [0.49337920, 0.04533361, 0.19638501],
+ [0.49848295, 0.04885560, 0.19549855],
+ [0.50354245, 0.05246016, 0.19456891],
+ [0.50855829, 0.05613794, 0.19359908],
+ [0.51353106, 0.05988082, 0.19259203],
+ [0.51846134, 0.06368175, 0.19155052],
+ [0.52334968, 0.06753461, 0.19047725],
+ [0.52819668, 0.07143406, 0.18937444],
+ [0.53300287, 0.07537552, 0.18824429],
+ [0.53776881, 0.07935505, 0.18708888],
+ [0.54249498, 0.08336925, 0.18591011],
+ [0.54718187, 0.08741520, 0.18470977],
+ [0.55182995, 0.09149040, 0.18348952],
+ [0.55643964, 0.09559271, 0.18225093],
+ [0.56101135, 0.09972030, 0.18099554],
+ [0.56554545, 0.10387162, 0.17972470],
+ [0.57004228, 0.10804535, 0.17843965],
+ [0.57450218, 0.11224039, 0.17714162],
+ [0.57892543, 0.11645581, 0.17583175],
+ [0.58331227, 0.12069081, 0.17451137],
+ [0.58766296, 0.12494477, 0.17318140],
+ [0.59197769, 0.12921716, 0.17184282],
+ [0.59625664, 0.13350755, 0.17049678],
+ [0.60049995, 0.13781560, 0.16914425],
+ [0.60470775, 0.14214109, 0.16778605],
+ [0.60888014, 0.14648377, 0.16642339],
+ [0.61301718, 0.15084356, 0.16505701],
+ [0.61711892, 0.15522035, 0.16368797],
+ [0.62118537, 0.15961411, 0.16231725],
+ [0.62521654, 0.16402486, 0.16094574],
+ [0.62921239, 0.16845259, 0.15957459],
+ [0.63317286, 0.17289743, 0.15820467],
+ [0.63709789, 0.17735940, 0.15683719],
+ [0.64098737, 0.18183867, 0.15547315],
+ [0.64484118, 0.18633534, 0.15411376],
+ [0.64865919, 0.19084955, 0.15276021],
+ [0.65244121, 0.19538149, 0.15141373],
+ [0.65618709, 0.19993128, 0.15007576],
+ [0.65989658, 0.20449916, 0.14874755],
+ [0.66356950, 0.20908526, 0.14743075],
+ [0.66720557, 0.21368981, 0.14612684],
+ [0.67080453, 0.21831301, 0.14483750],
+ [0.67436611, 0.22295502, 0.14356461],
+ [0.67788999, 0.22761609, 0.14230996],
+ [0.68137585, 0.23229639, 0.14107563],
+ [0.68482337, 0.23699614, 0.13986380],
+ [0.68823217, 0.24171554, 0.13867669],
+ [0.69160188, 0.24645478, 0.13751682],
+ [0.69493213, 0.25121406, 0.13638677],
+ [0.69822249, 0.25599358, 0.13528928],
+ [0.70147255, 0.26079351, 0.13422734],
+ [0.70468187, 0.26561404, 0.13320407],
+ [0.70785001, 0.27045535, 0.13222275],
+ [0.71097649, 0.27531759, 0.13128691],
+ [0.71406086, 0.28020092, 0.13040026],
+ [0.71710262, 0.28510549, 0.12956671],
+ [0.72010127, 0.29003143, 0.12879035],
+ [0.72305631, 0.29497887, 0.12807554],
+ [0.72596723, 0.29994790, 0.12742676],
+ [0.72883351, 0.30493864, 0.12684874],
+ [0.73165462, 0.30995115, 0.12634639],
+ [0.73443003, 0.31498551, 0.12592479],
+ [0.73715922, 0.32004174, 0.12558920],
+ [0.73984165, 0.32511988, 0.12534501],
+ [0.74247679, 0.33021994, 0.12519777],
+ [0.74506413, 0.33534188, 0.12515309],
+ [0.74760315, 0.34048567, 0.12521671],
+ [0.75009333, 0.34565125, 0.12539436],
+ [0.75253419, 0.35083851, 0.12569182],
+ [0.75492525, 0.35604733, 0.12611484],
+ [0.75726603, 0.36127756, 0.12666908],
+ [0.75955612, 0.36652901, 0.12736013],
+ [0.76179510, 0.37180145, 0.12819340],
+ [0.76398258, 0.37709464, 0.12917414],
+ [0.76611821, 0.38240828, 0.13030734],
+ [0.76820170, 0.38774203, 0.13159774],
+ [0.77023277, 0.39309552, 0.13304977],
+ [0.77221122, 0.39846833, 0.13466751],
+ [0.77413687, 0.40386001, 0.13645469],
+ [0.77600962, 0.40927004, 0.13841463],
+ [0.77782945, 0.41469787, 0.14055024],
+ [0.77959637, 0.42014290, 0.14286400],
+ [0.78131049, 0.42560450, 0.14535795],
+ [0.78297201, 0.43108193, 0.14803371],
+ [0.78458119, 0.43657447, 0.15089242],
+ [0.78613838, 0.44208132, 0.15393484],
+ [0.78764406, 0.44760163, 0.15716125],
+ [0.78909879, 0.45313449, 0.16057155],
+ [0.79050321, 0.45867899, 0.16416524],
+ [0.79185809, 0.46423414, 0.16794145],
+ [0.79316437, 0.46979884, 0.17189894],
+ [0.79442299, 0.47537209, 0.17603613],
+ [0.79563505, 0.48095278, 0.18035117],
+ [0.79680179, 0.48653975, 0.18484187],
+ [0.79792464, 0.49213177, 0.18950575],
+ [0.79900496, 0.49772771, 0.19434016],
+ [0.80004432, 0.50332634, 0.19934218],
+ [0.80104441, 0.50892642, 0.20450869],
+ [0.80200701, 0.51452672, 0.20983640],
+ [0.80293413, 0.52012589, 0.21532172],
+ [0.80382766, 0.52572276, 0.22096109],
+ [0.80468967, 0.53131609, 0.22675077],
+ [0.80552232, 0.53690464, 0.23268687],
+ [0.80632783, 0.54248721, 0.23876543],
+ [0.80710851, 0.54806261, 0.24498237],
+ [0.80786670, 0.55362968, 0.25133358],
+ [0.80860481, 0.55918732, 0.25781488],
+ [0.80932526, 0.56473444, 0.26442207],
+ [0.81003050, 0.57027003, 0.27115092],
+ [0.81072299, 0.57579311, 0.27799721],
+ [0.81140518, 0.58130277, 0.28495673],
+ [0.81207972, 0.58679806, 0.29202509],
+ [0.81274908, 0.59227815, 0.29919806],
+ [0.81341552, 0.59774241, 0.30647173],
+ [0.81408137, 0.60319018, 0.31384208],
+ [0.81474926, 0.60862071, 0.32130478],
+ [0.81542167, 0.61403338, 0.32885569],
+ [0.81610036, 0.61942795, 0.33649157],
+ [0.81678817, 0.62480368, 0.34420784],
+ [0.81748695, 0.63016037, 0.35200121],
+ [0.81819885, 0.63549767, 0.35986798],
+ [0.81892611, 0.64081526, 0.36780440],
+ [0.81967060, 0.64611297, 0.37580716],
+ [0.82043411, 0.65139072, 0.38387313],
+ [0.82121909, 0.65664815, 0.39199823],
+ [0.82202656, 0.66188554, 0.40018042],
+ [0.82285870, 0.66710267, 0.40841599],
+ [0.82371744, 0.67229949, 0.41670163],
+ [0.82460384, 0.67747627, 0.42503525],
+ [0.82551949, 0.68263309, 0.43341401],
+ [0.82646594, 0.68777007, 0.44183516],
+ [0.82744484, 0.69288728, 0.45029574],
+ [0.82845747, 0.69798494, 0.45879337],
+ [0.82950490, 0.70306338, 0.46732598],
+ [0.83058837, 0.70812283, 0.47589127],
+ [0.83170905, 0.71316357, 0.48448704],
+ [0.83286801, 0.71818592, 0.49311119],
+ [0.83406629, 0.72319019, 0.50176173],
+ [0.83530503, 0.72817668, 0.51043647],
+ [0.83658533, 0.73314569, 0.51913321],
+ [0.83790779, 0.73809768, 0.52785070],
+ [0.83927317, 0.74303306, 0.53658732],
+ [0.84068221, 0.74795225, 0.54534156],
+ [0.84213588, 0.75285557, 0.55411142],
+ [0.84363540, 0.75774329, 0.56289444],
+ [0.84518059, 0.76261608, 0.57169073],
+ [0.84677218, 0.76747433, 0.58049871],
+ [0.84841181, 0.77231818, 0.58931505],
+ [0.85009872, 0.77714844, 0.59814098],
+ [0.85183442, 0.78196527, 0.60697334],
+ [0.85361898, 0.78676924, 0.61581180],
+ [0.85545300, 0.79156074, 0.62465496],
+ [0.85733708, 0.79634019, 0.63350137],
+ [0.85927157, 0.80110804, 0.64235012],
+ [0.86125682, 0.80586474, 0.65120031],
+ [0.86329372, 0.81061062, 0.66004984],
+ [0.86538175, 0.81534633, 0.66889970],
+ [0.86752270, 0.82007195, 0.67774580],
+ [0.86971583, 0.82478816, 0.68658960],
+ [0.87196152, 0.82949538, 0.69543018],
+ [0.87426133, 0.83419375, 0.70426386],
+ [0.87661459, 0.83888389, 0.71309208],
+ [0.87902177, 0.84356618, 0.72191377],
+ [0.88148352, 0.84824093, 0.73072734],
+ [0.88400075, 0.85290842, 0.73953068],
+ [0.88657330, 0.85756911, 0.74832427],
+ [0.88920173, 0.86222332, 0.75710696],
+ [0.89188662, 0.86687134, 0.76587761],
+ [0.89462859, 0.87151346, 0.77463504],
+ [0.89742844, 0.87614990, 0.78337778],
+ [0.90028705, 0.88078089, 0.79210422],
+ [0.90320498, 0.88540665, 0.80081379],
+ [0.90618322, 0.89002734, 0.80950508],
+ [0.90922288, 0.89464305, 0.81817656],
+ [0.91232527, 0.89925383, 0.82682655],
+ [0.91549189, 0.90385964, 0.83545317],
+ [0.91872454, 0.90846037, 0.84405428],
+ [0.92202532, 0.91305582, 0.85262744],
+ [0.92539674, 0.91764567, 0.86116973],
+ [0.92884183, 0.92222945, 0.86967767],
+ [0.93236418, 0.92680655, 0.87814698],
+ [0.93596810, 0.93137619, 0.88657233],
+ [0.93965884, 0.93593743, 0.89494635],
+ [0.94344228, 0.94048919, 0.90326058],
+ [0.94732508, 0.94503036, 0.91150406],
+ [0.95131441, 0.94955998, 0.91966230],
+ [0.95541703, 0.95407768, 0.92771676],
+ [0.95963758, 0.95858437, 0.93564471],
+ [0.96397569, 0.96308327, 0.94342013],
+ [0.96842214, 0.96758121, 0.95101597],
+ [0.97295466, 0.97208912, 0.95841520],
+ [0.97753779, 0.97662151, 0.96561627],
+ [0.98212842, 0.98119340, 0.97264191],
+ [0.98668707, 0.98581600, 0.97953727],
+ [0.99118833, 0.99049355, 0.98636053],
+ [0.99562415, 0.99522369, 0.99316724],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
+ [0.99286734, 0.99599371, 0.99614812],
+ [0.98570140, 0.99201791, 0.99234019],
+ [0.97850515, 0.98807093, 0.98857653],
+ [0.97128081, 0.98415141, 0.98485747],
+ [0.96403006, 0.98025821, 0.98118332],
+ [0.95675420, 0.97639033, 0.97755440],
+ [0.94945423, 0.97254691, 0.97397106],
+ [0.94213095, 0.96872714, 0.97043361],
+ [0.93478417, 0.96493058, 0.96694278],
+ [0.92741484, 0.96115639, 0.96349871],
+ [0.92002357, 0.95740386, 0.96010167],
+ [0.91261066, 0.95367238, 0.95675205],
+ [0.90517530, 0.94996172, 0.95345071],
+ [0.89771808, 0.94627115, 0.95019787],
+ [0.89023961, 0.94259997, 0.94699371],
+ [0.88273889, 0.93894800, 0.94383920],
+ [0.87521615, 0.93531462, 0.94073469],
+ [0.86767223, 0.93169907, 0.93768025],
+ [0.86010488, 0.92810149, 0.93467745],
+ [0.85251625, 0.92452070, 0.93172572],
+ [0.84490442, 0.92095675, 0.92882652],
+ [0.83727062, 0.91740873, 0.92597970],
+ [0.82961330, 0.91387653, 0.92318658],
+ [0.82193388, 0.91035919, 0.92044693],
+ [0.81423010, 0.90685681, 0.91776249],
+ [0.80650377, 0.90336829, 0.91513282],
+ [0.79875363, 0.89989342, 0.91255918],
+ [0.79097948, 0.89643167, 0.91004225],
+ [0.78318199, 0.89298227, 0.90758225],
+ [0.77536055, 0.88954478, 0.90518014],
+ [0.76751441, 0.88611881, 0.90283699],
+ [0.75964444, 0.88270351, 0.90055296],
+ [0.75175053, 0.87929829, 0.89832878],
+ [0.74383262, 0.87590255, 0.89616521],
+ [0.73589072, 0.87251564, 0.89406298],
+ [0.72792492, 0.86913691, 0.89202278],
+ [0.71993521, 0.86576571, 0.89004544],
+ [0.71192219, 0.86240124, 0.88813142],
+ [0.70388623, 0.85904276, 0.88628135],
+ [0.69582754, 0.85568955, 0.88449599],
+ [0.68774673, 0.85234079, 0.88277592],
+ [0.67964457, 0.84899564, 0.88112162],
+ [0.67152191, 0.84565322, 0.87953357],
+ [0.66337974, 0.84231265, 0.87801219],
+ [0.65521921, 0.83897298, 0.87655784],
+ [0.64704068, 0.83563346, 0.87517148],
+ [0.63884614, 0.83229298, 0.87385299],
+ [0.63063758, 0.82895047, 0.87260229],
+ [0.62241561, 0.82560511, 0.87142035],
+ [0.61418307, 0.82225567, 0.87030656],
+ [0.60594176, 0.81890115, 0.86926118],
+ [0.59769403, 0.81554044, 0.86828407],
+ [0.58944247, 0.81217242, 0.86737501],
+ [0.58119025, 0.80879588, 0.86653338],
+ [0.57293967, 0.80540980, 0.86575933],
+ [0.56469499, 0.80201285, 0.86505150],
+ [0.55645949, 0.79860391, 0.86440940],
+ [0.54823663, 0.79518185, 0.86383250],
+ [0.54003116, 0.79174538, 0.86331922],
+ [0.53184747, 0.78829334, 0.86286840],
+ [0.52369022, 0.78482455, 0.86247868],
+ [0.51556437, 0.78133787, 0.86214854],
+ [0.50747510, 0.77783215, 0.86187634],
+ [0.49942800, 0.77430627, 0.86166013],
+ [0.49142890, 0.77075916, 0.86149781],
+ [0.48348378, 0.76718977, 0.86138716],
+ [0.47559884, 0.76359711, 0.86132585],
+ [0.46778040, 0.75998024, 0.86131146],
+ [0.46003500, 0.75633830, 0.86134138],
+ [0.45236936, 0.75267044, 0.86141286],
+ [0.44479028, 0.74897593, 0.86152307],
+ [0.43730459, 0.74525408, 0.86166912],
+ [0.42991920, 0.74150429, 0.86184809],
+ [0.42264101, 0.73772603, 0.86205698],
+ [0.41547682, 0.73391885, 0.86229290],
+ [0.40843352, 0.73008237, 0.86255277],
+ [0.40151789, 0.72621630, 0.86283355],
+ [0.39473655, 0.72232041, 0.86313228],
+ [0.38809598, 0.71839456, 0.86344609],
+ [0.38160250, 0.71443865, 0.86377213],
+ [0.37526225, 0.71045270, 0.86410756],
+ [0.36908114, 0.70643673, 0.86444972],
+ [0.36306481, 0.70239086, 0.86479601],
+ [0.35721866, 0.69831525, 0.86514393],
+ [0.35154777, 0.69421011, 0.86549111],
+ [0.34605694, 0.69007569, 0.86583531],
+ [0.34075062, 0.68591227, 0.86617437],
+ [0.33563291, 0.68172019, 0.86650626],
+ [0.33070754, 0.67749978, 0.86682914],
+ [0.32597787, 0.67325141, 0.86714125],
+ [0.32144684, 0.66897547, 0.86744092],
+ [0.31711700, 0.66467238, 0.86772661],
+ [0.31299046, 0.66034252, 0.86799697],
+ [0.30906887, 0.65598631, 0.86825072],
+ [0.30535347, 0.65160416, 0.86848667],
+ [0.30184500, 0.64719650, 0.86870371],
+ [0.29854375, 0.64276372, 0.86890085],
+ [0.29544956, 0.63830622, 0.86907725],
+ [0.29256178, 0.63382438, 0.86923211],
+ [0.28987929, 0.62931858, 0.86936472],
+ [0.28740051, 0.62478917, 0.86947441],
+ [0.28512341, 0.62023651, 0.86956060],
+ [0.28304548, 0.61566092, 0.86962274],
+ [0.28116383, 0.61106270, 0.86966040],
+ [0.27947513, 0.60644214, 0.86967318],
+ [0.27797569, 0.60179951, 0.86966073],
+ [0.27666143, 0.59713504, 0.86962272],
+ [0.27552793, 0.59244896, 0.86955888],
+ [0.27457047, 0.58774146, 0.86946893],
+ [0.27378405, 0.58301273, 0.86935267],
+ [0.27316343, 0.57826292, 0.86920990],
+ [0.27270315, 0.57349216, 0.86904042],
+ [0.27239757, 0.56870055, 0.86884409],
+ [0.27224091, 0.56388818, 0.86862073],
+ [0.27222727, 0.55905510, 0.86837022],
+ [0.27235069, 0.55420136, 0.86809242],
+ [0.27260513, 0.54932696, 0.86778718],
+ [0.27298455, 0.54443190, 0.86745438],
+ [0.27348292, 0.53951613, 0.86709387],
+ [0.27409422, 0.53457961, 0.86670552],
+ [0.27481251, 0.52962225, 0.86628917],
+ [0.27563190, 0.52464394, 0.86584466],
+ [0.27654662, 0.51964457, 0.86537182],
+ [0.27755099, 0.51462399, 0.86487045],
+ [0.27863945, 0.50958201, 0.86434035],
+ [0.27980659, 0.50451846, 0.86378130],
+ [0.28104713, 0.49943311, 0.86319304],
+ [0.28235594, 0.49432573, 0.86257530],
+ [0.28372807, 0.48919605, 0.86192779],
+ [0.28515870, 0.48404380, 0.86125019],
+ [0.28664319, 0.47886866, 0.86054215],
+ [0.28817706, 0.47367032, 0.85980329],
+ [0.28975598, 0.46844842, 0.85903319],
+ [0.29137580, 0.46320260, 0.85823140],
+ [0.29303250, 0.45793246, 0.85739743],
+ [0.29472223, 0.45263759, 0.85653076],
+ [0.29644130, 0.44731755, 0.85563081],
+ [0.29818615, 0.44197190, 0.85469698],
+ [0.29995337, 0.43660014, 0.85372861],
+ [0.30173966, 0.43120178, 0.85272499],
+ [0.30354187, 0.42577630, 0.85168538],
+ [0.30535698, 0.42032315, 0.85060895],
+ [0.30718208, 0.41484175, 0.84949487],
+ [0.30901435, 0.40933154, 0.84834220],
+ [0.31085108, 0.40379189, 0.84714995],
+ [0.31268965, 0.39822218, 0.84591709],
+ [0.31452753, 0.39262176, 0.84464249],
+ [0.31636229, 0.38698995, 0.84332498],
+ [0.31819155, 0.38132607, 0.84196330],
+ [0.32001300, 0.37562939, 0.84055611],
+ [0.32182440, 0.36989919, 0.83910199],
+ [0.32362357, 0.36413471, 0.83759945],
+ [0.32540842, 0.35833516, 0.83604691],
+ [0.32717680, 0.35249976, 0.83444267],
+ [0.32892666, 0.34662771, 0.83278494],
+ [0.33065594, 0.34071820, 0.83107184],
+ [0.33236262, 0.33477038, 0.82930136],
+ [0.33404470, 0.32878343, 0.82747138],
+ [0.33570018, 0.32275648, 0.82557967],
+ [0.33732703, 0.31668868, 0.82362385],
+ [0.33892344, 0.31057909, 0.82160147],
+ [0.34048732, 0.30442687, 0.81950987],
+ [0.34201654, 0.29823123, 0.81734622],
+ [0.34350900, 0.29199133, 0.81510757],
+ [0.34496286, 0.28570623, 0.81279086],
+ [0.34637591, 0.27937515, 0.81039277],
+ [0.34774576, 0.27299746, 0.80790978],
+ [0.34907049, 0.26657226, 0.80533828],
+ [0.35034765, 0.26009898, 0.80267437],
+ [0.35157477, 0.25357710, 0.79991393],
+ [0.35274974, 0.24700593, 0.79705268],
+ [0.35386957, 0.24038540, 0.79408603],
+ [0.35493209, 0.23371498, 0.79100920],
+ [0.35593417, 0.22699489, 0.78781709],
+ [0.35687304, 0.22022524, 0.78450439],
+ [0.35774590, 0.21340635, 0.78106545],
+ [0.35854927, 0.20653923, 0.77749437],
+ [0.35927989, 0.19962502, 0.77378495],
+ [0.35993451, 0.19266520, 0.76993060],
+ [0.36050928, 0.18566214, 0.76592451],
+ [0.36100028, 0.17861881, 0.76175953],
+ [0.36140342, 0.17153899, 0.75742820],
+ [0.36171435, 0.16442749, 0.75292275],
+ [0.36192848, 0.15729037, 0.74823513],
+ [0.36204093, 0.15013519, 0.74335708],
+ [0.36204673, 0.14297118, 0.73827997],
+ [0.36194040, 0.13580989, 0.73299516],
+ [0.36171608, 0.12866551, 0.72749406],
+ [0.36136795, 0.12155514, 0.72176784],
+ [0.36088975, 0.11449965, 0.71580795],
+ [0.36027488, 0.10752429, 0.70960628],
+ [0.35951665, 0.10065933, 0.70315520],
+ [0.35860825, 0.09394083, 0.69644767],
+ [0.35754257, 0.08741135, 0.68947827],
+ [0.35631270, 0.08112040, 0.68224270],
+ [0.35491188, 0.07512464, 0.67473859],
+ [0.35333367, 0.06948733, 0.66696587],
+ [0.35157216, 0.06427682, 0.65892725],
+ [0.34962224, 0.05956371, 0.65062860],
+ [0.34747984, 0.05541636, 0.64207929],
+ [0.34514220, 0.05189493, 0.63329238],
+ [0.34260814, 0.04904439, 0.62428467],
+ [0.33987821, 0.04688785, 0.61507656],
+ [0.33695485, 0.04542168, 0.60569166],
+ [0.33384244, 0.04461402, 0.59615620],
+ [0.33054719, 0.04440736, 0.58649826],
+ [0.32707699, 0.04472460, 0.57674681],
+ [0.32344118, 0.04547712, 0.56693081],
+ [0.31965016, 0.04657302, 0.55707817],
+ [0.31571506, 0.04792403, 0.54721501],
+ [0.31164748, 0.04944885, 0.53736593],
+ [0.30745900, 0.05107806, 0.52755208],
+ [0.30316106, 0.05275303, 0.51779232],
+ [0.29876453, 0.05442732, 0.50810188],
+ [0.29427986, 0.05606322, 0.49849429],
+ [0.28971686, 0.05763199, 0.48898038],
+ [0.28508450, 0.05911251, 0.47956842],
+ [0.28039092, 0.06048993, 0.47026435],
+ [0.27564340, 0.06175448, 0.46107205],
+ [0.27084884, 0.06289865, 0.45199509],
+ [0.26601325, 0.06391846, 0.44303518],
+ [0.26114211, 0.06481189, 0.43419322],
+ [0.25623998, 0.06557967, 0.42546825],
+ [0.25131127, 0.06622224, 0.41685990],
+ [0.24635989, 0.06674117, 0.40836707],
+ [0.24138922, 0.06713884, 0.39998800],
+ [0.23640219, 0.06741821, 0.39172046],
+ [0.23140135, 0.06758265, 0.38356178],
+ [0.22638882, 0.06763578, 0.37550902],
+ [0.22136723, 0.06757936, 0.36756094],
+ [0.21633793, 0.06741776, 0.35971365],
+ [0.21130262, 0.06715380, 0.35196469],
+ [0.20626253, 0.06679084, 0.34431091],
+ [0.20121936, 0.06633069, 0.33675064],
+ [0.19617350, 0.06577759, 0.32927959],
+ [0.19112598, 0.06513382, 0.32189534],
+ [0.18607797, 0.06440103, 0.31459602],
+ [0.18102995, 0.06358187, 0.30737861],
+ [0.17598229, 0.06267883, 0.30024012],
+ [0.17093544, 0.06169384, 0.29317803],
+ [0.16588972, 0.06062873, 0.28618983],
+ [0.16084537, 0.05948518, 0.27927302],
+ [0.15580287, 0.05826412, 0.27242584],
+ [0.15076217, 0.05696715, 0.26564568],
+ [0.14572304, 0.05559583, 0.25892982],
+ [0.14068532, 0.05415133, 0.25227586],
+ [0.13564929, 0.05263380, 0.24568244],
+ [0.13061484, 0.05104378, 0.23914760],
+ [0.12558094, 0.04938293, 0.23266799],
+ [0.12054835, 0.04764989, 0.22624353],
+ [0.11551573, 0.04584618, 0.21987072],
+ [0.11048325, 0.04397075, 0.21354882],
+ [0.10544988, 0.04202398, 0.20727521],
+ [0.10041564, 0.03999828, 0.20104928],
+ [0.09537889, 0.03791701, 0.19486783],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.fusion', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.fusion", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/gem/gem.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/gem/gem.jscm
index 44d9148c..0e74794f 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/gem/gem.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/gem/gem.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/gem/gem.py b/cmasher/colormaps/gem/gem.py
index 35e55d73..41bca5ae 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/gem/gem.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/gem/gem.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.25385944, 0.00893619, 0.02323036],
- [0.25881946, 0.00805637, 0.02618270],
- [0.26372293, 0.00719101, 0.02950322],
- [0.26856669, 0.00635013, 0.03322111],
- [0.27334834, 0.00554285, 0.03736553],
- [0.27806621, 0.00477728, 0.04192409],
- [0.28271928, 0.00406047, 0.04665435],
- [0.28730711, 0.00339848, 0.05152853],
- [0.29182988, 0.00279605, 0.05653810],
- [0.29628817, 0.00225708, 0.06167492],
- [0.30068269, 0.00178518, 0.06693075],
- [0.30501476, 0.00138225, 0.07229911],
- [0.30928554, 0.00105058, 0.07777284],
- [0.31349660, 0.00079112, 0.08334649],
- [0.31764928, 0.00060537, 0.08901372],
- [0.32174526, 0.00049350, 0.09477013],
- [0.32578606, 0.00045599, 0.10061097],
- [0.32977311, 0.00049341, 0.10653135],
- [0.33370802, 0.00060549, 0.11252787],
- [0.33759222, 0.00079221, 0.11859683],
- [0.34142712, 0.00105349, 0.12473485],
- [0.34521408, 0.00138916, 0.13093879],
- [0.34895439, 0.00179902, 0.13720575],
- [0.35264930, 0.00228283, 0.14353304],
- [0.35630000, 0.00284036, 0.14991818],
- [0.35990761, 0.00347136, 0.15635884],
- [0.36347323, 0.00417560, 0.16285287],
- [0.36699787, 0.00495287, 0.16939825],
- [0.37048250, 0.00580306, 0.17599285],
- [0.37392805, 0.00672605, 0.18263480],
- [0.37733541, 0.00772156, 0.18932271],
- [0.38070541, 0.00878948, 0.19605501],
- [0.38403883, 0.00992995, 0.20282974],
- [0.38733645, 0.01114281, 0.20964573],
- [0.39059895, 0.01242795, 0.21650190],
- [0.39382704, 0.01378571, 0.22339634],
- [0.39702134, 0.01521593, 0.23032838],
- [0.40018245, 0.01671881, 0.23729673],
- [0.40331096, 0.01829460, 0.24430015],
- [0.40640738, 0.01994336, 0.25133799],
- [0.40947226, 0.02166558, 0.25840878],
- [0.41250603, 0.02346134, 0.26551218],
- [0.41550917, 0.02533125, 0.27264678],
- [0.41848208, 0.02727551, 0.27981230],
- [0.42142515, 0.02929481, 0.28700752],
- [0.42433872, 0.03138953, 0.29423208],
- [0.42722314, 0.03356039, 0.30148509],
- [0.43007871, 0.03580804, 0.30876598],
- [0.43290568, 0.03813320, 0.31607424],
- [0.43570432, 0.04053525, 0.32340904],
- [0.43847482, 0.04293113, 0.33077015],
- [0.44121738, 0.04532134, 0.33815678],
- [0.44393216, 0.04770660, 0.34556861],
- [0.44661927, 0.05008768, 0.35300517],
- [0.44927885, 0.05246543, 0.36046585],
- [0.45191093, 0.05484058, 0.36795041],
- [0.45451558, 0.05721397, 0.37545832],
- [0.45709280, 0.05958642, 0.38298916],
- [0.45964258, 0.06195874, 0.39054261],
- [0.46216489, 0.06433180, 0.39811818],
- [0.46465963, 0.06670644, 0.40571552],
- [0.46712670, 0.06908355, 0.41333424],
- [0.46956598, 0.07146403, 0.42097390],
- [0.47197729, 0.07384882, 0.42863412],
- [0.47436044, 0.07623884, 0.43631446],
- [0.47671519, 0.07863507, 0.44401451],
- [0.47904128, 0.08103851, 0.45173380],
- [0.48133841, 0.08345018, 0.45947185],
- [0.48360625, 0.08587112, 0.46722822],
- [0.48584446, 0.08830243, 0.47500229],
- [0.48805261, 0.09074520, 0.48279361],
- [0.49023029, 0.09320058, 0.49060155],
- [0.49237703, 0.09566975, 0.49842541],
- [0.49449231, 0.09815387, 0.50626472],
- [0.49657561, 0.10065423, 0.51411859],
- [0.49862636, 0.10317208, 0.52198630],
- [0.50064391, 0.10570869, 0.52986716],
- [0.50262767, 0.10826545, 0.53776008],
- [0.50457689, 0.11084367, 0.54566441],
- [0.50649089, 0.11344479, 0.55357895],
- [0.50836888, 0.11607023, 0.56150271],
- [0.51021005, 0.11872144, 0.56943465],
- [0.51201360, 0.12139995, 0.57737335],
- [0.51377858, 0.12410721, 0.58531791],
- [0.51550414, 0.12684487, 0.59326649],
- [0.51718922, 0.12961440, 0.60121817],
- [0.51883292, 0.13241748, 0.60917091],
- [0.52043410, 0.13525568, 0.61712353],
- [0.52199177, 0.13813069, 0.62507389],
- [0.52350470, 0.14104412, 0.63302059],
- [0.52497183, 0.14399768, 0.64096126],
- [0.52639185, 0.14699300, 0.64889435],
- [0.52776363, 0.15003183, 0.65681716],
- [0.52908574, 0.15311580, 0.66472807],
- [0.53035701, 0.15624664, 0.67262413],
- [0.53157597, 0.15942600, 0.68050323],
- [0.53274128, 0.16265556, 0.68836258],
- [0.53385154, 0.16593697, 0.69619937],
- [0.53490518, 0.16927184, 0.70401112],
- [0.53590084, 0.17266177, 0.71179440],
- [0.53683693, 0.17610832, 0.71954635],
- [0.53771187, 0.17961300, 0.72726382],
- [0.53852421, 0.18317728, 0.73494319],
- [0.53927228, 0.18680255, 0.74258116],
- [0.53995444, 0.19049017, 0.75017428],
- [0.54056917, 0.19424139, 0.75771857],
- [0.54111484, 0.19805738, 0.76521023],
- [0.54158973, 0.20193927, 0.77264560],
- [0.54199227, 0.20588804, 0.78002049],
- [0.54232089, 0.20990457, 0.78733070],
- [0.54257398, 0.21398964, 0.79457204],
- [0.54274995, 0.21814389, 0.80174025],
- [0.54284714, 0.22236789, 0.80883115],
- [0.54286415, 0.22666200, 0.81584013],
- [0.54279950, 0.23102643, 0.82276273],
- [0.54265175, 0.23546130, 0.82959449],
- [0.54241954, 0.23996652, 0.83633091],
- [0.54210157, 0.24454187, 0.84296749],
- [0.54169660, 0.24918694, 0.84949976],
- [0.54120351, 0.25390115, 0.85592326],
- [0.54062121, 0.25868377, 0.86223364],
- [0.53994879, 0.26353387, 0.86842655],
- [0.53918543, 0.26845031, 0.87449777],
- [0.53833041, 0.27343182, 0.88044319],
- [0.53738315, 0.27847693, 0.88625886],
- [0.53634322, 0.28358400, 0.89194097],
- [0.53521029, 0.28875121, 0.89748590],
- [0.53398422, 0.29397659, 0.90289023],
- [0.53266502, 0.29925799, 0.90815079],
- [0.53125283, 0.30459314, 0.91326460],
- [0.52974800, 0.30997958, 0.91822899],
- [0.52815101, 0.31541477, 0.92304154],
- [0.52646252, 0.32089601, 0.92770013],
- [0.52468337, 0.32642052, 0.93220296],
- [0.52281456, 0.33198541, 0.93654853],
- [0.52085726, 0.33758769, 0.94073567],
- [0.51881282, 0.34322435, 0.94476355],
- [0.51668271, 0.34889229, 0.94863167],
- [0.51446860, 0.35458840, 0.95233989],
- [0.51217228, 0.36030953, 0.95588838],
- [0.50979570, 0.36605253, 0.95927767],
- [0.50734092, 0.37181428, 0.96250861],
- [0.50481014, 0.37759166, 0.96558238],
- [0.50220568, 0.38338160, 0.96850046],
- [0.49952995, 0.38918109, 0.97126465],
- [0.49678546, 0.39498717, 0.97387700],
- [0.49397479, 0.40079696, 0.97633987],
- [0.49110061, 0.40660768, 0.97865585],
- [0.48816564, 0.41241662, 0.98082777],
- [0.48517263, 0.41822121, 0.98285868],
- [0.48212439, 0.42401896, 0.98475183],
- [0.47902375, 0.42980751, 0.98651062],
- [0.47587354, 0.43558464, 0.98813865],
- [0.47267660, 0.44134822, 0.98963961],
- [0.46943576, 0.44709629, 0.99101733],
- [0.46615384, 0.45282699, 0.99227574],
- [0.46283363, 0.45853861, 0.99341882],
- [0.45947788, 0.46422955, 0.99445063],
- [0.45608942, 0.46989832, 0.99537530],
- [0.45267086, 0.47554361, 0.99619694],
- [0.44922478, 0.48116424, 0.99691966],
- [0.44575372, 0.48675913, 0.99754758],
- [0.44226016, 0.49232733, 0.99808479],
- [0.43874651, 0.49786800, 0.99853536],
- [0.43521521, 0.50338036, 0.99890335],
- [0.43166863, 0.50886375, 0.99919277],
- [0.42810876, 0.51431773, 0.99940745],
- [0.42453768, 0.51974187, 0.99955122],
- [0.42095741, 0.52513586, 0.99962783],
- [0.41737020, 0.53049930, 0.99964109],
- [0.41377761, 0.53583216, 0.99959446],
- [0.41018133, 0.54113437, 0.99949138],
- [0.40658311, 0.54640588, 0.99933529],
- [0.40298475, 0.55164666, 0.99912957],
- [0.39938736, 0.55685698, 0.99887723],
- [0.39579240, 0.56203697, 0.99858136],
- [0.39220150, 0.56718675, 0.99824510],
- [0.38861543, 0.57230675, 0.99787107],
- [0.38503545, 0.57739726, 0.99746208],
- [0.38146277, 0.58245857, 0.99702088],
- [0.37789795, 0.58749123, 0.99654977],
- [0.37434216, 0.59249555, 0.99605135],
- [0.37079598, 0.59747209, 0.99552781],
- [0.36726000, 0.60242135, 0.99498132],
- [0.36373506, 0.60734379, 0.99441410],
- [0.36022128, 0.61224008, 0.99382794],
- [0.35671944, 0.61711067, 0.99322490],
- [0.35322954, 0.62195625, 0.99260660],
- [0.34975200, 0.62677736, 0.99197481],
- [0.34628689, 0.63157466, 0.99133105],
- [0.34283430, 0.63634876, 0.99067680],
- [0.33939428, 0.64110029, 0.99001348],
- [0.33596665, 0.64582993, 0.98934232],
- [0.33255140, 0.65053827, 0.98866459],
- [0.32914816, 0.65522602, 0.98798132],
- [0.32575680, 0.65989379, 0.98729362],
- [0.32237684, 0.66454227, 0.98660234],
- [0.31900800, 0.66917208, 0.98590840],
- [0.31564971, 0.67378390, 0.98521253],
- [0.31230153, 0.67837835, 0.98451546],
- [0.30896289, 0.68295608, 0.98381778],
- [0.30563316, 0.68751774, 0.98312001],
- [0.30231178, 0.69206393, 0.98242267],
- [0.29899798, 0.69659530, 0.98172609],
- [0.29569124, 0.70111242, 0.98103065],
- [0.29239070, 0.70561593, 0.98033651],
- [0.28909586, 0.71010638, 0.97964395],
- [0.28580585, 0.71458438, 0.97895298],
- [0.28252021, 0.71905045, 0.97826374],
- [0.27923818, 0.72350516, 0.97757613],
- [0.27595926, 0.72794904, 0.97689009],
- [0.27268303, 0.73238257, 0.97620551],
- [0.26940886, 0.73680631, 0.97552204],
- [0.26613693, 0.74122064, 0.97483966],
- [0.26286635, 0.74562614, 0.97415763],
- [0.25959788, 0.75002312, 0.97347594],
- [0.25633138, 0.75441205, 0.97279391],
- [0.25306724, 0.75879333, 0.97211100],
- [0.24980668, 0.76316723, 0.97142685],
- [0.24655011, 0.76753420, 0.97074047],
- [0.24329935, 0.77189448, 0.97005133],
- [0.24005658, 0.77624830, 0.96935878],
- [0.23682383, 0.78059595, 0.96866178],
- [0.23360397, 0.78493765, 0.96795934],
- [0.23040127, 0.78927349, 0.96725075],
- [0.22722023, 0.79360358, 0.96653493],
- [0.22406630, 0.79792801, 0.96581078],
- [0.22094547, 0.80224685, 0.96507684],
- [0.21786589, 0.80656003, 0.96433202],
- [0.21483687, 0.81086743, 0.96357507],
- [0.21186918, 0.81516887, 0.96280456],
- [0.20897546, 0.81946413, 0.96201897],
- [0.20617045, 0.82375286, 0.96121673],
- [0.20347132, 0.82803464, 0.96039616],
- [0.20089777, 0.83230897, 0.95955541],
- [0.19847183, 0.83657529, 0.95869218],
- [0.19622081, 0.84083269, 0.95780491],
- [0.19417514, 0.84508018, 0.95689163],
- [0.19236749, 0.84931683, 0.95594916],
- [0.19083824, 0.85354111, 0.95497572],
- [0.18963034, 0.85775156, 0.95396797],
- [0.18879478, 0.86194610, 0.95292374],
- [0.18838567, 0.86612264, 0.95183886],
- [0.18846576, 0.87027836, 0.95071006],
- [0.18910485, 0.87440991, 0.94953372],
- [0.19037993, 0.87851326, 0.94830532],
- [0.19237642, 0.88258358, 0.94701928],
- [0.19519254, 0.88661439, 0.94567197],
- [0.19893583, 0.89059819, 0.94425509],
- [0.20373321, 0.89452468, 0.94276336],
- [0.20973274, 0.89838074, 0.94118824],
- [0.21711489, 0.90214838, 0.93952301],
- [0.22610835, 0.90580292, 0.93775791],
- [0.23701092, 0.90930856, 0.93589018],
- [0.25022885, 0.91261233, 0.93392224],
- [0.26629803, 0.91563381, 0.93189099]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.25385944, 0.00893619, 0.02323036],
+ [0.25881946, 0.00805637, 0.02618270],
+ [0.26372293, 0.00719101, 0.02950322],
+ [0.26856669, 0.00635013, 0.03322111],
+ [0.27334834, 0.00554285, 0.03736553],
+ [0.27806621, 0.00477728, 0.04192409],
+ [0.28271928, 0.00406047, 0.04665435],
+ [0.28730711, 0.00339848, 0.05152853],
+ [0.29182988, 0.00279605, 0.05653810],
+ [0.29628817, 0.00225708, 0.06167492],
+ [0.30068269, 0.00178518, 0.06693075],
+ [0.30501476, 0.00138225, 0.07229911],
+ [0.30928554, 0.00105058, 0.07777284],
+ [0.31349660, 0.00079112, 0.08334649],
+ [0.31764928, 0.00060537, 0.08901372],
+ [0.32174526, 0.00049350, 0.09477013],
+ [0.32578606, 0.00045599, 0.10061097],
+ [0.32977311, 0.00049341, 0.10653135],
+ [0.33370802, 0.00060549, 0.11252787],
+ [0.33759222, 0.00079221, 0.11859683],
+ [0.34142712, 0.00105349, 0.12473485],
+ [0.34521408, 0.00138916, 0.13093879],
+ [0.34895439, 0.00179902, 0.13720575],
+ [0.35264930, 0.00228283, 0.14353304],
+ [0.35630000, 0.00284036, 0.14991818],
+ [0.35990761, 0.00347136, 0.15635884],
+ [0.36347323, 0.00417560, 0.16285287],
+ [0.36699787, 0.00495287, 0.16939825],
+ [0.37048250, 0.00580306, 0.17599285],
+ [0.37392805, 0.00672605, 0.18263480],
+ [0.37733541, 0.00772156, 0.18932271],
+ [0.38070541, 0.00878948, 0.19605501],
+ [0.38403883, 0.00992995, 0.20282974],
+ [0.38733645, 0.01114281, 0.20964573],
+ [0.39059895, 0.01242795, 0.21650190],
+ [0.39382704, 0.01378571, 0.22339634],
+ [0.39702134, 0.01521593, 0.23032838],
+ [0.40018245, 0.01671881, 0.23729673],
+ [0.40331096, 0.01829460, 0.24430015],
+ [0.40640738, 0.01994336, 0.25133799],
+ [0.40947226, 0.02166558, 0.25840878],
+ [0.41250603, 0.02346134, 0.26551218],
+ [0.41550917, 0.02533125, 0.27264678],
+ [0.41848208, 0.02727551, 0.27981230],
+ [0.42142515, 0.02929481, 0.28700752],
+ [0.42433872, 0.03138953, 0.29423208],
+ [0.42722314, 0.03356039, 0.30148509],
+ [0.43007871, 0.03580804, 0.30876598],
+ [0.43290568, 0.03813320, 0.31607424],
+ [0.43570432, 0.04053525, 0.32340904],
+ [0.43847482, 0.04293113, 0.33077015],
+ [0.44121738, 0.04532134, 0.33815678],
+ [0.44393216, 0.04770660, 0.34556861],
+ [0.44661927, 0.05008768, 0.35300517],
+ [0.44927885, 0.05246543, 0.36046585],
+ [0.45191093, 0.05484058, 0.36795041],
+ [0.45451558, 0.05721397, 0.37545832],
+ [0.45709280, 0.05958642, 0.38298916],
+ [0.45964258, 0.06195874, 0.39054261],
+ [0.46216489, 0.06433180, 0.39811818],
+ [0.46465963, 0.06670644, 0.40571552],
+ [0.46712670, 0.06908355, 0.41333424],
+ [0.46956598, 0.07146403, 0.42097390],
+ [0.47197729, 0.07384882, 0.42863412],
+ [0.47436044, 0.07623884, 0.43631446],
+ [0.47671519, 0.07863507, 0.44401451],
+ [0.47904128, 0.08103851, 0.45173380],
+ [0.48133841, 0.08345018, 0.45947185],
+ [0.48360625, 0.08587112, 0.46722822],
+ [0.48584446, 0.08830243, 0.47500229],
+ [0.48805261, 0.09074520, 0.48279361],
+ [0.49023029, 0.09320058, 0.49060155],
+ [0.49237703, 0.09566975, 0.49842541],
+ [0.49449231, 0.09815387, 0.50626472],
+ [0.49657561, 0.10065423, 0.51411859],
+ [0.49862636, 0.10317208, 0.52198630],
+ [0.50064391, 0.10570869, 0.52986716],
+ [0.50262767, 0.10826545, 0.53776008],
+ [0.50457689, 0.11084367, 0.54566441],
+ [0.50649089, 0.11344479, 0.55357895],
+ [0.50836888, 0.11607023, 0.56150271],
+ [0.51021005, 0.11872144, 0.56943465],
+ [0.51201360, 0.12139995, 0.57737335],
+ [0.51377858, 0.12410721, 0.58531791],
+ [0.51550414, 0.12684487, 0.59326649],
+ [0.51718922, 0.12961440, 0.60121817],
+ [0.51883292, 0.13241748, 0.60917091],
+ [0.52043410, 0.13525568, 0.61712353],
+ [0.52199177, 0.13813069, 0.62507389],
+ [0.52350470, 0.14104412, 0.63302059],
+ [0.52497183, 0.14399768, 0.64096126],
+ [0.52639185, 0.14699300, 0.64889435],
+ [0.52776363, 0.15003183, 0.65681716],
+ [0.52908574, 0.15311580, 0.66472807],
+ [0.53035701, 0.15624664, 0.67262413],
+ [0.53157597, 0.15942600, 0.68050323],
+ [0.53274128, 0.16265556, 0.68836258],
+ [0.53385154, 0.16593697, 0.69619937],
+ [0.53490518, 0.16927184, 0.70401112],
+ [0.53590084, 0.17266177, 0.71179440],
+ [0.53683693, 0.17610832, 0.71954635],
+ [0.53771187, 0.17961300, 0.72726382],
+ [0.53852421, 0.18317728, 0.73494319],
+ [0.53927228, 0.18680255, 0.74258116],
+ [0.53995444, 0.19049017, 0.75017428],
+ [0.54056917, 0.19424139, 0.75771857],
+ [0.54111484, 0.19805738, 0.76521023],
+ [0.54158973, 0.20193927, 0.77264560],
+ [0.54199227, 0.20588804, 0.78002049],
+ [0.54232089, 0.20990457, 0.78733070],
+ [0.54257398, 0.21398964, 0.79457204],
+ [0.54274995, 0.21814389, 0.80174025],
+ [0.54284714, 0.22236789, 0.80883115],
+ [0.54286415, 0.22666200, 0.81584013],
+ [0.54279950, 0.23102643, 0.82276273],
+ [0.54265175, 0.23546130, 0.82959449],
+ [0.54241954, 0.23996652, 0.83633091],
+ [0.54210157, 0.24454187, 0.84296749],
+ [0.54169660, 0.24918694, 0.84949976],
+ [0.54120351, 0.25390115, 0.85592326],
+ [0.54062121, 0.25868377, 0.86223364],
+ [0.53994879, 0.26353387, 0.86842655],
+ [0.53918543, 0.26845031, 0.87449777],
+ [0.53833041, 0.27343182, 0.88044319],
+ [0.53738315, 0.27847693, 0.88625886],
+ [0.53634322, 0.28358400, 0.89194097],
+ [0.53521029, 0.28875121, 0.89748590],
+ [0.53398422, 0.29397659, 0.90289023],
+ [0.53266502, 0.29925799, 0.90815079],
+ [0.53125283, 0.30459314, 0.91326460],
+ [0.52974800, 0.30997958, 0.91822899],
+ [0.52815101, 0.31541477, 0.92304154],
+ [0.52646252, 0.32089601, 0.92770013],
+ [0.52468337, 0.32642052, 0.93220296],
+ [0.52281456, 0.33198541, 0.93654853],
+ [0.52085726, 0.33758769, 0.94073567],
+ [0.51881282, 0.34322435, 0.94476355],
+ [0.51668271, 0.34889229, 0.94863167],
+ [0.51446860, 0.35458840, 0.95233989],
+ [0.51217228, 0.36030953, 0.95588838],
+ [0.50979570, 0.36605253, 0.95927767],
+ [0.50734092, 0.37181428, 0.96250861],
+ [0.50481014, 0.37759166, 0.96558238],
+ [0.50220568, 0.38338160, 0.96850046],
+ [0.49952995, 0.38918109, 0.97126465],
+ [0.49678546, 0.39498717, 0.97387700],
+ [0.49397479, 0.40079696, 0.97633987],
+ [0.49110061, 0.40660768, 0.97865585],
+ [0.48816564, 0.41241662, 0.98082777],
+ [0.48517263, 0.41822121, 0.98285868],
+ [0.48212439, 0.42401896, 0.98475183],
+ [0.47902375, 0.42980751, 0.98651062],
+ [0.47587354, 0.43558464, 0.98813865],
+ [0.47267660, 0.44134822, 0.98963961],
+ [0.46943576, 0.44709629, 0.99101733],
+ [0.46615384, 0.45282699, 0.99227574],
+ [0.46283363, 0.45853861, 0.99341882],
+ [0.45947788, 0.46422955, 0.99445063],
+ [0.45608942, 0.46989832, 0.99537530],
+ [0.45267086, 0.47554361, 0.99619694],
+ [0.44922478, 0.48116424, 0.99691966],
+ [0.44575372, 0.48675913, 0.99754758],
+ [0.44226016, 0.49232733, 0.99808479],
+ [0.43874651, 0.49786800, 0.99853536],
+ [0.43521521, 0.50338036, 0.99890335],
+ [0.43166863, 0.50886375, 0.99919277],
+ [0.42810876, 0.51431773, 0.99940745],
+ [0.42453768, 0.51974187, 0.99955122],
+ [0.42095741, 0.52513586, 0.99962783],
+ [0.41737020, 0.53049930, 0.99964109],
+ [0.41377761, 0.53583216, 0.99959446],
+ [0.41018133, 0.54113437, 0.99949138],
+ [0.40658311, 0.54640588, 0.99933529],
+ [0.40298475, 0.55164666, 0.99912957],
+ [0.39938736, 0.55685698, 0.99887723],
+ [0.39579240, 0.56203697, 0.99858136],
+ [0.39220150, 0.56718675, 0.99824510],
+ [0.38861543, 0.57230675, 0.99787107],
+ [0.38503545, 0.57739726, 0.99746208],
+ [0.38146277, 0.58245857, 0.99702088],
+ [0.37789795, 0.58749123, 0.99654977],
+ [0.37434216, 0.59249555, 0.99605135],
+ [0.37079598, 0.59747209, 0.99552781],
+ [0.36726000, 0.60242135, 0.99498132],
+ [0.36373506, 0.60734379, 0.99441410],
+ [0.36022128, 0.61224008, 0.99382794],
+ [0.35671944, 0.61711067, 0.99322490],
+ [0.35322954, 0.62195625, 0.99260660],
+ [0.34975200, 0.62677736, 0.99197481],
+ [0.34628689, 0.63157466, 0.99133105],
+ [0.34283430, 0.63634876, 0.99067680],
+ [0.33939428, 0.64110029, 0.99001348],
+ [0.33596665, 0.64582993, 0.98934232],
+ [0.33255140, 0.65053827, 0.98866459],
+ [0.32914816, 0.65522602, 0.98798132],
+ [0.32575680, 0.65989379, 0.98729362],
+ [0.32237684, 0.66454227, 0.98660234],
+ [0.31900800, 0.66917208, 0.98590840],
+ [0.31564971, 0.67378390, 0.98521253],
+ [0.31230153, 0.67837835, 0.98451546],
+ [0.30896289, 0.68295608, 0.98381778],
+ [0.30563316, 0.68751774, 0.98312001],
+ [0.30231178, 0.69206393, 0.98242267],
+ [0.29899798, 0.69659530, 0.98172609],
+ [0.29569124, 0.70111242, 0.98103065],
+ [0.29239070, 0.70561593, 0.98033651],
+ [0.28909586, 0.71010638, 0.97964395],
+ [0.28580585, 0.71458438, 0.97895298],
+ [0.28252021, 0.71905045, 0.97826374],
+ [0.27923818, 0.72350516, 0.97757613],
+ [0.27595926, 0.72794904, 0.97689009],
+ [0.27268303, 0.73238257, 0.97620551],
+ [0.26940886, 0.73680631, 0.97552204],
+ [0.26613693, 0.74122064, 0.97483966],
+ [0.26286635, 0.74562614, 0.97415763],
+ [0.25959788, 0.75002312, 0.97347594],
+ [0.25633138, 0.75441205, 0.97279391],
+ [0.25306724, 0.75879333, 0.97211100],
+ [0.24980668, 0.76316723, 0.97142685],
+ [0.24655011, 0.76753420, 0.97074047],
+ [0.24329935, 0.77189448, 0.97005133],
+ [0.24005658, 0.77624830, 0.96935878],
+ [0.23682383, 0.78059595, 0.96866178],
+ [0.23360397, 0.78493765, 0.96795934],
+ [0.23040127, 0.78927349, 0.96725075],
+ [0.22722023, 0.79360358, 0.96653493],
+ [0.22406630, 0.79792801, 0.96581078],
+ [0.22094547, 0.80224685, 0.96507684],
+ [0.21786589, 0.80656003, 0.96433202],
+ [0.21483687, 0.81086743, 0.96357507],
+ [0.21186918, 0.81516887, 0.96280456],
+ [0.20897546, 0.81946413, 0.96201897],
+ [0.20617045, 0.82375286, 0.96121673],
+ [0.20347132, 0.82803464, 0.96039616],
+ [0.20089777, 0.83230897, 0.95955541],
+ [0.19847183, 0.83657529, 0.95869218],
+ [0.19622081, 0.84083269, 0.95780491],
+ [0.19417514, 0.84508018, 0.95689163],
+ [0.19236749, 0.84931683, 0.95594916],
+ [0.19083824, 0.85354111, 0.95497572],
+ [0.18963034, 0.85775156, 0.95396797],
+ [0.18879478, 0.86194610, 0.95292374],
+ [0.18838567, 0.86612264, 0.95183886],
+ [0.18846576, 0.87027836, 0.95071006],
+ [0.18910485, 0.87440991, 0.94953372],
+ [0.19037993, 0.87851326, 0.94830532],
+ [0.19237642, 0.88258358, 0.94701928],
+ [0.19519254, 0.88661439, 0.94567197],
+ [0.19893583, 0.89059819, 0.94425509],
+ [0.20373321, 0.89452468, 0.94276336],
+ [0.20973274, 0.89838074, 0.94118824],
+ [0.21711489, 0.90214838, 0.93952301],
+ [0.22610835, 0.90580292, 0.93775791],
+ [0.23701092, 0.90930856, 0.93589018],
+ [0.25022885, 0.91261233, 0.93392224],
+ [0.26629803, 0.91563381, 0.93189099],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.gem', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.gem", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/ghostlight/ghostlight.py b/cmasher/colormaps/ghostlight/ghostlight.py
index c552b176..d737193c 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/ghostlight/ghostlight.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/ghostlight/ghostlight.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00020645, 0.00021026, 0.00027223],
- [0.00071032, 0.00072824, 0.00098157],
- [0.00146183, 0.00150655, 0.00210774],
- [0.00243908, 0.00252360, 0.00365459],
- [0.00362894, 0.00376523, 0.00563201],
- [0.00502278, 0.00522087, 0.00805301],
- [0.00661485, 0.00688197, 0.01093224],
- [0.00840144, 0.00874123, 0.01428546],
- [0.01038038, 0.01079222, 0.01812947],
- [0.01255077, 0.01302902, 0.02248191],
- [0.01491276, 0.01544611, 0.02736130],
- [0.01746751, 0.01803823, 0.03278628],
- [0.02021702, 0.02080026, 0.03877633],
- [0.02316413, 0.02372719, 0.04510890],
- [0.02631245, 0.02681401, 0.05143144],
- [0.02966633, 0.03005572, 0.05775679],
- [0.03323090, 0.03344725, 0.06408919],
- [0.03701201, 0.03698347, 0.07043226],
- [0.04100446, 0.04065525, 0.07678927],
- [0.04501646, 0.04429237, 0.08316298],
- [0.04902318, 0.04786580, 0.08955527],
- [0.05302958, 0.05137722, 0.09596794],
- [0.05704034, 0.05482791, 0.10240294],
- [0.06105994, 0.05821892, 0.10886158],
- [0.06509255, 0.06155124, 0.11534415],
- [0.06914239, 0.06482522, 0.12185266],
- [0.07321323, 0.06804159, 0.12838613],
- [0.07730904, 0.07120031, 0.13494629],
- [0.08143333, 0.07430174, 0.14153195],
- [0.08558971, 0.07734580, 0.14814317],
- [0.08978175, 0.08033219, 0.15478006],
- [0.09401269, 0.08326082, 0.16144119],
- [0.09828580, 0.08613133, 0.16812561],
- [0.10260426, 0.08894328, 0.17483208],
- [0.10697117, 0.09169616, 0.18155897],
- [0.11138948, 0.09438945, 0.18830431],
- [0.11586206, 0.09702256, 0.19506574],
- [0.12039163, 0.09959494, 0.20184045],
- [0.12498101, 0.10210580, 0.20862586],
- [0.12963262, 0.10455465, 0.21541812],
- [0.13434873, 0.10694103, 0.22221294],
- [0.13913190, 0.10926413, 0.22900660],
- [0.14398394, 0.11152376, 0.23579342],
- [0.14890675, 0.11371960, 0.24256780],
- [0.15390220, 0.11585132, 0.24932381],
- [0.15897171, 0.11791894, 0.25605439],
- [0.16411640, 0.11992283, 0.26275159],
- [0.16933738, 0.12186334, 0.26940715],
- [0.17463510, 0.12374148, 0.27601135],
- [0.18000957, 0.12555874, 0.28255341],
- [0.18546096, 0.12731659, 0.28902238],
- [0.19098810, 0.12901785, 0.29540492],
- [0.19658996, 0.13066543, 0.30168747],
- [0.20226455, 0.13226335, 0.30785469],
- [0.20800899, 0.13381669, 0.31388976],
- [0.21381984, 0.13533142, 0.31977473],
- [0.21969207, 0.13681525, 0.32548963],
- [0.22561998, 0.13827695, 0.33101355],
- [0.23159616, 0.13972723, 0.33632390],
- [0.23761193, 0.14117834, 0.34139716],
- [0.24365675, 0.14264456, 0.34620887],
- [0.24971806, 0.14414219, 0.35073426],
- [0.25578127, 0.14568941, 0.35494907],
- [0.26183026, 0.14730555, 0.35883071],
- [0.26784643, 0.14901153, 0.36235927],
- [0.27381012, 0.15082820, 0.36551927],
- [0.27970069, 0.15277579, 0.36830110],
- [0.28549747, 0.15487257, 0.37070248],
- [0.29118080, 0.15713364, 0.37272946],
- [0.29673316, 0.15956980, 0.37439672],
- [0.30214016, 0.16218680, 0.37572697],
- [0.30739121, 0.16498513, 0.37674971],
- [0.31247987, 0.16796032, 0.37749914],
- [0.31740375, 0.17110373, 0.37801210],
- [0.32216397, 0.17440358, 0.37832603],
- [0.32676481, 0.17784606, 0.37847654],
- [0.33121255, 0.18141644, 0.37849710],
- [0.33551494, 0.18509989, 0.37841791],
- [0.33968067, 0.18888208, 0.37826533],
- [0.34371878, 0.19274971, 0.37806174],
- [0.34763829, 0.19669066, 0.37782611],
- [0.35144789, 0.20069405, 0.37757467],
- [0.35515588, 0.20475027, 0.37732074],
- [0.35877008, 0.20885103, 0.37707474],
- [0.36229769, 0.21298901, 0.37684582],
- [0.36574541, 0.21715802, 0.37664078],
- [0.36911932, 0.22135284, 0.37646481],
- [0.37242507, 0.22556873, 0.37632301],
- [0.37566778, 0.22980189, 0.37621848],
- [0.37885211, 0.23404906, 0.37615370],
- [0.38198237, 0.23830741, 0.37613074],
- [0.38506249, 0.24257456, 0.37615097],
- [0.38809605, 0.24684855, 0.37621523],
- [0.39108649, 0.25112750, 0.37632463],
- [0.39403678, 0.25541010, 0.37647905],
- [0.39694976, 0.25969515, 0.37667843],
- [0.39982813, 0.26398150, 0.37692298],
- [0.40267435, 0.26826831, 0.37721227],
- [0.40549064, 0.27255492, 0.37754555],
- [0.40827922, 0.27684064, 0.37792240],
- [0.41104224, 0.28112483, 0.37834252],
- [0.41378154, 0.28540714, 0.37880480],
- [0.41649896, 0.28968718, 0.37930838],
- [0.41919627, 0.29396462, 0.37985234],
- [0.42187522, 0.29823915, 0.38043584],
- [0.42453747, 0.30251049, 0.38105791],
- [0.42718452, 0.30677852, 0.38171719],
- [0.42981789, 0.31104310, 0.38241241],
- [0.43243911, 0.31530404, 0.38314241],
- [0.43504982, 0.31956108, 0.38390626],
- [0.43765118, 0.32381436, 0.38470182],
- [0.44024487, 0.32806357, 0.38552815],
- [0.44283212, 0.33230881, 0.38638321],
- [0.44541442, 0.33654992, 0.38726550],
- [0.44799300, 0.34078700, 0.38817280],
- [0.45056941, 0.34501988, 0.38910352],
- [0.45314467, 0.34924881, 0.39005481],
- [0.45572026, 0.35347368, 0.39102476],
- [0.45829729, 0.35769469, 0.39201052],
- [0.46087677, 0.36191208, 0.39300901],
- [0.46345975, 0.36612607, 0.39401726],
- [0.46604717, 0.37033691, 0.39503216],
- [0.46863952, 0.37454522, 0.39604973],
- [0.47123716, 0.37875158, 0.39706613],
- [0.47384014, 0.38295677, 0.39807730],
- [0.47644808, 0.38716178, 0.39907903],
- [0.47906009, 0.39136780, 0.40006704],
- [0.48167471, 0.39557629, 0.40103719],
- [0.48428966, 0.39978906, 0.40198529],
- [0.48690196, 0.40400816, 0.40290775],
- [0.48950777, 0.40823593, 0.40380162],
- [0.49210239, 0.41247497, 0.40466493],
- [0.49468037, 0.41672807, 0.40549692],
- [0.49723560, 0.42099809, 0.40629836],
- [0.49976159, 0.42528786, 0.40707163],
- [0.50225181, 0.42959998, 0.40782087],
- [0.50470011, 0.43393664, 0.40855183],
- [0.50710120, 0.43829945, 0.40927166],
- [0.50945093, 0.44268938, 0.40998817],
- [0.51174675, 0.44710660, 0.41070946],
- [0.51398780, 0.45155054, 0.41144323],
- [0.51617495, 0.45601995, 0.41219619],
- [0.51831059, 0.46051306, 0.41297352],
- [0.52039832, 0.46502777, 0.41377863],
- [0.52244255, 0.46956185, 0.41461311],
- [0.52444816, 0.47411304, 0.41547686],
- [0.52641987, 0.47867941, 0.41636803],
- [0.52836219, 0.48325923, 0.41728372],
- [0.53027916, 0.48785113, 0.41822020],
- [0.53217419, 0.49245407, 0.41917326],
- [0.53405010, 0.49706732, 0.42013855],
- [0.53590890, 0.50169051, 0.42111153],
- [0.53775203, 0.50632351, 0.42208791],
- [0.53958046, 0.51096638, 0.42306369],
- [0.54139470, 0.51561933, 0.42403522],
- [0.54319491, 0.52028266, 0.42499921],
- [0.54498086, 0.52495683, 0.42595263],
- [0.54675219, 0.52964229, 0.42689286],
- [0.54850837, 0.53433954, 0.42781756],
- [0.55024877, 0.53904907, 0.42872471],
- [0.55197261, 0.54377139, 0.42961245],
- [0.55367916, 0.54850699, 0.43047918],
- [0.55536762, 0.55325634, 0.43132345],
- [0.55703719, 0.55801989, 0.43214391],
- [0.55868710, 0.56279806, 0.43293940],
- [0.56031661, 0.56759123, 0.43370881],
- [0.56192502, 0.57239978, 0.43445112],
- [0.56351159, 0.57722407, 0.43516526],
- [0.56507569, 0.58206439, 0.43585029],
- [0.56661676, 0.58692104, 0.43650532],
- [0.56813427, 0.59179425, 0.43712942],
- [0.56962770, 0.59668427, 0.43772166],
- [0.57109645, 0.60159138, 0.43828089],
- [0.57254025, 0.60651572, 0.43880631],
- [0.57395877, 0.61145745, 0.43929692],
- [0.57535170, 0.61641671, 0.43975166],
- [0.57671881, 0.62139364, 0.44016945],
- [0.57805982, 0.62638839, 0.44054901],
- [0.57937459, 0.63140104, 0.44088910],
- [0.58066318, 0.63643163, 0.44118857],
- [0.58192559, 0.64148019, 0.44144604],
- [0.58316194, 0.64654676, 0.44166006],
- [0.58437239, 0.65163132, 0.44182909],
- [0.58555722, 0.65673386, 0.44195147],
- [0.58671681, 0.66185433, 0.44202543],
- [0.58785165, 0.66699264, 0.44204908],
- [0.58896235, 0.67214868, 0.44202039],
- [0.59004969, 0.67732232, 0.44193719],
- [0.59111458, 0.68251335, 0.44179712],
- [0.59215815, 0.68772157, 0.44159769],
- [0.59318172, 0.69294667, 0.44133617],
- [0.59418688, 0.69818833, 0.44100967],
- [0.59517547, 0.70344615, 0.44061505],
- [0.59614969, 0.70871963, 0.44014892],
- [0.59711148, 0.71400847, 0.43960676],
- [0.59806408, 0.71931188, 0.43898495],
- [0.59901118, 0.72462902, 0.43827946],
- [0.59995634, 0.72995916, 0.43748487],
- [0.60090376, 0.73530145, 0.43659521],
- [0.60185982, 0.74065429, 0.43560617],
- [0.60282904, 0.74601698, 0.43450855],
- [0.60382035, 0.75138724, 0.43329777],
- [0.60484111, 0.75676365, 0.43196388],
- [0.60590163, 0.76214383, 0.43049842],
- [0.60701403, 0.76752500, 0.42889204],
- [0.60819213, 0.77290406, 0.42713336],
- [0.60945244, 0.77827725, 0.42520995],
- [0.61081487, 0.78363994, 0.42310828],
- [0.61230339, 0.78898649, 0.42081394],
- [0.61394693, 0.79430995, 0.41831177],
- [0.61577925, 0.79960229, 0.41558301],
- [0.61784268, 0.80485287, 0.41261328],
- [0.62018595, 0.81004959, 0.40938343],
- [0.62286838, 0.81517693, 0.40588279],
- [0.62595776, 0.82021677, 0.40210430],
- [0.62952971, 0.82514805, 0.39805277],
- [0.63366325, 0.82994769, 0.39374844],
- [0.63843229, 0.83459214, 0.38923951],
- [0.64389301, 0.83906099, 0.38459807],
- [0.65007020, 0.84334067, 0.37992118],
- [0.65694803, 0.84742772, 0.37531848],
- [0.66447250, 0.85132950, 0.37089080],
- [0.67256176, 0.85506219, 0.36671879],
- [0.68112190, 0.85864713, 0.36285460],
- [0.69006259, 0.86210665, 0.35932003],
- [0.69930401, 0.86546166, 0.35611590],
- [0.70877967, 0.86873051, 0.35322959],
- [0.71843441, 0.87192907, 0.35064311],
- [0.72822706, 0.87506984, 0.34833204],
- [0.73812881, 0.87816212, 0.34626847],
- [0.74811092, 0.88121521, 0.34443346],
- [0.75815915, 0.88423441, 0.34280055],
- [0.76825691, 0.88722565, 0.34135217],
- [0.77839240, 0.89019349, 0.34007115],
- [0.78855772, 0.89314133, 0.33894100],
- [0.79874812, 0.89607157, 0.33794600],
- [0.80896132, 0.89898581, 0.33707131],
- [0.81918840, 0.90188766, 0.33631017],
- [0.82943177, 0.90477717, 0.33564819],
- [0.83968568, 0.90765693, 0.33507953],
- [0.84995514, 0.91052605, 0.33459095],
- [0.86023172, 0.91338795, 0.33418131],
- [0.87051856, 0.91624227, 0.33384113],
- [0.88081710, 0.91908913, 0.33356325],
- [0.89112677, 0.92192930, 0.33334286],
- [0.90144747, 0.92476337, 0.33317540],
- [0.91177953, 0.92759176, 0.33305653],
- [0.92212366, 0.93041473, 0.33298214],
- [0.93248083, 0.93323241, 0.33294832],
- [0.94285227, 0.93604483, 0.33295135],
- [0.95323943, 0.93885189, 0.33298768],
- [0.96363964, 0.94165501, 0.33305717],
- [0.97405369, 0.94445433, 0.33315730],
- [0.98448736, 0.94724807, 0.33328201],
- [0.99494266, 0.95003581, 0.33342831]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00020645, 0.00021026, 0.00027223],
+ [0.00071032, 0.00072824, 0.00098157],
+ [0.00146183, 0.00150655, 0.00210774],
+ [0.00243908, 0.00252360, 0.00365459],
+ [0.00362894, 0.00376523, 0.00563201],
+ [0.00502278, 0.00522087, 0.00805301],
+ [0.00661485, 0.00688197, 0.01093224],
+ [0.00840144, 0.00874123, 0.01428546],
+ [0.01038038, 0.01079222, 0.01812947],
+ [0.01255077, 0.01302902, 0.02248191],
+ [0.01491276, 0.01544611, 0.02736130],
+ [0.01746751, 0.01803823, 0.03278628],
+ [0.02021702, 0.02080026, 0.03877633],
+ [0.02316413, 0.02372719, 0.04510890],
+ [0.02631245, 0.02681401, 0.05143144],
+ [0.02966633, 0.03005572, 0.05775679],
+ [0.03323090, 0.03344725, 0.06408919],
+ [0.03701201, 0.03698347, 0.07043226],
+ [0.04100446, 0.04065525, 0.07678927],
+ [0.04501646, 0.04429237, 0.08316298],
+ [0.04902318, 0.04786580, 0.08955527],
+ [0.05302958, 0.05137722, 0.09596794],
+ [0.05704034, 0.05482791, 0.10240294],
+ [0.06105994, 0.05821892, 0.10886158],
+ [0.06509255, 0.06155124, 0.11534415],
+ [0.06914239, 0.06482522, 0.12185266],
+ [0.07321323, 0.06804159, 0.12838613],
+ [0.07730904, 0.07120031, 0.13494629],
+ [0.08143333, 0.07430174, 0.14153195],
+ [0.08558971, 0.07734580, 0.14814317],
+ [0.08978175, 0.08033219, 0.15478006],
+ [0.09401269, 0.08326082, 0.16144119],
+ [0.09828580, 0.08613133, 0.16812561],
+ [0.10260426, 0.08894328, 0.17483208],
+ [0.10697117, 0.09169616, 0.18155897],
+ [0.11138948, 0.09438945, 0.18830431],
+ [0.11586206, 0.09702256, 0.19506574],
+ [0.12039163, 0.09959494, 0.20184045],
+ [0.12498101, 0.10210580, 0.20862586],
+ [0.12963262, 0.10455465, 0.21541812],
+ [0.13434873, 0.10694103, 0.22221294],
+ [0.13913190, 0.10926413, 0.22900660],
+ [0.14398394, 0.11152376, 0.23579342],
+ [0.14890675, 0.11371960, 0.24256780],
+ [0.15390220, 0.11585132, 0.24932381],
+ [0.15897171, 0.11791894, 0.25605439],
+ [0.16411640, 0.11992283, 0.26275159],
+ [0.16933738, 0.12186334, 0.26940715],
+ [0.17463510, 0.12374148, 0.27601135],
+ [0.18000957, 0.12555874, 0.28255341],
+ [0.18546096, 0.12731659, 0.28902238],
+ [0.19098810, 0.12901785, 0.29540492],
+ [0.19658996, 0.13066543, 0.30168747],
+ [0.20226455, 0.13226335, 0.30785469],
+ [0.20800899, 0.13381669, 0.31388976],
+ [0.21381984, 0.13533142, 0.31977473],
+ [0.21969207, 0.13681525, 0.32548963],
+ [0.22561998, 0.13827695, 0.33101355],
+ [0.23159616, 0.13972723, 0.33632390],
+ [0.23761193, 0.14117834, 0.34139716],
+ [0.24365675, 0.14264456, 0.34620887],
+ [0.24971806, 0.14414219, 0.35073426],
+ [0.25578127, 0.14568941, 0.35494907],
+ [0.26183026, 0.14730555, 0.35883071],
+ [0.26784643, 0.14901153, 0.36235927],
+ [0.27381012, 0.15082820, 0.36551927],
+ [0.27970069, 0.15277579, 0.36830110],
+ [0.28549747, 0.15487257, 0.37070248],
+ [0.29118080, 0.15713364, 0.37272946],
+ [0.29673316, 0.15956980, 0.37439672],
+ [0.30214016, 0.16218680, 0.37572697],
+ [0.30739121, 0.16498513, 0.37674971],
+ [0.31247987, 0.16796032, 0.37749914],
+ [0.31740375, 0.17110373, 0.37801210],
+ [0.32216397, 0.17440358, 0.37832603],
+ [0.32676481, 0.17784606, 0.37847654],
+ [0.33121255, 0.18141644, 0.37849710],
+ [0.33551494, 0.18509989, 0.37841791],
+ [0.33968067, 0.18888208, 0.37826533],
+ [0.34371878, 0.19274971, 0.37806174],
+ [0.34763829, 0.19669066, 0.37782611],
+ [0.35144789, 0.20069405, 0.37757467],
+ [0.35515588, 0.20475027, 0.37732074],
+ [0.35877008, 0.20885103, 0.37707474],
+ [0.36229769, 0.21298901, 0.37684582],
+ [0.36574541, 0.21715802, 0.37664078],
+ [0.36911932, 0.22135284, 0.37646481],
+ [0.37242507, 0.22556873, 0.37632301],
+ [0.37566778, 0.22980189, 0.37621848],
+ [0.37885211, 0.23404906, 0.37615370],
+ [0.38198237, 0.23830741, 0.37613074],
+ [0.38506249, 0.24257456, 0.37615097],
+ [0.38809605, 0.24684855, 0.37621523],
+ [0.39108649, 0.25112750, 0.37632463],
+ [0.39403678, 0.25541010, 0.37647905],
+ [0.39694976, 0.25969515, 0.37667843],
+ [0.39982813, 0.26398150, 0.37692298],
+ [0.40267435, 0.26826831, 0.37721227],
+ [0.40549064, 0.27255492, 0.37754555],
+ [0.40827922, 0.27684064, 0.37792240],
+ [0.41104224, 0.28112483, 0.37834252],
+ [0.41378154, 0.28540714, 0.37880480],
+ [0.41649896, 0.28968718, 0.37930838],
+ [0.41919627, 0.29396462, 0.37985234],
+ [0.42187522, 0.29823915, 0.38043584],
+ [0.42453747, 0.30251049, 0.38105791],
+ [0.42718452, 0.30677852, 0.38171719],
+ [0.42981789, 0.31104310, 0.38241241],
+ [0.43243911, 0.31530404, 0.38314241],
+ [0.43504982, 0.31956108, 0.38390626],
+ [0.43765118, 0.32381436, 0.38470182],
+ [0.44024487, 0.32806357, 0.38552815],
+ [0.44283212, 0.33230881, 0.38638321],
+ [0.44541442, 0.33654992, 0.38726550],
+ [0.44799300, 0.34078700, 0.38817280],
+ [0.45056941, 0.34501988, 0.38910352],
+ [0.45314467, 0.34924881, 0.39005481],
+ [0.45572026, 0.35347368, 0.39102476],
+ [0.45829729, 0.35769469, 0.39201052],
+ [0.46087677, 0.36191208, 0.39300901],
+ [0.46345975, 0.36612607, 0.39401726],
+ [0.46604717, 0.37033691, 0.39503216],
+ [0.46863952, 0.37454522, 0.39604973],
+ [0.47123716, 0.37875158, 0.39706613],
+ [0.47384014, 0.38295677, 0.39807730],
+ [0.47644808, 0.38716178, 0.39907903],
+ [0.47906009, 0.39136780, 0.40006704],
+ [0.48167471, 0.39557629, 0.40103719],
+ [0.48428966, 0.39978906, 0.40198529],
+ [0.48690196, 0.40400816, 0.40290775],
+ [0.48950777, 0.40823593, 0.40380162],
+ [0.49210239, 0.41247497, 0.40466493],
+ [0.49468037, 0.41672807, 0.40549692],
+ [0.49723560, 0.42099809, 0.40629836],
+ [0.49976159, 0.42528786, 0.40707163],
+ [0.50225181, 0.42959998, 0.40782087],
+ [0.50470011, 0.43393664, 0.40855183],
+ [0.50710120, 0.43829945, 0.40927166],
+ [0.50945093, 0.44268938, 0.40998817],
+ [0.51174675, 0.44710660, 0.41070946],
+ [0.51398780, 0.45155054, 0.41144323],
+ [0.51617495, 0.45601995, 0.41219619],
+ [0.51831059, 0.46051306, 0.41297352],
+ [0.52039832, 0.46502777, 0.41377863],
+ [0.52244255, 0.46956185, 0.41461311],
+ [0.52444816, 0.47411304, 0.41547686],
+ [0.52641987, 0.47867941, 0.41636803],
+ [0.52836219, 0.48325923, 0.41728372],
+ [0.53027916, 0.48785113, 0.41822020],
+ [0.53217419, 0.49245407, 0.41917326],
+ [0.53405010, 0.49706732, 0.42013855],
+ [0.53590890, 0.50169051, 0.42111153],
+ [0.53775203, 0.50632351, 0.42208791],
+ [0.53958046, 0.51096638, 0.42306369],
+ [0.54139470, 0.51561933, 0.42403522],
+ [0.54319491, 0.52028266, 0.42499921],
+ [0.54498086, 0.52495683, 0.42595263],
+ [0.54675219, 0.52964229, 0.42689286],
+ [0.54850837, 0.53433954, 0.42781756],
+ [0.55024877, 0.53904907, 0.42872471],
+ [0.55197261, 0.54377139, 0.42961245],
+ [0.55367916, 0.54850699, 0.43047918],
+ [0.55536762, 0.55325634, 0.43132345],
+ [0.55703719, 0.55801989, 0.43214391],
+ [0.55868710, 0.56279806, 0.43293940],
+ [0.56031661, 0.56759123, 0.43370881],
+ [0.56192502, 0.57239978, 0.43445112],
+ [0.56351159, 0.57722407, 0.43516526],
+ [0.56507569, 0.58206439, 0.43585029],
+ [0.56661676, 0.58692104, 0.43650532],
+ [0.56813427, 0.59179425, 0.43712942],
+ [0.56962770, 0.59668427, 0.43772166],
+ [0.57109645, 0.60159138, 0.43828089],
+ [0.57254025, 0.60651572, 0.43880631],
+ [0.57395877, 0.61145745, 0.43929692],
+ [0.57535170, 0.61641671, 0.43975166],
+ [0.57671881, 0.62139364, 0.44016945],
+ [0.57805982, 0.62638839, 0.44054901],
+ [0.57937459, 0.63140104, 0.44088910],
+ [0.58066318, 0.63643163, 0.44118857],
+ [0.58192559, 0.64148019, 0.44144604],
+ [0.58316194, 0.64654676, 0.44166006],
+ [0.58437239, 0.65163132, 0.44182909],
+ [0.58555722, 0.65673386, 0.44195147],
+ [0.58671681, 0.66185433, 0.44202543],
+ [0.58785165, 0.66699264, 0.44204908],
+ [0.58896235, 0.67214868, 0.44202039],
+ [0.59004969, 0.67732232, 0.44193719],
+ [0.59111458, 0.68251335, 0.44179712],
+ [0.59215815, 0.68772157, 0.44159769],
+ [0.59318172, 0.69294667, 0.44133617],
+ [0.59418688, 0.69818833, 0.44100967],
+ [0.59517547, 0.70344615, 0.44061505],
+ [0.59614969, 0.70871963, 0.44014892],
+ [0.59711148, 0.71400847, 0.43960676],
+ [0.59806408, 0.71931188, 0.43898495],
+ [0.59901118, 0.72462902, 0.43827946],
+ [0.59995634, 0.72995916, 0.43748487],
+ [0.60090376, 0.73530145, 0.43659521],
+ [0.60185982, 0.74065429, 0.43560617],
+ [0.60282904, 0.74601698, 0.43450855],
+ [0.60382035, 0.75138724, 0.43329777],
+ [0.60484111, 0.75676365, 0.43196388],
+ [0.60590163, 0.76214383, 0.43049842],
+ [0.60701403, 0.76752500, 0.42889204],
+ [0.60819213, 0.77290406, 0.42713336],
+ [0.60945244, 0.77827725, 0.42520995],
+ [0.61081487, 0.78363994, 0.42310828],
+ [0.61230339, 0.78898649, 0.42081394],
+ [0.61394693, 0.79430995, 0.41831177],
+ [0.61577925, 0.79960229, 0.41558301],
+ [0.61784268, 0.80485287, 0.41261328],
+ [0.62018595, 0.81004959, 0.40938343],
+ [0.62286838, 0.81517693, 0.40588279],
+ [0.62595776, 0.82021677, 0.40210430],
+ [0.62952971, 0.82514805, 0.39805277],
+ [0.63366325, 0.82994769, 0.39374844],
+ [0.63843229, 0.83459214, 0.38923951],
+ [0.64389301, 0.83906099, 0.38459807],
+ [0.65007020, 0.84334067, 0.37992118],
+ [0.65694803, 0.84742772, 0.37531848],
+ [0.66447250, 0.85132950, 0.37089080],
+ [0.67256176, 0.85506219, 0.36671879],
+ [0.68112190, 0.85864713, 0.36285460],
+ [0.69006259, 0.86210665, 0.35932003],
+ [0.69930401, 0.86546166, 0.35611590],
+ [0.70877967, 0.86873051, 0.35322959],
+ [0.71843441, 0.87192907, 0.35064311],
+ [0.72822706, 0.87506984, 0.34833204],
+ [0.73812881, 0.87816212, 0.34626847],
+ [0.74811092, 0.88121521, 0.34443346],
+ [0.75815915, 0.88423441, 0.34280055],
+ [0.76825691, 0.88722565, 0.34135217],
+ [0.77839240, 0.89019349, 0.34007115],
+ [0.78855772, 0.89314133, 0.33894100],
+ [0.79874812, 0.89607157, 0.33794600],
+ [0.80896132, 0.89898581, 0.33707131],
+ [0.81918840, 0.90188766, 0.33631017],
+ [0.82943177, 0.90477717, 0.33564819],
+ [0.83968568, 0.90765693, 0.33507953],
+ [0.84995514, 0.91052605, 0.33459095],
+ [0.86023172, 0.91338795, 0.33418131],
+ [0.87051856, 0.91624227, 0.33384113],
+ [0.88081710, 0.91908913, 0.33356325],
+ [0.89112677, 0.92192930, 0.33334286],
+ [0.90144747, 0.92476337, 0.33317540],
+ [0.91177953, 0.92759176, 0.33305653],
+ [0.92212366, 0.93041473, 0.33298214],
+ [0.93248083, 0.93323241, 0.33294832],
+ [0.94285227, 0.93604483, 0.33295135],
+ [0.95323943, 0.93885189, 0.33298768],
+ [0.96363964, 0.94165501, 0.33305717],
+ [0.97405369, 0.94445433, 0.33315730],
+ [0.98448736, 0.94724807, 0.33328201],
+ [0.99494266, 0.95003581, 0.33342831],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.ghostlight', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.ghostlight", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/gothic/gothic.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/gothic/gothic.jscm
index cf5d9e57..82f635a2 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/gothic/gothic.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/gothic/gothic.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/gothic/gothic.py b/cmasher/colormaps/gothic/gothic.py
index 8599691a..0beeeae2 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/gothic/gothic.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/gothic/gothic.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00022649, 0.00022910, 0.00031182],
- [0.00077840, 0.00079290, 0.00113382],
- [0.00159984, 0.00163930, 0.00245269],
- [0.00266528, 0.00274461, 0.00428120],
- [0.00395849, 0.00409339, 0.00663880],
- [0.00546798, 0.00567421, 0.00954830],
- [0.00718515, 0.00747791, 0.01303467],
- [0.00910336, 0.00949680, 0.01712462],
- [0.01121743, 0.01172416, 0.02184643],
- [0.01352313, 0.01415380, 0.02723157],
- [0.01601749, 0.01678021, 0.03330968],
- [0.01869814, 0.01959811, 0.04011305],
- [0.02156343, 0.02260244, 0.04721513],
- [0.02461231, 0.02578830, 0.05432991],
- [0.02784400, 0.02915056, 0.06147219],
- [0.03125867, 0.03268450, 0.06864621],
- [0.03485696, 0.03638535, 0.07585626],
- [0.03863990, 0.04024821, 0.08310696],
- [0.04254022, 0.04410497, 0.09040632],
- [0.04639767, 0.04789374, 0.09775640],
- [0.05022354, 0.05162006, 0.10515897],
- [0.05402191, 0.05528547, 0.11261940],
- [0.05779662, 0.05889104, 0.12014343],
- [0.06155178, 0.06243863, 0.12772925],
- [0.06529081, 0.06592868, 0.13538279],
- [0.06901713, 0.06936153, 0.14310832],
- [0.07273433, 0.07273846, 0.15090327],
- [0.07644541, 0.07605830, 0.15877799],
- [0.08015380, 0.07932217, 0.16672834],
- [0.08386255, 0.08252920, 0.17476031],
- [0.08757482, 0.08567907, 0.18287581],
- [0.09129370, 0.08877136, 0.19107609],
- [0.09502232, 0.09180485, 0.19936574],
- [0.09876374, 0.09477899, 0.20774495],
- [0.10252109, 0.09769241, 0.21621704],
- [0.10629756, 0.10054351, 0.22478540],
- [0.11009612, 0.10333189, 0.23344741],
- [0.11392040, 0.10605364, 0.24221459],
- [0.11777319, 0.10870908, 0.25107973],
- [0.12165794, 0.11129534, 0.26004821],
- [0.12557835, 0.11380905, 0.26912617],
- [0.12953738, 0.11624924, 0.27830963],
- [0.13353853, 0.11861304, 0.28760113],
- [0.13758582, 0.12089616, 0.29700716],
- [0.14168277, 0.12309581, 0.30652782],
- [0.14583290, 0.12520905, 0.31616285],
- [0.15004006, 0.12723199, 0.32591433],
- [0.15430818, 0.12916040, 0.33578414],
- [0.15864133, 0.13098977, 0.34577396],
- [0.16304362, 0.13271526, 0.35588521],
- [0.16751926, 0.13433168, 0.36611899],
- [0.17207255, 0.13583352, 0.37647604],
- [0.17670781, 0.13721490, 0.38695670],
- [0.18142943, 0.13846959, 0.39756080],
- [0.18624181, 0.13959098, 0.40828762],
- [0.19114950, 0.14057178, 0.41913654],
- [0.19615879, 0.14140103, 0.43011315],
- [0.20127248, 0.14207389, 0.44120766],
- [0.20649533, 0.14258118, 0.45241820],
- [0.21183438, 0.14290899, 0.46374998],
- [0.21729120, 0.14305271, 0.47518766],
- [0.22287411, 0.14299452, 0.48673874],
- [0.22858492, 0.14272762, 0.49838769],
- [0.23442846, 0.14223868, 0.51012852],
- [0.24041153, 0.14150950, 0.52195977],
- [0.24653595, 0.14052980, 0.53386424],
- [0.25280563, 0.13928398, 0.54583022],
- [0.25922382, 0.13775610, 0.55784319],
- [0.26579287, 0.13593012, 0.56988544],
- [0.27251407, 0.13379018, 0.58193583],
- [0.27939017, 0.13131543, 0.59397558],
- [0.28641815, 0.12849429, 0.60597212],
- [0.29359608, 0.12531100, 0.61789520],
- [0.30092102, 0.12174958, 0.62971203],
- [0.30838669, 0.11779912, 0.64138310],
- [0.31598416, 0.11345296, 0.65286466],
- [0.32370335, 0.10870592, 0.66411204],
- [0.33153133, 0.10355911, 0.67507732],
- [0.33945245, 0.09802110, 0.68571083],
- [0.34744873, 0.09210897, 0.69596281],
- [0.35550034, 0.08584927, 0.70578548],
- [0.36358689, 0.07927728, 0.71513562],
- [0.37168725, 0.07244065, 0.72397518],
- [0.37977968, 0.06540337, 0.73227241],
- [0.38784538, 0.05823842, 0.74000589],
- [0.39586560, 0.05104328, 0.74716157],
- [0.40382546, 0.04393252, 0.75373581],
- [0.41171205, 0.03707994, 0.75973304],
- [0.41951581, 0.03113051, 0.76516566],
- [0.42722995, 0.02627780, 0.77005240],
- [0.43485041, 0.02254326, 0.77441703],
- [0.44237532, 0.01993019, 0.77828689],
- [0.44980504, 0.01842521, 0.78169165],
- [0.45714116, 0.01800397, 0.78466211],
- [0.46438685, 0.01863137, 0.78722931],
- [0.47154595, 0.02026647, 0.78942384],
- [0.47862279, 0.02286426, 0.79127531],
- [0.48562248, 0.02637598, 0.79281178],
- [0.49254975, 0.03075392, 0.79405996],
- [0.49940978, 0.03594920, 0.79504459],
- [0.50620760, 0.04187490, 0.79578858],
- [0.51294795, 0.04804067, 0.79631318],
- [0.51963531, 0.05428576, 0.79663794],
- [0.52627418, 0.06055136, 0.79678042],
- [0.53286860, 0.06679720, 0.79675676],
- [0.53942235, 0.07299590, 0.79658160],
- [0.54593888, 0.07912923, 0.79626820],
- [0.55242141, 0.08518541, 0.79582845],
- [0.55887290, 0.09115729, 0.79527303],
- [0.56529598, 0.09704113, 0.79461154],
- [0.57169303, 0.10283559, 0.79385256],
- [0.57806618, 0.10854111, 0.79300376],
- [0.58441731, 0.11415935, 0.79207188],
- [0.59074810, 0.11969293, 0.79106288],
- [0.59705991, 0.12514519, 0.78998205],
- [0.60335393, 0.13051994, 0.78883403],
- [0.60963110, 0.13582141, 0.78762282],
- [0.61589221, 0.14105404, 0.78635175],
- [0.62213784, 0.14622255, 0.78502354],
- [0.62836819, 0.15133188, 0.78364088],
- [0.63458330, 0.15638712, 0.78220579],
- [0.64078327, 0.16139341, 0.78071920],
- [0.64696749, 0.16635619, 0.77918275],
- [0.65313532, 0.17128101, 0.77759719],
- [0.65928609, 0.17617352, 0.77596229],
- [0.66541828, 0.18103975, 0.77427894],
- [0.67153070, 0.18588580, 0.77254589],
- [0.67762128, 0.19071819, 0.77076311],
- [0.68368769, 0.19554374, 0.76892983],
- [0.68972752, 0.20036966, 0.76704387],
- [0.69573739, 0.20520370, 0.76510410],
- [0.70171345, 0.21005419, 0.76310873],
- [0.70765122, 0.21493014, 0.76105549],
- [0.71354536, 0.21984144, 0.75894196],
- [0.71938982, 0.22479904, 0.75676434],
- [0.72517692, 0.22981504, 0.75452029],
- [0.73089783, 0.23490311, 0.75220632],
- [0.73654188, 0.24007866, 0.74981898],
- [0.74209653, 0.24535951, 0.74735337],
- [0.74754621, 0.25076605, 0.74480608],
- [0.75287203, 0.25632210, 0.74217347],
- [0.75805069, 0.26205525, 0.73945391],
- [0.76305360, 0.26799846, 0.73664524],
- [0.76784504, 0.27419030, 0.73374933],
- [0.77238053, 0.28067532, 0.73077521],
- [0.77660515, 0.28750518, 0.72773900],
- [0.78045259, 0.29473488, 0.72467579],
- [0.78384670, 0.30241794, 0.72164512],
- [0.78670902, 0.31059259, 0.71874385],
- [0.78897660, 0.31925931, 0.71611399],
- [0.79062680, 0.32836053, 0.71392763],
- [0.79169757, 0.33777583, 0.71234976],
- [0.79228253, 0.34735000, 0.71148822],
- [0.79250047, 0.35693781, 0.71136831],
- [0.79246219, 0.36643432, 0.71194630],
- [0.79225552, 0.37577702, 0.71314290],
- [0.79194128, 0.38493841, 0.71486841],
- [0.79156129, 0.39391031, 0.71703954],
- [0.79114212, 0.40269700, 0.71958365],
- [0.79070192, 0.41130730, 0.72244042],
- [0.79025225, 0.41975284, 0.72556003],
- [0.78980010, 0.42804628, 0.72890161],
- [0.78935136, 0.43619867, 0.73243180],
- [0.78890961, 0.44422092, 0.73612296],
- [0.78847776, 0.45212273, 0.73995217],
- [0.78805691, 0.45991379, 0.74390018],
- [0.78764865, 0.46760210, 0.74795084],
- [0.78725425, 0.47519495, 0.75209048],
- [0.78687527, 0.48269849, 0.75630739],
- [0.78651193, 0.49011920, 0.76059152],
- [0.78616514, 0.49746237, 0.76493422],
- [0.78583563, 0.50473290, 0.76932797],
- [0.78552435, 0.51193508, 0.77376622],
- [0.78523222, 0.51907284, 0.77824323],
- [0.78495930, 0.52615032, 0.78275401],
- [0.78470661, 0.53317070, 0.78729412],
- [0.78447501, 0.54013703, 0.79185964],
- [0.78426477, 0.54705248, 0.79644711],
- [0.78407686, 0.55391957, 0.80105343],
- [0.78391180, 0.56074090, 0.80567585],
- [0.78376990, 0.56751904, 0.81031190],
- [0.78365226, 0.57425593, 0.81495931],
- [0.78355900, 0.58095395, 0.81961605],
- [0.78349056, 0.58761517, 0.82428023],
- [0.78344742, 0.59424151, 0.82895010],
- [0.78343013, 0.60083478, 0.83362397],
- [0.78343875, 0.60739694, 0.83830025],
- [0.78347352, 0.61392977, 0.84297736],
- [0.78353464, 0.62043503, 0.84765369],
- [0.78362220, 0.62691443, 0.85232762],
- [0.78373623, 0.63336968, 0.85699741],
- [0.78387665, 0.63980249, 0.86166123],
- [0.78404339, 0.64621454, 0.86631706],
- [0.78423630, 0.65260749, 0.87096269],
- [0.78445522, 0.65898300, 0.87559564],
- [0.78469987, 0.66534278, 0.88021310],
- [0.78496997, 0.67168853, 0.88481190],
- [0.78526547, 0.67802185, 0.88938842],
- [0.78558632, 0.68434435, 0.89393852],
- [0.78593226, 0.69065780, 0.89845746],
- [0.78630345, 0.69696380, 0.90293981],
- [0.78670062, 0.70326377, 0.90737936],
- [0.78712384, 0.70955954, 0.91176894],
- [0.78757479, 0.71585226, 0.91610042],
- [0.78805464, 0.72214351, 0.92036445],
- [0.78856633, 0.72843421, 0.92455044],
- [0.78911225, 0.73472575, 0.92864619],
- [0.78969759, 0.74101847, 0.93263811],
- [0.79032808, 0.74731276, 0.93651077],
- [0.79101128, 0.75360852, 0.94024693],
- [0.79175692, 0.75990501, 0.94382751],
- [0.79257770, 0.76620057, 0.94723181],
- [0.79348922, 0.77249259, 0.95043776],
- [0.79451090, 0.77877713, 0.95342266],
- [0.79566591, 0.78504882, 0.95616426],
- [0.79698112, 0.79130071, 0.95864218],
- [0.79848627, 0.79752446, 0.96083977],
- [0.80021362, 0.80371000, 0.96274721],
- [0.80219478, 0.80984665, 0.96436298],
- [0.80445852, 0.81592365, 0.96569591],
- [0.80702759, 0.82193135, 0.96676508],
- [0.80991695, 0.82786181, 0.96759987],
- [0.81313163, 0.83371013, 0.96823544],
- [0.81666752, 0.83947432, 0.96871053],
- [0.82051272, 0.84515522, 0.96906397],
- [0.82464985, 0.85075562, 0.96933430],
- [0.82905719, 0.85628094, 0.96955070],
- [0.83371225, 0.86173646, 0.96974494],
- [0.83859186, 0.86712891, 0.96993795],
- [0.84367394, 0.87246480, 0.97014857],
- [0.84893783, 0.87775040, 0.97039275],
- [0.85436441, 0.88299168, 0.97068376],
- [0.85993707, 0.88819452, 0.97102728],
- [0.86563985, 0.89336380, 0.97143559],
- [0.87145948, 0.89850444, 0.97191191],
- [0.87738390, 0.90362072, 0.97246084],
- [0.88340230, 0.90871656, 0.97308653],
- [0.88950517, 0.91379548, 0.97379189],
- [0.89568421, 0.91886073, 0.97457879],
- [0.90193159, 0.92391520, 0.97545036],
- [0.90824013, 0.92896161, 0.97640976],
- [0.91460519, 0.93400236, 0.97745383],
- [0.92101920, 0.93903977, 0.97859073],
- [0.92747939, 0.94407584, 0.97981503],
- [0.93397877, 0.94911266, 0.98113520],
- [0.94051433, 0.95415199, 0.98254880],
- [0.94708174, 0.95919565, 0.98405798],
- [0.95367627, 0.96424545, 0.98566600],
- [0.96029209, 0.96930345, 0.98737864],
- [0.96692477, 0.97437166, 0.98919662],
- [0.97356753, 0.97945267, 0.99112429],
- [0.98021157, 0.98454986, 0.99316620],
- [0.98684468, 0.98966802, 0.99532645],
- [0.99344927, 0.99481436, 0.99760652],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00022649, 0.00022910, 0.00031182],
+ [0.00077840, 0.00079290, 0.00113382],
+ [0.00159984, 0.00163930, 0.00245269],
+ [0.00266528, 0.00274461, 0.00428120],
+ [0.00395849, 0.00409339, 0.00663880],
+ [0.00546798, 0.00567421, 0.00954830],
+ [0.00718515, 0.00747791, 0.01303467],
+ [0.00910336, 0.00949680, 0.01712462],
+ [0.01121743, 0.01172416, 0.02184643],
+ [0.01352313, 0.01415380, 0.02723157],
+ [0.01601749, 0.01678021, 0.03330968],
+ [0.01869814, 0.01959811, 0.04011305],
+ [0.02156343, 0.02260244, 0.04721513],
+ [0.02461231, 0.02578830, 0.05432991],
+ [0.02784400, 0.02915056, 0.06147219],
+ [0.03125867, 0.03268450, 0.06864621],
+ [0.03485696, 0.03638535, 0.07585626],
+ [0.03863990, 0.04024821, 0.08310696],
+ [0.04254022, 0.04410497, 0.09040632],
+ [0.04639767, 0.04789374, 0.09775640],
+ [0.05022354, 0.05162006, 0.10515897],
+ [0.05402191, 0.05528547, 0.11261940],
+ [0.05779662, 0.05889104, 0.12014343],
+ [0.06155178, 0.06243863, 0.12772925],
+ [0.06529081, 0.06592868, 0.13538279],
+ [0.06901713, 0.06936153, 0.14310832],
+ [0.07273433, 0.07273846, 0.15090327],
+ [0.07644541, 0.07605830, 0.15877799],
+ [0.08015380, 0.07932217, 0.16672834],
+ [0.08386255, 0.08252920, 0.17476031],
+ [0.08757482, 0.08567907, 0.18287581],
+ [0.09129370, 0.08877136, 0.19107609],
+ [0.09502232, 0.09180485, 0.19936574],
+ [0.09876374, 0.09477899, 0.20774495],
+ [0.10252109, 0.09769241, 0.21621704],
+ [0.10629756, 0.10054351, 0.22478540],
+ [0.11009612, 0.10333189, 0.23344741],
+ [0.11392040, 0.10605364, 0.24221459],
+ [0.11777319, 0.10870908, 0.25107973],
+ [0.12165794, 0.11129534, 0.26004821],
+ [0.12557835, 0.11380905, 0.26912617],
+ [0.12953738, 0.11624924, 0.27830963],
+ [0.13353853, 0.11861304, 0.28760113],
+ [0.13758582, 0.12089616, 0.29700716],
+ [0.14168277, 0.12309581, 0.30652782],
+ [0.14583290, 0.12520905, 0.31616285],
+ [0.15004006, 0.12723199, 0.32591433],
+ [0.15430818, 0.12916040, 0.33578414],
+ [0.15864133, 0.13098977, 0.34577396],
+ [0.16304362, 0.13271526, 0.35588521],
+ [0.16751926, 0.13433168, 0.36611899],
+ [0.17207255, 0.13583352, 0.37647604],
+ [0.17670781, 0.13721490, 0.38695670],
+ [0.18142943, 0.13846959, 0.39756080],
+ [0.18624181, 0.13959098, 0.40828762],
+ [0.19114950, 0.14057178, 0.41913654],
+ [0.19615879, 0.14140103, 0.43011315],
+ [0.20127248, 0.14207389, 0.44120766],
+ [0.20649533, 0.14258118, 0.45241820],
+ [0.21183438, 0.14290899, 0.46374998],
+ [0.21729120, 0.14305271, 0.47518766],
+ [0.22287411, 0.14299452, 0.48673874],
+ [0.22858492, 0.14272762, 0.49838769],
+ [0.23442846, 0.14223868, 0.51012852],
+ [0.24041153, 0.14150950, 0.52195977],
+ [0.24653595, 0.14052980, 0.53386424],
+ [0.25280563, 0.13928398, 0.54583022],
+ [0.25922382, 0.13775610, 0.55784319],
+ [0.26579287, 0.13593012, 0.56988544],
+ [0.27251407, 0.13379018, 0.58193583],
+ [0.27939017, 0.13131543, 0.59397558],
+ [0.28641815, 0.12849429, 0.60597212],
+ [0.29359608, 0.12531100, 0.61789520],
+ [0.30092102, 0.12174958, 0.62971203],
+ [0.30838669, 0.11779912, 0.64138310],
+ [0.31598416, 0.11345296, 0.65286466],
+ [0.32370335, 0.10870592, 0.66411204],
+ [0.33153133, 0.10355911, 0.67507732],
+ [0.33945245, 0.09802110, 0.68571083],
+ [0.34744873, 0.09210897, 0.69596281],
+ [0.35550034, 0.08584927, 0.70578548],
+ [0.36358689, 0.07927728, 0.71513562],
+ [0.37168725, 0.07244065, 0.72397518],
+ [0.37977968, 0.06540337, 0.73227241],
+ [0.38784538, 0.05823842, 0.74000589],
+ [0.39586560, 0.05104328, 0.74716157],
+ [0.40382546, 0.04393252, 0.75373581],
+ [0.41171205, 0.03707994, 0.75973304],
+ [0.41951581, 0.03113051, 0.76516566],
+ [0.42722995, 0.02627780, 0.77005240],
+ [0.43485041, 0.02254326, 0.77441703],
+ [0.44237532, 0.01993019, 0.77828689],
+ [0.44980504, 0.01842521, 0.78169165],
+ [0.45714116, 0.01800397, 0.78466211],
+ [0.46438685, 0.01863137, 0.78722931],
+ [0.47154595, 0.02026647, 0.78942384],
+ [0.47862279, 0.02286426, 0.79127531],
+ [0.48562248, 0.02637598, 0.79281178],
+ [0.49254975, 0.03075392, 0.79405996],
+ [0.49940978, 0.03594920, 0.79504459],
+ [0.50620760, 0.04187490, 0.79578858],
+ [0.51294795, 0.04804067, 0.79631318],
+ [0.51963531, 0.05428576, 0.79663794],
+ [0.52627418, 0.06055136, 0.79678042],
+ [0.53286860, 0.06679720, 0.79675676],
+ [0.53942235, 0.07299590, 0.79658160],
+ [0.54593888, 0.07912923, 0.79626820],
+ [0.55242141, 0.08518541, 0.79582845],
+ [0.55887290, 0.09115729, 0.79527303],
+ [0.56529598, 0.09704113, 0.79461154],
+ [0.57169303, 0.10283559, 0.79385256],
+ [0.57806618, 0.10854111, 0.79300376],
+ [0.58441731, 0.11415935, 0.79207188],
+ [0.59074810, 0.11969293, 0.79106288],
+ [0.59705991, 0.12514519, 0.78998205],
+ [0.60335393, 0.13051994, 0.78883403],
+ [0.60963110, 0.13582141, 0.78762282],
+ [0.61589221, 0.14105404, 0.78635175],
+ [0.62213784, 0.14622255, 0.78502354],
+ [0.62836819, 0.15133188, 0.78364088],
+ [0.63458330, 0.15638712, 0.78220579],
+ [0.64078327, 0.16139341, 0.78071920],
+ [0.64696749, 0.16635619, 0.77918275],
+ [0.65313532, 0.17128101, 0.77759719],
+ [0.65928609, 0.17617352, 0.77596229],
+ [0.66541828, 0.18103975, 0.77427894],
+ [0.67153070, 0.18588580, 0.77254589],
+ [0.67762128, 0.19071819, 0.77076311],
+ [0.68368769, 0.19554374, 0.76892983],
+ [0.68972752, 0.20036966, 0.76704387],
+ [0.69573739, 0.20520370, 0.76510410],
+ [0.70171345, 0.21005419, 0.76310873],
+ [0.70765122, 0.21493014, 0.76105549],
+ [0.71354536, 0.21984144, 0.75894196],
+ [0.71938982, 0.22479904, 0.75676434],
+ [0.72517692, 0.22981504, 0.75452029],
+ [0.73089783, 0.23490311, 0.75220632],
+ [0.73654188, 0.24007866, 0.74981898],
+ [0.74209653, 0.24535951, 0.74735337],
+ [0.74754621, 0.25076605, 0.74480608],
+ [0.75287203, 0.25632210, 0.74217347],
+ [0.75805069, 0.26205525, 0.73945391],
+ [0.76305360, 0.26799846, 0.73664524],
+ [0.76784504, 0.27419030, 0.73374933],
+ [0.77238053, 0.28067532, 0.73077521],
+ [0.77660515, 0.28750518, 0.72773900],
+ [0.78045259, 0.29473488, 0.72467579],
+ [0.78384670, 0.30241794, 0.72164512],
+ [0.78670902, 0.31059259, 0.71874385],
+ [0.78897660, 0.31925931, 0.71611399],
+ [0.79062680, 0.32836053, 0.71392763],
+ [0.79169757, 0.33777583, 0.71234976],
+ [0.79228253, 0.34735000, 0.71148822],
+ [0.79250047, 0.35693781, 0.71136831],
+ [0.79246219, 0.36643432, 0.71194630],
+ [0.79225552, 0.37577702, 0.71314290],
+ [0.79194128, 0.38493841, 0.71486841],
+ [0.79156129, 0.39391031, 0.71703954],
+ [0.79114212, 0.40269700, 0.71958365],
+ [0.79070192, 0.41130730, 0.72244042],
+ [0.79025225, 0.41975284, 0.72556003],
+ [0.78980010, 0.42804628, 0.72890161],
+ [0.78935136, 0.43619867, 0.73243180],
+ [0.78890961, 0.44422092, 0.73612296],
+ [0.78847776, 0.45212273, 0.73995217],
+ [0.78805691, 0.45991379, 0.74390018],
+ [0.78764865, 0.46760210, 0.74795084],
+ [0.78725425, 0.47519495, 0.75209048],
+ [0.78687527, 0.48269849, 0.75630739],
+ [0.78651193, 0.49011920, 0.76059152],
+ [0.78616514, 0.49746237, 0.76493422],
+ [0.78583563, 0.50473290, 0.76932797],
+ [0.78552435, 0.51193508, 0.77376622],
+ [0.78523222, 0.51907284, 0.77824323],
+ [0.78495930, 0.52615032, 0.78275401],
+ [0.78470661, 0.53317070, 0.78729412],
+ [0.78447501, 0.54013703, 0.79185964],
+ [0.78426477, 0.54705248, 0.79644711],
+ [0.78407686, 0.55391957, 0.80105343],
+ [0.78391180, 0.56074090, 0.80567585],
+ [0.78376990, 0.56751904, 0.81031190],
+ [0.78365226, 0.57425593, 0.81495931],
+ [0.78355900, 0.58095395, 0.81961605],
+ [0.78349056, 0.58761517, 0.82428023],
+ [0.78344742, 0.59424151, 0.82895010],
+ [0.78343013, 0.60083478, 0.83362397],
+ [0.78343875, 0.60739694, 0.83830025],
+ [0.78347352, 0.61392977, 0.84297736],
+ [0.78353464, 0.62043503, 0.84765369],
+ [0.78362220, 0.62691443, 0.85232762],
+ [0.78373623, 0.63336968, 0.85699741],
+ [0.78387665, 0.63980249, 0.86166123],
+ [0.78404339, 0.64621454, 0.86631706],
+ [0.78423630, 0.65260749, 0.87096269],
+ [0.78445522, 0.65898300, 0.87559564],
+ [0.78469987, 0.66534278, 0.88021310],
+ [0.78496997, 0.67168853, 0.88481190],
+ [0.78526547, 0.67802185, 0.88938842],
+ [0.78558632, 0.68434435, 0.89393852],
+ [0.78593226, 0.69065780, 0.89845746],
+ [0.78630345, 0.69696380, 0.90293981],
+ [0.78670062, 0.70326377, 0.90737936],
+ [0.78712384, 0.70955954, 0.91176894],
+ [0.78757479, 0.71585226, 0.91610042],
+ [0.78805464, 0.72214351, 0.92036445],
+ [0.78856633, 0.72843421, 0.92455044],
+ [0.78911225, 0.73472575, 0.92864619],
+ [0.78969759, 0.74101847, 0.93263811],
+ [0.79032808, 0.74731276, 0.93651077],
+ [0.79101128, 0.75360852, 0.94024693],
+ [0.79175692, 0.75990501, 0.94382751],
+ [0.79257770, 0.76620057, 0.94723181],
+ [0.79348922, 0.77249259, 0.95043776],
+ [0.79451090, 0.77877713, 0.95342266],
+ [0.79566591, 0.78504882, 0.95616426],
+ [0.79698112, 0.79130071, 0.95864218],
+ [0.79848627, 0.79752446, 0.96083977],
+ [0.80021362, 0.80371000, 0.96274721],
+ [0.80219478, 0.80984665, 0.96436298],
+ [0.80445852, 0.81592365, 0.96569591],
+ [0.80702759, 0.82193135, 0.96676508],
+ [0.80991695, 0.82786181, 0.96759987],
+ [0.81313163, 0.83371013, 0.96823544],
+ [0.81666752, 0.83947432, 0.96871053],
+ [0.82051272, 0.84515522, 0.96906397],
+ [0.82464985, 0.85075562, 0.96933430],
+ [0.82905719, 0.85628094, 0.96955070],
+ [0.83371225, 0.86173646, 0.96974494],
+ [0.83859186, 0.86712891, 0.96993795],
+ [0.84367394, 0.87246480, 0.97014857],
+ [0.84893783, 0.87775040, 0.97039275],
+ [0.85436441, 0.88299168, 0.97068376],
+ [0.85993707, 0.88819452, 0.97102728],
+ [0.86563985, 0.89336380, 0.97143559],
+ [0.87145948, 0.89850444, 0.97191191],
+ [0.87738390, 0.90362072, 0.97246084],
+ [0.88340230, 0.90871656, 0.97308653],
+ [0.88950517, 0.91379548, 0.97379189],
+ [0.89568421, 0.91886073, 0.97457879],
+ [0.90193159, 0.92391520, 0.97545036],
+ [0.90824013, 0.92896161, 0.97640976],
+ [0.91460519, 0.93400236, 0.97745383],
+ [0.92101920, 0.93903977, 0.97859073],
+ [0.92747939, 0.94407584, 0.97981503],
+ [0.93397877, 0.94911266, 0.98113520],
+ [0.94051433, 0.95415199, 0.98254880],
+ [0.94708174, 0.95919565, 0.98405798],
+ [0.95367627, 0.96424545, 0.98566600],
+ [0.96029209, 0.96930345, 0.98737864],
+ [0.96692477, 0.97437166, 0.98919662],
+ [0.97356753, 0.97945267, 0.99112429],
+ [0.98021157, 0.98454986, 0.99316620],
+ [0.98684468, 0.98966802, 0.99532645],
+ [0.99344927, 0.99481436, 0.99760652],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.gothic', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.gothic", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/guppy/guppy.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/guppy/guppy.jscm
index 13a03333..7437393b 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/guppy/guppy.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/guppy/guppy.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/guppy/guppy.py b/cmasher/colormaps/guppy/guppy.py
index 83aaf8e7..5b7fa1c0 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/guppy/guppy.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/guppy/guppy.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.98146917, 0.56765131, 0.31114761],
- [0.98206949, 0.56329082, 0.30670174],
- [0.98265993, 0.55891430, 0.30226065],
- [0.98324038, 0.55452138, 0.29782449],
- [0.98381072, 0.55011169, 0.29339338],
- [0.98437085, 0.54568487, 0.28896748],
- [0.98492064, 0.54124051, 0.28454695],
- [0.98545995, 0.53677823, 0.28013196],
- [0.98598899, 0.53229735, 0.27572243],
- [0.98650753, 0.52779752, 0.27131863],
- [0.98701522, 0.52327846, 0.26692094],
- [0.98751193, 0.51873973, 0.26252959],
- [0.98799815, 0.51418031, 0.25814428],
- [0.98847317, 0.50960018, 0.25376574],
- [0.98893684, 0.50499886, 0.24939425],
- [0.98938970, 0.50037519, 0.24502951],
- [0.98983081, 0.49572932, 0.24067251],
- [0.99026075, 0.49106004, 0.23632295],
- [0.99067881, 0.48636722, 0.23198166],
- [0.99108539, 0.48164973, 0.22764856],
- [0.99147976, 0.47690746, 0.22332454],
- [0.99186257, 0.47213895, 0.21900935],
- [0.99223292, 0.46734418, 0.21470411],
- [0.99259105, 0.46252202, 0.21040900],
- [0.99293693, 0.45767155, 0.20612447],
- [0.99327005, 0.45279227, 0.20185141],
- [0.99359032, 0.44788323, 0.19759044],
- [0.99389784, 0.44294327, 0.19334206],
- [0.99419237, 0.43797148, 0.18910713],
- [0.99447359, 0.43296701, 0.18488665],
- [0.99474133, 0.42792878, 0.18068158],
- [0.99499541, 0.42285567, 0.17649298],
- [0.99523563, 0.41774653, 0.17232206],
- [0.99546176, 0.41260016, 0.16817015],
- [0.99567355, 0.40741533, 0.16403874],
- [0.99587072, 0.40219073, 0.15992950],
- [0.99605337, 0.39692456, 0.15584399],
- [0.99622085, 0.39161577, 0.15178453],
- [0.99637278, 0.38626295, 0.14775351],
- [0.99650912, 0.38086413, 0.14375324],
- [0.99662947, 0.37541770, 0.13978665],
- [0.99673326, 0.36992210, 0.13585709],
- [0.99682039, 0.36437508, 0.13196795],
- [0.99689027, 0.35877489, 0.12812340],
- [0.99694227, 0.35311967, 0.12432807],
- [0.99697629, 0.34740665, 0.12058678],
- [0.99699157, 0.34163385, 0.11690541],
- [0.99698743, 0.33579893, 0.11329039],
- [0.99696327, 0.32989930, 0.10974890],
- [0.99691834, 0.32393229, 0.10628898],
- [0.99685183, 0.31789514, 0.10291964],
- [0.99676287, 0.31178490, 0.09965089],
- [0.99665073, 0.30559812, 0.09649378],
- [0.99651387, 0.29933233, 0.09346085],
- [0.99635144, 0.29298362, 0.09056556],
- [0.99616172, 0.28654922, 0.08782291],
- [0.99594375, 0.28002467, 0.08524896],
- [0.99569541, 0.27340707, 0.08286127],
- [0.99541492, 0.26669267, 0.08067839],
- [0.99510016, 0.25987777, 0.07871988],
- [0.99474873, 0.25295884, 0.07700599],
- [0.99435807, 0.24593217, 0.07555732],
- [0.99392521, 0.23879448, 0.07439435],
- [0.99344667, 0.23154312, 0.07353678],
- [0.99291874, 0.22417551, 0.07300306],
- [0.99233746, 0.21668943, 0.07280975],
- [0.99169802, 0.20908430, 0.07297044],
- [0.99099539, 0.20136015, 0.07349554],
- [0.99022413, 0.19351815, 0.07439165],
- [0.98937805, 0.18556200, 0.07566058],
- [0.98845088, 0.17749644, 0.07729995],
- [0.98743579, 0.16932922, 0.07930212],
- [0.98632592, 0.16107009, 0.08165506],
- [0.98511434, 0.15273171, 0.08434203],
- [0.98379430, 0.14432960, 0.08734197],
- [0.98235954, 0.13588168, 0.09063034],
- [0.98080454, 0.12740829, 0.09417951],
- [0.97912481, 0.11893146, 0.09795965],
- [0.97731710, 0.11047431, 0.10193970],
- [0.97537961, 0.10206028, 0.10608823],
- [0.97331200, 0.09371248, 0.11037429],
- [0.97111546, 0.08545297, 0.11476831],
- [0.96879254, 0.07730230, 0.11924283],
- [0.96634703, 0.06927937, 0.12377291],
- [0.96378370, 0.06140158, 0.12833644],
- [0.96110803, 0.05368544, 0.13291390],
- [0.95832606, 0.04614679, 0.13748944],
- [0.95544409, 0.03879488, 0.14204922],
- [0.95246851, 0.03209071, 0.14658249],
- [0.94940568, 0.02630492, 0.15107989],
- [0.94626179, 0.02136874, 0.15553473],
- [0.94304278, 0.01721621, 0.15994164],
- [0.93975431, 0.01378460, 0.16429638],
- [0.93640164, 0.01101522, 0.16859663],
- [0.93298979, 0.00885275, 0.17283994],
- [0.92952330, 0.00724627, 0.17702561],
- [0.92600657, 0.00614769, 0.18115222],
- [0.92244349, 0.00551341, 0.18522003],
- [0.91883771, 0.00530296, 0.18922924],
- [0.91519259, 0.00547896, 0.19318023],
- [0.91151131, 0.00600651, 0.19707314],
- [0.90779662, 0.00685475, 0.20090948],
- [0.90405118, 0.00799431, 0.20468987],
- [0.90027744, 0.00939827, 0.20841516],
- [0.89647764, 0.01104187, 0.21208629],
- [0.89265376, 0.01290294, 0.21570469],
- [0.88880774, 0.01496029, 0.21927120],
- [0.88494137, 0.01719448, 0.22278676],
- [0.88105629, 0.01958763, 0.22625237],
- [0.87715401, 0.02212333, 0.22966908],
- [0.87323589, 0.02478649, 0.23303795],
- [0.86930322, 0.02756326, 0.23636009],
- [0.86535715, 0.03044095, 0.23963660],
- [0.86139900, 0.03340626, 0.24286769],
- [0.85742965, 0.03644913, 0.24605487],
- [0.85345013, 0.03955885, 0.24919880],
- [0.84946136, 0.04265189, 0.25230030],
- [0.84546425, 0.04564882, 0.25535997],
- [0.84145944, 0.04856138, 0.25837911],
- [0.83744790, 0.05139030, 0.26135777],
- [0.83343027, 0.05413783, 0.26429685],
- [0.82940715, 0.05680639, 0.26719724],
- [0.82537919, 0.05939787, 0.27005950],
- [0.82134701, 0.06191424, 0.27288419],
- [0.81731117, 0.06435748, 0.27567187],
- [0.81327221, 0.06672955, 0.27842310],
- [0.80923062, 0.06903239, 0.28113843],
- [0.80518688, 0.07126791, 0.28381840],
- [0.80114142, 0.07343797, 0.28646354],
- [0.79709466, 0.07554438, 0.28907440],
- [0.79304701, 0.07758873, 0.29165136],
- [0.78899904, 0.07957203, 0.29419440],
- [0.78495089, 0.08149667, 0.29670459],
- [0.78090287, 0.08336425, 0.29918244],
- [0.77685563, 0.08517513, 0.30162747],
- [0.77280920, 0.08693171, 0.30404090],
- [0.76876398, 0.08863498, 0.30642284],
- [0.76472035, 0.09028594, 0.30877340],
- [0.76067841, 0.09188632, 0.31109339],
- [0.75663866, 0.09343667, 0.31338260],
- [0.75260118, 0.09493859, 0.31564177],
- [0.74856627, 0.09639300, 0.31787110],
- [0.74453429, 0.09780061, 0.32007059],
- [0.74050524, 0.09916308, 0.32224115],
- [0.73647959, 0.10048063, 0.32438240],
- [0.73245747, 0.10175443, 0.32649486],
- [0.72843899, 0.10298562, 0.32857906],
- [0.72442440, 0.10417491, 0.33063516],
- [0.72041411, 0.10532252, 0.33266283],
- [0.71640810, 0.10642983, 0.33466291],
- [0.71240656, 0.10749751, 0.33663561],
- [0.70840968, 0.10852623, 0.33858112],
- [0.70441766, 0.10951664, 0.34049965],
- [0.70043068, 0.11046937, 0.34239140],
- [0.69644899, 0.11138487, 0.34425642],
- [0.69247269, 0.11226388, 0.34609507],
- [0.68850191, 0.11310701, 0.34790763],
- [0.68453682, 0.11391482, 0.34969430],
- [0.68057758, 0.11468782, 0.35145528],
- [0.67662433, 0.11542652, 0.35319080],
- [0.67267722, 0.11613140, 0.35490106],
- [0.66873641, 0.11680294, 0.35658627],
- [0.66480205, 0.11744152, 0.35824658],
- [0.66087433, 0.11804749, 0.35988211],
- [0.65695334, 0.11862138, 0.36149321],
- [0.65303918, 0.11916360, 0.36308009],
- [0.64913200, 0.11967454, 0.36464300],
- [0.64523191, 0.12015455, 0.36618214],
- [0.64133905, 0.12060401, 0.36769777],
- [0.63745362, 0.12102306, 0.36918988],
- [0.63357579, 0.12141195, 0.37065862],
- [0.62970556, 0.12177123, 0.37210450],
- [0.62584302, 0.12210119, 0.37352778],
- [0.62198836, 0.12240200, 0.37492856],
- [0.61814188, 0.12267361, 0.37630669],
- [0.61430345, 0.12291668, 0.37766294],
- [0.61047318, 0.12313145, 0.37899756],
- [0.60665147, 0.12331764, 0.38031017],
- [0.60283821, 0.12347584, 0.38160153],
- [0.59903343, 0.12360636, 0.38287205],
- [0.59523762, 0.12370877, 0.38412121],
- [0.59145054, 0.12378378, 0.38534998],
- [0.58767240, 0.12383138, 0.38655847],
- [0.58390349, 0.12385145, 0.38774656],
- [0.58014359, 0.12384457, 0.38891521],
- [0.57639323, 0.12381023, 0.39006385],
- [0.57265216, 0.12374907, 0.39119352],
- [0.56892072, 0.12366079, 0.39230402],
- [0.56519891, 0.12354565, 0.39339592],
- [0.56148689, 0.12340360, 0.39446939],
- [0.55778476, 0.12323467, 0.39552478],
- [0.55409263, 0.12303889, 0.39656240],
- [0.55041061, 0.12281627, 0.39758260],
- [0.54673884, 0.12256672, 0.39858564],
- [0.54307735, 0.12229036, 0.39957206],
- [0.53942641, 0.12198689, 0.40054185],
- [0.53578584, 0.12165663, 0.40149595],
- [0.53215618, 0.12129897, 0.40243391],
- [0.52853710, 0.12091435, 0.40335696],
- [0.52492902, 0.12050227, 0.40426488],
- [0.52133189, 0.12006277, 0.40515834],
- [0.51774574, 0.11959582, 0.40603795],
- [0.51417100, 0.11910085, 0.40690347],
- [0.51060741, 0.11857808, 0.40775604],
- [0.50705523, 0.11802716, 0.40859583],
- [0.50351468, 0.11744769, 0.40942304],
- [0.49998562, 0.11683970, 0.41023862],
- [0.49646827, 0.11620275, 0.41104278],
- [0.49296286, 0.11553644, 0.41183582],
- [0.48946927, 0.11484065, 0.41261864],
- [0.48598761, 0.11411499, 0.41339170],
- [0.48251827, 0.11335879, 0.41415501],
- [0.47906106, 0.11257191, 0.41490965],
- [0.47561609, 0.11175390, 0.41565614],
- [0.47218356, 0.11090413, 0.41639486],
- [0.46876362, 0.11002201, 0.41712623],
- [0.46535623, 0.10910714, 0.41785117],
- [0.46196148, 0.10815886, 0.41857026],
- [0.45857951, 0.10717649, 0.41928404],
- [0.45521056, 0.10615913, 0.41999282],
- [0.45185456, 0.10510621, 0.42069763],
- [0.44851159, 0.10401685, 0.42139911],
- [0.44518176, 0.10289016, 0.42209791],
- [0.44186518, 0.10172513, 0.42279468],
- [0.43856210, 0.10052057, 0.42348983],
- [0.43527244, 0.09927549, 0.42418439],
- [0.43199633, 0.09798862, 0.42487910],
- [0.42873385, 0.09665863, 0.42557467],
- [0.42548511, 0.09528403, 0.42627187],
- [0.42225022, 0.09386323, 0.42697146],
- [0.41902934, 0.09239445, 0.42767411],
- [0.41582257, 0.09087581, 0.42838063],
- [0.41262997, 0.08930526, 0.42909196],
- [0.40945164, 0.08768054, 0.42980894],
- [0.40628772, 0.08599914, 0.43053242],
- [0.40313832, 0.08425832, 0.43126329],
- [0.40000356, 0.08245503, 0.43200242],
- [0.39688358, 0.08058590, 0.43275073],
- [0.39377851, 0.07864718, 0.43350915],
- [0.39068849, 0.07663468, 0.43427863],
- [0.38761368, 0.07454372, 0.43506014],
- [0.38455422, 0.07236901, 0.43585468],
- [0.38151031, 0.07010456, 0.43666320],
- [0.37848209, 0.06774357, 0.43748678],
- [0.37546975, 0.06527825, 0.43832651],
- [0.37247348, 0.06269962, 0.43918348],
- [0.36949347, 0.05999723, 0.44005882],
- [0.36652996, 0.05715884, 0.44095365],
- [0.36358316, 0.05416994, 0.44186915],
- [0.36065333, 0.05101317, 0.44280653],
- [0.35774073, 0.04766742, 0.44376701],
- [0.35484564, 0.04410670, 0.44475186],
- [0.35196837, 0.04029596, 0.44576237],
- [0.34910922, 0.03626178, 0.44679989],
- [0.34626855, 0.03216581, 0.44786580],
- [0.34344673, 0.02800691, 0.44896150],
- [0.34479525, 0.03011158, 0.45429638],
- [0.34613346, 0.03223176, 0.45965293],
- [0.34746121, 0.03436717, 0.46503143],
- [0.34877836, 0.03651760, 0.47043210],
- [0.35008472, 0.03868289, 0.47585518],
- [0.35138014, 0.04085472, 0.48130087],
- [0.35266441, 0.04296709, 0.48676936],
- [0.35393732, 0.04503096, 0.49226089],
- [0.35519861, 0.04704978, 0.49777593],
- [0.35644809, 0.04902699, 0.50331425],
- [0.35768552, 0.05096558, 0.50887595],
- [0.35891065, 0.05286825, 0.51446111],
- [0.36012308, 0.05473718, 0.52007042],
- [0.36132264, 0.05657502, 0.52570329],
- [0.36250901, 0.05838396, 0.53135973],
- [0.36368177, 0.06016571, 0.53704038],
- [0.36484066, 0.06192249, 0.54274464],
- [0.36598531, 0.06365613, 0.54847251],
- [0.36711527, 0.06536814, 0.55422439],
- [0.36823026, 0.06706065, 0.55999942],
- [0.36932970, 0.06873483, 0.56579835],
- [0.37041332, 0.07039278, 0.57162010],
- [0.37148052, 0.07203568, 0.57746531],
- [0.37253096, 0.07366554, 0.58333283],
- [0.37356396, 0.07528343, 0.58922340],
- [0.37457917, 0.07689137, 0.59513575],
- [0.37557593, 0.07849067, 0.60107006],
- [0.37655370, 0.08008294, 0.60702579],
- [0.37751193, 0.08166994, 0.61300216],
- [0.37844990, 0.08325305, 0.61899914],
- [0.37936700, 0.08483398, 0.62501597],
- [0.38026259, 0.08641451, 0.63105181],
- [0.38113594, 0.08799630, 0.63710602],
- [0.38198627, 0.08958101, 0.64317808],
- [0.38281281, 0.09117040, 0.64926716],
- [0.38361478, 0.09276640, 0.65537217],
- [0.38439133, 0.09437088, 0.66149218],
- [0.38514160, 0.09598575, 0.66762618],
- [0.38586465, 0.09761300, 0.67377304],
- [0.38655954, 0.09925466, 0.67993157],
- [0.38722526, 0.10091282, 0.68610047],
- [0.38786079, 0.10258966, 0.69227835],
- [0.38846505, 0.10428739, 0.69846370],
- [0.38903692, 0.10600831, 0.70465491],
- [0.38957520, 0.10775473, 0.71085037],
- [0.39007863, 0.10952895, 0.71704847],
- [0.39054602, 0.11133359, 0.72324695],
- [0.39097605, 0.11317118, 0.72944369],
- [0.39136729, 0.11504419, 0.73563680],
- [0.39171830, 0.11695526, 0.74182396],
- [0.39202771, 0.11890722, 0.74800225],
- [0.39229376, 0.12090254, 0.75416986],
- [0.39251508, 0.12294425, 0.76032318],
- [0.39268979, 0.12503492, 0.76646005],
- [0.39281639, 0.12717761, 0.77257663],
- [0.39289285, 0.12937494, 0.77867040],
- [0.39291749, 0.13162993, 0.78473740],
- [0.39288841, 0.13394543, 0.79077400],
- [0.39280351, 0.13632422, 0.79677672],
- [0.39266080, 0.13876915, 0.80274140],
- [0.39245823, 0.14128306, 0.80866370],
- [0.39219363, 0.14386868, 0.81453923],
- [0.39186480, 0.14652870, 0.82036339],
- [0.39146948, 0.14926570, 0.82613134],
- [0.39100535, 0.15208221, 0.83183802],
- [0.39047010, 0.15498061, 0.83747815],
- [0.38986135, 0.15796316, 0.84304623],
- [0.38917673, 0.16103195, 0.84853655],
- [0.38841370, 0.16418890, 0.85394346],
- [0.38756993, 0.16743574, 0.85926073],
- [0.38664310, 0.17077394, 0.86448201],
- [0.38563066, 0.17420477, 0.86960116],
- [0.38453036, 0.17772920, 0.87461150],
- [0.38333992, 0.18134792, 0.87950642],
- [0.38205710, 0.18506128, 0.88427925],
- [0.38067977, 0.18886934, 0.88892321],
- [0.37920609, 0.19277172, 0.89343143],
- [0.37763396, 0.19676779, 0.89779739],
- [0.37596193, 0.20085638, 0.90201425],
- [0.37418852, 0.20503600, 0.90607549],
- [0.37231248, 0.20930470, 0.90997480],
- [0.37033274, 0.21366018, 0.91370612],
- [0.36824867, 0.21809962, 0.91726363],
- [0.36605991, 0.22261982, 0.92064188],
- [0.36376637, 0.22721716, 0.92383589],
- [0.36136834, 0.23188762, 0.92684116],
- [0.35886649, 0.23662681, 0.92965374],
- [0.35626183, 0.24142998, 0.93227029],
- [0.35355578, 0.24629207, 0.93468813],
- [0.35075016, 0.25120774, 0.93690524],
- [0.34784715, 0.25617141, 0.93892038],
- [0.34484932, 0.26117733, 0.94073302],
- [0.34175962, 0.26621960, 0.94234342],
- [0.33858131, 0.27129224, 0.94375258],
- [0.33531801, 0.27638923, 0.94496228],
- [0.33197362, 0.28150458, 0.94597501],
- [0.32855229, 0.28663239, 0.94679399],
- [0.32505842, 0.29176687, 0.94742306],
- [0.32149657, 0.29690241, 0.94786670],
- [0.31787148, 0.30203359, 0.94812995],
- [0.31418802, 0.30715526, 0.94821833],
- [0.31045115, 0.31226250, 0.94813780],
- [0.30666589, 0.31735072, 0.94789469],
- [0.30283722, 0.32241567, 0.94749562],
- [0.29897012, 0.32745341, 0.94694742],
- [0.29506951, 0.33246035, 0.94625709],
- [0.29114036, 0.33743319, 0.94543177],
- [0.28718771, 0.34236889, 0.94447877],
- [0.28321595, 0.34726502, 0.94340509],
- [0.27922991, 0.35211919, 0.94221798],
- [0.27523417, 0.35692938, 0.94092451],
- [0.27123292, 0.36169401, 0.93953153],
- [0.26723067, 0.36641155, 0.93804596],
- [0.26323146, 0.37108088, 0.93647434],
- [0.25923909, 0.37570121, 0.93482297],
- [0.25525803, 0.38027156, 0.93309840],
- [0.25129160, 0.38479167, 0.93130635],
- [0.24734346, 0.38926123, 0.92945255],
- [0.24341722, 0.39368008, 0.92754256],
- [0.23951634, 0.39804823, 0.92558166],
- [0.23564420, 0.40236584, 0.92357489],
- [0.23180405, 0.40663320, 0.92152704],
- [0.22799904, 0.41085070, 0.91944265],
- [0.22423224, 0.41501886, 0.91732601],
- [0.22050662, 0.41913826, 0.91518116],
- [0.21682507, 0.42320958, 0.91301190],
- [0.21319040, 0.42723357, 0.91082182],
- [0.20960575, 0.43121089, 0.90861456],
- [0.20607384, 0.43514238, 0.90639331],
- [0.20259697, 0.43902906, 0.90416074],
- [0.19917852, 0.44287159, 0.90192024],
- [0.19582057, 0.44667107, 0.89967401],
- [0.19252612, 0.45042831, 0.89742484],
- [0.18929740, 0.45414439, 0.89517479],
- [0.18613751, 0.45782009, 0.89292647],
- [0.18304825, 0.46145661, 0.89068136],
- [0.18003276, 0.46505470, 0.88844188],
- [0.17709324, 0.46861542, 0.88620962],
- [0.17423187, 0.47213980, 0.88398607],
- [0.17145104, 0.47562878, 0.88177280],
- [0.16875338, 0.47908322, 0.87957150],
- [0.16614094, 0.48250411, 0.87738341],
- [0.16361573, 0.48589242, 0.87520962],
- [0.16117982, 0.48924908, 0.87305129],
- [0.15883517, 0.49257499, 0.87090950],
- [0.15658363, 0.49587105, 0.86878520],
- [0.15442692, 0.49913815, 0.86667929],
- [0.15236659, 0.50237715, 0.86459259],
- [0.15040406, 0.50558893, 0.86252581],
- [0.14854056, 0.50877433, 0.86047964],
- [0.14677738, 0.51193412, 0.85845487],
- [0.14511541, 0.51506911, 0.85645205],
- [0.14355511, 0.51818016, 0.85447152],
- [0.14209689, 0.52126806, 0.85251368],
- [0.14074106, 0.52433354, 0.85057900],
- [0.13948815, 0.52737725, 0.84866830],
- [0.13833726, 0.53040007, 0.84678133],
- [0.13728797, 0.53340269, 0.84491842],
- [0.13634021, 0.53638567, 0.84308039],
- [0.13549217, 0.53934989, 0.84126673],
- [0.13474325, 0.54229587, 0.83947817],
- [0.13409162, 0.54522436, 0.83771454],
- [0.13353574, 0.54813595, 0.83597610],
- [0.13307362, 0.55103129, 0.83426291],
- [0.13270316, 0.55391097, 0.83257509],
- [0.13242183, 0.55677564, 0.83091249],
- [0.13222744, 0.55962580, 0.82927553],
- [0.13211666, 0.56246216, 0.82766360],
- [0.13208733, 0.56528511, 0.82607740],
- [0.13213586, 0.56809533, 0.82451634],
- [0.13225901, 0.57089337, 0.82298029],
- [0.13245416, 0.57367961, 0.82146982],
- [0.13271734, 0.57645471, 0.81998424],
- [0.13304513, 0.57921915, 0.81852343],
- [0.13343424, 0.58197339, 0.81708747],
- [0.13388124, 0.58471789, 0.81567635],
- [0.13438230, 0.58745317, 0.81428959],
- [0.13493386, 0.59017971, 0.81292704],
- [0.13553238, 0.59289795, 0.81158853],
- [0.13617435, 0.59560833, 0.81027389],
- [0.13685643, 0.59831124, 0.80898312],
- [0.13757490, 0.60100715, 0.80771573],
- [0.13832634, 0.60369650, 0.80647148],
- [0.13910735, 0.60637968, 0.80525012],
- [0.13991462, 0.60905709, 0.80405139],
- [0.14074489, 0.61172914, 0.80287500],
- [0.14159496, 0.61439620, 0.80172068],
- [0.14246171, 0.61705867, 0.80058811],
- [0.14334208, 0.61971690, 0.79947699],
- [0.14423310, 0.62237128, 0.79838698],
- [0.14513188, 0.62502214, 0.79731775],
- [0.14603558, 0.62766986, 0.79626895],
- [0.14694145, 0.63031477, 0.79524022],
- [0.14784682, 0.63295722, 0.79423118],
- [0.14874909, 0.63559754, 0.79324145],
- [0.14964572, 0.63823605, 0.79227065],
- [0.15053437, 0.64087306, 0.79131848],
- [0.15141266, 0.64350887, 0.79038457],
- [0.15227815, 0.64614381, 0.78946838],
- [0.15312857, 0.64877820, 0.78856946],
- [0.15396170, 0.65141233, 0.78768737],
- [0.15477540, 0.65404650, 0.78682168],
- [0.15556780, 0.65668093, 0.78597216],
- [0.15633676, 0.65931593, 0.78513827],
- [0.15708014, 0.66195180, 0.78431938],
- [0.15779597, 0.66458882, 0.78351501],
- [0.15848254, 0.66722720, 0.78272488],
- [0.15913804, 0.66986719, 0.78194856],
- [0.15976034, 0.67250910, 0.78118528],
- [0.16034759, 0.67515317, 0.78043451],
- [0.16089860, 0.67779955, 0.77969628],
- [0.16141103, 0.68044856, 0.77896954],
- [0.16188308, 0.68310045, 0.77825374],
- [0.16231366, 0.68575533, 0.77754890],
- [0.16270047, 0.68841353, 0.77685396],
- [0.16304181, 0.69107524, 0.77616842],
- [0.16333657, 0.69374059, 0.77549218],
- [0.16358230, 0.69640989, 0.77482412],
- [0.16377781, 0.69908326, 0.77416406],
- [0.16392124, 0.70176092, 0.77351133],
- [0.16401060, 0.70444309, 0.77286518],
- [0.16404480, 0.70712985, 0.77222549],
- [0.16402119, 0.70982152, 0.77159105],
- [0.16393900, 0.71251810, 0.77096201],
- [0.16379543, 0.71521992, 0.77033709],
- [0.16358942, 0.71792701, 0.76971626],
- [0.16331838, 0.72063962, 0.76909845],
- [0.16298099, 0.72335781, 0.76848350],
- [0.16257460, 0.72608182, 0.76787040],
- [0.16209779, 0.72881169, 0.76725897],
- [0.16154764, 0.73154765, 0.76664813],
- [0.16092280, 0.73428972, 0.76603783],
- [0.16021981, 0.73703815, 0.76542680],
- [0.15943759, 0.73979290, 0.76481521],
- [0.15857221, 0.74255425, 0.76420171],
- [0.15762192, 0.74532217, 0.76358622],
- [0.15658330, 0.74809684, 0.76296782],
- [0.15545331, 0.75087835, 0.76234593],
- [0.15422927, 0.75366674, 0.76172021],
- [0.15290674, 0.75646218, 0.76108958],
- [0.15148307, 0.75926466, 0.76045395],
- [0.14995353, 0.76207432, 0.75981237],
- [0.14831355, 0.76489125, 0.75916412],
- [0.14655968, 0.76771541, 0.75850916],
- [0.14468546, 0.77054698, 0.75784630],
- [0.14268557, 0.77338599, 0.75717506],
- [0.14055475, 0.77623242, 0.75649523],
- [0.13828504, 0.77908642, 0.75580572],
- [0.13586902, 0.78194802, 0.75510602],
- [0.13329946, 0.78481715, 0.75439598],
- [0.13056556, 0.78769398, 0.75367452],
- [0.12765661, 0.79057852, 0.75294107],
- [0.12456163, 0.79347072, 0.75219545],
- [0.12126592, 0.79637066, 0.75143682],
- [0.11775297, 0.79927839, 0.75066449]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.98146917, 0.56765131, 0.31114761],
+ [0.98206949, 0.56329082, 0.30670174],
+ [0.98265993, 0.55891430, 0.30226065],
+ [0.98324038, 0.55452138, 0.29782449],
+ [0.98381072, 0.55011169, 0.29339338],
+ [0.98437085, 0.54568487, 0.28896748],
+ [0.98492064, 0.54124051, 0.28454695],
+ [0.98545995, 0.53677823, 0.28013196],
+ [0.98598899, 0.53229735, 0.27572243],
+ [0.98650753, 0.52779752, 0.27131863],
+ [0.98701522, 0.52327846, 0.26692094],
+ [0.98751193, 0.51873973, 0.26252959],
+ [0.98799815, 0.51418031, 0.25814428],
+ [0.98847317, 0.50960018, 0.25376574],
+ [0.98893684, 0.50499886, 0.24939425],
+ [0.98938970, 0.50037519, 0.24502951],
+ [0.98983081, 0.49572932, 0.24067251],
+ [0.99026075, 0.49106004, 0.23632295],
+ [0.99067881, 0.48636722, 0.23198166],
+ [0.99108539, 0.48164973, 0.22764856],
+ [0.99147976, 0.47690746, 0.22332454],
+ [0.99186257, 0.47213895, 0.21900935],
+ [0.99223292, 0.46734418, 0.21470411],
+ [0.99259105, 0.46252202, 0.21040900],
+ [0.99293693, 0.45767155, 0.20612447],
+ [0.99327005, 0.45279227, 0.20185141],
+ [0.99359032, 0.44788323, 0.19759044],
+ [0.99389784, 0.44294327, 0.19334206],
+ [0.99419237, 0.43797148, 0.18910713],
+ [0.99447359, 0.43296701, 0.18488665],
+ [0.99474133, 0.42792878, 0.18068158],
+ [0.99499541, 0.42285567, 0.17649298],
+ [0.99523563, 0.41774653, 0.17232206],
+ [0.99546176, 0.41260016, 0.16817015],
+ [0.99567355, 0.40741533, 0.16403874],
+ [0.99587072, 0.40219073, 0.15992950],
+ [0.99605337, 0.39692456, 0.15584399],
+ [0.99622085, 0.39161577, 0.15178453],
+ [0.99637278, 0.38626295, 0.14775351],
+ [0.99650912, 0.38086413, 0.14375324],
+ [0.99662947, 0.37541770, 0.13978665],
+ [0.99673326, 0.36992210, 0.13585709],
+ [0.99682039, 0.36437508, 0.13196795],
+ [0.99689027, 0.35877489, 0.12812340],
+ [0.99694227, 0.35311967, 0.12432807],
+ [0.99697629, 0.34740665, 0.12058678],
+ [0.99699157, 0.34163385, 0.11690541],
+ [0.99698743, 0.33579893, 0.11329039],
+ [0.99696327, 0.32989930, 0.10974890],
+ [0.99691834, 0.32393229, 0.10628898],
+ [0.99685183, 0.31789514, 0.10291964],
+ [0.99676287, 0.31178490, 0.09965089],
+ [0.99665073, 0.30559812, 0.09649378],
+ [0.99651387, 0.29933233, 0.09346085],
+ [0.99635144, 0.29298362, 0.09056556],
+ [0.99616172, 0.28654922, 0.08782291],
+ [0.99594375, 0.28002467, 0.08524896],
+ [0.99569541, 0.27340707, 0.08286127],
+ [0.99541492, 0.26669267, 0.08067839],
+ [0.99510016, 0.25987777, 0.07871988],
+ [0.99474873, 0.25295884, 0.07700599],
+ [0.99435807, 0.24593217, 0.07555732],
+ [0.99392521, 0.23879448, 0.07439435],
+ [0.99344667, 0.23154312, 0.07353678],
+ [0.99291874, 0.22417551, 0.07300306],
+ [0.99233746, 0.21668943, 0.07280975],
+ [0.99169802, 0.20908430, 0.07297044],
+ [0.99099539, 0.20136015, 0.07349554],
+ [0.99022413, 0.19351815, 0.07439165],
+ [0.98937805, 0.18556200, 0.07566058],
+ [0.98845088, 0.17749644, 0.07729995],
+ [0.98743579, 0.16932922, 0.07930212],
+ [0.98632592, 0.16107009, 0.08165506],
+ [0.98511434, 0.15273171, 0.08434203],
+ [0.98379430, 0.14432960, 0.08734197],
+ [0.98235954, 0.13588168, 0.09063034],
+ [0.98080454, 0.12740829, 0.09417951],
+ [0.97912481, 0.11893146, 0.09795965],
+ [0.97731710, 0.11047431, 0.10193970],
+ [0.97537961, 0.10206028, 0.10608823],
+ [0.97331200, 0.09371248, 0.11037429],
+ [0.97111546, 0.08545297, 0.11476831],
+ [0.96879254, 0.07730230, 0.11924283],
+ [0.96634703, 0.06927937, 0.12377291],
+ [0.96378370, 0.06140158, 0.12833644],
+ [0.96110803, 0.05368544, 0.13291390],
+ [0.95832606, 0.04614679, 0.13748944],
+ [0.95544409, 0.03879488, 0.14204922],
+ [0.95246851, 0.03209071, 0.14658249],
+ [0.94940568, 0.02630492, 0.15107989],
+ [0.94626179, 0.02136874, 0.15553473],
+ [0.94304278, 0.01721621, 0.15994164],
+ [0.93975431, 0.01378460, 0.16429638],
+ [0.93640164, 0.01101522, 0.16859663],
+ [0.93298979, 0.00885275, 0.17283994],
+ [0.92952330, 0.00724627, 0.17702561],
+ [0.92600657, 0.00614769, 0.18115222],
+ [0.92244349, 0.00551341, 0.18522003],
+ [0.91883771, 0.00530296, 0.18922924],
+ [0.91519259, 0.00547896, 0.19318023],
+ [0.91151131, 0.00600651, 0.19707314],
+ [0.90779662, 0.00685475, 0.20090948],
+ [0.90405118, 0.00799431, 0.20468987],
+ [0.90027744, 0.00939827, 0.20841516],
+ [0.89647764, 0.01104187, 0.21208629],
+ [0.89265376, 0.01290294, 0.21570469],
+ [0.88880774, 0.01496029, 0.21927120],
+ [0.88494137, 0.01719448, 0.22278676],
+ [0.88105629, 0.01958763, 0.22625237],
+ [0.87715401, 0.02212333, 0.22966908],
+ [0.87323589, 0.02478649, 0.23303795],
+ [0.86930322, 0.02756326, 0.23636009],
+ [0.86535715, 0.03044095, 0.23963660],
+ [0.86139900, 0.03340626, 0.24286769],
+ [0.85742965, 0.03644913, 0.24605487],
+ [0.85345013, 0.03955885, 0.24919880],
+ [0.84946136, 0.04265189, 0.25230030],
+ [0.84546425, 0.04564882, 0.25535997],
+ [0.84145944, 0.04856138, 0.25837911],
+ [0.83744790, 0.05139030, 0.26135777],
+ [0.83343027, 0.05413783, 0.26429685],
+ [0.82940715, 0.05680639, 0.26719724],
+ [0.82537919, 0.05939787, 0.27005950],
+ [0.82134701, 0.06191424, 0.27288419],
+ [0.81731117, 0.06435748, 0.27567187],
+ [0.81327221, 0.06672955, 0.27842310],
+ [0.80923062, 0.06903239, 0.28113843],
+ [0.80518688, 0.07126791, 0.28381840],
+ [0.80114142, 0.07343797, 0.28646354],
+ [0.79709466, 0.07554438, 0.28907440],
+ [0.79304701, 0.07758873, 0.29165136],
+ [0.78899904, 0.07957203, 0.29419440],
+ [0.78495089, 0.08149667, 0.29670459],
+ [0.78090287, 0.08336425, 0.29918244],
+ [0.77685563, 0.08517513, 0.30162747],
+ [0.77280920, 0.08693171, 0.30404090],
+ [0.76876398, 0.08863498, 0.30642284],
+ [0.76472035, 0.09028594, 0.30877340],
+ [0.76067841, 0.09188632, 0.31109339],
+ [0.75663866, 0.09343667, 0.31338260],
+ [0.75260118, 0.09493859, 0.31564177],
+ [0.74856627, 0.09639300, 0.31787110],
+ [0.74453429, 0.09780061, 0.32007059],
+ [0.74050524, 0.09916308, 0.32224115],
+ [0.73647959, 0.10048063, 0.32438240],
+ [0.73245747, 0.10175443, 0.32649486],
+ [0.72843899, 0.10298562, 0.32857906],
+ [0.72442440, 0.10417491, 0.33063516],
+ [0.72041411, 0.10532252, 0.33266283],
+ [0.71640810, 0.10642983, 0.33466291],
+ [0.71240656, 0.10749751, 0.33663561],
+ [0.70840968, 0.10852623, 0.33858112],
+ [0.70441766, 0.10951664, 0.34049965],
+ [0.70043068, 0.11046937, 0.34239140],
+ [0.69644899, 0.11138487, 0.34425642],
+ [0.69247269, 0.11226388, 0.34609507],
+ [0.68850191, 0.11310701, 0.34790763],
+ [0.68453682, 0.11391482, 0.34969430],
+ [0.68057758, 0.11468782, 0.35145528],
+ [0.67662433, 0.11542652, 0.35319080],
+ [0.67267722, 0.11613140, 0.35490106],
+ [0.66873641, 0.11680294, 0.35658627],
+ [0.66480205, 0.11744152, 0.35824658],
+ [0.66087433, 0.11804749, 0.35988211],
+ [0.65695334, 0.11862138, 0.36149321],
+ [0.65303918, 0.11916360, 0.36308009],
+ [0.64913200, 0.11967454, 0.36464300],
+ [0.64523191, 0.12015455, 0.36618214],
+ [0.64133905, 0.12060401, 0.36769777],
+ [0.63745362, 0.12102306, 0.36918988],
+ [0.63357579, 0.12141195, 0.37065862],
+ [0.62970556, 0.12177123, 0.37210450],
+ [0.62584302, 0.12210119, 0.37352778],
+ [0.62198836, 0.12240200, 0.37492856],
+ [0.61814188, 0.12267361, 0.37630669],
+ [0.61430345, 0.12291668, 0.37766294],
+ [0.61047318, 0.12313145, 0.37899756],
+ [0.60665147, 0.12331764, 0.38031017],
+ [0.60283821, 0.12347584, 0.38160153],
+ [0.59903343, 0.12360636, 0.38287205],
+ [0.59523762, 0.12370877, 0.38412121],
+ [0.59145054, 0.12378378, 0.38534998],
+ [0.58767240, 0.12383138, 0.38655847],
+ [0.58390349, 0.12385145, 0.38774656],
+ [0.58014359, 0.12384457, 0.38891521],
+ [0.57639323, 0.12381023, 0.39006385],
+ [0.57265216, 0.12374907, 0.39119352],
+ [0.56892072, 0.12366079, 0.39230402],
+ [0.56519891, 0.12354565, 0.39339592],
+ [0.56148689, 0.12340360, 0.39446939],
+ [0.55778476, 0.12323467, 0.39552478],
+ [0.55409263, 0.12303889, 0.39656240],
+ [0.55041061, 0.12281627, 0.39758260],
+ [0.54673884, 0.12256672, 0.39858564],
+ [0.54307735, 0.12229036, 0.39957206],
+ [0.53942641, 0.12198689, 0.40054185],
+ [0.53578584, 0.12165663, 0.40149595],
+ [0.53215618, 0.12129897, 0.40243391],
+ [0.52853710, 0.12091435, 0.40335696],
+ [0.52492902, 0.12050227, 0.40426488],
+ [0.52133189, 0.12006277, 0.40515834],
+ [0.51774574, 0.11959582, 0.40603795],
+ [0.51417100, 0.11910085, 0.40690347],
+ [0.51060741, 0.11857808, 0.40775604],
+ [0.50705523, 0.11802716, 0.40859583],
+ [0.50351468, 0.11744769, 0.40942304],
+ [0.49998562, 0.11683970, 0.41023862],
+ [0.49646827, 0.11620275, 0.41104278],
+ [0.49296286, 0.11553644, 0.41183582],
+ [0.48946927, 0.11484065, 0.41261864],
+ [0.48598761, 0.11411499, 0.41339170],
+ [0.48251827, 0.11335879, 0.41415501],
+ [0.47906106, 0.11257191, 0.41490965],
+ [0.47561609, 0.11175390, 0.41565614],
+ [0.47218356, 0.11090413, 0.41639486],
+ [0.46876362, 0.11002201, 0.41712623],
+ [0.46535623, 0.10910714, 0.41785117],
+ [0.46196148, 0.10815886, 0.41857026],
+ [0.45857951, 0.10717649, 0.41928404],
+ [0.45521056, 0.10615913, 0.41999282],
+ [0.45185456, 0.10510621, 0.42069763],
+ [0.44851159, 0.10401685, 0.42139911],
+ [0.44518176, 0.10289016, 0.42209791],
+ [0.44186518, 0.10172513, 0.42279468],
+ [0.43856210, 0.10052057, 0.42348983],
+ [0.43527244, 0.09927549, 0.42418439],
+ [0.43199633, 0.09798862, 0.42487910],
+ [0.42873385, 0.09665863, 0.42557467],
+ [0.42548511, 0.09528403, 0.42627187],
+ [0.42225022, 0.09386323, 0.42697146],
+ [0.41902934, 0.09239445, 0.42767411],
+ [0.41582257, 0.09087581, 0.42838063],
+ [0.41262997, 0.08930526, 0.42909196],
+ [0.40945164, 0.08768054, 0.42980894],
+ [0.40628772, 0.08599914, 0.43053242],
+ [0.40313832, 0.08425832, 0.43126329],
+ [0.40000356, 0.08245503, 0.43200242],
+ [0.39688358, 0.08058590, 0.43275073],
+ [0.39377851, 0.07864718, 0.43350915],
+ [0.39068849, 0.07663468, 0.43427863],
+ [0.38761368, 0.07454372, 0.43506014],
+ [0.38455422, 0.07236901, 0.43585468],
+ [0.38151031, 0.07010456, 0.43666320],
+ [0.37848209, 0.06774357, 0.43748678],
+ [0.37546975, 0.06527825, 0.43832651],
+ [0.37247348, 0.06269962, 0.43918348],
+ [0.36949347, 0.05999723, 0.44005882],
+ [0.36652996, 0.05715884, 0.44095365],
+ [0.36358316, 0.05416994, 0.44186915],
+ [0.36065333, 0.05101317, 0.44280653],
+ [0.35774073, 0.04766742, 0.44376701],
+ [0.35484564, 0.04410670, 0.44475186],
+ [0.35196837, 0.04029596, 0.44576237],
+ [0.34910922, 0.03626178, 0.44679989],
+ [0.34626855, 0.03216581, 0.44786580],
+ [0.34344673, 0.02800691, 0.44896150],
+ [0.34479525, 0.03011158, 0.45429638],
+ [0.34613346, 0.03223176, 0.45965293],
+ [0.34746121, 0.03436717, 0.46503143],
+ [0.34877836, 0.03651760, 0.47043210],
+ [0.35008472, 0.03868289, 0.47585518],
+ [0.35138014, 0.04085472, 0.48130087],
+ [0.35266441, 0.04296709, 0.48676936],
+ [0.35393732, 0.04503096, 0.49226089],
+ [0.35519861, 0.04704978, 0.49777593],
+ [0.35644809, 0.04902699, 0.50331425],
+ [0.35768552, 0.05096558, 0.50887595],
+ [0.35891065, 0.05286825, 0.51446111],
+ [0.36012308, 0.05473718, 0.52007042],
+ [0.36132264, 0.05657502, 0.52570329],
+ [0.36250901, 0.05838396, 0.53135973],
+ [0.36368177, 0.06016571, 0.53704038],
+ [0.36484066, 0.06192249, 0.54274464],
+ [0.36598531, 0.06365613, 0.54847251],
+ [0.36711527, 0.06536814, 0.55422439],
+ [0.36823026, 0.06706065, 0.55999942],
+ [0.36932970, 0.06873483, 0.56579835],
+ [0.37041332, 0.07039278, 0.57162010],
+ [0.37148052, 0.07203568, 0.57746531],
+ [0.37253096, 0.07366554, 0.58333283],
+ [0.37356396, 0.07528343, 0.58922340],
+ [0.37457917, 0.07689137, 0.59513575],
+ [0.37557593, 0.07849067, 0.60107006],
+ [0.37655370, 0.08008294, 0.60702579],
+ [0.37751193, 0.08166994, 0.61300216],
+ [0.37844990, 0.08325305, 0.61899914],
+ [0.37936700, 0.08483398, 0.62501597],
+ [0.38026259, 0.08641451, 0.63105181],
+ [0.38113594, 0.08799630, 0.63710602],
+ [0.38198627, 0.08958101, 0.64317808],
+ [0.38281281, 0.09117040, 0.64926716],
+ [0.38361478, 0.09276640, 0.65537217],
+ [0.38439133, 0.09437088, 0.66149218],
+ [0.38514160, 0.09598575, 0.66762618],
+ [0.38586465, 0.09761300, 0.67377304],
+ [0.38655954, 0.09925466, 0.67993157],
+ [0.38722526, 0.10091282, 0.68610047],
+ [0.38786079, 0.10258966, 0.69227835],
+ [0.38846505, 0.10428739, 0.69846370],
+ [0.38903692, 0.10600831, 0.70465491],
+ [0.38957520, 0.10775473, 0.71085037],
+ [0.39007863, 0.10952895, 0.71704847],
+ [0.39054602, 0.11133359, 0.72324695],
+ [0.39097605, 0.11317118, 0.72944369],
+ [0.39136729, 0.11504419, 0.73563680],
+ [0.39171830, 0.11695526, 0.74182396],
+ [0.39202771, 0.11890722, 0.74800225],
+ [0.39229376, 0.12090254, 0.75416986],
+ [0.39251508, 0.12294425, 0.76032318],
+ [0.39268979, 0.12503492, 0.76646005],
+ [0.39281639, 0.12717761, 0.77257663],
+ [0.39289285, 0.12937494, 0.77867040],
+ [0.39291749, 0.13162993, 0.78473740],
+ [0.39288841, 0.13394543, 0.79077400],
+ [0.39280351, 0.13632422, 0.79677672],
+ [0.39266080, 0.13876915, 0.80274140],
+ [0.39245823, 0.14128306, 0.80866370],
+ [0.39219363, 0.14386868, 0.81453923],
+ [0.39186480, 0.14652870, 0.82036339],
+ [0.39146948, 0.14926570, 0.82613134],
+ [0.39100535, 0.15208221, 0.83183802],
+ [0.39047010, 0.15498061, 0.83747815],
+ [0.38986135, 0.15796316, 0.84304623],
+ [0.38917673, 0.16103195, 0.84853655],
+ [0.38841370, 0.16418890, 0.85394346],
+ [0.38756993, 0.16743574, 0.85926073],
+ [0.38664310, 0.17077394, 0.86448201],
+ [0.38563066, 0.17420477, 0.86960116],
+ [0.38453036, 0.17772920, 0.87461150],
+ [0.38333992, 0.18134792, 0.87950642],
+ [0.38205710, 0.18506128, 0.88427925],
+ [0.38067977, 0.18886934, 0.88892321],
+ [0.37920609, 0.19277172, 0.89343143],
+ [0.37763396, 0.19676779, 0.89779739],
+ [0.37596193, 0.20085638, 0.90201425],
+ [0.37418852, 0.20503600, 0.90607549],
+ [0.37231248, 0.20930470, 0.90997480],
+ [0.37033274, 0.21366018, 0.91370612],
+ [0.36824867, 0.21809962, 0.91726363],
+ [0.36605991, 0.22261982, 0.92064188],
+ [0.36376637, 0.22721716, 0.92383589],
+ [0.36136834, 0.23188762, 0.92684116],
+ [0.35886649, 0.23662681, 0.92965374],
+ [0.35626183, 0.24142998, 0.93227029],
+ [0.35355578, 0.24629207, 0.93468813],
+ [0.35075016, 0.25120774, 0.93690524],
+ [0.34784715, 0.25617141, 0.93892038],
+ [0.34484932, 0.26117733, 0.94073302],
+ [0.34175962, 0.26621960, 0.94234342],
+ [0.33858131, 0.27129224, 0.94375258],
+ [0.33531801, 0.27638923, 0.94496228],
+ [0.33197362, 0.28150458, 0.94597501],
+ [0.32855229, 0.28663239, 0.94679399],
+ [0.32505842, 0.29176687, 0.94742306],
+ [0.32149657, 0.29690241, 0.94786670],
+ [0.31787148, 0.30203359, 0.94812995],
+ [0.31418802, 0.30715526, 0.94821833],
+ [0.31045115, 0.31226250, 0.94813780],
+ [0.30666589, 0.31735072, 0.94789469],
+ [0.30283722, 0.32241567, 0.94749562],
+ [0.29897012, 0.32745341, 0.94694742],
+ [0.29506951, 0.33246035, 0.94625709],
+ [0.29114036, 0.33743319, 0.94543177],
+ [0.28718771, 0.34236889, 0.94447877],
+ [0.28321595, 0.34726502, 0.94340509],
+ [0.27922991, 0.35211919, 0.94221798],
+ [0.27523417, 0.35692938, 0.94092451],
+ [0.27123292, 0.36169401, 0.93953153],
+ [0.26723067, 0.36641155, 0.93804596],
+ [0.26323146, 0.37108088, 0.93647434],
+ [0.25923909, 0.37570121, 0.93482297],
+ [0.25525803, 0.38027156, 0.93309840],
+ [0.25129160, 0.38479167, 0.93130635],
+ [0.24734346, 0.38926123, 0.92945255],
+ [0.24341722, 0.39368008, 0.92754256],
+ [0.23951634, 0.39804823, 0.92558166],
+ [0.23564420, 0.40236584, 0.92357489],
+ [0.23180405, 0.40663320, 0.92152704],
+ [0.22799904, 0.41085070, 0.91944265],
+ [0.22423224, 0.41501886, 0.91732601],
+ [0.22050662, 0.41913826, 0.91518116],
+ [0.21682507, 0.42320958, 0.91301190],
+ [0.21319040, 0.42723357, 0.91082182],
+ [0.20960575, 0.43121089, 0.90861456],
+ [0.20607384, 0.43514238, 0.90639331],
+ [0.20259697, 0.43902906, 0.90416074],
+ [0.19917852, 0.44287159, 0.90192024],
+ [0.19582057, 0.44667107, 0.89967401],
+ [0.19252612, 0.45042831, 0.89742484],
+ [0.18929740, 0.45414439, 0.89517479],
+ [0.18613751, 0.45782009, 0.89292647],
+ [0.18304825, 0.46145661, 0.89068136],
+ [0.18003276, 0.46505470, 0.88844188],
+ [0.17709324, 0.46861542, 0.88620962],
+ [0.17423187, 0.47213980, 0.88398607],
+ [0.17145104, 0.47562878, 0.88177280],
+ [0.16875338, 0.47908322, 0.87957150],
+ [0.16614094, 0.48250411, 0.87738341],
+ [0.16361573, 0.48589242, 0.87520962],
+ [0.16117982, 0.48924908, 0.87305129],
+ [0.15883517, 0.49257499, 0.87090950],
+ [0.15658363, 0.49587105, 0.86878520],
+ [0.15442692, 0.49913815, 0.86667929],
+ [0.15236659, 0.50237715, 0.86459259],
+ [0.15040406, 0.50558893, 0.86252581],
+ [0.14854056, 0.50877433, 0.86047964],
+ [0.14677738, 0.51193412, 0.85845487],
+ [0.14511541, 0.51506911, 0.85645205],
+ [0.14355511, 0.51818016, 0.85447152],
+ [0.14209689, 0.52126806, 0.85251368],
+ [0.14074106, 0.52433354, 0.85057900],
+ [0.13948815, 0.52737725, 0.84866830],
+ [0.13833726, 0.53040007, 0.84678133],
+ [0.13728797, 0.53340269, 0.84491842],
+ [0.13634021, 0.53638567, 0.84308039],
+ [0.13549217, 0.53934989, 0.84126673],
+ [0.13474325, 0.54229587, 0.83947817],
+ [0.13409162, 0.54522436, 0.83771454],
+ [0.13353574, 0.54813595, 0.83597610],
+ [0.13307362, 0.55103129, 0.83426291],
+ [0.13270316, 0.55391097, 0.83257509],
+ [0.13242183, 0.55677564, 0.83091249],
+ [0.13222744, 0.55962580, 0.82927553],
+ [0.13211666, 0.56246216, 0.82766360],
+ [0.13208733, 0.56528511, 0.82607740],
+ [0.13213586, 0.56809533, 0.82451634],
+ [0.13225901, 0.57089337, 0.82298029],
+ [0.13245416, 0.57367961, 0.82146982],
+ [0.13271734, 0.57645471, 0.81998424],
+ [0.13304513, 0.57921915, 0.81852343],
+ [0.13343424, 0.58197339, 0.81708747],
+ [0.13388124, 0.58471789, 0.81567635],
+ [0.13438230, 0.58745317, 0.81428959],
+ [0.13493386, 0.59017971, 0.81292704],
+ [0.13553238, 0.59289795, 0.81158853],
+ [0.13617435, 0.59560833, 0.81027389],
+ [0.13685643, 0.59831124, 0.80898312],
+ [0.13757490, 0.60100715, 0.80771573],
+ [0.13832634, 0.60369650, 0.80647148],
+ [0.13910735, 0.60637968, 0.80525012],
+ [0.13991462, 0.60905709, 0.80405139],
+ [0.14074489, 0.61172914, 0.80287500],
+ [0.14159496, 0.61439620, 0.80172068],
+ [0.14246171, 0.61705867, 0.80058811],
+ [0.14334208, 0.61971690, 0.79947699],
+ [0.14423310, 0.62237128, 0.79838698],
+ [0.14513188, 0.62502214, 0.79731775],
+ [0.14603558, 0.62766986, 0.79626895],
+ [0.14694145, 0.63031477, 0.79524022],
+ [0.14784682, 0.63295722, 0.79423118],
+ [0.14874909, 0.63559754, 0.79324145],
+ [0.14964572, 0.63823605, 0.79227065],
+ [0.15053437, 0.64087306, 0.79131848],
+ [0.15141266, 0.64350887, 0.79038457],
+ [0.15227815, 0.64614381, 0.78946838],
+ [0.15312857, 0.64877820, 0.78856946],
+ [0.15396170, 0.65141233, 0.78768737],
+ [0.15477540, 0.65404650, 0.78682168],
+ [0.15556780, 0.65668093, 0.78597216],
+ [0.15633676, 0.65931593, 0.78513827],
+ [0.15708014, 0.66195180, 0.78431938],
+ [0.15779597, 0.66458882, 0.78351501],
+ [0.15848254, 0.66722720, 0.78272488],
+ [0.15913804, 0.66986719, 0.78194856],
+ [0.15976034, 0.67250910, 0.78118528],
+ [0.16034759, 0.67515317, 0.78043451],
+ [0.16089860, 0.67779955, 0.77969628],
+ [0.16141103, 0.68044856, 0.77896954],
+ [0.16188308, 0.68310045, 0.77825374],
+ [0.16231366, 0.68575533, 0.77754890],
+ [0.16270047, 0.68841353, 0.77685396],
+ [0.16304181, 0.69107524, 0.77616842],
+ [0.16333657, 0.69374059, 0.77549218],
+ [0.16358230, 0.69640989, 0.77482412],
+ [0.16377781, 0.69908326, 0.77416406],
+ [0.16392124, 0.70176092, 0.77351133],
+ [0.16401060, 0.70444309, 0.77286518],
+ [0.16404480, 0.70712985, 0.77222549],
+ [0.16402119, 0.70982152, 0.77159105],
+ [0.16393900, 0.71251810, 0.77096201],
+ [0.16379543, 0.71521992, 0.77033709],
+ [0.16358942, 0.71792701, 0.76971626],
+ [0.16331838, 0.72063962, 0.76909845],
+ [0.16298099, 0.72335781, 0.76848350],
+ [0.16257460, 0.72608182, 0.76787040],
+ [0.16209779, 0.72881169, 0.76725897],
+ [0.16154764, 0.73154765, 0.76664813],
+ [0.16092280, 0.73428972, 0.76603783],
+ [0.16021981, 0.73703815, 0.76542680],
+ [0.15943759, 0.73979290, 0.76481521],
+ [0.15857221, 0.74255425, 0.76420171],
+ [0.15762192, 0.74532217, 0.76358622],
+ [0.15658330, 0.74809684, 0.76296782],
+ [0.15545331, 0.75087835, 0.76234593],
+ [0.15422927, 0.75366674, 0.76172021],
+ [0.15290674, 0.75646218, 0.76108958],
+ [0.15148307, 0.75926466, 0.76045395],
+ [0.14995353, 0.76207432, 0.75981237],
+ [0.14831355, 0.76489125, 0.75916412],
+ [0.14655968, 0.76771541, 0.75850916],
+ [0.14468546, 0.77054698, 0.75784630],
+ [0.14268557, 0.77338599, 0.75717506],
+ [0.14055475, 0.77623242, 0.75649523],
+ [0.13828504, 0.77908642, 0.75580572],
+ [0.13586902, 0.78194802, 0.75510602],
+ [0.13329946, 0.78481715, 0.75439598],
+ [0.13056556, 0.78769398, 0.75367452],
+ [0.12765661, 0.79057852, 0.75294107],
+ [0.12456163, 0.79347072, 0.75219545],
+ [0.12126592, 0.79637066, 0.75143682],
+ [0.11775297, 0.79927839, 0.75066449],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.guppy', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.guppy", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/holly/holly.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/holly/holly.jscm
index e729641b..b61d5740 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/holly/holly.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/holly/holly.jscm
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/holly/holly.py b/cmasher/colormaps/holly/holly.py
index 8d989b8d..49a88ad5 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/holly/holly.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/holly/holly.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.07720147, 0.07878641, 0.00250023],
- [0.08006543, 0.08272109, 0.00301507],
- [0.08288946, 0.08663908, 0.00355692],
- [0.08567420, 0.09054181, 0.00412465],
- [0.08842125, 0.09443017, 0.00471799],
- [0.09113142, 0.09830527, 0.00533613],
- [0.09380549, 0.10216811, 0.00597833],
- [0.09644470, 0.10601942, 0.00664432],
- [0.09904930, 0.10986025, 0.00733303],
- [0.10162032, 0.11369125, 0.00804420],
- [0.10415855, 0.11751309, 0.00877741],
- [0.10666396, 0.12132672, 0.00953152],
- [0.10913762, 0.12513258, 0.01030653],
- [0.11158002, 0.12893129, 0.01110198],
- [0.11399108, 0.13272364, 0.01191680],
- [0.11637161, 0.13651003, 0.01275098],
- [0.11872202, 0.14029097, 0.01360413],
- [0.12104238, 0.14406707, 0.01447556],
- [0.12333285, 0.14783886, 0.01536471],
- [0.12559400, 0.15160667, 0.01627154],
- [0.12782602, 0.15537097, 0.01719565],
- [0.13002889, 0.15913225, 0.01813647],
- [0.13220263, 0.16289098, 0.01909346],
- [0.13434766, 0.16664744, 0.02006667],
- [0.13646405, 0.17040201, 0.02105578],
- [0.13855187, 0.17415507, 0.02206048],
- [0.14061112, 0.17790699, 0.02308047],
- [0.14264149, 0.18165822, 0.02411509],
- [0.14464334, 0.18540896, 0.02516455],
- [0.14661661, 0.18915955, 0.02622864],
- [0.14856125, 0.19291029, 0.02730716],
- [0.15047718, 0.19666150, 0.02839994],
- [0.15236429, 0.20041346, 0.02950685],
- [0.15422247, 0.20416646, 0.03062776],
- [0.15605157, 0.20792077, 0.03176259],
- [0.15785143, 0.21167668, 0.03291126],
- [0.15962186, 0.21543443, 0.03407373],
- [0.16136267, 0.21919429, 0.03525002],
- [0.16307363, 0.22295651, 0.03644013],
- [0.16475451, 0.22672132, 0.03764413],
- [0.16640505, 0.23048896, 0.03886211],
- [0.16802497, 0.23425966, 0.04009419],
- [0.16961398, 0.23803365, 0.04132002],
- [0.17117177, 0.24181115, 0.04253333],
- [0.17269800, 0.24559236, 0.04373969],
- [0.17419233, 0.24937749, 0.04493961],
- [0.17565431, 0.25316677, 0.04613354],
- [0.17708309, 0.25696053, 0.04732146],
- [0.17847874, 0.26075884, 0.04850451],
- [0.17984081, 0.26456186, 0.04968326],
- [0.18116888, 0.26836979, 0.05085831],
- [0.18246177, 0.27218301, 0.05202944],
- [0.18371935, 0.27600158, 0.05319773],
- [0.18494139, 0.27982560, 0.05436414],
- [0.18612663, 0.28365544, 0.05552853],
- [0.18727460, 0.28749122, 0.05669172],
- [0.18838529, 0.29133296, 0.05785505],
- [0.18945648, 0.29518123, 0.05901759],
- [0.19048908, 0.29903578, 0.06018171],
- [0.19148092, 0.30289714, 0.06134674],
- [0.19243239, 0.30676518, 0.06251459],
- [0.19334128, 0.31064041, 0.06368472],
- [0.19420808, 0.31452265, 0.06485925],
- [0.19503040, 0.31841243, 0.06603769],
- [0.19580813, 0.32230969, 0.06722170],
- [0.19654036, 0.32621457, 0.06841231],
- [0.19722488, 0.33012750, 0.06960954],
- [0.19786115, 0.33404849, 0.07081491],
- [0.19844805, 0.33797768, 0.07202957],
- [0.19898412, 0.34191526, 0.07325449],
- [0.19946785, 0.34586145, 0.07449071],
- [0.19989766, 0.34981641, 0.07573938],
- [0.20027190, 0.35378035, 0.07700172],
- [0.20058887, 0.35775343, 0.07827907],
- [0.20084680, 0.36173584, 0.07957287],
- [0.20104385, 0.36572771, 0.08088469],
- [0.20117815, 0.36972921, 0.08221623],
- [0.20124774, 0.37374047, 0.08356934],
- [0.20124919, 0.37776190, 0.08494521],
- [0.20118102, 0.38179347, 0.08634642],
- [0.20104063, 0.38583536, 0.08777516],
- [0.20082453, 0.38988789, 0.08923341],
- [0.20053009, 0.39395115, 0.09072393],
- [0.20015455, 0.39802524, 0.09224976],
- [0.19969372, 0.40211047, 0.09381361],
- [0.19914361, 0.40620705, 0.09541880],
- [0.19850082, 0.41031504, 0.09706936],
- [0.19776051, 0.41443468, 0.09876928],
- [0.19691761, 0.41856620, 0.10052316],
- [0.19596819, 0.42270952, 0.10233672],
- [0.19490542, 0.42686501, 0.10421555],
- [0.19372449, 0.43103255, 0.10616692],
- [0.19241792, 0.43521239, 0.10819854],
- [0.19097830, 0.43940461, 0.11031968],
- [0.18939870, 0.44360905, 0.11254150],
- [0.18767246, 0.44782535, 0.11487735],
- [0.18579023, 0.45205339, 0.11734293],
- [0.18374374, 0.45629259, 0.11995780],
- [0.18152798, 0.46054169, 0.12274652],
- [0.17913880, 0.46479900, 0.12573996],
- [0.17657812, 0.46906167, 0.12897782],
- [0.17386176, 0.47332475, 0.13251164],
- [0.17102934, 0.47758005, 0.13640823],
- [0.16816973, 0.48181350, 0.14075162],
- [0.16546059, 0.48600155, 0.14563742],
- [0.16321947, 0.49010758, 0.15114398],
- [0.16190031, 0.49408552, 0.15726860],
- [0.16192858, 0.49789886, 0.16387320],
- [0.16346143, 0.50154176, 0.17073136],
- [0.16635281, 0.50503637, 0.17764590],
- [0.17032112, 0.50841392, 0.18450169],
- [0.17508991, 0.51170213, 0.19124822],
- [0.18043825, 0.51492201, 0.19787176],
- [0.18620136, 0.51808891, 0.20437270],
- [0.19226018, 0.52121384, 0.21075931],
- [0.19852782, 0.52430503, 0.21704043],
- [0.20494195, 0.52736850, 0.22322641],
- [0.21145591, 0.53040907, 0.22932549],
- [0.21803685, 0.53343025, 0.23534697],
- [0.22465903, 0.53643508, 0.24129752],
- [0.23130368, 0.53942597, 0.24718358],
- [0.23795717, 0.54240484, 0.25301126],
- [0.24460908, 0.54537335, 0.25878567],
- [0.25125141, 0.54833295, 0.26451120],
- [0.25787815, 0.55128490, 0.27019175],
- [0.26448539, 0.55423019, 0.27583125],
- [0.27106997, 0.55716977, 0.28143292],
- [0.27762972, 0.56010446, 0.28699977],
- [0.28416254, 0.56303512, 0.29253399],
- [0.29066805, 0.56596231, 0.29803850],
- [0.29714572, 0.56888662, 0.30351554],
- [0.30359475, 0.57180874, 0.30896670],
- [0.31001562, 0.57472907, 0.31439421],
- [0.31640859, 0.57764809, 0.31979984],
- [0.32277328, 0.58056639, 0.32518461],
- [0.32911075, 0.58348426, 0.33055046],
- [0.33542144, 0.58640211, 0.33589867],
- [0.34170590, 0.58932032, 0.34123048],
- [0.34796473, 0.59223924, 0.34654703],
- [0.35419861, 0.59515922, 0.35184943],
- [0.36040823, 0.59808057, 0.35713871],
- [0.36659430, 0.60100358, 0.36241586],
- [0.37275755, 0.60392854, 0.36768182],
- [0.37889858, 0.60685575, 0.37293736],
- [0.38501794, 0.60978554, 0.37818319],
- [0.39111663, 0.61271807, 0.38342032],
- [0.39719535, 0.61565359, 0.38864951],
- [0.40325434, 0.61859246, 0.39387113],
- [0.40929461, 0.62153481, 0.39908612],
- [0.41531682, 0.62448088, 0.40429514],
- [0.42132121, 0.62743099, 0.40949850],
- [0.42730892, 0.63038520, 0.41469720],
- [0.43327990, 0.63334392, 0.41989134],
- [0.43923537, 0.63630717, 0.42508192],
- [0.44517525, 0.63927534, 0.43026899],
- [0.45110064, 0.64224846, 0.43545349],
- [0.45701159, 0.64522687, 0.44063554],
- [0.46290890, 0.64821067, 0.44581586],
- [0.46879298, 0.65120008, 0.45099481],
- [0.47466415, 0.65419533, 0.45617275],
- [0.48052311, 0.65719654, 0.46135028],
- [0.48637009, 0.66020394, 0.46652767],
- [0.49220555, 0.66321772, 0.47170535],
- [0.49803002, 0.66623802, 0.47688381],
- [0.50384379, 0.66926504, 0.48206337],
- [0.50964717, 0.67229899, 0.48724435],
- [0.51544067, 0.67533998, 0.49242724],
- [0.52122463, 0.67838821, 0.49761239],
- [0.52699929, 0.68144388, 0.50280009],
- [0.53276501, 0.68450714, 0.50799072],
- [0.53852217, 0.68757815, 0.51318468],
- [0.54427106, 0.69065708, 0.51838230],
- [0.55001196, 0.69374410, 0.52358393],
- [0.55574508, 0.69683941, 0.52878985],
- [0.56147078, 0.69994314, 0.53400046],
- [0.56718932, 0.70305546, 0.53921610],
- [0.57290094, 0.70617653, 0.54443711],
- [0.57860588, 0.70930653, 0.54966380],
- [0.58430433, 0.71244564, 0.55489649],
- [0.58999654, 0.71559400, 0.56013554],
- [0.59568274, 0.71875177, 0.56538128],
- [0.60136312, 0.72191914, 0.57063405],
- [0.60703787, 0.72509625, 0.57589418],
- [0.61270717, 0.72828328, 0.58116200],
- [0.61837118, 0.73148040, 0.58643785],
- [0.62403008, 0.73468776, 0.59172207],
- [0.62968401, 0.73790555, 0.59701500],
- [0.63533311, 0.74113392, 0.60231699],
- [0.64097752, 0.74437305, 0.60762838],
- [0.64661736, 0.74762310, 0.61294953],
- [0.65225274, 0.75088425, 0.61828078],
- [0.65788378, 0.75415667, 0.62362252],
- [0.66351054, 0.75744054, 0.62897508],
- [0.66913312, 0.76073602, 0.63433885],
- [0.67475157, 0.76404331, 0.63971417],
- [0.68036595, 0.76736259, 0.64510145],
- [0.68597634, 0.77069401, 0.65050109],
- [0.69158276, 0.77403778, 0.65591347],
- [0.69718520, 0.77739409, 0.66133897],
- [0.70278368, 0.78076313, 0.66677799],
- [0.70837818, 0.78414510, 0.67223095],
- [0.71396876, 0.78754017, 0.67769833],
- [0.71955533, 0.79094855, 0.68318052],
- [0.72513781, 0.79437046, 0.68867794],
- [0.73071614, 0.79780612, 0.69419101],
- [0.73629030, 0.80125570, 0.69972030],
- [0.74186018, 0.80471944, 0.70526622],
- [0.74742558, 0.80819759, 0.71082920],
- [0.75298640, 0.81169038, 0.71640975],
- [0.75854259, 0.81519797, 0.72200850],
- [0.76409382, 0.81872069, 0.72762578],
- [0.76963991, 0.82225878, 0.73326215],
- [0.77518077, 0.82581244, 0.73891829],
- [0.78071598, 0.82938200, 0.74459454],
- [0.78624535, 0.83296771, 0.75029158],
- [0.79176859, 0.83656985, 0.75600996],
- [0.79728526, 0.84018876, 0.76175013],
- [0.80279519, 0.84382466, 0.76751292],
- [0.80829772, 0.84747799, 0.77329856],
- [0.81379273, 0.85114893, 0.77910805],
- [0.81927945, 0.85483800, 0.78494155],
- [0.82475767, 0.85854539, 0.79080004],
- [0.83022662, 0.86227162, 0.79668374],
- [0.83568588, 0.86601699, 0.80259345],
- [0.84113479, 0.86978194, 0.80852963],
- [0.84657264, 0.87356693, 0.81449264],
- [0.85199894, 0.87737231, 0.82048327],
- [0.85741286, 0.88119862, 0.82650168],
- [0.86281364, 0.88504634, 0.83254820],
- [0.86820057, 0.88891596, 0.83862311],
- [0.87357297, 0.89280794, 0.84472671],
- [0.87892998, 0.89672288, 0.85085878],
- [0.88427084, 0.90066132, 0.85701914],
- [0.88959483, 0.90462383, 0.86320733],
- [0.89490126, 0.90861098, 0.86942262],
- [0.90018953, 0.91262336, 0.87566391],
- [0.90545908, 0.91666158, 0.88192965],
- [0.91070951, 0.92072626, 0.88821774],
- [0.91594052, 0.92481804, 0.89452541],
- [0.92115193, 0.92893757, 0.90084910],
- [0.92634371, 0.93308560, 0.90718433],
- [0.93151582, 0.93726294, 0.91352553],
- [0.93666816, 0.94147055, 0.91986610],
- [0.94180023, 0.94570970, 0.92619816],
- [0.94691080, 0.94998202, 0.93251287],
- [0.95199740, 0.95428971, 0.93880101],
- [0.95705572, 0.95863561, 0.94505383],
- [0.96207918, 0.96302331, 0.95126442],
- [0.96705890, 0.96745691, 0.95742940],
- [0.97198437, 0.97194065, 0.96355059],
- [0.97684502, 0.97647819, 0.96963549],
- [0.98163215, 0.98107190, 0.97569666],
- [0.98634054, 0.98572246, 0.98174951],
- [0.99096917, 0.99042891, 0.98780949],
- [0.99552062, 0.99518904, 0.99388975],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
- [0.99654697, 0.99471962, 0.99451894],
- [0.99308247, 0.98946529, 0.98906751],
- [0.98960586, 0.98423715, 0.98364553],
- [0.98611531, 0.97903575, 0.97825327],
- [0.98260827, 0.97386194, 0.97289121],
- [0.97908248, 0.96871648, 0.96755942],
- [0.97553257, 0.96360128, 0.96225909],
- [0.97195276, 0.95851847, 0.95699102],
- [0.96833050, 0.95347261, 0.95175884],
- [0.96464441, 0.94847108, 0.94657353],
- [0.96086609, 0.94351980, 0.94148763],
- [0.95716222, 0.93854294, 0.93658459],
- [0.95384749, 0.93344032, 0.93160396],
- [0.95076567, 0.92828339, 0.92645470],
- [0.94779809, 0.92311086, 0.92121873],
- [0.94490652, 0.91793320, 0.91593925],
- [0.94207508, 0.91275441, 0.91063593],
- [0.93929445, 0.90757681, 0.90531923],
- [0.93655880, 0.90240179, 0.89999523],
- [0.93386378, 0.89723041, 0.89466791],
- [0.93120579, 0.89206350, 0.88934015],
- [0.92858261, 0.88690148, 0.88401374],
- [0.92599115, 0.88174514, 0.87869062],
- [0.92343074, 0.87659437, 0.87337140],
- [0.92089821, 0.87145004, 0.86805775],
- [0.91839365, 0.86631181, 0.86274975],
- [0.91591451, 0.86118032, 0.85744863],
- [0.91346016, 0.85605555, 0.85215469],
- [0.91102973, 0.85093754, 0.84686833],
- [0.90862134, 0.84582672, 0.84159038],
- [0.90623559, 0.84072260, 0.83632049],
- [0.90387032, 0.83562573, 0.83105959],
- [0.90152498, 0.83053608, 0.82580786],
- [0.89919973, 0.82545331, 0.82056513],
- [0.89689268, 0.82037791, 0.81533218],
- [0.89460369, 0.81530968, 0.81010898],
- [0.89233264, 0.81024841, 0.80489546],
- [0.89007800, 0.80519445, 0.79969225],
- [0.88783948, 0.80014768, 0.79449936],
- [0.88561738, 0.79510773, 0.78931654],
- [0.88341011, 0.79007497, 0.78414442],
- [0.88121723, 0.78504936, 0.77898311],
- [0.87903903, 0.78003052, 0.77383235],
- [0.87687465, 0.77501856, 0.76869243],
- [0.87472328, 0.77001358, 0.76356362],
- [0.87258453, 0.76501549, 0.75844601],
- [0.87045854, 0.76002399, 0.75333941],
- [0.86834471, 0.75503910, 0.74824401],
- [0.86624226, 0.75006088, 0.74316006],
- [0.86415083, 0.74508927, 0.73808765],
- [0.86207005, 0.74012418, 0.73302683],
- [0.85999986, 0.73516539, 0.72797755],
- [0.85793996, 0.73021280, 0.72293985],
- [0.85588960, 0.72526648, 0.71791399],
- [0.85384843, 0.72032634, 0.71290005],
- [0.85181614, 0.71539229, 0.70789810],
- [0.84979237, 0.71046424, 0.70290821],
- [0.84777681, 0.70554209, 0.69793046],
- [0.84576913, 0.70062575, 0.69296493],
- [0.84376902, 0.69571512, 0.68801169],
- [0.84177614, 0.69081010, 0.68307082],
- [0.83979023, 0.68591057, 0.67814239],
- [0.83781096, 0.68101645, 0.67322650],
- [0.83583792, 0.67612767, 0.66832326],
- [0.83387081, 0.67124413, 0.66343279],
- [0.83190933, 0.66636573, 0.65855516],
- [0.82995330, 0.66149231, 0.65369041],
- [0.82800231, 0.65662380, 0.64883870],
- [0.82605606, 0.65176012, 0.64400014],
- [0.82411424, 0.64690115, 0.63917483],
- [0.82217652, 0.64204681, 0.63436291],
- [0.82024260, 0.63719699, 0.62956449],
- [0.81831216, 0.63235159, 0.62477972],
- [0.81638489, 0.62751053, 0.62000872],
- [0.81446048, 0.62267368, 0.61525163],
- [0.81253936, 0.61784059, 0.61050825],
- [0.81062051, 0.61301151, 0.60577908],
- [0.80870359, 0.60818634, 0.60106428],
- [0.80678828, 0.60336499, 0.59636402],
- [0.80487505, 0.59854696, 0.59167810],
- [0.80296309, 0.59373238, 0.58700695],
- [0.80105180, 0.58892133, 0.58235089],
- [0.79914151, 0.58411333, 0.57770980],
- [0.79723187, 0.57930830, 0.57308391],
- [0.79532190, 0.57450651, 0.56847375],
- [0.79341260, 0.56970712, 0.56387892],
- [0.79150248, 0.56491065, 0.55930021],
- [0.78959202, 0.56011657, 0.55473748],
- [0.78768056, 0.55532494, 0.55019115],
- [0.78576809, 0.55053548, 0.54566134],
- [0.78385402, 0.54574822, 0.54114845],
- [0.78193863, 0.54096271, 0.53665249],
- [0.78002073, 0.53617932, 0.53217417],
- [0.77810134, 0.53139714, 0.52771319],
- [0.77617914, 0.52661664, 0.52327034],
- [0.77425387, 0.52183765, 0.51884592],
- [0.77232613, 0.51705948, 0.51443990],
- [0.77039499, 0.51228237, 0.51005292],
- [0.76846011, 0.50750618, 0.50568540],
- [0.76652128, 0.50273069, 0.50133768],
- [0.76457829, 0.49795571, 0.49701018],
- [0.76263093, 0.49318098, 0.49270330],
- [0.76067901, 0.48840628, 0.48841748],
- [0.75872201, 0.48363156, 0.48415332],
- [0.75675963, 0.47885663, 0.47991134],
- [0.75479180, 0.47408116, 0.47569202],
- [0.75281808, 0.46930503, 0.47149602],
- [0.75083807, 0.46452810, 0.46732401],
- [0.74885135, 0.45975024, 0.46317671],
- [0.74685747, 0.45497133, 0.45905489],
- [0.74485677, 0.45019070, 0.45495908],
- [0.74284827, 0.44540857, 0.45089035],
- [0.74083157, 0.44062476, 0.44684961],
- [0.73880677, 0.43583872, 0.44283766],
- [0.73677293, 0.43105063, 0.43885572],
- [0.73472975, 0.42626021, 0.43490488],
- [0.73267721, 0.42146694, 0.43098622],
- [0.73061426, 0.41667105, 0.42710124],
- [0.72854053, 0.41187228, 0.42325133],
- [0.72645553, 0.40707040, 0.41943804],
- [0.72435865, 0.40226528, 0.41566308],
- [0.72224919, 0.39745684, 0.41192833],
- [0.72012632, 0.39264510, 0.40823589],
- [0.71798939, 0.38782987, 0.40458796],
- [0.71583766, 0.38301106, 0.40098702],
- [0.71366972, 0.37818908, 0.39743591],
- [0.71148462, 0.37336395, 0.39393767],
- [0.70928139, 0.36853569, 0.39049568],
- [0.70705818, 0.36370500, 0.38711378],
- [0.70481333, 0.35887247, 0.38379625],
- [0.70254531, 0.35403847, 0.38054787],
- [0.70025129, 0.34920457, 0.37737404],
- [0.69792897, 0.34437182, 0.37428086],
- [0.69557489, 0.33954231, 0.37127518],
- [0.69318533, 0.33471840, 0.36836478],
- [0.69075550, 0.32990345, 0.36555835],
- [0.68828038, 0.32510108, 0.36286584],
- [0.68575270, 0.32031720, 0.36029808],
- [0.68316437, 0.31555864, 0.35786705],
- [0.68050576, 0.31083404, 0.35558578],
- [0.67776485, 0.30615481, 0.35346748],
- [0.67492789, 0.30153473, 0.35152516],
- [0.67197917, 0.29699044, 0.34977014],
- [0.66890167, 0.29254116, 0.34821023],
- [0.66567827, 0.28820769, 0.34684754],
- [0.66229362, 0.28401072, 0.34567632],
- [0.65873645, 0.27996826, 0.34468212],
- [0.65500145, 0.27609335, 0.34384190],
- [0.65109026, 0.27239212, 0.34312689],
- [0.64701105, 0.26886361, 0.34250580],
- [0.64277687, 0.26550065, 0.34194872],
- [0.63840361, 0.26229186, 0.34142896],
- [0.63390801, 0.25922354, 0.34092501],
- [0.62930636, 0.25628130, 0.34041987],
- [0.62461360, 0.25345114, 0.33990104],
- [0.61984305, 0.25072008, 0.33935940],
- [0.61500621, 0.24807645, 0.33878871],
- [0.61011300, 0.24550994, 0.33818470],
- [0.60517198, 0.24301141, 0.33754427],
- [0.60019020, 0.24057307, 0.33686606],
- [0.59517383, 0.23818803, 0.33614897],
- [0.59012810, 0.23585033, 0.33539255],
- [0.58505744, 0.23355477, 0.33459681],
- [0.57996562, 0.23129686, 0.33376205],
- [0.57485609, 0.22907247, 0.33288833],
- [0.56973151, 0.22687824, 0.33197651],
- [0.56459439, 0.22471102, 0.33102706],
- [0.55944692, 0.22256803, 0.33004052],
- [0.55429099, 0.22044681, 0.32901750],
- [0.54912824, 0.21834515, 0.32795864],
- [0.54396011, 0.21626111, 0.32686460],
- [0.53878783, 0.21419293, 0.32573606],
- [0.53361258, 0.21213897, 0.32457353],
- [0.52843544, 0.21009770, 0.32337749],
- [0.52325718, 0.20806790, 0.32214866],
- [0.51807873, 0.20604825, 0.32088738],
- [0.51290076, 0.20403765, 0.31959422],
- [0.50772387, 0.20203513, 0.31826969],
- [0.50254868, 0.20003967, 0.31691417],
- [0.49737578, 0.19805036, 0.31552800],
- [0.49220556, 0.19606642, 0.31411167],
- [0.48703845, 0.19408709, 0.31266552],
- [0.48187483, 0.19211166, 0.31118990],
- [0.47671506, 0.19013944, 0.30968513],
- [0.47155944, 0.18816980, 0.30815151],
- [0.46640825, 0.18620218, 0.30658933],
- [0.46126175, 0.18423597, 0.30499883],
- [0.45612020, 0.18227064, 0.30338022],
- [0.45098375, 0.18030573, 0.30173380],
- [0.44585257, 0.17834077, 0.30005979],
- [0.44072683, 0.17637530, 0.29835838],
- [0.43560676, 0.17440880, 0.29662966],
- [0.43049237, 0.17244096, 0.29487390],
- [0.42538380, 0.17047137, 0.29309126],
- [0.42028123, 0.16849957, 0.29128178],
- [0.41518462, 0.16652527, 0.28944570],
- [0.41009413, 0.16454806, 0.28758306],
- [0.40500978, 0.16256763, 0.28569400],
- [0.39993162, 0.16058363, 0.28377860],
- [0.39485970, 0.15859571, 0.28183694],
- [0.38979405, 0.15660359, 0.27986909],
- [0.38473467, 0.15460692, 0.27787511],
- [0.37968158, 0.15260542, 0.27585504],
- [0.37463477, 0.15059878, 0.27380893],
- [0.36959426, 0.14858669, 0.27173678],
- [0.36455998, 0.14656890, 0.26963864],
- [0.35953198, 0.14454505, 0.26751447],
- [0.35451016, 0.14251492, 0.26536431],
- [0.34949452, 0.14047819, 0.26318813],
- [0.34448500, 0.13843458, 0.26098589],
- [0.33948154, 0.13638382, 0.25875758],
- [0.33448410, 0.13432561, 0.25650314],
- [0.32949260, 0.13225968, 0.25422251],
- [0.32450695, 0.13018575, 0.25191564],
- [0.31952709, 0.12810350, 0.24958244],
- [0.31455293, 0.12601267, 0.24722284],
- [0.30958436, 0.12391297, 0.24483674],
- [0.30462129, 0.12180408, 0.24242401],
- [0.29966361, 0.11968572, 0.23998456],
- [0.29471119, 0.11755757, 0.23751825],
- [0.28976392, 0.11541932, 0.23502494],
- [0.28482165, 0.11327066, 0.23250448],
- [0.27988426, 0.11111126, 0.22995670],
- [0.27495159, 0.10894078, 0.22738143],
- [0.27002349, 0.10675889, 0.22477848],
- [0.26509979, 0.10456521, 0.22214764],
- [0.26018030, 0.10235940, 0.21948870],
- [0.25526487, 0.10014107, 0.21680143],
- [0.25035330, 0.09790983, 0.21408558],
- [0.24544536, 0.09566528, 0.21134090],
- [0.24054086, 0.09340699, 0.20856710],
- [0.23563958, 0.09113453, 0.20576389],
- [0.23074126, 0.08884744, 0.20293097],
- [0.22584569, 0.08654522, 0.20006800],
- [0.22095258, 0.08422739, 0.19717464],
- [0.21606167, 0.08189341, 0.19425052],
- [0.21117268, 0.07954271, 0.19129524],
- [0.20628527, 0.07717473, 0.18830843],
- [0.20139919, 0.07478882, 0.18528961],
- [0.19651402, 0.07238434, 0.18223835],
- [0.19162949, 0.06996056, 0.17915416],
- [0.18674517, 0.06751676, 0.17603654],
- [0.18186070, 0.06505212, 0.17288495],
- [0.17697564, 0.06256578, 0.16969883],
- [0.17208959, 0.06005681, 0.16647757],
- [0.16720205, 0.05752423, 0.16322056],
- [0.16231256, 0.05496692, 0.15992712],
- [0.15742056, 0.05238376, 0.15659656],
- [0.15252557, 0.04977339, 0.15322815],
- [0.14762692, 0.04713449, 0.14982112],
- [0.14272405, 0.04446544, 0.14637463],
- [0.13781629, 0.04176455, 0.14288784],
- [0.13290288, 0.03902073, 0.13935985],
- [0.12798314, 0.03631810, 0.13578971],
- [0.12305625, 0.03369292, 0.13217641]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.07720147, 0.07878641, 0.00250023],
+ [0.08006543, 0.08272109, 0.00301507],
+ [0.08288946, 0.08663908, 0.00355692],
+ [0.08567420, 0.09054181, 0.00412465],
+ [0.08842125, 0.09443017, 0.00471799],
+ [0.09113142, 0.09830527, 0.00533613],
+ [0.09380549, 0.10216811, 0.00597833],
+ [0.09644470, 0.10601942, 0.00664432],
+ [0.09904930, 0.10986025, 0.00733303],
+ [0.10162032, 0.11369125, 0.00804420],
+ [0.10415855, 0.11751309, 0.00877741],
+ [0.10666396, 0.12132672, 0.00953152],
+ [0.10913762, 0.12513258, 0.01030653],
+ [0.11158002, 0.12893129, 0.01110198],
+ [0.11399108, 0.13272364, 0.01191680],
+ [0.11637161, 0.13651003, 0.01275098],
+ [0.11872202, 0.14029097, 0.01360413],
+ [0.12104238, 0.14406707, 0.01447556],
+ [0.12333285, 0.14783886, 0.01536471],
+ [0.12559400, 0.15160667, 0.01627154],
+ [0.12782602, 0.15537097, 0.01719565],
+ [0.13002889, 0.15913225, 0.01813647],
+ [0.13220263, 0.16289098, 0.01909346],
+ [0.13434766, 0.16664744, 0.02006667],
+ [0.13646405, 0.17040201, 0.02105578],
+ [0.13855187, 0.17415507, 0.02206048],
+ [0.14061112, 0.17790699, 0.02308047],
+ [0.14264149, 0.18165822, 0.02411509],
+ [0.14464334, 0.18540896, 0.02516455],
+ [0.14661661, 0.18915955, 0.02622864],
+ [0.14856125, 0.19291029, 0.02730716],
+ [0.15047718, 0.19666150, 0.02839994],
+ [0.15236429, 0.20041346, 0.02950685],
+ [0.15422247, 0.20416646, 0.03062776],
+ [0.15605157, 0.20792077, 0.03176259],
+ [0.15785143, 0.21167668, 0.03291126],
+ [0.15962186, 0.21543443, 0.03407373],
+ [0.16136267, 0.21919429, 0.03525002],
+ [0.16307363, 0.22295651, 0.03644013],
+ [0.16475451, 0.22672132, 0.03764413],
+ [0.16640505, 0.23048896, 0.03886211],
+ [0.16802497, 0.23425966, 0.04009419],
+ [0.16961398, 0.23803365, 0.04132002],
+ [0.17117177, 0.24181115, 0.04253333],
+ [0.17269800, 0.24559236, 0.04373969],
+ [0.17419233, 0.24937749, 0.04493961],
+ [0.17565431, 0.25316677, 0.04613354],
+ [0.17708309, 0.25696053, 0.04732146],
+ [0.17847874, 0.26075884, 0.04850451],
+ [0.17984081, 0.26456186, 0.04968326],
+ [0.18116888, 0.26836979, 0.05085831],
+ [0.18246177, 0.27218301, 0.05202944],
+ [0.18371935, 0.27600158, 0.05319773],
+ [0.18494139, 0.27982560, 0.05436414],
+ [0.18612663, 0.28365544, 0.05552853],
+ [0.18727460, 0.28749122, 0.05669172],
+ [0.18838529, 0.29133296, 0.05785505],
+ [0.18945648, 0.29518123, 0.05901759],
+ [0.19048908, 0.29903578, 0.06018171],
+ [0.19148092, 0.30289714, 0.06134674],
+ [0.19243239, 0.30676518, 0.06251459],
+ [0.19334128, 0.31064041, 0.06368472],
+ [0.19420808, 0.31452265, 0.06485925],
+ [0.19503040, 0.31841243, 0.06603769],
+ [0.19580813, 0.32230969, 0.06722170],
+ [0.19654036, 0.32621457, 0.06841231],
+ [0.19722488, 0.33012750, 0.06960954],
+ [0.19786115, 0.33404849, 0.07081491],
+ [0.19844805, 0.33797768, 0.07202957],
+ [0.19898412, 0.34191526, 0.07325449],
+ [0.19946785, 0.34586145, 0.07449071],
+ [0.19989766, 0.34981641, 0.07573938],
+ [0.20027190, 0.35378035, 0.07700172],
+ [0.20058887, 0.35775343, 0.07827907],
+ [0.20084680, 0.36173584, 0.07957287],
+ [0.20104385, 0.36572771, 0.08088469],
+ [0.20117815, 0.36972921, 0.08221623],
+ [0.20124774, 0.37374047, 0.08356934],
+ [0.20124919, 0.37776190, 0.08494521],
+ [0.20118102, 0.38179347, 0.08634642],
+ [0.20104063, 0.38583536, 0.08777516],
+ [0.20082453, 0.38988789, 0.08923341],
+ [0.20053009, 0.39395115, 0.09072393],
+ [0.20015455, 0.39802524, 0.09224976],
+ [0.19969372, 0.40211047, 0.09381361],
+ [0.19914361, 0.40620705, 0.09541880],
+ [0.19850082, 0.41031504, 0.09706936],
+ [0.19776051, 0.41443468, 0.09876928],
+ [0.19691761, 0.41856620, 0.10052316],
+ [0.19596819, 0.42270952, 0.10233672],
+ [0.19490542, 0.42686501, 0.10421555],
+ [0.19372449, 0.43103255, 0.10616692],
+ [0.19241792, 0.43521239, 0.10819854],
+ [0.19097830, 0.43940461, 0.11031968],
+ [0.18939870, 0.44360905, 0.11254150],
+ [0.18767246, 0.44782535, 0.11487735],
+ [0.18579023, 0.45205339, 0.11734293],
+ [0.18374374, 0.45629259, 0.11995780],
+ [0.18152798, 0.46054169, 0.12274652],
+ [0.17913880, 0.46479900, 0.12573996],
+ [0.17657812, 0.46906167, 0.12897782],
+ [0.17386176, 0.47332475, 0.13251164],
+ [0.17102934, 0.47758005, 0.13640823],
+ [0.16816973, 0.48181350, 0.14075162],
+ [0.16546059, 0.48600155, 0.14563742],
+ [0.16321947, 0.49010758, 0.15114398],
+ [0.16190031, 0.49408552, 0.15726860],
+ [0.16192858, 0.49789886, 0.16387320],
+ [0.16346143, 0.50154176, 0.17073136],
+ [0.16635281, 0.50503637, 0.17764590],
+ [0.17032112, 0.50841392, 0.18450169],
+ [0.17508991, 0.51170213, 0.19124822],
+ [0.18043825, 0.51492201, 0.19787176],
+ [0.18620136, 0.51808891, 0.20437270],
+ [0.19226018, 0.52121384, 0.21075931],
+ [0.19852782, 0.52430503, 0.21704043],
+ [0.20494195, 0.52736850, 0.22322641],
+ [0.21145591, 0.53040907, 0.22932549],
+ [0.21803685, 0.53343025, 0.23534697],
+ [0.22465903, 0.53643508, 0.24129752],
+ [0.23130368, 0.53942597, 0.24718358],
+ [0.23795717, 0.54240484, 0.25301126],
+ [0.24460908, 0.54537335, 0.25878567],
+ [0.25125141, 0.54833295, 0.26451120],
+ [0.25787815, 0.55128490, 0.27019175],
+ [0.26448539, 0.55423019, 0.27583125],
+ [0.27106997, 0.55716977, 0.28143292],
+ [0.27762972, 0.56010446, 0.28699977],
+ [0.28416254, 0.56303512, 0.29253399],
+ [0.29066805, 0.56596231, 0.29803850],
+ [0.29714572, 0.56888662, 0.30351554],
+ [0.30359475, 0.57180874, 0.30896670],
+ [0.31001562, 0.57472907, 0.31439421],
+ [0.31640859, 0.57764809, 0.31979984],
+ [0.32277328, 0.58056639, 0.32518461],
+ [0.32911075, 0.58348426, 0.33055046],
+ [0.33542144, 0.58640211, 0.33589867],
+ [0.34170590, 0.58932032, 0.34123048],
+ [0.34796473, 0.59223924, 0.34654703],
+ [0.35419861, 0.59515922, 0.35184943],
+ [0.36040823, 0.59808057, 0.35713871],
+ [0.36659430, 0.60100358, 0.36241586],
+ [0.37275755, 0.60392854, 0.36768182],
+ [0.37889858, 0.60685575, 0.37293736],
+ [0.38501794, 0.60978554, 0.37818319],
+ [0.39111663, 0.61271807, 0.38342032],
+ [0.39719535, 0.61565359, 0.38864951],
+ [0.40325434, 0.61859246, 0.39387113],
+ [0.40929461, 0.62153481, 0.39908612],
+ [0.41531682, 0.62448088, 0.40429514],
+ [0.42132121, 0.62743099, 0.40949850],
+ [0.42730892, 0.63038520, 0.41469720],
+ [0.43327990, 0.63334392, 0.41989134],
+ [0.43923537, 0.63630717, 0.42508192],
+ [0.44517525, 0.63927534, 0.43026899],
+ [0.45110064, 0.64224846, 0.43545349],
+ [0.45701159, 0.64522687, 0.44063554],
+ [0.46290890, 0.64821067, 0.44581586],
+ [0.46879298, 0.65120008, 0.45099481],
+ [0.47466415, 0.65419533, 0.45617275],
+ [0.48052311, 0.65719654, 0.46135028],
+ [0.48637009, 0.66020394, 0.46652767],
+ [0.49220555, 0.66321772, 0.47170535],
+ [0.49803002, 0.66623802, 0.47688381],
+ [0.50384379, 0.66926504, 0.48206337],
+ [0.50964717, 0.67229899, 0.48724435],
+ [0.51544067, 0.67533998, 0.49242724],
+ [0.52122463, 0.67838821, 0.49761239],
+ [0.52699929, 0.68144388, 0.50280009],
+ [0.53276501, 0.68450714, 0.50799072],
+ [0.53852217, 0.68757815, 0.51318468],
+ [0.54427106, 0.69065708, 0.51838230],
+ [0.55001196, 0.69374410, 0.52358393],
+ [0.55574508, 0.69683941, 0.52878985],
+ [0.56147078, 0.69994314, 0.53400046],
+ [0.56718932, 0.70305546, 0.53921610],
+ [0.57290094, 0.70617653, 0.54443711],
+ [0.57860588, 0.70930653, 0.54966380],
+ [0.58430433, 0.71244564, 0.55489649],
+ [0.58999654, 0.71559400, 0.56013554],
+ [0.59568274, 0.71875177, 0.56538128],
+ [0.60136312, 0.72191914, 0.57063405],
+ [0.60703787, 0.72509625, 0.57589418],
+ [0.61270717, 0.72828328, 0.58116200],
+ [0.61837118, 0.73148040, 0.58643785],
+ [0.62403008, 0.73468776, 0.59172207],
+ [0.62968401, 0.73790555, 0.59701500],
+ [0.63533311, 0.74113392, 0.60231699],
+ [0.64097752, 0.74437305, 0.60762838],
+ [0.64661736, 0.74762310, 0.61294953],
+ [0.65225274, 0.75088425, 0.61828078],
+ [0.65788378, 0.75415667, 0.62362252],
+ [0.66351054, 0.75744054, 0.62897508],
+ [0.66913312, 0.76073602, 0.63433885],
+ [0.67475157, 0.76404331, 0.63971417],
+ [0.68036595, 0.76736259, 0.64510145],
+ [0.68597634, 0.77069401, 0.65050109],
+ [0.69158276, 0.77403778, 0.65591347],
+ [0.69718520, 0.77739409, 0.66133897],
+ [0.70278368, 0.78076313, 0.66677799],
+ [0.70837818, 0.78414510, 0.67223095],
+ [0.71396876, 0.78754017, 0.67769833],
+ [0.71955533, 0.79094855, 0.68318052],
+ [0.72513781, 0.79437046, 0.68867794],
+ [0.73071614, 0.79780612, 0.69419101],
+ [0.73629030, 0.80125570, 0.69972030],
+ [0.74186018, 0.80471944, 0.70526622],
+ [0.74742558, 0.80819759, 0.71082920],
+ [0.75298640, 0.81169038, 0.71640975],
+ [0.75854259, 0.81519797, 0.72200850],
+ [0.76409382, 0.81872069, 0.72762578],
+ [0.76963991, 0.82225878, 0.73326215],
+ [0.77518077, 0.82581244, 0.73891829],
+ [0.78071598, 0.82938200, 0.74459454],
+ [0.78624535, 0.83296771, 0.75029158],
+ [0.79176859, 0.83656985, 0.75600996],
+ [0.79728526, 0.84018876, 0.76175013],
+ [0.80279519, 0.84382466, 0.76751292],
+ [0.80829772, 0.84747799, 0.77329856],
+ [0.81379273, 0.85114893, 0.77910805],
+ [0.81927945, 0.85483800, 0.78494155],
+ [0.82475767, 0.85854539, 0.79080004],
+ [0.83022662, 0.86227162, 0.79668374],
+ [0.83568588, 0.86601699, 0.80259345],
+ [0.84113479, 0.86978194, 0.80852963],
+ [0.84657264, 0.87356693, 0.81449264],
+ [0.85199894, 0.87737231, 0.82048327],
+ [0.85741286, 0.88119862, 0.82650168],
+ [0.86281364, 0.88504634, 0.83254820],
+ [0.86820057, 0.88891596, 0.83862311],
+ [0.87357297, 0.89280794, 0.84472671],
+ [0.87892998, 0.89672288, 0.85085878],
+ [0.88427084, 0.90066132, 0.85701914],
+ [0.88959483, 0.90462383, 0.86320733],
+ [0.89490126, 0.90861098, 0.86942262],
+ [0.90018953, 0.91262336, 0.87566391],
+ [0.90545908, 0.91666158, 0.88192965],
+ [0.91070951, 0.92072626, 0.88821774],
+ [0.91594052, 0.92481804, 0.89452541],
+ [0.92115193, 0.92893757, 0.90084910],
+ [0.92634371, 0.93308560, 0.90718433],
+ [0.93151582, 0.93726294, 0.91352553],
+ [0.93666816, 0.94147055, 0.91986610],
+ [0.94180023, 0.94570970, 0.92619816],
+ [0.94691080, 0.94998202, 0.93251287],
+ [0.95199740, 0.95428971, 0.93880101],
+ [0.95705572, 0.95863561, 0.94505383],
+ [0.96207918, 0.96302331, 0.95126442],
+ [0.96705890, 0.96745691, 0.95742940],
+ [0.97198437, 0.97194065, 0.96355059],
+ [0.97684502, 0.97647819, 0.96963549],
+ [0.98163215, 0.98107190, 0.97569666],
+ [0.98634054, 0.98572246, 0.98174951],
+ [0.99096917, 0.99042891, 0.98780949],
+ [0.99552062, 0.99518904, 0.99388975],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
+ [0.99654697, 0.99471962, 0.99451894],
+ [0.99308247, 0.98946529, 0.98906751],
+ [0.98960586, 0.98423715, 0.98364553],
+ [0.98611531, 0.97903575, 0.97825327],
+ [0.98260827, 0.97386194, 0.97289121],
+ [0.97908248, 0.96871648, 0.96755942],
+ [0.97553257, 0.96360128, 0.96225909],
+ [0.97195276, 0.95851847, 0.95699102],
+ [0.96833050, 0.95347261, 0.95175884],
+ [0.96464441, 0.94847108, 0.94657353],
+ [0.96086609, 0.94351980, 0.94148763],
+ [0.95716222, 0.93854294, 0.93658459],
+ [0.95384749, 0.93344032, 0.93160396],
+ [0.95076567, 0.92828339, 0.92645470],
+ [0.94779809, 0.92311086, 0.92121873],
+ [0.94490652, 0.91793320, 0.91593925],
+ [0.94207508, 0.91275441, 0.91063593],
+ [0.93929445, 0.90757681, 0.90531923],
+ [0.93655880, 0.90240179, 0.89999523],
+ [0.93386378, 0.89723041, 0.89466791],
+ [0.93120579, 0.89206350, 0.88934015],
+ [0.92858261, 0.88690148, 0.88401374],
+ [0.92599115, 0.88174514, 0.87869062],
+ [0.92343074, 0.87659437, 0.87337140],
+ [0.92089821, 0.87145004, 0.86805775],
+ [0.91839365, 0.86631181, 0.86274975],
+ [0.91591451, 0.86118032, 0.85744863],
+ [0.91346016, 0.85605555, 0.85215469],
+ [0.91102973, 0.85093754, 0.84686833],
+ [0.90862134, 0.84582672, 0.84159038],
+ [0.90623559, 0.84072260, 0.83632049],
+ [0.90387032, 0.83562573, 0.83105959],
+ [0.90152498, 0.83053608, 0.82580786],
+ [0.89919973, 0.82545331, 0.82056513],
+ [0.89689268, 0.82037791, 0.81533218],
+ [0.89460369, 0.81530968, 0.81010898],
+ [0.89233264, 0.81024841, 0.80489546],
+ [0.89007800, 0.80519445, 0.79969225],
+ [0.88783948, 0.80014768, 0.79449936],
+ [0.88561738, 0.79510773, 0.78931654],
+ [0.88341011, 0.79007497, 0.78414442],
+ [0.88121723, 0.78504936, 0.77898311],
+ [0.87903903, 0.78003052, 0.77383235],
+ [0.87687465, 0.77501856, 0.76869243],
+ [0.87472328, 0.77001358, 0.76356362],
+ [0.87258453, 0.76501549, 0.75844601],
+ [0.87045854, 0.76002399, 0.75333941],
+ [0.86834471, 0.75503910, 0.74824401],
+ [0.86624226, 0.75006088, 0.74316006],
+ [0.86415083, 0.74508927, 0.73808765],
+ [0.86207005, 0.74012418, 0.73302683],
+ [0.85999986, 0.73516539, 0.72797755],
+ [0.85793996, 0.73021280, 0.72293985],
+ [0.85588960, 0.72526648, 0.71791399],
+ [0.85384843, 0.72032634, 0.71290005],
+ [0.85181614, 0.71539229, 0.70789810],
+ [0.84979237, 0.71046424, 0.70290821],
+ [0.84777681, 0.70554209, 0.69793046],
+ [0.84576913, 0.70062575, 0.69296493],
+ [0.84376902, 0.69571512, 0.68801169],
+ [0.84177614, 0.69081010, 0.68307082],
+ [0.83979023, 0.68591057, 0.67814239],
+ [0.83781096, 0.68101645, 0.67322650],
+ [0.83583792, 0.67612767, 0.66832326],
+ [0.83387081, 0.67124413, 0.66343279],
+ [0.83190933, 0.66636573, 0.65855516],
+ [0.82995330, 0.66149231, 0.65369041],
+ [0.82800231, 0.65662380, 0.64883870],
+ [0.82605606, 0.65176012, 0.64400014],
+ [0.82411424, 0.64690115, 0.63917483],
+ [0.82217652, 0.64204681, 0.63436291],
+ [0.82024260, 0.63719699, 0.62956449],
+ [0.81831216, 0.63235159, 0.62477972],
+ [0.81638489, 0.62751053, 0.62000872],
+ [0.81446048, 0.62267368, 0.61525163],
+ [0.81253936, 0.61784059, 0.61050825],
+ [0.81062051, 0.61301151, 0.60577908],
+ [0.80870359, 0.60818634, 0.60106428],
+ [0.80678828, 0.60336499, 0.59636402],
+ [0.80487505, 0.59854696, 0.59167810],
+ [0.80296309, 0.59373238, 0.58700695],
+ [0.80105180, 0.58892133, 0.58235089],
+ [0.79914151, 0.58411333, 0.57770980],
+ [0.79723187, 0.57930830, 0.57308391],
+ [0.79532190, 0.57450651, 0.56847375],
+ [0.79341260, 0.56970712, 0.56387892],
+ [0.79150248, 0.56491065, 0.55930021],
+ [0.78959202, 0.56011657, 0.55473748],
+ [0.78768056, 0.55532494, 0.55019115],
+ [0.78576809, 0.55053548, 0.54566134],
+ [0.78385402, 0.54574822, 0.54114845],
+ [0.78193863, 0.54096271, 0.53665249],
+ [0.78002073, 0.53617932, 0.53217417],
+ [0.77810134, 0.53139714, 0.52771319],
+ [0.77617914, 0.52661664, 0.52327034],
+ [0.77425387, 0.52183765, 0.51884592],
+ [0.77232613, 0.51705948, 0.51443990],
+ [0.77039499, 0.51228237, 0.51005292],
+ [0.76846011, 0.50750618, 0.50568540],
+ [0.76652128, 0.50273069, 0.50133768],
+ [0.76457829, 0.49795571, 0.49701018],
+ [0.76263093, 0.49318098, 0.49270330],
+ [0.76067901, 0.48840628, 0.48841748],
+ [0.75872201, 0.48363156, 0.48415332],
+ [0.75675963, 0.47885663, 0.47991134],
+ [0.75479180, 0.47408116, 0.47569202],
+ [0.75281808, 0.46930503, 0.47149602],
+ [0.75083807, 0.46452810, 0.46732401],
+ [0.74885135, 0.45975024, 0.46317671],
+ [0.74685747, 0.45497133, 0.45905489],
+ [0.74485677, 0.45019070, 0.45495908],
+ [0.74284827, 0.44540857, 0.45089035],
+ [0.74083157, 0.44062476, 0.44684961],
+ [0.73880677, 0.43583872, 0.44283766],
+ [0.73677293, 0.43105063, 0.43885572],
+ [0.73472975, 0.42626021, 0.43490488],
+ [0.73267721, 0.42146694, 0.43098622],
+ [0.73061426, 0.41667105, 0.42710124],
+ [0.72854053, 0.41187228, 0.42325133],
+ [0.72645553, 0.40707040, 0.41943804],
+ [0.72435865, 0.40226528, 0.41566308],
+ [0.72224919, 0.39745684, 0.41192833],
+ [0.72012632, 0.39264510, 0.40823589],
+ [0.71798939, 0.38782987, 0.40458796],
+ [0.71583766, 0.38301106, 0.40098702],
+ [0.71366972, 0.37818908, 0.39743591],
+ [0.71148462, 0.37336395, 0.39393767],
+ [0.70928139, 0.36853569, 0.39049568],
+ [0.70705818, 0.36370500, 0.38711378],
+ [0.70481333, 0.35887247, 0.38379625],
+ [0.70254531, 0.35403847, 0.38054787],
+ [0.70025129, 0.34920457, 0.37737404],
+ [0.69792897, 0.34437182, 0.37428086],
+ [0.69557489, 0.33954231, 0.37127518],
+ [0.69318533, 0.33471840, 0.36836478],
+ [0.69075550, 0.32990345, 0.36555835],
+ [0.68828038, 0.32510108, 0.36286584],
+ [0.68575270, 0.32031720, 0.36029808],
+ [0.68316437, 0.31555864, 0.35786705],
+ [0.68050576, 0.31083404, 0.35558578],
+ [0.67776485, 0.30615481, 0.35346748],
+ [0.67492789, 0.30153473, 0.35152516],
+ [0.67197917, 0.29699044, 0.34977014],
+ [0.66890167, 0.29254116, 0.34821023],
+ [0.66567827, 0.28820769, 0.34684754],
+ [0.66229362, 0.28401072, 0.34567632],
+ [0.65873645, 0.27996826, 0.34468212],
+ [0.65500145, 0.27609335, 0.34384190],
+ [0.65109026, 0.27239212, 0.34312689],
+ [0.64701105, 0.26886361, 0.34250580],
+ [0.64277687, 0.26550065, 0.34194872],
+ [0.63840361, 0.26229186, 0.34142896],
+ [0.63390801, 0.25922354, 0.34092501],
+ [0.62930636, 0.25628130, 0.34041987],
+ [0.62461360, 0.25345114, 0.33990104],
+ [0.61984305, 0.25072008, 0.33935940],
+ [0.61500621, 0.24807645, 0.33878871],
+ [0.61011300, 0.24550994, 0.33818470],
+ [0.60517198, 0.24301141, 0.33754427],
+ [0.60019020, 0.24057307, 0.33686606],
+ [0.59517383, 0.23818803, 0.33614897],
+ [0.59012810, 0.23585033, 0.33539255],
+ [0.58505744, 0.23355477, 0.33459681],
+ [0.57996562, 0.23129686, 0.33376205],
+ [0.57485609, 0.22907247, 0.33288833],
+ [0.56973151, 0.22687824, 0.33197651],
+ [0.56459439, 0.22471102, 0.33102706],
+ [0.55944692, 0.22256803, 0.33004052],
+ [0.55429099, 0.22044681, 0.32901750],
+ [0.54912824, 0.21834515, 0.32795864],
+ [0.54396011, 0.21626111, 0.32686460],
+ [0.53878783, 0.21419293, 0.32573606],
+ [0.53361258, 0.21213897, 0.32457353],
+ [0.52843544, 0.21009770, 0.32337749],
+ [0.52325718, 0.20806790, 0.32214866],
+ [0.51807873, 0.20604825, 0.32088738],
+ [0.51290076, 0.20403765, 0.31959422],
+ [0.50772387, 0.20203513, 0.31826969],
+ [0.50254868, 0.20003967, 0.31691417],
+ [0.49737578, 0.19805036, 0.31552800],
+ [0.49220556, 0.19606642, 0.31411167],
+ [0.48703845, 0.19408709, 0.31266552],
+ [0.48187483, 0.19211166, 0.31118990],
+ [0.47671506, 0.19013944, 0.30968513],
+ [0.47155944, 0.18816980, 0.30815151],
+ [0.46640825, 0.18620218, 0.30658933],
+ [0.46126175, 0.18423597, 0.30499883],
+ [0.45612020, 0.18227064, 0.30338022],
+ [0.45098375, 0.18030573, 0.30173380],
+ [0.44585257, 0.17834077, 0.30005979],
+ [0.44072683, 0.17637530, 0.29835838],
+ [0.43560676, 0.17440880, 0.29662966],
+ [0.43049237, 0.17244096, 0.29487390],
+ [0.42538380, 0.17047137, 0.29309126],
+ [0.42028123, 0.16849957, 0.29128178],
+ [0.41518462, 0.16652527, 0.28944570],
+ [0.41009413, 0.16454806, 0.28758306],
+ [0.40500978, 0.16256763, 0.28569400],
+ [0.39993162, 0.16058363, 0.28377860],
+ [0.39485970, 0.15859571, 0.28183694],
+ [0.38979405, 0.15660359, 0.27986909],
+ [0.38473467, 0.15460692, 0.27787511],
+ [0.37968158, 0.15260542, 0.27585504],
+ [0.37463477, 0.15059878, 0.27380893],
+ [0.36959426, 0.14858669, 0.27173678],
+ [0.36455998, 0.14656890, 0.26963864],
+ [0.35953198, 0.14454505, 0.26751447],
+ [0.35451016, 0.14251492, 0.26536431],
+ [0.34949452, 0.14047819, 0.26318813],
+ [0.34448500, 0.13843458, 0.26098589],
+ [0.33948154, 0.13638382, 0.25875758],
+ [0.33448410, 0.13432561, 0.25650314],
+ [0.32949260, 0.13225968, 0.25422251],
+ [0.32450695, 0.13018575, 0.25191564],
+ [0.31952709, 0.12810350, 0.24958244],
+ [0.31455293, 0.12601267, 0.24722284],
+ [0.30958436, 0.12391297, 0.24483674],
+ [0.30462129, 0.12180408, 0.24242401],
+ [0.29966361, 0.11968572, 0.23998456],
+ [0.29471119, 0.11755757, 0.23751825],
+ [0.28976392, 0.11541932, 0.23502494],
+ [0.28482165, 0.11327066, 0.23250448],
+ [0.27988426, 0.11111126, 0.22995670],
+ [0.27495159, 0.10894078, 0.22738143],
+ [0.27002349, 0.10675889, 0.22477848],
+ [0.26509979, 0.10456521, 0.22214764],
+ [0.26018030, 0.10235940, 0.21948870],
+ [0.25526487, 0.10014107, 0.21680143],
+ [0.25035330, 0.09790983, 0.21408558],
+ [0.24544536, 0.09566528, 0.21134090],
+ [0.24054086, 0.09340699, 0.20856710],
+ [0.23563958, 0.09113453, 0.20576389],
+ [0.23074126, 0.08884744, 0.20293097],
+ [0.22584569, 0.08654522, 0.20006800],
+ [0.22095258, 0.08422739, 0.19717464],
+ [0.21606167, 0.08189341, 0.19425052],
+ [0.21117268, 0.07954271, 0.19129524],
+ [0.20628527, 0.07717473, 0.18830843],
+ [0.20139919, 0.07478882, 0.18528961],
+ [0.19651402, 0.07238434, 0.18223835],
+ [0.19162949, 0.06996056, 0.17915416],
+ [0.18674517, 0.06751676, 0.17603654],
+ [0.18186070, 0.06505212, 0.17288495],
+ [0.17697564, 0.06256578, 0.16969883],
+ [0.17208959, 0.06005681, 0.16647757],
+ [0.16720205, 0.05752423, 0.16322056],
+ [0.16231256, 0.05496692, 0.15992712],
+ [0.15742056, 0.05238376, 0.15659656],
+ [0.15252557, 0.04977339, 0.15322815],
+ [0.14762692, 0.04713449, 0.14982112],
+ [0.14272405, 0.04446544, 0.14637463],
+ [0.13781629, 0.04176455, 0.14288784],
+ [0.13290288, 0.03902073, 0.13935985],
+ [0.12798314, 0.03631810, 0.13578971],
+ [0.12305625, 0.03369292, 0.13217641],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.holly', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.holly", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/horizon/horizon.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/horizon/horizon.jscm
index 2e288c42..ff66643e 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/horizon/horizon.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/horizon/horizon.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/horizon/horizon.py b/cmasher/colormaps/horizon/horizon.py
index c2d80a45..1cfb9018 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/horizon/horizon.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/horizon/horizon.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.05120212, 0.20493541, 0.04200355],
- [0.04946476, 0.20843164, 0.04853604],
- [0.04768645, 0.21190842, 0.05492319],
- [0.04587175, 0.21536581, 0.06119401],
- [0.04402407, 0.21880399, 0.06737112],
- [0.04214835, 0.22222308, 0.07347112],
- [0.04024605, 0.22562327, 0.07950738],
- [0.03832887, 0.22900475, 0.08549036],
- [0.03645451, 0.23236768, 0.09142810],
- [0.03462894, 0.23571232, 0.09732757],
- [0.03285849, 0.23903888, 0.10319420],
- [0.03114972, 0.24234760, 0.10903221],
- [0.02950816, 0.24563876, 0.11484546],
- [0.02793953, 0.24891261, 0.12063700],
- [0.02644936, 0.25216946, 0.12640933],
- [0.02504310, 0.25540958, 0.13216447],
- [0.02372577, 0.25863329, 0.13790420],
- [0.02250207, 0.26184091, 0.14363008],
- [0.02137659, 0.26503276, 0.14934336],
- [0.02035368, 0.26820920, 0.15504511],
- [0.01943744, 0.27137055, 0.16073624],
- [0.01863172, 0.27451716, 0.16641756],
- [0.01794011, 0.27764941, 0.17208975],
- [0.01736597, 0.28076764, 0.17775344],
- [0.01691240, 0.28387223, 0.18340917],
- [0.01658226, 0.28696355, 0.18905744],
- [0.01637818, 0.29004196, 0.19469873],
- [0.01630255, 0.29310785, 0.20033347],
- [0.01635755, 0.29616158, 0.20596208],
- [0.01654513, 0.29920352, 0.21158498],
- [0.01686704, 0.30223406, 0.21720255],
- [0.01732482, 0.30525355, 0.22281521],
- [0.01791985, 0.30826237, 0.22842336],
- [0.01865331, 0.31126087, 0.23402742],
- [0.01952622, 0.31424940, 0.23962780],
- [0.02053948, 0.31722833, 0.24522495],
- [0.02169389, 0.32019799, 0.25081928],
- [0.02299009, 0.32315871, 0.25641124],
- [0.02442852, 0.32611083, 0.26200135],
- [0.02600961, 0.32905466, 0.26759014],
- [0.02773372, 0.33199051, 0.27317810],
- [0.02960115, 0.33491867, 0.27876577],
- [0.03161231, 0.33783944, 0.28435362],
- [0.03376728, 0.34075308, 0.28994229],
- [0.03606628, 0.34365986, 0.29553239],
- [0.03850955, 0.34656003, 0.30112450],
- [0.04108360, 0.34945383, 0.30671918],
- [0.04369584, 0.35234148, 0.31231709],
- [0.04634609, 0.35522319, 0.31791891],
- [0.04902975, 0.35809917, 0.32352528],
- [0.05174292, 0.36096958, 0.32913679],
- [0.05448207, 0.36383461, 0.33475417],
- [0.05724422, 0.36669440, 0.34037811],
- [0.06002691, 0.36954909, 0.34600926],
- [0.06282804, 0.37239882, 0.35164829],
- [0.06564579, 0.37524368, 0.35729595],
- [0.06847875, 0.37808379, 0.36295290],
- [0.07132582, 0.38091921, 0.36861979],
- [0.07418605, 0.38375001, 0.37429737],
- [0.07705878, 0.38657626, 0.37998631],
- [0.07994362, 0.38939798, 0.38568726],
- [0.08284025, 0.39221520, 0.39140093],
- [0.08574858, 0.39502793, 0.39712798],
- [0.08866872, 0.39783618, 0.40286905],
- [0.09160083, 0.40063991, 0.40862482],
- [0.09454524, 0.40343911, 0.41439592],
- [0.09750240, 0.40623372, 0.42018297],
- [0.10047285, 0.40902369, 0.42598658],
- [0.10345722, 0.41180896, 0.43180736],
- [0.10645624, 0.41458944, 0.43764589],
- [0.10947069, 0.41736504, 0.44350273],
- [0.11250146, 0.42013565, 0.44937843],
- [0.11554945, 0.42290116, 0.45527354],
- [0.11861566, 0.42566143, 0.46118854],
- [0.12170113, 0.42841634, 0.46712393],
- [0.12480692, 0.43116572, 0.47308021],
- [0.12793418, 0.43390941, 0.47905777],
- [0.13108405, 0.43664726, 0.48505706],
- [0.13425772, 0.43937906, 0.49107850],
- [0.13745641, 0.44210464, 0.49712242],
- [0.14068139, 0.44482379, 0.50318916],
- [0.14393388, 0.44753630, 0.50927912],
- [0.14721521, 0.45024195, 0.51539251],
- [0.15052666, 0.45294052, 0.52152958],
- [0.15386954, 0.45563176, 0.52769064],
- [0.15724518, 0.45831543, 0.53387584],
- [0.16065493, 0.46099128, 0.54008532],
- [0.16410012, 0.46365905, 0.54631923],
- [0.16758209, 0.46631846, 0.55257774],
- [0.17110220, 0.46896923, 0.55886083],
- [0.17466180, 0.47161109, 0.56516851],
- [0.17826223, 0.47424374, 0.57150082],
- [0.18190485, 0.47686688, 0.57785774],
- [0.18559099, 0.47948020, 0.58423910],
- [0.18932200, 0.48208341, 0.59064476],
- [0.19309922, 0.48467617, 0.59707453],
- [0.19692396, 0.48725816, 0.60352827],
- [0.20079756, 0.48982905, 0.61000567],
- [0.20472133, 0.49238850, 0.61650634],
- [0.20869655, 0.49493619, 0.62302990],
- [0.21272453, 0.49747176, 0.62957592],
- [0.21680655, 0.49999486, 0.63614389],
- [0.22094387, 0.50250514, 0.64273327],
- [0.22513777, 0.50500224, 0.64934347],
- [0.22938948, 0.50748580, 0.65597379],
- [0.23370023, 0.50995545, 0.66262342],
- [0.23807124, 0.51241085, 0.66929154],
- [0.24250371, 0.51485161, 0.67597723],
- [0.24699882, 0.51727737, 0.68267948],
- [0.25155776, 0.51968777, 0.68939720],
- [0.25618166, 0.52208244, 0.69612923],
- [0.26087167, 0.52446102, 0.70287427],
- [0.26562890, 0.52682315, 0.70963094],
- [0.27045450, 0.52916844, 0.71639788],
- [0.27534952, 0.53149656, 0.72317338],
- [0.28031500, 0.53380718, 0.72995570],
- [0.28535197, 0.53609996, 0.73674297],
- [0.29046143, 0.53837457, 0.74353318],
- [0.29564438, 0.54063070, 0.75032423],
- [0.30090190, 0.54286799, 0.75711406],
- [0.30623475, 0.54508622, 0.76389991],
- [0.31164380, 0.54728515, 0.77067913],
- [0.31713013, 0.54946441, 0.77744930],
- [0.32269435, 0.55162390, 0.78420705],
- [0.32833726, 0.55376340, 0.79094925],
- [0.33405973, 0.55588270, 0.79767267],
- [0.33986219, 0.55798177, 0.80437332],
- [0.34574553, 0.56006041, 0.81104769],
- [0.35171005, 0.56211869, 0.81769130],
- [0.35775629, 0.56415660, 0.82429982],
- [0.36388476, 0.56617416, 0.83086867],
- [0.37009551, 0.56817161, 0.83739254],
- [0.37638876, 0.57014916, 0.84386617],
- [0.38276483, 0.57210700, 0.85028410],
- [0.38922337, 0.57404563, 0.85664003],
- [0.39576414, 0.57596554, 0.86292758],
- [0.40238675, 0.57786735, 0.86913994],
- [0.40909059, 0.57975179, 0.87526994],
- [0.41587479, 0.58161976, 0.88130997],
- [0.42273825, 0.58347228, 0.88725200],
- [0.42967954, 0.58531058, 0.89308758],
- [0.43669694, 0.58713608, 0.89880786],
- [0.44378865, 0.58895025, 0.90440375],
- [0.45095197, 0.59075502, 0.90986548],
- [0.45818386, 0.59255247, 0.91518302],
- [0.46548140, 0.59434473, 0.92034631],
- [0.47284026, 0.59613452, 0.92534464],
- [0.48025633, 0.59792453, 0.93016747],
- [0.48772420, 0.59971800, 0.93480395],
- [0.49523869, 0.60151811, 0.93924353],
- [0.50279305, 0.60332867, 0.94347562],
- [0.51038035, 0.60515354, 0.94749013],
- [0.51799302, 0.60699683, 0.95127752],
- [0.52562276, 0.60886290, 0.95482895],
- [0.53326055, 0.61075628, 0.95813660],
- [0.54089693, 0.61268160, 0.96119384],
- [0.54852201, 0.61464352, 0.96399544],
- [0.55612555, 0.61664668, 0.96653782],
- [0.56369715, 0.61869560, 0.96881919],
- [0.57122637, 0.62079461, 0.97083966],
- [0.57870293, 0.62294778, 0.97260138],
- [0.58611690, 0.62515878, 0.97410852],
- [0.59345886, 0.62743089, 0.97536723],
- [0.60072008, 0.62976687, 0.97638554],
- [0.60789255, 0.63216901, 0.97717328],
- [0.61496935, 0.63463897, 0.97774163],
- [0.62194456, 0.63717790, 0.97810303],
- [0.62881333, 0.63978638, 0.97827083],
- [0.63557139, 0.64246460, 0.97825958],
- [0.64221637, 0.64521208, 0.97808333],
- [0.64874609, 0.64802811, 0.97775716],
- [0.65515995, 0.65091147, 0.97729525],
- [0.66145729, 0.65386079, 0.97671270],
- [0.66763916, 0.65687431, 0.97602282],
- [0.67370672, 0.65995014, 0.97523912],
- [0.67966166, 0.66308627, 0.97437441],
- [0.68550617, 0.66628056, 0.97344079],
- [0.69124281, 0.66953086, 0.97244953],
- [0.69687448, 0.67283494, 0.97141104],
- [0.70240428, 0.67619061, 0.97033489],
- [0.70783525, 0.67959574, 0.96923048],
- [0.71317066, 0.68304818, 0.96810611],
- [0.71841411, 0.68654591, 0.96696868],
- [0.72356861, 0.69008694, 0.96582608],
- [0.72863772, 0.69366938, 0.96468399],
- [0.73362481, 0.69729141, 0.96354790],
- [0.73853295, 0.70095131, 0.96242362],
- [0.74336531, 0.70464743, 0.96131591],
- [0.74812511, 0.70837822, 0.96022860],
- [0.75281534, 0.71214223, 0.95916557],
- [0.75743893, 0.71593807, 0.95813027],
- [0.76199870, 0.71976445, 0.95712571],
- [0.76649723, 0.72362008, 0.95615554],
- [0.77093730, 0.72750385, 0.95522147],
- [0.77532149, 0.73141472, 0.95432543],
- [0.77965215, 0.73535163, 0.95346986],
- [0.78393156, 0.73931358, 0.95265702],
- [0.78816217, 0.74329980, 0.95188713],
- [0.79234591, 0.74730926, 0.95116355],
- [0.79648507, 0.75134136, 0.95048561],
- [0.80058154, 0.75539524, 0.94985563],
- [0.80463728, 0.75947021, 0.94927436],
- [0.80865418, 0.76356569, 0.94874201],
- [0.81263401, 0.76768102, 0.94825976],
- [0.81657845, 0.77181554, 0.94782902],
- [0.82048921, 0.77596880, 0.94744944],
- [0.82436790, 0.78014026, 0.94712160],
- [0.82821607, 0.78432945, 0.94684598],
- [0.83203520, 0.78853589, 0.94662301],
- [0.83582675, 0.79275914, 0.94645298],
- [0.83959213, 0.79699880, 0.94633614],
- [0.84333271, 0.80125448, 0.94627267],
- [0.84704981, 0.80552581, 0.94626268],
- [0.85074472, 0.80981245, 0.94630624],
- [0.85441869, 0.81411407, 0.94640342],
- [0.85807301, 0.81843019, 0.94655530],
- [0.86170881, 0.82276067, 0.94676083],
- [0.86532727, 0.82710522, 0.94701992],
- [0.86892955, 0.83146352, 0.94733281],
- [0.87251687, 0.83583513, 0.94770051],
- [0.87609023, 0.84022003, 0.94812149],
- [0.87965078, 0.84461782, 0.94859652],
- [0.88319967, 0.84902818, 0.94912585],
- [0.88673785, 0.85345106, 0.94970831],
- [0.89026664, 0.85788588, 0.95034577],
- [0.89378682, 0.86233276, 0.95103602],
- [0.89729980, 0.86679103, 0.95178136],
- [0.90080638, 0.87126081, 0.95257969],
- [0.90430789, 0.87574153, 0.95343269],
- [0.90780531, 0.88023308, 0.95433945],
- [0.91129976, 0.88473520, 0.95530001],
- [0.91479261, 0.88924736, 0.95631568],
- [0.91828479, 0.89376951, 0.95738519],
- [0.92177761, 0.89830123, 0.95850923],
- [0.92527251, 0.90284199, 0.95968902],
- [0.92877058, 0.90739163, 0.96092377],
- [0.93227318, 0.91194972, 0.96221406],
- [0.93578185, 0.91651572, 0.96356097],
- [0.93929811, 0.92108910, 0.96496554],
- [0.94282334, 0.92566945, 0.96642807],
- [0.94635913, 0.93025622, 0.96794982],
- [0.94990705, 0.93484879, 0.96953234],
- [0.95346868, 0.93944654, 0.97117756],
- [0.95704550, 0.94404882, 0.97288796],
- [0.96063880, 0.94865495, 0.97466688],
- [0.96424925, 0.95326453, 0.97651764],
- [0.96787684, 0.95787729, 0.97844493],
- [0.97152024, 0.96249335, 0.98045445],
- [0.97517606, 0.96711358, 0.98255287],
- [0.97883780, 0.97174000, 0.98474752],
- [0.98249464, 0.97637636, 0.98704544],
- [0.98613036, 0.98102876, 0.98945147],
- [0.98972324, 0.98570598, 0.99196519],
- [0.99324786, 0.99041918, 0.99457717],
- [0.99667949, 0.99518036, 0.99726622],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.05120212, 0.20493541, 0.04200355],
+ [0.04946476, 0.20843164, 0.04853604],
+ [0.04768645, 0.21190842, 0.05492319],
+ [0.04587175, 0.21536581, 0.06119401],
+ [0.04402407, 0.21880399, 0.06737112],
+ [0.04214835, 0.22222308, 0.07347112],
+ [0.04024605, 0.22562327, 0.07950738],
+ [0.03832887, 0.22900475, 0.08549036],
+ [0.03645451, 0.23236768, 0.09142810],
+ [0.03462894, 0.23571232, 0.09732757],
+ [0.03285849, 0.23903888, 0.10319420],
+ [0.03114972, 0.24234760, 0.10903221],
+ [0.02950816, 0.24563876, 0.11484546],
+ [0.02793953, 0.24891261, 0.12063700],
+ [0.02644936, 0.25216946, 0.12640933],
+ [0.02504310, 0.25540958, 0.13216447],
+ [0.02372577, 0.25863329, 0.13790420],
+ [0.02250207, 0.26184091, 0.14363008],
+ [0.02137659, 0.26503276, 0.14934336],
+ [0.02035368, 0.26820920, 0.15504511],
+ [0.01943744, 0.27137055, 0.16073624],
+ [0.01863172, 0.27451716, 0.16641756],
+ [0.01794011, 0.27764941, 0.17208975],
+ [0.01736597, 0.28076764, 0.17775344],
+ [0.01691240, 0.28387223, 0.18340917],
+ [0.01658226, 0.28696355, 0.18905744],
+ [0.01637818, 0.29004196, 0.19469873],
+ [0.01630255, 0.29310785, 0.20033347],
+ [0.01635755, 0.29616158, 0.20596208],
+ [0.01654513, 0.29920352, 0.21158498],
+ [0.01686704, 0.30223406, 0.21720255],
+ [0.01732482, 0.30525355, 0.22281521],
+ [0.01791985, 0.30826237, 0.22842336],
+ [0.01865331, 0.31126087, 0.23402742],
+ [0.01952622, 0.31424940, 0.23962780],
+ [0.02053948, 0.31722833, 0.24522495],
+ [0.02169389, 0.32019799, 0.25081928],
+ [0.02299009, 0.32315871, 0.25641124],
+ [0.02442852, 0.32611083, 0.26200135],
+ [0.02600961, 0.32905466, 0.26759014],
+ [0.02773372, 0.33199051, 0.27317810],
+ [0.02960115, 0.33491867, 0.27876577],
+ [0.03161231, 0.33783944, 0.28435362],
+ [0.03376728, 0.34075308, 0.28994229],
+ [0.03606628, 0.34365986, 0.29553239],
+ [0.03850955, 0.34656003, 0.30112450],
+ [0.04108360, 0.34945383, 0.30671918],
+ [0.04369584, 0.35234148, 0.31231709],
+ [0.04634609, 0.35522319, 0.31791891],
+ [0.04902975, 0.35809917, 0.32352528],
+ [0.05174292, 0.36096958, 0.32913679],
+ [0.05448207, 0.36383461, 0.33475417],
+ [0.05724422, 0.36669440, 0.34037811],
+ [0.06002691, 0.36954909, 0.34600926],
+ [0.06282804, 0.37239882, 0.35164829],
+ [0.06564579, 0.37524368, 0.35729595],
+ [0.06847875, 0.37808379, 0.36295290],
+ [0.07132582, 0.38091921, 0.36861979],
+ [0.07418605, 0.38375001, 0.37429737],
+ [0.07705878, 0.38657626, 0.37998631],
+ [0.07994362, 0.38939798, 0.38568726],
+ [0.08284025, 0.39221520, 0.39140093],
+ [0.08574858, 0.39502793, 0.39712798],
+ [0.08866872, 0.39783618, 0.40286905],
+ [0.09160083, 0.40063991, 0.40862482],
+ [0.09454524, 0.40343911, 0.41439592],
+ [0.09750240, 0.40623372, 0.42018297],
+ [0.10047285, 0.40902369, 0.42598658],
+ [0.10345722, 0.41180896, 0.43180736],
+ [0.10645624, 0.41458944, 0.43764589],
+ [0.10947069, 0.41736504, 0.44350273],
+ [0.11250146, 0.42013565, 0.44937843],
+ [0.11554945, 0.42290116, 0.45527354],
+ [0.11861566, 0.42566143, 0.46118854],
+ [0.12170113, 0.42841634, 0.46712393],
+ [0.12480692, 0.43116572, 0.47308021],
+ [0.12793418, 0.43390941, 0.47905777],
+ [0.13108405, 0.43664726, 0.48505706],
+ [0.13425772, 0.43937906, 0.49107850],
+ [0.13745641, 0.44210464, 0.49712242],
+ [0.14068139, 0.44482379, 0.50318916],
+ [0.14393388, 0.44753630, 0.50927912],
+ [0.14721521, 0.45024195, 0.51539251],
+ [0.15052666, 0.45294052, 0.52152958],
+ [0.15386954, 0.45563176, 0.52769064],
+ [0.15724518, 0.45831543, 0.53387584],
+ [0.16065493, 0.46099128, 0.54008532],
+ [0.16410012, 0.46365905, 0.54631923],
+ [0.16758209, 0.46631846, 0.55257774],
+ [0.17110220, 0.46896923, 0.55886083],
+ [0.17466180, 0.47161109, 0.56516851],
+ [0.17826223, 0.47424374, 0.57150082],
+ [0.18190485, 0.47686688, 0.57785774],
+ [0.18559099, 0.47948020, 0.58423910],
+ [0.18932200, 0.48208341, 0.59064476],
+ [0.19309922, 0.48467617, 0.59707453],
+ [0.19692396, 0.48725816, 0.60352827],
+ [0.20079756, 0.48982905, 0.61000567],
+ [0.20472133, 0.49238850, 0.61650634],
+ [0.20869655, 0.49493619, 0.62302990],
+ [0.21272453, 0.49747176, 0.62957592],
+ [0.21680655, 0.49999486, 0.63614389],
+ [0.22094387, 0.50250514, 0.64273327],
+ [0.22513777, 0.50500224, 0.64934347],
+ [0.22938948, 0.50748580, 0.65597379],
+ [0.23370023, 0.50995545, 0.66262342],
+ [0.23807124, 0.51241085, 0.66929154],
+ [0.24250371, 0.51485161, 0.67597723],
+ [0.24699882, 0.51727737, 0.68267948],
+ [0.25155776, 0.51968777, 0.68939720],
+ [0.25618166, 0.52208244, 0.69612923],
+ [0.26087167, 0.52446102, 0.70287427],
+ [0.26562890, 0.52682315, 0.70963094],
+ [0.27045450, 0.52916844, 0.71639788],
+ [0.27534952, 0.53149656, 0.72317338],
+ [0.28031500, 0.53380718, 0.72995570],
+ [0.28535197, 0.53609996, 0.73674297],
+ [0.29046143, 0.53837457, 0.74353318],
+ [0.29564438, 0.54063070, 0.75032423],
+ [0.30090190, 0.54286799, 0.75711406],
+ [0.30623475, 0.54508622, 0.76389991],
+ [0.31164380, 0.54728515, 0.77067913],
+ [0.31713013, 0.54946441, 0.77744930],
+ [0.32269435, 0.55162390, 0.78420705],
+ [0.32833726, 0.55376340, 0.79094925],
+ [0.33405973, 0.55588270, 0.79767267],
+ [0.33986219, 0.55798177, 0.80437332],
+ [0.34574553, 0.56006041, 0.81104769],
+ [0.35171005, 0.56211869, 0.81769130],
+ [0.35775629, 0.56415660, 0.82429982],
+ [0.36388476, 0.56617416, 0.83086867],
+ [0.37009551, 0.56817161, 0.83739254],
+ [0.37638876, 0.57014916, 0.84386617],
+ [0.38276483, 0.57210700, 0.85028410],
+ [0.38922337, 0.57404563, 0.85664003],
+ [0.39576414, 0.57596554, 0.86292758],
+ [0.40238675, 0.57786735, 0.86913994],
+ [0.40909059, 0.57975179, 0.87526994],
+ [0.41587479, 0.58161976, 0.88130997],
+ [0.42273825, 0.58347228, 0.88725200],
+ [0.42967954, 0.58531058, 0.89308758],
+ [0.43669694, 0.58713608, 0.89880786],
+ [0.44378865, 0.58895025, 0.90440375],
+ [0.45095197, 0.59075502, 0.90986548],
+ [0.45818386, 0.59255247, 0.91518302],
+ [0.46548140, 0.59434473, 0.92034631],
+ [0.47284026, 0.59613452, 0.92534464],
+ [0.48025633, 0.59792453, 0.93016747],
+ [0.48772420, 0.59971800, 0.93480395],
+ [0.49523869, 0.60151811, 0.93924353],
+ [0.50279305, 0.60332867, 0.94347562],
+ [0.51038035, 0.60515354, 0.94749013],
+ [0.51799302, 0.60699683, 0.95127752],
+ [0.52562276, 0.60886290, 0.95482895],
+ [0.53326055, 0.61075628, 0.95813660],
+ [0.54089693, 0.61268160, 0.96119384],
+ [0.54852201, 0.61464352, 0.96399544],
+ [0.55612555, 0.61664668, 0.96653782],
+ [0.56369715, 0.61869560, 0.96881919],
+ [0.57122637, 0.62079461, 0.97083966],
+ [0.57870293, 0.62294778, 0.97260138],
+ [0.58611690, 0.62515878, 0.97410852],
+ [0.59345886, 0.62743089, 0.97536723],
+ [0.60072008, 0.62976687, 0.97638554],
+ [0.60789255, 0.63216901, 0.97717328],
+ [0.61496935, 0.63463897, 0.97774163],
+ [0.62194456, 0.63717790, 0.97810303],
+ [0.62881333, 0.63978638, 0.97827083],
+ [0.63557139, 0.64246460, 0.97825958],
+ [0.64221637, 0.64521208, 0.97808333],
+ [0.64874609, 0.64802811, 0.97775716],
+ [0.65515995, 0.65091147, 0.97729525],
+ [0.66145729, 0.65386079, 0.97671270],
+ [0.66763916, 0.65687431, 0.97602282],
+ [0.67370672, 0.65995014, 0.97523912],
+ [0.67966166, 0.66308627, 0.97437441],
+ [0.68550617, 0.66628056, 0.97344079],
+ [0.69124281, 0.66953086, 0.97244953],
+ [0.69687448, 0.67283494, 0.97141104],
+ [0.70240428, 0.67619061, 0.97033489],
+ [0.70783525, 0.67959574, 0.96923048],
+ [0.71317066, 0.68304818, 0.96810611],
+ [0.71841411, 0.68654591, 0.96696868],
+ [0.72356861, 0.69008694, 0.96582608],
+ [0.72863772, 0.69366938, 0.96468399],
+ [0.73362481, 0.69729141, 0.96354790],
+ [0.73853295, 0.70095131, 0.96242362],
+ [0.74336531, 0.70464743, 0.96131591],
+ [0.74812511, 0.70837822, 0.96022860],
+ [0.75281534, 0.71214223, 0.95916557],
+ [0.75743893, 0.71593807, 0.95813027],
+ [0.76199870, 0.71976445, 0.95712571],
+ [0.76649723, 0.72362008, 0.95615554],
+ [0.77093730, 0.72750385, 0.95522147],
+ [0.77532149, 0.73141472, 0.95432543],
+ [0.77965215, 0.73535163, 0.95346986],
+ [0.78393156, 0.73931358, 0.95265702],
+ [0.78816217, 0.74329980, 0.95188713],
+ [0.79234591, 0.74730926, 0.95116355],
+ [0.79648507, 0.75134136, 0.95048561],
+ [0.80058154, 0.75539524, 0.94985563],
+ [0.80463728, 0.75947021, 0.94927436],
+ [0.80865418, 0.76356569, 0.94874201],
+ [0.81263401, 0.76768102, 0.94825976],
+ [0.81657845, 0.77181554, 0.94782902],
+ [0.82048921, 0.77596880, 0.94744944],
+ [0.82436790, 0.78014026, 0.94712160],
+ [0.82821607, 0.78432945, 0.94684598],
+ [0.83203520, 0.78853589, 0.94662301],
+ [0.83582675, 0.79275914, 0.94645298],
+ [0.83959213, 0.79699880, 0.94633614],
+ [0.84333271, 0.80125448, 0.94627267],
+ [0.84704981, 0.80552581, 0.94626268],
+ [0.85074472, 0.80981245, 0.94630624],
+ [0.85441869, 0.81411407, 0.94640342],
+ [0.85807301, 0.81843019, 0.94655530],
+ [0.86170881, 0.82276067, 0.94676083],
+ [0.86532727, 0.82710522, 0.94701992],
+ [0.86892955, 0.83146352, 0.94733281],
+ [0.87251687, 0.83583513, 0.94770051],
+ [0.87609023, 0.84022003, 0.94812149],
+ [0.87965078, 0.84461782, 0.94859652],
+ [0.88319967, 0.84902818, 0.94912585],
+ [0.88673785, 0.85345106, 0.94970831],
+ [0.89026664, 0.85788588, 0.95034577],
+ [0.89378682, 0.86233276, 0.95103602],
+ [0.89729980, 0.86679103, 0.95178136],
+ [0.90080638, 0.87126081, 0.95257969],
+ [0.90430789, 0.87574153, 0.95343269],
+ [0.90780531, 0.88023308, 0.95433945],
+ [0.91129976, 0.88473520, 0.95530001],
+ [0.91479261, 0.88924736, 0.95631568],
+ [0.91828479, 0.89376951, 0.95738519],
+ [0.92177761, 0.89830123, 0.95850923],
+ [0.92527251, 0.90284199, 0.95968902],
+ [0.92877058, 0.90739163, 0.96092377],
+ [0.93227318, 0.91194972, 0.96221406],
+ [0.93578185, 0.91651572, 0.96356097],
+ [0.93929811, 0.92108910, 0.96496554],
+ [0.94282334, 0.92566945, 0.96642807],
+ [0.94635913, 0.93025622, 0.96794982],
+ [0.94990705, 0.93484879, 0.96953234],
+ [0.95346868, 0.93944654, 0.97117756],
+ [0.95704550, 0.94404882, 0.97288796],
+ [0.96063880, 0.94865495, 0.97466688],
+ [0.96424925, 0.95326453, 0.97651764],
+ [0.96787684, 0.95787729, 0.97844493],
+ [0.97152024, 0.96249335, 0.98045445],
+ [0.97517606, 0.96711358, 0.98255287],
+ [0.97883780, 0.97174000, 0.98474752],
+ [0.98249464, 0.97637636, 0.98704544],
+ [0.98613036, 0.98102876, 0.98945147],
+ [0.98972324, 0.98570598, 0.99196519],
+ [0.99324786, 0.99041918, 0.99457717],
+ [0.99667949, 0.99518036, 0.99726622],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.horizon', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.horizon", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/iceburn/iceburn.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/iceburn/iceburn.jscm
index 03b5bb5b..d1ae09cb 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/iceburn/iceburn.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/iceburn/iceburn.jscm
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/iceburn/iceburn.py b/cmasher/colormaps/iceburn/iceburn.py
index d18156a7..36bc7603 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/iceburn/iceburn.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/iceburn/iceburn.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.57869284, 0.94700453, 0.95383509],
- [0.57330096, 0.94244813, 0.95218584],
- [0.56790414, 0.93790619, 0.95055025],
- [0.56250183, 0.93337844, 0.94892950],
- [0.55709400, 0.92886470, 0.94732325],
- [0.55168026, 0.92436472, 0.94573223],
- [0.54626041, 0.91987829, 0.94415663],
- [0.54083428, 0.91540519, 0.94259649],
- [0.53540142, 0.91094515, 0.94105277],
- [0.52996183, 0.90649797, 0.93952504],
- [0.52451517, 0.90206341, 0.93801392],
- [0.51906115, 0.89764122, 0.93651980],
- [0.51359971, 0.89323118, 0.93504255],
- [0.50813051, 0.88883304, 0.93358271],
- [0.50265329, 0.88444654, 0.93214066],
- [0.49716797, 0.88007146, 0.93071625],
- [0.49167433, 0.87570754, 0.92930975],
- [0.48617195, 0.87135452, 0.92792190],
- [0.48066080, 0.86701216, 0.92655247],
- [0.47514069, 0.86268020, 0.92520162],
- [0.46961139, 0.85835838, 0.92386959],
- [0.46407266, 0.85404645, 0.92255672],
- [0.45852424, 0.84974413, 0.92126329],
- [0.45296603, 0.84545117, 0.91998924],
- [0.44739784, 0.84116729, 0.91873474],
- [0.44181946, 0.83689223, 0.91749997],
- [0.43623070, 0.83262572, 0.91628509],
- [0.43063137, 0.82836747, 0.91509023],
- [0.42502129, 0.82411721, 0.91391555],
- [0.41940026, 0.81987466, 0.91276117],
- [0.41376812, 0.81563953, 0.91162721],
- [0.40812469, 0.81141153, 0.91051377],
- [0.40246980, 0.80719037, 0.90942095],
- [0.39680330, 0.80297576, 0.90834883],
- [0.39112505, 0.79876739, 0.90729746],
- [0.38543488, 0.79456497, 0.90626692],
- [0.37973269, 0.79036819, 0.90525724],
- [0.37401834, 0.78617674, 0.90426845],
- [0.36829174, 0.78199032, 0.90330056],
- [0.36255279, 0.77780859, 0.90235356],
- [0.35680142, 0.77363124, 0.90142744],
- [0.35103745, 0.76945793, 0.90052248],
- [0.34526089, 0.76528834, 0.89963852],
- [0.33947179, 0.76112213, 0.89877532],
- [0.33367017, 0.75695898, 0.89793279],
- [0.32785588, 0.75279849, 0.89711137],
- [0.32202912, 0.74864036, 0.89631060],
- [0.31619008, 0.74448422, 0.89553017],
- [0.31033866, 0.74032967, 0.89477063],
- [0.30447528, 0.73617639, 0.89403125],
- [0.29860011, 0.73202399, 0.89331209],
- [0.29271343, 0.72787206, 0.89261309],
- [0.28681572, 0.72372025, 0.89193378],
- [0.28090735, 0.71956814, 0.89127427],
- [0.27498896, 0.71541533, 0.89063408],
- [0.26906124, 0.71126143, 0.89001292],
- [0.26312486, 0.70710597, 0.88941086],
- [0.25718092, 0.70294859, 0.88882703],
- [0.25123043, 0.69878883, 0.88826140],
- [0.24527462, 0.69462621, 0.88771373],
- [0.23931508, 0.69046034, 0.88718322],
- [0.23335351, 0.68629075, 0.88666946],
- [0.22739188, 0.68211696, 0.88617198],
- [0.22143248, 0.67793848, 0.88569042],
- [0.21547800, 0.67375483, 0.88522406],
- [0.20953152, 0.66956553, 0.88477214],
- [0.20359659, 0.66537008, 0.88433394],
- [0.19767730, 0.66116797, 0.88390868],
- [0.19177835, 0.65695868, 0.88349548],
- [0.18590517, 0.65274164, 0.88309369],
- [0.18006401, 0.64851634, 0.88270206],
- [0.17426203, 0.64428224, 0.88231942],
- [0.16850747, 0.64003882, 0.88194450],
- [0.16280986, 0.63578543, 0.88157637],
- [0.15718007, 0.63152155, 0.88121346],
- [0.15163047, 0.62724665, 0.88085394],
- [0.14617558, 0.62296002, 0.88049685],
- [0.14083138, 0.61866121, 0.88013964],
- [0.13561664, 0.61434953, 0.87978090],
- [0.13055227, 0.61002443, 0.87941833],
- [0.12566179, 0.60568534, 0.87904945],
- [0.12097171, 0.60133167, 0.87867186],
- [0.11651156, 0.59696278, 0.87828307],
- [0.11231340, 0.59257814, 0.87787994],
- [0.10841196, 0.58817719, 0.87745920],
- [0.10484430, 0.58375940, 0.87701740],
- [0.10164914, 0.57932420, 0.87655087],
- [0.09886510, 0.57487117, 0.87605525],
- [0.09652994, 0.57039990, 0.87552588],
- [0.09468006, 0.56590987, 0.87495827],
- [0.09334588, 0.56140087, 0.87434666],
- [0.09255347, 0.55687251, 0.87368561],
- [0.09231938, 0.55232472, 0.87296842],
- [0.09265244, 0.54775739, 0.87218838],
- [0.09355187, 0.54317052, 0.87133816],
- [0.09500670, 0.53856430, 0.87040963],
- [0.09699741, 0.53393908, 0.86939415],
- [0.09949602, 0.52929541, 0.86828228],
- [0.10246810, 0.52463411, 0.86706387],
- [0.10587541, 0.51995613, 0.86572833],
- [0.10967576, 0.51526281, 0.86426419],
- [0.11382580, 0.51055574, 0.86265950],
- [0.11828050, 0.50583694, 0.86090155],
- [0.12299581, 0.50110877, 0.85897736],
- [0.12792818, 0.49637399, 0.85687361],
- [0.13303495, 0.49163581, 0.85457687],
- [0.13827461, 0.48689788, 0.85207389],
- [0.14360717, 0.48216423, 0.84935190],
- [0.14899424, 0.47743927, 0.84639902],
- [0.15439799, 0.47272781, 0.84320453],
- [0.15978344, 0.46803477, 0.83975943],
- [0.16511635, 0.46336535, 0.83605671],
- [0.17036521, 0.45872465, 0.83209177],
- [0.17550082, 0.45411767, 0.82786267],
- [0.18049667, 0.44954915, 0.82337025],
- [0.18532943, 0.44502339, 0.81861819],
- [0.18997899, 0.44054421, 0.81361291],
- [0.19442908, 0.43611475, 0.80836325],
- [0.19866639, 0.43173758, 0.80288030],
- [0.20268189, 0.42741446, 0.79717672],
- [0.20646873, 0.42314661, 0.79126674],
- [0.21002416, 0.41893452, 0.78516513],
- [0.21334744, 0.41477813, 0.77888727],
- [0.21644007, 0.41067692, 0.77244864],
- [0.21930549, 0.40662992, 0.76586449],
- [0.22194871, 0.40263581, 0.75914954],
- [0.22437598, 0.39869301, 0.75231781],
- [0.22659392, 0.39479978, 0.74538284],
- [0.22861020, 0.39095420, 0.73835702],
- [0.23043243, 0.38715428, 0.73125216],
- [0.23206893, 0.38339797, 0.72407881],
- [0.23352752, 0.37968323, 0.71684701],
- [0.23481608, 0.37600805, 0.70956590],
- [0.23594240, 0.37237043, 0.70224378],
- [0.23691411, 0.36876841, 0.69488810],
- [0.23773864, 0.36520013, 0.68750558],
- [0.23842228, 0.36166379, 0.68010314],
- [0.23897259, 0.35815764, 0.67268550],
- [0.23939501, 0.35468004, 0.66525875],
- [0.23969623, 0.35122941, 0.65782678],
- [0.23988177, 0.34780424, 0.65039394],
- [0.23995694, 0.34440312, 0.64296415],
- [0.23992678, 0.34102470, 0.63554088],
- [0.23979609, 0.33766769, 0.62812723],
- [0.23956944, 0.33433088, 0.62072594],
- [0.23925118, 0.33101313, 0.61333943],
- [0.23884542, 0.32771334, 0.60596984],
- [0.23835581, 0.32443050, 0.59861944],
- [0.23778580, 0.32116362, 0.59129023],
- [0.23713919, 0.31791178, 0.58398324],
- [0.23641859, 0.31467410, 0.57670083],
- [0.23562751, 0.31144977, 0.56944356],
- [0.23476863, 0.30823799, 0.56221282],
- [0.23384436, 0.30503801, 0.55501014],
- [0.23285756, 0.30184913, 0.54783592],
- [0.23181055, 0.29867067, 0.54069108],
- [0.23070554, 0.29550198, 0.53357645],
- [0.22954464, 0.29234247, 0.52649273],
- [0.22832987, 0.28919153, 0.51944051],
- [0.22706312, 0.28604862, 0.51242029],
- [0.22574622, 0.28291320, 0.50543250],
- [0.22438088, 0.27978477, 0.49847747],
- [0.22296875, 0.27666284, 0.49155548],
- [0.22151140, 0.27354694, 0.48466672],
- [0.22001024, 0.27043662, 0.47781146],
- [0.21846644, 0.26733144, 0.47099036],
- [0.21688162, 0.26423100, 0.46420287],
- [0.21525699, 0.26113489, 0.45744915],
- [0.21359342, 0.25804272, 0.45072991],
- [0.21189245, 0.25495414, 0.44404423],
- [0.21015473, 0.25186874, 0.43739306],
- [0.20838166, 0.24878622, 0.43077545],
- [0.20657379, 0.24570619, 0.42419227],
- [0.20473243, 0.24262836, 0.41764250],
- [0.20285807, 0.23955237, 0.41112692],
- [0.20095176, 0.23647793, 0.40464482],
- [0.19901430, 0.23340473, 0.39819596],
- [0.19704615, 0.23033243, 0.39178094],
- [0.19504823, 0.22726077, 0.38539893],
- [0.19302121, 0.22418944, 0.37904975],
- [0.19096568, 0.22111817, 0.37273324],
- [0.18888207, 0.21804663, 0.36644962],
- [0.18677107, 0.21497457, 0.36019827],
- [0.18463321, 0.21190170, 0.35397893],
- [0.18246898, 0.20882775, 0.34779136],
- [0.18027883, 0.20575244, 0.34163532],
- [0.17806319, 0.20267549, 0.33551054],
- [0.17582247, 0.19959662, 0.32941673],
- [0.17355705, 0.19651555, 0.32335359],
- [0.17126727, 0.19343202, 0.31732082],
- [0.16895348, 0.19034573, 0.31131809],
- [0.16661598, 0.18725641, 0.30534506],
- [0.16425505, 0.18416377, 0.29940139],
- [0.16187095, 0.18106754, 0.29348671],
- [0.15946392, 0.17796741, 0.28760066],
- [0.15703418, 0.17486310, 0.28174285],
- [0.15458188, 0.17175430, 0.27591300],
- [0.15210713, 0.16864071, 0.27011088],
- [0.14961017, 0.16552201, 0.26433584],
- [0.14709112, 0.16239789, 0.25858744],
- [0.14455007, 0.15926804, 0.25286525],
- [0.14198701, 0.15613210, 0.24716916],
- [0.13940203, 0.15298974, 0.24149861],
- [0.13679522, 0.14984061, 0.23585293],
- [0.13416654, 0.14668436, 0.23023175],
- [0.13151588, 0.14352057, 0.22463501],
- [0.12884334, 0.14034890, 0.21906169],
- [0.12614878, 0.13716893, 0.21351147],
- [0.12343203, 0.13398023, 0.20798415],
- [0.12069311, 0.13078240, 0.20247868],
- [0.11793173, 0.12757495, 0.19699505],
- [0.11514778, 0.12435745, 0.19153238],
- [0.11234104, 0.12112938, 0.18609015],
- [0.10951121, 0.11789024, 0.18066797],
- [0.10665810, 0.11463950, 0.17526489],
- [0.10378128, 0.11137658, 0.16988075],
- [0.10088052, 0.10810090, 0.16451437],
- [0.09795529, 0.10481182, 0.15916562],
- [0.09500529, 0.10150871, 0.15383328],
- [0.09202991, 0.09819083, 0.14851704],
- [0.08902871, 0.09485748, 0.14321584],
- [0.08600106, 0.09150787, 0.13792899],
- [0.08294630, 0.08814114, 0.13265572],
- [0.07986379, 0.08475645, 0.12739482],
- [0.07675264, 0.08135279, 0.12214593],
- [0.07361211, 0.07792919, 0.11690747],
- [0.07044121, 0.07448455, 0.11167864],
- [0.06723890, 0.07101767, 0.10645840],
- [0.06400410, 0.06752732, 0.10124526],
- [0.06073553, 0.06401210, 0.09603817],
- [0.05743181, 0.06047052, 0.09083573],
- [0.05409148, 0.05690097, 0.08563621],
- [0.05071284, 0.05330166, 0.08043811],
- [0.04729398, 0.04967062, 0.07523980],
- [0.04383290, 0.04600573, 0.07003905],
- [0.04032533, 0.04230459, 0.06483370],
- [0.03681198, 0.03855880, 0.05962158],
- [0.03343838, 0.03492349, 0.05439990],
- [0.03020655, 0.03145663, 0.04916556],
- [0.02711859, 0.02815891, 0.04391515],
- [0.02417669, 0.02503115, 0.03863829],
- [0.02138315, 0.02207428, 0.03360127],
- [0.01874050, 0.01928945, 0.02894484],
- [0.01625140, 0.01667799, 0.02466102],
- [0.01391875, 0.01424146, 0.02074208],
- [0.01174570, 0.01198170, 0.01718058],
- [0.00973575, 0.00990088, 0.01396944],
- [0.00789285, 0.00800160, 0.01110189],
- [0.00622148, 0.00628698, 0.00857157],
- [0.00472684, 0.00476083, 0.00637274],
- [0.00341513, 0.00342790, 0.00450037],
- [0.00229394, 0.00229426, 0.00295046],
- [0.00137302, 0.00136800, 0.00172056],
- [0.00066576, 0.00066063, 0.00081098],
- [0.00019292, 0.00019060, 0.00022793],
- [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00024615, 0.00017402, 0.00018678],
- [0.00087651, 0.00059522, 0.00064582],
- [0.00186026, 0.00121727, 0.00133402],
- [0.00319002, 0.00201789, 0.00223163],
- [0.00486438, 0.00298218, 0.00332572],
- [0.00688465, 0.00409900, 0.00460664],
- [0.00925360, 0.00535941, 0.00606670],
- [0.01197496, 0.00675600, 0.00769941],
- [0.01505310, 0.00828238, 0.00949915],
- [0.01849283, 0.00993297, 0.01146086],
- [0.02229932, 0.01170280, 0.01357993],
- [0.02647801, 0.01358738, 0.01585207],
- [0.03103458, 0.01558259, 0.01827322],
- [0.03597484, 0.01768468, 0.02083953],
- [0.04128527, 0.01989015, 0.02354726],
- [0.04663688, 0.02219574, 0.02639278],
- [0.05195829, 0.02459837, 0.02937254],
- [0.05725332, 0.02709516, 0.03248304],
- [0.06252528, 0.02968336, 0.03572079],
- [0.06777709, 0.03236039, 0.03908234],
- [0.07301135, 0.03512373, 0.04249786],
- [0.07823033, 0.03797101, 0.04585147],
- [0.08343602, 0.04089098, 0.04915452],
- [0.08863026, 0.04376921, 0.05240871],
- [0.09381466, 0.04660434, 0.05561550],
- [0.09899070, 0.04939825, 0.05877621],
- [0.10415972, 0.05215268, 0.06189196],
- [0.10932303, 0.05486915, 0.06496371],
- [0.11448168, 0.05754915, 0.06799237],
- [0.11963664, 0.06019409, 0.07097870],
- [0.12478882, 0.06280523, 0.07392337],
- [0.12993921, 0.06538365, 0.07682690],
- [0.13508850, 0.06793051, 0.07968980],
- [0.14023734, 0.07044690, 0.08251252],
- [0.14538653, 0.07293368, 0.08529534],
- [0.15053661, 0.07539182, 0.08803858],
- [0.15568804, 0.07782225, 0.09074250],
- [0.16084158, 0.08022562, 0.09340714],
- [0.16599741, 0.08260293, 0.09603279],
- [0.17115623, 0.08495474, 0.09861938],
- [0.17631820, 0.08728194, 0.10116707],
- [0.18148390, 0.08958506, 0.10367575],
- [0.18665343, 0.09186493, 0.10614548],
- [0.19182735, 0.09412200, 0.10857605],
- [0.19700567, 0.09635711, 0.11096751],
- [0.20218885, 0.09857069, 0.11331960],
- [0.20737699, 0.10076343, 0.11563220],
- [0.21257022, 0.10293594, 0.11790518],
- [0.21776892, 0.10508866, 0.12013818],
- [0.22297307, 0.10722225, 0.12233107],
- [0.22818278, 0.10933729, 0.12448359],
- [0.23339817, 0.11143429, 0.12659544],
- [0.23861945, 0.11351372, 0.12866624],
- [0.24384653, 0.11557623, 0.13069576],
- [0.24907946, 0.11762233, 0.13268366],
- [0.25431826, 0.11965258, 0.13462958],
- [0.25956293, 0.12166750, 0.13653315],
- [0.26481344, 0.12366766, 0.13839399],
- [0.27006976, 0.12565358, 0.14021170],
- [0.27533180, 0.12762583, 0.14198589],
- [0.28059949, 0.12958498, 0.14371614],
- [0.28587272, 0.13153160, 0.14540202],
- [0.29115134, 0.13346626, 0.14704313],
- [0.29643521, 0.13538958, 0.14863902],
- [0.30172414, 0.13730214, 0.15018927],
- [0.30701794, 0.13920457, 0.15169344],
- [0.31231639, 0.14109751, 0.15315110],
- [0.31761928, 0.14298158, 0.15456179],
- [0.32292642, 0.14485737, 0.15592496],
- [0.32823742, 0.14672565, 0.15724032],
- [0.33355199, 0.14858712, 0.15850743],
- [0.33886990, 0.15044238, 0.15972574],
- [0.34419076, 0.15229223, 0.16089488],
- [0.34951411, 0.15413745, 0.16201454],
- [0.35483980, 0.15597865, 0.16308405],
- [0.36016717, 0.15781679, 0.16410329],
- [0.36549598, 0.15965253, 0.16507166],
- [0.37082563, 0.16148682, 0.16598898],
- [0.37615579, 0.16332036, 0.16685469],
- [0.38148580, 0.16515417, 0.16766869],
- [0.38681532, 0.16698898, 0.16843040],
- [0.39214367, 0.16882582, 0.16913973],
- [0.39747030, 0.17066560, 0.16979641],
- [0.40279473, 0.17250917, 0.17040000],
- [0.40811625, 0.17435762, 0.17095048],
- [0.41343422, 0.17621191, 0.17144765],
- [0.41874803, 0.17807305, 0.17189132],
- [0.42405705, 0.17994202, 0.17228129],
- [0.42936053, 0.18181993, 0.17261758],
- [0.43465775, 0.18370783, 0.17290016],
- [0.43994800, 0.18560681, 0.17312900],
- [0.44523052, 0.18751796, 0.17330414],
- [0.45050455, 0.18944239, 0.17342567],
- [0.45576931, 0.19138122, 0.17349371],
- [0.46102401, 0.19333559, 0.17350844],
- [0.46626782, 0.19530663, 0.17347009],
- [0.47149993, 0.19729549, 0.17337894],
- [0.47671950, 0.19930331, 0.17323530],
- [0.48192569, 0.20133125, 0.17303958],
- [0.48711764, 0.20338044, 0.17279218],
- [0.49229449, 0.20545203, 0.17249361],
- [0.49745539, 0.20754714, 0.17214440],
- [0.50259949, 0.20966688, 0.17174506],
- [0.50772591, 0.21181236, 0.17129632],
- [0.51283378, 0.21398469, 0.17079886],
- [0.51792224, 0.21618491, 0.17025344],
- [0.52299045, 0.21841406, 0.16966083],
- [0.52803758, 0.22067316, 0.16902184],
- [0.53306277, 0.22296319, 0.16833743],
- [0.53806522, 0.22528511, 0.16760853],
- [0.54304412, 0.22763981, 0.16683608],
- [0.54799868, 0.23002817, 0.16602113],
- [0.55292813, 0.23245103, 0.16516477],
- [0.55783173, 0.23490917, 0.16426807],
- [0.56270875, 0.23740332, 0.16333217],
- [0.56755850, 0.23993418, 0.16235825],
- [0.57238029, 0.24250238, 0.16134750],
- [0.57717348, 0.24510851, 0.16030114],
- [0.58193746, 0.24775310, 0.15922042],
- [0.58667165, 0.25043664, 0.15810659],
- [0.59137548, 0.25315955, 0.15696096],
- [0.59604843, 0.25592219, 0.15578480],
- [0.60069003, 0.25872487, 0.15457938],
- [0.60529979, 0.26156787, 0.15334610],
- [0.60987733, 0.26445137, 0.15208620],
- [0.61442224, 0.26737554, 0.15080101],
- [0.61893416, 0.27034047, 0.14949185],
- [0.62341279, 0.27334621, 0.14816010],
- [0.62785784, 0.27639275, 0.14680699],
- [0.63226905, 0.27948004, 0.14543385],
- [0.63664621, 0.28260800, 0.14404197],
- [0.64098913, 0.28577648, 0.14263274],
- [0.64529766, 0.28898529, 0.14120738],
- [0.64957166, 0.29223423, 0.13976716],
- [0.65381105, 0.29552304, 0.13831336],
- [0.65801576, 0.29885142, 0.13684725],
- [0.66218574, 0.30221905, 0.13537010],
- [0.66632098, 0.30562559, 0.13388318],
- [0.67042148, 0.30907066, 0.13238773],
- [0.67448729, 0.31255384, 0.13088503],
- [0.67851846, 0.31607473, 0.12937632],
- [0.68251505, 0.31963288, 0.12786285],
- [0.68647718, 0.32322782, 0.12634591],
- [0.69040493, 0.32685910, 0.12482673],
- [0.69429846, 0.33052621, 0.12330661],
- [0.69815790, 0.33422868, 0.12178683],
- [0.70198340, 0.33796599, 0.12026868],
- [0.70577514, 0.34173764, 0.11875347],
- [0.70953331, 0.34554309, 0.11724277],
- [0.71325810, 0.34938183, 0.11573784],
- [0.71694971, 0.35325337, 0.11423999],
- [0.72060834, 0.35715718, 0.11275072],
- [0.72423425, 0.36109269, 0.11127184],
- [0.72782762, 0.36505946, 0.10980449],
- [0.73138870, 0.36905693, 0.10835048],
- [0.73491775, 0.37308460, 0.10691154],
- [0.73841496, 0.37714200, 0.10548912],
- [0.74188065, 0.38122856, 0.10408544],
- [0.74531498, 0.38534389, 0.10270186],
- [0.74871828, 0.38948741, 0.10134077],
- [0.75209074, 0.39365872, 0.10000384],
- [0.75543264, 0.39785734, 0.09869323],
- [0.75874426, 0.40208277, 0.09741133],
- [0.76202578, 0.40633464, 0.09615999],
- [0.76527751, 0.41061247, 0.09494179],
- [0.76849973, 0.41491579, 0.09375926],
- [0.77169263, 0.41924427, 0.09261462],
- [0.77485646, 0.42359748, 0.09151047],
- [0.77799148, 0.42797503, 0.09044948],
- [0.78109800, 0.43237646, 0.08943468],
- [0.78417621, 0.43680146, 0.08846857],
- [0.78722634, 0.44124968, 0.08755401],
- [0.79024865, 0.44572074, 0.08669390],
- [0.79324337, 0.45021432, 0.08589118],
- [0.79621073, 0.45473007, 0.08514882],
- [0.79915097, 0.45926767, 0.08446980],
- [0.80206433, 0.46382681, 0.08385706],
- [0.80495101, 0.46840720, 0.08331354],
- [0.80781125, 0.47300854, 0.08284214],
- [0.81064525, 0.47763056, 0.08244567],
- [0.81345329, 0.48227294, 0.08212705],
- [0.81623558, 0.48693542, 0.08188894],
- [0.81899227, 0.49161779, 0.08173368],
- [0.82172356, 0.49631982, 0.08166363],
- [0.82442963, 0.50104128, 0.08168096],
- [0.82711088, 0.50578179, 0.08178822],
- [0.82976733, 0.51054129, 0.08198674],
- [0.83239912, 0.51531958, 0.08227805],
- [0.83500666, 0.52011631, 0.08266403],
- [0.83758998, 0.52493140, 0.08314546],
- [0.84014922, 0.52976470, 0.08372309],
- [0.84268481, 0.53461583, 0.08439814],
- [0.84519660, 0.53948489, 0.08517024],
- [0.84768513, 0.54437144, 0.08604030],
- [0.85015020, 0.54927557, 0.08700745],
- [0.85259236, 0.55419689, 0.08807206],
- [0.85501137, 0.55913552, 0.08923280],
- [0.85740788, 0.56409100, 0.09048973],
- [0.85978161, 0.56906349, 0.09184109],
- [0.86213299, 0.57405268, 0.09328617],
- [0.86446212, 0.57905850, 0.09482352],
- [0.86676901, 0.58408094, 0.09645145],
- [0.86905411, 0.58911967, 0.09816879],
- [0.87131737, 0.59417472, 0.09997355],
- [0.87355889, 0.59924605, 0.10186383],
- [0.87577894, 0.60433346, 0.10383795],
- [0.87797777, 0.60943682, 0.10589408],
- [0.88015531, 0.61455616, 0.10803004],
- [0.88231174, 0.61969139, 0.11024385],
- [0.88444721, 0.62484242, 0.11253354],
- [0.88656198, 0.63000910, 0.11489725],
- [0.88865616, 0.63519140, 0.11733295],
- [0.89072981, 0.64038930, 0.11983860],
- [0.89278305, 0.64560273, 0.12241226],
- [0.89481603, 0.65083165, 0.12505206],
- [0.89682888, 0.65607599, 0.12775614],
- [0.89882174, 0.66133572, 0.13052269],
- [0.90079473, 0.66661079, 0.13334997],
- [0.90274797, 0.67190115, 0.13623626],
- [0.90468160, 0.67720678, 0.13917993],
- [0.90659573, 0.68252766, 0.14217936],
- [0.90849047, 0.68786374, 0.14523303],
- [0.91036594, 0.69321503, 0.14833946],
- [0.91222224, 0.69858150, 0.15149722],
- [0.91405947, 0.70396314, 0.15470495],
- [0.91587775, 0.70935994, 0.15796133],
- [0.91767716, 0.71477191, 0.16126513],
- [0.91945779, 0.72019905, 0.16461513],
- [0.92121989, 0.72564129, 0.16801025],
- [0.92296355, 0.73109863, 0.17144936],
- [0.92468872, 0.73657116, 0.17493140],
- [0.92639549, 0.74205889, 0.17845535],
- [0.92808393, 0.74756185, 0.18202028],
- [0.92975424, 0.75308000, 0.18562529],
- [0.93140669, 0.75861327, 0.18926956],
- [0.93304103, 0.76416185, 0.19295219],
- [0.93465733, 0.76972578, 0.19667241],
- [0.93625590, 0.77530497, 0.20042949],
- [0.93783688, 0.78089942, 0.20422272],
- [0.93939998, 0.78650935, 0.20805139],
- [0.94094543, 0.79213474, 0.21191486],
- [0.94247364, 0.79777544, 0.21581253],
- [0.94398413, 0.80343178, 0.21974379],
- [0.94547723, 0.80910368, 0.22370807],
- [0.94695317, 0.81479110, 0.22770486],
- [0.94841148, 0.82049435, 0.23173362],
- [0.94985293, 0.82621317, 0.23579388],
- [0.95127696, 0.83194788, 0.23988517],
- [0.95268386, 0.83769845, 0.24400704],
- [0.95407377, 0.84346490, 0.24815906],
- [0.95544635, 0.84924747, 0.25234084],
- [0.95680225, 0.85504596, 0.25655197],
- [0.95814072, 0.86086080, 0.26079212],
- [0.95946267, 0.86669168, 0.26506089],
- [0.96076719, 0.87253909, 0.26935799]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.57869284, 0.94700453, 0.95383509],
+ [0.57330096, 0.94244813, 0.95218584],
+ [0.56790414, 0.93790619, 0.95055025],
+ [0.56250183, 0.93337844, 0.94892950],
+ [0.55709400, 0.92886470, 0.94732325],
+ [0.55168026, 0.92436472, 0.94573223],
+ [0.54626041, 0.91987829, 0.94415663],
+ [0.54083428, 0.91540519, 0.94259649],
+ [0.53540142, 0.91094515, 0.94105277],
+ [0.52996183, 0.90649797, 0.93952504],
+ [0.52451517, 0.90206341, 0.93801392],
+ [0.51906115, 0.89764122, 0.93651980],
+ [0.51359971, 0.89323118, 0.93504255],
+ [0.50813051, 0.88883304, 0.93358271],
+ [0.50265329, 0.88444654, 0.93214066],
+ [0.49716797, 0.88007146, 0.93071625],
+ [0.49167433, 0.87570754, 0.92930975],
+ [0.48617195, 0.87135452, 0.92792190],
+ [0.48066080, 0.86701216, 0.92655247],
+ [0.47514069, 0.86268020, 0.92520162],
+ [0.46961139, 0.85835838, 0.92386959],
+ [0.46407266, 0.85404645, 0.92255672],
+ [0.45852424, 0.84974413, 0.92126329],
+ [0.45296603, 0.84545117, 0.91998924],
+ [0.44739784, 0.84116729, 0.91873474],
+ [0.44181946, 0.83689223, 0.91749997],
+ [0.43623070, 0.83262572, 0.91628509],
+ [0.43063137, 0.82836747, 0.91509023],
+ [0.42502129, 0.82411721, 0.91391555],
+ [0.41940026, 0.81987466, 0.91276117],
+ [0.41376812, 0.81563953, 0.91162721],
+ [0.40812469, 0.81141153, 0.91051377],
+ [0.40246980, 0.80719037, 0.90942095],
+ [0.39680330, 0.80297576, 0.90834883],
+ [0.39112505, 0.79876739, 0.90729746],
+ [0.38543488, 0.79456497, 0.90626692],
+ [0.37973269, 0.79036819, 0.90525724],
+ [0.37401834, 0.78617674, 0.90426845],
+ [0.36829174, 0.78199032, 0.90330056],
+ [0.36255279, 0.77780859, 0.90235356],
+ [0.35680142, 0.77363124, 0.90142744],
+ [0.35103745, 0.76945793, 0.90052248],
+ [0.34526089, 0.76528834, 0.89963852],
+ [0.33947179, 0.76112213, 0.89877532],
+ [0.33367017, 0.75695898, 0.89793279],
+ [0.32785588, 0.75279849, 0.89711137],
+ [0.32202912, 0.74864036, 0.89631060],
+ [0.31619008, 0.74448422, 0.89553017],
+ [0.31033866, 0.74032967, 0.89477063],
+ [0.30447528, 0.73617639, 0.89403125],
+ [0.29860011, 0.73202399, 0.89331209],
+ [0.29271343, 0.72787206, 0.89261309],
+ [0.28681572, 0.72372025, 0.89193378],
+ [0.28090735, 0.71956814, 0.89127427],
+ [0.27498896, 0.71541533, 0.89063408],
+ [0.26906124, 0.71126143, 0.89001292],
+ [0.26312486, 0.70710597, 0.88941086],
+ [0.25718092, 0.70294859, 0.88882703],
+ [0.25123043, 0.69878883, 0.88826140],
+ [0.24527462, 0.69462621, 0.88771373],
+ [0.23931508, 0.69046034, 0.88718322],
+ [0.23335351, 0.68629075, 0.88666946],
+ [0.22739188, 0.68211696, 0.88617198],
+ [0.22143248, 0.67793848, 0.88569042],
+ [0.21547800, 0.67375483, 0.88522406],
+ [0.20953152, 0.66956553, 0.88477214],
+ [0.20359659, 0.66537008, 0.88433394],
+ [0.19767730, 0.66116797, 0.88390868],
+ [0.19177835, 0.65695868, 0.88349548],
+ [0.18590517, 0.65274164, 0.88309369],
+ [0.18006401, 0.64851634, 0.88270206],
+ [0.17426203, 0.64428224, 0.88231942],
+ [0.16850747, 0.64003882, 0.88194450],
+ [0.16280986, 0.63578543, 0.88157637],
+ [0.15718007, 0.63152155, 0.88121346],
+ [0.15163047, 0.62724665, 0.88085394],
+ [0.14617558, 0.62296002, 0.88049685],
+ [0.14083138, 0.61866121, 0.88013964],
+ [0.13561664, 0.61434953, 0.87978090],
+ [0.13055227, 0.61002443, 0.87941833],
+ [0.12566179, 0.60568534, 0.87904945],
+ [0.12097171, 0.60133167, 0.87867186],
+ [0.11651156, 0.59696278, 0.87828307],
+ [0.11231340, 0.59257814, 0.87787994],
+ [0.10841196, 0.58817719, 0.87745920],
+ [0.10484430, 0.58375940, 0.87701740],
+ [0.10164914, 0.57932420, 0.87655087],
+ [0.09886510, 0.57487117, 0.87605525],
+ [0.09652994, 0.57039990, 0.87552588],
+ [0.09468006, 0.56590987, 0.87495827],
+ [0.09334588, 0.56140087, 0.87434666],
+ [0.09255347, 0.55687251, 0.87368561],
+ [0.09231938, 0.55232472, 0.87296842],
+ [0.09265244, 0.54775739, 0.87218838],
+ [0.09355187, 0.54317052, 0.87133816],
+ [0.09500670, 0.53856430, 0.87040963],
+ [0.09699741, 0.53393908, 0.86939415],
+ [0.09949602, 0.52929541, 0.86828228],
+ [0.10246810, 0.52463411, 0.86706387],
+ [0.10587541, 0.51995613, 0.86572833],
+ [0.10967576, 0.51526281, 0.86426419],
+ [0.11382580, 0.51055574, 0.86265950],
+ [0.11828050, 0.50583694, 0.86090155],
+ [0.12299581, 0.50110877, 0.85897736],
+ [0.12792818, 0.49637399, 0.85687361],
+ [0.13303495, 0.49163581, 0.85457687],
+ [0.13827461, 0.48689788, 0.85207389],
+ [0.14360717, 0.48216423, 0.84935190],
+ [0.14899424, 0.47743927, 0.84639902],
+ [0.15439799, 0.47272781, 0.84320453],
+ [0.15978344, 0.46803477, 0.83975943],
+ [0.16511635, 0.46336535, 0.83605671],
+ [0.17036521, 0.45872465, 0.83209177],
+ [0.17550082, 0.45411767, 0.82786267],
+ [0.18049667, 0.44954915, 0.82337025],
+ [0.18532943, 0.44502339, 0.81861819],
+ [0.18997899, 0.44054421, 0.81361291],
+ [0.19442908, 0.43611475, 0.80836325],
+ [0.19866639, 0.43173758, 0.80288030],
+ [0.20268189, 0.42741446, 0.79717672],
+ [0.20646873, 0.42314661, 0.79126674],
+ [0.21002416, 0.41893452, 0.78516513],
+ [0.21334744, 0.41477813, 0.77888727],
+ [0.21644007, 0.41067692, 0.77244864],
+ [0.21930549, 0.40662992, 0.76586449],
+ [0.22194871, 0.40263581, 0.75914954],
+ [0.22437598, 0.39869301, 0.75231781],
+ [0.22659392, 0.39479978, 0.74538284],
+ [0.22861020, 0.39095420, 0.73835702],
+ [0.23043243, 0.38715428, 0.73125216],
+ [0.23206893, 0.38339797, 0.72407881],
+ [0.23352752, 0.37968323, 0.71684701],
+ [0.23481608, 0.37600805, 0.70956590],
+ [0.23594240, 0.37237043, 0.70224378],
+ [0.23691411, 0.36876841, 0.69488810],
+ [0.23773864, 0.36520013, 0.68750558],
+ [0.23842228, 0.36166379, 0.68010314],
+ [0.23897259, 0.35815764, 0.67268550],
+ [0.23939501, 0.35468004, 0.66525875],
+ [0.23969623, 0.35122941, 0.65782678],
+ [0.23988177, 0.34780424, 0.65039394],
+ [0.23995694, 0.34440312, 0.64296415],
+ [0.23992678, 0.34102470, 0.63554088],
+ [0.23979609, 0.33766769, 0.62812723],
+ [0.23956944, 0.33433088, 0.62072594],
+ [0.23925118, 0.33101313, 0.61333943],
+ [0.23884542, 0.32771334, 0.60596984],
+ [0.23835581, 0.32443050, 0.59861944],
+ [0.23778580, 0.32116362, 0.59129023],
+ [0.23713919, 0.31791178, 0.58398324],
+ [0.23641859, 0.31467410, 0.57670083],
+ [0.23562751, 0.31144977, 0.56944356],
+ [0.23476863, 0.30823799, 0.56221282],
+ [0.23384436, 0.30503801, 0.55501014],
+ [0.23285756, 0.30184913, 0.54783592],
+ [0.23181055, 0.29867067, 0.54069108],
+ [0.23070554, 0.29550198, 0.53357645],
+ [0.22954464, 0.29234247, 0.52649273],
+ [0.22832987, 0.28919153, 0.51944051],
+ [0.22706312, 0.28604862, 0.51242029],
+ [0.22574622, 0.28291320, 0.50543250],
+ [0.22438088, 0.27978477, 0.49847747],
+ [0.22296875, 0.27666284, 0.49155548],
+ [0.22151140, 0.27354694, 0.48466672],
+ [0.22001024, 0.27043662, 0.47781146],
+ [0.21846644, 0.26733144, 0.47099036],
+ [0.21688162, 0.26423100, 0.46420287],
+ [0.21525699, 0.26113489, 0.45744915],
+ [0.21359342, 0.25804272, 0.45072991],
+ [0.21189245, 0.25495414, 0.44404423],
+ [0.21015473, 0.25186874, 0.43739306],
+ [0.20838166, 0.24878622, 0.43077545],
+ [0.20657379, 0.24570619, 0.42419227],
+ [0.20473243, 0.24262836, 0.41764250],
+ [0.20285807, 0.23955237, 0.41112692],
+ [0.20095176, 0.23647793, 0.40464482],
+ [0.19901430, 0.23340473, 0.39819596],
+ [0.19704615, 0.23033243, 0.39178094],
+ [0.19504823, 0.22726077, 0.38539893],
+ [0.19302121, 0.22418944, 0.37904975],
+ [0.19096568, 0.22111817, 0.37273324],
+ [0.18888207, 0.21804663, 0.36644962],
+ [0.18677107, 0.21497457, 0.36019827],
+ [0.18463321, 0.21190170, 0.35397893],
+ [0.18246898, 0.20882775, 0.34779136],
+ [0.18027883, 0.20575244, 0.34163532],
+ [0.17806319, 0.20267549, 0.33551054],
+ [0.17582247, 0.19959662, 0.32941673],
+ [0.17355705, 0.19651555, 0.32335359],
+ [0.17126727, 0.19343202, 0.31732082],
+ [0.16895348, 0.19034573, 0.31131809],
+ [0.16661598, 0.18725641, 0.30534506],
+ [0.16425505, 0.18416377, 0.29940139],
+ [0.16187095, 0.18106754, 0.29348671],
+ [0.15946392, 0.17796741, 0.28760066],
+ [0.15703418, 0.17486310, 0.28174285],
+ [0.15458188, 0.17175430, 0.27591300],
+ [0.15210713, 0.16864071, 0.27011088],
+ [0.14961017, 0.16552201, 0.26433584],
+ [0.14709112, 0.16239789, 0.25858744],
+ [0.14455007, 0.15926804, 0.25286525],
+ [0.14198701, 0.15613210, 0.24716916],
+ [0.13940203, 0.15298974, 0.24149861],
+ [0.13679522, 0.14984061, 0.23585293],
+ [0.13416654, 0.14668436, 0.23023175],
+ [0.13151588, 0.14352057, 0.22463501],
+ [0.12884334, 0.14034890, 0.21906169],
+ [0.12614878, 0.13716893, 0.21351147],
+ [0.12343203, 0.13398023, 0.20798415],
+ [0.12069311, 0.13078240, 0.20247868],
+ [0.11793173, 0.12757495, 0.19699505],
+ [0.11514778, 0.12435745, 0.19153238],
+ [0.11234104, 0.12112938, 0.18609015],
+ [0.10951121, 0.11789024, 0.18066797],
+ [0.10665810, 0.11463950, 0.17526489],
+ [0.10378128, 0.11137658, 0.16988075],
+ [0.10088052, 0.10810090, 0.16451437],
+ [0.09795529, 0.10481182, 0.15916562],
+ [0.09500529, 0.10150871, 0.15383328],
+ [0.09202991, 0.09819083, 0.14851704],
+ [0.08902871, 0.09485748, 0.14321584],
+ [0.08600106, 0.09150787, 0.13792899],
+ [0.08294630, 0.08814114, 0.13265572],
+ [0.07986379, 0.08475645, 0.12739482],
+ [0.07675264, 0.08135279, 0.12214593],
+ [0.07361211, 0.07792919, 0.11690747],
+ [0.07044121, 0.07448455, 0.11167864],
+ [0.06723890, 0.07101767, 0.10645840],
+ [0.06400410, 0.06752732, 0.10124526],
+ [0.06073553, 0.06401210, 0.09603817],
+ [0.05743181, 0.06047052, 0.09083573],
+ [0.05409148, 0.05690097, 0.08563621],
+ [0.05071284, 0.05330166, 0.08043811],
+ [0.04729398, 0.04967062, 0.07523980],
+ [0.04383290, 0.04600573, 0.07003905],
+ [0.04032533, 0.04230459, 0.06483370],
+ [0.03681198, 0.03855880, 0.05962158],
+ [0.03343838, 0.03492349, 0.05439990],
+ [0.03020655, 0.03145663, 0.04916556],
+ [0.02711859, 0.02815891, 0.04391515],
+ [0.02417669, 0.02503115, 0.03863829],
+ [0.02138315, 0.02207428, 0.03360127],
+ [0.01874050, 0.01928945, 0.02894484],
+ [0.01625140, 0.01667799, 0.02466102],
+ [0.01391875, 0.01424146, 0.02074208],
+ [0.01174570, 0.01198170, 0.01718058],
+ [0.00973575, 0.00990088, 0.01396944],
+ [0.00789285, 0.00800160, 0.01110189],
+ [0.00622148, 0.00628698, 0.00857157],
+ [0.00472684, 0.00476083, 0.00637274],
+ [0.00341513, 0.00342790, 0.00450037],
+ [0.00229394, 0.00229426, 0.00295046],
+ [0.00137302, 0.00136800, 0.00172056],
+ [0.00066576, 0.00066063, 0.00081098],
+ [0.00019292, 0.00019060, 0.00022793],
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00024615, 0.00017402, 0.00018678],
+ [0.00087651, 0.00059522, 0.00064582],
+ [0.00186026, 0.00121727, 0.00133402],
+ [0.00319002, 0.00201789, 0.00223163],
+ [0.00486438, 0.00298218, 0.00332572],
+ [0.00688465, 0.00409900, 0.00460664],
+ [0.00925360, 0.00535941, 0.00606670],
+ [0.01197496, 0.00675600, 0.00769941],
+ [0.01505310, 0.00828238, 0.00949915],
+ [0.01849283, 0.00993297, 0.01146086],
+ [0.02229932, 0.01170280, 0.01357993],
+ [0.02647801, 0.01358738, 0.01585207],
+ [0.03103458, 0.01558259, 0.01827322],
+ [0.03597484, 0.01768468, 0.02083953],
+ [0.04128527, 0.01989015, 0.02354726],
+ [0.04663688, 0.02219574, 0.02639278],
+ [0.05195829, 0.02459837, 0.02937254],
+ [0.05725332, 0.02709516, 0.03248304],
+ [0.06252528, 0.02968336, 0.03572079],
+ [0.06777709, 0.03236039, 0.03908234],
+ [0.07301135, 0.03512373, 0.04249786],
+ [0.07823033, 0.03797101, 0.04585147],
+ [0.08343602, 0.04089098, 0.04915452],
+ [0.08863026, 0.04376921, 0.05240871],
+ [0.09381466, 0.04660434, 0.05561550],
+ [0.09899070, 0.04939825, 0.05877621],
+ [0.10415972, 0.05215268, 0.06189196],
+ [0.10932303, 0.05486915, 0.06496371],
+ [0.11448168, 0.05754915, 0.06799237],
+ [0.11963664, 0.06019409, 0.07097870],
+ [0.12478882, 0.06280523, 0.07392337],
+ [0.12993921, 0.06538365, 0.07682690],
+ [0.13508850, 0.06793051, 0.07968980],
+ [0.14023734, 0.07044690, 0.08251252],
+ [0.14538653, 0.07293368, 0.08529534],
+ [0.15053661, 0.07539182, 0.08803858],
+ [0.15568804, 0.07782225, 0.09074250],
+ [0.16084158, 0.08022562, 0.09340714],
+ [0.16599741, 0.08260293, 0.09603279],
+ [0.17115623, 0.08495474, 0.09861938],
+ [0.17631820, 0.08728194, 0.10116707],
+ [0.18148390, 0.08958506, 0.10367575],
+ [0.18665343, 0.09186493, 0.10614548],
+ [0.19182735, 0.09412200, 0.10857605],
+ [0.19700567, 0.09635711, 0.11096751],
+ [0.20218885, 0.09857069, 0.11331960],
+ [0.20737699, 0.10076343, 0.11563220],
+ [0.21257022, 0.10293594, 0.11790518],
+ [0.21776892, 0.10508866, 0.12013818],
+ [0.22297307, 0.10722225, 0.12233107],
+ [0.22818278, 0.10933729, 0.12448359],
+ [0.23339817, 0.11143429, 0.12659544],
+ [0.23861945, 0.11351372, 0.12866624],
+ [0.24384653, 0.11557623, 0.13069576],
+ [0.24907946, 0.11762233, 0.13268366],
+ [0.25431826, 0.11965258, 0.13462958],
+ [0.25956293, 0.12166750, 0.13653315],
+ [0.26481344, 0.12366766, 0.13839399],
+ [0.27006976, 0.12565358, 0.14021170],
+ [0.27533180, 0.12762583, 0.14198589],
+ [0.28059949, 0.12958498, 0.14371614],
+ [0.28587272, 0.13153160, 0.14540202],
+ [0.29115134, 0.13346626, 0.14704313],
+ [0.29643521, 0.13538958, 0.14863902],
+ [0.30172414, 0.13730214, 0.15018927],
+ [0.30701794, 0.13920457, 0.15169344],
+ [0.31231639, 0.14109751, 0.15315110],
+ [0.31761928, 0.14298158, 0.15456179],
+ [0.32292642, 0.14485737, 0.15592496],
+ [0.32823742, 0.14672565, 0.15724032],
+ [0.33355199, 0.14858712, 0.15850743],
+ [0.33886990, 0.15044238, 0.15972574],
+ [0.34419076, 0.15229223, 0.16089488],
+ [0.34951411, 0.15413745, 0.16201454],
+ [0.35483980, 0.15597865, 0.16308405],
+ [0.36016717, 0.15781679, 0.16410329],
+ [0.36549598, 0.15965253, 0.16507166],
+ [0.37082563, 0.16148682, 0.16598898],
+ [0.37615579, 0.16332036, 0.16685469],
+ [0.38148580, 0.16515417, 0.16766869],
+ [0.38681532, 0.16698898, 0.16843040],
+ [0.39214367, 0.16882582, 0.16913973],
+ [0.39747030, 0.17066560, 0.16979641],
+ [0.40279473, 0.17250917, 0.17040000],
+ [0.40811625, 0.17435762, 0.17095048],
+ [0.41343422, 0.17621191, 0.17144765],
+ [0.41874803, 0.17807305, 0.17189132],
+ [0.42405705, 0.17994202, 0.17228129],
+ [0.42936053, 0.18181993, 0.17261758],
+ [0.43465775, 0.18370783, 0.17290016],
+ [0.43994800, 0.18560681, 0.17312900],
+ [0.44523052, 0.18751796, 0.17330414],
+ [0.45050455, 0.18944239, 0.17342567],
+ [0.45576931, 0.19138122, 0.17349371],
+ [0.46102401, 0.19333559, 0.17350844],
+ [0.46626782, 0.19530663, 0.17347009],
+ [0.47149993, 0.19729549, 0.17337894],
+ [0.47671950, 0.19930331, 0.17323530],
+ [0.48192569, 0.20133125, 0.17303958],
+ [0.48711764, 0.20338044, 0.17279218],
+ [0.49229449, 0.20545203, 0.17249361],
+ [0.49745539, 0.20754714, 0.17214440],
+ [0.50259949, 0.20966688, 0.17174506],
+ [0.50772591, 0.21181236, 0.17129632],
+ [0.51283378, 0.21398469, 0.17079886],
+ [0.51792224, 0.21618491, 0.17025344],
+ [0.52299045, 0.21841406, 0.16966083],
+ [0.52803758, 0.22067316, 0.16902184],
+ [0.53306277, 0.22296319, 0.16833743],
+ [0.53806522, 0.22528511, 0.16760853],
+ [0.54304412, 0.22763981, 0.16683608],
+ [0.54799868, 0.23002817, 0.16602113],
+ [0.55292813, 0.23245103, 0.16516477],
+ [0.55783173, 0.23490917, 0.16426807],
+ [0.56270875, 0.23740332, 0.16333217],
+ [0.56755850, 0.23993418, 0.16235825],
+ [0.57238029, 0.24250238, 0.16134750],
+ [0.57717348, 0.24510851, 0.16030114],
+ [0.58193746, 0.24775310, 0.15922042],
+ [0.58667165, 0.25043664, 0.15810659],
+ [0.59137548, 0.25315955, 0.15696096],
+ [0.59604843, 0.25592219, 0.15578480],
+ [0.60069003, 0.25872487, 0.15457938],
+ [0.60529979, 0.26156787, 0.15334610],
+ [0.60987733, 0.26445137, 0.15208620],
+ [0.61442224, 0.26737554, 0.15080101],
+ [0.61893416, 0.27034047, 0.14949185],
+ [0.62341279, 0.27334621, 0.14816010],
+ [0.62785784, 0.27639275, 0.14680699],
+ [0.63226905, 0.27948004, 0.14543385],
+ [0.63664621, 0.28260800, 0.14404197],
+ [0.64098913, 0.28577648, 0.14263274],
+ [0.64529766, 0.28898529, 0.14120738],
+ [0.64957166, 0.29223423, 0.13976716],
+ [0.65381105, 0.29552304, 0.13831336],
+ [0.65801576, 0.29885142, 0.13684725],
+ [0.66218574, 0.30221905, 0.13537010],
+ [0.66632098, 0.30562559, 0.13388318],
+ [0.67042148, 0.30907066, 0.13238773],
+ [0.67448729, 0.31255384, 0.13088503],
+ [0.67851846, 0.31607473, 0.12937632],
+ [0.68251505, 0.31963288, 0.12786285],
+ [0.68647718, 0.32322782, 0.12634591],
+ [0.69040493, 0.32685910, 0.12482673],
+ [0.69429846, 0.33052621, 0.12330661],
+ [0.69815790, 0.33422868, 0.12178683],
+ [0.70198340, 0.33796599, 0.12026868],
+ [0.70577514, 0.34173764, 0.11875347],
+ [0.70953331, 0.34554309, 0.11724277],
+ [0.71325810, 0.34938183, 0.11573784],
+ [0.71694971, 0.35325337, 0.11423999],
+ [0.72060834, 0.35715718, 0.11275072],
+ [0.72423425, 0.36109269, 0.11127184],
+ [0.72782762, 0.36505946, 0.10980449],
+ [0.73138870, 0.36905693, 0.10835048],
+ [0.73491775, 0.37308460, 0.10691154],
+ [0.73841496, 0.37714200, 0.10548912],
+ [0.74188065, 0.38122856, 0.10408544],
+ [0.74531498, 0.38534389, 0.10270186],
+ [0.74871828, 0.38948741, 0.10134077],
+ [0.75209074, 0.39365872, 0.10000384],
+ [0.75543264, 0.39785734, 0.09869323],
+ [0.75874426, 0.40208277, 0.09741133],
+ [0.76202578, 0.40633464, 0.09615999],
+ [0.76527751, 0.41061247, 0.09494179],
+ [0.76849973, 0.41491579, 0.09375926],
+ [0.77169263, 0.41924427, 0.09261462],
+ [0.77485646, 0.42359748, 0.09151047],
+ [0.77799148, 0.42797503, 0.09044948],
+ [0.78109800, 0.43237646, 0.08943468],
+ [0.78417621, 0.43680146, 0.08846857],
+ [0.78722634, 0.44124968, 0.08755401],
+ [0.79024865, 0.44572074, 0.08669390],
+ [0.79324337, 0.45021432, 0.08589118],
+ [0.79621073, 0.45473007, 0.08514882],
+ [0.79915097, 0.45926767, 0.08446980],
+ [0.80206433, 0.46382681, 0.08385706],
+ [0.80495101, 0.46840720, 0.08331354],
+ [0.80781125, 0.47300854, 0.08284214],
+ [0.81064525, 0.47763056, 0.08244567],
+ [0.81345329, 0.48227294, 0.08212705],
+ [0.81623558, 0.48693542, 0.08188894],
+ [0.81899227, 0.49161779, 0.08173368],
+ [0.82172356, 0.49631982, 0.08166363],
+ [0.82442963, 0.50104128, 0.08168096],
+ [0.82711088, 0.50578179, 0.08178822],
+ [0.82976733, 0.51054129, 0.08198674],
+ [0.83239912, 0.51531958, 0.08227805],
+ [0.83500666, 0.52011631, 0.08266403],
+ [0.83758998, 0.52493140, 0.08314546],
+ [0.84014922, 0.52976470, 0.08372309],
+ [0.84268481, 0.53461583, 0.08439814],
+ [0.84519660, 0.53948489, 0.08517024],
+ [0.84768513, 0.54437144, 0.08604030],
+ [0.85015020, 0.54927557, 0.08700745],
+ [0.85259236, 0.55419689, 0.08807206],
+ [0.85501137, 0.55913552, 0.08923280],
+ [0.85740788, 0.56409100, 0.09048973],
+ [0.85978161, 0.56906349, 0.09184109],
+ [0.86213299, 0.57405268, 0.09328617],
+ [0.86446212, 0.57905850, 0.09482352],
+ [0.86676901, 0.58408094, 0.09645145],
+ [0.86905411, 0.58911967, 0.09816879],
+ [0.87131737, 0.59417472, 0.09997355],
+ [0.87355889, 0.59924605, 0.10186383],
+ [0.87577894, 0.60433346, 0.10383795],
+ [0.87797777, 0.60943682, 0.10589408],
+ [0.88015531, 0.61455616, 0.10803004],
+ [0.88231174, 0.61969139, 0.11024385],
+ [0.88444721, 0.62484242, 0.11253354],
+ [0.88656198, 0.63000910, 0.11489725],
+ [0.88865616, 0.63519140, 0.11733295],
+ [0.89072981, 0.64038930, 0.11983860],
+ [0.89278305, 0.64560273, 0.12241226],
+ [0.89481603, 0.65083165, 0.12505206],
+ [0.89682888, 0.65607599, 0.12775614],
+ [0.89882174, 0.66133572, 0.13052269],
+ [0.90079473, 0.66661079, 0.13334997],
+ [0.90274797, 0.67190115, 0.13623626],
+ [0.90468160, 0.67720678, 0.13917993],
+ [0.90659573, 0.68252766, 0.14217936],
+ [0.90849047, 0.68786374, 0.14523303],
+ [0.91036594, 0.69321503, 0.14833946],
+ [0.91222224, 0.69858150, 0.15149722],
+ [0.91405947, 0.70396314, 0.15470495],
+ [0.91587775, 0.70935994, 0.15796133],
+ [0.91767716, 0.71477191, 0.16126513],
+ [0.91945779, 0.72019905, 0.16461513],
+ [0.92121989, 0.72564129, 0.16801025],
+ [0.92296355, 0.73109863, 0.17144936],
+ [0.92468872, 0.73657116, 0.17493140],
+ [0.92639549, 0.74205889, 0.17845535],
+ [0.92808393, 0.74756185, 0.18202028],
+ [0.92975424, 0.75308000, 0.18562529],
+ [0.93140669, 0.75861327, 0.18926956],
+ [0.93304103, 0.76416185, 0.19295219],
+ [0.93465733, 0.76972578, 0.19667241],
+ [0.93625590, 0.77530497, 0.20042949],
+ [0.93783688, 0.78089942, 0.20422272],
+ [0.93939998, 0.78650935, 0.20805139],
+ [0.94094543, 0.79213474, 0.21191486],
+ [0.94247364, 0.79777544, 0.21581253],
+ [0.94398413, 0.80343178, 0.21974379],
+ [0.94547723, 0.80910368, 0.22370807],
+ [0.94695317, 0.81479110, 0.22770486],
+ [0.94841148, 0.82049435, 0.23173362],
+ [0.94985293, 0.82621317, 0.23579388],
+ [0.95127696, 0.83194788, 0.23988517],
+ [0.95268386, 0.83769845, 0.24400704],
+ [0.95407377, 0.84346490, 0.24815906],
+ [0.95544635, 0.84924747, 0.25234084],
+ [0.95680225, 0.85504596, 0.25655197],
+ [0.95814072, 0.86086080, 0.26079212],
+ [0.95946267, 0.86669168, 0.26506089],
+ [0.96076719, 0.87253909, 0.26935799],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.iceburn', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.iceburn", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/infinity/infinity.py b/cmasher/colormaps/infinity/infinity.py
index 736a0d6a..56aef056 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/infinity/infinity.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/infinity/infinity.py
@@ -1,553 +1,555 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'cyclic'
+cm_type = "cyclic"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.34562389, 0.02586483, 0.44469337],
- [0.34662364, 0.02856456, 0.45048271],
- [0.34758271, 0.03140511, 0.45625461],
- [0.34850028, 0.03439273, 0.46200741],
- [0.34937554, 0.03753382, 0.46773936],
- [0.35020766, 0.04082743, 0.47344871],
- [0.35099580, 0.04413799, 0.47913364],
- [0.35173911, 0.04745548, 0.48479230],
- [0.35243671, 0.05078320, 0.49042278],
- [0.35308773, 0.05412401, 0.49602315],
- [0.35369129, 0.05748042, 0.50159143],
- [0.35424649, 0.06085465, 0.50712559],
- [0.35475242, 0.06424862, 0.51262358],
- [0.35520816, 0.06766402, 0.51808337],
- [0.35561279, 0.07110236, 0.52350282],
- [0.35596543, 0.07456492, 0.52887974],
- [0.35626513, 0.07805281, 0.53421195],
- [0.35651100, 0.08156699, 0.53949724],
- [0.35670211, 0.08510828, 0.54473337],
- [0.35683754, 0.08867734, 0.54991812],
- [0.35691632, 0.09227474, 0.55504934],
- [0.35693762, 0.09590090, 0.56012461],
- [0.35690054, 0.09955611, 0.56514165],
- [0.35680420, 0.10324058, 0.57009818],
- [0.35664765, 0.10695446, 0.57499204],
- [0.35643011, 0.11069770, 0.57982082],
- [0.35615075, 0.11447023, 0.58458223],
- [0.35580871, 0.11827187, 0.58927410],
- [0.35540320, 0.12210237, 0.59389418],
- [0.35493350, 0.12596134, 0.59844017],
- [0.35439881, 0.12984838, 0.60290997],
- [0.35379843, 0.13376297, 0.60730143],
- [0.35313176, 0.13770450, 0.61161236],
- [0.35239803, 0.14167236, 0.61584083],
- [0.35159675, 0.14566578, 0.61998473],
- [0.35072731, 0.14968397, 0.62404215],
- [0.34978919, 0.15372608, 0.62801123],
- [0.34878197, 0.15779116, 0.63189011],
- [0.34770513, 0.16187828, 0.63567713],
- [0.34655843, 0.16598633, 0.63937056],
- [0.34534141, 0.17011430, 0.64296892],
- [0.34405395, 0.17426098, 0.64647067],
- [0.34269571, 0.17842524, 0.64987450],
- [0.34126665, 0.18260580, 0.65317909],
- [0.33976661, 0.18680144, 0.65638334],
- [0.33819563, 0.19101083, 0.65948616],
- [0.33655366, 0.19523267, 0.66248666],
- [0.33484091, 0.19946555, 0.66538399],
- [0.33305743, 0.20370816, 0.66817752],
- [0.33120355, 0.20795903, 0.67086665],
- [0.32927949, 0.21221680, 0.67345097],
- [0.32728566, 0.21648000, 0.67593018],
- [0.32522246, 0.22074723, 0.67830410],
- [0.32309038, 0.22501704, 0.68057270],
- [0.32088997, 0.22928800, 0.68273607],
- [0.31862184, 0.23355869, 0.68479443],
- [0.31628667, 0.23782768, 0.68674815],
- [0.31388519, 0.24209358, 0.68859770],
- [0.31141817, 0.24635499, 0.69034370],
- [0.30888649, 0.25061056, 0.69198686],
- [0.30629101, 0.25485894, 0.69352806],
- [0.30363270, 0.25909881, 0.69496825],
- [0.30091255, 0.26332890, 0.69630853],
- [0.29813158, 0.26754796, 0.69755008],
- [0.29529091, 0.27175477, 0.69869420],
- [0.29239161, 0.27594817, 0.69974228],
- [0.28943490, 0.28012700, 0.70069583],
- [0.28642189, 0.28429021, 0.70155640],
- [0.28335390, 0.28843672, 0.70232567],
- [0.28023206, 0.29256557, 0.70300535],
- [0.27705778, 0.29667575, 0.70359729],
- [0.27383219, 0.30076644, 0.70410330],
- [0.27055678, 0.30483670, 0.70452538],
- [0.26723268, 0.30888581, 0.70486543],
- [0.26386142, 0.31291294, 0.70512556],
- [0.26044415, 0.31691746, 0.70530775],
- [0.25698240, 0.32089866, 0.70541417],
- [0.25347737, 0.32485600, 0.70544689],
- [0.24993053, 0.32878887, 0.70540809],
- [0.24634316, 0.33269682, 0.70529992],
- [0.24271660, 0.33657937, 0.70512453],
- [0.23905230, 0.34043611, 0.70488415],
- [0.23535140, 0.34426673, 0.70458088],
- [0.23161548, 0.34807083, 0.70421699],
- [0.22784566, 0.35184822, 0.70379456],
- [0.22404325, 0.35559866, 0.70331575],
- [0.22020973, 0.35932193, 0.70278277],
- [0.21634615, 0.36301793, 0.70219762],
- [0.21245388, 0.36668655, 0.70156243],
- [0.20853426, 0.37032768, 0.70087932],
- [0.20458837, 0.37394135, 0.70015021],
- [0.20061743, 0.37752755, 0.69937712],
- [0.19662292, 0.38108625, 0.69856211],
- [0.19260579, 0.38461758, 0.69770698],
- [0.18856723, 0.38812164, 0.69681362],
- [0.18450850, 0.39159853, 0.69588389],
- [0.18043091, 0.39504837, 0.69491965],
- [0.17633546, 0.39847138, 0.69392254],
- [0.17222333, 0.40186775, 0.69289429],
- [0.16809572, 0.40523768, 0.69183654],
- [0.16395391, 0.40858141, 0.69075094],
- [0.15979912, 0.41189918, 0.68963907],
- [0.15563249, 0.41519128, 0.68850238],
- [0.15145525, 0.41845800, 0.68734232],
- [0.14726872, 0.42169965, 0.68616032],
- [0.14307423, 0.42491653, 0.68495774],
- [0.13887316, 0.42810897, 0.68373588],
- [0.13466699, 0.43127732, 0.68249600],
- [0.13045731, 0.43442189, 0.68123936],
- [0.12624573, 0.43754307, 0.67996710],
- [0.12203396, 0.44064121, 0.67868030],
- [0.11782391, 0.44371669, 0.67738005],
- [0.11361764, 0.44676988, 0.67606736],
- [0.10941742, 0.44980117, 0.67474319],
- [0.10522574, 0.45281094, 0.67340848],
- [0.10104539, 0.45579957, 0.67206410],
- [0.09687947, 0.45876745, 0.67071090],
- [0.09273145, 0.46171499, 0.66934964],
- [0.08860527, 0.46464257, 0.66798109],
- [0.08450540, 0.46755058, 0.66660594],
- [0.08043693, 0.47043942, 0.66522486],
- [0.07640567, 0.47330949, 0.66383845],
- [0.07241840, 0.47616115, 0.66244736],
- [0.06848267, 0.47899481, 0.66105206],
- [0.06460729, 0.48181086, 0.65965307],
- [0.06080242, 0.48460968, 0.65825084],
- [0.05707972, 0.48739166, 0.65684580],
- [0.05345261, 0.49015717, 0.65543833],
- [0.04993647, 0.49290658, 0.65402878],
- [0.04654883, 0.49564027, 0.65261747],
- [0.04330975, 0.49835858, 0.65120475],
- [0.04023822, 0.50106188, 0.64979083],
- [0.03738642, 0.50375053, 0.64837590],
- [0.03486310, 0.50642489, 0.64696015],
- [0.03266695, 0.50908528, 0.64554373],
- [0.03079677, 0.51173204, 0.64412679],
- [0.02925145, 0.51436550, 0.64270949],
- [0.02802961, 0.51698598, 0.64129180],
- [0.02713016, 0.51959381, 0.63987377],
- [0.02655212, 0.52218930, 0.63845541],
- [0.02629480, 0.52477272, 0.63703680],
- [0.02635722, 0.52734438, 0.63561782],
- [0.02673867, 0.52990459, 0.63419839],
- [0.02743862, 0.53245360, 0.63277842],
- [0.02845690, 0.53499168, 0.63135792],
- [0.02979303, 0.53751910, 0.62993663],
- [0.03144695, 0.54003613, 0.62851439],
- [0.03341884, 0.54254298, 0.62709109],
- [0.03570902, 0.54503991, 0.62566653],
- [0.03831785, 0.54752713, 0.62424043],
- [0.04122823, 0.55000488, 0.62281256],
- [0.04431654, 0.55247335, 0.62138277],
- [0.04756227, 0.55493275, 0.61995065],
- [0.05094498, 0.55738326, 0.61851595],
- [0.05444681, 0.55982506, 0.61707845],
- [0.05805198, 0.56225834, 0.61563771],
- [0.06174701, 0.56468324, 0.61419343],
- [0.06552035, 0.56709991, 0.61274532],
- [0.06936200, 0.56950851, 0.61129292],
- [0.07326356, 0.57190915, 0.60983590],
- [0.07721790, 0.57430196, 0.60837391],
- [0.08121897, 0.57668705, 0.60690646],
- [0.08526173, 0.57906451, 0.60543322],
- [0.08934194, 0.58143444, 0.60395375],
- [0.09345609, 0.58379692, 0.60246758],
- [0.09760129, 0.58615201, 0.60097437],
- [0.10177516, 0.58849977, 0.59947359],
- [0.10597578, 0.59084024, 0.59796484],
- [0.11020163, 0.59317346, 0.59644767],
- [0.11445153, 0.59549946, 0.59492157],
- [0.11872457, 0.59781824, 0.59338619],
- [0.12302012, 0.60012981, 0.59184097],
- [0.12733773, 0.60243416, 0.59028550],
- [0.13167716, 0.60473128, 0.58871932],
- [0.13603834, 0.60702112, 0.58714194],
- [0.14042129, 0.60930366, 0.58555296],
- [0.14482622, 0.61157883, 0.58395187],
- [0.14925338, 0.61384658, 0.58233827],
- [0.15370314, 0.61610682, 0.58071168],
- [0.15817595, 0.61835948, 0.57907167],
- [0.16267228, 0.62060446, 0.57741784],
- [0.16719270, 0.62284166, 0.57574972],
- [0.17173780, 0.62507094, 0.57406696],
- [0.17630822, 0.62729220, 0.57236910],
- [0.18090461, 0.62950529, 0.57065580],
- [0.18552766, 0.63171007, 0.56892666],
- [0.19017806, 0.63390638, 0.56718131],
- [0.19485653, 0.63609404, 0.56541944],
- [0.19956378, 0.63827289, 0.56364067],
- [0.20430052, 0.64044274, 0.56184475],
- [0.20906749, 0.64260339, 0.56003132],
- [0.21386536, 0.64475464, 0.55820017],
- [0.21869487, 0.64689628, 0.55635100],
- [0.22355669, 0.64902809, 0.55448361],
- [0.22845149, 0.65114983, 0.55259777],
- [0.23337994, 0.65326127, 0.55069331],
- [0.23834266, 0.65536217, 0.54877007],
- [0.24334027, 0.65745228, 0.54682791],
- [0.24837334, 0.65953133, 0.54486675],
- [0.25344245, 0.66159907, 0.54288649],
- [0.25854812, 0.66365522, 0.54088710],
- [0.26369087, 0.66569951, 0.53886855],
- [0.26887114, 0.66773165, 0.53683086],
- [0.27408939, 0.66975137, 0.53477409],
- [0.27934601, 0.67175837, 0.53269831],
- [0.28464137, 0.67375236, 0.53060364],
- [0.28997579, 0.67573304, 0.52849022],
- [0.29534956, 0.67770012, 0.52635826],
- [0.30076295, 0.67965329, 0.52420796],
- [0.30621614, 0.68159225, 0.52203961],
- [0.31170934, 0.68351669, 0.51985346],
- [0.31724262, 0.68542632, 0.51764991],
- [0.32281614, 0.68732083, 0.51542927],
- [0.32842988, 0.68919991, 0.51319202],
- [0.33408390, 0.69106326, 0.51093856],
- [0.33977811, 0.69291058, 0.50866944],
- [0.34551247, 0.69474158, 0.50638514],
- [0.35128681, 0.69655596, 0.50408629],
- [0.35710101, 0.69835342, 0.50177347],
- [0.36295482, 0.70013369, 0.49944737],
- [0.36884802, 0.70189649, 0.49710866],
- [0.37478028, 0.70364153, 0.49475812],
- [0.38075129, 0.70536854, 0.49239650],
- [0.38676065, 0.70707728, 0.49002464],
- [0.39280796, 0.70876747, 0.48764340],
- [0.39889274, 0.71043889, 0.48525368],
- [0.40501452, 0.71209128, 0.48285641],
- [0.41117273, 0.71372442, 0.48045261],
- [0.41736684, 0.71533810, 0.47804322],
- [0.42359617, 0.71693210, 0.47562940],
- [0.42986019, 0.71850623, 0.47321210],
- [0.43615806, 0.72006032, 0.47079260],
- [0.44248928, 0.72159416, 0.46837186],
- [0.44885284, 0.72310763, 0.46595132],
- [0.45524826, 0.72460055, 0.46353192],
- [0.46167448, 0.72607283, 0.46111514],
- [0.46813089, 0.72752430, 0.45870207],
- [0.47461652, 0.72895487, 0.45629409],
- [0.48113050, 0.73036447, 0.45389255],
- [0.48767212, 0.73175297, 0.45149859],
- [0.49424010, 0.73312038, 0.44911393],
- [0.50083391, 0.73446657, 0.44673958],
- [0.50745241, 0.73579156, 0.44437710],
- [0.51409461, 0.73709532, 0.44202794],
- [0.52075980, 0.73837781, 0.43969328],
- [0.52744667, 0.73963908, 0.43737484],
- [0.53415445, 0.74087914, 0.43507389],
- [0.54088229, 0.74209798, 0.43279172],
- [0.54762890, 0.74329573, 0.43053004],
- [0.55439343, 0.74447241, 0.42829017],
- [0.56117510, 0.74562806, 0.42607338],
- [0.56797283, 0.74676279, 0.42388118],
- [0.57478535, 0.74787678, 0.42171525],
- [0.58161210, 0.74897003, 0.41957666],
- [0.58845213, 0.75004269, 0.41746681],
- [0.59530450, 0.75109488, 0.41538710],
- [0.59745363, 0.74791864, 0.40849571],
- [0.59964866, 0.74471595, 0.40163675],
- [0.60188578, 0.74148732, 0.39481127],
- [0.60416126, 0.73823330, 0.38802027],
- [0.60647145, 0.73495441, 0.38126463],
- [0.60881281, 0.73165121, 0.37454521],
- [0.61118191, 0.72832424, 0.36786276],
- [0.61357542, 0.72497405, 0.36121798],
- [0.61599012, 0.72160118, 0.35461152],
- [0.61842291, 0.71820619, 0.34804393],
- [0.62087079, 0.71478963, 0.34151573],
- [0.62333090, 0.71135203, 0.33502737],
- [0.62580046, 0.70789393, 0.32857923],
- [0.62827684, 0.70441587, 0.32217167],
- [0.63075749, 0.70091839, 0.31580495],
- [0.63324000, 0.69740199, 0.30947932],
- [0.63572205, 0.69386720, 0.30319497],
- [0.63820142, 0.69031453, 0.29695204],
- [0.64067602, 0.68674448, 0.29075063],
- [0.64314383, 0.68315754, 0.28459080],
- [0.64560297, 0.67955420, 0.27847256],
- [0.64805161, 0.67593493, 0.27239590],
- [0.65048803, 0.67230022, 0.26636077],
- [0.65291062, 0.66865051, 0.26036708],
- [0.65531781, 0.66498626, 0.25441472],
- [0.65770815, 0.66130791, 0.24850353],
- [0.66008025, 0.65761591, 0.24263335],
- [0.66243280, 0.65391067, 0.23680397],
- [0.66476456, 0.65019262, 0.23101517],
- [0.66707436, 0.64646217, 0.22526669],
- [0.66936110, 0.64271973, 0.21955827],
- [0.67162373, 0.63896568, 0.21388960],
- [0.67386127, 0.63520042, 0.20826038],
- [0.67607279, 0.63142432, 0.20267027],
- [0.67825741, 0.62763776, 0.19711891],
- [0.68041433, 0.62384112, 0.19160594],
- [0.68254276, 0.62003473, 0.18613098],
- [0.68464198, 0.61621896, 0.18069361],
- [0.68671129, 0.61239416, 0.17529344],
- [0.68875007, 0.60856066, 0.16993003],
- [0.69075769, 0.60471880, 0.16460294],
- [0.69273361, 0.60086891, 0.15931173],
- [0.69467728, 0.59701130, 0.15405595],
- [0.69658820, 0.59314631, 0.14883512],
- [0.69846591, 0.58927423, 0.14364878],
- [0.70030998, 0.58539537, 0.13849646],
- [0.70211999, 0.58151004, 0.13337769],
- [0.70389556, 0.57761854, 0.12829199],
- [0.70563633, 0.57372115, 0.12323892],
- [0.70734196, 0.56981817, 0.11821801],
- [0.70901214, 0.56590989, 0.11322884],
- [0.71064658, 0.56199659, 0.10827100],
- [0.71224501, 0.55807854, 0.10334411],
- [0.71380717, 0.55415603, 0.09844782],
- [0.71533282, 0.55022931, 0.09358186],
- [0.71682174, 0.54629868, 0.08874602],
- [0.71827373, 0.54236438, 0.08394014],
- [0.71968859, 0.53842669, 0.07916423],
- [0.72106615, 0.53448588, 0.07441838],
- [0.72240623, 0.53054219, 0.06970290],
- [0.72370869, 0.52659590, 0.06501828],
- [0.72497338, 0.52264725, 0.06036533],
- [0.72620016, 0.51869652, 0.05574518],
- [0.72738891, 0.51474395, 0.05115942],
- [0.72853952, 0.51078980, 0.04661021],
- [0.72965185, 0.50683433, 0.04210044],
- [0.73072583, 0.50287779, 0.03764481],
- [0.73176134, 0.49892044, 0.03347865],
- [0.73275830, 0.49496254, 0.02964124],
- [0.73371662, 0.49100435, 0.02612362],
- [0.73463622, 0.48704613, 0.02291712],
- [0.73551701, 0.48308813, 0.02001339],
- [0.73635891, 0.47913063, 0.01740441],
- [0.73716187, 0.47517389, 0.01508244],
- [0.73792579, 0.47121818, 0.01304004],
- [0.73865061, 0.46726377, 0.01127011],
- [0.73933627, 0.46331094, 0.00976579],
- [0.73998269, 0.45935997, 0.00852056],
- [0.74058980, 0.45541115, 0.00752817],
- [0.74115754, 0.45146475, 0.00678264],
- [0.74168586, 0.44752106, 0.00627833],
- [0.74217467, 0.44358041, 0.00600982],
- [0.74262389, 0.43964309, 0.00597198],
- [0.74303344, 0.43570943, 0.00615997],
- [0.74340324, 0.43177974, 0.00656919],
- [0.74373322, 0.42785436, 0.00719535],
- [0.74402330, 0.42393363, 0.00803440],
- [0.74427344, 0.42001784, 0.00908263],
- [0.74448350, 0.41610741, 0.01033645],
- [0.74465338, 0.41220270, 0.01179258],
- [0.74478298, 0.40830408, 0.01344801],
- [0.74487224, 0.40441194, 0.01530000],
- [0.74492107, 0.40052664, 0.01734612],
- [0.74492931, 0.39664864, 0.01958398],
- [0.74489686, 0.39277837, 0.02201155],
- [0.74482361, 0.38891625, 0.02462706],
- [0.74470949, 0.38506269, 0.02742907],
- [0.74455431, 0.38121823, 0.03041608],
- [0.74435794, 0.37738333, 0.03358699],
- [0.74412032, 0.37355844, 0.03694108],
- [0.74384125, 0.36974411, 0.04047707],
- [0.74352060, 0.36594089, 0.04403810],
- [0.74315827, 0.36214926, 0.04759008],
- [0.74275408, 0.35836983, 0.05113184],
- [0.74230786, 0.35460319, 0.05466264],
- [0.74181955, 0.35084987, 0.05818238],
- [0.74128892, 0.34711054, 0.06169080],
- [0.74071585, 0.34338581, 0.06518807],
- [0.74010021, 0.33967630, 0.06867458],
- [0.73944179, 0.33598274, 0.07215054],
- [0.73874053, 0.33230572, 0.07561664],
- [0.73799622, 0.32864601, 0.07907326],
- [0.73720874, 0.32500428, 0.08252106],
- [0.73637795, 0.32138127, 0.08596065],
- [0.73550371, 0.31777773, 0.08939260],
- [0.73458592, 0.31419439, 0.09281763],
- [0.73362442, 0.31063206, 0.09623623],
- [0.73261915, 0.30709147, 0.09964914],
- [0.73156995, 0.30357347, 0.10305681],
- [0.73047677, 0.30007880, 0.10645992],
- [0.72933951, 0.29660833, 0.10985888],
- [0.72815812, 0.29316282, 0.11325429],
- [0.72693252, 0.28974314, 0.11664650],
- [0.72566270, 0.28635007, 0.12003601],
- [0.72434861, 0.28298446, 0.12342311],
- [0.72299027, 0.27964713, 0.12680819],
- [0.72158768, 0.27633890, 0.13019147],
- [0.72014088, 0.27306058, 0.13357321],
- [0.71864991, 0.26981298, 0.13695358],
- [0.71711487, 0.26659690, 0.14033271],
- [0.71553584, 0.26341311, 0.14371068],
- [0.71391294, 0.26026239, 0.14708751],
- [0.71224633, 0.25714548, 0.15046319],
- [0.71053618, 0.25406311, 0.15383765],
- [0.70878268, 0.25101599, 0.15721074],
- [0.70698605, 0.24800478, 0.16058236],
- [0.70514655, 0.24503015, 0.16395220],
- [0.70326444, 0.24209269, 0.16732011],
- [0.70134003, 0.23919303, 0.17068565],
- [0.69937366, 0.23633166, 0.17404863],
- [0.69736567, 0.23350914, 0.17740850],
- [0.69531644, 0.23072589, 0.18076502],
- [0.69322638, 0.22798239, 0.18411751],
- [0.69109593, 0.22527896, 0.18746570],
- [0.68892554, 0.22261599, 0.19080884],
- [0.68671569, 0.21999373, 0.19414658],
- [0.68446688, 0.21741245, 0.19747816],
- [0.68217965, 0.21487231, 0.20080310],
- [0.67985454, 0.21237346, 0.20412072],
- [0.67749211, 0.20991599, 0.20743034],
- [0.67509296, 0.20749993, 0.21073145],
- [0.67265770, 0.20512528, 0.21402307],
- [0.67018694, 0.20279196, 0.21730480],
- [0.66768132, 0.20049984, 0.22057586],
- [0.66514150, 0.19824876, 0.22383540],
- [0.66256814, 0.19603850, 0.22708294],
- [0.65996192, 0.19386878, 0.23031767],
- [0.65732353, 0.19173929, 0.23353874],
- [0.65465367, 0.18964964, 0.23674566],
- [0.65195303, 0.18759942, 0.23993771],
- [0.64922235, 0.18558818, 0.24311402],
- [0.64646234, 0.18361540, 0.24627398],
- [0.64367372, 0.18168054, 0.24941698],
- [0.64085720, 0.17978299, 0.25254236],
- [0.63801353, 0.17792214, 0.25564946],
- [0.63514345, 0.17609730, 0.25873749],
- [0.63224769, 0.17430779, 0.26180591],
- [0.62932696, 0.17255286, 0.26485416],
- [0.62638200, 0.17083174, 0.26788164],
- [0.62341354, 0.16914363, 0.27088778],
- [0.62042231, 0.16748770, 0.27387203],
- [0.61740902, 0.16586310, 0.27683384],
- [0.61437439, 0.16426895, 0.27977271],
- [0.61131915, 0.16270436, 0.28268815],
- [0.60824398, 0.16116839, 0.28557968],
- [0.60514960, 0.15966012, 0.28844688],
- [0.60203670, 0.15817857, 0.29128932],
- [0.59890597, 0.15672279, 0.29410661],
- [0.59575808, 0.15529179, 0.29689838],
- [0.59259371, 0.15388457, 0.29966431],
- [0.58941352, 0.15250012, 0.30240407],
- [0.58621817, 0.15113744, 0.30511737],
- [0.58300835, 0.14979546, 0.30780373],
- [0.57978466, 0.14847318, 0.31046311],
- [0.57654773, 0.14716958, 0.31309531],
- [0.57329818, 0.14588361, 0.31570015],
- [0.57003662, 0.14461423, 0.31827746],
- [0.56676373, 0.14336034, 0.32082677],
- [0.56348002, 0.14212096, 0.32334832],
- [0.56018609, 0.14089503, 0.32584204],
- [0.55688255, 0.13968148, 0.32830766],
- [0.55356999, 0.13847925, 0.33074513],
- [0.55024889, 0.13728734, 0.33315468],
- [0.54691986, 0.13610466, 0.33553610],
- [0.54358346, 0.13493016, 0.33788942],
- [0.54024014, 0.13376286, 0.34021499],
- [0.53689055, 0.13260160, 0.34251240],
- [0.53353508, 0.13144544, 0.34478225],
- [0.53017432, 0.13029329, 0.34702441],
- [0.52680874, 0.12914411, 0.34923912],
- [0.52343880, 0.12799687, 0.35142664],
- [0.52006505, 0.12685049, 0.35358704],
- [0.51668788, 0.12570398, 0.35572074],
- [0.51330782, 0.12455623, 0.35782784],
- [0.50992528, 0.12340624, 0.35990879],
- [0.50654072, 0.12225292, 0.36196384],
- [0.50315461, 0.12109521, 0.36399329],
- [0.49976729, 0.11993208, 0.36599774],
- [0.49637931, 0.11876236, 0.36797719],
- [0.49299095, 0.11758507, 0.36993252],
- [0.48960272, 0.11639903, 0.37186385],
- [0.48621497, 0.11520316, 0.37377178],
- [0.48282803, 0.11399635, 0.37565700],
- [0.47944243, 0.11277736, 0.37751962],
- [0.47605842, 0.11154509, 0.37936053],
- [0.47267636, 0.11029836, 0.38118036],
- [0.46929671, 0.10903587, 0.38297941],
- [0.46591975, 0.10775639, 0.38475851],
- [0.46254581, 0.10645866, 0.38651839],
- [0.45917524, 0.10514132, 0.38825969],
- [0.45580845, 0.10380293, 0.38998289],
- [0.45244567, 0.10244212, 0.39168900],
- [0.44908722, 0.10105740, 0.39337875],
- [0.44573342, 0.09964720, 0.39505294],
- [0.44238465, 0.09820983, 0.39671216],
- [0.43904114, 0.09674364, 0.39835742],
- [0.43570319, 0.09524681, 0.39998961],
- [0.43237108, 0.09371743, 0.40160962],
- [0.42904511, 0.09215348, 0.40321835],
- [0.42572557, 0.09055279, 0.40481668],
- [0.42241277, 0.08891303, 0.40640552],
- [0.41910693, 0.08723176, 0.40798597],
- [0.41580833, 0.08550631, 0.40955904],
- [0.41251723, 0.08373380, 0.41112576],
- [0.40923392, 0.08191112, 0.41268721],
- [0.40595864, 0.08003485, 0.41424446],
- [0.40269167, 0.07810126, 0.41579865],
- [0.39943327, 0.07610625, 0.41735090],
- [0.39618370, 0.07404528, 0.41890239],
- [0.39294325, 0.07191330, 0.42045428],
- [0.38971217, 0.06970469, 0.42200783],
- [0.38649072, 0.06741312, 0.42356430],
- [0.38327919, 0.06503140, 0.42512500],
- [0.38007785, 0.06255137, 0.42669122],
- [0.37688698, 0.05996364, 0.42826431],
- [0.37370687, 0.05725733, 0.42984566],
- [0.37053784, 0.05441971, 0.43143666],
- [0.36738018, 0.05143574, 0.43303877],
- [0.36423422, 0.04828739, 0.43465347],
- [0.36110029, 0.04495279, 0.43628226],
- [0.35797874, 0.04140492, 0.43792669],
- [0.35486994, 0.03762124, 0.43958837],
- [0.35177425, 0.03375967, 0.44126892],
- [0.34869210, 0.02984150, 0.44297001]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.34562389, 0.02586483, 0.44469337],
+ [0.34662364, 0.02856456, 0.45048271],
+ [0.34758271, 0.03140511, 0.45625461],
+ [0.34850028, 0.03439273, 0.46200741],
+ [0.34937554, 0.03753382, 0.46773936],
+ [0.35020766, 0.04082743, 0.47344871],
+ [0.35099580, 0.04413799, 0.47913364],
+ [0.35173911, 0.04745548, 0.48479230],
+ [0.35243671, 0.05078320, 0.49042278],
+ [0.35308773, 0.05412401, 0.49602315],
+ [0.35369129, 0.05748042, 0.50159143],
+ [0.35424649, 0.06085465, 0.50712559],
+ [0.35475242, 0.06424862, 0.51262358],
+ [0.35520816, 0.06766402, 0.51808337],
+ [0.35561279, 0.07110236, 0.52350282],
+ [0.35596543, 0.07456492, 0.52887974],
+ [0.35626513, 0.07805281, 0.53421195],
+ [0.35651100, 0.08156699, 0.53949724],
+ [0.35670211, 0.08510828, 0.54473337],
+ [0.35683754, 0.08867734, 0.54991812],
+ [0.35691632, 0.09227474, 0.55504934],
+ [0.35693762, 0.09590090, 0.56012461],
+ [0.35690054, 0.09955611, 0.56514165],
+ [0.35680420, 0.10324058, 0.57009818],
+ [0.35664765, 0.10695446, 0.57499204],
+ [0.35643011, 0.11069770, 0.57982082],
+ [0.35615075, 0.11447023, 0.58458223],
+ [0.35580871, 0.11827187, 0.58927410],
+ [0.35540320, 0.12210237, 0.59389418],
+ [0.35493350, 0.12596134, 0.59844017],
+ [0.35439881, 0.12984838, 0.60290997],
+ [0.35379843, 0.13376297, 0.60730143],
+ [0.35313176, 0.13770450, 0.61161236],
+ [0.35239803, 0.14167236, 0.61584083],
+ [0.35159675, 0.14566578, 0.61998473],
+ [0.35072731, 0.14968397, 0.62404215],
+ [0.34978919, 0.15372608, 0.62801123],
+ [0.34878197, 0.15779116, 0.63189011],
+ [0.34770513, 0.16187828, 0.63567713],
+ [0.34655843, 0.16598633, 0.63937056],
+ [0.34534141, 0.17011430, 0.64296892],
+ [0.34405395, 0.17426098, 0.64647067],
+ [0.34269571, 0.17842524, 0.64987450],
+ [0.34126665, 0.18260580, 0.65317909],
+ [0.33976661, 0.18680144, 0.65638334],
+ [0.33819563, 0.19101083, 0.65948616],
+ [0.33655366, 0.19523267, 0.66248666],
+ [0.33484091, 0.19946555, 0.66538399],
+ [0.33305743, 0.20370816, 0.66817752],
+ [0.33120355, 0.20795903, 0.67086665],
+ [0.32927949, 0.21221680, 0.67345097],
+ [0.32728566, 0.21648000, 0.67593018],
+ [0.32522246, 0.22074723, 0.67830410],
+ [0.32309038, 0.22501704, 0.68057270],
+ [0.32088997, 0.22928800, 0.68273607],
+ [0.31862184, 0.23355869, 0.68479443],
+ [0.31628667, 0.23782768, 0.68674815],
+ [0.31388519, 0.24209358, 0.68859770],
+ [0.31141817, 0.24635499, 0.69034370],
+ [0.30888649, 0.25061056, 0.69198686],
+ [0.30629101, 0.25485894, 0.69352806],
+ [0.30363270, 0.25909881, 0.69496825],
+ [0.30091255, 0.26332890, 0.69630853],
+ [0.29813158, 0.26754796, 0.69755008],
+ [0.29529091, 0.27175477, 0.69869420],
+ [0.29239161, 0.27594817, 0.69974228],
+ [0.28943490, 0.28012700, 0.70069583],
+ [0.28642189, 0.28429021, 0.70155640],
+ [0.28335390, 0.28843672, 0.70232567],
+ [0.28023206, 0.29256557, 0.70300535],
+ [0.27705778, 0.29667575, 0.70359729],
+ [0.27383219, 0.30076644, 0.70410330],
+ [0.27055678, 0.30483670, 0.70452538],
+ [0.26723268, 0.30888581, 0.70486543],
+ [0.26386142, 0.31291294, 0.70512556],
+ [0.26044415, 0.31691746, 0.70530775],
+ [0.25698240, 0.32089866, 0.70541417],
+ [0.25347737, 0.32485600, 0.70544689],
+ [0.24993053, 0.32878887, 0.70540809],
+ [0.24634316, 0.33269682, 0.70529992],
+ [0.24271660, 0.33657937, 0.70512453],
+ [0.23905230, 0.34043611, 0.70488415],
+ [0.23535140, 0.34426673, 0.70458088],
+ [0.23161548, 0.34807083, 0.70421699],
+ [0.22784566, 0.35184822, 0.70379456],
+ [0.22404325, 0.35559866, 0.70331575],
+ [0.22020973, 0.35932193, 0.70278277],
+ [0.21634615, 0.36301793, 0.70219762],
+ [0.21245388, 0.36668655, 0.70156243],
+ [0.20853426, 0.37032768, 0.70087932],
+ [0.20458837, 0.37394135, 0.70015021],
+ [0.20061743, 0.37752755, 0.69937712],
+ [0.19662292, 0.38108625, 0.69856211],
+ [0.19260579, 0.38461758, 0.69770698],
+ [0.18856723, 0.38812164, 0.69681362],
+ [0.18450850, 0.39159853, 0.69588389],
+ [0.18043091, 0.39504837, 0.69491965],
+ [0.17633546, 0.39847138, 0.69392254],
+ [0.17222333, 0.40186775, 0.69289429],
+ [0.16809572, 0.40523768, 0.69183654],
+ [0.16395391, 0.40858141, 0.69075094],
+ [0.15979912, 0.41189918, 0.68963907],
+ [0.15563249, 0.41519128, 0.68850238],
+ [0.15145525, 0.41845800, 0.68734232],
+ [0.14726872, 0.42169965, 0.68616032],
+ [0.14307423, 0.42491653, 0.68495774],
+ [0.13887316, 0.42810897, 0.68373588],
+ [0.13466699, 0.43127732, 0.68249600],
+ [0.13045731, 0.43442189, 0.68123936],
+ [0.12624573, 0.43754307, 0.67996710],
+ [0.12203396, 0.44064121, 0.67868030],
+ [0.11782391, 0.44371669, 0.67738005],
+ [0.11361764, 0.44676988, 0.67606736],
+ [0.10941742, 0.44980117, 0.67474319],
+ [0.10522574, 0.45281094, 0.67340848],
+ [0.10104539, 0.45579957, 0.67206410],
+ [0.09687947, 0.45876745, 0.67071090],
+ [0.09273145, 0.46171499, 0.66934964],
+ [0.08860527, 0.46464257, 0.66798109],
+ [0.08450540, 0.46755058, 0.66660594],
+ [0.08043693, 0.47043942, 0.66522486],
+ [0.07640567, 0.47330949, 0.66383845],
+ [0.07241840, 0.47616115, 0.66244736],
+ [0.06848267, 0.47899481, 0.66105206],
+ [0.06460729, 0.48181086, 0.65965307],
+ [0.06080242, 0.48460968, 0.65825084],
+ [0.05707972, 0.48739166, 0.65684580],
+ [0.05345261, 0.49015717, 0.65543833],
+ [0.04993647, 0.49290658, 0.65402878],
+ [0.04654883, 0.49564027, 0.65261747],
+ [0.04330975, 0.49835858, 0.65120475],
+ [0.04023822, 0.50106188, 0.64979083],
+ [0.03738642, 0.50375053, 0.64837590],
+ [0.03486310, 0.50642489, 0.64696015],
+ [0.03266695, 0.50908528, 0.64554373],
+ [0.03079677, 0.51173204, 0.64412679],
+ [0.02925145, 0.51436550, 0.64270949],
+ [0.02802961, 0.51698598, 0.64129180],
+ [0.02713016, 0.51959381, 0.63987377],
+ [0.02655212, 0.52218930, 0.63845541],
+ [0.02629480, 0.52477272, 0.63703680],
+ [0.02635722, 0.52734438, 0.63561782],
+ [0.02673867, 0.52990459, 0.63419839],
+ [0.02743862, 0.53245360, 0.63277842],
+ [0.02845690, 0.53499168, 0.63135792],
+ [0.02979303, 0.53751910, 0.62993663],
+ [0.03144695, 0.54003613, 0.62851439],
+ [0.03341884, 0.54254298, 0.62709109],
+ [0.03570902, 0.54503991, 0.62566653],
+ [0.03831785, 0.54752713, 0.62424043],
+ [0.04122823, 0.55000488, 0.62281256],
+ [0.04431654, 0.55247335, 0.62138277],
+ [0.04756227, 0.55493275, 0.61995065],
+ [0.05094498, 0.55738326, 0.61851595],
+ [0.05444681, 0.55982506, 0.61707845],
+ [0.05805198, 0.56225834, 0.61563771],
+ [0.06174701, 0.56468324, 0.61419343],
+ [0.06552035, 0.56709991, 0.61274532],
+ [0.06936200, 0.56950851, 0.61129292],
+ [0.07326356, 0.57190915, 0.60983590],
+ [0.07721790, 0.57430196, 0.60837391],
+ [0.08121897, 0.57668705, 0.60690646],
+ [0.08526173, 0.57906451, 0.60543322],
+ [0.08934194, 0.58143444, 0.60395375],
+ [0.09345609, 0.58379692, 0.60246758],
+ [0.09760129, 0.58615201, 0.60097437],
+ [0.10177516, 0.58849977, 0.59947359],
+ [0.10597578, 0.59084024, 0.59796484],
+ [0.11020163, 0.59317346, 0.59644767],
+ [0.11445153, 0.59549946, 0.59492157],
+ [0.11872457, 0.59781824, 0.59338619],
+ [0.12302012, 0.60012981, 0.59184097],
+ [0.12733773, 0.60243416, 0.59028550],
+ [0.13167716, 0.60473128, 0.58871932],
+ [0.13603834, 0.60702112, 0.58714194],
+ [0.14042129, 0.60930366, 0.58555296],
+ [0.14482622, 0.61157883, 0.58395187],
+ [0.14925338, 0.61384658, 0.58233827],
+ [0.15370314, 0.61610682, 0.58071168],
+ [0.15817595, 0.61835948, 0.57907167],
+ [0.16267228, 0.62060446, 0.57741784],
+ [0.16719270, 0.62284166, 0.57574972],
+ [0.17173780, 0.62507094, 0.57406696],
+ [0.17630822, 0.62729220, 0.57236910],
+ [0.18090461, 0.62950529, 0.57065580],
+ [0.18552766, 0.63171007, 0.56892666],
+ [0.19017806, 0.63390638, 0.56718131],
+ [0.19485653, 0.63609404, 0.56541944],
+ [0.19956378, 0.63827289, 0.56364067],
+ [0.20430052, 0.64044274, 0.56184475],
+ [0.20906749, 0.64260339, 0.56003132],
+ [0.21386536, 0.64475464, 0.55820017],
+ [0.21869487, 0.64689628, 0.55635100],
+ [0.22355669, 0.64902809, 0.55448361],
+ [0.22845149, 0.65114983, 0.55259777],
+ [0.23337994, 0.65326127, 0.55069331],
+ [0.23834266, 0.65536217, 0.54877007],
+ [0.24334027, 0.65745228, 0.54682791],
+ [0.24837334, 0.65953133, 0.54486675],
+ [0.25344245, 0.66159907, 0.54288649],
+ [0.25854812, 0.66365522, 0.54088710],
+ [0.26369087, 0.66569951, 0.53886855],
+ [0.26887114, 0.66773165, 0.53683086],
+ [0.27408939, 0.66975137, 0.53477409],
+ [0.27934601, 0.67175837, 0.53269831],
+ [0.28464137, 0.67375236, 0.53060364],
+ [0.28997579, 0.67573304, 0.52849022],
+ [0.29534956, 0.67770012, 0.52635826],
+ [0.30076295, 0.67965329, 0.52420796],
+ [0.30621614, 0.68159225, 0.52203961],
+ [0.31170934, 0.68351669, 0.51985346],
+ [0.31724262, 0.68542632, 0.51764991],
+ [0.32281614, 0.68732083, 0.51542927],
+ [0.32842988, 0.68919991, 0.51319202],
+ [0.33408390, 0.69106326, 0.51093856],
+ [0.33977811, 0.69291058, 0.50866944],
+ [0.34551247, 0.69474158, 0.50638514],
+ [0.35128681, 0.69655596, 0.50408629],
+ [0.35710101, 0.69835342, 0.50177347],
+ [0.36295482, 0.70013369, 0.49944737],
+ [0.36884802, 0.70189649, 0.49710866],
+ [0.37478028, 0.70364153, 0.49475812],
+ [0.38075129, 0.70536854, 0.49239650],
+ [0.38676065, 0.70707728, 0.49002464],
+ [0.39280796, 0.70876747, 0.48764340],
+ [0.39889274, 0.71043889, 0.48525368],
+ [0.40501452, 0.71209128, 0.48285641],
+ [0.41117273, 0.71372442, 0.48045261],
+ [0.41736684, 0.71533810, 0.47804322],
+ [0.42359617, 0.71693210, 0.47562940],
+ [0.42986019, 0.71850623, 0.47321210],
+ [0.43615806, 0.72006032, 0.47079260],
+ [0.44248928, 0.72159416, 0.46837186],
+ [0.44885284, 0.72310763, 0.46595132],
+ [0.45524826, 0.72460055, 0.46353192],
+ [0.46167448, 0.72607283, 0.46111514],
+ [0.46813089, 0.72752430, 0.45870207],
+ [0.47461652, 0.72895487, 0.45629409],
+ [0.48113050, 0.73036447, 0.45389255],
+ [0.48767212, 0.73175297, 0.45149859],
+ [0.49424010, 0.73312038, 0.44911393],
+ [0.50083391, 0.73446657, 0.44673958],
+ [0.50745241, 0.73579156, 0.44437710],
+ [0.51409461, 0.73709532, 0.44202794],
+ [0.52075980, 0.73837781, 0.43969328],
+ [0.52744667, 0.73963908, 0.43737484],
+ [0.53415445, 0.74087914, 0.43507389],
+ [0.54088229, 0.74209798, 0.43279172],
+ [0.54762890, 0.74329573, 0.43053004],
+ [0.55439343, 0.74447241, 0.42829017],
+ [0.56117510, 0.74562806, 0.42607338],
+ [0.56797283, 0.74676279, 0.42388118],
+ [0.57478535, 0.74787678, 0.42171525],
+ [0.58161210, 0.74897003, 0.41957666],
+ [0.58845213, 0.75004269, 0.41746681],
+ [0.59530450, 0.75109488, 0.41538710],
+ [0.59745363, 0.74791864, 0.40849571],
+ [0.59964866, 0.74471595, 0.40163675],
+ [0.60188578, 0.74148732, 0.39481127],
+ [0.60416126, 0.73823330, 0.38802027],
+ [0.60647145, 0.73495441, 0.38126463],
+ [0.60881281, 0.73165121, 0.37454521],
+ [0.61118191, 0.72832424, 0.36786276],
+ [0.61357542, 0.72497405, 0.36121798],
+ [0.61599012, 0.72160118, 0.35461152],
+ [0.61842291, 0.71820619, 0.34804393],
+ [0.62087079, 0.71478963, 0.34151573],
+ [0.62333090, 0.71135203, 0.33502737],
+ [0.62580046, 0.70789393, 0.32857923],
+ [0.62827684, 0.70441587, 0.32217167],
+ [0.63075749, 0.70091839, 0.31580495],
+ [0.63324000, 0.69740199, 0.30947932],
+ [0.63572205, 0.69386720, 0.30319497],
+ [0.63820142, 0.69031453, 0.29695204],
+ [0.64067602, 0.68674448, 0.29075063],
+ [0.64314383, 0.68315754, 0.28459080],
+ [0.64560297, 0.67955420, 0.27847256],
+ [0.64805161, 0.67593493, 0.27239590],
+ [0.65048803, 0.67230022, 0.26636077],
+ [0.65291062, 0.66865051, 0.26036708],
+ [0.65531781, 0.66498626, 0.25441472],
+ [0.65770815, 0.66130791, 0.24850353],
+ [0.66008025, 0.65761591, 0.24263335],
+ [0.66243280, 0.65391067, 0.23680397],
+ [0.66476456, 0.65019262, 0.23101517],
+ [0.66707436, 0.64646217, 0.22526669],
+ [0.66936110, 0.64271973, 0.21955827],
+ [0.67162373, 0.63896568, 0.21388960],
+ [0.67386127, 0.63520042, 0.20826038],
+ [0.67607279, 0.63142432, 0.20267027],
+ [0.67825741, 0.62763776, 0.19711891],
+ [0.68041433, 0.62384112, 0.19160594],
+ [0.68254276, 0.62003473, 0.18613098],
+ [0.68464198, 0.61621896, 0.18069361],
+ [0.68671129, 0.61239416, 0.17529344],
+ [0.68875007, 0.60856066, 0.16993003],
+ [0.69075769, 0.60471880, 0.16460294],
+ [0.69273361, 0.60086891, 0.15931173],
+ [0.69467728, 0.59701130, 0.15405595],
+ [0.69658820, 0.59314631, 0.14883512],
+ [0.69846591, 0.58927423, 0.14364878],
+ [0.70030998, 0.58539537, 0.13849646],
+ [0.70211999, 0.58151004, 0.13337769],
+ [0.70389556, 0.57761854, 0.12829199],
+ [0.70563633, 0.57372115, 0.12323892],
+ [0.70734196, 0.56981817, 0.11821801],
+ [0.70901214, 0.56590989, 0.11322884],
+ [0.71064658, 0.56199659, 0.10827100],
+ [0.71224501, 0.55807854, 0.10334411],
+ [0.71380717, 0.55415603, 0.09844782],
+ [0.71533282, 0.55022931, 0.09358186],
+ [0.71682174, 0.54629868, 0.08874602],
+ [0.71827373, 0.54236438, 0.08394014],
+ [0.71968859, 0.53842669, 0.07916423],
+ [0.72106615, 0.53448588, 0.07441838],
+ [0.72240623, 0.53054219, 0.06970290],
+ [0.72370869, 0.52659590, 0.06501828],
+ [0.72497338, 0.52264725, 0.06036533],
+ [0.72620016, 0.51869652, 0.05574518],
+ [0.72738891, 0.51474395, 0.05115942],
+ [0.72853952, 0.51078980, 0.04661021],
+ [0.72965185, 0.50683433, 0.04210044],
+ [0.73072583, 0.50287779, 0.03764481],
+ [0.73176134, 0.49892044, 0.03347865],
+ [0.73275830, 0.49496254, 0.02964124],
+ [0.73371662, 0.49100435, 0.02612362],
+ [0.73463622, 0.48704613, 0.02291712],
+ [0.73551701, 0.48308813, 0.02001339],
+ [0.73635891, 0.47913063, 0.01740441],
+ [0.73716187, 0.47517389, 0.01508244],
+ [0.73792579, 0.47121818, 0.01304004],
+ [0.73865061, 0.46726377, 0.01127011],
+ [0.73933627, 0.46331094, 0.00976579],
+ [0.73998269, 0.45935997, 0.00852056],
+ [0.74058980, 0.45541115, 0.00752817],
+ [0.74115754, 0.45146475, 0.00678264],
+ [0.74168586, 0.44752106, 0.00627833],
+ [0.74217467, 0.44358041, 0.00600982],
+ [0.74262389, 0.43964309, 0.00597198],
+ [0.74303344, 0.43570943, 0.00615997],
+ [0.74340324, 0.43177974, 0.00656919],
+ [0.74373322, 0.42785436, 0.00719535],
+ [0.74402330, 0.42393363, 0.00803440],
+ [0.74427344, 0.42001784, 0.00908263],
+ [0.74448350, 0.41610741, 0.01033645],
+ [0.74465338, 0.41220270, 0.01179258],
+ [0.74478298, 0.40830408, 0.01344801],
+ [0.74487224, 0.40441194, 0.01530000],
+ [0.74492107, 0.40052664, 0.01734612],
+ [0.74492931, 0.39664864, 0.01958398],
+ [0.74489686, 0.39277837, 0.02201155],
+ [0.74482361, 0.38891625, 0.02462706],
+ [0.74470949, 0.38506269, 0.02742907],
+ [0.74455431, 0.38121823, 0.03041608],
+ [0.74435794, 0.37738333, 0.03358699],
+ [0.74412032, 0.37355844, 0.03694108],
+ [0.74384125, 0.36974411, 0.04047707],
+ [0.74352060, 0.36594089, 0.04403810],
+ [0.74315827, 0.36214926, 0.04759008],
+ [0.74275408, 0.35836983, 0.05113184],
+ [0.74230786, 0.35460319, 0.05466264],
+ [0.74181955, 0.35084987, 0.05818238],
+ [0.74128892, 0.34711054, 0.06169080],
+ [0.74071585, 0.34338581, 0.06518807],
+ [0.74010021, 0.33967630, 0.06867458],
+ [0.73944179, 0.33598274, 0.07215054],
+ [0.73874053, 0.33230572, 0.07561664],
+ [0.73799622, 0.32864601, 0.07907326],
+ [0.73720874, 0.32500428, 0.08252106],
+ [0.73637795, 0.32138127, 0.08596065],
+ [0.73550371, 0.31777773, 0.08939260],
+ [0.73458592, 0.31419439, 0.09281763],
+ [0.73362442, 0.31063206, 0.09623623],
+ [0.73261915, 0.30709147, 0.09964914],
+ [0.73156995, 0.30357347, 0.10305681],
+ [0.73047677, 0.30007880, 0.10645992],
+ [0.72933951, 0.29660833, 0.10985888],
+ [0.72815812, 0.29316282, 0.11325429],
+ [0.72693252, 0.28974314, 0.11664650],
+ [0.72566270, 0.28635007, 0.12003601],
+ [0.72434861, 0.28298446, 0.12342311],
+ [0.72299027, 0.27964713, 0.12680819],
+ [0.72158768, 0.27633890, 0.13019147],
+ [0.72014088, 0.27306058, 0.13357321],
+ [0.71864991, 0.26981298, 0.13695358],
+ [0.71711487, 0.26659690, 0.14033271],
+ [0.71553584, 0.26341311, 0.14371068],
+ [0.71391294, 0.26026239, 0.14708751],
+ [0.71224633, 0.25714548, 0.15046319],
+ [0.71053618, 0.25406311, 0.15383765],
+ [0.70878268, 0.25101599, 0.15721074],
+ [0.70698605, 0.24800478, 0.16058236],
+ [0.70514655, 0.24503015, 0.16395220],
+ [0.70326444, 0.24209269, 0.16732011],
+ [0.70134003, 0.23919303, 0.17068565],
+ [0.69937366, 0.23633166, 0.17404863],
+ [0.69736567, 0.23350914, 0.17740850],
+ [0.69531644, 0.23072589, 0.18076502],
+ [0.69322638, 0.22798239, 0.18411751],
+ [0.69109593, 0.22527896, 0.18746570],
+ [0.68892554, 0.22261599, 0.19080884],
+ [0.68671569, 0.21999373, 0.19414658],
+ [0.68446688, 0.21741245, 0.19747816],
+ [0.68217965, 0.21487231, 0.20080310],
+ [0.67985454, 0.21237346, 0.20412072],
+ [0.67749211, 0.20991599, 0.20743034],
+ [0.67509296, 0.20749993, 0.21073145],
+ [0.67265770, 0.20512528, 0.21402307],
+ [0.67018694, 0.20279196, 0.21730480],
+ [0.66768132, 0.20049984, 0.22057586],
+ [0.66514150, 0.19824876, 0.22383540],
+ [0.66256814, 0.19603850, 0.22708294],
+ [0.65996192, 0.19386878, 0.23031767],
+ [0.65732353, 0.19173929, 0.23353874],
+ [0.65465367, 0.18964964, 0.23674566],
+ [0.65195303, 0.18759942, 0.23993771],
+ [0.64922235, 0.18558818, 0.24311402],
+ [0.64646234, 0.18361540, 0.24627398],
+ [0.64367372, 0.18168054, 0.24941698],
+ [0.64085720, 0.17978299, 0.25254236],
+ [0.63801353, 0.17792214, 0.25564946],
+ [0.63514345, 0.17609730, 0.25873749],
+ [0.63224769, 0.17430779, 0.26180591],
+ [0.62932696, 0.17255286, 0.26485416],
+ [0.62638200, 0.17083174, 0.26788164],
+ [0.62341354, 0.16914363, 0.27088778],
+ [0.62042231, 0.16748770, 0.27387203],
+ [0.61740902, 0.16586310, 0.27683384],
+ [0.61437439, 0.16426895, 0.27977271],
+ [0.61131915, 0.16270436, 0.28268815],
+ [0.60824398, 0.16116839, 0.28557968],
+ [0.60514960, 0.15966012, 0.28844688],
+ [0.60203670, 0.15817857, 0.29128932],
+ [0.59890597, 0.15672279, 0.29410661],
+ [0.59575808, 0.15529179, 0.29689838],
+ [0.59259371, 0.15388457, 0.29966431],
+ [0.58941352, 0.15250012, 0.30240407],
+ [0.58621817, 0.15113744, 0.30511737],
+ [0.58300835, 0.14979546, 0.30780373],
+ [0.57978466, 0.14847318, 0.31046311],
+ [0.57654773, 0.14716958, 0.31309531],
+ [0.57329818, 0.14588361, 0.31570015],
+ [0.57003662, 0.14461423, 0.31827746],
+ [0.56676373, 0.14336034, 0.32082677],
+ [0.56348002, 0.14212096, 0.32334832],
+ [0.56018609, 0.14089503, 0.32584204],
+ [0.55688255, 0.13968148, 0.32830766],
+ [0.55356999, 0.13847925, 0.33074513],
+ [0.55024889, 0.13728734, 0.33315468],
+ [0.54691986, 0.13610466, 0.33553610],
+ [0.54358346, 0.13493016, 0.33788942],
+ [0.54024014, 0.13376286, 0.34021499],
+ [0.53689055, 0.13260160, 0.34251240],
+ [0.53353508, 0.13144544, 0.34478225],
+ [0.53017432, 0.13029329, 0.34702441],
+ [0.52680874, 0.12914411, 0.34923912],
+ [0.52343880, 0.12799687, 0.35142664],
+ [0.52006505, 0.12685049, 0.35358704],
+ [0.51668788, 0.12570398, 0.35572074],
+ [0.51330782, 0.12455623, 0.35782784],
+ [0.50992528, 0.12340624, 0.35990879],
+ [0.50654072, 0.12225292, 0.36196384],
+ [0.50315461, 0.12109521, 0.36399329],
+ [0.49976729, 0.11993208, 0.36599774],
+ [0.49637931, 0.11876236, 0.36797719],
+ [0.49299095, 0.11758507, 0.36993252],
+ [0.48960272, 0.11639903, 0.37186385],
+ [0.48621497, 0.11520316, 0.37377178],
+ [0.48282803, 0.11399635, 0.37565700],
+ [0.47944243, 0.11277736, 0.37751962],
+ [0.47605842, 0.11154509, 0.37936053],
+ [0.47267636, 0.11029836, 0.38118036],
+ [0.46929671, 0.10903587, 0.38297941],
+ [0.46591975, 0.10775639, 0.38475851],
+ [0.46254581, 0.10645866, 0.38651839],
+ [0.45917524, 0.10514132, 0.38825969],
+ [0.45580845, 0.10380293, 0.38998289],
+ [0.45244567, 0.10244212, 0.39168900],
+ [0.44908722, 0.10105740, 0.39337875],
+ [0.44573342, 0.09964720, 0.39505294],
+ [0.44238465, 0.09820983, 0.39671216],
+ [0.43904114, 0.09674364, 0.39835742],
+ [0.43570319, 0.09524681, 0.39998961],
+ [0.43237108, 0.09371743, 0.40160962],
+ [0.42904511, 0.09215348, 0.40321835],
+ [0.42572557, 0.09055279, 0.40481668],
+ [0.42241277, 0.08891303, 0.40640552],
+ [0.41910693, 0.08723176, 0.40798597],
+ [0.41580833, 0.08550631, 0.40955904],
+ [0.41251723, 0.08373380, 0.41112576],
+ [0.40923392, 0.08191112, 0.41268721],
+ [0.40595864, 0.08003485, 0.41424446],
+ [0.40269167, 0.07810126, 0.41579865],
+ [0.39943327, 0.07610625, 0.41735090],
+ [0.39618370, 0.07404528, 0.41890239],
+ [0.39294325, 0.07191330, 0.42045428],
+ [0.38971217, 0.06970469, 0.42200783],
+ [0.38649072, 0.06741312, 0.42356430],
+ [0.38327919, 0.06503140, 0.42512500],
+ [0.38007785, 0.06255137, 0.42669122],
+ [0.37688698, 0.05996364, 0.42826431],
+ [0.37370687, 0.05725733, 0.42984566],
+ [0.37053784, 0.05441971, 0.43143666],
+ [0.36738018, 0.05143574, 0.43303877],
+ [0.36423422, 0.04828739, 0.43465347],
+ [0.36110029, 0.04495279, 0.43628226],
+ [0.35797874, 0.04140492, 0.43792669],
+ [0.35486994, 0.03762124, 0.43958837],
+ [0.35177425, 0.03375967, 0.44126892],
+ [0.34869210, 0.02984150, 0.44297001],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.infinity', N=510)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.infinity", N=510)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
# Determine central value index of the colormap
-idx = len(cm_data)//2
+idx = len(cm_data) // 2
# Shift the entire colormap by this index
cm_data_s = list(cm_data[idx:])
# Create ListedColormap object for this shifted version
-cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name='cmr.infinity_s', N=510)
+cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name="cmr.infinity_s", N=510)
cmap_s_r = cmap_s.reversed()
# Register shifted versions in MPL as well
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/jungle/jungle.py b/cmasher/colormaps/jungle/jungle.py
index 9af5eda6..a55d2965 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/jungle/jungle.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/jungle/jungle.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00019351, 0.00025002, 0.00023457],
- [0.00064578, 0.00087808, 0.00081247],
- [0.00129011, 0.00184048, 0.00167903],
- [0.00209146, 0.00312128, 0.00280698],
- [0.00302526, 0.00471220, 0.00417683],
- [0.00407250, 0.00660860, 0.00577279],
- [0.00521756, 0.00880791, 0.00758133],
- [0.00644725, 0.01130885, 0.00959034],
- [0.00775008, 0.01411104, 0.01178878],
- [0.00911602, 0.01721468, 0.01416645],
- [0.01053590, 0.02062051, 0.01671372],
- [0.01200155, 0.02432961, 0.01942153],
- [0.01350548, 0.02834332, 0.02228126],
- [0.01504084, 0.03266319, 0.02528466],
- [0.01660128, 0.03729098, 0.02842381],
- [0.01818080, 0.04217682, 0.03169105],
- [0.01977392, 0.04703885, 0.03507902],
- [0.02137544, 0.05186049, 0.03858057],
- [0.02298043, 0.05664540, 0.04213855],
- [0.02458426, 0.06139682, 0.04560869],
- [0.02618252, 0.06611759, 0.04900021],
- [0.02777102, 0.07081024, 0.05231600],
- [0.02934608, 0.07547694, 0.05555875],
- [0.03090372, 0.08011979, 0.05873072],
- [0.03244028, 0.08474063, 0.06183400],
- [0.03395262, 0.08934103, 0.06487059],
- [0.03543729, 0.09392255, 0.06784217],
- [0.03689110, 0.09848657, 0.07075027],
- [0.03831142, 0.10303427, 0.07359646],
- [0.03969492, 0.10756690, 0.07638186],
- [0.04102707, 0.11208540, 0.07910787],
- [0.04228527, 0.11659088, 0.08177537],
- [0.04347964, 0.12108410, 0.08438555],
- [0.04461057, 0.12556603, 0.08693913],
- [0.04567943, 0.13003734, 0.08943713],
- [0.04668649, 0.13449882, 0.09188013],
- [0.04763275, 0.13895110, 0.09426894],
- [0.04851864, 0.14339483, 0.09660413],
- [0.04934466, 0.14783061, 0.09888626],
- [0.05011151, 0.15225894, 0.10111592],
- [0.05081931, 0.15668039, 0.10329347],
- [0.05146861, 0.16109540, 0.10541940],
- [0.05205968, 0.16550443, 0.10749406],
- [0.05259268, 0.16990792, 0.10951774],
- [0.05306799, 0.17430625, 0.11149079],
- [0.05348569, 0.17869981, 0.11341343],
- [0.05384589, 0.18308895, 0.11528585],
- [0.05414879, 0.18747399, 0.11710826],
- [0.05439441, 0.19185525, 0.11888080],
- [0.05458275, 0.19623303, 0.12060355],
- [0.05471388, 0.20060760, 0.12227661],
- [0.05478778, 0.20497922, 0.12390003],
- [0.05480437, 0.20934813, 0.12547382],
- [0.05476361, 0.21371457, 0.12699796],
- [0.05466543, 0.21807874, 0.12847242],
- [0.05450971, 0.22244086, 0.12989712],
- [0.05429637, 0.22680111, 0.13127197],
- [0.05402523, 0.23115967, 0.13259683],
- [0.05369619, 0.23551671, 0.13387156],
- [0.05330916, 0.23987237, 0.13509598],
- [0.05286390, 0.24422680, 0.13626985],
- [0.05236034, 0.24858015, 0.13739294],
- [0.05179842, 0.25293251, 0.13846504],
- [0.05117791, 0.25728402, 0.13948577],
- [0.05049876, 0.26163478, 0.14045483],
- [0.04976107, 0.26598485, 0.14137192],
- [0.04896461, 0.27033436, 0.14223658],
- [0.04810950, 0.27468336, 0.14304840],
- [0.04719609, 0.27903189, 0.14380704],
- [0.04622411, 0.28338007, 0.14451183],
- [0.04519423, 0.28772789, 0.14516241],
- [0.04410692, 0.29207539, 0.14575822],
- [0.04296228, 0.29642265, 0.14629850],
- [0.04176178, 0.30076961, 0.14678291],
- [0.04050562, 0.30511636, 0.14721047],
- [0.03918604, 0.30946283, 0.14758072],
- [0.03783947, 0.31380906, 0.14789277],
- [0.03647195, 0.31815501, 0.14814588],
- [0.03508872, 0.32250065, 0.14833920],
- [0.03369530, 0.32684595, 0.14847179],
- [0.03229772, 0.33119085, 0.14854272],
- [0.03090252, 0.33553528, 0.14855103],
- [0.02951610, 0.33987921, 0.14849548],
- [0.02814671, 0.34422247, 0.14837531],
- [0.02680054, 0.34856510, 0.14818865],
- [0.02548739, 0.35290686, 0.14793485],
- [0.02421570, 0.35724767, 0.14761236],
- [0.02299414, 0.36158745, 0.14721939],
- [0.02183379, 0.36592596, 0.14675485],
- [0.02074529, 0.37026306, 0.14621704],
- [0.01973935, 0.37459859, 0.14560386],
- [0.01882846, 0.37893235, 0.14491356],
- [0.01802601, 0.38326409, 0.14414427],
- [0.01734584, 0.38759356, 0.14329382],
- [0.01680281, 0.39192051, 0.14235987],
- [0.01641278, 0.39624464, 0.14133991],
- [0.01619280, 0.40056564, 0.14023126],
- [0.01616114, 0.40488317, 0.13903105],
- [0.01633746, 0.40919683, 0.13773620],
- [0.01674292, 0.41350621, 0.13634340],
- [0.01740029, 0.41781085, 0.13484911],
- [0.01833377, 0.42211027, 0.13324924],
- [0.01956908, 0.42640397, 0.13153901],
- [0.02113598, 0.43069127, 0.12971465],
- [0.02306455, 0.43497157, 0.12777044],
- [0.02538846, 0.43924413, 0.12570082],
- [0.02814416, 0.44350818, 0.12349954],
- [0.03137207, 0.44776278, 0.12116035],
- [0.03511448, 0.45200705, 0.11867424],
- [0.03942021, 0.45623984, 0.11603370],
- [0.04417431, 0.46045994, 0.11322918],
- [0.04920916, 0.46466600, 0.11024999],
- [0.05452634, 0.46885647, 0.10708429],
- [0.06012048, 0.47302966, 0.10371765],
- [0.06598976, 0.47718356, 0.10013507],
- [0.07213525, 0.48131592, 0.09631908],
- [0.07856109, 0.48542415, 0.09224944],
- [0.08527478, 0.48950525, 0.08790164],
- [0.09228739, 0.49355574, 0.08324793],
- [0.09961357, 0.49757150, 0.07825696],
- [0.10727180, 0.50154769, 0.07289181],
- [0.11528536, 0.50547856, 0.06710751],
- [0.12368232, 0.50935726, 0.06085183],
- [0.13249467, 0.51317558, 0.05406770],
- [0.14176036, 0.51692368, 0.04668662],
- [0.15151935, 0.52058996, 0.03863418],
- [0.16180957, 0.52416114, 0.03051659],
- [0.17265967, 0.52762277, 0.02295740],
- [0.18407026, 0.53096123, 0.01626664],
- [0.19599015, 0.53416743, 0.01084213],
- [0.20829227, 0.53724214, 0.00713645],
- [0.22076858, 0.54020073, 0.00557218],
- [0.23317267, 0.54307185, 0.00642422],
- [0.24528567, 0.54588989, 0.00975878],
- [0.25696534, 0.54868562, 0.01546593],
- [0.26814980, 0.55148151, 0.02334610],
- [0.27883484, 0.55429160, 0.03318458],
- [0.28904864, 0.55712354, 0.04459206],
- [0.29883247, 0.55998098, 0.05592558],
- [0.30823066, 0.56286517, 0.06688566],
- [0.31728554, 0.56577606, 0.07749587],
- [0.32603579, 0.56871282, 0.08779020],
- [0.33451451, 0.57167456, 0.09780296],
- [0.34275190, 0.57465993, 0.10756800],
- [0.35077332, 0.57766779, 0.11711491],
- [0.35860130, 0.58069691, 0.12647055],
- [0.36625377, 0.58374655, 0.13565630],
- [0.37374878, 0.58681542, 0.14469392],
- [0.38110064, 0.58990272, 0.15360051],
- [0.38832205, 0.59300768, 0.16239113],
- [0.39542449, 0.59612955, 0.17107933],
- [0.40241818, 0.59926762, 0.17967713],
- [0.40931090, 0.60242165, 0.18819305],
- [0.41611218, 0.60559066, 0.19663855],
- [0.42282774, 0.60877460, 0.20501947],
- [0.42946472, 0.61197286, 0.21334399],
- [0.43602884, 0.61518507, 0.22161838],
- [0.44252520, 0.61841096, 0.22984800],
- [0.44895849, 0.62165026, 0.23803775],
- [0.45533301, 0.62490272, 0.24619211],
- [0.46165277, 0.62816812, 0.25431517],
- [0.46792146, 0.63144622, 0.26241069],
- [0.47414227, 0.63473690, 0.27048171],
- [0.48031786, 0.63804017, 0.27853039],
- [0.48645176, 0.64135563, 0.28656078],
- [0.49254603, 0.64468340, 0.29457417],
- [0.49860334, 0.64802330, 0.30257327],
- [0.50462575, 0.65137531, 0.31055969],
- [0.51061564, 0.65473927, 0.31853581],
- [0.51657435, 0.65811539, 0.32650201],
- [0.52250433, 0.66150339, 0.33446111],
- [0.52840707, 0.66490332, 0.34241405],
- [0.53428376, 0.66831538, 0.35036109],
- [0.54013631, 0.67173936, 0.35830436],
- [0.54596609, 0.67517534, 0.36624475],
- [0.55177436, 0.67862334, 0.37418309],
- [0.55756234, 0.68208342, 0.38212013],
- [0.56333117, 0.68555563, 0.39005659],
- [0.56908196, 0.68904004, 0.39799314],
- [0.57481575, 0.69253672, 0.40593036],
- [0.58053354, 0.69604572, 0.41386885],
- [0.58623626, 0.69956713, 0.42180912],
- [0.59192484, 0.70310102, 0.42975163],
- [0.59760012, 0.70664747, 0.43769684],
- [0.60326294, 0.71020658, 0.44564516],
- [0.60891409, 0.71377843, 0.45359694],
- [0.61455432, 0.71736312, 0.46155254],
- [0.62018436, 0.72096076, 0.46951225],
- [0.62580483, 0.72457147, 0.47747616],
- [0.63141623, 0.72819546, 0.48544403],
- [0.63701943, 0.73183272, 0.49341672],
- [0.64261504, 0.73548338, 0.50139441],
- [0.64820356, 0.73914760, 0.50937699],
- [0.65378541, 0.74282559, 0.51736412],
- [0.65936139, 0.74651735, 0.52535668],
- [0.66493198, 0.75022303, 0.53335462],
- [0.67049743, 0.75394292, 0.54135715],
- [0.67605856, 0.75767699, 0.54936535],
- [0.68161571, 0.76142545, 0.55737876],
- [0.68716928, 0.76518849, 0.56539716],
- [0.69271996, 0.76896613, 0.57342132],
- [0.69826783, 0.77275873, 0.58144997],
- [0.70381368, 0.77656624, 0.58948428],
- [0.70935771, 0.78038896, 0.59752335],
- [0.71490046, 0.78422695, 0.60556759],
- [0.72044228, 0.78808042, 0.61361665],
- [0.72598361, 0.79194952, 0.62167051],
- [0.73152484, 0.79583441, 0.62972903],
- [0.73706637, 0.79973527, 0.63779208],
- [0.74260858, 0.80365225, 0.64585942],
- [0.74815191, 0.80758550, 0.65393108],
- [0.75369667, 0.81153524, 0.66200651],
- [0.75924338, 0.81550155, 0.67008608],
- [0.76479225, 0.81948473, 0.67816873],
- [0.77034390, 0.82348478, 0.68625514],
- [0.77589851, 0.82750204, 0.69434421],
- [0.78145665, 0.83153655, 0.70243622],
- [0.78701868, 0.83558852, 0.71053072],
- [0.79258496, 0.83965816, 0.71862706],
- [0.79815606, 0.84374554, 0.72672542],
- [0.80373228, 0.84785092, 0.73482480],
- [0.80931415, 0.85197441, 0.74292511],
- [0.81490220, 0.85611614, 0.75102602],
- [0.82049676, 0.86027638, 0.75912635],
- [0.82609851, 0.86445517, 0.76722613],
- [0.83170796, 0.86865268, 0.77532465],
- [0.83732559, 0.87286913, 0.78342073],
- [0.84295212, 0.87710457, 0.79151409],
- [0.84858819, 0.88135915, 0.79960379],
- [0.85423440, 0.88563308, 0.80768841],
- [0.85989158, 0.88992638, 0.81576731],
- [0.86556055, 0.89423920, 0.82383920],
- [0.87124208, 0.89857168, 0.83190237],
- [0.87693718, 0.90292388, 0.83995544],
- [0.88264688, 0.90729590, 0.84799664],
- [0.88837223, 0.91168783, 0.85602372],
- [0.89411443, 0.91609980, 0.86403417],
- [0.89987478, 0.92053187, 0.87202535],
- [0.90565464, 0.92498415, 0.87999392],
- [0.91145537, 0.92945683, 0.88793583],
- [0.91727845, 0.93395011, 0.89584668],
- [0.92312525, 0.93846431, 0.90372118],
- [0.92899695, 0.94299992, 0.91155311],
- [0.93489431, 0.94755771, 0.91933510],
- [0.94081746, 0.95213881, 0.92705910],
- [0.94676531, 0.95674488, 0.93471601],
- [0.95273499, 0.96137840, 0.94229623],
- [0.95872102, 0.96604282, 0.94979047],
- [0.96471459, 0.97074271, 0.95719144],
- [0.97070299, 0.97548379, 0.96449578],
- [0.97666993, 0.98027252, 0.97170685],
- [0.98259721, 0.98511519, 0.97883706],
- [0.98846790, 0.99001659, 0.98590874],
- [0.99427015, 0.99497869, 0.99295196],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00019351, 0.00025002, 0.00023457],
+ [0.00064578, 0.00087808, 0.00081247],
+ [0.00129011, 0.00184048, 0.00167903],
+ [0.00209146, 0.00312128, 0.00280698],
+ [0.00302526, 0.00471220, 0.00417683],
+ [0.00407250, 0.00660860, 0.00577279],
+ [0.00521756, 0.00880791, 0.00758133],
+ [0.00644725, 0.01130885, 0.00959034],
+ [0.00775008, 0.01411104, 0.01178878],
+ [0.00911602, 0.01721468, 0.01416645],
+ [0.01053590, 0.02062051, 0.01671372],
+ [0.01200155, 0.02432961, 0.01942153],
+ [0.01350548, 0.02834332, 0.02228126],
+ [0.01504084, 0.03266319, 0.02528466],
+ [0.01660128, 0.03729098, 0.02842381],
+ [0.01818080, 0.04217682, 0.03169105],
+ [0.01977392, 0.04703885, 0.03507902],
+ [0.02137544, 0.05186049, 0.03858057],
+ [0.02298043, 0.05664540, 0.04213855],
+ [0.02458426, 0.06139682, 0.04560869],
+ [0.02618252, 0.06611759, 0.04900021],
+ [0.02777102, 0.07081024, 0.05231600],
+ [0.02934608, 0.07547694, 0.05555875],
+ [0.03090372, 0.08011979, 0.05873072],
+ [0.03244028, 0.08474063, 0.06183400],
+ [0.03395262, 0.08934103, 0.06487059],
+ [0.03543729, 0.09392255, 0.06784217],
+ [0.03689110, 0.09848657, 0.07075027],
+ [0.03831142, 0.10303427, 0.07359646],
+ [0.03969492, 0.10756690, 0.07638186],
+ [0.04102707, 0.11208540, 0.07910787],
+ [0.04228527, 0.11659088, 0.08177537],
+ [0.04347964, 0.12108410, 0.08438555],
+ [0.04461057, 0.12556603, 0.08693913],
+ [0.04567943, 0.13003734, 0.08943713],
+ [0.04668649, 0.13449882, 0.09188013],
+ [0.04763275, 0.13895110, 0.09426894],
+ [0.04851864, 0.14339483, 0.09660413],
+ [0.04934466, 0.14783061, 0.09888626],
+ [0.05011151, 0.15225894, 0.10111592],
+ [0.05081931, 0.15668039, 0.10329347],
+ [0.05146861, 0.16109540, 0.10541940],
+ [0.05205968, 0.16550443, 0.10749406],
+ [0.05259268, 0.16990792, 0.10951774],
+ [0.05306799, 0.17430625, 0.11149079],
+ [0.05348569, 0.17869981, 0.11341343],
+ [0.05384589, 0.18308895, 0.11528585],
+ [0.05414879, 0.18747399, 0.11710826],
+ [0.05439441, 0.19185525, 0.11888080],
+ [0.05458275, 0.19623303, 0.12060355],
+ [0.05471388, 0.20060760, 0.12227661],
+ [0.05478778, 0.20497922, 0.12390003],
+ [0.05480437, 0.20934813, 0.12547382],
+ [0.05476361, 0.21371457, 0.12699796],
+ [0.05466543, 0.21807874, 0.12847242],
+ [0.05450971, 0.22244086, 0.12989712],
+ [0.05429637, 0.22680111, 0.13127197],
+ [0.05402523, 0.23115967, 0.13259683],
+ [0.05369619, 0.23551671, 0.13387156],
+ [0.05330916, 0.23987237, 0.13509598],
+ [0.05286390, 0.24422680, 0.13626985],
+ [0.05236034, 0.24858015, 0.13739294],
+ [0.05179842, 0.25293251, 0.13846504],
+ [0.05117791, 0.25728402, 0.13948577],
+ [0.05049876, 0.26163478, 0.14045483],
+ [0.04976107, 0.26598485, 0.14137192],
+ [0.04896461, 0.27033436, 0.14223658],
+ [0.04810950, 0.27468336, 0.14304840],
+ [0.04719609, 0.27903189, 0.14380704],
+ [0.04622411, 0.28338007, 0.14451183],
+ [0.04519423, 0.28772789, 0.14516241],
+ [0.04410692, 0.29207539, 0.14575822],
+ [0.04296228, 0.29642265, 0.14629850],
+ [0.04176178, 0.30076961, 0.14678291],
+ [0.04050562, 0.30511636, 0.14721047],
+ [0.03918604, 0.30946283, 0.14758072],
+ [0.03783947, 0.31380906, 0.14789277],
+ [0.03647195, 0.31815501, 0.14814588],
+ [0.03508872, 0.32250065, 0.14833920],
+ [0.03369530, 0.32684595, 0.14847179],
+ [0.03229772, 0.33119085, 0.14854272],
+ [0.03090252, 0.33553528, 0.14855103],
+ [0.02951610, 0.33987921, 0.14849548],
+ [0.02814671, 0.34422247, 0.14837531],
+ [0.02680054, 0.34856510, 0.14818865],
+ [0.02548739, 0.35290686, 0.14793485],
+ [0.02421570, 0.35724767, 0.14761236],
+ [0.02299414, 0.36158745, 0.14721939],
+ [0.02183379, 0.36592596, 0.14675485],
+ [0.02074529, 0.37026306, 0.14621704],
+ [0.01973935, 0.37459859, 0.14560386],
+ [0.01882846, 0.37893235, 0.14491356],
+ [0.01802601, 0.38326409, 0.14414427],
+ [0.01734584, 0.38759356, 0.14329382],
+ [0.01680281, 0.39192051, 0.14235987],
+ [0.01641278, 0.39624464, 0.14133991],
+ [0.01619280, 0.40056564, 0.14023126],
+ [0.01616114, 0.40488317, 0.13903105],
+ [0.01633746, 0.40919683, 0.13773620],
+ [0.01674292, 0.41350621, 0.13634340],
+ [0.01740029, 0.41781085, 0.13484911],
+ [0.01833377, 0.42211027, 0.13324924],
+ [0.01956908, 0.42640397, 0.13153901],
+ [0.02113598, 0.43069127, 0.12971465],
+ [0.02306455, 0.43497157, 0.12777044],
+ [0.02538846, 0.43924413, 0.12570082],
+ [0.02814416, 0.44350818, 0.12349954],
+ [0.03137207, 0.44776278, 0.12116035],
+ [0.03511448, 0.45200705, 0.11867424],
+ [0.03942021, 0.45623984, 0.11603370],
+ [0.04417431, 0.46045994, 0.11322918],
+ [0.04920916, 0.46466600, 0.11024999],
+ [0.05452634, 0.46885647, 0.10708429],
+ [0.06012048, 0.47302966, 0.10371765],
+ [0.06598976, 0.47718356, 0.10013507],
+ [0.07213525, 0.48131592, 0.09631908],
+ [0.07856109, 0.48542415, 0.09224944],
+ [0.08527478, 0.48950525, 0.08790164],
+ [0.09228739, 0.49355574, 0.08324793],
+ [0.09961357, 0.49757150, 0.07825696],
+ [0.10727180, 0.50154769, 0.07289181],
+ [0.11528536, 0.50547856, 0.06710751],
+ [0.12368232, 0.50935726, 0.06085183],
+ [0.13249467, 0.51317558, 0.05406770],
+ [0.14176036, 0.51692368, 0.04668662],
+ [0.15151935, 0.52058996, 0.03863418],
+ [0.16180957, 0.52416114, 0.03051659],
+ [0.17265967, 0.52762277, 0.02295740],
+ [0.18407026, 0.53096123, 0.01626664],
+ [0.19599015, 0.53416743, 0.01084213],
+ [0.20829227, 0.53724214, 0.00713645],
+ [0.22076858, 0.54020073, 0.00557218],
+ [0.23317267, 0.54307185, 0.00642422],
+ [0.24528567, 0.54588989, 0.00975878],
+ [0.25696534, 0.54868562, 0.01546593],
+ [0.26814980, 0.55148151, 0.02334610],
+ [0.27883484, 0.55429160, 0.03318458],
+ [0.28904864, 0.55712354, 0.04459206],
+ [0.29883247, 0.55998098, 0.05592558],
+ [0.30823066, 0.56286517, 0.06688566],
+ [0.31728554, 0.56577606, 0.07749587],
+ [0.32603579, 0.56871282, 0.08779020],
+ [0.33451451, 0.57167456, 0.09780296],
+ [0.34275190, 0.57465993, 0.10756800],
+ [0.35077332, 0.57766779, 0.11711491],
+ [0.35860130, 0.58069691, 0.12647055],
+ [0.36625377, 0.58374655, 0.13565630],
+ [0.37374878, 0.58681542, 0.14469392],
+ [0.38110064, 0.58990272, 0.15360051],
+ [0.38832205, 0.59300768, 0.16239113],
+ [0.39542449, 0.59612955, 0.17107933],
+ [0.40241818, 0.59926762, 0.17967713],
+ [0.40931090, 0.60242165, 0.18819305],
+ [0.41611218, 0.60559066, 0.19663855],
+ [0.42282774, 0.60877460, 0.20501947],
+ [0.42946472, 0.61197286, 0.21334399],
+ [0.43602884, 0.61518507, 0.22161838],
+ [0.44252520, 0.61841096, 0.22984800],
+ [0.44895849, 0.62165026, 0.23803775],
+ [0.45533301, 0.62490272, 0.24619211],
+ [0.46165277, 0.62816812, 0.25431517],
+ [0.46792146, 0.63144622, 0.26241069],
+ [0.47414227, 0.63473690, 0.27048171],
+ [0.48031786, 0.63804017, 0.27853039],
+ [0.48645176, 0.64135563, 0.28656078],
+ [0.49254603, 0.64468340, 0.29457417],
+ [0.49860334, 0.64802330, 0.30257327],
+ [0.50462575, 0.65137531, 0.31055969],
+ [0.51061564, 0.65473927, 0.31853581],
+ [0.51657435, 0.65811539, 0.32650201],
+ [0.52250433, 0.66150339, 0.33446111],
+ [0.52840707, 0.66490332, 0.34241405],
+ [0.53428376, 0.66831538, 0.35036109],
+ [0.54013631, 0.67173936, 0.35830436],
+ [0.54596609, 0.67517534, 0.36624475],
+ [0.55177436, 0.67862334, 0.37418309],
+ [0.55756234, 0.68208342, 0.38212013],
+ [0.56333117, 0.68555563, 0.39005659],
+ [0.56908196, 0.68904004, 0.39799314],
+ [0.57481575, 0.69253672, 0.40593036],
+ [0.58053354, 0.69604572, 0.41386885],
+ [0.58623626, 0.69956713, 0.42180912],
+ [0.59192484, 0.70310102, 0.42975163],
+ [0.59760012, 0.70664747, 0.43769684],
+ [0.60326294, 0.71020658, 0.44564516],
+ [0.60891409, 0.71377843, 0.45359694],
+ [0.61455432, 0.71736312, 0.46155254],
+ [0.62018436, 0.72096076, 0.46951225],
+ [0.62580483, 0.72457147, 0.47747616],
+ [0.63141623, 0.72819546, 0.48544403],
+ [0.63701943, 0.73183272, 0.49341672],
+ [0.64261504, 0.73548338, 0.50139441],
+ [0.64820356, 0.73914760, 0.50937699],
+ [0.65378541, 0.74282559, 0.51736412],
+ [0.65936139, 0.74651735, 0.52535668],
+ [0.66493198, 0.75022303, 0.53335462],
+ [0.67049743, 0.75394292, 0.54135715],
+ [0.67605856, 0.75767699, 0.54936535],
+ [0.68161571, 0.76142545, 0.55737876],
+ [0.68716928, 0.76518849, 0.56539716],
+ [0.69271996, 0.76896613, 0.57342132],
+ [0.69826783, 0.77275873, 0.58144997],
+ [0.70381368, 0.77656624, 0.58948428],
+ [0.70935771, 0.78038896, 0.59752335],
+ [0.71490046, 0.78422695, 0.60556759],
+ [0.72044228, 0.78808042, 0.61361665],
+ [0.72598361, 0.79194952, 0.62167051],
+ [0.73152484, 0.79583441, 0.62972903],
+ [0.73706637, 0.79973527, 0.63779208],
+ [0.74260858, 0.80365225, 0.64585942],
+ [0.74815191, 0.80758550, 0.65393108],
+ [0.75369667, 0.81153524, 0.66200651],
+ [0.75924338, 0.81550155, 0.67008608],
+ [0.76479225, 0.81948473, 0.67816873],
+ [0.77034390, 0.82348478, 0.68625514],
+ [0.77589851, 0.82750204, 0.69434421],
+ [0.78145665, 0.83153655, 0.70243622],
+ [0.78701868, 0.83558852, 0.71053072],
+ [0.79258496, 0.83965816, 0.71862706],
+ [0.79815606, 0.84374554, 0.72672542],
+ [0.80373228, 0.84785092, 0.73482480],
+ [0.80931415, 0.85197441, 0.74292511],
+ [0.81490220, 0.85611614, 0.75102602],
+ [0.82049676, 0.86027638, 0.75912635],
+ [0.82609851, 0.86445517, 0.76722613],
+ [0.83170796, 0.86865268, 0.77532465],
+ [0.83732559, 0.87286913, 0.78342073],
+ [0.84295212, 0.87710457, 0.79151409],
+ [0.84858819, 0.88135915, 0.79960379],
+ [0.85423440, 0.88563308, 0.80768841],
+ [0.85989158, 0.88992638, 0.81576731],
+ [0.86556055, 0.89423920, 0.82383920],
+ [0.87124208, 0.89857168, 0.83190237],
+ [0.87693718, 0.90292388, 0.83995544],
+ [0.88264688, 0.90729590, 0.84799664],
+ [0.88837223, 0.91168783, 0.85602372],
+ [0.89411443, 0.91609980, 0.86403417],
+ [0.89987478, 0.92053187, 0.87202535],
+ [0.90565464, 0.92498415, 0.87999392],
+ [0.91145537, 0.92945683, 0.88793583],
+ [0.91727845, 0.93395011, 0.89584668],
+ [0.92312525, 0.93846431, 0.90372118],
+ [0.92899695, 0.94299992, 0.91155311],
+ [0.93489431, 0.94755771, 0.91933510],
+ [0.94081746, 0.95213881, 0.92705910],
+ [0.94676531, 0.95674488, 0.93471601],
+ [0.95273499, 0.96137840, 0.94229623],
+ [0.95872102, 0.96604282, 0.94979047],
+ [0.96471459, 0.97074271, 0.95719144],
+ [0.97070299, 0.97548379, 0.96449578],
+ [0.97666993, 0.98027252, 0.97170685],
+ [0.98259721, 0.98511519, 0.97883706],
+ [0.98846790, 0.99001659, 0.98590874],
+ [0.99427015, 0.99497869, 0.99295196],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.jungle', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.jungle", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/lavender/lavender.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/lavender/lavender.jscm
index 7994e595..b6590e19 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/lavender/lavender.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/lavender/lavender.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/lavender/lavender.py b/cmasher/colormaps/lavender/lavender.py
index 4db80275..d7dc9010 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/lavender/lavender.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/lavender/lavender.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00022628, 0.00012731, 0.00018041],
- [0.00081365, 0.00042889, 0.00063983],
- [0.00174260, 0.00086369, 0.00135487],
- [0.00301237, 0.00141020, 0.00232124],
- [0.00462645, 0.00205320, 0.00354023],
- [0.00659022, 0.00278050, 0.00501613],
- [0.00890955, 0.00358208, 0.00675498],
- [0.01159086, 0.00444910, 0.00876435],
- [0.01464139, 0.00537340, 0.01105340],
- [0.01806760, 0.00634788, 0.01363186],
- [0.02187663, 0.00736569, 0.01651095],
- [0.02607572, 0.00842034, 0.01970294],
- [0.03067145, 0.00950592, 0.02322078],
- [0.03567141, 0.01061629, 0.02707918],
- [0.04106850, 0.01174607, 0.03129316],
- [0.04652852, 0.01288959, 0.03587953],
- [0.05196240, 0.01404142, 0.04084816],
- [0.05737257, 0.01519657, 0.04592303],
- [0.06276218, 0.01634942, 0.05102940],
- [0.06813304, 0.01749501, 0.05617217],
- [0.07348667, 0.01862838, 0.06135607],
- [0.07882464, 0.01974444, 0.06658593],
- [0.08414820, 0.02083813, 0.07186642],
- [0.08945859, 0.02190424, 0.07720232],
- [0.09475636, 0.02293796, 0.08259778],
- [0.10004205, 0.02393437, 0.08805707],
- [0.10531609, 0.02488855, 0.09358449],
- [0.11057879, 0.02579547, 0.09918439],
- [0.11583040, 0.02665003, 0.10486124],
- [0.12107064, 0.02744761, 0.11061895],
- [0.12629918, 0.02818345, 0.11646160],
- [0.13151556, 0.02885291, 0.12239321],
- [0.13671988, 0.02945036, 0.12841904],
- [0.14191080, 0.02997205, 0.13454219],
- [0.14708768, 0.03041311, 0.14076718],
- [0.15224952, 0.03076905, 0.14709821],
- [0.15739512, 0.03103556, 0.15353940],
- [0.16252277, 0.03120918, 0.16009413],
- [0.16763145, 0.03128499, 0.16676750],
- [0.17271898, 0.03126021, 0.17356257],
- [0.17778331, 0.03113174, 0.18048291],
- [0.18282219, 0.03089684, 0.18753207],
- [0.18783313, 0.03055332, 0.19471328],
- [0.19281330, 0.03009975, 0.20202937],
- [0.19775957, 0.02953550, 0.20948273],
- [0.20266856, 0.02886073, 0.21707542],
- [0.20753682, 0.02807585, 0.22480982],
- [0.21235983, 0.02718462, 0.23268537],
- [0.21713353, 0.02618980, 0.24070336],
- [0.22185282, 0.02509787, 0.24886196],
- [0.22651292, 0.02391467, 0.25716101],
- [0.23110796, 0.02265073, 0.26559648],
- [0.23563205, 0.02131743, 0.27416461],
- [0.24007890, 0.01992890, 0.28286016],
- [0.24444178, 0.01850215, 0.29167631],
- [0.24871362, 0.01705740, 0.30060452],
- [0.25288699, 0.01561822, 0.30963447],
- [0.25695420, 0.01421171, 0.31875403],
- [0.26090744, 0.01286769, 0.32795026],
- [0.26473851, 0.01162142, 0.33720653],
- [0.26843933, 0.01051043, 0.34650595],
- [0.27200172, 0.00957681, 0.35582895],
- [0.27541768, 0.00886513, 0.36515546],
- [0.27867938, 0.00842414, 0.37446282],
- [0.28177937, 0.00830466, 0.38372800],
- [0.28471062, 0.00855961, 0.39292723],
- [0.28746668, 0.00924361, 0.40203606],
- [0.29004178, 0.01041207, 0.41102988],
- [0.29243091, 0.01212029, 0.41988454],
- [0.29462988, 0.01442271, 0.42857655],
- [0.29663543, 0.01737211, 0.43708347],
- [0.29844523, 0.02101878, 0.44538425],
- [0.30005791, 0.02540980, 0.45345950],
- [0.30147309, 0.03058837, 0.46129177],
- [0.30269133, 0.03659323, 0.46886569],
- [0.30371411, 0.04334598, 0.47616812],
- [0.30454379, 0.05030898, 0.48318821],
- [0.30518355, 0.05739721, 0.48991738],
- [0.30563736, 0.06457868, 0.49634929],
- [0.30590977, 0.07182667, 0.50247989],
- [0.30600599, 0.07911853, 0.50830715],
- [0.30593172, 0.08643496, 0.51383095],
- [0.30569335, 0.09375915, 0.51905274],
- [0.30529720, 0.10107699, 0.52397599],
- [0.30475023, 0.10837595, 0.52860524],
- [0.30405960, 0.11564525, 0.53294640],
- [0.30323249, 0.12287565, 0.53700645],
- [0.30227633, 0.13005912, 0.54079326],
- [0.30119873, 0.13718861, 0.54431540],
- [0.30000693, 0.14425848, 0.54758213],
- [0.29870847, 0.15126367, 0.55060309],
- [0.29731106, 0.15819975, 0.55338830],
- [0.29582176, 0.16506352, 0.55594799],
- [0.29424783, 0.17185217, 0.55829252],
- [0.29259638, 0.17856345, 0.56043231],
- [0.29087435, 0.18519568, 0.56237774],
- [0.28908853, 0.19174764, 0.56413908],
- [0.28724549, 0.19821856, 0.56572648],
- [0.28535159, 0.20460803, 0.56714986],
- [0.28341346, 0.21091570, 0.56841907],
- [0.28143672, 0.21714202, 0.56954343],
- [0.27942709, 0.22328751, 0.57053206],
- [0.27739045, 0.22935266, 0.57139394],
- [0.27533219, 0.23533837, 0.57213762],
- [0.27325712, 0.24124592, 0.57277113],
- [0.27117090, 0.24707608, 0.57330270],
- [0.26907752, 0.25283065, 0.57373949],
- [0.26698220, 0.25851068, 0.57408906],
- [0.26488888, 0.26411793, 0.57435809],
- [0.26280153, 0.26965407, 0.57455304],
- [0.26072485, 0.27512037, 0.57468060],
- [0.25866185, 0.28051893, 0.57474627],
- [0.25661612, 0.28585144, 0.57475572],
- [0.25459101, 0.29111969, 0.57471430],
- [0.25258988, 0.29632534, 0.57462719],
- [0.25061546, 0.30147031, 0.57449907],
- [0.24867033, 0.30655648, 0.57433433],
- [0.24675697, 0.31158568, 0.57413722],
- [0.24487763, 0.31655975, 0.57391170],
- [0.24303437, 0.32148051, 0.57366150],
- [0.24122899, 0.32634980, 0.57339009],
- [0.23946309, 0.33116943, 0.57310074],
- [0.23773805, 0.33594121, 0.57279649],
- [0.23605509, 0.34066688, 0.57248022],
- [0.23441531, 0.34534818, 0.57215469],
- [0.23281921, 0.34998691, 0.57182217],
- [0.23126725, 0.35458483, 0.57148490],
- [0.22975967, 0.35914363, 0.57114494],
- [0.22829674, 0.36366493, 0.57080434],
- [0.22687837, 0.36815034, 0.57046493],
- [0.22550382, 0.37260161, 0.57012801],
- [0.22417253, 0.37702034, 0.56979506],
- [0.22288415, 0.38140793, 0.56946772],
- [0.22163703, 0.38576615, 0.56914663],
- [0.22043022, 0.39009641, 0.56883303],
- [0.21926231, 0.39440021, 0.56852782],
- [0.21813127, 0.39867913, 0.56823140],
- [0.21703589, 0.40293442, 0.56794486],
- [0.21597335, 0.40716774, 0.56766805],
- [0.21494223, 0.41138023, 0.56740192],
- [0.21393931, 0.41557353, 0.56714604],
- [0.21296285, 0.41974871, 0.56690111],
- [0.21200937, 0.42390731, 0.56666651],
- [0.21107665, 0.42805045, 0.56644257],
- [0.21016123, 0.43217950, 0.56622867],
- [0.20926022, 0.43629563, 0.56602457],
- [0.20837044, 0.44040003, 0.56582984],
- [0.20748826, 0.44449394, 0.56564362],
- [0.20661079, 0.44857838, 0.56546561],
- [0.20573413, 0.45265454, 0.56529468],
- [0.20485470, 0.45672352, 0.56512989],
- [0.20396941, 0.46078623, 0.56497060],
- [0.20307415, 0.46484379, 0.56481536],
- [0.20216531, 0.46889717, 0.56466299],
- [0.20123956, 0.47294722, 0.56451243],
- [0.20029300, 0.47699491, 0.56436217],
- [0.19932194, 0.48104109, 0.56421071],
- [0.19832279, 0.48508660, 0.56405653],
- [0.19729225, 0.48913216, 0.56389824],
- [0.19622649, 0.49317857, 0.56373395],
- [0.19512204, 0.49722653, 0.56356194],
- [0.19397551, 0.50127671, 0.56338041],
- [0.19278376, 0.50532970, 0.56318764],
- [0.19154342, 0.50938609, 0.56298163],
- [0.19025129, 0.51344643, 0.56276039],
- [0.18890433, 0.51751123, 0.56252194],
- [0.18749962, 0.52158093, 0.56226424],
- [0.18603448, 0.52565592, 0.56198529],
- [0.18450617, 0.52973657, 0.56168299],
- [0.18291209, 0.53382322, 0.56135517],
- [0.18124987, 0.53791615, 0.56099970],
- [0.17951725, 0.54201560, 0.56061444],
- [0.17771219, 0.54612176, 0.56019726],
- [0.17583280, 0.55023478, 0.55974601],
- [0.17387742, 0.55435477, 0.55925857],
- [0.17184443, 0.55848181, 0.55873275],
- [0.16973252, 0.56261595, 0.55816641],
- [0.16754060, 0.56675717, 0.55755743],
- [0.16526782, 0.57090544, 0.55690372],
- [0.16291356, 0.57506067, 0.55620319],
- [0.16047751, 0.57922275, 0.55545378],
- [0.15795965, 0.58339154, 0.55465347],
- [0.15536026, 0.58756685, 0.55380025],
- [0.15268001, 0.59174847, 0.55289214],
- [0.14991996, 0.59593616, 0.55192720],
- [0.14708165, 0.60012965, 0.55090352],
- [0.14416711, 0.60432863, 0.54981923],
- [0.14117895, 0.60853277, 0.54867251],
- [0.13812044, 0.61274172, 0.54746155],
- [0.13499552, 0.61695510, 0.54618457],
- [0.13180906, 0.62117250, 0.54483985],
- [0.12856691, 0.62539349, 0.54342572],
- [0.12527601, 0.62961762, 0.54194054],
- [0.12194462, 0.63384441, 0.54038271],
- [0.11858243, 0.63807336, 0.53875064],
- [0.11520089, 0.64230397, 0.53704281],
- [0.11181315, 0.64653571, 0.53525762],
- [0.10843492, 0.65076802, 0.53339365],
- [0.10508441, 0.65500033, 0.53144949],
- [0.10178265, 0.65923203, 0.52942374],
- [0.09855384, 0.66346253, 0.52731504],
- [0.09542572, 0.66769118, 0.52512205],
- [0.09242918, 0.67191740, 0.52284316],
- [0.08960015, 0.67614047, 0.52047733],
- [0.08697804, 0.68035971, 0.51802331],
- [0.08460602, 0.68457443, 0.51547985],
- [0.08253010, 0.68878392, 0.51284557],
- [0.08079875, 0.69298747, 0.51011911],
- [0.07946223, 0.69718428, 0.50729957],
- [0.07856957, 0.70137357, 0.50438580],
- [0.07816623, 0.70555458, 0.50137626],
- [0.07829345, 0.70972648, 0.49826987],
- [0.07898555, 0.71388839, 0.49506582],
- [0.08026671, 0.71803947, 0.49176266],
- [0.08215118, 0.72217884, 0.48835903],
- [0.08464367, 0.72630551, 0.48485445],
- [0.08773729, 0.73041860, 0.48124711],
- [0.09141753, 0.73451708, 0.47753621],
- [0.09566267, 0.73859990, 0.47372098],
- [0.10044518, 0.74266608, 0.46979936],
- [0.10573581, 0.74671439, 0.46577169],
- [0.11150247, 0.75074383, 0.46163512],
- [0.11771455, 0.75475305, 0.45739056],
- [0.12434160, 0.75874093, 0.45303511],
- [0.13135571, 0.76270607, 0.44856941],
- [0.13873106, 0.76664714, 0.44399160],
- [0.14644456, 0.77056271, 0.43930090],
- [0.15447560, 0.77445122, 0.43449731],
- [0.16280658, 0.77831112, 0.42957909],
- [0.17142217, 0.78214072, 0.42454593],
- [0.18030921, 0.78593823, 0.41939798],
- [0.18945691, 0.78970175, 0.41413493],
- [0.19885649, 0.79342929, 0.40875670],
- [0.20850100, 0.79711872, 0.40326354],
- [0.21838520, 0.80076777, 0.39765598],
- [0.22850506, 0.80437400, 0.39193553],
- [0.23885825, 0.80793482, 0.38610368],
- [0.24944336, 0.81144744, 0.38016320],
- [0.26026002, 0.81490888, 0.37411775],
- [0.27130876, 0.81831597, 0.36797226],
- [0.28259096, 0.82166528, 0.36173301],
- [0.29411073, 0.82495305, 0.35540556],
- [0.30586837, 0.82817546, 0.34900319],
- [0.31786973, 0.83132816, 0.34253550],
- [0.33011592, 0.83440680, 0.33602138],
- [0.34261175, 0.83740653, 0.32947931],
- [0.35536011, 0.84032235, 0.32293457],
- [0.36836204, 0.84314916, 0.31641947],
- [0.38161778, 0.84588169, 0.30997279],
- [0.39512484, 0.84851475, 0.30364234],
- [0.40887749, 0.85104339, 0.29748583],
- [0.42286581, 0.85346311, 0.29157190],
- [0.43707091, 0.85577071, 0.28598374],
- [0.45146975, 0.85796396, 0.28081359],
- [0.46602713, 0.86004302, 0.27616680]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00022628, 0.00012731, 0.00018041],
+ [0.00081365, 0.00042889, 0.00063983],
+ [0.00174260, 0.00086369, 0.00135487],
+ [0.00301237, 0.00141020, 0.00232124],
+ [0.00462645, 0.00205320, 0.00354023],
+ [0.00659022, 0.00278050, 0.00501613],
+ [0.00890955, 0.00358208, 0.00675498],
+ [0.01159086, 0.00444910, 0.00876435],
+ [0.01464139, 0.00537340, 0.01105340],
+ [0.01806760, 0.00634788, 0.01363186],
+ [0.02187663, 0.00736569, 0.01651095],
+ [0.02607572, 0.00842034, 0.01970294],
+ [0.03067145, 0.00950592, 0.02322078],
+ [0.03567141, 0.01061629, 0.02707918],
+ [0.04106850, 0.01174607, 0.03129316],
+ [0.04652852, 0.01288959, 0.03587953],
+ [0.05196240, 0.01404142, 0.04084816],
+ [0.05737257, 0.01519657, 0.04592303],
+ [0.06276218, 0.01634942, 0.05102940],
+ [0.06813304, 0.01749501, 0.05617217],
+ [0.07348667, 0.01862838, 0.06135607],
+ [0.07882464, 0.01974444, 0.06658593],
+ [0.08414820, 0.02083813, 0.07186642],
+ [0.08945859, 0.02190424, 0.07720232],
+ [0.09475636, 0.02293796, 0.08259778],
+ [0.10004205, 0.02393437, 0.08805707],
+ [0.10531609, 0.02488855, 0.09358449],
+ [0.11057879, 0.02579547, 0.09918439],
+ [0.11583040, 0.02665003, 0.10486124],
+ [0.12107064, 0.02744761, 0.11061895],
+ [0.12629918, 0.02818345, 0.11646160],
+ [0.13151556, 0.02885291, 0.12239321],
+ [0.13671988, 0.02945036, 0.12841904],
+ [0.14191080, 0.02997205, 0.13454219],
+ [0.14708768, 0.03041311, 0.14076718],
+ [0.15224952, 0.03076905, 0.14709821],
+ [0.15739512, 0.03103556, 0.15353940],
+ [0.16252277, 0.03120918, 0.16009413],
+ [0.16763145, 0.03128499, 0.16676750],
+ [0.17271898, 0.03126021, 0.17356257],
+ [0.17778331, 0.03113174, 0.18048291],
+ [0.18282219, 0.03089684, 0.18753207],
+ [0.18783313, 0.03055332, 0.19471328],
+ [0.19281330, 0.03009975, 0.20202937],
+ [0.19775957, 0.02953550, 0.20948273],
+ [0.20266856, 0.02886073, 0.21707542],
+ [0.20753682, 0.02807585, 0.22480982],
+ [0.21235983, 0.02718462, 0.23268537],
+ [0.21713353, 0.02618980, 0.24070336],
+ [0.22185282, 0.02509787, 0.24886196],
+ [0.22651292, 0.02391467, 0.25716101],
+ [0.23110796, 0.02265073, 0.26559648],
+ [0.23563205, 0.02131743, 0.27416461],
+ [0.24007890, 0.01992890, 0.28286016],
+ [0.24444178, 0.01850215, 0.29167631],
+ [0.24871362, 0.01705740, 0.30060452],
+ [0.25288699, 0.01561822, 0.30963447],
+ [0.25695420, 0.01421171, 0.31875403],
+ [0.26090744, 0.01286769, 0.32795026],
+ [0.26473851, 0.01162142, 0.33720653],
+ [0.26843933, 0.01051043, 0.34650595],
+ [0.27200172, 0.00957681, 0.35582895],
+ [0.27541768, 0.00886513, 0.36515546],
+ [0.27867938, 0.00842414, 0.37446282],
+ [0.28177937, 0.00830466, 0.38372800],
+ [0.28471062, 0.00855961, 0.39292723],
+ [0.28746668, 0.00924361, 0.40203606],
+ [0.29004178, 0.01041207, 0.41102988],
+ [0.29243091, 0.01212029, 0.41988454],
+ [0.29462988, 0.01442271, 0.42857655],
+ [0.29663543, 0.01737211, 0.43708347],
+ [0.29844523, 0.02101878, 0.44538425],
+ [0.30005791, 0.02540980, 0.45345950],
+ [0.30147309, 0.03058837, 0.46129177],
+ [0.30269133, 0.03659323, 0.46886569],
+ [0.30371411, 0.04334598, 0.47616812],
+ [0.30454379, 0.05030898, 0.48318821],
+ [0.30518355, 0.05739721, 0.48991738],
+ [0.30563736, 0.06457868, 0.49634929],
+ [0.30590977, 0.07182667, 0.50247989],
+ [0.30600599, 0.07911853, 0.50830715],
+ [0.30593172, 0.08643496, 0.51383095],
+ [0.30569335, 0.09375915, 0.51905274],
+ [0.30529720, 0.10107699, 0.52397599],
+ [0.30475023, 0.10837595, 0.52860524],
+ [0.30405960, 0.11564525, 0.53294640],
+ [0.30323249, 0.12287565, 0.53700645],
+ [0.30227633, 0.13005912, 0.54079326],
+ [0.30119873, 0.13718861, 0.54431540],
+ [0.30000693, 0.14425848, 0.54758213],
+ [0.29870847, 0.15126367, 0.55060309],
+ [0.29731106, 0.15819975, 0.55338830],
+ [0.29582176, 0.16506352, 0.55594799],
+ [0.29424783, 0.17185217, 0.55829252],
+ [0.29259638, 0.17856345, 0.56043231],
+ [0.29087435, 0.18519568, 0.56237774],
+ [0.28908853, 0.19174764, 0.56413908],
+ [0.28724549, 0.19821856, 0.56572648],
+ [0.28535159, 0.20460803, 0.56714986],
+ [0.28341346, 0.21091570, 0.56841907],
+ [0.28143672, 0.21714202, 0.56954343],
+ [0.27942709, 0.22328751, 0.57053206],
+ [0.27739045, 0.22935266, 0.57139394],
+ [0.27533219, 0.23533837, 0.57213762],
+ [0.27325712, 0.24124592, 0.57277113],
+ [0.27117090, 0.24707608, 0.57330270],
+ [0.26907752, 0.25283065, 0.57373949],
+ [0.26698220, 0.25851068, 0.57408906],
+ [0.26488888, 0.26411793, 0.57435809],
+ [0.26280153, 0.26965407, 0.57455304],
+ [0.26072485, 0.27512037, 0.57468060],
+ [0.25866185, 0.28051893, 0.57474627],
+ [0.25661612, 0.28585144, 0.57475572],
+ [0.25459101, 0.29111969, 0.57471430],
+ [0.25258988, 0.29632534, 0.57462719],
+ [0.25061546, 0.30147031, 0.57449907],
+ [0.24867033, 0.30655648, 0.57433433],
+ [0.24675697, 0.31158568, 0.57413722],
+ [0.24487763, 0.31655975, 0.57391170],
+ [0.24303437, 0.32148051, 0.57366150],
+ [0.24122899, 0.32634980, 0.57339009],
+ [0.23946309, 0.33116943, 0.57310074],
+ [0.23773805, 0.33594121, 0.57279649],
+ [0.23605509, 0.34066688, 0.57248022],
+ [0.23441531, 0.34534818, 0.57215469],
+ [0.23281921, 0.34998691, 0.57182217],
+ [0.23126725, 0.35458483, 0.57148490],
+ [0.22975967, 0.35914363, 0.57114494],
+ [0.22829674, 0.36366493, 0.57080434],
+ [0.22687837, 0.36815034, 0.57046493],
+ [0.22550382, 0.37260161, 0.57012801],
+ [0.22417253, 0.37702034, 0.56979506],
+ [0.22288415, 0.38140793, 0.56946772],
+ [0.22163703, 0.38576615, 0.56914663],
+ [0.22043022, 0.39009641, 0.56883303],
+ [0.21926231, 0.39440021, 0.56852782],
+ [0.21813127, 0.39867913, 0.56823140],
+ [0.21703589, 0.40293442, 0.56794486],
+ [0.21597335, 0.40716774, 0.56766805],
+ [0.21494223, 0.41138023, 0.56740192],
+ [0.21393931, 0.41557353, 0.56714604],
+ [0.21296285, 0.41974871, 0.56690111],
+ [0.21200937, 0.42390731, 0.56666651],
+ [0.21107665, 0.42805045, 0.56644257],
+ [0.21016123, 0.43217950, 0.56622867],
+ [0.20926022, 0.43629563, 0.56602457],
+ [0.20837044, 0.44040003, 0.56582984],
+ [0.20748826, 0.44449394, 0.56564362],
+ [0.20661079, 0.44857838, 0.56546561],
+ [0.20573413, 0.45265454, 0.56529468],
+ [0.20485470, 0.45672352, 0.56512989],
+ [0.20396941, 0.46078623, 0.56497060],
+ [0.20307415, 0.46484379, 0.56481536],
+ [0.20216531, 0.46889717, 0.56466299],
+ [0.20123956, 0.47294722, 0.56451243],
+ [0.20029300, 0.47699491, 0.56436217],
+ [0.19932194, 0.48104109, 0.56421071],
+ [0.19832279, 0.48508660, 0.56405653],
+ [0.19729225, 0.48913216, 0.56389824],
+ [0.19622649, 0.49317857, 0.56373395],
+ [0.19512204, 0.49722653, 0.56356194],
+ [0.19397551, 0.50127671, 0.56338041],
+ [0.19278376, 0.50532970, 0.56318764],
+ [0.19154342, 0.50938609, 0.56298163],
+ [0.19025129, 0.51344643, 0.56276039],
+ [0.18890433, 0.51751123, 0.56252194],
+ [0.18749962, 0.52158093, 0.56226424],
+ [0.18603448, 0.52565592, 0.56198529],
+ [0.18450617, 0.52973657, 0.56168299],
+ [0.18291209, 0.53382322, 0.56135517],
+ [0.18124987, 0.53791615, 0.56099970],
+ [0.17951725, 0.54201560, 0.56061444],
+ [0.17771219, 0.54612176, 0.56019726],
+ [0.17583280, 0.55023478, 0.55974601],
+ [0.17387742, 0.55435477, 0.55925857],
+ [0.17184443, 0.55848181, 0.55873275],
+ [0.16973252, 0.56261595, 0.55816641],
+ [0.16754060, 0.56675717, 0.55755743],
+ [0.16526782, 0.57090544, 0.55690372],
+ [0.16291356, 0.57506067, 0.55620319],
+ [0.16047751, 0.57922275, 0.55545378],
+ [0.15795965, 0.58339154, 0.55465347],
+ [0.15536026, 0.58756685, 0.55380025],
+ [0.15268001, 0.59174847, 0.55289214],
+ [0.14991996, 0.59593616, 0.55192720],
+ [0.14708165, 0.60012965, 0.55090352],
+ [0.14416711, 0.60432863, 0.54981923],
+ [0.14117895, 0.60853277, 0.54867251],
+ [0.13812044, 0.61274172, 0.54746155],
+ [0.13499552, 0.61695510, 0.54618457],
+ [0.13180906, 0.62117250, 0.54483985],
+ [0.12856691, 0.62539349, 0.54342572],
+ [0.12527601, 0.62961762, 0.54194054],
+ [0.12194462, 0.63384441, 0.54038271],
+ [0.11858243, 0.63807336, 0.53875064],
+ [0.11520089, 0.64230397, 0.53704281],
+ [0.11181315, 0.64653571, 0.53525762],
+ [0.10843492, 0.65076802, 0.53339365],
+ [0.10508441, 0.65500033, 0.53144949],
+ [0.10178265, 0.65923203, 0.52942374],
+ [0.09855384, 0.66346253, 0.52731504],
+ [0.09542572, 0.66769118, 0.52512205],
+ [0.09242918, 0.67191740, 0.52284316],
+ [0.08960015, 0.67614047, 0.52047733],
+ [0.08697804, 0.68035971, 0.51802331],
+ [0.08460602, 0.68457443, 0.51547985],
+ [0.08253010, 0.68878392, 0.51284557],
+ [0.08079875, 0.69298747, 0.51011911],
+ [0.07946223, 0.69718428, 0.50729957],
+ [0.07856957, 0.70137357, 0.50438580],
+ [0.07816623, 0.70555458, 0.50137626],
+ [0.07829345, 0.70972648, 0.49826987],
+ [0.07898555, 0.71388839, 0.49506582],
+ [0.08026671, 0.71803947, 0.49176266],
+ [0.08215118, 0.72217884, 0.48835903],
+ [0.08464367, 0.72630551, 0.48485445],
+ [0.08773729, 0.73041860, 0.48124711],
+ [0.09141753, 0.73451708, 0.47753621],
+ [0.09566267, 0.73859990, 0.47372098],
+ [0.10044518, 0.74266608, 0.46979936],
+ [0.10573581, 0.74671439, 0.46577169],
+ [0.11150247, 0.75074383, 0.46163512],
+ [0.11771455, 0.75475305, 0.45739056],
+ [0.12434160, 0.75874093, 0.45303511],
+ [0.13135571, 0.76270607, 0.44856941],
+ [0.13873106, 0.76664714, 0.44399160],
+ [0.14644456, 0.77056271, 0.43930090],
+ [0.15447560, 0.77445122, 0.43449731],
+ [0.16280658, 0.77831112, 0.42957909],
+ [0.17142217, 0.78214072, 0.42454593],
+ [0.18030921, 0.78593823, 0.41939798],
+ [0.18945691, 0.78970175, 0.41413493],
+ [0.19885649, 0.79342929, 0.40875670],
+ [0.20850100, 0.79711872, 0.40326354],
+ [0.21838520, 0.80076777, 0.39765598],
+ [0.22850506, 0.80437400, 0.39193553],
+ [0.23885825, 0.80793482, 0.38610368],
+ [0.24944336, 0.81144744, 0.38016320],
+ [0.26026002, 0.81490888, 0.37411775],
+ [0.27130876, 0.81831597, 0.36797226],
+ [0.28259096, 0.82166528, 0.36173301],
+ [0.29411073, 0.82495305, 0.35540556],
+ [0.30586837, 0.82817546, 0.34900319],
+ [0.31786973, 0.83132816, 0.34253550],
+ [0.33011592, 0.83440680, 0.33602138],
+ [0.34261175, 0.83740653, 0.32947931],
+ [0.35536011, 0.84032235, 0.32293457],
+ [0.36836204, 0.84314916, 0.31641947],
+ [0.38161778, 0.84588169, 0.30997279],
+ [0.39512484, 0.84851475, 0.30364234],
+ [0.40887749, 0.85104339, 0.29748583],
+ [0.42286581, 0.85346311, 0.29157190],
+ [0.43707091, 0.85577071, 0.28598374],
+ [0.45146975, 0.85796396, 0.28081359],
+ [0.46602713, 0.86004302, 0.27616680],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.lavender', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.lavender", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/lilac/lilac.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/lilac/lilac.jscm
index a56edfda..e8c8ec30 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/lilac/lilac.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/lilac/lilac.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/lilac/lilac.py b/cmasher/colormaps/lilac/lilac.py
index 4d5214ed..6aa27e1a 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/lilac/lilac.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/lilac/lilac.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00012858, 0.00021766, 0.00021156],
- [0.00041099, 0.00076694, 0.00075465],
- [0.00078500, 0.00161147, 0.00161029],
- [0.00121594, 0.00273710, 0.00278459],
- [0.00167939, 0.00413528, 0.00429175],
- [0.00215678, 0.00579988, 0.00615035],
- [0.00263347, 0.00772596, 0.00838176],
- [0.00309772, 0.00990921, 0.01100946],
- [0.00353998, 0.01234573, 0.01405851],
- [0.00395245, 0.01503181, 0.01755535],
- [0.00432876, 0.01796386, 0.02152760],
- [0.00466381, 0.02113834, 0.02600398],
- [0.00495337, 0.02455173, 0.03101440],
- [0.00519415, 0.02820047, 0.03658987],
- [0.00538382, 0.03208089, 0.04268668],
- [0.00552053, 0.03618928, 0.04888432],
- [0.00560335, 0.04052050, 0.05513989],
- [0.00563188, 0.04485360, 0.06145669],
- [0.00560652, 0.04912638, 0.06783751],
- [0.00552818, 0.05334114, 0.07428501],
- [0.00539867, 0.05749970, 0.08080134],
- [0.00522026, 0.06160362, 0.08738876],
- [0.00499613, 0.06565409, 0.09404914],
- [0.00473017, 0.06965208, 0.10078425],
- [0.00442704, 0.07359828, 0.10759580],
- [0.00409230, 0.07749316, 0.11448526],
- [0.00373240, 0.08133700, 0.12145403],
- [0.00335472, 0.08512986, 0.12850342],
- [0.00296770, 0.08887163, 0.13563456],
- [0.00258083, 0.09256201, 0.14284848],
- [0.00220478, 0.09620055, 0.15014607],
- [0.00185148, 0.09978663, 0.15752804],
- [0.00153407, 0.10331948, 0.16499505],
- [0.00126725, 0.10679816, 0.17254740],
- [0.00106713, 0.11022161, 0.18018530],
- [0.00095132, 0.11358860, 0.18790886],
- [0.00093936, 0.11689778, 0.19571763],
- [0.00105235, 0.12014767, 0.20361121],
- [0.00131345, 0.12333664, 0.21158868],
- [0.00174778, 0.12646294, 0.21964885],
- [0.00238256, 0.12952470, 0.22779019],
- [0.00324734, 0.13251995, 0.23601061],
- [0.00437395, 0.13544661, 0.24430760],
- [0.00579664, 0.13830251, 0.25267825],
- [0.00755234, 0.14108542, 0.26111864],
- [0.00968047, 0.14379304, 0.26962460],
- [0.01222317, 0.14642301, 0.27819109],
- [0.01522536, 0.14897305, 0.28681198],
- [0.01873464, 0.15144086, 0.29548041],
- [0.02280128, 0.15382422, 0.30418849],
- [0.02747816, 0.15612104, 0.31292718],
- [0.03282058, 0.15832942, 0.32168623],
- [0.03888601, 0.16044773, 0.33045402],
- [0.04545965, 0.16247469, 0.33921751],
- [0.05218104, 0.16440942, 0.34796220],
- [0.05905492, 0.16625151, 0.35667237],
- [0.06607633, 0.16800140, 0.36532997],
- [0.07323974, 0.16966008, 0.37391605],
- [0.08053840, 0.17122954, 0.38240984],
- [0.08796447, 0.17271268, 0.39078934],
- [0.09550864, 0.17411362, 0.39903108],
- [0.10316069, 0.17543745, 0.40711111],
- [0.11090871, 0.17669068, 0.41500448],
- [0.11873972, 0.17788098, 0.42268627],
- [0.12663965, 0.17901717, 0.43013197],
- [0.13459355, 0.18010918, 0.43731800],
- [0.14258579, 0.18116785, 0.44422235],
- [0.15060037, 0.18220469, 0.45082509],
- [0.15862128, 0.18323167, 0.45710897],
- [0.16663287, 0.18426084, 0.46305986],
- [0.17462016, 0.18530403, 0.46866710],
- [0.18256919, 0.18637258, 0.47392364],
- [0.19046725, 0.18747700, 0.47882612],
- [0.19830297, 0.18862681, 0.48337470],
- [0.20606654, 0.18983035, 0.48757289],
- [0.21375006, 0.19109448, 0.49142725],
- [0.22134673, 0.19242494, 0.49494683],
- [0.22885169, 0.19382593, 0.49814286],
- [0.23626114, 0.19530053, 0.50102829],
- [0.24357299, 0.19685044, 0.50361724],
- [0.25078571, 0.19847655, 0.50592476],
- [0.25789903, 0.20017871, 0.50796639],
- [0.26491355, 0.20195595, 0.50975776],
- [0.27183039, 0.20380675, 0.51131451],
- [0.27865122, 0.20572907, 0.51265195],
- [0.28537808, 0.20772051, 0.51378498],
- [0.29201305, 0.20977852, 0.51472812],
- [0.29855902, 0.21190012, 0.51549484],
- [0.30501867, 0.21408240, 0.51609812],
- [0.31139440, 0.21632253, 0.51655055],
- [0.31768941, 0.21861743, 0.51686328],
- [0.32390616, 0.22096436, 0.51704740],
- [0.33004742, 0.22336053, 0.51711295],
- [0.33611597, 0.22580327, 0.51706917],
- [0.34211431, 0.22829010, 0.51692483],
- [0.34804486, 0.23081868, 0.51668805],
- [0.35390997, 0.23338683, 0.51636633],
- [0.35971186, 0.23599252, 0.51596660],
- [0.36545269, 0.23863384, 0.51549521],
- [0.37113448, 0.24130909, 0.51495802],
- [0.37675916, 0.24401666, 0.51436039],
- [0.38232854, 0.24675512, 0.51370727],
- [0.38784431, 0.24952316, 0.51300315],
- [0.39330788, 0.25231966, 0.51225259],
- [0.39872081, 0.25514354, 0.51145925],
- [0.40408461, 0.25799384, 0.51062639],
- [0.40940019, 0.26086981, 0.50975804],
- [0.41466910, 0.26377063, 0.50885634],
- [0.41989211, 0.26669575, 0.50792480],
- [0.42507050, 0.26964456, 0.50696524],
- [0.43020489, 0.27261664, 0.50598078],
- [0.43529635, 0.27561157, 0.50497293],
- [0.44034560, 0.27862901, 0.50394381],
- [0.44535318, 0.28166873, 0.50289564],
- [0.45031989, 0.28473049, 0.50182966],
- [0.45524626, 0.28781414, 0.50074746],
- [0.46013276, 0.29091958, 0.49965062],
- [0.46497978, 0.29404673, 0.49854065],
- [0.46978780, 0.29719556, 0.49741853],
- [0.47455714, 0.30036608, 0.49628544],
- [0.47928811, 0.30355832, 0.49514246],
- [0.48398095, 0.30677235, 0.49399061],
- [0.48863588, 0.31000824, 0.49283083],
- [0.49325306, 0.31326611, 0.49166400],
- [0.49783264, 0.31654608, 0.49049093],
- [0.50237472, 0.31984829, 0.48931239],
- [0.50687939, 0.32317290, 0.48812908],
- [0.51134670, 0.32652007, 0.48694166],
- [0.51577668, 0.32988998, 0.48575075],
- [0.52016933, 0.33328282, 0.48455690],
- [0.52452456, 0.33669875, 0.48336105],
- [0.52884242, 0.34013798, 0.48216335],
- [0.53312284, 0.34360072, 0.48096420],
- [0.53736577, 0.34708716, 0.47976398],
- [0.54157104, 0.35059749, 0.47856358],
- [0.54573862, 0.35413191, 0.47736299],
- [0.54986840, 0.35769067, 0.47616226],
- [0.55396019, 0.36127392, 0.47496233],
- [0.55801388, 0.36488190, 0.47376289],
- [0.56202932, 0.36851484, 0.47256415],
- [0.56600627, 0.37217291, 0.47136668],
- [0.56994457, 0.37585641, 0.47016985],
- [0.57384395, 0.37956550, 0.46897459],
- [0.57770417, 0.38330050, 0.46778003],
- [0.58152491, 0.38706161, 0.46658680],
- [0.58530584, 0.39084913, 0.46539450],
- [0.58904656, 0.39466342, 0.46420267],
- [0.59274663, 0.39850465, 0.46301230],
- [0.59640555, 0.40237329, 0.46182212],
- [0.60002274, 0.40626973, 0.46063205],
- [0.60359757, 0.41019424, 0.45944276],
- [0.60712931, 0.41414733, 0.45825355],
- [0.61061711, 0.41812950, 0.45706416],
- [0.61406005, 0.42214125, 0.45587458],
- [0.61745712, 0.42618311, 0.45468485],
- [0.62080717, 0.43025566, 0.45349513],
- [0.62410898, 0.43435947, 0.45230587],
- [0.62736116, 0.43849523, 0.45111720],
- [0.63056222, 0.44266364, 0.44992954],
- [0.63371055, 0.44686539, 0.44874358],
- [0.63680444, 0.45110123, 0.44756019],
- [0.63984214, 0.45537180, 0.44638090],
- [0.64282173, 0.45967788, 0.44520686],
- [0.64574121, 0.46402021, 0.44403961],
- [0.64859855, 0.46839951, 0.44288101],
- [0.65139168, 0.47281645, 0.44173316],
- [0.65411849, 0.47727168, 0.44059844],
- [0.65677727, 0.48176543, 0.43948081],
- [0.65936582, 0.48629838, 0.43838237],
- [0.66188213, 0.49087101, 0.43730585],
- [0.66432472, 0.49548331, 0.43625567],
- [0.66669203, 0.50013537, 0.43523547],
- [0.66898219, 0.50482757, 0.43424756],
- [0.67119490, 0.50955903, 0.43329818],
- [0.67332833, 0.51433018, 0.43238860],
- [0.67538253, 0.51914000, 0.43152438],
- [0.67735649, 0.52398835, 0.43070759],
- [0.67925079, 0.52887401, 0.42994315],
- [0.68106464, 0.53379682, 0.42923215],
- [0.68279988, 0.53875482, 0.42858018],
- [0.68445579, 0.54374795, 0.42798698],
- [0.68603409, 0.54877454, 0.42745610],
- [0.68753601, 0.55383336, 0.42698932],
- [0.68896212, 0.55892366, 0.42658666],
- [0.69031434, 0.56404392, 0.42624972],
- [0.69159481, 0.56919255, 0.42597966],
- [0.69280424, 0.57436893, 0.42577509],
- [0.69394432, 0.57957187, 0.42563569],
- [0.69501674, 0.58480024, 0.42556072],
- [0.69602402, 0.59005249, 0.42555010],
- [0.69696700, 0.59532809, 0.42560152],
- [0.69784698, 0.60062624, 0.42571308],
- [0.69866530, 0.60594618, 0.42588291],
- [0.69942318, 0.61128720, 0.42610890],
- [0.70012165, 0.61664872, 0.42638882],
- [0.70076161, 0.62203026, 0.42672032],
- [0.70134373, 0.62743142, 0.42710097],
- [0.70186853, 0.63285192, 0.42752827],
- [0.70233631, 0.63829154, 0.42799973],
- [0.70274718, 0.64375019, 0.42851284],
- [0.70310108, 0.64922781, 0.42906514],
- [0.70339772, 0.65472445, 0.42965419],
- [0.70363665, 0.66024022, 0.43027762],
- [0.70381722, 0.66577528, 0.43093314],
- [0.70393861, 0.67132987, 0.43161853],
- [0.70400025, 0.67690407, 0.43233194],
- [0.70400197, 0.68249775, 0.43307201],
- [0.70394128, 0.68811181, 0.43383596],
- [0.70381672, 0.69374666, 0.43462192],
- [0.70362664, 0.69940272, 0.43542813],
- [0.70336988, 0.70508018, 0.43625332],
- [0.70304636, 0.71077874, 0.43709705],
- [0.70265185, 0.71649985, 0.43795642],
- [0.70218412, 0.72224403, 0.43883003],
- [0.70164280, 0.72801098, 0.43971771],
- [0.70102572, 0.73380117, 0.44061834],
- [0.70032828, 0.73961595, 0.44152957],
- [0.69954953, 0.74545518, 0.44245132],
- [0.69868817, 0.75131880, 0.44338335],
- [0.69773805, 0.75720865, 0.44432297],
- [0.69669961, 0.76312392, 0.44527116],
- [0.69556857, 0.76906557, 0.44622647],
- [0.69433963, 0.77503489, 0.44718714],
- [0.69301515, 0.78103028, 0.44815534],
- [0.69158502, 0.78705467, 0.44912718],
- [0.69005138, 0.79310645, 0.45010488],
- [0.68840620, 0.79918764, 0.45108588],
- [0.68664830, 0.80529774, 0.45207097],
- [0.68477216, 0.81143772, 0.45305907],
- [0.68277410, 0.81760782, 0.45405003],
- [0.68064946, 0.82380858, 0.45504339],
- [0.67839375, 0.83004037, 0.45603889],
- [0.67600120, 0.83630393, 0.45703585],
- [0.67346851, 0.84259909, 0.45803475],
- [0.67078652, 0.84892748, 0.45903379],
- [0.66795537, 0.85528768, 0.46003507],
- [0.66496079, 0.86168269, 0.46103512],
- [0.66180640, 0.86810988, 0.46203758],
- [0.65847638, 0.87457242, 0.46303880],
- [0.65496779, 0.88106945, 0.46404018],
- [0.65127382, 0.88760120, 0.46504181],
- [0.64738043, 0.89416975, 0.46604145],
- [0.64328861, 0.90077285, 0.46704227],
- [0.63898121, 0.90741312, 0.46804140],
- [0.63444716, 0.91409125, 0.46903838],
- [0.62968624, 0.92080495, 0.47003640],
- [0.62467620, 0.92755747, 0.47103187],
- [0.61940472, 0.93434919, 0.47202476],
- [0.61387000, 0.94117770, 0.47301835],
- [0.60804612, 0.94804626, 0.47400913],
- [0.60191719, 0.95495530, 0.47499701],
- [0.59547437, 0.96190331, 0.47598418],
- [0.58869458, 0.96889176, 0.47696930],
- [0.58155331, 0.97592194, 0.47795130],
- [0.57402763, 0.98299425, 0.47893009]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00012858, 0.00021766, 0.00021156],
+ [0.00041099, 0.00076694, 0.00075465],
+ [0.00078500, 0.00161147, 0.00161029],
+ [0.00121594, 0.00273710, 0.00278459],
+ [0.00167939, 0.00413528, 0.00429175],
+ [0.00215678, 0.00579988, 0.00615035],
+ [0.00263347, 0.00772596, 0.00838176],
+ [0.00309772, 0.00990921, 0.01100946],
+ [0.00353998, 0.01234573, 0.01405851],
+ [0.00395245, 0.01503181, 0.01755535],
+ [0.00432876, 0.01796386, 0.02152760],
+ [0.00466381, 0.02113834, 0.02600398],
+ [0.00495337, 0.02455173, 0.03101440],
+ [0.00519415, 0.02820047, 0.03658987],
+ [0.00538382, 0.03208089, 0.04268668],
+ [0.00552053, 0.03618928, 0.04888432],
+ [0.00560335, 0.04052050, 0.05513989],
+ [0.00563188, 0.04485360, 0.06145669],
+ [0.00560652, 0.04912638, 0.06783751],
+ [0.00552818, 0.05334114, 0.07428501],
+ [0.00539867, 0.05749970, 0.08080134],
+ [0.00522026, 0.06160362, 0.08738876],
+ [0.00499613, 0.06565409, 0.09404914],
+ [0.00473017, 0.06965208, 0.10078425],
+ [0.00442704, 0.07359828, 0.10759580],
+ [0.00409230, 0.07749316, 0.11448526],
+ [0.00373240, 0.08133700, 0.12145403],
+ [0.00335472, 0.08512986, 0.12850342],
+ [0.00296770, 0.08887163, 0.13563456],
+ [0.00258083, 0.09256201, 0.14284848],
+ [0.00220478, 0.09620055, 0.15014607],
+ [0.00185148, 0.09978663, 0.15752804],
+ [0.00153407, 0.10331948, 0.16499505],
+ [0.00126725, 0.10679816, 0.17254740],
+ [0.00106713, 0.11022161, 0.18018530],
+ [0.00095132, 0.11358860, 0.18790886],
+ [0.00093936, 0.11689778, 0.19571763],
+ [0.00105235, 0.12014767, 0.20361121],
+ [0.00131345, 0.12333664, 0.21158868],
+ [0.00174778, 0.12646294, 0.21964885],
+ [0.00238256, 0.12952470, 0.22779019],
+ [0.00324734, 0.13251995, 0.23601061],
+ [0.00437395, 0.13544661, 0.24430760],
+ [0.00579664, 0.13830251, 0.25267825],
+ [0.00755234, 0.14108542, 0.26111864],
+ [0.00968047, 0.14379304, 0.26962460],
+ [0.01222317, 0.14642301, 0.27819109],
+ [0.01522536, 0.14897305, 0.28681198],
+ [0.01873464, 0.15144086, 0.29548041],
+ [0.02280128, 0.15382422, 0.30418849],
+ [0.02747816, 0.15612104, 0.31292718],
+ [0.03282058, 0.15832942, 0.32168623],
+ [0.03888601, 0.16044773, 0.33045402],
+ [0.04545965, 0.16247469, 0.33921751],
+ [0.05218104, 0.16440942, 0.34796220],
+ [0.05905492, 0.16625151, 0.35667237],
+ [0.06607633, 0.16800140, 0.36532997],
+ [0.07323974, 0.16966008, 0.37391605],
+ [0.08053840, 0.17122954, 0.38240984],
+ [0.08796447, 0.17271268, 0.39078934],
+ [0.09550864, 0.17411362, 0.39903108],
+ [0.10316069, 0.17543745, 0.40711111],
+ [0.11090871, 0.17669068, 0.41500448],
+ [0.11873972, 0.17788098, 0.42268627],
+ [0.12663965, 0.17901717, 0.43013197],
+ [0.13459355, 0.18010918, 0.43731800],
+ [0.14258579, 0.18116785, 0.44422235],
+ [0.15060037, 0.18220469, 0.45082509],
+ [0.15862128, 0.18323167, 0.45710897],
+ [0.16663287, 0.18426084, 0.46305986],
+ [0.17462016, 0.18530403, 0.46866710],
+ [0.18256919, 0.18637258, 0.47392364],
+ [0.19046725, 0.18747700, 0.47882612],
+ [0.19830297, 0.18862681, 0.48337470],
+ [0.20606654, 0.18983035, 0.48757289],
+ [0.21375006, 0.19109448, 0.49142725],
+ [0.22134673, 0.19242494, 0.49494683],
+ [0.22885169, 0.19382593, 0.49814286],
+ [0.23626114, 0.19530053, 0.50102829],
+ [0.24357299, 0.19685044, 0.50361724],
+ [0.25078571, 0.19847655, 0.50592476],
+ [0.25789903, 0.20017871, 0.50796639],
+ [0.26491355, 0.20195595, 0.50975776],
+ [0.27183039, 0.20380675, 0.51131451],
+ [0.27865122, 0.20572907, 0.51265195],
+ [0.28537808, 0.20772051, 0.51378498],
+ [0.29201305, 0.20977852, 0.51472812],
+ [0.29855902, 0.21190012, 0.51549484],
+ [0.30501867, 0.21408240, 0.51609812],
+ [0.31139440, 0.21632253, 0.51655055],
+ [0.31768941, 0.21861743, 0.51686328],
+ [0.32390616, 0.22096436, 0.51704740],
+ [0.33004742, 0.22336053, 0.51711295],
+ [0.33611597, 0.22580327, 0.51706917],
+ [0.34211431, 0.22829010, 0.51692483],
+ [0.34804486, 0.23081868, 0.51668805],
+ [0.35390997, 0.23338683, 0.51636633],
+ [0.35971186, 0.23599252, 0.51596660],
+ [0.36545269, 0.23863384, 0.51549521],
+ [0.37113448, 0.24130909, 0.51495802],
+ [0.37675916, 0.24401666, 0.51436039],
+ [0.38232854, 0.24675512, 0.51370727],
+ [0.38784431, 0.24952316, 0.51300315],
+ [0.39330788, 0.25231966, 0.51225259],
+ [0.39872081, 0.25514354, 0.51145925],
+ [0.40408461, 0.25799384, 0.51062639],
+ [0.40940019, 0.26086981, 0.50975804],
+ [0.41466910, 0.26377063, 0.50885634],
+ [0.41989211, 0.26669575, 0.50792480],
+ [0.42507050, 0.26964456, 0.50696524],
+ [0.43020489, 0.27261664, 0.50598078],
+ [0.43529635, 0.27561157, 0.50497293],
+ [0.44034560, 0.27862901, 0.50394381],
+ [0.44535318, 0.28166873, 0.50289564],
+ [0.45031989, 0.28473049, 0.50182966],
+ [0.45524626, 0.28781414, 0.50074746],
+ [0.46013276, 0.29091958, 0.49965062],
+ [0.46497978, 0.29404673, 0.49854065],
+ [0.46978780, 0.29719556, 0.49741853],
+ [0.47455714, 0.30036608, 0.49628544],
+ [0.47928811, 0.30355832, 0.49514246],
+ [0.48398095, 0.30677235, 0.49399061],
+ [0.48863588, 0.31000824, 0.49283083],
+ [0.49325306, 0.31326611, 0.49166400],
+ [0.49783264, 0.31654608, 0.49049093],
+ [0.50237472, 0.31984829, 0.48931239],
+ [0.50687939, 0.32317290, 0.48812908],
+ [0.51134670, 0.32652007, 0.48694166],
+ [0.51577668, 0.32988998, 0.48575075],
+ [0.52016933, 0.33328282, 0.48455690],
+ [0.52452456, 0.33669875, 0.48336105],
+ [0.52884242, 0.34013798, 0.48216335],
+ [0.53312284, 0.34360072, 0.48096420],
+ [0.53736577, 0.34708716, 0.47976398],
+ [0.54157104, 0.35059749, 0.47856358],
+ [0.54573862, 0.35413191, 0.47736299],
+ [0.54986840, 0.35769067, 0.47616226],
+ [0.55396019, 0.36127392, 0.47496233],
+ [0.55801388, 0.36488190, 0.47376289],
+ [0.56202932, 0.36851484, 0.47256415],
+ [0.56600627, 0.37217291, 0.47136668],
+ [0.56994457, 0.37585641, 0.47016985],
+ [0.57384395, 0.37956550, 0.46897459],
+ [0.57770417, 0.38330050, 0.46778003],
+ [0.58152491, 0.38706161, 0.46658680],
+ [0.58530584, 0.39084913, 0.46539450],
+ [0.58904656, 0.39466342, 0.46420267],
+ [0.59274663, 0.39850465, 0.46301230],
+ [0.59640555, 0.40237329, 0.46182212],
+ [0.60002274, 0.40626973, 0.46063205],
+ [0.60359757, 0.41019424, 0.45944276],
+ [0.60712931, 0.41414733, 0.45825355],
+ [0.61061711, 0.41812950, 0.45706416],
+ [0.61406005, 0.42214125, 0.45587458],
+ [0.61745712, 0.42618311, 0.45468485],
+ [0.62080717, 0.43025566, 0.45349513],
+ [0.62410898, 0.43435947, 0.45230587],
+ [0.62736116, 0.43849523, 0.45111720],
+ [0.63056222, 0.44266364, 0.44992954],
+ [0.63371055, 0.44686539, 0.44874358],
+ [0.63680444, 0.45110123, 0.44756019],
+ [0.63984214, 0.45537180, 0.44638090],
+ [0.64282173, 0.45967788, 0.44520686],
+ [0.64574121, 0.46402021, 0.44403961],
+ [0.64859855, 0.46839951, 0.44288101],
+ [0.65139168, 0.47281645, 0.44173316],
+ [0.65411849, 0.47727168, 0.44059844],
+ [0.65677727, 0.48176543, 0.43948081],
+ [0.65936582, 0.48629838, 0.43838237],
+ [0.66188213, 0.49087101, 0.43730585],
+ [0.66432472, 0.49548331, 0.43625567],
+ [0.66669203, 0.50013537, 0.43523547],
+ [0.66898219, 0.50482757, 0.43424756],
+ [0.67119490, 0.50955903, 0.43329818],
+ [0.67332833, 0.51433018, 0.43238860],
+ [0.67538253, 0.51914000, 0.43152438],
+ [0.67735649, 0.52398835, 0.43070759],
+ [0.67925079, 0.52887401, 0.42994315],
+ [0.68106464, 0.53379682, 0.42923215],
+ [0.68279988, 0.53875482, 0.42858018],
+ [0.68445579, 0.54374795, 0.42798698],
+ [0.68603409, 0.54877454, 0.42745610],
+ [0.68753601, 0.55383336, 0.42698932],
+ [0.68896212, 0.55892366, 0.42658666],
+ [0.69031434, 0.56404392, 0.42624972],
+ [0.69159481, 0.56919255, 0.42597966],
+ [0.69280424, 0.57436893, 0.42577509],
+ [0.69394432, 0.57957187, 0.42563569],
+ [0.69501674, 0.58480024, 0.42556072],
+ [0.69602402, 0.59005249, 0.42555010],
+ [0.69696700, 0.59532809, 0.42560152],
+ [0.69784698, 0.60062624, 0.42571308],
+ [0.69866530, 0.60594618, 0.42588291],
+ [0.69942318, 0.61128720, 0.42610890],
+ [0.70012165, 0.61664872, 0.42638882],
+ [0.70076161, 0.62203026, 0.42672032],
+ [0.70134373, 0.62743142, 0.42710097],
+ [0.70186853, 0.63285192, 0.42752827],
+ [0.70233631, 0.63829154, 0.42799973],
+ [0.70274718, 0.64375019, 0.42851284],
+ [0.70310108, 0.64922781, 0.42906514],
+ [0.70339772, 0.65472445, 0.42965419],
+ [0.70363665, 0.66024022, 0.43027762],
+ [0.70381722, 0.66577528, 0.43093314],
+ [0.70393861, 0.67132987, 0.43161853],
+ [0.70400025, 0.67690407, 0.43233194],
+ [0.70400197, 0.68249775, 0.43307201],
+ [0.70394128, 0.68811181, 0.43383596],
+ [0.70381672, 0.69374666, 0.43462192],
+ [0.70362664, 0.69940272, 0.43542813],
+ [0.70336988, 0.70508018, 0.43625332],
+ [0.70304636, 0.71077874, 0.43709705],
+ [0.70265185, 0.71649985, 0.43795642],
+ [0.70218412, 0.72224403, 0.43883003],
+ [0.70164280, 0.72801098, 0.43971771],
+ [0.70102572, 0.73380117, 0.44061834],
+ [0.70032828, 0.73961595, 0.44152957],
+ [0.69954953, 0.74545518, 0.44245132],
+ [0.69868817, 0.75131880, 0.44338335],
+ [0.69773805, 0.75720865, 0.44432297],
+ [0.69669961, 0.76312392, 0.44527116],
+ [0.69556857, 0.76906557, 0.44622647],
+ [0.69433963, 0.77503489, 0.44718714],
+ [0.69301515, 0.78103028, 0.44815534],
+ [0.69158502, 0.78705467, 0.44912718],
+ [0.69005138, 0.79310645, 0.45010488],
+ [0.68840620, 0.79918764, 0.45108588],
+ [0.68664830, 0.80529774, 0.45207097],
+ [0.68477216, 0.81143772, 0.45305907],
+ [0.68277410, 0.81760782, 0.45405003],
+ [0.68064946, 0.82380858, 0.45504339],
+ [0.67839375, 0.83004037, 0.45603889],
+ [0.67600120, 0.83630393, 0.45703585],
+ [0.67346851, 0.84259909, 0.45803475],
+ [0.67078652, 0.84892748, 0.45903379],
+ [0.66795537, 0.85528768, 0.46003507],
+ [0.66496079, 0.86168269, 0.46103512],
+ [0.66180640, 0.86810988, 0.46203758],
+ [0.65847638, 0.87457242, 0.46303880],
+ [0.65496779, 0.88106945, 0.46404018],
+ [0.65127382, 0.88760120, 0.46504181],
+ [0.64738043, 0.89416975, 0.46604145],
+ [0.64328861, 0.90077285, 0.46704227],
+ [0.63898121, 0.90741312, 0.46804140],
+ [0.63444716, 0.91409125, 0.46903838],
+ [0.62968624, 0.92080495, 0.47003640],
+ [0.62467620, 0.92755747, 0.47103187],
+ [0.61940472, 0.93434919, 0.47202476],
+ [0.61387000, 0.94117770, 0.47301835],
+ [0.60804612, 0.94804626, 0.47400913],
+ [0.60191719, 0.95495530, 0.47499701],
+ [0.59547437, 0.96190331, 0.47598418],
+ [0.58869458, 0.96889176, 0.47696930],
+ [0.58155331, 0.97592194, 0.47795130],
+ [0.57402763, 0.98299425, 0.47893009],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.lilac', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.lilac", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/neon/neon.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/neon/neon.jscm
index a310d6b3..b6c51a2d 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/neon/neon.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/neon/neon.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/neon/neon.py b/cmasher/colormaps/neon/neon.py
index 74357185..83b732e9 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/neon/neon.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/neon/neon.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.65535868, 0.04612223, 0.01004854],
- [0.65786642, 0.04765333, 0.02542354],
- [0.66036512, 0.04912066, 0.04217538],
- [0.66285498, 0.05052380, 0.05789335],
- [0.66533612, 0.05186109, 0.07205007],
- [0.66780875, 0.05313275, 0.08520571],
- [0.67027303, 0.05433773, 0.09767423],
- [0.67272909, 0.05547451, 0.10965010],
- [0.67517714, 0.05654307, 0.12125485],
- [0.67761726, 0.05754076, 0.13258343],
- [0.68004966, 0.05846795, 0.14369242],
- [0.68247438, 0.05932159, 0.15463680],
- [0.68489160, 0.06010172, 0.16544711],
- [0.68730136, 0.06080564, 0.17615655],
- [0.68970375, 0.06143225, 0.18678614],
- [0.69209883, 0.06198018, 0.19735327],
- [0.69448653, 0.06244612, 0.20787835],
- [0.69686689, 0.06282947, 0.21836982],
- [0.69923983, 0.06312810, 0.22883904],
- [0.70160522, 0.06333940, 0.23929696],
- [0.70396289, 0.06346097, 0.24975213],
- [0.70631265, 0.06349108, 0.26021007],
- [0.70865421, 0.06342731, 0.27067728],
- [0.71098724, 0.06326717, 0.28115950],
- [0.71331131, 0.06300815, 0.29166185],
- [0.71562592, 0.06264765, 0.30218894],
- [0.71793050, 0.06218309, 0.31274488],
- [0.72022437, 0.06161187, 0.32333344],
- [0.72250676, 0.06093140, 0.33395796],
- [0.72477680, 0.06013917, 0.34462152],
- [0.72703349, 0.05923272, 0.35532683],
- [0.72927573, 0.05820967, 0.36607648],
- [0.73150219, 0.05706627, 0.37687550],
- [0.73371159, 0.05580196, 0.38772323],
- [0.73590239, 0.05441521, 0.39862129],
- [0.73807280, 0.05290232, 0.40957507],
- [0.74022109, 0.05126466, 0.42058238],
- [0.74234515, 0.04950030, 0.43164709],
- [0.74444284, 0.04761121, 0.44276822],
- [0.74651168, 0.04559729, 0.45394921],
- [0.74854916, 0.04346394, 0.46518763],
- [0.75055242, 0.04121528, 0.47648529],
- [0.75251840, 0.03885050, 0.48784251],
- [0.75444390, 0.03645926, 0.49925721],
- [0.75632545, 0.03408291, 0.51072854],
- [0.75815929, 0.03174831, 0.52225503],
- [0.75994147, 0.02948551, 0.53383453],
- [0.76166776, 0.02732798, 0.54546419],
- [0.76333372, 0.02531274, 0.55714038],
- [0.76493465, 0.02348063, 0.56885869],
- [0.76646560, 0.02187605, 0.58061430],
- [0.76792122, 0.02054655, 0.59240281],
- [0.76929631, 0.01954659, 0.60421532],
- [0.77058510, 0.01893215, 0.61604568],
- [0.77178182, 0.01876500, 0.62788485],
- [0.77288040, 0.01911046, 0.63972387],
- [0.77387487, 0.02003913, 0.65155113],
- [0.77475875, 0.02162402, 0.66335689],
- [0.77552587, 0.02394353, 0.67512770],
- [0.77616997, 0.02707901, 0.68685004],
- [0.77668476, 0.03111470, 0.69850975],
- [0.77706410, 0.03613738, 0.71009176],
- [0.77730201, 0.04218355, 0.72158015],
- [0.77739279, 0.04882661, 0.73295835],
- [0.77733105, 0.05592831, 0.74420931],
- [0.77711180, 0.06342688, 0.75531563],
- [0.77673031, 0.07126925, 0.76626052],
- [0.77618272, 0.07940940, 0.77702593],
- [0.77546565, 0.08780745, 0.78759466],
- [0.77457604, 0.09642886, 0.79795076],
- [0.77351198, 0.10524245, 0.80807774],
- [0.77227191, 0.11422062, 0.81796091],
- [0.77085515, 0.12333810, 0.82758629],
- [0.76926168, 0.13257182, 0.83694131],
- [0.76749221, 0.14190035, 0.84601468],
- [0.76554808, 0.15130393, 0.85479680],
- [0.76343138, 0.16076397, 0.86327941],
- [0.76114464, 0.17026336, 0.87145616],
- [0.75869111, 0.17978594, 0.87932207],
- [0.75607441, 0.18931686, 0.88687396],
- [0.75329862, 0.19884228, 0.89411011],
- [0.75036817, 0.20834949, 0.90103038],
- [0.74728785, 0.21782672, 0.90763592],
- [0.74406252, 0.22726343, 0.91392933],
- [0.74069745, 0.23664978, 0.91991421],
- [0.73719777, 0.24597721, 0.92559542],
- [0.73356890, 0.25523778, 0.93097857],
- [0.72981607, 0.26442469, 0.93607022],
- [0.72594469, 0.27353174, 0.94087750],
- [0.72195987, 0.28255377, 0.94540824],
- [0.71786692, 0.29148604, 0.94967059],
- [0.71367060, 0.30032493, 0.95367321],
- [0.70937611, 0.30906686, 0.95742486],
- [0.70498782, 0.31770951, 0.96093466],
- [0.70051036, 0.32625066, 0.96421169],
- [0.69594812, 0.33468863, 0.96726514],
- [0.69130498, 0.34302246, 0.97010416],
- [0.68658490, 0.35125132, 0.97273782],
- [0.68179164, 0.35937476, 0.97517505],
- [0.67692842, 0.36739291, 0.97742465],
- [0.67199840, 0.37530605, 0.97949520],
- [0.66700459, 0.38311469, 0.98139507],
- [0.66194975, 0.39081953, 0.98313236],
- [0.65683620, 0.39842173, 0.98471491],
- [0.65166616, 0.40592246, 0.98615029],
- [0.64644160, 0.41332310, 0.98744576],
- [0.64116427, 0.42062516, 0.98860825],
- [0.63583568, 0.42783027, 0.98964442],
- [0.63045715, 0.43494017, 0.99056058],
- [0.62502971, 0.44195671, 0.99136272],
- [0.61955416, 0.44888185, 0.99205649],
- [0.61403111, 0.45571757, 0.99264722],
- [0.60846094, 0.46246593, 0.99313992],
- [0.60284384, 0.46912900, 0.99353925],
- [0.59717979, 0.47570890, 0.99384956],
- [0.59146855, 0.48220778, 0.99407486],
- [0.58570972, 0.48862779, 0.99421886],
- [0.57990267, 0.49497107, 0.99428493],
- [0.57404662, 0.50123978, 0.99427613],
- [0.56814059, 0.50743606, 0.99419521],
- [0.56218344, 0.51356202, 0.99404462],
- [0.55617387, 0.51961977, 0.99382651],
- [0.55011043, 0.52561136, 0.99354271],
- [0.54399153, 0.53153882, 0.99319480],
- [0.53781544, 0.53740412, 0.99278406],
- [0.53158029, 0.54320920, 0.99231147],
- [0.52528413, 0.54895595, 0.99177778],
- [0.51892487, 0.55464618, 0.99118346],
- [0.51250036, 0.56028165, 0.99052872],
- [0.50600839, 0.56586404, 0.98981356],
- [0.49944666, 0.57139497, 0.98903772],
- [0.49281285, 0.57687597, 0.98820072],
- [0.48610462, 0.58230850, 0.98730189],
- [0.47931960, 0.58769392, 0.98634035],
- [0.47245545, 0.59303352, 0.98531504],
- [0.46550988, 0.59832847, 0.98422475],
- [0.45848062, 0.60357988, 0.98306808],
- [0.45136550, 0.60878873, 0.98184354],
- [0.44416243, 0.61395591, 0.98054948],
- [0.43686947, 0.61908223, 0.97918419],
- [0.42948482, 0.62416836, 0.97774587],
- [0.42200685, 0.62921490, 0.97623265],
- [0.41443414, 0.63422231, 0.97464264],
- [0.40676549, 0.63919099, 0.97297393],
- [0.39900001, 0.64412120, 0.97122466],
- [0.39113704, 0.64901311, 0.96939296],
- [0.38317623, 0.65386681, 0.96747703],
- [0.37511758, 0.65868230, 0.96547518],
- [0.36696145, 0.66345948, 0.96338580],
- [0.35870858, 0.66819817, 0.96120743],
- [0.35036012, 0.67289813, 0.95893877],
- [0.34191779, 0.67755901, 0.95657877],
- [0.33338357, 0.68218046, 0.95412647],
- [0.32475992, 0.68676208, 0.95158116],
- [0.31604978, 0.69130342, 0.94894237],
- [0.30725660, 0.69580401, 0.94620987],
- [0.29838473, 0.70026329, 0.94338389],
- [0.28943834, 0.70468084, 0.94046460],
- [0.28042229, 0.70905619, 0.93745255],
- [0.27134220, 0.71338889, 0.93434864],
- [0.26220450, 0.71767844, 0.93115419],
- [0.25301503, 0.72192461, 0.92787029],
- [0.24378113, 0.72612703, 0.92449868],
- [0.23451073, 0.73028542, 0.92104138],
- [0.22521092, 0.73439980, 0.91749997],
- [0.21589201, 0.73846985, 0.91387744],
- [0.20656141, 0.74249589, 0.91017530],
- [0.19723098, 0.74647777, 0.90639693],
- [0.18790944, 0.75041602, 0.90254401],
- [0.17861047, 0.75431069, 0.89862017],
- [0.16934506, 0.75816246, 0.89462733],
- [0.16012713, 0.76197187, 0.89056817],
- [0.15097386, 0.76573938, 0.88644614],
- [0.14190087, 0.76946595, 0.88226296],
- [0.13292810, 0.77315241, 0.87802115],
- [0.12407858, 0.77679968, 0.87372308],
- [0.11537957, 0.78040875, 0.86937106],
- [0.10686324, 0.78398067, 0.86496720],
- [0.09856704, 0.78751668, 0.86051289],
- [0.09053712, 0.79101797, 0.85600966],
- [0.08282936, 0.79448580, 0.85145873],
- [0.07551200, 0.79792142, 0.84686128],
- [0.06866711, 0.80132609, 0.84221829],
- [0.06239013, 0.80470121, 0.83752981],
- [0.05679140, 0.80804811, 0.83279583],
- [0.05199186, 0.81136816, 0.82801602],
- [0.04811846, 0.81466246, 0.82319115],
- [0.04528328, 0.81793243, 0.81831976],
- [0.04357124, 0.82117942, 0.81339994],
- [0.04303076, 0.82440429, 0.80843308],
- [0.04364513, 0.82760863, 0.80341448],
- [0.04535609, 0.83079313, 0.79834556],
- [0.04805322, 0.83395922, 0.79322133],
- [0.05161012, 0.83710757, 0.78804217],
- [0.05588791, 0.84023927, 0.78280412],
- [0.06075636, 0.84335521, 0.77750413],
- [0.06610150, 0.84645596, 0.77214115],
- [0.07182503, 0.84954232, 0.76671132],
- [0.07784721, 0.85261494, 0.76121098],
- [0.08410500, 0.85567433, 0.75563697],
- [0.09054918, 0.85872094, 0.74998600],
- [0.09714194, 0.86175511, 0.74425459],
- [0.10385470, 0.86477713, 0.73843914],
- [0.11066615, 0.86778721, 0.73253593],
- [0.11756078, 0.87078547, 0.72654110],
- [0.12452755, 0.87377196, 0.72045067],
- [0.13155891, 0.87674668, 0.71426056],
- [0.13865002, 0.87970952, 0.70796659],
- [0.14579812, 0.88266033, 0.70156447],
- [0.15300204, 0.88559890, 0.69504980],
- [0.16026152, 0.88852487, 0.68841907],
- [0.16757694, 0.89143781, 0.68166931],
- [0.17495026, 0.89433747, 0.67479383],
- [0.18238344, 0.89722339, 0.66778783],
- [0.18987716, 0.90009483, 0.66065101],
- [0.19743481, 0.90295146, 0.65337495],
- [0.20505841, 0.90579264, 0.64595567],
- [0.21274900, 0.90861762, 0.63839140],
- [0.22051049, 0.91142594, 0.63067239],
- [0.22834201, 0.91421664, 0.62280075],
- [0.23624833, 0.91698930, 0.61476379],
- [0.24422766, 0.91974290, 0.60656428],
- [0.25228423, 0.92247694, 0.59818978],
- [0.26041676, 0.92519047, 0.58964010],
- [0.26862725, 0.92788281, 0.58090660],
- [0.27691682, 0.93055321, 0.57198198],
- [0.28528317, 0.93320075, 0.56286541],
- [0.29372913, 0.93582479, 0.55354404],
- [0.30225450, 0.93842451, 0.54401067],
- [0.31085609, 0.94099906, 0.53426337],
- [0.31953606, 0.94354775, 0.52428776],
- [0.32829374, 0.94606981, 0.51407435],
- [0.33712820, 0.94856447, 0.50361276],
- [0.34603654, 0.95103098, 0.49289543],
- [0.35501920, 0.95346865, 0.48190607],
- [0.36407528, 0.95587674, 0.47062942],
- [0.37320343, 0.95825456, 0.45904902],
- [0.38240221, 0.96060143, 0.44714612],
- [0.39167011, 0.96291667, 0.43489917],
- [0.40100558, 0.96519966, 0.42228327],
- [0.41040702, 0.96744976, 0.40926937],
- [0.41987245, 0.96966638, 0.39582409],
- [0.42940052, 0.97184892, 0.38190624],
- [0.43898985, 0.97399681, 0.36746644],
- [0.44863879, 0.97610948, 0.35244542],
- [0.45834570, 0.97818641, 0.33677010],
- [0.46810894, 0.98022706, 0.32034890],
- [0.47792610, 0.98223101, 0.30306677],
- [0.48779607, 0.98419773, 0.28476928],
- [0.49771732, 0.98612677, 0.26524969],
- [0.50768829, 0.98801767, 0.24421878],
- [0.51770748, 0.98986999, 0.22125155],
- [0.52777342, 0.99168334, 0.19568083],
- [0.53788468, 0.99345728, 0.16635353],
- [0.54803986, 0.99519145, 0.13094595],
- [0.55823761, 0.99688544, 0.08315849]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.65535868, 0.04612223, 0.01004854],
+ [0.65786642, 0.04765333, 0.02542354],
+ [0.66036512, 0.04912066, 0.04217538],
+ [0.66285498, 0.05052380, 0.05789335],
+ [0.66533612, 0.05186109, 0.07205007],
+ [0.66780875, 0.05313275, 0.08520571],
+ [0.67027303, 0.05433773, 0.09767423],
+ [0.67272909, 0.05547451, 0.10965010],
+ [0.67517714, 0.05654307, 0.12125485],
+ [0.67761726, 0.05754076, 0.13258343],
+ [0.68004966, 0.05846795, 0.14369242],
+ [0.68247438, 0.05932159, 0.15463680],
+ [0.68489160, 0.06010172, 0.16544711],
+ [0.68730136, 0.06080564, 0.17615655],
+ [0.68970375, 0.06143225, 0.18678614],
+ [0.69209883, 0.06198018, 0.19735327],
+ [0.69448653, 0.06244612, 0.20787835],
+ [0.69686689, 0.06282947, 0.21836982],
+ [0.69923983, 0.06312810, 0.22883904],
+ [0.70160522, 0.06333940, 0.23929696],
+ [0.70396289, 0.06346097, 0.24975213],
+ [0.70631265, 0.06349108, 0.26021007],
+ [0.70865421, 0.06342731, 0.27067728],
+ [0.71098724, 0.06326717, 0.28115950],
+ [0.71331131, 0.06300815, 0.29166185],
+ [0.71562592, 0.06264765, 0.30218894],
+ [0.71793050, 0.06218309, 0.31274488],
+ [0.72022437, 0.06161187, 0.32333344],
+ [0.72250676, 0.06093140, 0.33395796],
+ [0.72477680, 0.06013917, 0.34462152],
+ [0.72703349, 0.05923272, 0.35532683],
+ [0.72927573, 0.05820967, 0.36607648],
+ [0.73150219, 0.05706627, 0.37687550],
+ [0.73371159, 0.05580196, 0.38772323],
+ [0.73590239, 0.05441521, 0.39862129],
+ [0.73807280, 0.05290232, 0.40957507],
+ [0.74022109, 0.05126466, 0.42058238],
+ [0.74234515, 0.04950030, 0.43164709],
+ [0.74444284, 0.04761121, 0.44276822],
+ [0.74651168, 0.04559729, 0.45394921],
+ [0.74854916, 0.04346394, 0.46518763],
+ [0.75055242, 0.04121528, 0.47648529],
+ [0.75251840, 0.03885050, 0.48784251],
+ [0.75444390, 0.03645926, 0.49925721],
+ [0.75632545, 0.03408291, 0.51072854],
+ [0.75815929, 0.03174831, 0.52225503],
+ [0.75994147, 0.02948551, 0.53383453],
+ [0.76166776, 0.02732798, 0.54546419],
+ [0.76333372, 0.02531274, 0.55714038],
+ [0.76493465, 0.02348063, 0.56885869],
+ [0.76646560, 0.02187605, 0.58061430],
+ [0.76792122, 0.02054655, 0.59240281],
+ [0.76929631, 0.01954659, 0.60421532],
+ [0.77058510, 0.01893215, 0.61604568],
+ [0.77178182, 0.01876500, 0.62788485],
+ [0.77288040, 0.01911046, 0.63972387],
+ [0.77387487, 0.02003913, 0.65155113],
+ [0.77475875, 0.02162402, 0.66335689],
+ [0.77552587, 0.02394353, 0.67512770],
+ [0.77616997, 0.02707901, 0.68685004],
+ [0.77668476, 0.03111470, 0.69850975],
+ [0.77706410, 0.03613738, 0.71009176],
+ [0.77730201, 0.04218355, 0.72158015],
+ [0.77739279, 0.04882661, 0.73295835],
+ [0.77733105, 0.05592831, 0.74420931],
+ [0.77711180, 0.06342688, 0.75531563],
+ [0.77673031, 0.07126925, 0.76626052],
+ [0.77618272, 0.07940940, 0.77702593],
+ [0.77546565, 0.08780745, 0.78759466],
+ [0.77457604, 0.09642886, 0.79795076],
+ [0.77351198, 0.10524245, 0.80807774],
+ [0.77227191, 0.11422062, 0.81796091],
+ [0.77085515, 0.12333810, 0.82758629],
+ [0.76926168, 0.13257182, 0.83694131],
+ [0.76749221, 0.14190035, 0.84601468],
+ [0.76554808, 0.15130393, 0.85479680],
+ [0.76343138, 0.16076397, 0.86327941],
+ [0.76114464, 0.17026336, 0.87145616],
+ [0.75869111, 0.17978594, 0.87932207],
+ [0.75607441, 0.18931686, 0.88687396],
+ [0.75329862, 0.19884228, 0.89411011],
+ [0.75036817, 0.20834949, 0.90103038],
+ [0.74728785, 0.21782672, 0.90763592],
+ [0.74406252, 0.22726343, 0.91392933],
+ [0.74069745, 0.23664978, 0.91991421],
+ [0.73719777, 0.24597721, 0.92559542],
+ [0.73356890, 0.25523778, 0.93097857],
+ [0.72981607, 0.26442469, 0.93607022],
+ [0.72594469, 0.27353174, 0.94087750],
+ [0.72195987, 0.28255377, 0.94540824],
+ [0.71786692, 0.29148604, 0.94967059],
+ [0.71367060, 0.30032493, 0.95367321],
+ [0.70937611, 0.30906686, 0.95742486],
+ [0.70498782, 0.31770951, 0.96093466],
+ [0.70051036, 0.32625066, 0.96421169],
+ [0.69594812, 0.33468863, 0.96726514],
+ [0.69130498, 0.34302246, 0.97010416],
+ [0.68658490, 0.35125132, 0.97273782],
+ [0.68179164, 0.35937476, 0.97517505],
+ [0.67692842, 0.36739291, 0.97742465],
+ [0.67199840, 0.37530605, 0.97949520],
+ [0.66700459, 0.38311469, 0.98139507],
+ [0.66194975, 0.39081953, 0.98313236],
+ [0.65683620, 0.39842173, 0.98471491],
+ [0.65166616, 0.40592246, 0.98615029],
+ [0.64644160, 0.41332310, 0.98744576],
+ [0.64116427, 0.42062516, 0.98860825],
+ [0.63583568, 0.42783027, 0.98964442],
+ [0.63045715, 0.43494017, 0.99056058],
+ [0.62502971, 0.44195671, 0.99136272],
+ [0.61955416, 0.44888185, 0.99205649],
+ [0.61403111, 0.45571757, 0.99264722],
+ [0.60846094, 0.46246593, 0.99313992],
+ [0.60284384, 0.46912900, 0.99353925],
+ [0.59717979, 0.47570890, 0.99384956],
+ [0.59146855, 0.48220778, 0.99407486],
+ [0.58570972, 0.48862779, 0.99421886],
+ [0.57990267, 0.49497107, 0.99428493],
+ [0.57404662, 0.50123978, 0.99427613],
+ [0.56814059, 0.50743606, 0.99419521],
+ [0.56218344, 0.51356202, 0.99404462],
+ [0.55617387, 0.51961977, 0.99382651],
+ [0.55011043, 0.52561136, 0.99354271],
+ [0.54399153, 0.53153882, 0.99319480],
+ [0.53781544, 0.53740412, 0.99278406],
+ [0.53158029, 0.54320920, 0.99231147],
+ [0.52528413, 0.54895595, 0.99177778],
+ [0.51892487, 0.55464618, 0.99118346],
+ [0.51250036, 0.56028165, 0.99052872],
+ [0.50600839, 0.56586404, 0.98981356],
+ [0.49944666, 0.57139497, 0.98903772],
+ [0.49281285, 0.57687597, 0.98820072],
+ [0.48610462, 0.58230850, 0.98730189],
+ [0.47931960, 0.58769392, 0.98634035],
+ [0.47245545, 0.59303352, 0.98531504],
+ [0.46550988, 0.59832847, 0.98422475],
+ [0.45848062, 0.60357988, 0.98306808],
+ [0.45136550, 0.60878873, 0.98184354],
+ [0.44416243, 0.61395591, 0.98054948],
+ [0.43686947, 0.61908223, 0.97918419],
+ [0.42948482, 0.62416836, 0.97774587],
+ [0.42200685, 0.62921490, 0.97623265],
+ [0.41443414, 0.63422231, 0.97464264],
+ [0.40676549, 0.63919099, 0.97297393],
+ [0.39900001, 0.64412120, 0.97122466],
+ [0.39113704, 0.64901311, 0.96939296],
+ [0.38317623, 0.65386681, 0.96747703],
+ [0.37511758, 0.65868230, 0.96547518],
+ [0.36696145, 0.66345948, 0.96338580],
+ [0.35870858, 0.66819817, 0.96120743],
+ [0.35036012, 0.67289813, 0.95893877],
+ [0.34191779, 0.67755901, 0.95657877],
+ [0.33338357, 0.68218046, 0.95412647],
+ [0.32475992, 0.68676208, 0.95158116],
+ [0.31604978, 0.69130342, 0.94894237],
+ [0.30725660, 0.69580401, 0.94620987],
+ [0.29838473, 0.70026329, 0.94338389],
+ [0.28943834, 0.70468084, 0.94046460],
+ [0.28042229, 0.70905619, 0.93745255],
+ [0.27134220, 0.71338889, 0.93434864],
+ [0.26220450, 0.71767844, 0.93115419],
+ [0.25301503, 0.72192461, 0.92787029],
+ [0.24378113, 0.72612703, 0.92449868],
+ [0.23451073, 0.73028542, 0.92104138],
+ [0.22521092, 0.73439980, 0.91749997],
+ [0.21589201, 0.73846985, 0.91387744],
+ [0.20656141, 0.74249589, 0.91017530],
+ [0.19723098, 0.74647777, 0.90639693],
+ [0.18790944, 0.75041602, 0.90254401],
+ [0.17861047, 0.75431069, 0.89862017],
+ [0.16934506, 0.75816246, 0.89462733],
+ [0.16012713, 0.76197187, 0.89056817],
+ [0.15097386, 0.76573938, 0.88644614],
+ [0.14190087, 0.76946595, 0.88226296],
+ [0.13292810, 0.77315241, 0.87802115],
+ [0.12407858, 0.77679968, 0.87372308],
+ [0.11537957, 0.78040875, 0.86937106],
+ [0.10686324, 0.78398067, 0.86496720],
+ [0.09856704, 0.78751668, 0.86051289],
+ [0.09053712, 0.79101797, 0.85600966],
+ [0.08282936, 0.79448580, 0.85145873],
+ [0.07551200, 0.79792142, 0.84686128],
+ [0.06866711, 0.80132609, 0.84221829],
+ [0.06239013, 0.80470121, 0.83752981],
+ [0.05679140, 0.80804811, 0.83279583],
+ [0.05199186, 0.81136816, 0.82801602],
+ [0.04811846, 0.81466246, 0.82319115],
+ [0.04528328, 0.81793243, 0.81831976],
+ [0.04357124, 0.82117942, 0.81339994],
+ [0.04303076, 0.82440429, 0.80843308],
+ [0.04364513, 0.82760863, 0.80341448],
+ [0.04535609, 0.83079313, 0.79834556],
+ [0.04805322, 0.83395922, 0.79322133],
+ [0.05161012, 0.83710757, 0.78804217],
+ [0.05588791, 0.84023927, 0.78280412],
+ [0.06075636, 0.84335521, 0.77750413],
+ [0.06610150, 0.84645596, 0.77214115],
+ [0.07182503, 0.84954232, 0.76671132],
+ [0.07784721, 0.85261494, 0.76121098],
+ [0.08410500, 0.85567433, 0.75563697],
+ [0.09054918, 0.85872094, 0.74998600],
+ [0.09714194, 0.86175511, 0.74425459],
+ [0.10385470, 0.86477713, 0.73843914],
+ [0.11066615, 0.86778721, 0.73253593],
+ [0.11756078, 0.87078547, 0.72654110],
+ [0.12452755, 0.87377196, 0.72045067],
+ [0.13155891, 0.87674668, 0.71426056],
+ [0.13865002, 0.87970952, 0.70796659],
+ [0.14579812, 0.88266033, 0.70156447],
+ [0.15300204, 0.88559890, 0.69504980],
+ [0.16026152, 0.88852487, 0.68841907],
+ [0.16757694, 0.89143781, 0.68166931],
+ [0.17495026, 0.89433747, 0.67479383],
+ [0.18238344, 0.89722339, 0.66778783],
+ [0.18987716, 0.90009483, 0.66065101],
+ [0.19743481, 0.90295146, 0.65337495],
+ [0.20505841, 0.90579264, 0.64595567],
+ [0.21274900, 0.90861762, 0.63839140],
+ [0.22051049, 0.91142594, 0.63067239],
+ [0.22834201, 0.91421664, 0.62280075],
+ [0.23624833, 0.91698930, 0.61476379],
+ [0.24422766, 0.91974290, 0.60656428],
+ [0.25228423, 0.92247694, 0.59818978],
+ [0.26041676, 0.92519047, 0.58964010],
+ [0.26862725, 0.92788281, 0.58090660],
+ [0.27691682, 0.93055321, 0.57198198],
+ [0.28528317, 0.93320075, 0.56286541],
+ [0.29372913, 0.93582479, 0.55354404],
+ [0.30225450, 0.93842451, 0.54401067],
+ [0.31085609, 0.94099906, 0.53426337],
+ [0.31953606, 0.94354775, 0.52428776],
+ [0.32829374, 0.94606981, 0.51407435],
+ [0.33712820, 0.94856447, 0.50361276],
+ [0.34603654, 0.95103098, 0.49289543],
+ [0.35501920, 0.95346865, 0.48190607],
+ [0.36407528, 0.95587674, 0.47062942],
+ [0.37320343, 0.95825456, 0.45904902],
+ [0.38240221, 0.96060143, 0.44714612],
+ [0.39167011, 0.96291667, 0.43489917],
+ [0.40100558, 0.96519966, 0.42228327],
+ [0.41040702, 0.96744976, 0.40926937],
+ [0.41987245, 0.96966638, 0.39582409],
+ [0.42940052, 0.97184892, 0.38190624],
+ [0.43898985, 0.97399681, 0.36746644],
+ [0.44863879, 0.97610948, 0.35244542],
+ [0.45834570, 0.97818641, 0.33677010],
+ [0.46810894, 0.98022706, 0.32034890],
+ [0.47792610, 0.98223101, 0.30306677],
+ [0.48779607, 0.98419773, 0.28476928],
+ [0.49771732, 0.98612677, 0.26524969],
+ [0.50768829, 0.98801767, 0.24421878],
+ [0.51770748, 0.98986999, 0.22125155],
+ [0.52777342, 0.99168334, 0.19568083],
+ [0.53788468, 0.99345728, 0.16635353],
+ [0.54803986, 0.99519145, 0.13094595],
+ [0.55823761, 0.99688544, 0.08315849],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.neon', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.neon", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/neutral/neutral.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/neutral/neutral.jscm
index f105703e..47f71edb 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/neutral/neutral.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/neutral/neutral.jscm
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/neutral/neutral.py b/cmasher/colormaps/neutral/neutral.py
index e5b28eee..49121fae 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/neutral/neutral.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/neutral/neutral.py
@@ -1,2588 +1,2590 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00000386, 0.00000372, 0.00000370],
- [0.00001337, 0.00001288, 0.00001279],
- [0.00002764, 0.00002663, 0.00002644],
- [0.00004627, 0.00004459, 0.00004427],
- [0.00006902, 0.00006651, 0.00006604],
- [0.00009569, 0.00009221, 0.00009157],
- [0.00012615, 0.00012157, 0.00012072],
- [0.00016026, 0.00015446, 0.00015338],
- [0.00019794, 0.00019078, 0.00018946],
- [0.00023910, 0.00023047, 0.00022887],
- [0.00028367, 0.00027346, 0.00027156],
- [0.00033158, 0.00031967, 0.00031746],
- [0.00038278, 0.00036905, 0.00036651],
- [0.00043721, 0.00042156, 0.00041866],
- [0.00049482, 0.00047716, 0.00047388],
- [0.00055559, 0.00053579, 0.00053212],
- [0.00061945, 0.00059743, 0.00059335],
- [0.00068639, 0.00066204, 0.00065752],
- [0.00075636, 0.00072958, 0.00072461],
- [0.00082934, 0.00080003, 0.00079460],
- [0.00090529, 0.00087336, 0.00086744],
- [0.00098419, 0.00094955, 0.00094312],
- [0.00106600, 0.00102856, 0.00102161],
- [0.00115072, 0.00111038, 0.00110290],
- [0.00123831, 0.00119498, 0.00118694],
- [0.00132875, 0.00128235, 0.00127374],
- [0.00142202, 0.00137246, 0.00136327],
- [0.00151811, 0.00146530, 0.00145550],
- [0.00161699, 0.00156084, 0.00155043],
- [0.00171865, 0.00165908, 0.00164803],
- [0.00182306, 0.00175999, 0.00174829],
- [0.00193022, 0.00186356, 0.00185120],
- [0.00204010, 0.00196978, 0.00195673],
- [0.00215270, 0.00207863, 0.00206489],
- [0.00226799, 0.00219010, 0.00217564],
- [0.00238597, 0.00230417, 0.00228899],
- [0.00250662, 0.00242083, 0.00240492],
- [0.00262992, 0.00254008, 0.00252341],
- [0.00275588, 0.00266189, 0.00264446],
- [0.00288446, 0.00278627, 0.00276805],
- [0.00301567, 0.00291319, 0.00289417],
- [0.00314949, 0.00304265, 0.00302282],
- [0.00328592, 0.00317463, 0.00315398],
- [0.00342493, 0.00330913, 0.00328765],
- [0.00356653, 0.00344615, 0.00342381],
- [0.00371070, 0.00358566, 0.00356245],
- [0.00385743, 0.00372766, 0.00370358],
- [0.00400671, 0.00387214, 0.00384717],
- [0.00415854, 0.00401910, 0.00399322],
- [0.00431290, 0.00416853, 0.00414173],
- [0.00446979, 0.00432041, 0.00429269],
- [0.00462920, 0.00447474, 0.00444608],
- [0.00479113, 0.00463152, 0.00460190],
- [0.00495555, 0.00479074, 0.00476015],
- [0.00512248, 0.00495238, 0.00492081],
- [0.00529189, 0.00511645, 0.00508389],
- [0.00546379, 0.00528294, 0.00524937],
- [0.00563817, 0.00545184, 0.00541725],
- [0.00581501, 0.00562314, 0.00558752],
- [0.00599432, 0.00579684, 0.00576018],
- [0.00617609, 0.00597293, 0.00593522],
- [0.00636031, 0.00615141, 0.00611264],
- [0.00654697, 0.00633228, 0.00629243],
- [0.00673607, 0.00651552, 0.00647458],
- [0.00692761, 0.00670113, 0.00665909],
- [0.00712157, 0.00688911, 0.00684595],
- [0.00731796, 0.00707944, 0.00703517],
- [0.00751677, 0.00727214, 0.00722673],
- [0.00771798, 0.00746719, 0.00742063],
- [0.00792161, 0.00766458, 0.00761687],
- [0.00812764, 0.00786432, 0.00781544],
- [0.00833607, 0.00806640, 0.00801633],
- [0.00854689, 0.00827081, 0.00821955],
- [0.00876010, 0.00847755, 0.00842509],
- [0.00897570, 0.00868661, 0.00863294],
- [0.00919367, 0.00889800, 0.00884311],
- [0.00941402, 0.00911171, 0.00905558],
- [0.00963675, 0.00932773, 0.00927036],
- [0.00986184, 0.00954606, 0.00948743],
- [0.01008929, 0.00976670, 0.00970680],
- [0.01031911, 0.00998964, 0.00992847],
- [0.01055128, 0.01021488, 0.01015242],
- [0.01078581, 0.01044242, 0.01037866],
- [0.01102268, 0.01067225, 0.01060719],
- [0.01126190, 0.01090438, 0.01083799],
- [0.01150346, 0.01113878, 0.01107107],
- [0.01174736, 0.01137548, 0.01130642],
- [0.01199360, 0.01161445, 0.01154405],
- [0.01224216, 0.01185570, 0.01178394],
- [0.01249306, 0.01209923, 0.01202610],
- [0.01274628, 0.01234503, 0.01227052],
- [0.01300182, 0.01259310, 0.01251720],
- [0.01325969, 0.01284343, 0.01276613],
- [0.01351987, 0.01309603, 0.01301732],
- [0.01378236, 0.01335089, 0.01327076],
- [0.01404717, 0.01360801, 0.01352645],
- [0.01431428, 0.01386739, 0.01378439],
- [0.01458370, 0.01412902, 0.01404457],
- [0.01485543, 0.01439290, 0.01430700],
- [0.01512945, 0.01465903, 0.01457166],
- [0.01540577, 0.01492741, 0.01483856],
- [0.01568439, 0.01519803, 0.01510770],
- [0.01596530, 0.01547090, 0.01537907],
- [0.01624850, 0.01574600, 0.01565267],
- [0.01653398, 0.01602335, 0.01592851],
- [0.01682176, 0.01630293, 0.01620656],
- [0.01711181, 0.01658474, 0.01648685],
- [0.01740415, 0.01686879, 0.01676935],
- [0.01769877, 0.01715507, 0.01705408],
- [0.01799567, 0.01744358, 0.01734103],
- [0.01829484, 0.01773431, 0.01763019],
- [0.01859628, 0.01802727, 0.01792158],
- [0.01890000, 0.01832245, 0.01821517],
- [0.01920598, 0.01861986, 0.01851098],
- [0.01951423, 0.01891948, 0.01880900],
- [0.01982475, 0.01922132, 0.01910923],
- [0.02013753, 0.01952538, 0.01941167],
- [0.02045257, 0.01983165, 0.01971631],
- [0.02076987, 0.02014014, 0.02002316],
- [0.02108943, 0.02045084, 0.02033221],
- [0.02141125, 0.02076375, 0.02064346],
- [0.02173532, 0.02107887, 0.02095692],
- [0.02206165, 0.02139620, 0.02127257],
- [0.02239023, 0.02171573, 0.02159042],
- [0.02272105, 0.02203747, 0.02191047],
- [0.02305413, 0.02236141, 0.02223271],
- [0.02338945, 0.02268755, 0.02255715],
- [0.02372702, 0.02301590, 0.02288378],
- [0.02406683, 0.02334644, 0.02321260],
- [0.02440889, 0.02367919, 0.02354362],
- [0.02475319, 0.02401413, 0.02387682],
- [0.02509972, 0.02435127, 0.02421221],
- [0.02544850, 0.02469060, 0.02454978],
- [0.02579952, 0.02503213, 0.02488955],
- [0.02615277, 0.02537585, 0.02523150],
- [0.02650825, 0.02572176, 0.02557563],
- [0.02686597, 0.02606986, 0.02592194],
- [0.02722592, 0.02642016, 0.02627044],
- [0.02758811, 0.02677264, 0.02662112],
- [0.02795252, 0.02712731, 0.02697398],
- [0.02831916, 0.02748417, 0.02732902],
- [0.02868804, 0.02784322, 0.02768623],
- [0.02905914, 0.02820445, 0.02804563],
- [0.02943246, 0.02856786, 0.02840720],
- [0.02980801, 0.02893346, 0.02877095],
- [0.03018579, 0.02930124, 0.02913687],
- [0.03056578, 0.02967121, 0.02950497],
- [0.03094800, 0.03004335, 0.02987524],
- [0.03133244, 0.03041768, 0.03024768],
- [0.03171911, 0.03079418, 0.03062230],
- [0.03210799, 0.03117287, 0.03099909],
- [0.03249909, 0.03155373, 0.03137805],
- [0.03289241, 0.03193678, 0.03175918],
- [0.03328794, 0.03232200, 0.03214248],
- [0.03368569, 0.03270939, 0.03252795],
- [0.03408566, 0.03309896, 0.03291559],
- [0.03448784, 0.03349071, 0.03330540],
- [0.03489224, 0.03388464, 0.03369737],
- [0.03529885, 0.03428073, 0.03409151],
- [0.03570767, 0.03467900, 0.03448782],
- [0.03611870, 0.03507945, 0.03488630],
- [0.03653195, 0.03548207, 0.03528694],
- [0.03694741, 0.03588686, 0.03568974],
- [0.03736507, 0.03629382, 0.03609471],
- [0.03778495, 0.03670295, 0.03650185],
- [0.03820703, 0.03711426, 0.03691115],
- [0.03863133, 0.03752773, 0.03732261],
- [0.03905783, 0.03794338, 0.03773624],
- [0.03948653, 0.03836119, 0.03815202],
- [0.03991745, 0.03878118, 0.03856998],
- [0.04035057, 0.03920333, 0.03899009],
- [0.04077943, 0.03962766, 0.03941237],
- [0.04120622, 0.04005415, 0.03983680],
- [0.04163250, 0.04048222, 0.04026340],
- [0.04205828, 0.04090431, 0.04068765],
- [0.04248356, 0.04132592, 0.04110857],
- [0.04290836, 0.04174705, 0.04152901],
- [0.04333267, 0.04216770, 0.04194898],
- [0.04375649, 0.04258789, 0.04236849],
- [0.04417984, 0.04300762, 0.04278753],
- [0.04460271, 0.04342688, 0.04320612],
- [0.04502511, 0.04384569, 0.04362425],
- [0.04544704, 0.04426404, 0.04404193],
- [0.04586851, 0.04468194, 0.04445916],
- [0.04628952, 0.04509940, 0.04487595],
- [0.04671008, 0.04551641, 0.04529230],
- [0.04713018, 0.04593299, 0.04570822],
- [0.04754983, 0.04634913, 0.04612370],
- [0.04796904, 0.04676483, 0.04653875],
- [0.04838780, 0.04718011, 0.04695337],
- [0.04880613, 0.04759497, 0.04736758],
- [0.04922402, 0.04800940, 0.04778136],
- [0.04964148, 0.04842341, 0.04819473],
- [0.05005851, 0.04883701, 0.04860768],
- [0.05047512, 0.04925020, 0.04902022],
- [0.05089130, 0.04966297, 0.04943236],
- [0.05130707, 0.05007534, 0.04984410],
- [0.05172242, 0.05048731, 0.05025543],
- [0.05213736, 0.05089888, 0.05066637],
- [0.05255189, 0.05131006, 0.05107691],
- [0.05296601, 0.05172083, 0.05148706],
- [0.05337973, 0.05213122, 0.05189682],
- [0.05379305, 0.05254122, 0.05230620],
- [0.05420598, 0.05295084, 0.05271520],
- [0.05461851, 0.05336008, 0.05312381],
- [0.05503065, 0.05376893, 0.05353205],
- [0.05544240, 0.05417741, 0.05393992],
- [0.05585376, 0.05458552, 0.05434742],
- [0.05626474, 0.05499325, 0.05475454],
- [0.05667535, 0.05540062, 0.05516130],
- [0.05708557, 0.05580762, 0.05556770],
- [0.05749542, 0.05621426, 0.05597374],
- [0.05790490, 0.05662055, 0.05637942],
- [0.05831401, 0.05702647, 0.05678474],
- [0.05872276, 0.05743204, 0.05718972],
- [0.05913114, 0.05783725, 0.05759434],
- [0.05953916, 0.05824212, 0.05799861],
- [0.05994682, 0.05864664, 0.05840254],
- [0.06035413, 0.05905081, 0.05880613],
- [0.06076108, 0.05945465, 0.05920938],
- [0.06116768, 0.05985814, 0.05961229],
- [0.06157393, 0.06026130, 0.06001486],
- [0.06197984, 0.06066412, 0.06041711],
- [0.06238540, 0.06106661, 0.06081902],
- [0.06279062, 0.06146876, 0.06122060],
- [0.06319550, 0.06187059, 0.06162186],
- [0.06360005, 0.06227210, 0.06202279],
- [0.06400426, 0.06267328, 0.06242340],
- [0.06440814, 0.06307414, 0.06282370],
- [0.06481169, 0.06347468, 0.06322367],
- [0.06521491, 0.06387490, 0.06362334],
- [0.06561781, 0.06427481, 0.06402268],
- [0.06602038, 0.06467441, 0.06442172],
- [0.06642263, 0.06507370, 0.06482045],
- [0.06682457, 0.06547268, 0.06521888],
- [0.06722618, 0.06587135, 0.06561700],
- [0.06762749, 0.06626972, 0.06601481],
- [0.06802848, 0.06666778, 0.06641233],
- [0.06842915, 0.06706555, 0.06680955],
- [0.06882953, 0.06746302, 0.06720647],
- [0.06922959, 0.06786019, 0.06760310],
- [0.06962935, 0.06825707, 0.06799944],
- [0.07002881, 0.06865365, 0.06839549],
- [0.07042797, 0.06904995, 0.06879125],
- [0.07082683, 0.06944596, 0.06918672],
- [0.07122539, 0.06984168, 0.06958191],
- [0.07162366, 0.07023712, 0.06997681],
- [0.07202164, 0.07063227, 0.07037144],
- [0.07241933, 0.07102714, 0.07076578],
- [0.07281672, 0.07142174, 0.07115985],
- [0.07321384, 0.07181606, 0.07155365],
- [0.07361066, 0.07221010, 0.07194717],
- [0.07400720, 0.07260387, 0.07234042],
- [0.07440346, 0.07299737, 0.07273339],
- [0.07479945, 0.07339059, 0.07312611],
- [0.07519515, 0.07378355, 0.07351855],
- [0.07559058, 0.07417624, 0.07391073],
- [0.07598573, 0.07456867, 0.07430265],
- [0.07638061, 0.07496084, 0.07469430],
- [0.07677522, 0.07535274, 0.07508570],
- [0.07716956, 0.07574438, 0.07547683],
- [0.07756364, 0.07613577, 0.07586772],
- [0.07795744, 0.07652690, 0.07625834],
- [0.07835099, 0.07691777, 0.07664872],
- [0.07874427, 0.07730839, 0.07703884],
- [0.07913729, 0.07769876, 0.07742871],
- [0.07953005, 0.07808888, 0.07781833],
- [0.07992255, 0.07847875, 0.07820771],
- [0.08031480, 0.07886838, 0.07859684],
- [0.08070679, 0.07925776, 0.07898573],
- [0.08109853, 0.07964689, 0.07937438],
- [0.08149002, 0.08003578, 0.07976278],
- [0.08188125, 0.08042443, 0.08015095],
- [0.08227224, 0.08081284, 0.08053887],
- [0.08266299, 0.08120102, 0.08092657],
- [0.08305349, 0.08158896, 0.08131402],
- [0.08344374, 0.08197666, 0.08170125],
- [0.08383375, 0.08236413, 0.08208824],
- [0.08422352, 0.08275136, 0.08247500],
- [0.08461305, 0.08313837, 0.08286153],
- [0.08500235, 0.08352515, 0.08324784],
- [0.08539140, 0.08391170, 0.08363391],
- [0.08578022, 0.08429802, 0.08401977],
- [0.08616881, 0.08468411, 0.08440540],
- [0.08655717, 0.08506999, 0.08479081],
- [0.08694529, 0.08545564, 0.08517599],
- [0.08733319, 0.08584107, 0.08556096],
- [0.08772085, 0.08622628, 0.08594571],
- [0.08810829, 0.08661127, 0.08633024],
- [0.08849551, 0.08699604, 0.08671456],
- [0.08888250, 0.08738060, 0.08709866],
- [0.08926926, 0.08776495, 0.08748255],
- [0.08965581, 0.08814908, 0.08786623],
- [0.09004214, 0.08853300, 0.08824969],
- [0.09042824, 0.08891670, 0.08863295],
- [0.09081413, 0.08930020, 0.08901600],
- [0.09119980, 0.08968349, 0.08939885],
- [0.09158526, 0.09006658, 0.08978148],
- [0.09197050, 0.09044945, 0.09016392],
- [0.09235553, 0.09083213, 0.09054615],
- [0.09274035, 0.09121460, 0.09092818],
- [0.09312496, 0.09159686, 0.09131000],
- [0.09350936, 0.09197893, 0.09169163],
- [0.09389355, 0.09236080, 0.09207306],
- [0.09427754, 0.09274246, 0.09245430],
- [0.09466132, 0.09312393, 0.09283533],
- [0.09504490, 0.09350521, 0.09321618],
- [0.09542827, 0.09388629, 0.09359682],
- [0.09581144, 0.09426717, 0.09397728],
- [0.09619441, 0.09464786, 0.09435754],
- [0.09657718, 0.09502836, 0.09473762],
- [0.09695975, 0.09540867, 0.09511750],
- [0.09734213, 0.09578879, 0.09549720],
- [0.09772431, 0.09616873, 0.09587671],
- [0.09810629, 0.09654847, 0.09625603],
- [0.09848808, 0.09692803, 0.09663517],
- [0.09886968, 0.09730740, 0.09701413],
- [0.09925108, 0.09768659, 0.09739290],
- [0.09963229, 0.09806559, 0.09777149],
- [0.10001332, 0.09844442, 0.09814990],
- [0.10039415, 0.09882306, 0.09852813],
- [0.10077480, 0.09920152, 0.09890618],
- [0.10115527, 0.09957980, 0.09928406],
- [0.10153554, 0.09995791, 0.09966175],
- [0.10191564, 0.10033583, 0.10003928],
- [0.10229554, 0.10071359, 0.10041662],
- [0.10267527, 0.10109116, 0.10079380],
- [0.10305482, 0.10146857, 0.10117080],
- [0.10343418, 0.10184580, 0.10154763],
- [0.10381337, 0.10222286, 0.10192429],
- [0.10419238, 0.10259974, 0.10230078],
- [0.10457121, 0.10297646, 0.10267710],
- [0.10494986, 0.10335301, 0.10305325],
- [0.10532834, 0.10372939, 0.10342924],
- [0.10570664, 0.10410560, 0.10380506],
- [0.10608477, 0.10448165, 0.10418071],
- [0.10646273, 0.10485753, 0.10455621],
- [0.10684052, 0.10523325, 0.10493154],
- [0.10721814, 0.10560880, 0.10530670],
- [0.10759558, 0.10598419, 0.10568171],
- [0.10797286, 0.10635942, 0.10605655],
- [0.10834997, 0.10673449, 0.10643124],
- [0.10872691, 0.10710940, 0.10680576],
- [0.10910369, 0.10748415, 0.10718013],
- [0.10948030, 0.10785874, 0.10755435],
- [0.10985675, 0.10823318, 0.10792841],
- [0.11023304, 0.10860745, 0.10830231],
- [0.11060916, 0.10898158, 0.10867605],
- [0.11098512, 0.10935555, 0.10904965],
- [0.11136092, 0.10972936, 0.10942309],
- [0.11173657, 0.11010302, 0.10979638],
- [0.11211205, 0.11047653, 0.11016952],
- [0.11248737, 0.11084989, 0.11054251],
- [0.11286254, 0.11122310, 0.11091535],
- [0.11323755, 0.11159616, 0.11128805],
- [0.11361241, 0.11196907, 0.11166059],
- [0.11398711, 0.11234183, 0.11203299],
- [0.11436166, 0.11271445, 0.11240524],
- [0.11473606, 0.11308692, 0.11277735],
- [0.11511030, 0.11345924, 0.11314932],
- [0.11548439, 0.11383142, 0.11352114],
- [0.11585833, 0.11420346, 0.11389282],
- [0.11623212, 0.11457535, 0.11426435],
- [0.11660577, 0.11494710, 0.11463575],
- [0.11697926, 0.11531871, 0.11500700],
- [0.11735261, 0.11569018, 0.11537812],
- [0.11772581, 0.11606151, 0.11574910],
- [0.11809887, 0.11643270, 0.11611994],
- [0.11847178, 0.11680375, 0.11649064],
- [0.11884455, 0.11717466, 0.11686120],
- [0.11921717, 0.11754544, 0.11723164],
- [0.11958965, 0.11791608, 0.11760193],
- [0.11996199, 0.11828658, 0.11797209],
- [0.12033419, 0.11865695, 0.11834212],
- [0.12070625, 0.11902719, 0.11871202],
- [0.12107817, 0.11939730, 0.11908178],
- [0.12144995, 0.11976727, 0.11945141],
- [0.12182159, 0.12013711, 0.11982091],
- [0.12219310, 0.12050682, 0.12019028],
- [0.12256447, 0.12087639, 0.12055953],
- [0.12293570, 0.12124584, 0.12092864],
- [0.12330680, 0.12161516, 0.12129763],
- [0.12367776, 0.12198436, 0.12166649],
- [0.12404859, 0.12235342, 0.12203522],
- [0.12441929, 0.12272236, 0.12240383],
- [0.12478985, 0.12309117, 0.12277231],
- [0.12516029, 0.12345986, 0.12314067],
- [0.12553059, 0.12382842, 0.12350891],
- [0.12590076, 0.12419686, 0.12387702],
- [0.12627081, 0.12456517, 0.12424501],
- [0.12664072, 0.12493337, 0.12461288],
- [0.12701051, 0.12530144, 0.12498063],
- [0.12738017, 0.12566939, 0.12534826],
- [0.12774970, 0.12603722, 0.12571577],
- [0.12811911, 0.12640492, 0.12608316],
- [0.12848839, 0.12677251, 0.12645043],
- [0.12885754, 0.12713998, 0.12681758],
- [0.12922658, 0.12750734, 0.12718462],
- [0.12959549, 0.12787457, 0.12755154],
- [0.12996427, 0.12824169, 0.12791835],
- [0.13033294, 0.12860869, 0.12828504],
- [0.13070148, 0.12897558, 0.12865161],
- [0.13106990, 0.12934235, 0.12901808],
- [0.13143821, 0.12970901, 0.12938443],
- [0.13180639, 0.13007555, 0.12975066],
- [0.13217446, 0.13044198, 0.13011679],
- [0.13254240, 0.13080830, 0.13048280],
- [0.13291023, 0.13117451, 0.13084870],
- [0.13327794, 0.13154061, 0.13121450],
- [0.13364554, 0.13190659, 0.13158018],
- [0.13401302, 0.13227247, 0.13194576],
- [0.13438038, 0.13263823, 0.13231122],
- [0.13474763, 0.13300389, 0.13267658],
- [0.13511477, 0.13336944, 0.13304183],
- [0.13548179, 0.13373488, 0.13340698],
- [0.13584870, 0.13410022, 0.13377202],
- [0.13621550, 0.13446545, 0.13413695],
- [0.13658219, 0.13483057, 0.13450178],
- [0.13694877, 0.13519559, 0.13486651],
- [0.13731523, 0.13556050, 0.13523113],
- [0.13768159, 0.13592531, 0.13559565],
- [0.13804784, 0.13629001, 0.13596006],
- [0.13841397, 0.13665462, 0.13632438],
- [0.13878001, 0.13701912, 0.13668859],
- [0.13914593, 0.13738351, 0.13705270],
- [0.13951174, 0.13774781, 0.13741671],
- [0.13987746, 0.13811201, 0.13778063],
- [0.14024306, 0.13847610, 0.13814444],
- [0.14060856, 0.13884010, 0.13850815],
- [0.14097396, 0.13920400, 0.13887177],
- [0.14133925, 0.13956780, 0.13923529],
- [0.14170443, 0.13993150, 0.13959871],
- [0.14206952, 0.14029510, 0.13996204],
- [0.14243450, 0.14065861, 0.14032527],
- [0.14279938, 0.14102202, 0.14068840],
- [0.14316416, 0.14138533, 0.14105144],
- [0.14352884, 0.14174855, 0.14141439],
- [0.14389342, 0.14211168, 0.14177724],
- [0.14425790, 0.14247471, 0.14214000],
- [0.14462228, 0.14283764, 0.14250266],
- [0.14498656, 0.14320049, 0.14286524],
- [0.14535074, 0.14356324, 0.14322772],
- [0.14571483, 0.14392589, 0.14359011],
- [0.14607882, 0.14428846, 0.14395241],
- [0.14644271, 0.14465094, 0.14431462],
- [0.14680651, 0.14501332, 0.14467674],
- [0.14717021, 0.14537562, 0.14503877],
- [0.14753381, 0.14573782, 0.14540071],
- [0.14789732, 0.14609994, 0.14576257],
- [0.14826074, 0.14646196, 0.14612433],
- [0.14862407, 0.14682390, 0.14648601],
- [0.14898730, 0.14718575, 0.14684760],
- [0.14935044, 0.14754752, 0.14720911],
- [0.14971349, 0.14790919, 0.14757053],
- [0.15007644, 0.14827079, 0.14793186],
- [0.15043931, 0.14863229, 0.14829312],
- [0.15080208, 0.14899371, 0.14865428],
- [0.15116477, 0.14935505, 0.14901536],
- [0.15152736, 0.14971630, 0.14937636],
- [0.15188987, 0.15007746, 0.14973728],
- [0.15225228, 0.15043855, 0.15009811],
- [0.15261461, 0.15079955, 0.15045886],
- [0.15297685, 0.15116047, 0.15081953],
- [0.15333901, 0.15152130, 0.15118012],
- [0.15370108, 0.15188206, 0.15154063],
- [0.15406306, 0.15224273, 0.15190106],
- [0.15442496, 0.15260332, 0.15226140],
- [0.15478677, 0.15296383, 0.15262167],
- [0.15514850, 0.15332427, 0.15298186],
- [0.15551014, 0.15368462, 0.15334198],
- [0.15587170, 0.15404490, 0.15370201],
- [0.15623317, 0.15440509, 0.15406197],
- [0.15659457, 0.15476521, 0.15442185],
- [0.15695588, 0.15512525, 0.15478165],
- [0.15731710, 0.15548522, 0.15514138],
- [0.15767825, 0.15584510, 0.15550103],
- [0.15803932, 0.15620492, 0.15586060],
- [0.15840030, 0.15656465, 0.15622010],
- [0.15876121, 0.15692431, 0.15657953],
- [0.15912203, 0.15728390, 0.15693889],
- [0.15948278, 0.15764341, 0.15729816],
- [0.15984344, 0.15800285, 0.15765737],
- [0.16020403, 0.15836221, 0.15801650],
- [0.16056454, 0.15872150, 0.15837556],
- [0.16092498, 0.15908072, 0.15873455],
- [0.16128533, 0.15943986, 0.15909347],
- [0.16164561, 0.15979893, 0.15945232],
- [0.16200581, 0.16015794, 0.15981110],
- [0.16236594, 0.16051687, 0.16016980],
- [0.16272599, 0.16087573, 0.16052844],
- [0.16308597, 0.16123451, 0.16088701],
- [0.16344587, 0.16159324, 0.16124550],
- [0.16380570, 0.16195189, 0.16160393],
- [0.16416545, 0.16231047, 0.16196230],
- [0.16452513, 0.16266898, 0.16232059],
- [0.16488474, 0.16302742, 0.16267882],
- [0.16524428, 0.16338580, 0.16303697],
- [0.16560374, 0.16374411, 0.16339507],
- [0.16596313, 0.16410235, 0.16375309],
- [0.16632245, 0.16446053, 0.16411106],
- [0.16668170, 0.16481864, 0.16446895],
- [0.16704088, 0.16517668, 0.16482678],
- [0.16739999, 0.16553466, 0.16518455],
- [0.16775903, 0.16589257, 0.16554225],
- [0.16811800, 0.16625042, 0.16589989],
- [0.16847690, 0.16660820, 0.16625746],
- [0.16883573, 0.16696592, 0.16661497],
- [0.16919450, 0.16732358, 0.16697242],
- [0.16955319, 0.16768117, 0.16732981],
- [0.16991182, 0.16803870, 0.16768713],
- [0.17027038, 0.16839617, 0.16804440],
- [0.17062888, 0.16875358, 0.16840160],
- [0.17098731, 0.16911092, 0.16875874],
- [0.17134567, 0.16946821, 0.16911582],
- [0.17170397, 0.16982543, 0.16947284],
- [0.17206220, 0.17018259, 0.16982980],
- [0.17242037, 0.17053969, 0.17018670],
- [0.17277848, 0.17089673, 0.17054354],
- [0.17313652, 0.17125372, 0.17090033],
- [0.17349449, 0.17161064, 0.17125705],
- [0.17385241, 0.17196750, 0.17161372],
- [0.17421026, 0.17232431, 0.17197033],
- [0.17456805, 0.17268106, 0.17232688],
- [0.17492577, 0.17303775, 0.17268338],
- [0.17528344, 0.17339438, 0.17303982],
- [0.17564104, 0.17375096, 0.17339620],
- [0.17599858, 0.17410748, 0.17375253],
- [0.17635607, 0.17446394, 0.17410881],
- [0.17671349, 0.17482035, 0.17446502],
- [0.17707085, 0.17517670, 0.17482118],
- [0.17742815, 0.17553300, 0.17517729],
- [0.17778539, 0.17588924, 0.17553335],
- [0.17814258, 0.17624543, 0.17588935],
- [0.17849970, 0.17660156, 0.17624530],
- [0.17885677, 0.17695764, 0.17660119],
- [0.17921378, 0.17731367, 0.17695703],
- [0.17957073, 0.17766964, 0.17731282],
- [0.17992763, 0.17802556, 0.17766856],
- [0.18028447, 0.17838143, 0.17802425],
- [0.18064125, 0.17873724, 0.17837988],
- [0.18099798, 0.17909301, 0.17873546],
- [0.18135465, 0.17944872, 0.17909100],
- [0.18171126, 0.17980438, 0.17944648],
- [0.18206782, 0.18015999, 0.17980191],
- [0.18242433, 0.18051555, 0.18015730],
- [0.18278078, 0.18087106, 0.18051263],
- [0.18313718, 0.18122652, 0.18086791],
- [0.18349352, 0.18158193, 0.18122315],
- [0.18384981, 0.18193730, 0.18157834],
- [0.18420605, 0.18229261, 0.18193348],
- [0.18456223, 0.18264787, 0.18228857],
- [0.18491836, 0.18300309, 0.18264362],
- [0.18527444, 0.18335826, 0.18299861],
- [0.18563047, 0.18371338, 0.18335356],
- [0.18598645, 0.18406845, 0.18370847],
- [0.18634237, 0.18442348, 0.18406333],
- [0.18669825, 0.18477846, 0.18441814],
- [0.18705407, 0.18513340, 0.18477291],
- [0.18740985, 0.18548829, 0.18512763],
- [0.18776557, 0.18584313, 0.18548231],
- [0.18812125, 0.18619793, 0.18583694],
- [0.18847688, 0.18655268, 0.18619153],
- [0.18883245, 0.18690739, 0.18654607],
- [0.18918798, 0.18726205, 0.18690057],
- [0.18954346, 0.18761667, 0.18725503],
- [0.18989890, 0.18797124, 0.18760945],
- [0.19025428, 0.18832578, 0.18796382],
- [0.19060962, 0.18868026, 0.18831815],
- [0.19096491, 0.18903471, 0.18867243],
- [0.19132016, 0.18938911, 0.18902668],
- [0.19167536, 0.18974347, 0.18938088],
- [0.19203051, 0.19009779, 0.18973505],
- [0.19238562, 0.19045207, 0.19008917],
- [0.19274068, 0.19080631, 0.19044325],
- [0.19309570, 0.19116050, 0.19079729],
- [0.19345067, 0.19151466, 0.19115129],
- [0.19380559, 0.19186877, 0.19150525],
- [0.19416048, 0.19222284, 0.19185917],
- [0.19451532, 0.19257688, 0.19221306],
- [0.19487011, 0.19293087, 0.19256690],
- [0.19522486, 0.19328482, 0.19292070],
- [0.19557958, 0.19363874, 0.19327447],
- [0.19593424, 0.19399262, 0.19362820],
- [0.19628887, 0.19434646, 0.19398189],
- [0.19664345, 0.19470025, 0.19433554],
- [0.19699799, 0.19505402, 0.19468916],
- [0.19735249, 0.19540774, 0.19504274],
- [0.19770694, 0.19576143, 0.19539628],
- [0.19806136, 0.19611508, 0.19574979],
- [0.19841574, 0.19646869, 0.19610326],
- [0.19877007, 0.19682227, 0.19645669],
- [0.19912437, 0.19717581, 0.19681009],
- [0.19947862, 0.19752932, 0.19716346],
- [0.19983284, 0.19788278, 0.19751679],
- [0.20018702, 0.19823622, 0.19787008],
- [0.20054116, 0.19858962, 0.19822334],
- [0.20089526, 0.19894298, 0.19857657],
- [0.20124932, 0.19929631, 0.19892976],
- [0.20160334, 0.19964961, 0.19928292],
- [0.20195733, 0.20000287, 0.19963604],
- [0.20231127, 0.20035609, 0.19998914],
- [0.20266518, 0.20070929, 0.20034220],
- [0.20301906, 0.20106245, 0.20069522],
- [0.20337289, 0.20141558, 0.20104822],
- [0.20372669, 0.20176867, 0.20140118],
- [0.20408046, 0.20212173, 0.20175411],
- [0.20443419, 0.20247476, 0.20210701],
- [0.20478788, 0.20282776, 0.20245988],
- [0.20514154, 0.20318073, 0.20281272],
- [0.20549516, 0.20353366, 0.20316552],
- [0.20584874, 0.20388657, 0.20351830],
- [0.20620230, 0.20423944, 0.20387105],
- [0.20655582, 0.20459229, 0.20422376],
- [0.20690930, 0.20494510, 0.20457645],
- [0.20726275, 0.20529788, 0.20492911],
- [0.20761617, 0.20565063, 0.20528174],
- [0.20796955, 0.20600336, 0.20563434],
- [0.20832290, 0.20635605, 0.20598691],
- [0.20867622, 0.20670872, 0.20633945],
- [0.20902951, 0.20706135, 0.20669196],
- [0.20938276, 0.20741396, 0.20704445],
- [0.20973598, 0.20776654, 0.20739691],
- [0.21008917, 0.20811909, 0.20774934],
- [0.21044233, 0.20847161, 0.20810175],
- [0.21079546, 0.20882411, 0.20845412],
- [0.21114855, 0.20917658, 0.20880648],
- [0.21150162, 0.20952902, 0.20915880],
- [0.21185466, 0.20988144, 0.20951110],
- [0.21220766, 0.21023383, 0.20986337],
- [0.21256064, 0.21058619, 0.21021562],
- [0.21291358, 0.21093852, 0.21056784],
- [0.21326650, 0.21129084, 0.21092004],
- [0.21361939, 0.21164312, 0.21127221],
- [0.21397224, 0.21199538, 0.21162436],
- [0.21432507, 0.21234762, 0.21197648],
- [0.21467787, 0.21269983, 0.21232858],
- [0.21503065, 0.21305201, 0.21268066],
- [0.21538339, 0.21340417, 0.21303271],
- [0.21573611, 0.21375631, 0.21338474],
- [0.21608880, 0.21410842, 0.21373674],
- [0.21644146, 0.21446051, 0.21408873],
- [0.21679410, 0.21481258, 0.21444068],
- [0.21714671, 0.21516462, 0.21479262],
- [0.21749930, 0.21551664, 0.21514454],
- [0.21785185, 0.21586864, 0.21549643],
- [0.21820438, 0.21622062, 0.21584830],
- [0.21855689, 0.21657257, 0.21620015],
- [0.21890937, 0.21692450, 0.21655198],
- [0.21926182, 0.21727641, 0.21690378],
- [0.21961425, 0.21762829, 0.21725557],
- [0.21996666, 0.21798016, 0.21760734],
- [0.22031904, 0.21833201, 0.21795908],
- [0.22067139, 0.21868383, 0.21831081],
- [0.22102373, 0.21903564, 0.21866251],
- [0.22137603, 0.21938742, 0.21901420],
- [0.22172832, 0.21973918, 0.21936586],
- [0.22208058, 0.22009093, 0.21971751],
- [0.22243282, 0.22044265, 0.22006914],
- [0.22278504, 0.22079436, 0.22042075],
- [0.22313723, 0.22114604, 0.22077234],
- [0.22348940, 0.22149771, 0.22112391],
- [0.22384155, 0.22184936, 0.22147546],
- [0.22419367, 0.22220098, 0.22182700],
- [0.22454578, 0.22255260, 0.22217852],
- [0.22489786, 0.22290419, 0.22253002],
- [0.22524992, 0.22325576, 0.22288150],
- [0.22560196, 0.22360732, 0.22323297],
- [0.22595398, 0.22395886, 0.22358442],
- [0.22630598, 0.22431038, 0.22393585],
- [0.22665796, 0.22466189, 0.22428727],
- [0.22700992, 0.22501338, 0.22463867],
- [0.22736186, 0.22536485, 0.22499005],
- [0.22771378, 0.22571631, 0.22534142],
- [0.22806568, 0.22606775, 0.22569278],
- [0.22841756, 0.22641917, 0.22604411],
- [0.22876942, 0.22677058, 0.22639544],
- [0.22912126, 0.22712197, 0.22674675],
- [0.22947309, 0.22747335, 0.22709804],
- [0.22982490, 0.22782471, 0.22744932],
- [0.23017668, 0.22817606, 0.22780058],
- [0.23052845, 0.22852739, 0.22815184],
- [0.23088021, 0.22887871, 0.22850307],
- [0.23123194, 0.22923002, 0.22885430],
- [0.23158366, 0.22958131, 0.22920551],
- [0.23193536, 0.22993258, 0.22955671],
- [0.23228704, 0.23028384, 0.22990789],
- [0.23263871, 0.23063510, 0.23025906],
- [0.23299036, 0.23098633, 0.23061022],
- [0.23334199, 0.23133756, 0.23096137],
- [0.23369361, 0.23168877, 0.23131250],
- [0.23404521, 0.23203996, 0.23166363],
- [0.23439680, 0.23239115, 0.23201474],
- [0.23474837, 0.23274232, 0.23236583],
- [0.23509993, 0.23309349, 0.23271692],
- [0.23545147, 0.23344464, 0.23306800],
- [0.23580299, 0.23379578, 0.23341907],
- [0.23615451, 0.23414690, 0.23377012],
- [0.23650600, 0.23449802, 0.23412117],
- [0.23685749, 0.23484912, 0.23447220],
- [0.23720896, 0.23520022, 0.23482323],
- [0.23756041, 0.23555130, 0.23517424],
- [0.23791186, 0.23590238, 0.23552525],
- [0.23826328, 0.23625344, 0.23587624],
- [0.23861470, 0.23660450, 0.23622723],
- [0.23896610, 0.23695554, 0.23657821],
- [0.23931749, 0.23730658, 0.23692917],
- [0.23966887, 0.23765760, 0.23728013],
- [0.24002024, 0.23800862, 0.23763108],
- [0.24037159, 0.23835963, 0.23798203],
- [0.24072293, 0.23871063, 0.23833296],
- [0.24107427, 0.23906162, 0.23868389],
- [0.24142558, 0.23941260, 0.23903481],
- [0.24177689, 0.23976357, 0.23938572],
- [0.24212819, 0.24011454, 0.23973662],
- [0.24247947, 0.24046550, 0.24008752],
- [0.24283075, 0.24081645, 0.24043841],
- [0.24318201, 0.24116739, 0.24078929],
- [0.24353327, 0.24151833, 0.24114017],
- [0.24388451, 0.24186926, 0.24149104],
- [0.24423575, 0.24222018, 0.24184191],
- [0.24458697, 0.24257109, 0.24219277],
- [0.24493819, 0.24292200, 0.24254362],
- [0.24528939, 0.24327291, 0.24289446],
- [0.24564059, 0.24362381, 0.24324531],
- [0.24599178, 0.24397470, 0.24359614],
- [0.24634296, 0.24432558, 0.24394697],
- [0.24669413, 0.24467646, 0.24429780],
- [0.24704529, 0.24502734, 0.24464862],
- [0.24739644, 0.24537821, 0.24499944],
- [0.24774759, 0.24572907, 0.24535025],
- [0.24809873, 0.24607994, 0.24570106],
- [0.24844986, 0.24643079, 0.24605187],
- [0.24880098, 0.24678164, 0.24640267],
- [0.24915210, 0.24713249, 0.24675346],
- [0.24950321, 0.24748334, 0.24710426],
- [0.24985431, 0.24783418, 0.24745505],
- [0.25020541, 0.24818501, 0.24780584],
- [0.25055650, 0.24853585, 0.24815662],
- [0.25090758, 0.24888668, 0.24850740],
- [0.25125866, 0.24923750, 0.24885819],
- [0.25160973, 0.24958833, 0.24920896],
- [0.25196080, 0.24993915, 0.24955974],
- [0.25231186, 0.25028997, 0.24991051],
- [0.25266291, 0.25064078, 0.25026128],
- [0.25301396, 0.25099160, 0.25061206],
- [0.25336501, 0.25134241, 0.25096283],
- [0.25371605, 0.25169322, 0.25131359],
- [0.25406708, 0.25204403, 0.25166436],
- [0.25441812, 0.25239484, 0.25201513],
- [0.25476914, 0.25274565, 0.25236589],
- [0.25512017, 0.25309645, 0.25271666],
- [0.25547118, 0.25344726, 0.25306742],
- [0.25582220, 0.25379806, 0.25341819],
- [0.25617321, 0.25414887, 0.25376895],
- [0.25652422, 0.25449967, 0.25411972],
- [0.25687523, 0.25485047, 0.25447048],
- [0.25722623, 0.25520128, 0.25482125],
- [0.25757723, 0.25555208, 0.25517201],
- [0.25792823, 0.25590288, 0.25552278],
- [0.25827923, 0.25625369, 0.25587355],
- [0.25863022, 0.25660449, 0.25622432],
- [0.25898121, 0.25695530, 0.25657509],
- [0.25933220, 0.25730611, 0.25692586],
- [0.25968319, 0.25765691, 0.25727664],
- [0.26003417, 0.25800772, 0.25762741],
- [0.26038516, 0.25835853, 0.25797819],
- [0.26073614, 0.25870935, 0.25832897],
- [0.26108712, 0.25906016, 0.25867976],
- [0.26143811, 0.25941098, 0.25903054],
- [0.26178909, 0.25976180, 0.25938133],
- [0.26214007, 0.26011262, 0.25973212],
- [0.26249105, 0.26046344, 0.26008292],
- [0.26284203, 0.26081427, 0.26043372],
- [0.26319301, 0.26116510, 0.26078452],
- [0.26354399, 0.26151593, 0.26113532],
- [0.26389497, 0.26186677, 0.26148613],
- [0.26424595, 0.26221761, 0.26183695],
- [0.26459694, 0.26256845, 0.26218776],
- [0.26494792, 0.26291930, 0.26253859],
- [0.26529891, 0.26327015, 0.26288941],
- [0.26564989, 0.26362101, 0.26324024],
- [0.26600088, 0.26397187, 0.26359108],
- [0.26635187, 0.26432273, 0.26394192],
- [0.26670286, 0.26467360, 0.26429276],
- [0.26705385, 0.26502447, 0.26464362],
- [0.26740485, 0.26537535, 0.26499447],
- [0.26775584, 0.26572623, 0.26534534],
- [0.26810684, 0.26607712, 0.26569620],
- [0.26845785, 0.26642802, 0.26604708],
- [0.26880885, 0.26677892, 0.26639796],
- [0.26915986, 0.26712982, 0.26674884],
- [0.26951087, 0.26748073, 0.26709974],
- [0.26986189, 0.26783165, 0.26745063],
- [0.27021290, 0.26818257, 0.26780154],
- [0.27056392, 0.26853351, 0.26815245],
- [0.27091495, 0.26888444, 0.26850337],
- [0.27126598, 0.26923538, 0.26885430],
- [0.27161701, 0.26958634, 0.26920524],
- [0.27196805, 0.26993729, 0.26955618],
- [0.27231909, 0.27028826, 0.26990713],
- [0.27267014, 0.27063923, 0.27025809],
- [0.27302119, 0.27099021, 0.27060905],
- [0.27337225, 0.27134120, 0.27096003],
- [0.27372331, 0.27169219, 0.27131101],
- [0.27407438, 0.27204320, 0.27166200],
- [0.27442545, 0.27239421, 0.27201300],
- [0.27477653, 0.27274523, 0.27236401],
- [0.27512761, 0.27309625, 0.27271503],
- [0.27547870, 0.27344729, 0.27306605],
- [0.27582980, 0.27379834, 0.27341709],
- [0.27618090, 0.27414939, 0.27376814],
- [0.27653201, 0.27450045, 0.27411919],
- [0.27688312, 0.27485153, 0.27447026],
- [0.27723424, 0.27520261, 0.27482133],
- [0.27758537, 0.27555370, 0.27517242],
- [0.27793651, 0.27590480, 0.27552351],
- [0.27828765, 0.27625591, 0.27587462],
- [0.27863880, 0.27660704, 0.27622573],
- [0.27898996, 0.27695817, 0.27657686],
- [0.27934113, 0.27730931, 0.27692800],
- [0.27969230, 0.27766046, 0.27727915],
- [0.28004348, 0.27801162, 0.27763031],
- [0.28039467, 0.27836280, 0.27798148],
- [0.28074587, 0.27871398, 0.27833266],
- [0.28109707, 0.27906518, 0.27868385],
- [0.28144829, 0.27941639, 0.27903506],
- [0.28179951, 0.27976760, 0.27938628],
- [0.28215074, 0.28011883, 0.27973751],
- [0.28250199, 0.28047008, 0.28008875],
- [0.28285323, 0.28082133, 0.28044000],
- [0.28320450, 0.28117260, 0.28079127],
- [0.28355577, 0.28152387, 0.28114255],
- [0.28390704, 0.28187516, 0.28149384],
- [0.28425833, 0.28222647, 0.28184515],
- [0.28460963, 0.28257778, 0.28219647],
- [0.28496094, 0.28292911, 0.28254780],
- [0.28531226, 0.28328045, 0.28289914],
- [0.28566359, 0.28363181, 0.28325050],
- [0.28601493, 0.28398317, 0.28360187],
- [0.28636628, 0.28433455, 0.28395326],
- [0.28671764, 0.28468595, 0.28430466],
- [0.28706902, 0.28503735, 0.28465608],
- [0.28742040, 0.28538878, 0.28500750],
- [0.28777180, 0.28574021, 0.28535895],
- [0.28812320, 0.28609166, 0.28571040],
- [0.28847462, 0.28644313, 0.28606188],
- [0.28882606, 0.28679460, 0.28641336],
- [0.28917750, 0.28714610, 0.28676487],
- [0.28952895, 0.28749760, 0.28711638],
- [0.28988042, 0.28784912, 0.28746792],
- [0.29023190, 0.28820066, 0.28781946],
- [0.29058339, 0.28855222, 0.28817103],
- [0.29093490, 0.28890378, 0.28852261],
- [0.29128641, 0.28925536, 0.28887420],
- [0.29163794, 0.28960696, 0.28922581],
- [0.29198949, 0.28995858, 0.28957744],
- [0.29234104, 0.29031021, 0.28992908],
- [0.29269261, 0.29066185, 0.29028074],
- [0.29304420, 0.29101352, 0.29063242],
- [0.29339580, 0.29136519, 0.29098411],
- [0.29374741, 0.29171689, 0.29133582],
- [0.29409903, 0.29206860, 0.29168755],
- [0.29445067, 0.29242033, 0.29203930],
- [0.29480233, 0.29277207, 0.29239106],
- [0.29515400, 0.29312383, 0.29274284],
- [0.29550568, 0.29347561, 0.29309463],
- [0.29585738, 0.29382741, 0.29344645],
- [0.29620909, 0.29417922, 0.29379828],
- [0.29656082, 0.29453105, 0.29415013],
- [0.29691256, 0.29488290, 0.29450200],
- [0.29726432, 0.29523477, 0.29485389],
- [0.29761609, 0.29558665, 0.29520579],
- [0.29796788, 0.29593855, 0.29555772],
- [0.29831969, 0.29629048, 0.29590966],
- [0.29867151, 0.29664241, 0.29626162],
- [0.29902334, 0.29699437, 0.29661360],
- [0.29937520, 0.29734635, 0.29696560],
- [0.29972707, 0.29769834, 0.29731762],
- [0.30007895, 0.29805036, 0.29766966],
- [0.30043085, 0.29840239, 0.29802171],
- [0.30078277, 0.29875444, 0.29837379],
- [0.30113471, 0.29910651, 0.29872589],
- [0.30148666, 0.29945860, 0.29907800],
- [0.30183863, 0.29981072, 0.29943014],
- [0.30219062, 0.30016285, 0.29978230],
- [0.30254263, 0.30051500, 0.30013448],
- [0.30289465, 0.30086717, 0.30048667],
- [0.30324669, 0.30121936, 0.30083889],
- [0.30359875, 0.30157157, 0.30119113],
- [0.30395082, 0.30192380, 0.30154339],
- [0.30430292, 0.30227605, 0.30189567],
- [0.30465503, 0.30262832, 0.30224798],
- [0.30500716, 0.30298062, 0.30260030],
- [0.30535931, 0.30333293, 0.30295264],
- [0.30571148, 0.30368526, 0.30330501],
- [0.30606366, 0.30403762, 0.30365740],
- [0.30641587, 0.30439000, 0.30400981],
- [0.30676810, 0.30474240, 0.30436224],
- [0.30712034, 0.30509482, 0.30471469],
- [0.30747260, 0.30544726, 0.30506717],
- [0.30782489, 0.30579973, 0.30541967],
- [0.30817719, 0.30615221, 0.30577219],
- [0.30852951, 0.30650472, 0.30612473],
- [0.30888185, 0.30685725, 0.30647730],
- [0.30923422, 0.30720981, 0.30682989],
- [0.30958660, 0.30756238, 0.30718250],
- [0.30993900, 0.30791498, 0.30753514],
- [0.31029143, 0.30826760, 0.30788780],
- [0.31064387, 0.30862025, 0.30824048],
- [0.31099633, 0.30897291, 0.30859318],
- [0.31134882, 0.30932560, 0.30894591],
- [0.31170133, 0.30967832, 0.30929867],
- [0.31205385, 0.31003105, 0.30965144],
- [0.31240640, 0.31038382, 0.31000425],
- [0.31275897, 0.31073660, 0.31035707],
- [0.31311156, 0.31108941, 0.31070992],
- [0.31346418, 0.31144224, 0.31106279],
- [0.31381681, 0.31179510, 0.31141569],
- [0.31416947, 0.31214798, 0.31176862],
- [0.31452215, 0.31250089, 0.31212156],
- [0.31487485, 0.31285382, 0.31247454],
- [0.31522758, 0.31320677, 0.31282754],
- [0.31558032, 0.31355975, 0.31318056],
- [0.31593309, 0.31391276, 0.31353361],
- [0.31628588, 0.31426579, 0.31388668],
- [0.31663870, 0.31461884, 0.31423978],
- [0.31699153, 0.31497192, 0.31459291],
- [0.31734440, 0.31532502, 0.31494606],
- [0.31769728, 0.31567816, 0.31529924],
- [0.31805018, 0.31603131, 0.31565244],
- [0.31840312, 0.31638449, 0.31600567],
- [0.31875607, 0.31673770, 0.31635893],
- [0.31910905, 0.31709094, 0.31671221],
- [0.31946205, 0.31744420, 0.31706552],
- [0.31981508, 0.31779748, 0.31741885],
- [0.32016813, 0.31815080, 0.31777221],
- [0.32052120, 0.31850414, 0.31812560],
- [0.32087430, 0.31885750, 0.31847902],
- [0.32122742, 0.31921090, 0.31883247],
- [0.32158057, 0.31956432, 0.31918594],
- [0.32193374, 0.31991777, 0.31953943],
- [0.32228694, 0.32027124, 0.31989296],
- [0.32264016, 0.32062474, 0.32024652],
- [0.32299341, 0.32097827, 0.32060010],
- [0.32334669, 0.32133183, 0.32095371],
- [0.32369998, 0.32168541, 0.32130735],
- [0.32405331, 0.32203902, 0.32166101],
- [0.32440666, 0.32239266, 0.32201471],
- [0.32476003, 0.32274633, 0.32236843],
- [0.32511344, 0.32310003, 0.32272218],
- [0.32546686, 0.32345375, 0.32307596],
- [0.32582032, 0.32380751, 0.32342977],
- [0.32617380, 0.32416129, 0.32378361],
- [0.32652730, 0.32451510, 0.32413748],
- [0.32688084, 0.32486894, 0.32449137],
- [0.32723440, 0.32522281, 0.32484530],
- [0.32758798, 0.32557670, 0.32519926],
- [0.32794160, 0.32593063, 0.32555324],
- [0.32829524, 0.32628459, 0.32590726],
- [0.32864890, 0.32663857, 0.32626130],
- [0.32900260, 0.32699258, 0.32661537],
- [0.32935632, 0.32734663, 0.32696948],
- [0.32971007, 0.32770070, 0.32732361],
- [0.33006385, 0.32805481, 0.32767778],
- [0.33041766, 0.32840894, 0.32803197],
- [0.33077149, 0.32876310, 0.32838620],
- [0.33112535, 0.32911730, 0.32874046],
- [0.33147924, 0.32947152, 0.32909475],
- [0.33183316, 0.32982578, 0.32944906],
- [0.33218711, 0.33018006, 0.32980341],
- [0.33254108, 0.33053438, 0.33015779],
- [0.33289509, 0.33088873, 0.33051221],
- [0.33324912, 0.33124311, 0.33086665],
- [0.33360318, 0.33159752, 0.33122112],
- [0.33395727, 0.33195196, 0.33157563],
- [0.33431139, 0.33230643, 0.33193017],
- [0.33466554, 0.33266093, 0.33228474],
- [0.33501972, 0.33301547, 0.33263934],
- [0.33537393, 0.33337004, 0.33299397],
- [0.33572817, 0.33372463, 0.33334864],
- [0.33608244, 0.33407926, 0.33370334],
- [0.33643673, 0.33443393, 0.33405807],
- [0.33679106, 0.33478862, 0.33441283],
- [0.33714542, 0.33514335, 0.33476763],
- [0.33749981, 0.33549811, 0.33512246],
- [0.33785423, 0.33585290, 0.33547732],
- [0.33820867, 0.33620773, 0.33583222],
- [0.33856315, 0.33656258, 0.33618715],
- [0.33891766, 0.33691747, 0.33654211],
- [0.33927220, 0.33727240, 0.33689710],
- [0.33962678, 0.33762735, 0.33725213],
- [0.33998138, 0.33798234, 0.33760719],
- [0.34033602, 0.33833737, 0.33796229],
- [0.34069068, 0.33869242, 0.33831742],
- [0.34104538, 0.33904751, 0.33867258],
- [0.34140011, 0.33940264, 0.33902778],
- [0.34175487, 0.33975779, 0.33938301],
- [0.34210966, 0.34011299, 0.33973828],
- [0.34246449, 0.34046821, 0.34009358],
- [0.34281934, 0.34082347, 0.34044892],
- [0.34317423, 0.34117877, 0.34080429],
- [0.34352915, 0.34153409, 0.34115969],
- [0.34388411, 0.34188946, 0.34151513],
- [0.34423909, 0.34224486, 0.34187061],
- [0.34459411, 0.34260029, 0.34222612],
- [0.34494916, 0.34295575, 0.34258166],
- [0.34530425, 0.34331126, 0.34293724],
- [0.34565936, 0.34366680, 0.34329286],
- [0.34601452, 0.34402237, 0.34364851],
- [0.34636970, 0.34437798, 0.34400420],
- [0.34672492, 0.34473362, 0.34435992],
- [0.34708017, 0.34508930, 0.34471568],
- [0.34743545, 0.34544501, 0.34507148],
- [0.34779077, 0.34580076, 0.34542731],
- [0.34814612, 0.34615655, 0.34578318],
- [0.34850151, 0.34651237, 0.34613908],
- [0.34885693, 0.34686823, 0.34649502],
- [0.34921238, 0.34722412, 0.34685100],
- [0.34956787, 0.34758006, 0.34720701],
- [0.34992339, 0.34793602, 0.34756307],
- [0.35027895, 0.34829203, 0.34791915],
- [0.35063454, 0.34864807, 0.34827528],
- [0.35099017, 0.34900415, 0.34863144],
- [0.35134583, 0.34936026, 0.34898764],
- [0.35170153, 0.34971641, 0.34934388],
- [0.35205726, 0.35007260, 0.34970015],
- [0.35241303, 0.35042883, 0.35005646],
- [0.35276883, 0.35078509, 0.35041281],
- [0.35312467, 0.35114139, 0.35076920],
- [0.35348054, 0.35149773, 0.35112563],
- [0.35383645, 0.35185411, 0.35148209],
- [0.35419239, 0.35221052, 0.35183859],
- [0.35454838, 0.35256697, 0.35219513],
- [0.35490439, 0.35292346, 0.35255171],
- [0.35526044, 0.35327999, 0.35290833],
- [0.35561654, 0.35363656, 0.35326499],
- [0.35597266, 0.35399316, 0.35362168],
- [0.35632882, 0.35434980, 0.35397841],
- [0.35668502, 0.35470649, 0.35433519],
- [0.35704126, 0.35506321, 0.35469200],
- [0.35739753, 0.35541997, 0.35504885],
- [0.35775384, 0.35577676, 0.35540574],
- [0.35811019, 0.35613360, 0.35576267],
- [0.35846657, 0.35649048, 0.35611964],
- [0.35882299, 0.35684740, 0.35647665],
- [0.35917945, 0.35720435, 0.35683370],
- [0.35953594, 0.35756134, 0.35719078],
- [0.35989248, 0.35791838, 0.35754791],
- [0.36024905, 0.35827545, 0.35790508],
- [0.36060566, 0.35863257, 0.35826229],
- [0.36096230, 0.35898972, 0.35861954],
- [0.36131899, 0.35934691, 0.35897683],
- [0.36167571, 0.35970415, 0.35933416],
- [0.36203247, 0.36006142, 0.35969153],
- [0.36238927, 0.36041874, 0.36004894],
- [0.36274611, 0.36077609, 0.36040639],
- [0.36310299, 0.36113349, 0.36076388],
- [0.36345990, 0.36149093, 0.36112142],
- [0.36381686, 0.36184840, 0.36147899],
- [0.36417385, 0.36220592, 0.36183661],
- [0.36453089, 0.36256348, 0.36219427],
- [0.36488796, 0.36292108, 0.36255197],
- [0.36524507, 0.36327872, 0.36290971],
- [0.36560222, 0.36363640, 0.36326749],
- [0.36595941, 0.36399413, 0.36362532],
- [0.36631664, 0.36435189, 0.36398318],
- [0.36667391, 0.36470970, 0.36434109],
- [0.36703122, 0.36506755, 0.36469904],
- [0.36738857, 0.36542544, 0.36505703],
- [0.36774596, 0.36578338, 0.36541507],
- [0.36810339, 0.36614135, 0.36577315],
- [0.36846086, 0.36649937, 0.36613127],
- [0.36881837, 0.36685743, 0.36648943],
- [0.36917592, 0.36721553, 0.36684764],
- [0.36953351, 0.36757368, 0.36720589],
- [0.36989114, 0.36793186, 0.36756418],
- [0.37024881, 0.36829009, 0.36792251],
- [0.37060653, 0.36864837, 0.36828089],
- [0.37096428, 0.36900668, 0.36863931],
- [0.37132208, 0.36936504, 0.36899778],
- [0.37167992, 0.36972344, 0.36935629],
- [0.37203780, 0.37008189, 0.36971484],
- [0.37239572, 0.37044038, 0.37007343],
- [0.37275368, 0.37079891, 0.37043207],
- [0.37311168, 0.37115749, 0.37079076],
- [0.37346973, 0.37151611, 0.37114948],
- [0.37382782, 0.37187477, 0.37150826],
- [0.37418595, 0.37223348, 0.37186707],
- [0.37454412, 0.37259223, 0.37222593],
- [0.37490233, 0.37295103, 0.37258484],
- [0.37526059, 0.37330987, 0.37294379],
- [0.37561889, 0.37366875, 0.37330278],
- [0.37597723, 0.37402768, 0.37366182],
- [0.37633561, 0.37438665, 0.37402090],
- [0.37669404, 0.37474567, 0.37438003],
- [0.37705251, 0.37510473, 0.37473921],
- [0.37741102, 0.37546384, 0.37509843],
- [0.37776958, 0.37582299, 0.37545769],
- [0.37812818, 0.37618219, 0.37581700],
- [0.37848682, 0.37654144, 0.37617636],
- [0.37884551, 0.37690072, 0.37653576],
- [0.37920424, 0.37726006, 0.37689521],
- [0.37956301, 0.37761944, 0.37725470],
- [0.37992182, 0.37797886, 0.37761424],
- [0.38028069, 0.37833833, 0.37797382],
- [0.38063959, 0.37869785, 0.37833345],
- [0.38099854, 0.37905741, 0.37869313],
- [0.38135753, 0.37941702, 0.37905286],
- [0.38171657, 0.37977667, 0.37941263],
- [0.38207565, 0.38013638, 0.37977244],
- [0.38243478, 0.38049612, 0.38013231],
- [0.38279395, 0.38085591, 0.38049222],
- [0.38315317, 0.38121575, 0.38085217],
- [0.38351243, 0.38157564, 0.38121218],
- [0.38387173, 0.38193558, 0.38157223],
- [0.38423108, 0.38229556, 0.38193233],
- [0.38459048, 0.38265558, 0.38229247],
- [0.38494992, 0.38301566, 0.38265267],
- [0.38530941, 0.38337578, 0.38301291],
- [0.38566894, 0.38373595, 0.38337319],
- [0.38602852, 0.38409616, 0.38373353],
- [0.38638814, 0.38445643, 0.38409392],
- [0.38674781, 0.38481674, 0.38445435],
- [0.38710752, 0.38517710, 0.38481483],
- [0.38746728, 0.38553751, 0.38517535],
- [0.38782709, 0.38589796, 0.38553593],
- [0.38818694, 0.38625846, 0.38589656],
- [0.38854684, 0.38661901, 0.38625723],
- [0.38890679, 0.38697961, 0.38661795],
- [0.38926678, 0.38734026, 0.38697872],
- [0.38962682, 0.38770096, 0.38733954],
- [0.38998691, 0.38806170, 0.38770041],
- [0.39034704, 0.38842249, 0.38806133],
- [0.39070722, 0.38878333, 0.38842229],
- [0.39106745, 0.38914423, 0.38878331],
- [0.39142772, 0.38950516, 0.38914437],
- [0.39178804, 0.38986615, 0.38950548],
- [0.39214841, 0.39022719, 0.38986665],
- [0.39250883, 0.39058828, 0.39022786],
- [0.39286929, 0.39094941, 0.39058912],
- [0.39322980, 0.39131060, 0.39095043],
- [0.39359036, 0.39167183, 0.39131180],
- [0.39395096, 0.39203312, 0.39167321],
- [0.39431162, 0.39239445, 0.39203467],
- [0.39467232, 0.39275584, 0.39239618],
- [0.39503307, 0.39311727, 0.39275774],
- [0.39539387, 0.39347876, 0.39311936],
- [0.39575472, 0.39384029, 0.39348102],
- [0.39611562, 0.39420187, 0.39384273],
- [0.39647656, 0.39456351, 0.39420450],
- [0.39683756, 0.39492519, 0.39456631],
- [0.39719860, 0.39528693, 0.39492818],
- [0.39755969, 0.39564872, 0.39529010],
- [0.39792083, 0.39601055, 0.39565206],
- [0.39828202, 0.39637244, 0.39601408],
- [0.39864326, 0.39673438, 0.39637615],
- [0.39900455, 0.39709637, 0.39673828],
- [0.39936588, 0.39745841, 0.39710045],
- [0.39972727, 0.39782051, 0.39746267],
- [0.40008871, 0.39818265, 0.39782495],
- [0.40045019, 0.39854485, 0.39818728],
- [0.40081173, 0.39890709, 0.39854966],
- [0.40117331, 0.39926939, 0.39891209],
- [0.40153495, 0.39963174, 0.39927458],
- [0.40189664, 0.39999414, 0.39963711],
- [0.40225837, 0.40035660, 0.39999970],
- [0.40262016, 0.40071911, 0.40036234],
- [0.40298200, 0.40108166, 0.40072504],
- [0.40334389, 0.40144427, 0.40108778],
- [0.40370583, 0.40180694, 0.40145058],
- [0.40406781, 0.40216965, 0.40181343],
- [0.40442986, 0.40253242, 0.40217634],
- [0.40479195, 0.40289524, 0.40253930],
- [0.40515409, 0.40325811, 0.40290231],
- [0.40551628, 0.40362104, 0.40326537],
- [0.40587853, 0.40398402, 0.40362849],
- [0.40624082, 0.40434705, 0.40399166],
- [0.40660317, 0.40471014, 0.40435488],
- [0.40696557, 0.40507328, 0.40471816],
- [0.40732802, 0.40543647, 0.40508149],
- [0.40769052, 0.40579972, 0.40544488],
- [0.40805308, 0.40616302, 0.40580832],
- [0.40841568, 0.40652637, 0.40617181],
- [0.40877834, 0.40688977, 0.40653536],
- [0.40914105, 0.40725323, 0.40689896],
- [0.40950382, 0.40761675, 0.40726261],
- [0.40986663, 0.40798032, 0.40762632],
- [0.41022950, 0.40834394, 0.40799009],
- [0.41059242, 0.40870762, 0.40835391],
- [0.41095539, 0.40907135, 0.40871778],
- [0.41131842, 0.40943513, 0.40908171],
- [0.41168150, 0.40979897, 0.40944569],
- [0.41204463, 0.41016287, 0.40980973],
- [0.41240782, 0.41052682, 0.41017382],
- [0.41277105, 0.41089082, 0.41053797],
- [0.41313435, 0.41125488, 0.41090217],
- [0.41349769, 0.41161900, 0.41126643],
- [0.41386109, 0.41198316, 0.41163075],
- [0.41422454, 0.41234739, 0.41199512],
- [0.41458805, 0.41271167, 0.41235954],
- [0.41495161, 0.41307601, 0.41272402],
- [0.41531522, 0.41344040, 0.41308856],
- [0.41567888, 0.41380484, 0.41345315],
- [0.41604261, 0.41416935, 0.41381780],
- [0.41640638, 0.41453390, 0.41418250],
- [0.41677021, 0.41489852, 0.41454727],
- [0.41713410, 0.41526319, 0.41491208],
- [0.41749803, 0.41562791, 0.41527696],
- [0.41786203, 0.41599270, 0.41564189],
- [0.41822608, 0.41635754, 0.41600687],
- [0.41859018, 0.41672243, 0.41637192],
- [0.41895434, 0.41708738, 0.41673702],
- [0.41931855, 0.41745239, 0.41710218],
- [0.41968282, 0.41781746, 0.41746739],
- [0.42004714, 0.41818258, 0.41783266],
- [0.42041152, 0.41854776, 0.41819799],
- [0.42077595, 0.41891299, 0.41856338],
- [0.42114044, 0.41927828, 0.41892882],
- [0.42150499, 0.41964363, 0.41929432],
- [0.42186959, 0.42000904, 0.41965988],
- [0.42223424, 0.42037451, 0.42002550],
- [0.42259895, 0.42074003, 0.42039117],
- [0.42296372, 0.42110561, 0.42075690],
- [0.42332855, 0.42147124, 0.42112269],
- [0.42369343, 0.42183694, 0.42148854],
- [0.42405836, 0.42220269, 0.42185445],
- [0.42442336, 0.42256850, 0.42222041],
- [0.42478841, 0.42293437, 0.42258643],
- [0.42515351, 0.42330030, 0.42295251],
- [0.42551868, 0.42366628, 0.42331865],
- [0.42588389, 0.42403233, 0.42368485],
- [0.42624917, 0.42439843, 0.42405111],
- [0.42661450, 0.42476459, 0.42441742],
- [0.42697989, 0.42513081, 0.42478380],
- [0.42734534, 0.42549709, 0.42515023],
- [0.42771085, 0.42586342, 0.42551672],
- [0.42807641, 0.42622982, 0.42588328],
- [0.42844203, 0.42659627, 0.42624989],
- [0.42880771, 0.42696279, 0.42661656],
- [0.42917344, 0.42732936, 0.42698329],
- [0.42953923, 0.42769599, 0.42735008],
- [0.42990508, 0.42806268, 0.42771693],
- [0.43027099, 0.42842944, 0.42808384],
- [0.43063696, 0.42879625, 0.42845081],
- [0.43100298, 0.42916312, 0.42881784],
- [0.43136907, 0.42953005, 0.42918493],
- [0.43173521, 0.42989704, 0.42955208],
- [0.43210141, 0.43026409, 0.42991929],
- [0.43246767, 0.43063120, 0.43028656],
- [0.43283398, 0.43099837, 0.43065389],
- [0.43320036, 0.43136560, 0.43102128],
- [0.43356679, 0.43173289, 0.43138873],
- [0.43393329, 0.43210024, 0.43175624],
- [0.43429984, 0.43246766, 0.43212382],
- [0.43466645, 0.43283513, 0.43249145],
- [0.43503312, 0.43320266, 0.43285915],
- [0.43539985, 0.43357026, 0.43322690],
- [0.43576664, 0.43393791, 0.43359472],
- [0.43613349, 0.43430563, 0.43396260],
- [0.43650040, 0.43467341, 0.43433054],
- [0.43686737, 0.43504124, 0.43469854],
- [0.43723439, 0.43540914, 0.43506661],
- [0.43760148, 0.43577711, 0.43543473],
- [0.43796863, 0.43614513, 0.43580292],
- [0.43833584, 0.43651321, 0.43617117],
- [0.43870311, 0.43688136, 0.43653948],
- [0.43907043, 0.43724957, 0.43690785],
- [0.43943782, 0.43761784, 0.43727629],
- [0.43980527, 0.43798617, 0.43764478],
- [0.44017278, 0.43835456, 0.43801334],
- [0.44054035, 0.43872302, 0.43838197],
- [0.44090799, 0.43909154, 0.43875065],
- [0.44127568, 0.43946012, 0.43911940],
- [0.44164343, 0.43982876, 0.43948821],
- [0.44201125, 0.44019747, 0.43985708],
- [0.44237912, 0.44056624, 0.44022602],
- [0.44274706, 0.44093507, 0.44059502],
- [0.44311506, 0.44130396, 0.44096408],
- [0.44348312, 0.44167292, 0.44133321],
- [0.44385124, 0.44204194, 0.44170240],
- [0.44421942, 0.44241102, 0.44207165],
- [0.44458767, 0.44278017, 0.44244096],
- [0.44495597, 0.44314938, 0.44281034],
- [0.44532434, 0.44351865, 0.44317979],
- [0.44569277, 0.44388799, 0.44354929],
- [0.44606126, 0.44425739, 0.44391886],
- [0.44642982, 0.44462685, 0.44428850],
- [0.44679843, 0.44499638, 0.44465820],
- [0.44716712, 0.44536598, 0.44502796],
- [0.44753586, 0.44573563, 0.44539779],
- [0.44790466, 0.44610535, 0.44576768],
- [0.44827353, 0.44647513, 0.44613763],
- [0.44864246, 0.44684498, 0.44650765],
- [0.44901145, 0.44721490, 0.44687774],
- [0.44938051, 0.44758487, 0.44724789],
- [0.44974963, 0.44795491, 0.44761810],
- [0.45011881, 0.44832502, 0.44798838],
- [0.45048806, 0.44869519, 0.44835873],
- [0.45085737, 0.44906543, 0.44872914],
- [0.45122674, 0.44943573, 0.44909961],
- [0.45159617, 0.44980609, 0.44947015],
- [0.45196567, 0.45017652, 0.44984076],
- [0.45233524, 0.45054702, 0.45021143],
- [0.45270487, 0.45091758, 0.45058217],
- [0.45307456, 0.45128821, 0.45095297],
- [0.45344431, 0.45165890, 0.45132384],
- [0.45381413, 0.45202966, 0.45169477],
- [0.45418402, 0.45240048, 0.45206577],
- [0.45455396, 0.45277137, 0.45243683],
- [0.45492398, 0.45314233, 0.45280797],
- [0.45529405, 0.45351335, 0.45317917],
- [0.45566420, 0.45388443, 0.45355043],
- [0.45603440, 0.45425559, 0.45392176],
- [0.45640467, 0.45462681, 0.45429316],
- [0.45677501, 0.45499809, 0.45466462],
- [0.45714541, 0.45536945, 0.45503615],
- [0.45751588, 0.45574086, 0.45540775],
- [0.45788641, 0.45611235, 0.45577942],
- [0.45825701, 0.45648390, 0.45615115],
- [0.45862767, 0.45685552, 0.45652295],
- [0.45899840, 0.45722721, 0.45689481],
- [0.45936919, 0.45759896, 0.45726674],
- [0.45974005, 0.45797078, 0.45763874],
- [0.46011097, 0.45834267, 0.45801081],
- [0.46048196, 0.45871462, 0.45838295],
- [0.46085302, 0.45908664, 0.45875515],
- [0.46122414, 0.45945873, 0.45912742],
- [0.46159533, 0.45983089, 0.45949976],
- [0.46196659, 0.46020311, 0.45987216],
- [0.46233791, 0.46057540, 0.46024464],
- [0.46270930, 0.46094777, 0.46061718],
- [0.46308075, 0.46132019, 0.46098979],
- [0.46345227, 0.46169269, 0.46136247],
- [0.46382386, 0.46206525, 0.46173522],
- [0.46419552, 0.46243788, 0.46210803],
- [0.46456724, 0.46281059, 0.46248092],
- [0.46493903, 0.46318336, 0.46285387],
- [0.46531088, 0.46355619, 0.46322689],
- [0.46568280, 0.46392910, 0.46359998],
- [0.46605480, 0.46430207, 0.46397314],
- [0.46642685, 0.46467512, 0.46434637],
- [0.46679898, 0.46504823, 0.46471967],
- [0.46717117, 0.46542141, 0.46509303],
- [0.46754343, 0.46579466, 0.46546647],
- [0.46791576, 0.46616798, 0.46583997],
- [0.46828815, 0.46654137, 0.46621355],
- [0.46866062, 0.46691483, 0.46658719],
- [0.46903315, 0.46728835, 0.46696091],
- [0.46940575, 0.46766195, 0.46733469],
- [0.46977842, 0.46803562, 0.46770854],
- [0.47015116, 0.46840935, 0.46808247],
- [0.47052396, 0.46878316, 0.46845646],
- [0.47089684, 0.46915704, 0.46883053],
- [0.47126978, 0.46953098, 0.46920466],
- [0.47164279, 0.46990500, 0.46957887],
- [0.47201587, 0.47027908, 0.46995314],
- [0.47238902, 0.47065324, 0.47032748],
- [0.47276223, 0.47102747, 0.47070190],
- [0.47313552, 0.47140176, 0.47107639],
- [0.47350888, 0.47177613, 0.47145095],
- [0.47388230, 0.47215057, 0.47182557],
- [0.47425580, 0.47252508, 0.47220027],
- [0.47462936, 0.47289966, 0.47257504],
- [0.47500300, 0.47327431, 0.47294988],
- [0.47537670, 0.47364903, 0.47332480],
- [0.47575047, 0.47402382, 0.47369978],
- [0.47612432, 0.47439869, 0.47407484],
- [0.47649823, 0.47477362, 0.47444996],
- [0.47687221, 0.47514863, 0.47482516],
- [0.47724627, 0.47552371, 0.47520043],
- [0.47762039, 0.47589886, 0.47557577],
- [0.47799458, 0.47627408, 0.47595119],
- [0.47836885, 0.47664937, 0.47632667],
- [0.47874318, 0.47702473, 0.47670223],
- [0.47911759, 0.47740017, 0.47707786],
- [0.47949207, 0.47777568, 0.47745357],
- [0.47986661, 0.47815126, 0.47782934],
- [0.48024123, 0.47852691, 0.47820519],
- [0.48061592, 0.47890264, 0.47858111],
- [0.48099068, 0.47927844, 0.47895710],
- [0.48136551, 0.47965431, 0.47933317],
- [0.48174041, 0.48003025, 0.47970930],
- [0.48211539, 0.48040627, 0.48008551],
- [0.48249043, 0.48078235, 0.48046180],
- [0.48286555, 0.48115852, 0.48083815],
- [0.48324074, 0.48153475, 0.48121458],
- [0.48361600, 0.48191106, 0.48159109],
- [0.48399133, 0.48228744, 0.48196767],
- [0.48436673, 0.48266389, 0.48234432],
- [0.48474221, 0.48304042, 0.48272104],
- [0.48511776, 0.48341702, 0.48309784],
- [0.48549338, 0.48379369, 0.48347471],
- [0.48586907, 0.48417044, 0.48385165],
- [0.48624483, 0.48454726, 0.48422867],
- [0.48662067, 0.48492416, 0.48460577],
- [0.48699658, 0.48530112, 0.48498293],
- [0.48737256, 0.48567817, 0.48536018],
- [0.48774862, 0.48605528, 0.48573749],
- [0.48812475, 0.48643247, 0.48611488],
- [0.48850095, 0.48680974, 0.48649234],
- [0.48887723, 0.48718708, 0.48686988],
- [0.48925357, 0.48756449, 0.48724750],
- [0.48962999, 0.48794198, 0.48762519],
- [0.49000649, 0.48831954, 0.48800295],
- [0.49038306, 0.48869718, 0.48838079],
- [0.49075970, 0.48907489, 0.48875870],
- [0.49113641, 0.48945268, 0.48913669],
- [0.49151320, 0.48983054, 0.48951475],
- [0.49189006, 0.49020848, 0.48989289],
- [0.49226700, 0.49058649, 0.49027111],
- [0.49264401, 0.49096458, 0.49064940],
- [0.49302109, 0.49134274, 0.49102776],
- [0.49339825, 0.49172098, 0.49140620],
- [0.49377549, 0.49209930, 0.49178472],
- [0.49415279, 0.49247769, 0.49216331],
- [0.49453018, 0.49285615, 0.49254198],
- [0.49490763, 0.49323469, 0.49292073],
- [0.49528516, 0.49361331, 0.49329955],
- [0.49566277, 0.49399200, 0.49367845],
- [0.49604045, 0.49437077, 0.49405742],
- [0.49641820, 0.49474962, 0.49443647],
- [0.49679604, 0.49512854, 0.49481559],
- [0.49717394, 0.49550754, 0.49519480],
- [0.49755192, 0.49588661, 0.49557408],
- [0.49792998, 0.49626576, 0.49595343],
- [0.49830811, 0.49664499, 0.49633287],
- [0.49868632, 0.49702430, 0.49671238],
- [0.49906460, 0.49740368, 0.49709197],
- [0.49944296, 0.49778313, 0.49747163],
- [0.49982139, 0.49816267, 0.49785137],
- [0.50019990, 0.49854228, 0.49823119],
- [0.50057849, 0.49892197, 0.49861109],
- [0.50095715, 0.49930174, 0.49899106],
- [0.50133589, 0.49968158, 0.49937111],
- [0.50171471, 0.50006151, 0.49975124],
- [0.50209360, 0.50044150, 0.50013145],
- [0.50247256, 0.50082158, 0.50051173],
- [0.50285161, 0.50120173, 0.50089210],
- [0.50323073, 0.50158197, 0.50127254],
- [0.50360993, 0.50196228, 0.50165306],
- [0.50398920, 0.50234267, 0.50203365],
- [0.50436855, 0.50272313, 0.50241433],
- [0.50474798, 0.50310368, 0.50279508],
- [0.50512748, 0.50348430, 0.50317592],
- [0.50550707, 0.50386500, 0.50355683],
- [0.50588673, 0.50424578, 0.50393782],
- [0.50626646, 0.50462664, 0.50431889],
- [0.50664628, 0.50500758, 0.50470004],
- [0.50702617, 0.50538859, 0.50508126],
- [0.50740614, 0.50576969, 0.50546257],
- [0.50778619, 0.50615086, 0.50584395],
- [0.50816631, 0.50653212, 0.50622542],
- [0.50854652, 0.50691345, 0.50660696],
- [0.50892680, 0.50729486, 0.50698858],
- [0.50930716, 0.50767635, 0.50737029],
- [0.50968760, 0.50805792, 0.50775207],
- [0.51006811, 0.50843957, 0.50813393],
- [0.51044871, 0.50882130, 0.50851587],
- [0.51082938, 0.50920311, 0.50889790],
- [0.51121013, 0.50958499, 0.50928000],
- [0.51159096, 0.50996696, 0.50966218],
- [0.51197187, 0.51034901, 0.51004444],
- [0.51235286, 0.51073114, 0.51042678],
- [0.51273393, 0.51111335, 0.51080921],
- [0.51311507, 0.51149564, 0.51119171],
- [0.51349630, 0.51187801, 0.51157429],
- [0.51387760, 0.51226046, 0.51195696],
- [0.51425899, 0.51264299, 0.51233970],
- [0.51464045, 0.51302560, 0.51272253],
- [0.51502200, 0.51340829, 0.51310543],
- [0.51540362, 0.51379106, 0.51348842],
- [0.51578532, 0.51417391, 0.51387149],
- [0.51616710, 0.51455685, 0.51425464],
- [0.51654896, 0.51493986, 0.51463787],
- [0.51693091, 0.51532296, 0.51502119],
- [0.51731293, 0.51570614, 0.51540458],
- [0.51769503, 0.51608940, 0.51578806],
- [0.51807721, 0.51647274, 0.51617161],
- [0.51845948, 0.51685616, 0.51655525],
- [0.51884182, 0.51723966, 0.51693897],
- [0.51922425, 0.51762325, 0.51732278],
- [0.51960675, 0.51800691, 0.51770666],
- [0.51998934, 0.51839066, 0.51809063],
- [0.52037200, 0.51877449, 0.51847468],
- [0.52075475, 0.51915841, 0.51885881],
- [0.52113758, 0.51954240, 0.51924302],
- [0.52152049, 0.51992648, 0.51962732],
- [0.52190348, 0.52031064, 0.52001170],
- [0.52228655, 0.52069488, 0.52039616],
- [0.52266971, 0.52107921, 0.52078071],
- [0.52305294, 0.52146362, 0.52116533],
- [0.52343626, 0.52184811, 0.52155004],
- [0.52381966, 0.52223268, 0.52193484],
- [0.52420314, 0.52261733, 0.52231971],
- [0.52458670, 0.52300207, 0.52270467],
- [0.52497034, 0.52338690, 0.52308972],
- [0.52535407, 0.52377180, 0.52347484],
- [0.52573788, 0.52415679, 0.52386005],
- [0.52612177, 0.52454186, 0.52424535],
- [0.52650574, 0.52492702, 0.52463072],
- [0.52688980, 0.52531226, 0.52501619],
- [0.52727394, 0.52569758, 0.52540173],
- [0.52765816, 0.52608299, 0.52578736],
- [0.52804246, 0.52646848, 0.52617307],
- [0.52842685, 0.52685405, 0.52655887],
- [0.52881132, 0.52723971, 0.52694475],
- [0.52919587, 0.52762545, 0.52733072],
- [0.52958051, 0.52801128, 0.52771677],
- [0.52996523, 0.52839719, 0.52810290],
- [0.53035003, 0.52878318, 0.52848912],
- [0.53073491, 0.52916927, 0.52887542],
- [0.53111988, 0.52955543, 0.52926181],
- [0.53150494, 0.52994168, 0.52964829],
- [0.53189007, 0.53032801, 0.53003485],
- [0.53227529, 0.53071443, 0.53042149],
- [0.53266060, 0.53110093, 0.53080822],
- [0.53304598, 0.53148752, 0.53119503],
- [0.53343146, 0.53187420, 0.53158193],
- [0.53381701, 0.53226096, 0.53196892],
- [0.53420265, 0.53264780, 0.53235599],
- [0.53458838, 0.53303473, 0.53274314],
- [0.53497419, 0.53342175, 0.53313039],
- [0.53536008, 0.53380885, 0.53351771],
- [0.53574606, 0.53419604, 0.53390513],
- [0.53613212, 0.53458331, 0.53429263],
- [0.53651827, 0.53497067, 0.53468021],
- [0.53690450, 0.53535811, 0.53506788],
- [0.53729082, 0.53574564, 0.53545564],
- [0.53767723, 0.53613326, 0.53584349],
- [0.53806371, 0.53652096, 0.53623142],
- [0.53845029, 0.53690875, 0.53661943],
- [0.53883695, 0.53729663, 0.53700754],
- [0.53922369, 0.53768459, 0.53739573],
- [0.53961052, 0.53807264, 0.53778401],
- [0.53999744, 0.53846077, 0.53817237],
- [0.54038444, 0.53884900, 0.53856082],
- [0.54077153, 0.53923731, 0.53894936],
- [0.54115870, 0.53962570, 0.53933799],
- [0.54154596, 0.54001419, 0.53972670],
- [0.54193330, 0.54040276, 0.54011550],
- [0.54232073, 0.54079142, 0.54050439],
- [0.54270825, 0.54118016, 0.54089336],
- [0.54309586, 0.54156899, 0.54128243],
- [0.54348355, 0.54195791, 0.54167158],
- [0.54387133, 0.54234692, 0.54206082],
- [0.54425919, 0.54273602, 0.54245015],
- [0.54464714, 0.54312520, 0.54283956],
- [0.54503518, 0.54351447, 0.54322906],
- [0.54542330, 0.54390383, 0.54361865],
- [0.54581152, 0.54429328, 0.54400833],
- [0.54619982, 0.54468282, 0.54439810],
- [0.54658820, 0.54507244, 0.54478796],
- [0.54697668, 0.54546215, 0.54517790],
- [0.54736524, 0.54585196, 0.54556794],
- [0.54775389, 0.54624184, 0.54595806],
- [0.54814262, 0.54663182, 0.54634827],
- [0.54853145, 0.54702189, 0.54673857],
- [0.54892036, 0.54741205, 0.54712896],
- [0.54930936, 0.54780229, 0.54751944],
- [0.54969845, 0.54819263, 0.54791001],
- [0.55008762, 0.54858305, 0.54830066],
- [0.55047689, 0.54897356, 0.54869141],
- [0.55086624, 0.54936416, 0.54908225],
- [0.55125568, 0.54975485, 0.54947317],
- [0.55164521, 0.55014564, 0.54986419],
- [0.55203483, 0.55053651, 0.55025529],
- [0.55242454, 0.55092747, 0.55064649],
- [0.55281433, 0.55131852, 0.55103777],
- [0.55320422, 0.55170966, 0.55142915],
- [0.55359419, 0.55210088, 0.55182062],
- [0.55398426, 0.55249220, 0.55221217],
- [0.55437441, 0.55288362, 0.55260382],
- [0.55476465, 0.55327512, 0.55299555],
- [0.55515498, 0.55366671, 0.55338738],
- [0.55554540, 0.55405839, 0.55377930],
- [0.55593591, 0.55445016, 0.55417131],
- [0.55632651, 0.55484202, 0.55456341],
- [0.55671720, 0.55523398, 0.55495560],
- [0.55710798, 0.55562602, 0.55534788],
- [0.55749885, 0.55601815, 0.55574025],
- [0.55788981, 0.55641038, 0.55613271],
- [0.55828086, 0.55680270, 0.55652527],
- [0.55867200, 0.55719511, 0.55691791],
- [0.55906323, 0.55758760, 0.55731065],
- [0.55945455, 0.55798019, 0.55770348],
- [0.55984596, 0.55837288, 0.55809640],
- [0.56023746, 0.55876565, 0.55848942],
- [0.56062905, 0.55915852, 0.55888252],
- [0.56102073, 0.55955148, 0.55927572],
- [0.56141251, 0.55994452, 0.55966900],
- [0.56180437, 0.56033767, 0.56006239],
- [0.56219633, 0.56073090, 0.56045586],
- [0.56258837, 0.56112422, 0.56084942],
- [0.56298051, 0.56151764, 0.56124308],
- [0.56337274, 0.56191115, 0.56163683],
- [0.56376506, 0.56230475, 0.56203067],
- [0.56415748, 0.56269845, 0.56242461],
- [0.56454998, 0.56309224, 0.56281864],
- [0.56494258, 0.56348612, 0.56321276],
- [0.56533526, 0.56388009, 0.56360697],
- [0.56572804, 0.56427416, 0.56400128],
- [0.56612091, 0.56466832, 0.56439568],
- [0.56651388, 0.56506257, 0.56479017],
- [0.56690694, 0.56545691, 0.56518476],
- [0.56730008, 0.56585135, 0.56557944],
- [0.56769332, 0.56624588, 0.56597422],
- [0.56808666, 0.56664051, 0.56636908],
- [0.56848008, 0.56703523, 0.56676404],
- [0.56887360, 0.56743004, 0.56715910],
- [0.56926721, 0.56782495, 0.56755425],
- [0.56966092, 0.56821995, 0.56794949],
- [0.57005472, 0.56861504, 0.56834483],
- [0.57044861, 0.56901023, 0.56874026],
- [0.57084259, 0.56940551, 0.56913579],
- [0.57123667, 0.56980089, 0.56953141],
- [0.57163084, 0.57019636, 0.56992712],
- [0.57202510, 0.57059192, 0.57032293],
- [0.57241946, 0.57098758, 0.57071884],
- [0.57281391, 0.57138334, 0.57111484],
- [0.57320846, 0.57177919, 0.57151093],
- [0.57360309, 0.57217513, 0.57190712],
- [0.57399783, 0.57257117, 0.57230340],
- [0.57439266, 0.57296730, 0.57269978],
- [0.57478758, 0.57336353, 0.57309625],
- [0.57518259, 0.57375986, 0.57349282],
- [0.57557770, 0.57415627, 0.57388949],
- [0.57597290, 0.57455279, 0.57428625],
- [0.57636820, 0.57494940, 0.57468310],
- [0.57676360, 0.57534611, 0.57508006],
- [0.57715909, 0.57574291, 0.57547710],
- [0.57755467, 0.57613980, 0.57587425],
- [0.57795035, 0.57653679, 0.57627149],
- [0.57834612, 0.57693388, 0.57666882],
- [0.57874199, 0.57733107, 0.57706625],
- [0.57913795, 0.57772835, 0.57746378],
- [0.57953401, 0.57812573, 0.57786141],
- [0.57993016, 0.57852320, 0.57825913],
- [0.58032641, 0.57892077, 0.57865694],
- [0.58072276, 0.57931844, 0.57905486],
- [0.58111920, 0.57971620, 0.57945287],
- [0.58151573, 0.58011406, 0.57985098],
- [0.58191236, 0.58051202, 0.58024918],
- [0.58230909, 0.58091007, 0.58064748],
- [0.58270592, 0.58130822, 0.58104588],
- [0.58310284, 0.58170647, 0.58144438],
- [0.58349986, 0.58210481, 0.58184297],
- [0.58389697, 0.58250325, 0.58224166],
- [0.58429418, 0.58290179, 0.58264045],
- [0.58469149, 0.58330043, 0.58303934],
- [0.58508889, 0.58369916, 0.58343832],
- [0.58548639, 0.58409799, 0.58383740],
- [0.58588398, 0.58449692, 0.58423658],
- [0.58628168, 0.58489595, 0.58463586],
- [0.58667947, 0.58529507, 0.58503523],
- [0.58707736, 0.58569430, 0.58543471],
- [0.58747534, 0.58609362, 0.58583428],
- [0.58787342, 0.58649304, 0.58623395],
- [0.58827160, 0.58689256, 0.58663372],
- [0.58866988, 0.58729217, 0.58703359],
- [0.58906826, 0.58769189, 0.58743355],
- [0.58946673, 0.58809170, 0.58783362],
- [0.58986530, 0.58849161, 0.58823378],
- [0.59026397, 0.58889162, 0.58863404],
- [0.59066273, 0.58929173, 0.58903441],
- [0.59106160, 0.58969194, 0.58943487],
- [0.59146056, 0.59009225, 0.58983543],
- [0.59185962, 0.59049266, 0.59023609],
- [0.59225878, 0.59089316, 0.59063684],
- [0.59265804, 0.59129377, 0.59103770],
- [0.59305740, 0.59169447, 0.59143866],
- [0.59345685, 0.59209528, 0.59183972],
- [0.59385641, 0.59249618, 0.59224088],
- [0.59425606, 0.59289719, 0.59264213],
- [0.59465581, 0.59329829, 0.59304349],
- [0.59505566, 0.59369949, 0.59344495],
- [0.59545561, 0.59410080, 0.59384651],
- [0.59585566, 0.59450220, 0.59424816],
- [0.59625581, 0.59490371, 0.59464992],
- [0.59665606, 0.59530531, 0.59505178],
- [0.59705641, 0.59570702, 0.59545374],
- [0.59745686, 0.59610882, 0.59585580],
- [0.59785740, 0.59651073, 0.59625796],
- [0.59825805, 0.59691273, 0.59666022],
- [0.59865880, 0.59731484, 0.59706259],
- [0.59905965, 0.59771705, 0.59746505],
- [0.59946059, 0.59811936, 0.59786761],
- [0.59986164, 0.59852177, 0.59827028],
- [0.60026279, 0.59892428, 0.59867305],
- [0.60066404, 0.59932689, 0.59907592],
- [0.60106539, 0.59972961, 0.59947889],
- [0.60146684, 0.60013242, 0.59988196],
- [0.60186839, 0.60053534, 0.60028514],
- [0.60227004, 0.60093836, 0.60068841],
- [0.60267179, 0.60134148, 0.60109179],
- [0.60307365, 0.60174471, 0.60149527],
- [0.60347560, 0.60214803, 0.60189885],
- [0.60387766, 0.60255146, 0.60230253],
- [0.60427982, 0.60295499, 0.60270632],
- [0.60468208, 0.60335862, 0.60311021],
- [0.60508444, 0.60376235, 0.60351420],
- [0.60548690, 0.60416619, 0.60391830],
- [0.60588946, 0.60457013, 0.60432249],
- [0.60629213, 0.60497417, 0.60472679],
- [0.60669489, 0.60537831, 0.60513119],
- [0.60709777, 0.60578256, 0.60553570],
- [0.60750074, 0.60618691, 0.60594031],
- [0.60790381, 0.60659136, 0.60634502],
- [0.60830699, 0.60699592, 0.60674983],
- [0.60871027, 0.60740058, 0.60715475],
- [0.60911365, 0.60780534, 0.60755978],
- [0.60951713, 0.60821021, 0.60796490],
- [0.60992072, 0.60861518, 0.60837013],
- [0.61032441, 0.60902025, 0.60877546],
- [0.61072820, 0.60942543, 0.60918090],
- [0.61113210, 0.60983071, 0.60958644],
- [0.61153610, 0.61023609, 0.60999208],
- [0.61194020, 0.61064158, 0.61039783],
- [0.61234440, 0.61104718, 0.61080369],
- [0.61274871, 0.61145287, 0.61120964],
- [0.61315312, 0.61185867, 0.61161571],
- [0.61355764, 0.61226458, 0.61202187],
- [0.61396226, 0.61267059, 0.61242814],
- [0.61436698, 0.61307670, 0.61283452],
- [0.61477181, 0.61348293, 0.61324100],
- [0.61517674, 0.61388925, 0.61364759],
- [0.61558178, 0.61429568, 0.61405428],
- [0.61598692, 0.61470221, 0.61446107],
- [0.61639216, 0.61510885, 0.61486798],
- [0.61679751, 0.61551560, 0.61527498],
- [0.61720297, 0.61592245, 0.61568209],
- [0.61760852, 0.61632940, 0.61608931],
- [0.61801419, 0.61673646, 0.61649663],
- [0.61841995, 0.61714363, 0.61690406],
- [0.61882583, 0.61755090, 0.61731160],
- [0.61923180, 0.61795828, 0.61771924],
- [0.61963789, 0.61836576, 0.61812698],
- [0.62004407, 0.61877335, 0.61853484],
- [0.62045037, 0.61918105, 0.61894280],
- [0.62085676, 0.61958885, 0.61935086],
- [0.62126327, 0.61999676, 0.61975903],
- [0.62166988, 0.62040478, 0.62016731],
- [0.62207659, 0.62081290, 0.62057570],
- [0.62248342, 0.62122112, 0.62098419],
- [0.62289034, 0.62162946, 0.62139279],
- [0.62329738, 0.62203790, 0.62180149],
- [0.62370452, 0.62244645, 0.62221031],
- [0.62411176, 0.62285510, 0.62261922],
- [0.62451911, 0.62326386, 0.62302825],
- [0.62492657, 0.62367273, 0.62343739],
- [0.62533414, 0.62408171, 0.62384663],
- [0.62574181, 0.62449080, 0.62425598],
- [0.62614958, 0.62489999, 0.62466543],
- [0.62655747, 0.62530929, 0.62507500],
- [0.62696546, 0.62571869, 0.62548467],
- [0.62737356, 0.62612821, 0.62589445],
- [0.62778177, 0.62653783, 0.62630434],
- [0.62819008, 0.62694756, 0.62671433],
- [0.62859850, 0.62735740, 0.62712444],
- [0.62900703, 0.62776734, 0.62753465],
- [0.62941567, 0.62817740, 0.62794497],
- [0.62982441, 0.62858756, 0.62835540],
- [0.63023326, 0.62899783, 0.62876594],
- [0.63064222, 0.62940821, 0.62917658],
- [0.63105129, 0.62981870, 0.62958734],
- [0.63146046, 0.63022930, 0.62999820],
- [0.63186974, 0.63064001, 0.63040918],
- [0.63227913, 0.63105082, 0.63082026],
- [0.63268864, 0.63146174, 0.63123145],
- [0.63309824, 0.63187278, 0.63164275],
- [0.63350796, 0.63228392, 0.63205416],
- [0.63391778, 0.63269517, 0.63246568],
- [0.63432772, 0.63310654, 0.63287731],
- [0.63473776, 0.63351801, 0.63328905],
- [0.63514791, 0.63392959, 0.63370090],
- [0.63555818, 0.63434128, 0.63411286],
- [0.63596854, 0.63475308, 0.63452493],
- [0.63637902, 0.63516499, 0.63493711],
- [0.63678961, 0.63557701, 0.63534940],
- [0.63720031, 0.63598914, 0.63576180],
- [0.63761112, 0.63640138, 0.63617431],
- [0.63802204, 0.63681373, 0.63658693],
- [0.63843306, 0.63722619, 0.63699966],
- [0.63884420, 0.63763877, 0.63741250],
- [0.63925545, 0.63805145, 0.63782545],
- [0.63966680, 0.63846424, 0.63823851],
- [0.64007827, 0.63887715, 0.63865169],
- [0.64048985, 0.63929016, 0.63906497],
- [0.64090154, 0.63970329, 0.63947837],
- [0.64131334, 0.64011653, 0.63989188],
- [0.64172525, 0.64052988, 0.64030550],
- [0.64213727, 0.64094334, 0.64071923],
- [0.64254940, 0.64135691, 0.64113307],
- [0.64296164, 0.64177059, 0.64154702],
- [0.64337399, 0.64218439, 0.64196109],
- [0.64378645, 0.64259829, 0.64237527],
- [0.64419903, 0.64301231, 0.64278956],
- [0.64461172, 0.64342644, 0.64320396],
- [0.64502451, 0.64384069, 0.64361847],
- [0.64543742, 0.64425504, 0.64403310],
- [0.64585044, 0.64466951, 0.64444784],
- [0.64626357, 0.64508409, 0.64486269],
- [0.64667682, 0.64549878, 0.64527765],
- [0.64709017, 0.64591359, 0.64569273],
- [0.64750364, 0.64632850, 0.64610792],
- [0.64791722, 0.64674353, 0.64652322],
- [0.64833091, 0.64715868, 0.64693864],
- [0.64874472, 0.64757393, 0.64735416],
- [0.64915864, 0.64798930, 0.64776981],
- [0.64957267, 0.64840478, 0.64818556],
- [0.64998681, 0.64882038, 0.64860143],
- [0.65040106, 0.64923609, 0.64901741],
- [0.65081543, 0.64965191, 0.64943351],
- [0.65122991, 0.65006785, 0.64984972],
- [0.65164451, 0.65048390, 0.65026604],
- [0.65205921, 0.65090006, 0.65068247],
- [0.65247404, 0.65131634, 0.65109903],
- [0.65288897, 0.65173273, 0.65151569],
- [0.65330402, 0.65214924, 0.65193247],
- [0.65371918, 0.65256586, 0.65234936],
- [0.65413445, 0.65298259, 0.65276637],
- [0.65454984, 0.65339944, 0.65318349],
- [0.65496534, 0.65381640, 0.65360073],
- [0.65538096, 0.65423348, 0.65401808],
- [0.65579669, 0.65465067, 0.65443555],
- [0.65621253, 0.65506798, 0.65485313],
- [0.65662849, 0.65548540, 0.65527083],
- [0.65704457, 0.65590294, 0.65568864],
- [0.65746076, 0.65632059, 0.65610657],
- [0.65787706, 0.65673836, 0.65652461],
- [0.65829348, 0.65715624, 0.65694277],
- [0.65871001, 0.65757424, 0.65736104],
- [0.65912665, 0.65799236, 0.65777943],
- [0.65954342, 0.65841059, 0.65819794],
- [0.65996029, 0.65882893, 0.65861656],
- [0.66037729, 0.65924739, 0.65903530],
- [0.66079439, 0.65966597, 0.65945415],
- [0.66121162, 0.66008466, 0.65987312],
- [0.66162895, 0.66050347, 0.66029220],
- [0.66204641, 0.66092240, 0.66071141],
- [0.66246398, 0.66134144, 0.66113072],
- [0.66288167, 0.66176060, 0.66155016],
- [0.66329947, 0.66217987, 0.66196971],
- [0.66371739, 0.66259927, 0.66238938],
- [0.66413542, 0.66301877, 0.66280916],
- [0.66455357, 0.66343840, 0.66322907],
- [0.66497184, 0.66385814, 0.66364909],
- [0.66539022, 0.66427800, 0.66406922],
- [0.66580872, 0.66469798, 0.66448948],
- [0.66622734, 0.66511807, 0.66490985],
- [0.66664607, 0.66553829, 0.66533034],
- [0.66706492, 0.66595861, 0.66575094],
- [0.66748389, 0.66637906, 0.66617167],
- [0.66790297, 0.66679963, 0.66659251],
- [0.66832218, 0.66722031, 0.66701347],
- [0.66874150, 0.66764111, 0.66743455],
- [0.66916093, 0.66806203, 0.66785574],
- [0.66958049, 0.66848306, 0.66827706],
- [0.67000016, 0.66890422, 0.66869849],
- [0.67041995, 0.66932549, 0.66912004],
- [0.67083986, 0.66974688, 0.66954171],
- [0.67125988, 0.67016839, 0.66996350],
- [0.67168003, 0.67059002, 0.67038541],
- [0.67210029, 0.67101177, 0.67080743],
- [0.67252067, 0.67143364, 0.67122958],
- [0.67294117, 0.67185562, 0.67165184],
- [0.67336178, 0.67227773, 0.67207423],
- [0.67378252, 0.67269995, 0.67249673],
- [0.67420337, 0.67312229, 0.67291935],
- [0.67462435, 0.67354475, 0.67334209],
- [0.67504544, 0.67396734, 0.67376496],
- [0.67546665, 0.67439004, 0.67418794],
- [0.67588798, 0.67481286, 0.67461104],
- [0.67630943, 0.67523580, 0.67503426],
- [0.67673100, 0.67565886, 0.67545760],
- [0.67715269, 0.67608204, 0.67588106],
- [0.67757450, 0.67650534, 0.67630464],
- [0.67799643, 0.67692876, 0.67672834],
- [0.67841847, 0.67735231, 0.67715216],
- [0.67884064, 0.67777597, 0.67757611],
- [0.67926293, 0.67819975, 0.67800017],
- [0.67968534, 0.67862365, 0.67842435],
- [0.68010786, 0.67904768, 0.67884866],
- [0.68053051, 0.67947182, 0.67927309],
- [0.68095328, 0.67989609, 0.67969763],
- [0.68137617, 0.68032048, 0.68012230],
- [0.68179918, 0.68074498, 0.68054709],
- [0.68222231, 0.68116961, 0.68097200],
- [0.68264556, 0.68159436, 0.68139703],
- [0.68306893, 0.68201924, 0.68182219],
- [0.68349243, 0.68244423, 0.68224746],
- [0.68391604, 0.68286935, 0.68267286],
- [0.68433978, 0.68329458, 0.68309838],
- [0.68476364, 0.68371994, 0.68352402],
- [0.68518762, 0.68414542, 0.68394978],
- [0.68561172, 0.68457103, 0.68437567],
- [0.68603594, 0.68499676, 0.68480168],
- [0.68646028, 0.68542260, 0.68522781],
- [0.68688475, 0.68584857, 0.68565406],
- [0.68730934, 0.68627467, 0.68608044],
- [0.68773405, 0.68670088, 0.68650693],
- [0.68815888, 0.68712722, 0.68693356],
- [0.68858383, 0.68755368, 0.68736030],
- [0.68900891, 0.68798027, 0.68778717],
- [0.68943411, 0.68840698, 0.68821416],
- [0.68985944, 0.68883381, 0.68864127],
- [0.69028488, 0.68926076, 0.68906851],
- [0.69071045, 0.68968784, 0.68949587],
- [0.69113614, 0.69011504, 0.68992336],
- [0.69156196, 0.69054237, 0.69035096],
- [0.69198789, 0.69096982, 0.69077870],
- [0.69241396, 0.69139739, 0.69120655],
- [0.69284014, 0.69182508, 0.69163453],
- [0.69326645, 0.69225291, 0.69206264],
- [0.69369288, 0.69268085, 0.69249087],
- [0.69411944, 0.69310892, 0.69291922],
- [0.69454611, 0.69353711, 0.69334770],
- [0.69497292, 0.69396543, 0.69377630],
- [0.69539985, 0.69439387, 0.69420503],
- [0.69582690, 0.69482244, 0.69463388],
- [0.69625408, 0.69525113, 0.69506285],
- [0.69668138, 0.69567995, 0.69549196],
- [0.69710880, 0.69610889, 0.69592118],
- [0.69753635, 0.69653796, 0.69635053],
- [0.69796403, 0.69696715, 0.69678001],
- [0.69839183, 0.69739647, 0.69720962],
- [0.69881975, 0.69782592, 0.69763934],
- [0.69924780, 0.69825548, 0.69806920],
- [0.69967598, 0.69868518, 0.69849918],
- [0.70010428, 0.69911500, 0.69892928],
- [0.70053270, 0.69954495, 0.69935952],
- [0.70096125, 0.69997502, 0.69978987],
- [0.70138993, 0.70040522, 0.70022036],
- [0.70181873, 0.70083554, 0.70065097],
- [0.70224766, 0.70126599, 0.70108170],
- [0.70267672, 0.70169657, 0.70151257],
- [0.70310590, 0.70212728, 0.70194356],
- [0.70353521, 0.70255811, 0.70237468],
- [0.70396464, 0.70298906, 0.70280592],
- [0.70439420, 0.70342015, 0.70323729],
- [0.70482389, 0.70385136, 0.70366879],
- [0.70525370, 0.70428270, 0.70410041],
- [0.70568364, 0.70471417, 0.70453217],
- [0.70611371, 0.70514576, 0.70496405],
- [0.70654390, 0.70557748, 0.70539605],
- [0.70697422, 0.70600933, 0.70582819],
- [0.70740467, 0.70644130, 0.70626045],
- [0.70783524, 0.70687341, 0.70669284],
- [0.70826594, 0.70730564, 0.70712536],
- [0.70869678, 0.70773800, 0.70755801],
- [0.70912773, 0.70817049, 0.70799078],
- [0.70955882, 0.70860310, 0.70842368],
- [0.70999003, 0.70903585, 0.70885672],
- [0.71042137, 0.70946872, 0.70928988],
- [0.71085284, 0.70990172, 0.70972316],
- [0.71128444, 0.71033485, 0.71015658],
- [0.71171617, 0.71076811, 0.71059013],
- [0.71214802, 0.71120150, 0.71102380],
- [0.71258001, 0.71163502, 0.71145761],
- [0.71301212, 0.71206866, 0.71189154],
- [0.71344436, 0.71250244, 0.71232560],
- [0.71387673, 0.71293634, 0.71275980],
- [0.71430923, 0.71337037, 0.71319412],
- [0.71474185, 0.71380454, 0.71362857],
- [0.71517461, 0.71423883, 0.71406315],
- [0.71560750, 0.71467325, 0.71449786],
- [0.71604051, 0.71510781, 0.71493270],
- [0.71647366, 0.71554249, 0.71536767],
- [0.71690693, 0.71597730, 0.71580278],
- [0.71734034, 0.71641224, 0.71623801],
- [0.71777387, 0.71684732, 0.71667337],
- [0.71820754, 0.71728252, 0.71710886],
- [0.71864133, 0.71771785, 0.71754448],
- [0.71907526, 0.71815332, 0.71798024],
- [0.71950931, 0.71858891, 0.71841612],
- [0.71994350, 0.71902464, 0.71885214],
- [0.72037781, 0.71946050, 0.71928828],
- [0.72081226, 0.71989649, 0.71972456],
- [0.72124684, 0.72033261, 0.72016097],
- [0.72168155, 0.72076886, 0.72059751],
- [0.72211639, 0.72120524, 0.72103418],
- [0.72255136, 0.72164175, 0.72147099],
- [0.72298646, 0.72207840, 0.72190792],
- [0.72342169, 0.72251518, 0.72234499],
- [0.72385706, 0.72295209, 0.72278219],
- [0.72429256, 0.72338913, 0.72321952],
- [0.72472819, 0.72382630, 0.72365698],
- [0.72516395, 0.72426361, 0.72409458],
- [0.72559984, 0.72470104, 0.72453231],
- [0.72603586, 0.72513861, 0.72497017],
- [0.72647202, 0.72557632, 0.72540816],
- [0.72690831, 0.72601415, 0.72584629],
- [0.72734473, 0.72645212, 0.72628454],
- [0.72778128, 0.72689022, 0.72672294],
- [0.72821797, 0.72732846, 0.72716146],
- [0.72865479, 0.72776683, 0.72760012],
- [0.72909174, 0.72820533, 0.72803891],
- [0.72952883, 0.72864396, 0.72847784],
- [0.72996604, 0.72908273, 0.72891690],
- [0.73040339, 0.72952163, 0.72935609],
- [0.73084088, 0.72996066, 0.72979541],
- [0.73127850, 0.73039983, 0.73023487],
- [0.73171625, 0.73083914, 0.73067447],
- [0.73215413, 0.73127857, 0.73111419],
- [0.73259215, 0.73171814, 0.73155406],
- [0.73303030, 0.73215785, 0.73199405],
- [0.73346859, 0.73259769, 0.73243418],
- [0.73390701, 0.73303766, 0.73287445],
- [0.73434557, 0.73347777, 0.73331485],
- [0.73478426, 0.73391801, 0.73375538],
- [0.73522308, 0.73435839, 0.73419605],
- [0.73566204, 0.73479891, 0.73463686],
- [0.73610113, 0.73523955, 0.73507780],
- [0.73654036, 0.73568034, 0.73551887],
- [0.73697972, 0.73612126, 0.73596008],
- [0.73741922, 0.73656231, 0.73640143],
- [0.73785886, 0.73700350, 0.73684291],
- [0.73829862, 0.73744482, 0.73728453],
- [0.73873853, 0.73788628, 0.73772628],
- [0.73917857, 0.73832788, 0.73816817],
- [0.73961874, 0.73876961, 0.73861020],
- [0.74005905, 0.73921148, 0.73905236],
- [0.74049950, 0.73965349, 0.73949465],
- [0.74094008, 0.74009563, 0.73993709],
- [0.74138080, 0.74053791, 0.74037966],
- [0.74182166, 0.74098032, 0.74082236],
- [0.74226265, 0.74142287, 0.74126521],
- [0.74270378, 0.74186556, 0.74170819],
- [0.74314504, 0.74230839, 0.74215131],
- [0.74358644, 0.74275135, 0.74259456],
- [0.74402798, 0.74319445, 0.74303795],
- [0.74446966, 0.74363768, 0.74348148],
- [0.74491147, 0.74408106, 0.74392515],
- [0.74535342, 0.74452457, 0.74436895],
- [0.74579550, 0.74496822, 0.74481290],
- [0.74623773, 0.74541200, 0.74525697],
- [0.74668009, 0.74585593, 0.74570119],
- [0.74712259, 0.74629999, 0.74614555],
- [0.74756522, 0.74674419, 0.74659004],
- [0.74800800, 0.74718853, 0.74703467],
- [0.74845091, 0.74763300, 0.74747944],
- [0.74889396, 0.74807762, 0.74792435],
- [0.74933715, 0.74852237, 0.74836940],
- [0.74978048, 0.74896726, 0.74881459],
- [0.75022394, 0.74941230, 0.74925991],
- [0.75066755, 0.74985747, 0.74970537],
- [0.75111129, 0.75030277, 0.75015098],
- [0.75155517, 0.75074822, 0.75059672],
- [0.75199919, 0.75119381, 0.75104260],
- [0.75244335, 0.75163954, 0.75148862],
- [0.75288765, 0.75208540, 0.75193478],
- [0.75333209, 0.75253141, 0.75238108],
- [0.75377667, 0.75297755, 0.75282752],
- [0.75422139, 0.75342384, 0.75327410],
- [0.75466624, 0.75387026, 0.75372082],
- [0.75511124, 0.75431683, 0.75416768],
- [0.75555637, 0.75476354, 0.75461468],
- [0.75600165, 0.75521038, 0.75506182],
- [0.75644707, 0.75565737, 0.75550910],
- [0.75689262, 0.75610449, 0.75595652],
- [0.75733832, 0.75655176, 0.75640408],
- [0.75778416, 0.75699917, 0.75685179],
- [0.75823014, 0.75744672, 0.75729963],
- [0.75867626, 0.75789441, 0.75774761],
- [0.75912252, 0.75834224, 0.75819574],
- [0.75956892, 0.75879021, 0.75864401],
- [0.76001546, 0.75923833, 0.75909242],
- [0.76046214, 0.75968658, 0.75954097],
- [0.76090897, 0.76013498, 0.75998966],
- [0.76135593, 0.76058352, 0.76043849],
- [0.76180304, 0.76103220, 0.76088747],
- [0.76225029, 0.76148102, 0.76133659],
- [0.76269768, 0.76192998, 0.76178585],
- [0.76314521, 0.76237909, 0.76223525],
- [0.76359289, 0.76282834, 0.76268479],
- [0.76404070, 0.76327773, 0.76313448],
- [0.76448866, 0.76372726, 0.76358431],
- [0.76493676, 0.76417694, 0.76403428],
- [0.76538501, 0.76462676, 0.76448439],
- [0.76583340, 0.76507672, 0.76493465],
- [0.76628193, 0.76552683, 0.76538505],
- [0.76673060, 0.76597708, 0.76583560],
- [0.76717941, 0.76642747, 0.76628628],
- [0.76762837, 0.76687800, 0.76673712],
- [0.76807747, 0.76732868, 0.76718809],
- [0.76852672, 0.76777950, 0.76763921],
- [0.76897611, 0.76823047, 0.76809047],
- [0.76942564, 0.76868158, 0.76854188],
- [0.76987532, 0.76913283, 0.76899343],
- [0.77032514, 0.76958423, 0.76944512],
- [0.77077510, 0.77003577, 0.76989696],
- [0.77122521, 0.77048746, 0.77034894],
- [0.77167546, 0.77093929, 0.77080107],
- [0.77212586, 0.77139127, 0.77125334],
- [0.77257640, 0.77184339, 0.77170576],
- [0.77302709, 0.77229565, 0.77215832],
- [0.77347792, 0.77274806, 0.77261103],
- [0.77392889, 0.77320062, 0.77306388],
- [0.77438001, 0.77365332, 0.77351687],
- [0.77483128, 0.77410616, 0.77397002],
- [0.77528269, 0.77455916, 0.77442331],
- [0.77573425, 0.77501229, 0.77487674],
- [0.77618595, 0.77546558, 0.77533032],
- [0.77663779, 0.77591900, 0.77578404],
- [0.77708979, 0.77637258, 0.77623791],
- [0.77754193, 0.77682630, 0.77669193],
- [0.77799421, 0.77728016, 0.77714609],
- [0.77844664, 0.77773418, 0.77760040],
- [0.77889922, 0.77818834, 0.77805486],
- [0.77935194, 0.77864264, 0.77850946],
- [0.77980481, 0.77909709, 0.77896421],
- [0.78025783, 0.77955169, 0.77941911],
- [0.78071099, 0.78000644, 0.77987415],
- [0.78116430, 0.78046133, 0.78032934],
- [0.78161776, 0.78091637, 0.78078468],
- [0.78207136, 0.78137156, 0.78124016],
- [0.78252511, 0.78182690, 0.78169580],
- [0.78297901, 0.78228238, 0.78215158],
- [0.78343306, 0.78273801, 0.78260750],
- [0.78388725, 0.78319379, 0.78306358],
- [0.78434159, 0.78364971, 0.78351980],
- [0.78479608, 0.78410579, 0.78397617],
- [0.78525072, 0.78456201, 0.78443269],
- [0.78570550, 0.78501838, 0.78488936],
- [0.78616044, 0.78547490, 0.78534618],
- [0.78661552, 0.78593156, 0.78580314],
- [0.78707075, 0.78638838, 0.78626025],
- [0.78752613, 0.78684535, 0.78671752],
- [0.78798165, 0.78730246, 0.78717493],
- [0.78843733, 0.78775972, 0.78763249],
- [0.78889316, 0.78821713, 0.78809020],
- [0.78934913, 0.78867469, 0.78854806],
- [0.78980525, 0.78913240, 0.78900606],
- [0.79026153, 0.78959026, 0.78946422],
- [0.79071795, 0.79004827, 0.78992253],
- [0.79117452, 0.79050643, 0.79038099],
- [0.79163124, 0.79096474, 0.79083959],
- [0.79208811, 0.79142320, 0.79129835],
- [0.79254513, 0.79188181, 0.79175726],
- [0.79300231, 0.79234057, 0.79221632],
- [0.79345963, 0.79279948, 0.79267552],
- [0.79391710, 0.79325854, 0.79313488],
- [0.79437472, 0.79371775, 0.79359439],
- [0.79483249, 0.79417711, 0.79405405],
- [0.79529042, 0.79463662, 0.79451386],
- [0.79574849, 0.79509629, 0.79497382],
- [0.79620672, 0.79555610, 0.79543394],
- [0.79666510, 0.79601607, 0.79589420],
- [0.79712362, 0.79647619, 0.79635462],
- [0.79758230, 0.79693645, 0.79681518],
- [0.79804113, 0.79739688, 0.79727590],
- [0.79850011, 0.79785745, 0.79773677],
- [0.79895925, 0.79831817, 0.79819780],
- [0.79941854, 0.79877905, 0.79865897],
- [0.79987797, 0.79924008, 0.79912030],
- [0.80033756, 0.79970126, 0.79958178],
- [0.80079731, 0.80016259, 0.80004341],
- [0.80125720, 0.80062408, 0.80050519],
- [0.80171725, 0.80108572, 0.80096713],
- [0.80217745, 0.80154751, 0.80142922],
- [0.80263780, 0.80200945, 0.80189146],
- [0.80309831, 0.80247155, 0.80235386],
- [0.80355897, 0.80293380, 0.80281641],
- [0.80401978, 0.80339620, 0.80327911],
- [0.80448074, 0.80385876, 0.80374196],
- [0.80494186, 0.80432147, 0.80420497],
- [0.80540313, 0.80478433, 0.80466814],
- [0.80586456, 0.80524735, 0.80513145],
- [0.80632614, 0.80571052, 0.80559492],
- [0.80678787, 0.80617385, 0.80605855],
- [0.80724976, 0.80663733, 0.80652233],
- [0.80771180, 0.80710096, 0.80698626],
- [0.80817400, 0.80756475, 0.80745035],
- [0.80863635, 0.80802869, 0.80791459],
- [0.80909885, 0.80849279, 0.80837899],
- [0.80956151, 0.80895705, 0.80884354],
- [0.81002433, 0.80942145, 0.80930825],
- [0.81048730, 0.80988602, 0.80977311],
- [0.81095042, 0.81035073, 0.81023813],
- [0.81141370, 0.81081561, 0.81070330],
- [0.81187714, 0.81128064, 0.81116863],
- [0.81234073, 0.81174582, 0.81163411],
- [0.81280447, 0.81221116, 0.81209975],
- [0.81326838, 0.81267666, 0.81256555],
- [0.81373244, 0.81314231, 0.81303150],
- [0.81419665, 0.81360812, 0.81349761],
- [0.81466102, 0.81407408, 0.81396387],
- [0.81512555, 0.81454020, 0.81443029],
- [0.81559023, 0.81500648, 0.81489687],
- [0.81605507, 0.81547292, 0.81536360],
- [0.81652006, 0.81593951, 0.81583049],
- [0.81698522, 0.81640625, 0.81629754],
- [0.81745053, 0.81687316, 0.81676474],
- [0.81791600, 0.81734022, 0.81723210],
- [0.81838162, 0.81780744, 0.81769962],
- [0.81884740, 0.81827482, 0.81816730],
- [0.81931334, 0.81874235, 0.81863513],
- [0.81977944, 0.81921004, 0.81910312],
- [0.82024569, 0.81967789, 0.81957127],
- [0.82071210, 0.82014590, 0.82003958],
- [0.82117867, 0.82061407, 0.82050804],
- [0.82164540, 0.82108239, 0.82097666],
- [0.82211229, 0.82155087, 0.82144545],
- [0.82257933, 0.82201951, 0.82191439],
- [0.82304654, 0.82248831, 0.82238349],
- [0.82351390, 0.82295727, 0.82285274],
- [0.82398142, 0.82342639, 0.82332216],
- [0.82444910, 0.82389566, 0.82379174],
- [0.82491694, 0.82436510, 0.82426147],
- [0.82538494, 0.82483469, 0.82473136],
- [0.82585310, 0.82530445, 0.82520142],
- [0.82632141, 0.82577436, 0.82567163],
- [0.82678989, 0.82624443, 0.82614200],
- [0.82725853, 0.82671467, 0.82661253],
- [0.82772732, 0.82718506, 0.82708323],
- [0.82819628, 0.82765561, 0.82755408],
- [0.82866540, 0.82812632, 0.82802509],
- [0.82913467, 0.82859720, 0.82849626],
- [0.82960411, 0.82906823, 0.82896760],
- [0.83007371, 0.82953942, 0.82943909],
- [0.83054347, 0.83001078, 0.82991075],
- [0.83101338, 0.83048229, 0.83038256],
- [0.83148347, 0.83095397, 0.83085454],
- [0.83195371, 0.83142581, 0.83132668],
- [0.83242411, 0.83189781, 0.83179897],
- [0.83289467, 0.83236997, 0.83227143],
- [0.83336540, 0.83284229, 0.83274406],
- [0.83383628, 0.83331477, 0.83321684],
- [0.83430733, 0.83378742, 0.83368978],
- [0.83477854, 0.83426023, 0.83416289],
- [0.83524992, 0.83473320, 0.83463616],
- [0.83572145, 0.83520633, 0.83510959],
- [0.83619315, 0.83567962, 0.83558318],
- [0.83666501, 0.83615308, 0.83605694],
- [0.83713703, 0.83662670, 0.83653086],
- [0.83760921, 0.83710048, 0.83700494],
- [0.83808156, 0.83757442, 0.83747919],
- [0.83855407, 0.83804853, 0.83795359],
- [0.83902675, 0.83852280, 0.83842816],
- [0.83949958, 0.83899724, 0.83890290],
- [0.83997258, 0.83947183, 0.83937779],
- [0.84044575, 0.83994659, 0.83985285],
- [0.84091907, 0.84042152, 0.84032808],
- [0.84139257, 0.84089661, 0.84080347],
- [0.84186622, 0.84137186, 0.84127902],
- [0.84234004, 0.84184728, 0.84175474],
- [0.84281402, 0.84232286, 0.84223062],
- [0.84328817, 0.84279860, 0.84270666],
- [0.84376248, 0.84327451, 0.84318287],
- [0.84423696, 0.84375058, 0.84365924],
- [0.84471160, 0.84422682, 0.84413578],
- [0.84518641, 0.84470323, 0.84461249],
- [0.84566138, 0.84517979, 0.84508935],
- [0.84613652, 0.84565653, 0.84556639],
- [0.84661182, 0.84613343, 0.84604359],
- [0.84708729, 0.84661049, 0.84652095],
- [0.84756292, 0.84708772, 0.84699848],
- [0.84803872, 0.84756512, 0.84747618],
- [0.84851469, 0.84804268, 0.84795404],
- [0.84899082, 0.84852041, 0.84843207],
- [0.84946712, 0.84899830, 0.84891026],
- [0.84994358, 0.84947636, 0.84938862],
- [0.85042021, 0.84995459, 0.84986715],
- [0.85089700, 0.85043298, 0.85034584],
- [0.85137397, 0.85091154, 0.85082470],
- [0.85185110, 0.85139027, 0.85130373],
- [0.85232839, 0.85186916, 0.85178292],
- [0.85280586, 0.85234822, 0.85226228],
- [0.85328349, 0.85282745, 0.85274181],
- [0.85376129, 0.85330685, 0.85322150],
- [0.85423925, 0.85378641, 0.85370137],
- [0.85471739, 0.85426614, 0.85418140],
- [0.85519569, 0.85474604, 0.85466159],
- [0.85567416, 0.85522610, 0.85514196],
- [0.85615280, 0.85570634, 0.85562249],
- [0.85663161, 0.85618674, 0.85610319],
- [0.85711058, 0.85666731, 0.85658407],
- [0.85758972, 0.85714805, 0.85706510],
- [0.85806903, 0.85762896, 0.85754631],
- [0.85854851, 0.85811004, 0.85802769],
- [0.85902817, 0.85859128, 0.85850923],
- [0.85950798, 0.85907270, 0.85899095],
- [0.85998797, 0.85955428, 0.85947283],
- [0.86046813, 0.86003603, 0.85995488],
- [0.86094845, 0.86051796, 0.86043711],
- [0.86142895, 0.86100005, 0.86091950],
- [0.86190962, 0.86148231, 0.86140206],
- [0.86239046, 0.86196474, 0.86188479],
- [0.86287146, 0.86244734, 0.86236769],
- [0.86335264, 0.86293012, 0.86285077],
- [0.86383398, 0.86341306, 0.86333401],
- [0.86431550, 0.86389617, 0.86381742],
- [0.86479719, 0.86437946, 0.86430100],
- [0.86527905, 0.86486291, 0.86478475],
- [0.86576108, 0.86534654, 0.86526868],
- [0.86624328, 0.86583033, 0.86575278],
- [0.86672565, 0.86631430, 0.86623704],
- [0.86720820, 0.86679844, 0.86672148],
- [0.86769091, 0.86728275, 0.86720609],
- [0.86817380, 0.86776723, 0.86769087],
- [0.86865686, 0.86825188, 0.86817582],
- [0.86914009, 0.86873671, 0.86866095],
- [0.86962349, 0.86922170, 0.86914624],
- [0.87010707, 0.86970687, 0.86963171],
- [0.87059081, 0.87019221, 0.87011735],
- [0.87107473, 0.87067773, 0.87060317],
- [0.87155883, 0.87116342, 0.87108915],
- [0.87204309, 0.87164927, 0.87157531],
- [0.87252753, 0.87213531, 0.87206164],
- [0.87301214, 0.87262151, 0.87254815],
- [0.87349692, 0.87310789, 0.87303482],
- [0.87398188, 0.87359444, 0.87352168],
- [0.87446702, 0.87408117, 0.87400870],
- [0.87495232, 0.87456807, 0.87449590],
- [0.87543780, 0.87505514, 0.87498327],
- [0.87592345, 0.87554238, 0.87547081],
- [0.87640928, 0.87602981, 0.87595853],
- [0.87689528, 0.87651740, 0.87644643],
- [0.87738146, 0.87700517, 0.87693449],
- [0.87786781, 0.87749311, 0.87742274],
- [0.87835433, 0.87798123, 0.87791115],
- [0.87884103, 0.87846952, 0.87839975],
- [0.87932791, 0.87895799, 0.87888851],
- [0.87981496, 0.87944663, 0.87937745],
- [0.88030219, 0.87993545, 0.87986657],
- [0.88078959, 0.88042444, 0.88035586],
- [0.88127716, 0.88091361, 0.88084533],
- [0.88176491, 0.88140295, 0.88133497],
- [0.88225284, 0.88189247, 0.88182479],
- [0.88274095, 0.88238217, 0.88231479],
- [0.88322923, 0.88287204, 0.88280496],
- [0.88371769, 0.88336209, 0.88329530],
- [0.88420632, 0.88385231, 0.88378583],
- [0.88469513, 0.88434271, 0.88427652],
- [0.88518412, 0.88483329, 0.88476740],
- [0.88567328, 0.88532405, 0.88525845],
- [0.88616262, 0.88581498, 0.88574968],
- [0.88665214, 0.88630608, 0.88624109],
- [0.88714183, 0.88679737, 0.88673267],
- [0.88763171, 0.88728883, 0.88722443],
- [0.88812176, 0.88778047, 0.88771637],
- [0.88861199, 0.88827229, 0.88820849],
- [0.88910239, 0.88876429, 0.88870078],
- [0.88959298, 0.88925646, 0.88919326],
- [0.89008374, 0.88974881, 0.88968590],
- [0.89057468, 0.89024134, 0.89017873],
- [0.89106580, 0.89073405, 0.89067174],
- [0.89155710, 0.89122694, 0.89116493],
- [0.89204857, 0.89172000, 0.89165829],
- [0.89254023, 0.89221325, 0.89215183],
- [0.89303207, 0.89270667, 0.89264555],
- [0.89352408, 0.89320027, 0.89313945],
- [0.89401628, 0.89369405, 0.89363353],
- [0.89450865, 0.89418802, 0.89412779],
- [0.89500120, 0.89468216, 0.89462223],
- [0.89549393, 0.89517648, 0.89511685],
- [0.89598685, 0.89567098, 0.89561165],
- [0.89647994, 0.89616566, 0.89610663],
- [0.89697322, 0.89666052, 0.89660179],
- [0.89746667, 0.89715556, 0.89709713],
- [0.89796031, 0.89765078, 0.89759265],
- [0.89845412, 0.89814618, 0.89808834],
- [0.89894812, 0.89864177, 0.89858423],
- [0.89944230, 0.89913753, 0.89908029],
- [0.89993666, 0.89963348, 0.89957653],
- [0.90043120, 0.90012960, 0.90007295],
- [0.90092592, 0.90062591, 0.90056956],
- [0.90142082, 0.90112240, 0.90106634],
- [0.90191591, 0.90161907, 0.90156331],
- [0.90241118, 0.90211592, 0.90206046],
- [0.90290663, 0.90261296, 0.90255779],
- [0.90340226, 0.90311017, 0.90305531],
- [0.90389808, 0.90360757, 0.90355301],
- [0.90439407, 0.90410515, 0.90405088],
- [0.90489025, 0.90460292, 0.90454895],
- [0.90538662, 0.90510086, 0.90504719],
- [0.90588316, 0.90559899, 0.90554561],
- [0.90637989, 0.90609730, 0.90604423],
- [0.90687681, 0.90659580, 0.90654302],
- [0.90737390, 0.90709448, 0.90704199],
- [0.90787118, 0.90759334, 0.90754115],
- [0.90836865, 0.90809239, 0.90804050],
- [0.90886630, 0.90859162, 0.90854002],
- [0.90936413, 0.90909103, 0.90903974],
- [0.90986215, 0.90959063, 0.90953963],
- [0.91036035, 0.91009041, 0.91003971],
- [0.91085873, 0.91059038, 0.91053997],
- [0.91135731, 0.91109053, 0.91104042],
- [0.91185606, 0.91159087, 0.91154105],
- [0.91235500, 0.91209139, 0.91204187],
- [0.91285413, 0.91259209, 0.91254287],
- [0.91335344, 0.91309299, 0.91304406],
- [0.91385294, 0.91359406, 0.91354543],
- [0.91435262, 0.91409532, 0.91404699],
- [0.91485249, 0.91459677, 0.91454874],
- [0.91535254, 0.91509840, 0.91505067],
- [0.91585278, 0.91560022, 0.91555278],
- [0.91635321, 0.91610223, 0.91605508],
- [0.91685383, 0.91660442, 0.91655757],
- [0.91735463, 0.91710680, 0.91706025],
- [0.91785561, 0.91760936, 0.91756311],
- [0.91835679, 0.91811211, 0.91806615],
- [0.91885815, 0.91861505, 0.91856939],
- [0.91935970, 0.91911818, 0.91907281],
- [0.91986143, 0.91962149, 0.91957642],
- [0.92036336, 0.92012499, 0.92008022],
- [0.92086547, 0.92062868, 0.92058420],
- [0.92136777, 0.92113255, 0.92108837],
- [0.92187026, 0.92163662, 0.92159273],
- [0.92237293, 0.92214087, 0.92209727],
- [0.92287580, 0.92264530, 0.92260201],
- [0.92337885, 0.92314993, 0.92310693],
- [0.92388209, 0.92365475, 0.92361204],
- [0.92438552, 0.92415975, 0.92411734],
- [0.92488914, 0.92466494, 0.92462283],
- [0.92539295, 0.92517033, 0.92512851],
- [0.92589695, 0.92567590, 0.92563437],
- [0.92640114, 0.92618166, 0.92614043],
- [0.92690551, 0.92668761, 0.92664667],
- [0.92741008, 0.92719375, 0.92715311],
- [0.92791484, 0.92770007, 0.92765973],
- [0.92841978, 0.92820659, 0.92816655],
- [0.92892492, 0.92871330, 0.92867355],
- [0.92943025, 0.92922020, 0.92918074],
- [0.92993577, 0.92972729, 0.92968813],
- [0.93044148, 0.93023457, 0.93019570],
- [0.93094738, 0.93074204, 0.93070347],
- [0.93145347, 0.93124970, 0.93121142],
- [0.93195975, 0.93175755, 0.93171957],
- [0.93246623, 0.93226560, 0.93222791],
- [0.93297289, 0.93277383, 0.93273644],
- [0.93347975, 0.93328226, 0.93324516],
- [0.93398680, 0.93379087, 0.93375407],
- [0.93449404, 0.93429968, 0.93426317],
- [0.93500147, 0.93480868, 0.93477247],
- [0.93550910, 0.93531788, 0.93528195],
- [0.93601692, 0.93582726, 0.93579163],
- [0.93652493, 0.93633684, 0.93630151],
- [0.93703313, 0.93684661, 0.93681157],
- [0.93754153, 0.93735657, 0.93732183],
- [0.93805012, 0.93786673, 0.93783228],
- [0.93855891, 0.93837708, 0.93834292],
- [0.93906788, 0.93888762, 0.93885376],
- [0.93957705, 0.93939836, 0.93936479],
- [0.94008642, 0.93990929, 0.93987601],
- [0.94059598, 0.94042041, 0.94038743],
- [0.94110573, 0.94093172, 0.94089904],
- [0.94161568, 0.94144324, 0.94141084],
- [0.94212582, 0.94195494, 0.94192284],
- [0.94263616, 0.94246684, 0.94243503],
- [0.94314669, 0.94297893, 0.94294742],
- [0.94365742, 0.94349122, 0.94346000],
- [0.94416834, 0.94400370, 0.94397278],
- [0.94467945, 0.94451638, 0.94448575],
- [0.94519077, 0.94502926, 0.94499891],
- [0.94570228, 0.94554232, 0.94551228],
- [0.94621398, 0.94605559, 0.94602583],
- [0.94672588, 0.94656905, 0.94653958],
- [0.94723798, 0.94708270, 0.94705353],
- [0.94775027, 0.94759655, 0.94756768],
- [0.94826276, 0.94811060, 0.94808202],
- [0.94877544, 0.94862484, 0.94859655],
- [0.94928833, 0.94913928, 0.94911129],
- [0.94980141, 0.94965392, 0.94962621],
- [0.95031468, 0.95016875, 0.95014134],
- [0.95082816, 0.95068379, 0.95065666],
- [0.95134183, 0.95119901, 0.95117218],
- [0.95185570, 0.95171444, 0.95168790],
- [0.95236976, 0.95223006, 0.95220381],
- [0.95288403, 0.95274588, 0.95271993],
- [0.95339849, 0.95326190, 0.95323624],
- [0.95391315, 0.95377811, 0.95375274],
- [0.95442801, 0.95429453, 0.95426945],
- [0.95494307, 0.95481114, 0.95478635],
- [0.95545833, 0.95532795, 0.95530346],
- [0.95597378, 0.95584496, 0.95582076],
- [0.95648944, 0.95636217, 0.95633826],
- [0.95700529, 0.95687957, 0.95685595],
- [0.95752135, 0.95739718, 0.95737385],
- [0.95803760, 0.95791498, 0.95789195],
- [0.95855406, 0.95843299, 0.95841024],
- [0.95907071, 0.95895119, 0.95892874],
- [0.95958756, 0.95946960, 0.95944743],
- [0.96010462, 0.95998820, 0.95996633],
- [0.96062187, 0.96050700, 0.96048542],
- [0.96113933, 0.96102601, 0.96100472],
- [0.96165698, 0.96154521, 0.96152421],
- [0.96217484, 0.96206462, 0.96204391],
- [0.96269290, 0.96258422, 0.96256381],
- [0.96321116, 0.96310403, 0.96308390],
- [0.96372962, 0.96362404, 0.96360420],
- [0.96424828, 0.96414425, 0.96412470],
- [0.96476715, 0.96466466, 0.96464540],
- [0.96528622, 0.96518527, 0.96516630],
- [0.96580548, 0.96570608, 0.96568741],
- [0.96632496, 0.96622710, 0.96620871],
- [0.96684463, 0.96674832, 0.96673022],
- [0.96736451, 0.96726974, 0.96725193],
- [0.96788459, 0.96779136, 0.96777384],
- [0.96840487, 0.96831318, 0.96829596],
- [0.96892535, 0.96883521, 0.96881828],
- [0.96944604, 0.96935744, 0.96934080],
- [0.96996694, 0.96987988, 0.96986352],
- [0.97048803, 0.97040252, 0.97038645],
- [0.97100933, 0.97092536, 0.97090958],
- [0.97153084, 0.97144840, 0.97143291],
- [0.97205255, 0.97197165, 0.97195645],
- [0.97257446, 0.97249510, 0.97248019],
- [0.97309658, 0.97301876, 0.97300414],
- [0.97361890, 0.97354262, 0.97352829],
- [0.97414143, 0.97406669, 0.97405264],
- [0.97466416, 0.97459096, 0.97457720],
- [0.97518710, 0.97511543, 0.97510196],
- [0.97571024, 0.97564011, 0.97562693],
- [0.97623359, 0.97616499, 0.97615211],
- [0.97675715, 0.97669008, 0.97667748],
- [0.97728091, 0.97721538, 0.97720307],
- [0.97780488, 0.97774088, 0.97772886],
- [0.97832905, 0.97826659, 0.97825485],
- [0.97885343, 0.97879250, 0.97878106],
- [0.97937802, 0.97931862, 0.97930746],
- [0.97990281, 0.97984495, 0.97983408],
- [0.98042781, 0.98037148, 0.98036090],
- [0.98095302, 0.98089822, 0.98088793],
- [0.98147843, 0.98142517, 0.98141516],
- [0.98200406, 0.98195232, 0.98194260],
- [0.98252989, 0.98247968, 0.98247025],
- [0.98305593, 0.98300725, 0.98299810],
- [0.98358217, 0.98353503, 0.98352617],
- [0.98410863, 0.98406301, 0.98405444],
- [0.98463529, 0.98459120, 0.98458292],
- [0.98516216, 0.98511960, 0.98511160],
- [0.98568924, 0.98564821, 0.98564050],
- [0.98621653, 0.98617702, 0.98616960],
- [0.98674403, 0.98670605, 0.98669891],
- [0.98727174, 0.98723528, 0.98722843],
- [0.98779966, 0.98776473, 0.98775816],
- [0.98832778, 0.98829438, 0.98828810],
- [0.98885612, 0.98882424, 0.98881825],
- [0.98938467, 0.98935431, 0.98934860],
- [0.98991343, 0.98988459, 0.98987917],
- [0.99044239, 0.99041508, 0.99040995],
- [0.99097157, 0.99094578, 0.99094094],
- [0.99150096, 0.99147669, 0.99147213],
- [0.99203056, 0.99200781, 0.99200354],
- [0.99256037, 0.99253914, 0.99253516],
- [0.99309040, 0.99307069, 0.99306698],
- [0.99362063, 0.99360244, 0.99359902],
- [0.99415108, 0.99413441, 0.99413127],
- [0.99468173, 0.99466658, 0.99466373],
- [0.99521260, 0.99519897, 0.99519641],
- [0.99574368, 0.99573157, 0.99572929],
- [0.99627498, 0.99626438, 0.99626239],
- [0.99680649, 0.99679740, 0.99679569],
- [0.99733821, 0.99733064, 0.99732921],
- [0.99787014, 0.99786408, 0.99786294],
- [0.99840228, 0.99839774, 0.99839689],
- [0.99893464, 0.99893162, 0.99893105],
- [0.99946721, 0.99946570, 0.99946542],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00000386, 0.00000372, 0.00000370],
+ [0.00001337, 0.00001288, 0.00001279],
+ [0.00002764, 0.00002663, 0.00002644],
+ [0.00004627, 0.00004459, 0.00004427],
+ [0.00006902, 0.00006651, 0.00006604],
+ [0.00009569, 0.00009221, 0.00009157],
+ [0.00012615, 0.00012157, 0.00012072],
+ [0.00016026, 0.00015446, 0.00015338],
+ [0.00019794, 0.00019078, 0.00018946],
+ [0.00023910, 0.00023047, 0.00022887],
+ [0.00028367, 0.00027346, 0.00027156],
+ [0.00033158, 0.00031967, 0.00031746],
+ [0.00038278, 0.00036905, 0.00036651],
+ [0.00043721, 0.00042156, 0.00041866],
+ [0.00049482, 0.00047716, 0.00047388],
+ [0.00055559, 0.00053579, 0.00053212],
+ [0.00061945, 0.00059743, 0.00059335],
+ [0.00068639, 0.00066204, 0.00065752],
+ [0.00075636, 0.00072958, 0.00072461],
+ [0.00082934, 0.00080003, 0.00079460],
+ [0.00090529, 0.00087336, 0.00086744],
+ [0.00098419, 0.00094955, 0.00094312],
+ [0.00106600, 0.00102856, 0.00102161],
+ [0.00115072, 0.00111038, 0.00110290],
+ [0.00123831, 0.00119498, 0.00118694],
+ [0.00132875, 0.00128235, 0.00127374],
+ [0.00142202, 0.00137246, 0.00136327],
+ [0.00151811, 0.00146530, 0.00145550],
+ [0.00161699, 0.00156084, 0.00155043],
+ [0.00171865, 0.00165908, 0.00164803],
+ [0.00182306, 0.00175999, 0.00174829],
+ [0.00193022, 0.00186356, 0.00185120],
+ [0.00204010, 0.00196978, 0.00195673],
+ [0.00215270, 0.00207863, 0.00206489],
+ [0.00226799, 0.00219010, 0.00217564],
+ [0.00238597, 0.00230417, 0.00228899],
+ [0.00250662, 0.00242083, 0.00240492],
+ [0.00262992, 0.00254008, 0.00252341],
+ [0.00275588, 0.00266189, 0.00264446],
+ [0.00288446, 0.00278627, 0.00276805],
+ [0.00301567, 0.00291319, 0.00289417],
+ [0.00314949, 0.00304265, 0.00302282],
+ [0.00328592, 0.00317463, 0.00315398],
+ [0.00342493, 0.00330913, 0.00328765],
+ [0.00356653, 0.00344615, 0.00342381],
+ [0.00371070, 0.00358566, 0.00356245],
+ [0.00385743, 0.00372766, 0.00370358],
+ [0.00400671, 0.00387214, 0.00384717],
+ [0.00415854, 0.00401910, 0.00399322],
+ [0.00431290, 0.00416853, 0.00414173],
+ [0.00446979, 0.00432041, 0.00429269],
+ [0.00462920, 0.00447474, 0.00444608],
+ [0.00479113, 0.00463152, 0.00460190],
+ [0.00495555, 0.00479074, 0.00476015],
+ [0.00512248, 0.00495238, 0.00492081],
+ [0.00529189, 0.00511645, 0.00508389],
+ [0.00546379, 0.00528294, 0.00524937],
+ [0.00563817, 0.00545184, 0.00541725],
+ [0.00581501, 0.00562314, 0.00558752],
+ [0.00599432, 0.00579684, 0.00576018],
+ [0.00617609, 0.00597293, 0.00593522],
+ [0.00636031, 0.00615141, 0.00611264],
+ [0.00654697, 0.00633228, 0.00629243],
+ [0.00673607, 0.00651552, 0.00647458],
+ [0.00692761, 0.00670113, 0.00665909],
+ [0.00712157, 0.00688911, 0.00684595],
+ [0.00731796, 0.00707944, 0.00703517],
+ [0.00751677, 0.00727214, 0.00722673],
+ [0.00771798, 0.00746719, 0.00742063],
+ [0.00792161, 0.00766458, 0.00761687],
+ [0.00812764, 0.00786432, 0.00781544],
+ [0.00833607, 0.00806640, 0.00801633],
+ [0.00854689, 0.00827081, 0.00821955],
+ [0.00876010, 0.00847755, 0.00842509],
+ [0.00897570, 0.00868661, 0.00863294],
+ [0.00919367, 0.00889800, 0.00884311],
+ [0.00941402, 0.00911171, 0.00905558],
+ [0.00963675, 0.00932773, 0.00927036],
+ [0.00986184, 0.00954606, 0.00948743],
+ [0.01008929, 0.00976670, 0.00970680],
+ [0.01031911, 0.00998964, 0.00992847],
+ [0.01055128, 0.01021488, 0.01015242],
+ [0.01078581, 0.01044242, 0.01037866],
+ [0.01102268, 0.01067225, 0.01060719],
+ [0.01126190, 0.01090438, 0.01083799],
+ [0.01150346, 0.01113878, 0.01107107],
+ [0.01174736, 0.01137548, 0.01130642],
+ [0.01199360, 0.01161445, 0.01154405],
+ [0.01224216, 0.01185570, 0.01178394],
+ [0.01249306, 0.01209923, 0.01202610],
+ [0.01274628, 0.01234503, 0.01227052],
+ [0.01300182, 0.01259310, 0.01251720],
+ [0.01325969, 0.01284343, 0.01276613],
+ [0.01351987, 0.01309603, 0.01301732],
+ [0.01378236, 0.01335089, 0.01327076],
+ [0.01404717, 0.01360801, 0.01352645],
+ [0.01431428, 0.01386739, 0.01378439],
+ [0.01458370, 0.01412902, 0.01404457],
+ [0.01485543, 0.01439290, 0.01430700],
+ [0.01512945, 0.01465903, 0.01457166],
+ [0.01540577, 0.01492741, 0.01483856],
+ [0.01568439, 0.01519803, 0.01510770],
+ [0.01596530, 0.01547090, 0.01537907],
+ [0.01624850, 0.01574600, 0.01565267],
+ [0.01653398, 0.01602335, 0.01592851],
+ [0.01682176, 0.01630293, 0.01620656],
+ [0.01711181, 0.01658474, 0.01648685],
+ [0.01740415, 0.01686879, 0.01676935],
+ [0.01769877, 0.01715507, 0.01705408],
+ [0.01799567, 0.01744358, 0.01734103],
+ [0.01829484, 0.01773431, 0.01763019],
+ [0.01859628, 0.01802727, 0.01792158],
+ [0.01890000, 0.01832245, 0.01821517],
+ [0.01920598, 0.01861986, 0.01851098],
+ [0.01951423, 0.01891948, 0.01880900],
+ [0.01982475, 0.01922132, 0.01910923],
+ [0.02013753, 0.01952538, 0.01941167],
+ [0.02045257, 0.01983165, 0.01971631],
+ [0.02076987, 0.02014014, 0.02002316],
+ [0.02108943, 0.02045084, 0.02033221],
+ [0.02141125, 0.02076375, 0.02064346],
+ [0.02173532, 0.02107887, 0.02095692],
+ [0.02206165, 0.02139620, 0.02127257],
+ [0.02239023, 0.02171573, 0.02159042],
+ [0.02272105, 0.02203747, 0.02191047],
+ [0.02305413, 0.02236141, 0.02223271],
+ [0.02338945, 0.02268755, 0.02255715],
+ [0.02372702, 0.02301590, 0.02288378],
+ [0.02406683, 0.02334644, 0.02321260],
+ [0.02440889, 0.02367919, 0.02354362],
+ [0.02475319, 0.02401413, 0.02387682],
+ [0.02509972, 0.02435127, 0.02421221],
+ [0.02544850, 0.02469060, 0.02454978],
+ [0.02579952, 0.02503213, 0.02488955],
+ [0.02615277, 0.02537585, 0.02523150],
+ [0.02650825, 0.02572176, 0.02557563],
+ [0.02686597, 0.02606986, 0.02592194],
+ [0.02722592, 0.02642016, 0.02627044],
+ [0.02758811, 0.02677264, 0.02662112],
+ [0.02795252, 0.02712731, 0.02697398],
+ [0.02831916, 0.02748417, 0.02732902],
+ [0.02868804, 0.02784322, 0.02768623],
+ [0.02905914, 0.02820445, 0.02804563],
+ [0.02943246, 0.02856786, 0.02840720],
+ [0.02980801, 0.02893346, 0.02877095],
+ [0.03018579, 0.02930124, 0.02913687],
+ [0.03056578, 0.02967121, 0.02950497],
+ [0.03094800, 0.03004335, 0.02987524],
+ [0.03133244, 0.03041768, 0.03024768],
+ [0.03171911, 0.03079418, 0.03062230],
+ [0.03210799, 0.03117287, 0.03099909],
+ [0.03249909, 0.03155373, 0.03137805],
+ [0.03289241, 0.03193678, 0.03175918],
+ [0.03328794, 0.03232200, 0.03214248],
+ [0.03368569, 0.03270939, 0.03252795],
+ [0.03408566, 0.03309896, 0.03291559],
+ [0.03448784, 0.03349071, 0.03330540],
+ [0.03489224, 0.03388464, 0.03369737],
+ [0.03529885, 0.03428073, 0.03409151],
+ [0.03570767, 0.03467900, 0.03448782],
+ [0.03611870, 0.03507945, 0.03488630],
+ [0.03653195, 0.03548207, 0.03528694],
+ [0.03694741, 0.03588686, 0.03568974],
+ [0.03736507, 0.03629382, 0.03609471],
+ [0.03778495, 0.03670295, 0.03650185],
+ [0.03820703, 0.03711426, 0.03691115],
+ [0.03863133, 0.03752773, 0.03732261],
+ [0.03905783, 0.03794338, 0.03773624],
+ [0.03948653, 0.03836119, 0.03815202],
+ [0.03991745, 0.03878118, 0.03856998],
+ [0.04035057, 0.03920333, 0.03899009],
+ [0.04077943, 0.03962766, 0.03941237],
+ [0.04120622, 0.04005415, 0.03983680],
+ [0.04163250, 0.04048222, 0.04026340],
+ [0.04205828, 0.04090431, 0.04068765],
+ [0.04248356, 0.04132592, 0.04110857],
+ [0.04290836, 0.04174705, 0.04152901],
+ [0.04333267, 0.04216770, 0.04194898],
+ [0.04375649, 0.04258789, 0.04236849],
+ [0.04417984, 0.04300762, 0.04278753],
+ [0.04460271, 0.04342688, 0.04320612],
+ [0.04502511, 0.04384569, 0.04362425],
+ [0.04544704, 0.04426404, 0.04404193],
+ [0.04586851, 0.04468194, 0.04445916],
+ [0.04628952, 0.04509940, 0.04487595],
+ [0.04671008, 0.04551641, 0.04529230],
+ [0.04713018, 0.04593299, 0.04570822],
+ [0.04754983, 0.04634913, 0.04612370],
+ [0.04796904, 0.04676483, 0.04653875],
+ [0.04838780, 0.04718011, 0.04695337],
+ [0.04880613, 0.04759497, 0.04736758],
+ [0.04922402, 0.04800940, 0.04778136],
+ [0.04964148, 0.04842341, 0.04819473],
+ [0.05005851, 0.04883701, 0.04860768],
+ [0.05047512, 0.04925020, 0.04902022],
+ [0.05089130, 0.04966297, 0.04943236],
+ [0.05130707, 0.05007534, 0.04984410],
+ [0.05172242, 0.05048731, 0.05025543],
+ [0.05213736, 0.05089888, 0.05066637],
+ [0.05255189, 0.05131006, 0.05107691],
+ [0.05296601, 0.05172083, 0.05148706],
+ [0.05337973, 0.05213122, 0.05189682],
+ [0.05379305, 0.05254122, 0.05230620],
+ [0.05420598, 0.05295084, 0.05271520],
+ [0.05461851, 0.05336008, 0.05312381],
+ [0.05503065, 0.05376893, 0.05353205],
+ [0.05544240, 0.05417741, 0.05393992],
+ [0.05585376, 0.05458552, 0.05434742],
+ [0.05626474, 0.05499325, 0.05475454],
+ [0.05667535, 0.05540062, 0.05516130],
+ [0.05708557, 0.05580762, 0.05556770],
+ [0.05749542, 0.05621426, 0.05597374],
+ [0.05790490, 0.05662055, 0.05637942],
+ [0.05831401, 0.05702647, 0.05678474],
+ [0.05872276, 0.05743204, 0.05718972],
+ [0.05913114, 0.05783725, 0.05759434],
+ [0.05953916, 0.05824212, 0.05799861],
+ [0.05994682, 0.05864664, 0.05840254],
+ [0.06035413, 0.05905081, 0.05880613],
+ [0.06076108, 0.05945465, 0.05920938],
+ [0.06116768, 0.05985814, 0.05961229],
+ [0.06157393, 0.06026130, 0.06001486],
+ [0.06197984, 0.06066412, 0.06041711],
+ [0.06238540, 0.06106661, 0.06081902],
+ [0.06279062, 0.06146876, 0.06122060],
+ [0.06319550, 0.06187059, 0.06162186],
+ [0.06360005, 0.06227210, 0.06202279],
+ [0.06400426, 0.06267328, 0.06242340],
+ [0.06440814, 0.06307414, 0.06282370],
+ [0.06481169, 0.06347468, 0.06322367],
+ [0.06521491, 0.06387490, 0.06362334],
+ [0.06561781, 0.06427481, 0.06402268],
+ [0.06602038, 0.06467441, 0.06442172],
+ [0.06642263, 0.06507370, 0.06482045],
+ [0.06682457, 0.06547268, 0.06521888],
+ [0.06722618, 0.06587135, 0.06561700],
+ [0.06762749, 0.06626972, 0.06601481],
+ [0.06802848, 0.06666778, 0.06641233],
+ [0.06842915, 0.06706555, 0.06680955],
+ [0.06882953, 0.06746302, 0.06720647],
+ [0.06922959, 0.06786019, 0.06760310],
+ [0.06962935, 0.06825707, 0.06799944],
+ [0.07002881, 0.06865365, 0.06839549],
+ [0.07042797, 0.06904995, 0.06879125],
+ [0.07082683, 0.06944596, 0.06918672],
+ [0.07122539, 0.06984168, 0.06958191],
+ [0.07162366, 0.07023712, 0.06997681],
+ [0.07202164, 0.07063227, 0.07037144],
+ [0.07241933, 0.07102714, 0.07076578],
+ [0.07281672, 0.07142174, 0.07115985],
+ [0.07321384, 0.07181606, 0.07155365],
+ [0.07361066, 0.07221010, 0.07194717],
+ [0.07400720, 0.07260387, 0.07234042],
+ [0.07440346, 0.07299737, 0.07273339],
+ [0.07479945, 0.07339059, 0.07312611],
+ [0.07519515, 0.07378355, 0.07351855],
+ [0.07559058, 0.07417624, 0.07391073],
+ [0.07598573, 0.07456867, 0.07430265],
+ [0.07638061, 0.07496084, 0.07469430],
+ [0.07677522, 0.07535274, 0.07508570],
+ [0.07716956, 0.07574438, 0.07547683],
+ [0.07756364, 0.07613577, 0.07586772],
+ [0.07795744, 0.07652690, 0.07625834],
+ [0.07835099, 0.07691777, 0.07664872],
+ [0.07874427, 0.07730839, 0.07703884],
+ [0.07913729, 0.07769876, 0.07742871],
+ [0.07953005, 0.07808888, 0.07781833],
+ [0.07992255, 0.07847875, 0.07820771],
+ [0.08031480, 0.07886838, 0.07859684],
+ [0.08070679, 0.07925776, 0.07898573],
+ [0.08109853, 0.07964689, 0.07937438],
+ [0.08149002, 0.08003578, 0.07976278],
+ [0.08188125, 0.08042443, 0.08015095],
+ [0.08227224, 0.08081284, 0.08053887],
+ [0.08266299, 0.08120102, 0.08092657],
+ [0.08305349, 0.08158896, 0.08131402],
+ [0.08344374, 0.08197666, 0.08170125],
+ [0.08383375, 0.08236413, 0.08208824],
+ [0.08422352, 0.08275136, 0.08247500],
+ [0.08461305, 0.08313837, 0.08286153],
+ [0.08500235, 0.08352515, 0.08324784],
+ [0.08539140, 0.08391170, 0.08363391],
+ [0.08578022, 0.08429802, 0.08401977],
+ [0.08616881, 0.08468411, 0.08440540],
+ [0.08655717, 0.08506999, 0.08479081],
+ [0.08694529, 0.08545564, 0.08517599],
+ [0.08733319, 0.08584107, 0.08556096],
+ [0.08772085, 0.08622628, 0.08594571],
+ [0.08810829, 0.08661127, 0.08633024],
+ [0.08849551, 0.08699604, 0.08671456],
+ [0.08888250, 0.08738060, 0.08709866],
+ [0.08926926, 0.08776495, 0.08748255],
+ [0.08965581, 0.08814908, 0.08786623],
+ [0.09004214, 0.08853300, 0.08824969],
+ [0.09042824, 0.08891670, 0.08863295],
+ [0.09081413, 0.08930020, 0.08901600],
+ [0.09119980, 0.08968349, 0.08939885],
+ [0.09158526, 0.09006658, 0.08978148],
+ [0.09197050, 0.09044945, 0.09016392],
+ [0.09235553, 0.09083213, 0.09054615],
+ [0.09274035, 0.09121460, 0.09092818],
+ [0.09312496, 0.09159686, 0.09131000],
+ [0.09350936, 0.09197893, 0.09169163],
+ [0.09389355, 0.09236080, 0.09207306],
+ [0.09427754, 0.09274246, 0.09245430],
+ [0.09466132, 0.09312393, 0.09283533],
+ [0.09504490, 0.09350521, 0.09321618],
+ [0.09542827, 0.09388629, 0.09359682],
+ [0.09581144, 0.09426717, 0.09397728],
+ [0.09619441, 0.09464786, 0.09435754],
+ [0.09657718, 0.09502836, 0.09473762],
+ [0.09695975, 0.09540867, 0.09511750],
+ [0.09734213, 0.09578879, 0.09549720],
+ [0.09772431, 0.09616873, 0.09587671],
+ [0.09810629, 0.09654847, 0.09625603],
+ [0.09848808, 0.09692803, 0.09663517],
+ [0.09886968, 0.09730740, 0.09701413],
+ [0.09925108, 0.09768659, 0.09739290],
+ [0.09963229, 0.09806559, 0.09777149],
+ [0.10001332, 0.09844442, 0.09814990],
+ [0.10039415, 0.09882306, 0.09852813],
+ [0.10077480, 0.09920152, 0.09890618],
+ [0.10115527, 0.09957980, 0.09928406],
+ [0.10153554, 0.09995791, 0.09966175],
+ [0.10191564, 0.10033583, 0.10003928],
+ [0.10229554, 0.10071359, 0.10041662],
+ [0.10267527, 0.10109116, 0.10079380],
+ [0.10305482, 0.10146857, 0.10117080],
+ [0.10343418, 0.10184580, 0.10154763],
+ [0.10381337, 0.10222286, 0.10192429],
+ [0.10419238, 0.10259974, 0.10230078],
+ [0.10457121, 0.10297646, 0.10267710],
+ [0.10494986, 0.10335301, 0.10305325],
+ [0.10532834, 0.10372939, 0.10342924],
+ [0.10570664, 0.10410560, 0.10380506],
+ [0.10608477, 0.10448165, 0.10418071],
+ [0.10646273, 0.10485753, 0.10455621],
+ [0.10684052, 0.10523325, 0.10493154],
+ [0.10721814, 0.10560880, 0.10530670],
+ [0.10759558, 0.10598419, 0.10568171],
+ [0.10797286, 0.10635942, 0.10605655],
+ [0.10834997, 0.10673449, 0.10643124],
+ [0.10872691, 0.10710940, 0.10680576],
+ [0.10910369, 0.10748415, 0.10718013],
+ [0.10948030, 0.10785874, 0.10755435],
+ [0.10985675, 0.10823318, 0.10792841],
+ [0.11023304, 0.10860745, 0.10830231],
+ [0.11060916, 0.10898158, 0.10867605],
+ [0.11098512, 0.10935555, 0.10904965],
+ [0.11136092, 0.10972936, 0.10942309],
+ [0.11173657, 0.11010302, 0.10979638],
+ [0.11211205, 0.11047653, 0.11016952],
+ [0.11248737, 0.11084989, 0.11054251],
+ [0.11286254, 0.11122310, 0.11091535],
+ [0.11323755, 0.11159616, 0.11128805],
+ [0.11361241, 0.11196907, 0.11166059],
+ [0.11398711, 0.11234183, 0.11203299],
+ [0.11436166, 0.11271445, 0.11240524],
+ [0.11473606, 0.11308692, 0.11277735],
+ [0.11511030, 0.11345924, 0.11314932],
+ [0.11548439, 0.11383142, 0.11352114],
+ [0.11585833, 0.11420346, 0.11389282],
+ [0.11623212, 0.11457535, 0.11426435],
+ [0.11660577, 0.11494710, 0.11463575],
+ [0.11697926, 0.11531871, 0.11500700],
+ [0.11735261, 0.11569018, 0.11537812],
+ [0.11772581, 0.11606151, 0.11574910],
+ [0.11809887, 0.11643270, 0.11611994],
+ [0.11847178, 0.11680375, 0.11649064],
+ [0.11884455, 0.11717466, 0.11686120],
+ [0.11921717, 0.11754544, 0.11723164],
+ [0.11958965, 0.11791608, 0.11760193],
+ [0.11996199, 0.11828658, 0.11797209],
+ [0.12033419, 0.11865695, 0.11834212],
+ [0.12070625, 0.11902719, 0.11871202],
+ [0.12107817, 0.11939730, 0.11908178],
+ [0.12144995, 0.11976727, 0.11945141],
+ [0.12182159, 0.12013711, 0.11982091],
+ [0.12219310, 0.12050682, 0.12019028],
+ [0.12256447, 0.12087639, 0.12055953],
+ [0.12293570, 0.12124584, 0.12092864],
+ [0.12330680, 0.12161516, 0.12129763],
+ [0.12367776, 0.12198436, 0.12166649],
+ [0.12404859, 0.12235342, 0.12203522],
+ [0.12441929, 0.12272236, 0.12240383],
+ [0.12478985, 0.12309117, 0.12277231],
+ [0.12516029, 0.12345986, 0.12314067],
+ [0.12553059, 0.12382842, 0.12350891],
+ [0.12590076, 0.12419686, 0.12387702],
+ [0.12627081, 0.12456517, 0.12424501],
+ [0.12664072, 0.12493337, 0.12461288],
+ [0.12701051, 0.12530144, 0.12498063],
+ [0.12738017, 0.12566939, 0.12534826],
+ [0.12774970, 0.12603722, 0.12571577],
+ [0.12811911, 0.12640492, 0.12608316],
+ [0.12848839, 0.12677251, 0.12645043],
+ [0.12885754, 0.12713998, 0.12681758],
+ [0.12922658, 0.12750734, 0.12718462],
+ [0.12959549, 0.12787457, 0.12755154],
+ [0.12996427, 0.12824169, 0.12791835],
+ [0.13033294, 0.12860869, 0.12828504],
+ [0.13070148, 0.12897558, 0.12865161],
+ [0.13106990, 0.12934235, 0.12901808],
+ [0.13143821, 0.12970901, 0.12938443],
+ [0.13180639, 0.13007555, 0.12975066],
+ [0.13217446, 0.13044198, 0.13011679],
+ [0.13254240, 0.13080830, 0.13048280],
+ [0.13291023, 0.13117451, 0.13084870],
+ [0.13327794, 0.13154061, 0.13121450],
+ [0.13364554, 0.13190659, 0.13158018],
+ [0.13401302, 0.13227247, 0.13194576],
+ [0.13438038, 0.13263823, 0.13231122],
+ [0.13474763, 0.13300389, 0.13267658],
+ [0.13511477, 0.13336944, 0.13304183],
+ [0.13548179, 0.13373488, 0.13340698],
+ [0.13584870, 0.13410022, 0.13377202],
+ [0.13621550, 0.13446545, 0.13413695],
+ [0.13658219, 0.13483057, 0.13450178],
+ [0.13694877, 0.13519559, 0.13486651],
+ [0.13731523, 0.13556050, 0.13523113],
+ [0.13768159, 0.13592531, 0.13559565],
+ [0.13804784, 0.13629001, 0.13596006],
+ [0.13841397, 0.13665462, 0.13632438],
+ [0.13878001, 0.13701912, 0.13668859],
+ [0.13914593, 0.13738351, 0.13705270],
+ [0.13951174, 0.13774781, 0.13741671],
+ [0.13987746, 0.13811201, 0.13778063],
+ [0.14024306, 0.13847610, 0.13814444],
+ [0.14060856, 0.13884010, 0.13850815],
+ [0.14097396, 0.13920400, 0.13887177],
+ [0.14133925, 0.13956780, 0.13923529],
+ [0.14170443, 0.13993150, 0.13959871],
+ [0.14206952, 0.14029510, 0.13996204],
+ [0.14243450, 0.14065861, 0.14032527],
+ [0.14279938, 0.14102202, 0.14068840],
+ [0.14316416, 0.14138533, 0.14105144],
+ [0.14352884, 0.14174855, 0.14141439],
+ [0.14389342, 0.14211168, 0.14177724],
+ [0.14425790, 0.14247471, 0.14214000],
+ [0.14462228, 0.14283764, 0.14250266],
+ [0.14498656, 0.14320049, 0.14286524],
+ [0.14535074, 0.14356324, 0.14322772],
+ [0.14571483, 0.14392589, 0.14359011],
+ [0.14607882, 0.14428846, 0.14395241],
+ [0.14644271, 0.14465094, 0.14431462],
+ [0.14680651, 0.14501332, 0.14467674],
+ [0.14717021, 0.14537562, 0.14503877],
+ [0.14753381, 0.14573782, 0.14540071],
+ [0.14789732, 0.14609994, 0.14576257],
+ [0.14826074, 0.14646196, 0.14612433],
+ [0.14862407, 0.14682390, 0.14648601],
+ [0.14898730, 0.14718575, 0.14684760],
+ [0.14935044, 0.14754752, 0.14720911],
+ [0.14971349, 0.14790919, 0.14757053],
+ [0.15007644, 0.14827079, 0.14793186],
+ [0.15043931, 0.14863229, 0.14829312],
+ [0.15080208, 0.14899371, 0.14865428],
+ [0.15116477, 0.14935505, 0.14901536],
+ [0.15152736, 0.14971630, 0.14937636],
+ [0.15188987, 0.15007746, 0.14973728],
+ [0.15225228, 0.15043855, 0.15009811],
+ [0.15261461, 0.15079955, 0.15045886],
+ [0.15297685, 0.15116047, 0.15081953],
+ [0.15333901, 0.15152130, 0.15118012],
+ [0.15370108, 0.15188206, 0.15154063],
+ [0.15406306, 0.15224273, 0.15190106],
+ [0.15442496, 0.15260332, 0.15226140],
+ [0.15478677, 0.15296383, 0.15262167],
+ [0.15514850, 0.15332427, 0.15298186],
+ [0.15551014, 0.15368462, 0.15334198],
+ [0.15587170, 0.15404490, 0.15370201],
+ [0.15623317, 0.15440509, 0.15406197],
+ [0.15659457, 0.15476521, 0.15442185],
+ [0.15695588, 0.15512525, 0.15478165],
+ [0.15731710, 0.15548522, 0.15514138],
+ [0.15767825, 0.15584510, 0.15550103],
+ [0.15803932, 0.15620492, 0.15586060],
+ [0.15840030, 0.15656465, 0.15622010],
+ [0.15876121, 0.15692431, 0.15657953],
+ [0.15912203, 0.15728390, 0.15693889],
+ [0.15948278, 0.15764341, 0.15729816],
+ [0.15984344, 0.15800285, 0.15765737],
+ [0.16020403, 0.15836221, 0.15801650],
+ [0.16056454, 0.15872150, 0.15837556],
+ [0.16092498, 0.15908072, 0.15873455],
+ [0.16128533, 0.15943986, 0.15909347],
+ [0.16164561, 0.15979893, 0.15945232],
+ [0.16200581, 0.16015794, 0.15981110],
+ [0.16236594, 0.16051687, 0.16016980],
+ [0.16272599, 0.16087573, 0.16052844],
+ [0.16308597, 0.16123451, 0.16088701],
+ [0.16344587, 0.16159324, 0.16124550],
+ [0.16380570, 0.16195189, 0.16160393],
+ [0.16416545, 0.16231047, 0.16196230],
+ [0.16452513, 0.16266898, 0.16232059],
+ [0.16488474, 0.16302742, 0.16267882],
+ [0.16524428, 0.16338580, 0.16303697],
+ [0.16560374, 0.16374411, 0.16339507],
+ [0.16596313, 0.16410235, 0.16375309],
+ [0.16632245, 0.16446053, 0.16411106],
+ [0.16668170, 0.16481864, 0.16446895],
+ [0.16704088, 0.16517668, 0.16482678],
+ [0.16739999, 0.16553466, 0.16518455],
+ [0.16775903, 0.16589257, 0.16554225],
+ [0.16811800, 0.16625042, 0.16589989],
+ [0.16847690, 0.16660820, 0.16625746],
+ [0.16883573, 0.16696592, 0.16661497],
+ [0.16919450, 0.16732358, 0.16697242],
+ [0.16955319, 0.16768117, 0.16732981],
+ [0.16991182, 0.16803870, 0.16768713],
+ [0.17027038, 0.16839617, 0.16804440],
+ [0.17062888, 0.16875358, 0.16840160],
+ [0.17098731, 0.16911092, 0.16875874],
+ [0.17134567, 0.16946821, 0.16911582],
+ [0.17170397, 0.16982543, 0.16947284],
+ [0.17206220, 0.17018259, 0.16982980],
+ [0.17242037, 0.17053969, 0.17018670],
+ [0.17277848, 0.17089673, 0.17054354],
+ [0.17313652, 0.17125372, 0.17090033],
+ [0.17349449, 0.17161064, 0.17125705],
+ [0.17385241, 0.17196750, 0.17161372],
+ [0.17421026, 0.17232431, 0.17197033],
+ [0.17456805, 0.17268106, 0.17232688],
+ [0.17492577, 0.17303775, 0.17268338],
+ [0.17528344, 0.17339438, 0.17303982],
+ [0.17564104, 0.17375096, 0.17339620],
+ [0.17599858, 0.17410748, 0.17375253],
+ [0.17635607, 0.17446394, 0.17410881],
+ [0.17671349, 0.17482035, 0.17446502],
+ [0.17707085, 0.17517670, 0.17482118],
+ [0.17742815, 0.17553300, 0.17517729],
+ [0.17778539, 0.17588924, 0.17553335],
+ [0.17814258, 0.17624543, 0.17588935],
+ [0.17849970, 0.17660156, 0.17624530],
+ [0.17885677, 0.17695764, 0.17660119],
+ [0.17921378, 0.17731367, 0.17695703],
+ [0.17957073, 0.17766964, 0.17731282],
+ [0.17992763, 0.17802556, 0.17766856],
+ [0.18028447, 0.17838143, 0.17802425],
+ [0.18064125, 0.17873724, 0.17837988],
+ [0.18099798, 0.17909301, 0.17873546],
+ [0.18135465, 0.17944872, 0.17909100],
+ [0.18171126, 0.17980438, 0.17944648],
+ [0.18206782, 0.18015999, 0.17980191],
+ [0.18242433, 0.18051555, 0.18015730],
+ [0.18278078, 0.18087106, 0.18051263],
+ [0.18313718, 0.18122652, 0.18086791],
+ [0.18349352, 0.18158193, 0.18122315],
+ [0.18384981, 0.18193730, 0.18157834],
+ [0.18420605, 0.18229261, 0.18193348],
+ [0.18456223, 0.18264787, 0.18228857],
+ [0.18491836, 0.18300309, 0.18264362],
+ [0.18527444, 0.18335826, 0.18299861],
+ [0.18563047, 0.18371338, 0.18335356],
+ [0.18598645, 0.18406845, 0.18370847],
+ [0.18634237, 0.18442348, 0.18406333],
+ [0.18669825, 0.18477846, 0.18441814],
+ [0.18705407, 0.18513340, 0.18477291],
+ [0.18740985, 0.18548829, 0.18512763],
+ [0.18776557, 0.18584313, 0.18548231],
+ [0.18812125, 0.18619793, 0.18583694],
+ [0.18847688, 0.18655268, 0.18619153],
+ [0.18883245, 0.18690739, 0.18654607],
+ [0.18918798, 0.18726205, 0.18690057],
+ [0.18954346, 0.18761667, 0.18725503],
+ [0.18989890, 0.18797124, 0.18760945],
+ [0.19025428, 0.18832578, 0.18796382],
+ [0.19060962, 0.18868026, 0.18831815],
+ [0.19096491, 0.18903471, 0.18867243],
+ [0.19132016, 0.18938911, 0.18902668],
+ [0.19167536, 0.18974347, 0.18938088],
+ [0.19203051, 0.19009779, 0.18973505],
+ [0.19238562, 0.19045207, 0.19008917],
+ [0.19274068, 0.19080631, 0.19044325],
+ [0.19309570, 0.19116050, 0.19079729],
+ [0.19345067, 0.19151466, 0.19115129],
+ [0.19380559, 0.19186877, 0.19150525],
+ [0.19416048, 0.19222284, 0.19185917],
+ [0.19451532, 0.19257688, 0.19221306],
+ [0.19487011, 0.19293087, 0.19256690],
+ [0.19522486, 0.19328482, 0.19292070],
+ [0.19557958, 0.19363874, 0.19327447],
+ [0.19593424, 0.19399262, 0.19362820],
+ [0.19628887, 0.19434646, 0.19398189],
+ [0.19664345, 0.19470025, 0.19433554],
+ [0.19699799, 0.19505402, 0.19468916],
+ [0.19735249, 0.19540774, 0.19504274],
+ [0.19770694, 0.19576143, 0.19539628],
+ [0.19806136, 0.19611508, 0.19574979],
+ [0.19841574, 0.19646869, 0.19610326],
+ [0.19877007, 0.19682227, 0.19645669],
+ [0.19912437, 0.19717581, 0.19681009],
+ [0.19947862, 0.19752932, 0.19716346],
+ [0.19983284, 0.19788278, 0.19751679],
+ [0.20018702, 0.19823622, 0.19787008],
+ [0.20054116, 0.19858962, 0.19822334],
+ [0.20089526, 0.19894298, 0.19857657],
+ [0.20124932, 0.19929631, 0.19892976],
+ [0.20160334, 0.19964961, 0.19928292],
+ [0.20195733, 0.20000287, 0.19963604],
+ [0.20231127, 0.20035609, 0.19998914],
+ [0.20266518, 0.20070929, 0.20034220],
+ [0.20301906, 0.20106245, 0.20069522],
+ [0.20337289, 0.20141558, 0.20104822],
+ [0.20372669, 0.20176867, 0.20140118],
+ [0.20408046, 0.20212173, 0.20175411],
+ [0.20443419, 0.20247476, 0.20210701],
+ [0.20478788, 0.20282776, 0.20245988],
+ [0.20514154, 0.20318073, 0.20281272],
+ [0.20549516, 0.20353366, 0.20316552],
+ [0.20584874, 0.20388657, 0.20351830],
+ [0.20620230, 0.20423944, 0.20387105],
+ [0.20655582, 0.20459229, 0.20422376],
+ [0.20690930, 0.20494510, 0.20457645],
+ [0.20726275, 0.20529788, 0.20492911],
+ [0.20761617, 0.20565063, 0.20528174],
+ [0.20796955, 0.20600336, 0.20563434],
+ [0.20832290, 0.20635605, 0.20598691],
+ [0.20867622, 0.20670872, 0.20633945],
+ [0.20902951, 0.20706135, 0.20669196],
+ [0.20938276, 0.20741396, 0.20704445],
+ [0.20973598, 0.20776654, 0.20739691],
+ [0.21008917, 0.20811909, 0.20774934],
+ [0.21044233, 0.20847161, 0.20810175],
+ [0.21079546, 0.20882411, 0.20845412],
+ [0.21114855, 0.20917658, 0.20880648],
+ [0.21150162, 0.20952902, 0.20915880],
+ [0.21185466, 0.20988144, 0.20951110],
+ [0.21220766, 0.21023383, 0.20986337],
+ [0.21256064, 0.21058619, 0.21021562],
+ [0.21291358, 0.21093852, 0.21056784],
+ [0.21326650, 0.21129084, 0.21092004],
+ [0.21361939, 0.21164312, 0.21127221],
+ [0.21397224, 0.21199538, 0.21162436],
+ [0.21432507, 0.21234762, 0.21197648],
+ [0.21467787, 0.21269983, 0.21232858],
+ [0.21503065, 0.21305201, 0.21268066],
+ [0.21538339, 0.21340417, 0.21303271],
+ [0.21573611, 0.21375631, 0.21338474],
+ [0.21608880, 0.21410842, 0.21373674],
+ [0.21644146, 0.21446051, 0.21408873],
+ [0.21679410, 0.21481258, 0.21444068],
+ [0.21714671, 0.21516462, 0.21479262],
+ [0.21749930, 0.21551664, 0.21514454],
+ [0.21785185, 0.21586864, 0.21549643],
+ [0.21820438, 0.21622062, 0.21584830],
+ [0.21855689, 0.21657257, 0.21620015],
+ [0.21890937, 0.21692450, 0.21655198],
+ [0.21926182, 0.21727641, 0.21690378],
+ [0.21961425, 0.21762829, 0.21725557],
+ [0.21996666, 0.21798016, 0.21760734],
+ [0.22031904, 0.21833201, 0.21795908],
+ [0.22067139, 0.21868383, 0.21831081],
+ [0.22102373, 0.21903564, 0.21866251],
+ [0.22137603, 0.21938742, 0.21901420],
+ [0.22172832, 0.21973918, 0.21936586],
+ [0.22208058, 0.22009093, 0.21971751],
+ [0.22243282, 0.22044265, 0.22006914],
+ [0.22278504, 0.22079436, 0.22042075],
+ [0.22313723, 0.22114604, 0.22077234],
+ [0.22348940, 0.22149771, 0.22112391],
+ [0.22384155, 0.22184936, 0.22147546],
+ [0.22419367, 0.22220098, 0.22182700],
+ [0.22454578, 0.22255260, 0.22217852],
+ [0.22489786, 0.22290419, 0.22253002],
+ [0.22524992, 0.22325576, 0.22288150],
+ [0.22560196, 0.22360732, 0.22323297],
+ [0.22595398, 0.22395886, 0.22358442],
+ [0.22630598, 0.22431038, 0.22393585],
+ [0.22665796, 0.22466189, 0.22428727],
+ [0.22700992, 0.22501338, 0.22463867],
+ [0.22736186, 0.22536485, 0.22499005],
+ [0.22771378, 0.22571631, 0.22534142],
+ [0.22806568, 0.22606775, 0.22569278],
+ [0.22841756, 0.22641917, 0.22604411],
+ [0.22876942, 0.22677058, 0.22639544],
+ [0.22912126, 0.22712197, 0.22674675],
+ [0.22947309, 0.22747335, 0.22709804],
+ [0.22982490, 0.22782471, 0.22744932],
+ [0.23017668, 0.22817606, 0.22780058],
+ [0.23052845, 0.22852739, 0.22815184],
+ [0.23088021, 0.22887871, 0.22850307],
+ [0.23123194, 0.22923002, 0.22885430],
+ [0.23158366, 0.22958131, 0.22920551],
+ [0.23193536, 0.22993258, 0.22955671],
+ [0.23228704, 0.23028384, 0.22990789],
+ [0.23263871, 0.23063510, 0.23025906],
+ [0.23299036, 0.23098633, 0.23061022],
+ [0.23334199, 0.23133756, 0.23096137],
+ [0.23369361, 0.23168877, 0.23131250],
+ [0.23404521, 0.23203996, 0.23166363],
+ [0.23439680, 0.23239115, 0.23201474],
+ [0.23474837, 0.23274232, 0.23236583],
+ [0.23509993, 0.23309349, 0.23271692],
+ [0.23545147, 0.23344464, 0.23306800],
+ [0.23580299, 0.23379578, 0.23341907],
+ [0.23615451, 0.23414690, 0.23377012],
+ [0.23650600, 0.23449802, 0.23412117],
+ [0.23685749, 0.23484912, 0.23447220],
+ [0.23720896, 0.23520022, 0.23482323],
+ [0.23756041, 0.23555130, 0.23517424],
+ [0.23791186, 0.23590238, 0.23552525],
+ [0.23826328, 0.23625344, 0.23587624],
+ [0.23861470, 0.23660450, 0.23622723],
+ [0.23896610, 0.23695554, 0.23657821],
+ [0.23931749, 0.23730658, 0.23692917],
+ [0.23966887, 0.23765760, 0.23728013],
+ [0.24002024, 0.23800862, 0.23763108],
+ [0.24037159, 0.23835963, 0.23798203],
+ [0.24072293, 0.23871063, 0.23833296],
+ [0.24107427, 0.23906162, 0.23868389],
+ [0.24142558, 0.23941260, 0.23903481],
+ [0.24177689, 0.23976357, 0.23938572],
+ [0.24212819, 0.24011454, 0.23973662],
+ [0.24247947, 0.24046550, 0.24008752],
+ [0.24283075, 0.24081645, 0.24043841],
+ [0.24318201, 0.24116739, 0.24078929],
+ [0.24353327, 0.24151833, 0.24114017],
+ [0.24388451, 0.24186926, 0.24149104],
+ [0.24423575, 0.24222018, 0.24184191],
+ [0.24458697, 0.24257109, 0.24219277],
+ [0.24493819, 0.24292200, 0.24254362],
+ [0.24528939, 0.24327291, 0.24289446],
+ [0.24564059, 0.24362381, 0.24324531],
+ [0.24599178, 0.24397470, 0.24359614],
+ [0.24634296, 0.24432558, 0.24394697],
+ [0.24669413, 0.24467646, 0.24429780],
+ [0.24704529, 0.24502734, 0.24464862],
+ [0.24739644, 0.24537821, 0.24499944],
+ [0.24774759, 0.24572907, 0.24535025],
+ [0.24809873, 0.24607994, 0.24570106],
+ [0.24844986, 0.24643079, 0.24605187],
+ [0.24880098, 0.24678164, 0.24640267],
+ [0.24915210, 0.24713249, 0.24675346],
+ [0.24950321, 0.24748334, 0.24710426],
+ [0.24985431, 0.24783418, 0.24745505],
+ [0.25020541, 0.24818501, 0.24780584],
+ [0.25055650, 0.24853585, 0.24815662],
+ [0.25090758, 0.24888668, 0.24850740],
+ [0.25125866, 0.24923750, 0.24885819],
+ [0.25160973, 0.24958833, 0.24920896],
+ [0.25196080, 0.24993915, 0.24955974],
+ [0.25231186, 0.25028997, 0.24991051],
+ [0.25266291, 0.25064078, 0.25026128],
+ [0.25301396, 0.25099160, 0.25061206],
+ [0.25336501, 0.25134241, 0.25096283],
+ [0.25371605, 0.25169322, 0.25131359],
+ [0.25406708, 0.25204403, 0.25166436],
+ [0.25441812, 0.25239484, 0.25201513],
+ [0.25476914, 0.25274565, 0.25236589],
+ [0.25512017, 0.25309645, 0.25271666],
+ [0.25547118, 0.25344726, 0.25306742],
+ [0.25582220, 0.25379806, 0.25341819],
+ [0.25617321, 0.25414887, 0.25376895],
+ [0.25652422, 0.25449967, 0.25411972],
+ [0.25687523, 0.25485047, 0.25447048],
+ [0.25722623, 0.25520128, 0.25482125],
+ [0.25757723, 0.25555208, 0.25517201],
+ [0.25792823, 0.25590288, 0.25552278],
+ [0.25827923, 0.25625369, 0.25587355],
+ [0.25863022, 0.25660449, 0.25622432],
+ [0.25898121, 0.25695530, 0.25657509],
+ [0.25933220, 0.25730611, 0.25692586],
+ [0.25968319, 0.25765691, 0.25727664],
+ [0.26003417, 0.25800772, 0.25762741],
+ [0.26038516, 0.25835853, 0.25797819],
+ [0.26073614, 0.25870935, 0.25832897],
+ [0.26108712, 0.25906016, 0.25867976],
+ [0.26143811, 0.25941098, 0.25903054],
+ [0.26178909, 0.25976180, 0.25938133],
+ [0.26214007, 0.26011262, 0.25973212],
+ [0.26249105, 0.26046344, 0.26008292],
+ [0.26284203, 0.26081427, 0.26043372],
+ [0.26319301, 0.26116510, 0.26078452],
+ [0.26354399, 0.26151593, 0.26113532],
+ [0.26389497, 0.26186677, 0.26148613],
+ [0.26424595, 0.26221761, 0.26183695],
+ [0.26459694, 0.26256845, 0.26218776],
+ [0.26494792, 0.26291930, 0.26253859],
+ [0.26529891, 0.26327015, 0.26288941],
+ [0.26564989, 0.26362101, 0.26324024],
+ [0.26600088, 0.26397187, 0.26359108],
+ [0.26635187, 0.26432273, 0.26394192],
+ [0.26670286, 0.26467360, 0.26429276],
+ [0.26705385, 0.26502447, 0.26464362],
+ [0.26740485, 0.26537535, 0.26499447],
+ [0.26775584, 0.26572623, 0.26534534],
+ [0.26810684, 0.26607712, 0.26569620],
+ [0.26845785, 0.26642802, 0.26604708],
+ [0.26880885, 0.26677892, 0.26639796],
+ [0.26915986, 0.26712982, 0.26674884],
+ [0.26951087, 0.26748073, 0.26709974],
+ [0.26986189, 0.26783165, 0.26745063],
+ [0.27021290, 0.26818257, 0.26780154],
+ [0.27056392, 0.26853351, 0.26815245],
+ [0.27091495, 0.26888444, 0.26850337],
+ [0.27126598, 0.26923538, 0.26885430],
+ [0.27161701, 0.26958634, 0.26920524],
+ [0.27196805, 0.26993729, 0.26955618],
+ [0.27231909, 0.27028826, 0.26990713],
+ [0.27267014, 0.27063923, 0.27025809],
+ [0.27302119, 0.27099021, 0.27060905],
+ [0.27337225, 0.27134120, 0.27096003],
+ [0.27372331, 0.27169219, 0.27131101],
+ [0.27407438, 0.27204320, 0.27166200],
+ [0.27442545, 0.27239421, 0.27201300],
+ [0.27477653, 0.27274523, 0.27236401],
+ [0.27512761, 0.27309625, 0.27271503],
+ [0.27547870, 0.27344729, 0.27306605],
+ [0.27582980, 0.27379834, 0.27341709],
+ [0.27618090, 0.27414939, 0.27376814],
+ [0.27653201, 0.27450045, 0.27411919],
+ [0.27688312, 0.27485153, 0.27447026],
+ [0.27723424, 0.27520261, 0.27482133],
+ [0.27758537, 0.27555370, 0.27517242],
+ [0.27793651, 0.27590480, 0.27552351],
+ [0.27828765, 0.27625591, 0.27587462],
+ [0.27863880, 0.27660704, 0.27622573],
+ [0.27898996, 0.27695817, 0.27657686],
+ [0.27934113, 0.27730931, 0.27692800],
+ [0.27969230, 0.27766046, 0.27727915],
+ [0.28004348, 0.27801162, 0.27763031],
+ [0.28039467, 0.27836280, 0.27798148],
+ [0.28074587, 0.27871398, 0.27833266],
+ [0.28109707, 0.27906518, 0.27868385],
+ [0.28144829, 0.27941639, 0.27903506],
+ [0.28179951, 0.27976760, 0.27938628],
+ [0.28215074, 0.28011883, 0.27973751],
+ [0.28250199, 0.28047008, 0.28008875],
+ [0.28285323, 0.28082133, 0.28044000],
+ [0.28320450, 0.28117260, 0.28079127],
+ [0.28355577, 0.28152387, 0.28114255],
+ [0.28390704, 0.28187516, 0.28149384],
+ [0.28425833, 0.28222647, 0.28184515],
+ [0.28460963, 0.28257778, 0.28219647],
+ [0.28496094, 0.28292911, 0.28254780],
+ [0.28531226, 0.28328045, 0.28289914],
+ [0.28566359, 0.28363181, 0.28325050],
+ [0.28601493, 0.28398317, 0.28360187],
+ [0.28636628, 0.28433455, 0.28395326],
+ [0.28671764, 0.28468595, 0.28430466],
+ [0.28706902, 0.28503735, 0.28465608],
+ [0.28742040, 0.28538878, 0.28500750],
+ [0.28777180, 0.28574021, 0.28535895],
+ [0.28812320, 0.28609166, 0.28571040],
+ [0.28847462, 0.28644313, 0.28606188],
+ [0.28882606, 0.28679460, 0.28641336],
+ [0.28917750, 0.28714610, 0.28676487],
+ [0.28952895, 0.28749760, 0.28711638],
+ [0.28988042, 0.28784912, 0.28746792],
+ [0.29023190, 0.28820066, 0.28781946],
+ [0.29058339, 0.28855222, 0.28817103],
+ [0.29093490, 0.28890378, 0.28852261],
+ [0.29128641, 0.28925536, 0.28887420],
+ [0.29163794, 0.28960696, 0.28922581],
+ [0.29198949, 0.28995858, 0.28957744],
+ [0.29234104, 0.29031021, 0.28992908],
+ [0.29269261, 0.29066185, 0.29028074],
+ [0.29304420, 0.29101352, 0.29063242],
+ [0.29339580, 0.29136519, 0.29098411],
+ [0.29374741, 0.29171689, 0.29133582],
+ [0.29409903, 0.29206860, 0.29168755],
+ [0.29445067, 0.29242033, 0.29203930],
+ [0.29480233, 0.29277207, 0.29239106],
+ [0.29515400, 0.29312383, 0.29274284],
+ [0.29550568, 0.29347561, 0.29309463],
+ [0.29585738, 0.29382741, 0.29344645],
+ [0.29620909, 0.29417922, 0.29379828],
+ [0.29656082, 0.29453105, 0.29415013],
+ [0.29691256, 0.29488290, 0.29450200],
+ [0.29726432, 0.29523477, 0.29485389],
+ [0.29761609, 0.29558665, 0.29520579],
+ [0.29796788, 0.29593855, 0.29555772],
+ [0.29831969, 0.29629048, 0.29590966],
+ [0.29867151, 0.29664241, 0.29626162],
+ [0.29902334, 0.29699437, 0.29661360],
+ [0.29937520, 0.29734635, 0.29696560],
+ [0.29972707, 0.29769834, 0.29731762],
+ [0.30007895, 0.29805036, 0.29766966],
+ [0.30043085, 0.29840239, 0.29802171],
+ [0.30078277, 0.29875444, 0.29837379],
+ [0.30113471, 0.29910651, 0.29872589],
+ [0.30148666, 0.29945860, 0.29907800],
+ [0.30183863, 0.29981072, 0.29943014],
+ [0.30219062, 0.30016285, 0.29978230],
+ [0.30254263, 0.30051500, 0.30013448],
+ [0.30289465, 0.30086717, 0.30048667],
+ [0.30324669, 0.30121936, 0.30083889],
+ [0.30359875, 0.30157157, 0.30119113],
+ [0.30395082, 0.30192380, 0.30154339],
+ [0.30430292, 0.30227605, 0.30189567],
+ [0.30465503, 0.30262832, 0.30224798],
+ [0.30500716, 0.30298062, 0.30260030],
+ [0.30535931, 0.30333293, 0.30295264],
+ [0.30571148, 0.30368526, 0.30330501],
+ [0.30606366, 0.30403762, 0.30365740],
+ [0.30641587, 0.30439000, 0.30400981],
+ [0.30676810, 0.30474240, 0.30436224],
+ [0.30712034, 0.30509482, 0.30471469],
+ [0.30747260, 0.30544726, 0.30506717],
+ [0.30782489, 0.30579973, 0.30541967],
+ [0.30817719, 0.30615221, 0.30577219],
+ [0.30852951, 0.30650472, 0.30612473],
+ [0.30888185, 0.30685725, 0.30647730],
+ [0.30923422, 0.30720981, 0.30682989],
+ [0.30958660, 0.30756238, 0.30718250],
+ [0.30993900, 0.30791498, 0.30753514],
+ [0.31029143, 0.30826760, 0.30788780],
+ [0.31064387, 0.30862025, 0.30824048],
+ [0.31099633, 0.30897291, 0.30859318],
+ [0.31134882, 0.30932560, 0.30894591],
+ [0.31170133, 0.30967832, 0.30929867],
+ [0.31205385, 0.31003105, 0.30965144],
+ [0.31240640, 0.31038382, 0.31000425],
+ [0.31275897, 0.31073660, 0.31035707],
+ [0.31311156, 0.31108941, 0.31070992],
+ [0.31346418, 0.31144224, 0.31106279],
+ [0.31381681, 0.31179510, 0.31141569],
+ [0.31416947, 0.31214798, 0.31176862],
+ [0.31452215, 0.31250089, 0.31212156],
+ [0.31487485, 0.31285382, 0.31247454],
+ [0.31522758, 0.31320677, 0.31282754],
+ [0.31558032, 0.31355975, 0.31318056],
+ [0.31593309, 0.31391276, 0.31353361],
+ [0.31628588, 0.31426579, 0.31388668],
+ [0.31663870, 0.31461884, 0.31423978],
+ [0.31699153, 0.31497192, 0.31459291],
+ [0.31734440, 0.31532502, 0.31494606],
+ [0.31769728, 0.31567816, 0.31529924],
+ [0.31805018, 0.31603131, 0.31565244],
+ [0.31840312, 0.31638449, 0.31600567],
+ [0.31875607, 0.31673770, 0.31635893],
+ [0.31910905, 0.31709094, 0.31671221],
+ [0.31946205, 0.31744420, 0.31706552],
+ [0.31981508, 0.31779748, 0.31741885],
+ [0.32016813, 0.31815080, 0.31777221],
+ [0.32052120, 0.31850414, 0.31812560],
+ [0.32087430, 0.31885750, 0.31847902],
+ [0.32122742, 0.31921090, 0.31883247],
+ [0.32158057, 0.31956432, 0.31918594],
+ [0.32193374, 0.31991777, 0.31953943],
+ [0.32228694, 0.32027124, 0.31989296],
+ [0.32264016, 0.32062474, 0.32024652],
+ [0.32299341, 0.32097827, 0.32060010],
+ [0.32334669, 0.32133183, 0.32095371],
+ [0.32369998, 0.32168541, 0.32130735],
+ [0.32405331, 0.32203902, 0.32166101],
+ [0.32440666, 0.32239266, 0.32201471],
+ [0.32476003, 0.32274633, 0.32236843],
+ [0.32511344, 0.32310003, 0.32272218],
+ [0.32546686, 0.32345375, 0.32307596],
+ [0.32582032, 0.32380751, 0.32342977],
+ [0.32617380, 0.32416129, 0.32378361],
+ [0.32652730, 0.32451510, 0.32413748],
+ [0.32688084, 0.32486894, 0.32449137],
+ [0.32723440, 0.32522281, 0.32484530],
+ [0.32758798, 0.32557670, 0.32519926],
+ [0.32794160, 0.32593063, 0.32555324],
+ [0.32829524, 0.32628459, 0.32590726],
+ [0.32864890, 0.32663857, 0.32626130],
+ [0.32900260, 0.32699258, 0.32661537],
+ [0.32935632, 0.32734663, 0.32696948],
+ [0.32971007, 0.32770070, 0.32732361],
+ [0.33006385, 0.32805481, 0.32767778],
+ [0.33041766, 0.32840894, 0.32803197],
+ [0.33077149, 0.32876310, 0.32838620],
+ [0.33112535, 0.32911730, 0.32874046],
+ [0.33147924, 0.32947152, 0.32909475],
+ [0.33183316, 0.32982578, 0.32944906],
+ [0.33218711, 0.33018006, 0.32980341],
+ [0.33254108, 0.33053438, 0.33015779],
+ [0.33289509, 0.33088873, 0.33051221],
+ [0.33324912, 0.33124311, 0.33086665],
+ [0.33360318, 0.33159752, 0.33122112],
+ [0.33395727, 0.33195196, 0.33157563],
+ [0.33431139, 0.33230643, 0.33193017],
+ [0.33466554, 0.33266093, 0.33228474],
+ [0.33501972, 0.33301547, 0.33263934],
+ [0.33537393, 0.33337004, 0.33299397],
+ [0.33572817, 0.33372463, 0.33334864],
+ [0.33608244, 0.33407926, 0.33370334],
+ [0.33643673, 0.33443393, 0.33405807],
+ [0.33679106, 0.33478862, 0.33441283],
+ [0.33714542, 0.33514335, 0.33476763],
+ [0.33749981, 0.33549811, 0.33512246],
+ [0.33785423, 0.33585290, 0.33547732],
+ [0.33820867, 0.33620773, 0.33583222],
+ [0.33856315, 0.33656258, 0.33618715],
+ [0.33891766, 0.33691747, 0.33654211],
+ [0.33927220, 0.33727240, 0.33689710],
+ [0.33962678, 0.33762735, 0.33725213],
+ [0.33998138, 0.33798234, 0.33760719],
+ [0.34033602, 0.33833737, 0.33796229],
+ [0.34069068, 0.33869242, 0.33831742],
+ [0.34104538, 0.33904751, 0.33867258],
+ [0.34140011, 0.33940264, 0.33902778],
+ [0.34175487, 0.33975779, 0.33938301],
+ [0.34210966, 0.34011299, 0.33973828],
+ [0.34246449, 0.34046821, 0.34009358],
+ [0.34281934, 0.34082347, 0.34044892],
+ [0.34317423, 0.34117877, 0.34080429],
+ [0.34352915, 0.34153409, 0.34115969],
+ [0.34388411, 0.34188946, 0.34151513],
+ [0.34423909, 0.34224486, 0.34187061],
+ [0.34459411, 0.34260029, 0.34222612],
+ [0.34494916, 0.34295575, 0.34258166],
+ [0.34530425, 0.34331126, 0.34293724],
+ [0.34565936, 0.34366680, 0.34329286],
+ [0.34601452, 0.34402237, 0.34364851],
+ [0.34636970, 0.34437798, 0.34400420],
+ [0.34672492, 0.34473362, 0.34435992],
+ [0.34708017, 0.34508930, 0.34471568],
+ [0.34743545, 0.34544501, 0.34507148],
+ [0.34779077, 0.34580076, 0.34542731],
+ [0.34814612, 0.34615655, 0.34578318],
+ [0.34850151, 0.34651237, 0.34613908],
+ [0.34885693, 0.34686823, 0.34649502],
+ [0.34921238, 0.34722412, 0.34685100],
+ [0.34956787, 0.34758006, 0.34720701],
+ [0.34992339, 0.34793602, 0.34756307],
+ [0.35027895, 0.34829203, 0.34791915],
+ [0.35063454, 0.34864807, 0.34827528],
+ [0.35099017, 0.34900415, 0.34863144],
+ [0.35134583, 0.34936026, 0.34898764],
+ [0.35170153, 0.34971641, 0.34934388],
+ [0.35205726, 0.35007260, 0.34970015],
+ [0.35241303, 0.35042883, 0.35005646],
+ [0.35276883, 0.35078509, 0.35041281],
+ [0.35312467, 0.35114139, 0.35076920],
+ [0.35348054, 0.35149773, 0.35112563],
+ [0.35383645, 0.35185411, 0.35148209],
+ [0.35419239, 0.35221052, 0.35183859],
+ [0.35454838, 0.35256697, 0.35219513],
+ [0.35490439, 0.35292346, 0.35255171],
+ [0.35526044, 0.35327999, 0.35290833],
+ [0.35561654, 0.35363656, 0.35326499],
+ [0.35597266, 0.35399316, 0.35362168],
+ [0.35632882, 0.35434980, 0.35397841],
+ [0.35668502, 0.35470649, 0.35433519],
+ [0.35704126, 0.35506321, 0.35469200],
+ [0.35739753, 0.35541997, 0.35504885],
+ [0.35775384, 0.35577676, 0.35540574],
+ [0.35811019, 0.35613360, 0.35576267],
+ [0.35846657, 0.35649048, 0.35611964],
+ [0.35882299, 0.35684740, 0.35647665],
+ [0.35917945, 0.35720435, 0.35683370],
+ [0.35953594, 0.35756134, 0.35719078],
+ [0.35989248, 0.35791838, 0.35754791],
+ [0.36024905, 0.35827545, 0.35790508],
+ [0.36060566, 0.35863257, 0.35826229],
+ [0.36096230, 0.35898972, 0.35861954],
+ [0.36131899, 0.35934691, 0.35897683],
+ [0.36167571, 0.35970415, 0.35933416],
+ [0.36203247, 0.36006142, 0.35969153],
+ [0.36238927, 0.36041874, 0.36004894],
+ [0.36274611, 0.36077609, 0.36040639],
+ [0.36310299, 0.36113349, 0.36076388],
+ [0.36345990, 0.36149093, 0.36112142],
+ [0.36381686, 0.36184840, 0.36147899],
+ [0.36417385, 0.36220592, 0.36183661],
+ [0.36453089, 0.36256348, 0.36219427],
+ [0.36488796, 0.36292108, 0.36255197],
+ [0.36524507, 0.36327872, 0.36290971],
+ [0.36560222, 0.36363640, 0.36326749],
+ [0.36595941, 0.36399413, 0.36362532],
+ [0.36631664, 0.36435189, 0.36398318],
+ [0.36667391, 0.36470970, 0.36434109],
+ [0.36703122, 0.36506755, 0.36469904],
+ [0.36738857, 0.36542544, 0.36505703],
+ [0.36774596, 0.36578338, 0.36541507],
+ [0.36810339, 0.36614135, 0.36577315],
+ [0.36846086, 0.36649937, 0.36613127],
+ [0.36881837, 0.36685743, 0.36648943],
+ [0.36917592, 0.36721553, 0.36684764],
+ [0.36953351, 0.36757368, 0.36720589],
+ [0.36989114, 0.36793186, 0.36756418],
+ [0.37024881, 0.36829009, 0.36792251],
+ [0.37060653, 0.36864837, 0.36828089],
+ [0.37096428, 0.36900668, 0.36863931],
+ [0.37132208, 0.36936504, 0.36899778],
+ [0.37167992, 0.36972344, 0.36935629],
+ [0.37203780, 0.37008189, 0.36971484],
+ [0.37239572, 0.37044038, 0.37007343],
+ [0.37275368, 0.37079891, 0.37043207],
+ [0.37311168, 0.37115749, 0.37079076],
+ [0.37346973, 0.37151611, 0.37114948],
+ [0.37382782, 0.37187477, 0.37150826],
+ [0.37418595, 0.37223348, 0.37186707],
+ [0.37454412, 0.37259223, 0.37222593],
+ [0.37490233, 0.37295103, 0.37258484],
+ [0.37526059, 0.37330987, 0.37294379],
+ [0.37561889, 0.37366875, 0.37330278],
+ [0.37597723, 0.37402768, 0.37366182],
+ [0.37633561, 0.37438665, 0.37402090],
+ [0.37669404, 0.37474567, 0.37438003],
+ [0.37705251, 0.37510473, 0.37473921],
+ [0.37741102, 0.37546384, 0.37509843],
+ [0.37776958, 0.37582299, 0.37545769],
+ [0.37812818, 0.37618219, 0.37581700],
+ [0.37848682, 0.37654144, 0.37617636],
+ [0.37884551, 0.37690072, 0.37653576],
+ [0.37920424, 0.37726006, 0.37689521],
+ [0.37956301, 0.37761944, 0.37725470],
+ [0.37992182, 0.37797886, 0.37761424],
+ [0.38028069, 0.37833833, 0.37797382],
+ [0.38063959, 0.37869785, 0.37833345],
+ [0.38099854, 0.37905741, 0.37869313],
+ [0.38135753, 0.37941702, 0.37905286],
+ [0.38171657, 0.37977667, 0.37941263],
+ [0.38207565, 0.38013638, 0.37977244],
+ [0.38243478, 0.38049612, 0.38013231],
+ [0.38279395, 0.38085591, 0.38049222],
+ [0.38315317, 0.38121575, 0.38085217],
+ [0.38351243, 0.38157564, 0.38121218],
+ [0.38387173, 0.38193558, 0.38157223],
+ [0.38423108, 0.38229556, 0.38193233],
+ [0.38459048, 0.38265558, 0.38229247],
+ [0.38494992, 0.38301566, 0.38265267],
+ [0.38530941, 0.38337578, 0.38301291],
+ [0.38566894, 0.38373595, 0.38337319],
+ [0.38602852, 0.38409616, 0.38373353],
+ [0.38638814, 0.38445643, 0.38409392],
+ [0.38674781, 0.38481674, 0.38445435],
+ [0.38710752, 0.38517710, 0.38481483],
+ [0.38746728, 0.38553751, 0.38517535],
+ [0.38782709, 0.38589796, 0.38553593],
+ [0.38818694, 0.38625846, 0.38589656],
+ [0.38854684, 0.38661901, 0.38625723],
+ [0.38890679, 0.38697961, 0.38661795],
+ [0.38926678, 0.38734026, 0.38697872],
+ [0.38962682, 0.38770096, 0.38733954],
+ [0.38998691, 0.38806170, 0.38770041],
+ [0.39034704, 0.38842249, 0.38806133],
+ [0.39070722, 0.38878333, 0.38842229],
+ [0.39106745, 0.38914423, 0.38878331],
+ [0.39142772, 0.38950516, 0.38914437],
+ [0.39178804, 0.38986615, 0.38950548],
+ [0.39214841, 0.39022719, 0.38986665],
+ [0.39250883, 0.39058828, 0.39022786],
+ [0.39286929, 0.39094941, 0.39058912],
+ [0.39322980, 0.39131060, 0.39095043],
+ [0.39359036, 0.39167183, 0.39131180],
+ [0.39395096, 0.39203312, 0.39167321],
+ [0.39431162, 0.39239445, 0.39203467],
+ [0.39467232, 0.39275584, 0.39239618],
+ [0.39503307, 0.39311727, 0.39275774],
+ [0.39539387, 0.39347876, 0.39311936],
+ [0.39575472, 0.39384029, 0.39348102],
+ [0.39611562, 0.39420187, 0.39384273],
+ [0.39647656, 0.39456351, 0.39420450],
+ [0.39683756, 0.39492519, 0.39456631],
+ [0.39719860, 0.39528693, 0.39492818],
+ [0.39755969, 0.39564872, 0.39529010],
+ [0.39792083, 0.39601055, 0.39565206],
+ [0.39828202, 0.39637244, 0.39601408],
+ [0.39864326, 0.39673438, 0.39637615],
+ [0.39900455, 0.39709637, 0.39673828],
+ [0.39936588, 0.39745841, 0.39710045],
+ [0.39972727, 0.39782051, 0.39746267],
+ [0.40008871, 0.39818265, 0.39782495],
+ [0.40045019, 0.39854485, 0.39818728],
+ [0.40081173, 0.39890709, 0.39854966],
+ [0.40117331, 0.39926939, 0.39891209],
+ [0.40153495, 0.39963174, 0.39927458],
+ [0.40189664, 0.39999414, 0.39963711],
+ [0.40225837, 0.40035660, 0.39999970],
+ [0.40262016, 0.40071911, 0.40036234],
+ [0.40298200, 0.40108166, 0.40072504],
+ [0.40334389, 0.40144427, 0.40108778],
+ [0.40370583, 0.40180694, 0.40145058],
+ [0.40406781, 0.40216965, 0.40181343],
+ [0.40442986, 0.40253242, 0.40217634],
+ [0.40479195, 0.40289524, 0.40253930],
+ [0.40515409, 0.40325811, 0.40290231],
+ [0.40551628, 0.40362104, 0.40326537],
+ [0.40587853, 0.40398402, 0.40362849],
+ [0.40624082, 0.40434705, 0.40399166],
+ [0.40660317, 0.40471014, 0.40435488],
+ [0.40696557, 0.40507328, 0.40471816],
+ [0.40732802, 0.40543647, 0.40508149],
+ [0.40769052, 0.40579972, 0.40544488],
+ [0.40805308, 0.40616302, 0.40580832],
+ [0.40841568, 0.40652637, 0.40617181],
+ [0.40877834, 0.40688977, 0.40653536],
+ [0.40914105, 0.40725323, 0.40689896],
+ [0.40950382, 0.40761675, 0.40726261],
+ [0.40986663, 0.40798032, 0.40762632],
+ [0.41022950, 0.40834394, 0.40799009],
+ [0.41059242, 0.40870762, 0.40835391],
+ [0.41095539, 0.40907135, 0.40871778],
+ [0.41131842, 0.40943513, 0.40908171],
+ [0.41168150, 0.40979897, 0.40944569],
+ [0.41204463, 0.41016287, 0.40980973],
+ [0.41240782, 0.41052682, 0.41017382],
+ [0.41277105, 0.41089082, 0.41053797],
+ [0.41313435, 0.41125488, 0.41090217],
+ [0.41349769, 0.41161900, 0.41126643],
+ [0.41386109, 0.41198316, 0.41163075],
+ [0.41422454, 0.41234739, 0.41199512],
+ [0.41458805, 0.41271167, 0.41235954],
+ [0.41495161, 0.41307601, 0.41272402],
+ [0.41531522, 0.41344040, 0.41308856],
+ [0.41567888, 0.41380484, 0.41345315],
+ [0.41604261, 0.41416935, 0.41381780],
+ [0.41640638, 0.41453390, 0.41418250],
+ [0.41677021, 0.41489852, 0.41454727],
+ [0.41713410, 0.41526319, 0.41491208],
+ [0.41749803, 0.41562791, 0.41527696],
+ [0.41786203, 0.41599270, 0.41564189],
+ [0.41822608, 0.41635754, 0.41600687],
+ [0.41859018, 0.41672243, 0.41637192],
+ [0.41895434, 0.41708738, 0.41673702],
+ [0.41931855, 0.41745239, 0.41710218],
+ [0.41968282, 0.41781746, 0.41746739],
+ [0.42004714, 0.41818258, 0.41783266],
+ [0.42041152, 0.41854776, 0.41819799],
+ [0.42077595, 0.41891299, 0.41856338],
+ [0.42114044, 0.41927828, 0.41892882],
+ [0.42150499, 0.41964363, 0.41929432],
+ [0.42186959, 0.42000904, 0.41965988],
+ [0.42223424, 0.42037451, 0.42002550],
+ [0.42259895, 0.42074003, 0.42039117],
+ [0.42296372, 0.42110561, 0.42075690],
+ [0.42332855, 0.42147124, 0.42112269],
+ [0.42369343, 0.42183694, 0.42148854],
+ [0.42405836, 0.42220269, 0.42185445],
+ [0.42442336, 0.42256850, 0.42222041],
+ [0.42478841, 0.42293437, 0.42258643],
+ [0.42515351, 0.42330030, 0.42295251],
+ [0.42551868, 0.42366628, 0.42331865],
+ [0.42588389, 0.42403233, 0.42368485],
+ [0.42624917, 0.42439843, 0.42405111],
+ [0.42661450, 0.42476459, 0.42441742],
+ [0.42697989, 0.42513081, 0.42478380],
+ [0.42734534, 0.42549709, 0.42515023],
+ [0.42771085, 0.42586342, 0.42551672],
+ [0.42807641, 0.42622982, 0.42588328],
+ [0.42844203, 0.42659627, 0.42624989],
+ [0.42880771, 0.42696279, 0.42661656],
+ [0.42917344, 0.42732936, 0.42698329],
+ [0.42953923, 0.42769599, 0.42735008],
+ [0.42990508, 0.42806268, 0.42771693],
+ [0.43027099, 0.42842944, 0.42808384],
+ [0.43063696, 0.42879625, 0.42845081],
+ [0.43100298, 0.42916312, 0.42881784],
+ [0.43136907, 0.42953005, 0.42918493],
+ [0.43173521, 0.42989704, 0.42955208],
+ [0.43210141, 0.43026409, 0.42991929],
+ [0.43246767, 0.43063120, 0.43028656],
+ [0.43283398, 0.43099837, 0.43065389],
+ [0.43320036, 0.43136560, 0.43102128],
+ [0.43356679, 0.43173289, 0.43138873],
+ [0.43393329, 0.43210024, 0.43175624],
+ [0.43429984, 0.43246766, 0.43212382],
+ [0.43466645, 0.43283513, 0.43249145],
+ [0.43503312, 0.43320266, 0.43285915],
+ [0.43539985, 0.43357026, 0.43322690],
+ [0.43576664, 0.43393791, 0.43359472],
+ [0.43613349, 0.43430563, 0.43396260],
+ [0.43650040, 0.43467341, 0.43433054],
+ [0.43686737, 0.43504124, 0.43469854],
+ [0.43723439, 0.43540914, 0.43506661],
+ [0.43760148, 0.43577711, 0.43543473],
+ [0.43796863, 0.43614513, 0.43580292],
+ [0.43833584, 0.43651321, 0.43617117],
+ [0.43870311, 0.43688136, 0.43653948],
+ [0.43907043, 0.43724957, 0.43690785],
+ [0.43943782, 0.43761784, 0.43727629],
+ [0.43980527, 0.43798617, 0.43764478],
+ [0.44017278, 0.43835456, 0.43801334],
+ [0.44054035, 0.43872302, 0.43838197],
+ [0.44090799, 0.43909154, 0.43875065],
+ [0.44127568, 0.43946012, 0.43911940],
+ [0.44164343, 0.43982876, 0.43948821],
+ [0.44201125, 0.44019747, 0.43985708],
+ [0.44237912, 0.44056624, 0.44022602],
+ [0.44274706, 0.44093507, 0.44059502],
+ [0.44311506, 0.44130396, 0.44096408],
+ [0.44348312, 0.44167292, 0.44133321],
+ [0.44385124, 0.44204194, 0.44170240],
+ [0.44421942, 0.44241102, 0.44207165],
+ [0.44458767, 0.44278017, 0.44244096],
+ [0.44495597, 0.44314938, 0.44281034],
+ [0.44532434, 0.44351865, 0.44317979],
+ [0.44569277, 0.44388799, 0.44354929],
+ [0.44606126, 0.44425739, 0.44391886],
+ [0.44642982, 0.44462685, 0.44428850],
+ [0.44679843, 0.44499638, 0.44465820],
+ [0.44716712, 0.44536598, 0.44502796],
+ [0.44753586, 0.44573563, 0.44539779],
+ [0.44790466, 0.44610535, 0.44576768],
+ [0.44827353, 0.44647513, 0.44613763],
+ [0.44864246, 0.44684498, 0.44650765],
+ [0.44901145, 0.44721490, 0.44687774],
+ [0.44938051, 0.44758487, 0.44724789],
+ [0.44974963, 0.44795491, 0.44761810],
+ [0.45011881, 0.44832502, 0.44798838],
+ [0.45048806, 0.44869519, 0.44835873],
+ [0.45085737, 0.44906543, 0.44872914],
+ [0.45122674, 0.44943573, 0.44909961],
+ [0.45159617, 0.44980609, 0.44947015],
+ [0.45196567, 0.45017652, 0.44984076],
+ [0.45233524, 0.45054702, 0.45021143],
+ [0.45270487, 0.45091758, 0.45058217],
+ [0.45307456, 0.45128821, 0.45095297],
+ [0.45344431, 0.45165890, 0.45132384],
+ [0.45381413, 0.45202966, 0.45169477],
+ [0.45418402, 0.45240048, 0.45206577],
+ [0.45455396, 0.45277137, 0.45243683],
+ [0.45492398, 0.45314233, 0.45280797],
+ [0.45529405, 0.45351335, 0.45317917],
+ [0.45566420, 0.45388443, 0.45355043],
+ [0.45603440, 0.45425559, 0.45392176],
+ [0.45640467, 0.45462681, 0.45429316],
+ [0.45677501, 0.45499809, 0.45466462],
+ [0.45714541, 0.45536945, 0.45503615],
+ [0.45751588, 0.45574086, 0.45540775],
+ [0.45788641, 0.45611235, 0.45577942],
+ [0.45825701, 0.45648390, 0.45615115],
+ [0.45862767, 0.45685552, 0.45652295],
+ [0.45899840, 0.45722721, 0.45689481],
+ [0.45936919, 0.45759896, 0.45726674],
+ [0.45974005, 0.45797078, 0.45763874],
+ [0.46011097, 0.45834267, 0.45801081],
+ [0.46048196, 0.45871462, 0.45838295],
+ [0.46085302, 0.45908664, 0.45875515],
+ [0.46122414, 0.45945873, 0.45912742],
+ [0.46159533, 0.45983089, 0.45949976],
+ [0.46196659, 0.46020311, 0.45987216],
+ [0.46233791, 0.46057540, 0.46024464],
+ [0.46270930, 0.46094777, 0.46061718],
+ [0.46308075, 0.46132019, 0.46098979],
+ [0.46345227, 0.46169269, 0.46136247],
+ [0.46382386, 0.46206525, 0.46173522],
+ [0.46419552, 0.46243788, 0.46210803],
+ [0.46456724, 0.46281059, 0.46248092],
+ [0.46493903, 0.46318336, 0.46285387],
+ [0.46531088, 0.46355619, 0.46322689],
+ [0.46568280, 0.46392910, 0.46359998],
+ [0.46605480, 0.46430207, 0.46397314],
+ [0.46642685, 0.46467512, 0.46434637],
+ [0.46679898, 0.46504823, 0.46471967],
+ [0.46717117, 0.46542141, 0.46509303],
+ [0.46754343, 0.46579466, 0.46546647],
+ [0.46791576, 0.46616798, 0.46583997],
+ [0.46828815, 0.46654137, 0.46621355],
+ [0.46866062, 0.46691483, 0.46658719],
+ [0.46903315, 0.46728835, 0.46696091],
+ [0.46940575, 0.46766195, 0.46733469],
+ [0.46977842, 0.46803562, 0.46770854],
+ [0.47015116, 0.46840935, 0.46808247],
+ [0.47052396, 0.46878316, 0.46845646],
+ [0.47089684, 0.46915704, 0.46883053],
+ [0.47126978, 0.46953098, 0.46920466],
+ [0.47164279, 0.46990500, 0.46957887],
+ [0.47201587, 0.47027908, 0.46995314],
+ [0.47238902, 0.47065324, 0.47032748],
+ [0.47276223, 0.47102747, 0.47070190],
+ [0.47313552, 0.47140176, 0.47107639],
+ [0.47350888, 0.47177613, 0.47145095],
+ [0.47388230, 0.47215057, 0.47182557],
+ [0.47425580, 0.47252508, 0.47220027],
+ [0.47462936, 0.47289966, 0.47257504],
+ [0.47500300, 0.47327431, 0.47294988],
+ [0.47537670, 0.47364903, 0.47332480],
+ [0.47575047, 0.47402382, 0.47369978],
+ [0.47612432, 0.47439869, 0.47407484],
+ [0.47649823, 0.47477362, 0.47444996],
+ [0.47687221, 0.47514863, 0.47482516],
+ [0.47724627, 0.47552371, 0.47520043],
+ [0.47762039, 0.47589886, 0.47557577],
+ [0.47799458, 0.47627408, 0.47595119],
+ [0.47836885, 0.47664937, 0.47632667],
+ [0.47874318, 0.47702473, 0.47670223],
+ [0.47911759, 0.47740017, 0.47707786],
+ [0.47949207, 0.47777568, 0.47745357],
+ [0.47986661, 0.47815126, 0.47782934],
+ [0.48024123, 0.47852691, 0.47820519],
+ [0.48061592, 0.47890264, 0.47858111],
+ [0.48099068, 0.47927844, 0.47895710],
+ [0.48136551, 0.47965431, 0.47933317],
+ [0.48174041, 0.48003025, 0.47970930],
+ [0.48211539, 0.48040627, 0.48008551],
+ [0.48249043, 0.48078235, 0.48046180],
+ [0.48286555, 0.48115852, 0.48083815],
+ [0.48324074, 0.48153475, 0.48121458],
+ [0.48361600, 0.48191106, 0.48159109],
+ [0.48399133, 0.48228744, 0.48196767],
+ [0.48436673, 0.48266389, 0.48234432],
+ [0.48474221, 0.48304042, 0.48272104],
+ [0.48511776, 0.48341702, 0.48309784],
+ [0.48549338, 0.48379369, 0.48347471],
+ [0.48586907, 0.48417044, 0.48385165],
+ [0.48624483, 0.48454726, 0.48422867],
+ [0.48662067, 0.48492416, 0.48460577],
+ [0.48699658, 0.48530112, 0.48498293],
+ [0.48737256, 0.48567817, 0.48536018],
+ [0.48774862, 0.48605528, 0.48573749],
+ [0.48812475, 0.48643247, 0.48611488],
+ [0.48850095, 0.48680974, 0.48649234],
+ [0.48887723, 0.48718708, 0.48686988],
+ [0.48925357, 0.48756449, 0.48724750],
+ [0.48962999, 0.48794198, 0.48762519],
+ [0.49000649, 0.48831954, 0.48800295],
+ [0.49038306, 0.48869718, 0.48838079],
+ [0.49075970, 0.48907489, 0.48875870],
+ [0.49113641, 0.48945268, 0.48913669],
+ [0.49151320, 0.48983054, 0.48951475],
+ [0.49189006, 0.49020848, 0.48989289],
+ [0.49226700, 0.49058649, 0.49027111],
+ [0.49264401, 0.49096458, 0.49064940],
+ [0.49302109, 0.49134274, 0.49102776],
+ [0.49339825, 0.49172098, 0.49140620],
+ [0.49377549, 0.49209930, 0.49178472],
+ [0.49415279, 0.49247769, 0.49216331],
+ [0.49453018, 0.49285615, 0.49254198],
+ [0.49490763, 0.49323469, 0.49292073],
+ [0.49528516, 0.49361331, 0.49329955],
+ [0.49566277, 0.49399200, 0.49367845],
+ [0.49604045, 0.49437077, 0.49405742],
+ [0.49641820, 0.49474962, 0.49443647],
+ [0.49679604, 0.49512854, 0.49481559],
+ [0.49717394, 0.49550754, 0.49519480],
+ [0.49755192, 0.49588661, 0.49557408],
+ [0.49792998, 0.49626576, 0.49595343],
+ [0.49830811, 0.49664499, 0.49633287],
+ [0.49868632, 0.49702430, 0.49671238],
+ [0.49906460, 0.49740368, 0.49709197],
+ [0.49944296, 0.49778313, 0.49747163],
+ [0.49982139, 0.49816267, 0.49785137],
+ [0.50019990, 0.49854228, 0.49823119],
+ [0.50057849, 0.49892197, 0.49861109],
+ [0.50095715, 0.49930174, 0.49899106],
+ [0.50133589, 0.49968158, 0.49937111],
+ [0.50171471, 0.50006151, 0.49975124],
+ [0.50209360, 0.50044150, 0.50013145],
+ [0.50247256, 0.50082158, 0.50051173],
+ [0.50285161, 0.50120173, 0.50089210],
+ [0.50323073, 0.50158197, 0.50127254],
+ [0.50360993, 0.50196228, 0.50165306],
+ [0.50398920, 0.50234267, 0.50203365],
+ [0.50436855, 0.50272313, 0.50241433],
+ [0.50474798, 0.50310368, 0.50279508],
+ [0.50512748, 0.50348430, 0.50317592],
+ [0.50550707, 0.50386500, 0.50355683],
+ [0.50588673, 0.50424578, 0.50393782],
+ [0.50626646, 0.50462664, 0.50431889],
+ [0.50664628, 0.50500758, 0.50470004],
+ [0.50702617, 0.50538859, 0.50508126],
+ [0.50740614, 0.50576969, 0.50546257],
+ [0.50778619, 0.50615086, 0.50584395],
+ [0.50816631, 0.50653212, 0.50622542],
+ [0.50854652, 0.50691345, 0.50660696],
+ [0.50892680, 0.50729486, 0.50698858],
+ [0.50930716, 0.50767635, 0.50737029],
+ [0.50968760, 0.50805792, 0.50775207],
+ [0.51006811, 0.50843957, 0.50813393],
+ [0.51044871, 0.50882130, 0.50851587],
+ [0.51082938, 0.50920311, 0.50889790],
+ [0.51121013, 0.50958499, 0.50928000],
+ [0.51159096, 0.50996696, 0.50966218],
+ [0.51197187, 0.51034901, 0.51004444],
+ [0.51235286, 0.51073114, 0.51042678],
+ [0.51273393, 0.51111335, 0.51080921],
+ [0.51311507, 0.51149564, 0.51119171],
+ [0.51349630, 0.51187801, 0.51157429],
+ [0.51387760, 0.51226046, 0.51195696],
+ [0.51425899, 0.51264299, 0.51233970],
+ [0.51464045, 0.51302560, 0.51272253],
+ [0.51502200, 0.51340829, 0.51310543],
+ [0.51540362, 0.51379106, 0.51348842],
+ [0.51578532, 0.51417391, 0.51387149],
+ [0.51616710, 0.51455685, 0.51425464],
+ [0.51654896, 0.51493986, 0.51463787],
+ [0.51693091, 0.51532296, 0.51502119],
+ [0.51731293, 0.51570614, 0.51540458],
+ [0.51769503, 0.51608940, 0.51578806],
+ [0.51807721, 0.51647274, 0.51617161],
+ [0.51845948, 0.51685616, 0.51655525],
+ [0.51884182, 0.51723966, 0.51693897],
+ [0.51922425, 0.51762325, 0.51732278],
+ [0.51960675, 0.51800691, 0.51770666],
+ [0.51998934, 0.51839066, 0.51809063],
+ [0.52037200, 0.51877449, 0.51847468],
+ [0.52075475, 0.51915841, 0.51885881],
+ [0.52113758, 0.51954240, 0.51924302],
+ [0.52152049, 0.51992648, 0.51962732],
+ [0.52190348, 0.52031064, 0.52001170],
+ [0.52228655, 0.52069488, 0.52039616],
+ [0.52266971, 0.52107921, 0.52078071],
+ [0.52305294, 0.52146362, 0.52116533],
+ [0.52343626, 0.52184811, 0.52155004],
+ [0.52381966, 0.52223268, 0.52193484],
+ [0.52420314, 0.52261733, 0.52231971],
+ [0.52458670, 0.52300207, 0.52270467],
+ [0.52497034, 0.52338690, 0.52308972],
+ [0.52535407, 0.52377180, 0.52347484],
+ [0.52573788, 0.52415679, 0.52386005],
+ [0.52612177, 0.52454186, 0.52424535],
+ [0.52650574, 0.52492702, 0.52463072],
+ [0.52688980, 0.52531226, 0.52501619],
+ [0.52727394, 0.52569758, 0.52540173],
+ [0.52765816, 0.52608299, 0.52578736],
+ [0.52804246, 0.52646848, 0.52617307],
+ [0.52842685, 0.52685405, 0.52655887],
+ [0.52881132, 0.52723971, 0.52694475],
+ [0.52919587, 0.52762545, 0.52733072],
+ [0.52958051, 0.52801128, 0.52771677],
+ [0.52996523, 0.52839719, 0.52810290],
+ [0.53035003, 0.52878318, 0.52848912],
+ [0.53073491, 0.52916927, 0.52887542],
+ [0.53111988, 0.52955543, 0.52926181],
+ [0.53150494, 0.52994168, 0.52964829],
+ [0.53189007, 0.53032801, 0.53003485],
+ [0.53227529, 0.53071443, 0.53042149],
+ [0.53266060, 0.53110093, 0.53080822],
+ [0.53304598, 0.53148752, 0.53119503],
+ [0.53343146, 0.53187420, 0.53158193],
+ [0.53381701, 0.53226096, 0.53196892],
+ [0.53420265, 0.53264780, 0.53235599],
+ [0.53458838, 0.53303473, 0.53274314],
+ [0.53497419, 0.53342175, 0.53313039],
+ [0.53536008, 0.53380885, 0.53351771],
+ [0.53574606, 0.53419604, 0.53390513],
+ [0.53613212, 0.53458331, 0.53429263],
+ [0.53651827, 0.53497067, 0.53468021],
+ [0.53690450, 0.53535811, 0.53506788],
+ [0.53729082, 0.53574564, 0.53545564],
+ [0.53767723, 0.53613326, 0.53584349],
+ [0.53806371, 0.53652096, 0.53623142],
+ [0.53845029, 0.53690875, 0.53661943],
+ [0.53883695, 0.53729663, 0.53700754],
+ [0.53922369, 0.53768459, 0.53739573],
+ [0.53961052, 0.53807264, 0.53778401],
+ [0.53999744, 0.53846077, 0.53817237],
+ [0.54038444, 0.53884900, 0.53856082],
+ [0.54077153, 0.53923731, 0.53894936],
+ [0.54115870, 0.53962570, 0.53933799],
+ [0.54154596, 0.54001419, 0.53972670],
+ [0.54193330, 0.54040276, 0.54011550],
+ [0.54232073, 0.54079142, 0.54050439],
+ [0.54270825, 0.54118016, 0.54089336],
+ [0.54309586, 0.54156899, 0.54128243],
+ [0.54348355, 0.54195791, 0.54167158],
+ [0.54387133, 0.54234692, 0.54206082],
+ [0.54425919, 0.54273602, 0.54245015],
+ [0.54464714, 0.54312520, 0.54283956],
+ [0.54503518, 0.54351447, 0.54322906],
+ [0.54542330, 0.54390383, 0.54361865],
+ [0.54581152, 0.54429328, 0.54400833],
+ [0.54619982, 0.54468282, 0.54439810],
+ [0.54658820, 0.54507244, 0.54478796],
+ [0.54697668, 0.54546215, 0.54517790],
+ [0.54736524, 0.54585196, 0.54556794],
+ [0.54775389, 0.54624184, 0.54595806],
+ [0.54814262, 0.54663182, 0.54634827],
+ [0.54853145, 0.54702189, 0.54673857],
+ [0.54892036, 0.54741205, 0.54712896],
+ [0.54930936, 0.54780229, 0.54751944],
+ [0.54969845, 0.54819263, 0.54791001],
+ [0.55008762, 0.54858305, 0.54830066],
+ [0.55047689, 0.54897356, 0.54869141],
+ [0.55086624, 0.54936416, 0.54908225],
+ [0.55125568, 0.54975485, 0.54947317],
+ [0.55164521, 0.55014564, 0.54986419],
+ [0.55203483, 0.55053651, 0.55025529],
+ [0.55242454, 0.55092747, 0.55064649],
+ [0.55281433, 0.55131852, 0.55103777],
+ [0.55320422, 0.55170966, 0.55142915],
+ [0.55359419, 0.55210088, 0.55182062],
+ [0.55398426, 0.55249220, 0.55221217],
+ [0.55437441, 0.55288362, 0.55260382],
+ [0.55476465, 0.55327512, 0.55299555],
+ [0.55515498, 0.55366671, 0.55338738],
+ [0.55554540, 0.55405839, 0.55377930],
+ [0.55593591, 0.55445016, 0.55417131],
+ [0.55632651, 0.55484202, 0.55456341],
+ [0.55671720, 0.55523398, 0.55495560],
+ [0.55710798, 0.55562602, 0.55534788],
+ [0.55749885, 0.55601815, 0.55574025],
+ [0.55788981, 0.55641038, 0.55613271],
+ [0.55828086, 0.55680270, 0.55652527],
+ [0.55867200, 0.55719511, 0.55691791],
+ [0.55906323, 0.55758760, 0.55731065],
+ [0.55945455, 0.55798019, 0.55770348],
+ [0.55984596, 0.55837288, 0.55809640],
+ [0.56023746, 0.55876565, 0.55848942],
+ [0.56062905, 0.55915852, 0.55888252],
+ [0.56102073, 0.55955148, 0.55927572],
+ [0.56141251, 0.55994452, 0.55966900],
+ [0.56180437, 0.56033767, 0.56006239],
+ [0.56219633, 0.56073090, 0.56045586],
+ [0.56258837, 0.56112422, 0.56084942],
+ [0.56298051, 0.56151764, 0.56124308],
+ [0.56337274, 0.56191115, 0.56163683],
+ [0.56376506, 0.56230475, 0.56203067],
+ [0.56415748, 0.56269845, 0.56242461],
+ [0.56454998, 0.56309224, 0.56281864],
+ [0.56494258, 0.56348612, 0.56321276],
+ [0.56533526, 0.56388009, 0.56360697],
+ [0.56572804, 0.56427416, 0.56400128],
+ [0.56612091, 0.56466832, 0.56439568],
+ [0.56651388, 0.56506257, 0.56479017],
+ [0.56690694, 0.56545691, 0.56518476],
+ [0.56730008, 0.56585135, 0.56557944],
+ [0.56769332, 0.56624588, 0.56597422],
+ [0.56808666, 0.56664051, 0.56636908],
+ [0.56848008, 0.56703523, 0.56676404],
+ [0.56887360, 0.56743004, 0.56715910],
+ [0.56926721, 0.56782495, 0.56755425],
+ [0.56966092, 0.56821995, 0.56794949],
+ [0.57005472, 0.56861504, 0.56834483],
+ [0.57044861, 0.56901023, 0.56874026],
+ [0.57084259, 0.56940551, 0.56913579],
+ [0.57123667, 0.56980089, 0.56953141],
+ [0.57163084, 0.57019636, 0.56992712],
+ [0.57202510, 0.57059192, 0.57032293],
+ [0.57241946, 0.57098758, 0.57071884],
+ [0.57281391, 0.57138334, 0.57111484],
+ [0.57320846, 0.57177919, 0.57151093],
+ [0.57360309, 0.57217513, 0.57190712],
+ [0.57399783, 0.57257117, 0.57230340],
+ [0.57439266, 0.57296730, 0.57269978],
+ [0.57478758, 0.57336353, 0.57309625],
+ [0.57518259, 0.57375986, 0.57349282],
+ [0.57557770, 0.57415627, 0.57388949],
+ [0.57597290, 0.57455279, 0.57428625],
+ [0.57636820, 0.57494940, 0.57468310],
+ [0.57676360, 0.57534611, 0.57508006],
+ [0.57715909, 0.57574291, 0.57547710],
+ [0.57755467, 0.57613980, 0.57587425],
+ [0.57795035, 0.57653679, 0.57627149],
+ [0.57834612, 0.57693388, 0.57666882],
+ [0.57874199, 0.57733107, 0.57706625],
+ [0.57913795, 0.57772835, 0.57746378],
+ [0.57953401, 0.57812573, 0.57786141],
+ [0.57993016, 0.57852320, 0.57825913],
+ [0.58032641, 0.57892077, 0.57865694],
+ [0.58072276, 0.57931844, 0.57905486],
+ [0.58111920, 0.57971620, 0.57945287],
+ [0.58151573, 0.58011406, 0.57985098],
+ [0.58191236, 0.58051202, 0.58024918],
+ [0.58230909, 0.58091007, 0.58064748],
+ [0.58270592, 0.58130822, 0.58104588],
+ [0.58310284, 0.58170647, 0.58144438],
+ [0.58349986, 0.58210481, 0.58184297],
+ [0.58389697, 0.58250325, 0.58224166],
+ [0.58429418, 0.58290179, 0.58264045],
+ [0.58469149, 0.58330043, 0.58303934],
+ [0.58508889, 0.58369916, 0.58343832],
+ [0.58548639, 0.58409799, 0.58383740],
+ [0.58588398, 0.58449692, 0.58423658],
+ [0.58628168, 0.58489595, 0.58463586],
+ [0.58667947, 0.58529507, 0.58503523],
+ [0.58707736, 0.58569430, 0.58543471],
+ [0.58747534, 0.58609362, 0.58583428],
+ [0.58787342, 0.58649304, 0.58623395],
+ [0.58827160, 0.58689256, 0.58663372],
+ [0.58866988, 0.58729217, 0.58703359],
+ [0.58906826, 0.58769189, 0.58743355],
+ [0.58946673, 0.58809170, 0.58783362],
+ [0.58986530, 0.58849161, 0.58823378],
+ [0.59026397, 0.58889162, 0.58863404],
+ [0.59066273, 0.58929173, 0.58903441],
+ [0.59106160, 0.58969194, 0.58943487],
+ [0.59146056, 0.59009225, 0.58983543],
+ [0.59185962, 0.59049266, 0.59023609],
+ [0.59225878, 0.59089316, 0.59063684],
+ [0.59265804, 0.59129377, 0.59103770],
+ [0.59305740, 0.59169447, 0.59143866],
+ [0.59345685, 0.59209528, 0.59183972],
+ [0.59385641, 0.59249618, 0.59224088],
+ [0.59425606, 0.59289719, 0.59264213],
+ [0.59465581, 0.59329829, 0.59304349],
+ [0.59505566, 0.59369949, 0.59344495],
+ [0.59545561, 0.59410080, 0.59384651],
+ [0.59585566, 0.59450220, 0.59424816],
+ [0.59625581, 0.59490371, 0.59464992],
+ [0.59665606, 0.59530531, 0.59505178],
+ [0.59705641, 0.59570702, 0.59545374],
+ [0.59745686, 0.59610882, 0.59585580],
+ [0.59785740, 0.59651073, 0.59625796],
+ [0.59825805, 0.59691273, 0.59666022],
+ [0.59865880, 0.59731484, 0.59706259],
+ [0.59905965, 0.59771705, 0.59746505],
+ [0.59946059, 0.59811936, 0.59786761],
+ [0.59986164, 0.59852177, 0.59827028],
+ [0.60026279, 0.59892428, 0.59867305],
+ [0.60066404, 0.59932689, 0.59907592],
+ [0.60106539, 0.59972961, 0.59947889],
+ [0.60146684, 0.60013242, 0.59988196],
+ [0.60186839, 0.60053534, 0.60028514],
+ [0.60227004, 0.60093836, 0.60068841],
+ [0.60267179, 0.60134148, 0.60109179],
+ [0.60307365, 0.60174471, 0.60149527],
+ [0.60347560, 0.60214803, 0.60189885],
+ [0.60387766, 0.60255146, 0.60230253],
+ [0.60427982, 0.60295499, 0.60270632],
+ [0.60468208, 0.60335862, 0.60311021],
+ [0.60508444, 0.60376235, 0.60351420],
+ [0.60548690, 0.60416619, 0.60391830],
+ [0.60588946, 0.60457013, 0.60432249],
+ [0.60629213, 0.60497417, 0.60472679],
+ [0.60669489, 0.60537831, 0.60513119],
+ [0.60709777, 0.60578256, 0.60553570],
+ [0.60750074, 0.60618691, 0.60594031],
+ [0.60790381, 0.60659136, 0.60634502],
+ [0.60830699, 0.60699592, 0.60674983],
+ [0.60871027, 0.60740058, 0.60715475],
+ [0.60911365, 0.60780534, 0.60755978],
+ [0.60951713, 0.60821021, 0.60796490],
+ [0.60992072, 0.60861518, 0.60837013],
+ [0.61032441, 0.60902025, 0.60877546],
+ [0.61072820, 0.60942543, 0.60918090],
+ [0.61113210, 0.60983071, 0.60958644],
+ [0.61153610, 0.61023609, 0.60999208],
+ [0.61194020, 0.61064158, 0.61039783],
+ [0.61234440, 0.61104718, 0.61080369],
+ [0.61274871, 0.61145287, 0.61120964],
+ [0.61315312, 0.61185867, 0.61161571],
+ [0.61355764, 0.61226458, 0.61202187],
+ [0.61396226, 0.61267059, 0.61242814],
+ [0.61436698, 0.61307670, 0.61283452],
+ [0.61477181, 0.61348293, 0.61324100],
+ [0.61517674, 0.61388925, 0.61364759],
+ [0.61558178, 0.61429568, 0.61405428],
+ [0.61598692, 0.61470221, 0.61446107],
+ [0.61639216, 0.61510885, 0.61486798],
+ [0.61679751, 0.61551560, 0.61527498],
+ [0.61720297, 0.61592245, 0.61568209],
+ [0.61760852, 0.61632940, 0.61608931],
+ [0.61801419, 0.61673646, 0.61649663],
+ [0.61841995, 0.61714363, 0.61690406],
+ [0.61882583, 0.61755090, 0.61731160],
+ [0.61923180, 0.61795828, 0.61771924],
+ [0.61963789, 0.61836576, 0.61812698],
+ [0.62004407, 0.61877335, 0.61853484],
+ [0.62045037, 0.61918105, 0.61894280],
+ [0.62085676, 0.61958885, 0.61935086],
+ [0.62126327, 0.61999676, 0.61975903],
+ [0.62166988, 0.62040478, 0.62016731],
+ [0.62207659, 0.62081290, 0.62057570],
+ [0.62248342, 0.62122112, 0.62098419],
+ [0.62289034, 0.62162946, 0.62139279],
+ [0.62329738, 0.62203790, 0.62180149],
+ [0.62370452, 0.62244645, 0.62221031],
+ [0.62411176, 0.62285510, 0.62261922],
+ [0.62451911, 0.62326386, 0.62302825],
+ [0.62492657, 0.62367273, 0.62343739],
+ [0.62533414, 0.62408171, 0.62384663],
+ [0.62574181, 0.62449080, 0.62425598],
+ [0.62614958, 0.62489999, 0.62466543],
+ [0.62655747, 0.62530929, 0.62507500],
+ [0.62696546, 0.62571869, 0.62548467],
+ [0.62737356, 0.62612821, 0.62589445],
+ [0.62778177, 0.62653783, 0.62630434],
+ [0.62819008, 0.62694756, 0.62671433],
+ [0.62859850, 0.62735740, 0.62712444],
+ [0.62900703, 0.62776734, 0.62753465],
+ [0.62941567, 0.62817740, 0.62794497],
+ [0.62982441, 0.62858756, 0.62835540],
+ [0.63023326, 0.62899783, 0.62876594],
+ [0.63064222, 0.62940821, 0.62917658],
+ [0.63105129, 0.62981870, 0.62958734],
+ [0.63146046, 0.63022930, 0.62999820],
+ [0.63186974, 0.63064001, 0.63040918],
+ [0.63227913, 0.63105082, 0.63082026],
+ [0.63268864, 0.63146174, 0.63123145],
+ [0.63309824, 0.63187278, 0.63164275],
+ [0.63350796, 0.63228392, 0.63205416],
+ [0.63391778, 0.63269517, 0.63246568],
+ [0.63432772, 0.63310654, 0.63287731],
+ [0.63473776, 0.63351801, 0.63328905],
+ [0.63514791, 0.63392959, 0.63370090],
+ [0.63555818, 0.63434128, 0.63411286],
+ [0.63596854, 0.63475308, 0.63452493],
+ [0.63637902, 0.63516499, 0.63493711],
+ [0.63678961, 0.63557701, 0.63534940],
+ [0.63720031, 0.63598914, 0.63576180],
+ [0.63761112, 0.63640138, 0.63617431],
+ [0.63802204, 0.63681373, 0.63658693],
+ [0.63843306, 0.63722619, 0.63699966],
+ [0.63884420, 0.63763877, 0.63741250],
+ [0.63925545, 0.63805145, 0.63782545],
+ [0.63966680, 0.63846424, 0.63823851],
+ [0.64007827, 0.63887715, 0.63865169],
+ [0.64048985, 0.63929016, 0.63906497],
+ [0.64090154, 0.63970329, 0.63947837],
+ [0.64131334, 0.64011653, 0.63989188],
+ [0.64172525, 0.64052988, 0.64030550],
+ [0.64213727, 0.64094334, 0.64071923],
+ [0.64254940, 0.64135691, 0.64113307],
+ [0.64296164, 0.64177059, 0.64154702],
+ [0.64337399, 0.64218439, 0.64196109],
+ [0.64378645, 0.64259829, 0.64237527],
+ [0.64419903, 0.64301231, 0.64278956],
+ [0.64461172, 0.64342644, 0.64320396],
+ [0.64502451, 0.64384069, 0.64361847],
+ [0.64543742, 0.64425504, 0.64403310],
+ [0.64585044, 0.64466951, 0.64444784],
+ [0.64626357, 0.64508409, 0.64486269],
+ [0.64667682, 0.64549878, 0.64527765],
+ [0.64709017, 0.64591359, 0.64569273],
+ [0.64750364, 0.64632850, 0.64610792],
+ [0.64791722, 0.64674353, 0.64652322],
+ [0.64833091, 0.64715868, 0.64693864],
+ [0.64874472, 0.64757393, 0.64735416],
+ [0.64915864, 0.64798930, 0.64776981],
+ [0.64957267, 0.64840478, 0.64818556],
+ [0.64998681, 0.64882038, 0.64860143],
+ [0.65040106, 0.64923609, 0.64901741],
+ [0.65081543, 0.64965191, 0.64943351],
+ [0.65122991, 0.65006785, 0.64984972],
+ [0.65164451, 0.65048390, 0.65026604],
+ [0.65205921, 0.65090006, 0.65068247],
+ [0.65247404, 0.65131634, 0.65109903],
+ [0.65288897, 0.65173273, 0.65151569],
+ [0.65330402, 0.65214924, 0.65193247],
+ [0.65371918, 0.65256586, 0.65234936],
+ [0.65413445, 0.65298259, 0.65276637],
+ [0.65454984, 0.65339944, 0.65318349],
+ [0.65496534, 0.65381640, 0.65360073],
+ [0.65538096, 0.65423348, 0.65401808],
+ [0.65579669, 0.65465067, 0.65443555],
+ [0.65621253, 0.65506798, 0.65485313],
+ [0.65662849, 0.65548540, 0.65527083],
+ [0.65704457, 0.65590294, 0.65568864],
+ [0.65746076, 0.65632059, 0.65610657],
+ [0.65787706, 0.65673836, 0.65652461],
+ [0.65829348, 0.65715624, 0.65694277],
+ [0.65871001, 0.65757424, 0.65736104],
+ [0.65912665, 0.65799236, 0.65777943],
+ [0.65954342, 0.65841059, 0.65819794],
+ [0.65996029, 0.65882893, 0.65861656],
+ [0.66037729, 0.65924739, 0.65903530],
+ [0.66079439, 0.65966597, 0.65945415],
+ [0.66121162, 0.66008466, 0.65987312],
+ [0.66162895, 0.66050347, 0.66029220],
+ [0.66204641, 0.66092240, 0.66071141],
+ [0.66246398, 0.66134144, 0.66113072],
+ [0.66288167, 0.66176060, 0.66155016],
+ [0.66329947, 0.66217987, 0.66196971],
+ [0.66371739, 0.66259927, 0.66238938],
+ [0.66413542, 0.66301877, 0.66280916],
+ [0.66455357, 0.66343840, 0.66322907],
+ [0.66497184, 0.66385814, 0.66364909],
+ [0.66539022, 0.66427800, 0.66406922],
+ [0.66580872, 0.66469798, 0.66448948],
+ [0.66622734, 0.66511807, 0.66490985],
+ [0.66664607, 0.66553829, 0.66533034],
+ [0.66706492, 0.66595861, 0.66575094],
+ [0.66748389, 0.66637906, 0.66617167],
+ [0.66790297, 0.66679963, 0.66659251],
+ [0.66832218, 0.66722031, 0.66701347],
+ [0.66874150, 0.66764111, 0.66743455],
+ [0.66916093, 0.66806203, 0.66785574],
+ [0.66958049, 0.66848306, 0.66827706],
+ [0.67000016, 0.66890422, 0.66869849],
+ [0.67041995, 0.66932549, 0.66912004],
+ [0.67083986, 0.66974688, 0.66954171],
+ [0.67125988, 0.67016839, 0.66996350],
+ [0.67168003, 0.67059002, 0.67038541],
+ [0.67210029, 0.67101177, 0.67080743],
+ [0.67252067, 0.67143364, 0.67122958],
+ [0.67294117, 0.67185562, 0.67165184],
+ [0.67336178, 0.67227773, 0.67207423],
+ [0.67378252, 0.67269995, 0.67249673],
+ [0.67420337, 0.67312229, 0.67291935],
+ [0.67462435, 0.67354475, 0.67334209],
+ [0.67504544, 0.67396734, 0.67376496],
+ [0.67546665, 0.67439004, 0.67418794],
+ [0.67588798, 0.67481286, 0.67461104],
+ [0.67630943, 0.67523580, 0.67503426],
+ [0.67673100, 0.67565886, 0.67545760],
+ [0.67715269, 0.67608204, 0.67588106],
+ [0.67757450, 0.67650534, 0.67630464],
+ [0.67799643, 0.67692876, 0.67672834],
+ [0.67841847, 0.67735231, 0.67715216],
+ [0.67884064, 0.67777597, 0.67757611],
+ [0.67926293, 0.67819975, 0.67800017],
+ [0.67968534, 0.67862365, 0.67842435],
+ [0.68010786, 0.67904768, 0.67884866],
+ [0.68053051, 0.67947182, 0.67927309],
+ [0.68095328, 0.67989609, 0.67969763],
+ [0.68137617, 0.68032048, 0.68012230],
+ [0.68179918, 0.68074498, 0.68054709],
+ [0.68222231, 0.68116961, 0.68097200],
+ [0.68264556, 0.68159436, 0.68139703],
+ [0.68306893, 0.68201924, 0.68182219],
+ [0.68349243, 0.68244423, 0.68224746],
+ [0.68391604, 0.68286935, 0.68267286],
+ [0.68433978, 0.68329458, 0.68309838],
+ [0.68476364, 0.68371994, 0.68352402],
+ [0.68518762, 0.68414542, 0.68394978],
+ [0.68561172, 0.68457103, 0.68437567],
+ [0.68603594, 0.68499676, 0.68480168],
+ [0.68646028, 0.68542260, 0.68522781],
+ [0.68688475, 0.68584857, 0.68565406],
+ [0.68730934, 0.68627467, 0.68608044],
+ [0.68773405, 0.68670088, 0.68650693],
+ [0.68815888, 0.68712722, 0.68693356],
+ [0.68858383, 0.68755368, 0.68736030],
+ [0.68900891, 0.68798027, 0.68778717],
+ [0.68943411, 0.68840698, 0.68821416],
+ [0.68985944, 0.68883381, 0.68864127],
+ [0.69028488, 0.68926076, 0.68906851],
+ [0.69071045, 0.68968784, 0.68949587],
+ [0.69113614, 0.69011504, 0.68992336],
+ [0.69156196, 0.69054237, 0.69035096],
+ [0.69198789, 0.69096982, 0.69077870],
+ [0.69241396, 0.69139739, 0.69120655],
+ [0.69284014, 0.69182508, 0.69163453],
+ [0.69326645, 0.69225291, 0.69206264],
+ [0.69369288, 0.69268085, 0.69249087],
+ [0.69411944, 0.69310892, 0.69291922],
+ [0.69454611, 0.69353711, 0.69334770],
+ [0.69497292, 0.69396543, 0.69377630],
+ [0.69539985, 0.69439387, 0.69420503],
+ [0.69582690, 0.69482244, 0.69463388],
+ [0.69625408, 0.69525113, 0.69506285],
+ [0.69668138, 0.69567995, 0.69549196],
+ [0.69710880, 0.69610889, 0.69592118],
+ [0.69753635, 0.69653796, 0.69635053],
+ [0.69796403, 0.69696715, 0.69678001],
+ [0.69839183, 0.69739647, 0.69720962],
+ [0.69881975, 0.69782592, 0.69763934],
+ [0.69924780, 0.69825548, 0.69806920],
+ [0.69967598, 0.69868518, 0.69849918],
+ [0.70010428, 0.69911500, 0.69892928],
+ [0.70053270, 0.69954495, 0.69935952],
+ [0.70096125, 0.69997502, 0.69978987],
+ [0.70138993, 0.70040522, 0.70022036],
+ [0.70181873, 0.70083554, 0.70065097],
+ [0.70224766, 0.70126599, 0.70108170],
+ [0.70267672, 0.70169657, 0.70151257],
+ [0.70310590, 0.70212728, 0.70194356],
+ [0.70353521, 0.70255811, 0.70237468],
+ [0.70396464, 0.70298906, 0.70280592],
+ [0.70439420, 0.70342015, 0.70323729],
+ [0.70482389, 0.70385136, 0.70366879],
+ [0.70525370, 0.70428270, 0.70410041],
+ [0.70568364, 0.70471417, 0.70453217],
+ [0.70611371, 0.70514576, 0.70496405],
+ [0.70654390, 0.70557748, 0.70539605],
+ [0.70697422, 0.70600933, 0.70582819],
+ [0.70740467, 0.70644130, 0.70626045],
+ [0.70783524, 0.70687341, 0.70669284],
+ [0.70826594, 0.70730564, 0.70712536],
+ [0.70869678, 0.70773800, 0.70755801],
+ [0.70912773, 0.70817049, 0.70799078],
+ [0.70955882, 0.70860310, 0.70842368],
+ [0.70999003, 0.70903585, 0.70885672],
+ [0.71042137, 0.70946872, 0.70928988],
+ [0.71085284, 0.70990172, 0.70972316],
+ [0.71128444, 0.71033485, 0.71015658],
+ [0.71171617, 0.71076811, 0.71059013],
+ [0.71214802, 0.71120150, 0.71102380],
+ [0.71258001, 0.71163502, 0.71145761],
+ [0.71301212, 0.71206866, 0.71189154],
+ [0.71344436, 0.71250244, 0.71232560],
+ [0.71387673, 0.71293634, 0.71275980],
+ [0.71430923, 0.71337037, 0.71319412],
+ [0.71474185, 0.71380454, 0.71362857],
+ [0.71517461, 0.71423883, 0.71406315],
+ [0.71560750, 0.71467325, 0.71449786],
+ [0.71604051, 0.71510781, 0.71493270],
+ [0.71647366, 0.71554249, 0.71536767],
+ [0.71690693, 0.71597730, 0.71580278],
+ [0.71734034, 0.71641224, 0.71623801],
+ [0.71777387, 0.71684732, 0.71667337],
+ [0.71820754, 0.71728252, 0.71710886],
+ [0.71864133, 0.71771785, 0.71754448],
+ [0.71907526, 0.71815332, 0.71798024],
+ [0.71950931, 0.71858891, 0.71841612],
+ [0.71994350, 0.71902464, 0.71885214],
+ [0.72037781, 0.71946050, 0.71928828],
+ [0.72081226, 0.71989649, 0.71972456],
+ [0.72124684, 0.72033261, 0.72016097],
+ [0.72168155, 0.72076886, 0.72059751],
+ [0.72211639, 0.72120524, 0.72103418],
+ [0.72255136, 0.72164175, 0.72147099],
+ [0.72298646, 0.72207840, 0.72190792],
+ [0.72342169, 0.72251518, 0.72234499],
+ [0.72385706, 0.72295209, 0.72278219],
+ [0.72429256, 0.72338913, 0.72321952],
+ [0.72472819, 0.72382630, 0.72365698],
+ [0.72516395, 0.72426361, 0.72409458],
+ [0.72559984, 0.72470104, 0.72453231],
+ [0.72603586, 0.72513861, 0.72497017],
+ [0.72647202, 0.72557632, 0.72540816],
+ [0.72690831, 0.72601415, 0.72584629],
+ [0.72734473, 0.72645212, 0.72628454],
+ [0.72778128, 0.72689022, 0.72672294],
+ [0.72821797, 0.72732846, 0.72716146],
+ [0.72865479, 0.72776683, 0.72760012],
+ [0.72909174, 0.72820533, 0.72803891],
+ [0.72952883, 0.72864396, 0.72847784],
+ [0.72996604, 0.72908273, 0.72891690],
+ [0.73040339, 0.72952163, 0.72935609],
+ [0.73084088, 0.72996066, 0.72979541],
+ [0.73127850, 0.73039983, 0.73023487],
+ [0.73171625, 0.73083914, 0.73067447],
+ [0.73215413, 0.73127857, 0.73111419],
+ [0.73259215, 0.73171814, 0.73155406],
+ [0.73303030, 0.73215785, 0.73199405],
+ [0.73346859, 0.73259769, 0.73243418],
+ [0.73390701, 0.73303766, 0.73287445],
+ [0.73434557, 0.73347777, 0.73331485],
+ [0.73478426, 0.73391801, 0.73375538],
+ [0.73522308, 0.73435839, 0.73419605],
+ [0.73566204, 0.73479891, 0.73463686],
+ [0.73610113, 0.73523955, 0.73507780],
+ [0.73654036, 0.73568034, 0.73551887],
+ [0.73697972, 0.73612126, 0.73596008],
+ [0.73741922, 0.73656231, 0.73640143],
+ [0.73785886, 0.73700350, 0.73684291],
+ [0.73829862, 0.73744482, 0.73728453],
+ [0.73873853, 0.73788628, 0.73772628],
+ [0.73917857, 0.73832788, 0.73816817],
+ [0.73961874, 0.73876961, 0.73861020],
+ [0.74005905, 0.73921148, 0.73905236],
+ [0.74049950, 0.73965349, 0.73949465],
+ [0.74094008, 0.74009563, 0.73993709],
+ [0.74138080, 0.74053791, 0.74037966],
+ [0.74182166, 0.74098032, 0.74082236],
+ [0.74226265, 0.74142287, 0.74126521],
+ [0.74270378, 0.74186556, 0.74170819],
+ [0.74314504, 0.74230839, 0.74215131],
+ [0.74358644, 0.74275135, 0.74259456],
+ [0.74402798, 0.74319445, 0.74303795],
+ [0.74446966, 0.74363768, 0.74348148],
+ [0.74491147, 0.74408106, 0.74392515],
+ [0.74535342, 0.74452457, 0.74436895],
+ [0.74579550, 0.74496822, 0.74481290],
+ [0.74623773, 0.74541200, 0.74525697],
+ [0.74668009, 0.74585593, 0.74570119],
+ [0.74712259, 0.74629999, 0.74614555],
+ [0.74756522, 0.74674419, 0.74659004],
+ [0.74800800, 0.74718853, 0.74703467],
+ [0.74845091, 0.74763300, 0.74747944],
+ [0.74889396, 0.74807762, 0.74792435],
+ [0.74933715, 0.74852237, 0.74836940],
+ [0.74978048, 0.74896726, 0.74881459],
+ [0.75022394, 0.74941230, 0.74925991],
+ [0.75066755, 0.74985747, 0.74970537],
+ [0.75111129, 0.75030277, 0.75015098],
+ [0.75155517, 0.75074822, 0.75059672],
+ [0.75199919, 0.75119381, 0.75104260],
+ [0.75244335, 0.75163954, 0.75148862],
+ [0.75288765, 0.75208540, 0.75193478],
+ [0.75333209, 0.75253141, 0.75238108],
+ [0.75377667, 0.75297755, 0.75282752],
+ [0.75422139, 0.75342384, 0.75327410],
+ [0.75466624, 0.75387026, 0.75372082],
+ [0.75511124, 0.75431683, 0.75416768],
+ [0.75555637, 0.75476354, 0.75461468],
+ [0.75600165, 0.75521038, 0.75506182],
+ [0.75644707, 0.75565737, 0.75550910],
+ [0.75689262, 0.75610449, 0.75595652],
+ [0.75733832, 0.75655176, 0.75640408],
+ [0.75778416, 0.75699917, 0.75685179],
+ [0.75823014, 0.75744672, 0.75729963],
+ [0.75867626, 0.75789441, 0.75774761],
+ [0.75912252, 0.75834224, 0.75819574],
+ [0.75956892, 0.75879021, 0.75864401],
+ [0.76001546, 0.75923833, 0.75909242],
+ [0.76046214, 0.75968658, 0.75954097],
+ [0.76090897, 0.76013498, 0.75998966],
+ [0.76135593, 0.76058352, 0.76043849],
+ [0.76180304, 0.76103220, 0.76088747],
+ [0.76225029, 0.76148102, 0.76133659],
+ [0.76269768, 0.76192998, 0.76178585],
+ [0.76314521, 0.76237909, 0.76223525],
+ [0.76359289, 0.76282834, 0.76268479],
+ [0.76404070, 0.76327773, 0.76313448],
+ [0.76448866, 0.76372726, 0.76358431],
+ [0.76493676, 0.76417694, 0.76403428],
+ [0.76538501, 0.76462676, 0.76448439],
+ [0.76583340, 0.76507672, 0.76493465],
+ [0.76628193, 0.76552683, 0.76538505],
+ [0.76673060, 0.76597708, 0.76583560],
+ [0.76717941, 0.76642747, 0.76628628],
+ [0.76762837, 0.76687800, 0.76673712],
+ [0.76807747, 0.76732868, 0.76718809],
+ [0.76852672, 0.76777950, 0.76763921],
+ [0.76897611, 0.76823047, 0.76809047],
+ [0.76942564, 0.76868158, 0.76854188],
+ [0.76987532, 0.76913283, 0.76899343],
+ [0.77032514, 0.76958423, 0.76944512],
+ [0.77077510, 0.77003577, 0.76989696],
+ [0.77122521, 0.77048746, 0.77034894],
+ [0.77167546, 0.77093929, 0.77080107],
+ [0.77212586, 0.77139127, 0.77125334],
+ [0.77257640, 0.77184339, 0.77170576],
+ [0.77302709, 0.77229565, 0.77215832],
+ [0.77347792, 0.77274806, 0.77261103],
+ [0.77392889, 0.77320062, 0.77306388],
+ [0.77438001, 0.77365332, 0.77351687],
+ [0.77483128, 0.77410616, 0.77397002],
+ [0.77528269, 0.77455916, 0.77442331],
+ [0.77573425, 0.77501229, 0.77487674],
+ [0.77618595, 0.77546558, 0.77533032],
+ [0.77663779, 0.77591900, 0.77578404],
+ [0.77708979, 0.77637258, 0.77623791],
+ [0.77754193, 0.77682630, 0.77669193],
+ [0.77799421, 0.77728016, 0.77714609],
+ [0.77844664, 0.77773418, 0.77760040],
+ [0.77889922, 0.77818834, 0.77805486],
+ [0.77935194, 0.77864264, 0.77850946],
+ [0.77980481, 0.77909709, 0.77896421],
+ [0.78025783, 0.77955169, 0.77941911],
+ [0.78071099, 0.78000644, 0.77987415],
+ [0.78116430, 0.78046133, 0.78032934],
+ [0.78161776, 0.78091637, 0.78078468],
+ [0.78207136, 0.78137156, 0.78124016],
+ [0.78252511, 0.78182690, 0.78169580],
+ [0.78297901, 0.78228238, 0.78215158],
+ [0.78343306, 0.78273801, 0.78260750],
+ [0.78388725, 0.78319379, 0.78306358],
+ [0.78434159, 0.78364971, 0.78351980],
+ [0.78479608, 0.78410579, 0.78397617],
+ [0.78525072, 0.78456201, 0.78443269],
+ [0.78570550, 0.78501838, 0.78488936],
+ [0.78616044, 0.78547490, 0.78534618],
+ [0.78661552, 0.78593156, 0.78580314],
+ [0.78707075, 0.78638838, 0.78626025],
+ [0.78752613, 0.78684535, 0.78671752],
+ [0.78798165, 0.78730246, 0.78717493],
+ [0.78843733, 0.78775972, 0.78763249],
+ [0.78889316, 0.78821713, 0.78809020],
+ [0.78934913, 0.78867469, 0.78854806],
+ [0.78980525, 0.78913240, 0.78900606],
+ [0.79026153, 0.78959026, 0.78946422],
+ [0.79071795, 0.79004827, 0.78992253],
+ [0.79117452, 0.79050643, 0.79038099],
+ [0.79163124, 0.79096474, 0.79083959],
+ [0.79208811, 0.79142320, 0.79129835],
+ [0.79254513, 0.79188181, 0.79175726],
+ [0.79300231, 0.79234057, 0.79221632],
+ [0.79345963, 0.79279948, 0.79267552],
+ [0.79391710, 0.79325854, 0.79313488],
+ [0.79437472, 0.79371775, 0.79359439],
+ [0.79483249, 0.79417711, 0.79405405],
+ [0.79529042, 0.79463662, 0.79451386],
+ [0.79574849, 0.79509629, 0.79497382],
+ [0.79620672, 0.79555610, 0.79543394],
+ [0.79666510, 0.79601607, 0.79589420],
+ [0.79712362, 0.79647619, 0.79635462],
+ [0.79758230, 0.79693645, 0.79681518],
+ [0.79804113, 0.79739688, 0.79727590],
+ [0.79850011, 0.79785745, 0.79773677],
+ [0.79895925, 0.79831817, 0.79819780],
+ [0.79941854, 0.79877905, 0.79865897],
+ [0.79987797, 0.79924008, 0.79912030],
+ [0.80033756, 0.79970126, 0.79958178],
+ [0.80079731, 0.80016259, 0.80004341],
+ [0.80125720, 0.80062408, 0.80050519],
+ [0.80171725, 0.80108572, 0.80096713],
+ [0.80217745, 0.80154751, 0.80142922],
+ [0.80263780, 0.80200945, 0.80189146],
+ [0.80309831, 0.80247155, 0.80235386],
+ [0.80355897, 0.80293380, 0.80281641],
+ [0.80401978, 0.80339620, 0.80327911],
+ [0.80448074, 0.80385876, 0.80374196],
+ [0.80494186, 0.80432147, 0.80420497],
+ [0.80540313, 0.80478433, 0.80466814],
+ [0.80586456, 0.80524735, 0.80513145],
+ [0.80632614, 0.80571052, 0.80559492],
+ [0.80678787, 0.80617385, 0.80605855],
+ [0.80724976, 0.80663733, 0.80652233],
+ [0.80771180, 0.80710096, 0.80698626],
+ [0.80817400, 0.80756475, 0.80745035],
+ [0.80863635, 0.80802869, 0.80791459],
+ [0.80909885, 0.80849279, 0.80837899],
+ [0.80956151, 0.80895705, 0.80884354],
+ [0.81002433, 0.80942145, 0.80930825],
+ [0.81048730, 0.80988602, 0.80977311],
+ [0.81095042, 0.81035073, 0.81023813],
+ [0.81141370, 0.81081561, 0.81070330],
+ [0.81187714, 0.81128064, 0.81116863],
+ [0.81234073, 0.81174582, 0.81163411],
+ [0.81280447, 0.81221116, 0.81209975],
+ [0.81326838, 0.81267666, 0.81256555],
+ [0.81373244, 0.81314231, 0.81303150],
+ [0.81419665, 0.81360812, 0.81349761],
+ [0.81466102, 0.81407408, 0.81396387],
+ [0.81512555, 0.81454020, 0.81443029],
+ [0.81559023, 0.81500648, 0.81489687],
+ [0.81605507, 0.81547292, 0.81536360],
+ [0.81652006, 0.81593951, 0.81583049],
+ [0.81698522, 0.81640625, 0.81629754],
+ [0.81745053, 0.81687316, 0.81676474],
+ [0.81791600, 0.81734022, 0.81723210],
+ [0.81838162, 0.81780744, 0.81769962],
+ [0.81884740, 0.81827482, 0.81816730],
+ [0.81931334, 0.81874235, 0.81863513],
+ [0.81977944, 0.81921004, 0.81910312],
+ [0.82024569, 0.81967789, 0.81957127],
+ [0.82071210, 0.82014590, 0.82003958],
+ [0.82117867, 0.82061407, 0.82050804],
+ [0.82164540, 0.82108239, 0.82097666],
+ [0.82211229, 0.82155087, 0.82144545],
+ [0.82257933, 0.82201951, 0.82191439],
+ [0.82304654, 0.82248831, 0.82238349],
+ [0.82351390, 0.82295727, 0.82285274],
+ [0.82398142, 0.82342639, 0.82332216],
+ [0.82444910, 0.82389566, 0.82379174],
+ [0.82491694, 0.82436510, 0.82426147],
+ [0.82538494, 0.82483469, 0.82473136],
+ [0.82585310, 0.82530445, 0.82520142],
+ [0.82632141, 0.82577436, 0.82567163],
+ [0.82678989, 0.82624443, 0.82614200],
+ [0.82725853, 0.82671467, 0.82661253],
+ [0.82772732, 0.82718506, 0.82708323],
+ [0.82819628, 0.82765561, 0.82755408],
+ [0.82866540, 0.82812632, 0.82802509],
+ [0.82913467, 0.82859720, 0.82849626],
+ [0.82960411, 0.82906823, 0.82896760],
+ [0.83007371, 0.82953942, 0.82943909],
+ [0.83054347, 0.83001078, 0.82991075],
+ [0.83101338, 0.83048229, 0.83038256],
+ [0.83148347, 0.83095397, 0.83085454],
+ [0.83195371, 0.83142581, 0.83132668],
+ [0.83242411, 0.83189781, 0.83179897],
+ [0.83289467, 0.83236997, 0.83227143],
+ [0.83336540, 0.83284229, 0.83274406],
+ [0.83383628, 0.83331477, 0.83321684],
+ [0.83430733, 0.83378742, 0.83368978],
+ [0.83477854, 0.83426023, 0.83416289],
+ [0.83524992, 0.83473320, 0.83463616],
+ [0.83572145, 0.83520633, 0.83510959],
+ [0.83619315, 0.83567962, 0.83558318],
+ [0.83666501, 0.83615308, 0.83605694],
+ [0.83713703, 0.83662670, 0.83653086],
+ [0.83760921, 0.83710048, 0.83700494],
+ [0.83808156, 0.83757442, 0.83747919],
+ [0.83855407, 0.83804853, 0.83795359],
+ [0.83902675, 0.83852280, 0.83842816],
+ [0.83949958, 0.83899724, 0.83890290],
+ [0.83997258, 0.83947183, 0.83937779],
+ [0.84044575, 0.83994659, 0.83985285],
+ [0.84091907, 0.84042152, 0.84032808],
+ [0.84139257, 0.84089661, 0.84080347],
+ [0.84186622, 0.84137186, 0.84127902],
+ [0.84234004, 0.84184728, 0.84175474],
+ [0.84281402, 0.84232286, 0.84223062],
+ [0.84328817, 0.84279860, 0.84270666],
+ [0.84376248, 0.84327451, 0.84318287],
+ [0.84423696, 0.84375058, 0.84365924],
+ [0.84471160, 0.84422682, 0.84413578],
+ [0.84518641, 0.84470323, 0.84461249],
+ [0.84566138, 0.84517979, 0.84508935],
+ [0.84613652, 0.84565653, 0.84556639],
+ [0.84661182, 0.84613343, 0.84604359],
+ [0.84708729, 0.84661049, 0.84652095],
+ [0.84756292, 0.84708772, 0.84699848],
+ [0.84803872, 0.84756512, 0.84747618],
+ [0.84851469, 0.84804268, 0.84795404],
+ [0.84899082, 0.84852041, 0.84843207],
+ [0.84946712, 0.84899830, 0.84891026],
+ [0.84994358, 0.84947636, 0.84938862],
+ [0.85042021, 0.84995459, 0.84986715],
+ [0.85089700, 0.85043298, 0.85034584],
+ [0.85137397, 0.85091154, 0.85082470],
+ [0.85185110, 0.85139027, 0.85130373],
+ [0.85232839, 0.85186916, 0.85178292],
+ [0.85280586, 0.85234822, 0.85226228],
+ [0.85328349, 0.85282745, 0.85274181],
+ [0.85376129, 0.85330685, 0.85322150],
+ [0.85423925, 0.85378641, 0.85370137],
+ [0.85471739, 0.85426614, 0.85418140],
+ [0.85519569, 0.85474604, 0.85466159],
+ [0.85567416, 0.85522610, 0.85514196],
+ [0.85615280, 0.85570634, 0.85562249],
+ [0.85663161, 0.85618674, 0.85610319],
+ [0.85711058, 0.85666731, 0.85658407],
+ [0.85758972, 0.85714805, 0.85706510],
+ [0.85806903, 0.85762896, 0.85754631],
+ [0.85854851, 0.85811004, 0.85802769],
+ [0.85902817, 0.85859128, 0.85850923],
+ [0.85950798, 0.85907270, 0.85899095],
+ [0.85998797, 0.85955428, 0.85947283],
+ [0.86046813, 0.86003603, 0.85995488],
+ [0.86094845, 0.86051796, 0.86043711],
+ [0.86142895, 0.86100005, 0.86091950],
+ [0.86190962, 0.86148231, 0.86140206],
+ [0.86239046, 0.86196474, 0.86188479],
+ [0.86287146, 0.86244734, 0.86236769],
+ [0.86335264, 0.86293012, 0.86285077],
+ [0.86383398, 0.86341306, 0.86333401],
+ [0.86431550, 0.86389617, 0.86381742],
+ [0.86479719, 0.86437946, 0.86430100],
+ [0.86527905, 0.86486291, 0.86478475],
+ [0.86576108, 0.86534654, 0.86526868],
+ [0.86624328, 0.86583033, 0.86575278],
+ [0.86672565, 0.86631430, 0.86623704],
+ [0.86720820, 0.86679844, 0.86672148],
+ [0.86769091, 0.86728275, 0.86720609],
+ [0.86817380, 0.86776723, 0.86769087],
+ [0.86865686, 0.86825188, 0.86817582],
+ [0.86914009, 0.86873671, 0.86866095],
+ [0.86962349, 0.86922170, 0.86914624],
+ [0.87010707, 0.86970687, 0.86963171],
+ [0.87059081, 0.87019221, 0.87011735],
+ [0.87107473, 0.87067773, 0.87060317],
+ [0.87155883, 0.87116342, 0.87108915],
+ [0.87204309, 0.87164927, 0.87157531],
+ [0.87252753, 0.87213531, 0.87206164],
+ [0.87301214, 0.87262151, 0.87254815],
+ [0.87349692, 0.87310789, 0.87303482],
+ [0.87398188, 0.87359444, 0.87352168],
+ [0.87446702, 0.87408117, 0.87400870],
+ [0.87495232, 0.87456807, 0.87449590],
+ [0.87543780, 0.87505514, 0.87498327],
+ [0.87592345, 0.87554238, 0.87547081],
+ [0.87640928, 0.87602981, 0.87595853],
+ [0.87689528, 0.87651740, 0.87644643],
+ [0.87738146, 0.87700517, 0.87693449],
+ [0.87786781, 0.87749311, 0.87742274],
+ [0.87835433, 0.87798123, 0.87791115],
+ [0.87884103, 0.87846952, 0.87839975],
+ [0.87932791, 0.87895799, 0.87888851],
+ [0.87981496, 0.87944663, 0.87937745],
+ [0.88030219, 0.87993545, 0.87986657],
+ [0.88078959, 0.88042444, 0.88035586],
+ [0.88127716, 0.88091361, 0.88084533],
+ [0.88176491, 0.88140295, 0.88133497],
+ [0.88225284, 0.88189247, 0.88182479],
+ [0.88274095, 0.88238217, 0.88231479],
+ [0.88322923, 0.88287204, 0.88280496],
+ [0.88371769, 0.88336209, 0.88329530],
+ [0.88420632, 0.88385231, 0.88378583],
+ [0.88469513, 0.88434271, 0.88427652],
+ [0.88518412, 0.88483329, 0.88476740],
+ [0.88567328, 0.88532405, 0.88525845],
+ [0.88616262, 0.88581498, 0.88574968],
+ [0.88665214, 0.88630608, 0.88624109],
+ [0.88714183, 0.88679737, 0.88673267],
+ [0.88763171, 0.88728883, 0.88722443],
+ [0.88812176, 0.88778047, 0.88771637],
+ [0.88861199, 0.88827229, 0.88820849],
+ [0.88910239, 0.88876429, 0.88870078],
+ [0.88959298, 0.88925646, 0.88919326],
+ [0.89008374, 0.88974881, 0.88968590],
+ [0.89057468, 0.89024134, 0.89017873],
+ [0.89106580, 0.89073405, 0.89067174],
+ [0.89155710, 0.89122694, 0.89116493],
+ [0.89204857, 0.89172000, 0.89165829],
+ [0.89254023, 0.89221325, 0.89215183],
+ [0.89303207, 0.89270667, 0.89264555],
+ [0.89352408, 0.89320027, 0.89313945],
+ [0.89401628, 0.89369405, 0.89363353],
+ [0.89450865, 0.89418802, 0.89412779],
+ [0.89500120, 0.89468216, 0.89462223],
+ [0.89549393, 0.89517648, 0.89511685],
+ [0.89598685, 0.89567098, 0.89561165],
+ [0.89647994, 0.89616566, 0.89610663],
+ [0.89697322, 0.89666052, 0.89660179],
+ [0.89746667, 0.89715556, 0.89709713],
+ [0.89796031, 0.89765078, 0.89759265],
+ [0.89845412, 0.89814618, 0.89808834],
+ [0.89894812, 0.89864177, 0.89858423],
+ [0.89944230, 0.89913753, 0.89908029],
+ [0.89993666, 0.89963348, 0.89957653],
+ [0.90043120, 0.90012960, 0.90007295],
+ [0.90092592, 0.90062591, 0.90056956],
+ [0.90142082, 0.90112240, 0.90106634],
+ [0.90191591, 0.90161907, 0.90156331],
+ [0.90241118, 0.90211592, 0.90206046],
+ [0.90290663, 0.90261296, 0.90255779],
+ [0.90340226, 0.90311017, 0.90305531],
+ [0.90389808, 0.90360757, 0.90355301],
+ [0.90439407, 0.90410515, 0.90405088],
+ [0.90489025, 0.90460292, 0.90454895],
+ [0.90538662, 0.90510086, 0.90504719],
+ [0.90588316, 0.90559899, 0.90554561],
+ [0.90637989, 0.90609730, 0.90604423],
+ [0.90687681, 0.90659580, 0.90654302],
+ [0.90737390, 0.90709448, 0.90704199],
+ [0.90787118, 0.90759334, 0.90754115],
+ [0.90836865, 0.90809239, 0.90804050],
+ [0.90886630, 0.90859162, 0.90854002],
+ [0.90936413, 0.90909103, 0.90903974],
+ [0.90986215, 0.90959063, 0.90953963],
+ [0.91036035, 0.91009041, 0.91003971],
+ [0.91085873, 0.91059038, 0.91053997],
+ [0.91135731, 0.91109053, 0.91104042],
+ [0.91185606, 0.91159087, 0.91154105],
+ [0.91235500, 0.91209139, 0.91204187],
+ [0.91285413, 0.91259209, 0.91254287],
+ [0.91335344, 0.91309299, 0.91304406],
+ [0.91385294, 0.91359406, 0.91354543],
+ [0.91435262, 0.91409532, 0.91404699],
+ [0.91485249, 0.91459677, 0.91454874],
+ [0.91535254, 0.91509840, 0.91505067],
+ [0.91585278, 0.91560022, 0.91555278],
+ [0.91635321, 0.91610223, 0.91605508],
+ [0.91685383, 0.91660442, 0.91655757],
+ [0.91735463, 0.91710680, 0.91706025],
+ [0.91785561, 0.91760936, 0.91756311],
+ [0.91835679, 0.91811211, 0.91806615],
+ [0.91885815, 0.91861505, 0.91856939],
+ [0.91935970, 0.91911818, 0.91907281],
+ [0.91986143, 0.91962149, 0.91957642],
+ [0.92036336, 0.92012499, 0.92008022],
+ [0.92086547, 0.92062868, 0.92058420],
+ [0.92136777, 0.92113255, 0.92108837],
+ [0.92187026, 0.92163662, 0.92159273],
+ [0.92237293, 0.92214087, 0.92209727],
+ [0.92287580, 0.92264530, 0.92260201],
+ [0.92337885, 0.92314993, 0.92310693],
+ [0.92388209, 0.92365475, 0.92361204],
+ [0.92438552, 0.92415975, 0.92411734],
+ [0.92488914, 0.92466494, 0.92462283],
+ [0.92539295, 0.92517033, 0.92512851],
+ [0.92589695, 0.92567590, 0.92563437],
+ [0.92640114, 0.92618166, 0.92614043],
+ [0.92690551, 0.92668761, 0.92664667],
+ [0.92741008, 0.92719375, 0.92715311],
+ [0.92791484, 0.92770007, 0.92765973],
+ [0.92841978, 0.92820659, 0.92816655],
+ [0.92892492, 0.92871330, 0.92867355],
+ [0.92943025, 0.92922020, 0.92918074],
+ [0.92993577, 0.92972729, 0.92968813],
+ [0.93044148, 0.93023457, 0.93019570],
+ [0.93094738, 0.93074204, 0.93070347],
+ [0.93145347, 0.93124970, 0.93121142],
+ [0.93195975, 0.93175755, 0.93171957],
+ [0.93246623, 0.93226560, 0.93222791],
+ [0.93297289, 0.93277383, 0.93273644],
+ [0.93347975, 0.93328226, 0.93324516],
+ [0.93398680, 0.93379087, 0.93375407],
+ [0.93449404, 0.93429968, 0.93426317],
+ [0.93500147, 0.93480868, 0.93477247],
+ [0.93550910, 0.93531788, 0.93528195],
+ [0.93601692, 0.93582726, 0.93579163],
+ [0.93652493, 0.93633684, 0.93630151],
+ [0.93703313, 0.93684661, 0.93681157],
+ [0.93754153, 0.93735657, 0.93732183],
+ [0.93805012, 0.93786673, 0.93783228],
+ [0.93855891, 0.93837708, 0.93834292],
+ [0.93906788, 0.93888762, 0.93885376],
+ [0.93957705, 0.93939836, 0.93936479],
+ [0.94008642, 0.93990929, 0.93987601],
+ [0.94059598, 0.94042041, 0.94038743],
+ [0.94110573, 0.94093172, 0.94089904],
+ [0.94161568, 0.94144324, 0.94141084],
+ [0.94212582, 0.94195494, 0.94192284],
+ [0.94263616, 0.94246684, 0.94243503],
+ [0.94314669, 0.94297893, 0.94294742],
+ [0.94365742, 0.94349122, 0.94346000],
+ [0.94416834, 0.94400370, 0.94397278],
+ [0.94467945, 0.94451638, 0.94448575],
+ [0.94519077, 0.94502926, 0.94499891],
+ [0.94570228, 0.94554232, 0.94551228],
+ [0.94621398, 0.94605559, 0.94602583],
+ [0.94672588, 0.94656905, 0.94653958],
+ [0.94723798, 0.94708270, 0.94705353],
+ [0.94775027, 0.94759655, 0.94756768],
+ [0.94826276, 0.94811060, 0.94808202],
+ [0.94877544, 0.94862484, 0.94859655],
+ [0.94928833, 0.94913928, 0.94911129],
+ [0.94980141, 0.94965392, 0.94962621],
+ [0.95031468, 0.95016875, 0.95014134],
+ [0.95082816, 0.95068379, 0.95065666],
+ [0.95134183, 0.95119901, 0.95117218],
+ [0.95185570, 0.95171444, 0.95168790],
+ [0.95236976, 0.95223006, 0.95220381],
+ [0.95288403, 0.95274588, 0.95271993],
+ [0.95339849, 0.95326190, 0.95323624],
+ [0.95391315, 0.95377811, 0.95375274],
+ [0.95442801, 0.95429453, 0.95426945],
+ [0.95494307, 0.95481114, 0.95478635],
+ [0.95545833, 0.95532795, 0.95530346],
+ [0.95597378, 0.95584496, 0.95582076],
+ [0.95648944, 0.95636217, 0.95633826],
+ [0.95700529, 0.95687957, 0.95685595],
+ [0.95752135, 0.95739718, 0.95737385],
+ [0.95803760, 0.95791498, 0.95789195],
+ [0.95855406, 0.95843299, 0.95841024],
+ [0.95907071, 0.95895119, 0.95892874],
+ [0.95958756, 0.95946960, 0.95944743],
+ [0.96010462, 0.95998820, 0.95996633],
+ [0.96062187, 0.96050700, 0.96048542],
+ [0.96113933, 0.96102601, 0.96100472],
+ [0.96165698, 0.96154521, 0.96152421],
+ [0.96217484, 0.96206462, 0.96204391],
+ [0.96269290, 0.96258422, 0.96256381],
+ [0.96321116, 0.96310403, 0.96308390],
+ [0.96372962, 0.96362404, 0.96360420],
+ [0.96424828, 0.96414425, 0.96412470],
+ [0.96476715, 0.96466466, 0.96464540],
+ [0.96528622, 0.96518527, 0.96516630],
+ [0.96580548, 0.96570608, 0.96568741],
+ [0.96632496, 0.96622710, 0.96620871],
+ [0.96684463, 0.96674832, 0.96673022],
+ [0.96736451, 0.96726974, 0.96725193],
+ [0.96788459, 0.96779136, 0.96777384],
+ [0.96840487, 0.96831318, 0.96829596],
+ [0.96892535, 0.96883521, 0.96881828],
+ [0.96944604, 0.96935744, 0.96934080],
+ [0.96996694, 0.96987988, 0.96986352],
+ [0.97048803, 0.97040252, 0.97038645],
+ [0.97100933, 0.97092536, 0.97090958],
+ [0.97153084, 0.97144840, 0.97143291],
+ [0.97205255, 0.97197165, 0.97195645],
+ [0.97257446, 0.97249510, 0.97248019],
+ [0.97309658, 0.97301876, 0.97300414],
+ [0.97361890, 0.97354262, 0.97352829],
+ [0.97414143, 0.97406669, 0.97405264],
+ [0.97466416, 0.97459096, 0.97457720],
+ [0.97518710, 0.97511543, 0.97510196],
+ [0.97571024, 0.97564011, 0.97562693],
+ [0.97623359, 0.97616499, 0.97615211],
+ [0.97675715, 0.97669008, 0.97667748],
+ [0.97728091, 0.97721538, 0.97720307],
+ [0.97780488, 0.97774088, 0.97772886],
+ [0.97832905, 0.97826659, 0.97825485],
+ [0.97885343, 0.97879250, 0.97878106],
+ [0.97937802, 0.97931862, 0.97930746],
+ [0.97990281, 0.97984495, 0.97983408],
+ [0.98042781, 0.98037148, 0.98036090],
+ [0.98095302, 0.98089822, 0.98088793],
+ [0.98147843, 0.98142517, 0.98141516],
+ [0.98200406, 0.98195232, 0.98194260],
+ [0.98252989, 0.98247968, 0.98247025],
+ [0.98305593, 0.98300725, 0.98299810],
+ [0.98358217, 0.98353503, 0.98352617],
+ [0.98410863, 0.98406301, 0.98405444],
+ [0.98463529, 0.98459120, 0.98458292],
+ [0.98516216, 0.98511960, 0.98511160],
+ [0.98568924, 0.98564821, 0.98564050],
+ [0.98621653, 0.98617702, 0.98616960],
+ [0.98674403, 0.98670605, 0.98669891],
+ [0.98727174, 0.98723528, 0.98722843],
+ [0.98779966, 0.98776473, 0.98775816],
+ [0.98832778, 0.98829438, 0.98828810],
+ [0.98885612, 0.98882424, 0.98881825],
+ [0.98938467, 0.98935431, 0.98934860],
+ [0.98991343, 0.98988459, 0.98987917],
+ [0.99044239, 0.99041508, 0.99040995],
+ [0.99097157, 0.99094578, 0.99094094],
+ [0.99150096, 0.99147669, 0.99147213],
+ [0.99203056, 0.99200781, 0.99200354],
+ [0.99256037, 0.99253914, 0.99253516],
+ [0.99309040, 0.99307069, 0.99306698],
+ [0.99362063, 0.99360244, 0.99359902],
+ [0.99415108, 0.99413441, 0.99413127],
+ [0.99468173, 0.99466658, 0.99466373],
+ [0.99521260, 0.99519897, 0.99519641],
+ [0.99574368, 0.99573157, 0.99572929],
+ [0.99627498, 0.99626438, 0.99626239],
+ [0.99680649, 0.99679740, 0.99679569],
+ [0.99733821, 0.99733064, 0.99732921],
+ [0.99787014, 0.99786408, 0.99786294],
+ [0.99840228, 0.99839774, 0.99839689],
+ [0.99893464, 0.99893162, 0.99893105],
+ [0.99946721, 0.99946570, 0.99946542],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.neutral', N=2560)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.neutral", N=2560)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/nuclear/nuclear.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/nuclear/nuclear.jscm
index 53b0807b..ee519fe2 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/nuclear/nuclear.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/nuclear/nuclear.jscm
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/nuclear/nuclear.py b/cmasher/colormaps/nuclear/nuclear.py
index b6974df4..6fd7ee59 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/nuclear/nuclear.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/nuclear/nuclear.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00020697, 0.00019319, 0.00015064],
- [0.00071850, 0.00067188, 0.00050625],
- [0.00148836, 0.00139629, 0.00101895],
- [0.00249411, 0.00235040, 0.00166547],
- [0.00371991, 0.00352518, 0.00243075],
- [0.00515301, 0.00491508, 0.00330407],
- [0.00678244, 0.00651659, 0.00427743],
- [0.00859844, 0.00832749, 0.00534470],
- [0.01059209, 0.01034650, 0.00650110],
- [0.01275517, 0.01257298, 0.00774287],
- [0.01508002, 0.01500676, 0.00906704],
- [0.01755949, 0.01764806, 0.01047122],
- [0.02018686, 0.02049736, 0.01195353],
- [0.02295578, 0.02355537, 0.01351242],
- [0.02586033, 0.02682294, 0.01514673],
- [0.02889486, 0.03030111, 0.01685540],
- [0.03205406, 0.03399100, 0.01863764],
- [0.03533289, 0.03789383, 0.02049279],
- [0.03872659, 0.04196773, 0.02242030],
- [0.04217872, 0.04601566, 0.02441974],
- [0.04555743, 0.05003522, 0.02649069],
- [0.04887329, 0.05402876, 0.02863281],
- [0.05212920, 0.05799834, 0.03084584],
- [0.05532777, 0.06194584, 0.03312947],
- [0.05847142, 0.06587296, 0.03548345],
- [0.06156235, 0.06978122, 0.03790755],
- [0.06460262, 0.07367200, 0.04040157],
- [0.06759412, 0.07754654, 0.04287963],
- [0.07053851, 0.08140606, 0.04533580],
- [0.07343748, 0.08525157, 0.04777207],
- [0.07629244, 0.08908410, 0.05018930],
- [0.07910481, 0.09290454, 0.05258851],
- [0.08187581, 0.09671377, 0.05497037],
- [0.08460672, 0.10051254, 0.05733578],
- [0.08729854, 0.10430163, 0.05968528],
- [0.08995234, 0.10808172, 0.06201951],
- [0.09256912, 0.11185344, 0.06433911],
- [0.09514971, 0.11561744, 0.06664450],
- [0.09769494, 0.11937428, 0.06893616],
- [0.10020561, 0.12312452, 0.07121454],
- [0.10268247, 0.12686865, 0.07348006],
- [0.10512619, 0.13060718, 0.07573309],
- [0.10753739, 0.13434057, 0.07797395],
- [0.10991666, 0.13806926, 0.08020294],
- [0.11226456, 0.14179369, 0.08242036],
- [0.11458160, 0.14551424, 0.08462648],
- [0.11686828, 0.14923132, 0.08682155],
- [0.11912504, 0.15294527, 0.08900579],
- [0.12135232, 0.15665646, 0.09117943],
- [0.12355049, 0.16036523, 0.09334265],
- [0.12571996, 0.16407188, 0.09549567],
- [0.12786107, 0.16777674, 0.09763865],
- [0.12997412, 0.17148010, 0.09977172],
- [0.13205940, 0.17518226, 0.10189504],
- [0.13411718, 0.17888350, 0.10400873],
- [0.13614773, 0.18258409, 0.10611291],
- [0.13815136, 0.18628425, 0.10820778],
- [0.14012821, 0.18998427, 0.11029335],
- [0.14207847, 0.19368438, 0.11236973],
- [0.14400236, 0.19738482, 0.11443703],
- [0.14590010, 0.20108579, 0.11649537],
- [0.14777176, 0.20478755, 0.11854474],
- [0.14961751, 0.20849029, 0.12058525],
- [0.15143754, 0.21219419, 0.12261699],
- [0.15323187, 0.21589950, 0.12463995],
- [0.15500067, 0.21960639, 0.12665422],
- [0.15674402, 0.22331504, 0.12865984],
- [0.15846194, 0.22702567, 0.13065680],
- [0.16015463, 0.23073840, 0.13264522],
- [0.16182200, 0.23445346, 0.13462501],
- [0.16346421, 0.23817098, 0.13659629],
- [0.16508122, 0.24189116, 0.13855900],
- [0.16667310, 0.24561414, 0.14051320],
- [0.16823984, 0.24934008, 0.14245885],
- [0.16978147, 0.25306913, 0.14439598],
- [0.17129797, 0.25680145, 0.14632457],
- [0.17278935, 0.26053718, 0.14824461],
- [0.17425557, 0.26427647, 0.15015608],
- [0.17569663, 0.26801945, 0.15205898],
- [0.17711247, 0.27176627, 0.15395325],
- [0.17850307, 0.27551705, 0.15583890],
- [0.17986834, 0.27927193, 0.15771585],
- [0.18120829, 0.28303103, 0.15958412],
- [0.18252277, 0.28679449, 0.16144360],
- [0.18381180, 0.29056242, 0.16329431],
- [0.18507521, 0.29433495, 0.16513615],
- [0.18631298, 0.29811219, 0.16696909],
- [0.18752499, 0.30189426, 0.16879306],
- [0.18871111, 0.30568128, 0.17060798],
- [0.18987132, 0.30947334, 0.17241382],
- [0.19100541, 0.31327058, 0.17421046],
- [0.19211332, 0.31707308, 0.17599786],
- [0.19319491, 0.32088096, 0.17777593],
- [0.19425003, 0.32469433, 0.17954455],
- [0.19527859, 0.32851326, 0.18130368],
- [0.19628040, 0.33233788, 0.18305319],
- [0.19725533, 0.33616828, 0.18479298],
- [0.19820323, 0.34000455, 0.18652297],
- [0.19912392, 0.34384679, 0.18824301],
- [0.20001726, 0.34769508, 0.18995302],
- [0.20088307, 0.35154952, 0.19165286],
- [0.20172116, 0.35541020, 0.19334241],
- [0.20253138, 0.35927720, 0.19502154],
- [0.20331352, 0.36315061, 0.19669012],
- [0.20406740, 0.36703051, 0.19834800],
- [0.20479282, 0.37091699, 0.19999504],
- [0.20548959, 0.37481011, 0.20163108],
- [0.20615750, 0.37870997, 0.20325598],
- [0.20679635, 0.38261664, 0.20486955],
- [0.20740594, 0.38653018, 0.20647165],
- [0.20798603, 0.39045069, 0.20806208],
- [0.20853642, 0.39437821, 0.20964067],
- [0.20905690, 0.39831284, 0.21120724],
- [0.20954722, 0.40225463, 0.21276157],
- [0.21000720, 0.40620364, 0.21430350],
- [0.21043655, 0.41015996, 0.21583278],
- [0.21083510, 0.41412363, 0.21734923],
- [0.21120261, 0.41809472, 0.21885260],
- [0.21153882, 0.42207329, 0.22034267],
- [0.21184357, 0.42605938, 0.22181924],
- [0.21211652, 0.43005308, 0.22328199],
- [0.21235755, 0.43405441, 0.22473074],
- [0.21256639, 0.43806343, 0.22616519],
- [0.21274279, 0.44208020, 0.22758508],
- [0.21288663, 0.44610475, 0.22899016],
- [0.21299752, 0.45013715, 0.23038007],
- [0.21307544, 0.45417741, 0.23175461],
- [0.21312003, 0.45822559, 0.23311339],
- [0.21313121, 0.46228173, 0.23445615],
- [0.21310872, 0.46634585, 0.23578254],
- [0.21305240, 0.47041800, 0.23709224],
- [0.21296211, 0.47449819, 0.23838490],
- [0.21283762, 0.47858647, 0.23966014],
- [0.21267891, 0.48268283, 0.24091764],
- [0.21248571, 0.48678734, 0.24215696],
- [0.21225808, 0.49089997, 0.24337778],
- [0.21199575, 0.49502077, 0.24457961],
- [0.21169885, 0.49914973, 0.24576212],
- [0.21136719, 0.50328687, 0.24692481],
- [0.21100088, 0.50743218, 0.24806729],
- [0.21059989, 0.51158567, 0.24918907],
- [0.21016426, 0.51574734, 0.25028967],
- [0.20969425, 0.51991715, 0.25136868],
- [0.20918971, 0.52409515, 0.25242546],
- [0.20865122, 0.52828126, 0.25345965],
- [0.20807868, 0.53247549, 0.25447057],
- [0.20747262, 0.53667781, 0.25545777],
- [0.20683348, 0.54088816, 0.25642071],
- [0.20616137, 0.54510656, 0.25735864],
- [0.20545721, 0.54933290, 0.25827113],
- [0.20472152, 0.55356716, 0.25915753],
- [0.20395477, 0.55780930, 0.26001707],
- [0.20315812, 0.56205922, 0.26084926],
- [0.20233248, 0.56631684, 0.26165339],
- [0.20147859, 0.57058214, 0.26242862],
- [0.20059794, 0.57485500, 0.26317436],
- [0.19969193, 0.57913530, 0.26388989],
- [0.19876208, 0.58342294, 0.26457444],
- [0.19780982, 0.58771785, 0.26522710],
- [0.19683725, 0.59201988, 0.26584716],
- [0.19584656, 0.59632889, 0.26643382],
- [0.19484008, 0.60064473, 0.26698623],
- [0.19382040, 0.60496724, 0.26750351],
- [0.19279039, 0.60929627, 0.26798477],
- [0.19175317, 0.61363164, 0.26842906],
- [0.19071216, 0.61797316, 0.26883542],
- [0.18967131, 0.62232060, 0.26920296],
- [0.18863480, 0.62667375, 0.26953070],
- [0.18760720, 0.63103238, 0.26981765],
- [0.18659349, 0.63539622, 0.27006278],
- [0.18559909, 0.63976501, 0.27026507],
- [0.18462988, 0.64413847, 0.27042348],
- [0.18369221, 0.64851629, 0.27053695],
- [0.18279292, 0.65289815, 0.27060442],
- [0.18193923, 0.65728373, 0.27062473],
- [0.18113908, 0.66167266, 0.27059683],
- [0.18040090, 0.66606455, 0.27051968],
- [0.17973362, 0.67045901, 0.27039219],
- [0.17914666, 0.67485561, 0.27021328],
- [0.17864991, 0.67925392, 0.26998191],
- [0.17825354, 0.68365350, 0.26969688],
- [0.17796837, 0.68805386, 0.26935721],
- [0.17780567, 0.69245449, 0.26896199],
- [0.17777682, 0.69685486, 0.26851024],
- [0.17789306, 0.70125447, 0.26800081],
- [0.17816638, 0.70565274, 0.26743301],
- [0.17860845, 0.71004908, 0.26680607],
- [0.17923045, 0.71444295, 0.26611895],
- [0.18004387, 0.71883370, 0.26537122],
- [0.18105939, 0.72322073, 0.26456221],
- [0.18228709, 0.72760342, 0.26369128],
- [0.18373660, 0.73198114, 0.26275823],
- [0.18541627, 0.73635326, 0.26176250],
- [0.18733385, 0.74071915, 0.26070413],
- [0.18949565, 0.74507816, 0.25958292],
- [0.19190693, 0.74942970, 0.25839900],
- [0.19457156, 0.75377313, 0.25715255],
- [0.19749207, 0.75810789, 0.25584391],
- [0.20066962, 0.76243339, 0.25447357],
- [0.20410395, 0.76674911, 0.25304214],
- [0.20779347, 0.77105451, 0.25155039],
- [0.21173529, 0.77534914, 0.24999924],
- [0.21592528, 0.77963255, 0.24838964],
- [0.22035816, 0.78390435, 0.24672285],
- [0.22502766, 0.78816421, 0.24499995],
- [0.22992658, 0.79241182, 0.24322256],
- [0.23504696, 0.79664694, 0.24139178],
- [0.24038016, 0.80086939, 0.23950942],
- [0.24591708, 0.80507904, 0.23757683],
- [0.25164822, 0.80927581, 0.23559549],
- [0.25756372, 0.81345968, 0.23356748],
- [0.26365374, 0.81763069, 0.23149389],
- [0.26990833, 0.82178892, 0.22937628],
- [0.27631742, 0.82593451, 0.22721671],
- [0.28287131, 0.83006765, 0.22501628],
- [0.28956046, 0.83418857, 0.22277634],
- [0.29637553, 0.83829753, 0.22049822],
- [0.30330751, 0.84239486, 0.21818320],
- [0.31034775, 0.84648090, 0.21583243],
- [0.31748795, 0.85055602, 0.21344693],
- [0.32472025, 0.85462063, 0.21102760],
- [0.33203722, 0.85867516, 0.20857518],
- [0.33943185, 0.86272004, 0.20609025],
- [0.34689758, 0.86675575, 0.20357323],
- [0.35442831, 0.87078274, 0.20102431],
- [0.36201838, 0.87480149, 0.19844353],
- [0.36966256, 0.87881249, 0.19583070],
- [0.37735564, 0.88281626, 0.19318616],
- [0.38509301, 0.88681328, 0.19050973],
- [0.39287107, 0.89080400, 0.18779975],
- [0.40068544, 0.89478897, 0.18505658],
- [0.40853278, 0.89876866, 0.18227902],
- [0.41641017, 0.90274351, 0.17946547],
- [0.42431417, 0.90671406, 0.17661570],
- [0.43224265, 0.91068072, 0.17372726],
- [0.44019310, 0.91464397, 0.17079872],
- [0.44816294, 0.91860430, 0.16782905],
- [0.45615107, 0.92256205, 0.16481446],
- [0.46415519, 0.92651773, 0.16175370],
- [0.47217347, 0.93047178, 0.15864467],
- [0.48020519, 0.93442455, 0.15548315],
- [0.48824904, 0.93837643, 0.15226599],
- [0.49630389, 0.94232783, 0.14898971],
- [0.50436874, 0.94627914, 0.14565037],
- [0.51244252, 0.95023076, 0.14224406],
- [0.52052475, 0.95418301, 0.13876532],
- [0.52861493, 0.95813624, 0.13520830],
- [0.53671258, 0.96209078, 0.13156672],
- [0.54481726, 0.96604696, 0.12783355],
- [0.55292825, 0.97000517, 0.12400180],
- [0.56104561, 0.97396567, 0.12006166],
- [0.56916921, 0.97792875, 0.11600264],
- [0.57729897, 0.98189469, 0.11181264],
- [0.58543490, 0.98586376, 0.10747761],
- [0.59357707, 0.98983624, 0.10298105]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00020697, 0.00019319, 0.00015064],
+ [0.00071850, 0.00067188, 0.00050625],
+ [0.00148836, 0.00139629, 0.00101895],
+ [0.00249411, 0.00235040, 0.00166547],
+ [0.00371991, 0.00352518, 0.00243075],
+ [0.00515301, 0.00491508, 0.00330407],
+ [0.00678244, 0.00651659, 0.00427743],
+ [0.00859844, 0.00832749, 0.00534470],
+ [0.01059209, 0.01034650, 0.00650110],
+ [0.01275517, 0.01257298, 0.00774287],
+ [0.01508002, 0.01500676, 0.00906704],
+ [0.01755949, 0.01764806, 0.01047122],
+ [0.02018686, 0.02049736, 0.01195353],
+ [0.02295578, 0.02355537, 0.01351242],
+ [0.02586033, 0.02682294, 0.01514673],
+ [0.02889486, 0.03030111, 0.01685540],
+ [0.03205406, 0.03399100, 0.01863764],
+ [0.03533289, 0.03789383, 0.02049279],
+ [0.03872659, 0.04196773, 0.02242030],
+ [0.04217872, 0.04601566, 0.02441974],
+ [0.04555743, 0.05003522, 0.02649069],
+ [0.04887329, 0.05402876, 0.02863281],
+ [0.05212920, 0.05799834, 0.03084584],
+ [0.05532777, 0.06194584, 0.03312947],
+ [0.05847142, 0.06587296, 0.03548345],
+ [0.06156235, 0.06978122, 0.03790755],
+ [0.06460262, 0.07367200, 0.04040157],
+ [0.06759412, 0.07754654, 0.04287963],
+ [0.07053851, 0.08140606, 0.04533580],
+ [0.07343748, 0.08525157, 0.04777207],
+ [0.07629244, 0.08908410, 0.05018930],
+ [0.07910481, 0.09290454, 0.05258851],
+ [0.08187581, 0.09671377, 0.05497037],
+ [0.08460672, 0.10051254, 0.05733578],
+ [0.08729854, 0.10430163, 0.05968528],
+ [0.08995234, 0.10808172, 0.06201951],
+ [0.09256912, 0.11185344, 0.06433911],
+ [0.09514971, 0.11561744, 0.06664450],
+ [0.09769494, 0.11937428, 0.06893616],
+ [0.10020561, 0.12312452, 0.07121454],
+ [0.10268247, 0.12686865, 0.07348006],
+ [0.10512619, 0.13060718, 0.07573309],
+ [0.10753739, 0.13434057, 0.07797395],
+ [0.10991666, 0.13806926, 0.08020294],
+ [0.11226456, 0.14179369, 0.08242036],
+ [0.11458160, 0.14551424, 0.08462648],
+ [0.11686828, 0.14923132, 0.08682155],
+ [0.11912504, 0.15294527, 0.08900579],
+ [0.12135232, 0.15665646, 0.09117943],
+ [0.12355049, 0.16036523, 0.09334265],
+ [0.12571996, 0.16407188, 0.09549567],
+ [0.12786107, 0.16777674, 0.09763865],
+ [0.12997412, 0.17148010, 0.09977172],
+ [0.13205940, 0.17518226, 0.10189504],
+ [0.13411718, 0.17888350, 0.10400873],
+ [0.13614773, 0.18258409, 0.10611291],
+ [0.13815136, 0.18628425, 0.10820778],
+ [0.14012821, 0.18998427, 0.11029335],
+ [0.14207847, 0.19368438, 0.11236973],
+ [0.14400236, 0.19738482, 0.11443703],
+ [0.14590010, 0.20108579, 0.11649537],
+ [0.14777176, 0.20478755, 0.11854474],
+ [0.14961751, 0.20849029, 0.12058525],
+ [0.15143754, 0.21219419, 0.12261699],
+ [0.15323187, 0.21589950, 0.12463995],
+ [0.15500067, 0.21960639, 0.12665422],
+ [0.15674402, 0.22331504, 0.12865984],
+ [0.15846194, 0.22702567, 0.13065680],
+ [0.16015463, 0.23073840, 0.13264522],
+ [0.16182200, 0.23445346, 0.13462501],
+ [0.16346421, 0.23817098, 0.13659629],
+ [0.16508122, 0.24189116, 0.13855900],
+ [0.16667310, 0.24561414, 0.14051320],
+ [0.16823984, 0.24934008, 0.14245885],
+ [0.16978147, 0.25306913, 0.14439598],
+ [0.17129797, 0.25680145, 0.14632457],
+ [0.17278935, 0.26053718, 0.14824461],
+ [0.17425557, 0.26427647, 0.15015608],
+ [0.17569663, 0.26801945, 0.15205898],
+ [0.17711247, 0.27176627, 0.15395325],
+ [0.17850307, 0.27551705, 0.15583890],
+ [0.17986834, 0.27927193, 0.15771585],
+ [0.18120829, 0.28303103, 0.15958412],
+ [0.18252277, 0.28679449, 0.16144360],
+ [0.18381180, 0.29056242, 0.16329431],
+ [0.18507521, 0.29433495, 0.16513615],
+ [0.18631298, 0.29811219, 0.16696909],
+ [0.18752499, 0.30189426, 0.16879306],
+ [0.18871111, 0.30568128, 0.17060798],
+ [0.18987132, 0.30947334, 0.17241382],
+ [0.19100541, 0.31327058, 0.17421046],
+ [0.19211332, 0.31707308, 0.17599786],
+ [0.19319491, 0.32088096, 0.17777593],
+ [0.19425003, 0.32469433, 0.17954455],
+ [0.19527859, 0.32851326, 0.18130368],
+ [0.19628040, 0.33233788, 0.18305319],
+ [0.19725533, 0.33616828, 0.18479298],
+ [0.19820323, 0.34000455, 0.18652297],
+ [0.19912392, 0.34384679, 0.18824301],
+ [0.20001726, 0.34769508, 0.18995302],
+ [0.20088307, 0.35154952, 0.19165286],
+ [0.20172116, 0.35541020, 0.19334241],
+ [0.20253138, 0.35927720, 0.19502154],
+ [0.20331352, 0.36315061, 0.19669012],
+ [0.20406740, 0.36703051, 0.19834800],
+ [0.20479282, 0.37091699, 0.19999504],
+ [0.20548959, 0.37481011, 0.20163108],
+ [0.20615750, 0.37870997, 0.20325598],
+ [0.20679635, 0.38261664, 0.20486955],
+ [0.20740594, 0.38653018, 0.20647165],
+ [0.20798603, 0.39045069, 0.20806208],
+ [0.20853642, 0.39437821, 0.20964067],
+ [0.20905690, 0.39831284, 0.21120724],
+ [0.20954722, 0.40225463, 0.21276157],
+ [0.21000720, 0.40620364, 0.21430350],
+ [0.21043655, 0.41015996, 0.21583278],
+ [0.21083510, 0.41412363, 0.21734923],
+ [0.21120261, 0.41809472, 0.21885260],
+ [0.21153882, 0.42207329, 0.22034267],
+ [0.21184357, 0.42605938, 0.22181924],
+ [0.21211652, 0.43005308, 0.22328199],
+ [0.21235755, 0.43405441, 0.22473074],
+ [0.21256639, 0.43806343, 0.22616519],
+ [0.21274279, 0.44208020, 0.22758508],
+ [0.21288663, 0.44610475, 0.22899016],
+ [0.21299752, 0.45013715, 0.23038007],
+ [0.21307544, 0.45417741, 0.23175461],
+ [0.21312003, 0.45822559, 0.23311339],
+ [0.21313121, 0.46228173, 0.23445615],
+ [0.21310872, 0.46634585, 0.23578254],
+ [0.21305240, 0.47041800, 0.23709224],
+ [0.21296211, 0.47449819, 0.23838490],
+ [0.21283762, 0.47858647, 0.23966014],
+ [0.21267891, 0.48268283, 0.24091764],
+ [0.21248571, 0.48678734, 0.24215696],
+ [0.21225808, 0.49089997, 0.24337778],
+ [0.21199575, 0.49502077, 0.24457961],
+ [0.21169885, 0.49914973, 0.24576212],
+ [0.21136719, 0.50328687, 0.24692481],
+ [0.21100088, 0.50743218, 0.24806729],
+ [0.21059989, 0.51158567, 0.24918907],
+ [0.21016426, 0.51574734, 0.25028967],
+ [0.20969425, 0.51991715, 0.25136868],
+ [0.20918971, 0.52409515, 0.25242546],
+ [0.20865122, 0.52828126, 0.25345965],
+ [0.20807868, 0.53247549, 0.25447057],
+ [0.20747262, 0.53667781, 0.25545777],
+ [0.20683348, 0.54088816, 0.25642071],
+ [0.20616137, 0.54510656, 0.25735864],
+ [0.20545721, 0.54933290, 0.25827113],
+ [0.20472152, 0.55356716, 0.25915753],
+ [0.20395477, 0.55780930, 0.26001707],
+ [0.20315812, 0.56205922, 0.26084926],
+ [0.20233248, 0.56631684, 0.26165339],
+ [0.20147859, 0.57058214, 0.26242862],
+ [0.20059794, 0.57485500, 0.26317436],
+ [0.19969193, 0.57913530, 0.26388989],
+ [0.19876208, 0.58342294, 0.26457444],
+ [0.19780982, 0.58771785, 0.26522710],
+ [0.19683725, 0.59201988, 0.26584716],
+ [0.19584656, 0.59632889, 0.26643382],
+ [0.19484008, 0.60064473, 0.26698623],
+ [0.19382040, 0.60496724, 0.26750351],
+ [0.19279039, 0.60929627, 0.26798477],
+ [0.19175317, 0.61363164, 0.26842906],
+ [0.19071216, 0.61797316, 0.26883542],
+ [0.18967131, 0.62232060, 0.26920296],
+ [0.18863480, 0.62667375, 0.26953070],
+ [0.18760720, 0.63103238, 0.26981765],
+ [0.18659349, 0.63539622, 0.27006278],
+ [0.18559909, 0.63976501, 0.27026507],
+ [0.18462988, 0.64413847, 0.27042348],
+ [0.18369221, 0.64851629, 0.27053695],
+ [0.18279292, 0.65289815, 0.27060442],
+ [0.18193923, 0.65728373, 0.27062473],
+ [0.18113908, 0.66167266, 0.27059683],
+ [0.18040090, 0.66606455, 0.27051968],
+ [0.17973362, 0.67045901, 0.27039219],
+ [0.17914666, 0.67485561, 0.27021328],
+ [0.17864991, 0.67925392, 0.26998191],
+ [0.17825354, 0.68365350, 0.26969688],
+ [0.17796837, 0.68805386, 0.26935721],
+ [0.17780567, 0.69245449, 0.26896199],
+ [0.17777682, 0.69685486, 0.26851024],
+ [0.17789306, 0.70125447, 0.26800081],
+ [0.17816638, 0.70565274, 0.26743301],
+ [0.17860845, 0.71004908, 0.26680607],
+ [0.17923045, 0.71444295, 0.26611895],
+ [0.18004387, 0.71883370, 0.26537122],
+ [0.18105939, 0.72322073, 0.26456221],
+ [0.18228709, 0.72760342, 0.26369128],
+ [0.18373660, 0.73198114, 0.26275823],
+ [0.18541627, 0.73635326, 0.26176250],
+ [0.18733385, 0.74071915, 0.26070413],
+ [0.18949565, 0.74507816, 0.25958292],
+ [0.19190693, 0.74942970, 0.25839900],
+ [0.19457156, 0.75377313, 0.25715255],
+ [0.19749207, 0.75810789, 0.25584391],
+ [0.20066962, 0.76243339, 0.25447357],
+ [0.20410395, 0.76674911, 0.25304214],
+ [0.20779347, 0.77105451, 0.25155039],
+ [0.21173529, 0.77534914, 0.24999924],
+ [0.21592528, 0.77963255, 0.24838964],
+ [0.22035816, 0.78390435, 0.24672285],
+ [0.22502766, 0.78816421, 0.24499995],
+ [0.22992658, 0.79241182, 0.24322256],
+ [0.23504696, 0.79664694, 0.24139178],
+ [0.24038016, 0.80086939, 0.23950942],
+ [0.24591708, 0.80507904, 0.23757683],
+ [0.25164822, 0.80927581, 0.23559549],
+ [0.25756372, 0.81345968, 0.23356748],
+ [0.26365374, 0.81763069, 0.23149389],
+ [0.26990833, 0.82178892, 0.22937628],
+ [0.27631742, 0.82593451, 0.22721671],
+ [0.28287131, 0.83006765, 0.22501628],
+ [0.28956046, 0.83418857, 0.22277634],
+ [0.29637553, 0.83829753, 0.22049822],
+ [0.30330751, 0.84239486, 0.21818320],
+ [0.31034775, 0.84648090, 0.21583243],
+ [0.31748795, 0.85055602, 0.21344693],
+ [0.32472025, 0.85462063, 0.21102760],
+ [0.33203722, 0.85867516, 0.20857518],
+ [0.33943185, 0.86272004, 0.20609025],
+ [0.34689758, 0.86675575, 0.20357323],
+ [0.35442831, 0.87078274, 0.20102431],
+ [0.36201838, 0.87480149, 0.19844353],
+ [0.36966256, 0.87881249, 0.19583070],
+ [0.37735564, 0.88281626, 0.19318616],
+ [0.38509301, 0.88681328, 0.19050973],
+ [0.39287107, 0.89080400, 0.18779975],
+ [0.40068544, 0.89478897, 0.18505658],
+ [0.40853278, 0.89876866, 0.18227902],
+ [0.41641017, 0.90274351, 0.17946547],
+ [0.42431417, 0.90671406, 0.17661570],
+ [0.43224265, 0.91068072, 0.17372726],
+ [0.44019310, 0.91464397, 0.17079872],
+ [0.44816294, 0.91860430, 0.16782905],
+ [0.45615107, 0.92256205, 0.16481446],
+ [0.46415519, 0.92651773, 0.16175370],
+ [0.47217347, 0.93047178, 0.15864467],
+ [0.48020519, 0.93442455, 0.15548315],
+ [0.48824904, 0.93837643, 0.15226599],
+ [0.49630389, 0.94232783, 0.14898971],
+ [0.50436874, 0.94627914, 0.14565037],
+ [0.51244252, 0.95023076, 0.14224406],
+ [0.52052475, 0.95418301, 0.13876532],
+ [0.52861493, 0.95813624, 0.13520830],
+ [0.53671258, 0.96209078, 0.13156672],
+ [0.54481726, 0.96604696, 0.12783355],
+ [0.55292825, 0.97000517, 0.12400180],
+ [0.56104561, 0.97396567, 0.12006166],
+ [0.56916921, 0.97792875, 0.11600264],
+ [0.57729897, 0.98189469, 0.11181264],
+ [0.58543490, 0.98586376, 0.10747761],
+ [0.59357707, 0.98983624, 0.10298105],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.nuclear', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.nuclear", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/ocean/ocean.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/ocean/ocean.jscm
index b07bb019..6e2688c0 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/ocean/ocean.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/ocean/ocean.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/ocean/ocean.py b/cmasher/colormaps/ocean/ocean.py
index 511f74cb..1696fe6d 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/ocean/ocean.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/ocean/ocean.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.11036298, 0.00169078, 0.25302591],
- [0.11229459, 0.00603321, 0.25753772],
- [0.11418039, 0.01060839, 0.26205180],
- [0.11601976, 0.01542029, 0.26656554],
- [0.11781256, 0.02047271, 0.27107617],
- [0.11955872, 0.02576938, 0.27558127],
- [0.12125791, 0.03131406, 0.28007901],
- [0.12291032, 0.03711032, 0.28456726],
- [0.12451564, 0.04306596, 0.28904459],
- [0.12607398, 0.04880321, 0.29350935],
- [0.12758536, 0.05434134, 0.29796010],
- [0.12904948, 0.05971483, 0.30239578],
- [0.13046681, 0.06494994, 0.30681480],
- [0.13183678, 0.07006769, 0.31121644],
- [0.13315975, 0.07508463, 0.31559936],
- [0.13443582, 0.08001428, 0.31996246],
- [0.13566461, 0.08486802, 0.32430500],
- [0.13684632, 0.08965512, 0.32862590],
- [0.13798112, 0.09438344, 0.33292414],
- [0.13906902, 0.09905971, 0.33719884],
- [0.14010980, 0.10368981, 0.34144923],
- [0.14110359, 0.10827871, 0.34567440],
- [0.14205060, 0.11283068, 0.34987342],
- [0.14295089, 0.11734954, 0.35404547],
- [0.14380456, 0.12183862, 0.35818971],
- [0.14461171, 0.12630089, 0.36230534],
- [0.14537250, 0.13073893, 0.36639155],
- [0.14608708, 0.13515508, 0.37044756],
- [0.14675568, 0.13955140, 0.37447257],
- [0.14737854, 0.14392971, 0.37846582],
- [0.14795595, 0.14829167, 0.38242655],
- [0.14848823, 0.15263873, 0.38635403],
- [0.14897577, 0.15697221, 0.39024752],
- [0.14941899, 0.16129329, 0.39410632],
- [0.14981839, 0.16560300, 0.39792975],
- [0.15017448, 0.16990228, 0.40171715],
- [0.15048788, 0.17419196, 0.40546789],
- [0.15075895, 0.17847288, 0.40918140],
- [0.15098858, 0.18274564, 0.41285707],
- [0.15117765, 0.18701078, 0.41649434],
- [0.15132702, 0.19126881, 0.42009270],
- [0.15143729, 0.19552028, 0.42365170],
- [0.15150958, 0.19976554, 0.42717089],
- [0.15154514, 0.20400486, 0.43064985],
- [0.15154485, 0.20823862, 0.43408825],
- [0.15150992, 0.21246704, 0.43748576],
- [0.15144194, 0.21669026, 0.44084210],
- [0.15134177, 0.22090856, 0.44415707],
- [0.15121131, 0.22512197, 0.44743047],
- [0.15105189, 0.22933064, 0.45066217],
- [0.15086511, 0.23353464, 0.45385211],
- [0.15065279, 0.23773398, 0.45700024],
- [0.15041652, 0.24192875, 0.46010658],
- [0.15015834, 0.24611888, 0.46317121],
- [0.14988003, 0.25030442, 0.46619422],
- [0.14958370, 0.25448531, 0.46917580],
- [0.14927143, 0.25866151, 0.47211617],
- [0.14894527, 0.26283299, 0.47501556],
- [0.14860770, 0.26699964, 0.47787431],
- [0.14826061, 0.27116148, 0.48069273],
- [0.14790675, 0.27531836, 0.48347126],
- [0.14754834, 0.27947023, 0.48621032],
- [0.14718783, 0.28361704, 0.48891036],
- [0.14682792, 0.28775866, 0.49157193],
- [0.14647096, 0.29189507, 0.49419555],
- [0.14611965, 0.29602617, 0.49678180],
- [0.14577671, 0.30015187, 0.49933131],
- [0.14544466, 0.30427214, 0.50184468],
- [0.14512624, 0.30838691, 0.50432260],
- [0.14482421, 0.31249611, 0.50676574],
- [0.14454126, 0.31659970, 0.50917482],
- [0.14427999, 0.32069765, 0.51155052],
- [0.14404324, 0.32478990, 0.51389361],
- [0.14383368, 0.32887643, 0.51620483],
- [0.14365391, 0.33295724, 0.51848492],
- [0.14350657, 0.33703232, 0.52073465],
- [0.14339432, 0.34110164, 0.52295479],
- [0.14331970, 0.34516522, 0.52514612],
- [0.14328515, 0.34922308, 0.52730938],
- [0.14329311, 0.35327524, 0.52944536],
- [0.14334599, 0.35732173, 0.53155482],
- [0.14344605, 0.36136258, 0.53363854],
- [0.14359550, 0.36539784, 0.53569725],
- [0.14379638, 0.36942758, 0.53773169],
- [0.14405074, 0.37345185, 0.53974261],
- [0.14436051, 0.37747071, 0.54173074],
- [0.14472745, 0.38148424, 0.54369680],
- [0.14515323, 0.38549252, 0.54564147],
- [0.14563938, 0.38949565, 0.54756543],
- [0.14618737, 0.39349370, 0.54946937],
- [0.14679849, 0.39748677, 0.55135394],
- [0.14747394, 0.40147496, 0.55321979],
- [0.14821476, 0.40545839, 0.55506753],
- [0.14902183, 0.40943715, 0.55689775],
- [0.14989598, 0.41341137, 0.55871106],
- [0.15083789, 0.41738115, 0.56050803],
- [0.15184810, 0.42134661, 0.56228920],
- [0.15292704, 0.42530787, 0.56405511],
- [0.15407502, 0.42926506, 0.56580628],
- [0.15529223, 0.43321829, 0.56754318],
- [0.15657875, 0.43716769, 0.56926630],
- [0.15793461, 0.44111338, 0.57097610],
- [0.15935970, 0.44505549, 0.57267302],
- [0.16085384, 0.44899414, 0.57435748],
- [0.16241677, 0.45292945, 0.57602988],
- [0.16404815, 0.45686154, 0.57769062],
- [0.16574758, 0.46079053, 0.57934004],
- [0.16751459, 0.46471656, 0.58097850],
- [0.16934866, 0.46863973, 0.58260632],
- [0.17124925, 0.47256015, 0.58422382],
- [0.17321580, 0.47647795, 0.58583130],
- [0.17524768, 0.48039322, 0.58742905],
- [0.17734425, 0.48430608, 0.58901731],
- [0.17950488, 0.48821663, 0.59059635],
- [0.18172891, 0.49212496, 0.59216639],
- [0.18401567, 0.49603117, 0.59372765],
- [0.18636453, 0.49993535, 0.59528034],
- [0.18877485, 0.50383759, 0.59682463],
- [0.19124600, 0.50773796, 0.59836071],
- [0.19377738, 0.51163653, 0.59988874],
- [0.19636843, 0.51553338, 0.60140886],
- [0.19901859, 0.51942856, 0.60292121],
- [0.20172736, 0.52332213, 0.60442591],
- [0.20449428, 0.52721414, 0.60592309],
- [0.20731892, 0.53110462, 0.60741283],
- [0.21020090, 0.53499361, 0.60889524],
- [0.21313989, 0.53888113, 0.61037040],
- [0.21613558, 0.54276720, 0.61183834],
- [0.21918777, 0.54665182, 0.61329914],
- [0.22229631, 0.55053498, 0.61475288],
- [0.22546108, 0.55441667, 0.61619963],
- [0.22868205, 0.55829685, 0.61763942],
- [0.23195924, 0.56217550, 0.61907231],
- [0.23529267, 0.56605258, 0.62049821],
- [0.23868256, 0.56992800, 0.62191727],
- [0.24212914, 0.57380170, 0.62332955],
- [0.24563267, 0.57767357, 0.62473500],
- [0.24919352, 0.58154354, 0.62613362],
- [0.25281216, 0.58541146, 0.62752556],
- [0.25648909, 0.58927720, 0.62891076],
- [0.26022491, 0.59314062, 0.63028927],
- [0.26402031, 0.59700151, 0.63166124],
- [0.26787604, 0.60085972, 0.63302651],
- [0.27179297, 0.60471500, 0.63438542],
- [0.27577199, 0.60856714, 0.63573775],
- [0.27981416, 0.61241587, 0.63708388],
- [0.28392056, 0.61626091, 0.63842373],
- [0.28809239, 0.62010194, 0.63975752],
- [0.29233093, 0.62393864, 0.64108550],
- [0.29663759, 0.62777064, 0.64240764],
- [0.30101382, 0.63159754, 0.64372434],
- [0.30546117, 0.63541892, 0.64503589],
- [0.30998130, 0.63923432, 0.64634259],
- [0.31457598, 0.64304323, 0.64764481],
- [0.31924707, 0.64684514, 0.64894289],
- [0.32399647, 0.65063947, 0.65023744],
- [0.32882620, 0.65442561, 0.65152904],
- [0.33373835, 0.65820289, 0.65281838],
- [0.33873515, 0.66197064, 0.65410616],
- [0.34381881, 0.66572811, 0.65539330],
- [0.34899160, 0.66947452, 0.65668086],
- [0.35425586, 0.67320902, 0.65797005],
- [0.35961394, 0.67693076, 0.65926212],
- [0.36506831, 0.68063881, 0.66055847],
- [0.37062112, 0.68433222, 0.66186104],
- [0.37627487, 0.68800998, 0.66317142],
- [0.38203149, 0.69167107, 0.66449210],
- [0.38789330, 0.69531443, 0.66582512],
- [0.39386193, 0.69893900, 0.66717343],
- [0.39993898, 0.70254369, 0.66853995],
- [0.40612583, 0.70612744, 0.66992783],
- [0.41242330, 0.70968920, 0.67134073],
- [0.41883173, 0.71322799, 0.67278257],
- [0.42535095, 0.71674289, 0.67425759],
- [0.43198011, 0.72023305, 0.67577030],
- [0.43871767, 0.72369779, 0.67732549],
- [0.44556123, 0.72713656, 0.67892818],
- [0.45250758, 0.73054898, 0.68058357],
- [0.45955261, 0.73393492, 0.68229694],
- [0.46669130, 0.73729444, 0.68407356],
- [0.47391772, 0.74062788, 0.68591867],
- [0.48122519, 0.74393585, 0.68783723],
- [0.48860630, 0.74721920, 0.68983393],
- [0.49605306, 0.75047904, 0.69191302],
- [0.50355706, 0.75371673, 0.69407825],
- [0.51110961, 0.75693384, 0.69633279],
- [0.51870199, 0.76013211, 0.69867915],
- [0.52632555, 0.76331345, 0.70111918],
- [0.53397196, 0.76647982, 0.70365405],
- [0.54163332, 0.76963326, 0.70628425],
- [0.54930234, 0.77277581, 0.70900965],
- [0.55697237, 0.77590947, 0.71182953],
- [0.56463671, 0.77903637, 0.71474289],
- [0.57229081, 0.78215824, 0.71774790],
- [0.57992912, 0.78527710, 0.72084282],
- [0.58754828, 0.78839452, 0.72402527],
- [0.59514475, 0.79151213, 0.72729283],
- [0.60271552, 0.79463151, 0.73064297],
- [0.61025836, 0.79775402, 0.73407296],
- [0.61777160, 0.80088094, 0.73758006],
- [0.62525367, 0.80401348, 0.74116153],
- [0.63270387, 0.80715267, 0.74481460],
- [0.64012176, 0.81029943, 0.74853655],
- [0.64750659, 0.81345476, 0.75232480],
- [0.65485840, 0.81661944, 0.75617675],
- [0.66217728, 0.81979422, 0.76008994],
- [0.66946389, 0.82297967, 0.76406197],
- [0.67671761, 0.82617671, 0.76809057],
- [0.68393980, 0.82938567, 0.77217354],
- [0.69113094, 0.83260710, 0.77630879],
- [0.69829165, 0.83584151, 0.78049432],
- [0.70542264, 0.83908936, 0.78472824],
- [0.71252470, 0.84235106, 0.78900873],
- [0.71959870, 0.84562698, 0.79333408],
- [0.72664555, 0.84891744, 0.79770266],
- [0.73366565, 0.85222293, 0.80211288],
- [0.74066008, 0.85554371, 0.80656326],
- [0.74763018, 0.85887990, 0.81105246],
- [0.75457589, 0.86223209, 0.81557902],
- [0.76149887, 0.86560029, 0.82014175],
- [0.76839930, 0.86898498, 0.82473936],
- [0.77527874, 0.87238615, 0.82937078],
- [0.78213686, 0.87580444, 0.83403472],
- [0.78897545, 0.87923974, 0.83873025],
- [0.79579511, 0.88269234, 0.84345633],
- [0.80259581, 0.88616273, 0.84821182],
- [0.80937888, 0.88965094, 0.85299585],
- [0.81614498, 0.89315719, 0.85780751],
- [0.82289470, 0.89668175, 0.86264586],
- [0.82962861, 0.90022485, 0.86751000],
- [0.83634729, 0.90378676, 0.87239906],
- [0.84305129, 0.90736771, 0.87731217],
- [0.84974113, 0.91096796, 0.88224848],
- [0.85641734, 0.91458776, 0.88720714],
- [0.86308039, 0.91822735, 0.89218732],
- [0.86973073, 0.92188701, 0.89718817],
- [0.87636879, 0.92556701, 0.90220883],
- [0.88299495, 0.92926763, 0.90724844],
- [0.88960897, 0.93298940, 0.91230596],
- [0.89621156, 0.93673248, 0.91738058],
- [0.90280302, 0.94049718, 0.92247137],
- [0.90938335, 0.94428393, 0.92757732],
- [0.91595203, 0.94809341, 0.93269721],
- [0.92250973, 0.95192575, 0.93783015],
- [0.92905588, 0.95578166, 0.94297488],
- [0.93558995, 0.95966178, 0.94813012],
- [0.94211204, 0.96356654, 0.95329477],
- [0.94862035, 0.96749711, 0.95846718],
- [0.95511504, 0.97145390, 0.96364632],
- [0.96159359, 0.97543838, 0.96883050],
- [0.96805534, 0.97945125, 0.97401875],
- [0.97449688, 0.98349435, 0.97920966],
- [0.98091630, 0.98756881, 0.98440279],
- [0.98730941, 0.99167667, 0.98959791],
- [0.99367218, 0.99581976, 0.99479608],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.11036298, 0.00169078, 0.25302591],
+ [0.11229459, 0.00603321, 0.25753772],
+ [0.11418039, 0.01060839, 0.26205180],
+ [0.11601976, 0.01542029, 0.26656554],
+ [0.11781256, 0.02047271, 0.27107617],
+ [0.11955872, 0.02576938, 0.27558127],
+ [0.12125791, 0.03131406, 0.28007901],
+ [0.12291032, 0.03711032, 0.28456726],
+ [0.12451564, 0.04306596, 0.28904459],
+ [0.12607398, 0.04880321, 0.29350935],
+ [0.12758536, 0.05434134, 0.29796010],
+ [0.12904948, 0.05971483, 0.30239578],
+ [0.13046681, 0.06494994, 0.30681480],
+ [0.13183678, 0.07006769, 0.31121644],
+ [0.13315975, 0.07508463, 0.31559936],
+ [0.13443582, 0.08001428, 0.31996246],
+ [0.13566461, 0.08486802, 0.32430500],
+ [0.13684632, 0.08965512, 0.32862590],
+ [0.13798112, 0.09438344, 0.33292414],
+ [0.13906902, 0.09905971, 0.33719884],
+ [0.14010980, 0.10368981, 0.34144923],
+ [0.14110359, 0.10827871, 0.34567440],
+ [0.14205060, 0.11283068, 0.34987342],
+ [0.14295089, 0.11734954, 0.35404547],
+ [0.14380456, 0.12183862, 0.35818971],
+ [0.14461171, 0.12630089, 0.36230534],
+ [0.14537250, 0.13073893, 0.36639155],
+ [0.14608708, 0.13515508, 0.37044756],
+ [0.14675568, 0.13955140, 0.37447257],
+ [0.14737854, 0.14392971, 0.37846582],
+ [0.14795595, 0.14829167, 0.38242655],
+ [0.14848823, 0.15263873, 0.38635403],
+ [0.14897577, 0.15697221, 0.39024752],
+ [0.14941899, 0.16129329, 0.39410632],
+ [0.14981839, 0.16560300, 0.39792975],
+ [0.15017448, 0.16990228, 0.40171715],
+ [0.15048788, 0.17419196, 0.40546789],
+ [0.15075895, 0.17847288, 0.40918140],
+ [0.15098858, 0.18274564, 0.41285707],
+ [0.15117765, 0.18701078, 0.41649434],
+ [0.15132702, 0.19126881, 0.42009270],
+ [0.15143729, 0.19552028, 0.42365170],
+ [0.15150958, 0.19976554, 0.42717089],
+ [0.15154514, 0.20400486, 0.43064985],
+ [0.15154485, 0.20823862, 0.43408825],
+ [0.15150992, 0.21246704, 0.43748576],
+ [0.15144194, 0.21669026, 0.44084210],
+ [0.15134177, 0.22090856, 0.44415707],
+ [0.15121131, 0.22512197, 0.44743047],
+ [0.15105189, 0.22933064, 0.45066217],
+ [0.15086511, 0.23353464, 0.45385211],
+ [0.15065279, 0.23773398, 0.45700024],
+ [0.15041652, 0.24192875, 0.46010658],
+ [0.15015834, 0.24611888, 0.46317121],
+ [0.14988003, 0.25030442, 0.46619422],
+ [0.14958370, 0.25448531, 0.46917580],
+ [0.14927143, 0.25866151, 0.47211617],
+ [0.14894527, 0.26283299, 0.47501556],
+ [0.14860770, 0.26699964, 0.47787431],
+ [0.14826061, 0.27116148, 0.48069273],
+ [0.14790675, 0.27531836, 0.48347126],
+ [0.14754834, 0.27947023, 0.48621032],
+ [0.14718783, 0.28361704, 0.48891036],
+ [0.14682792, 0.28775866, 0.49157193],
+ [0.14647096, 0.29189507, 0.49419555],
+ [0.14611965, 0.29602617, 0.49678180],
+ [0.14577671, 0.30015187, 0.49933131],
+ [0.14544466, 0.30427214, 0.50184468],
+ [0.14512624, 0.30838691, 0.50432260],
+ [0.14482421, 0.31249611, 0.50676574],
+ [0.14454126, 0.31659970, 0.50917482],
+ [0.14427999, 0.32069765, 0.51155052],
+ [0.14404324, 0.32478990, 0.51389361],
+ [0.14383368, 0.32887643, 0.51620483],
+ [0.14365391, 0.33295724, 0.51848492],
+ [0.14350657, 0.33703232, 0.52073465],
+ [0.14339432, 0.34110164, 0.52295479],
+ [0.14331970, 0.34516522, 0.52514612],
+ [0.14328515, 0.34922308, 0.52730938],
+ [0.14329311, 0.35327524, 0.52944536],
+ [0.14334599, 0.35732173, 0.53155482],
+ [0.14344605, 0.36136258, 0.53363854],
+ [0.14359550, 0.36539784, 0.53569725],
+ [0.14379638, 0.36942758, 0.53773169],
+ [0.14405074, 0.37345185, 0.53974261],
+ [0.14436051, 0.37747071, 0.54173074],
+ [0.14472745, 0.38148424, 0.54369680],
+ [0.14515323, 0.38549252, 0.54564147],
+ [0.14563938, 0.38949565, 0.54756543],
+ [0.14618737, 0.39349370, 0.54946937],
+ [0.14679849, 0.39748677, 0.55135394],
+ [0.14747394, 0.40147496, 0.55321979],
+ [0.14821476, 0.40545839, 0.55506753],
+ [0.14902183, 0.40943715, 0.55689775],
+ [0.14989598, 0.41341137, 0.55871106],
+ [0.15083789, 0.41738115, 0.56050803],
+ [0.15184810, 0.42134661, 0.56228920],
+ [0.15292704, 0.42530787, 0.56405511],
+ [0.15407502, 0.42926506, 0.56580628],
+ [0.15529223, 0.43321829, 0.56754318],
+ [0.15657875, 0.43716769, 0.56926630],
+ [0.15793461, 0.44111338, 0.57097610],
+ [0.15935970, 0.44505549, 0.57267302],
+ [0.16085384, 0.44899414, 0.57435748],
+ [0.16241677, 0.45292945, 0.57602988],
+ [0.16404815, 0.45686154, 0.57769062],
+ [0.16574758, 0.46079053, 0.57934004],
+ [0.16751459, 0.46471656, 0.58097850],
+ [0.16934866, 0.46863973, 0.58260632],
+ [0.17124925, 0.47256015, 0.58422382],
+ [0.17321580, 0.47647795, 0.58583130],
+ [0.17524768, 0.48039322, 0.58742905],
+ [0.17734425, 0.48430608, 0.58901731],
+ [0.17950488, 0.48821663, 0.59059635],
+ [0.18172891, 0.49212496, 0.59216639],
+ [0.18401567, 0.49603117, 0.59372765],
+ [0.18636453, 0.49993535, 0.59528034],
+ [0.18877485, 0.50383759, 0.59682463],
+ [0.19124600, 0.50773796, 0.59836071],
+ [0.19377738, 0.51163653, 0.59988874],
+ [0.19636843, 0.51553338, 0.60140886],
+ [0.19901859, 0.51942856, 0.60292121],
+ [0.20172736, 0.52332213, 0.60442591],
+ [0.20449428, 0.52721414, 0.60592309],
+ [0.20731892, 0.53110462, 0.60741283],
+ [0.21020090, 0.53499361, 0.60889524],
+ [0.21313989, 0.53888113, 0.61037040],
+ [0.21613558, 0.54276720, 0.61183834],
+ [0.21918777, 0.54665182, 0.61329914],
+ [0.22229631, 0.55053498, 0.61475288],
+ [0.22546108, 0.55441667, 0.61619963],
+ [0.22868205, 0.55829685, 0.61763942],
+ [0.23195924, 0.56217550, 0.61907231],
+ [0.23529267, 0.56605258, 0.62049821],
+ [0.23868256, 0.56992800, 0.62191727],
+ [0.24212914, 0.57380170, 0.62332955],
+ [0.24563267, 0.57767357, 0.62473500],
+ [0.24919352, 0.58154354, 0.62613362],
+ [0.25281216, 0.58541146, 0.62752556],
+ [0.25648909, 0.58927720, 0.62891076],
+ [0.26022491, 0.59314062, 0.63028927],
+ [0.26402031, 0.59700151, 0.63166124],
+ [0.26787604, 0.60085972, 0.63302651],
+ [0.27179297, 0.60471500, 0.63438542],
+ [0.27577199, 0.60856714, 0.63573775],
+ [0.27981416, 0.61241587, 0.63708388],
+ [0.28392056, 0.61626091, 0.63842373],
+ [0.28809239, 0.62010194, 0.63975752],
+ [0.29233093, 0.62393864, 0.64108550],
+ [0.29663759, 0.62777064, 0.64240764],
+ [0.30101382, 0.63159754, 0.64372434],
+ [0.30546117, 0.63541892, 0.64503589],
+ [0.30998130, 0.63923432, 0.64634259],
+ [0.31457598, 0.64304323, 0.64764481],
+ [0.31924707, 0.64684514, 0.64894289],
+ [0.32399647, 0.65063947, 0.65023744],
+ [0.32882620, 0.65442561, 0.65152904],
+ [0.33373835, 0.65820289, 0.65281838],
+ [0.33873515, 0.66197064, 0.65410616],
+ [0.34381881, 0.66572811, 0.65539330],
+ [0.34899160, 0.66947452, 0.65668086],
+ [0.35425586, 0.67320902, 0.65797005],
+ [0.35961394, 0.67693076, 0.65926212],
+ [0.36506831, 0.68063881, 0.66055847],
+ [0.37062112, 0.68433222, 0.66186104],
+ [0.37627487, 0.68800998, 0.66317142],
+ [0.38203149, 0.69167107, 0.66449210],
+ [0.38789330, 0.69531443, 0.66582512],
+ [0.39386193, 0.69893900, 0.66717343],
+ [0.39993898, 0.70254369, 0.66853995],
+ [0.40612583, 0.70612744, 0.66992783],
+ [0.41242330, 0.70968920, 0.67134073],
+ [0.41883173, 0.71322799, 0.67278257],
+ [0.42535095, 0.71674289, 0.67425759],
+ [0.43198011, 0.72023305, 0.67577030],
+ [0.43871767, 0.72369779, 0.67732549],
+ [0.44556123, 0.72713656, 0.67892818],
+ [0.45250758, 0.73054898, 0.68058357],
+ [0.45955261, 0.73393492, 0.68229694],
+ [0.46669130, 0.73729444, 0.68407356],
+ [0.47391772, 0.74062788, 0.68591867],
+ [0.48122519, 0.74393585, 0.68783723],
+ [0.48860630, 0.74721920, 0.68983393],
+ [0.49605306, 0.75047904, 0.69191302],
+ [0.50355706, 0.75371673, 0.69407825],
+ [0.51110961, 0.75693384, 0.69633279],
+ [0.51870199, 0.76013211, 0.69867915],
+ [0.52632555, 0.76331345, 0.70111918],
+ [0.53397196, 0.76647982, 0.70365405],
+ [0.54163332, 0.76963326, 0.70628425],
+ [0.54930234, 0.77277581, 0.70900965],
+ [0.55697237, 0.77590947, 0.71182953],
+ [0.56463671, 0.77903637, 0.71474289],
+ [0.57229081, 0.78215824, 0.71774790],
+ [0.57992912, 0.78527710, 0.72084282],
+ [0.58754828, 0.78839452, 0.72402527],
+ [0.59514475, 0.79151213, 0.72729283],
+ [0.60271552, 0.79463151, 0.73064297],
+ [0.61025836, 0.79775402, 0.73407296],
+ [0.61777160, 0.80088094, 0.73758006],
+ [0.62525367, 0.80401348, 0.74116153],
+ [0.63270387, 0.80715267, 0.74481460],
+ [0.64012176, 0.81029943, 0.74853655],
+ [0.64750659, 0.81345476, 0.75232480],
+ [0.65485840, 0.81661944, 0.75617675],
+ [0.66217728, 0.81979422, 0.76008994],
+ [0.66946389, 0.82297967, 0.76406197],
+ [0.67671761, 0.82617671, 0.76809057],
+ [0.68393980, 0.82938567, 0.77217354],
+ [0.69113094, 0.83260710, 0.77630879],
+ [0.69829165, 0.83584151, 0.78049432],
+ [0.70542264, 0.83908936, 0.78472824],
+ [0.71252470, 0.84235106, 0.78900873],
+ [0.71959870, 0.84562698, 0.79333408],
+ [0.72664555, 0.84891744, 0.79770266],
+ [0.73366565, 0.85222293, 0.80211288],
+ [0.74066008, 0.85554371, 0.80656326],
+ [0.74763018, 0.85887990, 0.81105246],
+ [0.75457589, 0.86223209, 0.81557902],
+ [0.76149887, 0.86560029, 0.82014175],
+ [0.76839930, 0.86898498, 0.82473936],
+ [0.77527874, 0.87238615, 0.82937078],
+ [0.78213686, 0.87580444, 0.83403472],
+ [0.78897545, 0.87923974, 0.83873025],
+ [0.79579511, 0.88269234, 0.84345633],
+ [0.80259581, 0.88616273, 0.84821182],
+ [0.80937888, 0.88965094, 0.85299585],
+ [0.81614498, 0.89315719, 0.85780751],
+ [0.82289470, 0.89668175, 0.86264586],
+ [0.82962861, 0.90022485, 0.86751000],
+ [0.83634729, 0.90378676, 0.87239906],
+ [0.84305129, 0.90736771, 0.87731217],
+ [0.84974113, 0.91096796, 0.88224848],
+ [0.85641734, 0.91458776, 0.88720714],
+ [0.86308039, 0.91822735, 0.89218732],
+ [0.86973073, 0.92188701, 0.89718817],
+ [0.87636879, 0.92556701, 0.90220883],
+ [0.88299495, 0.92926763, 0.90724844],
+ [0.88960897, 0.93298940, 0.91230596],
+ [0.89621156, 0.93673248, 0.91738058],
+ [0.90280302, 0.94049718, 0.92247137],
+ [0.90938335, 0.94428393, 0.92757732],
+ [0.91595203, 0.94809341, 0.93269721],
+ [0.92250973, 0.95192575, 0.93783015],
+ [0.92905588, 0.95578166, 0.94297488],
+ [0.93558995, 0.95966178, 0.94813012],
+ [0.94211204, 0.96356654, 0.95329477],
+ [0.94862035, 0.96749711, 0.95846718],
+ [0.95511504, 0.97145390, 0.96364632],
+ [0.96159359, 0.97543838, 0.96883050],
+ [0.96805534, 0.97945125, 0.97401875],
+ [0.97449688, 0.98349435, 0.97920966],
+ [0.98091630, 0.98756881, 0.98440279],
+ [0.98730941, 0.99167667, 0.98959791],
+ [0.99367218, 0.99581976, 0.99479608],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.ocean', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.ocean", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/pepper/pepper.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/pepper/pepper.jscm
index 373e1206..474cbf67 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/pepper/pepper.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/pepper/pepper.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/pepper/pepper.py b/cmasher/colormaps/pepper/pepper.py
index ec5ec098..58f7f591 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/pepper/pepper.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/pepper/pepper.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.24309136, 0.01863338, 0.08934888],
- [0.24804834, 0.01832749, 0.09056240],
- [0.25300942, 0.01797397, 0.09171907],
- [0.25797417, 0.01757320, 0.09281736],
- [0.26294307, 0.01712403, 0.09385472],
- [0.26791452, 0.01662911, 0.09483032],
- [0.27288913, 0.01608733, 0.09574117],
- [0.27786538, 0.01550157, 0.09658607],
- [0.28284278, 0.01487304, 0.09736270],
- [0.28782102, 0.01420276, 0.09806832],
- [0.29279871, 0.01349403, 0.09870107],
- [0.29777491, 0.01274961, 0.09925847],
- [0.30274847, 0.01197287, 0.09973799],
- [0.30771804, 0.01116788, 0.10013708],
- [0.31268232, 0.01033900, 0.10045291],
- [0.31763972, 0.00949150, 0.10068267],
- [0.32258800, 0.00863243, 0.10082417],
- [0.32752565, 0.00776775, 0.10087393],
- [0.33244986, 0.00690668, 0.10083001],
- [0.33735854, 0.00605740, 0.10068909],
- [0.34224871, 0.00523060, 0.10044894],
- [0.34711725, 0.00443797, 0.10010734],
- [0.35196078, 0.00369238, 0.09966226],
- [0.35677561, 0.00300812, 0.09911207],
- [0.36155796, 0.00240036, 0.09845512],
- [0.36630323, 0.00188703, 0.09769155],
- [0.37100710, 0.00148604, 0.09682094],
- [0.37566464, 0.00121756, 0.09584471],
- [0.38027106, 0.00110208, 0.09476441],
- [0.38482137, 0.00116127, 0.09358301],
- [0.38931057, 0.00141734, 0.09230471],
- [0.39373387, 0.00189244, 0.09093464],
- [0.39808681, 0.00260823, 0.08947884],
- [0.40236528, 0.00358566, 0.08794465],
- [0.40656573, 0.00484424, 0.08634009],
- [0.41068530, 0.00640163, 0.08467365],
- [0.41472185, 0.00827339, 0.08295418],
- [0.41867398, 0.01047271, 0.08119070],
- [0.42254107, 0.01301029, 0.07939194],
- [0.42632324, 0.01589441, 0.07756620],
- [0.43002124, 0.01913101, 0.07572116],
- [0.43363642, 0.02272395, 0.07386387],
- [0.43717059, 0.02667527, 0.07200027],
- [0.44062592, 0.03098552, 0.07013558],
- [0.44400487, 0.03565401, 0.06827425],
- [0.44731003, 0.04067491, 0.06641981],
- [0.45054413, 0.04575655, 0.06457493],
- [0.45370990, 0.05080261, 0.06274171],
- [0.45681004, 0.05581132, 0.06092161],
- [0.45984719, 0.06078162, 0.05911559],
- [0.46282395, 0.06571290, 0.05732446],
- [0.46574272, 0.07060526, 0.05554812],
- [0.46860579, 0.07545910, 0.05378637],
- [0.47141540, 0.08027487, 0.05203924],
- [0.47417354, 0.08505361, 0.05030583],
- [0.47688217, 0.08979616, 0.04858581],
- [0.47954300, 0.09450386, 0.04687801],
- [0.48215778, 0.09917766, 0.04518209],
- [0.48472800, 0.10381898, 0.04349685],
- [0.48725506, 0.10842912, 0.04182137],
- [0.48974031, 0.11300935, 0.04015040],
- [0.49218496, 0.11756094, 0.03849120],
- [0.49459017, 0.12208515, 0.03687955],
- [0.49695696, 0.12658323, 0.03531382],
- [0.49928632, 0.13105642, 0.03379248],
- [0.50157913, 0.13550589, 0.03231415],
- [0.50383622, 0.13993281, 0.03087752],
- [0.50605833, 0.14433831, 0.02948142],
- [0.50824623, 0.14872334, 0.02812502],
- [0.51040058, 0.15308895, 0.02680734],
- [0.51252190, 0.15743625, 0.02552737],
- [0.51461087, 0.16176600, 0.02428472],
- [0.51666794, 0.16607921, 0.02307861],
- [0.51869360, 0.17037673, 0.02190855],
- [0.52068834, 0.17465933, 0.02077423],
- [0.52265254, 0.17892785, 0.01967526],
- [0.52458658, 0.18318304, 0.01861140],
- [0.52649089, 0.18742553, 0.01758266],
- [0.52836568, 0.19165615, 0.01658871],
- [0.53021138, 0.19587543, 0.01562982],
- [0.53202823, 0.20008401, 0.01470600],
- [0.53381645, 0.20428257, 0.01381731],
- [0.53557629, 0.20847165, 0.01296398],
- [0.53730808, 0.21265170, 0.01214649],
- [0.53901195, 0.21682331, 0.01136507],
- [0.54068808, 0.22098699, 0.01062010],
- [0.54233666, 0.22514321, 0.00991205],
- [0.54395785, 0.22929243, 0.00924148],
- [0.54555181, 0.23343506, 0.00860897],
- [0.54711869, 0.23757152, 0.00801515],
- [0.54865860, 0.24170220, 0.00746073],
- [0.55017168, 0.24582748, 0.00694643],
- [0.55165803, 0.24994772, 0.00647303],
- [0.55311774, 0.25406326, 0.00604137],
- [0.55455091, 0.25817444, 0.00565232],
- [0.55595761, 0.26228158, 0.00530679],
- [0.55733792, 0.26638496, 0.00500573],
- [0.55869191, 0.27048490, 0.00475014],
- [0.56001963, 0.27458166, 0.00454106],
- [0.56132113, 0.27867551, 0.00437954],
- [0.56259646, 0.28276670, 0.00426670],
- [0.56384570, 0.28685546, 0.00420370],
- [0.56506891, 0.29094196, 0.00419178],
- [0.56626609, 0.29502650, 0.00423205],
- [0.56743724, 0.29910929, 0.00432573],
- [0.56858240, 0.30319052, 0.00447410],
- [0.56970165, 0.30727034, 0.00467849],
- [0.57079503, 0.31134892, 0.00494022],
- [0.57186247, 0.31542650, 0.00526054],
- [0.57290400, 0.31950324, 0.00564079],
- [0.57391977, 0.32357919, 0.00608247],
- [0.57490968, 0.32765460, 0.00658685],
- [0.57587371, 0.33172962, 0.00715529],
- [0.57681201, 0.33580430, 0.00778930],
- [0.57772452, 0.33987882, 0.00849022],
- [0.57861118, 0.34395334, 0.00925941],
- [0.57947219, 0.34802786, 0.01009843],
- [0.58030739, 0.35210260, 0.01100855],
- [0.58111684, 0.35617763, 0.01199120],
- [0.58190064, 0.36025301, 0.01304785],
- [0.58265865, 0.36432891, 0.01417975],
- [0.58339105, 0.36840533, 0.01538841],
- [0.58409771, 0.37248243, 0.01667507],
- [0.58477872, 0.37656025, 0.01804109],
- [0.58543408, 0.38063888, 0.01948778],
- [0.58606378, 0.38471841, 0.02101636],
- [0.58666789, 0.38879886, 0.02262811],
- [0.58724632, 0.39288038, 0.02432417],
- [0.58779921, 0.39696294, 0.02610575],
- [0.58832644, 0.40104670, 0.02797386],
- [0.58882816, 0.40513162, 0.02992964],
- [0.58930423, 0.40921787, 0.03197399],
- [0.58975480, 0.41330542, 0.03410791],
- [0.59017975, 0.41739439, 0.03633221],
- [0.59057918, 0.42148479, 0.03864772],
- [0.59095302, 0.42557671, 0.04104236],
- [0.59130131, 0.42967020, 0.04343720],
- [0.59162403, 0.43376530, 0.04583796],
- [0.59192114, 0.43786212, 0.04824370],
- [0.59219270, 0.44196064, 0.05065361],
- [0.59243858, 0.44606101, 0.05306680],
- [0.59265890, 0.45016320, 0.05548251],
- [0.59285348, 0.45426735, 0.05789990],
- [0.59302237, 0.45837349, 0.06031823],
- [0.59316550, 0.46248168, 0.06273671],
- [0.59328277, 0.46659204, 0.06515459],
- [0.59337424, 0.47070457, 0.06757114],
- [0.59343970, 0.47481940, 0.06998560],
- [0.59347912, 0.47893660, 0.07239723],
- [0.59349244, 0.48305623, 0.07480532],
- [0.59347948, 0.48717842, 0.07720911],
- [0.59344019, 0.49130321, 0.07960789],
- [0.59337441, 0.49543072, 0.08200092],
- [0.59328194, 0.49956106, 0.08438746],
- [0.59316273, 0.50369428, 0.08676680],
- [0.59301651, 0.50783055, 0.08913818],
- [0.59284309, 0.51196996, 0.09150088],
- [0.59264235, 0.51611258, 0.09385417],
- [0.59241396, 0.52025858, 0.09619730],
- [0.59215766, 0.52440808, 0.09852953],
- [0.59187331, 0.52856117, 0.10085013],
- [0.59156051, 0.53271802, 0.10315834],
- [0.59121894, 0.53687876, 0.10545341],
- [0.59084837, 0.54104351, 0.10773460],
- [0.59044837, 0.54521243, 0.11000116],
- [0.59001854, 0.54938568, 0.11225233],
- [0.58955855, 0.55356340, 0.11448735],
- [0.58906795, 0.55774574, 0.11670547],
- [0.58854625, 0.56193288, 0.11890591],
- [0.58799298, 0.56612498, 0.12108792],
- [0.58740771, 0.57032220, 0.12325073],
- [0.58678981, 0.57452473, 0.12539356],
- [0.58613873, 0.57873275, 0.12751563],
- [0.58545394, 0.58294641, 0.12961618],
- [0.58473477, 0.58716592, 0.13169441],
- [0.58398056, 0.59139147, 0.13374953],
- [0.58319061, 0.59562324, 0.13578074],
- [0.58236429, 0.59986142, 0.13778727],
- [0.58150075, 0.60410621, 0.13976829],
- [0.58059922, 0.60835783, 0.14172299],
- [0.57965890, 0.61261645, 0.14365056],
- [0.57867895, 0.61688228, 0.14555018],
- [0.57765843, 0.62115554, 0.14742099],
- [0.57659641, 0.62543642, 0.14926217],
- [0.57549192, 0.62972515, 0.15107287],
- [0.57434398, 0.63402190, 0.15285221],
- [0.57315149, 0.63832693, 0.15459932],
- [0.57191335, 0.64264042, 0.15631332],
- [0.57062842, 0.64696260, 0.15799330],
- [0.56929555, 0.65129366, 0.15963836],
- [0.56791345, 0.65563383, 0.16124755],
- [0.56648083, 0.65998334, 0.16281993],
- [0.56499636, 0.66434239, 0.16435454],
- [0.56345871, 0.66871117, 0.16585040],
- [0.56186636, 0.67308993, 0.16730650],
- [0.56021781, 0.67747887, 0.16872181],
- [0.55851151, 0.68187821, 0.17009527],
- [0.55674586, 0.68628814, 0.17142584],
- [0.55491916, 0.69070889, 0.17271239],
- [0.55302964, 0.69514067, 0.17395381],
- [0.55107547, 0.69958369, 0.17514891],
- [0.54905473, 0.70403815, 0.17629652],
- [0.54696553, 0.70850424, 0.17739543],
- [0.54480574, 0.71298219, 0.17844435],
- [0.54257321, 0.71747220, 0.17944198],
- [0.54026570, 0.72197446, 0.18038698],
- [0.53788088, 0.72648916, 0.18127797],
- [0.53541640, 0.73101650, 0.18211352],
- [0.53286962, 0.73555668, 0.18289215],
- [0.53023791, 0.74010988, 0.18361229],
- [0.52751846, 0.74467629, 0.18427237],
- [0.52470839, 0.74925610, 0.18487072],
- [0.52180471, 0.75384947, 0.18540566],
- [0.51880417, 0.75845659, 0.18587537],
- [0.51570339, 0.76307763, 0.18627798],
- [0.51249886, 0.76771277, 0.18661155],
- [0.50918685, 0.77236217, 0.18687405],
- [0.50576348, 0.77702598, 0.18706336],
- [0.50222468, 0.78170436, 0.18717730],
- [0.49856601, 0.78639746, 0.18721350],
- [0.49478284, 0.79110545, 0.18716951],
- [0.49087030, 0.79582847, 0.18704278],
- [0.48682317, 0.80056665, 0.18683059],
- [0.48263593, 0.80532013, 0.18653010],
- [0.47830282, 0.81008902, 0.18613835],
- [0.47381743, 0.81487347, 0.18565211],
- [0.46917302, 0.81967359, 0.18506800],
- [0.46436236, 0.82448952, 0.18438241],
- [0.45937767, 0.82932135, 0.18359154],
- [0.45421058, 0.83416919, 0.18269130],
- [0.44885201, 0.83903314, 0.18167733],
- [0.44329221, 0.84391329, 0.18054498],
- [0.43752050, 0.84880972, 0.17928924],
- [0.43152512, 0.85372253, 0.17790462],
- [0.42529326, 0.85865180, 0.17638526],
- [0.41881084, 0.86359760, 0.17472476],
- [0.41206230, 0.86856000, 0.17291617],
- [0.40503036, 0.87353906, 0.17095189],
- [0.39769574, 0.87853483, 0.16882354],
- [0.39003682, 0.88354737, 0.16652189],
- [0.38202920, 0.88857672, 0.16403670],
- [0.37364516, 0.89362293, 0.16135653],
- [0.36485299, 0.89868601, 0.15846859],
- [0.35561615, 0.90376599, 0.15535841],
- [0.34589207, 0.90886290, 0.15200954],
- [0.33563060, 0.91397675, 0.14840307],
- [0.32477213, 0.91910757, 0.14451714],
- [0.31324486, 0.92425534, 0.14032627],
- [0.30096083, 0.92942009, 0.13580031],
- [0.28781045, 0.93460179, 0.13090324],
- [0.27365414, 0.93980045, 0.12559132],
- [0.25830942, 0.94501603, 0.11981050],
- [0.24152998, 0.95024853, 0.11349274],
- [0.22296933, 0.95549793, 0.10655012],
- [0.20211288, 0.96076418, 0.09886573],
- [0.17813682, 0.96604726, 0.09027807]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.24309136, 0.01863338, 0.08934888],
+ [0.24804834, 0.01832749, 0.09056240],
+ [0.25300942, 0.01797397, 0.09171907],
+ [0.25797417, 0.01757320, 0.09281736],
+ [0.26294307, 0.01712403, 0.09385472],
+ [0.26791452, 0.01662911, 0.09483032],
+ [0.27288913, 0.01608733, 0.09574117],
+ [0.27786538, 0.01550157, 0.09658607],
+ [0.28284278, 0.01487304, 0.09736270],
+ [0.28782102, 0.01420276, 0.09806832],
+ [0.29279871, 0.01349403, 0.09870107],
+ [0.29777491, 0.01274961, 0.09925847],
+ [0.30274847, 0.01197287, 0.09973799],
+ [0.30771804, 0.01116788, 0.10013708],
+ [0.31268232, 0.01033900, 0.10045291],
+ [0.31763972, 0.00949150, 0.10068267],
+ [0.32258800, 0.00863243, 0.10082417],
+ [0.32752565, 0.00776775, 0.10087393],
+ [0.33244986, 0.00690668, 0.10083001],
+ [0.33735854, 0.00605740, 0.10068909],
+ [0.34224871, 0.00523060, 0.10044894],
+ [0.34711725, 0.00443797, 0.10010734],
+ [0.35196078, 0.00369238, 0.09966226],
+ [0.35677561, 0.00300812, 0.09911207],
+ [0.36155796, 0.00240036, 0.09845512],
+ [0.36630323, 0.00188703, 0.09769155],
+ [0.37100710, 0.00148604, 0.09682094],
+ [0.37566464, 0.00121756, 0.09584471],
+ [0.38027106, 0.00110208, 0.09476441],
+ [0.38482137, 0.00116127, 0.09358301],
+ [0.38931057, 0.00141734, 0.09230471],
+ [0.39373387, 0.00189244, 0.09093464],
+ [0.39808681, 0.00260823, 0.08947884],
+ [0.40236528, 0.00358566, 0.08794465],
+ [0.40656573, 0.00484424, 0.08634009],
+ [0.41068530, 0.00640163, 0.08467365],
+ [0.41472185, 0.00827339, 0.08295418],
+ [0.41867398, 0.01047271, 0.08119070],
+ [0.42254107, 0.01301029, 0.07939194],
+ [0.42632324, 0.01589441, 0.07756620],
+ [0.43002124, 0.01913101, 0.07572116],
+ [0.43363642, 0.02272395, 0.07386387],
+ [0.43717059, 0.02667527, 0.07200027],
+ [0.44062592, 0.03098552, 0.07013558],
+ [0.44400487, 0.03565401, 0.06827425],
+ [0.44731003, 0.04067491, 0.06641981],
+ [0.45054413, 0.04575655, 0.06457493],
+ [0.45370990, 0.05080261, 0.06274171],
+ [0.45681004, 0.05581132, 0.06092161],
+ [0.45984719, 0.06078162, 0.05911559],
+ [0.46282395, 0.06571290, 0.05732446],
+ [0.46574272, 0.07060526, 0.05554812],
+ [0.46860579, 0.07545910, 0.05378637],
+ [0.47141540, 0.08027487, 0.05203924],
+ [0.47417354, 0.08505361, 0.05030583],
+ [0.47688217, 0.08979616, 0.04858581],
+ [0.47954300, 0.09450386, 0.04687801],
+ [0.48215778, 0.09917766, 0.04518209],
+ [0.48472800, 0.10381898, 0.04349685],
+ [0.48725506, 0.10842912, 0.04182137],
+ [0.48974031, 0.11300935, 0.04015040],
+ [0.49218496, 0.11756094, 0.03849120],
+ [0.49459017, 0.12208515, 0.03687955],
+ [0.49695696, 0.12658323, 0.03531382],
+ [0.49928632, 0.13105642, 0.03379248],
+ [0.50157913, 0.13550589, 0.03231415],
+ [0.50383622, 0.13993281, 0.03087752],
+ [0.50605833, 0.14433831, 0.02948142],
+ [0.50824623, 0.14872334, 0.02812502],
+ [0.51040058, 0.15308895, 0.02680734],
+ [0.51252190, 0.15743625, 0.02552737],
+ [0.51461087, 0.16176600, 0.02428472],
+ [0.51666794, 0.16607921, 0.02307861],
+ [0.51869360, 0.17037673, 0.02190855],
+ [0.52068834, 0.17465933, 0.02077423],
+ [0.52265254, 0.17892785, 0.01967526],
+ [0.52458658, 0.18318304, 0.01861140],
+ [0.52649089, 0.18742553, 0.01758266],
+ [0.52836568, 0.19165615, 0.01658871],
+ [0.53021138, 0.19587543, 0.01562982],
+ [0.53202823, 0.20008401, 0.01470600],
+ [0.53381645, 0.20428257, 0.01381731],
+ [0.53557629, 0.20847165, 0.01296398],
+ [0.53730808, 0.21265170, 0.01214649],
+ [0.53901195, 0.21682331, 0.01136507],
+ [0.54068808, 0.22098699, 0.01062010],
+ [0.54233666, 0.22514321, 0.00991205],
+ [0.54395785, 0.22929243, 0.00924148],
+ [0.54555181, 0.23343506, 0.00860897],
+ [0.54711869, 0.23757152, 0.00801515],
+ [0.54865860, 0.24170220, 0.00746073],
+ [0.55017168, 0.24582748, 0.00694643],
+ [0.55165803, 0.24994772, 0.00647303],
+ [0.55311774, 0.25406326, 0.00604137],
+ [0.55455091, 0.25817444, 0.00565232],
+ [0.55595761, 0.26228158, 0.00530679],
+ [0.55733792, 0.26638496, 0.00500573],
+ [0.55869191, 0.27048490, 0.00475014],
+ [0.56001963, 0.27458166, 0.00454106],
+ [0.56132113, 0.27867551, 0.00437954],
+ [0.56259646, 0.28276670, 0.00426670],
+ [0.56384570, 0.28685546, 0.00420370],
+ [0.56506891, 0.29094196, 0.00419178],
+ [0.56626609, 0.29502650, 0.00423205],
+ [0.56743724, 0.29910929, 0.00432573],
+ [0.56858240, 0.30319052, 0.00447410],
+ [0.56970165, 0.30727034, 0.00467849],
+ [0.57079503, 0.31134892, 0.00494022],
+ [0.57186247, 0.31542650, 0.00526054],
+ [0.57290400, 0.31950324, 0.00564079],
+ [0.57391977, 0.32357919, 0.00608247],
+ [0.57490968, 0.32765460, 0.00658685],
+ [0.57587371, 0.33172962, 0.00715529],
+ [0.57681201, 0.33580430, 0.00778930],
+ [0.57772452, 0.33987882, 0.00849022],
+ [0.57861118, 0.34395334, 0.00925941],
+ [0.57947219, 0.34802786, 0.01009843],
+ [0.58030739, 0.35210260, 0.01100855],
+ [0.58111684, 0.35617763, 0.01199120],
+ [0.58190064, 0.36025301, 0.01304785],
+ [0.58265865, 0.36432891, 0.01417975],
+ [0.58339105, 0.36840533, 0.01538841],
+ [0.58409771, 0.37248243, 0.01667507],
+ [0.58477872, 0.37656025, 0.01804109],
+ [0.58543408, 0.38063888, 0.01948778],
+ [0.58606378, 0.38471841, 0.02101636],
+ [0.58666789, 0.38879886, 0.02262811],
+ [0.58724632, 0.39288038, 0.02432417],
+ [0.58779921, 0.39696294, 0.02610575],
+ [0.58832644, 0.40104670, 0.02797386],
+ [0.58882816, 0.40513162, 0.02992964],
+ [0.58930423, 0.40921787, 0.03197399],
+ [0.58975480, 0.41330542, 0.03410791],
+ [0.59017975, 0.41739439, 0.03633221],
+ [0.59057918, 0.42148479, 0.03864772],
+ [0.59095302, 0.42557671, 0.04104236],
+ [0.59130131, 0.42967020, 0.04343720],
+ [0.59162403, 0.43376530, 0.04583796],
+ [0.59192114, 0.43786212, 0.04824370],
+ [0.59219270, 0.44196064, 0.05065361],
+ [0.59243858, 0.44606101, 0.05306680],
+ [0.59265890, 0.45016320, 0.05548251],
+ [0.59285348, 0.45426735, 0.05789990],
+ [0.59302237, 0.45837349, 0.06031823],
+ [0.59316550, 0.46248168, 0.06273671],
+ [0.59328277, 0.46659204, 0.06515459],
+ [0.59337424, 0.47070457, 0.06757114],
+ [0.59343970, 0.47481940, 0.06998560],
+ [0.59347912, 0.47893660, 0.07239723],
+ [0.59349244, 0.48305623, 0.07480532],
+ [0.59347948, 0.48717842, 0.07720911],
+ [0.59344019, 0.49130321, 0.07960789],
+ [0.59337441, 0.49543072, 0.08200092],
+ [0.59328194, 0.49956106, 0.08438746],
+ [0.59316273, 0.50369428, 0.08676680],
+ [0.59301651, 0.50783055, 0.08913818],
+ [0.59284309, 0.51196996, 0.09150088],
+ [0.59264235, 0.51611258, 0.09385417],
+ [0.59241396, 0.52025858, 0.09619730],
+ [0.59215766, 0.52440808, 0.09852953],
+ [0.59187331, 0.52856117, 0.10085013],
+ [0.59156051, 0.53271802, 0.10315834],
+ [0.59121894, 0.53687876, 0.10545341],
+ [0.59084837, 0.54104351, 0.10773460],
+ [0.59044837, 0.54521243, 0.11000116],
+ [0.59001854, 0.54938568, 0.11225233],
+ [0.58955855, 0.55356340, 0.11448735],
+ [0.58906795, 0.55774574, 0.11670547],
+ [0.58854625, 0.56193288, 0.11890591],
+ [0.58799298, 0.56612498, 0.12108792],
+ [0.58740771, 0.57032220, 0.12325073],
+ [0.58678981, 0.57452473, 0.12539356],
+ [0.58613873, 0.57873275, 0.12751563],
+ [0.58545394, 0.58294641, 0.12961618],
+ [0.58473477, 0.58716592, 0.13169441],
+ [0.58398056, 0.59139147, 0.13374953],
+ [0.58319061, 0.59562324, 0.13578074],
+ [0.58236429, 0.59986142, 0.13778727],
+ [0.58150075, 0.60410621, 0.13976829],
+ [0.58059922, 0.60835783, 0.14172299],
+ [0.57965890, 0.61261645, 0.14365056],
+ [0.57867895, 0.61688228, 0.14555018],
+ [0.57765843, 0.62115554, 0.14742099],
+ [0.57659641, 0.62543642, 0.14926217],
+ [0.57549192, 0.62972515, 0.15107287],
+ [0.57434398, 0.63402190, 0.15285221],
+ [0.57315149, 0.63832693, 0.15459932],
+ [0.57191335, 0.64264042, 0.15631332],
+ [0.57062842, 0.64696260, 0.15799330],
+ [0.56929555, 0.65129366, 0.15963836],
+ [0.56791345, 0.65563383, 0.16124755],
+ [0.56648083, 0.65998334, 0.16281993],
+ [0.56499636, 0.66434239, 0.16435454],
+ [0.56345871, 0.66871117, 0.16585040],
+ [0.56186636, 0.67308993, 0.16730650],
+ [0.56021781, 0.67747887, 0.16872181],
+ [0.55851151, 0.68187821, 0.17009527],
+ [0.55674586, 0.68628814, 0.17142584],
+ [0.55491916, 0.69070889, 0.17271239],
+ [0.55302964, 0.69514067, 0.17395381],
+ [0.55107547, 0.69958369, 0.17514891],
+ [0.54905473, 0.70403815, 0.17629652],
+ [0.54696553, 0.70850424, 0.17739543],
+ [0.54480574, 0.71298219, 0.17844435],
+ [0.54257321, 0.71747220, 0.17944198],
+ [0.54026570, 0.72197446, 0.18038698],
+ [0.53788088, 0.72648916, 0.18127797],
+ [0.53541640, 0.73101650, 0.18211352],
+ [0.53286962, 0.73555668, 0.18289215],
+ [0.53023791, 0.74010988, 0.18361229],
+ [0.52751846, 0.74467629, 0.18427237],
+ [0.52470839, 0.74925610, 0.18487072],
+ [0.52180471, 0.75384947, 0.18540566],
+ [0.51880417, 0.75845659, 0.18587537],
+ [0.51570339, 0.76307763, 0.18627798],
+ [0.51249886, 0.76771277, 0.18661155],
+ [0.50918685, 0.77236217, 0.18687405],
+ [0.50576348, 0.77702598, 0.18706336],
+ [0.50222468, 0.78170436, 0.18717730],
+ [0.49856601, 0.78639746, 0.18721350],
+ [0.49478284, 0.79110545, 0.18716951],
+ [0.49087030, 0.79582847, 0.18704278],
+ [0.48682317, 0.80056665, 0.18683059],
+ [0.48263593, 0.80532013, 0.18653010],
+ [0.47830282, 0.81008902, 0.18613835],
+ [0.47381743, 0.81487347, 0.18565211],
+ [0.46917302, 0.81967359, 0.18506800],
+ [0.46436236, 0.82448952, 0.18438241],
+ [0.45937767, 0.82932135, 0.18359154],
+ [0.45421058, 0.83416919, 0.18269130],
+ [0.44885201, 0.83903314, 0.18167733],
+ [0.44329221, 0.84391329, 0.18054498],
+ [0.43752050, 0.84880972, 0.17928924],
+ [0.43152512, 0.85372253, 0.17790462],
+ [0.42529326, 0.85865180, 0.17638526],
+ [0.41881084, 0.86359760, 0.17472476],
+ [0.41206230, 0.86856000, 0.17291617],
+ [0.40503036, 0.87353906, 0.17095189],
+ [0.39769574, 0.87853483, 0.16882354],
+ [0.39003682, 0.88354737, 0.16652189],
+ [0.38202920, 0.88857672, 0.16403670],
+ [0.37364516, 0.89362293, 0.16135653],
+ [0.36485299, 0.89868601, 0.15846859],
+ [0.35561615, 0.90376599, 0.15535841],
+ [0.34589207, 0.90886290, 0.15200954],
+ [0.33563060, 0.91397675, 0.14840307],
+ [0.32477213, 0.91910757, 0.14451714],
+ [0.31324486, 0.92425534, 0.14032627],
+ [0.30096083, 0.92942009, 0.13580031],
+ [0.28781045, 0.93460179, 0.13090324],
+ [0.27365414, 0.93980045, 0.12559132],
+ [0.25830942, 0.94501603, 0.11981050],
+ [0.24152998, 0.95024853, 0.11349274],
+ [0.22296933, 0.95549793, 0.10655012],
+ [0.20211288, 0.96076418, 0.09886573],
+ [0.17813682, 0.96604726, 0.09027807],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.pepper', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.pepper", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/prep_cmap_data.py b/cmasher/colormaps/prep_cmap_data.py
index f88c4d6d..8c3f9e98 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/prep_cmap_data.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/prep_cmap_data.py
@@ -1,53 +1,59 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# %% Imports
# Built-in imports
-from itertools import zip_longest
import os
-from os import path
import shutil
import sys
+from itertools import zip_longest
+from os import path
from textwrap import dedent
-# Package imports
-from matplotlib.colors import TwoSlopeNorm, to_hex
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import viscm
+# Package imports
+from matplotlib.colors import TwoSlopeNorm, to_hex
# CMasher imports
from cmasher.app_usage import update_tableau_pref_file
-from cmasher.cm import cmap_d, cmap_cd
+from cmasher.cm import cmap_cd, cmap_d
from cmasher.utils import (
- create_cmap_mod, create_cmap_overview, get_cmap_type, register_cmap,
- view_cmap)
+ create_cmap_mod,
+ create_cmap_overview,
+ get_cmap_type,
+ register_cmap,
+ view_cmap,
-docs_dir = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__),
- '../../docs/source/user'))
+docs_dir = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "../../docs/source/user"))
def create_cmap_app_overview():
# Load sequential image data
- image_seq = np.loadtxt(path.join(path.dirname(__file__),
- "app_data.txt.gz"), dtype=int)
+ image_seq = np.loadtxt(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "app_data.txt.gz"), dtype=int
+ )
# Obtain resolution ratio
- image_ratio = image_seq.shape[0]/image_seq.shape[1]
+ image_ratio = image_seq.shape[0] / image_seq.shape[1]
# Create diverging image data
- X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, image_seq.shape[1]),
- np.linspace(-2, 2, image_seq.shape[0]))
- image_div = (1-X/2+X**5+Y**3)*np.exp(-X**2-Y**2)
+ X, Y = np.meshgrid(
+ np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, image_seq.shape[1]),
+ np.linspace(-2, 2, image_seq.shape[0]),
+ )
+ image_div = (1 - X / 2 + X**5 + Y**3) * np.exp(-(X**2) - Y**2)
# Obtain all colormaps with their types
- seq_cmaps = [cmap for cmap in cmap_cd['sequential'].values()]
- div_cmaps = [cmap for cmap in cmap_cd['diverging'].values()
- if not cmap.name.endswith('_r')]
- div_cmaps.extend([cmap for cmap in cmap_cd['cyclic'].values()
- if not cmap.name.endswith('_r')])
+ seq_cmaps = list(cmap_cd["sequential"].values())
+ div_cmaps = [
+ cmap for cmap in cmap_cd["diverging"].values() if not cmap.name.endswith("_r")
+ ]
+ div_cmaps.extend(
+ [cmap for cmap in cmap_cd["cyclic"].values() if not cmap.name.endswith("_r")]
+ )
# Sort colormaps on name
seq_cmaps.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)
@@ -60,27 +66,40 @@ def create_cmap_app_overview():
# Determine number of columns and rows required
n_cols = 4
fontsize = 34
- n_rows_seq = int(np.ceil(n_seq/n_cols))
- n_rows_div = int(np.ceil(n_div/n_cols))
- n_rows = n_rows_seq+n_rows_div
+ n_rows_seq = int(np.ceil(n_seq / n_cols))
+ n_rows_div = int(np.ceil(n_div / n_cols))
+ n_rows = n_rows_seq + n_rows_div
# Set spacing between the two gridspecs
gs_spc = 0.5
# Determine required height of figure
- height = 8.0*(n_rows/n_cols)*image_ratio+gs_spc
+ height = 8.0 * (n_rows / n_cols) * image_ratio + gs_spc
# Initialize figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.4, height))
# Add gridspecs for the sequential and diverging colormaps
- gs1 = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=n_rows_seq, ncols=n_cols, left=0.10,
- right=0.99, top=1-0.1/height, wspace=0.05, hspace=0,
- bottom=1-n_rows_seq/n_rows*(1-gs_spc/height))
- gs2 = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=n_rows_div, ncols=n_cols, left=0.10,
- right=0.99, bottom=0.01/height, hspace=0,
- top=(1-n_rows_seq/n_rows)*(1-gs_spc/height),
- wspace=0.05)
+ gs1 = fig.add_gridspec(
+ nrows=n_rows_seq,
+ ncols=n_cols,
+ left=0.10,
+ right=0.99,
+ top=1 - 0.1 / height,
+ wspace=0.05,
+ hspace=0,
+ bottom=1 - n_rows_seq / n_rows * (1 - gs_spc / height),
+ )
+ gs2 = fig.add_gridspec(
+ nrows=n_rows_div,
+ ncols=n_cols,
+ left=0.10,
+ right=0.99,
+ bottom=0.01 / height,
+ hspace=0,
+ top=(1 - n_rows_seq / n_rows) * (1 - gs_spc / height),
+ wspace=0.05,
+ )
# Obtain the Axes objects for the sequential and diverging colormaps
seq_axs = [fig.add_subplot(x) for x in gs1]
@@ -100,10 +119,19 @@ def create_cmap_app_overview():
# Write text specifying that these are sequential colormaps
- x = seq_axs[0].get_position().x0/2
- y = (1+gs1.bottom)/2
- fig.text(x, y, "Sequential", va='center', ha='center', rotation='vertical',
- color='grey', fontsize=fontsize, alpha=0.5)
+ x = seq_axs[0].get_position().x0 / 2
+ y = (1 + gs1.bottom) / 2
+ fig.text(
+ x,
+ y,
+ "Sequential",
+ va="center",
+ ha="center",
+ rotation="vertical",
+ color="grey",
+ fontsize=fontsize,
+ alpha=0.5,
+ )
# Make subplot for all diverging colormaps
for cmap, ax in zip_longest(div_cmaps, div_axs):
@@ -119,14 +147,23 @@ def create_cmap_app_overview():
# Write text specifying that these are diverging colormaps
- x = div_axs[0].get_position().x0/2
- y = (gs2.top+gs2.bottom+1-gs1.top)/2
- fig.text(x, y, "Diverging/Cyclic", va='center', ha='center',
- rotation='vertical', color='grey', fontsize=fontsize, alpha=0.5)
+ x = div_axs[0].get_position().x0 / 2
+ y = (gs2.top + gs2.bottom + 1 - gs1.top) / 2
+ fig.text(
+ x,
+ y,
+ "Diverging/Cyclic",
+ va="center",
+ ha="center",
+ rotation="vertical",
+ color="grey",
+ fontsize=fontsize,
+ alpha=0.5,
+ )
# Obtain figure path
- fig_path_100 = path.join(docs_dir, 'images', 'cmr_cmaps_app_100.png')
- fig_path_250 = path.join(docs_dir, '../_static', 'cmr_cmaps_app_250.png')
+ fig_path_100 = path.join(docs_dir, "images", "cmr_cmaps_app_100.png")
+ fig_path_250 = path.join(docs_dir, "../_static", "cmr_cmaps_app_250.png")
# Save the figure
plt.savefig(fig_path_100, dpi=100)
@@ -137,13 +174,13 @@ def create_cmap_app_overview():
-if(__name__ == '__main__'):
+if __name__ == "__main__":
# Obtain path to .jscm-file
jscm_path = path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
# If this path does not exist, try again with added 'PROJECTS'
if not path.exists(jscm_path):
- jscm_path = path.abspath(path.join('PROJECTS', sys.argv[1]))
+ jscm_path = path.abspath(path.join("PROJECTS", sys.argv[1]))
# Get colormap name
name = path.splitext(path.basename(jscm_path))[0]
@@ -156,77 +193,79 @@ def create_cmap_app_overview():
# Load colormap from .jscm-file
cmap = viscm.gui.Colormap(None, None, None)
- cmap.load("{0}/{0}.jscm".format(name))
+ cmap.load(f"{name}/{name}.jscm")
# Obtain RGB values of colormap
- v = viscm.viscm_editor(uniform_space=cmap.uniform_space,
- cmtype=cmap.cmtype, method=cmap.method,
- **cmap.params)
+ v = viscm.viscm_editor(
+ uniform_space=cmap.uniform_space,
+ cmtype=cmap.cmtype,
+ method=cmap.method,
+ **cmap.params,
+ )
rgb, _ = v.cmap_model.get_sRGB()
# Register this colormap in CMasher
register_cmap(name, rgb)
- # TODO: Remove in v1.7.0
- # For now, remove cmr.heat
- cmap_d.pop('heat')
- cmap_d.pop('heat_r')
- cmap_cd['sequential'].pop('heat')
- cmap_cd['sequential'].pop('heat_r')
# Obtain cmtype
- cmtype = get_cmap_type('cmr.{0}'.format(name))
+ cmtype = get_cmap_type(f"cmr.{name}")
# Check if provided cmap is a cyclic colormap
# If so, obtain its shifted (reversed) versions as well
- if(cmtype == 'cyclic'):
+ if cmtype == "cyclic":
# Determine the central value index of the colormap
- idx = len(rgb)//2
+ idx = len(rgb) // 2
# Shift the entire colormap by this index
rgb_s = np.concatenate([rgb[idx:], rgb[:idx]], axis=0)
# Register this colormap as well
- register_cmap(name+'_s', rgb_s)
+ register_cmap(name + "_s", rgb_s)
# Set cmtype to 'diverging' for the remainder of this script
- cmtype = 'diverging'
+ cmtype = "diverging"
# Export as .py-file
create_cmap_mod(name, save_dir=name)
# Create colormap figure
- view_cmap('cmr.'+name, savefig="{0}/{0}.png".format(name))
+ view_cmap("cmr." + name, savefig=f"{name}/{name}.png")
# Create txt-file with colormap data
- np.savetxt("cm_{0}.txt".format(name), rgb, fmt='%.8f')
+ np.savetxt(f"cm_{name}.txt", rgb, fmt="%.8f")
# Create txt-file with normalized colormap data
- np.savetxt("{0}/{0}_norm.txt".format(name), rgb, fmt='%.8f')
+ np.savetxt(f"{name}/{name}_norm.txt", rgb, fmt="%.8f")
# Create txt-file with 8-bit colormap data
- rgb_8bit = np.rint(rgb*255)
- np.savetxt("{0}/{0}_8bit.txt".format(name), rgb_8bit, fmt='%i')
+ rgb_8bit = np.rint(rgb * 255)
+ np.savetxt(f"{name}/{name}_8bit.txt", rgb_8bit, fmt="%i")
# Create txt-file with HEX colormap data
rgb_hex = np.apply_along_axis((lambda x: to_hex(x).upper()), 1, rgb)
- np.savetxt("{0}/{0}_hex.txt".format(name), rgb_hex, fmt="%s")
+ np.savetxt(f"{name}/{name}_hex.txt", rgb_hex, fmt="%s")
# Make new colormap overview
- create_cmap_overview(savefig='cmap_overview.png', sort='lightness')
+ create_cmap_overview(savefig="cmap_overview.png", sort="lightness")
- savefig=path.join(docs_dir, 'images', 'cmap_overview.png'),
- sort='lightness')
+ savefig=path.join(docs_dir, "images", "cmap_overview.png"), sort="lightness"
+ )
- savefig=path.join(docs_dir, 'images', 'cmap_overview_perceptual.png'),
- sort='perceptual', show_info=True)
+ savefig=path.join(docs_dir, "images", "cmap_overview_perceptual.png"),
+ sort="perceptual",
+ show_info=True,
+ )
- plt.colormaps(), plot_profile=True, sort='lightness',
- savefig=path.join(docs_dir, 'images', 'mpl_cmaps.png'))
+ plt.colormaps(),
+ plot_profile=True,
+ sort="lightness",
+ savefig=path.join(docs_dir, "images", "mpl_cmaps.png"),
+ )
# Make string with the docs entry
- docs_entry = dedent("""
+ docs_entry = dedent(
+ """
.. _{0}:
@@ -243,35 +282,40 @@ def create_cmap_app_overview():
The *{0}* colormap is .
- """).format(name, '-'*len(name))
+ """
+ ).format(name, "-" * len(name))
# Obtain all colormaps with the type of this colormap
- if(cmtype == 'sequential'):
- cmaps = list(cmap_cd['sequential'].values())
+ if cmtype == "sequential":
+ cmaps = list(cmap_cd["sequential"].values())
- cmaps = [*cmap_cd['diverging'].values(), *cmap_cd['cyclic'].values()]
+ cmaps = [*cmap_cd["diverging"].values(), *cmap_cd["cyclic"].values()]
# Make new colormap type overviews
- cmaps, sort='perceptual', use_types=(cmtype == 'diverging'),
- savefig=path.join(docs_dir, 'images',
- '{0}_cmaps.png'.format(cmtype[:3])),
- title="{0} Colormaps".format(cmtype.capitalize()), show_info=True)
- if(cmtype == 'sequential'):
- cmaps = [cm for cm in plt.colormaps()
- if get_cmap_type(cm) == 'sequential']
+ cmaps,
+ sort="perceptual",
+ use_types=(cmtype == "diverging"),
+ savefig=path.join(docs_dir, "images", f"{cmtype[:3]}_cmaps.png"),
+ title=f"{cmtype.capitalize()} Colormaps",
+ show_info=True,
+ )
+ if cmtype == "sequential":
+ cmaps = [cm for cm in plt.colormaps() if get_cmap_type(cm) == "sequential"]
- cmaps, use_types=False, title="Sequential MPL Colormaps",
- savefig=path.join(docs_dir, 'images', 'seq_mpl_cmaps.png'))
+ cmaps,
+ use_types=False,
+ title="Sequential MPL Colormaps",
+ savefig=path.join(docs_dir, "images", "seq_mpl_cmaps.png"),
+ )
# Update Tableau preferences file
- update_tableau_pref_file(path.join(docs_dir, '../_static'))
+ update_tableau_pref_file(path.join(docs_dir, "../_static"))
# Create docs entry for this colormap if possible
# Create docs entry
- with open(path.join(docs_dir, cmtype,
- "{0}.rst".format(name)), 'x') as f:
+ with open(path.join(docs_dir, cmtype, f"{name}.rst"), "x") as f:
# If this file already exists, then skip
except FileExistsError:
@@ -279,7 +323,7 @@ def create_cmap_app_overview():
# If the file did not exist yet, add it to the corresponding overview
# Read the corresponding docs overview page
- with open(path.join(docs_dir, "{0}.rst".format(cmtype)), 'r') as f:
+ with open(path.join(docs_dir, f"{cmtype}.rst")) as f:
docs_overview = f.read()
# Set the string used to start the toctree with
@@ -292,21 +336,22 @@ def create_cmap_app_overview():
toctree = toctree.splitlines()
# Add the new entry to toctree
- toctree.append(" {0}/{1}".format(cmtype, name))
+ toctree.append(f" {cmtype}/{name}")
# Sort toctree
# Combine toctree into a single string again
- toctree = '\n'.join(toctree)
+ toctree = "\n".join(toctree)
# Combine everything together again
- docs_overview = ''.join([desc, toctree_header, toctree])
+ docs_overview = "".join([desc, toctree_header, toctree])
# Save this as the new docs_overview
- with open(path.join(docs_dir, "{0}.rst".format(cmtype)), 'w') as f:
+ with open(path.join(docs_dir, f"{cmtype}.rst"), "w") as f:
# Create viscm output figure
- viscm.gui.main(["view", "{0}/{0}.jscm".format(name), "--save",
- "{0}/{0}_viscm.png".format(name), "--quit"])
+ viscm.gui.main(
+ ["view", f"{name}/{name}.jscm", "--save", f"{name}/{name}_viscm.png", "--quit"]
+ )
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/pride/pride.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/pride/pride.jscm
index 106f1190..3c0afb0f 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/pride/pride.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/pride/pride.jscm
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/pride/pride.py b/cmasher/colormaps/pride/pride.py
index a1dddcd1..a16b4181 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/pride/pride.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/pride/pride.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.08752792, 0.05445008, 0.15633391],
- [0.09204695, 0.05639320, 0.16203897],
- [0.09650895, 0.05829607, 0.16786880],
- [0.10090870, 0.06016328, 0.17382488],
- [0.10524039, 0.06200004, 0.17990780],
- [0.10949779, 0.06381198, 0.18611729],
- [0.11367403, 0.06560565, 0.19245137],
- [0.11776199, 0.06738816, 0.19890668],
- [0.12175433, 0.06916725, 0.20547828],
- [0.12564365, 0.07095122, 0.21215945],
- [0.12942267, 0.07274885, 0.21894186],
- [0.13308433, 0.07456920, 0.22581549],
- [0.13662198, 0.07642163, 0.23276864],
- [0.14002950, 0.07831532, 0.23978863],
- [0.14330141, 0.08025937, 0.24686136],
- [0.14643291, 0.08226244, 0.25397225],
- [0.14941998, 0.08433262, 0.26110614],
- [0.15225934, 0.08647727, 0.26824775],
- [0.15494847, 0.08870295, 0.27538192],
- [0.15748551, 0.09101525, 0.28249390],
- [0.15986928, 0.09341878, 0.28956951],
- [0.16209917, 0.09591718, 0.29659525],
- [0.16417504, 0.09851308, 0.30355858],
- [0.16609723, 0.10120815, 0.31044773],
- [0.16786643, 0.10400316, 0.31725196],
- [0.16948361, 0.10689806, 0.32396152],
- [0.17095007, 0.10989202, 0.33056744],
- [0.17226726, 0.11298355, 0.33706178],
- [0.17343684, 0.11617055, 0.34343746],
- [0.17446061, 0.11945041, 0.34968818],
- [0.17534051, 0.12282010, 0.35580842],
- [0.17607859, 0.12627622, 0.36179338],
- [0.17667704, 0.12981506, 0.36763888],
- [0.17713811, 0.13343270, 0.37334141],
- [0.17746410, 0.13712505, 0.37889811],
- [0.17765753, 0.14088788, 0.38430647],
- [0.17772085, 0.14471691, 0.38956469],
- [0.17765681, 0.14860777, 0.39467122],
- [0.17746800, 0.15255614, 0.39962515],
- [0.17715730, 0.15655769, 0.40442584],
- [0.17672775, 0.16060812, 0.40907299],
- [0.17618229, 0.16470324, 0.41356679],
- [0.17552411, 0.16883893, 0.41790767],
- [0.17475650, 0.17301117, 0.42209636],
- [0.17388287, 0.17721606, 0.42613389],
- [0.17290686, 0.18144976, 0.43002153],
- [0.17183216, 0.18570864, 0.43376083],
- [0.17066251, 0.18998919, 0.43735357],
- [0.16940200, 0.19428801, 0.44080170],
- [0.16805489, 0.19860183, 0.44410739],
- [0.16662536, 0.20292760, 0.44727300],
- [0.16511815, 0.20726230, 0.45030103],
- [0.16353786, 0.21160317, 0.45319416],
- [0.16188934, 0.21594754, 0.45595518],
- [0.16017794, 0.22029285, 0.45858702],
- [0.15840893, 0.22463672, 0.46109273],
- [0.15658782, 0.22897695, 0.46347542],
- [0.15472045, 0.23331142, 0.46573832],
- [0.15281289, 0.23763816, 0.46788473],
- [0.15087146, 0.24195534, 0.46991799],
- [0.14890271, 0.24626125, 0.47184151],
- [0.14691347, 0.25055433, 0.47365872],
- [0.14491106, 0.25483305, 0.47537315],
- [0.14290279, 0.25909612, 0.47698827],
- [0.14089618, 0.26334235, 0.47850753],
- [0.13889947, 0.26757056, 0.47993450],
- [0.13692086, 0.27177976, 0.48127266],
- [0.13496883, 0.27596907, 0.48252547],
- [0.13305232, 0.28013764, 0.48369643],
- [0.13118042, 0.28428476, 0.48478897],
- [0.12936216, 0.28840987, 0.48580637],
- [0.12760751, 0.29251232, 0.48675218],
- [0.12592585, 0.29659172, 0.48762958],
- [0.12432688, 0.30064769, 0.48844181],
- [0.12282043, 0.30467992, 0.48919206],
- [0.12141630, 0.30868816, 0.48988346],
- [0.12012416, 0.31267225, 0.49051910],
- [0.11895347, 0.31663207, 0.49110196],
- [0.11791336, 0.32056757, 0.49163494],
- [0.11701255, 0.32447876, 0.49212087],
- [0.11625924, 0.32836571, 0.49256249],
- [0.11566099, 0.33222853, 0.49296243],
- [0.11522492, 0.33606732, 0.49332344],
- [0.11495702, 0.33988228, 0.49364800],
- [0.11486213, 0.34367370, 0.49393834],
- [0.11494478, 0.34744177, 0.49419705],
- [0.11520786, 0.35118683, 0.49442624],
- [0.11565340, 0.35490919, 0.49462809],
- [0.11628239, 0.35860921, 0.49480473],
- [0.11709469, 0.36228726, 0.49495819],
- [0.11808882, 0.36594380, 0.49509011],
- [0.11926311, 0.36957912, 0.49520286],
- [0.12061397, 0.37319378, 0.49529773],
- [0.12213744, 0.37678822, 0.49537642],
- [0.12382885, 0.38036291, 0.49544055],
- [0.12568303, 0.38391827, 0.49549190],
- [0.12769383, 0.38745486, 0.49553160],
- [0.12985495, 0.39097318, 0.49556102],
- [0.13215972, 0.39447374, 0.49558142],
- [0.13460127, 0.39795707, 0.49559400],
- [0.13717257, 0.40142368, 0.49559986],
- [0.13986655, 0.40487412, 0.49560002],
- [0.14267615, 0.40830893, 0.49559543],
- [0.14559445, 0.41172862, 0.49558704],
- [0.14861463, 0.41513371, 0.49557582],
- [0.15172999, 0.41852479, 0.49556227],
- [0.15493410, 0.42190240, 0.49554701],
- [0.15822077, 0.42526707, 0.49553070],
- [0.16158414, 0.42861927, 0.49551431],
- [0.16501848, 0.43195963, 0.49549772],
- [0.16851844, 0.43528863, 0.49548162],
- [0.17207896, 0.43860678, 0.49546650],
- [0.17569522, 0.44191466, 0.49545222],
- [0.17936270, 0.44521270, 0.49543967],
- [0.18307720, 0.44850150, 0.49542829],
- [0.18683470, 0.45178148, 0.49541885],
- [0.19063154, 0.45505319, 0.49541097],
- [0.19446429, 0.45831712, 0.49540465],
- [0.19832966, 0.46157369, 0.49540031],
- [0.20222478, 0.46482343, 0.49539724],
- [0.20614689, 0.46806681, 0.49539538],
- [0.21009336, 0.47130421, 0.49539508],
- [0.21406195, 0.47453613, 0.49539550],
- [0.21805055, 0.47776300, 0.49539633],
- [0.22205719, 0.48098524, 0.49539725],
- [0.22608011, 0.48420325, 0.49539786],
- [0.23011762, 0.48741741, 0.49539800],
- [0.23416837, 0.49062812, 0.49539682],
- [0.23823107, 0.49383575, 0.49539374],
- [0.24230459, 0.49704067, 0.49538818],
- [0.24638792, 0.50024322, 0.49537945],
- [0.25048021, 0.50344372, 0.49536687],
- [0.25458073, 0.50664248, 0.49534967],
- [0.25868887, 0.50983982, 0.49532705],
- [0.26280416, 0.51303600, 0.49529816],
- [0.26692622, 0.51623130, 0.49526213],
- [0.27105469, 0.51942595, 0.49521840],
- [0.27518951, 0.52262020, 0.49516568],
- [0.27933064, 0.52581426, 0.49510297],
- [0.28347814, 0.52900834, 0.49502922],
- [0.28763217, 0.53220259, 0.49494334],
- [0.29179280, 0.53539718, 0.49484473],
- [0.29596043, 0.53859225, 0.49473212],
- [0.30013555, 0.54178792, 0.49460405],
- [0.30431866, 0.54498430, 0.49445941],
- [0.30851002, 0.54818143, 0.49429795],
- [0.31271059, 0.55137942, 0.49411748],
- [0.31692102, 0.55457829, 0.49391701],
- [0.32114182, 0.55777805, 0.49369614],
- [0.32537418, 0.56097873, 0.49345256],
- [0.32961865, 0.56418028, 0.49318613],
- [0.33387640, 0.56738267, 0.49289495],
- [0.33814830, 0.57058585, 0.49257816],
- [0.34243538, 0.57378975, 0.49223461],
- [0.34673877, 0.57699426, 0.49186297],
- [0.35105947, 0.58019927, 0.49146232],
- [0.35539867, 0.58340466, 0.49103141],
- [0.35975757, 0.58661028, 0.49056899],
- [0.36413716, 0.58981597, 0.49007450],
- [0.36853902, 0.59302156, 0.48954576],
- [0.37296371, 0.59622684, 0.48898352],
- [0.37741303, 0.59943162, 0.48838510],
- [0.38188799, 0.60263568, 0.48775010],
- [0.38638958, 0.60583879, 0.48707812],
- [0.39091937, 0.60904071, 0.48636723],
- [0.39547834, 0.61224120, 0.48561706],
- [0.40006746, 0.61544001, 0.48482731],
- [0.40468823, 0.61863685, 0.48399620],
- [0.40934175, 0.62183146, 0.48312299],
- [0.41402871, 0.62502358, 0.48220800],
- [0.41875042, 0.62821291, 0.48124980],
- [0.42350802, 0.63139917, 0.48024749],
- [0.42830248, 0.63458208, 0.47920045],
- [0.43313462, 0.63776134, 0.47810840],
- [0.43800511, 0.64093668, 0.47697128],
- [0.44291513, 0.64410781, 0.47578781],
- [0.44786547, 0.64727443, 0.47455752],
- [0.45285688, 0.65043626, 0.47327996],
- [0.45789008, 0.65359301, 0.47195472],
- [0.46296570, 0.65674441, 0.47058142],
- [0.46808433, 0.65989019, 0.46915974],
- [0.47324633, 0.66303010, 0.46768979],
- [0.47845245, 0.66616385, 0.46617069],
- [0.48370315, 0.66929119, 0.46460213],
- [0.48899883, 0.67241186, 0.46298382],
- [0.49433987, 0.67552562, 0.46131548],
- [0.49972657, 0.67863224, 0.45959684],
- [0.50515923, 0.68173147, 0.45782765],
- [0.51063806, 0.68482310, 0.45600765],
- [0.51616327, 0.68790691, 0.45413659],
- [0.52173499, 0.69098269, 0.45221420],
- [0.52735335, 0.69405024, 0.45024025],
- [0.53301842, 0.69710936, 0.44821445],
- [0.53873026, 0.70015988, 0.44613656],
- [0.54448886, 0.70320160, 0.44400627],
- [0.55029423, 0.70623437, 0.44182330],
- [0.55614598, 0.70925806, 0.43958801],
- [0.56204429, 0.71227248, 0.43729959],
- [0.56798909, 0.71527748, 0.43495760],
- [0.57398027, 0.71827292, 0.43256168],
- [0.58001770, 0.72125865, 0.43011141],
- [0.58610124, 0.72423455, 0.42760637],
- [0.59223071, 0.72720048, 0.42504609],
- [0.59840589, 0.73015634, 0.42243016],
- [0.60462588, 0.73310215, 0.41975946],
- [0.61089116, 0.73603767, 0.41703201],
- [0.61720154, 0.73896279, 0.41424719],
- [0.62355679, 0.74187742, 0.41140432],
- [0.62995669, 0.74478146, 0.40850267],
- [0.63640004, 0.74767501, 0.40554339],
- [0.64288738, 0.75055785, 0.40252410],
- [0.64941862, 0.75342984, 0.39944362],
- [0.65599353, 0.75629090, 0.39630098],
- [0.66261097, 0.75914117, 0.39309691],
- [0.66927108, 0.76198049, 0.38982957],
- [0.67597411, 0.76480867, 0.38649681],
- [0.68271984, 0.76762564, 0.38309731],
- [0.68950640, 0.77043173, 0.37963294],
- [0.69633514, 0.77322649, 0.37609915],
- [0.70320587, 0.77600985, 0.37249427],
- [0.71011710, 0.77878207, 0.36881911],
- [0.71706926, 0.78154293, 0.36507064],
- [0.72406277, 0.78429221, 0.36124564],
- [0.73109609, 0.78703020, 0.35734467],
- [0.73816957, 0.78975670, 0.35336444],
- [0.74528382, 0.79247145, 0.34930088],
- [0.75243681, 0.79517489, 0.34515515],
- [0.75962972, 0.79786659, 0.34092168],
- [0.76686259, 0.80054644, 0.33659700],
- [0.77413333, 0.80321494, 0.33218183],
- [0.78144402, 0.80587139, 0.32766798],
- [0.78879297, 0.80851618, 0.32305486],
- [0.79618046, 0.81114915, 0.31833738],
- [0.80360708, 0.81377001, 0.31350943],
- [0.81107072, 0.81637931, 0.30857037],
- [0.81857375, 0.81897625, 0.30350935],
- [0.82611350, 0.82156155, 0.29832601],
- [0.83369193, 0.82413452, 0.29300924],
- [0.84130759, 0.82669553, 0.28755484],
- [0.84896098, 0.82924432, 0.28195349],
- [0.85665198, 0.83178087, 0.27619635],
- [0.86437995, 0.83430528, 0.27027480],
- [0.87214576, 0.83681719, 0.26417549],
- [0.87994802, 0.83931699, 0.25788906],
- [0.88778819, 0.84180409, 0.25139755],
- [0.89566452, 0.84427902, 0.24468901],
- [0.90357867, 0.84674113, 0.23774045],
- [0.91152892, 0.84919093, 0.23053474],
- [0.91951673, 0.85162784, 0.22304277],
- [0.92754082, 0.85405223, 0.21523836],
- [0.93560204, 0.85646372, 0.20708390],
- [0.94369997, 0.85886238, 0.19853799],
- [0.95183441, 0.86124822, 0.18954940],
- [0.96000625, 0.86362083, 0.18005051],
- [0.96821377, 0.86598077, 0.16996509],
- [0.97645964, 0.86832697, 0.15917699],
- [0.97677870, 0.86238645, 0.15511138],
- [0.97705968, 0.85645921, 0.15107024],
- [0.97730297, 0.85054514, 0.14705473],
- [0.97750893, 0.84464413, 0.14306613],
- [0.97767793, 0.83875607, 0.13910578],
- [0.97781030, 0.83288087, 0.13517518],
- [0.97790635, 0.82701843, 0.13127592],
- [0.97796637, 0.82116867, 0.12740975],
- [0.97799065, 0.81533150, 0.12357856],
- [0.97797944, 0.80950686, 0.11978440],
- [0.97793300, 0.80369466, 0.11602949],
- [0.97785155, 0.79789486, 0.11231628],
- [0.97773531, 0.79210738, 0.10864740],
- [0.97758449, 0.78633217, 0.10502572],
- [0.97739927, 0.78056919, 0.10145437],
- [0.97717983, 0.77481839, 0.09793676],
- [0.97692633, 0.76907975, 0.09447657],
- [0.97663892, 0.76335321, 0.09107784],
- [0.97631776, 0.75763876, 0.08774490],
- [0.97596297, 0.75193638, 0.08448249],
- [0.97557467, 0.74624605, 0.08129571],
- [0.97515298, 0.74056775, 0.07819007],
- [0.97469800, 0.73490149, 0.07517148],
- [0.97421021, 0.72924703, 0.07224664],
- [0.97368951, 0.72360447, 0.06942221],
- [0.97313583, 0.71797393, 0.06670519],
- [0.97254922, 0.71235541, 0.06410312],
- [0.97192977, 0.70674892, 0.06162387],
- [0.97127752, 0.70115449, 0.05927557],
- [0.97059296, 0.69557187, 0.05706716],
- [0.96987609, 0.69000113, 0.05500703],
- [0.96912659, 0.68444251, 0.05310302],
- [0.96834452, 0.67889604, 0.05136321],
- [0.96753005, 0.67336167, 0.04979551],
- [0.96668384, 0.66783904, 0.04840818],
- [0.96580516, 0.66232866, 0.04720612],
- [0.96489405, 0.65683060, 0.04619447],
- [0.96395109, 0.65134452, 0.04537835],
- [0.96297618, 0.64587055, 0.04476016],
- [0.96196892, 0.64040903, 0.04433994],
- [0.96092979, 0.63495970, 0.04411823],
- [0.95985892, 0.62952254, 0.04409312],
- [0.95875575, 0.62409801, 0.04425943],
- [0.95762104, 0.61868564, 0.04461378],
- [0.95645441, 0.61328578, 0.04514863],
- [0.95525570, 0.60789861, 0.04585576],
- [0.95402572, 0.60252363, 0.04672868],
- [0.95276350, 0.59716162, 0.04775541],
- [0.95147004, 0.59181192, 0.04892886],
- [0.95014456, 0.58647519, 0.05023678],
- [0.94878769, 0.58115104, 0.05167074],
- [0.94739902, 0.57583985, 0.05321958],
- [0.94597896, 0.57054142, 0.05487459],
- [0.94452718, 0.56525606, 0.05662539],
- [0.94304413, 0.55998352, 0.05846422],
- [0.94152930, 0.55472430, 0.06038105],
- [0.93998345, 0.54947786, 0.06237007],
- [0.93840582, 0.54424492, 0.06442156],
- [0.93679717, 0.53902496, 0.06653078],
- [0.93515705, 0.53381842, 0.06869001],
- [0.93348553, 0.52862536, 0.07089355],
- [0.93178309, 0.52344548, 0.07313736],
- [0.93004922, 0.51827929, 0.07541504],
- [0.92828420, 0.51312666, 0.07772287],
- [0.92648828, 0.50798748, 0.08005753],
- [0.92466114, 0.50286212, 0.08241431],
- [0.92280285, 0.49775063, 0.08479007],
- [0.92091391, 0.49265267, 0.08718318],
- [0.91899396, 0.48756867, 0.08958983],
- [0.91704306, 0.48249869, 0.09200767],
- [0.91506128, 0.47744277, 0.09443465],
- [0.91304890, 0.47240075, 0.09686954],
- [0.91100584, 0.46737282, 0.09931027],
- [0.90893209, 0.46235912, 0.10175508],
- [0.90682772, 0.45735968, 0.10420269],
- [0.90469280, 0.45237454, 0.10665194],
- [0.90252741, 0.44740376, 0.10910180],
- [0.90033161, 0.44244738, 0.11155136],
- [0.89810556, 0.43750535, 0.11400006],
- [0.89584925, 0.43257782, 0.11644693],
- [0.89356273, 0.42766483, 0.11889128],
- [0.89124607, 0.42276645, 0.12133257],
- [0.88889935, 0.41788270, 0.12377033],
- [0.88652265, 0.41301363, 0.12620414],
- [0.88411603, 0.40815928, 0.12863364],
- [0.88167959, 0.40331967, 0.13105853],
- [0.87921338, 0.39849486, 0.13347855],
- [0.87671751, 0.39368487, 0.13589347],
- [0.87419208, 0.38888967, 0.13830329],
- [0.87163719, 0.38410930, 0.14070781],
- [0.86905287, 0.37934382, 0.14310682],
- [0.86643921, 0.37459325, 0.14550020],
- [0.86379630, 0.36985763, 0.14788787],
- [0.86112421, 0.36513695, 0.15026978],
- [0.85842305, 0.36043124, 0.15264587],
- [0.85569303, 0.35574032, 0.15501666],
- [0.85293413, 0.35106435, 0.15738168],
- [0.85014642, 0.34640335, 0.15974085],
- [0.84733000, 0.34175732, 0.16209419],
- [0.84448512, 0.33712603, 0.16444234],
- [0.84161173, 0.33250963, 0.16678479],
- [0.83870993, 0.32790816, 0.16912146],
- [0.83577992, 0.32332138, 0.17145295],
- [0.83282175, 0.31874937, 0.17377900],
- [0.82983545, 0.31419218, 0.17609933],
- [0.82682132, 0.30964946, 0.17841492],
- [0.82377927, 0.30512146, 0.18072487],
- [0.82070951, 0.30060793, 0.18302979],
- [0.81761212, 0.29610887, 0.18532952],
- [0.81448721, 0.29162419, 0.18762411],
- [0.81133489, 0.28715376, 0.18991373],
- [0.80815526, 0.28269753, 0.19219826],
- [0.80494843, 0.27825537, 0.19447783],
- [0.80171453, 0.27382715, 0.19675251],
- [0.79845361, 0.26941284, 0.19902204],
- [0.79516586, 0.26501213, 0.20128700],
- [0.79185130, 0.26062508, 0.20354673],
- [0.78851009, 0.25625139, 0.20580169],
- [0.78514233, 0.25189095, 0.20805178],
- [0.78174807, 0.24754365, 0.21029670],
- [0.77832746, 0.24320922, 0.21253675],
- [0.77488060, 0.23888748, 0.21477189],
- [0.77140755, 0.23457829, 0.21700180],
- [0.76790841, 0.23028144, 0.21922646],
- [0.76438329, 0.22599663, 0.22144601],
- [0.76083227, 0.22172363, 0.22366036],
- [0.75725543, 0.21746226, 0.22586922],
- [0.75365284, 0.21321223, 0.22807250],
- [0.75002458, 0.20897328, 0.23027008],
- [0.74637073, 0.20474512, 0.23246184],
- [0.74269134, 0.20052745, 0.23464762],
- [0.73898649, 0.19631995, 0.23682727],
- [0.73525623, 0.19212231, 0.23900059],
- [0.73150060, 0.18793417, 0.24116738],
- [0.72771966, 0.18375520, 0.24332741],
- [0.72391343, 0.17958503, 0.24548042],
- [0.72008196, 0.17542328, 0.24762616],
- [0.71622525, 0.17126956, 0.24976431],
- [0.71234333, 0.16712346, 0.25189456],
- [0.70843620, 0.16298456, 0.25401657],
- [0.70450387, 0.15885242, 0.25612995],
- [0.70054631, 0.15472658, 0.25823434],
- [0.69656352, 0.15060653, 0.26032965],
- [0.69255545, 0.14649183, 0.26241508],
- [0.68852207, 0.14238199, 0.26449015],
- [0.68446333, 0.13827647, 0.26655453],
- [0.68037914, 0.13417471, 0.26860782],
- [0.67626946, 0.13007624, 0.27064908],
- [0.67213418, 0.12598043, 0.27267811],
- [0.66797319, 0.12188673, 0.27469408],
- [0.66378640, 0.11779458, 0.27669629],
- [0.65957364, 0.11370335, 0.27868422],
- [0.65533480, 0.10961246, 0.28065688],
- [0.65106969, 0.10552128, 0.28261364],
- [0.64677815, 0.10142921, 0.28455363],
- [0.64245999, 0.09733565, 0.28647567],
- [0.63811495, 0.09323995, 0.28837938],
- [0.63374286, 0.08914155, 0.29026323],
- [0.62934346, 0.08503984, 0.29212617],
- [0.62491645, 0.08093428, 0.29396724],
- [0.62046156, 0.07682433, 0.29578524],
- [0.61597849, 0.07270954, 0.29757868],
- [0.61146692, 0.06858949, 0.29934622],
- [0.60692650, 0.06446386, 0.30108639],
- [0.60235686, 0.06033246, 0.30279764],
- [0.59775761, 0.05619524, 0.30447830],
- [0.59312836, 0.05205234, 0.30612660],
- [0.58846868, 0.04790419, 0.30774064],
- [0.58377813, 0.04375150, 0.30931842],
- [0.57905626, 0.03958633, 0.31085779],
- [0.57430258, 0.03553832, 0.31235659],
- [0.56951656, 0.03174353, 0.31381251],
- [0.56469777, 0.02819987, 0.31522280],
- [0.55984570, 0.02490543, 0.31658479],
- [0.55495972, 0.02185857, 0.31789598],
- [0.55003944, 0.01905721, 0.31915292],
- [0.54508421, 0.01649988, 0.32035290],
- [0.54009364, 0.01418450, 0.32149216],
- [0.53506707, 0.01210967, 0.32256769],
- [0.53000414, 0.01027322, 0.32357540],
- [0.52490435, 0.00867329, 0.32451159],
- [0.51976718, 0.00730801, 0.32537242],
- [0.51459232, 0.00617496, 0.32615352],
- [0.50937942, 0.00527169, 0.32685057],
- [0.50412820, 0.00459550, 0.32745912],
- [0.49883845, 0.00414334, 0.32797456],
- [0.49351007, 0.00391176, 0.32839217],
- [0.48814305, 0.00389685, 0.32870713],
- [0.48273750, 0.00409419, 0.32891454],
- [0.47729369, 0.00449875, 0.32900950],
- [0.47181202, 0.00510487, 0.32898709],
- [0.46629306, 0.00590618, 0.32884247],
- [0.46073754, 0.00689559, 0.32857092],
- [0.45514636, 0.00806527, 0.32816791],
- [0.44952072, 0.00940630, 0.32762900],
- [0.44386196, 0.01090904, 0.32695012],
- [0.43817160, 0.01256314, 0.32612757],
- [0.43245143, 0.01435711, 0.32515798],
- [0.42670346, 0.01627877, 0.32403846],
- [0.42092984, 0.01831523, 0.32276667],
- [0.41513297, 0.02045279, 0.32134077],
- [0.40931540, 0.02267720, 0.31975957],
- [0.40347984, 0.02497369, 0.31802247],
- [0.39762912, 0.02732722, 0.31612956],
- [0.39176619, 0.02972241, 0.31408155],
- [0.38589406, 0.03214387, 0.31187980],
- [0.38001576, 0.03457641, 0.30952634],
- [0.37413435, 0.03700496, 0.30702377],
- [0.36825293, 0.03941467, 0.30437522],
- [0.36237443, 0.04175651, 0.30158440],
- [0.35650177, 0.04396933, 0.29865545],
- [0.35063775, 0.04606145, 0.29559288],
- [0.34478506, 0.04803206, 0.29240158],
- [0.33894627, 0.04988081, 0.28908670],
- [0.33312376, 0.05160777, 0.28565358],
- [0.32731976, 0.05321341, 0.28210775],
- [0.32153630, 0.05469857, 0.27845479],
- [0.31577523, 0.05606435, 0.27470034],
- [0.31003845, 0.05731174, 0.27085009],
- [0.30432731, 0.05844262, 0.26690960],
- [0.29864314, 0.05945880, 0.26288435],
- [0.29298736, 0.06036170, 0.25877985],
- [0.28736075, 0.06115387, 0.25460122],
- [0.28176439, 0.06183698, 0.25035367],
- [0.27619895, 0.06241336, 0.24604208],
- [0.27066497, 0.06288536, 0.24167115],
- [0.26516295, 0.06325514, 0.23724543],
- [0.25969341, 0.06352471, 0.23276936],
- [0.25425646, 0.06369656, 0.22824696],
- [0.24885223, 0.06377292, 0.22368215],
- [0.24348079, 0.06375601, 0.21907864],
- [0.23814208, 0.06364801, 0.21443993],
- [0.23283608, 0.06345087, 0.20976941],
- [0.22756254, 0.06316678, 0.20507013],
- [0.22232111, 0.06279787, 0.20034494],
- [0.21711142, 0.06234614, 0.19559652],
- [0.21193335, 0.06181308, 0.19082768],
- [0.20678617, 0.06120095, 0.18604051],
- [0.20166950, 0.06051127, 0.18123735],
- [0.19658276, 0.05974580, 0.17642018],
- [0.19152541, 0.05890604, 0.17159096],
- [0.18649662, 0.05799375, 0.16675122],
- [0.18149606, 0.05700991, 0.16190292],
- [0.17652272, 0.05595626, 0.15704718],
- [0.17157588, 0.05483404, 0.15218535],
- [0.16665478, 0.05364437, 0.14731867],
- [0.16175869, 0.05238821, 0.14244829],
- [0.15688661, 0.05106677, 0.13757500],
- [0.15203766, 0.04968094, 0.13269961],
- [0.14721089, 0.04823157, 0.12782280],
- [0.14240530, 0.04671941, 0.12294513],
- [0.13761989, 0.04514511, 0.11806704],
- [0.13285355, 0.04350924, 0.11318884],
- [0.12810517, 0.04181228, 0.10831071],
- [0.12337357, 0.04004903, 0.10343270]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.08752792, 0.05445008, 0.15633391],
+ [0.09204695, 0.05639320, 0.16203897],
+ [0.09650895, 0.05829607, 0.16786880],
+ [0.10090870, 0.06016328, 0.17382488],
+ [0.10524039, 0.06200004, 0.17990780],
+ [0.10949779, 0.06381198, 0.18611729],
+ [0.11367403, 0.06560565, 0.19245137],
+ [0.11776199, 0.06738816, 0.19890668],
+ [0.12175433, 0.06916725, 0.20547828],
+ [0.12564365, 0.07095122, 0.21215945],
+ [0.12942267, 0.07274885, 0.21894186],
+ [0.13308433, 0.07456920, 0.22581549],
+ [0.13662198, 0.07642163, 0.23276864],
+ [0.14002950, 0.07831532, 0.23978863],
+ [0.14330141, 0.08025937, 0.24686136],
+ [0.14643291, 0.08226244, 0.25397225],
+ [0.14941998, 0.08433262, 0.26110614],
+ [0.15225934, 0.08647727, 0.26824775],
+ [0.15494847, 0.08870295, 0.27538192],
+ [0.15748551, 0.09101525, 0.28249390],
+ [0.15986928, 0.09341878, 0.28956951],
+ [0.16209917, 0.09591718, 0.29659525],
+ [0.16417504, 0.09851308, 0.30355858],
+ [0.16609723, 0.10120815, 0.31044773],
+ [0.16786643, 0.10400316, 0.31725196],
+ [0.16948361, 0.10689806, 0.32396152],
+ [0.17095007, 0.10989202, 0.33056744],
+ [0.17226726, 0.11298355, 0.33706178],
+ [0.17343684, 0.11617055, 0.34343746],
+ [0.17446061, 0.11945041, 0.34968818],
+ [0.17534051, 0.12282010, 0.35580842],
+ [0.17607859, 0.12627622, 0.36179338],
+ [0.17667704, 0.12981506, 0.36763888],
+ [0.17713811, 0.13343270, 0.37334141],
+ [0.17746410, 0.13712505, 0.37889811],
+ [0.17765753, 0.14088788, 0.38430647],
+ [0.17772085, 0.14471691, 0.38956469],
+ [0.17765681, 0.14860777, 0.39467122],
+ [0.17746800, 0.15255614, 0.39962515],
+ [0.17715730, 0.15655769, 0.40442584],
+ [0.17672775, 0.16060812, 0.40907299],
+ [0.17618229, 0.16470324, 0.41356679],
+ [0.17552411, 0.16883893, 0.41790767],
+ [0.17475650, 0.17301117, 0.42209636],
+ [0.17388287, 0.17721606, 0.42613389],
+ [0.17290686, 0.18144976, 0.43002153],
+ [0.17183216, 0.18570864, 0.43376083],
+ [0.17066251, 0.18998919, 0.43735357],
+ [0.16940200, 0.19428801, 0.44080170],
+ [0.16805489, 0.19860183, 0.44410739],
+ [0.16662536, 0.20292760, 0.44727300],
+ [0.16511815, 0.20726230, 0.45030103],
+ [0.16353786, 0.21160317, 0.45319416],
+ [0.16188934, 0.21594754, 0.45595518],
+ [0.16017794, 0.22029285, 0.45858702],
+ [0.15840893, 0.22463672, 0.46109273],
+ [0.15658782, 0.22897695, 0.46347542],
+ [0.15472045, 0.23331142, 0.46573832],
+ [0.15281289, 0.23763816, 0.46788473],
+ [0.15087146, 0.24195534, 0.46991799],
+ [0.14890271, 0.24626125, 0.47184151],
+ [0.14691347, 0.25055433, 0.47365872],
+ [0.14491106, 0.25483305, 0.47537315],
+ [0.14290279, 0.25909612, 0.47698827],
+ [0.14089618, 0.26334235, 0.47850753],
+ [0.13889947, 0.26757056, 0.47993450],
+ [0.13692086, 0.27177976, 0.48127266],
+ [0.13496883, 0.27596907, 0.48252547],
+ [0.13305232, 0.28013764, 0.48369643],
+ [0.13118042, 0.28428476, 0.48478897],
+ [0.12936216, 0.28840987, 0.48580637],
+ [0.12760751, 0.29251232, 0.48675218],
+ [0.12592585, 0.29659172, 0.48762958],
+ [0.12432688, 0.30064769, 0.48844181],
+ [0.12282043, 0.30467992, 0.48919206],
+ [0.12141630, 0.30868816, 0.48988346],
+ [0.12012416, 0.31267225, 0.49051910],
+ [0.11895347, 0.31663207, 0.49110196],
+ [0.11791336, 0.32056757, 0.49163494],
+ [0.11701255, 0.32447876, 0.49212087],
+ [0.11625924, 0.32836571, 0.49256249],
+ [0.11566099, 0.33222853, 0.49296243],
+ [0.11522492, 0.33606732, 0.49332344],
+ [0.11495702, 0.33988228, 0.49364800],
+ [0.11486213, 0.34367370, 0.49393834],
+ [0.11494478, 0.34744177, 0.49419705],
+ [0.11520786, 0.35118683, 0.49442624],
+ [0.11565340, 0.35490919, 0.49462809],
+ [0.11628239, 0.35860921, 0.49480473],
+ [0.11709469, 0.36228726, 0.49495819],
+ [0.11808882, 0.36594380, 0.49509011],
+ [0.11926311, 0.36957912, 0.49520286],
+ [0.12061397, 0.37319378, 0.49529773],
+ [0.12213744, 0.37678822, 0.49537642],
+ [0.12382885, 0.38036291, 0.49544055],
+ [0.12568303, 0.38391827, 0.49549190],
+ [0.12769383, 0.38745486, 0.49553160],
+ [0.12985495, 0.39097318, 0.49556102],
+ [0.13215972, 0.39447374, 0.49558142],
+ [0.13460127, 0.39795707, 0.49559400],
+ [0.13717257, 0.40142368, 0.49559986],
+ [0.13986655, 0.40487412, 0.49560002],
+ [0.14267615, 0.40830893, 0.49559543],
+ [0.14559445, 0.41172862, 0.49558704],
+ [0.14861463, 0.41513371, 0.49557582],
+ [0.15172999, 0.41852479, 0.49556227],
+ [0.15493410, 0.42190240, 0.49554701],
+ [0.15822077, 0.42526707, 0.49553070],
+ [0.16158414, 0.42861927, 0.49551431],
+ [0.16501848, 0.43195963, 0.49549772],
+ [0.16851844, 0.43528863, 0.49548162],
+ [0.17207896, 0.43860678, 0.49546650],
+ [0.17569522, 0.44191466, 0.49545222],
+ [0.17936270, 0.44521270, 0.49543967],
+ [0.18307720, 0.44850150, 0.49542829],
+ [0.18683470, 0.45178148, 0.49541885],
+ [0.19063154, 0.45505319, 0.49541097],
+ [0.19446429, 0.45831712, 0.49540465],
+ [0.19832966, 0.46157369, 0.49540031],
+ [0.20222478, 0.46482343, 0.49539724],
+ [0.20614689, 0.46806681, 0.49539538],
+ [0.21009336, 0.47130421, 0.49539508],
+ [0.21406195, 0.47453613, 0.49539550],
+ [0.21805055, 0.47776300, 0.49539633],
+ [0.22205719, 0.48098524, 0.49539725],
+ [0.22608011, 0.48420325, 0.49539786],
+ [0.23011762, 0.48741741, 0.49539800],
+ [0.23416837, 0.49062812, 0.49539682],
+ [0.23823107, 0.49383575, 0.49539374],
+ [0.24230459, 0.49704067, 0.49538818],
+ [0.24638792, 0.50024322, 0.49537945],
+ [0.25048021, 0.50344372, 0.49536687],
+ [0.25458073, 0.50664248, 0.49534967],
+ [0.25868887, 0.50983982, 0.49532705],
+ [0.26280416, 0.51303600, 0.49529816],
+ [0.26692622, 0.51623130, 0.49526213],
+ [0.27105469, 0.51942595, 0.49521840],
+ [0.27518951, 0.52262020, 0.49516568],
+ [0.27933064, 0.52581426, 0.49510297],
+ [0.28347814, 0.52900834, 0.49502922],
+ [0.28763217, 0.53220259, 0.49494334],
+ [0.29179280, 0.53539718, 0.49484473],
+ [0.29596043, 0.53859225, 0.49473212],
+ [0.30013555, 0.54178792, 0.49460405],
+ [0.30431866, 0.54498430, 0.49445941],
+ [0.30851002, 0.54818143, 0.49429795],
+ [0.31271059, 0.55137942, 0.49411748],
+ [0.31692102, 0.55457829, 0.49391701],
+ [0.32114182, 0.55777805, 0.49369614],
+ [0.32537418, 0.56097873, 0.49345256],
+ [0.32961865, 0.56418028, 0.49318613],
+ [0.33387640, 0.56738267, 0.49289495],
+ [0.33814830, 0.57058585, 0.49257816],
+ [0.34243538, 0.57378975, 0.49223461],
+ [0.34673877, 0.57699426, 0.49186297],
+ [0.35105947, 0.58019927, 0.49146232],
+ [0.35539867, 0.58340466, 0.49103141],
+ [0.35975757, 0.58661028, 0.49056899],
+ [0.36413716, 0.58981597, 0.49007450],
+ [0.36853902, 0.59302156, 0.48954576],
+ [0.37296371, 0.59622684, 0.48898352],
+ [0.37741303, 0.59943162, 0.48838510],
+ [0.38188799, 0.60263568, 0.48775010],
+ [0.38638958, 0.60583879, 0.48707812],
+ [0.39091937, 0.60904071, 0.48636723],
+ [0.39547834, 0.61224120, 0.48561706],
+ [0.40006746, 0.61544001, 0.48482731],
+ [0.40468823, 0.61863685, 0.48399620],
+ [0.40934175, 0.62183146, 0.48312299],
+ [0.41402871, 0.62502358, 0.48220800],
+ [0.41875042, 0.62821291, 0.48124980],
+ [0.42350802, 0.63139917, 0.48024749],
+ [0.42830248, 0.63458208, 0.47920045],
+ [0.43313462, 0.63776134, 0.47810840],
+ [0.43800511, 0.64093668, 0.47697128],
+ [0.44291513, 0.64410781, 0.47578781],
+ [0.44786547, 0.64727443, 0.47455752],
+ [0.45285688, 0.65043626, 0.47327996],
+ [0.45789008, 0.65359301, 0.47195472],
+ [0.46296570, 0.65674441, 0.47058142],
+ [0.46808433, 0.65989019, 0.46915974],
+ [0.47324633, 0.66303010, 0.46768979],
+ [0.47845245, 0.66616385, 0.46617069],
+ [0.48370315, 0.66929119, 0.46460213],
+ [0.48899883, 0.67241186, 0.46298382],
+ [0.49433987, 0.67552562, 0.46131548],
+ [0.49972657, 0.67863224, 0.45959684],
+ [0.50515923, 0.68173147, 0.45782765],
+ [0.51063806, 0.68482310, 0.45600765],
+ [0.51616327, 0.68790691, 0.45413659],
+ [0.52173499, 0.69098269, 0.45221420],
+ [0.52735335, 0.69405024, 0.45024025],
+ [0.53301842, 0.69710936, 0.44821445],
+ [0.53873026, 0.70015988, 0.44613656],
+ [0.54448886, 0.70320160, 0.44400627],
+ [0.55029423, 0.70623437, 0.44182330],
+ [0.55614598, 0.70925806, 0.43958801],
+ [0.56204429, 0.71227248, 0.43729959],
+ [0.56798909, 0.71527748, 0.43495760],
+ [0.57398027, 0.71827292, 0.43256168],
+ [0.58001770, 0.72125865, 0.43011141],
+ [0.58610124, 0.72423455, 0.42760637],
+ [0.59223071, 0.72720048, 0.42504609],
+ [0.59840589, 0.73015634, 0.42243016],
+ [0.60462588, 0.73310215, 0.41975946],
+ [0.61089116, 0.73603767, 0.41703201],
+ [0.61720154, 0.73896279, 0.41424719],
+ [0.62355679, 0.74187742, 0.41140432],
+ [0.62995669, 0.74478146, 0.40850267],
+ [0.63640004, 0.74767501, 0.40554339],
+ [0.64288738, 0.75055785, 0.40252410],
+ [0.64941862, 0.75342984, 0.39944362],
+ [0.65599353, 0.75629090, 0.39630098],
+ [0.66261097, 0.75914117, 0.39309691],
+ [0.66927108, 0.76198049, 0.38982957],
+ [0.67597411, 0.76480867, 0.38649681],
+ [0.68271984, 0.76762564, 0.38309731],
+ [0.68950640, 0.77043173, 0.37963294],
+ [0.69633514, 0.77322649, 0.37609915],
+ [0.70320587, 0.77600985, 0.37249427],
+ [0.71011710, 0.77878207, 0.36881911],
+ [0.71706926, 0.78154293, 0.36507064],
+ [0.72406277, 0.78429221, 0.36124564],
+ [0.73109609, 0.78703020, 0.35734467],
+ [0.73816957, 0.78975670, 0.35336444],
+ [0.74528382, 0.79247145, 0.34930088],
+ [0.75243681, 0.79517489, 0.34515515],
+ [0.75962972, 0.79786659, 0.34092168],
+ [0.76686259, 0.80054644, 0.33659700],
+ [0.77413333, 0.80321494, 0.33218183],
+ [0.78144402, 0.80587139, 0.32766798],
+ [0.78879297, 0.80851618, 0.32305486],
+ [0.79618046, 0.81114915, 0.31833738],
+ [0.80360708, 0.81377001, 0.31350943],
+ [0.81107072, 0.81637931, 0.30857037],
+ [0.81857375, 0.81897625, 0.30350935],
+ [0.82611350, 0.82156155, 0.29832601],
+ [0.83369193, 0.82413452, 0.29300924],
+ [0.84130759, 0.82669553, 0.28755484],
+ [0.84896098, 0.82924432, 0.28195349],
+ [0.85665198, 0.83178087, 0.27619635],
+ [0.86437995, 0.83430528, 0.27027480],
+ [0.87214576, 0.83681719, 0.26417549],
+ [0.87994802, 0.83931699, 0.25788906],
+ [0.88778819, 0.84180409, 0.25139755],
+ [0.89566452, 0.84427902, 0.24468901],
+ [0.90357867, 0.84674113, 0.23774045],
+ [0.91152892, 0.84919093, 0.23053474],
+ [0.91951673, 0.85162784, 0.22304277],
+ [0.92754082, 0.85405223, 0.21523836],
+ [0.93560204, 0.85646372, 0.20708390],
+ [0.94369997, 0.85886238, 0.19853799],
+ [0.95183441, 0.86124822, 0.18954940],
+ [0.96000625, 0.86362083, 0.18005051],
+ [0.96821377, 0.86598077, 0.16996509],
+ [0.97645964, 0.86832697, 0.15917699],
+ [0.97677870, 0.86238645, 0.15511138],
+ [0.97705968, 0.85645921, 0.15107024],
+ [0.97730297, 0.85054514, 0.14705473],
+ [0.97750893, 0.84464413, 0.14306613],
+ [0.97767793, 0.83875607, 0.13910578],
+ [0.97781030, 0.83288087, 0.13517518],
+ [0.97790635, 0.82701843, 0.13127592],
+ [0.97796637, 0.82116867, 0.12740975],
+ [0.97799065, 0.81533150, 0.12357856],
+ [0.97797944, 0.80950686, 0.11978440],
+ [0.97793300, 0.80369466, 0.11602949],
+ [0.97785155, 0.79789486, 0.11231628],
+ [0.97773531, 0.79210738, 0.10864740],
+ [0.97758449, 0.78633217, 0.10502572],
+ [0.97739927, 0.78056919, 0.10145437],
+ [0.97717983, 0.77481839, 0.09793676],
+ [0.97692633, 0.76907975, 0.09447657],
+ [0.97663892, 0.76335321, 0.09107784],
+ [0.97631776, 0.75763876, 0.08774490],
+ [0.97596297, 0.75193638, 0.08448249],
+ [0.97557467, 0.74624605, 0.08129571],
+ [0.97515298, 0.74056775, 0.07819007],
+ [0.97469800, 0.73490149, 0.07517148],
+ [0.97421021, 0.72924703, 0.07224664],
+ [0.97368951, 0.72360447, 0.06942221],
+ [0.97313583, 0.71797393, 0.06670519],
+ [0.97254922, 0.71235541, 0.06410312],
+ [0.97192977, 0.70674892, 0.06162387],
+ [0.97127752, 0.70115449, 0.05927557],
+ [0.97059296, 0.69557187, 0.05706716],
+ [0.96987609, 0.69000113, 0.05500703],
+ [0.96912659, 0.68444251, 0.05310302],
+ [0.96834452, 0.67889604, 0.05136321],
+ [0.96753005, 0.67336167, 0.04979551],
+ [0.96668384, 0.66783904, 0.04840818],
+ [0.96580516, 0.66232866, 0.04720612],
+ [0.96489405, 0.65683060, 0.04619447],
+ [0.96395109, 0.65134452, 0.04537835],
+ [0.96297618, 0.64587055, 0.04476016],
+ [0.96196892, 0.64040903, 0.04433994],
+ [0.96092979, 0.63495970, 0.04411823],
+ [0.95985892, 0.62952254, 0.04409312],
+ [0.95875575, 0.62409801, 0.04425943],
+ [0.95762104, 0.61868564, 0.04461378],
+ [0.95645441, 0.61328578, 0.04514863],
+ [0.95525570, 0.60789861, 0.04585576],
+ [0.95402572, 0.60252363, 0.04672868],
+ [0.95276350, 0.59716162, 0.04775541],
+ [0.95147004, 0.59181192, 0.04892886],
+ [0.95014456, 0.58647519, 0.05023678],
+ [0.94878769, 0.58115104, 0.05167074],
+ [0.94739902, 0.57583985, 0.05321958],
+ [0.94597896, 0.57054142, 0.05487459],
+ [0.94452718, 0.56525606, 0.05662539],
+ [0.94304413, 0.55998352, 0.05846422],
+ [0.94152930, 0.55472430, 0.06038105],
+ [0.93998345, 0.54947786, 0.06237007],
+ [0.93840582, 0.54424492, 0.06442156],
+ [0.93679717, 0.53902496, 0.06653078],
+ [0.93515705, 0.53381842, 0.06869001],
+ [0.93348553, 0.52862536, 0.07089355],
+ [0.93178309, 0.52344548, 0.07313736],
+ [0.93004922, 0.51827929, 0.07541504],
+ [0.92828420, 0.51312666, 0.07772287],
+ [0.92648828, 0.50798748, 0.08005753],
+ [0.92466114, 0.50286212, 0.08241431],
+ [0.92280285, 0.49775063, 0.08479007],
+ [0.92091391, 0.49265267, 0.08718318],
+ [0.91899396, 0.48756867, 0.08958983],
+ [0.91704306, 0.48249869, 0.09200767],
+ [0.91506128, 0.47744277, 0.09443465],
+ [0.91304890, 0.47240075, 0.09686954],
+ [0.91100584, 0.46737282, 0.09931027],
+ [0.90893209, 0.46235912, 0.10175508],
+ [0.90682772, 0.45735968, 0.10420269],
+ [0.90469280, 0.45237454, 0.10665194],
+ [0.90252741, 0.44740376, 0.10910180],
+ [0.90033161, 0.44244738, 0.11155136],
+ [0.89810556, 0.43750535, 0.11400006],
+ [0.89584925, 0.43257782, 0.11644693],
+ [0.89356273, 0.42766483, 0.11889128],
+ [0.89124607, 0.42276645, 0.12133257],
+ [0.88889935, 0.41788270, 0.12377033],
+ [0.88652265, 0.41301363, 0.12620414],
+ [0.88411603, 0.40815928, 0.12863364],
+ [0.88167959, 0.40331967, 0.13105853],
+ [0.87921338, 0.39849486, 0.13347855],
+ [0.87671751, 0.39368487, 0.13589347],
+ [0.87419208, 0.38888967, 0.13830329],
+ [0.87163719, 0.38410930, 0.14070781],
+ [0.86905287, 0.37934382, 0.14310682],
+ [0.86643921, 0.37459325, 0.14550020],
+ [0.86379630, 0.36985763, 0.14788787],
+ [0.86112421, 0.36513695, 0.15026978],
+ [0.85842305, 0.36043124, 0.15264587],
+ [0.85569303, 0.35574032, 0.15501666],
+ [0.85293413, 0.35106435, 0.15738168],
+ [0.85014642, 0.34640335, 0.15974085],
+ [0.84733000, 0.34175732, 0.16209419],
+ [0.84448512, 0.33712603, 0.16444234],
+ [0.84161173, 0.33250963, 0.16678479],
+ [0.83870993, 0.32790816, 0.16912146],
+ [0.83577992, 0.32332138, 0.17145295],
+ [0.83282175, 0.31874937, 0.17377900],
+ [0.82983545, 0.31419218, 0.17609933],
+ [0.82682132, 0.30964946, 0.17841492],
+ [0.82377927, 0.30512146, 0.18072487],
+ [0.82070951, 0.30060793, 0.18302979],
+ [0.81761212, 0.29610887, 0.18532952],
+ [0.81448721, 0.29162419, 0.18762411],
+ [0.81133489, 0.28715376, 0.18991373],
+ [0.80815526, 0.28269753, 0.19219826],
+ [0.80494843, 0.27825537, 0.19447783],
+ [0.80171453, 0.27382715, 0.19675251],
+ [0.79845361, 0.26941284, 0.19902204],
+ [0.79516586, 0.26501213, 0.20128700],
+ [0.79185130, 0.26062508, 0.20354673],
+ [0.78851009, 0.25625139, 0.20580169],
+ [0.78514233, 0.25189095, 0.20805178],
+ [0.78174807, 0.24754365, 0.21029670],
+ [0.77832746, 0.24320922, 0.21253675],
+ [0.77488060, 0.23888748, 0.21477189],
+ [0.77140755, 0.23457829, 0.21700180],
+ [0.76790841, 0.23028144, 0.21922646],
+ [0.76438329, 0.22599663, 0.22144601],
+ [0.76083227, 0.22172363, 0.22366036],
+ [0.75725543, 0.21746226, 0.22586922],
+ [0.75365284, 0.21321223, 0.22807250],
+ [0.75002458, 0.20897328, 0.23027008],
+ [0.74637073, 0.20474512, 0.23246184],
+ [0.74269134, 0.20052745, 0.23464762],
+ [0.73898649, 0.19631995, 0.23682727],
+ [0.73525623, 0.19212231, 0.23900059],
+ [0.73150060, 0.18793417, 0.24116738],
+ [0.72771966, 0.18375520, 0.24332741],
+ [0.72391343, 0.17958503, 0.24548042],
+ [0.72008196, 0.17542328, 0.24762616],
+ [0.71622525, 0.17126956, 0.24976431],
+ [0.71234333, 0.16712346, 0.25189456],
+ [0.70843620, 0.16298456, 0.25401657],
+ [0.70450387, 0.15885242, 0.25612995],
+ [0.70054631, 0.15472658, 0.25823434],
+ [0.69656352, 0.15060653, 0.26032965],
+ [0.69255545, 0.14649183, 0.26241508],
+ [0.68852207, 0.14238199, 0.26449015],
+ [0.68446333, 0.13827647, 0.26655453],
+ [0.68037914, 0.13417471, 0.26860782],
+ [0.67626946, 0.13007624, 0.27064908],
+ [0.67213418, 0.12598043, 0.27267811],
+ [0.66797319, 0.12188673, 0.27469408],
+ [0.66378640, 0.11779458, 0.27669629],
+ [0.65957364, 0.11370335, 0.27868422],
+ [0.65533480, 0.10961246, 0.28065688],
+ [0.65106969, 0.10552128, 0.28261364],
+ [0.64677815, 0.10142921, 0.28455363],
+ [0.64245999, 0.09733565, 0.28647567],
+ [0.63811495, 0.09323995, 0.28837938],
+ [0.63374286, 0.08914155, 0.29026323],
+ [0.62934346, 0.08503984, 0.29212617],
+ [0.62491645, 0.08093428, 0.29396724],
+ [0.62046156, 0.07682433, 0.29578524],
+ [0.61597849, 0.07270954, 0.29757868],
+ [0.61146692, 0.06858949, 0.29934622],
+ [0.60692650, 0.06446386, 0.30108639],
+ [0.60235686, 0.06033246, 0.30279764],
+ [0.59775761, 0.05619524, 0.30447830],
+ [0.59312836, 0.05205234, 0.30612660],
+ [0.58846868, 0.04790419, 0.30774064],
+ [0.58377813, 0.04375150, 0.30931842],
+ [0.57905626, 0.03958633, 0.31085779],
+ [0.57430258, 0.03553832, 0.31235659],
+ [0.56951656, 0.03174353, 0.31381251],
+ [0.56469777, 0.02819987, 0.31522280],
+ [0.55984570, 0.02490543, 0.31658479],
+ [0.55495972, 0.02185857, 0.31789598],
+ [0.55003944, 0.01905721, 0.31915292],
+ [0.54508421, 0.01649988, 0.32035290],
+ [0.54009364, 0.01418450, 0.32149216],
+ [0.53506707, 0.01210967, 0.32256769],
+ [0.53000414, 0.01027322, 0.32357540],
+ [0.52490435, 0.00867329, 0.32451159],
+ [0.51976718, 0.00730801, 0.32537242],
+ [0.51459232, 0.00617496, 0.32615352],
+ [0.50937942, 0.00527169, 0.32685057],
+ [0.50412820, 0.00459550, 0.32745912],
+ [0.49883845, 0.00414334, 0.32797456],
+ [0.49351007, 0.00391176, 0.32839217],
+ [0.48814305, 0.00389685, 0.32870713],
+ [0.48273750, 0.00409419, 0.32891454],
+ [0.47729369, 0.00449875, 0.32900950],
+ [0.47181202, 0.00510487, 0.32898709],
+ [0.46629306, 0.00590618, 0.32884247],
+ [0.46073754, 0.00689559, 0.32857092],
+ [0.45514636, 0.00806527, 0.32816791],
+ [0.44952072, 0.00940630, 0.32762900],
+ [0.44386196, 0.01090904, 0.32695012],
+ [0.43817160, 0.01256314, 0.32612757],
+ [0.43245143, 0.01435711, 0.32515798],
+ [0.42670346, 0.01627877, 0.32403846],
+ [0.42092984, 0.01831523, 0.32276667],
+ [0.41513297, 0.02045279, 0.32134077],
+ [0.40931540, 0.02267720, 0.31975957],
+ [0.40347984, 0.02497369, 0.31802247],
+ [0.39762912, 0.02732722, 0.31612956],
+ [0.39176619, 0.02972241, 0.31408155],
+ [0.38589406, 0.03214387, 0.31187980],
+ [0.38001576, 0.03457641, 0.30952634],
+ [0.37413435, 0.03700496, 0.30702377],
+ [0.36825293, 0.03941467, 0.30437522],
+ [0.36237443, 0.04175651, 0.30158440],
+ [0.35650177, 0.04396933, 0.29865545],
+ [0.35063775, 0.04606145, 0.29559288],
+ [0.34478506, 0.04803206, 0.29240158],
+ [0.33894627, 0.04988081, 0.28908670],
+ [0.33312376, 0.05160777, 0.28565358],
+ [0.32731976, 0.05321341, 0.28210775],
+ [0.32153630, 0.05469857, 0.27845479],
+ [0.31577523, 0.05606435, 0.27470034],
+ [0.31003845, 0.05731174, 0.27085009],
+ [0.30432731, 0.05844262, 0.26690960],
+ [0.29864314, 0.05945880, 0.26288435],
+ [0.29298736, 0.06036170, 0.25877985],
+ [0.28736075, 0.06115387, 0.25460122],
+ [0.28176439, 0.06183698, 0.25035367],
+ [0.27619895, 0.06241336, 0.24604208],
+ [0.27066497, 0.06288536, 0.24167115],
+ [0.26516295, 0.06325514, 0.23724543],
+ [0.25969341, 0.06352471, 0.23276936],
+ [0.25425646, 0.06369656, 0.22824696],
+ [0.24885223, 0.06377292, 0.22368215],
+ [0.24348079, 0.06375601, 0.21907864],
+ [0.23814208, 0.06364801, 0.21443993],
+ [0.23283608, 0.06345087, 0.20976941],
+ [0.22756254, 0.06316678, 0.20507013],
+ [0.22232111, 0.06279787, 0.20034494],
+ [0.21711142, 0.06234614, 0.19559652],
+ [0.21193335, 0.06181308, 0.19082768],
+ [0.20678617, 0.06120095, 0.18604051],
+ [0.20166950, 0.06051127, 0.18123735],
+ [0.19658276, 0.05974580, 0.17642018],
+ [0.19152541, 0.05890604, 0.17159096],
+ [0.18649662, 0.05799375, 0.16675122],
+ [0.18149606, 0.05700991, 0.16190292],
+ [0.17652272, 0.05595626, 0.15704718],
+ [0.17157588, 0.05483404, 0.15218535],
+ [0.16665478, 0.05364437, 0.14731867],
+ [0.16175869, 0.05238821, 0.14244829],
+ [0.15688661, 0.05106677, 0.13757500],
+ [0.15203766, 0.04968094, 0.13269961],
+ [0.14721089, 0.04823157, 0.12782280],
+ [0.14240530, 0.04671941, 0.12294513],
+ [0.13761989, 0.04514511, 0.11806704],
+ [0.13285355, 0.04350924, 0.11318884],
+ [0.12810517, 0.04181228, 0.10831071],
+ [0.12337357, 0.04004903, 0.10343270],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.pride', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.pride", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/prinsenvlag/prinsenvlag.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/prinsenvlag/prinsenvlag.jscm
index 83ff5acb..062a041e 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/prinsenvlag/prinsenvlag.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/prinsenvlag/prinsenvlag.jscm
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/prinsenvlag/prinsenvlag.py b/cmasher/colormaps/prinsenvlag/prinsenvlag.py
index 876f5b5c..e9de085d 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/prinsenvlag/prinsenvlag.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/prinsenvlag/prinsenvlag.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.66652292, 0.32162285, 0.27174824],
- [0.66968836, 0.32287871, 0.26984798],
- [0.67284074, 0.32414922, 0.26792319],
- [0.67597985, 0.32543464, 0.26597376],
- [0.67910534, 0.32673527, 0.26400015],
- [0.68221702, 0.32805138, 0.26200216],
- [0.68531458, 0.32938325, 0.25998004],
- [0.68839773, 0.33073119, 0.25793405],
- [0.69146625, 0.33209542, 0.25586399],
- [0.69451985, 0.33347626, 0.25377011],
- [0.69755822, 0.33487397, 0.25165260],
- [0.70058111, 0.33628884, 0.24951152],
- [0.70358827, 0.33772110, 0.24734669],
- [0.70657939, 0.33917104, 0.24515846],
- [0.70955417, 0.34063895, 0.24294689],
- [0.71251235, 0.34212507, 0.24071203],
- [0.71545364, 0.34362966, 0.23845388],
- [0.71837777, 0.34515299, 0.23617239],
- [0.72128444, 0.34669531, 0.23386773],
- [0.72417334, 0.34825688, 0.23153995],
- [0.72704419, 0.34983796, 0.22918904],
- [0.72989669, 0.35143879, 0.22681502],
- [0.73273055, 0.35305963, 0.22441788],
- [0.73554545, 0.35470071, 0.22199761],
- [0.73834111, 0.35636229, 0.21955419],
- [0.74111719, 0.35804460, 0.21708757],
- [0.74387340, 0.35974788, 0.21459773],
- [0.74660943, 0.36147237, 0.21208459],
- [0.74932494, 0.36321831, 0.20954809],
- [0.75201961, 0.36498591, 0.20698815],
- [0.75469313, 0.36677542, 0.20440468],
- [0.75734515, 0.36858705, 0.20179755],
- [0.75997534, 0.37042103, 0.19916666],
- [0.76258336, 0.37227759, 0.19651187],
- [0.76516888, 0.37415694, 0.19383281],
- [0.76773152, 0.37605929, 0.19112950],
- [0.77027094, 0.37798487, 0.18840175],
- [0.77278677, 0.37993388, 0.18564938],
- [0.77527865, 0.38190653, 0.18287207],
- [0.77774619, 0.38390304, 0.18006945],
- [0.78018902, 0.38592360, 0.17724148],
- [0.78260674, 0.38796842, 0.17438790],
- [0.78499896, 0.39003772, 0.17150803],
- [0.78736528, 0.39213167, 0.16860194],
- [0.78970528, 0.39425049, 0.16566921],
- [0.79201853, 0.39639437, 0.16270924],
- [0.79430463, 0.39856349, 0.15972204],
- [0.79656310, 0.40075807, 0.15670680],
- [0.79879353, 0.40297828, 0.15366349],
- [0.80099544, 0.40522432, 0.15059138],
- [0.80316837, 0.40749637, 0.14749033],
- [0.80531182, 0.40979463, 0.14435955],
- [0.80742534, 0.41211926, 0.14119902],
- [0.80950840, 0.41447048, 0.13800779],
- [0.81156050, 0.41684844, 0.13478582],
- [0.81358111, 0.41925331, 0.13153257],
- [0.81556969, 0.42168531, 0.12824736],
- [0.81752571, 0.42414458, 0.12493010],
- [0.81944861, 0.42663128, 0.12158038],
- [0.82133780, 0.42914562, 0.11819759],
- [0.82319270, 0.43168774, 0.11478165],
- [0.82501272, 0.43425780, 0.11133240],
- [0.82679726, 0.43685595, 0.10784972],
- [0.82854569, 0.43948235, 0.10433361],
- [0.83025738, 0.44213716, 0.10078423],
- [0.83193167, 0.44482051, 0.09720189],
- [0.83356792, 0.44753254, 0.09358723],
- [0.83516545, 0.45027336, 0.08994121],
- [0.83672360, 0.45304311, 0.08626511],
- [0.83824169, 0.45584187, 0.08256067],
- [0.83971900, 0.45866977, 0.07883012],
- [0.84115485, 0.46152687, 0.07507655],
- [0.84254855, 0.46441325, 0.07130387],
- [0.84389938, 0.46732893, 0.06751708],
- [0.84520666, 0.47027397, 0.06372252],
- [0.84646970, 0.47324835, 0.05992817],
- [0.84768772, 0.47625214, 0.05614369],
- [0.84886013, 0.47928522, 0.05238195],
- [0.84998625, 0.48234752, 0.04865862],
- [0.85106537, 0.48543901, 0.04499272],
- [0.85209693, 0.48855950, 0.04140848],
- [0.85308031, 0.49170881, 0.03793938],
- [0.85401492, 0.49488677, 0.03476136],
- [0.85490031, 0.49809305, 0.03191223],
- [0.85573592, 0.50132741, 0.02940660],
- [0.85652143, 0.50458940, 0.02726055],
- [0.85725644, 0.50787865, 0.02549044],
- [0.85794069, 0.51119464, 0.02411375],
- [0.85857405, 0.51453678, 0.02314872],
- [0.85915633, 0.51790450, 0.02261415],
- [0.85968763, 0.52129702, 0.02253001],
- [0.86016808, 0.52471357, 0.02291681],
- [0.86059788, 0.52815330, 0.02379575],
- [0.86097746, 0.53161522, 0.02518883],
- [0.86130736, 0.53509830, 0.02711862],
- [0.86158824, 0.53860140, 0.02960822],
- [0.86182093, 0.54212333, 0.03268122],
- [0.86200643, 0.54566279, 0.03636157],
- [0.86214590, 0.54921839, 0.04066935],
- [0.86224067, 0.55278871, 0.04537505],
- [0.86229220, 0.55637222, 0.05037523],
- [0.86230215, 0.55996736, 0.05562905],
- [0.86227230, 0.56357252, 0.06110140],
- [0.86220459, 0.56718603, 0.06676235],
- [0.86210105, 0.57080622, 0.07258649],
- [0.86196391, 0.57443138, 0.07855219],
- [0.86179544, 0.57805980, 0.08464111],
- [0.86159796, 0.58168982, 0.09083760],
- [0.86137394, 0.58531976, 0.09712816],
- [0.86112589, 0.58894796, 0.10350103],
- [0.86085618, 0.59257291, 0.10994631],
- [0.86056752, 0.59619297, 0.11645481],
- [0.86026220, 0.59980681, 0.12301903],
- [0.85994290, 0.60341292, 0.12963172],
- [0.85961180, 0.60701014, 0.13628713],
- [0.85927159, 0.61059708, 0.14297921],
- [0.85892431, 0.61417274, 0.14970344],
- [0.85857219, 0.61773610, 0.15645538],
- [0.85821749, 0.62128613, 0.16323078],
- [0.85786223, 0.62482200, 0.17002606],
- [0.85750826, 0.62834299, 0.17683810],
- [0.85715740, 0.63184844, 0.18366396],
- [0.85681139, 0.63533775, 0.19050095],
- [0.85647182, 0.63881043, 0.19734673],
- [0.85614018, 0.64226607, 0.20419916],
- [0.85581797, 0.64570426, 0.21105611],
- [0.85550652, 0.64912471, 0.21791578],
- [0.85520682, 0.65252730, 0.22477700],
- [0.85492000, 0.65591186, 0.23163833],
- [0.85464743, 0.65927812, 0.23849786],
- [0.85438946, 0.66262629, 0.24535558],
- [0.85414767, 0.66595602, 0.25220910],
- [0.85392217, 0.66926764, 0.25905882],
- [0.85371404, 0.67256104, 0.26590324],
- [0.85352395, 0.67583631, 0.27274161],
- [0.85335228, 0.67909366, 0.27957374],
- [0.85319962, 0.68233319, 0.28639895],
- [0.85306650, 0.68555506, 0.29321666],
- [0.85295346, 0.68875940, 0.30002626],
- [0.85286083, 0.69194644, 0.30682747],
- [0.85278889, 0.69511642, 0.31362010],
- [0.85273808, 0.69826951, 0.32040362],
- [0.85270868, 0.70140596, 0.32717780],
- [0.85270086, 0.70452602, 0.33394255],
- [0.85271482, 0.70762997, 0.34069777],
- [0.85275069, 0.71071808, 0.34744340],
- [0.85280888, 0.71379052, 0.35417884],
- [0.85288958, 0.71684754, 0.36090388],
- [0.85299252, 0.71988956, 0.36761926],
- [0.85311838, 0.72291662, 0.37432370],
- [0.85326681, 0.72592917, 0.38101810],
- [0.85343819, 0.72892736, 0.38770173],
- [0.85363235, 0.73191156, 0.39437512],
- [0.85384974, 0.73488187, 0.40103733],
- [0.85408988, 0.73783876, 0.40768951],
- [0.85435340, 0.74078227, 0.41433030],
- [0.85464002, 0.74371278, 0.42096040],
- [0.85494966, 0.74663059, 0.42758000],
- [0.85528250, 0.74953588, 0.43418872],
- [0.85563880, 0.75242883, 0.44078595],
- [0.85601825, 0.75530979, 0.44737242],
- [0.85642090, 0.75817899, 0.45394799],
- [0.85684677, 0.76103667, 0.46051260],
- [0.85729588, 0.76388305, 0.46706615],
- [0.85776824, 0.76671837, 0.47360858],
- [0.85826385, 0.76954286, 0.48013984],
- [0.85878269, 0.77235673, 0.48665990],
- [0.85932475, 0.77516022, 0.49316871],
- [0.85989001, 0.77795355, 0.49966626],
- [0.86047843, 0.78073694, 0.50615255],
- [0.86108997, 0.78351061, 0.51262756],
- [0.86172460, 0.78627477, 0.51909132],
- [0.86238226, 0.78902964, 0.52554383],
- [0.86306310, 0.79177539, 0.53198463],
- [0.86376711, 0.79451220, 0.53841360],
- [0.86449402, 0.79724034, 0.54483129],
- [0.86524379, 0.79996000, 0.55123773],
- [0.86601662, 0.80267133, 0.55763225],
- [0.86681248, 0.80537451, 0.56401474],
- [0.86763102, 0.80806980, 0.57038602],
- [0.86847249, 0.81075732, 0.57674529],
- [0.86933689, 0.81343725, 0.58309237],
- [0.87022379, 0.81610986, 0.58942831],
- [0.87113380, 0.81877517, 0.59575121],
- [0.87206627, 0.82143350, 0.60206278],
- [0.87302157, 0.82408493, 0.60836178],
- [0.87399941, 0.82672968, 0.61464885],
- [0.87499995, 0.82936788, 0.62092341],
- [0.87602298, 0.83199973, 0.62718585],
- [0.87706868, 0.83462534, 0.63343547],
- [0.87813670, 0.83724494, 0.63967316],
- [0.87922749, 0.83985860, 0.64589737],
- [0.88034046, 0.84246656, 0.65210971],
- [0.88147609, 0.84506889, 0.65830854],
- [0.88263406, 0.84766578, 0.66449469],
- [0.88381421, 0.85025741, 0.67066844],
- [0.88501708, 0.85284383, 0.67682796],
- [0.88624212, 0.85542527, 0.68297480],
- [0.88748934, 0.85800184, 0.68910877],
- [0.88875913, 0.86057364, 0.69522843],
- [0.89005116, 0.86314085, 0.70133472],
- [0.89136537, 0.86570359, 0.70742766],
- [0.89270182, 0.86826198, 0.71350695],
- [0.89406080, 0.87081612, 0.71957145],
- [0.89544200, 0.87336617, 0.72562208],
- [0.89684544, 0.87591224, 0.73165864],
- [0.89827117, 0.87845445, 0.73768094],
- [0.89971922, 0.88099290, 0.74368874],
- [0.90118983, 0.88352769, 0.74968111],
- [0.90268282, 0.88605894, 0.75565865],
- [0.90419826, 0.88858675, 0.76162114],
- [0.90573620, 0.89111122, 0.76756834],
- [0.90729672, 0.89363244, 0.77350003],
- [0.90887991, 0.89615050, 0.77941595],
- [0.91048587, 0.89866548, 0.78531584],
- [0.91211471, 0.90117745, 0.79119942],
- [0.91376657, 0.90368650, 0.79706640],
- [0.91544160, 0.90619267, 0.80291648],
- [0.91713997, 0.90869604, 0.80874931],
- [0.91886189, 0.91119665, 0.81456449],
- [0.92060755, 0.91369454, 0.82036176],
- [0.92237720, 0.91618974, 0.82614071],
- [0.92417113, 0.91868228, 0.83190090],
- [0.92598970, 0.92117216, 0.83764173],
- [0.92783327, 0.92365938, 0.84336269],
- [0.92970225, 0.92614392, 0.84906320],
- [0.93159713, 0.92862574, 0.85474261],
- [0.93351846, 0.93110480, 0.86040018],
- [0.93546686, 0.93358100, 0.86603506],
- [0.93744305, 0.93605426, 0.87164632],
- [0.93944783, 0.93852446, 0.87723287],
- [0.94148212, 0.94099143, 0.88279346],
- [0.94354698, 0.94345501, 0.88832666],
- [0.94564358, 0.94591498, 0.89383078],
- [0.94777329, 0.94837110, 0.89930379],
- [0.94993767, 0.95082312, 0.90474288],
- [0.95213831, 0.95327074, 0.91014586],
- [0.95437706, 0.95571365, 0.91550948],
- [0.95665590, 0.95815155, 0.92082985],
- [0.95897690, 0.96058420, 0.92610239],
- [0.96134214, 0.96301143, 0.93132139],
- [0.96375350, 0.96543330, 0.93648010],
- [0.96621233, 0.96785008, 0.94157169],
- [0.96871915, 0.97026250, 0.94658784],
- [0.97127307, 0.97267194, 0.95151959],
- [0.97387107, 0.97508065, 0.95635746],
- [0.97650729, 0.97749181, 0.96109394],
- [0.97917255, 0.97990965, 0.96572405],
- [0.98185438, 0.98233926, 0.97024699],
- [0.98453780, 0.98478616, 0.97466743],
- [0.98720720, 0.98725530, 0.97899779],
- [0.98984857, 0.98975040, 0.98325623],
- [0.99245167, 0.99227335, 0.98746436],
- [0.99501113, 0.99482402, 0.99164431],
- [0.99752626, 0.99740053, 0.99581723],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
- [0.99560484, 0.99797777, 0.99750848],
- [0.99117312, 0.99597490, 0.99502498],
- [0.98670793, 0.99398996, 0.99254990],
- [0.98221168, 0.99202175, 0.99008394],
- [0.97768629, 0.99006925, 0.98762791],
- [0.97313327, 0.98813162, 0.98518267],
- [0.96855381, 0.98620812, 0.98274909],
- [0.96394888, 0.98429814, 0.98032799],
- [0.95931925, 0.98240112, 0.97792018],
- [0.95466497, 0.98051679, 0.97552649],
- [0.94998687, 0.97864459, 0.97314762],
- [0.94528550, 0.97678408, 0.97078428],
- [0.94056119, 0.97493488, 0.96843714],
- [0.93581368, 0.97309685, 0.96610692],
- [0.93104310, 0.97126972, 0.96379428],
- [0.92625013, 0.96945298, 0.96149978],
- [0.92143452, 0.96764651, 0.95922409],
- [0.91659574, 0.96585024, 0.95696791],
- [0.91173479, 0.96406358, 0.95473171],
- [0.90685073, 0.96228663, 0.95251624],
- [0.90194394, 0.96051902, 0.95032203],
- [0.89701445, 0.95876048, 0.94814970],
- [0.89206160, 0.95701101, 0.94599995],
- [0.88708603, 0.95527014, 0.94387328],
- [0.88208682, 0.95353793, 0.94177045],
- [0.87706450, 0.95181396, 0.93969200],
- [0.87201864, 0.95009811, 0.93763862],
- [0.86694886, 0.94839025, 0.93561100],
- [0.86185580, 0.94668991, 0.93360967],
- [0.85673821, 0.94499724, 0.93163553],
- [0.85159664, 0.94331179, 0.92968913],
- [0.84643115, 0.94163327, 0.92777111],
- [0.84124121, 0.93996157, 0.92588229],
- [0.83602639, 0.93829656, 0.92402347],
- [0.83078714, 0.93663781, 0.92219526],
- [0.82552331, 0.93498508, 0.92039842],
- [0.82023476, 0.93333812, 0.91863374],
- [0.81492141, 0.93169667, 0.91690200],
- [0.80958318, 0.93006045, 0.91520401],
- [0.80422006, 0.92842917, 0.91354057],
- [0.79883207, 0.92680252, 0.91191251],
- [0.79341929, 0.92518015, 0.91032064],
- [0.78798186, 0.92356172, 0.90876580],
- [0.78251997, 0.92194687, 0.90724881],
- [0.77703386, 0.92033520, 0.90577049],
- [0.77152388, 0.91872630, 0.90433167],
- [0.76599037, 0.91711974, 0.90293319],
- [0.76043294, 0.91551533, 0.90157615],
- [0.75485295, 0.91391234, 0.90026110],
- [0.74925107, 0.91231028, 0.89898879],
- [0.74362688, 0.91070893, 0.89776045],
- [0.73798217, 0.90910750, 0.89657646],
- [0.73231718, 0.90750560, 0.89543782],
- [0.72663309, 0.90590259, 0.89434516],
- [0.72093071, 0.90429795, 0.89329931],
- [0.71521168, 0.90269097, 0.89230072],
- [0.70947638, 0.90108122, 0.89135040],
- [0.70372709, 0.89946784, 0.89044854],
- [0.69796522, 0.89785020, 0.88959570],
- [0.69219175, 0.89622778, 0.88879265],
- [0.68640914, 0.89459972, 0.88803945],
- [0.68061927, 0.89296530, 0.88733641],
- [0.67482419, 0.89132382, 0.88668375],
- [0.66902611, 0.88967454, 0.88608158],
- [0.66322736, 0.88801671, 0.88552990],
- [0.65743045, 0.88634959, 0.88502859],
- [0.65163800, 0.88467242, 0.88457743],
- [0.64585276, 0.88298445, 0.88417606],
- [0.64007758, 0.88128496, 0.88382399],
- [0.63431540, 0.87957320, 0.88352064],
- [0.62856925, 0.87784849, 0.88326526],
- [0.62284220, 0.87611015, 0.88305702],
- [0.61713731, 0.87435753, 0.88289499],
- [0.61145756, 0.87259004, 0.88277819],
- [0.60580630, 0.87080707, 0.88270531],
- [0.60018662, 0.86900810, 0.88267507],
- [0.59460149, 0.86719263, 0.88268617],
- [0.58905390, 0.86536025, 0.88273719],
- [0.58354691, 0.86351053, 0.88282652],
- [0.57808328, 0.86164315, 0.88295263],
- [0.57266569, 0.85975783, 0.88311394],
- [0.56729683, 0.85785431, 0.88330873],
- [0.56197909, 0.85593244, 0.88353536],
- [0.55671481, 0.85399208, 0.88379214],
- [0.55150615, 0.85203315, 0.88407738],
- [0.54635509, 0.85005563, 0.88438943],
- [0.54126347, 0.84805952, 0.88472662],
- [0.53623294, 0.84604490, 0.88508736],
- [0.53126502, 0.84401185, 0.88547004],
- [0.52636103, 0.84196053, 0.88587318],
- [0.52152217, 0.83989110, 0.88629527],
- [0.51674947, 0.83780375, 0.88673490],
- [0.51204377, 0.83569873, 0.88719075],
- [0.50740589, 0.83357627, 0.88766147],
- [0.50283642, 0.83143665, 0.88814586],
- [0.49833583, 0.82928015, 0.88864280],
- [0.49390456, 0.82710707, 0.88915114],
- [0.48954290, 0.82491772, 0.88966986],
- [0.48525100, 0.82271241, 0.89019804],
- [0.48102899, 0.82049147, 0.89073480],
- [0.47687700, 0.81825522, 0.89127918],
- [0.47279492, 0.81600399, 0.89183051],
- [0.46878268, 0.81373809, 0.89238809],
- [0.46484017, 0.81145785, 0.89295124],
- [0.46096726, 0.80916359, 0.89351928],
- [0.45716373, 0.80685561, 0.89409168],
- [0.45342933, 0.80453422, 0.89466796],
- [0.44976383, 0.80219971, 0.89524765],
- [0.44616695, 0.79985238, 0.89583029],
- [0.44263843, 0.79749249, 0.89641551],
- [0.43917799, 0.79512033, 0.89700290],
- [0.43578535, 0.79273614, 0.89759214],
- [0.43246020, 0.79034018, 0.89818294],
- [0.42920228, 0.78793268, 0.89877505],
- [0.42601130, 0.78551388, 0.89936821],
- [0.42288700, 0.78308397, 0.89996218],
- [0.41982912, 0.78064318, 0.90055677],
- [0.41683744, 0.77819169, 0.90115178],
- [0.41391171, 0.77572969, 0.90174702],
- [0.41105174, 0.77325734, 0.90234235],
- [0.40825734, 0.77077481, 0.90293761],
- [0.40552833, 0.76828225, 0.90353265],
- [0.40286455, 0.76577979, 0.90412735],
- [0.40026588, 0.76326756, 0.90472158],
- [0.39773221, 0.76074568, 0.90531522],
- [0.39526344, 0.75821426, 0.90590814],
- [0.39285949, 0.75567340, 0.90650024],
- [0.39052032, 0.75312317, 0.90709139],
- [0.38824590, 0.75056368, 0.90768149],
- [0.38603621, 0.74799497, 0.90827040],
- [0.38389126, 0.74541711, 0.90885801],
- [0.38181107, 0.74283016, 0.90944419],
- [0.37979570, 0.74023415, 0.91002881],
- [0.37784520, 0.73762912, 0.91061172],
- [0.37595964, 0.73501510, 0.91119278],
- [0.37413913, 0.73239210, 0.91177183],
- [0.37238377, 0.72976014, 0.91234869],
- [0.37069367, 0.72711921, 0.91292319],
- [0.36906899, 0.72446932, 0.91349514],
- [0.36750986, 0.72181046, 0.91406432],
- [0.36601643, 0.71914260, 0.91463051],
- [0.36458888, 0.71646572, 0.91519347],
- [0.36322738, 0.71377980, 0.91575295],
- [0.36193210, 0.71108479, 0.91630865],
- [0.36070323, 0.70838066, 0.91686029],
- [0.35954096, 0.70566736, 0.91740753],
- [0.35844548, 0.70294483, 0.91795004],
- [0.35741699, 0.70021302, 0.91848744],
- [0.35645567, 0.69747187, 0.91901933],
- [0.35556173, 0.69472131, 0.91954528],
- [0.35473534, 0.69196127, 0.92006483],
- [0.35397670, 0.68919168, 0.92057750],
- [0.35328598, 0.68641246, 0.92108275],
- [0.35266336, 0.68362353, 0.92158003],
- [0.35210901, 0.68082482, 0.92206873],
- [0.35162306, 0.67801623, 0.92254820],
- [0.35120569, 0.67519769, 0.92301776],
- [0.35085700, 0.67236910, 0.92347666],
- [0.35057713, 0.66953039, 0.92392412],
- [0.35036618, 0.66668146, 0.92435930],
- [0.35022422, 0.66382224, 0.92478130],
- [0.35015134, 0.66095264, 0.92518915],
- [0.35014762, 0.65807256, 0.92558188],
- [0.35021310, 0.65518194, 0.92595839],
- [0.35034776, 0.65228071, 0.92631748],
- [0.35055157, 0.64936880, 0.92665790],
- [0.35082449, 0.64644617, 0.92697831],
- [0.35116649, 0.64351274, 0.92727732],
- [0.35157759, 0.64056844, 0.92755353],
- [0.35205752, 0.63761329, 0.92780518],
- [0.35260611, 0.63464728, 0.92803053],
- [0.35322338, 0.63167033, 0.92822792],
- [0.35390898, 0.62868251, 0.92839527],
- [0.35466252, 0.62568389, 0.92853041],
- [0.35548412, 0.62267439, 0.92863139],
- [0.35637299, 0.61965423, 0.92869552],
- [0.35732907, 0.61662341, 0.92872049],
- [0.35835165, 0.61358216, 0.92870341],
- [0.35944053, 0.61053057, 0.92864157],
- [0.36059474, 0.60746896, 0.92853165],
- [0.36181419, 0.60439743, 0.92837068],
- [0.36309769, 0.60131644, 0.92815486],
- [0.36444446, 0.59822634, 0.92788049],
- [0.36585399, 0.59512746, 0.92754379],
- [0.36732489, 0.59202039, 0.92714033],
- [0.36885604, 0.58890571, 0.92666562],
- [0.37044614, 0.58578410, 0.92611488],
- [0.37209375, 0.58265630, 0.92548304],
- [0.37379722, 0.57952320, 0.92476474],
- [0.37555467, 0.57638579, 0.92395430],
- [0.37736397, 0.57324520, 0.92304575],
- [0.37922271, 0.57010270, 0.92203282],
- [0.38112814, 0.56695972, 0.92090898],
- [0.38307719, 0.56381787, 0.91966742],
- [0.38506645, 0.56067889, 0.91830117],
- [0.38709234, 0.55754465, 0.91680309],
- [0.38915019, 0.55441739, 0.91516587],
- [0.39123536, 0.55129939, 0.91338225],
- [0.39334265, 0.54819313, 0.91144506],
- [0.39546604, 0.54510136, 0.90934731],
- [0.39759937, 0.54202686, 0.90708239],
- [0.39973559, 0.53897268, 0.90464422],
- [0.40186734, 0.53594189, 0.90202740],
- [0.40398687, 0.53293765, 0.89922744],
- [0.40608588, 0.52996314, 0.89624092],
- [0.40815600, 0.52702146, 0.89306564],
- [0.41018864, 0.52411563, 0.88970082],
- [0.41217533, 0.52124842, 0.88614716],
- [0.41410770, 0.51842242, 0.88240695],
- [0.41597787, 0.51563985, 0.87848404],
- [0.41777857, 0.51290254, 0.87438374],
- [0.41950288, 0.51021199, 0.87011295],
- [0.42114530, 0.50756914, 0.86567949],
- [0.42270053, 0.50497463, 0.86109264],
- [0.42416486, 0.50242855, 0.85636211],
- [0.42553534, 0.49993062, 0.85149823],
- [0.42680965, 0.49748026, 0.84651204],
- [0.42798670, 0.49507649, 0.84141437],
- [0.42906628, 0.49271805, 0.83621594],
- [0.43004878, 0.49040350, 0.83092729],
- [0.43093526, 0.48813121, 0.82555862],
- [0.43172685, 0.48589945, 0.82012019],
- [0.43242605, 0.48370635, 0.81462061],
- [0.43303533, 0.48155002, 0.80906828],
- [0.43355652, 0.47942862, 0.80347233],
- [0.43399327, 0.47734020, 0.79783893],
- [0.43434803, 0.47528295, 0.79217561],
- [0.43462372, 0.47325506, 0.78648876],
- [0.43482363, 0.47125476, 0.78078361],
- [0.43495068, 0.46928041, 0.77506550],
- [0.43500783, 0.46733038, 0.76933919],
- [0.43499799, 0.46540316, 0.76360892],
- [0.43492405, 0.46349729, 0.75787842],
- [0.43478885, 0.46161143, 0.75215099],
- [0.43459451, 0.45974425, 0.74643096],
- [0.43434417, 0.45789456, 0.74071981],
- [0.43404026, 0.45606123, 0.73502014],
- [0.43368468, 0.45424315, 0.72933527],
- [0.43328020, 0.45243935, 0.72366593],
- [0.43282861, 0.45064886, 0.71801482],
- [0.43233198, 0.44887080, 0.71238352],
- [0.43179251, 0.44710437, 0.70677279],
- [0.43121194, 0.44534879, 0.70118415],
- [0.43059167, 0.44360329, 0.69561981],
- [0.42993371, 0.44186723, 0.69007983],
- [0.42923962, 0.44013998, 0.68456516],
- [0.42851090, 0.43842095, 0.67907667],
- [0.42774895, 0.43670957, 0.67361507],
- [0.42695516, 0.43500533, 0.66818098],
- [0.42613082, 0.43330775, 0.66277489],
- [0.42527716, 0.43161637, 0.65739725],
- [0.42439510, 0.42993072, 0.65204938],
- [0.42348602, 0.42825046, 0.64673067],
- [0.42255102, 0.42657522, 0.64144126],
- [0.42159114, 0.42490465, 0.63618125]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.66652292, 0.32162285, 0.27174824],
+ [0.66968836, 0.32287871, 0.26984798],
+ [0.67284074, 0.32414922, 0.26792319],
+ [0.67597985, 0.32543464, 0.26597376],
+ [0.67910534, 0.32673527, 0.26400015],
+ [0.68221702, 0.32805138, 0.26200216],
+ [0.68531458, 0.32938325, 0.25998004],
+ [0.68839773, 0.33073119, 0.25793405],
+ [0.69146625, 0.33209542, 0.25586399],
+ [0.69451985, 0.33347626, 0.25377011],
+ [0.69755822, 0.33487397, 0.25165260],
+ [0.70058111, 0.33628884, 0.24951152],
+ [0.70358827, 0.33772110, 0.24734669],
+ [0.70657939, 0.33917104, 0.24515846],
+ [0.70955417, 0.34063895, 0.24294689],
+ [0.71251235, 0.34212507, 0.24071203],
+ [0.71545364, 0.34362966, 0.23845388],
+ [0.71837777, 0.34515299, 0.23617239],
+ [0.72128444, 0.34669531, 0.23386773],
+ [0.72417334, 0.34825688, 0.23153995],
+ [0.72704419, 0.34983796, 0.22918904],
+ [0.72989669, 0.35143879, 0.22681502],
+ [0.73273055, 0.35305963, 0.22441788],
+ [0.73554545, 0.35470071, 0.22199761],
+ [0.73834111, 0.35636229, 0.21955419],
+ [0.74111719, 0.35804460, 0.21708757],
+ [0.74387340, 0.35974788, 0.21459773],
+ [0.74660943, 0.36147237, 0.21208459],
+ [0.74932494, 0.36321831, 0.20954809],
+ [0.75201961, 0.36498591, 0.20698815],
+ [0.75469313, 0.36677542, 0.20440468],
+ [0.75734515, 0.36858705, 0.20179755],
+ [0.75997534, 0.37042103, 0.19916666],
+ [0.76258336, 0.37227759, 0.19651187],
+ [0.76516888, 0.37415694, 0.19383281],
+ [0.76773152, 0.37605929, 0.19112950],
+ [0.77027094, 0.37798487, 0.18840175],
+ [0.77278677, 0.37993388, 0.18564938],
+ [0.77527865, 0.38190653, 0.18287207],
+ [0.77774619, 0.38390304, 0.18006945],
+ [0.78018902, 0.38592360, 0.17724148],
+ [0.78260674, 0.38796842, 0.17438790],
+ [0.78499896, 0.39003772, 0.17150803],
+ [0.78736528, 0.39213167, 0.16860194],
+ [0.78970528, 0.39425049, 0.16566921],
+ [0.79201853, 0.39639437, 0.16270924],
+ [0.79430463, 0.39856349, 0.15972204],
+ [0.79656310, 0.40075807, 0.15670680],
+ [0.79879353, 0.40297828, 0.15366349],
+ [0.80099544, 0.40522432, 0.15059138],
+ [0.80316837, 0.40749637, 0.14749033],
+ [0.80531182, 0.40979463, 0.14435955],
+ [0.80742534, 0.41211926, 0.14119902],
+ [0.80950840, 0.41447048, 0.13800779],
+ [0.81156050, 0.41684844, 0.13478582],
+ [0.81358111, 0.41925331, 0.13153257],
+ [0.81556969, 0.42168531, 0.12824736],
+ [0.81752571, 0.42414458, 0.12493010],
+ [0.81944861, 0.42663128, 0.12158038],
+ [0.82133780, 0.42914562, 0.11819759],
+ [0.82319270, 0.43168774, 0.11478165],
+ [0.82501272, 0.43425780, 0.11133240],
+ [0.82679726, 0.43685595, 0.10784972],
+ [0.82854569, 0.43948235, 0.10433361],
+ [0.83025738, 0.44213716, 0.10078423],
+ [0.83193167, 0.44482051, 0.09720189],
+ [0.83356792, 0.44753254, 0.09358723],
+ [0.83516545, 0.45027336, 0.08994121],
+ [0.83672360, 0.45304311, 0.08626511],
+ [0.83824169, 0.45584187, 0.08256067],
+ [0.83971900, 0.45866977, 0.07883012],
+ [0.84115485, 0.46152687, 0.07507655],
+ [0.84254855, 0.46441325, 0.07130387],
+ [0.84389938, 0.46732893, 0.06751708],
+ [0.84520666, 0.47027397, 0.06372252],
+ [0.84646970, 0.47324835, 0.05992817],
+ [0.84768772, 0.47625214, 0.05614369],
+ [0.84886013, 0.47928522, 0.05238195],
+ [0.84998625, 0.48234752, 0.04865862],
+ [0.85106537, 0.48543901, 0.04499272],
+ [0.85209693, 0.48855950, 0.04140848],
+ [0.85308031, 0.49170881, 0.03793938],
+ [0.85401492, 0.49488677, 0.03476136],
+ [0.85490031, 0.49809305, 0.03191223],
+ [0.85573592, 0.50132741, 0.02940660],
+ [0.85652143, 0.50458940, 0.02726055],
+ [0.85725644, 0.50787865, 0.02549044],
+ [0.85794069, 0.51119464, 0.02411375],
+ [0.85857405, 0.51453678, 0.02314872],
+ [0.85915633, 0.51790450, 0.02261415],
+ [0.85968763, 0.52129702, 0.02253001],
+ [0.86016808, 0.52471357, 0.02291681],
+ [0.86059788, 0.52815330, 0.02379575],
+ [0.86097746, 0.53161522, 0.02518883],
+ [0.86130736, 0.53509830, 0.02711862],
+ [0.86158824, 0.53860140, 0.02960822],
+ [0.86182093, 0.54212333, 0.03268122],
+ [0.86200643, 0.54566279, 0.03636157],
+ [0.86214590, 0.54921839, 0.04066935],
+ [0.86224067, 0.55278871, 0.04537505],
+ [0.86229220, 0.55637222, 0.05037523],
+ [0.86230215, 0.55996736, 0.05562905],
+ [0.86227230, 0.56357252, 0.06110140],
+ [0.86220459, 0.56718603, 0.06676235],
+ [0.86210105, 0.57080622, 0.07258649],
+ [0.86196391, 0.57443138, 0.07855219],
+ [0.86179544, 0.57805980, 0.08464111],
+ [0.86159796, 0.58168982, 0.09083760],
+ [0.86137394, 0.58531976, 0.09712816],
+ [0.86112589, 0.58894796, 0.10350103],
+ [0.86085618, 0.59257291, 0.10994631],
+ [0.86056752, 0.59619297, 0.11645481],
+ [0.86026220, 0.59980681, 0.12301903],
+ [0.85994290, 0.60341292, 0.12963172],
+ [0.85961180, 0.60701014, 0.13628713],
+ [0.85927159, 0.61059708, 0.14297921],
+ [0.85892431, 0.61417274, 0.14970344],
+ [0.85857219, 0.61773610, 0.15645538],
+ [0.85821749, 0.62128613, 0.16323078],
+ [0.85786223, 0.62482200, 0.17002606],
+ [0.85750826, 0.62834299, 0.17683810],
+ [0.85715740, 0.63184844, 0.18366396],
+ [0.85681139, 0.63533775, 0.19050095],
+ [0.85647182, 0.63881043, 0.19734673],
+ [0.85614018, 0.64226607, 0.20419916],
+ [0.85581797, 0.64570426, 0.21105611],
+ [0.85550652, 0.64912471, 0.21791578],
+ [0.85520682, 0.65252730, 0.22477700],
+ [0.85492000, 0.65591186, 0.23163833],
+ [0.85464743, 0.65927812, 0.23849786],
+ [0.85438946, 0.66262629, 0.24535558],
+ [0.85414767, 0.66595602, 0.25220910],
+ [0.85392217, 0.66926764, 0.25905882],
+ [0.85371404, 0.67256104, 0.26590324],
+ [0.85352395, 0.67583631, 0.27274161],
+ [0.85335228, 0.67909366, 0.27957374],
+ [0.85319962, 0.68233319, 0.28639895],
+ [0.85306650, 0.68555506, 0.29321666],
+ [0.85295346, 0.68875940, 0.30002626],
+ [0.85286083, 0.69194644, 0.30682747],
+ [0.85278889, 0.69511642, 0.31362010],
+ [0.85273808, 0.69826951, 0.32040362],
+ [0.85270868, 0.70140596, 0.32717780],
+ [0.85270086, 0.70452602, 0.33394255],
+ [0.85271482, 0.70762997, 0.34069777],
+ [0.85275069, 0.71071808, 0.34744340],
+ [0.85280888, 0.71379052, 0.35417884],
+ [0.85288958, 0.71684754, 0.36090388],
+ [0.85299252, 0.71988956, 0.36761926],
+ [0.85311838, 0.72291662, 0.37432370],
+ [0.85326681, 0.72592917, 0.38101810],
+ [0.85343819, 0.72892736, 0.38770173],
+ [0.85363235, 0.73191156, 0.39437512],
+ [0.85384974, 0.73488187, 0.40103733],
+ [0.85408988, 0.73783876, 0.40768951],
+ [0.85435340, 0.74078227, 0.41433030],
+ [0.85464002, 0.74371278, 0.42096040],
+ [0.85494966, 0.74663059, 0.42758000],
+ [0.85528250, 0.74953588, 0.43418872],
+ [0.85563880, 0.75242883, 0.44078595],
+ [0.85601825, 0.75530979, 0.44737242],
+ [0.85642090, 0.75817899, 0.45394799],
+ [0.85684677, 0.76103667, 0.46051260],
+ [0.85729588, 0.76388305, 0.46706615],
+ [0.85776824, 0.76671837, 0.47360858],
+ [0.85826385, 0.76954286, 0.48013984],
+ [0.85878269, 0.77235673, 0.48665990],
+ [0.85932475, 0.77516022, 0.49316871],
+ [0.85989001, 0.77795355, 0.49966626],
+ [0.86047843, 0.78073694, 0.50615255],
+ [0.86108997, 0.78351061, 0.51262756],
+ [0.86172460, 0.78627477, 0.51909132],
+ [0.86238226, 0.78902964, 0.52554383],
+ [0.86306310, 0.79177539, 0.53198463],
+ [0.86376711, 0.79451220, 0.53841360],
+ [0.86449402, 0.79724034, 0.54483129],
+ [0.86524379, 0.79996000, 0.55123773],
+ [0.86601662, 0.80267133, 0.55763225],
+ [0.86681248, 0.80537451, 0.56401474],
+ [0.86763102, 0.80806980, 0.57038602],
+ [0.86847249, 0.81075732, 0.57674529],
+ [0.86933689, 0.81343725, 0.58309237],
+ [0.87022379, 0.81610986, 0.58942831],
+ [0.87113380, 0.81877517, 0.59575121],
+ [0.87206627, 0.82143350, 0.60206278],
+ [0.87302157, 0.82408493, 0.60836178],
+ [0.87399941, 0.82672968, 0.61464885],
+ [0.87499995, 0.82936788, 0.62092341],
+ [0.87602298, 0.83199973, 0.62718585],
+ [0.87706868, 0.83462534, 0.63343547],
+ [0.87813670, 0.83724494, 0.63967316],
+ [0.87922749, 0.83985860, 0.64589737],
+ [0.88034046, 0.84246656, 0.65210971],
+ [0.88147609, 0.84506889, 0.65830854],
+ [0.88263406, 0.84766578, 0.66449469],
+ [0.88381421, 0.85025741, 0.67066844],
+ [0.88501708, 0.85284383, 0.67682796],
+ [0.88624212, 0.85542527, 0.68297480],
+ [0.88748934, 0.85800184, 0.68910877],
+ [0.88875913, 0.86057364, 0.69522843],
+ [0.89005116, 0.86314085, 0.70133472],
+ [0.89136537, 0.86570359, 0.70742766],
+ [0.89270182, 0.86826198, 0.71350695],
+ [0.89406080, 0.87081612, 0.71957145],
+ [0.89544200, 0.87336617, 0.72562208],
+ [0.89684544, 0.87591224, 0.73165864],
+ [0.89827117, 0.87845445, 0.73768094],
+ [0.89971922, 0.88099290, 0.74368874],
+ [0.90118983, 0.88352769, 0.74968111],
+ [0.90268282, 0.88605894, 0.75565865],
+ [0.90419826, 0.88858675, 0.76162114],
+ [0.90573620, 0.89111122, 0.76756834],
+ [0.90729672, 0.89363244, 0.77350003],
+ [0.90887991, 0.89615050, 0.77941595],
+ [0.91048587, 0.89866548, 0.78531584],
+ [0.91211471, 0.90117745, 0.79119942],
+ [0.91376657, 0.90368650, 0.79706640],
+ [0.91544160, 0.90619267, 0.80291648],
+ [0.91713997, 0.90869604, 0.80874931],
+ [0.91886189, 0.91119665, 0.81456449],
+ [0.92060755, 0.91369454, 0.82036176],
+ [0.92237720, 0.91618974, 0.82614071],
+ [0.92417113, 0.91868228, 0.83190090],
+ [0.92598970, 0.92117216, 0.83764173],
+ [0.92783327, 0.92365938, 0.84336269],
+ [0.92970225, 0.92614392, 0.84906320],
+ [0.93159713, 0.92862574, 0.85474261],
+ [0.93351846, 0.93110480, 0.86040018],
+ [0.93546686, 0.93358100, 0.86603506],
+ [0.93744305, 0.93605426, 0.87164632],
+ [0.93944783, 0.93852446, 0.87723287],
+ [0.94148212, 0.94099143, 0.88279346],
+ [0.94354698, 0.94345501, 0.88832666],
+ [0.94564358, 0.94591498, 0.89383078],
+ [0.94777329, 0.94837110, 0.89930379],
+ [0.94993767, 0.95082312, 0.90474288],
+ [0.95213831, 0.95327074, 0.91014586],
+ [0.95437706, 0.95571365, 0.91550948],
+ [0.95665590, 0.95815155, 0.92082985],
+ [0.95897690, 0.96058420, 0.92610239],
+ [0.96134214, 0.96301143, 0.93132139],
+ [0.96375350, 0.96543330, 0.93648010],
+ [0.96621233, 0.96785008, 0.94157169],
+ [0.96871915, 0.97026250, 0.94658784],
+ [0.97127307, 0.97267194, 0.95151959],
+ [0.97387107, 0.97508065, 0.95635746],
+ [0.97650729, 0.97749181, 0.96109394],
+ [0.97917255, 0.97990965, 0.96572405],
+ [0.98185438, 0.98233926, 0.97024699],
+ [0.98453780, 0.98478616, 0.97466743],
+ [0.98720720, 0.98725530, 0.97899779],
+ [0.98984857, 0.98975040, 0.98325623],
+ [0.99245167, 0.99227335, 0.98746436],
+ [0.99501113, 0.99482402, 0.99164431],
+ [0.99752626, 0.99740053, 0.99581723],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
+ [0.99560484, 0.99797777, 0.99750848],
+ [0.99117312, 0.99597490, 0.99502498],
+ [0.98670793, 0.99398996, 0.99254990],
+ [0.98221168, 0.99202175, 0.99008394],
+ [0.97768629, 0.99006925, 0.98762791],
+ [0.97313327, 0.98813162, 0.98518267],
+ [0.96855381, 0.98620812, 0.98274909],
+ [0.96394888, 0.98429814, 0.98032799],
+ [0.95931925, 0.98240112, 0.97792018],
+ [0.95466497, 0.98051679, 0.97552649],
+ [0.94998687, 0.97864459, 0.97314762],
+ [0.94528550, 0.97678408, 0.97078428],
+ [0.94056119, 0.97493488, 0.96843714],
+ [0.93581368, 0.97309685, 0.96610692],
+ [0.93104310, 0.97126972, 0.96379428],
+ [0.92625013, 0.96945298, 0.96149978],
+ [0.92143452, 0.96764651, 0.95922409],
+ [0.91659574, 0.96585024, 0.95696791],
+ [0.91173479, 0.96406358, 0.95473171],
+ [0.90685073, 0.96228663, 0.95251624],
+ [0.90194394, 0.96051902, 0.95032203],
+ [0.89701445, 0.95876048, 0.94814970],
+ [0.89206160, 0.95701101, 0.94599995],
+ [0.88708603, 0.95527014, 0.94387328],
+ [0.88208682, 0.95353793, 0.94177045],
+ [0.87706450, 0.95181396, 0.93969200],
+ [0.87201864, 0.95009811, 0.93763862],
+ [0.86694886, 0.94839025, 0.93561100],
+ [0.86185580, 0.94668991, 0.93360967],
+ [0.85673821, 0.94499724, 0.93163553],
+ [0.85159664, 0.94331179, 0.92968913],
+ [0.84643115, 0.94163327, 0.92777111],
+ [0.84124121, 0.93996157, 0.92588229],
+ [0.83602639, 0.93829656, 0.92402347],
+ [0.83078714, 0.93663781, 0.92219526],
+ [0.82552331, 0.93498508, 0.92039842],
+ [0.82023476, 0.93333812, 0.91863374],
+ [0.81492141, 0.93169667, 0.91690200],
+ [0.80958318, 0.93006045, 0.91520401],
+ [0.80422006, 0.92842917, 0.91354057],
+ [0.79883207, 0.92680252, 0.91191251],
+ [0.79341929, 0.92518015, 0.91032064],
+ [0.78798186, 0.92356172, 0.90876580],
+ [0.78251997, 0.92194687, 0.90724881],
+ [0.77703386, 0.92033520, 0.90577049],
+ [0.77152388, 0.91872630, 0.90433167],
+ [0.76599037, 0.91711974, 0.90293319],
+ [0.76043294, 0.91551533, 0.90157615],
+ [0.75485295, 0.91391234, 0.90026110],
+ [0.74925107, 0.91231028, 0.89898879],
+ [0.74362688, 0.91070893, 0.89776045],
+ [0.73798217, 0.90910750, 0.89657646],
+ [0.73231718, 0.90750560, 0.89543782],
+ [0.72663309, 0.90590259, 0.89434516],
+ [0.72093071, 0.90429795, 0.89329931],
+ [0.71521168, 0.90269097, 0.89230072],
+ [0.70947638, 0.90108122, 0.89135040],
+ [0.70372709, 0.89946784, 0.89044854],
+ [0.69796522, 0.89785020, 0.88959570],
+ [0.69219175, 0.89622778, 0.88879265],
+ [0.68640914, 0.89459972, 0.88803945],
+ [0.68061927, 0.89296530, 0.88733641],
+ [0.67482419, 0.89132382, 0.88668375],
+ [0.66902611, 0.88967454, 0.88608158],
+ [0.66322736, 0.88801671, 0.88552990],
+ [0.65743045, 0.88634959, 0.88502859],
+ [0.65163800, 0.88467242, 0.88457743],
+ [0.64585276, 0.88298445, 0.88417606],
+ [0.64007758, 0.88128496, 0.88382399],
+ [0.63431540, 0.87957320, 0.88352064],
+ [0.62856925, 0.87784849, 0.88326526],
+ [0.62284220, 0.87611015, 0.88305702],
+ [0.61713731, 0.87435753, 0.88289499],
+ [0.61145756, 0.87259004, 0.88277819],
+ [0.60580630, 0.87080707, 0.88270531],
+ [0.60018662, 0.86900810, 0.88267507],
+ [0.59460149, 0.86719263, 0.88268617],
+ [0.58905390, 0.86536025, 0.88273719],
+ [0.58354691, 0.86351053, 0.88282652],
+ [0.57808328, 0.86164315, 0.88295263],
+ [0.57266569, 0.85975783, 0.88311394],
+ [0.56729683, 0.85785431, 0.88330873],
+ [0.56197909, 0.85593244, 0.88353536],
+ [0.55671481, 0.85399208, 0.88379214],
+ [0.55150615, 0.85203315, 0.88407738],
+ [0.54635509, 0.85005563, 0.88438943],
+ [0.54126347, 0.84805952, 0.88472662],
+ [0.53623294, 0.84604490, 0.88508736],
+ [0.53126502, 0.84401185, 0.88547004],
+ [0.52636103, 0.84196053, 0.88587318],
+ [0.52152217, 0.83989110, 0.88629527],
+ [0.51674947, 0.83780375, 0.88673490],
+ [0.51204377, 0.83569873, 0.88719075],
+ [0.50740589, 0.83357627, 0.88766147],
+ [0.50283642, 0.83143665, 0.88814586],
+ [0.49833583, 0.82928015, 0.88864280],
+ [0.49390456, 0.82710707, 0.88915114],
+ [0.48954290, 0.82491772, 0.88966986],
+ [0.48525100, 0.82271241, 0.89019804],
+ [0.48102899, 0.82049147, 0.89073480],
+ [0.47687700, 0.81825522, 0.89127918],
+ [0.47279492, 0.81600399, 0.89183051],
+ [0.46878268, 0.81373809, 0.89238809],
+ [0.46484017, 0.81145785, 0.89295124],
+ [0.46096726, 0.80916359, 0.89351928],
+ [0.45716373, 0.80685561, 0.89409168],
+ [0.45342933, 0.80453422, 0.89466796],
+ [0.44976383, 0.80219971, 0.89524765],
+ [0.44616695, 0.79985238, 0.89583029],
+ [0.44263843, 0.79749249, 0.89641551],
+ [0.43917799, 0.79512033, 0.89700290],
+ [0.43578535, 0.79273614, 0.89759214],
+ [0.43246020, 0.79034018, 0.89818294],
+ [0.42920228, 0.78793268, 0.89877505],
+ [0.42601130, 0.78551388, 0.89936821],
+ [0.42288700, 0.78308397, 0.89996218],
+ [0.41982912, 0.78064318, 0.90055677],
+ [0.41683744, 0.77819169, 0.90115178],
+ [0.41391171, 0.77572969, 0.90174702],
+ [0.41105174, 0.77325734, 0.90234235],
+ [0.40825734, 0.77077481, 0.90293761],
+ [0.40552833, 0.76828225, 0.90353265],
+ [0.40286455, 0.76577979, 0.90412735],
+ [0.40026588, 0.76326756, 0.90472158],
+ [0.39773221, 0.76074568, 0.90531522],
+ [0.39526344, 0.75821426, 0.90590814],
+ [0.39285949, 0.75567340, 0.90650024],
+ [0.39052032, 0.75312317, 0.90709139],
+ [0.38824590, 0.75056368, 0.90768149],
+ [0.38603621, 0.74799497, 0.90827040],
+ [0.38389126, 0.74541711, 0.90885801],
+ [0.38181107, 0.74283016, 0.90944419],
+ [0.37979570, 0.74023415, 0.91002881],
+ [0.37784520, 0.73762912, 0.91061172],
+ [0.37595964, 0.73501510, 0.91119278],
+ [0.37413913, 0.73239210, 0.91177183],
+ [0.37238377, 0.72976014, 0.91234869],
+ [0.37069367, 0.72711921, 0.91292319],
+ [0.36906899, 0.72446932, 0.91349514],
+ [0.36750986, 0.72181046, 0.91406432],
+ [0.36601643, 0.71914260, 0.91463051],
+ [0.36458888, 0.71646572, 0.91519347],
+ [0.36322738, 0.71377980, 0.91575295],
+ [0.36193210, 0.71108479, 0.91630865],
+ [0.36070323, 0.70838066, 0.91686029],
+ [0.35954096, 0.70566736, 0.91740753],
+ [0.35844548, 0.70294483, 0.91795004],
+ [0.35741699, 0.70021302, 0.91848744],
+ [0.35645567, 0.69747187, 0.91901933],
+ [0.35556173, 0.69472131, 0.91954528],
+ [0.35473534, 0.69196127, 0.92006483],
+ [0.35397670, 0.68919168, 0.92057750],
+ [0.35328598, 0.68641246, 0.92108275],
+ [0.35266336, 0.68362353, 0.92158003],
+ [0.35210901, 0.68082482, 0.92206873],
+ [0.35162306, 0.67801623, 0.92254820],
+ [0.35120569, 0.67519769, 0.92301776],
+ [0.35085700, 0.67236910, 0.92347666],
+ [0.35057713, 0.66953039, 0.92392412],
+ [0.35036618, 0.66668146, 0.92435930],
+ [0.35022422, 0.66382224, 0.92478130],
+ [0.35015134, 0.66095264, 0.92518915],
+ [0.35014762, 0.65807256, 0.92558188],
+ [0.35021310, 0.65518194, 0.92595839],
+ [0.35034776, 0.65228071, 0.92631748],
+ [0.35055157, 0.64936880, 0.92665790],
+ [0.35082449, 0.64644617, 0.92697831],
+ [0.35116649, 0.64351274, 0.92727732],
+ [0.35157759, 0.64056844, 0.92755353],
+ [0.35205752, 0.63761329, 0.92780518],
+ [0.35260611, 0.63464728, 0.92803053],
+ [0.35322338, 0.63167033, 0.92822792],
+ [0.35390898, 0.62868251, 0.92839527],
+ [0.35466252, 0.62568389, 0.92853041],
+ [0.35548412, 0.62267439, 0.92863139],
+ [0.35637299, 0.61965423, 0.92869552],
+ [0.35732907, 0.61662341, 0.92872049],
+ [0.35835165, 0.61358216, 0.92870341],
+ [0.35944053, 0.61053057, 0.92864157],
+ [0.36059474, 0.60746896, 0.92853165],
+ [0.36181419, 0.60439743, 0.92837068],
+ [0.36309769, 0.60131644, 0.92815486],
+ [0.36444446, 0.59822634, 0.92788049],
+ [0.36585399, 0.59512746, 0.92754379],
+ [0.36732489, 0.59202039, 0.92714033],
+ [0.36885604, 0.58890571, 0.92666562],
+ [0.37044614, 0.58578410, 0.92611488],
+ [0.37209375, 0.58265630, 0.92548304],
+ [0.37379722, 0.57952320, 0.92476474],
+ [0.37555467, 0.57638579, 0.92395430],
+ [0.37736397, 0.57324520, 0.92304575],
+ [0.37922271, 0.57010270, 0.92203282],
+ [0.38112814, 0.56695972, 0.92090898],
+ [0.38307719, 0.56381787, 0.91966742],
+ [0.38506645, 0.56067889, 0.91830117],
+ [0.38709234, 0.55754465, 0.91680309],
+ [0.38915019, 0.55441739, 0.91516587],
+ [0.39123536, 0.55129939, 0.91338225],
+ [0.39334265, 0.54819313, 0.91144506],
+ [0.39546604, 0.54510136, 0.90934731],
+ [0.39759937, 0.54202686, 0.90708239],
+ [0.39973559, 0.53897268, 0.90464422],
+ [0.40186734, 0.53594189, 0.90202740],
+ [0.40398687, 0.53293765, 0.89922744],
+ [0.40608588, 0.52996314, 0.89624092],
+ [0.40815600, 0.52702146, 0.89306564],
+ [0.41018864, 0.52411563, 0.88970082],
+ [0.41217533, 0.52124842, 0.88614716],
+ [0.41410770, 0.51842242, 0.88240695],
+ [0.41597787, 0.51563985, 0.87848404],
+ [0.41777857, 0.51290254, 0.87438374],
+ [0.41950288, 0.51021199, 0.87011295],
+ [0.42114530, 0.50756914, 0.86567949],
+ [0.42270053, 0.50497463, 0.86109264],
+ [0.42416486, 0.50242855, 0.85636211],
+ [0.42553534, 0.49993062, 0.85149823],
+ [0.42680965, 0.49748026, 0.84651204],
+ [0.42798670, 0.49507649, 0.84141437],
+ [0.42906628, 0.49271805, 0.83621594],
+ [0.43004878, 0.49040350, 0.83092729],
+ [0.43093526, 0.48813121, 0.82555862],
+ [0.43172685, 0.48589945, 0.82012019],
+ [0.43242605, 0.48370635, 0.81462061],
+ [0.43303533, 0.48155002, 0.80906828],
+ [0.43355652, 0.47942862, 0.80347233],
+ [0.43399327, 0.47734020, 0.79783893],
+ [0.43434803, 0.47528295, 0.79217561],
+ [0.43462372, 0.47325506, 0.78648876],
+ [0.43482363, 0.47125476, 0.78078361],
+ [0.43495068, 0.46928041, 0.77506550],
+ [0.43500783, 0.46733038, 0.76933919],
+ [0.43499799, 0.46540316, 0.76360892],
+ [0.43492405, 0.46349729, 0.75787842],
+ [0.43478885, 0.46161143, 0.75215099],
+ [0.43459451, 0.45974425, 0.74643096],
+ [0.43434417, 0.45789456, 0.74071981],
+ [0.43404026, 0.45606123, 0.73502014],
+ [0.43368468, 0.45424315, 0.72933527],
+ [0.43328020, 0.45243935, 0.72366593],
+ [0.43282861, 0.45064886, 0.71801482],
+ [0.43233198, 0.44887080, 0.71238352],
+ [0.43179251, 0.44710437, 0.70677279],
+ [0.43121194, 0.44534879, 0.70118415],
+ [0.43059167, 0.44360329, 0.69561981],
+ [0.42993371, 0.44186723, 0.69007983],
+ [0.42923962, 0.44013998, 0.68456516],
+ [0.42851090, 0.43842095, 0.67907667],
+ [0.42774895, 0.43670957, 0.67361507],
+ [0.42695516, 0.43500533, 0.66818098],
+ [0.42613082, 0.43330775, 0.66277489],
+ [0.42527716, 0.43161637, 0.65739725],
+ [0.42439510, 0.42993072, 0.65204938],
+ [0.42348602, 0.42825046, 0.64673067],
+ [0.42255102, 0.42657522, 0.64144126],
+ [0.42159114, 0.42490465, 0.63618125],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.prinsenvlag', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.prinsenvlag", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/rainforest/rainforest.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/rainforest/rainforest.jscm
index 0c69f0f7..36ef31a5 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/rainforest/rainforest.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/rainforest/rainforest.jscm
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/rainforest/rainforest.py b/cmasher/colormaps/rainforest/rainforest.py
index 491c426d..6f1e25d7 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/rainforest/rainforest.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/rainforest/rainforest.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00035348, 0.00018213, 0.00028529],
- [0.00128648, 0.00060495, 0.00102842],
- [0.00278017, 0.00120245, 0.00221135],
- [0.00484080, 0.00193870, 0.00384561],
- [0.00747951, 0.00278742, 0.00595280],
- [0.01070945, 0.00372704, 0.00856159],
- [0.01454267, 0.00473959, 0.01170513],
- [0.01899260, 0.00580832, 0.01542306],
- [0.02407094, 0.00691841, 0.01975933],
- [0.02978955, 0.00805560, 0.02476426],
- [0.03615793, 0.00920708, 0.03049255],
- [0.04309015, 0.01035914, 0.03700839],
- [0.05002764, 0.01150036, 0.04420850],
- [0.05690889, 0.01261875, 0.05155580],
- [0.06373722, 0.01370261, 0.05903594],
- [0.07051465, 0.01474054, 0.06666383],
- [0.07724209, 0.01572147, 0.07445354],
- [0.08391944, 0.01663467, 0.08241831],
- [0.09054575, 0.01746977, 0.09057060],
- [0.09711928, 0.01821687, 0.09892205],
- [0.10363755, 0.01886656, 0.10748338],
- [0.11009796, 0.01940935, 0.11626554],
- [0.11649730, 0.01983620, 0.12527872],
- [0.12283067, 0.02014042, 0.13452913],
- [0.12909439, 0.02031350, 0.14402636],
- [0.13528273, 0.02035041, 0.15377434],
- [0.14139011, 0.02024637, 0.16377707],
- [0.14741086, 0.01999714, 0.17403814],
- [0.15333851, 0.01960089, 0.18455794],
- [0.15916608, 0.01905793, 0.19533444],
- [0.16488647, 0.01837026, 0.20636417],
- [0.17049218, 0.01754237, 0.21764133],
- [0.17597550, 0.01658120, 0.22915829],
- [0.18132834, 0.01549679, 0.24090499],
- [0.18654212, 0.01430350, 0.25286782],
- [0.19160807, 0.01301909, 0.26503145],
- [0.19651733, 0.01166410, 0.27738033],
- [0.20126018, 0.01026643, 0.28989271],
- [0.20582690, 0.00885675, 0.30254797],
- [0.21020707, 0.00747322, 0.31532054],
- [0.21438997, 0.00615793, 0.32818551],
- [0.21836420, 0.00496178, 0.34111258],
- [0.22211790, 0.00394128, 0.35407100],
- [0.22563857, 0.00315967, 0.36702864],
- [0.22891311, 0.00268921, 0.37994912],
- [0.23192784, 0.00260911, 0.39279509],
- [0.23466851, 0.00300633, 0.40552711],
- [0.23712033, 0.00397543, 0.41810379],
- [0.23926810, 0.00561814, 0.43048200],
- [0.24109636, 0.00804265, 0.44261706],
- [0.24258951, 0.01136251, 0.45446314],
- [0.24373208, 0.01569526, 0.46597364],
- [0.24450903, 0.02116053, 0.47710173],
- [0.24490602, 0.02787786, 0.48780105],
- [0.24490975, 0.03596403, 0.49802654],
- [0.24450851, 0.04527317, 0.50773491],
- [0.24369255, 0.05485464, 0.51688580],
- [0.24245442, 0.06459689, 0.52544292],
- [0.24078934, 0.07446643, 0.53337486],
- [0.23869576, 0.08443034, 0.54065588],
- [0.23617539, 0.09445600, 0.54726684],
- [0.23323344, 0.10451116, 0.55319577],
- [0.22987882, 0.11456402, 0.55843817],
- [0.22612359, 0.12458403, 0.56299728],
- [0.22198312, 0.13454210, 0.56688374],
- [0.21747564, 0.14441114, 0.57011523],
- [0.21262202, 0.15416630, 0.57271576],
- [0.20744476, 0.16378577, 0.57471484],
- [0.20196762, 0.17325075, 0.57614642],
- [0.19621532, 0.18254549, 0.57704782],
- [0.19021288, 0.19165743, 0.57745873],
- [0.18398508, 0.20057702, 0.57742012],
- [0.17755678, 0.20929734, 0.57697362],
- [0.17095138, 0.21781440, 0.57616024],
- [0.16419068, 0.22612677, 0.57501971],
- [0.15729560, 0.23423486, 0.57359029],
- [0.15028788, 0.24214004, 0.57190944],
- [0.14318305, 0.24984699, 0.57000995],
- [0.13600121, 0.25735938, 0.56792527],
- [0.12875507, 0.26468395, 0.56568325],
- [0.12146089, 0.27182656, 0.56331179],
- [0.11413150, 0.27879434, 0.56083519],
- [0.10677811, 0.28559492, 0.55827508],
- [0.09941208, 0.29223583, 0.55565145],
- [0.09204385, 0.29872479, 0.55298213],
- [0.08468313, 0.30506954, 0.55028291],
- [0.07733906, 0.31127781, 0.54756770],
- [0.07002039, 0.31735725, 0.54484867],
- [0.06273575, 0.32331535, 0.54213637],
- [0.05549391, 0.32915943, 0.53943989],
- [0.04830422, 0.33489659, 0.53676697],
- [0.04117711, 0.34053373, 0.53412415],
- [0.03431301, 0.34607743, 0.53151696],
- [0.02823151, 0.35153380, 0.52895090],
- [0.02291138, 0.35690931, 0.52642828],
- [0.01831692, 0.36220981, 0.52395192],
- [0.01441361, 0.36744062, 0.52152493],
- [0.01116009, 0.37260755, 0.51914697],
- [0.00852043, 0.37771542, 0.51681985],
- [0.00645349, 0.38276942, 0.51454247],
- [0.00492165, 0.38777406, 0.51231495],
- [0.00388401, 0.39273403, 0.51013518],
- [0.00330343, 0.39765337, 0.50800245],
- [0.00313922, 0.40253639, 0.50591329],
- [0.00335534, 0.40738675, 0.50386607],
- [0.00391350, 0.41220824, 0.50185688],
- [0.00477763, 0.41700434, 0.49988199],
- [0.00591469, 0.42177814, 0.49793828],
- [0.00729035, 0.42653287, 0.49602046],
- [0.00887382, 0.43127137, 0.49412384],
- [0.01063728, 0.43599622, 0.49224386],
- [0.01255386, 0.44070995, 0.49037469],
- [0.01459998, 0.44541483, 0.48851050],
- [0.01675538, 0.45011291, 0.48664535],
- [0.01900372, 0.45480600, 0.48477336],
- [0.02133114, 0.45949578, 0.48288771],
- [0.02372824, 0.46418372, 0.48098173],
- [0.02618991, 0.46887103, 0.47904864],
- [0.02871551, 0.47355874, 0.47708154],
- [0.03130917, 0.47824765, 0.47507350],
- [0.03397939, 0.48293840, 0.47301725],
- [0.03673999, 0.48763141, 0.47090565],
- [0.03960997, 0.49232687, 0.46873158],
- [0.04254495, 0.49702482, 0.46648794],
- [0.04550242, 0.50172506, 0.46416771],
- [0.04851696, 0.50642727, 0.46176388],
- [0.05161452, 0.51113090, 0.45926961],
- [0.05482105, 0.51583525, 0.45667819],
- [0.05816200, 0.52053947, 0.45398309],
- [0.06166185, 0.52524253, 0.45117794],
- [0.06534357, 0.52994330, 0.44825642],
- [0.06922865, 0.53464049, 0.44521263],
- [0.07333640, 0.53933267, 0.44204082],
- [0.07768384, 0.54401831, 0.43873546],
- [0.08228551, 0.54869579, 0.43529123],
- [0.08715324, 0.55336341, 0.43170265],
- [0.09229669, 0.55801931, 0.42796498],
- [0.09772305, 0.56266160, 0.42407362],
- [0.10343720, 0.56728829, 0.42002408],
- [0.10944196, 0.57189736, 0.41581155],
- [0.11573850, 0.57648671, 0.41143183],
- [0.12232648, 0.58105412, 0.40688128],
- [0.12920424, 0.58559738, 0.40215589],
- [0.13636922, 0.59011427, 0.39725069],
- [0.14381797, 0.59460238, 0.39216313],
- [0.15154652, 0.59905933, 0.38688917],
- [0.15955083, 0.60348273, 0.38142398],
- [0.16782596, 0.60787002, 0.37576548],
- [0.17636792, 0.61221870, 0.36990793],
- [0.18517164, 0.61652610, 0.36384903],
- [0.19423323, 0.62078959, 0.35758343],
- [0.20354805, 0.62500639, 0.35110816],
- [0.21311291, 0.62917367, 0.34441716],
- [0.22292319, 0.63328853, 0.33750808],
- [0.23297712, 0.63734796, 0.33037299],
- [0.24327075, 0.64134885, 0.32300881],
- [0.25380149, 0.64528801, 0.31541000],
- [0.26456806, 0.64916207, 0.30756892],
- [0.27556862, 0.65296757, 0.29947914],
- [0.28680131, 0.65670094, 0.29113422],
- [0.29826515, 0.66035841, 0.28252611],
- [0.30995941, 0.66393610, 0.27364605],
- [0.32188354, 0.66742992, 0.26448458],
- [0.33403704, 0.67083566, 0.25503144],
- [0.34641936, 0.67414894, 0.24527563],
- [0.35903067, 0.67736514, 0.23520375],
- [0.37187089, 0.68047947, 0.22480135],
- [0.38493698, 0.68348739, 0.21405665],
- [0.39822972, 0.68638367, 0.20294960],
- [0.41174390, 0.68916381, 0.19146660],
- [0.42547894, 0.69182246, 0.17958321],
- [0.43942652, 0.69435547, 0.16728307],
- [0.45357915, 0.69675858, 0.15454345],
- [0.46792606, 0.69902821, 0.14134113],
- [0.48245238, 0.70116178, 0.12765286],
- [0.49713840, 0.70315810, 0.11345636],
- [0.51195889, 0.70501777, 0.09873170],
- [0.52688474, 0.70674308, 0.08346012],
- [0.54187673, 0.70833987, 0.06764129],
- [0.55689246, 0.70981624, 0.05129587],
- [0.57188177, 0.71118407, 0.03467604],
- [0.58679239, 0.71245786, 0.02096499],
- [0.60156811, 0.71365546, 0.01144501],
- [0.61615466, 0.71479652, 0.00628442],
- [0.63050079, 0.71590203, 0.00561290],
- [0.64456172, 0.71699300, 0.00951989],
- [0.65830117, 0.71808941, 0.01805924],
- [0.67169008, 0.71921013, 0.03125583],
- [0.68471159, 0.72037067, 0.04849044],
- [0.69735437, 0.72158502, 0.06611147],
- [0.70961598, 0.72286398, 0.08347276],
- [0.72149995, 0.72421591, 0.10054993],
- [0.73301372, 0.72564719, 0.11735160],
- [0.74416804, 0.72716234, 0.13389929],
- [0.75497589, 0.72876431, 0.15021920],
- [0.76545070, 0.73045515, 0.16633694],
- [0.77560665, 0.73223593, 0.18227761],
- [0.78545927, 0.73410637, 0.19806771],
- [0.79502059, 0.73606716, 0.21372532],
- [0.80430524, 0.73811714, 0.22927357],
- [0.81332540, 0.74025571, 0.24473025],
- [0.82209182, 0.74248244, 0.26010980],
- [0.83061539, 0.74479634, 0.27542763],
- [0.83890582, 0.74719653, 0.29069728],
- [0.84697167, 0.74968230, 0.30593027],
- [0.85482062, 0.75225302, 0.32113698],
- [0.86245947, 0.75490816, 0.33632669],
- [0.86989396, 0.75764747, 0.35150687],
- [0.87712923, 0.76047070, 0.36668485],
- [0.88416978, 0.76337768, 0.38186782],
- [0.89101913, 0.76636851, 0.39706152],
- [0.89767991, 0.76944365, 0.41226982],
- [0.90415420, 0.77260358, 0.42749685],
- [0.91044358, 0.77584886, 0.44274736],
- [0.91654853, 0.77918057, 0.45802267],
- [0.92246923, 0.78259973, 0.47332599],
- [0.92820506, 0.78610768, 0.48865891],
- [0.93375472, 0.78970603, 0.50402183],
- [0.93911639, 0.79339650, 0.51941608],
- [0.94428753, 0.79718118, 0.53484032],
- [0.94926502, 0.80106227, 0.55029462],
- [0.95404514, 0.80504233, 0.56577636],
- [0.95862355, 0.80912404, 0.58128369],
- [0.96299535, 0.81331040, 0.59681267],
- [0.96715510, 0.81760462, 0.61235912],
- [0.97109682, 0.82201013, 0.62791738],
- [0.97481410, 0.82653054, 0.64348056],
- [0.97830011, 0.83116968, 0.65904062],
- [0.98154779, 0.83593148, 0.67458753],
- [0.98454982, 0.84081997, 0.69011015],
- [0.98729905, 0.84583920, 0.70559469],
- [0.98978835, 0.85099316, 0.72102612],
- [0.99201133, 0.85628564, 0.73638624],
- [0.99396216, 0.86172014, 0.75165543],
- [0.99563650, 0.86729965, 0.76681061],
- [0.99703146, 0.87302652, 0.78182704],
- [0.99814653, 0.87890219, 0.79667691],
- [0.99898398, 0.88492695, 0.81133029],
- [0.99954928, 0.89109977, 0.82575569],
- [0.99985230, 0.89741786, 0.83991936],
- [0.99990681, 0.90387677, 0.85378806],
- [0.99973262, 0.91046972, 0.86732686],
- [0.99935332, 0.91718818, 0.88050438],
- [0.99880092, 0.92402056, 0.89328714],
- [0.99810973, 0.93095404, 0.90564927],
- [0.99732359, 0.93797243, 0.91756364],
- [0.99649290, 0.94505713, 0.92900703],
- [0.99567604, 0.95218676, 0.93995905],
- [0.99494896, 0.95933417, 0.95039442],
- [0.99442226, 0.96646091, 0.96027218],
- [0.99432420, 0.97349028, 0.96947845],
- [0.99602609, 0.97996738, 0.97716299],
- [0.99775551, 0.98647064, 0.98470323],
- [0.99904735, 0.99315948, 0.99234139],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00035348, 0.00018213, 0.00028529],
+ [0.00128648, 0.00060495, 0.00102842],
+ [0.00278017, 0.00120245, 0.00221135],
+ [0.00484080, 0.00193870, 0.00384561],
+ [0.00747951, 0.00278742, 0.00595280],
+ [0.01070945, 0.00372704, 0.00856159],
+ [0.01454267, 0.00473959, 0.01170513],
+ [0.01899260, 0.00580832, 0.01542306],
+ [0.02407094, 0.00691841, 0.01975933],
+ [0.02978955, 0.00805560, 0.02476426],
+ [0.03615793, 0.00920708, 0.03049255],
+ [0.04309015, 0.01035914, 0.03700839],
+ [0.05002764, 0.01150036, 0.04420850],
+ [0.05690889, 0.01261875, 0.05155580],
+ [0.06373722, 0.01370261, 0.05903594],
+ [0.07051465, 0.01474054, 0.06666383],
+ [0.07724209, 0.01572147, 0.07445354],
+ [0.08391944, 0.01663467, 0.08241831],
+ [0.09054575, 0.01746977, 0.09057060],
+ [0.09711928, 0.01821687, 0.09892205],
+ [0.10363755, 0.01886656, 0.10748338],
+ [0.11009796, 0.01940935, 0.11626554],
+ [0.11649730, 0.01983620, 0.12527872],
+ [0.12283067, 0.02014042, 0.13452913],
+ [0.12909439, 0.02031350, 0.14402636],
+ [0.13528273, 0.02035041, 0.15377434],
+ [0.14139011, 0.02024637, 0.16377707],
+ [0.14741086, 0.01999714, 0.17403814],
+ [0.15333851, 0.01960089, 0.18455794],
+ [0.15916608, 0.01905793, 0.19533444],
+ [0.16488647, 0.01837026, 0.20636417],
+ [0.17049218, 0.01754237, 0.21764133],
+ [0.17597550, 0.01658120, 0.22915829],
+ [0.18132834, 0.01549679, 0.24090499],
+ [0.18654212, 0.01430350, 0.25286782],
+ [0.19160807, 0.01301909, 0.26503145],
+ [0.19651733, 0.01166410, 0.27738033],
+ [0.20126018, 0.01026643, 0.28989271],
+ [0.20582690, 0.00885675, 0.30254797],
+ [0.21020707, 0.00747322, 0.31532054],
+ [0.21438997, 0.00615793, 0.32818551],
+ [0.21836420, 0.00496178, 0.34111258],
+ [0.22211790, 0.00394128, 0.35407100],
+ [0.22563857, 0.00315967, 0.36702864],
+ [0.22891311, 0.00268921, 0.37994912],
+ [0.23192784, 0.00260911, 0.39279509],
+ [0.23466851, 0.00300633, 0.40552711],
+ [0.23712033, 0.00397543, 0.41810379],
+ [0.23926810, 0.00561814, 0.43048200],
+ [0.24109636, 0.00804265, 0.44261706],
+ [0.24258951, 0.01136251, 0.45446314],
+ [0.24373208, 0.01569526, 0.46597364],
+ [0.24450903, 0.02116053, 0.47710173],
+ [0.24490602, 0.02787786, 0.48780105],
+ [0.24490975, 0.03596403, 0.49802654],
+ [0.24450851, 0.04527317, 0.50773491],
+ [0.24369255, 0.05485464, 0.51688580],
+ [0.24245442, 0.06459689, 0.52544292],
+ [0.24078934, 0.07446643, 0.53337486],
+ [0.23869576, 0.08443034, 0.54065588],
+ [0.23617539, 0.09445600, 0.54726684],
+ [0.23323344, 0.10451116, 0.55319577],
+ [0.22987882, 0.11456402, 0.55843817],
+ [0.22612359, 0.12458403, 0.56299728],
+ [0.22198312, 0.13454210, 0.56688374],
+ [0.21747564, 0.14441114, 0.57011523],
+ [0.21262202, 0.15416630, 0.57271576],
+ [0.20744476, 0.16378577, 0.57471484],
+ [0.20196762, 0.17325075, 0.57614642],
+ [0.19621532, 0.18254549, 0.57704782],
+ [0.19021288, 0.19165743, 0.57745873],
+ [0.18398508, 0.20057702, 0.57742012],
+ [0.17755678, 0.20929734, 0.57697362],
+ [0.17095138, 0.21781440, 0.57616024],
+ [0.16419068, 0.22612677, 0.57501971],
+ [0.15729560, 0.23423486, 0.57359029],
+ [0.15028788, 0.24214004, 0.57190944],
+ [0.14318305, 0.24984699, 0.57000995],
+ [0.13600121, 0.25735938, 0.56792527],
+ [0.12875507, 0.26468395, 0.56568325],
+ [0.12146089, 0.27182656, 0.56331179],
+ [0.11413150, 0.27879434, 0.56083519],
+ [0.10677811, 0.28559492, 0.55827508],
+ [0.09941208, 0.29223583, 0.55565145],
+ [0.09204385, 0.29872479, 0.55298213],
+ [0.08468313, 0.30506954, 0.55028291],
+ [0.07733906, 0.31127781, 0.54756770],
+ [0.07002039, 0.31735725, 0.54484867],
+ [0.06273575, 0.32331535, 0.54213637],
+ [0.05549391, 0.32915943, 0.53943989],
+ [0.04830422, 0.33489659, 0.53676697],
+ [0.04117711, 0.34053373, 0.53412415],
+ [0.03431301, 0.34607743, 0.53151696],
+ [0.02823151, 0.35153380, 0.52895090],
+ [0.02291138, 0.35690931, 0.52642828],
+ [0.01831692, 0.36220981, 0.52395192],
+ [0.01441361, 0.36744062, 0.52152493],
+ [0.01116009, 0.37260755, 0.51914697],
+ [0.00852043, 0.37771542, 0.51681985],
+ [0.00645349, 0.38276942, 0.51454247],
+ [0.00492165, 0.38777406, 0.51231495],
+ [0.00388401, 0.39273403, 0.51013518],
+ [0.00330343, 0.39765337, 0.50800245],
+ [0.00313922, 0.40253639, 0.50591329],
+ [0.00335534, 0.40738675, 0.50386607],
+ [0.00391350, 0.41220824, 0.50185688],
+ [0.00477763, 0.41700434, 0.49988199],
+ [0.00591469, 0.42177814, 0.49793828],
+ [0.00729035, 0.42653287, 0.49602046],
+ [0.00887382, 0.43127137, 0.49412384],
+ [0.01063728, 0.43599622, 0.49224386],
+ [0.01255386, 0.44070995, 0.49037469],
+ [0.01459998, 0.44541483, 0.48851050],
+ [0.01675538, 0.45011291, 0.48664535],
+ [0.01900372, 0.45480600, 0.48477336],
+ [0.02133114, 0.45949578, 0.48288771],
+ [0.02372824, 0.46418372, 0.48098173],
+ [0.02618991, 0.46887103, 0.47904864],
+ [0.02871551, 0.47355874, 0.47708154],
+ [0.03130917, 0.47824765, 0.47507350],
+ [0.03397939, 0.48293840, 0.47301725],
+ [0.03673999, 0.48763141, 0.47090565],
+ [0.03960997, 0.49232687, 0.46873158],
+ [0.04254495, 0.49702482, 0.46648794],
+ [0.04550242, 0.50172506, 0.46416771],
+ [0.04851696, 0.50642727, 0.46176388],
+ [0.05161452, 0.51113090, 0.45926961],
+ [0.05482105, 0.51583525, 0.45667819],
+ [0.05816200, 0.52053947, 0.45398309],
+ [0.06166185, 0.52524253, 0.45117794],
+ [0.06534357, 0.52994330, 0.44825642],
+ [0.06922865, 0.53464049, 0.44521263],
+ [0.07333640, 0.53933267, 0.44204082],
+ [0.07768384, 0.54401831, 0.43873546],
+ [0.08228551, 0.54869579, 0.43529123],
+ [0.08715324, 0.55336341, 0.43170265],
+ [0.09229669, 0.55801931, 0.42796498],
+ [0.09772305, 0.56266160, 0.42407362],
+ [0.10343720, 0.56728829, 0.42002408],
+ [0.10944196, 0.57189736, 0.41581155],
+ [0.11573850, 0.57648671, 0.41143183],
+ [0.12232648, 0.58105412, 0.40688128],
+ [0.12920424, 0.58559738, 0.40215589],
+ [0.13636922, 0.59011427, 0.39725069],
+ [0.14381797, 0.59460238, 0.39216313],
+ [0.15154652, 0.59905933, 0.38688917],
+ [0.15955083, 0.60348273, 0.38142398],
+ [0.16782596, 0.60787002, 0.37576548],
+ [0.17636792, 0.61221870, 0.36990793],
+ [0.18517164, 0.61652610, 0.36384903],
+ [0.19423323, 0.62078959, 0.35758343],
+ [0.20354805, 0.62500639, 0.35110816],
+ [0.21311291, 0.62917367, 0.34441716],
+ [0.22292319, 0.63328853, 0.33750808],
+ [0.23297712, 0.63734796, 0.33037299],
+ [0.24327075, 0.64134885, 0.32300881],
+ [0.25380149, 0.64528801, 0.31541000],
+ [0.26456806, 0.64916207, 0.30756892],
+ [0.27556862, 0.65296757, 0.29947914],
+ [0.28680131, 0.65670094, 0.29113422],
+ [0.29826515, 0.66035841, 0.28252611],
+ [0.30995941, 0.66393610, 0.27364605],
+ [0.32188354, 0.66742992, 0.26448458],
+ [0.33403704, 0.67083566, 0.25503144],
+ [0.34641936, 0.67414894, 0.24527563],
+ [0.35903067, 0.67736514, 0.23520375],
+ [0.37187089, 0.68047947, 0.22480135],
+ [0.38493698, 0.68348739, 0.21405665],
+ [0.39822972, 0.68638367, 0.20294960],
+ [0.41174390, 0.68916381, 0.19146660],
+ [0.42547894, 0.69182246, 0.17958321],
+ [0.43942652, 0.69435547, 0.16728307],
+ [0.45357915, 0.69675858, 0.15454345],
+ [0.46792606, 0.69902821, 0.14134113],
+ [0.48245238, 0.70116178, 0.12765286],
+ [0.49713840, 0.70315810, 0.11345636],
+ [0.51195889, 0.70501777, 0.09873170],
+ [0.52688474, 0.70674308, 0.08346012],
+ [0.54187673, 0.70833987, 0.06764129],
+ [0.55689246, 0.70981624, 0.05129587],
+ [0.57188177, 0.71118407, 0.03467604],
+ [0.58679239, 0.71245786, 0.02096499],
+ [0.60156811, 0.71365546, 0.01144501],
+ [0.61615466, 0.71479652, 0.00628442],
+ [0.63050079, 0.71590203, 0.00561290],
+ [0.64456172, 0.71699300, 0.00951989],
+ [0.65830117, 0.71808941, 0.01805924],
+ [0.67169008, 0.71921013, 0.03125583],
+ [0.68471159, 0.72037067, 0.04849044],
+ [0.69735437, 0.72158502, 0.06611147],
+ [0.70961598, 0.72286398, 0.08347276],
+ [0.72149995, 0.72421591, 0.10054993],
+ [0.73301372, 0.72564719, 0.11735160],
+ [0.74416804, 0.72716234, 0.13389929],
+ [0.75497589, 0.72876431, 0.15021920],
+ [0.76545070, 0.73045515, 0.16633694],
+ [0.77560665, 0.73223593, 0.18227761],
+ [0.78545927, 0.73410637, 0.19806771],
+ [0.79502059, 0.73606716, 0.21372532],
+ [0.80430524, 0.73811714, 0.22927357],
+ [0.81332540, 0.74025571, 0.24473025],
+ [0.82209182, 0.74248244, 0.26010980],
+ [0.83061539, 0.74479634, 0.27542763],
+ [0.83890582, 0.74719653, 0.29069728],
+ [0.84697167, 0.74968230, 0.30593027],
+ [0.85482062, 0.75225302, 0.32113698],
+ [0.86245947, 0.75490816, 0.33632669],
+ [0.86989396, 0.75764747, 0.35150687],
+ [0.87712923, 0.76047070, 0.36668485],
+ [0.88416978, 0.76337768, 0.38186782],
+ [0.89101913, 0.76636851, 0.39706152],
+ [0.89767991, 0.76944365, 0.41226982],
+ [0.90415420, 0.77260358, 0.42749685],
+ [0.91044358, 0.77584886, 0.44274736],
+ [0.91654853, 0.77918057, 0.45802267],
+ [0.92246923, 0.78259973, 0.47332599],
+ [0.92820506, 0.78610768, 0.48865891],
+ [0.93375472, 0.78970603, 0.50402183],
+ [0.93911639, 0.79339650, 0.51941608],
+ [0.94428753, 0.79718118, 0.53484032],
+ [0.94926502, 0.80106227, 0.55029462],
+ [0.95404514, 0.80504233, 0.56577636],
+ [0.95862355, 0.80912404, 0.58128369],
+ [0.96299535, 0.81331040, 0.59681267],
+ [0.96715510, 0.81760462, 0.61235912],
+ [0.97109682, 0.82201013, 0.62791738],
+ [0.97481410, 0.82653054, 0.64348056],
+ [0.97830011, 0.83116968, 0.65904062],
+ [0.98154779, 0.83593148, 0.67458753],
+ [0.98454982, 0.84081997, 0.69011015],
+ [0.98729905, 0.84583920, 0.70559469],
+ [0.98978835, 0.85099316, 0.72102612],
+ [0.99201133, 0.85628564, 0.73638624],
+ [0.99396216, 0.86172014, 0.75165543],
+ [0.99563650, 0.86729965, 0.76681061],
+ [0.99703146, 0.87302652, 0.78182704],
+ [0.99814653, 0.87890219, 0.79667691],
+ [0.99898398, 0.88492695, 0.81133029],
+ [0.99954928, 0.89109977, 0.82575569],
+ [0.99985230, 0.89741786, 0.83991936],
+ [0.99990681, 0.90387677, 0.85378806],
+ [0.99973262, 0.91046972, 0.86732686],
+ [0.99935332, 0.91718818, 0.88050438],
+ [0.99880092, 0.92402056, 0.89328714],
+ [0.99810973, 0.93095404, 0.90564927],
+ [0.99732359, 0.93797243, 0.91756364],
+ [0.99649290, 0.94505713, 0.92900703],
+ [0.99567604, 0.95218676, 0.93995905],
+ [0.99494896, 0.95933417, 0.95039442],
+ [0.99442226, 0.96646091, 0.96027218],
+ [0.99432420, 0.97349028, 0.96947845],
+ [0.99602609, 0.97996738, 0.97716299],
+ [0.99775551, 0.98647064, 0.98470323],
+ [0.99904735, 0.99315948, 0.99234139],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.rainforest', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.rainforest", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/redshift/redshift.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/redshift/redshift.jscm
index 428c56cf..74580dfa 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/redshift/redshift.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/redshift/redshift.jscm
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/redshift/redshift.py b/cmasher/colormaps/redshift/redshift.py
index f7554cd0..b797c4f9 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/redshift/redshift.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/redshift/redshift.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.57869284, 0.94700453, 0.95383509],
- [0.57330096, 0.94244813, 0.95218584],
- [0.56790414, 0.93790619, 0.95055025],
- [0.56250183, 0.93337844, 0.94892950],
- [0.55709400, 0.92886470, 0.94732325],
- [0.55168026, 0.92436472, 0.94573223],
- [0.54626041, 0.91987829, 0.94415663],
- [0.54083428, 0.91540519, 0.94259649],
- [0.53540142, 0.91094515, 0.94105277],
- [0.52996183, 0.90649797, 0.93952504],
- [0.52451517, 0.90206341, 0.93801392],
- [0.51906115, 0.89764122, 0.93651980],
- [0.51359971, 0.89323118, 0.93504255],
- [0.50813051, 0.88883304, 0.93358271],
- [0.50265329, 0.88444654, 0.93214066],
- [0.49716797, 0.88007146, 0.93071625],
- [0.49167433, 0.87570754, 0.92930975],
- [0.48617195, 0.87135452, 0.92792190],
- [0.48066080, 0.86701216, 0.92655247],
- [0.47514069, 0.86268020, 0.92520162],
- [0.46961139, 0.85835838, 0.92386959],
- [0.46407266, 0.85404645, 0.92255672],
- [0.45852424, 0.84974413, 0.92126329],
- [0.45296603, 0.84545117, 0.91998924],
- [0.44739784, 0.84116729, 0.91873474],
- [0.44181946, 0.83689223, 0.91749997],
- [0.43623070, 0.83262572, 0.91628509],
- [0.43063137, 0.82836747, 0.91509023],
- [0.42502129, 0.82411721, 0.91391555],
- [0.41940026, 0.81987466, 0.91276117],
- [0.41376812, 0.81563953, 0.91162721],
- [0.40812469, 0.81141153, 0.91051377],
- [0.40246980, 0.80719037, 0.90942095],
- [0.39680330, 0.80297576, 0.90834883],
- [0.39112505, 0.79876739, 0.90729746],
- [0.38543488, 0.79456497, 0.90626692],
- [0.37973269, 0.79036819, 0.90525724],
- [0.37401834, 0.78617674, 0.90426845],
- [0.36829174, 0.78199032, 0.90330056],
- [0.36255279, 0.77780859, 0.90235356],
- [0.35680142, 0.77363124, 0.90142744],
- [0.35103745, 0.76945793, 0.90052248],
- [0.34526089, 0.76528834, 0.89963852],
- [0.33947179, 0.76112213, 0.89877532],
- [0.33367017, 0.75695898, 0.89793279],
- [0.32785588, 0.75279849, 0.89711137],
- [0.32202912, 0.74864036, 0.89631060],
- [0.31619008, 0.74448422, 0.89553017],
- [0.31033866, 0.74032967, 0.89477063],
- [0.30447528, 0.73617639, 0.89403125],
- [0.29860011, 0.73202399, 0.89331209],
- [0.29271343, 0.72787206, 0.89261309],
- [0.28681572, 0.72372025, 0.89193378],
- [0.28090735, 0.71956814, 0.89127427],
- [0.27498896, 0.71541533, 0.89063408],
- [0.26906124, 0.71126143, 0.89001292],
- [0.26312486, 0.70710597, 0.88941086],
- [0.25718092, 0.70294859, 0.88882703],
- [0.25123043, 0.69878883, 0.88826140],
- [0.24527462, 0.69462621, 0.88771373],
- [0.23931508, 0.69046034, 0.88718322],
- [0.23335351, 0.68629075, 0.88666946],
- [0.22739188, 0.68211696, 0.88617198],
- [0.22143248, 0.67793848, 0.88569042],
- [0.21547800, 0.67375483, 0.88522406],
- [0.20953152, 0.66956553, 0.88477214],
- [0.20359659, 0.66537008, 0.88433394],
- [0.19767730, 0.66116797, 0.88390868],
- [0.19177835, 0.65695868, 0.88349548],
- [0.18590517, 0.65274164, 0.88309369],
- [0.18006401, 0.64851634, 0.88270206],
- [0.17426203, 0.64428224, 0.88231942],
- [0.16850747, 0.64003882, 0.88194450],
- [0.16280986, 0.63578543, 0.88157637],
- [0.15718007, 0.63152155, 0.88121346],
- [0.15163047, 0.62724665, 0.88085394],
- [0.14617558, 0.62296002, 0.88049685],
- [0.14083138, 0.61866121, 0.88013964],
- [0.13561664, 0.61434953, 0.87978090],
- [0.13055227, 0.61002443, 0.87941833],
- [0.12566179, 0.60568534, 0.87904945],
- [0.12097171, 0.60133167, 0.87867186],
- [0.11651156, 0.59696278, 0.87828307],
- [0.11231340, 0.59257814, 0.87787994],
- [0.10841196, 0.58817719, 0.87745920],
- [0.10484430, 0.58375940, 0.87701740],
- [0.10164914, 0.57932420, 0.87655087],
- [0.09886510, 0.57487117, 0.87605525],
- [0.09652994, 0.57039990, 0.87552588],
- [0.09468006, 0.56590987, 0.87495827],
- [0.09334588, 0.56140087, 0.87434666],
- [0.09255347, 0.55687251, 0.87368561],
- [0.09231938, 0.55232472, 0.87296842],
- [0.09265244, 0.54775739, 0.87218838],
- [0.09355187, 0.54317052, 0.87133816],
- [0.09500670, 0.53856430, 0.87040963],
- [0.09699741, 0.53393908, 0.86939415],
- [0.09949602, 0.52929541, 0.86828228],
- [0.10246810, 0.52463411, 0.86706387],
- [0.10587541, 0.51995613, 0.86572833],
- [0.10967576, 0.51526281, 0.86426419],
- [0.11382580, 0.51055574, 0.86265950],
- [0.11828050, 0.50583694, 0.86090155],
- [0.12299581, 0.50110877, 0.85897736],
- [0.12792818, 0.49637399, 0.85687361],
- [0.13303495, 0.49163581, 0.85457687],
- [0.13827461, 0.48689788, 0.85207389],
- [0.14360717, 0.48216423, 0.84935190],
- [0.14899424, 0.47743927, 0.84639902],
- [0.15439799, 0.47272781, 0.84320453],
- [0.15978344, 0.46803477, 0.83975943],
- [0.16511635, 0.46336535, 0.83605671],
- [0.17036521, 0.45872465, 0.83209177],
- [0.17550082, 0.45411767, 0.82786267],
- [0.18049667, 0.44954915, 0.82337025],
- [0.18532943, 0.44502339, 0.81861819],
- [0.18997899, 0.44054421, 0.81361291],
- [0.19442908, 0.43611475, 0.80836325],
- [0.19866639, 0.43173758, 0.80288030],
- [0.20268189, 0.42741446, 0.79717672],
- [0.20646873, 0.42314661, 0.79126674],
- [0.21002416, 0.41893452, 0.78516513],
- [0.21334744, 0.41477813, 0.77888727],
- [0.21644007, 0.41067692, 0.77244864],
- [0.21930549, 0.40662992, 0.76586449],
- [0.22194871, 0.40263581, 0.75914954],
- [0.22437598, 0.39869301, 0.75231781],
- [0.22659392, 0.39479978, 0.74538284],
- [0.22861020, 0.39095420, 0.73835702],
- [0.23043243, 0.38715428, 0.73125216],
- [0.23206893, 0.38339797, 0.72407881],
- [0.23352752, 0.37968323, 0.71684701],
- [0.23481608, 0.37600805, 0.70956590],
- [0.23594240, 0.37237043, 0.70224378],
- [0.23691411, 0.36876841, 0.69488810],
- [0.23773864, 0.36520013, 0.68750558],
- [0.23842228, 0.36166379, 0.68010314],
- [0.23897259, 0.35815764, 0.67268550],
- [0.23939501, 0.35468004, 0.66525875],
- [0.23969623, 0.35122941, 0.65782678],
- [0.23988177, 0.34780424, 0.65039394],
- [0.23995694, 0.34440312, 0.64296415],
- [0.23992678, 0.34102470, 0.63554088],
- [0.23979609, 0.33766769, 0.62812723],
- [0.23956944, 0.33433088, 0.62072594],
- [0.23925118, 0.33101313, 0.61333943],
- [0.23884542, 0.32771334, 0.60596984],
- [0.23835581, 0.32443050, 0.59861944],
- [0.23778580, 0.32116362, 0.59129023],
- [0.23713919, 0.31791178, 0.58398324],
- [0.23641859, 0.31467410, 0.57670083],
- [0.23562751, 0.31144977, 0.56944356],
- [0.23476863, 0.30823799, 0.56221282],
- [0.23384436, 0.30503801, 0.55501014],
- [0.23285756, 0.30184913, 0.54783592],
- [0.23181055, 0.29867067, 0.54069108],
- [0.23070554, 0.29550198, 0.53357645],
- [0.22954464, 0.29234247, 0.52649273],
- [0.22832987, 0.28919153, 0.51944051],
- [0.22706312, 0.28604862, 0.51242029],
- [0.22574622, 0.28291320, 0.50543250],
- [0.22438088, 0.27978477, 0.49847747],
- [0.22296875, 0.27666284, 0.49155548],
- [0.22151140, 0.27354694, 0.48466672],
- [0.22001024, 0.27043662, 0.47781146],
- [0.21846644, 0.26733144, 0.47099036],
- [0.21688162, 0.26423100, 0.46420287],
- [0.21525699, 0.26113489, 0.45744915],
- [0.21359342, 0.25804272, 0.45072991],
- [0.21189245, 0.25495414, 0.44404423],
- [0.21015473, 0.25186874, 0.43739306],
- [0.20838166, 0.24878622, 0.43077545],
- [0.20657379, 0.24570619, 0.42419227],
- [0.20473243, 0.24262836, 0.41764250],
- [0.20285807, 0.23955237, 0.41112692],
- [0.20095176, 0.23647793, 0.40464482],
- [0.19901430, 0.23340473, 0.39819596],
- [0.19704615, 0.23033243, 0.39178094],
- [0.19504823, 0.22726077, 0.38539893],
- [0.19302121, 0.22418944, 0.37904975],
- [0.19096568, 0.22111817, 0.37273324],
- [0.18888207, 0.21804663, 0.36644962],
- [0.18677107, 0.21497457, 0.36019827],
- [0.18463321, 0.21190170, 0.35397893],
- [0.18246898, 0.20882775, 0.34779136],
- [0.18027883, 0.20575244, 0.34163532],
- [0.17806319, 0.20267549, 0.33551054],
- [0.17582247, 0.19959662, 0.32941673],
- [0.17355705, 0.19651555, 0.32335359],
- [0.17126727, 0.19343202, 0.31732082],
- [0.16895348, 0.19034573, 0.31131809],
- [0.16661598, 0.18725641, 0.30534506],
- [0.16425505, 0.18416377, 0.29940139],
- [0.16187095, 0.18106754, 0.29348671],
- [0.15946392, 0.17796741, 0.28760066],
- [0.15703418, 0.17486310, 0.28174285],
- [0.15458188, 0.17175430, 0.27591300],
- [0.15210713, 0.16864071, 0.27011088],
- [0.14961017, 0.16552201, 0.26433584],
- [0.14709112, 0.16239789, 0.25858744],
- [0.14455007, 0.15926804, 0.25286525],
- [0.14198701, 0.15613210, 0.24716916],
- [0.13940203, 0.15298974, 0.24149861],
- [0.13679522, 0.14984061, 0.23585293],
- [0.13416654, 0.14668436, 0.23023175],
- [0.13151588, 0.14352057, 0.22463501],
- [0.12884334, 0.14034890, 0.21906169],
- [0.12614878, 0.13716893, 0.21351147],
- [0.12343203, 0.13398023, 0.20798415],
- [0.12069311, 0.13078240, 0.20247868],
- [0.11793173, 0.12757495, 0.19699505],
- [0.11514778, 0.12435745, 0.19153238],
- [0.11234104, 0.12112938, 0.18609015],
- [0.10951121, 0.11789024, 0.18066797],
- [0.10665810, 0.11463950, 0.17526489],
- [0.10378128, 0.11137658, 0.16988075],
- [0.10088052, 0.10810090, 0.16451437],
- [0.09795529, 0.10481182, 0.15916562],
- [0.09500529, 0.10150871, 0.15383328],
- [0.09202991, 0.09819083, 0.14851704],
- [0.08902871, 0.09485748, 0.14321584],
- [0.08600106, 0.09150787, 0.13792899],
- [0.08294630, 0.08814114, 0.13265572],
- [0.07986379, 0.08475645, 0.12739482],
- [0.07675264, 0.08135279, 0.12214593],
- [0.07361211, 0.07792919, 0.11690747],
- [0.07044121, 0.07448455, 0.11167864],
- [0.06723890, 0.07101767, 0.10645840],
- [0.06400410, 0.06752732, 0.10124526],
- [0.06073553, 0.06401210, 0.09603817],
- [0.05743181, 0.06047052, 0.09083573],
- [0.05409148, 0.05690097, 0.08563621],
- [0.05071284, 0.05330166, 0.08043811],
- [0.04729398, 0.04967062, 0.07523980],
- [0.04383290, 0.04600573, 0.07003905],
- [0.04032533, 0.04230459, 0.06483370],
- [0.03681198, 0.03855880, 0.05962158],
- [0.03343838, 0.03492349, 0.05439990],
- [0.03020655, 0.03145663, 0.04916556],
- [0.02711859, 0.02815891, 0.04391515],
- [0.02417669, 0.02503115, 0.03863829],
- [0.02138315, 0.02207428, 0.03360127],
- [0.01874050, 0.01928945, 0.02894484],
- [0.01625140, 0.01667799, 0.02466102],
- [0.01391875, 0.01424146, 0.02074208],
- [0.01174570, 0.01198170, 0.01718058],
- [0.00973575, 0.00990088, 0.01396944],
- [0.00789285, 0.00800160, 0.01110189],
- [0.00622148, 0.00628698, 0.00857157],
- [0.00472684, 0.00476083, 0.00637274],
- [0.00341513, 0.00342790, 0.00450037],
- [0.00229394, 0.00229426, 0.00295046],
- [0.00137302, 0.00136800, 0.00172056],
- [0.00066576, 0.00066063, 0.00081098],
- [0.00019292, 0.00019060, 0.00022793],
- [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00025040, 0.00017502, 0.00016171],
- [0.00089250, 0.00059932, 0.00054846],
- [0.00189565, 0.00122701, 0.00111293],
- [0.00325248, 0.00203616, 0.00183195],
- [0.00496152, 0.00301225, 0.00268996],
- [0.00702387, 0.00414441, 0.00367535],
- [0.00944207, 0.00542401, 0.00477886],
- [0.01221955, 0.00684390, 0.00599285],
- [0.01536031, 0.00839795, 0.00731084],
- [0.01886877, 0.01008083, 0.00872721],
- [0.02274967, 0.01188778, 0.01023700],
- [0.02700798, 0.01381454, 0.01183582],
- [0.03164888, 0.01585720, 0.01351971],
- [0.03667771, 0.01801217, 0.01528506],
- [0.04205331, 0.02027615, 0.01712860],
- [0.04743448, 0.02264601, 0.01904731],
- [0.05278280, 0.02511884, 0.02103842],
- [0.05810212, 0.02769188, 0.02309935],
- [0.06339578, 0.03036252, 0.02522770],
- [0.06866672, 0.03312824, 0.02742124],
- [0.07391755, 0.03598666, 0.02967787],
- [0.07915058, 0.03893547, 0.03199563],
- [0.08436788, 0.04193076, 0.03437269],
- [0.08957133, 0.04487310, 0.03680730],
- [0.09476262, 0.04777329, 0.03929785],
- [0.09994327, 0.05063312, 0.04180586],
- [0.10511470, 0.05345424, 0.04426624],
- [0.11027818, 0.05623812, 0.04669049],
- [0.11543497, 0.05898610, 0.04908014],
- [0.12058623, 0.06169939, 0.05143664],
- [0.12573283, 0.06437919, 0.05376147],
- [0.13087571, 0.06702659, 0.05605592],
- [0.13601574, 0.06964256, 0.05832121],
- [0.14115372, 0.07222801, 0.06055848],
- [0.14629062, 0.07478363, 0.06276864],
- [0.15142706, 0.07731028, 0.06495279],
- [0.15656359, 0.07980873, 0.06711196],
- [0.16170085, 0.08227966, 0.06924706],
- [0.16683960, 0.08472357, 0.07135883],
- [0.17198044, 0.08714103, 0.07344805],
- [0.17712369, 0.08953271, 0.07551570],
- [0.18226984, 0.09189912, 0.07756253],
- [0.18741984, 0.09424042, 0.07958888],
- [0.19257368, 0.09655736, 0.08159583],
- [0.19773177, 0.09885035, 0.08358407],
- [0.20289508, 0.10111941, 0.08555379],
- [0.20806344, 0.10336526, 0.08750608],
- [0.21323743, 0.10558811, 0.08944138],
- [0.21841762, 0.10778812, 0.09136011],
- [0.22360393, 0.10996587, 0.09326320],
- [0.22879730, 0.11212120, 0.09515070],
- [0.23399749, 0.11425475, 0.09702362],
- [0.23920524, 0.11636644, 0.09888215],
- [0.24442056, 0.11845670, 0.10072704],
- [0.24964399, 0.12052553, 0.10255859],
- [0.25487559, 0.12257327, 0.10437748],
- [0.26011591, 0.12459987, 0.10618400],
- [0.26536485, 0.12660577, 0.10797891],
- [0.27062320, 0.12859067, 0.10976227],
- [0.27589064, 0.13055515, 0.11153501],
- [0.28116790, 0.13249892, 0.11329723],
- [0.28645496, 0.13442228, 0.11504958],
- [0.29175191, 0.13632542, 0.11679264],
- [0.29705953, 0.13820797, 0.11852645],
- [0.30237754, 0.14007037, 0.12025185],
- [0.30770619, 0.14191267, 0.12196930],
- [0.31304596, 0.14373465, 0.12367902],
- [0.31839698, 0.14553642, 0.12538157],
- [0.32375929, 0.14731812, 0.12707753],
- [0.32913312, 0.14907971, 0.12876734],
- [0.33451869, 0.15082119, 0.13045146],
- [0.33991640, 0.15254233, 0.13213020],
- [0.34532626, 0.15424328, 0.13380421],
- [0.35074842, 0.15592402, 0.13547398],
- [0.35618306, 0.15758449, 0.13714001],
- [0.36163037, 0.15922465, 0.13880282],
- [0.36709053, 0.16084442, 0.14046291],
- [0.37256368, 0.16244373, 0.14212082],
- [0.37805000, 0.16402251, 0.14377710],
- [0.38354964, 0.16558067, 0.14543231],
- [0.38906272, 0.16711815, 0.14708703],
- [0.39458938, 0.16863485, 0.14874187],
- [0.40012983, 0.17013060, 0.15039738],
- [0.40568435, 0.17160517, 0.15205410],
- [0.41125283, 0.17305863, 0.15371282],
- [0.41683537, 0.17449090, 0.15537425],
- [0.42243210, 0.17590183, 0.15703906],
- [0.42804355, 0.17729090, 0.15870770],
- [0.43366930, 0.17865845, 0.16038126],
- [0.43930967, 0.18000413, 0.16206038],
- [0.44496489, 0.18132764, 0.16374576],
- [0.45063472, 0.18262915, 0.16543847],
- [0.45631970, 0.18390803, 0.16713910],
- [0.46201950, 0.18516452, 0.16884881],
- [0.46773436, 0.18639826, 0.17056845],
- [0.47346448, 0.18760891, 0.17229894],
- [0.47920962, 0.18879660, 0.17404153],
- [0.48496988, 0.18996107, 0.17579727],
- [0.49074562, 0.19110178, 0.17756713],
- [0.49653658, 0.19221882, 0.17935252],
- [0.50234275, 0.19331200, 0.18115474],
- [0.50816415, 0.19438111, 0.18297514],
- [0.51400073, 0.19542596, 0.18481519],
- [0.51985242, 0.19644640, 0.18667645],
- [0.52571914, 0.19744228, 0.18856057],
- [0.53160107, 0.19841308, 0.19046915],
- [0.53749771, 0.19935910, 0.19240426],
- [0.54340877, 0.20028035, 0.19436797],
- [0.54933468, 0.20117600, 0.19636211],
- [0.55527440, 0.20204691, 0.19838936],
- [0.56122832, 0.20289223, 0.20045191],
- [0.56719565, 0.20371253, 0.20255260],
- [0.57317599, 0.20450784, 0.20469433],
- [0.57916892, 0.20527822, 0.20688019],
- [0.58517386, 0.20602391, 0.20911357],
- [0.59119008, 0.20674530, 0.21139818],
- [0.59721668, 0.20744301, 0.21373809],
- [0.60325256, 0.20811785, 0.21613772],
- [0.60929703, 0.20877009, 0.21860179],
- [0.61534817, 0.20940159, 0.22113570],
- [0.62140456, 0.21001357, 0.22374524],
- [0.62746447, 0.21060762, 0.22643678],
- [0.63352553, 0.21118613, 0.22921738],
- [0.63958513, 0.21175191, 0.23209485],
- [0.64563982, 0.21230887, 0.23507773],
- [0.65168622, 0.21286089, 0.23817550],
- [0.65771956, 0.21341377, 0.24139850],
- [0.66373458, 0.21397413, 0.24475810],
- [0.66972486, 0.21455034, 0.24826659],
- [0.67568308, 0.21515214, 0.25193732],
- [0.68160009, 0.21579224, 0.25578419],
- [0.68746554, 0.21648527, 0.25982171],
- [0.69326730, 0.21724893, 0.26406422],
- [0.69899173, 0.21810359, 0.26852538],
- [0.70462353, 0.21907270, 0.27321678],
- [0.71014648, 0.22018170, 0.27814698],
- [0.71554399, 0.22145733, 0.28331983],
- [0.72080022, 0.22292581, 0.28873331],
- [0.72590133, 0.22461074, 0.29437873],
- [0.73083669, 0.22653107, 0.30024056],
- [0.73559980, 0.22869924, 0.30629757],
- [0.74018868, 0.23112025, 0.31252449],
- [0.74460563, 0.23379177, 0.31889417],
- [0.74885652, 0.23670514, 0.32537978],
- [0.75294975, 0.23984693, 0.33195617],
- [0.75689531, 0.24320059, 0.33860116],
- [0.76070380, 0.24674807, 0.34529597],
- [0.76438593, 0.25047094, 0.35202454],
- [0.76795189, 0.25435133, 0.35877448],
- [0.77141115, 0.25837247, 0.36553575],
- [0.77477256, 0.26251881, 0.37229998],
- [0.77804379, 0.26677651, 0.37906169],
- [0.78123206, 0.27113290, 0.38581549],
- [0.78434357, 0.27557695, 0.39255809],
- [0.78738394, 0.28009877, 0.39928656],
- [0.79035818, 0.28468967, 0.40599881],
- [0.79327055, 0.28934218, 0.41269364],
- [0.79612522, 0.29404938, 0.41936940],
- [0.79892565, 0.29880546, 0.42602547],
- [0.80167495, 0.30360528, 0.43266135],
- [0.80437600, 0.30844427, 0.43927664],
- [0.80703138, 0.31331841, 0.44587105],
- [0.80964362, 0.31822399, 0.45244410],
- [0.81221449, 0.32315820, 0.45899641],
- [0.81474632, 0.32811795, 0.46552728],
- [0.81724057, 0.33310108, 0.47203740],
- [0.81969904, 0.33810529, 0.47852656],
- [0.82212337, 0.34312856, 0.48499471],
- [0.82451481, 0.34816932, 0.49144226],
- [0.82687469, 0.35322603, 0.49786935],
- [0.82920424, 0.35829737, 0.50427616],
- [0.83150475, 0.36338199, 0.51066266],
- [0.83377726, 0.36847888, 0.51702911],
- [0.83602265, 0.37358719, 0.52337592],
- [0.83824196, 0.37870600, 0.52970315],
- [0.84043630, 0.38383440, 0.53601074],
- [0.84260624, 0.38897198, 0.54229933],
- [0.84475296, 0.39411782, 0.54856862],
- [0.84687704, 0.39927156, 0.55481910],
- [0.84897918, 0.40443278, 0.56105104],
- [0.85106052, 0.40960072, 0.56726414],
- [0.85312150, 0.41477522, 0.57345893],
- [0.85516280, 0.41995592, 0.57963557],
- [0.85718516, 0.42514246, 0.58579419],
- [0.85918925, 0.43033456, 0.59193494],
- [0.86117573, 0.43553193, 0.59805796],
- [0.86314524, 0.44073436, 0.60416341],
- [0.86509839, 0.44594163, 0.61025145],
- [0.86703576, 0.45115357, 0.61632226],
- [0.86895794, 0.45637003, 0.62237602],
- [0.87086547, 0.46159088, 0.62841291],
- [0.87275892, 0.46681601, 0.63443311],
- [0.87463920, 0.47204504, 0.64043642],
- [0.87650647, 0.47727814, 0.64642338],
- [0.87836125, 0.48251527, 0.65239419],
- [0.88020442, 0.48775608, 0.65834869],
- [0.88203632, 0.49300068, 0.66428723],
- [0.88385731, 0.49824908, 0.67021010],
- [0.88566842, 0.50350091, 0.67611704],
- [0.88746952, 0.50875657, 0.68200879],
- [0.88926189, 0.51401550, 0.68788483],
- [0.89104529, 0.51927818, 0.69374601],
- [0.89282093, 0.52454412, 0.69959190],
- [0.89458878, 0.52981366, 0.70542311],
- [0.89634962, 0.53508661, 0.71123963],
- [0.89810404, 0.54036289, 0.71704153],
- [0.89985224, 0.54564269, 0.72282926],
- [0.90159503, 0.55092583, 0.72860276],
- [0.90333293, 0.55621228, 0.73436222],
- [0.90506623, 0.56150220, 0.74010799],
- [0.90679545, 0.56679555, 0.74584023],
- [0.90852137, 0.57209219, 0.75155895],
- [0.91024440, 0.57739217, 0.75726444],
- [0.91196493, 0.58269559, 0.76295698],
- [0.91368350, 0.58800243, 0.76863675],
- [0.91540062, 0.59331269, 0.77430396],
- [0.91711684, 0.59862638, 0.77995883],
- [0.91883267, 0.60394350, 0.78560155],
- [0.92054867, 0.60926404, 0.79123233],
- [0.92226538, 0.61458800, 0.79685141],
- [0.92398322, 0.61991544, 0.80245907],
- [0.92570273, 0.62524639, 0.80805555],
- [0.92742442, 0.63058086, 0.81364111],
- [0.92914880, 0.63591886, 0.81921600],
- [0.93087638, 0.64126043, 0.82478051],
- [0.93260773, 0.64660556, 0.83033488],
- [0.93434340, 0.65195425, 0.83587937],
- [0.93608384, 0.65730657, 0.84141433],
- [0.93782955, 0.66266254, 0.84694004],
- [0.93958104, 0.66802220, 0.85245683],
- [0.94133881, 0.67338558, 0.85796503],
- [0.94310336, 0.67875272, 0.86346495],
- [0.94487519, 0.68412366, 0.86895696],
- [0.94665494, 0.68949837, 0.87444133],
- [0.94844316, 0.69487684, 0.87991840],
- [0.95024017, 0.70025923, 0.88538863],
- [0.95204644, 0.70564557, 0.89085241],
- [0.95386245, 0.71103593, 0.89631013],
- [0.95568907, 0.71643015, 0.90176204],
- [0.95752647, 0.72182844, 0.90720868],
- [0.95937505, 0.72723088, 0.91265052],
- [0.96123539, 0.73263749, 0.91808795],
- [0.96310823, 0.73804818, 0.92352130],
- [0.96499363, 0.74346320, 0.92895121],
- [0.96689210, 0.74888260, 0.93437814],
- [0.96880452, 0.75430622, 0.93980239],
- [0.97073082, 0.75973439, 0.94522466],
- [0.97267159, 0.76516710, 0.95064542],
- [0.97462750, 0.77060429, 0.95606508],
- [0.97659851, 0.77604628, 0.96148437],
- [0.97858550, 0.78149292, 0.96690364],
- [0.98058853, 0.78694445, 0.97232360],
- [0.98260802, 0.79240093, 0.97774480],
- [0.98464455, 0.79786238, 0.98316775],
- [0.98669804, 0.80332910, 0.98859321]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.57869284, 0.94700453, 0.95383509],
+ [0.57330096, 0.94244813, 0.95218584],
+ [0.56790414, 0.93790619, 0.95055025],
+ [0.56250183, 0.93337844, 0.94892950],
+ [0.55709400, 0.92886470, 0.94732325],
+ [0.55168026, 0.92436472, 0.94573223],
+ [0.54626041, 0.91987829, 0.94415663],
+ [0.54083428, 0.91540519, 0.94259649],
+ [0.53540142, 0.91094515, 0.94105277],
+ [0.52996183, 0.90649797, 0.93952504],
+ [0.52451517, 0.90206341, 0.93801392],
+ [0.51906115, 0.89764122, 0.93651980],
+ [0.51359971, 0.89323118, 0.93504255],
+ [0.50813051, 0.88883304, 0.93358271],
+ [0.50265329, 0.88444654, 0.93214066],
+ [0.49716797, 0.88007146, 0.93071625],
+ [0.49167433, 0.87570754, 0.92930975],
+ [0.48617195, 0.87135452, 0.92792190],
+ [0.48066080, 0.86701216, 0.92655247],
+ [0.47514069, 0.86268020, 0.92520162],
+ [0.46961139, 0.85835838, 0.92386959],
+ [0.46407266, 0.85404645, 0.92255672],
+ [0.45852424, 0.84974413, 0.92126329],
+ [0.45296603, 0.84545117, 0.91998924],
+ [0.44739784, 0.84116729, 0.91873474],
+ [0.44181946, 0.83689223, 0.91749997],
+ [0.43623070, 0.83262572, 0.91628509],
+ [0.43063137, 0.82836747, 0.91509023],
+ [0.42502129, 0.82411721, 0.91391555],
+ [0.41940026, 0.81987466, 0.91276117],
+ [0.41376812, 0.81563953, 0.91162721],
+ [0.40812469, 0.81141153, 0.91051377],
+ [0.40246980, 0.80719037, 0.90942095],
+ [0.39680330, 0.80297576, 0.90834883],
+ [0.39112505, 0.79876739, 0.90729746],
+ [0.38543488, 0.79456497, 0.90626692],
+ [0.37973269, 0.79036819, 0.90525724],
+ [0.37401834, 0.78617674, 0.90426845],
+ [0.36829174, 0.78199032, 0.90330056],
+ [0.36255279, 0.77780859, 0.90235356],
+ [0.35680142, 0.77363124, 0.90142744],
+ [0.35103745, 0.76945793, 0.90052248],
+ [0.34526089, 0.76528834, 0.89963852],
+ [0.33947179, 0.76112213, 0.89877532],
+ [0.33367017, 0.75695898, 0.89793279],
+ [0.32785588, 0.75279849, 0.89711137],
+ [0.32202912, 0.74864036, 0.89631060],
+ [0.31619008, 0.74448422, 0.89553017],
+ [0.31033866, 0.74032967, 0.89477063],
+ [0.30447528, 0.73617639, 0.89403125],
+ [0.29860011, 0.73202399, 0.89331209],
+ [0.29271343, 0.72787206, 0.89261309],
+ [0.28681572, 0.72372025, 0.89193378],
+ [0.28090735, 0.71956814, 0.89127427],
+ [0.27498896, 0.71541533, 0.89063408],
+ [0.26906124, 0.71126143, 0.89001292],
+ [0.26312486, 0.70710597, 0.88941086],
+ [0.25718092, 0.70294859, 0.88882703],
+ [0.25123043, 0.69878883, 0.88826140],
+ [0.24527462, 0.69462621, 0.88771373],
+ [0.23931508, 0.69046034, 0.88718322],
+ [0.23335351, 0.68629075, 0.88666946],
+ [0.22739188, 0.68211696, 0.88617198],
+ [0.22143248, 0.67793848, 0.88569042],
+ [0.21547800, 0.67375483, 0.88522406],
+ [0.20953152, 0.66956553, 0.88477214],
+ [0.20359659, 0.66537008, 0.88433394],
+ [0.19767730, 0.66116797, 0.88390868],
+ [0.19177835, 0.65695868, 0.88349548],
+ [0.18590517, 0.65274164, 0.88309369],
+ [0.18006401, 0.64851634, 0.88270206],
+ [0.17426203, 0.64428224, 0.88231942],
+ [0.16850747, 0.64003882, 0.88194450],
+ [0.16280986, 0.63578543, 0.88157637],
+ [0.15718007, 0.63152155, 0.88121346],
+ [0.15163047, 0.62724665, 0.88085394],
+ [0.14617558, 0.62296002, 0.88049685],
+ [0.14083138, 0.61866121, 0.88013964],
+ [0.13561664, 0.61434953, 0.87978090],
+ [0.13055227, 0.61002443, 0.87941833],
+ [0.12566179, 0.60568534, 0.87904945],
+ [0.12097171, 0.60133167, 0.87867186],
+ [0.11651156, 0.59696278, 0.87828307],
+ [0.11231340, 0.59257814, 0.87787994],
+ [0.10841196, 0.58817719, 0.87745920],
+ [0.10484430, 0.58375940, 0.87701740],
+ [0.10164914, 0.57932420, 0.87655087],
+ [0.09886510, 0.57487117, 0.87605525],
+ [0.09652994, 0.57039990, 0.87552588],
+ [0.09468006, 0.56590987, 0.87495827],
+ [0.09334588, 0.56140087, 0.87434666],
+ [0.09255347, 0.55687251, 0.87368561],
+ [0.09231938, 0.55232472, 0.87296842],
+ [0.09265244, 0.54775739, 0.87218838],
+ [0.09355187, 0.54317052, 0.87133816],
+ [0.09500670, 0.53856430, 0.87040963],
+ [0.09699741, 0.53393908, 0.86939415],
+ [0.09949602, 0.52929541, 0.86828228],
+ [0.10246810, 0.52463411, 0.86706387],
+ [0.10587541, 0.51995613, 0.86572833],
+ [0.10967576, 0.51526281, 0.86426419],
+ [0.11382580, 0.51055574, 0.86265950],
+ [0.11828050, 0.50583694, 0.86090155],
+ [0.12299581, 0.50110877, 0.85897736],
+ [0.12792818, 0.49637399, 0.85687361],
+ [0.13303495, 0.49163581, 0.85457687],
+ [0.13827461, 0.48689788, 0.85207389],
+ [0.14360717, 0.48216423, 0.84935190],
+ [0.14899424, 0.47743927, 0.84639902],
+ [0.15439799, 0.47272781, 0.84320453],
+ [0.15978344, 0.46803477, 0.83975943],
+ [0.16511635, 0.46336535, 0.83605671],
+ [0.17036521, 0.45872465, 0.83209177],
+ [0.17550082, 0.45411767, 0.82786267],
+ [0.18049667, 0.44954915, 0.82337025],
+ [0.18532943, 0.44502339, 0.81861819],
+ [0.18997899, 0.44054421, 0.81361291],
+ [0.19442908, 0.43611475, 0.80836325],
+ [0.19866639, 0.43173758, 0.80288030],
+ [0.20268189, 0.42741446, 0.79717672],
+ [0.20646873, 0.42314661, 0.79126674],
+ [0.21002416, 0.41893452, 0.78516513],
+ [0.21334744, 0.41477813, 0.77888727],
+ [0.21644007, 0.41067692, 0.77244864],
+ [0.21930549, 0.40662992, 0.76586449],
+ [0.22194871, 0.40263581, 0.75914954],
+ [0.22437598, 0.39869301, 0.75231781],
+ [0.22659392, 0.39479978, 0.74538284],
+ [0.22861020, 0.39095420, 0.73835702],
+ [0.23043243, 0.38715428, 0.73125216],
+ [0.23206893, 0.38339797, 0.72407881],
+ [0.23352752, 0.37968323, 0.71684701],
+ [0.23481608, 0.37600805, 0.70956590],
+ [0.23594240, 0.37237043, 0.70224378],
+ [0.23691411, 0.36876841, 0.69488810],
+ [0.23773864, 0.36520013, 0.68750558],
+ [0.23842228, 0.36166379, 0.68010314],
+ [0.23897259, 0.35815764, 0.67268550],
+ [0.23939501, 0.35468004, 0.66525875],
+ [0.23969623, 0.35122941, 0.65782678],
+ [0.23988177, 0.34780424, 0.65039394],
+ [0.23995694, 0.34440312, 0.64296415],
+ [0.23992678, 0.34102470, 0.63554088],
+ [0.23979609, 0.33766769, 0.62812723],
+ [0.23956944, 0.33433088, 0.62072594],
+ [0.23925118, 0.33101313, 0.61333943],
+ [0.23884542, 0.32771334, 0.60596984],
+ [0.23835581, 0.32443050, 0.59861944],
+ [0.23778580, 0.32116362, 0.59129023],
+ [0.23713919, 0.31791178, 0.58398324],
+ [0.23641859, 0.31467410, 0.57670083],
+ [0.23562751, 0.31144977, 0.56944356],
+ [0.23476863, 0.30823799, 0.56221282],
+ [0.23384436, 0.30503801, 0.55501014],
+ [0.23285756, 0.30184913, 0.54783592],
+ [0.23181055, 0.29867067, 0.54069108],
+ [0.23070554, 0.29550198, 0.53357645],
+ [0.22954464, 0.29234247, 0.52649273],
+ [0.22832987, 0.28919153, 0.51944051],
+ [0.22706312, 0.28604862, 0.51242029],
+ [0.22574622, 0.28291320, 0.50543250],
+ [0.22438088, 0.27978477, 0.49847747],
+ [0.22296875, 0.27666284, 0.49155548],
+ [0.22151140, 0.27354694, 0.48466672],
+ [0.22001024, 0.27043662, 0.47781146],
+ [0.21846644, 0.26733144, 0.47099036],
+ [0.21688162, 0.26423100, 0.46420287],
+ [0.21525699, 0.26113489, 0.45744915],
+ [0.21359342, 0.25804272, 0.45072991],
+ [0.21189245, 0.25495414, 0.44404423],
+ [0.21015473, 0.25186874, 0.43739306],
+ [0.20838166, 0.24878622, 0.43077545],
+ [0.20657379, 0.24570619, 0.42419227],
+ [0.20473243, 0.24262836, 0.41764250],
+ [0.20285807, 0.23955237, 0.41112692],
+ [0.20095176, 0.23647793, 0.40464482],
+ [0.19901430, 0.23340473, 0.39819596],
+ [0.19704615, 0.23033243, 0.39178094],
+ [0.19504823, 0.22726077, 0.38539893],
+ [0.19302121, 0.22418944, 0.37904975],
+ [0.19096568, 0.22111817, 0.37273324],
+ [0.18888207, 0.21804663, 0.36644962],
+ [0.18677107, 0.21497457, 0.36019827],
+ [0.18463321, 0.21190170, 0.35397893],
+ [0.18246898, 0.20882775, 0.34779136],
+ [0.18027883, 0.20575244, 0.34163532],
+ [0.17806319, 0.20267549, 0.33551054],
+ [0.17582247, 0.19959662, 0.32941673],
+ [0.17355705, 0.19651555, 0.32335359],
+ [0.17126727, 0.19343202, 0.31732082],
+ [0.16895348, 0.19034573, 0.31131809],
+ [0.16661598, 0.18725641, 0.30534506],
+ [0.16425505, 0.18416377, 0.29940139],
+ [0.16187095, 0.18106754, 0.29348671],
+ [0.15946392, 0.17796741, 0.28760066],
+ [0.15703418, 0.17486310, 0.28174285],
+ [0.15458188, 0.17175430, 0.27591300],
+ [0.15210713, 0.16864071, 0.27011088],
+ [0.14961017, 0.16552201, 0.26433584],
+ [0.14709112, 0.16239789, 0.25858744],
+ [0.14455007, 0.15926804, 0.25286525],
+ [0.14198701, 0.15613210, 0.24716916],
+ [0.13940203, 0.15298974, 0.24149861],
+ [0.13679522, 0.14984061, 0.23585293],
+ [0.13416654, 0.14668436, 0.23023175],
+ [0.13151588, 0.14352057, 0.22463501],
+ [0.12884334, 0.14034890, 0.21906169],
+ [0.12614878, 0.13716893, 0.21351147],
+ [0.12343203, 0.13398023, 0.20798415],
+ [0.12069311, 0.13078240, 0.20247868],
+ [0.11793173, 0.12757495, 0.19699505],
+ [0.11514778, 0.12435745, 0.19153238],
+ [0.11234104, 0.12112938, 0.18609015],
+ [0.10951121, 0.11789024, 0.18066797],
+ [0.10665810, 0.11463950, 0.17526489],
+ [0.10378128, 0.11137658, 0.16988075],
+ [0.10088052, 0.10810090, 0.16451437],
+ [0.09795529, 0.10481182, 0.15916562],
+ [0.09500529, 0.10150871, 0.15383328],
+ [0.09202991, 0.09819083, 0.14851704],
+ [0.08902871, 0.09485748, 0.14321584],
+ [0.08600106, 0.09150787, 0.13792899],
+ [0.08294630, 0.08814114, 0.13265572],
+ [0.07986379, 0.08475645, 0.12739482],
+ [0.07675264, 0.08135279, 0.12214593],
+ [0.07361211, 0.07792919, 0.11690747],
+ [0.07044121, 0.07448455, 0.11167864],
+ [0.06723890, 0.07101767, 0.10645840],
+ [0.06400410, 0.06752732, 0.10124526],
+ [0.06073553, 0.06401210, 0.09603817],
+ [0.05743181, 0.06047052, 0.09083573],
+ [0.05409148, 0.05690097, 0.08563621],
+ [0.05071284, 0.05330166, 0.08043811],
+ [0.04729398, 0.04967062, 0.07523980],
+ [0.04383290, 0.04600573, 0.07003905],
+ [0.04032533, 0.04230459, 0.06483370],
+ [0.03681198, 0.03855880, 0.05962158],
+ [0.03343838, 0.03492349, 0.05439990],
+ [0.03020655, 0.03145663, 0.04916556],
+ [0.02711859, 0.02815891, 0.04391515],
+ [0.02417669, 0.02503115, 0.03863829],
+ [0.02138315, 0.02207428, 0.03360127],
+ [0.01874050, 0.01928945, 0.02894484],
+ [0.01625140, 0.01667799, 0.02466102],
+ [0.01391875, 0.01424146, 0.02074208],
+ [0.01174570, 0.01198170, 0.01718058],
+ [0.00973575, 0.00990088, 0.01396944],
+ [0.00789285, 0.00800160, 0.01110189],
+ [0.00622148, 0.00628698, 0.00857157],
+ [0.00472684, 0.00476083, 0.00637274],
+ [0.00341513, 0.00342790, 0.00450037],
+ [0.00229394, 0.00229426, 0.00295046],
+ [0.00137302, 0.00136800, 0.00172056],
+ [0.00066576, 0.00066063, 0.00081098],
+ [0.00019292, 0.00019060, 0.00022793],
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00025040, 0.00017502, 0.00016171],
+ [0.00089250, 0.00059932, 0.00054846],
+ [0.00189565, 0.00122701, 0.00111293],
+ [0.00325248, 0.00203616, 0.00183195],
+ [0.00496152, 0.00301225, 0.00268996],
+ [0.00702387, 0.00414441, 0.00367535],
+ [0.00944207, 0.00542401, 0.00477886],
+ [0.01221955, 0.00684390, 0.00599285],
+ [0.01536031, 0.00839795, 0.00731084],
+ [0.01886877, 0.01008083, 0.00872721],
+ [0.02274967, 0.01188778, 0.01023700],
+ [0.02700798, 0.01381454, 0.01183582],
+ [0.03164888, 0.01585720, 0.01351971],
+ [0.03667771, 0.01801217, 0.01528506],
+ [0.04205331, 0.02027615, 0.01712860],
+ [0.04743448, 0.02264601, 0.01904731],
+ [0.05278280, 0.02511884, 0.02103842],
+ [0.05810212, 0.02769188, 0.02309935],
+ [0.06339578, 0.03036252, 0.02522770],
+ [0.06866672, 0.03312824, 0.02742124],
+ [0.07391755, 0.03598666, 0.02967787],
+ [0.07915058, 0.03893547, 0.03199563],
+ [0.08436788, 0.04193076, 0.03437269],
+ [0.08957133, 0.04487310, 0.03680730],
+ [0.09476262, 0.04777329, 0.03929785],
+ [0.09994327, 0.05063312, 0.04180586],
+ [0.10511470, 0.05345424, 0.04426624],
+ [0.11027818, 0.05623812, 0.04669049],
+ [0.11543497, 0.05898610, 0.04908014],
+ [0.12058623, 0.06169939, 0.05143664],
+ [0.12573283, 0.06437919, 0.05376147],
+ [0.13087571, 0.06702659, 0.05605592],
+ [0.13601574, 0.06964256, 0.05832121],
+ [0.14115372, 0.07222801, 0.06055848],
+ [0.14629062, 0.07478363, 0.06276864],
+ [0.15142706, 0.07731028, 0.06495279],
+ [0.15656359, 0.07980873, 0.06711196],
+ [0.16170085, 0.08227966, 0.06924706],
+ [0.16683960, 0.08472357, 0.07135883],
+ [0.17198044, 0.08714103, 0.07344805],
+ [0.17712369, 0.08953271, 0.07551570],
+ [0.18226984, 0.09189912, 0.07756253],
+ [0.18741984, 0.09424042, 0.07958888],
+ [0.19257368, 0.09655736, 0.08159583],
+ [0.19773177, 0.09885035, 0.08358407],
+ [0.20289508, 0.10111941, 0.08555379],
+ [0.20806344, 0.10336526, 0.08750608],
+ [0.21323743, 0.10558811, 0.08944138],
+ [0.21841762, 0.10778812, 0.09136011],
+ [0.22360393, 0.10996587, 0.09326320],
+ [0.22879730, 0.11212120, 0.09515070],
+ [0.23399749, 0.11425475, 0.09702362],
+ [0.23920524, 0.11636644, 0.09888215],
+ [0.24442056, 0.11845670, 0.10072704],
+ [0.24964399, 0.12052553, 0.10255859],
+ [0.25487559, 0.12257327, 0.10437748],
+ [0.26011591, 0.12459987, 0.10618400],
+ [0.26536485, 0.12660577, 0.10797891],
+ [0.27062320, 0.12859067, 0.10976227],
+ [0.27589064, 0.13055515, 0.11153501],
+ [0.28116790, 0.13249892, 0.11329723],
+ [0.28645496, 0.13442228, 0.11504958],
+ [0.29175191, 0.13632542, 0.11679264],
+ [0.29705953, 0.13820797, 0.11852645],
+ [0.30237754, 0.14007037, 0.12025185],
+ [0.30770619, 0.14191267, 0.12196930],
+ [0.31304596, 0.14373465, 0.12367902],
+ [0.31839698, 0.14553642, 0.12538157],
+ [0.32375929, 0.14731812, 0.12707753],
+ [0.32913312, 0.14907971, 0.12876734],
+ [0.33451869, 0.15082119, 0.13045146],
+ [0.33991640, 0.15254233, 0.13213020],
+ [0.34532626, 0.15424328, 0.13380421],
+ [0.35074842, 0.15592402, 0.13547398],
+ [0.35618306, 0.15758449, 0.13714001],
+ [0.36163037, 0.15922465, 0.13880282],
+ [0.36709053, 0.16084442, 0.14046291],
+ [0.37256368, 0.16244373, 0.14212082],
+ [0.37805000, 0.16402251, 0.14377710],
+ [0.38354964, 0.16558067, 0.14543231],
+ [0.38906272, 0.16711815, 0.14708703],
+ [0.39458938, 0.16863485, 0.14874187],
+ [0.40012983, 0.17013060, 0.15039738],
+ [0.40568435, 0.17160517, 0.15205410],
+ [0.41125283, 0.17305863, 0.15371282],
+ [0.41683537, 0.17449090, 0.15537425],
+ [0.42243210, 0.17590183, 0.15703906],
+ [0.42804355, 0.17729090, 0.15870770],
+ [0.43366930, 0.17865845, 0.16038126],
+ [0.43930967, 0.18000413, 0.16206038],
+ [0.44496489, 0.18132764, 0.16374576],
+ [0.45063472, 0.18262915, 0.16543847],
+ [0.45631970, 0.18390803, 0.16713910],
+ [0.46201950, 0.18516452, 0.16884881],
+ [0.46773436, 0.18639826, 0.17056845],
+ [0.47346448, 0.18760891, 0.17229894],
+ [0.47920962, 0.18879660, 0.17404153],
+ [0.48496988, 0.18996107, 0.17579727],
+ [0.49074562, 0.19110178, 0.17756713],
+ [0.49653658, 0.19221882, 0.17935252],
+ [0.50234275, 0.19331200, 0.18115474],
+ [0.50816415, 0.19438111, 0.18297514],
+ [0.51400073, 0.19542596, 0.18481519],
+ [0.51985242, 0.19644640, 0.18667645],
+ [0.52571914, 0.19744228, 0.18856057],
+ [0.53160107, 0.19841308, 0.19046915],
+ [0.53749771, 0.19935910, 0.19240426],
+ [0.54340877, 0.20028035, 0.19436797],
+ [0.54933468, 0.20117600, 0.19636211],
+ [0.55527440, 0.20204691, 0.19838936],
+ [0.56122832, 0.20289223, 0.20045191],
+ [0.56719565, 0.20371253, 0.20255260],
+ [0.57317599, 0.20450784, 0.20469433],
+ [0.57916892, 0.20527822, 0.20688019],
+ [0.58517386, 0.20602391, 0.20911357],
+ [0.59119008, 0.20674530, 0.21139818],
+ [0.59721668, 0.20744301, 0.21373809],
+ [0.60325256, 0.20811785, 0.21613772],
+ [0.60929703, 0.20877009, 0.21860179],
+ [0.61534817, 0.20940159, 0.22113570],
+ [0.62140456, 0.21001357, 0.22374524],
+ [0.62746447, 0.21060762, 0.22643678],
+ [0.63352553, 0.21118613, 0.22921738],
+ [0.63958513, 0.21175191, 0.23209485],
+ [0.64563982, 0.21230887, 0.23507773],
+ [0.65168622, 0.21286089, 0.23817550],
+ [0.65771956, 0.21341377, 0.24139850],
+ [0.66373458, 0.21397413, 0.24475810],
+ [0.66972486, 0.21455034, 0.24826659],
+ [0.67568308, 0.21515214, 0.25193732],
+ [0.68160009, 0.21579224, 0.25578419],
+ [0.68746554, 0.21648527, 0.25982171],
+ [0.69326730, 0.21724893, 0.26406422],
+ [0.69899173, 0.21810359, 0.26852538],
+ [0.70462353, 0.21907270, 0.27321678],
+ [0.71014648, 0.22018170, 0.27814698],
+ [0.71554399, 0.22145733, 0.28331983],
+ [0.72080022, 0.22292581, 0.28873331],
+ [0.72590133, 0.22461074, 0.29437873],
+ [0.73083669, 0.22653107, 0.30024056],
+ [0.73559980, 0.22869924, 0.30629757],
+ [0.74018868, 0.23112025, 0.31252449],
+ [0.74460563, 0.23379177, 0.31889417],
+ [0.74885652, 0.23670514, 0.32537978],
+ [0.75294975, 0.23984693, 0.33195617],
+ [0.75689531, 0.24320059, 0.33860116],
+ [0.76070380, 0.24674807, 0.34529597],
+ [0.76438593, 0.25047094, 0.35202454],
+ [0.76795189, 0.25435133, 0.35877448],
+ [0.77141115, 0.25837247, 0.36553575],
+ [0.77477256, 0.26251881, 0.37229998],
+ [0.77804379, 0.26677651, 0.37906169],
+ [0.78123206, 0.27113290, 0.38581549],
+ [0.78434357, 0.27557695, 0.39255809],
+ [0.78738394, 0.28009877, 0.39928656],
+ [0.79035818, 0.28468967, 0.40599881],
+ [0.79327055, 0.28934218, 0.41269364],
+ [0.79612522, 0.29404938, 0.41936940],
+ [0.79892565, 0.29880546, 0.42602547],
+ [0.80167495, 0.30360528, 0.43266135],
+ [0.80437600, 0.30844427, 0.43927664],
+ [0.80703138, 0.31331841, 0.44587105],
+ [0.80964362, 0.31822399, 0.45244410],
+ [0.81221449, 0.32315820, 0.45899641],
+ [0.81474632, 0.32811795, 0.46552728],
+ [0.81724057, 0.33310108, 0.47203740],
+ [0.81969904, 0.33810529, 0.47852656],
+ [0.82212337, 0.34312856, 0.48499471],
+ [0.82451481, 0.34816932, 0.49144226],
+ [0.82687469, 0.35322603, 0.49786935],
+ [0.82920424, 0.35829737, 0.50427616],
+ [0.83150475, 0.36338199, 0.51066266],
+ [0.83377726, 0.36847888, 0.51702911],
+ [0.83602265, 0.37358719, 0.52337592],
+ [0.83824196, 0.37870600, 0.52970315],
+ [0.84043630, 0.38383440, 0.53601074],
+ [0.84260624, 0.38897198, 0.54229933],
+ [0.84475296, 0.39411782, 0.54856862],
+ [0.84687704, 0.39927156, 0.55481910],
+ [0.84897918, 0.40443278, 0.56105104],
+ [0.85106052, 0.40960072, 0.56726414],
+ [0.85312150, 0.41477522, 0.57345893],
+ [0.85516280, 0.41995592, 0.57963557],
+ [0.85718516, 0.42514246, 0.58579419],
+ [0.85918925, 0.43033456, 0.59193494],
+ [0.86117573, 0.43553193, 0.59805796],
+ [0.86314524, 0.44073436, 0.60416341],
+ [0.86509839, 0.44594163, 0.61025145],
+ [0.86703576, 0.45115357, 0.61632226],
+ [0.86895794, 0.45637003, 0.62237602],
+ [0.87086547, 0.46159088, 0.62841291],
+ [0.87275892, 0.46681601, 0.63443311],
+ [0.87463920, 0.47204504, 0.64043642],
+ [0.87650647, 0.47727814, 0.64642338],
+ [0.87836125, 0.48251527, 0.65239419],
+ [0.88020442, 0.48775608, 0.65834869],
+ [0.88203632, 0.49300068, 0.66428723],
+ [0.88385731, 0.49824908, 0.67021010],
+ [0.88566842, 0.50350091, 0.67611704],
+ [0.88746952, 0.50875657, 0.68200879],
+ [0.88926189, 0.51401550, 0.68788483],
+ [0.89104529, 0.51927818, 0.69374601],
+ [0.89282093, 0.52454412, 0.69959190],
+ [0.89458878, 0.52981366, 0.70542311],
+ [0.89634962, 0.53508661, 0.71123963],
+ [0.89810404, 0.54036289, 0.71704153],
+ [0.89985224, 0.54564269, 0.72282926],
+ [0.90159503, 0.55092583, 0.72860276],
+ [0.90333293, 0.55621228, 0.73436222],
+ [0.90506623, 0.56150220, 0.74010799],
+ [0.90679545, 0.56679555, 0.74584023],
+ [0.90852137, 0.57209219, 0.75155895],
+ [0.91024440, 0.57739217, 0.75726444],
+ [0.91196493, 0.58269559, 0.76295698],
+ [0.91368350, 0.58800243, 0.76863675],
+ [0.91540062, 0.59331269, 0.77430396],
+ [0.91711684, 0.59862638, 0.77995883],
+ [0.91883267, 0.60394350, 0.78560155],
+ [0.92054867, 0.60926404, 0.79123233],
+ [0.92226538, 0.61458800, 0.79685141],
+ [0.92398322, 0.61991544, 0.80245907],
+ [0.92570273, 0.62524639, 0.80805555],
+ [0.92742442, 0.63058086, 0.81364111],
+ [0.92914880, 0.63591886, 0.81921600],
+ [0.93087638, 0.64126043, 0.82478051],
+ [0.93260773, 0.64660556, 0.83033488],
+ [0.93434340, 0.65195425, 0.83587937],
+ [0.93608384, 0.65730657, 0.84141433],
+ [0.93782955, 0.66266254, 0.84694004],
+ [0.93958104, 0.66802220, 0.85245683],
+ [0.94133881, 0.67338558, 0.85796503],
+ [0.94310336, 0.67875272, 0.86346495],
+ [0.94487519, 0.68412366, 0.86895696],
+ [0.94665494, 0.68949837, 0.87444133],
+ [0.94844316, 0.69487684, 0.87991840],
+ [0.95024017, 0.70025923, 0.88538863],
+ [0.95204644, 0.70564557, 0.89085241],
+ [0.95386245, 0.71103593, 0.89631013],
+ [0.95568907, 0.71643015, 0.90176204],
+ [0.95752647, 0.72182844, 0.90720868],
+ [0.95937505, 0.72723088, 0.91265052],
+ [0.96123539, 0.73263749, 0.91808795],
+ [0.96310823, 0.73804818, 0.92352130],
+ [0.96499363, 0.74346320, 0.92895121],
+ [0.96689210, 0.74888260, 0.93437814],
+ [0.96880452, 0.75430622, 0.93980239],
+ [0.97073082, 0.75973439, 0.94522466],
+ [0.97267159, 0.76516710, 0.95064542],
+ [0.97462750, 0.77060429, 0.95606508],
+ [0.97659851, 0.77604628, 0.96148437],
+ [0.97858550, 0.78149292, 0.96690364],
+ [0.98058853, 0.78694445, 0.97232360],
+ [0.98260802, 0.79240093, 0.97774480],
+ [0.98464455, 0.79786238, 0.98316775],
+ [0.98669804, 0.80332910, 0.98859321],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.redshift', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.redshift", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/sapphire/sapphire.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/sapphire/sapphire.jscm
index 34b7490d..738bca10 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/sapphire/sapphire.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/sapphire/sapphire.jscm
@@ -36,4 +36,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/sapphire/sapphire.py b/cmasher/colormaps/sapphire/sapphire.py
index 77e3fa4d..8e784a0d 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/sapphire/sapphire.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/sapphire/sapphire.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00019243, 0.00019125, 0.00022348],
- [0.00066397, 0.00066318, 0.00079297],
- [0.00136919, 0.00137385, 0.00167808],
- [0.00228749, 0.00230493, 0.00287090],
- [0.00340565, 0.00344497, 0.00436952],
- [0.00471417, 0.00478595, 0.00617483],
- [0.00620572, 0.00632185, 0.00828931],
- [0.00787441, 0.00804794, 0.01071648],
- [0.00971537, 0.00996043, 0.01346058],
- [0.01172450, 0.01205619, 0.01652639],
- [0.01389826, 0.01433263, 0.01991913],
- [0.01623357, 0.01678753, 0.02364436],
- [0.01872772, 0.01941904, 0.02770797],
- [0.02137831, 0.02222556, 0.03211609],
- [0.02418317, 0.02520571, 0.03687508],
- [0.02714037, 0.02835830, 0.04194909],
- [0.03024815, 0.03168231, 0.04703353],
- [0.03350490, 0.03517686, 0.05209720],
- [0.03690916, 0.03884119, 0.05714355],
- [0.04045939, 0.04260315, 0.06217557],
- [0.04399981, 0.04631752, 0.06719596],
- [0.04749933, 0.04999517, 0.07220711],
- [0.05096041, 0.05363845, 0.07721118],
- [0.05438525, 0.05724946, 0.08221017],
- [0.05777584, 0.06083014, 0.08720581],
- [0.06113399, 0.06438223, 0.09219974],
- [0.06446137, 0.06790731, 0.09719346],
- [0.06775946, 0.07140685, 0.10218837],
- [0.07102967, 0.07488218, 0.10718574],
- [0.07427327, 0.07833453, 0.11218675],
- [0.07749143, 0.08176505, 0.11719249],
- [0.08068524, 0.08517479, 0.12220405],
- [0.08385570, 0.08856473, 0.12722239],
- [0.08700375, 0.09193578, 0.13224841],
- [0.09013026, 0.09528880, 0.13728295],
- [0.09323603, 0.09862457, 0.14232693],
- [0.09632181, 0.10194386, 0.14738106],
- [0.09938832, 0.10524735, 0.15244607],
- [0.10243620, 0.10853570, 0.15752271],
- [0.10546608, 0.11180953, 0.16261168],
- [0.10847853, 0.11506943, 0.16771355],
- [0.11147408, 0.11831594, 0.17282901],
- [0.11445325, 0.12154959, 0.17795868],
- [0.11741652, 0.12477088, 0.18310305],
- [0.12036431, 0.12798026, 0.18826278],
- [0.12329706, 0.13117819, 0.19343838],
- [0.12621518, 0.13436509, 0.19863030],
- [0.12911899, 0.13754136, 0.20383921],
- [0.13200888, 0.14070738, 0.20906547],
- [0.13488516, 0.14386353, 0.21430961],
- [0.13774812, 0.14701015, 0.21957213],
- [0.14059808, 0.15014758, 0.22485339],
- [0.14343526, 0.15327613, 0.23015402],
- [0.14625996, 0.15639613, 0.23547423],
- [0.14907235, 0.15950784, 0.24081472],
- [0.15187272, 0.16261159, 0.24617563],
- [0.15466119, 0.16570762, 0.25155765],
- [0.15743802, 0.16879621, 0.25696090],
- [0.16020331, 0.17187759, 0.26238611],
- [0.16295728, 0.17495205, 0.26783336],
- [0.16570001, 0.17801978, 0.27330330],
- [0.16843168, 0.18108104, 0.27879612],
- [0.17115237, 0.18413605, 0.28431229],
- [0.17386217, 0.18718501, 0.28985223],
- [0.17656122, 0.19022815, 0.29541615],
- [0.17924952, 0.19326566, 0.30100463],
- [0.18192718, 0.19629776, 0.30661790],
- [0.18459425, 0.19932463, 0.31225626],
- [0.18725072, 0.20234647, 0.31792022],
- [0.18989663, 0.20536346, 0.32361010],
- [0.19253200, 0.20837580, 0.32932614],
- [0.19515682, 0.21138366, 0.33506870],
- [0.19777104, 0.21438722, 0.34083822],
- [0.20037462, 0.21738667, 0.34663506],
- [0.20296752, 0.22038217, 0.35245946],
- [0.20554969, 0.22337392, 0.35831175],
- [0.20812102, 0.22636207, 0.36419227],
- [0.21068141, 0.22934682, 0.37010135],
- [0.21323074, 0.23232833, 0.37603932],
- [0.21576888, 0.23530679, 0.38200651],
- [0.21829565, 0.23828237, 0.38800322],
- [0.22081089, 0.24125525, 0.39402976],
- [0.22331438, 0.24422562, 0.40008644],
- [0.22580592, 0.24719367, 0.40617353],
- [0.22828525, 0.25015959, 0.41229131],
- [0.23075210, 0.25312358, 0.41844003],
- [0.23320613, 0.25608583, 0.42462020],
- [0.23564702, 0.25904657, 0.43083196],
- [0.23807445, 0.26200601, 0.43707541],
- [0.24048799, 0.26496438, 0.44335093],
- [0.24288715, 0.26792191, 0.44965896],
- [0.24527158, 0.27087888, 0.45599923],
- [0.24764056, 0.27383549, 0.46237267],
- [0.24999372, 0.27679210, 0.46877871],
- [0.25233026, 0.27974893, 0.47521824],
- [0.25464960, 0.28270636, 0.48169095],
- [0.25695100, 0.28566470, 0.48819697],
- [0.25923354, 0.28862430, 0.49473675],
- [0.26149637, 0.29158557, 0.50131022],
- [0.26373850, 0.29454893, 0.50791733],
- [0.26595885, 0.29751484, 0.51455810],
- [0.26815622, 0.30048381, 0.52123246],
- [0.27032929, 0.30345640, 0.52794026],
- [0.27247650, 0.30643318, 0.53468164],
- [0.27459630, 0.30941485, 0.54145604],
- [0.27668698, 0.31240218, 0.54826279],
- [0.27874626, 0.31539594, 0.55510220],
- [0.28077214, 0.31839712, 0.56197285],
- [0.28276202, 0.32140676, 0.56887409],
- [0.28471300, 0.32442604, 0.57580502],
- [0.28662183, 0.32745632, 0.58276436],
- [0.28848487, 0.33049916, 0.58975031],
- [0.29029806, 0.33355639, 0.59676043],
- [0.29205645, 0.33663008, 0.60379245],
- [0.29375466, 0.33972271, 0.61084250],
- [0.29538623, 0.34283716, 0.61790644],
- [0.29694378, 0.34597689, 0.62497846],
- [0.29841873, 0.34914607, 0.63205098],
- [0.29980091, 0.35234971, 0.63911438],
- [0.30107837, 0.35559396, 0.64615585],
- [0.30223771, 0.35888642, 0.65315716],
- [0.30326269, 0.36223644, 0.66009509],
- [0.30413586, 0.36565560, 0.66693620],
- [0.30483898, 0.36915807, 0.67363428],
- [0.30535529, 0.37276056, 0.68012621],
- [0.30567606, 0.37648139, 0.68632646],
- [0.30580909, 0.38033759, 0.69212832],
- [0.30579143, 0.38433904, 0.69741440],
- [0.30569412, 0.38848165, 0.70208607],
- [0.30561025, 0.39274449, 0.70609911],
- [0.30562815, 0.39709519, 0.70947957],
- [0.30580850, 0.40150021, 0.71230615],
- [0.30618086, 0.40593198, 0.71467768],
- [0.30675101, 0.41037122, 0.71668827],
- [0.30751245, 0.41480523, 0.71841742],
- [0.30845221, 0.41922652, 0.71992777],
- [0.30955578, 0.42363076, 0.72126766],
- [0.31080918, 0.42801553, 0.72247450],
- [0.31219950, 0.43237971, 0.72357716],
- [0.31371495, 0.43672306, 0.72459788],
- [0.31534534, 0.44104571, 0.72555443],
- [0.31708149, 0.44534817, 0.72646071],
- [0.31891556, 0.44963099, 0.72732833],
- [0.32084052, 0.45389488, 0.72816665],
- [0.32284974, 0.45814084, 0.72898261],
- [0.32493773, 0.46236963, 0.72978273],
- [0.32709934, 0.46658213, 0.73057201],
- [0.32933014, 0.47077912, 0.73135513],
- [0.33162598, 0.47496141, 0.73213579],
- [0.33398301, 0.47912987, 0.73291694],
- [0.33639765, 0.48328538, 0.73370088],
- [0.33886718, 0.48742837, 0.73449122],
- [0.34138819, 0.49155995, 0.73528845],
- [0.34395827, 0.49568062, 0.73609521],
- [0.34657491, 0.49979108, 0.73691295],
- [0.34923568, 0.50389205, 0.73774268],
- [0.35193845, 0.50798418, 0.73858561],
- [0.35468119, 0.51206806, 0.73944274],
- [0.35746199, 0.51614432, 0.74031489],
- [0.36027917, 0.52021345, 0.74120326],
- [0.36313103, 0.52427602, 0.74210840],
- [0.36601584, 0.52833272, 0.74303030],
- [0.36893232, 0.53238388, 0.74397037],
- [0.37187890, 0.53643015, 0.74492840],
- [0.37485437, 0.54047191, 0.74590536],
- [0.37785730, 0.54450981, 0.74690075],
- [0.38088676, 0.54854402, 0.74791636],
- [0.38394139, 0.55257524, 0.74895125],
- [0.38702011, 0.55660388, 0.75000583],
- [0.39012193, 0.56063032, 0.75108045],
- [0.39324595, 0.56465488, 0.75217590],
- [0.39639113, 0.56867808, 0.75329175],
- [0.39955656, 0.57270030, 0.75442820],
- [0.40274138, 0.57672193, 0.75558540],
- [0.40594477, 0.58074333, 0.75676347],
- [0.40916593, 0.58476488, 0.75796251],
- [0.41240408, 0.58878695, 0.75918255],
- [0.41565853, 0.59280984, 0.76042396],
- [0.41892855, 0.59683390, 0.76168675],
- [0.42221342, 0.60085953, 0.76297067],
- [0.42551248, 0.60488706, 0.76427569],
- [0.42882506, 0.60891685, 0.76560175],
- [0.43215068, 0.61294904, 0.76694988],
- [0.43548861, 0.61698414, 0.76831898],
- [0.43883824, 0.62102247, 0.76970895],
- [0.44219917, 0.62506414, 0.77112108],
- [0.44557068, 0.62910968, 0.77255390],
- [0.44895233, 0.63315925, 0.77400819],
- [0.45234356, 0.63721322, 0.77548365],
- [0.45574388, 0.64127186, 0.77698022],
- [0.45915280, 0.64533545, 0.77849799],
- [0.46256983, 0.64940429, 0.78003681],
- [0.46599448, 0.65347869, 0.78159647],
- [0.46942635, 0.65755885, 0.78317740],
- [0.47286489, 0.66164520, 0.78477860],
- [0.47630979, 0.66573782, 0.78640124],
- [0.47976052, 0.66983714, 0.78804423],
- [0.48321662, 0.67394345, 0.78970740],
- [0.48667784, 0.67805683, 0.79139178],
- [0.49014363, 0.68217774, 0.79309619],
- [0.49361360, 0.68630642, 0.79482056],
- [0.49708740, 0.69044308, 0.79656519],
- [0.50056468, 0.69458797, 0.79833005],
- [0.50404498, 0.69874143, 0.80011454],
- [0.50752794, 0.70290370, 0.80191855],
- [0.51101320, 0.70707506, 0.80374196],
- [0.51450045, 0.71125569, 0.80558495],
- [0.51798932, 0.71544589, 0.80744725],
- [0.52147944, 0.71964593, 0.80932844],
- [0.52497047, 0.72385608, 0.81122836],
- [0.52846207, 0.72807659, 0.81314683],
- [0.53195393, 0.73230771, 0.81508366],
- [0.53544572, 0.73654969, 0.81703865],
- [0.53893713, 0.74080279, 0.81901157],
- [0.54242785, 0.74506725, 0.82100220],
- [0.54591759, 0.74934332, 0.82301031],
- [0.54940606, 0.75363125, 0.82503564],
- [0.55289296, 0.75793128, 0.82707794],
- [0.55637803, 0.76224368, 0.82913693],
- [0.55986099, 0.76656866, 0.83121233],
- [0.56334158, 0.77090649, 0.83330385],
- [0.56681954, 0.77525740, 0.83541118],
- [0.57029463, 0.77962164, 0.83753402],
- [0.57376660, 0.78399944, 0.83967204],
- [0.57723524, 0.78839104, 0.84182490],
- [0.58070031, 0.79279667, 0.84399226],
- [0.58416161, 0.79721657, 0.84617377],
- [0.58761893, 0.80165098, 0.84836907],
- [0.59107208, 0.80610012, 0.85057778],
- [0.59452102, 0.81056413, 0.85279998],
- [0.59796546, 0.81504331, 0.85503489],
- [0.60140523, 0.81953789, 0.85728208],
- [0.60484018, 0.82404809, 0.85954115],
- [0.60827017, 0.82857413, 0.86181167],
- [0.61169511, 0.83311619, 0.86409337],
- [0.61511505, 0.83767441, 0.86638624],
- [0.61852970, 0.84224910, 0.86868933],
- [0.62193896, 0.84684047, 0.87100218],
- [0.62534275, 0.85144871, 0.87332436],
- [0.62874125, 0.85607390, 0.87565605],
- [0.63213426, 0.86071633, 0.87799637],
- [0.63552164, 0.86537621, 0.88034468],
- [0.63890337, 0.87005376, 0.88270051],
- [0.64227985, 0.87474894, 0.88506435],
- [0.64565066, 0.87946214, 0.88743481],
- [0.64901583, 0.88419354, 0.88981141],
- [0.65237567, 0.88894318, 0.89219435],
- [0.65573011, 0.89371127, 0.89458291],
- [0.65907900, 0.89849809, 0.89697620],
- [0.66242273, 0.90330365, 0.89937441],
- [0.66576131, 0.90812813, 0.90177696],
- [0.66909457, 0.91297182, 0.90418285],
- [0.67242305, 0.91783468, 0.90659250],
- [0.67574664, 0.92271695, 0.90900496],
- [0.67906523, 0.92761889, 0.91141938]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00019243, 0.00019125, 0.00022348],
+ [0.00066397, 0.00066318, 0.00079297],
+ [0.00136919, 0.00137385, 0.00167808],
+ [0.00228749, 0.00230493, 0.00287090],
+ [0.00340565, 0.00344497, 0.00436952],
+ [0.00471417, 0.00478595, 0.00617483],
+ [0.00620572, 0.00632185, 0.00828931],
+ [0.00787441, 0.00804794, 0.01071648],
+ [0.00971537, 0.00996043, 0.01346058],
+ [0.01172450, 0.01205619, 0.01652639],
+ [0.01389826, 0.01433263, 0.01991913],
+ [0.01623357, 0.01678753, 0.02364436],
+ [0.01872772, 0.01941904, 0.02770797],
+ [0.02137831, 0.02222556, 0.03211609],
+ [0.02418317, 0.02520571, 0.03687508],
+ [0.02714037, 0.02835830, 0.04194909],
+ [0.03024815, 0.03168231, 0.04703353],
+ [0.03350490, 0.03517686, 0.05209720],
+ [0.03690916, 0.03884119, 0.05714355],
+ [0.04045939, 0.04260315, 0.06217557],
+ [0.04399981, 0.04631752, 0.06719596],
+ [0.04749933, 0.04999517, 0.07220711],
+ [0.05096041, 0.05363845, 0.07721118],
+ [0.05438525, 0.05724946, 0.08221017],
+ [0.05777584, 0.06083014, 0.08720581],
+ [0.06113399, 0.06438223, 0.09219974],
+ [0.06446137, 0.06790731, 0.09719346],
+ [0.06775946, 0.07140685, 0.10218837],
+ [0.07102967, 0.07488218, 0.10718574],
+ [0.07427327, 0.07833453, 0.11218675],
+ [0.07749143, 0.08176505, 0.11719249],
+ [0.08068524, 0.08517479, 0.12220405],
+ [0.08385570, 0.08856473, 0.12722239],
+ [0.08700375, 0.09193578, 0.13224841],
+ [0.09013026, 0.09528880, 0.13728295],
+ [0.09323603, 0.09862457, 0.14232693],
+ [0.09632181, 0.10194386, 0.14738106],
+ [0.09938832, 0.10524735, 0.15244607],
+ [0.10243620, 0.10853570, 0.15752271],
+ [0.10546608, 0.11180953, 0.16261168],
+ [0.10847853, 0.11506943, 0.16771355],
+ [0.11147408, 0.11831594, 0.17282901],
+ [0.11445325, 0.12154959, 0.17795868],
+ [0.11741652, 0.12477088, 0.18310305],
+ [0.12036431, 0.12798026, 0.18826278],
+ [0.12329706, 0.13117819, 0.19343838],
+ [0.12621518, 0.13436509, 0.19863030],
+ [0.12911899, 0.13754136, 0.20383921],
+ [0.13200888, 0.14070738, 0.20906547],
+ [0.13488516, 0.14386353, 0.21430961],
+ [0.13774812, 0.14701015, 0.21957213],
+ [0.14059808, 0.15014758, 0.22485339],
+ [0.14343526, 0.15327613, 0.23015402],
+ [0.14625996, 0.15639613, 0.23547423],
+ [0.14907235, 0.15950784, 0.24081472],
+ [0.15187272, 0.16261159, 0.24617563],
+ [0.15466119, 0.16570762, 0.25155765],
+ [0.15743802, 0.16879621, 0.25696090],
+ [0.16020331, 0.17187759, 0.26238611],
+ [0.16295728, 0.17495205, 0.26783336],
+ [0.16570001, 0.17801978, 0.27330330],
+ [0.16843168, 0.18108104, 0.27879612],
+ [0.17115237, 0.18413605, 0.28431229],
+ [0.17386217, 0.18718501, 0.28985223],
+ [0.17656122, 0.19022815, 0.29541615],
+ [0.17924952, 0.19326566, 0.30100463],
+ [0.18192718, 0.19629776, 0.30661790],
+ [0.18459425, 0.19932463, 0.31225626],
+ [0.18725072, 0.20234647, 0.31792022],
+ [0.18989663, 0.20536346, 0.32361010],
+ [0.19253200, 0.20837580, 0.32932614],
+ [0.19515682, 0.21138366, 0.33506870],
+ [0.19777104, 0.21438722, 0.34083822],
+ [0.20037462, 0.21738667, 0.34663506],
+ [0.20296752, 0.22038217, 0.35245946],
+ [0.20554969, 0.22337392, 0.35831175],
+ [0.20812102, 0.22636207, 0.36419227],
+ [0.21068141, 0.22934682, 0.37010135],
+ [0.21323074, 0.23232833, 0.37603932],
+ [0.21576888, 0.23530679, 0.38200651],
+ [0.21829565, 0.23828237, 0.38800322],
+ [0.22081089, 0.24125525, 0.39402976],
+ [0.22331438, 0.24422562, 0.40008644],
+ [0.22580592, 0.24719367, 0.40617353],
+ [0.22828525, 0.25015959, 0.41229131],
+ [0.23075210, 0.25312358, 0.41844003],
+ [0.23320613, 0.25608583, 0.42462020],
+ [0.23564702, 0.25904657, 0.43083196],
+ [0.23807445, 0.26200601, 0.43707541],
+ [0.24048799, 0.26496438, 0.44335093],
+ [0.24288715, 0.26792191, 0.44965896],
+ [0.24527158, 0.27087888, 0.45599923],
+ [0.24764056, 0.27383549, 0.46237267],
+ [0.24999372, 0.27679210, 0.46877871],
+ [0.25233026, 0.27974893, 0.47521824],
+ [0.25464960, 0.28270636, 0.48169095],
+ [0.25695100, 0.28566470, 0.48819697],
+ [0.25923354, 0.28862430, 0.49473675],
+ [0.26149637, 0.29158557, 0.50131022],
+ [0.26373850, 0.29454893, 0.50791733],
+ [0.26595885, 0.29751484, 0.51455810],
+ [0.26815622, 0.30048381, 0.52123246],
+ [0.27032929, 0.30345640, 0.52794026],
+ [0.27247650, 0.30643318, 0.53468164],
+ [0.27459630, 0.30941485, 0.54145604],
+ [0.27668698, 0.31240218, 0.54826279],
+ [0.27874626, 0.31539594, 0.55510220],
+ [0.28077214, 0.31839712, 0.56197285],
+ [0.28276202, 0.32140676, 0.56887409],
+ [0.28471300, 0.32442604, 0.57580502],
+ [0.28662183, 0.32745632, 0.58276436],
+ [0.28848487, 0.33049916, 0.58975031],
+ [0.29029806, 0.33355639, 0.59676043],
+ [0.29205645, 0.33663008, 0.60379245],
+ [0.29375466, 0.33972271, 0.61084250],
+ [0.29538623, 0.34283716, 0.61790644],
+ [0.29694378, 0.34597689, 0.62497846],
+ [0.29841873, 0.34914607, 0.63205098],
+ [0.29980091, 0.35234971, 0.63911438],
+ [0.30107837, 0.35559396, 0.64615585],
+ [0.30223771, 0.35888642, 0.65315716],
+ [0.30326269, 0.36223644, 0.66009509],
+ [0.30413586, 0.36565560, 0.66693620],
+ [0.30483898, 0.36915807, 0.67363428],
+ [0.30535529, 0.37276056, 0.68012621],
+ [0.30567606, 0.37648139, 0.68632646],
+ [0.30580909, 0.38033759, 0.69212832],
+ [0.30579143, 0.38433904, 0.69741440],
+ [0.30569412, 0.38848165, 0.70208607],
+ [0.30561025, 0.39274449, 0.70609911],
+ [0.30562815, 0.39709519, 0.70947957],
+ [0.30580850, 0.40150021, 0.71230615],
+ [0.30618086, 0.40593198, 0.71467768],
+ [0.30675101, 0.41037122, 0.71668827],
+ [0.30751245, 0.41480523, 0.71841742],
+ [0.30845221, 0.41922652, 0.71992777],
+ [0.30955578, 0.42363076, 0.72126766],
+ [0.31080918, 0.42801553, 0.72247450],
+ [0.31219950, 0.43237971, 0.72357716],
+ [0.31371495, 0.43672306, 0.72459788],
+ [0.31534534, 0.44104571, 0.72555443],
+ [0.31708149, 0.44534817, 0.72646071],
+ [0.31891556, 0.44963099, 0.72732833],
+ [0.32084052, 0.45389488, 0.72816665],
+ [0.32284974, 0.45814084, 0.72898261],
+ [0.32493773, 0.46236963, 0.72978273],
+ [0.32709934, 0.46658213, 0.73057201],
+ [0.32933014, 0.47077912, 0.73135513],
+ [0.33162598, 0.47496141, 0.73213579],
+ [0.33398301, 0.47912987, 0.73291694],
+ [0.33639765, 0.48328538, 0.73370088],
+ [0.33886718, 0.48742837, 0.73449122],
+ [0.34138819, 0.49155995, 0.73528845],
+ [0.34395827, 0.49568062, 0.73609521],
+ [0.34657491, 0.49979108, 0.73691295],
+ [0.34923568, 0.50389205, 0.73774268],
+ [0.35193845, 0.50798418, 0.73858561],
+ [0.35468119, 0.51206806, 0.73944274],
+ [0.35746199, 0.51614432, 0.74031489],
+ [0.36027917, 0.52021345, 0.74120326],
+ [0.36313103, 0.52427602, 0.74210840],
+ [0.36601584, 0.52833272, 0.74303030],
+ [0.36893232, 0.53238388, 0.74397037],
+ [0.37187890, 0.53643015, 0.74492840],
+ [0.37485437, 0.54047191, 0.74590536],
+ [0.37785730, 0.54450981, 0.74690075],
+ [0.38088676, 0.54854402, 0.74791636],
+ [0.38394139, 0.55257524, 0.74895125],
+ [0.38702011, 0.55660388, 0.75000583],
+ [0.39012193, 0.56063032, 0.75108045],
+ [0.39324595, 0.56465488, 0.75217590],
+ [0.39639113, 0.56867808, 0.75329175],
+ [0.39955656, 0.57270030, 0.75442820],
+ [0.40274138, 0.57672193, 0.75558540],
+ [0.40594477, 0.58074333, 0.75676347],
+ [0.40916593, 0.58476488, 0.75796251],
+ [0.41240408, 0.58878695, 0.75918255],
+ [0.41565853, 0.59280984, 0.76042396],
+ [0.41892855, 0.59683390, 0.76168675],
+ [0.42221342, 0.60085953, 0.76297067],
+ [0.42551248, 0.60488706, 0.76427569],
+ [0.42882506, 0.60891685, 0.76560175],
+ [0.43215068, 0.61294904, 0.76694988],
+ [0.43548861, 0.61698414, 0.76831898],
+ [0.43883824, 0.62102247, 0.76970895],
+ [0.44219917, 0.62506414, 0.77112108],
+ [0.44557068, 0.62910968, 0.77255390],
+ [0.44895233, 0.63315925, 0.77400819],
+ [0.45234356, 0.63721322, 0.77548365],
+ [0.45574388, 0.64127186, 0.77698022],
+ [0.45915280, 0.64533545, 0.77849799],
+ [0.46256983, 0.64940429, 0.78003681],
+ [0.46599448, 0.65347869, 0.78159647],
+ [0.46942635, 0.65755885, 0.78317740],
+ [0.47286489, 0.66164520, 0.78477860],
+ [0.47630979, 0.66573782, 0.78640124],
+ [0.47976052, 0.66983714, 0.78804423],
+ [0.48321662, 0.67394345, 0.78970740],
+ [0.48667784, 0.67805683, 0.79139178],
+ [0.49014363, 0.68217774, 0.79309619],
+ [0.49361360, 0.68630642, 0.79482056],
+ [0.49708740, 0.69044308, 0.79656519],
+ [0.50056468, 0.69458797, 0.79833005],
+ [0.50404498, 0.69874143, 0.80011454],
+ [0.50752794, 0.70290370, 0.80191855],
+ [0.51101320, 0.70707506, 0.80374196],
+ [0.51450045, 0.71125569, 0.80558495],
+ [0.51798932, 0.71544589, 0.80744725],
+ [0.52147944, 0.71964593, 0.80932844],
+ [0.52497047, 0.72385608, 0.81122836],
+ [0.52846207, 0.72807659, 0.81314683],
+ [0.53195393, 0.73230771, 0.81508366],
+ [0.53544572, 0.73654969, 0.81703865],
+ [0.53893713, 0.74080279, 0.81901157],
+ [0.54242785, 0.74506725, 0.82100220],
+ [0.54591759, 0.74934332, 0.82301031],
+ [0.54940606, 0.75363125, 0.82503564],
+ [0.55289296, 0.75793128, 0.82707794],
+ [0.55637803, 0.76224368, 0.82913693],
+ [0.55986099, 0.76656866, 0.83121233],
+ [0.56334158, 0.77090649, 0.83330385],
+ [0.56681954, 0.77525740, 0.83541118],
+ [0.57029463, 0.77962164, 0.83753402],
+ [0.57376660, 0.78399944, 0.83967204],
+ [0.57723524, 0.78839104, 0.84182490],
+ [0.58070031, 0.79279667, 0.84399226],
+ [0.58416161, 0.79721657, 0.84617377],
+ [0.58761893, 0.80165098, 0.84836907],
+ [0.59107208, 0.80610012, 0.85057778],
+ [0.59452102, 0.81056413, 0.85279998],
+ [0.59796546, 0.81504331, 0.85503489],
+ [0.60140523, 0.81953789, 0.85728208],
+ [0.60484018, 0.82404809, 0.85954115],
+ [0.60827017, 0.82857413, 0.86181167],
+ [0.61169511, 0.83311619, 0.86409337],
+ [0.61511505, 0.83767441, 0.86638624],
+ [0.61852970, 0.84224910, 0.86868933],
+ [0.62193896, 0.84684047, 0.87100218],
+ [0.62534275, 0.85144871, 0.87332436],
+ [0.62874125, 0.85607390, 0.87565605],
+ [0.63213426, 0.86071633, 0.87799637],
+ [0.63552164, 0.86537621, 0.88034468],
+ [0.63890337, 0.87005376, 0.88270051],
+ [0.64227985, 0.87474894, 0.88506435],
+ [0.64565066, 0.87946214, 0.88743481],
+ [0.64901583, 0.88419354, 0.88981141],
+ [0.65237567, 0.88894318, 0.89219435],
+ [0.65573011, 0.89371127, 0.89458291],
+ [0.65907900, 0.89849809, 0.89697620],
+ [0.66242273, 0.90330365, 0.89937441],
+ [0.66576131, 0.90812813, 0.90177696],
+ [0.66909457, 0.91297182, 0.90418285],
+ [0.67242305, 0.91783468, 0.90659250],
+ [0.67574664, 0.92271695, 0.90900496],
+ [0.67906523, 0.92761889, 0.91141938],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.sapphire', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.sapphire", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/savanna/savanna.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/savanna/savanna.jscm
index 8ab4bace..4b03fc03 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/savanna/savanna.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/savanna/savanna.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/savanna/savanna.py b/cmasher/colormaps/savanna/savanna.py
index d1a88d54..15265d67 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/savanna/savanna.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/savanna/savanna.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00021127, 0.00023624, 0.00030051],
- [0.00071521, 0.00082262, 0.00108605],
- [0.00144756, 0.00171107, 0.00233599],
- [0.00237423, 0.00288202, 0.00405559],
- [0.00347011, 0.00432429, 0.00625646],
- [0.00471439, 0.00603096, 0.00895301],
- [0.00608853, 0.00799769, 0.01216114],
- [0.00757533, 0.01022195, 0.01589760],
- [0.00915818, 0.01270258, 0.02017971],
- [0.01082054, 0.01543959, 0.02502552],
- [0.01254643, 0.01843387, 0.03045152],
- [0.01431862, 0.02168740, 0.03647625],
- [0.01612043, 0.02520280, 0.04302171],
- [0.01793380, 0.02898372, 0.04959648],
- [0.01973977, 0.03303468, 0.05615287],
- [0.02151899, 0.03736103, 0.06269190],
- [0.02325050, 0.04192759, 0.06921411],
- [0.02491215, 0.04648911, 0.07571838],
- [0.02648137, 0.05103331, 0.08220096],
- [0.02793261, 0.05556664, 0.08865845],
- [0.02924088, 0.06009502, 0.09508342],
- [0.03037902, 0.06462446, 0.10146755],
- [0.03131958, 0.06916070, 0.10779956],
- [0.03203545, 0.07370928, 0.11406515],
- [0.03249903, 0.07827565, 0.12024779],
- [0.03268731, 0.08286440, 0.12632612],
- [0.03258077, 0.08747954, 0.13227603],
- [0.03216688, 0.09212389, 0.13807027],
- [0.03144304, 0.09679869, 0.14367931],
- [0.03041983, 0.10150308, 0.14907282],
- [0.02912194, 0.10623389, 0.15422238],
- [0.02758833, 0.11098570, 0.15910410],
- [0.02587000, 0.11575112, 0.16370124],
- [0.02402557, 0.12052155, 0.16800595],
- [0.02211603, 0.12528804, 0.17201958],
- [0.02019935, 0.13004222, 0.17575168],
- [0.01832694, 0.13477690, 0.17921794],
- [0.01654180, 0.13948637, 0.18243787],
- [0.01487813, 0.14416649, 0.18543263],
- [0.01336293, 0.14881441, 0.18822358],
- [0.01201502, 0.15342871, 0.19083072],
- [0.01084954, 0.15800864, 0.19327269],
- [0.00987627, 0.16255434, 0.19556586],
- [0.00910289, 0.16706634, 0.19772478],
- [0.00853481, 0.17154554, 0.19976204],
- [0.00817590, 0.17599309, 0.20168839],
- [0.00802903, 0.18041026, 0.20351295],
- [0.00809747, 0.18479827, 0.20524382],
- [0.00838274, 0.18915858, 0.20688719],
- [0.00888799, 0.19349238, 0.20844896],
- [0.00961513, 0.19780105, 0.20993340],
- [0.01056723, 0.20208576, 0.21134443],
- [0.01174772, 0.20634764, 0.21268527],
- [0.01316033, 0.21058773, 0.21395847],
- [0.01480927, 0.21480706, 0.21516599],
- [0.01669959, 0.21900650, 0.21630953],
- [0.01883690, 0.22318688, 0.21739032],
- [0.02122739, 0.22734893, 0.21840920],
- [0.02387809, 0.23149333, 0.21936679],
- [0.02679688, 0.23562065, 0.22026353],
- [0.02999261, 0.23973134, 0.22109988],
- [0.03347435, 0.24382590, 0.22187550],
- [0.03725272, 0.24790463, 0.22259067],
- [0.04131815, 0.25196786, 0.22324488],
- [0.04546934, 0.25601577, 0.22383811],
- [0.04968110, 0.26004859, 0.22436966],
- [0.05395167, 0.26406634, 0.22483957],
- [0.05827960, 0.26806915, 0.22524694],
- [0.06266435, 0.27205699, 0.22559140],
- [0.06710576, 0.27602979, 0.22587264],
- [0.07160396, 0.27998749, 0.22608987],
- [0.07615937, 0.28392995, 0.22624261],
- [0.08077263, 0.28785698, 0.22633043],
- [0.08544447, 0.29176839, 0.22635291],
- [0.09017571, 0.29566392, 0.22630943],
- [0.09496721, 0.29954333, 0.22619956],
- [0.09981987, 0.30340630, 0.22602290],
- [0.10473454, 0.30725251, 0.22577907],
- [0.10971208, 0.31108163, 0.22546774],
- [0.11475327, 0.31489330, 0.22508860],
- [0.11985886, 0.31868712, 0.22464142],
- [0.12502951, 0.32246272, 0.22412597],
- [0.13026584, 0.32621969, 0.22354204],
- [0.13556839, 0.32995762, 0.22288951],
- [0.14093760, 0.33367608, 0.22216827],
- [0.14637384, 0.33737466, 0.22137828],
- [0.15187742, 0.34105292, 0.22051952],
- [0.15744854, 0.34471042, 0.21959202],
- [0.16308735, 0.34834673, 0.21859585],
- [0.16879389, 0.35196142, 0.21753112],
- [0.17456816, 0.35555406, 0.21639796],
- [0.18041009, 0.35912420, 0.21519651],
- [0.18631953, 0.36267144, 0.21392696],
- [0.19229627, 0.36619534, 0.21258955],
- [0.19834006, 0.36969548, 0.21118451],
- [0.20445056, 0.37317146, 0.20971211],
- [0.21062740, 0.37662288, 0.20817264],
- [0.21687017, 0.38004933, 0.20656639],
- [0.22317839, 0.38345043, 0.20489369],
- [0.22955155, 0.38682581, 0.20315486],
- [0.23598910, 0.39017509, 0.20135027],
- [0.24249047, 0.39349791, 0.19948024],
- [0.24905505, 0.39679392, 0.19754511],
- [0.25568221, 0.40006279, 0.19554522],
- [0.26237127, 0.40330417, 0.19348093],
- [0.26912156, 0.40651776, 0.19135258],
- [0.27593236, 0.40970325, 0.18916052],
- [0.28280294, 0.41286033, 0.18690507],
- [0.28973256, 0.41598873, 0.18458655],
- [0.29672048, 0.41908816, 0.18220526],
- [0.30376592, 0.42215835, 0.17976151],
- [0.31086810, 0.42519907, 0.17725556],
- [0.31802622, 0.42821006, 0.17468769],
- [0.32523950, 0.43119110, 0.17205813],
- [0.33250712, 0.43414196, 0.16936710],
- [0.33982828, 0.43706245, 0.16661482],
- [0.34720217, 0.43995234, 0.16380141],
- [0.35462797, 0.44281148, 0.16092708],
- [0.36210483, 0.44563967, 0.15799196],
- [0.36963193, 0.44843677, 0.15499618],
- [0.37720843, 0.45120262, 0.15193985],
- [0.38483348, 0.45393709, 0.14882307],
- [0.39250625, 0.45664004, 0.14564590],
- [0.40022589, 0.45931137, 0.14240845],
- [0.40799152, 0.46195098, 0.13911080],
- [0.41580230, 0.46455879, 0.13575305],
- [0.42365735, 0.46713471, 0.13233534],
- [0.43155579, 0.46967870, 0.12885784],
- [0.43949674, 0.47219070, 0.12532076],
- [0.44747929, 0.47467069, 0.12172447],
- [0.45550252, 0.47711867, 0.11806944],
- [0.46356547, 0.47953465, 0.11435629],
- [0.47166721, 0.48191865, 0.11058588],
- [0.47980676, 0.48427072, 0.10675931],
- [0.48798313, 0.48659092, 0.10287804],
- [0.49619527, 0.48887937, 0.09894406],
- [0.50444210, 0.49113618, 0.09495995],
- [0.51272252, 0.49336150, 0.09092904],
- [0.52103535, 0.49555554, 0.08685563],
- [0.52937937, 0.49771852, 0.08274531],
- [0.53775329, 0.49985071, 0.07860522],
- [0.54615576, 0.50195242, 0.07444453],
- [0.55458555, 0.50402395, 0.07027455],
- [0.56304105, 0.50606574, 0.06611039],
- [0.57152052, 0.50807833, 0.06197130],
- [0.58002218, 0.51006230, 0.05788155],
- [0.58854454, 0.51201813, 0.05387095],
- [0.59708528, 0.51394668, 0.04997862],
- [0.60564203, 0.51584887, 0.04625303],
- [0.61421304, 0.51772537, 0.04275204],
- [0.62279496, 0.51957762, 0.03953971],
- [0.63138544, 0.52140664, 0.03676688],
- [0.63998086, 0.52321408, 0.03455383],
- [0.64857818, 0.52500137, 0.03294406],
- [0.65717288, 0.52677070, 0.03198783],
- [0.66576123, 0.52852395, 0.03173842],
- [0.67433798, 0.53026382, 0.03225684],
- [0.68289757, 0.53199323, 0.03361012],
- [0.69143396, 0.53371544, 0.03587258],
- [0.69994048, 0.53543414, 0.03912678],
- [0.70840920, 0.53715377, 0.04335234],
- [0.71683136, 0.53887936, 0.04837996],
- [0.72519716, 0.54061662, 0.05415299],
- [0.73349564, 0.54237205, 0.06060590],
- [0.74171471, 0.54415296, 0.06767858],
- [0.74984067, 0.54596772, 0.07531845],
- [0.75785844, 0.54782574, 0.08348074],
- [0.76575166, 0.54973737, 0.09212776],
- [0.77350301, 0.55171376, 0.10122782],
- [0.78109366, 0.55376723, 0.11075252],
- [0.78850445, 0.55591059, 0.12067586],
- [0.79571606, 0.55815698, 0.13097232],
- [0.80270968, 0.56051955, 0.14161530],
- [0.80946781, 0.56301089, 0.15257625],
- [0.81597527, 0.56564237, 0.16382468],
- [0.82221959, 0.56842384, 0.17532697],
- [0.82819208, 0.57136288, 0.18704833],
- [0.83388796, 0.57446464, 0.19895314],
- [0.83930644, 0.57773167, 0.21100550],
- [0.84445059, 0.58116396, 0.22317068],
- [0.84932690, 0.58475913, 0.23541639],
- [0.85394468, 0.58851276, 0.24771383],
- [0.85831524, 0.59241887, 0.26003856],
- [0.86245136, 0.59647035, 0.27236790],
- [0.86636658, 0.60065936, 0.28468421],
- [0.87007489, 0.60497762, 0.29697136],
- [0.87358983, 0.60941682, 0.30921950],
- [0.87692479, 0.61396871, 0.32141887],
- [0.88009251, 0.61862536, 0.33356258],
- [0.88310482, 0.62337924, 0.34564636],
- [0.88597340, 0.62822309, 0.35766469],
- [0.88870865, 0.63315027, 0.36961556],
- [0.89131974, 0.63815479, 0.38149950],
- [0.89381598, 0.64323082, 0.39331424],
- [0.89620613, 0.64837293, 0.40505793],
- [0.89849692, 0.65357662, 0.41673367],
- [0.90069559, 0.65883742, 0.42834111],
- [0.90280874, 0.66415124, 0.43988061],
- [0.90484231, 0.66951441, 0.45135307],
- [0.90680168, 0.67492362, 0.46275990],
- [0.90869164, 0.68037592, 0.47410291],
- [0.91051770, 0.68586821, 0.48538131],
- [0.91228480, 0.69139774, 0.49659512],
- [0.91399479, 0.69696302, 0.50775074],
- [0.91565443, 0.70256083, 0.51884273],
- [0.91726467, 0.70819019, 0.52987805],
- [0.91883159, 0.71384831, 0.54085209],
- [0.92035518, 0.71953477, 0.55177259],
- [0.92184253, 0.72524654, 0.56263236],
- [0.92329389, 0.73098322, 0.57343774],
- [0.92471179, 0.73674362, 0.58418996],
- [0.92609946, 0.74252636, 0.59488875],
- [0.92746172, 0.74832952, 0.60553081],
- [0.92879879, 0.75415292, 0.61612103],
- [0.93011328, 0.75999556, 0.62665970],
- [0.93140767, 0.76585651, 0.63714716],
- [0.93268434, 0.77173494, 0.64758382],
- [0.93394557, 0.77763008, 0.65797012],
- [0.93519353, 0.78354123, 0.66830656],
- [0.93643033, 0.78946776, 0.67859365],
- [0.93765802, 0.79540907, 0.68883193],
- [0.93887857, 0.80136465, 0.69902193],
- [0.94009555, 0.80733344, 0.70916176],
- [0.94131079, 0.81331502, 0.71925214],
- [0.94252508, 0.81930934, 0.72929525],
- [0.94374027, 0.82531602, 0.73929162],
- [0.94495845, 0.83133459, 0.74924136],
- [0.94618604, 0.83736322, 0.75913865],
- [0.94742056, 0.84340300, 0.76899008],
- [0.94866392, 0.84945360, 0.77879603],
- [0.94992365, 0.85551289, 0.78854940],
- [0.95119750, 0.86158194, 0.79825632],
- [0.95248826, 0.86766017, 0.80791609],
- [0.95380283, 0.87374574, 0.81752297],
- [0.95513783, 0.87984007, 0.82708439],
- [0.95650313, 0.88594043, 0.83659117],
- [0.95789582, 0.89204808, 0.84605033],
- [0.95932448, 0.89816073, 0.85545487],
- [0.96078883, 0.90427883, 0.86480892],
- [0.96229754, 0.91040005, 0.87410627],
- [0.96385087, 0.91652463, 0.88335138],
- [0.96546071, 0.92264922, 0.89253589],
- [0.96712741, 0.92877384, 0.90166658],
- [0.96886707, 0.93489360, 0.91073462],
- [0.97068667, 0.94100583, 0.91974718],
- [0.97260803, 0.94710245, 0.92870598],
- [0.97467260, 0.95316709, 0.93761771],
- [0.97697694, 0.95916172, 0.94648703],
- [0.97976901, 0.96500288, 0.95517802],
- [0.98320766, 0.97067583, 0.96324868],
- [0.98683577, 0.97636954, 0.97066284],
- [0.99031830, 0.98216912, 0.97789331],
- [0.99365089, 0.98805248, 0.98516675],
- [0.99687019, 0.99399949, 0.99253395],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00021127, 0.00023624, 0.00030051],
+ [0.00071521, 0.00082262, 0.00108605],
+ [0.00144756, 0.00171107, 0.00233599],
+ [0.00237423, 0.00288202, 0.00405559],
+ [0.00347011, 0.00432429, 0.00625646],
+ [0.00471439, 0.00603096, 0.00895301],
+ [0.00608853, 0.00799769, 0.01216114],
+ [0.00757533, 0.01022195, 0.01589760],
+ [0.00915818, 0.01270258, 0.02017971],
+ [0.01082054, 0.01543959, 0.02502552],
+ [0.01254643, 0.01843387, 0.03045152],
+ [0.01431862, 0.02168740, 0.03647625],
+ [0.01612043, 0.02520280, 0.04302171],
+ [0.01793380, 0.02898372, 0.04959648],
+ [0.01973977, 0.03303468, 0.05615287],
+ [0.02151899, 0.03736103, 0.06269190],
+ [0.02325050, 0.04192759, 0.06921411],
+ [0.02491215, 0.04648911, 0.07571838],
+ [0.02648137, 0.05103331, 0.08220096],
+ [0.02793261, 0.05556664, 0.08865845],
+ [0.02924088, 0.06009502, 0.09508342],
+ [0.03037902, 0.06462446, 0.10146755],
+ [0.03131958, 0.06916070, 0.10779956],
+ [0.03203545, 0.07370928, 0.11406515],
+ [0.03249903, 0.07827565, 0.12024779],
+ [0.03268731, 0.08286440, 0.12632612],
+ [0.03258077, 0.08747954, 0.13227603],
+ [0.03216688, 0.09212389, 0.13807027],
+ [0.03144304, 0.09679869, 0.14367931],
+ [0.03041983, 0.10150308, 0.14907282],
+ [0.02912194, 0.10623389, 0.15422238],
+ [0.02758833, 0.11098570, 0.15910410],
+ [0.02587000, 0.11575112, 0.16370124],
+ [0.02402557, 0.12052155, 0.16800595],
+ [0.02211603, 0.12528804, 0.17201958],
+ [0.02019935, 0.13004222, 0.17575168],
+ [0.01832694, 0.13477690, 0.17921794],
+ [0.01654180, 0.13948637, 0.18243787],
+ [0.01487813, 0.14416649, 0.18543263],
+ [0.01336293, 0.14881441, 0.18822358],
+ [0.01201502, 0.15342871, 0.19083072],
+ [0.01084954, 0.15800864, 0.19327269],
+ [0.00987627, 0.16255434, 0.19556586],
+ [0.00910289, 0.16706634, 0.19772478],
+ [0.00853481, 0.17154554, 0.19976204],
+ [0.00817590, 0.17599309, 0.20168839],
+ [0.00802903, 0.18041026, 0.20351295],
+ [0.00809747, 0.18479827, 0.20524382],
+ [0.00838274, 0.18915858, 0.20688719],
+ [0.00888799, 0.19349238, 0.20844896],
+ [0.00961513, 0.19780105, 0.20993340],
+ [0.01056723, 0.20208576, 0.21134443],
+ [0.01174772, 0.20634764, 0.21268527],
+ [0.01316033, 0.21058773, 0.21395847],
+ [0.01480927, 0.21480706, 0.21516599],
+ [0.01669959, 0.21900650, 0.21630953],
+ [0.01883690, 0.22318688, 0.21739032],
+ [0.02122739, 0.22734893, 0.21840920],
+ [0.02387809, 0.23149333, 0.21936679],
+ [0.02679688, 0.23562065, 0.22026353],
+ [0.02999261, 0.23973134, 0.22109988],
+ [0.03347435, 0.24382590, 0.22187550],
+ [0.03725272, 0.24790463, 0.22259067],
+ [0.04131815, 0.25196786, 0.22324488],
+ [0.04546934, 0.25601577, 0.22383811],
+ [0.04968110, 0.26004859, 0.22436966],
+ [0.05395167, 0.26406634, 0.22483957],
+ [0.05827960, 0.26806915, 0.22524694],
+ [0.06266435, 0.27205699, 0.22559140],
+ [0.06710576, 0.27602979, 0.22587264],
+ [0.07160396, 0.27998749, 0.22608987],
+ [0.07615937, 0.28392995, 0.22624261],
+ [0.08077263, 0.28785698, 0.22633043],
+ [0.08544447, 0.29176839, 0.22635291],
+ [0.09017571, 0.29566392, 0.22630943],
+ [0.09496721, 0.29954333, 0.22619956],
+ [0.09981987, 0.30340630, 0.22602290],
+ [0.10473454, 0.30725251, 0.22577907],
+ [0.10971208, 0.31108163, 0.22546774],
+ [0.11475327, 0.31489330, 0.22508860],
+ [0.11985886, 0.31868712, 0.22464142],
+ [0.12502951, 0.32246272, 0.22412597],
+ [0.13026584, 0.32621969, 0.22354204],
+ [0.13556839, 0.32995762, 0.22288951],
+ [0.14093760, 0.33367608, 0.22216827],
+ [0.14637384, 0.33737466, 0.22137828],
+ [0.15187742, 0.34105292, 0.22051952],
+ [0.15744854, 0.34471042, 0.21959202],
+ [0.16308735, 0.34834673, 0.21859585],
+ [0.16879389, 0.35196142, 0.21753112],
+ [0.17456816, 0.35555406, 0.21639796],
+ [0.18041009, 0.35912420, 0.21519651],
+ [0.18631953, 0.36267144, 0.21392696],
+ [0.19229627, 0.36619534, 0.21258955],
+ [0.19834006, 0.36969548, 0.21118451],
+ [0.20445056, 0.37317146, 0.20971211],
+ [0.21062740, 0.37662288, 0.20817264],
+ [0.21687017, 0.38004933, 0.20656639],
+ [0.22317839, 0.38345043, 0.20489369],
+ [0.22955155, 0.38682581, 0.20315486],
+ [0.23598910, 0.39017509, 0.20135027],
+ [0.24249047, 0.39349791, 0.19948024],
+ [0.24905505, 0.39679392, 0.19754511],
+ [0.25568221, 0.40006279, 0.19554522],
+ [0.26237127, 0.40330417, 0.19348093],
+ [0.26912156, 0.40651776, 0.19135258],
+ [0.27593236, 0.40970325, 0.18916052],
+ [0.28280294, 0.41286033, 0.18690507],
+ [0.28973256, 0.41598873, 0.18458655],
+ [0.29672048, 0.41908816, 0.18220526],
+ [0.30376592, 0.42215835, 0.17976151],
+ [0.31086810, 0.42519907, 0.17725556],
+ [0.31802622, 0.42821006, 0.17468769],
+ [0.32523950, 0.43119110, 0.17205813],
+ [0.33250712, 0.43414196, 0.16936710],
+ [0.33982828, 0.43706245, 0.16661482],
+ [0.34720217, 0.43995234, 0.16380141],
+ [0.35462797, 0.44281148, 0.16092708],
+ [0.36210483, 0.44563967, 0.15799196],
+ [0.36963193, 0.44843677, 0.15499618],
+ [0.37720843, 0.45120262, 0.15193985],
+ [0.38483348, 0.45393709, 0.14882307],
+ [0.39250625, 0.45664004, 0.14564590],
+ [0.40022589, 0.45931137, 0.14240845],
+ [0.40799152, 0.46195098, 0.13911080],
+ [0.41580230, 0.46455879, 0.13575305],
+ [0.42365735, 0.46713471, 0.13233534],
+ [0.43155579, 0.46967870, 0.12885784],
+ [0.43949674, 0.47219070, 0.12532076],
+ [0.44747929, 0.47467069, 0.12172447],
+ [0.45550252, 0.47711867, 0.11806944],
+ [0.46356547, 0.47953465, 0.11435629],
+ [0.47166721, 0.48191865, 0.11058588],
+ [0.47980676, 0.48427072, 0.10675931],
+ [0.48798313, 0.48659092, 0.10287804],
+ [0.49619527, 0.48887937, 0.09894406],
+ [0.50444210, 0.49113618, 0.09495995],
+ [0.51272252, 0.49336150, 0.09092904],
+ [0.52103535, 0.49555554, 0.08685563],
+ [0.52937937, 0.49771852, 0.08274531],
+ [0.53775329, 0.49985071, 0.07860522],
+ [0.54615576, 0.50195242, 0.07444453],
+ [0.55458555, 0.50402395, 0.07027455],
+ [0.56304105, 0.50606574, 0.06611039],
+ [0.57152052, 0.50807833, 0.06197130],
+ [0.58002218, 0.51006230, 0.05788155],
+ [0.58854454, 0.51201813, 0.05387095],
+ [0.59708528, 0.51394668, 0.04997862],
+ [0.60564203, 0.51584887, 0.04625303],
+ [0.61421304, 0.51772537, 0.04275204],
+ [0.62279496, 0.51957762, 0.03953971],
+ [0.63138544, 0.52140664, 0.03676688],
+ [0.63998086, 0.52321408, 0.03455383],
+ [0.64857818, 0.52500137, 0.03294406],
+ [0.65717288, 0.52677070, 0.03198783],
+ [0.66576123, 0.52852395, 0.03173842],
+ [0.67433798, 0.53026382, 0.03225684],
+ [0.68289757, 0.53199323, 0.03361012],
+ [0.69143396, 0.53371544, 0.03587258],
+ [0.69994048, 0.53543414, 0.03912678],
+ [0.70840920, 0.53715377, 0.04335234],
+ [0.71683136, 0.53887936, 0.04837996],
+ [0.72519716, 0.54061662, 0.05415299],
+ [0.73349564, 0.54237205, 0.06060590],
+ [0.74171471, 0.54415296, 0.06767858],
+ [0.74984067, 0.54596772, 0.07531845],
+ [0.75785844, 0.54782574, 0.08348074],
+ [0.76575166, 0.54973737, 0.09212776],
+ [0.77350301, 0.55171376, 0.10122782],
+ [0.78109366, 0.55376723, 0.11075252],
+ [0.78850445, 0.55591059, 0.12067586],
+ [0.79571606, 0.55815698, 0.13097232],
+ [0.80270968, 0.56051955, 0.14161530],
+ [0.80946781, 0.56301089, 0.15257625],
+ [0.81597527, 0.56564237, 0.16382468],
+ [0.82221959, 0.56842384, 0.17532697],
+ [0.82819208, 0.57136288, 0.18704833],
+ [0.83388796, 0.57446464, 0.19895314],
+ [0.83930644, 0.57773167, 0.21100550],
+ [0.84445059, 0.58116396, 0.22317068],
+ [0.84932690, 0.58475913, 0.23541639],
+ [0.85394468, 0.58851276, 0.24771383],
+ [0.85831524, 0.59241887, 0.26003856],
+ [0.86245136, 0.59647035, 0.27236790],
+ [0.86636658, 0.60065936, 0.28468421],
+ [0.87007489, 0.60497762, 0.29697136],
+ [0.87358983, 0.60941682, 0.30921950],
+ [0.87692479, 0.61396871, 0.32141887],
+ [0.88009251, 0.61862536, 0.33356258],
+ [0.88310482, 0.62337924, 0.34564636],
+ [0.88597340, 0.62822309, 0.35766469],
+ [0.88870865, 0.63315027, 0.36961556],
+ [0.89131974, 0.63815479, 0.38149950],
+ [0.89381598, 0.64323082, 0.39331424],
+ [0.89620613, 0.64837293, 0.40505793],
+ [0.89849692, 0.65357662, 0.41673367],
+ [0.90069559, 0.65883742, 0.42834111],
+ [0.90280874, 0.66415124, 0.43988061],
+ [0.90484231, 0.66951441, 0.45135307],
+ [0.90680168, 0.67492362, 0.46275990],
+ [0.90869164, 0.68037592, 0.47410291],
+ [0.91051770, 0.68586821, 0.48538131],
+ [0.91228480, 0.69139774, 0.49659512],
+ [0.91399479, 0.69696302, 0.50775074],
+ [0.91565443, 0.70256083, 0.51884273],
+ [0.91726467, 0.70819019, 0.52987805],
+ [0.91883159, 0.71384831, 0.54085209],
+ [0.92035518, 0.71953477, 0.55177259],
+ [0.92184253, 0.72524654, 0.56263236],
+ [0.92329389, 0.73098322, 0.57343774],
+ [0.92471179, 0.73674362, 0.58418996],
+ [0.92609946, 0.74252636, 0.59488875],
+ [0.92746172, 0.74832952, 0.60553081],
+ [0.92879879, 0.75415292, 0.61612103],
+ [0.93011328, 0.75999556, 0.62665970],
+ [0.93140767, 0.76585651, 0.63714716],
+ [0.93268434, 0.77173494, 0.64758382],
+ [0.93394557, 0.77763008, 0.65797012],
+ [0.93519353, 0.78354123, 0.66830656],
+ [0.93643033, 0.78946776, 0.67859365],
+ [0.93765802, 0.79540907, 0.68883193],
+ [0.93887857, 0.80136465, 0.69902193],
+ [0.94009555, 0.80733344, 0.70916176],
+ [0.94131079, 0.81331502, 0.71925214],
+ [0.94252508, 0.81930934, 0.72929525],
+ [0.94374027, 0.82531602, 0.73929162],
+ [0.94495845, 0.83133459, 0.74924136],
+ [0.94618604, 0.83736322, 0.75913865],
+ [0.94742056, 0.84340300, 0.76899008],
+ [0.94866392, 0.84945360, 0.77879603],
+ [0.94992365, 0.85551289, 0.78854940],
+ [0.95119750, 0.86158194, 0.79825632],
+ [0.95248826, 0.86766017, 0.80791609],
+ [0.95380283, 0.87374574, 0.81752297],
+ [0.95513783, 0.87984007, 0.82708439],
+ [0.95650313, 0.88594043, 0.83659117],
+ [0.95789582, 0.89204808, 0.84605033],
+ [0.95932448, 0.89816073, 0.85545487],
+ [0.96078883, 0.90427883, 0.86480892],
+ [0.96229754, 0.91040005, 0.87410627],
+ [0.96385087, 0.91652463, 0.88335138],
+ [0.96546071, 0.92264922, 0.89253589],
+ [0.96712741, 0.92877384, 0.90166658],
+ [0.96886707, 0.93489360, 0.91073462],
+ [0.97068667, 0.94100583, 0.91974718],
+ [0.97260803, 0.94710245, 0.92870598],
+ [0.97467260, 0.95316709, 0.93761771],
+ [0.97697694, 0.95916172, 0.94648703],
+ [0.97976901, 0.96500288, 0.95517802],
+ [0.98320766, 0.97067583, 0.96324868],
+ [0.98683577, 0.97636954, 0.97066284],
+ [0.99031830, 0.98216912, 0.97789331],
+ [0.99365089, 0.98805248, 0.98516675],
+ [0.99687019, 0.99399949, 0.99253395],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.savanna', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.savanna", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/seasons/seasons.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/seasons/seasons.jscm
index 8368a709..2815f383 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/seasons/seasons.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/seasons/seasons.jscm
@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/seasons/seasons.py b/cmasher/colormaps/seasons/seasons.py
index e5132de0..93f8df0b 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/seasons/seasons.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/seasons/seasons.py
@@ -1,553 +1,555 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'cyclic'
+cm_type = "cyclic"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00025413, 0.00021963, 0.00029812],
- [0.00088829, 0.00075548, 0.00107678],
- [0.00185324, 0.00155352, 0.00231547],
- [0.00312858, 0.00258869, 0.00402007],
- [0.00470191, 0.00384465, 0.00620341],
- [0.00656453, 0.00530948, 0.00888174],
- [0.00870978, 0.00697386, 0.01207347],
- [0.01113222, 0.00883025, 0.01579864],
- [0.01382719, 0.01087232, 0.02007872],
- [0.01679047, 0.01309470, 0.02493639],
- [0.02001812, 0.01549278, 0.03039529],
- [0.02350631, 0.01806253, 0.03648021],
- [0.02725125, 0.02080045, 0.04311807],
- [0.03124910, 0.02370339, 0.04981088],
- [0.03549590, 0.02676862, 0.05651430],
- [0.03998740, 0.02999384, 0.06323399],
- [0.04452504, 0.03337686, 0.06997574],
- [0.04899028, 0.03691598, 0.07674386],
- [0.05339190, 0.04060679, 0.08354250],
- [0.05773188, 0.04428120, 0.09037549],
- [0.06201171, 0.04790942, 0.09724607],
- [0.06623246, 0.05149499, 0.10415696],
- [0.07039480, 0.05504098, 0.11111165],
- [0.07449900, 0.05855056, 0.11811182],
- [0.07854502, 0.06202658, 0.12515979],
- [0.08253249, 0.06547176, 0.13225767],
- [0.08646068, 0.06888870, 0.13940754],
- [0.09032858, 0.07228008, 0.14661053],
- [0.09413485, 0.07564847, 0.15386795],
- [0.09787781, 0.07899644, 0.16118084],
- [0.10155546, 0.08232656, 0.16855026],
- [0.10516545, 0.08564147, 0.17597671],
- [0.10870509, 0.08894395, 0.18346006],
- [0.11217132, 0.09223686, 0.19099993],
- [0.11556052, 0.09552296, 0.19859705],
- [0.11886895, 0.09880561, 0.20624880],
- [0.12209202, 0.10208786, 0.21395539],
- [0.12522500, 0.10537339, 0.22171357],
- [0.12826247, 0.10866592, 0.22952090],
- [0.13119843, 0.11196946, 0.23737414],
- [0.13402632, 0.11528833, 0.24526905],
- [0.13673894, 0.11862721, 0.25320027],
- [0.13932850, 0.12199116, 0.26116118],
- [0.14178658, 0.12538562, 0.26914369],
- [0.14410384, 0.12881635, 0.27713925],
- [0.14627078, 0.13228963, 0.28513587],
- [0.14827668, 0.13581197, 0.29312178],
- [0.15011100, 0.13939034, 0.30108116],
- [0.15176259, 0.14303187, 0.30899691],
- [0.15322030, 0.14674384, 0.31684943],
- [0.15447326, 0.15053343, 0.32461674],
- [0.15551108, 0.15440757, 0.33227497],
- [0.15632519, 0.15837254, 0.33979729],
- [0.15690799, 0.16243374, 0.34715670],
- [0.15725505, 0.16659519, 0.35432441],
- [0.15736452, 0.17085928, 0.36127255],
- [0.15723805, 0.17522644, 0.36797458],
- [0.15688110, 0.17969489, 0.37440663],
- [0.15630305, 0.18426064, 0.38054863],
- [0.15551676, 0.18891756, 0.38638541],
- [0.15453823, 0.19365775, 0.39190724],
- [0.15338586, 0.19847185, 0.39711001],
- [0.15207966, 0.20334963, 0.40199508],
- [0.15064046, 0.20828041, 0.40656864],
- [0.14908969, 0.21325349, 0.41084094],
- [0.14744723, 0.21825882, 0.41482549],
- [0.14573360, 0.22328669, 0.41853795],
- [0.14396661, 0.22832867, 0.42199544],
- [0.14216365, 0.23337711, 0.42521576],
- [0.14034067, 0.23842534, 0.42821680],
- [0.13851217, 0.24346775, 0.43101619],
- [0.13669120, 0.24849965, 0.43363083],
- [0.13488941, 0.25351726, 0.43607677],
- [0.13311795, 0.25851741, 0.43836919],
- [0.13138652, 0.26349770, 0.44052214],
- [0.12970397, 0.26845629, 0.44254865],
- [0.12807789, 0.27339191, 0.44446058],
- [0.12651578, 0.27830358, 0.44626898],
- [0.12502442, 0.28319066, 0.44798401],
- [0.12360910, 0.28805302, 0.44961462],
- [0.12227508, 0.29289061, 0.45116915],
- [0.12102719, 0.29770357, 0.45265526],
- [0.11986895, 0.30249237, 0.45407960],
- [0.11880348, 0.30725756, 0.45544824],
- [0.11783407, 0.31199967, 0.45676695],
- [0.11696293, 0.31671943, 0.45804074],
- [0.11619137, 0.32141771, 0.45927395],
- [0.11552107, 0.32609525, 0.46047084],
- [0.11495254, 0.33075299, 0.46163498],
- [0.11448559, 0.33539192, 0.46276944],
- [0.11412065, 0.34001283, 0.46387744],
- [0.11385674, 0.34461674, 0.46496146],
- [0.11369251, 0.34920464, 0.46602365],
- [0.11362649, 0.35377748, 0.46706605],
- [0.11365684, 0.35833621, 0.46809043],
- [0.11378136, 0.36288176, 0.46909833],
- [0.11399752, 0.36741507, 0.47009104],
- [0.11430257, 0.37193707, 0.47106966],
- [0.11469348, 0.37644867, 0.47203508],
- [0.11516707, 0.38095075, 0.47298803],
- [0.11572003, 0.38544418, 0.47392905],
- [0.11634894, 0.38992983, 0.47485855],
- [0.11705043, 0.39440848, 0.47577686],
- [0.11782132, 0.39888090, 0.47668429],
- [0.11865775, 0.40334792, 0.47758059],
- [0.11955628, 0.40781031, 0.47846565],
- [0.12051391, 0.41226872, 0.47933944],
- [0.12152742, 0.41672385, 0.48020167],
- [0.12259340, 0.42117642, 0.48105167],
- [0.12370935, 0.42562701, 0.48188924],
- [0.12487238, 0.43007624, 0.48271367],
- [0.12607977, 0.43452472, 0.48352417],
- [0.12732973, 0.43897292, 0.48432038],
- [0.12861956, 0.44342145, 0.48510104],
- [0.12994800, 0.44787070, 0.48586571],
- [0.13131298, 0.45232121, 0.48661311],
- [0.13271357, 0.45677333, 0.48734255],
- [0.13414836, 0.46122752, 0.48805276],
- [0.13561689, 0.46568407, 0.48874291],
- [0.13711830, 0.47014339, 0.48941162],
- [0.13865272, 0.47460568, 0.49005805],
- [0.14021980, 0.47907130, 0.49068070],
- [0.14182019, 0.48354041, 0.49127866],
- [0.14345420, 0.48801325, 0.49185045],
- [0.14512282, 0.49248997, 0.49239495],
- [0.14682712, 0.49697072, 0.49291086],
- [0.14856841, 0.50145560, 0.49339683],
- [0.15034846, 0.50594468, 0.49385169],
- [0.15216899, 0.51043801, 0.49427402],
- [0.15403220, 0.51493558, 0.49466258],
- [0.15594041, 0.51943739, 0.49501603],
- [0.15789617, 0.52394338, 0.49533308],
- [0.15990229, 0.52845347, 0.49561243],
- [0.16196172, 0.53296753, 0.49585280],
- [0.16407764, 0.53748543, 0.49605289],
- [0.16625338, 0.54200698, 0.49621146],
- [0.16849251, 0.54653198, 0.49632729],
- [0.17079859, 0.55106019, 0.49639905],
- [0.17317554, 0.55559133, 0.49642567],
- [0.17562720, 0.56012511, 0.49640587],
- [0.17815767, 0.56466120, 0.49633854],
- [0.18077111, 0.56919921, 0.49622262],
- [0.18347164, 0.57373877, 0.49605683],
- [0.18626377, 0.57827942, 0.49584043],
- [0.18915160, 0.58282075, 0.49557198],
- [0.19213983, 0.58736218, 0.49525094],
- [0.19523269, 0.59190326, 0.49487599],
- [0.19843488, 0.59644335, 0.49444661],
- [0.20175074, 0.60098189, 0.49396158],
- [0.20518500, 0.60551819, 0.49342054],
- [0.20874203, 0.61005160, 0.49282226],
- [0.21242663, 0.61458132, 0.49216674],
- [0.21624314, 0.61910667, 0.49145251],
- [0.22019640, 0.62362671, 0.49067988],
- [0.22429094, 0.62814060, 0.48984802],
- [0.22853143, 0.63264740, 0.48895647],
- [0.23292266, 0.63714606, 0.48800547],
- [0.23746934, 0.64163552, 0.48699454],
- [0.24217635, 0.64611466, 0.48592346],
- [0.24704867, 0.65058219, 0.48479289],
- [0.25209135, 0.65503679, 0.48360309],
- [0.25730963, 0.65947702, 0.48235455],
- [0.26270895, 0.66390135, 0.48104798],
- [0.26829501, 0.66830810, 0.47968425],
- [0.27407372, 0.67269546, 0.47826490],
- [0.28005135, 0.67706143, 0.47679163],
- [0.28623464, 0.68140387, 0.47526643],
- [0.29263062, 0.68572040, 0.47369222],
- [0.29924684, 0.69000842, 0.47207254],
- [0.30609135, 0.69426508, 0.47041182],
- [0.31317349, 0.69848719, 0.46871410],
- [0.32050244, 0.70267126, 0.46698662],
- [0.32808884, 0.70681337, 0.46523663],
- [0.33594344, 0.71090919, 0.46347457],
- [0.34407959, 0.71495378, 0.46171040],
- [0.35250947, 0.71894177, 0.45996017],
- [0.36124701, 0.72286709, 0.45824186],
- [0.37030645, 0.72672304, 0.45657815],
- [0.37970257, 0.73050215, 0.45499675],
- [0.38944872, 0.73419640, 0.45353293],
- [0.39955522, 0.73779741, 0.45223099],
- [0.41002842, 0.74129661, 0.45114453],
- [0.42086719, 0.74468593, 0.45033815],
- [0.43205680, 0.74795904, 0.44988890],
- [0.44356537, 0.75111263, 0.44988314],
- [0.45533859, 0.75414821, 0.45041183],
- [0.46729940, 0.75707342, 0.45156074],
- [0.47935081, 0.75990276, 0.45339893],
- [0.49138675, 0.76265642, 0.45596703],
- [0.50330552, 0.76535785, 0.45927111],
- [0.51502194, 0.76803071, 0.46328423],
- [0.52647579, 0.77069582, 0.46795443],
- [0.53763157, 0.77336989, 0.47321562],
- [0.54847463, 0.77606527, 0.47899716],
- [0.55900394, 0.77879091, 0.48522990],
- [0.56923081, 0.78155203, 0.49185126],
- [0.57917471, 0.78435082, 0.49880770],
- [0.58884928, 0.78719044, 0.50604881],
- [0.59827861, 0.79007012, 0.51353640],
- [0.60748182, 0.79298977, 0.52123615],
- [0.61647728, 0.79594881, 0.52911908],
- [0.62528018, 0.79894712, 0.53715888],
- [0.63391105, 0.80198211, 0.54533899],
- [0.64237958, 0.80505441, 0.55363731],
- [0.65070178, 0.80816201, 0.56204151],
- [0.65888951, 0.81130390, 0.57053870],
- [0.66695322, 0.81447927, 0.57911739],
- [0.67490278, 0.81768720, 0.58776802],
- [0.68274743, 0.82092672, 0.59648269],
- [0.69049543, 0.82419697, 0.60525436],
- [0.69815139, 0.82749841, 0.61407263],
- [0.70572591, 0.83082877, 0.62293735],
- [0.71322283, 0.83418844, 0.63184007],
- [0.72064885, 0.83757644, 0.64077790],
- [0.72800781, 0.84099289, 0.64974464],
- [0.73530681, 0.84443629, 0.65874049],
- [0.74254717, 0.84790770, 0.66775688],
- [0.74973455, 0.85140603, 0.67679345],
- [0.75687316, 0.85493080, 0.68584818],
- [0.76396618, 0.85848188, 0.69491792],
- [0.77101665, 0.86205916, 0.70399981],
- [0.77802748, 0.86566254, 0.71309127],
- [0.78500146, 0.86929190, 0.72218994],
- [0.79194125, 0.87294712, 0.73129366],
- [0.79884942, 0.87662809, 0.74040044],
- [0.80572843, 0.88033470, 0.74950845],
- [0.81258066, 0.88406685, 0.75861593],
- [0.81940839, 0.88782442, 0.76772124],
- [0.82621384, 0.89160734, 0.77682276],
- [0.83299916, 0.89541550, 0.78591891],
- [0.83976604, 0.89924907, 0.79500711],
- [0.84651498, 0.90310887, 0.80408208],
- [0.85324980, 0.90699381, 0.81314622],
- [0.85997253, 0.91090383, 0.82219775],
- [0.86668304, 0.91484012, 0.83122957],
- [0.87338448, 0.91880198, 0.84024221],
- [0.88007977, 0.92278885, 0.84923538],
- [0.88676765, 0.92680271, 0.85819820],
- [0.89345330, 0.93084171, 0.86713500],
- [0.90013691, 0.93490708, 0.87603723],
- [0.90682112, 0.93899862, 0.88490167],
- [0.91350819, 0.94311645, 0.89372312],
- [0.92019962, 0.94726127, 0.90249364],
- [0.92689821, 0.95143309, 0.91120724],
- [0.93360528, 0.95563293, 0.91985342],
- [0.94032226, 0.95986183, 0.92842128],
- [0.94705029, 0.96412099, 0.93689932],
- [0.95378618, 0.96841412, 0.94526826],
- [0.96052787, 0.97274377, 0.95351620],
- [0.96726298, 0.97711767, 0.96161985],
- [0.97397628, 0.98154351, 0.96956838],
- [0.98064157, 0.98603270, 0.97735666],
- [0.98722183, 0.99059962, 0.98499293],
- [0.99368312, 0.99525397, 0.99251979],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
- [0.99424109, 0.99505954, 0.99228529],
- [0.98836492, 0.99020000, 0.98453168],
- [0.98239087, 0.98542174, 0.97665676],
- [0.97636000, 0.98071512, 0.96859208],
- [0.97032215, 0.97606327, 0.96030562],
- [0.96431976, 0.97144953, 0.95179257],
- [0.95838211, 0.96686052, 0.94306671],
- [0.95252591, 0.96228722, 0.93414776],
- [0.94675995, 0.95772310, 0.92506190],
- [0.94108715, 0.95316448, 0.91583032],
- [0.93550756, 0.94860913, 0.90647087],
- [0.93002000, 0.94405565, 0.89699805],
- [0.92462287, 0.93950313, 0.88742350],
- [0.91931464, 0.93495085, 0.87775638],
- [0.91409404, 0.93039823, 0.86800370],
- [0.90896019, 0.92584453, 0.85817253],
- [0.90391252, 0.92128910, 0.84826784],
- [0.89895082, 0.91673124, 0.83829375],
- [0.89407522, 0.91217022, 0.82825325],
- [0.88928614, 0.90760525, 0.81814872],
- [0.88458421, 0.90303538, 0.80798331],
- [0.87997032, 0.89845966, 0.79775935],
- [0.87544552, 0.89387706, 0.78747892],
- [0.87101102, 0.88928652, 0.77714400],
- [0.86666829, 0.88468694, 0.76675557],
- [0.86241921, 0.88007728, 0.75631230],
- [0.85826505, 0.87545610, 0.74581947],
- [0.85420756, 0.87082215, 0.73527849],
- [0.85024943, 0.86617424, 0.72468532],
- [0.84639173, 0.86151077, 0.71404773],
- [0.84263736, 0.85683043, 0.70336190],
- [0.83898783, 0.85213162, 0.69263315],
- [0.83544617, 0.84741283, 0.68185873],
- [0.83201374, 0.84267239, 0.67104494],
- [0.82869406, 0.83790863, 0.66018791],
- [0.82548878, 0.83311980, 0.64929288],
- [0.82240024, 0.82830412, 0.63836201],
- [0.81943099, 0.82345973, 0.62739678],
- [0.81658410, 0.81858464, 0.61639726],
- [0.81386138, 0.81367695, 0.60536820],
- [0.81126517, 0.80873462, 0.59431259],
- [0.80879770, 0.80375559, 0.58323368],
- [0.80646107, 0.79873778, 0.57213533],
- [0.80425769, 0.79367897, 0.56102051],
- [0.80218927, 0.78857700, 0.54989425],
- [0.80025682, 0.78342982, 0.53876331],
- [0.79846129, 0.77823538, 0.52763430],
- [0.79680534, 0.77299113, 0.51650962],
- [0.79528710, 0.76769560, 0.50540230],
- [0.79390865, 0.76234628, 0.49431581],
- [0.79266757, 0.75694180, 0.48326340],
- [0.79156341, 0.75148029, 0.47225343],
- [0.79059448, 0.74596018, 0.46129650],
- [0.78975723, 0.74038047, 0.45040623],
- [0.78904800, 0.73474025, 0.43959559],
- [0.78846209, 0.72903897, 0.42887873],
- [0.78799373, 0.72327654, 0.41827079],
- [0.78763603, 0.71745332, 0.40778776],
- [0.78738107, 0.71157017, 0.39744626],
- [0.78722078, 0.70562818, 0.38726208],
- [0.78714452, 0.69962955, 0.37725360],
- [0.78714162, 0.69357673, 0.36743787],
- [0.78720174, 0.68747230, 0.35783028],
- [0.78731219, 0.68132002, 0.34844799],
- [0.78746158, 0.67512344, 0.33930514],
- [0.78763735, 0.66888688, 0.33041597],
- [0.78782790, 0.66261458, 0.32179234],
- [0.78802126, 0.65631126, 0.31344530],
- [0.78820651, 0.64998148, 0.30538359],
- [0.78837299, 0.64362997, 0.29761459],
- [0.78851106, 0.63726131, 0.29014374],
- [0.78861179, 0.63087997, 0.28297485],
- [0.78866732, 0.62449018, 0.27611004],
- [0.78867042, 0.61809607, 0.26955010],
- [0.78861521, 0.61170128, 0.26329421],
- [0.78849615, 0.60530945, 0.25734063],
- [0.78830913, 0.59892362, 0.25168625],
- [0.78805021, 0.59254688, 0.24632732],
- [0.78771679, 0.58618165, 0.24125900],
- [0.78730618, 0.57983053, 0.23647607],
- [0.78681707, 0.57349537, 0.23197249],
- [0.78624787, 0.56717824, 0.22774192],
- [0.78559802, 0.56088065, 0.22377754],
- [0.78486719, 0.55460397, 0.22007225],
- [0.78405488, 0.54834969, 0.21661869],
- [0.78316166, 0.54211865, 0.21340930],
- [0.78218790, 0.53591181, 0.21043640],
- [0.78113405, 0.52973004, 0.20769212],
- [0.78000088, 0.52357401, 0.20516858],
- [0.77878939, 0.51744421, 0.20285786],
- [0.77750055, 0.51134110, 0.20075202],
- [0.77613541, 0.50526507, 0.19884312],
- [0.77469507, 0.49921643, 0.19712326],
- [0.77318063, 0.49319549, 0.19558456],
- [0.77159340, 0.48720234, 0.19421934],
- [0.76993458, 0.48123711, 0.19301995],
- [0.76820540, 0.47529987, 0.19197890],
- [0.76640711, 0.46939068, 0.19108882],
- [0.76454093, 0.46350953, 0.19034250],
- [0.76260807, 0.45765639, 0.18973292],
- [0.76060976, 0.45183120, 0.18925324],
- [0.75854716, 0.44603388, 0.18889684],
- [0.75642146, 0.44026433, 0.18865728],
- [0.75423380, 0.43452242, 0.18852836],
- [0.75198528, 0.42880801, 0.18850411],
- [0.74967701, 0.42312096, 0.18857878],
- [0.74731004, 0.41746108, 0.18874685],
- [0.74488540, 0.41182822, 0.18900305],
- [0.74240409, 0.40622219, 0.18934232],
- [0.73986709, 0.40064279, 0.18975986],
- [0.73727532, 0.39508982, 0.19025110],
- [0.73462969, 0.38956310, 0.19081168],
- [0.73193106, 0.38406240, 0.19143748],
- [0.72918028, 0.37858754, 0.19212460],
- [0.72637815, 0.37313829, 0.19286934],
- [0.72352543, 0.36771447, 0.19366823],
- [0.72062287, 0.36231585, 0.19451799],
- [0.71767117, 0.35694224, 0.19541554],
- [0.71467098, 0.35159344, 0.19635798],
- [0.71162295, 0.34626927, 0.19734258],
- [0.70852766, 0.34096955, 0.19836680],
- [0.70538569, 0.33569410, 0.19942826],
- [0.70219754, 0.33044275, 0.20052472],
- [0.69896371, 0.32521536, 0.20165411],
- [0.69568466, 0.32001179, 0.20281449],
- [0.69236079, 0.31483192, 0.20400406],
- [0.68899248, 0.30967565, 0.20522112],
- [0.68558008, 0.30454289, 0.20646413],
- [0.68212387, 0.29943358, 0.20773166],
- [0.67862413, 0.29434767, 0.20902237],
- [0.67508106, 0.28928517, 0.21033499],
- [0.67149484, 0.28424611, 0.21166835],
- [0.66786559, 0.27923055, 0.21302135],
- [0.66419341, 0.27423859, 0.21439300],
- [0.66047834, 0.26927038, 0.21578233],
- [0.65672036, 0.26432611, 0.21718845],
- [0.65291947, 0.25940596, 0.21861078],
- [0.64907553, 0.25451028, 0.22004835],
- [0.64518838, 0.24963947, 0.22150036],
- [0.64125782, 0.24479398, 0.22296605],
- [0.63728364, 0.23997419, 0.22444517],
- [0.63326548, 0.23518083, 0.22593664],
- [0.62920295, 0.23041463, 0.22743971],
- [0.62509570, 0.22567623, 0.22895434],
- [0.62094315, 0.22096673, 0.23047916],
- [0.61674480, 0.21628708, 0.23201392],
- [0.61250000, 0.21163854, 0.23355763],
- [0.60820808, 0.20702239, 0.23510975],
- [0.60386826, 0.20244025, 0.23666911],
- [0.59947975, 0.19789371, 0.23823533],
- [0.59504160, 0.19338482, 0.23980685],
- [0.59055285, 0.18891564, 0.24138288],
- [0.58601246, 0.18448856, 0.24296231],
- [0.58141927, 0.18010629, 0.24454350],
- [0.57677209, 0.17577177, 0.24612495],
- [0.57206964, 0.17148824, 0.24770502],
- [0.56731054, 0.16725931, 0.24928179],
- [0.56249336, 0.16308892, 0.25085316],
- [0.55761660, 0.15898140, 0.25241661],
- [0.55267868, 0.15494150, 0.25396947],
- [0.54767798, 0.15097434, 0.25550864],
- [0.54261283, 0.14708548, 0.25703063],
- [0.53748153, 0.14328089, 0.25853158],
- [0.53228237, 0.13956693, 0.26000714],
- [0.52701358, 0.13595036, 0.26145292],
- [0.52167349, 0.13243826, 0.26286350],
- [0.51626048, 0.12903801, 0.26423296],
- [0.51077291, 0.12575719, 0.26555552],
- [0.50520944, 0.12260342, 0.26682384],
- [0.49956870, 0.11958437, 0.26803101],
- [0.49384968, 0.11670740, 0.26916888],
- [0.48805158, 0.11397950, 0.27022906],
- [0.48217382, 0.11140716, 0.27120303],
- [0.47621632, 0.10899588, 0.27208136],
- [0.47017933, 0.10675016, 0.27285463],
- [0.46406357, 0.10467320, 0.27351326],
- [0.45787023, 0.10276671, 0.27404762],
- [0.45160101, 0.10103069, 0.27444823],
- [0.44525817, 0.09946330, 0.27470583],
- [0.43884451, 0.09806082, 0.27481170],
- [0.43236329, 0.09681766, 0.27475772],
- [0.42581830, 0.09572641, 0.27453659],
- [0.41921374, 0.09477799, 0.27414193],
- [0.41255420, 0.09396185, 0.27356841],
- [0.40584463, 0.09326613, 0.27281175],
- [0.39909010, 0.09267823, 0.27186898],
- [0.39229586, 0.09218490, 0.27073831],
- [0.38546731, 0.09177238, 0.26941900],
- [0.37860984, 0.09142696, 0.26791149],
- [0.37172853, 0.09113546, 0.26621743],
- [0.36482885, 0.09088432, 0.26433903],
- [0.35791540, 0.09066163, 0.26227986],
- [0.35099313, 0.09045533, 0.26004381],
- [0.34406650, 0.09025454, 0.25763556],
- [0.33713958, 0.09004941, 0.25506035],
- [0.33021632, 0.08983073, 0.25232371],
- [0.32330037, 0.08959019, 0.24943149],
- [0.31639505, 0.08932038, 0.24638975],
- [0.30950337, 0.08901475, 0.24320470],
- [0.30262805, 0.08866755, 0.23988257],
- [0.29577147, 0.08827381, 0.23642961],
- [0.28893574, 0.08782924, 0.23285200],
- [0.28212338, 0.08732934, 0.22915580],
- [0.27533542, 0.08677173, 0.22534696],
- [0.26857379, 0.08615309, 0.22143128],
- [0.26183947, 0.08547151, 0.21741433],
- [0.25513403, 0.08472445, 0.21330158],
- [0.24845792, 0.08391090, 0.20909815],
- [0.24181201, 0.08302940, 0.20480902],
- [0.23519734, 0.08207836, 0.20043906],
- [0.22861400, 0.08105738, 0.19599271],
- [0.22206236, 0.07996572, 0.19147429],
- [0.21554266, 0.07880284, 0.18688790],
- [0.20905499, 0.07756832, 0.18223739],
- [0.20259933, 0.07626186, 0.17752642],
- [0.19617552, 0.07488328, 0.17275841],
- [0.18978352, 0.07343221, 0.16793665],
- [0.18342297, 0.07190857, 0.16306416],
- [0.17709324, 0.07031248, 0.15814365],
- [0.17079372, 0.06864393, 0.15317769],
- [0.16452442, 0.06690221, 0.14816900],
- [0.15828396, 0.06508789, 0.14311947],
- [0.15207189, 0.06320047, 0.13803130],
- [0.14588721, 0.06123987, 0.13290628],
- [0.13972898, 0.05920577, 0.12774609],
- [0.13359595, 0.05709801, 0.12255209],
- [0.12748726, 0.05491583, 0.11732577],
- [0.12140114, 0.05265915, 0.11206790],
- [0.11533645, 0.05032704, 0.10677955],
- [0.10929162, 0.04791872, 0.10146140],
- [0.10326470, 0.04543345, 0.09611373],
- [0.09725382, 0.04287010, 0.09073675],
- [0.09125697, 0.04022385, 0.08533050],
- [0.08527201, 0.03751746, 0.07989478],
- [0.07929616, 0.03484313, 0.07442882],
- [0.07332664, 0.03220771, 0.06893169],
- [0.06736028, 0.02961813, 0.06340211],
- [0.06139357, 0.02708138, 0.05783834],
- [0.05542251, 0.02460454, 0.05223818],
- [0.04944255, 0.02219479, 0.04659884],
- [0.04344847, 0.01985942, 0.04091682],
- [0.03745030, 0.01760590, 0.03530297],
- [0.03184208, 0.01544185, 0.03011323],
- [0.02672848, 0.01337514, 0.02535235],
- [0.02209632, 0.01141388, 0.02101538],
- [0.01793276, 0.00956667, 0.01709702],
- [0.01422581, 0.00784255, 0.01359203],
- [0.01096425, 0.00625118, 0.01049526],
- [0.00813783, 0.00480306, 0.00780181],
- [0.00573749, 0.00350989, 0.00550729],
- [0.00375552, 0.00238512, 0.00360794],
- [0.00218654, 0.00144479, 0.00210158],
- [0.00102891, 0.00070937, 0.00098895],
- [0.00028859, 0.00020827, 0.00027725]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00025413, 0.00021963, 0.00029812],
+ [0.00088829, 0.00075548, 0.00107678],
+ [0.00185324, 0.00155352, 0.00231547],
+ [0.00312858, 0.00258869, 0.00402007],
+ [0.00470191, 0.00384465, 0.00620341],
+ [0.00656453, 0.00530948, 0.00888174],
+ [0.00870978, 0.00697386, 0.01207347],
+ [0.01113222, 0.00883025, 0.01579864],
+ [0.01382719, 0.01087232, 0.02007872],
+ [0.01679047, 0.01309470, 0.02493639],
+ [0.02001812, 0.01549278, 0.03039529],
+ [0.02350631, 0.01806253, 0.03648021],
+ [0.02725125, 0.02080045, 0.04311807],
+ [0.03124910, 0.02370339, 0.04981088],
+ [0.03549590, 0.02676862, 0.05651430],
+ [0.03998740, 0.02999384, 0.06323399],
+ [0.04452504, 0.03337686, 0.06997574],
+ [0.04899028, 0.03691598, 0.07674386],
+ [0.05339190, 0.04060679, 0.08354250],
+ [0.05773188, 0.04428120, 0.09037549],
+ [0.06201171, 0.04790942, 0.09724607],
+ [0.06623246, 0.05149499, 0.10415696],
+ [0.07039480, 0.05504098, 0.11111165],
+ [0.07449900, 0.05855056, 0.11811182],
+ [0.07854502, 0.06202658, 0.12515979],
+ [0.08253249, 0.06547176, 0.13225767],
+ [0.08646068, 0.06888870, 0.13940754],
+ [0.09032858, 0.07228008, 0.14661053],
+ [0.09413485, 0.07564847, 0.15386795],
+ [0.09787781, 0.07899644, 0.16118084],
+ [0.10155546, 0.08232656, 0.16855026],
+ [0.10516545, 0.08564147, 0.17597671],
+ [0.10870509, 0.08894395, 0.18346006],
+ [0.11217132, 0.09223686, 0.19099993],
+ [0.11556052, 0.09552296, 0.19859705],
+ [0.11886895, 0.09880561, 0.20624880],
+ [0.12209202, 0.10208786, 0.21395539],
+ [0.12522500, 0.10537339, 0.22171357],
+ [0.12826247, 0.10866592, 0.22952090],
+ [0.13119843, 0.11196946, 0.23737414],
+ [0.13402632, 0.11528833, 0.24526905],
+ [0.13673894, 0.11862721, 0.25320027],
+ [0.13932850, 0.12199116, 0.26116118],
+ [0.14178658, 0.12538562, 0.26914369],
+ [0.14410384, 0.12881635, 0.27713925],
+ [0.14627078, 0.13228963, 0.28513587],
+ [0.14827668, 0.13581197, 0.29312178],
+ [0.15011100, 0.13939034, 0.30108116],
+ [0.15176259, 0.14303187, 0.30899691],
+ [0.15322030, 0.14674384, 0.31684943],
+ [0.15447326, 0.15053343, 0.32461674],
+ [0.15551108, 0.15440757, 0.33227497],
+ [0.15632519, 0.15837254, 0.33979729],
+ [0.15690799, 0.16243374, 0.34715670],
+ [0.15725505, 0.16659519, 0.35432441],
+ [0.15736452, 0.17085928, 0.36127255],
+ [0.15723805, 0.17522644, 0.36797458],
+ [0.15688110, 0.17969489, 0.37440663],
+ [0.15630305, 0.18426064, 0.38054863],
+ [0.15551676, 0.18891756, 0.38638541],
+ [0.15453823, 0.19365775, 0.39190724],
+ [0.15338586, 0.19847185, 0.39711001],
+ [0.15207966, 0.20334963, 0.40199508],
+ [0.15064046, 0.20828041, 0.40656864],
+ [0.14908969, 0.21325349, 0.41084094],
+ [0.14744723, 0.21825882, 0.41482549],
+ [0.14573360, 0.22328669, 0.41853795],
+ [0.14396661, 0.22832867, 0.42199544],
+ [0.14216365, 0.23337711, 0.42521576],
+ [0.14034067, 0.23842534, 0.42821680],
+ [0.13851217, 0.24346775, 0.43101619],
+ [0.13669120, 0.24849965, 0.43363083],
+ [0.13488941, 0.25351726, 0.43607677],
+ [0.13311795, 0.25851741, 0.43836919],
+ [0.13138652, 0.26349770, 0.44052214],
+ [0.12970397, 0.26845629, 0.44254865],
+ [0.12807789, 0.27339191, 0.44446058],
+ [0.12651578, 0.27830358, 0.44626898],
+ [0.12502442, 0.28319066, 0.44798401],
+ [0.12360910, 0.28805302, 0.44961462],
+ [0.12227508, 0.29289061, 0.45116915],
+ [0.12102719, 0.29770357, 0.45265526],
+ [0.11986895, 0.30249237, 0.45407960],
+ [0.11880348, 0.30725756, 0.45544824],
+ [0.11783407, 0.31199967, 0.45676695],
+ [0.11696293, 0.31671943, 0.45804074],
+ [0.11619137, 0.32141771, 0.45927395],
+ [0.11552107, 0.32609525, 0.46047084],
+ [0.11495254, 0.33075299, 0.46163498],
+ [0.11448559, 0.33539192, 0.46276944],
+ [0.11412065, 0.34001283, 0.46387744],
+ [0.11385674, 0.34461674, 0.46496146],
+ [0.11369251, 0.34920464, 0.46602365],
+ [0.11362649, 0.35377748, 0.46706605],
+ [0.11365684, 0.35833621, 0.46809043],
+ [0.11378136, 0.36288176, 0.46909833],
+ [0.11399752, 0.36741507, 0.47009104],
+ [0.11430257, 0.37193707, 0.47106966],
+ [0.11469348, 0.37644867, 0.47203508],
+ [0.11516707, 0.38095075, 0.47298803],
+ [0.11572003, 0.38544418, 0.47392905],
+ [0.11634894, 0.38992983, 0.47485855],
+ [0.11705043, 0.39440848, 0.47577686],
+ [0.11782132, 0.39888090, 0.47668429],
+ [0.11865775, 0.40334792, 0.47758059],
+ [0.11955628, 0.40781031, 0.47846565],
+ [0.12051391, 0.41226872, 0.47933944],
+ [0.12152742, 0.41672385, 0.48020167],
+ [0.12259340, 0.42117642, 0.48105167],
+ [0.12370935, 0.42562701, 0.48188924],
+ [0.12487238, 0.43007624, 0.48271367],
+ [0.12607977, 0.43452472, 0.48352417],
+ [0.12732973, 0.43897292, 0.48432038],
+ [0.12861956, 0.44342145, 0.48510104],
+ [0.12994800, 0.44787070, 0.48586571],
+ [0.13131298, 0.45232121, 0.48661311],
+ [0.13271357, 0.45677333, 0.48734255],
+ [0.13414836, 0.46122752, 0.48805276],
+ [0.13561689, 0.46568407, 0.48874291],
+ [0.13711830, 0.47014339, 0.48941162],
+ [0.13865272, 0.47460568, 0.49005805],
+ [0.14021980, 0.47907130, 0.49068070],
+ [0.14182019, 0.48354041, 0.49127866],
+ [0.14345420, 0.48801325, 0.49185045],
+ [0.14512282, 0.49248997, 0.49239495],
+ [0.14682712, 0.49697072, 0.49291086],
+ [0.14856841, 0.50145560, 0.49339683],
+ [0.15034846, 0.50594468, 0.49385169],
+ [0.15216899, 0.51043801, 0.49427402],
+ [0.15403220, 0.51493558, 0.49466258],
+ [0.15594041, 0.51943739, 0.49501603],
+ [0.15789617, 0.52394338, 0.49533308],
+ [0.15990229, 0.52845347, 0.49561243],
+ [0.16196172, 0.53296753, 0.49585280],
+ [0.16407764, 0.53748543, 0.49605289],
+ [0.16625338, 0.54200698, 0.49621146],
+ [0.16849251, 0.54653198, 0.49632729],
+ [0.17079859, 0.55106019, 0.49639905],
+ [0.17317554, 0.55559133, 0.49642567],
+ [0.17562720, 0.56012511, 0.49640587],
+ [0.17815767, 0.56466120, 0.49633854],
+ [0.18077111, 0.56919921, 0.49622262],
+ [0.18347164, 0.57373877, 0.49605683],
+ [0.18626377, 0.57827942, 0.49584043],
+ [0.18915160, 0.58282075, 0.49557198],
+ [0.19213983, 0.58736218, 0.49525094],
+ [0.19523269, 0.59190326, 0.49487599],
+ [0.19843488, 0.59644335, 0.49444661],
+ [0.20175074, 0.60098189, 0.49396158],
+ [0.20518500, 0.60551819, 0.49342054],
+ [0.20874203, 0.61005160, 0.49282226],
+ [0.21242663, 0.61458132, 0.49216674],
+ [0.21624314, 0.61910667, 0.49145251],
+ [0.22019640, 0.62362671, 0.49067988],
+ [0.22429094, 0.62814060, 0.48984802],
+ [0.22853143, 0.63264740, 0.48895647],
+ [0.23292266, 0.63714606, 0.48800547],
+ [0.23746934, 0.64163552, 0.48699454],
+ [0.24217635, 0.64611466, 0.48592346],
+ [0.24704867, 0.65058219, 0.48479289],
+ [0.25209135, 0.65503679, 0.48360309],
+ [0.25730963, 0.65947702, 0.48235455],
+ [0.26270895, 0.66390135, 0.48104798],
+ [0.26829501, 0.66830810, 0.47968425],
+ [0.27407372, 0.67269546, 0.47826490],
+ [0.28005135, 0.67706143, 0.47679163],
+ [0.28623464, 0.68140387, 0.47526643],
+ [0.29263062, 0.68572040, 0.47369222],
+ [0.29924684, 0.69000842, 0.47207254],
+ [0.30609135, 0.69426508, 0.47041182],
+ [0.31317349, 0.69848719, 0.46871410],
+ [0.32050244, 0.70267126, 0.46698662],
+ [0.32808884, 0.70681337, 0.46523663],
+ [0.33594344, 0.71090919, 0.46347457],
+ [0.34407959, 0.71495378, 0.46171040],
+ [0.35250947, 0.71894177, 0.45996017],
+ [0.36124701, 0.72286709, 0.45824186],
+ [0.37030645, 0.72672304, 0.45657815],
+ [0.37970257, 0.73050215, 0.45499675],
+ [0.38944872, 0.73419640, 0.45353293],
+ [0.39955522, 0.73779741, 0.45223099],
+ [0.41002842, 0.74129661, 0.45114453],
+ [0.42086719, 0.74468593, 0.45033815],
+ [0.43205680, 0.74795904, 0.44988890],
+ [0.44356537, 0.75111263, 0.44988314],
+ [0.45533859, 0.75414821, 0.45041183],
+ [0.46729940, 0.75707342, 0.45156074],
+ [0.47935081, 0.75990276, 0.45339893],
+ [0.49138675, 0.76265642, 0.45596703],
+ [0.50330552, 0.76535785, 0.45927111],
+ [0.51502194, 0.76803071, 0.46328423],
+ [0.52647579, 0.77069582, 0.46795443],
+ [0.53763157, 0.77336989, 0.47321562],
+ [0.54847463, 0.77606527, 0.47899716],
+ [0.55900394, 0.77879091, 0.48522990],
+ [0.56923081, 0.78155203, 0.49185126],
+ [0.57917471, 0.78435082, 0.49880770],
+ [0.58884928, 0.78719044, 0.50604881],
+ [0.59827861, 0.79007012, 0.51353640],
+ [0.60748182, 0.79298977, 0.52123615],
+ [0.61647728, 0.79594881, 0.52911908],
+ [0.62528018, 0.79894712, 0.53715888],
+ [0.63391105, 0.80198211, 0.54533899],
+ [0.64237958, 0.80505441, 0.55363731],
+ [0.65070178, 0.80816201, 0.56204151],
+ [0.65888951, 0.81130390, 0.57053870],
+ [0.66695322, 0.81447927, 0.57911739],
+ [0.67490278, 0.81768720, 0.58776802],
+ [0.68274743, 0.82092672, 0.59648269],
+ [0.69049543, 0.82419697, 0.60525436],
+ [0.69815139, 0.82749841, 0.61407263],
+ [0.70572591, 0.83082877, 0.62293735],
+ [0.71322283, 0.83418844, 0.63184007],
+ [0.72064885, 0.83757644, 0.64077790],
+ [0.72800781, 0.84099289, 0.64974464],
+ [0.73530681, 0.84443629, 0.65874049],
+ [0.74254717, 0.84790770, 0.66775688],
+ [0.74973455, 0.85140603, 0.67679345],
+ [0.75687316, 0.85493080, 0.68584818],
+ [0.76396618, 0.85848188, 0.69491792],
+ [0.77101665, 0.86205916, 0.70399981],
+ [0.77802748, 0.86566254, 0.71309127],
+ [0.78500146, 0.86929190, 0.72218994],
+ [0.79194125, 0.87294712, 0.73129366],
+ [0.79884942, 0.87662809, 0.74040044],
+ [0.80572843, 0.88033470, 0.74950845],
+ [0.81258066, 0.88406685, 0.75861593],
+ [0.81940839, 0.88782442, 0.76772124],
+ [0.82621384, 0.89160734, 0.77682276],
+ [0.83299916, 0.89541550, 0.78591891],
+ [0.83976604, 0.89924907, 0.79500711],
+ [0.84651498, 0.90310887, 0.80408208],
+ [0.85324980, 0.90699381, 0.81314622],
+ [0.85997253, 0.91090383, 0.82219775],
+ [0.86668304, 0.91484012, 0.83122957],
+ [0.87338448, 0.91880198, 0.84024221],
+ [0.88007977, 0.92278885, 0.84923538],
+ [0.88676765, 0.92680271, 0.85819820],
+ [0.89345330, 0.93084171, 0.86713500],
+ [0.90013691, 0.93490708, 0.87603723],
+ [0.90682112, 0.93899862, 0.88490167],
+ [0.91350819, 0.94311645, 0.89372312],
+ [0.92019962, 0.94726127, 0.90249364],
+ [0.92689821, 0.95143309, 0.91120724],
+ [0.93360528, 0.95563293, 0.91985342],
+ [0.94032226, 0.95986183, 0.92842128],
+ [0.94705029, 0.96412099, 0.93689932],
+ [0.95378618, 0.96841412, 0.94526826],
+ [0.96052787, 0.97274377, 0.95351620],
+ [0.96726298, 0.97711767, 0.96161985],
+ [0.97397628, 0.98154351, 0.96956838],
+ [0.98064157, 0.98603270, 0.97735666],
+ [0.98722183, 0.99059962, 0.98499293],
+ [0.99368312, 0.99525397, 0.99251979],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
+ [0.99424109, 0.99505954, 0.99228529],
+ [0.98836492, 0.99020000, 0.98453168],
+ [0.98239087, 0.98542174, 0.97665676],
+ [0.97636000, 0.98071512, 0.96859208],
+ [0.97032215, 0.97606327, 0.96030562],
+ [0.96431976, 0.97144953, 0.95179257],
+ [0.95838211, 0.96686052, 0.94306671],
+ [0.95252591, 0.96228722, 0.93414776],
+ [0.94675995, 0.95772310, 0.92506190],
+ [0.94108715, 0.95316448, 0.91583032],
+ [0.93550756, 0.94860913, 0.90647087],
+ [0.93002000, 0.94405565, 0.89699805],
+ [0.92462287, 0.93950313, 0.88742350],
+ [0.91931464, 0.93495085, 0.87775638],
+ [0.91409404, 0.93039823, 0.86800370],
+ [0.90896019, 0.92584453, 0.85817253],
+ [0.90391252, 0.92128910, 0.84826784],
+ [0.89895082, 0.91673124, 0.83829375],
+ [0.89407522, 0.91217022, 0.82825325],
+ [0.88928614, 0.90760525, 0.81814872],
+ [0.88458421, 0.90303538, 0.80798331],
+ [0.87997032, 0.89845966, 0.79775935],
+ [0.87544552, 0.89387706, 0.78747892],
+ [0.87101102, 0.88928652, 0.77714400],
+ [0.86666829, 0.88468694, 0.76675557],
+ [0.86241921, 0.88007728, 0.75631230],
+ [0.85826505, 0.87545610, 0.74581947],
+ [0.85420756, 0.87082215, 0.73527849],
+ [0.85024943, 0.86617424, 0.72468532],
+ [0.84639173, 0.86151077, 0.71404773],
+ [0.84263736, 0.85683043, 0.70336190],
+ [0.83898783, 0.85213162, 0.69263315],
+ [0.83544617, 0.84741283, 0.68185873],
+ [0.83201374, 0.84267239, 0.67104494],
+ [0.82869406, 0.83790863, 0.66018791],
+ [0.82548878, 0.83311980, 0.64929288],
+ [0.82240024, 0.82830412, 0.63836201],
+ [0.81943099, 0.82345973, 0.62739678],
+ [0.81658410, 0.81858464, 0.61639726],
+ [0.81386138, 0.81367695, 0.60536820],
+ [0.81126517, 0.80873462, 0.59431259],
+ [0.80879770, 0.80375559, 0.58323368],
+ [0.80646107, 0.79873778, 0.57213533],
+ [0.80425769, 0.79367897, 0.56102051],
+ [0.80218927, 0.78857700, 0.54989425],
+ [0.80025682, 0.78342982, 0.53876331],
+ [0.79846129, 0.77823538, 0.52763430],
+ [0.79680534, 0.77299113, 0.51650962],
+ [0.79528710, 0.76769560, 0.50540230],
+ [0.79390865, 0.76234628, 0.49431581],
+ [0.79266757, 0.75694180, 0.48326340],
+ [0.79156341, 0.75148029, 0.47225343],
+ [0.79059448, 0.74596018, 0.46129650],
+ [0.78975723, 0.74038047, 0.45040623],
+ [0.78904800, 0.73474025, 0.43959559],
+ [0.78846209, 0.72903897, 0.42887873],
+ [0.78799373, 0.72327654, 0.41827079],
+ [0.78763603, 0.71745332, 0.40778776],
+ [0.78738107, 0.71157017, 0.39744626],
+ [0.78722078, 0.70562818, 0.38726208],
+ [0.78714452, 0.69962955, 0.37725360],
+ [0.78714162, 0.69357673, 0.36743787],
+ [0.78720174, 0.68747230, 0.35783028],
+ [0.78731219, 0.68132002, 0.34844799],
+ [0.78746158, 0.67512344, 0.33930514],
+ [0.78763735, 0.66888688, 0.33041597],
+ [0.78782790, 0.66261458, 0.32179234],
+ [0.78802126, 0.65631126, 0.31344530],
+ [0.78820651, 0.64998148, 0.30538359],
+ [0.78837299, 0.64362997, 0.29761459],
+ [0.78851106, 0.63726131, 0.29014374],
+ [0.78861179, 0.63087997, 0.28297485],
+ [0.78866732, 0.62449018, 0.27611004],
+ [0.78867042, 0.61809607, 0.26955010],
+ [0.78861521, 0.61170128, 0.26329421],
+ [0.78849615, 0.60530945, 0.25734063],
+ [0.78830913, 0.59892362, 0.25168625],
+ [0.78805021, 0.59254688, 0.24632732],
+ [0.78771679, 0.58618165, 0.24125900],
+ [0.78730618, 0.57983053, 0.23647607],
+ [0.78681707, 0.57349537, 0.23197249],
+ [0.78624787, 0.56717824, 0.22774192],
+ [0.78559802, 0.56088065, 0.22377754],
+ [0.78486719, 0.55460397, 0.22007225],
+ [0.78405488, 0.54834969, 0.21661869],
+ [0.78316166, 0.54211865, 0.21340930],
+ [0.78218790, 0.53591181, 0.21043640],
+ [0.78113405, 0.52973004, 0.20769212],
+ [0.78000088, 0.52357401, 0.20516858],
+ [0.77878939, 0.51744421, 0.20285786],
+ [0.77750055, 0.51134110, 0.20075202],
+ [0.77613541, 0.50526507, 0.19884312],
+ [0.77469507, 0.49921643, 0.19712326],
+ [0.77318063, 0.49319549, 0.19558456],
+ [0.77159340, 0.48720234, 0.19421934],
+ [0.76993458, 0.48123711, 0.19301995],
+ [0.76820540, 0.47529987, 0.19197890],
+ [0.76640711, 0.46939068, 0.19108882],
+ [0.76454093, 0.46350953, 0.19034250],
+ [0.76260807, 0.45765639, 0.18973292],
+ [0.76060976, 0.45183120, 0.18925324],
+ [0.75854716, 0.44603388, 0.18889684],
+ [0.75642146, 0.44026433, 0.18865728],
+ [0.75423380, 0.43452242, 0.18852836],
+ [0.75198528, 0.42880801, 0.18850411],
+ [0.74967701, 0.42312096, 0.18857878],
+ [0.74731004, 0.41746108, 0.18874685],
+ [0.74488540, 0.41182822, 0.18900305],
+ [0.74240409, 0.40622219, 0.18934232],
+ [0.73986709, 0.40064279, 0.18975986],
+ [0.73727532, 0.39508982, 0.19025110],
+ [0.73462969, 0.38956310, 0.19081168],
+ [0.73193106, 0.38406240, 0.19143748],
+ [0.72918028, 0.37858754, 0.19212460],
+ [0.72637815, 0.37313829, 0.19286934],
+ [0.72352543, 0.36771447, 0.19366823],
+ [0.72062287, 0.36231585, 0.19451799],
+ [0.71767117, 0.35694224, 0.19541554],
+ [0.71467098, 0.35159344, 0.19635798],
+ [0.71162295, 0.34626927, 0.19734258],
+ [0.70852766, 0.34096955, 0.19836680],
+ [0.70538569, 0.33569410, 0.19942826],
+ [0.70219754, 0.33044275, 0.20052472],
+ [0.69896371, 0.32521536, 0.20165411],
+ [0.69568466, 0.32001179, 0.20281449],
+ [0.69236079, 0.31483192, 0.20400406],
+ [0.68899248, 0.30967565, 0.20522112],
+ [0.68558008, 0.30454289, 0.20646413],
+ [0.68212387, 0.29943358, 0.20773166],
+ [0.67862413, 0.29434767, 0.20902237],
+ [0.67508106, 0.28928517, 0.21033499],
+ [0.67149484, 0.28424611, 0.21166835],
+ [0.66786559, 0.27923055, 0.21302135],
+ [0.66419341, 0.27423859, 0.21439300],
+ [0.66047834, 0.26927038, 0.21578233],
+ [0.65672036, 0.26432611, 0.21718845],
+ [0.65291947, 0.25940596, 0.21861078],
+ [0.64907553, 0.25451028, 0.22004835],
+ [0.64518838, 0.24963947, 0.22150036],
+ [0.64125782, 0.24479398, 0.22296605],
+ [0.63728364, 0.23997419, 0.22444517],
+ [0.63326548, 0.23518083, 0.22593664],
+ [0.62920295, 0.23041463, 0.22743971],
+ [0.62509570, 0.22567623, 0.22895434],
+ [0.62094315, 0.22096673, 0.23047916],
+ [0.61674480, 0.21628708, 0.23201392],
+ [0.61250000, 0.21163854, 0.23355763],
+ [0.60820808, 0.20702239, 0.23510975],
+ [0.60386826, 0.20244025, 0.23666911],
+ [0.59947975, 0.19789371, 0.23823533],
+ [0.59504160, 0.19338482, 0.23980685],
+ [0.59055285, 0.18891564, 0.24138288],
+ [0.58601246, 0.18448856, 0.24296231],
+ [0.58141927, 0.18010629, 0.24454350],
+ [0.57677209, 0.17577177, 0.24612495],
+ [0.57206964, 0.17148824, 0.24770502],
+ [0.56731054, 0.16725931, 0.24928179],
+ [0.56249336, 0.16308892, 0.25085316],
+ [0.55761660, 0.15898140, 0.25241661],
+ [0.55267868, 0.15494150, 0.25396947],
+ [0.54767798, 0.15097434, 0.25550864],
+ [0.54261283, 0.14708548, 0.25703063],
+ [0.53748153, 0.14328089, 0.25853158],
+ [0.53228237, 0.13956693, 0.26000714],
+ [0.52701358, 0.13595036, 0.26145292],
+ [0.52167349, 0.13243826, 0.26286350],
+ [0.51626048, 0.12903801, 0.26423296],
+ [0.51077291, 0.12575719, 0.26555552],
+ [0.50520944, 0.12260342, 0.26682384],
+ [0.49956870, 0.11958437, 0.26803101],
+ [0.49384968, 0.11670740, 0.26916888],
+ [0.48805158, 0.11397950, 0.27022906],
+ [0.48217382, 0.11140716, 0.27120303],
+ [0.47621632, 0.10899588, 0.27208136],
+ [0.47017933, 0.10675016, 0.27285463],
+ [0.46406357, 0.10467320, 0.27351326],
+ [0.45787023, 0.10276671, 0.27404762],
+ [0.45160101, 0.10103069, 0.27444823],
+ [0.44525817, 0.09946330, 0.27470583],
+ [0.43884451, 0.09806082, 0.27481170],
+ [0.43236329, 0.09681766, 0.27475772],
+ [0.42581830, 0.09572641, 0.27453659],
+ [0.41921374, 0.09477799, 0.27414193],
+ [0.41255420, 0.09396185, 0.27356841],
+ [0.40584463, 0.09326613, 0.27281175],
+ [0.39909010, 0.09267823, 0.27186898],
+ [0.39229586, 0.09218490, 0.27073831],
+ [0.38546731, 0.09177238, 0.26941900],
+ [0.37860984, 0.09142696, 0.26791149],
+ [0.37172853, 0.09113546, 0.26621743],
+ [0.36482885, 0.09088432, 0.26433903],
+ [0.35791540, 0.09066163, 0.26227986],
+ [0.35099313, 0.09045533, 0.26004381],
+ [0.34406650, 0.09025454, 0.25763556],
+ [0.33713958, 0.09004941, 0.25506035],
+ [0.33021632, 0.08983073, 0.25232371],
+ [0.32330037, 0.08959019, 0.24943149],
+ [0.31639505, 0.08932038, 0.24638975],
+ [0.30950337, 0.08901475, 0.24320470],
+ [0.30262805, 0.08866755, 0.23988257],
+ [0.29577147, 0.08827381, 0.23642961],
+ [0.28893574, 0.08782924, 0.23285200],
+ [0.28212338, 0.08732934, 0.22915580],
+ [0.27533542, 0.08677173, 0.22534696],
+ [0.26857379, 0.08615309, 0.22143128],
+ [0.26183947, 0.08547151, 0.21741433],
+ [0.25513403, 0.08472445, 0.21330158],
+ [0.24845792, 0.08391090, 0.20909815],
+ [0.24181201, 0.08302940, 0.20480902],
+ [0.23519734, 0.08207836, 0.20043906],
+ [0.22861400, 0.08105738, 0.19599271],
+ [0.22206236, 0.07996572, 0.19147429],
+ [0.21554266, 0.07880284, 0.18688790],
+ [0.20905499, 0.07756832, 0.18223739],
+ [0.20259933, 0.07626186, 0.17752642],
+ [0.19617552, 0.07488328, 0.17275841],
+ [0.18978352, 0.07343221, 0.16793665],
+ [0.18342297, 0.07190857, 0.16306416],
+ [0.17709324, 0.07031248, 0.15814365],
+ [0.17079372, 0.06864393, 0.15317769],
+ [0.16452442, 0.06690221, 0.14816900],
+ [0.15828396, 0.06508789, 0.14311947],
+ [0.15207189, 0.06320047, 0.13803130],
+ [0.14588721, 0.06123987, 0.13290628],
+ [0.13972898, 0.05920577, 0.12774609],
+ [0.13359595, 0.05709801, 0.12255209],
+ [0.12748726, 0.05491583, 0.11732577],
+ [0.12140114, 0.05265915, 0.11206790],
+ [0.11533645, 0.05032704, 0.10677955],
+ [0.10929162, 0.04791872, 0.10146140],
+ [0.10326470, 0.04543345, 0.09611373],
+ [0.09725382, 0.04287010, 0.09073675],
+ [0.09125697, 0.04022385, 0.08533050],
+ [0.08527201, 0.03751746, 0.07989478],
+ [0.07929616, 0.03484313, 0.07442882],
+ [0.07332664, 0.03220771, 0.06893169],
+ [0.06736028, 0.02961813, 0.06340211],
+ [0.06139357, 0.02708138, 0.05783834],
+ [0.05542251, 0.02460454, 0.05223818],
+ [0.04944255, 0.02219479, 0.04659884],
+ [0.04344847, 0.01985942, 0.04091682],
+ [0.03745030, 0.01760590, 0.03530297],
+ [0.03184208, 0.01544185, 0.03011323],
+ [0.02672848, 0.01337514, 0.02535235],
+ [0.02209632, 0.01141388, 0.02101538],
+ [0.01793276, 0.00956667, 0.01709702],
+ [0.01422581, 0.00784255, 0.01359203],
+ [0.01096425, 0.00625118, 0.01049526],
+ [0.00813783, 0.00480306, 0.00780181],
+ [0.00573749, 0.00350989, 0.00550729],
+ [0.00375552, 0.00238512, 0.00360794],
+ [0.00218654, 0.00144479, 0.00210158],
+ [0.00102891, 0.00070937, 0.00098895],
+ [0.00028859, 0.00020827, 0.00027725],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.seasons', N=510)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.seasons", N=510)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
# Determine central value index of the colormap
-idx = len(cm_data)//2
+idx = len(cm_data) // 2
# Shift the entire colormap by this index
cm_data_s = list(cm_data[idx:])
# Create ListedColormap object for this shifted version
-cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name='cmr.seasons_s', N=510)
+cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name="cmr.seasons_s", N=510)
cmap_s_r = cmap_s.reversed()
# Register shifted versions in MPL as well
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/seaweed/seaweed.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/seaweed/seaweed.jscm
index 521e1039..eb031d80 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/seaweed/seaweed.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/seaweed/seaweed.jscm
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/seaweed/seaweed.py b/cmasher/colormaps/seaweed/seaweed.py
index 1ba52e69..cda195e0 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/seaweed/seaweed.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/seaweed/seaweed.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.56895383, 0.94578930, 0.98486957],
- [0.56386975, 0.94121572, 0.98258388],
- [0.55880703, 0.93665230, 0.98030983],
- [0.55376595, 0.93209886, 0.97804728],
- [0.54874679, 0.92755521, 0.97579612],
- [0.54374984, 0.92302117, 0.97355622],
- [0.53877538, 0.91849656, 0.97132762],
- [0.53382379, 0.91398121, 0.96910998],
- [0.52889544, 0.90947493, 0.96690316],
- [0.52399068, 0.90497755, 0.96470700],
- [0.51910985, 0.90048887, 0.96252157],
- [0.51425342, 0.89600873, 0.96034649],
- [0.50942180, 0.89153694, 0.95818155],
- [0.50461542, 0.88707330, 0.95602676],
- [0.49983476, 0.88261765, 0.95388187],
- [0.49508032, 0.87816982, 0.95174655],
- [0.49035258, 0.87372959, 0.94962085],
- [0.48565211, 0.86929680, 0.94750440],
- [0.48097945, 0.86487127, 0.94539696],
- [0.47633517, 0.86045280, 0.94329851],
- [0.47171991, 0.85604124, 0.94120851],
- [0.46713426, 0.85163635, 0.93912714],
- [0.46257892, 0.84723800, 0.93705370],
- [0.45805454, 0.84284597, 0.93498838],
- [0.45356187, 0.83846010, 0.93293047],
- [0.44910162, 0.83408018, 0.93088016],
- [0.44467458, 0.82970605, 0.92883676],
- [0.44028155, 0.82533750, 0.92680025],
- [0.43592336, 0.82097436, 0.92477020],
- [0.43160087, 0.81661645, 0.92274623],
- [0.42731498, 0.81226355, 0.92072829],
- [0.42306662, 0.80791551, 0.91871576],
- [0.41885674, 0.80357214, 0.91670829],
- [0.41468636, 0.79923321, 0.91470581],
- [0.41055650, 0.79489858, 0.91270769],
- [0.40646820, 0.79056806, 0.91071353],
- [0.40242258, 0.78624145, 0.90872295],
- [0.39842079, 0.78191854, 0.90673569],
- [0.39446398, 0.77759918, 0.90475118],
- [0.39055336, 0.77328316, 0.90276895],
- [0.38669017, 0.76897031, 0.90078854],
- [0.38287568, 0.76466043, 0.89880947],
- [0.37911120, 0.76035335, 0.89683123],
- [0.37539808, 0.75604886, 0.89485330],
- [0.37173770, 0.75174680, 0.89287513],
- [0.36813148, 0.74744696, 0.89089615],
- [0.36458084, 0.74314918, 0.88891578],
- [0.36108727, 0.73885326, 0.88693338],
- [0.35765225, 0.73455903, 0.88494832],
- [0.35427732, 0.73026632, 0.88295991],
- [0.35096400, 0.72597493, 0.88096747],
- [0.34771388, 0.72168471, 0.87897025],
- [0.34452860, 0.71739544, 0.87696766],
- [0.34140971, 0.71310698, 0.87495878],
- [0.33835879, 0.70881917, 0.87294276],
- [0.33537746, 0.70453185, 0.87091878],
- [0.33246747, 0.70024480, 0.86888614],
- [0.32963027, 0.69595793, 0.86684369],
- [0.32686753, 0.69167106, 0.86479058],
- [0.32418090, 0.68738402, 0.86272586],
- [0.32157182, 0.68309670, 0.86064838],
- [0.31904200, 0.67880892, 0.85855725],
- [0.31659276, 0.67452060, 0.85645116],
- [0.31422570, 0.67023157, 0.85432910],
- [0.31194218, 0.66594173, 0.85218981],
- [0.30974343, 0.66165100, 0.85003194],
- [0.30763097, 0.65735922, 0.84785440],
- [0.30560579, 0.65306634, 0.84565568],
- [0.30366899, 0.64877230, 0.84343437],
- [0.30182158, 0.64447702, 0.84118902],
- [0.30006451, 0.64018042, 0.83891818],
- [0.29839851, 0.63588249, 0.83662023],
- [0.29682415, 0.63158321, 0.83429353],
- [0.29534188, 0.62728259, 0.83193639],
- [0.29395203, 0.62298064, 0.82954706],
- [0.29265471, 0.61867740, 0.82712373],
- [0.29144987, 0.61437293, 0.82466453],
- [0.29033727, 0.61006731, 0.82216755],
- [0.28931655, 0.60576065, 0.81963085],
- [0.28838692, 0.60145310, 0.81705234],
- [0.28754744, 0.59714485, 0.81442993],
- [0.28679697, 0.59283609, 0.81176148],
- [0.28613436, 0.58852701, 0.80904491],
- [0.28555767, 0.58421796, 0.80627791],
- [0.28506514, 0.57990921, 0.80345829],
- [0.28465461, 0.57560111, 0.80058378],
- [0.28432356, 0.57129406, 0.79765210],
- [0.28406935, 0.56698850, 0.79466098],
- [0.28388899, 0.56268490, 0.79160819],
- [0.28377907, 0.55838381, 0.78849144],
- [0.28373633, 0.55408575, 0.78530861],
- [0.28375675, 0.54979137, 0.78205753],
- [0.28383628, 0.54550134, 0.77873614],
- [0.28397071, 0.54121633, 0.77534252],
- [0.28415552, 0.53693710, 0.77187481],
- [0.28438589, 0.53266445, 0.76833133],
- [0.28465691, 0.52839918, 0.76471055],
- [0.28496349, 0.52414215, 0.76101112],
- [0.28530039, 0.51989423, 0.75723191],
- [0.28566228, 0.51565633, 0.75337201],
- [0.28604375, 0.51142934, 0.74943074],
- [0.28643934, 0.50721420, 0.74540771],
- [0.28684359, 0.50301182, 0.74130278],
- [0.28725110, 0.49882312, 0.73711611],
- [0.28765652, 0.49464897, 0.73284813],
- [0.28805465, 0.49049024, 0.72849958],
- [0.28844043, 0.48634777, 0.72407149],
- [0.28880899, 0.48222235, 0.71956516],
- [0.28915570, 0.47811472, 0.71498217],
- [0.28947616, 0.47402556, 0.71032435],
- [0.28976620, 0.46995551, 0.70559379],
- [0.29002201, 0.46590514, 0.70079278],
- [0.29024012, 0.46187492, 0.69592380],
- [0.29041739, 0.45786528, 0.69098948],
- [0.29055080, 0.45387660, 0.68599266],
- [0.29063788, 0.44990914, 0.68093625],
- [0.29067657, 0.44596310, 0.67582315],
- [0.29066460, 0.44203869, 0.67065661],
- [0.29060083, 0.43813590, 0.66543949],
- [0.29048347, 0.43425483, 0.66017515],
- [0.29031191, 0.43039538, 0.65486646],
- [0.29008514, 0.42655748, 0.64951661],
- [0.28980260, 0.42274100, 0.64412867],
- [0.28946412, 0.41894571, 0.63870549],
- [0.28906954, 0.41517140, 0.63325000],
- [0.28861886, 0.41141780, 0.62776504],
- [0.28811230, 0.40768461, 0.62225333],
- [0.28755020, 0.40397150, 0.61671753],
- [0.28693303, 0.40027813, 0.61116014],
- [0.28626141, 0.39660410, 0.60558358],
- [0.28553606, 0.39294904, 0.59999014],
- [0.28475776, 0.38931252, 0.59438199],
- [0.28392740, 0.38569413, 0.58876116],
- [0.28304551, 0.38209349, 0.58312997],
- [0.28211340, 0.37851012, 0.57748994],
- [0.28113191, 0.37494360, 0.57184298],
- [0.28010194, 0.37139349, 0.56619084],
- [0.27902460, 0.36785937, 0.56053501],
- [0.27790092, 0.36434077, 0.55487694],
- [0.27673171, 0.36083730, 0.54921829],
- [0.27551826, 0.35734849, 0.54356006],
- [0.27426154, 0.35387393, 0.53790354],
- [0.27296233, 0.35041320, 0.53225014],
- [0.27162179, 0.34696588, 0.52660078],
- [0.27024091, 0.34353156, 0.52095642],
- [0.26882066, 0.34010982, 0.51531804],
- [0.26736198, 0.33670027, 0.50968652],
- [0.26586579, 0.33330252, 0.50406268],
- [0.26433300, 0.32991617, 0.49844727],
- [0.26276452, 0.32654085, 0.49284099],
- [0.26116118, 0.32317620, 0.48724454],
- [0.25952369, 0.31982184, 0.48165870],
- [0.25785306, 0.31647741, 0.47608378],
- [0.25615011, 0.31314255, 0.47052025],
- [0.25441549, 0.30981692, 0.46496876],
- [0.25264988, 0.30650019, 0.45942985],
- [0.25085427, 0.30319200, 0.45390353],
- [0.24902902, 0.29989205, 0.44839071],
- [0.24717509, 0.29659999, 0.44289123],
- [0.24529292, 0.29331553, 0.43740577],
- [0.24338335, 0.29003833, 0.43193426],
- [0.24144672, 0.28676811, 0.42647740],
- [0.23948392, 0.28350454, 0.42103488],
- [0.23749522, 0.28024734, 0.41560743],
- [0.23548132, 0.27699621, 0.41019493],
- [0.23344281, 0.27375086, 0.40479743],
- [0.23138002, 0.27051101, 0.39941537],
- [0.22929346, 0.26727637, 0.39404881],
- [0.22718368, 0.26404667, 0.38869767],
- [0.22505111, 0.26082162, 0.38336206],
- [0.22289615, 0.25760095, 0.37804208],
- [0.22071916, 0.25438439, 0.37273786],
- [0.21852051, 0.25117168, 0.36744949],
- [0.21630063, 0.24796254, 0.36217684],
- [0.21405985, 0.24475672, 0.35691994],
- [0.21179852, 0.24155394, 0.35167878],
- [0.20951695, 0.23835394, 0.34645333],
- [0.20721544, 0.23515646, 0.34124357],
- [0.20489427, 0.23196124, 0.33604944],
- [0.20255371, 0.22876802, 0.33087087],
- [0.20019400, 0.22557654, 0.32570782],
- [0.19781533, 0.22238653, 0.32056036],
- [0.19541799, 0.21919773, 0.31542823],
- [0.19300218, 0.21600988, 0.31031131],
- [0.19056810, 0.21282271, 0.30520947],
- [0.18811594, 0.20963597, 0.30012257],
- [0.18564581, 0.20644937, 0.29505062],
- [0.18315781, 0.20326265, 0.28999356],
- [0.18065219, 0.20007554, 0.28495099],
- [0.17812907, 0.19688776, 0.27992272],
- [0.17558842, 0.19369904, 0.27490892],
- [0.17303042, 0.19050908, 0.26990920],
- [0.17045520, 0.18731761, 0.26492320],
- [0.16786267, 0.18412432, 0.25995112],
- [0.16525298, 0.18092894, 0.25499249],
- [0.16262619, 0.17773115, 0.25004698],
- [0.15998215, 0.17453064, 0.24511484],
- [0.15732108, 0.17132711, 0.24019523],
- [0.15464274, 0.16812022, 0.23528848],
- [0.15194729, 0.16490966, 0.23039385],
- [0.14923453, 0.16169508, 0.22551145],
- [0.14650450, 0.15847614, 0.22064069],
- [0.14375701, 0.15525248, 0.21578158],
- [0.14099209, 0.15202374, 0.21093349],
- [0.13820945, 0.14878954, 0.20609652],
- [0.13540914, 0.14554949, 0.20126983],
- [0.13259079, 0.14230318, 0.19645369],
- [0.12975439, 0.13905020, 0.19164720],
- [0.12689965, 0.13579012, 0.18685026],
- [0.12402633, 0.13252249, 0.18206251],
- [0.12113427, 0.12924684, 0.17728328],
- [0.11822306, 0.12596269, 0.17251255],
- [0.11529247, 0.12266952, 0.16774961],
- [0.11234219, 0.11936682, 0.16299391],
- [0.10937178, 0.11605402, 0.15824528],
- [0.10638087, 0.11273054, 0.15350305],
- [0.10336907, 0.10939579, 0.14876655],
- [0.10033589, 0.10604911, 0.14403530],
- [0.09728075, 0.10268982, 0.13930894],
- [0.09420317, 0.09931722, 0.13458657],
- [0.09110255, 0.09593055, 0.12986751],
- [0.08797823, 0.09252901, 0.12515108],
- [0.08482944, 0.08911176, 0.12043677],
- [0.08165547, 0.08567788, 0.11572357],
- [0.07845549, 0.08222641, 0.11101061],
- [0.07522859, 0.07875633, 0.10629697],
- [0.07197377, 0.07526652, 0.10158170],
- [0.06868996, 0.07175580, 0.09686375],
- [0.06537593, 0.06822288, 0.09214213],
- [0.06203045, 0.06466637, 0.08741545],
- [0.05865209, 0.06108477, 0.08268237],
- [0.05523929, 0.05747644, 0.07794145],
- [0.05179035, 0.05383959, 0.07319110],
- [0.04830336, 0.05017225, 0.06842958],
- [0.04477621, 0.04647226, 0.06365495],
- [0.04120655, 0.04273722, 0.05886508],
- [0.03760367, 0.03895554, 0.05405760],
- [0.03413181, 0.03526841, 0.04922982],
- [0.03080984, 0.03175438, 0.04437873],
- [0.02763951, 0.02841392, 0.03949145],
- [0.02462270, 0.02524760, 0.03474625],
- [0.02176139, 0.02225617, 0.03032120],
- [0.01905775, 0.01944055, 0.02621164],
- [0.01651413, 0.01680184, 0.02241310],
- [0.01413310, 0.01434141, 0.01892129],
- [0.01191752, 0.01206089, 0.01573220],
- [0.00987059, 0.00996225, 0.01284206],
- [0.00799593, 0.00804789, 0.01024745],
- [0.00629773, 0.00632073, 0.00794537],
- [0.00478089, 0.00478437, 0.00593333],
- [0.00345128, 0.00344338, 0.00420961],
- [0.00231620, 0.00230361, 0.00277352],
- [0.00138507, 0.00137296, 0.00162600],
- [0.00067095, 0.00066271, 0.00077085],
- [0.00019422, 0.00019111, 0.00021801],
- [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00020697, 0.00019319, 0.00015064],
- [0.00071850, 0.00067188, 0.00050625],
- [0.00148836, 0.00139629, 0.00101895],
- [0.00249411, 0.00235040, 0.00166547],
- [0.00371991, 0.00352518, 0.00243075],
- [0.00515301, 0.00491508, 0.00330407],
- [0.00678244, 0.00651659, 0.00427743],
- [0.00859844, 0.00832749, 0.00534470],
- [0.01059209, 0.01034650, 0.00650110],
- [0.01275517, 0.01257298, 0.00774287],
- [0.01508002, 0.01500676, 0.00906704],
- [0.01755949, 0.01764806, 0.01047122],
- [0.02018686, 0.02049736, 0.01195353],
- [0.02295578, 0.02355537, 0.01351242],
- [0.02586033, 0.02682294, 0.01514673],
- [0.02889486, 0.03030111, 0.01685540],
- [0.03205406, 0.03399100, 0.01863764],
- [0.03533289, 0.03789383, 0.02049279],
- [0.03872659, 0.04196773, 0.02242030],
- [0.04217872, 0.04601566, 0.02441974],
- [0.04555743, 0.05003522, 0.02649069],
- [0.04887329, 0.05402876, 0.02863281],
- [0.05212920, 0.05799834, 0.03084584],
- [0.05532777, 0.06194584, 0.03312947],
- [0.05847142, 0.06587296, 0.03548345],
- [0.06156235, 0.06978122, 0.03790755],
- [0.06460262, 0.07367200, 0.04040157],
- [0.06759412, 0.07754654, 0.04287963],
- [0.07053851, 0.08140606, 0.04533580],
- [0.07343748, 0.08525157, 0.04777207],
- [0.07629244, 0.08908410, 0.05018930],
- [0.07910481, 0.09290454, 0.05258851],
- [0.08187581, 0.09671377, 0.05497037],
- [0.08460672, 0.10051254, 0.05733578],
- [0.08729854, 0.10430163, 0.05968528],
- [0.08995234, 0.10808172, 0.06201951],
- [0.09256912, 0.11185344, 0.06433911],
- [0.09514971, 0.11561744, 0.06664450],
- [0.09769494, 0.11937428, 0.06893616],
- [0.10020561, 0.12312452, 0.07121454],
- [0.10268247, 0.12686865, 0.07348006],
- [0.10512619, 0.13060718, 0.07573309],
- [0.10753739, 0.13434057, 0.07797395],
- [0.10991666, 0.13806926, 0.08020294],
- [0.11226456, 0.14179369, 0.08242036],
- [0.11458160, 0.14551424, 0.08462648],
- [0.11686828, 0.14923132, 0.08682155],
- [0.11912504, 0.15294527, 0.08900579],
- [0.12135232, 0.15665646, 0.09117943],
- [0.12355049, 0.16036523, 0.09334265],
- [0.12571996, 0.16407188, 0.09549567],
- [0.12786107, 0.16777673, 0.09763865],
- [0.12997412, 0.17148010, 0.09977172],
- [0.13205940, 0.17518226, 0.10189504],
- [0.13411718, 0.17888350, 0.10400873],
- [0.13614773, 0.18258409, 0.10611291],
- [0.13815136, 0.18628425, 0.10820777],
- [0.14012821, 0.18998426, 0.11029335],
- [0.14207847, 0.19368438, 0.11236973],
- [0.14400236, 0.19738482, 0.11443703],
- [0.14590010, 0.20108579, 0.11649537],
- [0.14777176, 0.20478755, 0.11854474],
- [0.14961751, 0.20849029, 0.12058525],
- [0.15143754, 0.21219419, 0.12261699],
- [0.15323187, 0.21589951, 0.12463995],
- [0.15500067, 0.21960639, 0.12665422],
- [0.15674402, 0.22331504, 0.12865984],
- [0.15846194, 0.22702567, 0.13065680],
- [0.16015463, 0.23073840, 0.13264522],
- [0.16182200, 0.23445346, 0.13462501],
- [0.16346421, 0.23817098, 0.13659629],
- [0.16508121, 0.24189116, 0.13855900],
- [0.16667310, 0.24561414, 0.14051320],
- [0.16823984, 0.24934008, 0.14245885],
- [0.16978147, 0.25306913, 0.14439598],
- [0.17129797, 0.25680145, 0.14632457],
- [0.17278935, 0.26053718, 0.14824461],
- [0.17425557, 0.26427647, 0.15015608],
- [0.17569664, 0.26801945, 0.15205898],
- [0.17711247, 0.27176627, 0.15395325],
- [0.17850307, 0.27551705, 0.15583890],
- [0.17986834, 0.27927193, 0.15771585],
- [0.18120829, 0.28303103, 0.15958412],
- [0.18252277, 0.28679449, 0.16144360],
- [0.18381180, 0.29056242, 0.16329431],
- [0.18507521, 0.29433495, 0.16513615],
- [0.18631298, 0.29811219, 0.16696909],
- [0.18752499, 0.30189426, 0.16879306],
- [0.18871111, 0.30568128, 0.17060798],
- [0.18987132, 0.30947334, 0.17241382],
- [0.19100541, 0.31327058, 0.17421046],
- [0.19211332, 0.31707308, 0.17599786],
- [0.19319491, 0.32088096, 0.17777593],
- [0.19425003, 0.32469433, 0.17954455],
- [0.19527859, 0.32851326, 0.18130368],
- [0.19628040, 0.33233788, 0.18305319],
- [0.19725533, 0.33616828, 0.18479298],
- [0.19820323, 0.34000455, 0.18652296],
- [0.19912392, 0.34384679, 0.18824301],
- [0.20001726, 0.34769508, 0.18995302],
- [0.20088307, 0.35154952, 0.19165286],
- [0.20172116, 0.35541020, 0.19334241],
- [0.20253138, 0.35927720, 0.19502154],
- [0.20331352, 0.36315061, 0.19669012],
- [0.20406740, 0.36703051, 0.19834800],
- [0.20479282, 0.37091699, 0.19999504],
- [0.20548959, 0.37481011, 0.20163109],
- [0.20615750, 0.37870997, 0.20325598],
- [0.20679635, 0.38261664, 0.20486955],
- [0.20740594, 0.38653018, 0.20647165],
- [0.20798603, 0.39045069, 0.20806208],
- [0.20853643, 0.39437821, 0.20964067],
- [0.20905690, 0.39831284, 0.21120724],
- [0.20954722, 0.40225463, 0.21276157],
- [0.21000720, 0.40620364, 0.21430350],
- [0.21043655, 0.41015996, 0.21583278],
- [0.21083510, 0.41412363, 0.21734922],
- [0.21120261, 0.41809472, 0.21885260],
- [0.21153882, 0.42207329, 0.22034268],
- [0.21184357, 0.42605938, 0.22181924],
- [0.21211652, 0.43005308, 0.22328199],
- [0.21235755, 0.43405441, 0.22473074],
- [0.21256639, 0.43806343, 0.22616519],
- [0.21274279, 0.44208020, 0.22758508],
- [0.21288663, 0.44610475, 0.22899016],
- [0.21299752, 0.45013715, 0.23038007],
- [0.21307544, 0.45417741, 0.23175461],
- [0.21312003, 0.45822559, 0.23311339],
- [0.21313121, 0.46228173, 0.23445615],
- [0.21310872, 0.46634585, 0.23578254],
- [0.21305240, 0.47041800, 0.23709224],
- [0.21296211, 0.47449819, 0.23838490],
- [0.21283762, 0.47858647, 0.23966014],
- [0.21267891, 0.48268283, 0.24091764],
- [0.21248571, 0.48678734, 0.24215696],
- [0.21225808, 0.49089997, 0.24337778],
- [0.21199575, 0.49502077, 0.24457961],
- [0.21169885, 0.49914973, 0.24576212],
- [0.21136719, 0.50328687, 0.24692481],
- [0.21100088, 0.50743218, 0.24806729],
- [0.21059989, 0.51158567, 0.24918907],
- [0.21016426, 0.51574734, 0.25028968],
- [0.20969424, 0.51991715, 0.25136868],
- [0.20918971, 0.52409515, 0.25242546],
- [0.20865122, 0.52828125, 0.25345965],
- [0.20807868, 0.53247549, 0.25447057],
- [0.20747262, 0.53667781, 0.25545777],
- [0.20683348, 0.54088816, 0.25642071],
- [0.20616137, 0.54510656, 0.25735864],
- [0.20545721, 0.54933290, 0.25827113],
- [0.20472152, 0.55356716, 0.25915753],
- [0.20395477, 0.55780930, 0.26001707],
- [0.20315812, 0.56205922, 0.26084925],
- [0.20233248, 0.56631684, 0.26165339],
- [0.20147859, 0.57058214, 0.26242862],
- [0.20059794, 0.57485500, 0.26317436],
- [0.19969193, 0.57913529, 0.26388989],
- [0.19876208, 0.58342294, 0.26457444],
- [0.19780982, 0.58771785, 0.26522710],
- [0.19683726, 0.59201988, 0.26584716],
- [0.19584656, 0.59632889, 0.26643382],
- [0.19484008, 0.60064473, 0.26698623],
- [0.19382040, 0.60496724, 0.26750351],
- [0.19279039, 0.60929627, 0.26798477],
- [0.19175317, 0.61363164, 0.26842906],
- [0.19071216, 0.61797316, 0.26883542],
- [0.18967131, 0.62232060, 0.26920296],
- [0.18863480, 0.62667375, 0.26953070],
- [0.18760720, 0.63103238, 0.26981765],
- [0.18659349, 0.63539622, 0.27006278],
- [0.18559909, 0.63976501, 0.27026507],
- [0.18462988, 0.64413847, 0.27042348],
- [0.18369221, 0.64851629, 0.27053695],
- [0.18279291, 0.65289815, 0.27060442],
- [0.18193923, 0.65728373, 0.27062473],
- [0.18113908, 0.66167266, 0.27059683],
- [0.18040090, 0.66606455, 0.27051968],
- [0.17973362, 0.67045901, 0.27039219],
- [0.17914666, 0.67485561, 0.27021328],
- [0.17864991, 0.67925392, 0.26998191],
- [0.17825354, 0.68365350, 0.26969688],
- [0.17796837, 0.68805386, 0.26935721],
- [0.17780567, 0.69245449, 0.26896199],
- [0.17777682, 0.69685486, 0.26851024],
- [0.17789306, 0.70125447, 0.26800080],
- [0.17816638, 0.70565274, 0.26743301],
- [0.17860845, 0.71004908, 0.26680607],
- [0.17923045, 0.71444295, 0.26611895],
- [0.18004387, 0.71883370, 0.26537122],
- [0.18105939, 0.72322073, 0.26456221],
- [0.18228709, 0.72760343, 0.26369128],
- [0.18373660, 0.73198114, 0.26275823],
- [0.18541627, 0.73635327, 0.26176250],
- [0.18733385, 0.74071914, 0.26070413],
- [0.18949565, 0.74507816, 0.25958292],
- [0.19190693, 0.74942970, 0.25839900],
- [0.19457156, 0.75377313, 0.25715255],
- [0.19749207, 0.75810789, 0.25584391],
- [0.20066962, 0.76243340, 0.25447357],
- [0.20410395, 0.76674911, 0.25304214],
- [0.20779347, 0.77105451, 0.25155039],
- [0.21173530, 0.77534914, 0.24999924],
- [0.21592528, 0.77963255, 0.24838964],
- [0.22035817, 0.78390435, 0.24672286],
- [0.22502766, 0.78816421, 0.24499995],
- [0.22992658, 0.79241182, 0.24322256],
- [0.23504696, 0.79664694, 0.24139178],
- [0.24038016, 0.80086939, 0.23950942],
- [0.24591708, 0.80507904, 0.23757683],
- [0.25164822, 0.80927581, 0.23559549],
- [0.25756372, 0.81345968, 0.23356748],
- [0.26365374, 0.81763069, 0.23149389],
- [0.26990833, 0.82178892, 0.22937628],
- [0.27631742, 0.82593451, 0.22721671],
- [0.28287131, 0.83006765, 0.22501628],
- [0.28956046, 0.83418857, 0.22277634],
- [0.29637553, 0.83829753, 0.22049822],
- [0.30330751, 0.84239486, 0.21818320],
- [0.31034775, 0.84648090, 0.21583243],
- [0.31748795, 0.85055602, 0.21344693],
- [0.32472025, 0.85462063, 0.21102760],
- [0.33203722, 0.85867516, 0.20857518],
- [0.33943185, 0.86272004, 0.20609025],
- [0.34689758, 0.86675575, 0.20357323],
- [0.35442831, 0.87078274, 0.20102431],
- [0.36201838, 0.87480149, 0.19844353],
- [0.36966256, 0.87881249, 0.19583070],
- [0.37735564, 0.88281625, 0.19318617],
- [0.38509301, 0.88681328, 0.19050973],
- [0.39287107, 0.89080400, 0.18779975],
- [0.40068544, 0.89478897, 0.18505658],
- [0.40853278, 0.89876866, 0.18227902],
- [0.41641017, 0.90274351, 0.17946547],
- [0.42431417, 0.90671406, 0.17661570],
- [0.43224265, 0.91068072, 0.17372726],
- [0.44019310, 0.91464397, 0.17079872],
- [0.44816294, 0.91860430, 0.16782905],
- [0.45615107, 0.92256205, 0.16481447],
- [0.46415518, 0.92651773, 0.16175370],
- [0.47217347, 0.93047178, 0.15864467],
- [0.48020519, 0.93442455, 0.15548315],
- [0.48824904, 0.93837643, 0.15226599],
- [0.49630389, 0.94232784, 0.14898971],
- [0.50436874, 0.94627914, 0.14565037],
- [0.51244252, 0.95023076, 0.14224406],
- [0.52052475, 0.95418301, 0.13876531],
- [0.52861493, 0.95813624, 0.13520830],
- [0.53671258, 0.96209078, 0.13156672],
- [0.54481726, 0.96604696, 0.12783355],
- [0.55292825, 0.97000517, 0.12400180],
- [0.56104561, 0.97396567, 0.12006166],
- [0.56916921, 0.97792875, 0.11600264],
- [0.57729897, 0.98189469, 0.11181264],
- [0.58543490, 0.98586376, 0.10747761],
- [0.59357707, 0.98983624, 0.10298105]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.56895383, 0.94578930, 0.98486957],
+ [0.56386975, 0.94121572, 0.98258388],
+ [0.55880703, 0.93665230, 0.98030983],
+ [0.55376595, 0.93209886, 0.97804728],
+ [0.54874679, 0.92755521, 0.97579612],
+ [0.54374984, 0.92302117, 0.97355622],
+ [0.53877538, 0.91849656, 0.97132762],
+ [0.53382379, 0.91398121, 0.96910998],
+ [0.52889544, 0.90947493, 0.96690316],
+ [0.52399068, 0.90497755, 0.96470700],
+ [0.51910985, 0.90048887, 0.96252157],
+ [0.51425342, 0.89600873, 0.96034649],
+ [0.50942180, 0.89153694, 0.95818155],
+ [0.50461542, 0.88707330, 0.95602676],
+ [0.49983476, 0.88261765, 0.95388187],
+ [0.49508032, 0.87816982, 0.95174655],
+ [0.49035258, 0.87372959, 0.94962085],
+ [0.48565211, 0.86929680, 0.94750440],
+ [0.48097945, 0.86487127, 0.94539696],
+ [0.47633517, 0.86045280, 0.94329851],
+ [0.47171991, 0.85604124, 0.94120851],
+ [0.46713426, 0.85163635, 0.93912714],
+ [0.46257892, 0.84723800, 0.93705370],
+ [0.45805454, 0.84284597, 0.93498838],
+ [0.45356187, 0.83846010, 0.93293047],
+ [0.44910162, 0.83408018, 0.93088016],
+ [0.44467458, 0.82970605, 0.92883676],
+ [0.44028155, 0.82533750, 0.92680025],
+ [0.43592336, 0.82097436, 0.92477020],
+ [0.43160087, 0.81661645, 0.92274623],
+ [0.42731498, 0.81226355, 0.92072829],
+ [0.42306662, 0.80791551, 0.91871576],
+ [0.41885674, 0.80357214, 0.91670829],
+ [0.41468636, 0.79923321, 0.91470581],
+ [0.41055650, 0.79489858, 0.91270769],
+ [0.40646820, 0.79056806, 0.91071353],
+ [0.40242258, 0.78624145, 0.90872295],
+ [0.39842079, 0.78191854, 0.90673569],
+ [0.39446398, 0.77759918, 0.90475118],
+ [0.39055336, 0.77328316, 0.90276895],
+ [0.38669017, 0.76897031, 0.90078854],
+ [0.38287568, 0.76466043, 0.89880947],
+ [0.37911120, 0.76035335, 0.89683123],
+ [0.37539808, 0.75604886, 0.89485330],
+ [0.37173770, 0.75174680, 0.89287513],
+ [0.36813148, 0.74744696, 0.89089615],
+ [0.36458084, 0.74314918, 0.88891578],
+ [0.36108727, 0.73885326, 0.88693338],
+ [0.35765225, 0.73455903, 0.88494832],
+ [0.35427732, 0.73026632, 0.88295991],
+ [0.35096400, 0.72597493, 0.88096747],
+ [0.34771388, 0.72168471, 0.87897025],
+ [0.34452860, 0.71739544, 0.87696766],
+ [0.34140971, 0.71310698, 0.87495878],
+ [0.33835879, 0.70881917, 0.87294276],
+ [0.33537746, 0.70453185, 0.87091878],
+ [0.33246747, 0.70024480, 0.86888614],
+ [0.32963027, 0.69595793, 0.86684369],
+ [0.32686753, 0.69167106, 0.86479058],
+ [0.32418090, 0.68738402, 0.86272586],
+ [0.32157182, 0.68309670, 0.86064838],
+ [0.31904200, 0.67880892, 0.85855725],
+ [0.31659276, 0.67452060, 0.85645116],
+ [0.31422570, 0.67023157, 0.85432910],
+ [0.31194218, 0.66594173, 0.85218981],
+ [0.30974343, 0.66165100, 0.85003194],
+ [0.30763097, 0.65735922, 0.84785440],
+ [0.30560579, 0.65306634, 0.84565568],
+ [0.30366899, 0.64877230, 0.84343437],
+ [0.30182158, 0.64447702, 0.84118902],
+ [0.30006451, 0.64018042, 0.83891818],
+ [0.29839851, 0.63588249, 0.83662023],
+ [0.29682415, 0.63158321, 0.83429353],
+ [0.29534188, 0.62728259, 0.83193639],
+ [0.29395203, 0.62298064, 0.82954706],
+ [0.29265471, 0.61867740, 0.82712373],
+ [0.29144987, 0.61437293, 0.82466453],
+ [0.29033727, 0.61006731, 0.82216755],
+ [0.28931655, 0.60576065, 0.81963085],
+ [0.28838692, 0.60145310, 0.81705234],
+ [0.28754744, 0.59714485, 0.81442993],
+ [0.28679697, 0.59283609, 0.81176148],
+ [0.28613436, 0.58852701, 0.80904491],
+ [0.28555767, 0.58421796, 0.80627791],
+ [0.28506514, 0.57990921, 0.80345829],
+ [0.28465461, 0.57560111, 0.80058378],
+ [0.28432356, 0.57129406, 0.79765210],
+ [0.28406935, 0.56698850, 0.79466098],
+ [0.28388899, 0.56268490, 0.79160819],
+ [0.28377907, 0.55838381, 0.78849144],
+ [0.28373633, 0.55408575, 0.78530861],
+ [0.28375675, 0.54979137, 0.78205753],
+ [0.28383628, 0.54550134, 0.77873614],
+ [0.28397071, 0.54121633, 0.77534252],
+ [0.28415552, 0.53693710, 0.77187481],
+ [0.28438589, 0.53266445, 0.76833133],
+ [0.28465691, 0.52839918, 0.76471055],
+ [0.28496349, 0.52414215, 0.76101112],
+ [0.28530039, 0.51989423, 0.75723191],
+ [0.28566228, 0.51565633, 0.75337201],
+ [0.28604375, 0.51142934, 0.74943074],
+ [0.28643934, 0.50721420, 0.74540771],
+ [0.28684359, 0.50301182, 0.74130278],
+ [0.28725110, 0.49882312, 0.73711611],
+ [0.28765652, 0.49464897, 0.73284813],
+ [0.28805465, 0.49049024, 0.72849958],
+ [0.28844043, 0.48634777, 0.72407149],
+ [0.28880899, 0.48222235, 0.71956516],
+ [0.28915570, 0.47811472, 0.71498217],
+ [0.28947616, 0.47402556, 0.71032435],
+ [0.28976620, 0.46995551, 0.70559379],
+ [0.29002201, 0.46590514, 0.70079278],
+ [0.29024012, 0.46187492, 0.69592380],
+ [0.29041739, 0.45786528, 0.69098948],
+ [0.29055080, 0.45387660, 0.68599266],
+ [0.29063788, 0.44990914, 0.68093625],
+ [0.29067657, 0.44596310, 0.67582315],
+ [0.29066460, 0.44203869, 0.67065661],
+ [0.29060083, 0.43813590, 0.66543949],
+ [0.29048347, 0.43425483, 0.66017515],
+ [0.29031191, 0.43039538, 0.65486646],
+ [0.29008514, 0.42655748, 0.64951661],
+ [0.28980260, 0.42274100, 0.64412867],
+ [0.28946412, 0.41894571, 0.63870549],
+ [0.28906954, 0.41517140, 0.63325000],
+ [0.28861886, 0.41141780, 0.62776504],
+ [0.28811230, 0.40768461, 0.62225333],
+ [0.28755020, 0.40397150, 0.61671753],
+ [0.28693303, 0.40027813, 0.61116014],
+ [0.28626141, 0.39660410, 0.60558358],
+ [0.28553606, 0.39294904, 0.59999014],
+ [0.28475776, 0.38931252, 0.59438199],
+ [0.28392740, 0.38569413, 0.58876116],
+ [0.28304551, 0.38209349, 0.58312997],
+ [0.28211340, 0.37851012, 0.57748994],
+ [0.28113191, 0.37494360, 0.57184298],
+ [0.28010194, 0.37139349, 0.56619084],
+ [0.27902460, 0.36785937, 0.56053501],
+ [0.27790092, 0.36434077, 0.55487694],
+ [0.27673171, 0.36083730, 0.54921829],
+ [0.27551826, 0.35734849, 0.54356006],
+ [0.27426154, 0.35387393, 0.53790354],
+ [0.27296233, 0.35041320, 0.53225014],
+ [0.27162179, 0.34696588, 0.52660078],
+ [0.27024091, 0.34353156, 0.52095642],
+ [0.26882066, 0.34010982, 0.51531804],
+ [0.26736198, 0.33670027, 0.50968652],
+ [0.26586579, 0.33330252, 0.50406268],
+ [0.26433300, 0.32991617, 0.49844727],
+ [0.26276452, 0.32654085, 0.49284099],
+ [0.26116118, 0.32317620, 0.48724454],
+ [0.25952369, 0.31982184, 0.48165870],
+ [0.25785306, 0.31647741, 0.47608378],
+ [0.25615011, 0.31314255, 0.47052025],
+ [0.25441549, 0.30981692, 0.46496876],
+ [0.25264988, 0.30650019, 0.45942985],
+ [0.25085427, 0.30319200, 0.45390353],
+ [0.24902902, 0.29989205, 0.44839071],
+ [0.24717509, 0.29659999, 0.44289123],
+ [0.24529292, 0.29331553, 0.43740577],
+ [0.24338335, 0.29003833, 0.43193426],
+ [0.24144672, 0.28676811, 0.42647740],
+ [0.23948392, 0.28350454, 0.42103488],
+ [0.23749522, 0.28024734, 0.41560743],
+ [0.23548132, 0.27699621, 0.41019493],
+ [0.23344281, 0.27375086, 0.40479743],
+ [0.23138002, 0.27051101, 0.39941537],
+ [0.22929346, 0.26727637, 0.39404881],
+ [0.22718368, 0.26404667, 0.38869767],
+ [0.22505111, 0.26082162, 0.38336206],
+ [0.22289615, 0.25760095, 0.37804208],
+ [0.22071916, 0.25438439, 0.37273786],
+ [0.21852051, 0.25117168, 0.36744949],
+ [0.21630063, 0.24796254, 0.36217684],
+ [0.21405985, 0.24475672, 0.35691994],
+ [0.21179852, 0.24155394, 0.35167878],
+ [0.20951695, 0.23835394, 0.34645333],
+ [0.20721544, 0.23515646, 0.34124357],
+ [0.20489427, 0.23196124, 0.33604944],
+ [0.20255371, 0.22876802, 0.33087087],
+ [0.20019400, 0.22557654, 0.32570782],
+ [0.19781533, 0.22238653, 0.32056036],
+ [0.19541799, 0.21919773, 0.31542823],
+ [0.19300218, 0.21600988, 0.31031131],
+ [0.19056810, 0.21282271, 0.30520947],
+ [0.18811594, 0.20963597, 0.30012257],
+ [0.18564581, 0.20644937, 0.29505062],
+ [0.18315781, 0.20326265, 0.28999356],
+ [0.18065219, 0.20007554, 0.28495099],
+ [0.17812907, 0.19688776, 0.27992272],
+ [0.17558842, 0.19369904, 0.27490892],
+ [0.17303042, 0.19050908, 0.26990920],
+ [0.17045520, 0.18731761, 0.26492320],
+ [0.16786267, 0.18412432, 0.25995112],
+ [0.16525298, 0.18092894, 0.25499249],
+ [0.16262619, 0.17773115, 0.25004698],
+ [0.15998215, 0.17453064, 0.24511484],
+ [0.15732108, 0.17132711, 0.24019523],
+ [0.15464274, 0.16812022, 0.23528848],
+ [0.15194729, 0.16490966, 0.23039385],
+ [0.14923453, 0.16169508, 0.22551145],
+ [0.14650450, 0.15847614, 0.22064069],
+ [0.14375701, 0.15525248, 0.21578158],
+ [0.14099209, 0.15202374, 0.21093349],
+ [0.13820945, 0.14878954, 0.20609652],
+ [0.13540914, 0.14554949, 0.20126983],
+ [0.13259079, 0.14230318, 0.19645369],
+ [0.12975439, 0.13905020, 0.19164720],
+ [0.12689965, 0.13579012, 0.18685026],
+ [0.12402633, 0.13252249, 0.18206251],
+ [0.12113427, 0.12924684, 0.17728328],
+ [0.11822306, 0.12596269, 0.17251255],
+ [0.11529247, 0.12266952, 0.16774961],
+ [0.11234219, 0.11936682, 0.16299391],
+ [0.10937178, 0.11605402, 0.15824528],
+ [0.10638087, 0.11273054, 0.15350305],
+ [0.10336907, 0.10939579, 0.14876655],
+ [0.10033589, 0.10604911, 0.14403530],
+ [0.09728075, 0.10268982, 0.13930894],
+ [0.09420317, 0.09931722, 0.13458657],
+ [0.09110255, 0.09593055, 0.12986751],
+ [0.08797823, 0.09252901, 0.12515108],
+ [0.08482944, 0.08911176, 0.12043677],
+ [0.08165547, 0.08567788, 0.11572357],
+ [0.07845549, 0.08222641, 0.11101061],
+ [0.07522859, 0.07875633, 0.10629697],
+ [0.07197377, 0.07526652, 0.10158170],
+ [0.06868996, 0.07175580, 0.09686375],
+ [0.06537593, 0.06822288, 0.09214213],
+ [0.06203045, 0.06466637, 0.08741545],
+ [0.05865209, 0.06108477, 0.08268237],
+ [0.05523929, 0.05747644, 0.07794145],
+ [0.05179035, 0.05383959, 0.07319110],
+ [0.04830336, 0.05017225, 0.06842958],
+ [0.04477621, 0.04647226, 0.06365495],
+ [0.04120655, 0.04273722, 0.05886508],
+ [0.03760367, 0.03895554, 0.05405760],
+ [0.03413181, 0.03526841, 0.04922982],
+ [0.03080984, 0.03175438, 0.04437873],
+ [0.02763951, 0.02841392, 0.03949145],
+ [0.02462270, 0.02524760, 0.03474625],
+ [0.02176139, 0.02225617, 0.03032120],
+ [0.01905775, 0.01944055, 0.02621164],
+ [0.01651413, 0.01680184, 0.02241310],
+ [0.01413310, 0.01434141, 0.01892129],
+ [0.01191752, 0.01206089, 0.01573220],
+ [0.00987059, 0.00996225, 0.01284206],
+ [0.00799593, 0.00804789, 0.01024745],
+ [0.00629773, 0.00632073, 0.00794537],
+ [0.00478089, 0.00478437, 0.00593333],
+ [0.00345128, 0.00344338, 0.00420961],
+ [0.00231620, 0.00230361, 0.00277352],
+ [0.00138507, 0.00137296, 0.00162600],
+ [0.00067095, 0.00066271, 0.00077085],
+ [0.00019422, 0.00019111, 0.00021801],
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00020697, 0.00019319, 0.00015064],
+ [0.00071850, 0.00067188, 0.00050625],
+ [0.00148836, 0.00139629, 0.00101895],
+ [0.00249411, 0.00235040, 0.00166547],
+ [0.00371991, 0.00352518, 0.00243075],
+ [0.00515301, 0.00491508, 0.00330407],
+ [0.00678244, 0.00651659, 0.00427743],
+ [0.00859844, 0.00832749, 0.00534470],
+ [0.01059209, 0.01034650, 0.00650110],
+ [0.01275517, 0.01257298, 0.00774287],
+ [0.01508002, 0.01500676, 0.00906704],
+ [0.01755949, 0.01764806, 0.01047122],
+ [0.02018686, 0.02049736, 0.01195353],
+ [0.02295578, 0.02355537, 0.01351242],
+ [0.02586033, 0.02682294, 0.01514673],
+ [0.02889486, 0.03030111, 0.01685540],
+ [0.03205406, 0.03399100, 0.01863764],
+ [0.03533289, 0.03789383, 0.02049279],
+ [0.03872659, 0.04196773, 0.02242030],
+ [0.04217872, 0.04601566, 0.02441974],
+ [0.04555743, 0.05003522, 0.02649069],
+ [0.04887329, 0.05402876, 0.02863281],
+ [0.05212920, 0.05799834, 0.03084584],
+ [0.05532777, 0.06194584, 0.03312947],
+ [0.05847142, 0.06587296, 0.03548345],
+ [0.06156235, 0.06978122, 0.03790755],
+ [0.06460262, 0.07367200, 0.04040157],
+ [0.06759412, 0.07754654, 0.04287963],
+ [0.07053851, 0.08140606, 0.04533580],
+ [0.07343748, 0.08525157, 0.04777207],
+ [0.07629244, 0.08908410, 0.05018930],
+ [0.07910481, 0.09290454, 0.05258851],
+ [0.08187581, 0.09671377, 0.05497037],
+ [0.08460672, 0.10051254, 0.05733578],
+ [0.08729854, 0.10430163, 0.05968528],
+ [0.08995234, 0.10808172, 0.06201951],
+ [0.09256912, 0.11185344, 0.06433911],
+ [0.09514971, 0.11561744, 0.06664450],
+ [0.09769494, 0.11937428, 0.06893616],
+ [0.10020561, 0.12312452, 0.07121454],
+ [0.10268247, 0.12686865, 0.07348006],
+ [0.10512619, 0.13060718, 0.07573309],
+ [0.10753739, 0.13434057, 0.07797395],
+ [0.10991666, 0.13806926, 0.08020294],
+ [0.11226456, 0.14179369, 0.08242036],
+ [0.11458160, 0.14551424, 0.08462648],
+ [0.11686828, 0.14923132, 0.08682155],
+ [0.11912504, 0.15294527, 0.08900579],
+ [0.12135232, 0.15665646, 0.09117943],
+ [0.12355049, 0.16036523, 0.09334265],
+ [0.12571996, 0.16407188, 0.09549567],
+ [0.12786107, 0.16777673, 0.09763865],
+ [0.12997412, 0.17148010, 0.09977172],
+ [0.13205940, 0.17518226, 0.10189504],
+ [0.13411718, 0.17888350, 0.10400873],
+ [0.13614773, 0.18258409, 0.10611291],
+ [0.13815136, 0.18628425, 0.10820777],
+ [0.14012821, 0.18998426, 0.11029335],
+ [0.14207847, 0.19368438, 0.11236973],
+ [0.14400236, 0.19738482, 0.11443703],
+ [0.14590010, 0.20108579, 0.11649537],
+ [0.14777176, 0.20478755, 0.11854474],
+ [0.14961751, 0.20849029, 0.12058525],
+ [0.15143754, 0.21219419, 0.12261699],
+ [0.15323187, 0.21589951, 0.12463995],
+ [0.15500067, 0.21960639, 0.12665422],
+ [0.15674402, 0.22331504, 0.12865984],
+ [0.15846194, 0.22702567, 0.13065680],
+ [0.16015463, 0.23073840, 0.13264522],
+ [0.16182200, 0.23445346, 0.13462501],
+ [0.16346421, 0.23817098, 0.13659629],
+ [0.16508121, 0.24189116, 0.13855900],
+ [0.16667310, 0.24561414, 0.14051320],
+ [0.16823984, 0.24934008, 0.14245885],
+ [0.16978147, 0.25306913, 0.14439598],
+ [0.17129797, 0.25680145, 0.14632457],
+ [0.17278935, 0.26053718, 0.14824461],
+ [0.17425557, 0.26427647, 0.15015608],
+ [0.17569664, 0.26801945, 0.15205898],
+ [0.17711247, 0.27176627, 0.15395325],
+ [0.17850307, 0.27551705, 0.15583890],
+ [0.17986834, 0.27927193, 0.15771585],
+ [0.18120829, 0.28303103, 0.15958412],
+ [0.18252277, 0.28679449, 0.16144360],
+ [0.18381180, 0.29056242, 0.16329431],
+ [0.18507521, 0.29433495, 0.16513615],
+ [0.18631298, 0.29811219, 0.16696909],
+ [0.18752499, 0.30189426, 0.16879306],
+ [0.18871111, 0.30568128, 0.17060798],
+ [0.18987132, 0.30947334, 0.17241382],
+ [0.19100541, 0.31327058, 0.17421046],
+ [0.19211332, 0.31707308, 0.17599786],
+ [0.19319491, 0.32088096, 0.17777593],
+ [0.19425003, 0.32469433, 0.17954455],
+ [0.19527859, 0.32851326, 0.18130368],
+ [0.19628040, 0.33233788, 0.18305319],
+ [0.19725533, 0.33616828, 0.18479298],
+ [0.19820323, 0.34000455, 0.18652296],
+ [0.19912392, 0.34384679, 0.18824301],
+ [0.20001726, 0.34769508, 0.18995302],
+ [0.20088307, 0.35154952, 0.19165286],
+ [0.20172116, 0.35541020, 0.19334241],
+ [0.20253138, 0.35927720, 0.19502154],
+ [0.20331352, 0.36315061, 0.19669012],
+ [0.20406740, 0.36703051, 0.19834800],
+ [0.20479282, 0.37091699, 0.19999504],
+ [0.20548959, 0.37481011, 0.20163109],
+ [0.20615750, 0.37870997, 0.20325598],
+ [0.20679635, 0.38261664, 0.20486955],
+ [0.20740594, 0.38653018, 0.20647165],
+ [0.20798603, 0.39045069, 0.20806208],
+ [0.20853643, 0.39437821, 0.20964067],
+ [0.20905690, 0.39831284, 0.21120724],
+ [0.20954722, 0.40225463, 0.21276157],
+ [0.21000720, 0.40620364, 0.21430350],
+ [0.21043655, 0.41015996, 0.21583278],
+ [0.21083510, 0.41412363, 0.21734922],
+ [0.21120261, 0.41809472, 0.21885260],
+ [0.21153882, 0.42207329, 0.22034268],
+ [0.21184357, 0.42605938, 0.22181924],
+ [0.21211652, 0.43005308, 0.22328199],
+ [0.21235755, 0.43405441, 0.22473074],
+ [0.21256639, 0.43806343, 0.22616519],
+ [0.21274279, 0.44208020, 0.22758508],
+ [0.21288663, 0.44610475, 0.22899016],
+ [0.21299752, 0.45013715, 0.23038007],
+ [0.21307544, 0.45417741, 0.23175461],
+ [0.21312003, 0.45822559, 0.23311339],
+ [0.21313121, 0.46228173, 0.23445615],
+ [0.21310872, 0.46634585, 0.23578254],
+ [0.21305240, 0.47041800, 0.23709224],
+ [0.21296211, 0.47449819, 0.23838490],
+ [0.21283762, 0.47858647, 0.23966014],
+ [0.21267891, 0.48268283, 0.24091764],
+ [0.21248571, 0.48678734, 0.24215696],
+ [0.21225808, 0.49089997, 0.24337778],
+ [0.21199575, 0.49502077, 0.24457961],
+ [0.21169885, 0.49914973, 0.24576212],
+ [0.21136719, 0.50328687, 0.24692481],
+ [0.21100088, 0.50743218, 0.24806729],
+ [0.21059989, 0.51158567, 0.24918907],
+ [0.21016426, 0.51574734, 0.25028968],
+ [0.20969424, 0.51991715, 0.25136868],
+ [0.20918971, 0.52409515, 0.25242546],
+ [0.20865122, 0.52828125, 0.25345965],
+ [0.20807868, 0.53247549, 0.25447057],
+ [0.20747262, 0.53667781, 0.25545777],
+ [0.20683348, 0.54088816, 0.25642071],
+ [0.20616137, 0.54510656, 0.25735864],
+ [0.20545721, 0.54933290, 0.25827113],
+ [0.20472152, 0.55356716, 0.25915753],
+ [0.20395477, 0.55780930, 0.26001707],
+ [0.20315812, 0.56205922, 0.26084925],
+ [0.20233248, 0.56631684, 0.26165339],
+ [0.20147859, 0.57058214, 0.26242862],
+ [0.20059794, 0.57485500, 0.26317436],
+ [0.19969193, 0.57913529, 0.26388989],
+ [0.19876208, 0.58342294, 0.26457444],
+ [0.19780982, 0.58771785, 0.26522710],
+ [0.19683726, 0.59201988, 0.26584716],
+ [0.19584656, 0.59632889, 0.26643382],
+ [0.19484008, 0.60064473, 0.26698623],
+ [0.19382040, 0.60496724, 0.26750351],
+ [0.19279039, 0.60929627, 0.26798477],
+ [0.19175317, 0.61363164, 0.26842906],
+ [0.19071216, 0.61797316, 0.26883542],
+ [0.18967131, 0.62232060, 0.26920296],
+ [0.18863480, 0.62667375, 0.26953070],
+ [0.18760720, 0.63103238, 0.26981765],
+ [0.18659349, 0.63539622, 0.27006278],
+ [0.18559909, 0.63976501, 0.27026507],
+ [0.18462988, 0.64413847, 0.27042348],
+ [0.18369221, 0.64851629, 0.27053695],
+ [0.18279291, 0.65289815, 0.27060442],
+ [0.18193923, 0.65728373, 0.27062473],
+ [0.18113908, 0.66167266, 0.27059683],
+ [0.18040090, 0.66606455, 0.27051968],
+ [0.17973362, 0.67045901, 0.27039219],
+ [0.17914666, 0.67485561, 0.27021328],
+ [0.17864991, 0.67925392, 0.26998191],
+ [0.17825354, 0.68365350, 0.26969688],
+ [0.17796837, 0.68805386, 0.26935721],
+ [0.17780567, 0.69245449, 0.26896199],
+ [0.17777682, 0.69685486, 0.26851024],
+ [0.17789306, 0.70125447, 0.26800080],
+ [0.17816638, 0.70565274, 0.26743301],
+ [0.17860845, 0.71004908, 0.26680607],
+ [0.17923045, 0.71444295, 0.26611895],
+ [0.18004387, 0.71883370, 0.26537122],
+ [0.18105939, 0.72322073, 0.26456221],
+ [0.18228709, 0.72760343, 0.26369128],
+ [0.18373660, 0.73198114, 0.26275823],
+ [0.18541627, 0.73635327, 0.26176250],
+ [0.18733385, 0.74071914, 0.26070413],
+ [0.18949565, 0.74507816, 0.25958292],
+ [0.19190693, 0.74942970, 0.25839900],
+ [0.19457156, 0.75377313, 0.25715255],
+ [0.19749207, 0.75810789, 0.25584391],
+ [0.20066962, 0.76243340, 0.25447357],
+ [0.20410395, 0.76674911, 0.25304214],
+ [0.20779347, 0.77105451, 0.25155039],
+ [0.21173530, 0.77534914, 0.24999924],
+ [0.21592528, 0.77963255, 0.24838964],
+ [0.22035817, 0.78390435, 0.24672286],
+ [0.22502766, 0.78816421, 0.24499995],
+ [0.22992658, 0.79241182, 0.24322256],
+ [0.23504696, 0.79664694, 0.24139178],
+ [0.24038016, 0.80086939, 0.23950942],
+ [0.24591708, 0.80507904, 0.23757683],
+ [0.25164822, 0.80927581, 0.23559549],
+ [0.25756372, 0.81345968, 0.23356748],
+ [0.26365374, 0.81763069, 0.23149389],
+ [0.26990833, 0.82178892, 0.22937628],
+ [0.27631742, 0.82593451, 0.22721671],
+ [0.28287131, 0.83006765, 0.22501628],
+ [0.28956046, 0.83418857, 0.22277634],
+ [0.29637553, 0.83829753, 0.22049822],
+ [0.30330751, 0.84239486, 0.21818320],
+ [0.31034775, 0.84648090, 0.21583243],
+ [0.31748795, 0.85055602, 0.21344693],
+ [0.32472025, 0.85462063, 0.21102760],
+ [0.33203722, 0.85867516, 0.20857518],
+ [0.33943185, 0.86272004, 0.20609025],
+ [0.34689758, 0.86675575, 0.20357323],
+ [0.35442831, 0.87078274, 0.20102431],
+ [0.36201838, 0.87480149, 0.19844353],
+ [0.36966256, 0.87881249, 0.19583070],
+ [0.37735564, 0.88281625, 0.19318617],
+ [0.38509301, 0.88681328, 0.19050973],
+ [0.39287107, 0.89080400, 0.18779975],
+ [0.40068544, 0.89478897, 0.18505658],
+ [0.40853278, 0.89876866, 0.18227902],
+ [0.41641017, 0.90274351, 0.17946547],
+ [0.42431417, 0.90671406, 0.17661570],
+ [0.43224265, 0.91068072, 0.17372726],
+ [0.44019310, 0.91464397, 0.17079872],
+ [0.44816294, 0.91860430, 0.16782905],
+ [0.45615107, 0.92256205, 0.16481447],
+ [0.46415518, 0.92651773, 0.16175370],
+ [0.47217347, 0.93047178, 0.15864467],
+ [0.48020519, 0.93442455, 0.15548315],
+ [0.48824904, 0.93837643, 0.15226599],
+ [0.49630389, 0.94232784, 0.14898971],
+ [0.50436874, 0.94627914, 0.14565037],
+ [0.51244252, 0.95023076, 0.14224406],
+ [0.52052475, 0.95418301, 0.13876531],
+ [0.52861493, 0.95813624, 0.13520830],
+ [0.53671258, 0.96209078, 0.13156672],
+ [0.54481726, 0.96604696, 0.12783355],
+ [0.55292825, 0.97000517, 0.12400180],
+ [0.56104561, 0.97396567, 0.12006166],
+ [0.56916921, 0.97792875, 0.11600264],
+ [0.57729897, 0.98189469, 0.11181264],
+ [0.58543490, 0.98586376, 0.10747761],
+ [0.59357707, 0.98983624, 0.10298105],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.seaweed', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.seaweed", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/sepia/sepia.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/sepia/sepia.jscm
index 0d7e99f7..82776d98 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/sepia/sepia.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/sepia/sepia.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/sepia/sepia.py b/cmasher/colormaps/sepia/sepia.py
index 32624c33..24d8f1bf 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/sepia/sepia.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/sepia/sepia.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00023639, 0.00020226, 0.00023557],
- [0.00082902, 0.00069702, 0.00083114],
- [0.00173560, 0.00143561, 0.00174934],
- [0.00294053, 0.00239559, 0.00297761],
- [0.00443582, 0.00356230, 0.00451025],
- [0.00621705, 0.00492506, 0.00634452],
- [0.00828201, 0.00647541, 0.00847949],
- [0.01062993, 0.00820645, 0.01091534],
- [0.01326107, 0.01011229, 0.01365301],
- [0.01617646, 0.01218784, 0.01669392],
- [0.01937778, 0.01442856, 0.02003995],
- [0.02286721, 0.01683039, 0.02369319],
- [0.02664730, 0.01938967, 0.02765585],
- [0.03072102, 0.02210299, 0.03193035],
- [0.03509168, 0.02496719, 0.03651922],
- [0.03976291, 0.02797932, 0.04140199],
- [0.04454302, 0.03113658, 0.04629382],
- [0.04928304, 0.03443630, 0.05114892],
- [0.05399533, 0.03787584, 0.05597073],
- [0.05868339, 0.04142892, 0.06076185],
- [0.06335046, 0.04493712, 0.06552465],
- [0.06799943, 0.04839768, 0.07026120],
- [0.07263296, 0.05181299, 0.07497324],
- [0.07725354, 0.05518513, 0.07966241],
- [0.08186368, 0.05851583, 0.08433036],
- [0.08646508, 0.06180706, 0.08897775],
- [0.09105960, 0.06506041, 0.09360551],
- [0.09564964, 0.06827687, 0.09821511],
- [0.10023626, 0.07145815, 0.10280649],
- [0.10482135, 0.07460521, 0.10738052],
- [0.10940638, 0.07771911, 0.11193756],
- [0.11399271, 0.08080089, 0.11647780],
- [0.11858176, 0.08385138, 0.12100147],
- [0.12317489, 0.08687133, 0.12550870],
- [0.12777301, 0.08986175, 0.12999907],
- [0.13237788, 0.09282291, 0.13447299],
- [0.13699024, 0.09575574, 0.13892976],
- [0.14161115, 0.09866084, 0.14336899],
- [0.14624172, 0.10153875, 0.14779023],
- [0.15088311, 0.10438988, 0.15219298],
- [0.15553630, 0.10721472, 0.15657653],
- [0.16020210, 0.11001384, 0.16093991],
- [0.16488140, 0.11278769, 0.16528219],
- [0.16957505, 0.11553672, 0.16960225],
- [0.17428413, 0.11826118, 0.17389909],
- [0.17900918, 0.12096167, 0.17817118],
- [0.18375084, 0.12363869, 0.18241701],
- [0.18850969, 0.12629275, 0.18663491],
- [0.19328691, 0.12892393, 0.19082348],
- [0.19808239, 0.13153319, 0.19498041],
- [0.20289704, 0.13412077, 0.19910392],
- [0.20773080, 0.13668755, 0.20319159],
- [0.21258461, 0.13923373, 0.20724137],
- [0.21745811, 0.14176038, 0.21125054],
- [0.22235147, 0.14426822, 0.21521654],
- [0.22726471, 0.14675805, 0.21913666],
- [0.23219765, 0.14923080, 0.22300806],
- [0.23714993, 0.15168754, 0.22682780],
- [0.24212099, 0.15412944, 0.23059285],
- [0.24711009, 0.15655782, 0.23430018],
- [0.25211626, 0.15897413, 0.23794673],
- [0.25713854, 0.16137982, 0.24152953],
- [0.26217565, 0.16377652, 0.24504565],
- [0.26722589, 0.16616614, 0.24849232],
- [0.27228784, 0.16855038, 0.25186695],
- [0.27735947, 0.17093135, 0.25516720],
- [0.28243873, 0.17331110, 0.25839104],
- [0.28752369, 0.17569158, 0.26153672],
- [0.29261195, 0.17807503, 0.26460295],
- [0.29770123, 0.18046354, 0.26758881],
- [0.30278922, 0.18285917, 0.27049383],
- [0.30787362, 0.18526395, 0.27331796],
- [0.31295219, 0.18767976, 0.27606159],
- [0.31802278, 0.19010842, 0.27872554],
- [0.32308336, 0.19255157, 0.28131100],
- [0.32813205, 0.19501072, 0.28381950],
- [0.33316713, 0.19748721, 0.28625289],
- [0.33818708, 0.19998221, 0.28861326],
- [0.34319055, 0.20249672, 0.29090290],
- [0.34817638, 0.20503158, 0.29312427],
- [0.35314360, 0.20758749, 0.29527991],
- [0.35809139, 0.21016499, 0.29737244],
- [0.36301911, 0.21276449, 0.29940451],
- [0.36792626, 0.21538631, 0.30137876],
- [0.37281246, 0.21803065, 0.30329778],
- [0.37767746, 0.22069762, 0.30516412],
- [0.38252108, 0.22338728, 0.30698026],
- [0.38734325, 0.22609961, 0.30874858],
- [0.39214396, 0.22883455, 0.31047140],
- [0.39692324, 0.23159201, 0.31215090],
- [0.40168119, 0.23437187, 0.31378920],
- [0.40641790, 0.23717400, 0.31538835],
- [0.41113353, 0.23999824, 0.31695021],
- [0.41582823, 0.24284442, 0.31847660],
- [0.42050218, 0.24571239, 0.31996923],
- [0.42515554, 0.24860199, 0.32142974],
- [0.42978844, 0.25151309, 0.32285977],
- [0.43440107, 0.25444553, 0.32426073],
- [0.43899357, 0.25739919, 0.32563402],
- [0.44356605, 0.26037396, 0.32698106],
- [0.44811863, 0.26336975, 0.32830312],
- [0.45265142, 0.26638645, 0.32960141],
- [0.45716447, 0.26942402, 0.33087718],
- [0.46165785, 0.27248240, 0.33213157],
- [0.46613158, 0.27556155, 0.33336565],
- [0.47058566, 0.27866147, 0.33458061],
- [0.47502009, 0.28178215, 0.33577743],
- [0.47943481, 0.28492361, 0.33695716],
- [0.48382977, 0.28808588, 0.33812086],
- [0.48820486, 0.29126902, 0.33926948],
- [0.49255998, 0.29447308, 0.34040408],
- [0.49689498, 0.29769815, 0.34152559],
- [0.50120970, 0.30094432, 0.34263504],
- [0.50550395, 0.30421170, 0.34373338],
- [0.50977752, 0.30750041, 0.34482161],
- [0.51403016, 0.31081058, 0.34590073],
- [0.51826162, 0.31414236, 0.34697172],
- [0.52247162, 0.31749589, 0.34803562],
- [0.52665985, 0.32087135, 0.34909344],
- [0.53082599, 0.32426890, 0.35014622],
- [0.53496968, 0.32768874, 0.35119502],
- [0.53909057, 0.33113104, 0.35224093],
- [0.54318825, 0.33459600, 0.35328505],
- [0.54726233, 0.33808383, 0.35432850],
- [0.55131238, 0.34159473, 0.35537246],
- [0.55533796, 0.34512891, 0.35641807],
- [0.55933861, 0.34868658, 0.35746658],
- [0.56331386, 0.35226796, 0.35851921],
- [0.56726322, 0.35587326, 0.35957725],
- [0.57118619, 0.35950269, 0.36064200],
- [0.57508227, 0.36315647, 0.36171479],
- [0.57895093, 0.36683480, 0.36279703],
- [0.58279165, 0.37053790, 0.36389008],
- [0.58660389, 0.37426596, 0.36499544],
- [0.59038712, 0.37801917, 0.36611455],
- [0.59414079, 0.38179772, 0.36724894],
- [0.59786437, 0.38560178, 0.36840018],
- [0.60155731, 0.38943153, 0.36956981],
- [0.60521907, 0.39328711, 0.37075949],
- [0.60884914, 0.39716867, 0.37197082],
- [0.61244698, 0.40107632, 0.37320550],
- [0.61601209, 0.40501019, 0.37446524],
- [0.61954398, 0.40897035, 0.37575173],
- [0.62304216, 0.41295689, 0.37706675],
- [0.62650618, 0.41696986, 0.37841204],
- [0.62993559, 0.42100929, 0.37978937],
- [0.63333000, 0.42507519, 0.38120054],
- [0.63668901, 0.42916755, 0.38264733],
- [0.64001228, 0.43328634, 0.38413153],
- [0.64329947, 0.43743148, 0.38565494],
- [0.64655031, 0.44160291, 0.38721931],
- [0.64976456, 0.44580050, 0.38882643],
- [0.65294199, 0.45002411, 0.39047803],
- [0.65608246, 0.45427358, 0.39217582],
- [0.65918584, 0.45854873, 0.39392149],
- [0.66225206, 0.46284933, 0.39571669],
- [0.66528110, 0.46717513, 0.39756302],
- [0.66827298, 0.47152588, 0.39946203],
- [0.67122776, 0.47590129, 0.40141523],
- [0.67414558, 0.48030102, 0.40342406],
- [0.67702661, 0.48472475, 0.40548989],
- [0.67987107, 0.48917211, 0.40761405],
- [0.68267923, 0.49364273, 0.40979776],
- [0.68545141, 0.49813621, 0.41204218],
- [0.68818801, 0.50265212, 0.41434842],
- [0.69088939, 0.50719006, 0.41671744],
- [0.69355607, 0.51174955, 0.41915022],
- [0.69618852, 0.51633016, 0.42164755],
- [0.69878731, 0.52093142, 0.42421020],
- [0.70135301, 0.52555286, 0.42683883],
- [0.70388624, 0.53019399, 0.42953403],
- [0.70638769, 0.53485434, 0.43229629],
- [0.70885802, 0.53953342, 0.43512603],
- [0.71129796, 0.54423075, 0.43802359],
- [0.71370828, 0.54894583, 0.44098921],
- [0.71608970, 0.55367820, 0.44402308],
- [0.71844312, 0.55842734, 0.44712531],
- [0.72076923, 0.56319284, 0.45029593],
- [0.72306900, 0.56797417, 0.45353491],
- [0.72534319, 0.57277090, 0.45684217],
- [0.72759264, 0.57758260, 0.46021753],
- [0.72981838, 0.58240876, 0.46366081],
- [0.73202118, 0.58724899, 0.46717174],
- [0.73420193, 0.59210289, 0.47075000],
- [0.73636160, 0.59697000, 0.47439526],
- [0.73850113, 0.60184991, 0.47810710],
- [0.74062137, 0.60674226, 0.48188510],
- [0.74272326, 0.61164668, 0.48572879],
- [0.74480773, 0.61656278, 0.48963769],
- [0.74687578, 0.62149019, 0.49361125],
- [0.74892834, 0.62642855, 0.49764891],
- [0.75096632, 0.63137756, 0.50175013],
- [0.75299066, 0.63633687, 0.50591429],
- [0.75500233, 0.64130618, 0.51014078],
- [0.75700229, 0.64628517, 0.51442898],
- [0.75899149, 0.65127354, 0.51877823],
- [0.76097091, 0.65627101, 0.52318787],
- [0.76294152, 0.66127730, 0.52765724],
- [0.76490429, 0.66629214, 0.53218564],
- [0.76686020, 0.67131526, 0.53677239],
- [0.76881024, 0.67634642, 0.54141677],
- [0.77075540, 0.68138536, 0.54611807],
- [0.77269668, 0.68643184, 0.55087556],
- [0.77463509, 0.69148564, 0.55568852],
- [0.77657171, 0.69654651, 0.56055615],
- [0.77850753, 0.70161423, 0.56547773],
- [0.78044355, 0.70668860, 0.57045248],
- [0.78238081, 0.71176943, 0.57547963],
- [0.78432036, 0.71685652, 0.58055840],
- [0.78626330, 0.72194965, 0.58568795],
- [0.78821074, 0.72704862, 0.59086742],
- [0.79016367, 0.73215328, 0.59609604],
- [0.79212314, 0.73726347, 0.60137295],
- [0.79409035, 0.74237899, 0.60669724],
- [0.79606638, 0.74749968, 0.61206802],
- [0.79805223, 0.75262543, 0.61748444],
- [0.80004905, 0.75775607, 0.62294554],
- [0.80205803, 0.76289145, 0.62845032],
- [0.80408010, 0.76803150, 0.63399792],
- [0.80611645, 0.77317607, 0.63958729],
- [0.80816818, 0.77832507, 0.64521741],
- [0.81023626, 0.78347844, 0.65088735],
- [0.81232190, 0.78863606, 0.65659596],
- [0.81442602, 0.79379791, 0.66234226],
- [0.81654968, 0.79896395, 0.66812516],
- [0.81869393, 0.80413413, 0.67394355],
- [0.82085961, 0.80930848, 0.67979640],
- [0.82304785, 0.81448696, 0.68568249],
- [0.82525937, 0.81966965, 0.69160083],
- [0.82749518, 0.82485656, 0.69755021],
- [0.82975599, 0.83004779, 0.70352958],
- [0.83204266, 0.83524341, 0.70953778],
- [0.83435585, 0.84044357, 0.71557373],
- [0.83669628, 0.84564836, 0.72163632],
- [0.83906452, 0.85085798, 0.72772449],
- [0.84146117, 0.85607259, 0.73383715],
- [0.84388667, 0.86129241, 0.73997330],
- [0.84634150, 0.86651765, 0.74613189],
- [0.84882597, 0.87174858, 0.75231199],
- [0.85134042, 0.87698546, 0.75851264],
- [0.85388504, 0.88222860, 0.76473296],
- [0.85646002, 0.88747830, 0.77097209],
- [0.85906543, 0.89273489, 0.77722925],
- [0.86170131, 0.89799874, 0.78350369],
- [0.86436761, 0.90327022, 0.78979473],
- [0.86706424, 0.90854970, 0.79610175],
- [0.86979105, 0.91383758, 0.80242418],
- [0.87254779, 0.91913429, 0.80876154],
- [0.87533424, 0.92444025, 0.81511337],
- [0.87815002, 0.92975588, 0.82147936],
- [0.88099484, 0.93508163, 0.82785915],
- [0.88386822, 0.94041796, 0.83425260],
- [0.88676980, 0.94576529, 0.84065947],
- [0.88969900, 0.95112411, 0.84707976],
- [0.89265545, 0.95649483, 0.85351334]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00023639, 0.00020226, 0.00023557],
+ [0.00082902, 0.00069702, 0.00083114],
+ [0.00173560, 0.00143561, 0.00174934],
+ [0.00294053, 0.00239559, 0.00297761],
+ [0.00443582, 0.00356230, 0.00451025],
+ [0.00621705, 0.00492506, 0.00634452],
+ [0.00828201, 0.00647541, 0.00847949],
+ [0.01062993, 0.00820645, 0.01091534],
+ [0.01326107, 0.01011229, 0.01365301],
+ [0.01617646, 0.01218784, 0.01669392],
+ [0.01937778, 0.01442856, 0.02003995],
+ [0.02286721, 0.01683039, 0.02369319],
+ [0.02664730, 0.01938967, 0.02765585],
+ [0.03072102, 0.02210299, 0.03193035],
+ [0.03509168, 0.02496719, 0.03651922],
+ [0.03976291, 0.02797932, 0.04140199],
+ [0.04454302, 0.03113658, 0.04629382],
+ [0.04928304, 0.03443630, 0.05114892],
+ [0.05399533, 0.03787584, 0.05597073],
+ [0.05868339, 0.04142892, 0.06076185],
+ [0.06335046, 0.04493712, 0.06552465],
+ [0.06799943, 0.04839768, 0.07026120],
+ [0.07263296, 0.05181299, 0.07497324],
+ [0.07725354, 0.05518513, 0.07966241],
+ [0.08186368, 0.05851583, 0.08433036],
+ [0.08646508, 0.06180706, 0.08897775],
+ [0.09105960, 0.06506041, 0.09360551],
+ [0.09564964, 0.06827687, 0.09821511],
+ [0.10023626, 0.07145815, 0.10280649],
+ [0.10482135, 0.07460521, 0.10738052],
+ [0.10940638, 0.07771911, 0.11193756],
+ [0.11399271, 0.08080089, 0.11647780],
+ [0.11858176, 0.08385138, 0.12100147],
+ [0.12317489, 0.08687133, 0.12550870],
+ [0.12777301, 0.08986175, 0.12999907],
+ [0.13237788, 0.09282291, 0.13447299],
+ [0.13699024, 0.09575574, 0.13892976],
+ [0.14161115, 0.09866084, 0.14336899],
+ [0.14624172, 0.10153875, 0.14779023],
+ [0.15088311, 0.10438988, 0.15219298],
+ [0.15553630, 0.10721472, 0.15657653],
+ [0.16020210, 0.11001384, 0.16093991],
+ [0.16488140, 0.11278769, 0.16528219],
+ [0.16957505, 0.11553672, 0.16960225],
+ [0.17428413, 0.11826118, 0.17389909],
+ [0.17900918, 0.12096167, 0.17817118],
+ [0.18375084, 0.12363869, 0.18241701],
+ [0.18850969, 0.12629275, 0.18663491],
+ [0.19328691, 0.12892393, 0.19082348],
+ [0.19808239, 0.13153319, 0.19498041],
+ [0.20289704, 0.13412077, 0.19910392],
+ [0.20773080, 0.13668755, 0.20319159],
+ [0.21258461, 0.13923373, 0.20724137],
+ [0.21745811, 0.14176038, 0.21125054],
+ [0.22235147, 0.14426822, 0.21521654],
+ [0.22726471, 0.14675805, 0.21913666],
+ [0.23219765, 0.14923080, 0.22300806],
+ [0.23714993, 0.15168754, 0.22682780],
+ [0.24212099, 0.15412944, 0.23059285],
+ [0.24711009, 0.15655782, 0.23430018],
+ [0.25211626, 0.15897413, 0.23794673],
+ [0.25713854, 0.16137982, 0.24152953],
+ [0.26217565, 0.16377652, 0.24504565],
+ [0.26722589, 0.16616614, 0.24849232],
+ [0.27228784, 0.16855038, 0.25186695],
+ [0.27735947, 0.17093135, 0.25516720],
+ [0.28243873, 0.17331110, 0.25839104],
+ [0.28752369, 0.17569158, 0.26153672],
+ [0.29261195, 0.17807503, 0.26460295],
+ [0.29770123, 0.18046354, 0.26758881],
+ [0.30278922, 0.18285917, 0.27049383],
+ [0.30787362, 0.18526395, 0.27331796],
+ [0.31295219, 0.18767976, 0.27606159],
+ [0.31802278, 0.19010842, 0.27872554],
+ [0.32308336, 0.19255157, 0.28131100],
+ [0.32813205, 0.19501072, 0.28381950],
+ [0.33316713, 0.19748721, 0.28625289],
+ [0.33818708, 0.19998221, 0.28861326],
+ [0.34319055, 0.20249672, 0.29090290],
+ [0.34817638, 0.20503158, 0.29312427],
+ [0.35314360, 0.20758749, 0.29527991],
+ [0.35809139, 0.21016499, 0.29737244],
+ [0.36301911, 0.21276449, 0.29940451],
+ [0.36792626, 0.21538631, 0.30137876],
+ [0.37281246, 0.21803065, 0.30329778],
+ [0.37767746, 0.22069762, 0.30516412],
+ [0.38252108, 0.22338728, 0.30698026],
+ [0.38734325, 0.22609961, 0.30874858],
+ [0.39214396, 0.22883455, 0.31047140],
+ [0.39692324, 0.23159201, 0.31215090],
+ [0.40168119, 0.23437187, 0.31378920],
+ [0.40641790, 0.23717400, 0.31538835],
+ [0.41113353, 0.23999824, 0.31695021],
+ [0.41582823, 0.24284442, 0.31847660],
+ [0.42050218, 0.24571239, 0.31996923],
+ [0.42515554, 0.24860199, 0.32142974],
+ [0.42978844, 0.25151309, 0.32285977],
+ [0.43440107, 0.25444553, 0.32426073],
+ [0.43899357, 0.25739919, 0.32563402],
+ [0.44356605, 0.26037396, 0.32698106],
+ [0.44811863, 0.26336975, 0.32830312],
+ [0.45265142, 0.26638645, 0.32960141],
+ [0.45716447, 0.26942402, 0.33087718],
+ [0.46165785, 0.27248240, 0.33213157],
+ [0.46613158, 0.27556155, 0.33336565],
+ [0.47058566, 0.27866147, 0.33458061],
+ [0.47502009, 0.28178215, 0.33577743],
+ [0.47943481, 0.28492361, 0.33695716],
+ [0.48382977, 0.28808588, 0.33812086],
+ [0.48820486, 0.29126902, 0.33926948],
+ [0.49255998, 0.29447308, 0.34040408],
+ [0.49689498, 0.29769815, 0.34152559],
+ [0.50120970, 0.30094432, 0.34263504],
+ [0.50550395, 0.30421170, 0.34373338],
+ [0.50977752, 0.30750041, 0.34482161],
+ [0.51403016, 0.31081058, 0.34590073],
+ [0.51826162, 0.31414236, 0.34697172],
+ [0.52247162, 0.31749589, 0.34803562],
+ [0.52665985, 0.32087135, 0.34909344],
+ [0.53082599, 0.32426890, 0.35014622],
+ [0.53496968, 0.32768874, 0.35119502],
+ [0.53909057, 0.33113104, 0.35224093],
+ [0.54318825, 0.33459600, 0.35328505],
+ [0.54726233, 0.33808383, 0.35432850],
+ [0.55131238, 0.34159473, 0.35537246],
+ [0.55533796, 0.34512891, 0.35641807],
+ [0.55933861, 0.34868658, 0.35746658],
+ [0.56331386, 0.35226796, 0.35851921],
+ [0.56726322, 0.35587326, 0.35957725],
+ [0.57118619, 0.35950269, 0.36064200],
+ [0.57508227, 0.36315647, 0.36171479],
+ [0.57895093, 0.36683480, 0.36279703],
+ [0.58279165, 0.37053790, 0.36389008],
+ [0.58660389, 0.37426596, 0.36499544],
+ [0.59038712, 0.37801917, 0.36611455],
+ [0.59414079, 0.38179772, 0.36724894],
+ [0.59786437, 0.38560178, 0.36840018],
+ [0.60155731, 0.38943153, 0.36956981],
+ [0.60521907, 0.39328711, 0.37075949],
+ [0.60884914, 0.39716867, 0.37197082],
+ [0.61244698, 0.40107632, 0.37320550],
+ [0.61601209, 0.40501019, 0.37446524],
+ [0.61954398, 0.40897035, 0.37575173],
+ [0.62304216, 0.41295689, 0.37706675],
+ [0.62650618, 0.41696986, 0.37841204],
+ [0.62993559, 0.42100929, 0.37978937],
+ [0.63333000, 0.42507519, 0.38120054],
+ [0.63668901, 0.42916755, 0.38264733],
+ [0.64001228, 0.43328634, 0.38413153],
+ [0.64329947, 0.43743148, 0.38565494],
+ [0.64655031, 0.44160291, 0.38721931],
+ [0.64976456, 0.44580050, 0.38882643],
+ [0.65294199, 0.45002411, 0.39047803],
+ [0.65608246, 0.45427358, 0.39217582],
+ [0.65918584, 0.45854873, 0.39392149],
+ [0.66225206, 0.46284933, 0.39571669],
+ [0.66528110, 0.46717513, 0.39756302],
+ [0.66827298, 0.47152588, 0.39946203],
+ [0.67122776, 0.47590129, 0.40141523],
+ [0.67414558, 0.48030102, 0.40342406],
+ [0.67702661, 0.48472475, 0.40548989],
+ [0.67987107, 0.48917211, 0.40761405],
+ [0.68267923, 0.49364273, 0.40979776],
+ [0.68545141, 0.49813621, 0.41204218],
+ [0.68818801, 0.50265212, 0.41434842],
+ [0.69088939, 0.50719006, 0.41671744],
+ [0.69355607, 0.51174955, 0.41915022],
+ [0.69618852, 0.51633016, 0.42164755],
+ [0.69878731, 0.52093142, 0.42421020],
+ [0.70135301, 0.52555286, 0.42683883],
+ [0.70388624, 0.53019399, 0.42953403],
+ [0.70638769, 0.53485434, 0.43229629],
+ [0.70885802, 0.53953342, 0.43512603],
+ [0.71129796, 0.54423075, 0.43802359],
+ [0.71370828, 0.54894583, 0.44098921],
+ [0.71608970, 0.55367820, 0.44402308],
+ [0.71844312, 0.55842734, 0.44712531],
+ [0.72076923, 0.56319284, 0.45029593],
+ [0.72306900, 0.56797417, 0.45353491],
+ [0.72534319, 0.57277090, 0.45684217],
+ [0.72759264, 0.57758260, 0.46021753],
+ [0.72981838, 0.58240876, 0.46366081],
+ [0.73202118, 0.58724899, 0.46717174],
+ [0.73420193, 0.59210289, 0.47075000],
+ [0.73636160, 0.59697000, 0.47439526],
+ [0.73850113, 0.60184991, 0.47810710],
+ [0.74062137, 0.60674226, 0.48188510],
+ [0.74272326, 0.61164668, 0.48572879],
+ [0.74480773, 0.61656278, 0.48963769],
+ [0.74687578, 0.62149019, 0.49361125],
+ [0.74892834, 0.62642855, 0.49764891],
+ [0.75096632, 0.63137756, 0.50175013],
+ [0.75299066, 0.63633687, 0.50591429],
+ [0.75500233, 0.64130618, 0.51014078],
+ [0.75700229, 0.64628517, 0.51442898],
+ [0.75899149, 0.65127354, 0.51877823],
+ [0.76097091, 0.65627101, 0.52318787],
+ [0.76294152, 0.66127730, 0.52765724],
+ [0.76490429, 0.66629214, 0.53218564],
+ [0.76686020, 0.67131526, 0.53677239],
+ [0.76881024, 0.67634642, 0.54141677],
+ [0.77075540, 0.68138536, 0.54611807],
+ [0.77269668, 0.68643184, 0.55087556],
+ [0.77463509, 0.69148564, 0.55568852],
+ [0.77657171, 0.69654651, 0.56055615],
+ [0.77850753, 0.70161423, 0.56547773],
+ [0.78044355, 0.70668860, 0.57045248],
+ [0.78238081, 0.71176943, 0.57547963],
+ [0.78432036, 0.71685652, 0.58055840],
+ [0.78626330, 0.72194965, 0.58568795],
+ [0.78821074, 0.72704862, 0.59086742],
+ [0.79016367, 0.73215328, 0.59609604],
+ [0.79212314, 0.73726347, 0.60137295],
+ [0.79409035, 0.74237899, 0.60669724],
+ [0.79606638, 0.74749968, 0.61206802],
+ [0.79805223, 0.75262543, 0.61748444],
+ [0.80004905, 0.75775607, 0.62294554],
+ [0.80205803, 0.76289145, 0.62845032],
+ [0.80408010, 0.76803150, 0.63399792],
+ [0.80611645, 0.77317607, 0.63958729],
+ [0.80816818, 0.77832507, 0.64521741],
+ [0.81023626, 0.78347844, 0.65088735],
+ [0.81232190, 0.78863606, 0.65659596],
+ [0.81442602, 0.79379791, 0.66234226],
+ [0.81654968, 0.79896395, 0.66812516],
+ [0.81869393, 0.80413413, 0.67394355],
+ [0.82085961, 0.80930848, 0.67979640],
+ [0.82304785, 0.81448696, 0.68568249],
+ [0.82525937, 0.81966965, 0.69160083],
+ [0.82749518, 0.82485656, 0.69755021],
+ [0.82975599, 0.83004779, 0.70352958],
+ [0.83204266, 0.83524341, 0.70953778],
+ [0.83435585, 0.84044357, 0.71557373],
+ [0.83669628, 0.84564836, 0.72163632],
+ [0.83906452, 0.85085798, 0.72772449],
+ [0.84146117, 0.85607259, 0.73383715],
+ [0.84388667, 0.86129241, 0.73997330],
+ [0.84634150, 0.86651765, 0.74613189],
+ [0.84882597, 0.87174858, 0.75231199],
+ [0.85134042, 0.87698546, 0.75851264],
+ [0.85388504, 0.88222860, 0.76473296],
+ [0.85646002, 0.88747830, 0.77097209],
+ [0.85906543, 0.89273489, 0.77722925],
+ [0.86170131, 0.89799874, 0.78350369],
+ [0.86436761, 0.90327022, 0.78979473],
+ [0.86706424, 0.90854970, 0.79610175],
+ [0.86979105, 0.91383758, 0.80242418],
+ [0.87254779, 0.91913429, 0.80876154],
+ [0.87533424, 0.92444025, 0.81511337],
+ [0.87815002, 0.92975588, 0.82147936],
+ [0.88099484, 0.93508163, 0.82785915],
+ [0.88386822, 0.94041796, 0.83425260],
+ [0.88676980, 0.94576529, 0.84065947],
+ [0.88969900, 0.95112411, 0.84707976],
+ [0.89265545, 0.95649483, 0.85351334],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.sepia', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.sepia", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/sunburst/sunburst.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/sunburst/sunburst.jscm
index 0cbdae55..794dd0ca 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/sunburst/sunburst.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/sunburst/sunburst.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/sunburst/sunburst.py b/cmasher/colormaps/sunburst/sunburst.py
index eef6978a..c79e6fcb 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/sunburst/sunburst.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/sunburst/sunburst.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00028691, 0.00020835, 0.00028279],
- [0.00102421, 0.00070903, 0.00101021],
- [0.00218033, 0.00144242, 0.00214845],
- [0.00375280, 0.00237790, 0.00368891],
- [0.00574727, 0.00349371, 0.00562841],
- [0.00817359, 0.00477242, 0.00796563],
- [0.01104432, 0.00619914, 0.01069976],
- [0.01437378, 0.00776073, 0.01382970],
- [0.01817764, 0.00944524, 0.01735364],
- [0.02247277, 0.01124162, 0.02126897],
- [0.02727694, 0.01313949, 0.02557207],
- [0.03260869, 0.01512908, 0.03025819],
- [0.03848721, 0.01720107, 0.03532137],
- [0.04472223, 0.01934661, 0.04074862],
- [0.05095008, 0.02155723, 0.04620189],
- [0.05718085, 0.02382484, 0.05156892],
- [0.06341877, 0.02614168, 0.05685075],
- [0.06966727, 0.02850036, 0.06204782],
- [0.07592916, 0.03089381, 0.06716019],
- [0.08220666, 0.03331529, 0.07218757],
- [0.08850155, 0.03575837, 0.07712945],
- [0.09481532, 0.03821687, 0.08198520],
- [0.10114895, 0.04068063, 0.08675399],
- [0.10750319, 0.04306161, 0.09143498],
- [0.11387855, 0.04536332, 0.09602729],
- [0.12027537, 0.04758808, 0.10053004],
- [0.12669388, 0.04973801, 0.10494242],
- [0.13313410, 0.05181515, 0.10926361],
- [0.13959587, 0.05382147, 0.11349284],
- [0.14607903, 0.05575879, 0.11762946],
- [0.15258333, 0.05762879, 0.12167284],
- [0.15910850, 0.05943303, 0.12562246],
- [0.16565413, 0.06117310, 0.12947786],
- [0.17221981, 0.06285040, 0.13323866],
- [0.17880518, 0.06446624, 0.13690456],
- [0.18540980, 0.06602187, 0.14047531],
- [0.19203321, 0.06751848, 0.14395075],
- [0.19867499, 0.06895715, 0.14733079],
- [0.20533472, 0.07033887, 0.15061537],
- [0.21201197, 0.07166460, 0.15380450],
- [0.21870632, 0.07293518, 0.15689824],
- [0.22541736, 0.07415142, 0.15989669],
- [0.23214472, 0.07531401, 0.16279996],
- [0.23888802, 0.07642364, 0.16560823],
- [0.24564687, 0.07748088, 0.16832171],
- [0.25242097, 0.07848626, 0.17094058],
- [0.25920996, 0.07944023, 0.17346508],
- [0.26601352, 0.08034324, 0.17589547],
- [0.27283134, 0.08119562, 0.17823199],
- [0.27966317, 0.08199764, 0.18047489],
- [0.28650868, 0.08274959, 0.18262446],
- [0.29336760, 0.08345167, 0.18468096],
- [0.30023971, 0.08410396, 0.18664460],
- [0.30712474, 0.08470663, 0.18851568],
- [0.31402240, 0.08525975, 0.19029445],
- [0.32093251, 0.08576327, 0.19198110],
- [0.32785482, 0.08621717, 0.19357587],
- [0.33478905, 0.08662148, 0.19507899],
- [0.34173503, 0.08697601, 0.19649062],
- [0.34869254, 0.08728060, 0.19781092],
- [0.35566125, 0.08753522, 0.19904011],
- [0.36264104, 0.08773953, 0.20017823],
- [0.36963165, 0.08789334, 0.20122542],
- [0.37663272, 0.08799656, 0.20218186],
- [0.38364424, 0.08804859, 0.20304740],
- [0.39066574, 0.08804944, 0.20382227],
- [0.39769703, 0.08799872, 0.20450641],
- [0.40473792, 0.08789596, 0.20509971],
- [0.41178790, 0.08774121, 0.20560237],
- [0.41884704, 0.08753353, 0.20601388],
- [0.42591463, 0.08727325, 0.20633459],
- [0.43299069, 0.08695948, 0.20656394],
- [0.44007455, 0.08659242, 0.20670212],
- [0.44716616, 0.08617128, 0.20674851],
- [0.45426479, 0.08569637, 0.20670331],
- [0.46137042, 0.08516677, 0.20656566],
- [0.46848219, 0.08458313, 0.20633582],
- [0.47560004, 0.08394454, 0.20601280],
- [0.48272316, 0.08325159, 0.20559662],
- [0.48985104, 0.08250434, 0.20508677],
- [0.49698340, 0.08170242, 0.20448225],
- [0.50411927, 0.08084690, 0.20378304],
- [0.51125803, 0.07993830, 0.20298844],
- [0.51839929, 0.07897664, 0.20209721],
- [0.52554202, 0.07796358, 0.20110904],
- [0.53268538, 0.07690049, 0.20002312],
- [0.53982852, 0.07578902, 0.19883855],
- [0.54697049, 0.07463129, 0.19755431],
- [0.55411028, 0.07342990, 0.19616934],
- [0.56124678, 0.07218810, 0.19468248],
- [0.56837880, 0.07090985, 0.19309253],
- [0.57550502, 0.06959997, 0.19139818],
- [0.58262400, 0.06826431, 0.18959809],
- [0.58973418, 0.06690989, 0.18769083],
- [0.59683382, 0.06554515, 0.18567490],
- [0.60392106, 0.06418012, 0.18354875],
- [0.61099403, 0.06282598, 0.18131023],
- [0.61805061, 0.06149625, 0.17895730],
- [0.62508803, 0.06020822, 0.17648890],
- [0.63210426, 0.05897851, 0.17390136],
- [0.63909578, 0.05783082, 0.17119418],
- [0.64606007, 0.05678752, 0.16836327],
- [0.65299326, 0.05587785, 0.16540731],
- [0.65989160, 0.05513269, 0.16232365],
- [0.66675096, 0.05458598, 0.15910942],
- [0.67356680, 0.05427454, 0.15576179],
- [0.68033403, 0.05423761, 0.15227799],
- [0.68704706, 0.05451589, 0.14865546],
- [0.69369969, 0.05515040, 0.14489185],
- [0.70028509, 0.05618108, 0.14098519],
- [0.70679624, 0.05764355, 0.13693176],
- [0.71322465, 0.05957213, 0.13273203],
- [0.71956187, 0.06199294, 0.12838347],
- [0.72579832, 0.06492701, 0.12388673],
- [0.73192387, 0.06838759, 0.11924309],
- [0.73792785, 0.07238015, 0.11445523],
- [0.74379911, 0.07690258, 0.10952793],
- [0.74952631, 0.08194530, 0.10446780],
- [0.75509807, 0.08749192, 0.09928513],
- [0.76050344, 0.09351949, 0.09399345],
- [0.76573234, 0.09999923, 0.08860931],
- [0.77077595, 0.10689714, 0.08315390],
- [0.77562724, 0.11417469, 0.07765262],
- [0.78028137, 0.12178994, 0.07213493],
- [0.78473594, 0.12969861, 0.06663478],
- [0.78899120, 0.13785534, 0.06119075],
- [0.79304987, 0.14621526, 0.05584590],
- [0.79691698, 0.15473527, 0.05064835],
- [0.80059949, 0.16337512, 0.04565234],
- [0.80410578, 0.17209842, 0.04091877],
- [0.80744502, 0.18087354, 0.03656330],
- [0.81062721, 0.18967261, 0.03284897],
- [0.81366202, 0.19847328, 0.02978095],
- [0.81655911, 0.20725703, 0.02735425],
- [0.81932773, 0.21600901, 0.02556368],
- [0.82197656, 0.22471783, 0.02440445],
- [0.82451354, 0.23337504, 0.02387282],
- [0.82694588, 0.24197470, 0.02396658],
- [0.82928000, 0.25051291, 0.02468537],
- [0.83152234, 0.25898625, 0.02603161],
- [0.83367755, 0.26739445, 0.02800850],
- [0.83575119, 0.27573587, 0.03062270],
- [0.83774693, 0.28401176, 0.03388176],
- [0.83966871, 0.29222281, 0.03779577],
- [0.84152000, 0.30037020, 0.04231855],
- [0.84330390, 0.30845547, 0.04718171],
- [0.84502314, 0.31648042, 0.05232334],
- [0.84668012, 0.32444703, 0.05769850],
- [0.84827700, 0.33235739, 0.06327080],
- [0.84981598, 0.34021329, 0.06901096],
- [0.85129899, 0.34801660, 0.07489554],
- [0.85272715, 0.35576999, 0.08090629],
- [0.85410285, 0.36347441, 0.08702799],
- [0.85542653, 0.37113285, 0.09324952],
- [0.85670046, 0.37874607, 0.09956104],
- [0.85792511, 0.38631664, 0.10595570],
- [0.85910167, 0.39384615, 0.11242769],
- [0.86023184, 0.40133560, 0.11897200],
- [0.86131603, 0.40878710, 0.12558544],
- [0.86235527, 0.41620202, 0.13226519],
- [0.86335049, 0.42358173, 0.13900904],
- [0.86430261, 0.43092748, 0.14581530],
- [0.86521249, 0.43824051, 0.15268270],
- [0.86608094, 0.44552198, 0.15961030],
- [0.86690878, 0.45277298, 0.16659744],
- [0.86769678, 0.45999455, 0.17364368],
- [0.86844571, 0.46718767, 0.18074877],
- [0.86915633, 0.47435325, 0.18791261],
- [0.86982940, 0.48149217, 0.19513520],
- [0.87046566, 0.48860521, 0.20241667],
- [0.87106589, 0.49569313, 0.20975721],
- [0.87163086, 0.50275663, 0.21715708],
- [0.87216162, 0.50979614, 0.22461634],
- [0.87265881, 0.51681240, 0.23213553],
- [0.87312317, 0.52380600, 0.23971510],
- [0.87355555, 0.53077744, 0.24735548],
- [0.87395712, 0.53772697, 0.25505684],
- [0.87432861, 0.54465512, 0.26281981],
- [0.87467085, 0.55156232, 0.27064498],
- [0.87498503, 0.55844876, 0.27853263],
- [0.87527217, 0.56531471, 0.28648326],
- [0.87553313, 0.57216055, 0.29449756],
- [0.87576930, 0.57898630, 0.30257577],
- [0.87598171, 0.58579221, 0.31071851],
- [0.87617147, 0.59257844, 0.31892638],
- [0.87634020, 0.59934489, 0.32719953],
- [0.87648888, 0.60609181, 0.33553878],
- [0.87661914, 0.61281908, 0.34394439],
- [0.87673240, 0.61952670, 0.35241687],
- [0.87683016, 0.62621463, 0.36095669],
- [0.87691421, 0.63288268, 0.36956410],
- [0.87698607, 0.63953083, 0.37823972],
- [0.87704779, 0.64615877, 0.38698363],
- [0.87710104, 0.65276640, 0.39579639],
- [0.87714801, 0.65935338, 0.40467811],
- [0.87719069, 0.66591948, 0.41362916],
- [0.87723137, 0.67246435, 0.42264965],
- [0.87727233, 0.67898764, 0.43173978],
- [0.87731605, 0.68548896, 0.44089961],
- [0.87736509, 0.69196788, 0.45012917],
- [0.87742214, 0.69842394, 0.45942844],
- [0.87749005, 0.70485663, 0.46879727],
- [0.87757175, 0.71126545, 0.47823549],
- [0.87767038, 0.71764981, 0.48774277],
- [0.87778914, 0.72400915, 0.49731878],
- [0.87793145, 0.73034282, 0.50696296],
- [0.87810081, 0.73665020, 0.51667477],
- [0.87830092, 0.74293060, 0.52645341],
- [0.87853556, 0.74918334, 0.53629808],
- [0.87880873, 0.75540769, 0.54620771],
- [0.87912449, 0.76160293, 0.55618122],
- [0.87948712, 0.76776830, 0.56621720],
- [0.87990092, 0.77390307, 0.57631429],
- [0.88037047, 0.78000643, 0.58647070],
- [0.88090027, 0.78607767, 0.59668473],
- [0.88149514, 0.79211598, 0.60695418],
- [0.88215974, 0.79812065, 0.61727700],
- [0.88289909, 0.80409090, 0.62765056],
- [0.88371798, 0.81002606, 0.63807240],
- [0.88462153, 0.81592540, 0.64853946],
- [0.88561459, 0.82178829, 0.65904886],
- [0.88670229, 0.82761408, 0.66959711],
- [0.88788952, 0.83340224, 0.68018083],
- [0.88918122, 0.83915225, 0.69079625],
- [0.89058234, 0.84486362, 0.70143930],
- [0.89209744, 0.85053601, 0.71210615],
- [0.89373153, 0.85616903, 0.72279183],
- [0.89548875, 0.86176252, 0.73349245],
- [0.89737373, 0.86731625, 0.74420272],
- [0.89939058, 0.87283016, 0.75491787],
- [0.90154313, 0.87830429, 0.76563309],
- [0.90383561, 0.88373862, 0.77634217],
- [0.90627132, 0.88913338, 0.78704028],
- [0.90885368, 0.89448881, 0.79772179],
- [0.91158625, 0.89980515, 0.80838000],
- [0.91447204, 0.90508277, 0.81900898],
- [0.91751403, 0.91032207, 0.82960244],
- [0.92071527, 0.91552347, 0.84015333],
- [0.92407894, 0.92068737, 0.85065379],
- [0.92760832, 0.92581419, 0.86109531],
- [0.93130674, 0.93090430, 0.87146916],
- [0.93517804, 0.93595804, 0.88176475],
- [0.93922654, 0.94097572, 0.89196965],
- [0.94345707, 0.94595767, 0.90206897],
- [0.94787482, 0.95090438, 0.91204440],
- [0.95248483, 0.95581688, 0.92187319],
- [0.95729065, 0.96069726, 0.93152703],
- [0.96229171, 0.96554987, 0.94097172],
- [0.96747854, 0.97038293, 0.95016887],
- [0.97282603, 0.97521057, 0.95908244],
- [0.97828739, 0.98005380, 0.96769236],
- [0.98379547, 0.98493815, 0.97601254],
- [0.98927857, 0.98988597, 0.98410494],
- [0.99468526, 0.99490795, 0.99206668],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00028691, 0.00020835, 0.00028279],
+ [0.00102421, 0.00070903, 0.00101021],
+ [0.00218033, 0.00144242, 0.00214845],
+ [0.00375280, 0.00237790, 0.00368891],
+ [0.00574727, 0.00349371, 0.00562841],
+ [0.00817359, 0.00477242, 0.00796563],
+ [0.01104432, 0.00619914, 0.01069976],
+ [0.01437378, 0.00776073, 0.01382970],
+ [0.01817764, 0.00944524, 0.01735364],
+ [0.02247277, 0.01124162, 0.02126897],
+ [0.02727694, 0.01313949, 0.02557207],
+ [0.03260869, 0.01512908, 0.03025819],
+ [0.03848721, 0.01720107, 0.03532137],
+ [0.04472223, 0.01934661, 0.04074862],
+ [0.05095008, 0.02155723, 0.04620189],
+ [0.05718085, 0.02382484, 0.05156892],
+ [0.06341877, 0.02614168, 0.05685075],
+ [0.06966727, 0.02850036, 0.06204782],
+ [0.07592916, 0.03089381, 0.06716019],
+ [0.08220666, 0.03331529, 0.07218757],
+ [0.08850155, 0.03575837, 0.07712945],
+ [0.09481532, 0.03821687, 0.08198520],
+ [0.10114895, 0.04068063, 0.08675399],
+ [0.10750319, 0.04306161, 0.09143498],
+ [0.11387855, 0.04536332, 0.09602729],
+ [0.12027537, 0.04758808, 0.10053004],
+ [0.12669388, 0.04973801, 0.10494242],
+ [0.13313410, 0.05181515, 0.10926361],
+ [0.13959587, 0.05382147, 0.11349284],
+ [0.14607903, 0.05575879, 0.11762946],
+ [0.15258333, 0.05762879, 0.12167284],
+ [0.15910850, 0.05943303, 0.12562246],
+ [0.16565413, 0.06117310, 0.12947786],
+ [0.17221981, 0.06285040, 0.13323866],
+ [0.17880518, 0.06446624, 0.13690456],
+ [0.18540980, 0.06602187, 0.14047531],
+ [0.19203321, 0.06751848, 0.14395075],
+ [0.19867499, 0.06895715, 0.14733079],
+ [0.20533472, 0.07033887, 0.15061537],
+ [0.21201197, 0.07166460, 0.15380450],
+ [0.21870632, 0.07293518, 0.15689824],
+ [0.22541736, 0.07415142, 0.15989669],
+ [0.23214472, 0.07531401, 0.16279996],
+ [0.23888802, 0.07642364, 0.16560823],
+ [0.24564687, 0.07748088, 0.16832171],
+ [0.25242097, 0.07848626, 0.17094058],
+ [0.25920996, 0.07944023, 0.17346508],
+ [0.26601352, 0.08034324, 0.17589547],
+ [0.27283134, 0.08119562, 0.17823199],
+ [0.27966317, 0.08199764, 0.18047489],
+ [0.28650868, 0.08274959, 0.18262446],
+ [0.29336760, 0.08345167, 0.18468096],
+ [0.30023971, 0.08410396, 0.18664460],
+ [0.30712474, 0.08470663, 0.18851568],
+ [0.31402240, 0.08525975, 0.19029445],
+ [0.32093251, 0.08576327, 0.19198110],
+ [0.32785482, 0.08621717, 0.19357587],
+ [0.33478905, 0.08662148, 0.19507899],
+ [0.34173503, 0.08697601, 0.19649062],
+ [0.34869254, 0.08728060, 0.19781092],
+ [0.35566125, 0.08753522, 0.19904011],
+ [0.36264104, 0.08773953, 0.20017823],
+ [0.36963165, 0.08789334, 0.20122542],
+ [0.37663272, 0.08799656, 0.20218186],
+ [0.38364424, 0.08804859, 0.20304740],
+ [0.39066574, 0.08804944, 0.20382227],
+ [0.39769703, 0.08799872, 0.20450641],
+ [0.40473792, 0.08789596, 0.20509971],
+ [0.41178790, 0.08774121, 0.20560237],
+ [0.41884704, 0.08753353, 0.20601388],
+ [0.42591463, 0.08727325, 0.20633459],
+ [0.43299069, 0.08695948, 0.20656394],
+ [0.44007455, 0.08659242, 0.20670212],
+ [0.44716616, 0.08617128, 0.20674851],
+ [0.45426479, 0.08569637, 0.20670331],
+ [0.46137042, 0.08516677, 0.20656566],
+ [0.46848219, 0.08458313, 0.20633582],
+ [0.47560004, 0.08394454, 0.20601280],
+ [0.48272316, 0.08325159, 0.20559662],
+ [0.48985104, 0.08250434, 0.20508677],
+ [0.49698340, 0.08170242, 0.20448225],
+ [0.50411927, 0.08084690, 0.20378304],
+ [0.51125803, 0.07993830, 0.20298844],
+ [0.51839929, 0.07897664, 0.20209721],
+ [0.52554202, 0.07796358, 0.20110904],
+ [0.53268538, 0.07690049, 0.20002312],
+ [0.53982852, 0.07578902, 0.19883855],
+ [0.54697049, 0.07463129, 0.19755431],
+ [0.55411028, 0.07342990, 0.19616934],
+ [0.56124678, 0.07218810, 0.19468248],
+ [0.56837880, 0.07090985, 0.19309253],
+ [0.57550502, 0.06959997, 0.19139818],
+ [0.58262400, 0.06826431, 0.18959809],
+ [0.58973418, 0.06690989, 0.18769083],
+ [0.59683382, 0.06554515, 0.18567490],
+ [0.60392106, 0.06418012, 0.18354875],
+ [0.61099403, 0.06282598, 0.18131023],
+ [0.61805061, 0.06149625, 0.17895730],
+ [0.62508803, 0.06020822, 0.17648890],
+ [0.63210426, 0.05897851, 0.17390136],
+ [0.63909578, 0.05783082, 0.17119418],
+ [0.64606007, 0.05678752, 0.16836327],
+ [0.65299326, 0.05587785, 0.16540731],
+ [0.65989160, 0.05513269, 0.16232365],
+ [0.66675096, 0.05458598, 0.15910942],
+ [0.67356680, 0.05427454, 0.15576179],
+ [0.68033403, 0.05423761, 0.15227799],
+ [0.68704706, 0.05451589, 0.14865546],
+ [0.69369969, 0.05515040, 0.14489185],
+ [0.70028509, 0.05618108, 0.14098519],
+ [0.70679624, 0.05764355, 0.13693176],
+ [0.71322465, 0.05957213, 0.13273203],
+ [0.71956187, 0.06199294, 0.12838347],
+ [0.72579832, 0.06492701, 0.12388673],
+ [0.73192387, 0.06838759, 0.11924309],
+ [0.73792785, 0.07238015, 0.11445523],
+ [0.74379911, 0.07690258, 0.10952793],
+ [0.74952631, 0.08194530, 0.10446780],
+ [0.75509807, 0.08749192, 0.09928513],
+ [0.76050344, 0.09351949, 0.09399345],
+ [0.76573234, 0.09999923, 0.08860931],
+ [0.77077595, 0.10689714, 0.08315390],
+ [0.77562724, 0.11417469, 0.07765262],
+ [0.78028137, 0.12178994, 0.07213493],
+ [0.78473594, 0.12969861, 0.06663478],
+ [0.78899120, 0.13785534, 0.06119075],
+ [0.79304987, 0.14621526, 0.05584590],
+ [0.79691698, 0.15473527, 0.05064835],
+ [0.80059949, 0.16337512, 0.04565234],
+ [0.80410578, 0.17209842, 0.04091877],
+ [0.80744502, 0.18087354, 0.03656330],
+ [0.81062721, 0.18967261, 0.03284897],
+ [0.81366202, 0.19847328, 0.02978095],
+ [0.81655911, 0.20725703, 0.02735425],
+ [0.81932773, 0.21600901, 0.02556368],
+ [0.82197656, 0.22471783, 0.02440445],
+ [0.82451354, 0.23337504, 0.02387282],
+ [0.82694588, 0.24197470, 0.02396658],
+ [0.82928000, 0.25051291, 0.02468537],
+ [0.83152234, 0.25898625, 0.02603161],
+ [0.83367755, 0.26739445, 0.02800850],
+ [0.83575119, 0.27573587, 0.03062270],
+ [0.83774693, 0.28401176, 0.03388176],
+ [0.83966871, 0.29222281, 0.03779577],
+ [0.84152000, 0.30037020, 0.04231855],
+ [0.84330390, 0.30845547, 0.04718171],
+ [0.84502314, 0.31648042, 0.05232334],
+ [0.84668012, 0.32444703, 0.05769850],
+ [0.84827700, 0.33235739, 0.06327080],
+ [0.84981598, 0.34021329, 0.06901096],
+ [0.85129899, 0.34801660, 0.07489554],
+ [0.85272715, 0.35576999, 0.08090629],
+ [0.85410285, 0.36347441, 0.08702799],
+ [0.85542653, 0.37113285, 0.09324952],
+ [0.85670046, 0.37874607, 0.09956104],
+ [0.85792511, 0.38631664, 0.10595570],
+ [0.85910167, 0.39384615, 0.11242769],
+ [0.86023184, 0.40133560, 0.11897200],
+ [0.86131603, 0.40878710, 0.12558544],
+ [0.86235527, 0.41620202, 0.13226519],
+ [0.86335049, 0.42358173, 0.13900904],
+ [0.86430261, 0.43092748, 0.14581530],
+ [0.86521249, 0.43824051, 0.15268270],
+ [0.86608094, 0.44552198, 0.15961030],
+ [0.86690878, 0.45277298, 0.16659744],
+ [0.86769678, 0.45999455, 0.17364368],
+ [0.86844571, 0.46718767, 0.18074877],
+ [0.86915633, 0.47435325, 0.18791261],
+ [0.86982940, 0.48149217, 0.19513520],
+ [0.87046566, 0.48860521, 0.20241667],
+ [0.87106589, 0.49569313, 0.20975721],
+ [0.87163086, 0.50275663, 0.21715708],
+ [0.87216162, 0.50979614, 0.22461634],
+ [0.87265881, 0.51681240, 0.23213553],
+ [0.87312317, 0.52380600, 0.23971510],
+ [0.87355555, 0.53077744, 0.24735548],
+ [0.87395712, 0.53772697, 0.25505684],
+ [0.87432861, 0.54465512, 0.26281981],
+ [0.87467085, 0.55156232, 0.27064498],
+ [0.87498503, 0.55844876, 0.27853263],
+ [0.87527217, 0.56531471, 0.28648326],
+ [0.87553313, 0.57216055, 0.29449756],
+ [0.87576930, 0.57898630, 0.30257577],
+ [0.87598171, 0.58579221, 0.31071851],
+ [0.87617147, 0.59257844, 0.31892638],
+ [0.87634020, 0.59934489, 0.32719953],
+ [0.87648888, 0.60609181, 0.33553878],
+ [0.87661914, 0.61281908, 0.34394439],
+ [0.87673240, 0.61952670, 0.35241687],
+ [0.87683016, 0.62621463, 0.36095669],
+ [0.87691421, 0.63288268, 0.36956410],
+ [0.87698607, 0.63953083, 0.37823972],
+ [0.87704779, 0.64615877, 0.38698363],
+ [0.87710104, 0.65276640, 0.39579639],
+ [0.87714801, 0.65935338, 0.40467811],
+ [0.87719069, 0.66591948, 0.41362916],
+ [0.87723137, 0.67246435, 0.42264965],
+ [0.87727233, 0.67898764, 0.43173978],
+ [0.87731605, 0.68548896, 0.44089961],
+ [0.87736509, 0.69196788, 0.45012917],
+ [0.87742214, 0.69842394, 0.45942844],
+ [0.87749005, 0.70485663, 0.46879727],
+ [0.87757175, 0.71126545, 0.47823549],
+ [0.87767038, 0.71764981, 0.48774277],
+ [0.87778914, 0.72400915, 0.49731878],
+ [0.87793145, 0.73034282, 0.50696296],
+ [0.87810081, 0.73665020, 0.51667477],
+ [0.87830092, 0.74293060, 0.52645341],
+ [0.87853556, 0.74918334, 0.53629808],
+ [0.87880873, 0.75540769, 0.54620771],
+ [0.87912449, 0.76160293, 0.55618122],
+ [0.87948712, 0.76776830, 0.56621720],
+ [0.87990092, 0.77390307, 0.57631429],
+ [0.88037047, 0.78000643, 0.58647070],
+ [0.88090027, 0.78607767, 0.59668473],
+ [0.88149514, 0.79211598, 0.60695418],
+ [0.88215974, 0.79812065, 0.61727700],
+ [0.88289909, 0.80409090, 0.62765056],
+ [0.88371798, 0.81002606, 0.63807240],
+ [0.88462153, 0.81592540, 0.64853946],
+ [0.88561459, 0.82178829, 0.65904886],
+ [0.88670229, 0.82761408, 0.66959711],
+ [0.88788952, 0.83340224, 0.68018083],
+ [0.88918122, 0.83915225, 0.69079625],
+ [0.89058234, 0.84486362, 0.70143930],
+ [0.89209744, 0.85053601, 0.71210615],
+ [0.89373153, 0.85616903, 0.72279183],
+ [0.89548875, 0.86176252, 0.73349245],
+ [0.89737373, 0.86731625, 0.74420272],
+ [0.89939058, 0.87283016, 0.75491787],
+ [0.90154313, 0.87830429, 0.76563309],
+ [0.90383561, 0.88373862, 0.77634217],
+ [0.90627132, 0.88913338, 0.78704028],
+ [0.90885368, 0.89448881, 0.79772179],
+ [0.91158625, 0.89980515, 0.80838000],
+ [0.91447204, 0.90508277, 0.81900898],
+ [0.91751403, 0.91032207, 0.82960244],
+ [0.92071527, 0.91552347, 0.84015333],
+ [0.92407894, 0.92068737, 0.85065379],
+ [0.92760832, 0.92581419, 0.86109531],
+ [0.93130674, 0.93090430, 0.87146916],
+ [0.93517804, 0.93595804, 0.88176475],
+ [0.93922654, 0.94097572, 0.89196965],
+ [0.94345707, 0.94595767, 0.90206897],
+ [0.94787482, 0.95090438, 0.91204440],
+ [0.95248483, 0.95581688, 0.92187319],
+ [0.95729065, 0.96069726, 0.93152703],
+ [0.96229171, 0.96554987, 0.94097172],
+ [0.96747854, 0.97038293, 0.95016887],
+ [0.97282603, 0.97521057, 0.95908244],
+ [0.97828739, 0.98005380, 0.96769236],
+ [0.98379547, 0.98493815, 0.97601254],
+ [0.98927857, 0.98988597, 0.98410494],
+ [0.99468526, 0.99490795, 0.99206668],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.sunburst', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.sunburst", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/swamp/swamp.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/swamp/swamp.jscm
index 78a128b7..28921e51 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/swamp/swamp.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/swamp/swamp.jscm
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/swamp/swamp.py b/cmasher/colormaps/swamp/swamp.py
index 56358973..d0684e2f 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/swamp/swamp.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/swamp/swamp.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00025767, 0.00021960, 0.00028478],
- [0.00090079, 0.00075614, 0.00102215],
- [0.00187832, 0.00155684, 0.00218590],
- [0.00316739, 0.00259810, 0.00377674],
- [0.00475245, 0.00386531, 0.00580255],
- [0.00662104, 0.00534846, 0.00827471],
- [0.00876215, 0.00704041, 0.01120675],
- [0.01116543, 0.00893603, 0.01461365],
- [0.01382066, 0.01103168, 0.01851133],
- [0.01671753, 0.01332496, 0.02291657],
- [0.01984540, 0.01581446, 0.02784682],
- [0.02319317, 0.01849968, 0.03331977],
- [0.02674914, 0.02138098, 0.03935336],
- [0.03050097, 0.02445942, 0.04567157],
- [0.03443559, 0.02773680, 0.05197192],
- [0.03853914, 0.03121565, 0.05826800],
- [0.04271965, 0.03489918, 0.06456260],
- [0.04678359, 0.03879125, 0.07085771],
- [0.05073657, 0.04281417, 0.07715450],
- [0.05457818, 0.04680719, 0.08345304],
- [0.05830748, 0.05078329, 0.08975300],
- [0.06192317, 0.05474727, 0.09605317],
- [0.06542368, 0.05870363, 0.10235162],
- [0.06880715, 0.06265659, 0.10864586],
- [0.07207153, 0.06661012, 0.11493279],
- [0.07521470, 0.07056793, 0.12120868],
- [0.07823446, 0.07453351, 0.12746921],
- [0.08112866, 0.07851009, 0.13370952],
- [0.08389523, 0.08250064, 0.13992429],
- [0.08653227, 0.08650785, 0.14610773],
- [0.08903811, 0.09053414, 0.15225372],
- [0.09141132, 0.09458161, 0.15835592],
- [0.09365090, 0.09865206, 0.16440767],
- [0.09575626, 0.10274694, 0.17040222],
- [0.09772719, 0.10686737, 0.17633294],
- [0.09956411, 0.11101412, 0.18219317],
- [0.10126787, 0.11518760, 0.18797655],
- [0.10283993, 0.11938792, 0.19367701],
- [0.10428224, 0.12361482, 0.19928893],
- [0.10559734, 0.12786776, 0.20480716],
- [0.10678818, 0.13214593, 0.21022721],
- [0.10785832, 0.13644824, 0.21554512],
- [0.10881155, 0.14077345, 0.22075770],
- [0.10965208, 0.14512011, 0.22586245],
- [0.11038454, 0.14948662, 0.23085746],
- [0.11101356, 0.15387133, 0.23574164],
- [0.11154399, 0.15827255, 0.24051447],
- [0.11198081, 0.16268852, 0.24517605],
- [0.11232901, 0.16711752, 0.24972701],
- [0.11259354, 0.17155786, 0.25416850],
- [0.11277928, 0.17600793, 0.25850207],
- [0.11289094, 0.18046618, 0.26272965],
- [0.11293308, 0.18493117, 0.26685348],
- [0.11291008, 0.18940157, 0.27087603],
- [0.11282647, 0.19387606, 0.27479991],
- [0.11268574, 0.19835363, 0.27862796],
- [0.11249204, 0.20283317, 0.28236304],
- [0.11224851, 0.20731387, 0.28600806],
- [0.11195893, 0.21179483, 0.28956598],
- [0.11162587, 0.21627547, 0.29303969],
- [0.11125221, 0.22075516, 0.29643207],
- [0.11084084, 0.22523336, 0.29974596],
- [0.11039397, 0.22970968, 0.30298405],
- [0.10991368, 0.23418381, 0.30614900],
- [0.10940197, 0.23865547, 0.30924331],
- [0.10886057, 0.24312448, 0.31226940],
- [0.10829118, 0.24759068, 0.31522956],
- [0.10769545, 0.25205394, 0.31812603],
- [0.10707435, 0.25651430, 0.32096078],
- [0.10642894, 0.26097177, 0.32373572],
- [0.10576059, 0.26542632, 0.32645271],
- [0.10507019, 0.26987805, 0.32911343],
- [0.10435814, 0.27432711, 0.33171935],
- [0.10362598, 0.27877351, 0.33427207],
- [0.10287353, 0.28321751, 0.33677275],
- [0.10210206, 0.28765917, 0.33922274],
- [0.10131186, 0.29209871, 0.34162311],
- [0.10050322, 0.29653634, 0.34397480],
- [0.09967731, 0.30097214, 0.34627888],
- [0.09883430, 0.30540637, 0.34853610],
- [0.09797459, 0.30983923, 0.35074717],
- [0.09709882, 0.31427090, 0.35291274],
- [0.09620763, 0.31870159, 0.35503342],
- [0.09530178, 0.32313144, 0.35710971],
- [0.09438211, 0.32756065, 0.35914210],
- [0.09344924, 0.33198942, 0.36113087],
- [0.09250411, 0.33641792, 0.36307635],
- [0.09154779, 0.34084631, 0.36497878],
- [0.09058146, 0.34527476, 0.36683834],
- [0.08960664, 0.34970340, 0.36865521],
- [0.08862483, 0.35413237, 0.37042948],
- [0.08763766, 0.35856181, 0.37216116],
- [0.08664708, 0.36299184, 0.37385026],
- [0.08565527, 0.36742259, 0.37549672],
- [0.08466468, 0.37185414, 0.37710048],
- [0.08367822, 0.37628657, 0.37866147],
- [0.08269920, 0.38071992, 0.38017964],
- [0.08173062, 0.38515432, 0.38165469],
- [0.08077623, 0.38958980, 0.38308643],
- [0.07984053, 0.39402637, 0.38447477],
- [0.07892807, 0.39846407, 0.38581946],
- [0.07804348, 0.40290293, 0.38712015],
- [0.07719249, 0.40734294, 0.38837666],
- [0.07638113, 0.41178407, 0.38958876],
- [0.07561528, 0.41622634, 0.39075601],
- [0.07490227, 0.42066967, 0.39187826],
- [0.07424910, 0.42511404, 0.39295513],
- [0.07366336, 0.42955939, 0.39398625],
- [0.07315367, 0.43400560, 0.39497144],
- [0.07272795, 0.43845265, 0.39591018],
- [0.07239552, 0.44290039, 0.39680230],
- [0.07216516, 0.44734874, 0.39764734],
- [0.07204630, 0.45179757, 0.39844500],
- [0.07204831, 0.45624673, 0.39919493],
- [0.07218047, 0.46069608, 0.39989677],
- [0.07245219, 0.46514546, 0.40055021],
- [0.07287228, 0.46959469, 0.40115485],
- [0.07344957, 0.47404357, 0.40171041],
- [0.07419207, 0.47849192, 0.40221649],
- [0.07510743, 0.48293950, 0.40267280],
- [0.07620248, 0.48738609, 0.40307898],
- [0.07748329, 0.49183144, 0.40343472],
- [0.07895513, 0.49627529, 0.40373971],
- [0.08062227, 0.50071736, 0.40399361],
- [0.08248820, 0.50515735, 0.40419616],
- [0.08455541, 0.50959495, 0.40434706],
- [0.08682555, 0.51402984, 0.40444601],
- [0.08929951, 0.51846166, 0.40449281],
- [0.09197724, 0.52289005, 0.40448710],
- [0.09485840, 0.52731459, 0.40442886],
- [0.09794146, 0.53173493, 0.40431756],
- [0.10122517, 0.53615057, 0.40415334],
- [0.10470729, 0.54056108, 0.40393583],
- [0.10838560, 0.54496596, 0.40366495],
- [0.11225780, 0.54936468, 0.40334080],
- [0.11632101, 0.55375673, 0.40296286],
- [0.12057295, 0.55814149, 0.40253150],
- [0.12501114, 0.56251832, 0.40204682],
- [0.12963299, 0.56688663, 0.40150839],
- [0.13443652, 0.57124566, 0.40091679],
- [0.13941978, 0.57559464, 0.40027225],
- [0.14458111, 0.57993280, 0.39957506],
- [0.14991911, 0.58425929, 0.39882518],
- [0.15543289, 0.58857315, 0.39802354],
- [0.16112185, 0.59287339, 0.39717077],
- [0.16698583, 0.59715894, 0.39626765],
- [0.17302508, 0.60142864, 0.39531515],
- [0.17924036, 0.60568124, 0.39431443],
- [0.18563290, 0.60991536, 0.39326693],
- [0.19220446, 0.61412953, 0.39217442],
- [0.19895734, 0.61832213, 0.39103903],
- [0.20589438, 0.62249140, 0.38986338],
- [0.21301899, 0.62663539, 0.38865062],
- [0.22033574, 0.63075200, 0.38740354],
- [0.22784899, 0.63483887, 0.38612742],
- [0.23556408, 0.63889344, 0.38482773],
- [0.24348795, 0.64291283, 0.38350970],
- [0.25162664, 0.64689393, 0.38218237],
- [0.25998821, 0.65083323, 0.38085445],
- [0.26858113, 0.65472688, 0.37953706],
- [0.27741365, 0.65857064, 0.37824465],
- [0.28649485, 0.66235987, 0.37699406],
- [0.29583356, 0.66608950, 0.37580599],
- [0.30543762, 0.66975412, 0.37470591],
- [0.31531446, 0.67334793, 0.37372375],
- [0.32546620, 0.67686527, 0.37289770],
- [0.33589213, 0.68030053, 0.37227147],
- [0.34658253, 0.68364904, 0.37189748],
- [0.35751865, 0.68690747, 0.37183437],
- [0.36866839, 0.69007489, 0.37214600],
- [0.37998463, 0.69315365, 0.37289740],
- [0.39140568, 0.69615009, 0.37414858],
- [0.40285889, 0.69907462, 0.37594744],
- [0.41426725, 0.70194103, 0.37832333],
- [0.42555725, 0.70476519, 0.38128362],
- [0.43666594, 0.70756339, 0.38481397],
- [0.44754941, 0.71034993, 0.38888256],
- [0.45817442, 0.71313819, 0.39344572],
- [0.46852922, 0.71593746, 0.39845460],
- [0.47861146, 0.71875501, 0.40385952],
- [0.48842361, 0.72159682, 0.40961184],
- [0.49798215, 0.72446493, 0.41566990],
- [0.50729689, 0.72736262, 0.42199322],
- [0.51638604, 0.73029033, 0.42854901],
- [0.52526595, 0.73324844, 0.43530825],
- [0.53394962, 0.73623776, 0.44224394],
- [0.54245593, 0.73925682, 0.44933705],
- [0.55079630, 0.74230592, 0.45656722],
- [0.55898614, 0.74538370, 0.46392046],
- [0.56703490, 0.74849031, 0.47138102],
- [0.57495417, 0.75162488, 0.47893751],
- [0.58275480, 0.75478644, 0.48658053],
- [0.59044598, 0.75797433, 0.49430131],
- [0.59803395, 0.76118866, 0.50208978],
- [0.60552817, 0.76442820, 0.50994115],
- [0.61293654, 0.76769205, 0.51785066],
- [0.62026315, 0.77098054, 0.52581030],
- [0.62751514, 0.77429272, 0.53381701],
- [0.63469730, 0.77762838, 0.54186594],
- [0.64181571, 0.78098666, 0.54995501],
- [0.64887209, 0.78436837, 0.55807684],
- [0.65587355, 0.78777199, 0.56623271],
- [0.66282341, 0.79119744, 0.57441922],
- [0.66972380, 0.79464510, 0.58263159],
- [0.67657838, 0.79811461, 0.59086808],
- [0.68339098, 0.80160547, 0.59912783],
- [0.69016431, 0.80511756, 0.60740870],
- [0.69690097, 0.80865079, 0.61570883],
- [0.70360344, 0.81220504, 0.62402654],
- [0.71027410, 0.81578021, 0.63236036],
- [0.71691519, 0.81937619, 0.64070899],
- [0.72352888, 0.82299288, 0.64907126],
- [0.73011639, 0.82663060, 0.65744449],
- [0.73667949, 0.83028935, 0.66582726],
- [0.74322086, 0.83396868, 0.67422029],
- [0.74974233, 0.83766848, 0.68262288],
- [0.75624553, 0.84138874, 0.69103410],
- [0.76272953, 0.84513075, 0.69944775],
- [0.76919850, 0.84889312, 0.70786863],
- [0.77565402, 0.85267578, 0.71629626],
- [0.78209427, 0.85648047, 0.72472271],
- [0.78852378, 0.86030550, 0.73315423],
- [0.79494255, 0.86415162, 0.74158708],
- [0.80135116, 0.86801925, 0.75001884],
- [0.80775260, 0.87190745, 0.75845276],
- [0.81414521, 0.87581791, 0.76688121],
- [0.82053341, 0.87974883, 0.77531095],
- [0.82691478, 0.88370234, 0.78373247],
- [0.83329381, 0.88767660, 0.79215269],
- [0.83966867, 0.89167341, 0.80056336],
- [0.84604262, 0.89569163, 0.80896840],
- [0.85241570, 0.89973200, 0.81736377],
- [0.85878880, 0.90379478, 0.82574740],
- [0.86516472, 0.90787909, 0.83412169],
- [0.87154157, 0.91198691, 0.84247714],
- [0.87792321, 0.91611678, 0.85081833],
- [0.88431062, 0.92026900, 0.85914219],
- [0.89070285, 0.92444508, 0.86744058],
- [0.89710357, 0.92864379, 0.87571624],
- [0.90351398, 0.93286542, 0.88396529],
- [0.90993329, 0.93711159, 0.89217834],
- [0.91636456, 0.94138157, 0.90035491],
- [0.92280917, 0.94567575, 0.90848971],
- [0.92926782, 0.94999500, 0.91657536],
- [0.93573948, 0.95434125, 0.92460051],
- [0.94222569, 0.95871483, 0.93256014],
- [0.94872497, 0.96311780, 0.94044382],
- [0.95523387, 0.96755307, 0.94824021],
- [0.96174541, 0.97202512, 0.95593657],
- [0.96824903, 0.97653955, 0.96352289],
- [0.97473013, 0.98110298, 0.97099530],
- [0.98116807, 0.98572376, 0.97835654],
- [0.98753906, 0.99041020, 0.98562198],
- [0.99382096, 0.99516844, 0.99282208],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00025767, 0.00021960, 0.00028478],
+ [0.00090079, 0.00075614, 0.00102215],
+ [0.00187832, 0.00155684, 0.00218590],
+ [0.00316739, 0.00259810, 0.00377674],
+ [0.00475245, 0.00386531, 0.00580255],
+ [0.00662104, 0.00534846, 0.00827471],
+ [0.00876215, 0.00704041, 0.01120675],
+ [0.01116543, 0.00893603, 0.01461365],
+ [0.01382066, 0.01103168, 0.01851133],
+ [0.01671753, 0.01332496, 0.02291657],
+ [0.01984540, 0.01581446, 0.02784682],
+ [0.02319317, 0.01849968, 0.03331977],
+ [0.02674914, 0.02138098, 0.03935336],
+ [0.03050097, 0.02445942, 0.04567157],
+ [0.03443559, 0.02773680, 0.05197192],
+ [0.03853914, 0.03121565, 0.05826800],
+ [0.04271965, 0.03489918, 0.06456260],
+ [0.04678359, 0.03879125, 0.07085771],
+ [0.05073657, 0.04281417, 0.07715450],
+ [0.05457818, 0.04680719, 0.08345304],
+ [0.05830748, 0.05078329, 0.08975300],
+ [0.06192317, 0.05474727, 0.09605317],
+ [0.06542368, 0.05870363, 0.10235162],
+ [0.06880715, 0.06265659, 0.10864586],
+ [0.07207153, 0.06661012, 0.11493279],
+ [0.07521470, 0.07056793, 0.12120868],
+ [0.07823446, 0.07453351, 0.12746921],
+ [0.08112866, 0.07851009, 0.13370952],
+ [0.08389523, 0.08250064, 0.13992429],
+ [0.08653227, 0.08650785, 0.14610773],
+ [0.08903811, 0.09053414, 0.15225372],
+ [0.09141132, 0.09458161, 0.15835592],
+ [0.09365090, 0.09865206, 0.16440767],
+ [0.09575626, 0.10274694, 0.17040222],
+ [0.09772719, 0.10686737, 0.17633294],
+ [0.09956411, 0.11101412, 0.18219317],
+ [0.10126787, 0.11518760, 0.18797655],
+ [0.10283993, 0.11938792, 0.19367701],
+ [0.10428224, 0.12361482, 0.19928893],
+ [0.10559734, 0.12786776, 0.20480716],
+ [0.10678818, 0.13214593, 0.21022721],
+ [0.10785832, 0.13644824, 0.21554512],
+ [0.10881155, 0.14077345, 0.22075770],
+ [0.10965208, 0.14512011, 0.22586245],
+ [0.11038454, 0.14948662, 0.23085746],
+ [0.11101356, 0.15387133, 0.23574164],
+ [0.11154399, 0.15827255, 0.24051447],
+ [0.11198081, 0.16268852, 0.24517605],
+ [0.11232901, 0.16711752, 0.24972701],
+ [0.11259354, 0.17155786, 0.25416850],
+ [0.11277928, 0.17600793, 0.25850207],
+ [0.11289094, 0.18046618, 0.26272965],
+ [0.11293308, 0.18493117, 0.26685348],
+ [0.11291008, 0.18940157, 0.27087603],
+ [0.11282647, 0.19387606, 0.27479991],
+ [0.11268574, 0.19835363, 0.27862796],
+ [0.11249204, 0.20283317, 0.28236304],
+ [0.11224851, 0.20731387, 0.28600806],
+ [0.11195893, 0.21179483, 0.28956598],
+ [0.11162587, 0.21627547, 0.29303969],
+ [0.11125221, 0.22075516, 0.29643207],
+ [0.11084084, 0.22523336, 0.29974596],
+ [0.11039397, 0.22970968, 0.30298405],
+ [0.10991368, 0.23418381, 0.30614900],
+ [0.10940197, 0.23865547, 0.30924331],
+ [0.10886057, 0.24312448, 0.31226940],
+ [0.10829118, 0.24759068, 0.31522956],
+ [0.10769545, 0.25205394, 0.31812603],
+ [0.10707435, 0.25651430, 0.32096078],
+ [0.10642894, 0.26097177, 0.32373572],
+ [0.10576059, 0.26542632, 0.32645271],
+ [0.10507019, 0.26987805, 0.32911343],
+ [0.10435814, 0.27432711, 0.33171935],
+ [0.10362598, 0.27877351, 0.33427207],
+ [0.10287353, 0.28321751, 0.33677275],
+ [0.10210206, 0.28765917, 0.33922274],
+ [0.10131186, 0.29209871, 0.34162311],
+ [0.10050322, 0.29653634, 0.34397480],
+ [0.09967731, 0.30097214, 0.34627888],
+ [0.09883430, 0.30540637, 0.34853610],
+ [0.09797459, 0.30983923, 0.35074717],
+ [0.09709882, 0.31427090, 0.35291274],
+ [0.09620763, 0.31870159, 0.35503342],
+ [0.09530178, 0.32313144, 0.35710971],
+ [0.09438211, 0.32756065, 0.35914210],
+ [0.09344924, 0.33198942, 0.36113087],
+ [0.09250411, 0.33641792, 0.36307635],
+ [0.09154779, 0.34084631, 0.36497878],
+ [0.09058146, 0.34527476, 0.36683834],
+ [0.08960664, 0.34970340, 0.36865521],
+ [0.08862483, 0.35413237, 0.37042948],
+ [0.08763766, 0.35856181, 0.37216116],
+ [0.08664708, 0.36299184, 0.37385026],
+ [0.08565527, 0.36742259, 0.37549672],
+ [0.08466468, 0.37185414, 0.37710048],
+ [0.08367822, 0.37628657, 0.37866147],
+ [0.08269920, 0.38071992, 0.38017964],
+ [0.08173062, 0.38515432, 0.38165469],
+ [0.08077623, 0.38958980, 0.38308643],
+ [0.07984053, 0.39402637, 0.38447477],
+ [0.07892807, 0.39846407, 0.38581946],
+ [0.07804348, 0.40290293, 0.38712015],
+ [0.07719249, 0.40734294, 0.38837666],
+ [0.07638113, 0.41178407, 0.38958876],
+ [0.07561528, 0.41622634, 0.39075601],
+ [0.07490227, 0.42066967, 0.39187826],
+ [0.07424910, 0.42511404, 0.39295513],
+ [0.07366336, 0.42955939, 0.39398625],
+ [0.07315367, 0.43400560, 0.39497144],
+ [0.07272795, 0.43845265, 0.39591018],
+ [0.07239552, 0.44290039, 0.39680230],
+ [0.07216516, 0.44734874, 0.39764734],
+ [0.07204630, 0.45179757, 0.39844500],
+ [0.07204831, 0.45624673, 0.39919493],
+ [0.07218047, 0.46069608, 0.39989677],
+ [0.07245219, 0.46514546, 0.40055021],
+ [0.07287228, 0.46959469, 0.40115485],
+ [0.07344957, 0.47404357, 0.40171041],
+ [0.07419207, 0.47849192, 0.40221649],
+ [0.07510743, 0.48293950, 0.40267280],
+ [0.07620248, 0.48738609, 0.40307898],
+ [0.07748329, 0.49183144, 0.40343472],
+ [0.07895513, 0.49627529, 0.40373971],
+ [0.08062227, 0.50071736, 0.40399361],
+ [0.08248820, 0.50515735, 0.40419616],
+ [0.08455541, 0.50959495, 0.40434706],
+ [0.08682555, 0.51402984, 0.40444601],
+ [0.08929951, 0.51846166, 0.40449281],
+ [0.09197724, 0.52289005, 0.40448710],
+ [0.09485840, 0.52731459, 0.40442886],
+ [0.09794146, 0.53173493, 0.40431756],
+ [0.10122517, 0.53615057, 0.40415334],
+ [0.10470729, 0.54056108, 0.40393583],
+ [0.10838560, 0.54496596, 0.40366495],
+ [0.11225780, 0.54936468, 0.40334080],
+ [0.11632101, 0.55375673, 0.40296286],
+ [0.12057295, 0.55814149, 0.40253150],
+ [0.12501114, 0.56251832, 0.40204682],
+ [0.12963299, 0.56688663, 0.40150839],
+ [0.13443652, 0.57124566, 0.40091679],
+ [0.13941978, 0.57559464, 0.40027225],
+ [0.14458111, 0.57993280, 0.39957506],
+ [0.14991911, 0.58425929, 0.39882518],
+ [0.15543289, 0.58857315, 0.39802354],
+ [0.16112185, 0.59287339, 0.39717077],
+ [0.16698583, 0.59715894, 0.39626765],
+ [0.17302508, 0.60142864, 0.39531515],
+ [0.17924036, 0.60568124, 0.39431443],
+ [0.18563290, 0.60991536, 0.39326693],
+ [0.19220446, 0.61412953, 0.39217442],
+ [0.19895734, 0.61832213, 0.39103903],
+ [0.20589438, 0.62249140, 0.38986338],
+ [0.21301899, 0.62663539, 0.38865062],
+ [0.22033574, 0.63075200, 0.38740354],
+ [0.22784899, 0.63483887, 0.38612742],
+ [0.23556408, 0.63889344, 0.38482773],
+ [0.24348795, 0.64291283, 0.38350970],
+ [0.25162664, 0.64689393, 0.38218237],
+ [0.25998821, 0.65083323, 0.38085445],
+ [0.26858113, 0.65472688, 0.37953706],
+ [0.27741365, 0.65857064, 0.37824465],
+ [0.28649485, 0.66235987, 0.37699406],
+ [0.29583356, 0.66608950, 0.37580599],
+ [0.30543762, 0.66975412, 0.37470591],
+ [0.31531446, 0.67334793, 0.37372375],
+ [0.32546620, 0.67686527, 0.37289770],
+ [0.33589213, 0.68030053, 0.37227147],
+ [0.34658253, 0.68364904, 0.37189748],
+ [0.35751865, 0.68690747, 0.37183437],
+ [0.36866839, 0.69007489, 0.37214600],
+ [0.37998463, 0.69315365, 0.37289740],
+ [0.39140568, 0.69615009, 0.37414858],
+ [0.40285889, 0.69907462, 0.37594744],
+ [0.41426725, 0.70194103, 0.37832333],
+ [0.42555725, 0.70476519, 0.38128362],
+ [0.43666594, 0.70756339, 0.38481397],
+ [0.44754941, 0.71034993, 0.38888256],
+ [0.45817442, 0.71313819, 0.39344572],
+ [0.46852922, 0.71593746, 0.39845460],
+ [0.47861146, 0.71875501, 0.40385952],
+ [0.48842361, 0.72159682, 0.40961184],
+ [0.49798215, 0.72446493, 0.41566990],
+ [0.50729689, 0.72736262, 0.42199322],
+ [0.51638604, 0.73029033, 0.42854901],
+ [0.52526595, 0.73324844, 0.43530825],
+ [0.53394962, 0.73623776, 0.44224394],
+ [0.54245593, 0.73925682, 0.44933705],
+ [0.55079630, 0.74230592, 0.45656722],
+ [0.55898614, 0.74538370, 0.46392046],
+ [0.56703490, 0.74849031, 0.47138102],
+ [0.57495417, 0.75162488, 0.47893751],
+ [0.58275480, 0.75478644, 0.48658053],
+ [0.59044598, 0.75797433, 0.49430131],
+ [0.59803395, 0.76118866, 0.50208978],
+ [0.60552817, 0.76442820, 0.50994115],
+ [0.61293654, 0.76769205, 0.51785066],
+ [0.62026315, 0.77098054, 0.52581030],
+ [0.62751514, 0.77429272, 0.53381701],
+ [0.63469730, 0.77762838, 0.54186594],
+ [0.64181571, 0.78098666, 0.54995501],
+ [0.64887209, 0.78436837, 0.55807684],
+ [0.65587355, 0.78777199, 0.56623271],
+ [0.66282341, 0.79119744, 0.57441922],
+ [0.66972380, 0.79464510, 0.58263159],
+ [0.67657838, 0.79811461, 0.59086808],
+ [0.68339098, 0.80160547, 0.59912783],
+ [0.69016431, 0.80511756, 0.60740870],
+ [0.69690097, 0.80865079, 0.61570883],
+ [0.70360344, 0.81220504, 0.62402654],
+ [0.71027410, 0.81578021, 0.63236036],
+ [0.71691519, 0.81937619, 0.64070899],
+ [0.72352888, 0.82299288, 0.64907126],
+ [0.73011639, 0.82663060, 0.65744449],
+ [0.73667949, 0.83028935, 0.66582726],
+ [0.74322086, 0.83396868, 0.67422029],
+ [0.74974233, 0.83766848, 0.68262288],
+ [0.75624553, 0.84138874, 0.69103410],
+ [0.76272953, 0.84513075, 0.69944775],
+ [0.76919850, 0.84889312, 0.70786863],
+ [0.77565402, 0.85267578, 0.71629626],
+ [0.78209427, 0.85648047, 0.72472271],
+ [0.78852378, 0.86030550, 0.73315423],
+ [0.79494255, 0.86415162, 0.74158708],
+ [0.80135116, 0.86801925, 0.75001884],
+ [0.80775260, 0.87190745, 0.75845276],
+ [0.81414521, 0.87581791, 0.76688121],
+ [0.82053341, 0.87974883, 0.77531095],
+ [0.82691478, 0.88370234, 0.78373247],
+ [0.83329381, 0.88767660, 0.79215269],
+ [0.83966867, 0.89167341, 0.80056336],
+ [0.84604262, 0.89569163, 0.80896840],
+ [0.85241570, 0.89973200, 0.81736377],
+ [0.85878880, 0.90379478, 0.82574740],
+ [0.86516472, 0.90787909, 0.83412169],
+ [0.87154157, 0.91198691, 0.84247714],
+ [0.87792321, 0.91611678, 0.85081833],
+ [0.88431062, 0.92026900, 0.85914219],
+ [0.89070285, 0.92444508, 0.86744058],
+ [0.89710357, 0.92864379, 0.87571624],
+ [0.90351398, 0.93286542, 0.88396529],
+ [0.90993329, 0.93711159, 0.89217834],
+ [0.91636456, 0.94138157, 0.90035491],
+ [0.92280917, 0.94567575, 0.90848971],
+ [0.92926782, 0.94999500, 0.91657536],
+ [0.93573948, 0.95434125, 0.92460051],
+ [0.94222569, 0.95871483, 0.93256014],
+ [0.94872497, 0.96311780, 0.94044382],
+ [0.95523387, 0.96755307, 0.94824021],
+ [0.96174541, 0.97202512, 0.95593657],
+ [0.96824903, 0.97653955, 0.96352289],
+ [0.97473013, 0.98110298, 0.97099530],
+ [0.98116807, 0.98572376, 0.97835654],
+ [0.98753906, 0.99041020, 0.98562198],
+ [0.99382096, 0.99516844, 0.99282208],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.swamp', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.swamp", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/torch/torch.py b/cmasher/colormaps/torch/torch.py
index 47c53b29..f4dc6d5a 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/torch/torch.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/torch/torch.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00018674, 0.00024309, 0.00032846],
- [0.00061719, 0.00084935, 0.00120490],
- [0.00122069, 0.00177144, 0.00262798],
- [0.00195825, 0.00298986, 0.00462279],
- [0.00280055, 0.00449304, 0.00722338],
- [0.00372475, 0.00627288, 0.01046542],
- [0.00471098, 0.00832341, 0.01438856],
- [0.00574032, 0.01064008, 0.01903864],
- [0.00679734, 0.01321885, 0.02445963],
- [0.00786757, 0.01605625, 0.03069891],
- [0.00893480, 0.01914941, 0.03781465],
- [0.00998839, 0.02249507, 0.04557023],
- [0.01101400, 0.02609050, 0.05339050],
- [0.01200070, 0.02993262, 0.06127602],
- [0.01293701, 0.03401834, 0.06923620],
- [0.01381183, 0.03834435, 0.07728004],
- [0.01461545, 0.04282425, 0.08541390],
- [0.01533825, 0.04723936, 0.09364494],
- [0.01597013, 0.05159511, 0.10198189],
- [0.01650594, 0.05589322, 0.11042506],
- [0.01693189, 0.06013508, 0.11899186],
- [0.01724649, 0.06432140, 0.12767826],
- [0.01744333, 0.06845260, 0.13649094],
- [0.01751159, 0.07252853, 0.14544509],
- [0.01745185, 0.07654879, 0.15453837],
- [0.01726056, 0.08051255, 0.16377741],
- [0.01693538, 0.08441857, 0.17316890],
- [0.01647536, 0.08826521, 0.18271955],
- [0.01587933, 0.09205024, 0.19243892],
- [0.01515256, 0.09577134, 0.20232953],
- [0.01430001, 0.09942560, 0.21239768],
- [0.01332910, 0.10300963, 0.22264964],
- [0.01224907, 0.10651944, 0.23309309],
- [0.01107172, 0.10995036, 0.24373667],
- [0.00981597, 0.11329757, 0.25458355],
- [0.00850361, 0.11655554, 0.26563866],
- [0.00716035, 0.11971791, 0.27690797],
- [0.00581125, 0.12277618, 0.28840789],
- [0.00450280, 0.12572419, 0.30012860],
- [0.00327023, 0.12855046, 0.31209254],
- [0.00217453, 0.13124687, 0.32429006],
- [0.00127540, 0.13380111, 0.33673116],
- [0.00064532, 0.13619940, 0.34942367],
- [0.00037501, 0.13842855, 0.36236243],
- [0.00056765, 0.14047266, 0.37554654],
- [0.00134404, 0.14231344, 0.38897475],
- [0.00284733, 0.14393114, 0.40263945],
- [0.00524606, 0.14530762, 0.41651536],
- [0.00873427, 0.14641697, 0.43059260],
- [0.01353836, 0.14723942, 0.44482610],
- [0.01991589, 0.14775390, 0.45916396],
- [0.02815668, 0.14794231, 0.47353456],
- [0.03857510, 0.14779542, 0.48783537],
- [0.05054940, 0.14731894, 0.50192749],
- [0.06293976, 0.14654165, 0.51563197],
- [0.07567503, 0.14552303, 0.52873415],
- [0.08863747, 0.14435984, 0.54099536],
- [0.10167044, 0.14318579, 0.55217881],
- [0.11460358, 0.14215266, 0.56209426],
- [0.12727798, 0.14140630, 0.57062998],
- [0.13957016, 0.14106174, 0.57776658],
- [0.15140520, 0.14118753, 0.58356718],
- [0.16275559, 0.14180441, 0.58815099],
- [0.17362354, 0.14289807, 0.59166383],
- [0.18403847, 0.14442672, 0.59425747],
- [0.19403727, 0.14633755, 0.59607508],
- [0.20366121, 0.14857333, 0.59724520],
- [0.21295163, 0.15107815, 0.59787931],
- [0.22194634, 0.15380100, 0.59807267],
- [0.23067894, 0.15669707, 0.59790604],
- [0.23918109, 0.15972722, 0.59744604],
- [0.24747949, 0.16285884, 0.59674876],
- [0.25559602, 0.16606519, 0.59586227],
- [0.26355190, 0.16932369, 0.59482497],
- [0.27136484, 0.17261610, 0.59366947],
- [0.27905018, 0.17592772, 0.59242306],
- [0.28662135, 0.17924670, 0.59110859],
- [0.29408960, 0.18256370, 0.58974577],
- [0.30146622, 0.18587097, 0.58834956],
- [0.30876068, 0.18916254, 0.58693294],
- [0.31598070, 0.19243386, 0.58550761],
- [0.32313391, 0.19568127, 0.58408248],
- [0.33022762, 0.19890184, 0.58266421],
- [0.33726695, 0.20209368, 0.58126028],
- [0.34425866, 0.20525493, 0.57987398],
- [0.35120693, 0.20838466, 0.57851055],
- [0.35811722, 0.21148189, 0.57717197],
- [0.36499373, 0.21454609, 0.57586076],
- [0.37184029, 0.21757699, 0.57457888],
- [0.37866126, 0.22057427, 0.57332655],
- [0.38545996, 0.22353794, 0.57210464],
- [0.39223966, 0.22646807, 0.57091337],
- [0.39900390, 0.22936465, 0.56975182],
- [0.40575567, 0.23222785, 0.56861929],
- [0.41249767, 0.23505791, 0.56751499],
- [0.41923272, 0.23785502, 0.56643740],
- [0.42596355, 0.24061936, 0.56538467],
- [0.43269263, 0.24335117, 0.56435491],
- [0.43942233, 0.24605070, 0.56334601],
- [0.44615480, 0.24871822, 0.56235578],
- [0.45289226, 0.25135399, 0.56138159],
- [0.45963678, 0.25395822, 0.56042065],
- [0.46639030, 0.25653118, 0.55947011],
- [0.47315464, 0.25907314, 0.55852696],
- [0.47993153, 0.26158438, 0.55758806],
- [0.48672256, 0.26406518, 0.55665014],
- [0.49352925, 0.26651586, 0.55570984],
- [0.50035303, 0.26893672, 0.55476364],
- [0.50719518, 0.27132810, 0.55380795],
- [0.51405691, 0.27369038, 0.55283914],
- [0.52093926, 0.27602395, 0.55185350],
- [0.52784321, 0.27832923, 0.55084727],
- [0.53476959, 0.28060670, 0.54981663],
- [0.54171918, 0.28285684, 0.54875768],
- [0.54869257, 0.28508019, 0.54766658],
- [0.55569025, 0.28727737, 0.54653950],
- [0.56271257, 0.28944902, 0.54537258],
- [0.56975981, 0.29159583, 0.54416199],
- [0.57683207, 0.29371855, 0.54290392],
- [0.58392947, 0.29581796, 0.54159445],
- [0.59105191, 0.29789492, 0.54022986],
- [0.59819909, 0.29995039, 0.53880661],
- [0.60537066, 0.30198537, 0.53732113],
- [0.61256618, 0.30400095, 0.53576994],
- [0.61978528, 0.30599811, 0.53414922],
- [0.62702714, 0.30797815, 0.53245593],
- [0.63429091, 0.30994238, 0.53068698],
- [0.64157567, 0.31189215, 0.52883933],
- [0.64888083, 0.31382865, 0.52690924],
- [0.65620487, 0.31575361, 0.52489464],
- [0.66354654, 0.31766864, 0.52279290],
- [0.67090504, 0.31957510, 0.52060047],
- [0.67827849, 0.32147501, 0.51831584],
- [0.68566547, 0.32337014, 0.51593655],
- [0.69306469, 0.32526223, 0.51345982],
- [0.70047391, 0.32715362, 0.51088483],
- [0.70789208, 0.32904596, 0.50820811],
- [0.71531651, 0.33094193, 0.50542973],
- [0.72274598, 0.33284339, 0.50254642],
- [0.73017764, 0.33475320, 0.49955857],
- [0.73761008, 0.33667343, 0.49646310],
- [0.74504037, 0.33860712, 0.49326047],
- [0.75246632, 0.34055692, 0.48994927],
- [0.75988565, 0.34252558, 0.48652812],
- [0.76729532, 0.34451641, 0.48299749],
- [0.77469260, 0.34653258, 0.47935685],
- [0.78207495, 0.34857724, 0.47560502],
- [0.78943906, 0.35065406, 0.47174257],
- [0.79678167, 0.35276680, 0.46776985],
- [0.80409941, 0.35491935, 0.46368715],
- [0.81138874, 0.35711579, 0.45949501],
- [0.81864590, 0.35936045, 0.45519421],
- [0.82586689, 0.36165787, 0.45078585],
- [0.83304748, 0.36401286, 0.44627135],
- [0.84018318, 0.36643047, 0.44165250],
- [0.84726936, 0.36891593, 0.43693080],
- [0.85430107, 0.37147480, 0.43210830],
- [0.86127261, 0.37411315, 0.42718907],
- [0.86817848, 0.37683705, 0.42217546],
- [0.87501258, 0.37965302, 0.41707127],
- [0.88176832, 0.38256796, 0.41188129],
- [0.88843866, 0.38558908, 0.40661095],
- [0.89501643, 0.38872382, 0.40126470],
- [0.90149337, 0.39198022, 0.39585092],
- [0.90786100, 0.39536651, 0.39037728],
- [0.91411023, 0.39889127, 0.38485280],
- [0.92023130, 0.40256346, 0.37928813],
- [0.92621378, 0.40639229, 0.37369574],
- [0.93204657, 0.41038724, 0.36809018],
- [0.93771802, 0.41455801, 0.36248652],
- [0.94321560, 0.41891431, 0.35690498],
- [0.94852631, 0.42346593, 0.35136636],
- [0.95363654, 0.42822236, 0.34589628],
- [0.95853225, 0.43319287, 0.34052196],
- [0.96319906, 0.43838608, 0.33527536],
- [0.96762255, 0.44380966, 0.33019262],
- [0.97178846, 0.44947023, 0.32531310],
- [0.97568305, 0.45537281, 0.32068061],
- [0.97929365, 0.46152034, 0.31634312],
- [0.98260883, 0.46791377, 0.31235074],
- [0.98561917, 0.47455118, 0.30875671],
- [0.98831751, 0.48142796, 0.30561484],
- [0.99069973, 0.48853619, 0.30297922],
- [0.99276472, 0.49586504, 0.30090129],
- [0.99451475, 0.50340077, 0.29942856],
- [0.99595568, 0.51112687, 0.29860285],
- [0.99709661, 0.51902474, 0.29845833],
- [0.99794961, 0.52707424, 0.29902034],
- [0.99852928, 0.53525430, 0.30030464],
- [0.99885217, 0.54354361, 0.30231724],
- [0.99893646, 0.55192099, 0.30505475],
- [0.99880078, 0.56036642, 0.30850510],
- [0.99846401, 0.56886110, 0.31264890],
- [0.99794556, 0.57738725, 0.31746061],
- [0.99726313, 0.58592964, 0.32291032],
- [0.99643514, 0.59447366, 0.32896456],
- [0.99547765, 0.60300750, 0.33558838],
- [0.99440644, 0.61152037, 0.34274579],
- [0.99323628, 0.62000305, 0.35040078],
- [0.99198083, 0.62844770, 0.35851810],
- [0.99065270, 0.63684776, 0.36706378],
- [0.98926348, 0.64519784, 0.37600549],
- [0.98782383, 0.65349353, 0.38531279],
- [0.98634388, 0.66173108, 0.39495690],
- [0.98483345, 0.66990723, 0.40491060],
- [0.98330040, 0.67802014, 0.41514979],
- [0.98175370, 0.68606748, 0.42565062],
- [0.98020064, 0.69404809, 0.43639208],
- [0.97864823, 0.70196105, 0.44735464],
- [0.97710347, 0.70980558, 0.45851987],
- [0.97557296, 0.71758122, 0.46987077],
- [0.97406291, 0.72528774, 0.48139162],
- [0.97257924, 0.73292519, 0.49306792],
- [0.97112757, 0.74049376, 0.50488623],
- [0.96971327, 0.74799382, 0.51683411],
- [0.96834148, 0.75542588, 0.52890000],
- [0.96701711, 0.76279055, 0.54107315],
- [0.96574602, 0.77008809, 0.55334211],
- [0.96453202, 0.77731963, 0.56569846],
- [0.96338006, 0.78448582, 0.57813269],
- [0.96229481, 0.79158745, 0.59063598],
- [0.96128047, 0.79862551, 0.60320042],
- [0.96034121, 0.80560095, 0.61581843],
- [0.95948184, 0.81251453, 0.62848172],
- [0.95870567, 0.81936753, 0.64118430],
- [0.95801686, 0.82616092, 0.65391920],
- [0.95742003, 0.83289549, 0.66667882],
- [0.95691841, 0.83957252, 0.67945777],
- [0.95651582, 0.84619305, 0.69224991],
- [0.95621603, 0.85275815, 0.70504922],
- [0.95602277, 0.85926885, 0.71784986],
- [0.95593972, 0.86572619, 0.73064613],
- [0.95597055, 0.87213122, 0.74343247],
- [0.95611893, 0.87848492, 0.75620336],
- [0.95638859, 0.88478826, 0.76895337],
- [0.95678334, 0.89104214, 0.78167708],
- [0.95730717, 0.89724738, 0.79436904],
- [0.95796428, 0.90340468, 0.80702373],
- [0.95875958, 0.90951453, 0.81963494],
- [0.95969806, 0.91557730, 0.83219698],
- [0.96078541, 0.92159309, 0.84470397],
- [0.96202865, 0.92756153, 0.85714925],
- [0.96343698, 0.93348153, 0.86952433],
- [0.96502132, 0.93935129, 0.88182121],
- [0.96679684, 0.94516758, 0.89402922],
- [0.96878590, 0.95092490, 0.90613208],
- [0.97101994, 0.95661475, 0.91810827],
- [0.97354759, 0.96222377, 0.92991790],
- [0.97643957, 0.96773343, 0.94148791],
- [0.97978302, 0.97312565, 0.95268046],
- [0.98362318, 0.97840750, 0.96327718],
- [0.98782923, 0.98365208, 0.97309516],
- [0.99208207, 0.98897571, 0.98224704],
- [0.99614668, 0.99443276, 0.99111154],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00018674, 0.00024309, 0.00032846],
+ [0.00061719, 0.00084935, 0.00120490],
+ [0.00122069, 0.00177144, 0.00262798],
+ [0.00195825, 0.00298986, 0.00462279],
+ [0.00280055, 0.00449304, 0.00722338],
+ [0.00372475, 0.00627288, 0.01046542],
+ [0.00471098, 0.00832341, 0.01438856],
+ [0.00574032, 0.01064008, 0.01903864],
+ [0.00679734, 0.01321885, 0.02445963],
+ [0.00786757, 0.01605625, 0.03069891],
+ [0.00893480, 0.01914941, 0.03781465],
+ [0.00998839, 0.02249507, 0.04557023],
+ [0.01101400, 0.02609050, 0.05339050],
+ [0.01200070, 0.02993262, 0.06127602],
+ [0.01293701, 0.03401834, 0.06923620],
+ [0.01381183, 0.03834435, 0.07728004],
+ [0.01461545, 0.04282425, 0.08541390],
+ [0.01533825, 0.04723936, 0.09364494],
+ [0.01597013, 0.05159511, 0.10198189],
+ [0.01650594, 0.05589322, 0.11042506],
+ [0.01693189, 0.06013508, 0.11899186],
+ [0.01724649, 0.06432140, 0.12767826],
+ [0.01744333, 0.06845260, 0.13649094],
+ [0.01751159, 0.07252853, 0.14544509],
+ [0.01745185, 0.07654879, 0.15453837],
+ [0.01726056, 0.08051255, 0.16377741],
+ [0.01693538, 0.08441857, 0.17316890],
+ [0.01647536, 0.08826521, 0.18271955],
+ [0.01587933, 0.09205024, 0.19243892],
+ [0.01515256, 0.09577134, 0.20232953],
+ [0.01430001, 0.09942560, 0.21239768],
+ [0.01332910, 0.10300963, 0.22264964],
+ [0.01224907, 0.10651944, 0.23309309],
+ [0.01107172, 0.10995036, 0.24373667],
+ [0.00981597, 0.11329757, 0.25458355],
+ [0.00850361, 0.11655554, 0.26563866],
+ [0.00716035, 0.11971791, 0.27690797],
+ [0.00581125, 0.12277618, 0.28840789],
+ [0.00450280, 0.12572419, 0.30012860],
+ [0.00327023, 0.12855046, 0.31209254],
+ [0.00217453, 0.13124687, 0.32429006],
+ [0.00127540, 0.13380111, 0.33673116],
+ [0.00064532, 0.13619940, 0.34942367],
+ [0.00037501, 0.13842855, 0.36236243],
+ [0.00056765, 0.14047266, 0.37554654],
+ [0.00134404, 0.14231344, 0.38897475],
+ [0.00284733, 0.14393114, 0.40263945],
+ [0.00524606, 0.14530762, 0.41651536],
+ [0.00873427, 0.14641697, 0.43059260],
+ [0.01353836, 0.14723942, 0.44482610],
+ [0.01991589, 0.14775390, 0.45916396],
+ [0.02815668, 0.14794231, 0.47353456],
+ [0.03857510, 0.14779542, 0.48783537],
+ [0.05054940, 0.14731894, 0.50192749],
+ [0.06293976, 0.14654165, 0.51563197],
+ [0.07567503, 0.14552303, 0.52873415],
+ [0.08863747, 0.14435984, 0.54099536],
+ [0.10167044, 0.14318579, 0.55217881],
+ [0.11460358, 0.14215266, 0.56209426],
+ [0.12727798, 0.14140630, 0.57062998],
+ [0.13957016, 0.14106174, 0.57776658],
+ [0.15140520, 0.14118753, 0.58356718],
+ [0.16275559, 0.14180441, 0.58815099],
+ [0.17362354, 0.14289807, 0.59166383],
+ [0.18403847, 0.14442672, 0.59425747],
+ [0.19403727, 0.14633755, 0.59607508],
+ [0.20366121, 0.14857333, 0.59724520],
+ [0.21295163, 0.15107815, 0.59787931],
+ [0.22194634, 0.15380100, 0.59807267],
+ [0.23067894, 0.15669707, 0.59790604],
+ [0.23918109, 0.15972722, 0.59744604],
+ [0.24747949, 0.16285884, 0.59674876],
+ [0.25559602, 0.16606519, 0.59586227],
+ [0.26355190, 0.16932369, 0.59482497],
+ [0.27136484, 0.17261610, 0.59366947],
+ [0.27905018, 0.17592772, 0.59242306],
+ [0.28662135, 0.17924670, 0.59110859],
+ [0.29408960, 0.18256370, 0.58974577],
+ [0.30146622, 0.18587097, 0.58834956],
+ [0.30876068, 0.18916254, 0.58693294],
+ [0.31598070, 0.19243386, 0.58550761],
+ [0.32313391, 0.19568127, 0.58408248],
+ [0.33022762, 0.19890184, 0.58266421],
+ [0.33726695, 0.20209368, 0.58126028],
+ [0.34425866, 0.20525493, 0.57987398],
+ [0.35120693, 0.20838466, 0.57851055],
+ [0.35811722, 0.21148189, 0.57717197],
+ [0.36499373, 0.21454609, 0.57586076],
+ [0.37184029, 0.21757699, 0.57457888],
+ [0.37866126, 0.22057427, 0.57332655],
+ [0.38545996, 0.22353794, 0.57210464],
+ [0.39223966, 0.22646807, 0.57091337],
+ [0.39900390, 0.22936465, 0.56975182],
+ [0.40575567, 0.23222785, 0.56861929],
+ [0.41249767, 0.23505791, 0.56751499],
+ [0.41923272, 0.23785502, 0.56643740],
+ [0.42596355, 0.24061936, 0.56538467],
+ [0.43269263, 0.24335117, 0.56435491],
+ [0.43942233, 0.24605070, 0.56334601],
+ [0.44615480, 0.24871822, 0.56235578],
+ [0.45289226, 0.25135399, 0.56138159],
+ [0.45963678, 0.25395822, 0.56042065],
+ [0.46639030, 0.25653118, 0.55947011],
+ [0.47315464, 0.25907314, 0.55852696],
+ [0.47993153, 0.26158438, 0.55758806],
+ [0.48672256, 0.26406518, 0.55665014],
+ [0.49352925, 0.26651586, 0.55570984],
+ [0.50035303, 0.26893672, 0.55476364],
+ [0.50719518, 0.27132810, 0.55380795],
+ [0.51405691, 0.27369038, 0.55283914],
+ [0.52093926, 0.27602395, 0.55185350],
+ [0.52784321, 0.27832923, 0.55084727],
+ [0.53476959, 0.28060670, 0.54981663],
+ [0.54171918, 0.28285684, 0.54875768],
+ [0.54869257, 0.28508019, 0.54766658],
+ [0.55569025, 0.28727737, 0.54653950],
+ [0.56271257, 0.28944902, 0.54537258],
+ [0.56975981, 0.29159583, 0.54416199],
+ [0.57683207, 0.29371855, 0.54290392],
+ [0.58392947, 0.29581796, 0.54159445],
+ [0.59105191, 0.29789492, 0.54022986],
+ [0.59819909, 0.29995039, 0.53880661],
+ [0.60537066, 0.30198537, 0.53732113],
+ [0.61256618, 0.30400095, 0.53576994],
+ [0.61978528, 0.30599811, 0.53414922],
+ [0.62702714, 0.30797815, 0.53245593],
+ [0.63429091, 0.30994238, 0.53068698],
+ [0.64157567, 0.31189215, 0.52883933],
+ [0.64888083, 0.31382865, 0.52690924],
+ [0.65620487, 0.31575361, 0.52489464],
+ [0.66354654, 0.31766864, 0.52279290],
+ [0.67090504, 0.31957510, 0.52060047],
+ [0.67827849, 0.32147501, 0.51831584],
+ [0.68566547, 0.32337014, 0.51593655],
+ [0.69306469, 0.32526223, 0.51345982],
+ [0.70047391, 0.32715362, 0.51088483],
+ [0.70789208, 0.32904596, 0.50820811],
+ [0.71531651, 0.33094193, 0.50542973],
+ [0.72274598, 0.33284339, 0.50254642],
+ [0.73017764, 0.33475320, 0.49955857],
+ [0.73761008, 0.33667343, 0.49646310],
+ [0.74504037, 0.33860712, 0.49326047],
+ [0.75246632, 0.34055692, 0.48994927],
+ [0.75988565, 0.34252558, 0.48652812],
+ [0.76729532, 0.34451641, 0.48299749],
+ [0.77469260, 0.34653258, 0.47935685],
+ [0.78207495, 0.34857724, 0.47560502],
+ [0.78943906, 0.35065406, 0.47174257],
+ [0.79678167, 0.35276680, 0.46776985],
+ [0.80409941, 0.35491935, 0.46368715],
+ [0.81138874, 0.35711579, 0.45949501],
+ [0.81864590, 0.35936045, 0.45519421],
+ [0.82586689, 0.36165787, 0.45078585],
+ [0.83304748, 0.36401286, 0.44627135],
+ [0.84018318, 0.36643047, 0.44165250],
+ [0.84726936, 0.36891593, 0.43693080],
+ [0.85430107, 0.37147480, 0.43210830],
+ [0.86127261, 0.37411315, 0.42718907],
+ [0.86817848, 0.37683705, 0.42217546],
+ [0.87501258, 0.37965302, 0.41707127],
+ [0.88176832, 0.38256796, 0.41188129],
+ [0.88843866, 0.38558908, 0.40661095],
+ [0.89501643, 0.38872382, 0.40126470],
+ [0.90149337, 0.39198022, 0.39585092],
+ [0.90786100, 0.39536651, 0.39037728],
+ [0.91411023, 0.39889127, 0.38485280],
+ [0.92023130, 0.40256346, 0.37928813],
+ [0.92621378, 0.40639229, 0.37369574],
+ [0.93204657, 0.41038724, 0.36809018],
+ [0.93771802, 0.41455801, 0.36248652],
+ [0.94321560, 0.41891431, 0.35690498],
+ [0.94852631, 0.42346593, 0.35136636],
+ [0.95363654, 0.42822236, 0.34589628],
+ [0.95853225, 0.43319287, 0.34052196],
+ [0.96319906, 0.43838608, 0.33527536],
+ [0.96762255, 0.44380966, 0.33019262],
+ [0.97178846, 0.44947023, 0.32531310],
+ [0.97568305, 0.45537281, 0.32068061],
+ [0.97929365, 0.46152034, 0.31634312],
+ [0.98260883, 0.46791377, 0.31235074],
+ [0.98561917, 0.47455118, 0.30875671],
+ [0.98831751, 0.48142796, 0.30561484],
+ [0.99069973, 0.48853619, 0.30297922],
+ [0.99276472, 0.49586504, 0.30090129],
+ [0.99451475, 0.50340077, 0.29942856],
+ [0.99595568, 0.51112687, 0.29860285],
+ [0.99709661, 0.51902474, 0.29845833],
+ [0.99794961, 0.52707424, 0.29902034],
+ [0.99852928, 0.53525430, 0.30030464],
+ [0.99885217, 0.54354361, 0.30231724],
+ [0.99893646, 0.55192099, 0.30505475],
+ [0.99880078, 0.56036642, 0.30850510],
+ [0.99846401, 0.56886110, 0.31264890],
+ [0.99794556, 0.57738725, 0.31746061],
+ [0.99726313, 0.58592964, 0.32291032],
+ [0.99643514, 0.59447366, 0.32896456],
+ [0.99547765, 0.60300750, 0.33558838],
+ [0.99440644, 0.61152037, 0.34274579],
+ [0.99323628, 0.62000305, 0.35040078],
+ [0.99198083, 0.62844770, 0.35851810],
+ [0.99065270, 0.63684776, 0.36706378],
+ [0.98926348, 0.64519784, 0.37600549],
+ [0.98782383, 0.65349353, 0.38531279],
+ [0.98634388, 0.66173108, 0.39495690],
+ [0.98483345, 0.66990723, 0.40491060],
+ [0.98330040, 0.67802014, 0.41514979],
+ [0.98175370, 0.68606748, 0.42565062],
+ [0.98020064, 0.69404809, 0.43639208],
+ [0.97864823, 0.70196105, 0.44735464],
+ [0.97710347, 0.70980558, 0.45851987],
+ [0.97557296, 0.71758122, 0.46987077],
+ [0.97406291, 0.72528774, 0.48139162],
+ [0.97257924, 0.73292519, 0.49306792],
+ [0.97112757, 0.74049376, 0.50488623],
+ [0.96971327, 0.74799382, 0.51683411],
+ [0.96834148, 0.75542588, 0.52890000],
+ [0.96701711, 0.76279055, 0.54107315],
+ [0.96574602, 0.77008809, 0.55334211],
+ [0.96453202, 0.77731963, 0.56569846],
+ [0.96338006, 0.78448582, 0.57813269],
+ [0.96229481, 0.79158745, 0.59063598],
+ [0.96128047, 0.79862551, 0.60320042],
+ [0.96034121, 0.80560095, 0.61581843],
+ [0.95948184, 0.81251453, 0.62848172],
+ [0.95870567, 0.81936753, 0.64118430],
+ [0.95801686, 0.82616092, 0.65391920],
+ [0.95742003, 0.83289549, 0.66667882],
+ [0.95691841, 0.83957252, 0.67945777],
+ [0.95651582, 0.84619305, 0.69224991],
+ [0.95621603, 0.85275815, 0.70504922],
+ [0.95602277, 0.85926885, 0.71784986],
+ [0.95593972, 0.86572619, 0.73064613],
+ [0.95597055, 0.87213122, 0.74343247],
+ [0.95611893, 0.87848492, 0.75620336],
+ [0.95638859, 0.88478826, 0.76895337],
+ [0.95678334, 0.89104214, 0.78167708],
+ [0.95730717, 0.89724738, 0.79436904],
+ [0.95796428, 0.90340468, 0.80702373],
+ [0.95875958, 0.90951453, 0.81963494],
+ [0.95969806, 0.91557730, 0.83219698],
+ [0.96078541, 0.92159309, 0.84470397],
+ [0.96202865, 0.92756153, 0.85714925],
+ [0.96343698, 0.93348153, 0.86952433],
+ [0.96502132, 0.93935129, 0.88182121],
+ [0.96679684, 0.94516758, 0.89402922],
+ [0.96878590, 0.95092490, 0.90613208],
+ [0.97101994, 0.95661475, 0.91810827],
+ [0.97354759, 0.96222377, 0.92991790],
+ [0.97643957, 0.96773343, 0.94148791],
+ [0.97978302, 0.97312565, 0.95268046],
+ [0.98362318, 0.97840750, 0.96327718],
+ [0.98782923, 0.98365208, 0.97309516],
+ [0.99208207, 0.98897571, 0.98224704],
+ [0.99614668, 0.99443276, 0.99111154],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.torch', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.torch", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/toxic/toxic.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/toxic/toxic.jscm
index 09326cc9..1eb618e2 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/toxic/toxic.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/toxic/toxic.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/toxic/toxic.py b/cmasher/colormaps/toxic/toxic.py
index 0a93a657..7e05bbcd 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/toxic/toxic.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/toxic/toxic.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00021919, 0.00017738, 0.00025640],
- [0.00076896, 0.00060812, 0.00092866],
- [0.00160931, 0.00124648, 0.00200351],
- [0.00272383, 0.00207079, 0.00349008],
- [0.00410240, 0.00306677, 0.00540349],
- [0.00573772, 0.00422381, 0.00776200],
- [0.00762399, 0.00553359, 0.01058584],
- [0.00975629, 0.00698924, 0.01389684],
- [0.01213021, 0.00858496, 0.01771836],
- [0.01474165, 0.01031573, 0.02207488],
- [0.01758664, 0.01217717, 0.02699213],
- [0.02066129, 0.01416537, 0.03249706],
- [0.02396169, 0.01627681, 0.03861805],
- [0.02748381, 0.01850834, 0.04513914],
- [0.03122350, 0.02085710, 0.05167956],
- [0.03517643, 0.02332047, 0.05825140],
- [0.03933804, 0.02589607, 0.06485967],
- [0.04357683, 0.02858173, 0.07150882],
- [0.04774246, 0.03137546, 0.07820284],
- [0.05184652, 0.03427550, 0.08494531],
- [0.05589043, 0.03728026, 0.09173945],
- [0.05987518, 0.04038835, 0.09858821],
- [0.06380141, 0.04347816, 0.10549426],
- [0.06766941, 0.04652830, 0.11246002],
- [0.07147914, 0.04954228, 0.11948764],
- [0.07523026, 0.05252246, 0.12657944],
- [0.07892209, 0.05547124, 0.13373712],
- [0.08255360, 0.05839101, 0.14096191],
- [0.08612349, 0.06128398, 0.14825578],
- [0.08963006, 0.06415261, 0.15561935],
- [0.09307128, 0.06699927, 0.16305391],
- [0.09644471, 0.06982659, 0.17055942],
- [0.09974746, 0.07263707, 0.17813719],
- [0.10297622, 0.07543371, 0.18578627],
- [0.10612712, 0.07821961, 0.19350623],
- [0.10919575, 0.08099812, 0.20129608],
- [0.11217702, 0.08377298, 0.20915415],
- [0.11506515, 0.08654834, 0.21707793],
- [0.11785356, 0.08932889, 0.22506389],
- [0.12053468, 0.09211976, 0.23310813],
- [0.12310000, 0.09492694, 0.24120452],
- [0.12553979, 0.09775708, 0.24934595],
- [0.12784309, 0.10061786, 0.25752278],
- [0.12999741, 0.10351790, 0.26572370],
- [0.13198869, 0.10646703, 0.27393420],
- [0.13380132, 0.10947643, 0.28213598],
- [0.13541800, 0.11255863, 0.29030642],
- [0.13681950, 0.11572749, 0.29841890],
- [0.13798571, 0.11899831, 0.30643958],
- [0.13889563, 0.12238729, 0.31432859],
- [0.13952863, 0.12591107, 0.32203906],
- [0.13986561, 0.12958571, 0.32951799],
- [0.13989230, 0.13342530, 0.33670574],
- [0.13960042, 0.13744012, 0.34354116],
- [0.13899107, 0.14163478, 0.34996459],
- [0.13807666, 0.14600650, 0.35592376],
- [0.13688113, 0.15054446, 0.36137976],
- [0.13543870, 0.15523031, 0.36631131],
- [0.13379086, 0.16004001, 0.37071651],
- [0.13198234, 0.16494642, 0.37461143],
- [0.13005804, 0.16992188, 0.37802641],
- [0.12805913, 0.17494065, 0.38100128],
- [0.12602301, 0.17997986, 0.38358068],
- [0.12398152, 0.18502046, 0.38581040],
- [0.12196071, 0.19004743, 0.38773450],
- [0.11998242, 0.19504906, 0.38939398],
- [0.11806439, 0.20001669, 0.39082594],
- [0.11622142, 0.20494404, 0.39206356],
- [0.11446495, 0.20982699, 0.39313586],
- [0.11280358, 0.21466317, 0.39406788],
- [0.11124498, 0.21945113, 0.39488180],
- [0.10979390, 0.22419074, 0.39559620],
- [0.10845574, 0.22888195, 0.39622823],
- [0.10723217, 0.23352600, 0.39679141],
- [0.10612488, 0.23812416, 0.39729795],
- [0.10513489, 0.24267787, 0.39775861],
- [0.10426193, 0.24718892, 0.39818247],
- [0.10350392, 0.25165945, 0.39857674],
- [0.10286002, 0.25609113, 0.39894888],
- [0.10232628, 0.26048635, 0.39930380],
- [0.10190091, 0.26484673, 0.39964753],
- [0.10157861, 0.26917466, 0.39998341],
- [0.10135508, 0.27347213, 0.40031518],
- [0.10122541, 0.27774108, 0.40064596],
- [0.10118418, 0.28198348, 0.40097836],
- [0.10122553, 0.28620125, 0.40131446],
- [0.10134322, 0.29039626, 0.40165595],
- [0.10153075, 0.29457037, 0.40200411],
- [0.10178135, 0.29872536, 0.40235992],
- [0.10208812, 0.30286298, 0.40272402],
- [0.10244481, 0.30698475, 0.40309739],
- [0.10284399, 0.31109237, 0.40347991],
- [0.10327822, 0.31518751, 0.40387123],
- [0.10374182, 0.31927140, 0.40427210],
- [0.10422656, 0.32334577, 0.40468111],
- [0.10472674, 0.32741180, 0.40509851],
- [0.10523468, 0.33147102, 0.40552279],
- [0.10574510, 0.33552448, 0.40595398],
- [0.10625047, 0.33957366, 0.40639017],
- [0.10674537, 0.34361958, 0.40683072],
- [0.10722377, 0.34766339, 0.40727428],
- [0.10767949, 0.35170624, 0.40771914],
- [0.10810727, 0.35574910, 0.40816396],
- [0.10850226, 0.35979284, 0.40860744],
- [0.10885879, 0.36383850, 0.40904744],
- [0.10917209, 0.36788691, 0.40948222],
- [0.10943758, 0.37193887, 0.40990992],
- [0.10965093, 0.37599513, 0.41032864],
- [0.10980836, 0.38005632, 0.41073660],
- [0.10990563, 0.38412313, 0.41113153],
- [0.10993904, 0.38819616, 0.41151133],
- [0.10990517, 0.39227594, 0.41187388],
- [0.10980078, 0.39636296, 0.41221702],
- [0.10962288, 0.40045764, 0.41253859],
- [0.10936866, 0.40456037, 0.41283639],
- [0.10903552, 0.40867148, 0.41310823],
- [0.10862105, 0.41279126, 0.41335191],
- [0.10812304, 0.41691995, 0.41356525],
- [0.10753945, 0.42105773, 0.41374607],
- [0.10686841, 0.42520478, 0.41389220],
- [0.10610825, 0.42936118, 0.41400153],
- [0.10525742, 0.43352702, 0.41407193],
- [0.10431456, 0.43770232, 0.41410135],
- [0.10327866, 0.44188706, 0.41408785],
- [0.10214849, 0.44608122, 0.41402935],
- [0.10092305, 0.45028473, 0.41392388],
- [0.09960155, 0.45449750, 0.41376952],
- [0.09818331, 0.45871939, 0.41356440],
- [0.09666780, 0.46295026, 0.41330672],
- [0.09505462, 0.46718992, 0.41299469],
- [0.09334361, 0.47143817, 0.41262663],
- [0.09153477, 0.47569477, 0.41220093],
- [0.08962790, 0.47995950, 0.41171583],
- [0.08762319, 0.48423211, 0.41116976],
- [0.08552104, 0.48851232, 0.41056117],
- [0.08332203, 0.49279985, 0.40988855],
- [0.08102712, 0.49709438, 0.40915050],
- [0.07863734, 0.50139561, 0.40834555],
- [0.07615401, 0.50570323, 0.40747227],
- [0.07357896, 0.51001689, 0.40652929],
- [0.07091446, 0.51433627, 0.40551528],
- [0.06816340, 0.51866100, 0.40442893],
- [0.06532926, 0.52299074, 0.40326893],
- [0.06241641, 0.52732512, 0.40203398],
- [0.05943032, 0.53166379, 0.40072282],
- [0.05637778, 0.53600635, 0.39933420],
- [0.05326717, 0.54035244, 0.39786686],
- [0.05010861, 0.54470167, 0.39631945],
- [0.04691527, 0.54905366, 0.39469079],
- [0.04370324, 0.55340800, 0.39297962],
- [0.04049251, 0.55776429, 0.39118466],
- [0.03732758, 0.56212213, 0.38930462],
- [0.03436328, 0.56648111, 0.38733806],
- [0.03162373, 0.57084082, 0.38528362],
- [0.02913353, 0.57520082, 0.38314000],
- [0.02691783, 0.57956067, 0.38090581],
- [0.02500275, 0.58391993, 0.37857956],
- [0.02341539, 0.58827816, 0.37615975],
- [0.02218389, 0.59263488, 0.37364479],
- [0.02133729, 0.59698964, 0.37103295],
- [0.02090583, 0.60134198, 0.36832241],
- [0.02092167, 0.60569136, 0.36551156],
- [0.02141786, 0.61003727, 0.36259853],
- [0.02242889, 0.61437920, 0.35958134],
- [0.02399079, 0.61871658, 0.35645790],
- [0.02614124, 0.62304886, 0.35322603],
- [0.02891968, 0.62737545, 0.34988339],
- [0.03236745, 0.63169574, 0.34642754],
- [0.03652797, 0.63600907, 0.34285586],
- [0.04142314, 0.64031480, 0.33916559],
- [0.04676428, 0.64461220, 0.33535378],
- [0.05245640, 0.64890055, 0.33141730],
- [0.05846070, 0.65317905, 0.32735282],
- [0.06474496, 0.65744690, 0.32315657],
- [0.07128286, 0.66170327, 0.31882407],
- [0.07805400, 0.66594717, 0.31435186],
- [0.08504197, 0.67017760, 0.30973557],
- [0.09223413, 0.67439352, 0.30497053],
- [0.09962094, 0.67859382, 0.30005046],
- [0.10719583, 0.68277729, 0.29496970],
- [0.11495440, 0.68694255, 0.28972355],
- [0.12289438, 0.69108825, 0.28430336],
- [0.13101515, 0.69521280, 0.27870279],
- [0.13931769, 0.69931452, 0.27291388],
- [0.14780462, 0.70339158, 0.26692724],
- [0.15647987, 0.70744194, 0.26073327],
- [0.16534811, 0.71146337, 0.25432315],
- [0.17441719, 0.71545342, 0.24768165],
- [0.18369431, 0.71940933, 0.24079846],
- [0.19318886, 0.72332804, 0.23365958],
- [0.20291198, 0.72720612, 0.22624922],
- [0.21287640, 0.73103971, 0.21855038],
- [0.22309648, 0.73482446, 0.21054490],
- [0.23358823, 0.73855542, 0.20221375],
- [0.24437119, 0.74222692, 0.19353389],
- [0.25546570, 0.74583253, 0.18448442],
- [0.26689443, 0.74936490, 0.17504465],
- [0.27868216, 0.75281565, 0.16519620],
- [0.29085725, 0.75617505, 0.15492332],
- [0.30344826, 0.75943220, 0.14422336],
- [0.31648159, 0.76257503, 0.13311818],
- [0.32997771, 0.76559080, 0.12167266],
- [0.34395332, 0.76846588, 0.11001182],
- [0.35839862, 0.77118878, 0.09839083],
- [0.37327650, 0.77375138, 0.08724270],
- [0.38850526, 0.77615284, 0.07725599],
- [0.40395292, 0.77840295, 0.06938992],
- [0.41944119, 0.78052427, 0.06473030],
- [0.43477585, 0.78254937, 0.06409972],
- [0.44977785, 0.78451593, 0.06764048],
- [0.46431715, 0.78645901, 0.07475662],
- [0.47831864, 0.78840714, 0.08448216],
- [0.49176080, 0.79037960, 0.09588826],
- [0.50465158, 0.79238932, 0.10826766],
- [0.51702182, 0.79444304, 0.12114762],
- [0.52891244, 0.79654352, 0.13423414],
- [0.54036553, 0.79869148, 0.14735063],
- [0.55142076, 0.80088662, 0.16039351],
- [0.56211741, 0.80312725, 0.17330769],
- [0.57249138, 0.80541120, 0.18606628],
- [0.58257846, 0.80773509, 0.19866405],
- [0.59239777, 0.81009935, 0.21108764],
- [0.60198087, 0.81249995, 0.22335058],
- [0.61134812, 0.81493537, 0.23545816],
- [0.62051811, 0.81740406, 0.24741809],
- [0.62950804, 0.81990436, 0.25923983],
- [0.63833376, 0.82243455, 0.27093381],
- [0.64700982, 0.82499292, 0.28251092],
- [0.65554293, 0.82758007, 0.29397086],
- [0.66395021, 0.83019272, 0.30533222],
- [0.67223796, 0.83283107, 0.31659675],
- [0.68041720, 0.83549339, 0.32777532],
- [0.68849224, 0.83818019, 0.33886785],
- [0.69647457, 0.84088912, 0.34988797],
- [0.70436906, 0.84362014, 0.36083807],
- [0.71217877, 0.84637379, 0.37171749],
- [0.71991237, 0.84914828, 0.38253679],
- [0.72757442, 0.85194329, 0.39329924],
- [0.73516924, 0.85475850, 0.40400805],
- [0.74270088, 0.85759359, 0.41466630],
- [0.75017319, 0.86044826, 0.42527694],
- [0.75758977, 0.86332219, 0.43584282],
- [0.76495404, 0.86621509, 0.44636669],
- [0.77226924, 0.86912668, 0.45685117],
- [0.77953840, 0.87205668, 0.46729879],
- [0.78676327, 0.87500535, 0.47770945],
- [0.79394549, 0.87797296, 0.48808296],
- [0.80108952, 0.88095841, 0.49842559],
- [0.80819782, 0.88396148, 0.50873950],
- [0.81527094, 0.88698280, 0.51902261],
- [0.82230991, 0.89002279, 0.52927401],
- [0.82931959, 0.89307990, 0.53950184],
- [0.83629942, 0.89615525, 0.54970182],
- [0.84325086, 0.89924894, 0.55987438],
- [0.85017860, 0.90235935, 0.57002798]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00021919, 0.00017738, 0.00025640],
+ [0.00076896, 0.00060812, 0.00092866],
+ [0.00160931, 0.00124648, 0.00200351],
+ [0.00272383, 0.00207079, 0.00349008],
+ [0.00410240, 0.00306677, 0.00540349],
+ [0.00573772, 0.00422381, 0.00776200],
+ [0.00762399, 0.00553359, 0.01058584],
+ [0.00975629, 0.00698924, 0.01389684],
+ [0.01213021, 0.00858496, 0.01771836],
+ [0.01474165, 0.01031573, 0.02207488],
+ [0.01758664, 0.01217717, 0.02699213],
+ [0.02066129, 0.01416537, 0.03249706],
+ [0.02396169, 0.01627681, 0.03861805],
+ [0.02748381, 0.01850834, 0.04513914],
+ [0.03122350, 0.02085710, 0.05167956],
+ [0.03517643, 0.02332047, 0.05825140],
+ [0.03933804, 0.02589607, 0.06485967],
+ [0.04357683, 0.02858173, 0.07150882],
+ [0.04774246, 0.03137546, 0.07820284],
+ [0.05184652, 0.03427550, 0.08494531],
+ [0.05589043, 0.03728026, 0.09173945],
+ [0.05987518, 0.04038835, 0.09858821],
+ [0.06380141, 0.04347816, 0.10549426],
+ [0.06766941, 0.04652830, 0.11246002],
+ [0.07147914, 0.04954228, 0.11948764],
+ [0.07523026, 0.05252246, 0.12657944],
+ [0.07892209, 0.05547124, 0.13373712],
+ [0.08255360, 0.05839101, 0.14096191],
+ [0.08612349, 0.06128398, 0.14825578],
+ [0.08963006, 0.06415261, 0.15561935],
+ [0.09307128, 0.06699927, 0.16305391],
+ [0.09644471, 0.06982659, 0.17055942],
+ [0.09974746, 0.07263707, 0.17813719],
+ [0.10297622, 0.07543371, 0.18578627],
+ [0.10612712, 0.07821961, 0.19350623],
+ [0.10919575, 0.08099812, 0.20129608],
+ [0.11217702, 0.08377298, 0.20915415],
+ [0.11506515, 0.08654834, 0.21707793],
+ [0.11785356, 0.08932889, 0.22506389],
+ [0.12053468, 0.09211976, 0.23310813],
+ [0.12310000, 0.09492694, 0.24120452],
+ [0.12553979, 0.09775708, 0.24934595],
+ [0.12784309, 0.10061786, 0.25752278],
+ [0.12999741, 0.10351790, 0.26572370],
+ [0.13198869, 0.10646703, 0.27393420],
+ [0.13380132, 0.10947643, 0.28213598],
+ [0.13541800, 0.11255863, 0.29030642],
+ [0.13681950, 0.11572749, 0.29841890],
+ [0.13798571, 0.11899831, 0.30643958],
+ [0.13889563, 0.12238729, 0.31432859],
+ [0.13952863, 0.12591107, 0.32203906],
+ [0.13986561, 0.12958571, 0.32951799],
+ [0.13989230, 0.13342530, 0.33670574],
+ [0.13960042, 0.13744012, 0.34354116],
+ [0.13899107, 0.14163478, 0.34996459],
+ [0.13807666, 0.14600650, 0.35592376],
+ [0.13688113, 0.15054446, 0.36137976],
+ [0.13543870, 0.15523031, 0.36631131],
+ [0.13379086, 0.16004001, 0.37071651],
+ [0.13198234, 0.16494642, 0.37461143],
+ [0.13005804, 0.16992188, 0.37802641],
+ [0.12805913, 0.17494065, 0.38100128],
+ [0.12602301, 0.17997986, 0.38358068],
+ [0.12398152, 0.18502046, 0.38581040],
+ [0.12196071, 0.19004743, 0.38773450],
+ [0.11998242, 0.19504906, 0.38939398],
+ [0.11806439, 0.20001669, 0.39082594],
+ [0.11622142, 0.20494404, 0.39206356],
+ [0.11446495, 0.20982699, 0.39313586],
+ [0.11280358, 0.21466317, 0.39406788],
+ [0.11124498, 0.21945113, 0.39488180],
+ [0.10979390, 0.22419074, 0.39559620],
+ [0.10845574, 0.22888195, 0.39622823],
+ [0.10723217, 0.23352600, 0.39679141],
+ [0.10612488, 0.23812416, 0.39729795],
+ [0.10513489, 0.24267787, 0.39775861],
+ [0.10426193, 0.24718892, 0.39818247],
+ [0.10350392, 0.25165945, 0.39857674],
+ [0.10286002, 0.25609113, 0.39894888],
+ [0.10232628, 0.26048635, 0.39930380],
+ [0.10190091, 0.26484673, 0.39964753],
+ [0.10157861, 0.26917466, 0.39998341],
+ [0.10135508, 0.27347213, 0.40031518],
+ [0.10122541, 0.27774108, 0.40064596],
+ [0.10118418, 0.28198348, 0.40097836],
+ [0.10122553, 0.28620125, 0.40131446],
+ [0.10134322, 0.29039626, 0.40165595],
+ [0.10153075, 0.29457037, 0.40200411],
+ [0.10178135, 0.29872536, 0.40235992],
+ [0.10208812, 0.30286298, 0.40272402],
+ [0.10244481, 0.30698475, 0.40309739],
+ [0.10284399, 0.31109237, 0.40347991],
+ [0.10327822, 0.31518751, 0.40387123],
+ [0.10374182, 0.31927140, 0.40427210],
+ [0.10422656, 0.32334577, 0.40468111],
+ [0.10472674, 0.32741180, 0.40509851],
+ [0.10523468, 0.33147102, 0.40552279],
+ [0.10574510, 0.33552448, 0.40595398],
+ [0.10625047, 0.33957366, 0.40639017],
+ [0.10674537, 0.34361958, 0.40683072],
+ [0.10722377, 0.34766339, 0.40727428],
+ [0.10767949, 0.35170624, 0.40771914],
+ [0.10810727, 0.35574910, 0.40816396],
+ [0.10850226, 0.35979284, 0.40860744],
+ [0.10885879, 0.36383850, 0.40904744],
+ [0.10917209, 0.36788691, 0.40948222],
+ [0.10943758, 0.37193887, 0.40990992],
+ [0.10965093, 0.37599513, 0.41032864],
+ [0.10980836, 0.38005632, 0.41073660],
+ [0.10990563, 0.38412313, 0.41113153],
+ [0.10993904, 0.38819616, 0.41151133],
+ [0.10990517, 0.39227594, 0.41187388],
+ [0.10980078, 0.39636296, 0.41221702],
+ [0.10962288, 0.40045764, 0.41253859],
+ [0.10936866, 0.40456037, 0.41283639],
+ [0.10903552, 0.40867148, 0.41310823],
+ [0.10862105, 0.41279126, 0.41335191],
+ [0.10812304, 0.41691995, 0.41356525],
+ [0.10753945, 0.42105773, 0.41374607],
+ [0.10686841, 0.42520478, 0.41389220],
+ [0.10610825, 0.42936118, 0.41400153],
+ [0.10525742, 0.43352702, 0.41407193],
+ [0.10431456, 0.43770232, 0.41410135],
+ [0.10327866, 0.44188706, 0.41408785],
+ [0.10214849, 0.44608122, 0.41402935],
+ [0.10092305, 0.45028473, 0.41392388],
+ [0.09960155, 0.45449750, 0.41376952],
+ [0.09818331, 0.45871939, 0.41356440],
+ [0.09666780, 0.46295026, 0.41330672],
+ [0.09505462, 0.46718992, 0.41299469],
+ [0.09334361, 0.47143817, 0.41262663],
+ [0.09153477, 0.47569477, 0.41220093],
+ [0.08962790, 0.47995950, 0.41171583],
+ [0.08762319, 0.48423211, 0.41116976],
+ [0.08552104, 0.48851232, 0.41056117],
+ [0.08332203, 0.49279985, 0.40988855],
+ [0.08102712, 0.49709438, 0.40915050],
+ [0.07863734, 0.50139561, 0.40834555],
+ [0.07615401, 0.50570323, 0.40747227],
+ [0.07357896, 0.51001689, 0.40652929],
+ [0.07091446, 0.51433627, 0.40551528],
+ [0.06816340, 0.51866100, 0.40442893],
+ [0.06532926, 0.52299074, 0.40326893],
+ [0.06241641, 0.52732512, 0.40203398],
+ [0.05943032, 0.53166379, 0.40072282],
+ [0.05637778, 0.53600635, 0.39933420],
+ [0.05326717, 0.54035244, 0.39786686],
+ [0.05010861, 0.54470167, 0.39631945],
+ [0.04691527, 0.54905366, 0.39469079],
+ [0.04370324, 0.55340800, 0.39297962],
+ [0.04049251, 0.55776429, 0.39118466],
+ [0.03732758, 0.56212213, 0.38930462],
+ [0.03436328, 0.56648111, 0.38733806],
+ [0.03162373, 0.57084082, 0.38528362],
+ [0.02913353, 0.57520082, 0.38314000],
+ [0.02691783, 0.57956067, 0.38090581],
+ [0.02500275, 0.58391993, 0.37857956],
+ [0.02341539, 0.58827816, 0.37615975],
+ [0.02218389, 0.59263488, 0.37364479],
+ [0.02133729, 0.59698964, 0.37103295],
+ [0.02090583, 0.60134198, 0.36832241],
+ [0.02092167, 0.60569136, 0.36551156],
+ [0.02141786, 0.61003727, 0.36259853],
+ [0.02242889, 0.61437920, 0.35958134],
+ [0.02399079, 0.61871658, 0.35645790],
+ [0.02614124, 0.62304886, 0.35322603],
+ [0.02891968, 0.62737545, 0.34988339],
+ [0.03236745, 0.63169574, 0.34642754],
+ [0.03652797, 0.63600907, 0.34285586],
+ [0.04142314, 0.64031480, 0.33916559],
+ [0.04676428, 0.64461220, 0.33535378],
+ [0.05245640, 0.64890055, 0.33141730],
+ [0.05846070, 0.65317905, 0.32735282],
+ [0.06474496, 0.65744690, 0.32315657],
+ [0.07128286, 0.66170327, 0.31882407],
+ [0.07805400, 0.66594717, 0.31435186],
+ [0.08504197, 0.67017760, 0.30973557],
+ [0.09223413, 0.67439352, 0.30497053],
+ [0.09962094, 0.67859382, 0.30005046],
+ [0.10719583, 0.68277729, 0.29496970],
+ [0.11495440, 0.68694255, 0.28972355],
+ [0.12289438, 0.69108825, 0.28430336],
+ [0.13101515, 0.69521280, 0.27870279],
+ [0.13931769, 0.69931452, 0.27291388],
+ [0.14780462, 0.70339158, 0.26692724],
+ [0.15647987, 0.70744194, 0.26073327],
+ [0.16534811, 0.71146337, 0.25432315],
+ [0.17441719, 0.71545342, 0.24768165],
+ [0.18369431, 0.71940933, 0.24079846],
+ [0.19318886, 0.72332804, 0.23365958],
+ [0.20291198, 0.72720612, 0.22624922],
+ [0.21287640, 0.73103971, 0.21855038],
+ [0.22309648, 0.73482446, 0.21054490],
+ [0.23358823, 0.73855542, 0.20221375],
+ [0.24437119, 0.74222692, 0.19353389],
+ [0.25546570, 0.74583253, 0.18448442],
+ [0.26689443, 0.74936490, 0.17504465],
+ [0.27868216, 0.75281565, 0.16519620],
+ [0.29085725, 0.75617505, 0.15492332],
+ [0.30344826, 0.75943220, 0.14422336],
+ [0.31648159, 0.76257503, 0.13311818],
+ [0.32997771, 0.76559080, 0.12167266],
+ [0.34395332, 0.76846588, 0.11001182],
+ [0.35839862, 0.77118878, 0.09839083],
+ [0.37327650, 0.77375138, 0.08724270],
+ [0.38850526, 0.77615284, 0.07725599],
+ [0.40395292, 0.77840295, 0.06938992],
+ [0.41944119, 0.78052427, 0.06473030],
+ [0.43477585, 0.78254937, 0.06409972],
+ [0.44977785, 0.78451593, 0.06764048],
+ [0.46431715, 0.78645901, 0.07475662],
+ [0.47831864, 0.78840714, 0.08448216],
+ [0.49176080, 0.79037960, 0.09588826],
+ [0.50465158, 0.79238932, 0.10826766],
+ [0.51702182, 0.79444304, 0.12114762],
+ [0.52891244, 0.79654352, 0.13423414],
+ [0.54036553, 0.79869148, 0.14735063],
+ [0.55142076, 0.80088662, 0.16039351],
+ [0.56211741, 0.80312725, 0.17330769],
+ [0.57249138, 0.80541120, 0.18606628],
+ [0.58257846, 0.80773509, 0.19866405],
+ [0.59239777, 0.81009935, 0.21108764],
+ [0.60198087, 0.81249995, 0.22335058],
+ [0.61134812, 0.81493537, 0.23545816],
+ [0.62051811, 0.81740406, 0.24741809],
+ [0.62950804, 0.81990436, 0.25923983],
+ [0.63833376, 0.82243455, 0.27093381],
+ [0.64700982, 0.82499292, 0.28251092],
+ [0.65554293, 0.82758007, 0.29397086],
+ [0.66395021, 0.83019272, 0.30533222],
+ [0.67223796, 0.83283107, 0.31659675],
+ [0.68041720, 0.83549339, 0.32777532],
+ [0.68849224, 0.83818019, 0.33886785],
+ [0.69647457, 0.84088912, 0.34988797],
+ [0.70436906, 0.84362014, 0.36083807],
+ [0.71217877, 0.84637379, 0.37171749],
+ [0.71991237, 0.84914828, 0.38253679],
+ [0.72757442, 0.85194329, 0.39329924],
+ [0.73516924, 0.85475850, 0.40400805],
+ [0.74270088, 0.85759359, 0.41466630],
+ [0.75017319, 0.86044826, 0.42527694],
+ [0.75758977, 0.86332219, 0.43584282],
+ [0.76495404, 0.86621509, 0.44636669],
+ [0.77226924, 0.86912668, 0.45685117],
+ [0.77953840, 0.87205668, 0.46729879],
+ [0.78676327, 0.87500535, 0.47770945],
+ [0.79394549, 0.87797296, 0.48808296],
+ [0.80108952, 0.88095841, 0.49842559],
+ [0.80819782, 0.88396148, 0.50873950],
+ [0.81527094, 0.88698280, 0.51902261],
+ [0.82230991, 0.89002279, 0.52927401],
+ [0.82931959, 0.89307990, 0.53950184],
+ [0.83629942, 0.89615525, 0.54970182],
+ [0.84325086, 0.89924894, 0.55987438],
+ [0.85017860, 0.90235935, 0.57002798],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.toxic', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.toxic", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/tree/tree.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/tree/tree.jscm
index 4ed14de0..669ad8f7 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/tree/tree.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/tree/tree.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/tree/tree.py b/cmasher/colormaps/tree/tree.py
index b0015f47..81676323 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/tree/tree.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/tree/tree.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00023591, 0.00015584, 0.00012983],
- [0.00084268, 0.00053302, 0.00043311],
- [0.00179367, 0.00108986, 0.00086448],
- [0.00308329, 0.00180640, 0.00140039],
- [0.00471108, 0.00266932, 0.00202446],
- [0.00667873, 0.00366872, 0.00272405],
- [0.00898911, 0.00479674, 0.00348880],
- [0.01164575, 0.00604687, 0.00430991],
- [0.01465261, 0.00741359, 0.00517969],
- [0.01801393, 0.00889211, 0.00609130],
- [0.02173412, 0.01047822, 0.00703857],
- [0.02581773, 0.01216815, 0.00801582],
- [0.03026940, 0.01395853, 0.00901785],
- [0.03509381, 0.01584628, 0.01003979],
- [0.04029567, 0.01782862, 0.01107709],
- [0.04559319, 0.01990296, 0.01212542],
- [0.05085458, 0.02206679, 0.01318043],
- [0.05608526, 0.02431808, 0.01423851],
- [0.06128816, 0.02665483, 0.01529599],
- [0.06646583, 0.02907520, 0.01634937],
- [0.07162119, 0.03157716, 0.01739463],
- [0.07675565, 0.03415935, 0.01842896],
- [0.08187073, 0.03682041, 0.01944937],
- [0.08696885, 0.03955851, 0.02045189],
- [0.09205052, 0.04231495, 0.02143435],
- [0.09711732, 0.04502661, 0.02239342],
- [0.10217028, 0.04770463, 0.02332627],
- [0.10721024, 0.05035078, 0.02423019],
- [0.11223800, 0.05296671, 0.02510249],
- [0.11725454, 0.05555381, 0.02594016],
- [0.12225988, 0.05811389, 0.02674134],
- [0.12725523, 0.06064795, 0.02750256],
- [0.13224067, 0.06315756, 0.02822177],
- [0.13721639, 0.06564411, 0.02889673],
- [0.14218274, 0.06810886, 0.02952495],
- [0.14713996, 0.07055301, 0.03010397],
- [0.15208833, 0.07297770, 0.03063115],
- [0.15702766, 0.07538431, 0.03110457],
- [0.16195785, 0.07777409, 0.03152207],
- [0.16687891, 0.08014820, 0.03188116],
- [0.17179059, 0.08250792, 0.03217971],
- [0.17669241, 0.08485465, 0.03241590],
- [0.18158383, 0.08718981, 0.03258789],
- [0.18646448, 0.08951466, 0.03269335],
- [0.19133390, 0.09183056, 0.03272990],
- [0.19619078, 0.09413935, 0.03269677],
- [0.20103478, 0.09644230, 0.03259085],
- [0.20586442, 0.09874137, 0.03241120],
- [0.21067840, 0.10103843, 0.03215627],
- [0.21547534, 0.10333543, 0.03182425],
- [0.22025361, 0.10563450, 0.03141354],
- [0.22501120, 0.10793803, 0.03092289],
- [0.22974575, 0.11024868, 0.03035144],
- [0.23445444, 0.11256943, 0.02969879],
- [0.23913453, 0.11490331, 0.02896358],
- [0.24378211, 0.11725411, 0.02814675],
- [0.24839355, 0.11962551, 0.02724723],
- [0.25296377, 0.12202222, 0.02626713],
- [0.25748730, 0.12444922, 0.02520817],
- [0.26195802, 0.12691203, 0.02407252],
- [0.26636848, 0.12941702, 0.02286492],
- [0.27071043, 0.13197113, 0.02159076],
- [0.27497435, 0.13458210, 0.02025819],
- [0.27914966, 0.13725827, 0.01887748],
- [0.28322473, 0.14000849, 0.01746200],
- [0.28718711, 0.14284181, 0.01602831],
- [0.29102397, 0.14576709, 0.01459717],
- [0.29472285, 0.14879225, 0.01319285],
- [0.29827261, 0.15192362, 0.01184251],
- [0.30166442, 0.15516506, 0.01057506],
- [0.30489281, 0.15851736, 0.00942006],
- [0.30795616, 0.16197801, 0.00840479],
- [0.31085688, 0.16554138, 0.00755322],
- [0.31360089, 0.16919930, 0.00688466],
- [0.31619667, 0.17294207, 0.00641320],
- [0.31865438, 0.17675921, 0.00614872],
- [0.32098465, 0.18064045, 0.00609697],
- [0.32319802, 0.18457612, 0.00626128],
- [0.32530438, 0.18855752, 0.00664327],
- [0.32731268, 0.19257708, 0.00724361],
- [0.32923105, 0.19662814, 0.00806290],
- [0.33106622, 0.20070536, 0.00910151],
- [0.33282455, 0.20480389, 0.01036052],
- [0.33451106, 0.20892003, 0.01184121],
- [0.33613028, 0.21305052, 0.01354550],
- [0.33768610, 0.21719270, 0.01547588],
- [0.33918193, 0.22134430, 0.01763530],
- [0.34062084, 0.22550339, 0.02002721],
- [0.34200502, 0.22966865, 0.02265548],
- [0.34333725, 0.23383843, 0.02552433],
- [0.34461908, 0.23801193, 0.02863839],
- [0.34585240, 0.24218815, 0.03200252],
- [0.34703896, 0.24636622, 0.03562179],
- [0.34818014, 0.25054550, 0.03950152],
- [0.34927719, 0.25472546, 0.04352393],
- [0.35033133, 0.25890562, 0.04756206],
- [0.35134375, 0.26308551, 0.05162286],
- [0.35231551, 0.26726476, 0.05570435],
- [0.35324745, 0.27144313, 0.05980501],
- [0.35414045, 0.27562036, 0.06392355],
- [0.35499557, 0.27979613, 0.06805876],
- [0.35581354, 0.28397028, 0.07220974],
- [0.35659502, 0.28814269, 0.07637572],
- [0.35734105, 0.29231309, 0.08055578],
- [0.35805201, 0.29648150, 0.08474942],
- [0.35872891, 0.30064767, 0.08895578],
- [0.35937222, 0.30481162, 0.09317434],
- [0.35998258, 0.30897327, 0.09740444],
- [0.36056084, 0.31313246, 0.10164532],
- [0.36110736, 0.31728928, 0.10589648],
- [0.36162275, 0.32144368, 0.11015721],
- [0.36210777, 0.32559556, 0.11442673],
- [0.36256280, 0.32974502, 0.11870441],
- [0.36298834, 0.33389206, 0.12298953],
- [0.36338488, 0.33803673, 0.12728134],
- [0.36375290, 0.34217907, 0.13157904],
- [0.36409290, 0.34631911, 0.13588179],
- [0.36440520, 0.35045697, 0.14018879],
- [0.36469016, 0.35459276, 0.14449920],
- [0.36494810, 0.35872659, 0.14881214],
- [0.36517929, 0.36285859, 0.15312671],
- [0.36538396, 0.36698891, 0.15744199],
- [0.36556231, 0.37111773, 0.16175705],
- [0.36571447, 0.37524523, 0.16607092],
- [0.36584051, 0.37937162, 0.17038263],
- [0.36594045, 0.38349712, 0.17469120],
- [0.36601425, 0.38762197, 0.17899563],
- [0.36606181, 0.39174644, 0.18329490],
- [0.36608293, 0.39587081, 0.18758800],
- [0.36607737, 0.39999537, 0.19187390],
- [0.36604481, 0.40412044, 0.19615155],
- [0.36598484, 0.40824635, 0.20041993],
- [0.36589697, 0.41237347, 0.20467797],
- [0.36578063, 0.41650216, 0.20892463],
- [0.36563516, 0.42063281, 0.21315884],
- [0.36545982, 0.42476582, 0.21737953],
- [0.36525376, 0.42890161, 0.22158565],
- [0.36501603, 0.43304063, 0.22577610],
- [0.36474562, 0.43718331, 0.22994981],
- [0.36444137, 0.44133014, 0.23410567],
- [0.36410206, 0.44548157, 0.23824257],
- [0.36372631, 0.44963813, 0.24235941],
- [0.36331269, 0.45380030, 0.24645504],
- [0.36285964, 0.45796860, 0.25052829],
- [0.36236549, 0.46214356, 0.25457799],
- [0.36182846, 0.46632571, 0.25860290],
- [0.36124664, 0.47051561, 0.26260178],
- [0.36061804, 0.47471380, 0.26657334],
- [0.35994053, 0.47892085, 0.27051623],
- [0.35921186, 0.48313732, 0.27442906],
- [0.35842966, 0.48736379, 0.27831038],
- [0.35759129, 0.49160087, 0.28215871],
- [0.35669425, 0.49584911, 0.28597239],
- [0.35573584, 0.50010908, 0.28974975],
- [0.35471320, 0.50438137, 0.29348899],
- [0.35362322, 0.50866660, 0.29718825],
- [0.35246273, 0.51296535, 0.30084552],
- [0.35122869, 0.51727815, 0.30445862],
- [0.34991767, 0.52160560, 0.30802530],
- [0.34852593, 0.52594832, 0.31154314],
- [0.34705031, 0.53030675, 0.31500949],
- [0.34548671, 0.53468153, 0.31842163],
- [0.34383161, 0.53907312, 0.32177654],
- [0.34208104, 0.54348204, 0.32507106],
- [0.34023110, 0.54790874, 0.32830182],
- [0.33827779, 0.55235367, 0.33146519],
- [0.33621736, 0.55681717, 0.33455732],
- [0.33404546, 0.56129968, 0.33757415],
- [0.33175876, 0.56580136, 0.34051135],
- [0.32935326, 0.57032249, 0.34336436],
- [0.32682534, 0.57486322, 0.34612840],
- [0.32417204, 0.57942352, 0.34879848],
- [0.32139041, 0.58400334, 0.35136941],
- [0.31847786, 0.58860252, 0.35383585],
- [0.31543240, 0.59322076, 0.35619234],
- [0.31225296, 0.59785756, 0.35843338],
- [0.30893902, 0.60251232, 0.36055346],
- [0.30549095, 0.60718426, 0.36254717],
- [0.30191012, 0.61187244, 0.36440927],
- [0.29819897, 0.61657573, 0.36613479],
- [0.29436110, 0.62129287, 0.36771914],
- [0.29040133, 0.62602242, 0.36915820],
- [0.28632570, 0.63076280, 0.37044843],
- [0.28214143, 0.63551231, 0.37158696],
- [0.27785706, 0.64026917, 0.37257168],
- [0.27348193, 0.64503154, 0.37340120],
- [0.26902633, 0.64979759, 0.37407498],
- [0.26450121, 0.65456550, 0.37459320],
- [0.25991797, 0.65933353, 0.37495680],
- [0.25528911, 0.66409992, 0.37516769],
- [0.25062654, 0.66886315, 0.37522811],
- [0.24594117, 0.67362199, 0.37514051],
- [0.24124719, 0.67837487, 0.37490901],
- [0.23655318, 0.68312112, 0.37453605],
- [0.23187328, 0.68785948, 0.37402657],
- [0.22721600, 0.69258952, 0.37338359],
- [0.22259162, 0.69731068, 0.37261100],
- [0.21801018, 0.70202253, 0.37171275],
- [0.21348139, 0.70672478, 0.37069276],
- [0.20901357, 0.71141737, 0.36955433],
- [0.20461573, 0.71610024, 0.36830104],
- [0.20029548, 0.72077353, 0.36693570],
- [0.19606012, 0.72543750, 0.36546082],
- [0.19191644, 0.73009247, 0.36387842],
- [0.18787403, 0.73473853, 0.36219178],
- [0.18393926, 0.73937614, 0.36040226],
- [0.18011896, 0.74400575, 0.35851116],
- [0.17642112, 0.74862770, 0.35652009],
- [0.17285420, 0.75324234, 0.35443069],
- [0.16942317, 0.75785034, 0.35224224],
- [0.16613636, 0.76245208, 0.34995563],
- [0.16300457, 0.76704773, 0.34757300],
- [0.16003262, 0.77163802, 0.34509256],
- [0.15722844, 0.77622337, 0.34251413],
- [0.15459987, 0.78080421, 0.33983723],
- [0.15215452, 0.78538097, 0.33706103],
- [0.14989970, 0.78995411, 0.33418434],
- [0.14784393, 0.79452393, 0.33120673],
- [0.14599455, 0.79909080, 0.32812698],
- [0.14435597, 0.80365529, 0.32494176],
- [0.14293350, 0.80821783, 0.32164835],
- [0.14173566, 0.81277853, 0.31824683],
- [0.14076563, 0.81733786, 0.31473343],
- [0.14002424, 0.82189641, 0.31110254],
- [0.13952106, 0.82645397, 0.30735665],
- [0.13924955, 0.83101154, 0.30348438],
- [0.13921938, 0.83556872, 0.29948985],
- [0.13942231, 0.84012646, 0.29536052],
- [0.13986269, 0.84468460, 0.29109694],
- [0.14053561, 0.84924364, 0.28669062],
- [0.14143644, 0.85380396, 0.28213343],
- [0.14256553, 0.85836545, 0.27742378],
- [0.14391460, 0.86292863, 0.27254985],
- [0.14547751, 0.86749380, 0.26750209],
- [0.14724827, 0.87206117, 0.26227091],
- [0.14922184, 0.87663078, 0.25684817],
- [0.15138996, 0.88120296, 0.25121997],
- [0.15374428, 0.88577799, 0.24537071],
- [0.15627712, 0.89035608, 0.23928425],
- [0.15898069, 0.89493741, 0.23294199],
- [0.16184713, 0.89952218, 0.22632235],
- [0.16486861, 0.90411059, 0.21940008],
- [0.16803739, 0.90870282, 0.21214543],
- [0.17134592, 0.91329907, 0.20452294],
- [0.17478684, 0.91789950, 0.19648986],
- [0.17835305, 0.92250430, 0.18799392],
- [0.18203775, 0.92711366, 0.17897016],
- [0.18583441, 0.93172773, 0.16933626],
- [0.18973687, 0.93634671, 0.15898537],
- [0.19373925, 0.94097074, 0.14777467],
- [0.19783707, 0.94559983, 0.13551472],
- [0.20202413, 0.95023428, 0.12191216],
- [0.20629546, 0.95487427, 0.10651955],
- [0.21064650, 0.95951996, 0.08857277],
- [0.21507297, 0.96417151, 0.06655194]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00023591, 0.00015584, 0.00012983],
+ [0.00084268, 0.00053302, 0.00043311],
+ [0.00179367, 0.00108986, 0.00086448],
+ [0.00308329, 0.00180640, 0.00140039],
+ [0.00471108, 0.00266932, 0.00202446],
+ [0.00667873, 0.00366872, 0.00272405],
+ [0.00898911, 0.00479674, 0.00348880],
+ [0.01164575, 0.00604687, 0.00430991],
+ [0.01465261, 0.00741359, 0.00517969],
+ [0.01801393, 0.00889211, 0.00609130],
+ [0.02173412, 0.01047822, 0.00703857],
+ [0.02581773, 0.01216815, 0.00801582],
+ [0.03026940, 0.01395853, 0.00901785],
+ [0.03509381, 0.01584628, 0.01003979],
+ [0.04029567, 0.01782862, 0.01107709],
+ [0.04559319, 0.01990296, 0.01212542],
+ [0.05085458, 0.02206679, 0.01318043],
+ [0.05608526, 0.02431808, 0.01423851],
+ [0.06128816, 0.02665483, 0.01529599],
+ [0.06646583, 0.02907520, 0.01634937],
+ [0.07162119, 0.03157716, 0.01739463],
+ [0.07675565, 0.03415935, 0.01842896],
+ [0.08187073, 0.03682041, 0.01944937],
+ [0.08696885, 0.03955851, 0.02045189],
+ [0.09205052, 0.04231495, 0.02143435],
+ [0.09711732, 0.04502661, 0.02239342],
+ [0.10217028, 0.04770463, 0.02332627],
+ [0.10721024, 0.05035078, 0.02423019],
+ [0.11223800, 0.05296671, 0.02510249],
+ [0.11725454, 0.05555381, 0.02594016],
+ [0.12225988, 0.05811389, 0.02674134],
+ [0.12725523, 0.06064795, 0.02750256],
+ [0.13224067, 0.06315756, 0.02822177],
+ [0.13721639, 0.06564411, 0.02889673],
+ [0.14218274, 0.06810886, 0.02952495],
+ [0.14713996, 0.07055301, 0.03010397],
+ [0.15208833, 0.07297770, 0.03063115],
+ [0.15702766, 0.07538431, 0.03110457],
+ [0.16195785, 0.07777409, 0.03152207],
+ [0.16687891, 0.08014820, 0.03188116],
+ [0.17179059, 0.08250792, 0.03217971],
+ [0.17669241, 0.08485465, 0.03241590],
+ [0.18158383, 0.08718981, 0.03258789],
+ [0.18646448, 0.08951466, 0.03269335],
+ [0.19133390, 0.09183056, 0.03272990],
+ [0.19619078, 0.09413935, 0.03269677],
+ [0.20103478, 0.09644230, 0.03259085],
+ [0.20586442, 0.09874137, 0.03241120],
+ [0.21067840, 0.10103843, 0.03215627],
+ [0.21547534, 0.10333543, 0.03182425],
+ [0.22025361, 0.10563450, 0.03141354],
+ [0.22501120, 0.10793803, 0.03092289],
+ [0.22974575, 0.11024868, 0.03035144],
+ [0.23445444, 0.11256943, 0.02969879],
+ [0.23913453, 0.11490331, 0.02896358],
+ [0.24378211, 0.11725411, 0.02814675],
+ [0.24839355, 0.11962551, 0.02724723],
+ [0.25296377, 0.12202222, 0.02626713],
+ [0.25748730, 0.12444922, 0.02520817],
+ [0.26195802, 0.12691203, 0.02407252],
+ [0.26636848, 0.12941702, 0.02286492],
+ [0.27071043, 0.13197113, 0.02159076],
+ [0.27497435, 0.13458210, 0.02025819],
+ [0.27914966, 0.13725827, 0.01887748],
+ [0.28322473, 0.14000849, 0.01746200],
+ [0.28718711, 0.14284181, 0.01602831],
+ [0.29102397, 0.14576709, 0.01459717],
+ [0.29472285, 0.14879225, 0.01319285],
+ [0.29827261, 0.15192362, 0.01184251],
+ [0.30166442, 0.15516506, 0.01057506],
+ [0.30489281, 0.15851736, 0.00942006],
+ [0.30795616, 0.16197801, 0.00840479],
+ [0.31085688, 0.16554138, 0.00755322],
+ [0.31360089, 0.16919930, 0.00688466],
+ [0.31619667, 0.17294207, 0.00641320],
+ [0.31865438, 0.17675921, 0.00614872],
+ [0.32098465, 0.18064045, 0.00609697],
+ [0.32319802, 0.18457612, 0.00626128],
+ [0.32530438, 0.18855752, 0.00664327],
+ [0.32731268, 0.19257708, 0.00724361],
+ [0.32923105, 0.19662814, 0.00806290],
+ [0.33106622, 0.20070536, 0.00910151],
+ [0.33282455, 0.20480389, 0.01036052],
+ [0.33451106, 0.20892003, 0.01184121],
+ [0.33613028, 0.21305052, 0.01354550],
+ [0.33768610, 0.21719270, 0.01547588],
+ [0.33918193, 0.22134430, 0.01763530],
+ [0.34062084, 0.22550339, 0.02002721],
+ [0.34200502, 0.22966865, 0.02265548],
+ [0.34333725, 0.23383843, 0.02552433],
+ [0.34461908, 0.23801193, 0.02863839],
+ [0.34585240, 0.24218815, 0.03200252],
+ [0.34703896, 0.24636622, 0.03562179],
+ [0.34818014, 0.25054550, 0.03950152],
+ [0.34927719, 0.25472546, 0.04352393],
+ [0.35033133, 0.25890562, 0.04756206],
+ [0.35134375, 0.26308551, 0.05162286],
+ [0.35231551, 0.26726476, 0.05570435],
+ [0.35324745, 0.27144313, 0.05980501],
+ [0.35414045, 0.27562036, 0.06392355],
+ [0.35499557, 0.27979613, 0.06805876],
+ [0.35581354, 0.28397028, 0.07220974],
+ [0.35659502, 0.28814269, 0.07637572],
+ [0.35734105, 0.29231309, 0.08055578],
+ [0.35805201, 0.29648150, 0.08474942],
+ [0.35872891, 0.30064767, 0.08895578],
+ [0.35937222, 0.30481162, 0.09317434],
+ [0.35998258, 0.30897327, 0.09740444],
+ [0.36056084, 0.31313246, 0.10164532],
+ [0.36110736, 0.31728928, 0.10589648],
+ [0.36162275, 0.32144368, 0.11015721],
+ [0.36210777, 0.32559556, 0.11442673],
+ [0.36256280, 0.32974502, 0.11870441],
+ [0.36298834, 0.33389206, 0.12298953],
+ [0.36338488, 0.33803673, 0.12728134],
+ [0.36375290, 0.34217907, 0.13157904],
+ [0.36409290, 0.34631911, 0.13588179],
+ [0.36440520, 0.35045697, 0.14018879],
+ [0.36469016, 0.35459276, 0.14449920],
+ [0.36494810, 0.35872659, 0.14881214],
+ [0.36517929, 0.36285859, 0.15312671],
+ [0.36538396, 0.36698891, 0.15744199],
+ [0.36556231, 0.37111773, 0.16175705],
+ [0.36571447, 0.37524523, 0.16607092],
+ [0.36584051, 0.37937162, 0.17038263],
+ [0.36594045, 0.38349712, 0.17469120],
+ [0.36601425, 0.38762197, 0.17899563],
+ [0.36606181, 0.39174644, 0.18329490],
+ [0.36608293, 0.39587081, 0.18758800],
+ [0.36607737, 0.39999537, 0.19187390],
+ [0.36604481, 0.40412044, 0.19615155],
+ [0.36598484, 0.40824635, 0.20041993],
+ [0.36589697, 0.41237347, 0.20467797],
+ [0.36578063, 0.41650216, 0.20892463],
+ [0.36563516, 0.42063281, 0.21315884],
+ [0.36545982, 0.42476582, 0.21737953],
+ [0.36525376, 0.42890161, 0.22158565],
+ [0.36501603, 0.43304063, 0.22577610],
+ [0.36474562, 0.43718331, 0.22994981],
+ [0.36444137, 0.44133014, 0.23410567],
+ [0.36410206, 0.44548157, 0.23824257],
+ [0.36372631, 0.44963813, 0.24235941],
+ [0.36331269, 0.45380030, 0.24645504],
+ [0.36285964, 0.45796860, 0.25052829],
+ [0.36236549, 0.46214356, 0.25457799],
+ [0.36182846, 0.46632571, 0.25860290],
+ [0.36124664, 0.47051561, 0.26260178],
+ [0.36061804, 0.47471380, 0.26657334],
+ [0.35994053, 0.47892085, 0.27051623],
+ [0.35921186, 0.48313732, 0.27442906],
+ [0.35842966, 0.48736379, 0.27831038],
+ [0.35759129, 0.49160087, 0.28215871],
+ [0.35669425, 0.49584911, 0.28597239],
+ [0.35573584, 0.50010908, 0.28974975],
+ [0.35471320, 0.50438137, 0.29348899],
+ [0.35362322, 0.50866660, 0.29718825],
+ [0.35246273, 0.51296535, 0.30084552],
+ [0.35122869, 0.51727815, 0.30445862],
+ [0.34991767, 0.52160560, 0.30802530],
+ [0.34852593, 0.52594832, 0.31154314],
+ [0.34705031, 0.53030675, 0.31500949],
+ [0.34548671, 0.53468153, 0.31842163],
+ [0.34383161, 0.53907312, 0.32177654],
+ [0.34208104, 0.54348204, 0.32507106],
+ [0.34023110, 0.54790874, 0.32830182],
+ [0.33827779, 0.55235367, 0.33146519],
+ [0.33621736, 0.55681717, 0.33455732],
+ [0.33404546, 0.56129968, 0.33757415],
+ [0.33175876, 0.56580136, 0.34051135],
+ [0.32935326, 0.57032249, 0.34336436],
+ [0.32682534, 0.57486322, 0.34612840],
+ [0.32417204, 0.57942352, 0.34879848],
+ [0.32139041, 0.58400334, 0.35136941],
+ [0.31847786, 0.58860252, 0.35383585],
+ [0.31543240, 0.59322076, 0.35619234],
+ [0.31225296, 0.59785756, 0.35843338],
+ [0.30893902, 0.60251232, 0.36055346],
+ [0.30549095, 0.60718426, 0.36254717],
+ [0.30191012, 0.61187244, 0.36440927],
+ [0.29819897, 0.61657573, 0.36613479],
+ [0.29436110, 0.62129287, 0.36771914],
+ [0.29040133, 0.62602242, 0.36915820],
+ [0.28632570, 0.63076280, 0.37044843],
+ [0.28214143, 0.63551231, 0.37158696],
+ [0.27785706, 0.64026917, 0.37257168],
+ [0.27348193, 0.64503154, 0.37340120],
+ [0.26902633, 0.64979759, 0.37407498],
+ [0.26450121, 0.65456550, 0.37459320],
+ [0.25991797, 0.65933353, 0.37495680],
+ [0.25528911, 0.66409992, 0.37516769],
+ [0.25062654, 0.66886315, 0.37522811],
+ [0.24594117, 0.67362199, 0.37514051],
+ [0.24124719, 0.67837487, 0.37490901],
+ [0.23655318, 0.68312112, 0.37453605],
+ [0.23187328, 0.68785948, 0.37402657],
+ [0.22721600, 0.69258952, 0.37338359],
+ [0.22259162, 0.69731068, 0.37261100],
+ [0.21801018, 0.70202253, 0.37171275],
+ [0.21348139, 0.70672478, 0.37069276],
+ [0.20901357, 0.71141737, 0.36955433],
+ [0.20461573, 0.71610024, 0.36830104],
+ [0.20029548, 0.72077353, 0.36693570],
+ [0.19606012, 0.72543750, 0.36546082],
+ [0.19191644, 0.73009247, 0.36387842],
+ [0.18787403, 0.73473853, 0.36219178],
+ [0.18393926, 0.73937614, 0.36040226],
+ [0.18011896, 0.74400575, 0.35851116],
+ [0.17642112, 0.74862770, 0.35652009],
+ [0.17285420, 0.75324234, 0.35443069],
+ [0.16942317, 0.75785034, 0.35224224],
+ [0.16613636, 0.76245208, 0.34995563],
+ [0.16300457, 0.76704773, 0.34757300],
+ [0.16003262, 0.77163802, 0.34509256],
+ [0.15722844, 0.77622337, 0.34251413],
+ [0.15459987, 0.78080421, 0.33983723],
+ [0.15215452, 0.78538097, 0.33706103],
+ [0.14989970, 0.78995411, 0.33418434],
+ [0.14784393, 0.79452393, 0.33120673],
+ [0.14599455, 0.79909080, 0.32812698],
+ [0.14435597, 0.80365529, 0.32494176],
+ [0.14293350, 0.80821783, 0.32164835],
+ [0.14173566, 0.81277853, 0.31824683],
+ [0.14076563, 0.81733786, 0.31473343],
+ [0.14002424, 0.82189641, 0.31110254],
+ [0.13952106, 0.82645397, 0.30735665],
+ [0.13924955, 0.83101154, 0.30348438],
+ [0.13921938, 0.83556872, 0.29948985],
+ [0.13942231, 0.84012646, 0.29536052],
+ [0.13986269, 0.84468460, 0.29109694],
+ [0.14053561, 0.84924364, 0.28669062],
+ [0.14143644, 0.85380396, 0.28213343],
+ [0.14256553, 0.85836545, 0.27742378],
+ [0.14391460, 0.86292863, 0.27254985],
+ [0.14547751, 0.86749380, 0.26750209],
+ [0.14724827, 0.87206117, 0.26227091],
+ [0.14922184, 0.87663078, 0.25684817],
+ [0.15138996, 0.88120296, 0.25121997],
+ [0.15374428, 0.88577799, 0.24537071],
+ [0.15627712, 0.89035608, 0.23928425],
+ [0.15898069, 0.89493741, 0.23294199],
+ [0.16184713, 0.89952218, 0.22632235],
+ [0.16486861, 0.90411059, 0.21940008],
+ [0.16803739, 0.90870282, 0.21214543],
+ [0.17134592, 0.91329907, 0.20452294],
+ [0.17478684, 0.91789950, 0.19648986],
+ [0.17835305, 0.92250430, 0.18799392],
+ [0.18203775, 0.92711366, 0.17897016],
+ [0.18583441, 0.93172773, 0.16933626],
+ [0.18973687, 0.93634671, 0.15898537],
+ [0.19373925, 0.94097074, 0.14777467],
+ [0.19783707, 0.94559983, 0.13551472],
+ [0.20202413, 0.95023428, 0.12191216],
+ [0.20629546, 0.95487427, 0.10651955],
+ [0.21064650, 0.95951996, 0.08857277],
+ [0.21507297, 0.96417151, 0.06655194],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.tree', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.tree", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/tropical/tropical.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/tropical/tropical.jscm
index f1c207aa..531ee182 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/tropical/tropical.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/tropical/tropical.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/tropical/tropical.py b/cmasher/colormaps/tropical/tropical.py
index 251fc134..de4836e5 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/tropical/tropical.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/tropical/tropical.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.56455228, 0.05411374, 0.64628069],
- [0.56944818, 0.05368478, 0.64276375],
- [0.57434602, 0.05314874, 0.63921671],
- [0.57924515, 0.05250974, 0.63563620],
- [0.58414518, 0.05177101, 0.63201829],
- [0.58904474, 0.05093764, 0.62836101],
- [0.59394345, 0.05001254, 0.62466046],
- [0.59884006, 0.04900039, 0.62091449],
- [0.60373382, 0.04790475, 0.61711990],
- [0.60862359, 0.04673015, 0.61327438],
- [0.61350851, 0.04548060, 0.60937502],
- [0.61838721, 0.04416151, 0.60542001],
- [0.62325899, 0.04277693, 0.60140609],
- [0.62812219, 0.04133374, 0.59733216],
- [0.63297595, 0.03982967, 0.59319535],
- [0.63781889, 0.03829265, 0.58899395],
- [0.64264953, 0.03675466, 0.58472657],
- [0.64746668, 0.03522607, 0.58039113],
- [0.65226902, 0.03371776, 0.57598584],
- [0.65705489, 0.03224182, 0.57150985],
- [0.66182280, 0.03081001, 0.56696189],
- [0.66657121, 0.02943445, 0.56234081],
- [0.67129853, 0.02812765, 0.55764566],
- [0.67600321, 0.02690227, 0.55287541],
- [0.68068345, 0.02577189, 0.54802973],
- [0.68533748, 0.02475027, 0.54310825],
- [0.68996351, 0.02385154, 0.53811074],
- [0.69455968, 0.02309028, 0.53303718],
- [0.69912410, 0.02248146, 0.52788771],
- [0.70365492, 0.02204027, 0.52266239],
- [0.70815008, 0.02178275, 0.51736197],
- [0.71260754, 0.02172528, 0.51198731],
- [0.71702522, 0.02188464, 0.50653942],
- [0.72140099, 0.02227802, 0.50101956],
- [0.72573281, 0.02292279, 0.49542874],
- [0.73001853, 0.02383700, 0.48976861],
- [0.73425579, 0.02503938, 0.48404156],
- [0.73844250, 0.02654848, 0.47824923],
- [0.74257644, 0.02838346, 0.47239388],
- [0.74665521, 0.03056407, 0.46647869],
- [0.75067679, 0.03310966, 0.46050537],
- [0.75463868, 0.03604071, 0.45447817],
- [0.75853889, 0.03937705, 0.44839910],
- [0.76237498, 0.04304459, 0.44227269],
- [0.76614490, 0.04692205, 0.43610189],
- [0.76984645, 0.05100055, 0.42989086],
- [0.77347747, 0.05526275, 0.42364388],
- [0.77703604, 0.05969260, 0.41736452],
- [0.78052008, 0.06427545, 0.41105769],
- [0.78392770, 0.06899791, 0.40472794],
- [0.78725713, 0.07384778, 0.39837975],
- [0.79050667, 0.07881402, 0.39201764],
- [0.79367470, 0.08388646, 0.38564673],
- [0.79675976, 0.08905583, 0.37927182],
- [0.79976051, 0.09431365, 0.37289773],
- [0.80267575, 0.09965207, 0.36652927],
- [0.80550444, 0.10506387, 0.36017120],
- [0.80824566, 0.11054230, 0.35382818],
- [0.81089868, 0.11608107, 0.34750486],
- [0.81346290, 0.12167429, 0.34120571],
- [0.81593790, 0.12731644, 0.33493497],
- [0.81832340, 0.13300231, 0.32869674],
- [0.82061930, 0.13872703, 0.32249484],
- [0.82282562, 0.14448597, 0.31633290],
- [0.82494256, 0.15027477, 0.31021425],
- [0.82697044, 0.15608933, 0.30414196],
- [0.82890971, 0.16192577, 0.29811878],
- [0.83076096, 0.16778046, 0.29214719],
- [0.83252488, 0.17364996, 0.28622935],
- [0.83420228, 0.17953105, 0.28036713],
- [0.83579403, 0.18542075, 0.27456203],
- [0.83730109, 0.19131627, 0.26881525],
- [0.83872451, 0.19721502, 0.26312771],
- [0.84006537, 0.20311461, 0.25750001],
- [0.84132480, 0.20901284, 0.25193246],
- [0.84250398, 0.21490764, 0.24642520],
- [0.84360412, 0.22079711, 0.24097808],
- [0.84462640, 0.22667967, 0.23559052],
- [0.84557203, 0.23255381, 0.23026180],
- [0.84644220, 0.23841815, 0.22499105],
- [0.84723819, 0.24427132, 0.21977746],
- [0.84796109, 0.25011245, 0.21461939],
- [0.84861202, 0.25594061, 0.20951537],
- [0.84919225, 0.26175472, 0.20446427],
- [0.84970271, 0.26755435, 0.19946387],
- [0.85014449, 0.27333884, 0.19451245],
- [0.85051865, 0.27910758, 0.18960826],
- [0.85082598, 0.28486043, 0.18474878],
- [0.85106762, 0.29059669, 0.17993253],
- [0.85124415, 0.29631659, 0.17515656],
- [0.85135664, 0.30201950, 0.17041934],
- [0.85140556, 0.30770579, 0.16571782],
- [0.85139186, 0.31337501, 0.16105031],
- [0.85131595, 0.31902750, 0.15641389],
- [0.85117852, 0.32466319, 0.15180640],
- [0.85098010, 0.33028216, 0.14722544],
- [0.85072104, 0.33588475, 0.14266829],
- [0.85040192, 0.34147090, 0.13813290],
- [0.85002300, 0.34704095, 0.13361666],
- [0.84958455, 0.35259523, 0.12911701],
- [0.84908687, 0.35813391, 0.12463171],
- [0.84853026, 0.36365717, 0.12015859],
- [0.84791475, 0.36916547, 0.11569506],
- [0.84724045, 0.37465912, 0.11123888],
- [0.84650743, 0.38013842, 0.10678790],
- [0.84571579, 0.38560359, 0.10234018],
- [0.84486550, 0.39105501, 0.09789367],
- [0.84395643, 0.39649305, 0.09344641],
- [0.84298849, 0.40191804, 0.08899672],
- [0.84196153, 0.40733030, 0.08454308],
- [0.84087540, 0.41273015, 0.08008424],
- [0.83972988, 0.41811790, 0.07561925],
- [0.83852473, 0.42349386, 0.07114753],
- [0.83725967, 0.42885833, 0.06666897],
- [0.83593441, 0.43421159, 0.06218408],
- [0.83454862, 0.43955392, 0.05769412],
- [0.83310194, 0.44488559, 0.05320136],
- [0.83159399, 0.45020686, 0.04870934],
- [0.83002435, 0.45551796, 0.04422324],
- [0.82839261, 0.46081911, 0.03974216],
- [0.82669832, 0.46611053, 0.03540953],
- [0.82494100, 0.47139241, 0.03139860],
- [0.82312017, 0.47666492, 0.02771200],
- [0.82123534, 0.48192824, 0.02435299],
- [0.81928597, 0.48718251, 0.02132545],
- [0.81727153, 0.49242785, 0.01863384],
- [0.81519149, 0.49766439, 0.01628324],
- [0.81304526, 0.50289221, 0.01427932],
- [0.81083233, 0.50811136, 0.01262838],
- [0.80855209, 0.51332192, 0.01133724],
- [0.80620390, 0.51852397, 0.01041329],
- [0.80378714, 0.52371753, 0.00986456],
- [0.80130120, 0.52890263, 0.00969965],
- [0.79874541, 0.53407928, 0.00992776],
- [0.79611913, 0.53924747, 0.01055866],
- [0.79342175, 0.54440712, 0.01160276],
- [0.79065251, 0.54955827, 0.01307100],
- [0.78781070, 0.55470087, 0.01497493],
- [0.78489559, 0.55983486, 0.01732677],
- [0.78190645, 0.56496019, 0.02013930],
- [0.77884252, 0.57007675, 0.02342598],
- [0.77570301, 0.57518449, 0.02720086],
- [0.77248708, 0.58028332, 0.03147870],
- [0.76919389, 0.58537316, 0.03627489],
- [0.76582256, 0.59045388, 0.04157678],
- [0.76237220, 0.59552539, 0.04704716],
- [0.75884188, 0.60058757, 0.05260930],
- [0.75523059, 0.60564031, 0.05825116],
- [0.75153734, 0.61068347, 0.06396368],
- [0.74776108, 0.61571693, 0.06974010],
- [0.74390069, 0.62074056, 0.07557546],
- [0.73995504, 0.62575421, 0.08146611],
- [0.73592294, 0.63075773, 0.08740952],
- [0.73180317, 0.63575097, 0.09340396],
- [0.72759444, 0.64073377, 0.09944836],
- [0.72329536, 0.64570597, 0.10554222],
- [0.71890457, 0.65066738, 0.11168542],
- [0.71442064, 0.65561782, 0.11787819],
- [0.70984205, 0.66055709, 0.12412104],
- [0.70516726, 0.66548496, 0.13041474],
- [0.70039460, 0.67040125, 0.13676024],
- [0.69552240, 0.67530570, 0.14315866],
- [0.69054897, 0.68019806, 0.14961124],
- [0.68547252, 0.68507803, 0.15611932],
- [0.68029123, 0.68994534, 0.16268439],
- [0.67500320, 0.69479965, 0.16930799],
- [0.66960646, 0.69964065, 0.17599179],
- [0.66409902, 0.70446796, 0.18273747],
- [0.65847892, 0.70928116, 0.18954675],
- [0.65274412, 0.71407982, 0.19642142],
- [0.64689253, 0.71886348, 0.20336329],
- [0.64092206, 0.72363162, 0.21037422],
- [0.63483059, 0.72838370, 0.21745606],
- [0.62861601, 0.73311914, 0.22461070],
- [0.62227614, 0.73783732, 0.23184004],
- [0.61580897, 0.74253753, 0.23914588],
- [0.60921244, 0.74721905, 0.24653006],
- [0.60248455, 0.75188108, 0.25399437],
- [0.59562335, 0.75652280, 0.26154056],
- [0.58862695, 0.76114331, 0.26917031],
- [0.58149359, 0.76574166, 0.27688525],
- [0.57422159, 0.77031683, 0.28468690],
- [0.56680942, 0.77486778, 0.29257670],
- [0.55925572, 0.77939336, 0.30055596],
- [0.55155928, 0.78389241, 0.30862585],
- [0.54371913, 0.78836367, 0.31678743],
- [0.53573450, 0.79280585, 0.32504155],
- [0.52760490, 0.79721761, 0.33338891],
- [0.51933015, 0.80159753, 0.34182998],
- [0.51091035, 0.80594418, 0.35036505],
- [0.50234597, 0.81025606, 0.35899416],
- [0.49363785, 0.81453165, 0.36771712],
- [0.48478724, 0.81876939, 0.37653346],
- [0.47579584, 0.82296771, 0.38544246],
- [0.46666582, 0.82712501, 0.39444311],
- [0.45739987, 0.83123971, 0.40353412],
- [0.44800120, 0.83531019, 0.41271388],
- [0.43847363, 0.83933488, 0.42198049],
- [0.42882156, 0.84331224, 0.43133175],
- [0.41905005, 0.84724072, 0.44076517],
- [0.40916483, 0.85111888, 0.45027794],
- [0.39917249, 0.85494527, 0.45986690],
- [0.38908045, 0.85871854, 0.46952857],
- [0.37889654, 0.86243745, 0.47925944],
- [0.36862966, 0.86610083, 0.48905566],
- [0.35828964, 0.86970762, 0.49891313],
- [0.34788725, 0.87325686, 0.50882760],
- [0.33743494, 0.87674768, 0.51879427],
- [0.32694603, 0.88017936, 0.52880839],
- [0.31643427, 0.88355138, 0.53886564],
- [0.30591537, 0.88686330, 0.54896129],
- [0.29540838, 0.89011474, 0.55908952],
- [0.28493164, 0.89330560, 0.56924602],
- [0.27450569, 0.89643592, 0.57942640],
- [0.26415720, 0.89950568, 0.58962406],
- [0.25390975, 0.90251531, 0.59983590],
- [0.24379475, 0.90546512, 0.61005610],
- [0.23384436, 0.90835570, 0.62028055],
- [0.22409624, 0.91118769, 0.63050437],
- [0.21459076, 0.91396191, 0.64072381],
- [0.20537615, 0.91667923, 0.65093355],
- [0.19650090, 0.91934070, 0.66113144],
- [0.18802519, 0.92194739, 0.67131172],
- [0.18000958, 0.92450052, 0.68147200],
- [0.17252068, 0.92700139, 0.69160949],
- [0.16563088, 0.92945133, 0.70172061],
- [0.15941552, 0.93185177, 0.71180153],
- [0.15394631, 0.93420419, 0.72185109],
- [0.14929371, 0.93651011, 0.73186693],
- [0.14552056, 0.93877108, 0.74184696],
- [0.14267763, 0.94098870, 0.75178939],
- [0.14079933, 0.94316460, 0.76169269],
- [0.13990036, 0.94530040, 0.77155565],
- [0.13997391, 0.94739774, 0.78137734],
- [0.14099175, 0.94945828, 0.79115709],
- [0.14290638, 0.95148365, 0.80089455],
- [0.14565463, 0.95347546, 0.81058963],
- [0.14916227, 0.95543533, 0.82024250],
- [0.15334884, 0.95736486, 0.82985328],
- [0.15813200, 0.95926575, 0.83942078],
- [0.16343017, 0.96113938, 0.84894778],
- [0.16916656, 0.96298723, 0.85843548],
- [0.17527005, 0.96481090, 0.86788344],
- [0.18167605, 0.96661184, 0.87729297],
- [0.18832745, 0.96839121, 0.88666775],
- [0.19517300, 0.97015069, 0.89600600],
- [0.20216919, 0.97189127, 0.90531247],
- [0.20927745, 0.97361437, 0.91458761],
- [0.21646507, 0.97532109, 0.92383407],
- [0.22370382, 0.97701262, 0.93305384],
- [0.23096998, 0.97868993, 0.94225002],
- [0.23824254, 0.98035424, 0.95142350],
- [0.24550556, 0.98200612, 0.96058006],
- [0.25274256, 0.98364704, 0.96971787],
- [0.25994303, 0.98527734, 0.97884366],
- [0.26709688, 0.98689776, 0.98796051]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.56455228, 0.05411374, 0.64628069],
+ [0.56944818, 0.05368478, 0.64276375],
+ [0.57434602, 0.05314874, 0.63921671],
+ [0.57924515, 0.05250974, 0.63563620],
+ [0.58414518, 0.05177101, 0.63201829],
+ [0.58904474, 0.05093764, 0.62836101],
+ [0.59394345, 0.05001254, 0.62466046],
+ [0.59884006, 0.04900039, 0.62091449],
+ [0.60373382, 0.04790475, 0.61711990],
+ [0.60862359, 0.04673015, 0.61327438],
+ [0.61350851, 0.04548060, 0.60937502],
+ [0.61838721, 0.04416151, 0.60542001],
+ [0.62325899, 0.04277693, 0.60140609],
+ [0.62812219, 0.04133374, 0.59733216],
+ [0.63297595, 0.03982967, 0.59319535],
+ [0.63781889, 0.03829265, 0.58899395],
+ [0.64264953, 0.03675466, 0.58472657],
+ [0.64746668, 0.03522607, 0.58039113],
+ [0.65226902, 0.03371776, 0.57598584],
+ [0.65705489, 0.03224182, 0.57150985],
+ [0.66182280, 0.03081001, 0.56696189],
+ [0.66657121, 0.02943445, 0.56234081],
+ [0.67129853, 0.02812765, 0.55764566],
+ [0.67600321, 0.02690227, 0.55287541],
+ [0.68068345, 0.02577189, 0.54802973],
+ [0.68533748, 0.02475027, 0.54310825],
+ [0.68996351, 0.02385154, 0.53811074],
+ [0.69455968, 0.02309028, 0.53303718],
+ [0.69912410, 0.02248146, 0.52788771],
+ [0.70365492, 0.02204027, 0.52266239],
+ [0.70815008, 0.02178275, 0.51736197],
+ [0.71260754, 0.02172528, 0.51198731],
+ [0.71702522, 0.02188464, 0.50653942],
+ [0.72140099, 0.02227802, 0.50101956],
+ [0.72573281, 0.02292279, 0.49542874],
+ [0.73001853, 0.02383700, 0.48976861],
+ [0.73425579, 0.02503938, 0.48404156],
+ [0.73844250, 0.02654848, 0.47824923],
+ [0.74257644, 0.02838346, 0.47239388],
+ [0.74665521, 0.03056407, 0.46647869],
+ [0.75067679, 0.03310966, 0.46050537],
+ [0.75463868, 0.03604071, 0.45447817],
+ [0.75853889, 0.03937705, 0.44839910],
+ [0.76237498, 0.04304459, 0.44227269],
+ [0.76614490, 0.04692205, 0.43610189],
+ [0.76984645, 0.05100055, 0.42989086],
+ [0.77347747, 0.05526275, 0.42364388],
+ [0.77703604, 0.05969260, 0.41736452],
+ [0.78052008, 0.06427545, 0.41105769],
+ [0.78392770, 0.06899791, 0.40472794],
+ [0.78725713, 0.07384778, 0.39837975],
+ [0.79050667, 0.07881402, 0.39201764],
+ [0.79367470, 0.08388646, 0.38564673],
+ [0.79675976, 0.08905583, 0.37927182],
+ [0.79976051, 0.09431365, 0.37289773],
+ [0.80267575, 0.09965207, 0.36652927],
+ [0.80550444, 0.10506387, 0.36017120],
+ [0.80824566, 0.11054230, 0.35382818],
+ [0.81089868, 0.11608107, 0.34750486],
+ [0.81346290, 0.12167429, 0.34120571],
+ [0.81593790, 0.12731644, 0.33493497],
+ [0.81832340, 0.13300231, 0.32869674],
+ [0.82061930, 0.13872703, 0.32249484],
+ [0.82282562, 0.14448597, 0.31633290],
+ [0.82494256, 0.15027477, 0.31021425],
+ [0.82697044, 0.15608933, 0.30414196],
+ [0.82890971, 0.16192577, 0.29811878],
+ [0.83076096, 0.16778046, 0.29214719],
+ [0.83252488, 0.17364996, 0.28622935],
+ [0.83420228, 0.17953105, 0.28036713],
+ [0.83579403, 0.18542075, 0.27456203],
+ [0.83730109, 0.19131627, 0.26881525],
+ [0.83872451, 0.19721502, 0.26312771],
+ [0.84006537, 0.20311461, 0.25750001],
+ [0.84132480, 0.20901284, 0.25193246],
+ [0.84250398, 0.21490764, 0.24642520],
+ [0.84360412, 0.22079711, 0.24097808],
+ [0.84462640, 0.22667967, 0.23559052],
+ [0.84557203, 0.23255381, 0.23026180],
+ [0.84644220, 0.23841815, 0.22499105],
+ [0.84723819, 0.24427132, 0.21977746],
+ [0.84796109, 0.25011245, 0.21461939],
+ [0.84861202, 0.25594061, 0.20951537],
+ [0.84919225, 0.26175472, 0.20446427],
+ [0.84970271, 0.26755435, 0.19946387],
+ [0.85014449, 0.27333884, 0.19451245],
+ [0.85051865, 0.27910758, 0.18960826],
+ [0.85082598, 0.28486043, 0.18474878],
+ [0.85106762, 0.29059669, 0.17993253],
+ [0.85124415, 0.29631659, 0.17515656],
+ [0.85135664, 0.30201950, 0.17041934],
+ [0.85140556, 0.30770579, 0.16571782],
+ [0.85139186, 0.31337501, 0.16105031],
+ [0.85131595, 0.31902750, 0.15641389],
+ [0.85117852, 0.32466319, 0.15180640],
+ [0.85098010, 0.33028216, 0.14722544],
+ [0.85072104, 0.33588475, 0.14266829],
+ [0.85040192, 0.34147090, 0.13813290],
+ [0.85002300, 0.34704095, 0.13361666],
+ [0.84958455, 0.35259523, 0.12911701],
+ [0.84908687, 0.35813391, 0.12463171],
+ [0.84853026, 0.36365717, 0.12015859],
+ [0.84791475, 0.36916547, 0.11569506],
+ [0.84724045, 0.37465912, 0.11123888],
+ [0.84650743, 0.38013842, 0.10678790],
+ [0.84571579, 0.38560359, 0.10234018],
+ [0.84486550, 0.39105501, 0.09789367],
+ [0.84395643, 0.39649305, 0.09344641],
+ [0.84298849, 0.40191804, 0.08899672],
+ [0.84196153, 0.40733030, 0.08454308],
+ [0.84087540, 0.41273015, 0.08008424],
+ [0.83972988, 0.41811790, 0.07561925],
+ [0.83852473, 0.42349386, 0.07114753],
+ [0.83725967, 0.42885833, 0.06666897],
+ [0.83593441, 0.43421159, 0.06218408],
+ [0.83454862, 0.43955392, 0.05769412],
+ [0.83310194, 0.44488559, 0.05320136],
+ [0.83159399, 0.45020686, 0.04870934],
+ [0.83002435, 0.45551796, 0.04422324],
+ [0.82839261, 0.46081911, 0.03974216],
+ [0.82669832, 0.46611053, 0.03540953],
+ [0.82494100, 0.47139241, 0.03139860],
+ [0.82312017, 0.47666492, 0.02771200],
+ [0.82123534, 0.48192824, 0.02435299],
+ [0.81928597, 0.48718251, 0.02132545],
+ [0.81727153, 0.49242785, 0.01863384],
+ [0.81519149, 0.49766439, 0.01628324],
+ [0.81304526, 0.50289221, 0.01427932],
+ [0.81083233, 0.50811136, 0.01262838],
+ [0.80855209, 0.51332192, 0.01133724],
+ [0.80620390, 0.51852397, 0.01041329],
+ [0.80378714, 0.52371753, 0.00986456],
+ [0.80130120, 0.52890263, 0.00969965],
+ [0.79874541, 0.53407928, 0.00992776],
+ [0.79611913, 0.53924747, 0.01055866],
+ [0.79342175, 0.54440712, 0.01160276],
+ [0.79065251, 0.54955827, 0.01307100],
+ [0.78781070, 0.55470087, 0.01497493],
+ [0.78489559, 0.55983486, 0.01732677],
+ [0.78190645, 0.56496019, 0.02013930],
+ [0.77884252, 0.57007675, 0.02342598],
+ [0.77570301, 0.57518449, 0.02720086],
+ [0.77248708, 0.58028332, 0.03147870],
+ [0.76919389, 0.58537316, 0.03627489],
+ [0.76582256, 0.59045388, 0.04157678],
+ [0.76237220, 0.59552539, 0.04704716],
+ [0.75884188, 0.60058757, 0.05260930],
+ [0.75523059, 0.60564031, 0.05825116],
+ [0.75153734, 0.61068347, 0.06396368],
+ [0.74776108, 0.61571693, 0.06974010],
+ [0.74390069, 0.62074056, 0.07557546],
+ [0.73995504, 0.62575421, 0.08146611],
+ [0.73592294, 0.63075773, 0.08740952],
+ [0.73180317, 0.63575097, 0.09340396],
+ [0.72759444, 0.64073377, 0.09944836],
+ [0.72329536, 0.64570597, 0.10554222],
+ [0.71890457, 0.65066738, 0.11168542],
+ [0.71442064, 0.65561782, 0.11787819],
+ [0.70984205, 0.66055709, 0.12412104],
+ [0.70516726, 0.66548496, 0.13041474],
+ [0.70039460, 0.67040125, 0.13676024],
+ [0.69552240, 0.67530570, 0.14315866],
+ [0.69054897, 0.68019806, 0.14961124],
+ [0.68547252, 0.68507803, 0.15611932],
+ [0.68029123, 0.68994534, 0.16268439],
+ [0.67500320, 0.69479965, 0.16930799],
+ [0.66960646, 0.69964065, 0.17599179],
+ [0.66409902, 0.70446796, 0.18273747],
+ [0.65847892, 0.70928116, 0.18954675],
+ [0.65274412, 0.71407982, 0.19642142],
+ [0.64689253, 0.71886348, 0.20336329],
+ [0.64092206, 0.72363162, 0.21037422],
+ [0.63483059, 0.72838370, 0.21745606],
+ [0.62861601, 0.73311914, 0.22461070],
+ [0.62227614, 0.73783732, 0.23184004],
+ [0.61580897, 0.74253753, 0.23914588],
+ [0.60921244, 0.74721905, 0.24653006],
+ [0.60248455, 0.75188108, 0.25399437],
+ [0.59562335, 0.75652280, 0.26154056],
+ [0.58862695, 0.76114331, 0.26917031],
+ [0.58149359, 0.76574166, 0.27688525],
+ [0.57422159, 0.77031683, 0.28468690],
+ [0.56680942, 0.77486778, 0.29257670],
+ [0.55925572, 0.77939336, 0.30055596],
+ [0.55155928, 0.78389241, 0.30862585],
+ [0.54371913, 0.78836367, 0.31678743],
+ [0.53573450, 0.79280585, 0.32504155],
+ [0.52760490, 0.79721761, 0.33338891],
+ [0.51933015, 0.80159753, 0.34182998],
+ [0.51091035, 0.80594418, 0.35036505],
+ [0.50234597, 0.81025606, 0.35899416],
+ [0.49363785, 0.81453165, 0.36771712],
+ [0.48478724, 0.81876939, 0.37653346],
+ [0.47579584, 0.82296771, 0.38544246],
+ [0.46666582, 0.82712501, 0.39444311],
+ [0.45739987, 0.83123971, 0.40353412],
+ [0.44800120, 0.83531019, 0.41271388],
+ [0.43847363, 0.83933488, 0.42198049],
+ [0.42882156, 0.84331224, 0.43133175],
+ [0.41905005, 0.84724072, 0.44076517],
+ [0.40916483, 0.85111888, 0.45027794],
+ [0.39917249, 0.85494527, 0.45986690],
+ [0.38908045, 0.85871854, 0.46952857],
+ [0.37889654, 0.86243745, 0.47925944],
+ [0.36862966, 0.86610083, 0.48905566],
+ [0.35828964, 0.86970762, 0.49891313],
+ [0.34788725, 0.87325686, 0.50882760],
+ [0.33743494, 0.87674768, 0.51879427],
+ [0.32694603, 0.88017936, 0.52880839],
+ [0.31643427, 0.88355138, 0.53886564],
+ [0.30591537, 0.88686330, 0.54896129],
+ [0.29540838, 0.89011474, 0.55908952],
+ [0.28493164, 0.89330560, 0.56924602],
+ [0.27450569, 0.89643592, 0.57942640],
+ [0.26415720, 0.89950568, 0.58962406],
+ [0.25390975, 0.90251531, 0.59983590],
+ [0.24379475, 0.90546512, 0.61005610],
+ [0.23384436, 0.90835570, 0.62028055],
+ [0.22409624, 0.91118769, 0.63050437],
+ [0.21459076, 0.91396191, 0.64072381],
+ [0.20537615, 0.91667923, 0.65093355],
+ [0.19650090, 0.91934070, 0.66113144],
+ [0.18802519, 0.92194739, 0.67131172],
+ [0.18000958, 0.92450052, 0.68147200],
+ [0.17252068, 0.92700139, 0.69160949],
+ [0.16563088, 0.92945133, 0.70172061],
+ [0.15941552, 0.93185177, 0.71180153],
+ [0.15394631, 0.93420419, 0.72185109],
+ [0.14929371, 0.93651011, 0.73186693],
+ [0.14552056, 0.93877108, 0.74184696],
+ [0.14267763, 0.94098870, 0.75178939],
+ [0.14079933, 0.94316460, 0.76169269],
+ [0.13990036, 0.94530040, 0.77155565],
+ [0.13997391, 0.94739774, 0.78137734],
+ [0.14099175, 0.94945828, 0.79115709],
+ [0.14290638, 0.95148365, 0.80089455],
+ [0.14565463, 0.95347546, 0.81058963],
+ [0.14916227, 0.95543533, 0.82024250],
+ [0.15334884, 0.95736486, 0.82985328],
+ [0.15813200, 0.95926575, 0.83942078],
+ [0.16343017, 0.96113938, 0.84894778],
+ [0.16916656, 0.96298723, 0.85843548],
+ [0.17527005, 0.96481090, 0.86788344],
+ [0.18167605, 0.96661184, 0.87729297],
+ [0.18832745, 0.96839121, 0.88666775],
+ [0.19517300, 0.97015069, 0.89600600],
+ [0.20216919, 0.97189127, 0.90531247],
+ [0.20927745, 0.97361437, 0.91458761],
+ [0.21646507, 0.97532109, 0.92383407],
+ [0.22370382, 0.97701262, 0.93305384],
+ [0.23096998, 0.97868993, 0.94225002],
+ [0.23824254, 0.98035424, 0.95142350],
+ [0.24550556, 0.98200612, 0.96058006],
+ [0.25274256, 0.98364704, 0.96971787],
+ [0.25994303, 0.98527734, 0.97884366],
+ [0.26709688, 0.98689776, 0.98796051],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.tropical', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.tropical", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/viola/viola.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/viola/viola.jscm
index ead48aca..b4077ec0 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/viola/viola.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/viola/viola.jscm
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/viola/viola.py b/cmasher/colormaps/viola/viola.py
index 4fb4fb29..49227f79 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/viola/viola.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/viola/viola.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.11138401, 0.02669949, 0.18994576],
- [0.11630584, 0.02843274, 0.19596041],
- [0.12122371, 0.03017008, 0.20200385],
- [0.12613965, 0.03190505, 0.20808061],
- [0.13105245, 0.03363619, 0.21418972],
- [0.13596355, 0.03535760, 0.22033503],
- [0.14087256, 0.03706639, 0.22651726],
- [0.14577938, 0.03875900, 0.23273789],
- [0.15068450, 0.04043075, 0.23899957],
- [0.15558810, 0.04203151, 0.24530468],
- [0.16048964, 0.04356923, 0.25165440],
- [0.16538900, 0.04504430, 0.25805096],
- [0.17028593, 0.04645678, 0.26449657],
- [0.17518003, 0.04780676, 0.27099345],
- [0.18007074, 0.04909437, 0.27754379],
- [0.18495762, 0.05031912, 0.28415040],
- [0.18984008, 0.05148049, 0.29081625],
- [0.19471647, 0.05258010, 0.29754239],
- [0.19958618, 0.05361678, 0.30433270],
- [0.20444751, 0.05459151, 0.31118919],
- [0.20929922, 0.05550376, 0.31811564],
- [0.21413882, 0.05635561, 0.32511367],
- [0.21896421, 0.05714769, 0.33218672],
- [0.22377274, 0.05788148, 0.33933794],
- [0.22856112, 0.05855955, 0.34657012],
- [0.23332527, 0.05918597, 0.35388549],
- [0.23806040, 0.05976622, 0.36128589],
- [0.24276170, 0.06030484, 0.36877533],
- [0.24742193, 0.06081291, 0.37635309],
- [0.25203344, 0.06130190, 0.38401992],
- [0.25658695, 0.06178750, 0.39177471],
- [0.26107122, 0.06229107, 0.39961346],
- [0.26547353, 0.06283783, 0.40753129],
- [0.26977818, 0.06346323, 0.41551642],
- [0.27396773, 0.06420866, 0.42355414],
- [0.27802236, 0.06512511, 0.43162229],
- [0.28192067, 0.06627120, 0.43969143],
- [0.28564067, 0.06771084, 0.44772416],
- [0.28916153, 0.06950790, 0.45567615],
- [0.29246553, 0.07171986, 0.46349748],
- [0.29554035, 0.07438845, 0.47113807],
- [0.29838062, 0.07753367, 0.47855166],
- [0.30098832, 0.08115027, 0.48570117],
- [0.30337211, 0.08520982, 0.49256135],
- [0.30554562, 0.08966644, 0.49911944],
- [0.30752549, 0.09446421, 0.50537395],
- [0.30932949, 0.09954425, 0.51133228],
- [0.31097525, 0.10484997, 0.51700784],
- [0.31247949, 0.11033024, 0.52241746],
- [0.31385726, 0.11594089, 0.52757996],
- [0.31512203, 0.12164498, 0.53251446],
- [0.31628568, 0.12741224, 0.53723953],
- [0.31735854, 0.13321839, 0.54177283],
- [0.31835001, 0.13904386, 0.54613054],
- [0.31926756, 0.14487382, 0.55032795],
- [0.32011852, 0.15069617, 0.55437862],
- [0.32090857, 0.15650214, 0.55829515],
- [0.32164315, 0.16228476, 0.56208877],
- [0.32232701, 0.16803883, 0.56576971],
- [0.32296429, 0.17376059, 0.56934720],
- [0.32355864, 0.17944737, 0.57282963],
- [0.32411325, 0.18509739, 0.57622458],
- [0.32463109, 0.19070950, 0.57953893],
- [0.32511520, 0.19628275, 0.58277894],
- [0.32556731, 0.20181740, 0.58595028],
- [0.32599029, 0.20731304, 0.58905819],
- [0.32638545, 0.21277047, 0.59210735],
- [0.32675517, 0.21818982, 0.59510216],
- [0.32710078, 0.22357199, 0.59804657],
- [0.32742372, 0.22891779, 0.60094423],
- [0.32772546, 0.23422805, 0.60379849],
- [0.32800753, 0.23950350, 0.60661251],
- [0.32827086, 0.24474529, 0.60938909],
- [0.32851655, 0.24995439, 0.61213087],
- [0.32874562, 0.25513180, 0.61484030],
- [0.32895901, 0.26027851, 0.61751963],
- [0.32915760, 0.26539554, 0.62017096],
- [0.32934219, 0.27048388, 0.62279622],
- [0.32951352, 0.27554451, 0.62539722],
- [0.32967230, 0.28057842, 0.62797564],
- [0.32981935, 0.28558646, 0.63053307],
- [0.32995511, 0.29056966, 0.63307091],
- [0.33008013, 0.29552896, 0.63559052],
- [0.33019492, 0.30046524, 0.63809313],
- [0.33030002, 0.30537937, 0.64057992],
- [0.33039611, 0.31027209, 0.64305205],
- [0.33048336, 0.31514436, 0.64551044],
- [0.33056217, 0.31999699, 0.64795602],
- [0.33063313, 0.32483066, 0.65038975],
- [0.33069649, 0.32964620, 0.65281239],
- [0.33075249, 0.33444438, 0.65522465],
- [0.33080168, 0.33922584, 0.65762731],
- [0.33084419, 0.34399134, 0.66002095],
- [0.33088029, 0.34874158, 0.66240616],
- [0.33091044, 0.35347713, 0.66478356],
- [0.33093467, 0.35819875, 0.66715355],
- [0.33095340, 0.36290697, 0.66951665],
- [0.33096677, 0.36760245, 0.67187325],
- [0.33097501, 0.37228577, 0.67422372],
- [0.33097842, 0.37695748, 0.67656841],
- [0.33097710, 0.38161819, 0.67890758],
- [0.33097139, 0.38626838, 0.68124155],
- [0.33096137, 0.39090862, 0.68357049],
- [0.33094738, 0.39553939, 0.68589463],
- [0.33092952, 0.40016122, 0.68821410],
- [0.33090807, 0.40477455, 0.69052904],
- [0.33088322, 0.40937987, 0.69283954],
- [0.33085521, 0.41397764, 0.69514566],
- [0.33082428, 0.41856828, 0.69744743],
- [0.33079066, 0.42315222, 0.69974485],
- [0.33075463, 0.42772987, 0.70203789],
- [0.33071647, 0.43230164, 0.70432650],
- [0.33067647, 0.43686790, 0.70661057],
- [0.33063497, 0.44142902, 0.70888999],
- [0.33059226, 0.44598538, 0.71116461],
- [0.33054882, 0.45053728, 0.71343427],
- [0.33050491, 0.45508511, 0.71569871],
- [0.33046115, 0.45962913, 0.71795776],
- [0.33041781, 0.46416971, 0.72021108],
- [0.33037561, 0.46870707, 0.72245843],
- [0.33033499, 0.47324154, 0.72469945],
- [0.33029663, 0.47777335, 0.72693378],
- [0.33026124, 0.48230276, 0.72916105],
- [0.33022942, 0.48683003, 0.73138079],
- [0.33020219, 0.49135531, 0.73359262],
- [0.33018021, 0.49587889, 0.73579597],
- [0.33016456, 0.50040091, 0.73799036],
- [0.33015640, 0.50492150, 0.74017529],
- [0.33015652, 0.50944094, 0.74235001],
- [0.33016648, 0.51395924, 0.74451405],
- [0.33018763, 0.51847654, 0.74666673],
- [0.33022112, 0.52299303, 0.74880723],
- [0.33026881, 0.52750870, 0.75093493],
- [0.33033245, 0.53202361, 0.75304905],
- [0.33041385, 0.53653780, 0.75514877],
- [0.33051483, 0.54105136, 0.75723312],
- [0.33063782, 0.54556419, 0.75930132],
- [0.33078520, 0.55007627, 0.76135243],
- [0.33095951, 0.55458753, 0.76338544],
- [0.33116353, 0.55909787, 0.76539934],
- [0.33140020, 0.56360719, 0.76739302],
- [0.33167268, 0.56811535, 0.76936532],
- [0.33198457, 0.57262211, 0.77131513],
- [0.33233962, 0.57712725, 0.77324124],
- [0.33274186, 0.58163048, 0.77514237],
- [0.33319562, 0.58613150, 0.77701722],
- [0.33370556, 0.59062994, 0.77886443],
- [0.33427662, 0.59512540, 0.78068255],
- [0.33491406, 0.59961743, 0.78247010],
- [0.33562372, 0.60410547, 0.78422564],
- [0.33641171, 0.60858894, 0.78594765],
- [0.33728457, 0.61306716, 0.78763459],
- [0.33824910, 0.61753946, 0.78928477],
- [0.33931249, 0.62200507, 0.79089643],
- [0.34048286, 0.62646302, 0.79246820],
- [0.34176815, 0.63091242, 0.79399821],
- [0.34317705, 0.63535220, 0.79548484],
- [0.34471872, 0.63978118, 0.79692655],
- [0.34640249, 0.64419817, 0.79832162],
- [0.34823828, 0.64860177, 0.79966860],
- [0.35023639, 0.65299050, 0.80096621],
- [0.35240696, 0.65736289, 0.80221273],
- [0.35476094, 0.66171715, 0.80340742],
- [0.35730905, 0.66605153, 0.80454930],
- [0.36006205, 0.67036412, 0.80563769],
- [0.36303051, 0.67465296, 0.80667226],
- [0.36622473, 0.67891598, 0.80765298],
- [0.36965449, 0.68315103, 0.80858050],
- [0.37332879, 0.68735594, 0.80945583],
- [0.37725565, 0.69152854, 0.81028057],
- [0.38144179, 0.69566668, 0.81105701],
- [0.38589243, 0.69976829, 0.81178814],
- [0.39061094, 0.70383141, 0.81247768],
- [0.39559867, 0.70785428, 0.81313008],
- [0.40085473, 0.71183537, 0.81375048],
- [0.40637584, 0.71577343, 0.81434474],
- [0.41215626, 0.71966756, 0.81491933],
- [0.41818783, 0.72351722, 0.81548120],
- [0.42446014, 0.72732228, 0.81603761],
- [0.43096069, 0.73108304, 0.81659606],
- [0.43767520, 0.73480020, 0.81716407],
- [0.44458799, 0.73847485, 0.81774903],
- [0.45168236, 0.74210845, 0.81835806],
- [0.45894105, 0.74570279, 0.81899783],
- [0.46634662, 0.74925990, 0.81967446],
- [0.47388188, 0.75278203, 0.82039341],
- [0.48153025, 0.75627154, 0.82115944],
- [0.48927559, 0.75973094, 0.82197684],
- [0.49710255, 0.76316282, 0.82284942],
- [0.50499805, 0.76656958, 0.82377935],
- [0.51294815, 0.76995391, 0.82476983],
- [0.52094213, 0.77331809, 0.82582191],
- [0.52896959, 0.77666450, 0.82693685],
- [0.53702081, 0.77999544, 0.82811581],
- [0.54508743, 0.78331310, 0.82935933],
- [0.55316270, 0.78661943, 0.83066727],
- [0.56124038, 0.78991633, 0.83203948],
- [0.56931446, 0.79320572, 0.83347602],
- [0.57738057, 0.79648922, 0.83497618],
- [0.58543520, 0.79976832, 0.83653902],
- [0.59347520, 0.80304444, 0.83816366],
- [0.60149600, 0.80631930, 0.83985030],
- [0.60949780, 0.80959366, 0.84159649],
- [0.61747594, 0.81286927, 0.84340291],
- [0.62543124, 0.81614675, 0.84526715],
- [0.63336132, 0.81942736, 0.84718888],
- [0.64126483, 0.82271216, 0.84916731],
- [0.64914193, 0.82600186, 0.85120091],
- [0.65699192, 0.82929734, 0.85328879],
- [0.66481429, 0.83259942, 0.85543006],
- [0.67260878, 0.83590887, 0.85762378],
- [0.68037529, 0.83922639, 0.85986905],
- [0.68811387, 0.84255265, 0.86216492],
- [0.69582471, 0.84588824, 0.86451049],
- [0.70350814, 0.84923374, 0.86690483],
- [0.71116455, 0.85258966, 0.86934706],
- [0.71879446, 0.85595650, 0.87183627],
- [0.72639742, 0.85933496, 0.87437213],
- [0.73397405, 0.86272548, 0.87695378],
- [0.74152578, 0.86612825, 0.87958001],
- [0.74905216, 0.86954396, 0.88225059],
- [0.75655360, 0.87297306, 0.88496491],
- [0.76403187, 0.87641559, 0.88772171],
- [0.77148527, 0.87987258, 0.89052147],
- [0.77891692, 0.88334365, 0.89336233],
- [0.78632472, 0.88682992, 0.89624501],
- [0.79371145, 0.89033111, 0.89916789],
- [0.80107621, 0.89384796, 0.90213114],
- [0.80841988, 0.89738070, 0.90513410],
- [0.81574379, 0.90092943, 0.90817593],
- [0.82304670, 0.90449497, 0.91125697],
- [0.83033023, 0.90807731, 0.91437629],
- [0.83759510, 0.91167669, 0.91753337],
- [0.84484145, 0.91529351, 0.92072797],
- [0.85206864, 0.91892841, 0.92396022],
- [0.85927824, 0.92258135, 0.92722925],
- [0.86647054, 0.92625267, 0.93053477],
- [0.87364582, 0.92994270, 0.93387654],
- [0.88080434, 0.93365179, 0.93725430],
- [0.88794635, 0.93738028, 0.94066779],
- [0.89507189, 0.94112856, 0.94411689],
- [0.90218116, 0.94489699, 0.94760135],
- [0.90927462, 0.94868582, 0.95112086],
- [0.91635237, 0.95249543, 0.95467523],
- [0.92341450, 0.95632620, 0.95826430],
- [0.93046101, 0.96017851, 0.96188789],
- [0.93749188, 0.96405279, 0.96554587],
- [0.94450698, 0.96794949, 0.96923810],
- [0.95150590, 0.97186913, 0.97296456],
- [0.95848829, 0.97581226, 0.97672516],
- [0.96545389, 0.97977938, 0.98051973],
- [0.97240208, 0.98377110, 0.98434820],
- [0.97933207, 0.98778813, 0.98821051],
- [0.98624277, 0.99183128, 0.99210660],
- [0.99313272, 0.99590152, 0.99603643],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
- [0.99651279, 0.99457267, 0.99605330],
- [0.99295334, 0.98919689, 0.99211967],
- [0.98932435, 0.98386929, 0.98822156],
- [0.98563710, 0.97858296, 0.98438205],
- [0.98190830, 0.97332938, 0.98061866],
- [0.97815979, 0.96809863, 0.97694203],
- [0.97441507, 0.96288076, 0.97335603],
- [0.97069299, 0.95766849, 0.96985624],
- [0.96700845, 0.95245638, 0.96643513],
- [0.96337244, 0.94724054, 0.96308497],
- [0.95978968, 0.94201980, 0.95979570],
- [0.95626344, 0.93679325, 0.95656031],
- [0.95279443, 0.93156093, 0.95337247],
- [0.94938114, 0.92632374, 0.95022607],
- [0.94602365, 0.92108154, 0.94711876],
- [0.94271865, 0.91583587, 0.94404559],
- [0.93946518, 0.91058689, 0.94100512],
- [0.93626095, 0.90533547, 0.93799495],
- [0.93310402, 0.90008221, 0.93501341],
- [0.92999326, 0.89482732, 0.93205984],
- [0.92692614, 0.88957170, 0.92913222],
- [0.92390249, 0.88431502, 0.92623104],
- [0.92091949, 0.87905837, 0.92335402],
- [0.91797763, 0.87380105, 0.92050229],
- [0.91507404, 0.86854419, 0.91767352],
- [0.91220953, 0.86328695, 0.91486902],
- [0.90938150, 0.85803032, 0.91208670],
- [0.90659062, 0.85277353, 0.90932766],
- [0.90383493, 0.84751726, 0.90659035],
- [0.90111453, 0.84226104, 0.90387522],
- [0.89842849, 0.83700500, 0.90118166],
- [0.89577587, 0.83174925, 0.89850906],
- [0.89315720, 0.82649314, 0.89585812],
- [0.89057044, 0.82123736, 0.89322714],
- [0.88801673, 0.81598094, 0.89061734],
- [0.88549454, 0.81072431, 0.88802744],
- [0.88300327, 0.80546743, 0.88545701],
- [0.88054402, 0.80020928, 0.88290716],
- [0.87811483, 0.79495059, 0.88037614],
- [0.87571567, 0.78969098, 0.87786399],
- [0.87334737, 0.78442958, 0.87537150],
- [0.87100825, 0.77916694, 0.87289716],
- [0.86869808, 0.77390280, 0.87044077],
- [0.86641783, 0.76863621, 0.86800316],
- [0.86416627, 0.76336745, 0.86558323],
- [0.86194295, 0.75809639, 0.86318050],
- [0.85974766, 0.75282271, 0.86079476],
- [0.85758121, 0.74754554, 0.85842661],
- [0.85544254, 0.74226507, 0.85607506],
- [0.85333129, 0.73698107, 0.85373967],
- [0.85124729, 0.73169321, 0.85142019],
- [0.84919036, 0.72640114, 0.84911633],
- [0.84716058, 0.72110440, 0.84682801],
- [0.84515800, 0.71580247, 0.84455512],
- [0.84318193, 0.71049530, 0.84229690],
- [0.84123219, 0.70518254, 0.84005301],
- [0.83930863, 0.69986380, 0.83782312],
- [0.83741109, 0.69453869, 0.83560689],
- [0.83553939, 0.68920682, 0.83340395],
- [0.83369338, 0.68386778, 0.83121390],
- [0.83187287, 0.67852116, 0.82903636],
- [0.83007770, 0.67316655, 0.82687091],
- [0.82830769, 0.66780353, 0.82471710],
- [0.82656264, 0.66243165, 0.82257448],
- [0.82484238, 0.65705050, 0.82044255],
- [0.82314670, 0.65165962, 0.81832083],
- [0.82147539, 0.64625857, 0.81620877],
- [0.81982831, 0.64084683, 0.81410588],
- [0.81820602, 0.63542346, 0.81201217],
- [0.81660754, 0.62998844, 0.80992647],
- [0.81503263, 0.62454131, 0.80784811],
- [0.81348102, 0.61908158, 0.80577642],
- [0.81195295, 0.61360845, 0.80371107],
- [0.81044872, 0.60812102, 0.80165175],
- [0.80896705, 0.60261944, 0.79959694],
- [0.80750784, 0.59710307, 0.79754597],
- [0.80607236, 0.59157031, 0.79549913],
- [0.80465854, 0.58602181, 0.79345426],
- [0.80326733, 0.58045616, 0.79141135],
- [0.80189818, 0.57487292, 0.78936925],
- [0.80055066, 0.56927159, 0.78732688],
- [0.79922505, 0.56365113, 0.78528362],
- [0.79792067, 0.55801115, 0.78323812],
- [0.79663727, 0.55235096, 0.78118929],
- [0.79537530, 0.54666931, 0.77913647],
- [0.79413326, 0.54096635, 0.77707762],
- [0.79291197, 0.53524054, 0.77501220],
- [0.79171097, 0.52949121, 0.77293875],
- [0.79052936, 0.52371801, 0.77085549],
- [0.78936697, 0.51792004, 0.76876103],
- [0.78822356, 0.51209640, 0.76665385],
- [0.78709931, 0.50624585, 0.76453263],
- [0.78599327, 0.50036798, 0.76239525],
- [0.78490498, 0.49446198, 0.76023983],
- [0.78383399, 0.48852703, 0.75806439],
- [0.78277976, 0.48256230, 0.75586683],
- [0.78174219, 0.47656663, 0.75364514],
- [0.78072052, 0.47053932, 0.75139686],
- [0.77971380, 0.46447985, 0.74911932],
- [0.77872116, 0.45838757, 0.74680980],
- [0.77774249, 0.45226120, 0.74446580],
- [0.77677689, 0.44610008, 0.74208428],
- [0.77582269, 0.43990422, 0.73966173],
- [0.77488027, 0.43367180, 0.73719540],
- [0.77394729, 0.42740341, 0.73468119],
- [0.77302307, 0.42109815, 0.73211556],
- [0.77210681, 0.41475523, 0.72949473],
- [0.77119639, 0.40837505, 0.72681422],
- [0.77029043, 0.40195737, 0.72406970],
- [0.76938735, 0.39550218, 0.72125655],
- [0.76848530, 0.38900973, 0.71836989],
- [0.76758217, 0.38248060, 0.71540459],
- [0.76667560, 0.37591567, 0.71235530],
- [0.76576298, 0.36931620, 0.70921645],
- [0.76484255, 0.36268265, 0.70598248],
- [0.76391008, 0.35601815, 0.70264727],
- [0.76296333, 0.34932397, 0.69920494],
- [0.76199799, 0.34260370, 0.69564932],
- [0.76101097, 0.33585991, 0.69197435],
- [0.75999801, 0.32909662, 0.68817393],
- [0.75895465, 0.32231841, 0.68424218],
- [0.75787635, 0.31553025, 0.68017342],
- [0.75675826, 0.30873782, 0.67596237],
- [0.75559539, 0.30194734, 0.67160418],
- [0.75438284, 0.29516537, 0.66709455],
- [0.75311490, 0.28839979, 0.66243012],
- [0.75178649, 0.28165822, 0.65760819],
- [0.75039239, 0.27494887, 0.65262711],
- [0.74892756, 0.26828019, 0.64748627],
- [0.74738705, 0.26166089, 0.64218628],
- [0.74576659, 0.25509928, 0.63672872],
- [0.74406206, 0.24860376, 0.63111651],
- [0.74226991, 0.24218234, 0.62535367],
- [0.74038720, 0.23584244, 0.61944523],
- [0.73841159, 0.22959089, 0.61339718],
- [0.73634138, 0.22343379, 0.60721632],
- [0.73417548, 0.21737647, 0.60091011],
- [0.73191343, 0.21142341, 0.59448655],
- [0.72955534, 0.20557825, 0.58795396],
- [0.72710185, 0.19984378, 0.58132089],
- [0.72455408, 0.19422203, 0.57459594],
- [0.72191353, 0.18871428, 0.56778764],
- [0.71918207, 0.18332113, 0.56090439],
- [0.71636182, 0.17804261, 0.55395435],
- [0.71345514, 0.17287823, 0.54694533],
- [0.71046452, 0.16782704, 0.53988482],
- [0.70739256, 0.16288778, 0.53277991],
- [0.70424194, 0.15805887, 0.52563728],
- [0.70101532, 0.15333854, 0.51846324],
- [0.69771539, 0.14872485, 0.51126365],
- [0.69434476, 0.14421578, 0.50404407],
- [0.69090599, 0.13980924, 0.49680957],
- [0.68740160, 0.13550312, 0.48956488],
- [0.68383396, 0.13129538, 0.48231439],
- [0.68020538, 0.12718398, 0.47506230],
- [0.67651804, 0.12316702, 0.46781232],
- [0.67277403, 0.11924270, 0.46056795],
- [0.66897531, 0.11540930, 0.45333258],
- [0.66512374, 0.11166532, 0.44610916],
- [0.66122104, 0.10800938, 0.43890055],
- [0.65726885, 0.10444028, 0.43170947],
- [0.65326868, 0.10095703, 0.42453832],
- [0.64922193, 0.09755882, 0.41738951],
- [0.64512991, 0.09424507, 0.41026521],
- [0.64099380, 0.09101541, 0.40316752],
- [0.63681472, 0.08786969, 0.39609844],
- [0.63259366, 0.08480802, 0.38905987],
- [0.62833154, 0.08183073, 0.38205363],
- [0.62402916, 0.07893840, 0.37508149],
- [0.61968727, 0.07613188, 0.36814517],
- [0.61530651, 0.07341226, 0.36124635],
- [0.61088745, 0.07078087, 0.35438670],
- [0.60643058, 0.06823934, 0.34756782],
- [0.60193631, 0.06578946, 0.34079141],
- [0.59740499, 0.06343336, 0.33405903],
- [0.59283687, 0.06117329, 0.32737240],
- [0.58823217, 0.05901171, 0.32073323],
- [0.58359100, 0.05695140, 0.31414312],
- [0.57891345, 0.05499505, 0.30760396],
- [0.57419952, 0.05314552, 0.30111757],
- [0.56944915, 0.05140588, 0.29468575],
- [0.56466224, 0.04977894, 0.28831055],
- [0.55983864, 0.04826751, 0.28199404],
- [0.55497814, 0.04687425, 0.27573840],
- [0.55008047, 0.04560157, 0.26954588],
- [0.54514535, 0.04445164, 0.26341884],
- [0.54017244, 0.04342599, 0.25735987],
- [0.53516140, 0.04252573, 0.25137164],
- [0.53011186, 0.04175134, 0.24545699],
- [0.52502344, 0.04110259, 0.23961888],
- [0.51989576, 0.04057848, 0.23386046],
- [0.51472846, 0.04017305, 0.22818504],
- [0.50952123, 0.03988862, 0.22259608],
- [0.50427376, 0.03972237, 0.21709714],
- [0.49898586, 0.03966871, 0.21169200],
- [0.49365742, 0.03972170, 0.20638454],
- [0.48828845, 0.03987500, 0.20117868],
- [0.48287908, 0.04012181, 0.19607839],
- [0.47742962, 0.04045479, 0.19108759],
- [0.47194057, 0.04085798, 0.18621023],
- [0.46641267, 0.04132655, 0.18145004],
- [0.46084684, 0.04185049, 0.17681050],
- [0.45524431, 0.04241927, 0.17229482],
- [0.44960653, 0.04302226, 0.16790577],
- [0.44393524, 0.04364857, 0.16364563],
- [0.43823240, 0.04428757, 0.15951608],
- [0.43250021, 0.04492881, 0.15551812],
- [0.42674110, 0.04556211, 0.15165204],
- [0.42095767, 0.04617782, 0.14791737],
- [0.41515258, 0.04676711, 0.14431283],
- [0.40932862, 0.04732177, 0.14083637],
- [0.40348860, 0.04783442, 0.13748522],
- [0.39763529, 0.04829855, 0.13425593],
- [0.39177139, 0.04870857, 0.13114443],
- [0.38589948, 0.04905982, 0.12814615],
- [0.38002216, 0.04934797, 0.12525607],
- [0.37414156, 0.04957039, 0.12246885],
- [0.36825982, 0.04972466, 0.11977893],
- [0.36237886, 0.04980896, 0.11718058],
- [0.35650045, 0.04982209, 0.11466802],
- [0.35062596, 0.04976376, 0.11223548],
- [0.34475674, 0.04963364, 0.10987725],
- [0.33889396, 0.04943184, 0.10758771],
- [0.33303856, 0.04915884, 0.10536139],
- [0.32719128, 0.04881541, 0.10319302],
- [0.32135268, 0.04840259, 0.10107755],
- [0.31552330, 0.04792126, 0.09901007],
- [0.30970366, 0.04737220, 0.09698582],
- [0.30389366, 0.04675731, 0.09500056],
- [0.29809379, 0.04607701, 0.09304982],
- [0.29230391, 0.04533292, 0.09112969],
- [0.28652391, 0.04452634, 0.08923639],
- [0.28075373, 0.04365829, 0.08736623],
- [0.27499325, 0.04272978, 0.08551573],
- [0.26924223, 0.04174182, 0.08368156],
- [0.26350036, 0.04069541, 0.08186061],
- [0.25776724, 0.03958238, 0.08004990],
- [0.25204242, 0.03842694, 0.07824664],
- [0.24632534, 0.03723743, 0.07644816],
- [0.24061554, 0.03601731, 0.07465184],
- [0.23491278, 0.03476951, 0.07285486],
- [0.22921589, 0.03349840, 0.07105533],
- [0.22352481, 0.03220647, 0.06925037],
- [0.21783824, 0.03089799, 0.06743829],
- [0.21215613, 0.02957523, 0.06561621],
- [0.20647710, 0.02824235, 0.06378257],
- [0.20080045, 0.02690234, 0.06193512],
- [0.19512565, 0.02555789, 0.06007140],
- [0.18945137, 0.02421263, 0.05818973],
- [0.18377664, 0.02286958, 0.05628802],
- [0.17810042, 0.02153175, 0.05436418],
- [0.17242157, 0.02020212, 0.05241613],
- [0.16673885, 0.01888366, 0.05044177],
- [0.16105095, 0.01757931, 0.04843897],
- [0.15535642, 0.01629201, 0.04640560]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.11138401, 0.02669949, 0.18994576],
+ [0.11630584, 0.02843274, 0.19596041],
+ [0.12122371, 0.03017008, 0.20200385],
+ [0.12613965, 0.03190505, 0.20808061],
+ [0.13105245, 0.03363619, 0.21418972],
+ [0.13596355, 0.03535760, 0.22033503],
+ [0.14087256, 0.03706639, 0.22651726],
+ [0.14577938, 0.03875900, 0.23273789],
+ [0.15068450, 0.04043075, 0.23899957],
+ [0.15558810, 0.04203151, 0.24530468],
+ [0.16048964, 0.04356923, 0.25165440],
+ [0.16538900, 0.04504430, 0.25805096],
+ [0.17028593, 0.04645678, 0.26449657],
+ [0.17518003, 0.04780676, 0.27099345],
+ [0.18007074, 0.04909437, 0.27754379],
+ [0.18495762, 0.05031912, 0.28415040],
+ [0.18984008, 0.05148049, 0.29081625],
+ [0.19471647, 0.05258010, 0.29754239],
+ [0.19958618, 0.05361678, 0.30433270],
+ [0.20444751, 0.05459151, 0.31118919],
+ [0.20929922, 0.05550376, 0.31811564],
+ [0.21413882, 0.05635561, 0.32511367],
+ [0.21896421, 0.05714769, 0.33218672],
+ [0.22377274, 0.05788148, 0.33933794],
+ [0.22856112, 0.05855955, 0.34657012],
+ [0.23332527, 0.05918597, 0.35388549],
+ [0.23806040, 0.05976622, 0.36128589],
+ [0.24276170, 0.06030484, 0.36877533],
+ [0.24742193, 0.06081291, 0.37635309],
+ [0.25203344, 0.06130190, 0.38401992],
+ [0.25658695, 0.06178750, 0.39177471],
+ [0.26107122, 0.06229107, 0.39961346],
+ [0.26547353, 0.06283783, 0.40753129],
+ [0.26977818, 0.06346323, 0.41551642],
+ [0.27396773, 0.06420866, 0.42355414],
+ [0.27802236, 0.06512511, 0.43162229],
+ [0.28192067, 0.06627120, 0.43969143],
+ [0.28564067, 0.06771084, 0.44772416],
+ [0.28916153, 0.06950790, 0.45567615],
+ [0.29246553, 0.07171986, 0.46349748],
+ [0.29554035, 0.07438845, 0.47113807],
+ [0.29838062, 0.07753367, 0.47855166],
+ [0.30098832, 0.08115027, 0.48570117],
+ [0.30337211, 0.08520982, 0.49256135],
+ [0.30554562, 0.08966644, 0.49911944],
+ [0.30752549, 0.09446421, 0.50537395],
+ [0.30932949, 0.09954425, 0.51133228],
+ [0.31097525, 0.10484997, 0.51700784],
+ [0.31247949, 0.11033024, 0.52241746],
+ [0.31385726, 0.11594089, 0.52757996],
+ [0.31512203, 0.12164498, 0.53251446],
+ [0.31628568, 0.12741224, 0.53723953],
+ [0.31735854, 0.13321839, 0.54177283],
+ [0.31835001, 0.13904386, 0.54613054],
+ [0.31926756, 0.14487382, 0.55032795],
+ [0.32011852, 0.15069617, 0.55437862],
+ [0.32090857, 0.15650214, 0.55829515],
+ [0.32164315, 0.16228476, 0.56208877],
+ [0.32232701, 0.16803883, 0.56576971],
+ [0.32296429, 0.17376059, 0.56934720],
+ [0.32355864, 0.17944737, 0.57282963],
+ [0.32411325, 0.18509739, 0.57622458],
+ [0.32463109, 0.19070950, 0.57953893],
+ [0.32511520, 0.19628275, 0.58277894],
+ [0.32556731, 0.20181740, 0.58595028],
+ [0.32599029, 0.20731304, 0.58905819],
+ [0.32638545, 0.21277047, 0.59210735],
+ [0.32675517, 0.21818982, 0.59510216],
+ [0.32710078, 0.22357199, 0.59804657],
+ [0.32742372, 0.22891779, 0.60094423],
+ [0.32772546, 0.23422805, 0.60379849],
+ [0.32800753, 0.23950350, 0.60661251],
+ [0.32827086, 0.24474529, 0.60938909],
+ [0.32851655, 0.24995439, 0.61213087],
+ [0.32874562, 0.25513180, 0.61484030],
+ [0.32895901, 0.26027851, 0.61751963],
+ [0.32915760, 0.26539554, 0.62017096],
+ [0.32934219, 0.27048388, 0.62279622],
+ [0.32951352, 0.27554451, 0.62539722],
+ [0.32967230, 0.28057842, 0.62797564],
+ [0.32981935, 0.28558646, 0.63053307],
+ [0.32995511, 0.29056966, 0.63307091],
+ [0.33008013, 0.29552896, 0.63559052],
+ [0.33019492, 0.30046524, 0.63809313],
+ [0.33030002, 0.30537937, 0.64057992],
+ [0.33039611, 0.31027209, 0.64305205],
+ [0.33048336, 0.31514436, 0.64551044],
+ [0.33056217, 0.31999699, 0.64795602],
+ [0.33063313, 0.32483066, 0.65038975],
+ [0.33069649, 0.32964620, 0.65281239],
+ [0.33075249, 0.33444438, 0.65522465],
+ [0.33080168, 0.33922584, 0.65762731],
+ [0.33084419, 0.34399134, 0.66002095],
+ [0.33088029, 0.34874158, 0.66240616],
+ [0.33091044, 0.35347713, 0.66478356],
+ [0.33093467, 0.35819875, 0.66715355],
+ [0.33095340, 0.36290697, 0.66951665],
+ [0.33096677, 0.36760245, 0.67187325],
+ [0.33097501, 0.37228577, 0.67422372],
+ [0.33097842, 0.37695748, 0.67656841],
+ [0.33097710, 0.38161819, 0.67890758],
+ [0.33097139, 0.38626838, 0.68124155],
+ [0.33096137, 0.39090862, 0.68357049],
+ [0.33094738, 0.39553939, 0.68589463],
+ [0.33092952, 0.40016122, 0.68821410],
+ [0.33090807, 0.40477455, 0.69052904],
+ [0.33088322, 0.40937987, 0.69283954],
+ [0.33085521, 0.41397764, 0.69514566],
+ [0.33082428, 0.41856828, 0.69744743],
+ [0.33079066, 0.42315222, 0.69974485],
+ [0.33075463, 0.42772987, 0.70203789],
+ [0.33071647, 0.43230164, 0.70432650],
+ [0.33067647, 0.43686790, 0.70661057],
+ [0.33063497, 0.44142902, 0.70888999],
+ [0.33059226, 0.44598538, 0.71116461],
+ [0.33054882, 0.45053728, 0.71343427],
+ [0.33050491, 0.45508511, 0.71569871],
+ [0.33046115, 0.45962913, 0.71795776],
+ [0.33041781, 0.46416971, 0.72021108],
+ [0.33037561, 0.46870707, 0.72245843],
+ [0.33033499, 0.47324154, 0.72469945],
+ [0.33029663, 0.47777335, 0.72693378],
+ [0.33026124, 0.48230276, 0.72916105],
+ [0.33022942, 0.48683003, 0.73138079],
+ [0.33020219, 0.49135531, 0.73359262],
+ [0.33018021, 0.49587889, 0.73579597],
+ [0.33016456, 0.50040091, 0.73799036],
+ [0.33015640, 0.50492150, 0.74017529],
+ [0.33015652, 0.50944094, 0.74235001],
+ [0.33016648, 0.51395924, 0.74451405],
+ [0.33018763, 0.51847654, 0.74666673],
+ [0.33022112, 0.52299303, 0.74880723],
+ [0.33026881, 0.52750870, 0.75093493],
+ [0.33033245, 0.53202361, 0.75304905],
+ [0.33041385, 0.53653780, 0.75514877],
+ [0.33051483, 0.54105136, 0.75723312],
+ [0.33063782, 0.54556419, 0.75930132],
+ [0.33078520, 0.55007627, 0.76135243],
+ [0.33095951, 0.55458753, 0.76338544],
+ [0.33116353, 0.55909787, 0.76539934],
+ [0.33140020, 0.56360719, 0.76739302],
+ [0.33167268, 0.56811535, 0.76936532],
+ [0.33198457, 0.57262211, 0.77131513],
+ [0.33233962, 0.57712725, 0.77324124],
+ [0.33274186, 0.58163048, 0.77514237],
+ [0.33319562, 0.58613150, 0.77701722],
+ [0.33370556, 0.59062994, 0.77886443],
+ [0.33427662, 0.59512540, 0.78068255],
+ [0.33491406, 0.59961743, 0.78247010],
+ [0.33562372, 0.60410547, 0.78422564],
+ [0.33641171, 0.60858894, 0.78594765],
+ [0.33728457, 0.61306716, 0.78763459],
+ [0.33824910, 0.61753946, 0.78928477],
+ [0.33931249, 0.62200507, 0.79089643],
+ [0.34048286, 0.62646302, 0.79246820],
+ [0.34176815, 0.63091242, 0.79399821],
+ [0.34317705, 0.63535220, 0.79548484],
+ [0.34471872, 0.63978118, 0.79692655],
+ [0.34640249, 0.64419817, 0.79832162],
+ [0.34823828, 0.64860177, 0.79966860],
+ [0.35023639, 0.65299050, 0.80096621],
+ [0.35240696, 0.65736289, 0.80221273],
+ [0.35476094, 0.66171715, 0.80340742],
+ [0.35730905, 0.66605153, 0.80454930],
+ [0.36006205, 0.67036412, 0.80563769],
+ [0.36303051, 0.67465296, 0.80667226],
+ [0.36622473, 0.67891598, 0.80765298],
+ [0.36965449, 0.68315103, 0.80858050],
+ [0.37332879, 0.68735594, 0.80945583],
+ [0.37725565, 0.69152854, 0.81028057],
+ [0.38144179, 0.69566668, 0.81105701],
+ [0.38589243, 0.69976829, 0.81178814],
+ [0.39061094, 0.70383141, 0.81247768],
+ [0.39559867, 0.70785428, 0.81313008],
+ [0.40085473, 0.71183537, 0.81375048],
+ [0.40637584, 0.71577343, 0.81434474],
+ [0.41215626, 0.71966756, 0.81491933],
+ [0.41818783, 0.72351722, 0.81548120],
+ [0.42446014, 0.72732228, 0.81603761],
+ [0.43096069, 0.73108304, 0.81659606],
+ [0.43767520, 0.73480020, 0.81716407],
+ [0.44458799, 0.73847485, 0.81774903],
+ [0.45168236, 0.74210845, 0.81835806],
+ [0.45894105, 0.74570279, 0.81899783],
+ [0.46634662, 0.74925990, 0.81967446],
+ [0.47388188, 0.75278203, 0.82039341],
+ [0.48153025, 0.75627154, 0.82115944],
+ [0.48927559, 0.75973094, 0.82197684],
+ [0.49710255, 0.76316282, 0.82284942],
+ [0.50499805, 0.76656958, 0.82377935],
+ [0.51294815, 0.76995391, 0.82476983],
+ [0.52094213, 0.77331809, 0.82582191],
+ [0.52896959, 0.77666450, 0.82693685],
+ [0.53702081, 0.77999544, 0.82811581],
+ [0.54508743, 0.78331310, 0.82935933],
+ [0.55316270, 0.78661943, 0.83066727],
+ [0.56124038, 0.78991633, 0.83203948],
+ [0.56931446, 0.79320572, 0.83347602],
+ [0.57738057, 0.79648922, 0.83497618],
+ [0.58543520, 0.79976832, 0.83653902],
+ [0.59347520, 0.80304444, 0.83816366],
+ [0.60149600, 0.80631930, 0.83985030],
+ [0.60949780, 0.80959366, 0.84159649],
+ [0.61747594, 0.81286927, 0.84340291],
+ [0.62543124, 0.81614675, 0.84526715],
+ [0.63336132, 0.81942736, 0.84718888],
+ [0.64126483, 0.82271216, 0.84916731],
+ [0.64914193, 0.82600186, 0.85120091],
+ [0.65699192, 0.82929734, 0.85328879],
+ [0.66481429, 0.83259942, 0.85543006],
+ [0.67260878, 0.83590887, 0.85762378],
+ [0.68037529, 0.83922639, 0.85986905],
+ [0.68811387, 0.84255265, 0.86216492],
+ [0.69582471, 0.84588824, 0.86451049],
+ [0.70350814, 0.84923374, 0.86690483],
+ [0.71116455, 0.85258966, 0.86934706],
+ [0.71879446, 0.85595650, 0.87183627],
+ [0.72639742, 0.85933496, 0.87437213],
+ [0.73397405, 0.86272548, 0.87695378],
+ [0.74152578, 0.86612825, 0.87958001],
+ [0.74905216, 0.86954396, 0.88225059],
+ [0.75655360, 0.87297306, 0.88496491],
+ [0.76403187, 0.87641559, 0.88772171],
+ [0.77148527, 0.87987258, 0.89052147],
+ [0.77891692, 0.88334365, 0.89336233],
+ [0.78632472, 0.88682992, 0.89624501],
+ [0.79371145, 0.89033111, 0.89916789],
+ [0.80107621, 0.89384796, 0.90213114],
+ [0.80841988, 0.89738070, 0.90513410],
+ [0.81574379, 0.90092943, 0.90817593],
+ [0.82304670, 0.90449497, 0.91125697],
+ [0.83033023, 0.90807731, 0.91437629],
+ [0.83759510, 0.91167669, 0.91753337],
+ [0.84484145, 0.91529351, 0.92072797],
+ [0.85206864, 0.91892841, 0.92396022],
+ [0.85927824, 0.92258135, 0.92722925],
+ [0.86647054, 0.92625267, 0.93053477],
+ [0.87364582, 0.92994270, 0.93387654],
+ [0.88080434, 0.93365179, 0.93725430],
+ [0.88794635, 0.93738028, 0.94066779],
+ [0.89507189, 0.94112856, 0.94411689],
+ [0.90218116, 0.94489699, 0.94760135],
+ [0.90927462, 0.94868582, 0.95112086],
+ [0.91635237, 0.95249543, 0.95467523],
+ [0.92341450, 0.95632620, 0.95826430],
+ [0.93046101, 0.96017851, 0.96188789],
+ [0.93749188, 0.96405279, 0.96554587],
+ [0.94450698, 0.96794949, 0.96923810],
+ [0.95150590, 0.97186913, 0.97296456],
+ [0.95848829, 0.97581226, 0.97672516],
+ [0.96545389, 0.97977938, 0.98051973],
+ [0.97240208, 0.98377110, 0.98434820],
+ [0.97933207, 0.98778813, 0.98821051],
+ [0.98624277, 0.99183128, 0.99210660],
+ [0.99313272, 0.99590152, 0.99603643],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
+ [0.99651279, 0.99457267, 0.99605330],
+ [0.99295334, 0.98919689, 0.99211967],
+ [0.98932435, 0.98386929, 0.98822156],
+ [0.98563710, 0.97858296, 0.98438205],
+ [0.98190830, 0.97332938, 0.98061866],
+ [0.97815979, 0.96809863, 0.97694203],
+ [0.97441507, 0.96288076, 0.97335603],
+ [0.97069299, 0.95766849, 0.96985624],
+ [0.96700845, 0.95245638, 0.96643513],
+ [0.96337244, 0.94724054, 0.96308497],
+ [0.95978968, 0.94201980, 0.95979570],
+ [0.95626344, 0.93679325, 0.95656031],
+ [0.95279443, 0.93156093, 0.95337247],
+ [0.94938114, 0.92632374, 0.95022607],
+ [0.94602365, 0.92108154, 0.94711876],
+ [0.94271865, 0.91583587, 0.94404559],
+ [0.93946518, 0.91058689, 0.94100512],
+ [0.93626095, 0.90533547, 0.93799495],
+ [0.93310402, 0.90008221, 0.93501341],
+ [0.92999326, 0.89482732, 0.93205984],
+ [0.92692614, 0.88957170, 0.92913222],
+ [0.92390249, 0.88431502, 0.92623104],
+ [0.92091949, 0.87905837, 0.92335402],
+ [0.91797763, 0.87380105, 0.92050229],
+ [0.91507404, 0.86854419, 0.91767352],
+ [0.91220953, 0.86328695, 0.91486902],
+ [0.90938150, 0.85803032, 0.91208670],
+ [0.90659062, 0.85277353, 0.90932766],
+ [0.90383493, 0.84751726, 0.90659035],
+ [0.90111453, 0.84226104, 0.90387522],
+ [0.89842849, 0.83700500, 0.90118166],
+ [0.89577587, 0.83174925, 0.89850906],
+ [0.89315720, 0.82649314, 0.89585812],
+ [0.89057044, 0.82123736, 0.89322714],
+ [0.88801673, 0.81598094, 0.89061734],
+ [0.88549454, 0.81072431, 0.88802744],
+ [0.88300327, 0.80546743, 0.88545701],
+ [0.88054402, 0.80020928, 0.88290716],
+ [0.87811483, 0.79495059, 0.88037614],
+ [0.87571567, 0.78969098, 0.87786399],
+ [0.87334737, 0.78442958, 0.87537150],
+ [0.87100825, 0.77916694, 0.87289716],
+ [0.86869808, 0.77390280, 0.87044077],
+ [0.86641783, 0.76863621, 0.86800316],
+ [0.86416627, 0.76336745, 0.86558323],
+ [0.86194295, 0.75809639, 0.86318050],
+ [0.85974766, 0.75282271, 0.86079476],
+ [0.85758121, 0.74754554, 0.85842661],
+ [0.85544254, 0.74226507, 0.85607506],
+ [0.85333129, 0.73698107, 0.85373967],
+ [0.85124729, 0.73169321, 0.85142019],
+ [0.84919036, 0.72640114, 0.84911633],
+ [0.84716058, 0.72110440, 0.84682801],
+ [0.84515800, 0.71580247, 0.84455512],
+ [0.84318193, 0.71049530, 0.84229690],
+ [0.84123219, 0.70518254, 0.84005301],
+ [0.83930863, 0.69986380, 0.83782312],
+ [0.83741109, 0.69453869, 0.83560689],
+ [0.83553939, 0.68920682, 0.83340395],
+ [0.83369338, 0.68386778, 0.83121390],
+ [0.83187287, 0.67852116, 0.82903636],
+ [0.83007770, 0.67316655, 0.82687091],
+ [0.82830769, 0.66780353, 0.82471710],
+ [0.82656264, 0.66243165, 0.82257448],
+ [0.82484238, 0.65705050, 0.82044255],
+ [0.82314670, 0.65165962, 0.81832083],
+ [0.82147539, 0.64625857, 0.81620877],
+ [0.81982831, 0.64084683, 0.81410588],
+ [0.81820602, 0.63542346, 0.81201217],
+ [0.81660754, 0.62998844, 0.80992647],
+ [0.81503263, 0.62454131, 0.80784811],
+ [0.81348102, 0.61908158, 0.80577642],
+ [0.81195295, 0.61360845, 0.80371107],
+ [0.81044872, 0.60812102, 0.80165175],
+ [0.80896705, 0.60261944, 0.79959694],
+ [0.80750784, 0.59710307, 0.79754597],
+ [0.80607236, 0.59157031, 0.79549913],
+ [0.80465854, 0.58602181, 0.79345426],
+ [0.80326733, 0.58045616, 0.79141135],
+ [0.80189818, 0.57487292, 0.78936925],
+ [0.80055066, 0.56927159, 0.78732688],
+ [0.79922505, 0.56365113, 0.78528362],
+ [0.79792067, 0.55801115, 0.78323812],
+ [0.79663727, 0.55235096, 0.78118929],
+ [0.79537530, 0.54666931, 0.77913647],
+ [0.79413326, 0.54096635, 0.77707762],
+ [0.79291197, 0.53524054, 0.77501220],
+ [0.79171097, 0.52949121, 0.77293875],
+ [0.79052936, 0.52371801, 0.77085549],
+ [0.78936697, 0.51792004, 0.76876103],
+ [0.78822356, 0.51209640, 0.76665385],
+ [0.78709931, 0.50624585, 0.76453263],
+ [0.78599327, 0.50036798, 0.76239525],
+ [0.78490498, 0.49446198, 0.76023983],
+ [0.78383399, 0.48852703, 0.75806439],
+ [0.78277976, 0.48256230, 0.75586683],
+ [0.78174219, 0.47656663, 0.75364514],
+ [0.78072052, 0.47053932, 0.75139686],
+ [0.77971380, 0.46447985, 0.74911932],
+ [0.77872116, 0.45838757, 0.74680980],
+ [0.77774249, 0.45226120, 0.74446580],
+ [0.77677689, 0.44610008, 0.74208428],
+ [0.77582269, 0.43990422, 0.73966173],
+ [0.77488027, 0.43367180, 0.73719540],
+ [0.77394729, 0.42740341, 0.73468119],
+ [0.77302307, 0.42109815, 0.73211556],
+ [0.77210681, 0.41475523, 0.72949473],
+ [0.77119639, 0.40837505, 0.72681422],
+ [0.77029043, 0.40195737, 0.72406970],
+ [0.76938735, 0.39550218, 0.72125655],
+ [0.76848530, 0.38900973, 0.71836989],
+ [0.76758217, 0.38248060, 0.71540459],
+ [0.76667560, 0.37591567, 0.71235530],
+ [0.76576298, 0.36931620, 0.70921645],
+ [0.76484255, 0.36268265, 0.70598248],
+ [0.76391008, 0.35601815, 0.70264727],
+ [0.76296333, 0.34932397, 0.69920494],
+ [0.76199799, 0.34260370, 0.69564932],
+ [0.76101097, 0.33585991, 0.69197435],
+ [0.75999801, 0.32909662, 0.68817393],
+ [0.75895465, 0.32231841, 0.68424218],
+ [0.75787635, 0.31553025, 0.68017342],
+ [0.75675826, 0.30873782, 0.67596237],
+ [0.75559539, 0.30194734, 0.67160418],
+ [0.75438284, 0.29516537, 0.66709455],
+ [0.75311490, 0.28839979, 0.66243012],
+ [0.75178649, 0.28165822, 0.65760819],
+ [0.75039239, 0.27494887, 0.65262711],
+ [0.74892756, 0.26828019, 0.64748627],
+ [0.74738705, 0.26166089, 0.64218628],
+ [0.74576659, 0.25509928, 0.63672872],
+ [0.74406206, 0.24860376, 0.63111651],
+ [0.74226991, 0.24218234, 0.62535367],
+ [0.74038720, 0.23584244, 0.61944523],
+ [0.73841159, 0.22959089, 0.61339718],
+ [0.73634138, 0.22343379, 0.60721632],
+ [0.73417548, 0.21737647, 0.60091011],
+ [0.73191343, 0.21142341, 0.59448655],
+ [0.72955534, 0.20557825, 0.58795396],
+ [0.72710185, 0.19984378, 0.58132089],
+ [0.72455408, 0.19422203, 0.57459594],
+ [0.72191353, 0.18871428, 0.56778764],
+ [0.71918207, 0.18332113, 0.56090439],
+ [0.71636182, 0.17804261, 0.55395435],
+ [0.71345514, 0.17287823, 0.54694533],
+ [0.71046452, 0.16782704, 0.53988482],
+ [0.70739256, 0.16288778, 0.53277991],
+ [0.70424194, 0.15805887, 0.52563728],
+ [0.70101532, 0.15333854, 0.51846324],
+ [0.69771539, 0.14872485, 0.51126365],
+ [0.69434476, 0.14421578, 0.50404407],
+ [0.69090599, 0.13980924, 0.49680957],
+ [0.68740160, 0.13550312, 0.48956488],
+ [0.68383396, 0.13129538, 0.48231439],
+ [0.68020538, 0.12718398, 0.47506230],
+ [0.67651804, 0.12316702, 0.46781232],
+ [0.67277403, 0.11924270, 0.46056795],
+ [0.66897531, 0.11540930, 0.45333258],
+ [0.66512374, 0.11166532, 0.44610916],
+ [0.66122104, 0.10800938, 0.43890055],
+ [0.65726885, 0.10444028, 0.43170947],
+ [0.65326868, 0.10095703, 0.42453832],
+ [0.64922193, 0.09755882, 0.41738951],
+ [0.64512991, 0.09424507, 0.41026521],
+ [0.64099380, 0.09101541, 0.40316752],
+ [0.63681472, 0.08786969, 0.39609844],
+ [0.63259366, 0.08480802, 0.38905987],
+ [0.62833154, 0.08183073, 0.38205363],
+ [0.62402916, 0.07893840, 0.37508149],
+ [0.61968727, 0.07613188, 0.36814517],
+ [0.61530651, 0.07341226, 0.36124635],
+ [0.61088745, 0.07078087, 0.35438670],
+ [0.60643058, 0.06823934, 0.34756782],
+ [0.60193631, 0.06578946, 0.34079141],
+ [0.59740499, 0.06343336, 0.33405903],
+ [0.59283687, 0.06117329, 0.32737240],
+ [0.58823217, 0.05901171, 0.32073323],
+ [0.58359100, 0.05695140, 0.31414312],
+ [0.57891345, 0.05499505, 0.30760396],
+ [0.57419952, 0.05314552, 0.30111757],
+ [0.56944915, 0.05140588, 0.29468575],
+ [0.56466224, 0.04977894, 0.28831055],
+ [0.55983864, 0.04826751, 0.28199404],
+ [0.55497814, 0.04687425, 0.27573840],
+ [0.55008047, 0.04560157, 0.26954588],
+ [0.54514535, 0.04445164, 0.26341884],
+ [0.54017244, 0.04342599, 0.25735987],
+ [0.53516140, 0.04252573, 0.25137164],
+ [0.53011186, 0.04175134, 0.24545699],
+ [0.52502344, 0.04110259, 0.23961888],
+ [0.51989576, 0.04057848, 0.23386046],
+ [0.51472846, 0.04017305, 0.22818504],
+ [0.50952123, 0.03988862, 0.22259608],
+ [0.50427376, 0.03972237, 0.21709714],
+ [0.49898586, 0.03966871, 0.21169200],
+ [0.49365742, 0.03972170, 0.20638454],
+ [0.48828845, 0.03987500, 0.20117868],
+ [0.48287908, 0.04012181, 0.19607839],
+ [0.47742962, 0.04045479, 0.19108759],
+ [0.47194057, 0.04085798, 0.18621023],
+ [0.46641267, 0.04132655, 0.18145004],
+ [0.46084684, 0.04185049, 0.17681050],
+ [0.45524431, 0.04241927, 0.17229482],
+ [0.44960653, 0.04302226, 0.16790577],
+ [0.44393524, 0.04364857, 0.16364563],
+ [0.43823240, 0.04428757, 0.15951608],
+ [0.43250021, 0.04492881, 0.15551812],
+ [0.42674110, 0.04556211, 0.15165204],
+ [0.42095767, 0.04617782, 0.14791737],
+ [0.41515258, 0.04676711, 0.14431283],
+ [0.40932862, 0.04732177, 0.14083637],
+ [0.40348860, 0.04783442, 0.13748522],
+ [0.39763529, 0.04829855, 0.13425593],
+ [0.39177139, 0.04870857, 0.13114443],
+ [0.38589948, 0.04905982, 0.12814615],
+ [0.38002216, 0.04934797, 0.12525607],
+ [0.37414156, 0.04957039, 0.12246885],
+ [0.36825982, 0.04972466, 0.11977893],
+ [0.36237886, 0.04980896, 0.11718058],
+ [0.35650045, 0.04982209, 0.11466802],
+ [0.35062596, 0.04976376, 0.11223548],
+ [0.34475674, 0.04963364, 0.10987725],
+ [0.33889396, 0.04943184, 0.10758771],
+ [0.33303856, 0.04915884, 0.10536139],
+ [0.32719128, 0.04881541, 0.10319302],
+ [0.32135268, 0.04840259, 0.10107755],
+ [0.31552330, 0.04792126, 0.09901007],
+ [0.30970366, 0.04737220, 0.09698582],
+ [0.30389366, 0.04675731, 0.09500056],
+ [0.29809379, 0.04607701, 0.09304982],
+ [0.29230391, 0.04533292, 0.09112969],
+ [0.28652391, 0.04452634, 0.08923639],
+ [0.28075373, 0.04365829, 0.08736623],
+ [0.27499325, 0.04272978, 0.08551573],
+ [0.26924223, 0.04174182, 0.08368156],
+ [0.26350036, 0.04069541, 0.08186061],
+ [0.25776724, 0.03958238, 0.08004990],
+ [0.25204242, 0.03842694, 0.07824664],
+ [0.24632534, 0.03723743, 0.07644816],
+ [0.24061554, 0.03601731, 0.07465184],
+ [0.23491278, 0.03476951, 0.07285486],
+ [0.22921589, 0.03349840, 0.07105533],
+ [0.22352481, 0.03220647, 0.06925037],
+ [0.21783824, 0.03089799, 0.06743829],
+ [0.21215613, 0.02957523, 0.06561621],
+ [0.20647710, 0.02824235, 0.06378257],
+ [0.20080045, 0.02690234, 0.06193512],
+ [0.19512565, 0.02555789, 0.06007140],
+ [0.18945137, 0.02421263, 0.05818973],
+ [0.18377664, 0.02286958, 0.05628802],
+ [0.17810042, 0.02153175, 0.05436418],
+ [0.17242157, 0.02020212, 0.05241613],
+ [0.16673885, 0.01888366, 0.05044177],
+ [0.16105095, 0.01757931, 0.04843897],
+ [0.15535642, 0.01629201, 0.04640560],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.viola', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.viola", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/voltage/voltage.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/voltage/voltage.jscm
index d10c0ced..194bc5cc 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/voltage/voltage.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/voltage/voltage.jscm
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/voltage/voltage.py b/cmasher/colormaps/voltage/voltage.py
index 0b64ae24..82cb7547 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/voltage/voltage.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/voltage/voltage.py
@@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'sequential'
+cm_type = "sequential"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00031246, 0.00020111, 0.00025627],
- [0.00112231, 0.00068156, 0.00090515],
- [0.00239896, 0.00138190, 0.00190777],
- [0.00413895, 0.00227217, 0.00325294],
- [0.00634537, 0.00333163, 0.00493740],
- [0.00902409, 0.00454421, 0.00696179],
- [0.01218267, 0.00589658, 0.00932927],
- [0.01582945, 0.00737731, 0.01204468],
- [0.01997325, 0.00897635, 0.01511413],
- [0.02462340, 0.01068456, 0.01854486],
- [0.02978979, 0.01249342, 0.02234523],
- [0.03548237, 0.01439508, 0.02652436],
- [0.04167864, 0.01638226, 0.03109205],
- [0.04793582, 0.01844783, 0.03605917],
- [0.05415654, 0.02058490, 0.04141397],
- [0.06034557, 0.02278724, 0.04682409],
- [0.06650808, 0.02504817, 0.05222469],
- [0.07264753, 0.02736176, 0.05762094],
- [0.07876737, 0.02972190, 0.06301786],
- [0.08487075, 0.03212247, 0.06842017],
- [0.09095989, 0.03455789, 0.07383177],
- [0.09703748, 0.03702196, 0.07925694],
- [0.10310516, 0.03950925, 0.08469904],
- [0.10916490, 0.04197056, 0.09016173],
- [0.11521837, 0.04434927, 0.09564841],
- [0.12126650, 0.04665645, 0.10116184],
- [0.12731142, 0.04889222, 0.10670591],
- [0.13335353, 0.05105807, 0.11228296],
- [0.13939383, 0.05315462, 0.11789590],
- [0.14543374, 0.05518173, 0.12354815],
- [0.15147372, 0.05714000, 0.12924223],
- [0.15751435, 0.05902971, 0.13498083],
- [0.16355626, 0.06085080, 0.14076677],
- [0.16960000, 0.06260310, 0.14660287],
- [0.17564611, 0.06428622, 0.15249203],
- [0.18169500, 0.06589972, 0.15843708],
- [0.18774677, 0.06744330, 0.16444064],
- [0.19380164, 0.06891635, 0.17050552],
- [0.19985972, 0.07031815, 0.17663454],
- [0.20592106, 0.07164791, 0.18283055],
- [0.21198587, 0.07290437, 0.18909673],
- [0.21805388, 0.07408672, 0.19543581],
- [0.22412484, 0.07519393, 0.20185063],
- [0.23019844, 0.07622486, 0.20834412],
- [0.23627427, 0.07717828, 0.21491919],
- [0.24235253, 0.07805177, 0.22157986],
- [0.24843203, 0.07884488, 0.22832824],
- [0.25451222, 0.07955585, 0.23516760],
- [0.26059284, 0.08018223, 0.24210183],
- [0.26667241, 0.08072334, 0.24913312],
- [0.27275065, 0.08117617, 0.25626577],
- [0.27882600, 0.08153962, 0.26350227],
- [0.28489723, 0.08181183, 0.27084577],
- [0.29096358, 0.08198959, 0.27830065],
- [0.29702302, 0.08207192, 0.28586912],
- [0.30307395, 0.08205667, 0.29355451],
- [0.30911459, 0.08194169, 0.30136007],
- [0.31514295, 0.08172500, 0.30928890],
- [0.32115680, 0.08140474, 0.31734395],
- [0.32715368, 0.08097930, 0.32552795],
- [0.33313088, 0.08044737, 0.33384339],
- [0.33908542, 0.07980801, 0.34229246],
- [0.34501425, 0.07906022, 0.35087753],
- [0.35091402, 0.07820361, 0.35960048],
- [0.35678059, 0.07724000, 0.36846149],
- [0.36261051, 0.07616906, 0.37746290],
- [0.36839888, 0.07499522, 0.38660322],
- [0.37414151, 0.07372084, 0.39588331],
- [0.37983327, 0.07235224, 0.40530123],
- [0.38546889, 0.07089703, 0.41485479],
- [0.39104291, 0.06936492, 0.42454112],
- [0.39654956, 0.06776848, 0.43435623],
- [0.40198284, 0.06612364, 0.44429498],
- [0.40733651, 0.06445017, 0.45435099],
- [0.41260418, 0.06277218, 0.46451665],
- [0.41777939, 0.06111855, 0.47478307],
- [0.42285565, 0.05952328, 0.48514013],
- [0.42782659, 0.05802486, 0.49557717],
- [0.43268582, 0.05666848, 0.50608125],
- [0.43742726, 0.05550325, 0.51663900],
- [0.44204513, 0.05458165, 0.52723648],
- [0.44653397, 0.05395922, 0.53785824],
- [0.45088883, 0.05369027, 0.54848918],
- [0.45510522, 0.05382701, 0.55911317],
- [0.45917927, 0.05441507, 0.56971450],
- [0.46310766, 0.05549137, 0.58027742],
- [0.46688772, 0.05708145, 0.59078658],
- [0.47051741, 0.05919812, 0.60122724],
- [0.47399530, 0.06184117, 0.61158545],
- [0.47732056, 0.06499851, 0.62184802],
- [0.48049291, 0.06864775, 0.63200298],
- [0.48351260, 0.07275889, 0.64203927],
- [0.48638035, 0.07729672, 0.65194705],
- [0.48909730, 0.08222323, 0.66171766],
- [0.49166496, 0.08749968, 0.67134353],
- [0.49408514, 0.09308809, 0.68081816],
- [0.49635987, 0.09895222, 0.69013638],
- [0.49849156, 0.10505847, 0.69929343],
- [0.50048254, 0.11137590, 0.70828623],
- [0.50233543, 0.11787666, 0.71711216],
- [0.50405303, 0.12453572, 0.72576907],
- [0.50563797, 0.13133085, 0.73425617],
- [0.50709307, 0.13824237, 0.74257292],
- [0.50842113, 0.14525291, 0.75071938],
- [0.50962496, 0.15234720, 0.75869606],
- [0.51070736, 0.15951182, 0.76650391],
- [0.51167110, 0.16673502, 0.77414424],
- [0.51251888, 0.17400648, 0.78161867],
- [0.51325338, 0.18131718, 0.78892907],
- [0.51387721, 0.18865921, 0.79607754],
- [0.51439291, 0.19602566, 0.80306633],
- [0.51480296, 0.20341048, 0.80989783],
- [0.51510977, 0.21080838, 0.81657454],
- [0.51531570, 0.21821474, 0.82309901],
- [0.51542301, 0.22562551, 0.82947387],
- [0.51543415, 0.23303699, 0.83570159],
- [0.51535107, 0.24044625, 0.84178498],
- [0.51517586, 0.24785059, 0.84772665],
- [0.51491068, 0.25524758, 0.85352914],
- [0.51455754, 0.26263517, 0.85919502],
- [0.51411822, 0.27001170, 0.86472687],
- [0.51359482, 0.27737548, 0.87012706],
- [0.51298904, 0.28472528, 0.87539803],
- [0.51230269, 0.29205997, 0.88054209],
- [0.51153768, 0.29937847, 0.88556143],
- [0.51069552, 0.30668011, 0.89045825],
- [0.50977821, 0.31396399, 0.89523452],
- [0.50878714, 0.32122973, 0.89989228],
- [0.50772430, 0.32847663, 0.90443330],
- [0.50659106, 0.33570449, 0.90885940],
- [0.50538936, 0.34291280, 0.91317217],
- [0.50412065, 0.35010144, 0.91737317],
- [0.50278681, 0.35727010, 0.92146382],
- [0.50138942, 0.36441870, 0.92544542],
- [0.49993030, 0.37154707, 0.92931919],
- [0.49841121, 0.37865516, 0.93308619],
- [0.49683398, 0.38574291, 0.93674740],
- [0.49520056, 0.39281027, 0.94030367],
- [0.49351285, 0.39985726, 0.94375573],
- [0.49177299, 0.40688384, 0.94710420],
- [0.48998310, 0.41389003, 0.95034958],
- [0.48814547, 0.42087583, 0.95349225],
- [0.48626251, 0.42784124, 0.95653246],
- [0.48433680, 0.43478625, 0.95947037],
- [0.48237102, 0.44171086, 0.96230598],
- [0.48036816, 0.44861499, 0.96503923],
- [0.47833124, 0.45549864, 0.96766989],
- [0.47626373, 0.46236169, 0.97019765],
- [0.47416915, 0.46920405, 0.97262205],
- [0.47205144, 0.47602558, 0.97494257],
- [0.46991481, 0.48282608, 0.97715854],
- [0.46776372, 0.48960538, 0.97926917],
- [0.46560321, 0.49636315, 0.98127364],
- [0.46343842, 0.50309916, 0.98317091],
- [0.46127529, 0.50981294, 0.98496001],
- [0.45911981, 0.51650417, 0.98663968],
- [0.45697893, 0.52317226, 0.98820879],
- [0.45485970, 0.52981674, 0.98966594],
- [0.45277011, 0.53643692, 0.99100984],
- [0.45071855, 0.54303210, 0.99223903],
- [0.44871406, 0.54960153, 0.99335202],
- [0.44676665, 0.55614422, 0.99434747],
- [0.44488639, 0.56265938, 0.99522365],
- [0.44308487, 0.56914577, 0.99597931],
- [0.44137397, 0.57560228, 0.99661298],
- [0.43976620, 0.58202770, 0.99712316],
- [0.43827527, 0.58842056, 0.99750876],
- [0.43691538, 0.59477937, 0.99776866],
- [0.43570118, 0.60110264, 0.99790168],
- [0.43464843, 0.60738857, 0.99790727],
- [0.43377328, 0.61363535, 0.99778493],
- [0.43309232, 0.61984106, 0.99753448],
- [0.43262243, 0.62600374, 0.99715601],
- [0.43238086, 0.63212125, 0.99665016],
- [0.43238487, 0.63819141, 0.99601806],
- [0.43265151, 0.64421198, 0.99526130],
- [0.43319741, 0.65018068, 0.99438210],
- [0.43403856, 0.65609523, 0.99338327],
- [0.43519000, 0.66195334, 0.99226837],
- [0.43666556, 0.66775277, 0.99104163],
- [0.43847758, 0.67349134, 0.98970814],
- [0.44063658, 0.67916699, 0.98827371],
- [0.44315105, 0.68477780, 0.98674494],
- [0.44602720, 0.69032206, 0.98512916],
- [0.44926876, 0.69579827, 0.98343447],
- [0.45287691, 0.70120519, 0.98166958],
- [0.45685017, 0.70654187, 0.97984398],
- [0.46118441, 0.71180769, 0.97796752],
- [0.46587290, 0.71700240, 0.97605029],
- [0.47090655, 0.72212610, 0.97410266],
- [0.47627396, 0.72717920, 0.97213557],
- [0.48196178, 0.73216253, 0.97015966],
- [0.48795513, 0.73707731, 0.96818479],
- [0.49423737, 0.74192493, 0.96622226],
- [0.50079146, 0.74670729, 0.96428075],
- [0.50759890, 0.75142640, 0.96237083],
- [0.51464171, 0.75608463, 0.96050004],
- [0.52190077, 0.76068447, 0.95867798],
- [0.52935797, 0.76522862, 0.95691155],
- [0.53699541, 0.76971992, 0.95520746],
- [0.54479559, 0.77416124, 0.95357212],
- [0.55274175, 0.77855558, 0.95201122],
- [0.56081796, 0.78290593, 0.95052976],
- [0.56900925, 0.78721530, 0.94913199],
- [0.57730169, 0.79148666, 0.94782152],
- [0.58568238, 0.79572294, 0.94660125],
- [0.59413953, 0.79992699, 0.94547349],
- [0.60266194, 0.80410164, 0.94444057],
- [0.61123873, 0.80824967, 0.94350526],
- [0.61986233, 0.81237355, 0.94266660],
- [0.62852260, 0.81647602, 0.94192797],
- [0.63721403, 0.82055927, 0.94128733],
- [0.64592748, 0.82462593, 0.94074810],
- [0.65465898, 0.82867796, 0.94030770],
- [0.66340275, 0.83271754, 0.93996652],
- [0.67215238, 0.83674693, 0.93972620],
- [0.68090506, 0.84076785, 0.93958452],
- [0.68965684, 0.84478217, 0.93954112],
- [0.69840426, 0.84879167, 0.93959548],
- [0.70714432, 0.85279803, 0.93974694],
- [0.71587442, 0.85680284, 0.93999469],
- [0.72459236, 0.86080761, 0.94033785],
- [0.73329625, 0.86481377, 0.94077540],
- [0.74198452, 0.86882267, 0.94130630],
- [0.75065588, 0.87283558, 0.94192942],
- [0.75930745, 0.87685409, 0.94264556],
- [0.76793990, 0.88087904, 0.94345188],
- [0.77655261, 0.88491151, 0.94434714],
- [0.78514349, 0.88895287, 0.94533180],
- [0.79371246, 0.89300405, 0.94640437],
- [0.80226011, 0.89706581, 0.94756279],
- [0.81078346, 0.90113969, 0.94880881],
- [0.81928545, 0.90522587, 0.95013824],
- [0.82776227, 0.90932608, 0.95155384],
- [0.83621702, 0.91344039, 0.95305152],
- [0.84464705, 0.91757024, 0.95463300],
- [0.85305358, 0.92171613, 0.95629628],
- [0.86143702, 0.92587871, 0.95804020],
- [0.86979478, 0.93005940, 0.95986662],
- [0.87812911, 0.93425838, 0.96177275],
- [0.88643972, 0.93847643, 0.96375834],
- [0.89472555, 0.94271457, 0.96582393],
- [0.90298630, 0.94697357, 0.96796934],
- [0.91122262, 0.95125397, 0.97019360],
- [0.91943415, 0.95555654, 0.97249673],
- [0.92762042, 0.95988208, 0.97487889],
- [0.93578091, 0.96423141, 0.97734034],
- [0.94391496, 0.96860538, 0.97988153],
- [0.95202139, 0.97300497, 0.98250342],
- [0.96009954, 0.97743102, 0.98520655],
- [0.96814816, 0.98188453, 0.98799202],
- [0.97616544, 0.98636667, 0.99086151],
- [0.98414897, 0.99087878, 0.99381721],
- [0.99209543, 0.99542251, 0.99686206],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00031246, 0.00020111, 0.00025627],
+ [0.00112231, 0.00068156, 0.00090515],
+ [0.00239896, 0.00138190, 0.00190777],
+ [0.00413895, 0.00227217, 0.00325294],
+ [0.00634537, 0.00333163, 0.00493740],
+ [0.00902409, 0.00454421, 0.00696179],
+ [0.01218267, 0.00589658, 0.00932927],
+ [0.01582945, 0.00737731, 0.01204468],
+ [0.01997325, 0.00897635, 0.01511413],
+ [0.02462340, 0.01068456, 0.01854486],
+ [0.02978979, 0.01249342, 0.02234523],
+ [0.03548237, 0.01439508, 0.02652436],
+ [0.04167864, 0.01638226, 0.03109205],
+ [0.04793582, 0.01844783, 0.03605917],
+ [0.05415654, 0.02058490, 0.04141397],
+ [0.06034557, 0.02278724, 0.04682409],
+ [0.06650808, 0.02504817, 0.05222469],
+ [0.07264753, 0.02736176, 0.05762094],
+ [0.07876737, 0.02972190, 0.06301786],
+ [0.08487075, 0.03212247, 0.06842017],
+ [0.09095989, 0.03455789, 0.07383177],
+ [0.09703748, 0.03702196, 0.07925694],
+ [0.10310516, 0.03950925, 0.08469904],
+ [0.10916490, 0.04197056, 0.09016173],
+ [0.11521837, 0.04434927, 0.09564841],
+ [0.12126650, 0.04665645, 0.10116184],
+ [0.12731142, 0.04889222, 0.10670591],
+ [0.13335353, 0.05105807, 0.11228296],
+ [0.13939383, 0.05315462, 0.11789590],
+ [0.14543374, 0.05518173, 0.12354815],
+ [0.15147372, 0.05714000, 0.12924223],
+ [0.15751435, 0.05902971, 0.13498083],
+ [0.16355626, 0.06085080, 0.14076677],
+ [0.16960000, 0.06260310, 0.14660287],
+ [0.17564611, 0.06428622, 0.15249203],
+ [0.18169500, 0.06589972, 0.15843708],
+ [0.18774677, 0.06744330, 0.16444064],
+ [0.19380164, 0.06891635, 0.17050552],
+ [0.19985972, 0.07031815, 0.17663454],
+ [0.20592106, 0.07164791, 0.18283055],
+ [0.21198587, 0.07290437, 0.18909673],
+ [0.21805388, 0.07408672, 0.19543581],
+ [0.22412484, 0.07519393, 0.20185063],
+ [0.23019844, 0.07622486, 0.20834412],
+ [0.23627427, 0.07717828, 0.21491919],
+ [0.24235253, 0.07805177, 0.22157986],
+ [0.24843203, 0.07884488, 0.22832824],
+ [0.25451222, 0.07955585, 0.23516760],
+ [0.26059284, 0.08018223, 0.24210183],
+ [0.26667241, 0.08072334, 0.24913312],
+ [0.27275065, 0.08117617, 0.25626577],
+ [0.27882600, 0.08153962, 0.26350227],
+ [0.28489723, 0.08181183, 0.27084577],
+ [0.29096358, 0.08198959, 0.27830065],
+ [0.29702302, 0.08207192, 0.28586912],
+ [0.30307395, 0.08205667, 0.29355451],
+ [0.30911459, 0.08194169, 0.30136007],
+ [0.31514295, 0.08172500, 0.30928890],
+ [0.32115680, 0.08140474, 0.31734395],
+ [0.32715368, 0.08097930, 0.32552795],
+ [0.33313088, 0.08044737, 0.33384339],
+ [0.33908542, 0.07980801, 0.34229246],
+ [0.34501425, 0.07906022, 0.35087753],
+ [0.35091402, 0.07820361, 0.35960048],
+ [0.35678059, 0.07724000, 0.36846149],
+ [0.36261051, 0.07616906, 0.37746290],
+ [0.36839888, 0.07499522, 0.38660322],
+ [0.37414151, 0.07372084, 0.39588331],
+ [0.37983327, 0.07235224, 0.40530123],
+ [0.38546889, 0.07089703, 0.41485479],
+ [0.39104291, 0.06936492, 0.42454112],
+ [0.39654956, 0.06776848, 0.43435623],
+ [0.40198284, 0.06612364, 0.44429498],
+ [0.40733651, 0.06445017, 0.45435099],
+ [0.41260418, 0.06277218, 0.46451665],
+ [0.41777939, 0.06111855, 0.47478307],
+ [0.42285565, 0.05952328, 0.48514013],
+ [0.42782659, 0.05802486, 0.49557717],
+ [0.43268582, 0.05666848, 0.50608125],
+ [0.43742726, 0.05550325, 0.51663900],
+ [0.44204513, 0.05458165, 0.52723648],
+ [0.44653397, 0.05395922, 0.53785824],
+ [0.45088883, 0.05369027, 0.54848918],
+ [0.45510522, 0.05382701, 0.55911317],
+ [0.45917927, 0.05441507, 0.56971450],
+ [0.46310766, 0.05549137, 0.58027742],
+ [0.46688772, 0.05708145, 0.59078658],
+ [0.47051741, 0.05919812, 0.60122724],
+ [0.47399530, 0.06184117, 0.61158545],
+ [0.47732056, 0.06499851, 0.62184802],
+ [0.48049291, 0.06864775, 0.63200298],
+ [0.48351260, 0.07275889, 0.64203927],
+ [0.48638035, 0.07729672, 0.65194705],
+ [0.48909730, 0.08222323, 0.66171766],
+ [0.49166496, 0.08749968, 0.67134353],
+ [0.49408514, 0.09308809, 0.68081816],
+ [0.49635987, 0.09895222, 0.69013638],
+ [0.49849156, 0.10505847, 0.69929343],
+ [0.50048254, 0.11137590, 0.70828623],
+ [0.50233543, 0.11787666, 0.71711216],
+ [0.50405303, 0.12453572, 0.72576907],
+ [0.50563797, 0.13133085, 0.73425617],
+ [0.50709307, 0.13824237, 0.74257292],
+ [0.50842113, 0.14525291, 0.75071938],
+ [0.50962496, 0.15234720, 0.75869606],
+ [0.51070736, 0.15951182, 0.76650391],
+ [0.51167110, 0.16673502, 0.77414424],
+ [0.51251888, 0.17400648, 0.78161867],
+ [0.51325338, 0.18131718, 0.78892907],
+ [0.51387721, 0.18865921, 0.79607754],
+ [0.51439291, 0.19602566, 0.80306633],
+ [0.51480296, 0.20341048, 0.80989783],
+ [0.51510977, 0.21080838, 0.81657454],
+ [0.51531570, 0.21821474, 0.82309901],
+ [0.51542301, 0.22562551, 0.82947387],
+ [0.51543415, 0.23303699, 0.83570159],
+ [0.51535107, 0.24044625, 0.84178498],
+ [0.51517586, 0.24785059, 0.84772665],
+ [0.51491068, 0.25524758, 0.85352914],
+ [0.51455754, 0.26263517, 0.85919502],
+ [0.51411822, 0.27001170, 0.86472687],
+ [0.51359482, 0.27737548, 0.87012706],
+ [0.51298904, 0.28472528, 0.87539803],
+ [0.51230269, 0.29205997, 0.88054209],
+ [0.51153768, 0.29937847, 0.88556143],
+ [0.51069552, 0.30668011, 0.89045825],
+ [0.50977821, 0.31396399, 0.89523452],
+ [0.50878714, 0.32122973, 0.89989228],
+ [0.50772430, 0.32847663, 0.90443330],
+ [0.50659106, 0.33570449, 0.90885940],
+ [0.50538936, 0.34291280, 0.91317217],
+ [0.50412065, 0.35010144, 0.91737317],
+ [0.50278681, 0.35727010, 0.92146382],
+ [0.50138942, 0.36441870, 0.92544542],
+ [0.49993030, 0.37154707, 0.92931919],
+ [0.49841121, 0.37865516, 0.93308619],
+ [0.49683398, 0.38574291, 0.93674740],
+ [0.49520056, 0.39281027, 0.94030367],
+ [0.49351285, 0.39985726, 0.94375573],
+ [0.49177299, 0.40688384, 0.94710420],
+ [0.48998310, 0.41389003, 0.95034958],
+ [0.48814547, 0.42087583, 0.95349225],
+ [0.48626251, 0.42784124, 0.95653246],
+ [0.48433680, 0.43478625, 0.95947037],
+ [0.48237102, 0.44171086, 0.96230598],
+ [0.48036816, 0.44861499, 0.96503923],
+ [0.47833124, 0.45549864, 0.96766989],
+ [0.47626373, 0.46236169, 0.97019765],
+ [0.47416915, 0.46920405, 0.97262205],
+ [0.47205144, 0.47602558, 0.97494257],
+ [0.46991481, 0.48282608, 0.97715854],
+ [0.46776372, 0.48960538, 0.97926917],
+ [0.46560321, 0.49636315, 0.98127364],
+ [0.46343842, 0.50309916, 0.98317091],
+ [0.46127529, 0.50981294, 0.98496001],
+ [0.45911981, 0.51650417, 0.98663968],
+ [0.45697893, 0.52317226, 0.98820879],
+ [0.45485970, 0.52981674, 0.98966594],
+ [0.45277011, 0.53643692, 0.99100984],
+ [0.45071855, 0.54303210, 0.99223903],
+ [0.44871406, 0.54960153, 0.99335202],
+ [0.44676665, 0.55614422, 0.99434747],
+ [0.44488639, 0.56265938, 0.99522365],
+ [0.44308487, 0.56914577, 0.99597931],
+ [0.44137397, 0.57560228, 0.99661298],
+ [0.43976620, 0.58202770, 0.99712316],
+ [0.43827527, 0.58842056, 0.99750876],
+ [0.43691538, 0.59477937, 0.99776866],
+ [0.43570118, 0.60110264, 0.99790168],
+ [0.43464843, 0.60738857, 0.99790727],
+ [0.43377328, 0.61363535, 0.99778493],
+ [0.43309232, 0.61984106, 0.99753448],
+ [0.43262243, 0.62600374, 0.99715601],
+ [0.43238086, 0.63212125, 0.99665016],
+ [0.43238487, 0.63819141, 0.99601806],
+ [0.43265151, 0.64421198, 0.99526130],
+ [0.43319741, 0.65018068, 0.99438210],
+ [0.43403856, 0.65609523, 0.99338327],
+ [0.43519000, 0.66195334, 0.99226837],
+ [0.43666556, 0.66775277, 0.99104163],
+ [0.43847758, 0.67349134, 0.98970814],
+ [0.44063658, 0.67916699, 0.98827371],
+ [0.44315105, 0.68477780, 0.98674494],
+ [0.44602720, 0.69032206, 0.98512916],
+ [0.44926876, 0.69579827, 0.98343447],
+ [0.45287691, 0.70120519, 0.98166958],
+ [0.45685017, 0.70654187, 0.97984398],
+ [0.46118441, 0.71180769, 0.97796752],
+ [0.46587290, 0.71700240, 0.97605029],
+ [0.47090655, 0.72212610, 0.97410266],
+ [0.47627396, 0.72717920, 0.97213557],
+ [0.48196178, 0.73216253, 0.97015966],
+ [0.48795513, 0.73707731, 0.96818479],
+ [0.49423737, 0.74192493, 0.96622226],
+ [0.50079146, 0.74670729, 0.96428075],
+ [0.50759890, 0.75142640, 0.96237083],
+ [0.51464171, 0.75608463, 0.96050004],
+ [0.52190077, 0.76068447, 0.95867798],
+ [0.52935797, 0.76522862, 0.95691155],
+ [0.53699541, 0.76971992, 0.95520746],
+ [0.54479559, 0.77416124, 0.95357212],
+ [0.55274175, 0.77855558, 0.95201122],
+ [0.56081796, 0.78290593, 0.95052976],
+ [0.56900925, 0.78721530, 0.94913199],
+ [0.57730169, 0.79148666, 0.94782152],
+ [0.58568238, 0.79572294, 0.94660125],
+ [0.59413953, 0.79992699, 0.94547349],
+ [0.60266194, 0.80410164, 0.94444057],
+ [0.61123873, 0.80824967, 0.94350526],
+ [0.61986233, 0.81237355, 0.94266660],
+ [0.62852260, 0.81647602, 0.94192797],
+ [0.63721403, 0.82055927, 0.94128733],
+ [0.64592748, 0.82462593, 0.94074810],
+ [0.65465898, 0.82867796, 0.94030770],
+ [0.66340275, 0.83271754, 0.93996652],
+ [0.67215238, 0.83674693, 0.93972620],
+ [0.68090506, 0.84076785, 0.93958452],
+ [0.68965684, 0.84478217, 0.93954112],
+ [0.69840426, 0.84879167, 0.93959548],
+ [0.70714432, 0.85279803, 0.93974694],
+ [0.71587442, 0.85680284, 0.93999469],
+ [0.72459236, 0.86080761, 0.94033785],
+ [0.73329625, 0.86481377, 0.94077540],
+ [0.74198452, 0.86882267, 0.94130630],
+ [0.75065588, 0.87283558, 0.94192942],
+ [0.75930745, 0.87685409, 0.94264556],
+ [0.76793990, 0.88087904, 0.94345188],
+ [0.77655261, 0.88491151, 0.94434714],
+ [0.78514349, 0.88895287, 0.94533180],
+ [0.79371246, 0.89300405, 0.94640437],
+ [0.80226011, 0.89706581, 0.94756279],
+ [0.81078346, 0.90113969, 0.94880881],
+ [0.81928545, 0.90522587, 0.95013824],
+ [0.82776227, 0.90932608, 0.95155384],
+ [0.83621702, 0.91344039, 0.95305152],
+ [0.84464705, 0.91757024, 0.95463300],
+ [0.85305358, 0.92171613, 0.95629628],
+ [0.86143702, 0.92587871, 0.95804020],
+ [0.86979478, 0.93005940, 0.95986662],
+ [0.87812911, 0.93425838, 0.96177275],
+ [0.88643972, 0.93847643, 0.96375834],
+ [0.89472555, 0.94271457, 0.96582393],
+ [0.90298630, 0.94697357, 0.96796934],
+ [0.91122262, 0.95125397, 0.97019360],
+ [0.91943415, 0.95555654, 0.97249673],
+ [0.92762042, 0.95988208, 0.97487889],
+ [0.93578091, 0.96423141, 0.97734034],
+ [0.94391496, 0.96860538, 0.97988153],
+ [0.95202139, 0.97300497, 0.98250342],
+ [0.96009954, 0.97743102, 0.98520655],
+ [0.96814816, 0.98188453, 0.98799202],
+ [0.97616544, 0.98636667, 0.99086151],
+ [0.98414897, 0.99087878, 0.99381721],
+ [0.99209543, 0.99542251, 0.99686206],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.voltage', N=256)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.voltage", N=256)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/waterlily/waterlily.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/waterlily/waterlily.jscm
index 5d33f95d..76097c22 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/waterlily/waterlily.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/waterlily/waterlily.jscm
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/waterlily/waterlily.py b/cmasher/colormaps/waterlily/waterlily.py
index ab0e180b..3ee26989 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/waterlily/waterlily.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/waterlily/waterlily.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.12434357, 0.00588452, 0.21400096],
- [0.12931129, 0.00675787, 0.22011754],
- [0.13427605, 0.00761301, 0.22627813],
- [0.13923743, 0.00844618, 0.23248445],
- [0.14419489, 0.00925374, 0.23873832],
- [0.14914773, 0.01003226, 0.24504157],
- [0.15409628, 0.01077599, 0.25139847],
- [0.15903865, 0.01148361, 0.25780936],
- [0.16397490, 0.01214941, 0.26427895],
- [0.16890307, 0.01277188, 0.27080848],
- [0.17382209, 0.01334730, 0.27740161],
- [0.17873060, 0.01387220, 0.28406219],
- [0.18362636, 0.01434494, 0.29079310],
- [0.18850717, 0.01476335, 0.29759833],
- [0.19336978, 0.01512770, 0.30448066],
- [0.19821038, 0.01543943, 0.31144297],
- [0.20302543, 0.01569841, 0.31849056],
- [0.20780909, 0.01591090, 0.32562507],
- [0.21255503, 0.01608416, 0.33284912],
- [0.21725536, 0.01622978, 0.34016407],
- [0.22190089, 0.01636307, 0.34757095],
- [0.22647956, 0.01650931, 0.35506605],
- [0.23097774, 0.01669935, 0.36264494],
- [0.23537868, 0.01697681, 0.37029727],
- [0.23966261, 0.01740014, 0.37800537],
- [0.24380764, 0.01804107, 0.38574545],
- [0.24778982, 0.01898922, 0.39348282],
- [0.25158529, 0.02034719, 0.40117401],
- [0.25517266, 0.02222479, 0.40876847],
- [0.25853565, 0.02473093, 0.41621127],
- [0.26166567, 0.02795975, 0.42345155],
- [0.26456273, 0.03198252, 0.43044714],
- [0.26723479, 0.03684228, 0.43716929],
- [0.26969569, 0.04248896, 0.44360388],
- [0.27196284, 0.04848981, 0.44974895],
- [0.27405475, 0.05471025, 0.45561291],
- [0.27598966, 0.06106965, 0.46121003],
- [0.27778467, 0.06750507, 0.46655789],
- [0.27945476, 0.07396949, 0.47167607],
- [0.28101352, 0.08042854, 0.47658345],
- [0.28247268, 0.08685793, 0.48129838],
- [0.28384236, 0.09324093, 0.48583798],
- [0.28513137, 0.09956639, 0.49021794],
- [0.28634701, 0.10582750, 0.49445266],
- [0.28749631, 0.11201977, 0.49855477],
- [0.28858462, 0.11814153, 0.50253603],
- [0.28961712, 0.12419213, 0.50640676],
- [0.29059833, 0.13017201, 0.51017629],
- [0.29153215, 0.13608239, 0.51385302],
- [0.29242208, 0.14192500, 0.51744454],
- [0.29327113, 0.14770193, 0.52095768],
- [0.29408197, 0.15341549, 0.52439862],
- [0.29485717, 0.15906795, 0.52777294],
- [0.29559924, 0.16466147, 0.53108570],
- [0.29630976, 0.17019880, 0.53434154],
- [0.29699110, 0.17568189, 0.53754465],
- [0.29764460, 0.18111329, 0.54069888],
- [0.29827178, 0.18649525, 0.54380773],
- [0.29887444, 0.19182963, 0.54687447],
- [0.29945363, 0.19711869, 0.54990205],
- [0.30001054, 0.20236443, 0.55289318],
- [0.30054631, 0.20756873, 0.55585038],
- [0.30106201, 0.21273339, 0.55877600],
- [0.30155859, 0.21786013, 0.56167217],
- [0.30203696, 0.22295063, 0.56454090],
- [0.30249793, 0.22800646, 0.56738403],
- [0.30294227, 0.23302915, 0.57020328],
- [0.30337068, 0.23802016, 0.57300024],
- [0.30378382, 0.24298087, 0.57577639],
- [0.30418229, 0.24791260, 0.57853310],
- [0.30456679, 0.25281657, 0.58127171],
- [0.30493787, 0.25769398, 0.58399340],
- [0.30529589, 0.26254606, 0.58669927],
- [0.30564131, 0.26737393, 0.58939035],
- [0.30597473, 0.27217857, 0.59206767],
- [0.30629654, 0.27696100, 0.59473213],
- [0.30660696, 0.28172230, 0.59738453],
- [0.30690651, 0.28646330, 0.60002572],
- [0.30719552, 0.29118493, 0.60265644],
- [0.30747413, 0.29588812, 0.60527731],
- [0.30774293, 0.30057358, 0.60788908],
- [0.30800193, 0.30524222, 0.61049227],
- [0.30825149, 0.30989477, 0.61308745],
- [0.30849187, 0.31453196, 0.61567516],
- [0.30872319, 0.31915455, 0.61825584],
- [0.30894582, 0.32376318, 0.62082997],
- [0.30915975, 0.32835858, 0.62339790],
- [0.30936539, 0.33294131, 0.62596007],
- [0.30956268, 0.33751209, 0.62851674],
- [0.30975200, 0.34207144, 0.63106829],
- [0.30993331, 0.34662001, 0.63361494],
- [0.31010692, 0.35115830, 0.63615698],
- [0.31027282, 0.35568691, 0.63869459],
- [0.31043127, 0.36020633, 0.64122798],
- [0.31058231, 0.36471711, 0.64375731],
- [0.31072612, 0.36921970, 0.64628271],
- [0.31086280, 0.37371461, 0.64880430],
- [0.31099249, 0.37820230, 0.65132216],
- [0.31111533, 0.38268321, 0.65383636],
- [0.31123142, 0.38715778, 0.65634691],
- [0.31134094, 0.39162643, 0.65885384],
- [0.31144402, 0.39608958, 0.66135714],
- [0.31154081, 0.40054761, 0.66385675],
- [0.31163148, 0.40500090, 0.66635262],
- [0.31171621, 0.40944984, 0.66884467],
- [0.31179520, 0.41389476, 0.67133278],
- [0.31186865, 0.41833603, 0.67381681],
- [0.31193680, 0.42277397, 0.67629662],
- [0.31199992, 0.42720890, 0.67877201],
- [0.31205825, 0.43164113, 0.68124278],
- [0.31211216, 0.43607095, 0.68370870],
- [0.31216189, 0.44049867, 0.68616949],
- [0.31220796, 0.44492453, 0.68862492],
- [0.31225061, 0.44934882, 0.69107462],
- [0.31229048, 0.45377175, 0.69351832],
- [0.31232786, 0.45819361, 0.69595559],
- [0.31236353, 0.46261456, 0.69838612],
- [0.31239787, 0.46703487, 0.70080943],
- [0.31243174, 0.47145469, 0.70322513],
- [0.31246573, 0.47587424, 0.70563272],
- [0.31250071, 0.48029366, 0.70803171],
- [0.31253759, 0.48471311, 0.71042159],
- [0.31257717, 0.48913278, 0.71280175],
- [0.31262078, 0.49355270, 0.71517170],
- [0.31266920, 0.49797308, 0.71753069],
- [0.31272396, 0.50239396, 0.71987816],
- [0.31278644, 0.50681539, 0.72221344],
- [0.31285779, 0.51123752, 0.72453568],
- [0.31293998, 0.51566030, 0.72684425],
- [0.31303476, 0.52008375, 0.72913836],
- [0.31314366, 0.52450796, 0.73141704],
- [0.31326906, 0.52893282, 0.73367953],
- [0.31341322, 0.53335830, 0.73592494],
- [0.31357856, 0.53778430, 0.73815229],
- [0.31376746, 0.54221081, 0.74036052],
- [0.31398291, 0.54663764, 0.74254862],
- [0.31422803, 0.55106464, 0.74471556],
- [0.31450612, 0.55549161, 0.74686019],
- [0.31482075, 0.55991833, 0.74898134],
- [0.31517574, 0.56434455, 0.75107779],
- [0.31557523, 0.56876997, 0.75314825],
- [0.31602366, 0.57319425, 0.75519142],
- [0.31652582, 0.57761700, 0.75720593],
- [0.31708684, 0.58203779, 0.75919038],
- [0.31771222, 0.58645611, 0.76114332],
- [0.31840787, 0.59087143, 0.76306326],
- [0.31918007, 0.59528313, 0.76494869],
- [0.32003532, 0.59969060, 0.76679791],
- [0.32098080, 0.60409308, 0.76860934],
- [0.32202424, 0.60848970, 0.77038148],
- [0.32317357, 0.61287960, 0.77211265],
- [0.32443695, 0.61726187, 0.77380097],
- [0.32582371, 0.62163533, 0.77544516],
- [0.32734269, 0.62599895, 0.77704320],
- [0.32900405, 0.63035134, 0.77859393],
- [0.33081742, 0.63469128, 0.78009540],
- [0.33279358, 0.63901718, 0.78154661],
- [0.33494302, 0.64332754, 0.78294608],
- [0.33727653, 0.64762069, 0.78429266],
- [0.33980514, 0.65189480, 0.78558566],
- [0.34253965, 0.65614801, 0.78682444],
- [0.34549065, 0.66037837, 0.78800872],
- [0.34866835, 0.66458383, 0.78913863],
- [0.35208231, 0.66876231, 0.79021477],
- [0.35574127, 0.67291169, 0.79123827],
- [0.35965281, 0.67702987, 0.79221088],
- [0.36382312, 0.68111477, 0.79313499],
- [0.36825671, 0.68516444, 0.79401368],
- [0.37295618, 0.68917704, 0.79485074],
- [0.37792196, 0.69315094, 0.79565068],
- [0.38315216, 0.69708476, 0.79641869],
- [0.38864250, 0.70097742, 0.79716057],
- [0.39438623, 0.70482817, 0.79788271],
- [0.40037420, 0.70863664, 0.79859195],
- [0.40659514, 0.71240286, 0.79929533],
- [0.41303585, 0.71612724, 0.80000005],
- [0.41968153, 0.71981060, 0.80071327],
- [0.42651620, 0.72345411, 0.80144199],
- [0.43352311, 0.72705927, 0.80219282],
- [0.44068514, 0.73062784, 0.80297193],
- [0.44798499, 0.73416184, 0.80378517],
- [0.45540582, 0.73766347, 0.80463763],
- [0.46293189, 0.74113497, 0.80553339],
- [0.47054756, 0.74457873, 0.80647656],
- [0.47823856, 0.74799715, 0.80747031],
- [0.48599174, 0.75139259, 0.80851720],
- [0.49379555, 0.75476731, 0.80961897],
- [0.50163802, 0.75812375, 0.81077799],
- [0.50951018, 0.76146396, 0.81199484],
- [0.51740343, 0.76479002, 0.81327029],
- [0.52531010, 0.76810393, 0.81460481],
- [0.53322356, 0.77140754, 0.81599852],
- [0.54113819, 0.77470259, 0.81745128],
- [0.54904863, 0.77799078, 0.81896303],
- [0.55695031, 0.78127373, 0.82053353],
- [0.56484078, 0.78455267, 0.82216148],
- [0.57271595, 0.78782912, 0.82384685],
- [0.58057376, 0.79110425, 0.82558859],
- [0.58841174, 0.79437931, 0.82738612],
- [0.59622922, 0.79765517, 0.82923797],
- [0.60402262, 0.80093330, 0.83114456],
- [0.61179265, 0.80421427, 0.83310394],
- [0.61953824, 0.80749903, 0.83511535],
- [0.62725857, 0.81078844, 0.83717801],
- [0.63495307, 0.81408331, 0.83929113],
- [0.64262139, 0.81738440, 0.84145388],
- [0.65026337, 0.82069239, 0.84366540],
- [0.65787900, 0.82400793, 0.84592486],
- [0.66546844, 0.82733162, 0.84823141],
- [0.67303197, 0.83066400, 0.85058419],
- [0.68056996, 0.83400559, 0.85298238],
- [0.68808289, 0.83735685, 0.85542516],
- [0.69557018, 0.84071852, 0.85791228],
- [0.70303254, 0.84409099, 0.86044288],
- [0.71047142, 0.84747442, 0.86301580],
- [0.71788585, 0.85086963, 0.86563112],
- [0.72527708, 0.85427682, 0.86828781],
- [0.73264583, 0.85769631, 0.87098521],
- [0.73999166, 0.86112874, 0.87372319],
- [0.74731621, 0.86457417, 0.87650067],
- [0.75461912, 0.86803319, 0.87931756],
- [0.76190122, 0.87150605, 0.88217322],
- [0.76916383, 0.87499286, 0.88506677],
- [0.77640537, 0.87849452, 0.88799879],
- [0.78362842, 0.88201078, 0.89096784],
- [0.79083329, 0.88554198, 0.89397361],
- [0.79801871, 0.88908894, 0.89701653],
- [0.80518675, 0.89265150, 0.90009549],
- [0.81233783, 0.89622995, 0.90321016],
- [0.81947230, 0.89982462, 0.90636025],
- [0.82659011, 0.90343594, 0.90954568],
- [0.83369156, 0.90706423, 0.91276619],
- [0.84077761, 0.91070961, 0.91602124],
- [0.84784862, 0.91437236, 0.91931059],
- [0.85490492, 0.91805279, 0.92263401],
- [0.86194682, 0.92175119, 0.92599126],
- [0.86897464, 0.92546784, 0.92938214],
- [0.87598869, 0.92920304, 0.93280643],
- [0.88298922, 0.93295708, 0.93626395],
- [0.88997650, 0.93673027, 0.93975451],
- [0.89695077, 0.94052289, 0.94327794],
- [0.90391222, 0.94433526, 0.94683409],
- [0.91086103, 0.94816769, 0.95042279],
- [0.91779733, 0.95202051, 0.95404393],
- [0.92472121, 0.95589406, 0.95769737],
- [0.93163272, 0.95978870, 0.96138299],
- [0.93853161, 0.96370486, 0.96510081],
- [0.94541738, 0.96764310, 0.96885089],
- [0.95229045, 0.97160364, 0.97263292],
- [0.95915055, 0.97558695, 0.97644685],
- [0.96599731, 0.97959353, 0.98029261],
- [0.97283020, 0.98362395, 0.98417016],
- [0.97964739, 0.98767922, 0.98807995],
- [0.98644895, 0.99175974, 0.99202153],
- [0.99323371, 0.99586633, 0.99599488],
- [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
- [0.99382469, 0.99580955, 0.99432110],
- [0.98760164, 0.99166330, 0.98862986],
- [0.98133740, 0.98755931, 0.98291625],
- [0.97503997, 0.98349458, 0.97717497],
- [0.96871626, 0.97946629, 0.97140333],
- [0.96237164, 0.97547209, 0.96560034],
- [0.95601185, 0.97150923, 0.95976730],
- [0.94963976, 0.96757616, 0.95390497],
- [0.94325909, 0.96367088, 0.94801568],
- [0.93687235, 0.95979187, 0.94210153],
- [0.93048036, 0.95593835, 0.93616375],
- [0.92408561, 0.95210878, 0.93020504],
- [0.91768886, 0.94830240, 0.92422693],
- [0.91129032, 0.94451872, 0.91823051],
- [0.90489147, 0.94075664, 0.91221790],
- [0.89849256, 0.93701566, 0.90619023],
- [0.89209319, 0.93329557, 0.90014800],
- [0.88569452, 0.92959547, 0.89409297],
- [0.87929669, 0.92591493, 0.88802599],
- [0.87289905, 0.92225388, 0.88194719],
- [0.86650216, 0.91861170, 0.87585767],
- [0.86010629, 0.91498793, 0.86975822],
- [0.85371140, 0.91138223, 0.86364935],
- [0.84731670, 0.90779464, 0.85753082],
- [0.84092280, 0.90422454, 0.85140359],
- [0.83452970, 0.90067160, 0.84526808],
- [0.82813733, 0.89713553, 0.83912458],
- [0.82174544, 0.89361612, 0.83297320],
- [0.81535347, 0.89011330, 0.82681372],
- [0.80896190, 0.88662654, 0.82064685],
- [0.80257057, 0.88315559, 0.81447273],
- [0.79617936, 0.87970020, 0.80829144],
- [0.78978811, 0.87626012, 0.80210307],
- [0.78339667, 0.87283512, 0.79590767],
- [0.77700472, 0.86942502, 0.78970513],
- [0.77061205, 0.86602960, 0.78349540],
- [0.76421875, 0.86264852, 0.77727873],
- [0.75782467, 0.85928154, 0.77105510],
- [0.75142964, 0.85592843, 0.76482449],
- [0.74503349, 0.85258894, 0.75858685],
- [0.73863604, 0.84926286, 0.75234213],
- [0.73223714, 0.84594994, 0.74609027],
- [0.72583661, 0.84264994, 0.73983119],
- [0.71943428, 0.83936264, 0.73356480],
- [0.71302998, 0.83608780, 0.72729102],
- [0.70662354, 0.83282518, 0.72100975],
- [0.70021479, 0.82957454, 0.71472089],
- [0.69380357, 0.82633564, 0.70842432],
- [0.68738971, 0.82310825, 0.70211992],
- [0.68097304, 0.81989211, 0.69580759],
- [0.67455294, 0.81668717, 0.68948672],
- [0.66812958, 0.81349304, 0.68315752],
- [0.66170286, 0.81030946, 0.67681990],
- [0.65527262, 0.80713617, 0.67047373],
- [0.64883872, 0.80397291, 0.66411886],
- [0.64240101, 0.80081943, 0.65775515],
- [0.63595841, 0.79767582, 0.65138150],
- [0.62951158, 0.79454151, 0.64499858],
- [0.62306045, 0.79141621, 0.63860627],
- [0.61660476, 0.78829970, 0.63220428],
- [0.61014331, 0.78519209, 0.62579136],
- [0.60367711, 0.78209270, 0.61936849],
- [0.59720594, 0.77900127, 0.61293539],
- [0.59072831, 0.77591802, 0.60649044],
- [0.58424556, 0.77284215, 0.60003495],
- [0.57775664, 0.76977369, 0.59356774],
- [0.57126149, 0.76671233, 0.58708865],
- [0.56476033, 0.76365767, 0.58059777],
- [0.55825218, 0.76060971, 0.57409393],
- [0.55173780, 0.75756786, 0.56757778],
- [0.54521614, 0.75453214, 0.56104804],
- [0.53868762, 0.75150206, 0.55450494],
- [0.53215208, 0.74847735, 0.54794811],
- [0.52560864, 0.74545795, 0.54137634],
- [0.51905823, 0.74244322, 0.53479036],
- [0.51250000, 0.73943309, 0.52818895],
- [0.50593365, 0.73642732, 0.52157144],
- [0.49935973, 0.73342539, 0.51493803],
- [0.49277805, 0.73042701, 0.50828809],
- [0.48618824, 0.72743197, 0.50162076],
- [0.47958991, 0.72444003, 0.49493507],
- [0.47298359, 0.72145070, 0.48823100],
- [0.46636921, 0.71846366, 0.48150783],
- [0.45974679, 0.71547856, 0.47476485],
- [0.45311640, 0.71249506, 0.46800133],
- [0.44647816, 0.70951278, 0.46121648],
- [0.43983228, 0.70653133, 0.45440955],
- [0.43317907, 0.70355031, 0.44757974],
- [0.42651828, 0.70056948, 0.44072551],
- [0.41985059, 0.69758833, 0.43384622],
- [0.41317687, 0.69460632, 0.42694128],
- [0.40649778, 0.69162299, 0.42000968],
- [0.39981272, 0.68863823, 0.41304872],
- [0.39312423, 0.68565110, 0.40605913],
- [0.38643180, 0.68266150, 0.39903778],
- [0.37973812, 0.67966850, 0.39198500],
- [0.37304275, 0.67667203, 0.38489700],
- [0.36634870, 0.67367115, 0.37777377],
- [0.35965765, 0.67066532, 0.37061319],
- [0.35297165, 0.66765394, 0.36341301],
- [0.34629317, 0.66463637, 0.35617090],
- [0.33962524, 0.66161188, 0.34888442],
- [0.33297150, 0.65857969, 0.34155107],
- [0.32633633, 0.65553892, 0.33416823],
- [0.31972491, 0.65248860, 0.32673327],
- [0.31314248, 0.64942789, 0.31924201],
- [0.30659623, 0.64635564, 0.31169136],
- [0.30009369, 0.64327077, 0.30407659],
- [0.29364480, 0.64017187, 0.29639406],
- [0.28726040, 0.63705756, 0.28863847],
- [0.28095360, 0.63392625, 0.28080436],
- [0.27474016, 0.63077607, 0.27288617],
- [0.26863813, 0.62760506, 0.26487647],
- [0.26267002, 0.62441075, 0.25676914],
- [0.25686147, 0.62119053, 0.24855490],
- [0.25124393, 0.61794122, 0.24022510],
- [0.24585511, 0.61465902, 0.23177057],
- [0.24074014, 0.61133945, 0.22318124],
- [0.23595315, 0.60797718, 0.21444629],
- [0.23155932, 0.60456563, 0.20555579],
- [0.22763671, 0.60109683, 0.19649969],
- [0.22427864, 0.59756085, 0.18727215],
- [0.22159446, 0.59394541, 0.17787608],
- [0.21970884, 0.59023557, 0.16832692],
- [0.21875529, 0.58641365, 0.15866581],
- [0.21885793, 0.58246043, 0.14897700],
- [0.22009608, 0.57835850, 0.13940533],
- [0.22245044, 0.57409882, 0.13016467],
- [0.22576171, 0.56968811, 0.12150790],
- [0.22974550, 0.56515118, 0.11365853],
- [0.23407808, 0.56052386, 0.10674215],
- [0.23848634, 0.55584188, 0.10077283],
- [0.24278697, 0.55113355, 0.09568718],
- [0.24687702, 0.54641845, 0.09138767],
- [0.25070795, 0.54170912, 0.08777129],
- [0.25426366, 0.53701323, 0.08474270],
- [0.25754688, 0.53233510, 0.08221878],
- [0.26056796, 0.52767728, 0.08012845],
- [0.26334064, 0.52304119, 0.07841111],
- [0.26588045, 0.51842744, 0.07701528],
- [0.26820294, 0.51383615, 0.07589709],
- [0.27032300, 0.50926715, 0.07501892],
- [0.27225402, 0.50472022, 0.07434809],
- [0.27400849, 0.50019497, 0.07385633],
- [0.27559818, 0.49569090, 0.07351934],
- [0.27703238, 0.49120778, 0.07331473],
- [0.27832162, 0.48674492, 0.07322459],
- [0.27947412, 0.48230192, 0.07323212],
- [0.28049758, 0.47787835, 0.07332273],
- [0.28139919, 0.47347376, 0.07348371],
- [0.28218562, 0.46908766, 0.07370402],
- [0.28286261, 0.46471970, 0.07397352],
- [0.28343564, 0.46036946, 0.07428352],
- [0.28390985, 0.45603654, 0.07462643],
- [0.28429006, 0.45172052, 0.07499567],
- [0.28458007, 0.44742115, 0.07538470],
- [0.28478415, 0.44313801, 0.07578856],
- [0.28490602, 0.43887075, 0.07620262],
- [0.28494907, 0.43461906, 0.07662274],
- [0.28491652, 0.43038262, 0.07704527],
- [0.28481132, 0.42616112, 0.07746700],
- [0.28463599, 0.42195434, 0.07788471],
- [0.28439348, 0.41776190, 0.07829633],
- [0.28408628, 0.41358350, 0.07869974],
- [0.28371630, 0.40941900, 0.07909240],
- [0.28328605, 0.40526800, 0.07947311],
- [0.28279736, 0.40113032, 0.07984003],
- [0.28225231, 0.39700566, 0.08019202],
- [0.28165244, 0.39289384, 0.08052756],
- [0.28099980, 0.38879452, 0.08084604],
- [0.28029571, 0.38470756, 0.08114612],
- [0.27954177, 0.38063269, 0.08142708],
- [0.27873954, 0.37656965, 0.08168838],
- [0.27789035, 0.37251823, 0.08192932],
- [0.27699548, 0.36847822, 0.08214928],
- [0.27605604, 0.36444944, 0.08234761],
- [0.27507335, 0.36043163, 0.08252408],
- [0.27404853, 0.35642457, 0.08267831],
- [0.27298263, 0.35242806, 0.08280996],
- [0.27187665, 0.34844188, 0.08291875],
- [0.27073158, 0.34446585, 0.08300442],
- [0.26954834, 0.34049973, 0.08306678],
- [0.26832781, 0.33654334, 0.08310564],
- [0.26707080, 0.33259648, 0.08312079],
- [0.26577808, 0.32865896, 0.08311205],
- [0.26445049, 0.32473055, 0.08307943],
- [0.26308876, 0.32081105, 0.08302283],
- [0.26169362, 0.31690026, 0.08294219],
- [0.26026570, 0.31299798, 0.08283742],
- [0.25880553, 0.30910406, 0.08270826],
- [0.25731388, 0.30521825, 0.08255493],
- [0.25579133, 0.30134033, 0.08237742],
- [0.25423833, 0.29747015, 0.08217546],
- [0.25265547, 0.29360749, 0.08194916],
- [0.25104334, 0.28975212, 0.08169866],
- [0.24940226, 0.28590390, 0.08142361],
- [0.24773284, 0.28206257, 0.08112428],
- [0.24603549, 0.27822793, 0.08080061],
- [0.24431057, 0.27439981, 0.08045246],
- [0.24255862, 0.27057794, 0.08008011],
- [0.24077983, 0.26676218, 0.07968318],
- [0.23897479, 0.26295224, 0.07926209],
- [0.23714362, 0.25914798, 0.07881643],
- [0.23528689, 0.25534911, 0.07834662],
- [0.23340468, 0.25155548, 0.07785225],
- [0.23149749, 0.24776679, 0.07733371],
- [0.22956545, 0.24398289, 0.07679069],
- [0.22760892, 0.24020347, 0.07622341],
- [0.22562811, 0.23642835, 0.07563177],
- [0.22362324, 0.23265727, 0.07501578],
- [0.22159459, 0.22888997, 0.07437557],
- [0.21954224, 0.22512625, 0.07371087],
- [0.21746649, 0.22136579, 0.07302195],
- [0.21536746, 0.21760838, 0.07230872],
- [0.21324527, 0.21385374, 0.07157112],
- [0.21110013, 0.21010159, 0.07080928],
- [0.20893210, 0.20635167, 0.07002313],
- [0.20674127, 0.20260369, 0.06921265],
- [0.20452777, 0.19885735, 0.06837794],
- [0.20229165, 0.19511235, 0.06751901],
- [0.20003290, 0.19136842, 0.06663574],
- [0.19775160, 0.18762521, 0.06572831],
- [0.19544775, 0.18388240, 0.06479672],
- [0.19312130, 0.18013969, 0.06384095],
- [0.19077219, 0.17639672, 0.06286104],
- [0.18840038, 0.17265315, 0.06185709],
- [0.18600578, 0.16890862, 0.06082917],
- [0.18358823, 0.16516277, 0.05977729],
- [0.18114755, 0.16141524, 0.05870151],
- [0.17868358, 0.15766562, 0.05760198],
- [0.17619607, 0.15391353, 0.05647879],
- [0.17368476, 0.15015856, 0.05533204],
- [0.17114930, 0.14640032, 0.05416183],
- [0.16858932, 0.14263837, 0.05296828],
- [0.16600443, 0.13887229, 0.05175158],
- [0.16339415, 0.13510163, 0.05051188],
- [0.16075793, 0.13132595, 0.04924932],
- [0.15809517, 0.12754478, 0.04796409],
- [0.15540519, 0.12375769, 0.04665629],
- [0.15268725, 0.11996418, 0.04532612],
- [0.14994054, 0.11616378, 0.04397374],
- [0.14716414, 0.11235600, 0.04259926],
- [0.14435705, 0.10854034, 0.04120279],
- [0.14151819, 0.10471630, 0.03977633],
- [0.13864637, 0.10088335, 0.03834104],
- [0.13574030, 0.09704098, 0.03691515],
- [0.13279861, 0.09318862, 0.03549973],
- [0.12981983, 0.08932571, 0.03409578],
- [0.12680239, 0.08545164, 0.03270415],
- [0.12374463, 0.08156576, 0.03132562],
- [0.12064478, 0.07766739, 0.02996087],
- [0.11750102, 0.07375577, 0.02861046],
- [0.11431142, 0.06983006, 0.02727485],
- [0.11107399, 0.06588932, 0.02595442],
- [0.10778667, 0.06193249, 0.02464948]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.12434357, 0.00588452, 0.21400096],
+ [0.12931129, 0.00675787, 0.22011754],
+ [0.13427605, 0.00761301, 0.22627813],
+ [0.13923743, 0.00844618, 0.23248445],
+ [0.14419489, 0.00925374, 0.23873832],
+ [0.14914773, 0.01003226, 0.24504157],
+ [0.15409628, 0.01077599, 0.25139847],
+ [0.15903865, 0.01148361, 0.25780936],
+ [0.16397490, 0.01214941, 0.26427895],
+ [0.16890307, 0.01277188, 0.27080848],
+ [0.17382209, 0.01334730, 0.27740161],
+ [0.17873060, 0.01387220, 0.28406219],
+ [0.18362636, 0.01434494, 0.29079310],
+ [0.18850717, 0.01476335, 0.29759833],
+ [0.19336978, 0.01512770, 0.30448066],
+ [0.19821038, 0.01543943, 0.31144297],
+ [0.20302543, 0.01569841, 0.31849056],
+ [0.20780909, 0.01591090, 0.32562507],
+ [0.21255503, 0.01608416, 0.33284912],
+ [0.21725536, 0.01622978, 0.34016407],
+ [0.22190089, 0.01636307, 0.34757095],
+ [0.22647956, 0.01650931, 0.35506605],
+ [0.23097774, 0.01669935, 0.36264494],
+ [0.23537868, 0.01697681, 0.37029727],
+ [0.23966261, 0.01740014, 0.37800537],
+ [0.24380764, 0.01804107, 0.38574545],
+ [0.24778982, 0.01898922, 0.39348282],
+ [0.25158529, 0.02034719, 0.40117401],
+ [0.25517266, 0.02222479, 0.40876847],
+ [0.25853565, 0.02473093, 0.41621127],
+ [0.26166567, 0.02795975, 0.42345155],
+ [0.26456273, 0.03198252, 0.43044714],
+ [0.26723479, 0.03684228, 0.43716929],
+ [0.26969569, 0.04248896, 0.44360388],
+ [0.27196284, 0.04848981, 0.44974895],
+ [0.27405475, 0.05471025, 0.45561291],
+ [0.27598966, 0.06106965, 0.46121003],
+ [0.27778467, 0.06750507, 0.46655789],
+ [0.27945476, 0.07396949, 0.47167607],
+ [0.28101352, 0.08042854, 0.47658345],
+ [0.28247268, 0.08685793, 0.48129838],
+ [0.28384236, 0.09324093, 0.48583798],
+ [0.28513137, 0.09956639, 0.49021794],
+ [0.28634701, 0.10582750, 0.49445266],
+ [0.28749631, 0.11201977, 0.49855477],
+ [0.28858462, 0.11814153, 0.50253603],
+ [0.28961712, 0.12419213, 0.50640676],
+ [0.29059833, 0.13017201, 0.51017629],
+ [0.29153215, 0.13608239, 0.51385302],
+ [0.29242208, 0.14192500, 0.51744454],
+ [0.29327113, 0.14770193, 0.52095768],
+ [0.29408197, 0.15341549, 0.52439862],
+ [0.29485717, 0.15906795, 0.52777294],
+ [0.29559924, 0.16466147, 0.53108570],
+ [0.29630976, 0.17019880, 0.53434154],
+ [0.29699110, 0.17568189, 0.53754465],
+ [0.29764460, 0.18111329, 0.54069888],
+ [0.29827178, 0.18649525, 0.54380773],
+ [0.29887444, 0.19182963, 0.54687447],
+ [0.29945363, 0.19711869, 0.54990205],
+ [0.30001054, 0.20236443, 0.55289318],
+ [0.30054631, 0.20756873, 0.55585038],
+ [0.30106201, 0.21273339, 0.55877600],
+ [0.30155859, 0.21786013, 0.56167217],
+ [0.30203696, 0.22295063, 0.56454090],
+ [0.30249793, 0.22800646, 0.56738403],
+ [0.30294227, 0.23302915, 0.57020328],
+ [0.30337068, 0.23802016, 0.57300024],
+ [0.30378382, 0.24298087, 0.57577639],
+ [0.30418229, 0.24791260, 0.57853310],
+ [0.30456679, 0.25281657, 0.58127171],
+ [0.30493787, 0.25769398, 0.58399340],
+ [0.30529589, 0.26254606, 0.58669927],
+ [0.30564131, 0.26737393, 0.58939035],
+ [0.30597473, 0.27217857, 0.59206767],
+ [0.30629654, 0.27696100, 0.59473213],
+ [0.30660696, 0.28172230, 0.59738453],
+ [0.30690651, 0.28646330, 0.60002572],
+ [0.30719552, 0.29118493, 0.60265644],
+ [0.30747413, 0.29588812, 0.60527731],
+ [0.30774293, 0.30057358, 0.60788908],
+ [0.30800193, 0.30524222, 0.61049227],
+ [0.30825149, 0.30989477, 0.61308745],
+ [0.30849187, 0.31453196, 0.61567516],
+ [0.30872319, 0.31915455, 0.61825584],
+ [0.30894582, 0.32376318, 0.62082997],
+ [0.30915975, 0.32835858, 0.62339790],
+ [0.30936539, 0.33294131, 0.62596007],
+ [0.30956268, 0.33751209, 0.62851674],
+ [0.30975200, 0.34207144, 0.63106829],
+ [0.30993331, 0.34662001, 0.63361494],
+ [0.31010692, 0.35115830, 0.63615698],
+ [0.31027282, 0.35568691, 0.63869459],
+ [0.31043127, 0.36020633, 0.64122798],
+ [0.31058231, 0.36471711, 0.64375731],
+ [0.31072612, 0.36921970, 0.64628271],
+ [0.31086280, 0.37371461, 0.64880430],
+ [0.31099249, 0.37820230, 0.65132216],
+ [0.31111533, 0.38268321, 0.65383636],
+ [0.31123142, 0.38715778, 0.65634691],
+ [0.31134094, 0.39162643, 0.65885384],
+ [0.31144402, 0.39608958, 0.66135714],
+ [0.31154081, 0.40054761, 0.66385675],
+ [0.31163148, 0.40500090, 0.66635262],
+ [0.31171621, 0.40944984, 0.66884467],
+ [0.31179520, 0.41389476, 0.67133278],
+ [0.31186865, 0.41833603, 0.67381681],
+ [0.31193680, 0.42277397, 0.67629662],
+ [0.31199992, 0.42720890, 0.67877201],
+ [0.31205825, 0.43164113, 0.68124278],
+ [0.31211216, 0.43607095, 0.68370870],
+ [0.31216189, 0.44049867, 0.68616949],
+ [0.31220796, 0.44492453, 0.68862492],
+ [0.31225061, 0.44934882, 0.69107462],
+ [0.31229048, 0.45377175, 0.69351832],
+ [0.31232786, 0.45819361, 0.69595559],
+ [0.31236353, 0.46261456, 0.69838612],
+ [0.31239787, 0.46703487, 0.70080943],
+ [0.31243174, 0.47145469, 0.70322513],
+ [0.31246573, 0.47587424, 0.70563272],
+ [0.31250071, 0.48029366, 0.70803171],
+ [0.31253759, 0.48471311, 0.71042159],
+ [0.31257717, 0.48913278, 0.71280175],
+ [0.31262078, 0.49355270, 0.71517170],
+ [0.31266920, 0.49797308, 0.71753069],
+ [0.31272396, 0.50239396, 0.71987816],
+ [0.31278644, 0.50681539, 0.72221344],
+ [0.31285779, 0.51123752, 0.72453568],
+ [0.31293998, 0.51566030, 0.72684425],
+ [0.31303476, 0.52008375, 0.72913836],
+ [0.31314366, 0.52450796, 0.73141704],
+ [0.31326906, 0.52893282, 0.73367953],
+ [0.31341322, 0.53335830, 0.73592494],
+ [0.31357856, 0.53778430, 0.73815229],
+ [0.31376746, 0.54221081, 0.74036052],
+ [0.31398291, 0.54663764, 0.74254862],
+ [0.31422803, 0.55106464, 0.74471556],
+ [0.31450612, 0.55549161, 0.74686019],
+ [0.31482075, 0.55991833, 0.74898134],
+ [0.31517574, 0.56434455, 0.75107779],
+ [0.31557523, 0.56876997, 0.75314825],
+ [0.31602366, 0.57319425, 0.75519142],
+ [0.31652582, 0.57761700, 0.75720593],
+ [0.31708684, 0.58203779, 0.75919038],
+ [0.31771222, 0.58645611, 0.76114332],
+ [0.31840787, 0.59087143, 0.76306326],
+ [0.31918007, 0.59528313, 0.76494869],
+ [0.32003532, 0.59969060, 0.76679791],
+ [0.32098080, 0.60409308, 0.76860934],
+ [0.32202424, 0.60848970, 0.77038148],
+ [0.32317357, 0.61287960, 0.77211265],
+ [0.32443695, 0.61726187, 0.77380097],
+ [0.32582371, 0.62163533, 0.77544516],
+ [0.32734269, 0.62599895, 0.77704320],
+ [0.32900405, 0.63035134, 0.77859393],
+ [0.33081742, 0.63469128, 0.78009540],
+ [0.33279358, 0.63901718, 0.78154661],
+ [0.33494302, 0.64332754, 0.78294608],
+ [0.33727653, 0.64762069, 0.78429266],
+ [0.33980514, 0.65189480, 0.78558566],
+ [0.34253965, 0.65614801, 0.78682444],
+ [0.34549065, 0.66037837, 0.78800872],
+ [0.34866835, 0.66458383, 0.78913863],
+ [0.35208231, 0.66876231, 0.79021477],
+ [0.35574127, 0.67291169, 0.79123827],
+ [0.35965281, 0.67702987, 0.79221088],
+ [0.36382312, 0.68111477, 0.79313499],
+ [0.36825671, 0.68516444, 0.79401368],
+ [0.37295618, 0.68917704, 0.79485074],
+ [0.37792196, 0.69315094, 0.79565068],
+ [0.38315216, 0.69708476, 0.79641869],
+ [0.38864250, 0.70097742, 0.79716057],
+ [0.39438623, 0.70482817, 0.79788271],
+ [0.40037420, 0.70863664, 0.79859195],
+ [0.40659514, 0.71240286, 0.79929533],
+ [0.41303585, 0.71612724, 0.80000005],
+ [0.41968153, 0.71981060, 0.80071327],
+ [0.42651620, 0.72345411, 0.80144199],
+ [0.43352311, 0.72705927, 0.80219282],
+ [0.44068514, 0.73062784, 0.80297193],
+ [0.44798499, 0.73416184, 0.80378517],
+ [0.45540582, 0.73766347, 0.80463763],
+ [0.46293189, 0.74113497, 0.80553339],
+ [0.47054756, 0.74457873, 0.80647656],
+ [0.47823856, 0.74799715, 0.80747031],
+ [0.48599174, 0.75139259, 0.80851720],
+ [0.49379555, 0.75476731, 0.80961897],
+ [0.50163802, 0.75812375, 0.81077799],
+ [0.50951018, 0.76146396, 0.81199484],
+ [0.51740343, 0.76479002, 0.81327029],
+ [0.52531010, 0.76810393, 0.81460481],
+ [0.53322356, 0.77140754, 0.81599852],
+ [0.54113819, 0.77470259, 0.81745128],
+ [0.54904863, 0.77799078, 0.81896303],
+ [0.55695031, 0.78127373, 0.82053353],
+ [0.56484078, 0.78455267, 0.82216148],
+ [0.57271595, 0.78782912, 0.82384685],
+ [0.58057376, 0.79110425, 0.82558859],
+ [0.58841174, 0.79437931, 0.82738612],
+ [0.59622922, 0.79765517, 0.82923797],
+ [0.60402262, 0.80093330, 0.83114456],
+ [0.61179265, 0.80421427, 0.83310394],
+ [0.61953824, 0.80749903, 0.83511535],
+ [0.62725857, 0.81078844, 0.83717801],
+ [0.63495307, 0.81408331, 0.83929113],
+ [0.64262139, 0.81738440, 0.84145388],
+ [0.65026337, 0.82069239, 0.84366540],
+ [0.65787900, 0.82400793, 0.84592486],
+ [0.66546844, 0.82733162, 0.84823141],
+ [0.67303197, 0.83066400, 0.85058419],
+ [0.68056996, 0.83400559, 0.85298238],
+ [0.68808289, 0.83735685, 0.85542516],
+ [0.69557018, 0.84071852, 0.85791228],
+ [0.70303254, 0.84409099, 0.86044288],
+ [0.71047142, 0.84747442, 0.86301580],
+ [0.71788585, 0.85086963, 0.86563112],
+ [0.72527708, 0.85427682, 0.86828781],
+ [0.73264583, 0.85769631, 0.87098521],
+ [0.73999166, 0.86112874, 0.87372319],
+ [0.74731621, 0.86457417, 0.87650067],
+ [0.75461912, 0.86803319, 0.87931756],
+ [0.76190122, 0.87150605, 0.88217322],
+ [0.76916383, 0.87499286, 0.88506677],
+ [0.77640537, 0.87849452, 0.88799879],
+ [0.78362842, 0.88201078, 0.89096784],
+ [0.79083329, 0.88554198, 0.89397361],
+ [0.79801871, 0.88908894, 0.89701653],
+ [0.80518675, 0.89265150, 0.90009549],
+ [0.81233783, 0.89622995, 0.90321016],
+ [0.81947230, 0.89982462, 0.90636025],
+ [0.82659011, 0.90343594, 0.90954568],
+ [0.83369156, 0.90706423, 0.91276619],
+ [0.84077761, 0.91070961, 0.91602124],
+ [0.84784862, 0.91437236, 0.91931059],
+ [0.85490492, 0.91805279, 0.92263401],
+ [0.86194682, 0.92175119, 0.92599126],
+ [0.86897464, 0.92546784, 0.92938214],
+ [0.87598869, 0.92920304, 0.93280643],
+ [0.88298922, 0.93295708, 0.93626395],
+ [0.88997650, 0.93673027, 0.93975451],
+ [0.89695077, 0.94052289, 0.94327794],
+ [0.90391222, 0.94433526, 0.94683409],
+ [0.91086103, 0.94816769, 0.95042279],
+ [0.91779733, 0.95202051, 0.95404393],
+ [0.92472121, 0.95589406, 0.95769737],
+ [0.93163272, 0.95978870, 0.96138299],
+ [0.93853161, 0.96370486, 0.96510081],
+ [0.94541738, 0.96764310, 0.96885089],
+ [0.95229045, 0.97160364, 0.97263292],
+ [0.95915055, 0.97558695, 0.97644685],
+ [0.96599731, 0.97959353, 0.98029261],
+ [0.97283020, 0.98362395, 0.98417016],
+ [0.97964739, 0.98767922, 0.98807995],
+ [0.98644895, 0.99175974, 0.99202153],
+ [0.99323371, 0.99586633, 0.99599488],
+ [1.00000000, 1.00000000, 1.00000000],
+ [0.99382469, 0.99580955, 0.99432110],
+ [0.98760164, 0.99166330, 0.98862986],
+ [0.98133740, 0.98755931, 0.98291625],
+ [0.97503997, 0.98349458, 0.97717497],
+ [0.96871626, 0.97946629, 0.97140333],
+ [0.96237164, 0.97547209, 0.96560034],
+ [0.95601185, 0.97150923, 0.95976730],
+ [0.94963976, 0.96757616, 0.95390497],
+ [0.94325909, 0.96367088, 0.94801568],
+ [0.93687235, 0.95979187, 0.94210153],
+ [0.93048036, 0.95593835, 0.93616375],
+ [0.92408561, 0.95210878, 0.93020504],
+ [0.91768886, 0.94830240, 0.92422693],
+ [0.91129032, 0.94451872, 0.91823051],
+ [0.90489147, 0.94075664, 0.91221790],
+ [0.89849256, 0.93701566, 0.90619023],
+ [0.89209319, 0.93329557, 0.90014800],
+ [0.88569452, 0.92959547, 0.89409297],
+ [0.87929669, 0.92591493, 0.88802599],
+ [0.87289905, 0.92225388, 0.88194719],
+ [0.86650216, 0.91861170, 0.87585767],
+ [0.86010629, 0.91498793, 0.86975822],
+ [0.85371140, 0.91138223, 0.86364935],
+ [0.84731670, 0.90779464, 0.85753082],
+ [0.84092280, 0.90422454, 0.85140359],
+ [0.83452970, 0.90067160, 0.84526808],
+ [0.82813733, 0.89713553, 0.83912458],
+ [0.82174544, 0.89361612, 0.83297320],
+ [0.81535347, 0.89011330, 0.82681372],
+ [0.80896190, 0.88662654, 0.82064685],
+ [0.80257057, 0.88315559, 0.81447273],
+ [0.79617936, 0.87970020, 0.80829144],
+ [0.78978811, 0.87626012, 0.80210307],
+ [0.78339667, 0.87283512, 0.79590767],
+ [0.77700472, 0.86942502, 0.78970513],
+ [0.77061205, 0.86602960, 0.78349540],
+ [0.76421875, 0.86264852, 0.77727873],
+ [0.75782467, 0.85928154, 0.77105510],
+ [0.75142964, 0.85592843, 0.76482449],
+ [0.74503349, 0.85258894, 0.75858685],
+ [0.73863604, 0.84926286, 0.75234213],
+ [0.73223714, 0.84594994, 0.74609027],
+ [0.72583661, 0.84264994, 0.73983119],
+ [0.71943428, 0.83936264, 0.73356480],
+ [0.71302998, 0.83608780, 0.72729102],
+ [0.70662354, 0.83282518, 0.72100975],
+ [0.70021479, 0.82957454, 0.71472089],
+ [0.69380357, 0.82633564, 0.70842432],
+ [0.68738971, 0.82310825, 0.70211992],
+ [0.68097304, 0.81989211, 0.69580759],
+ [0.67455294, 0.81668717, 0.68948672],
+ [0.66812958, 0.81349304, 0.68315752],
+ [0.66170286, 0.81030946, 0.67681990],
+ [0.65527262, 0.80713617, 0.67047373],
+ [0.64883872, 0.80397291, 0.66411886],
+ [0.64240101, 0.80081943, 0.65775515],
+ [0.63595841, 0.79767582, 0.65138150],
+ [0.62951158, 0.79454151, 0.64499858],
+ [0.62306045, 0.79141621, 0.63860627],
+ [0.61660476, 0.78829970, 0.63220428],
+ [0.61014331, 0.78519209, 0.62579136],
+ [0.60367711, 0.78209270, 0.61936849],
+ [0.59720594, 0.77900127, 0.61293539],
+ [0.59072831, 0.77591802, 0.60649044],
+ [0.58424556, 0.77284215, 0.60003495],
+ [0.57775664, 0.76977369, 0.59356774],
+ [0.57126149, 0.76671233, 0.58708865],
+ [0.56476033, 0.76365767, 0.58059777],
+ [0.55825218, 0.76060971, 0.57409393],
+ [0.55173780, 0.75756786, 0.56757778],
+ [0.54521614, 0.75453214, 0.56104804],
+ [0.53868762, 0.75150206, 0.55450494],
+ [0.53215208, 0.74847735, 0.54794811],
+ [0.52560864, 0.74545795, 0.54137634],
+ [0.51905823, 0.74244322, 0.53479036],
+ [0.51250000, 0.73943309, 0.52818895],
+ [0.50593365, 0.73642732, 0.52157144],
+ [0.49935973, 0.73342539, 0.51493803],
+ [0.49277805, 0.73042701, 0.50828809],
+ [0.48618824, 0.72743197, 0.50162076],
+ [0.47958991, 0.72444003, 0.49493507],
+ [0.47298359, 0.72145070, 0.48823100],
+ [0.46636921, 0.71846366, 0.48150783],
+ [0.45974679, 0.71547856, 0.47476485],
+ [0.45311640, 0.71249506, 0.46800133],
+ [0.44647816, 0.70951278, 0.46121648],
+ [0.43983228, 0.70653133, 0.45440955],
+ [0.43317907, 0.70355031, 0.44757974],
+ [0.42651828, 0.70056948, 0.44072551],
+ [0.41985059, 0.69758833, 0.43384622],
+ [0.41317687, 0.69460632, 0.42694128],
+ [0.40649778, 0.69162299, 0.42000968],
+ [0.39981272, 0.68863823, 0.41304872],
+ [0.39312423, 0.68565110, 0.40605913],
+ [0.38643180, 0.68266150, 0.39903778],
+ [0.37973812, 0.67966850, 0.39198500],
+ [0.37304275, 0.67667203, 0.38489700],
+ [0.36634870, 0.67367115, 0.37777377],
+ [0.35965765, 0.67066532, 0.37061319],
+ [0.35297165, 0.66765394, 0.36341301],
+ [0.34629317, 0.66463637, 0.35617090],
+ [0.33962524, 0.66161188, 0.34888442],
+ [0.33297150, 0.65857969, 0.34155107],
+ [0.32633633, 0.65553892, 0.33416823],
+ [0.31972491, 0.65248860, 0.32673327],
+ [0.31314248, 0.64942789, 0.31924201],
+ [0.30659623, 0.64635564, 0.31169136],
+ [0.30009369, 0.64327077, 0.30407659],
+ [0.29364480, 0.64017187, 0.29639406],
+ [0.28726040, 0.63705756, 0.28863847],
+ [0.28095360, 0.63392625, 0.28080436],
+ [0.27474016, 0.63077607, 0.27288617],
+ [0.26863813, 0.62760506, 0.26487647],
+ [0.26267002, 0.62441075, 0.25676914],
+ [0.25686147, 0.62119053, 0.24855490],
+ [0.25124393, 0.61794122, 0.24022510],
+ [0.24585511, 0.61465902, 0.23177057],
+ [0.24074014, 0.61133945, 0.22318124],
+ [0.23595315, 0.60797718, 0.21444629],
+ [0.23155932, 0.60456563, 0.20555579],
+ [0.22763671, 0.60109683, 0.19649969],
+ [0.22427864, 0.59756085, 0.18727215],
+ [0.22159446, 0.59394541, 0.17787608],
+ [0.21970884, 0.59023557, 0.16832692],
+ [0.21875529, 0.58641365, 0.15866581],
+ [0.21885793, 0.58246043, 0.14897700],
+ [0.22009608, 0.57835850, 0.13940533],
+ [0.22245044, 0.57409882, 0.13016467],
+ [0.22576171, 0.56968811, 0.12150790],
+ [0.22974550, 0.56515118, 0.11365853],
+ [0.23407808, 0.56052386, 0.10674215],
+ [0.23848634, 0.55584188, 0.10077283],
+ [0.24278697, 0.55113355, 0.09568718],
+ [0.24687702, 0.54641845, 0.09138767],
+ [0.25070795, 0.54170912, 0.08777129],
+ [0.25426366, 0.53701323, 0.08474270],
+ [0.25754688, 0.53233510, 0.08221878],
+ [0.26056796, 0.52767728, 0.08012845],
+ [0.26334064, 0.52304119, 0.07841111],
+ [0.26588045, 0.51842744, 0.07701528],
+ [0.26820294, 0.51383615, 0.07589709],
+ [0.27032300, 0.50926715, 0.07501892],
+ [0.27225402, 0.50472022, 0.07434809],
+ [0.27400849, 0.50019497, 0.07385633],
+ [0.27559818, 0.49569090, 0.07351934],
+ [0.27703238, 0.49120778, 0.07331473],
+ [0.27832162, 0.48674492, 0.07322459],
+ [0.27947412, 0.48230192, 0.07323212],
+ [0.28049758, 0.47787835, 0.07332273],
+ [0.28139919, 0.47347376, 0.07348371],
+ [0.28218562, 0.46908766, 0.07370402],
+ [0.28286261, 0.46471970, 0.07397352],
+ [0.28343564, 0.46036946, 0.07428352],
+ [0.28390985, 0.45603654, 0.07462643],
+ [0.28429006, 0.45172052, 0.07499567],
+ [0.28458007, 0.44742115, 0.07538470],
+ [0.28478415, 0.44313801, 0.07578856],
+ [0.28490602, 0.43887075, 0.07620262],
+ [0.28494907, 0.43461906, 0.07662274],
+ [0.28491652, 0.43038262, 0.07704527],
+ [0.28481132, 0.42616112, 0.07746700],
+ [0.28463599, 0.42195434, 0.07788471],
+ [0.28439348, 0.41776190, 0.07829633],
+ [0.28408628, 0.41358350, 0.07869974],
+ [0.28371630, 0.40941900, 0.07909240],
+ [0.28328605, 0.40526800, 0.07947311],
+ [0.28279736, 0.40113032, 0.07984003],
+ [0.28225231, 0.39700566, 0.08019202],
+ [0.28165244, 0.39289384, 0.08052756],
+ [0.28099980, 0.38879452, 0.08084604],
+ [0.28029571, 0.38470756, 0.08114612],
+ [0.27954177, 0.38063269, 0.08142708],
+ [0.27873954, 0.37656965, 0.08168838],
+ [0.27789035, 0.37251823, 0.08192932],
+ [0.27699548, 0.36847822, 0.08214928],
+ [0.27605604, 0.36444944, 0.08234761],
+ [0.27507335, 0.36043163, 0.08252408],
+ [0.27404853, 0.35642457, 0.08267831],
+ [0.27298263, 0.35242806, 0.08280996],
+ [0.27187665, 0.34844188, 0.08291875],
+ [0.27073158, 0.34446585, 0.08300442],
+ [0.26954834, 0.34049973, 0.08306678],
+ [0.26832781, 0.33654334, 0.08310564],
+ [0.26707080, 0.33259648, 0.08312079],
+ [0.26577808, 0.32865896, 0.08311205],
+ [0.26445049, 0.32473055, 0.08307943],
+ [0.26308876, 0.32081105, 0.08302283],
+ [0.26169362, 0.31690026, 0.08294219],
+ [0.26026570, 0.31299798, 0.08283742],
+ [0.25880553, 0.30910406, 0.08270826],
+ [0.25731388, 0.30521825, 0.08255493],
+ [0.25579133, 0.30134033, 0.08237742],
+ [0.25423833, 0.29747015, 0.08217546],
+ [0.25265547, 0.29360749, 0.08194916],
+ [0.25104334, 0.28975212, 0.08169866],
+ [0.24940226, 0.28590390, 0.08142361],
+ [0.24773284, 0.28206257, 0.08112428],
+ [0.24603549, 0.27822793, 0.08080061],
+ [0.24431057, 0.27439981, 0.08045246],
+ [0.24255862, 0.27057794, 0.08008011],
+ [0.24077983, 0.26676218, 0.07968318],
+ [0.23897479, 0.26295224, 0.07926209],
+ [0.23714362, 0.25914798, 0.07881643],
+ [0.23528689, 0.25534911, 0.07834662],
+ [0.23340468, 0.25155548, 0.07785225],
+ [0.23149749, 0.24776679, 0.07733371],
+ [0.22956545, 0.24398289, 0.07679069],
+ [0.22760892, 0.24020347, 0.07622341],
+ [0.22562811, 0.23642835, 0.07563177],
+ [0.22362324, 0.23265727, 0.07501578],
+ [0.22159459, 0.22888997, 0.07437557],
+ [0.21954224, 0.22512625, 0.07371087],
+ [0.21746649, 0.22136579, 0.07302195],
+ [0.21536746, 0.21760838, 0.07230872],
+ [0.21324527, 0.21385374, 0.07157112],
+ [0.21110013, 0.21010159, 0.07080928],
+ [0.20893210, 0.20635167, 0.07002313],
+ [0.20674127, 0.20260369, 0.06921265],
+ [0.20452777, 0.19885735, 0.06837794],
+ [0.20229165, 0.19511235, 0.06751901],
+ [0.20003290, 0.19136842, 0.06663574],
+ [0.19775160, 0.18762521, 0.06572831],
+ [0.19544775, 0.18388240, 0.06479672],
+ [0.19312130, 0.18013969, 0.06384095],
+ [0.19077219, 0.17639672, 0.06286104],
+ [0.18840038, 0.17265315, 0.06185709],
+ [0.18600578, 0.16890862, 0.06082917],
+ [0.18358823, 0.16516277, 0.05977729],
+ [0.18114755, 0.16141524, 0.05870151],
+ [0.17868358, 0.15766562, 0.05760198],
+ [0.17619607, 0.15391353, 0.05647879],
+ [0.17368476, 0.15015856, 0.05533204],
+ [0.17114930, 0.14640032, 0.05416183],
+ [0.16858932, 0.14263837, 0.05296828],
+ [0.16600443, 0.13887229, 0.05175158],
+ [0.16339415, 0.13510163, 0.05051188],
+ [0.16075793, 0.13132595, 0.04924932],
+ [0.15809517, 0.12754478, 0.04796409],
+ [0.15540519, 0.12375769, 0.04665629],
+ [0.15268725, 0.11996418, 0.04532612],
+ [0.14994054, 0.11616378, 0.04397374],
+ [0.14716414, 0.11235600, 0.04259926],
+ [0.14435705, 0.10854034, 0.04120279],
+ [0.14151819, 0.10471630, 0.03977633],
+ [0.13864637, 0.10088335, 0.03834104],
+ [0.13574030, 0.09704098, 0.03691515],
+ [0.13279861, 0.09318862, 0.03549973],
+ [0.12981983, 0.08932571, 0.03409578],
+ [0.12680239, 0.08545164, 0.03270415],
+ [0.12374463, 0.08156576, 0.03132562],
+ [0.12064478, 0.07766739, 0.02996087],
+ [0.11750102, 0.07375577, 0.02861046],
+ [0.11431142, 0.06983006, 0.02727485],
+ [0.11107399, 0.06588932, 0.02595442],
+ [0.10778667, 0.06193249, 0.02464948],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.waterlily', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.waterlily", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/watermelon/watermelon.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/watermelon/watermelon.jscm
index 97acf431..361f4f7d 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/watermelon/watermelon.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/watermelon/watermelon.jscm
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/watermelon/watermelon.py b/cmasher/colormaps/watermelon/watermelon.py
index 1bb17a6f..913699c8 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/watermelon/watermelon.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/watermelon/watermelon.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.59357707, 0.98983624, 0.10298105],
- [0.58543490, 0.98586376, 0.10747761],
- [0.57729897, 0.98189469, 0.11181264],
- [0.56916921, 0.97792875, 0.11600264],
- [0.56104561, 0.97396567, 0.12006166],
- [0.55292825, 0.97000517, 0.12400180],
- [0.54481726, 0.96604696, 0.12783355],
- [0.53671258, 0.96209078, 0.13156672],
- [0.52861493, 0.95813624, 0.13520830],
- [0.52052475, 0.95418301, 0.13876532],
- [0.51244252, 0.95023076, 0.14224406],
- [0.50436874, 0.94627914, 0.14565037],
- [0.49630389, 0.94232783, 0.14898971],
- [0.48824904, 0.93837643, 0.15226599],
- [0.48020519, 0.93442455, 0.15548315],
- [0.47217347, 0.93047178, 0.15864467],
- [0.46415519, 0.92651773, 0.16175370],
- [0.45615107, 0.92256205, 0.16481446],
- [0.44816294, 0.91860430, 0.16782905],
- [0.44019310, 0.91464397, 0.17079872],
- [0.43224265, 0.91068072, 0.17372726],
- [0.42431417, 0.90671406, 0.17661570],
- [0.41641017, 0.90274351, 0.17946547],
- [0.40853278, 0.89876866, 0.18227902],
- [0.40068544, 0.89478897, 0.18505658],
- [0.39287107, 0.89080400, 0.18779975],
- [0.38509301, 0.88681328, 0.19050973],
- [0.37735564, 0.88281626, 0.19318616],
- [0.36966256, 0.87881249, 0.19583070],
- [0.36201838, 0.87480149, 0.19844353],
- [0.35442831, 0.87078274, 0.20102431],
- [0.34689758, 0.86675575, 0.20357323],
- [0.33943185, 0.86272004, 0.20609025],
- [0.33203722, 0.85867516, 0.20857518],
- [0.32472025, 0.85462063, 0.21102760],
- [0.31748795, 0.85055602, 0.21344693],
- [0.31034775, 0.84648090, 0.21583243],
- [0.30330751, 0.84239486, 0.21818320],
- [0.29637553, 0.83829753, 0.22049822],
- [0.28956046, 0.83418857, 0.22277634],
- [0.28287131, 0.83006765, 0.22501628],
- [0.27631742, 0.82593451, 0.22721671],
- [0.26990833, 0.82178892, 0.22937628],
- [0.26365374, 0.81763069, 0.23149389],
- [0.25756372, 0.81345968, 0.23356748],
- [0.25164822, 0.80927581, 0.23559549],
- [0.24591708, 0.80507904, 0.23757683],
- [0.24038016, 0.80086939, 0.23950942],
- [0.23504696, 0.79664694, 0.24139178],
- [0.22992658, 0.79241182, 0.24322256],
- [0.22502766, 0.78816421, 0.24499995],
- [0.22035816, 0.78390435, 0.24672285],
- [0.21592528, 0.77963255, 0.24838964],
- [0.21173529, 0.77534914, 0.24999924],
- [0.20779347, 0.77105451, 0.25155039],
- [0.20410395, 0.76674911, 0.25304214],
- [0.20066962, 0.76243339, 0.25447357],
- [0.19749207, 0.75810789, 0.25584391],
- [0.19457156, 0.75377313, 0.25715255],
- [0.19190693, 0.74942970, 0.25839900],
- [0.18949565, 0.74507816, 0.25958292],
- [0.18733385, 0.74071915, 0.26070413],
- [0.18541627, 0.73635326, 0.26176250],
- [0.18373660, 0.73198114, 0.26275823],
- [0.18228709, 0.72760342, 0.26369128],
- [0.18105939, 0.72322073, 0.26456221],
- [0.18004387, 0.71883370, 0.26537122],
- [0.17923045, 0.71444295, 0.26611895],
- [0.17860845, 0.71004908, 0.26680607],
- [0.17816638, 0.70565274, 0.26743301],
- [0.17789306, 0.70125447, 0.26800081],
- [0.17777682, 0.69685486, 0.26851024],
- [0.17780567, 0.69245449, 0.26896199],
- [0.17796837, 0.68805386, 0.26935721],
- [0.17825354, 0.68365350, 0.26969688],
- [0.17864991, 0.67925392, 0.26998191],
- [0.17914666, 0.67485561, 0.27021328],
- [0.17973362, 0.67045901, 0.27039219],
- [0.18040090, 0.66606455, 0.27051968],
- [0.18113908, 0.66167266, 0.27059683],
- [0.18193923, 0.65728373, 0.27062473],
- [0.18279292, 0.65289815, 0.27060442],
- [0.18369221, 0.64851629, 0.27053695],
- [0.18462988, 0.64413847, 0.27042348],
- [0.18559909, 0.63976501, 0.27026507],
- [0.18659349, 0.63539622, 0.27006278],
- [0.18760720, 0.63103238, 0.26981765],
- [0.18863480, 0.62667375, 0.26953070],
- [0.18967131, 0.62232060, 0.26920296],
- [0.19071216, 0.61797316, 0.26883542],
- [0.19175317, 0.61363164, 0.26842906],
- [0.19279039, 0.60929627, 0.26798477],
- [0.19382040, 0.60496724, 0.26750351],
- [0.19484008, 0.60064473, 0.26698623],
- [0.19584656, 0.59632889, 0.26643382],
- [0.19683725, 0.59201988, 0.26584716],
- [0.19780982, 0.58771785, 0.26522710],
- [0.19876208, 0.58342294, 0.26457444],
- [0.19969193, 0.57913530, 0.26388989],
- [0.20059794, 0.57485500, 0.26317436],
- [0.20147859, 0.57058214, 0.26242862],
- [0.20233248, 0.56631684, 0.26165339],
- [0.20315812, 0.56205922, 0.26084926],
- [0.20395477, 0.55780930, 0.26001707],
- [0.20472152, 0.55356716, 0.25915753],
- [0.20545721, 0.54933290, 0.25827113],
- [0.20616137, 0.54510656, 0.25735864],
- [0.20683348, 0.54088816, 0.25642071],
- [0.20747262, 0.53667781, 0.25545777],
- [0.20807868, 0.53247549, 0.25447057],
- [0.20865122, 0.52828126, 0.25345965],
- [0.20918971, 0.52409515, 0.25242546],
- [0.20969425, 0.51991715, 0.25136868],
- [0.21016426, 0.51574734, 0.25028967],
- [0.21059989, 0.51158567, 0.24918907],
- [0.21100088, 0.50743218, 0.24806729],
- [0.21136719, 0.50328687, 0.24692481],
- [0.21169885, 0.49914973, 0.24576212],
- [0.21199575, 0.49502077, 0.24457961],
- [0.21225808, 0.49089997, 0.24337778],
- [0.21248571, 0.48678734, 0.24215696],
- [0.21267891, 0.48268283, 0.24091764],
- [0.21283762, 0.47858647, 0.23966014],
- [0.21296211, 0.47449819, 0.23838490],
- [0.21305240, 0.47041800, 0.23709224],
- [0.21310872, 0.46634585, 0.23578254],
- [0.21313121, 0.46228173, 0.23445615],
- [0.21312003, 0.45822559, 0.23311339],
- [0.21307544, 0.45417741, 0.23175461],
- [0.21299752, 0.45013715, 0.23038007],
- [0.21288663, 0.44610475, 0.22899016],
- [0.21274279, 0.44208020, 0.22758508],
- [0.21256639, 0.43806343, 0.22616519],
- [0.21235755, 0.43405441, 0.22473074],
- [0.21211652, 0.43005308, 0.22328199],
- [0.21184357, 0.42605938, 0.22181924],
- [0.21153882, 0.42207329, 0.22034267],
- [0.21120261, 0.41809472, 0.21885260],
- [0.21083510, 0.41412363, 0.21734923],
- [0.21043655, 0.41015996, 0.21583278],
- [0.21000720, 0.40620364, 0.21430350],
- [0.20954722, 0.40225463, 0.21276157],
- [0.20905690, 0.39831284, 0.21120724],
- [0.20853642, 0.39437821, 0.20964067],
- [0.20798603, 0.39045069, 0.20806208],
- [0.20740594, 0.38653018, 0.20647165],
- [0.20679635, 0.38261664, 0.20486955],
- [0.20615750, 0.37870997, 0.20325598],
- [0.20548959, 0.37481011, 0.20163108],
- [0.20479282, 0.37091699, 0.19999504],
- [0.20406740, 0.36703051, 0.19834800],
- [0.20331352, 0.36315061, 0.19669012],
- [0.20253138, 0.35927720, 0.19502154],
- [0.20172116, 0.35541020, 0.19334241],
- [0.20088307, 0.35154952, 0.19165286],
- [0.20001726, 0.34769508, 0.18995302],
- [0.19912392, 0.34384679, 0.18824301],
- [0.19820323, 0.34000455, 0.18652297],
- [0.19725533, 0.33616828, 0.18479298],
- [0.19628040, 0.33233788, 0.18305319],
- [0.19527859, 0.32851326, 0.18130368],
- [0.19425003, 0.32469433, 0.17954455],
- [0.19319491, 0.32088096, 0.17777593],
- [0.19211332, 0.31707308, 0.17599786],
- [0.19100541, 0.31327058, 0.17421046],
- [0.18987132, 0.30947334, 0.17241382],
- [0.18871111, 0.30568128, 0.17060798],
- [0.18752499, 0.30189426, 0.16879306],
- [0.18631298, 0.29811219, 0.16696909],
- [0.18507521, 0.29433495, 0.16513615],
- [0.18381180, 0.29056242, 0.16329431],
- [0.18252277, 0.28679449, 0.16144360],
- [0.18120829, 0.28303103, 0.15958412],
- [0.17986834, 0.27927193, 0.15771585],
- [0.17850307, 0.27551705, 0.15583890],
- [0.17711247, 0.27176627, 0.15395325],
- [0.17569663, 0.26801945, 0.15205898],
- [0.17425557, 0.26427647, 0.15015608],
- [0.17278935, 0.26053718, 0.14824461],
- [0.17129797, 0.25680145, 0.14632457],
- [0.16978147, 0.25306913, 0.14439598],
- [0.16823984, 0.24934008, 0.14245885],
- [0.16667310, 0.24561414, 0.14051320],
- [0.16508122, 0.24189116, 0.13855900],
- [0.16346421, 0.23817098, 0.13659629],
- [0.16182200, 0.23445346, 0.13462501],
- [0.16015463, 0.23073840, 0.13264522],
- [0.15846194, 0.22702567, 0.13065680],
- [0.15674402, 0.22331504, 0.12865984],
- [0.15500067, 0.21960639, 0.12665422],
- [0.15323187, 0.21589950, 0.12463995],
- [0.15143754, 0.21219419, 0.12261699],
- [0.14961751, 0.20849029, 0.12058525],
- [0.14777176, 0.20478755, 0.11854474],
- [0.14590010, 0.20108579, 0.11649537],
- [0.14400236, 0.19738482, 0.11443703],
- [0.14207847, 0.19368438, 0.11236973],
- [0.14012821, 0.18998427, 0.11029335],
- [0.13815136, 0.18628425, 0.10820778],
- [0.13614773, 0.18258409, 0.10611291],
- [0.13411718, 0.17888350, 0.10400873],
- [0.13205940, 0.17518226, 0.10189504],
- [0.12997412, 0.17148010, 0.09977172],
- [0.12786107, 0.16777674, 0.09763865],
- [0.12571996, 0.16407188, 0.09549567],
- [0.12355049, 0.16036523, 0.09334265],
- [0.12135232, 0.15665646, 0.09117943],
- [0.11912504, 0.15294527, 0.08900579],
- [0.11686828, 0.14923132, 0.08682155],
- [0.11458160, 0.14551424, 0.08462648],
- [0.11226456, 0.14179369, 0.08242036],
- [0.10991666, 0.13806926, 0.08020294],
- [0.10753739, 0.13434057, 0.07797395],
- [0.10512619, 0.13060718, 0.07573309],
- [0.10268247, 0.12686865, 0.07348006],
- [0.10020561, 0.12312452, 0.07121454],
- [0.09769494, 0.11937428, 0.06893616],
- [0.09514971, 0.11561744, 0.06664450],
- [0.09256912, 0.11185344, 0.06433911],
- [0.08995234, 0.10808172, 0.06201951],
- [0.08729854, 0.10430163, 0.05968528],
- [0.08460672, 0.10051254, 0.05733578],
- [0.08187581, 0.09671377, 0.05497037],
- [0.07910481, 0.09290454, 0.05258851],
- [0.07629244, 0.08908410, 0.05018930],
- [0.07343748, 0.08525157, 0.04777207],
- [0.07053851, 0.08140606, 0.04533580],
- [0.06759412, 0.07754654, 0.04287963],
- [0.06460262, 0.07367200, 0.04040157],
- [0.06156235, 0.06978122, 0.03790755],
- [0.05847142, 0.06587296, 0.03548345],
- [0.05532777, 0.06194584, 0.03312947],
- [0.05212920, 0.05799834, 0.03084584],
- [0.04887329, 0.05402876, 0.02863281],
- [0.04555743, 0.05003522, 0.02649069],
- [0.04217872, 0.04601566, 0.02441974],
- [0.03872659, 0.04196773, 0.02242030],
- [0.03533289, 0.03789383, 0.02049279],
- [0.03205406, 0.03399100, 0.01863764],
- [0.02889486, 0.03030111, 0.01685540],
- [0.02586033, 0.02682294, 0.01514673],
- [0.02295578, 0.02355537, 0.01351242],
- [0.02018686, 0.02049736, 0.01195353],
- [0.01755949, 0.01764806, 0.01047122],
- [0.01508002, 0.01500676, 0.00906704],
- [0.01275517, 0.01257298, 0.00774287],
- [0.01059209, 0.01034650, 0.00650110],
- [0.00859844, 0.00832749, 0.00534470],
- [0.00678244, 0.00651659, 0.00427743],
- [0.00515301, 0.00491508, 0.00330407],
- [0.00371991, 0.00352518, 0.00243075],
- [0.00249411, 0.00235040, 0.00166547],
- [0.00148836, 0.00139629, 0.00101895],
- [0.00071850, 0.00067188, 0.00050625],
- [0.00020697, 0.00019319, 0.00015064],
- [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00023800, 0.00017868, 0.00017286],
- [0.00084374, 0.00061372, 0.00059183],
- [0.00178352, 0.00126017, 0.00121164],
- [0.00304723, 0.00209698, 0.00201086],
- [0.00463082, 0.00311039, 0.00297550],
- [0.00653328, 0.00429023, 0.00409511],
- [0.00875486, 0.00562860, 0.00536167],
- [0.01129704, 0.00711895, 0.00676851],
- [0.01416189, 0.00875579, 0.00831006],
- [0.01735178, 0.01053444, 0.00998163],
- [0.02086992, 0.01245066, 0.01177893],
- [0.02471901, 0.01450091, 0.01369849],
- [0.02890298, 0.01668170, 0.01573683],
- [0.03342483, 0.01899023, 0.01789126],
- [0.03828875, 0.02142358, 0.02015893],
- [0.04338362, 0.02397938, 0.02253761],
- [0.04843960, 0.02665518, 0.02502496],
- [0.05346256, 0.02944888, 0.02761907],
- [0.05845609, 0.03235840, 0.03031801],
- [0.06342306, 0.03538187, 0.03312013],
- [0.06836626, 0.03851744, 0.03602377],
- [0.07328787, 0.04172937, 0.03902756],
- [0.07819027, 0.04489411, 0.04208216],
- [0.08307501, 0.04801929, 0.04508916],
- [0.08794429, 0.05110668, 0.04805962],
- [0.09279903, 0.05415845, 0.05099586],
- [0.09764151, 0.05717583, 0.05389914],
- [0.10247216, 0.06016079, 0.05677161],
- [0.10729289, 0.06311436, 0.05961434],
- [0.11210435, 0.06603808, 0.06242901],
- [0.11690768, 0.06893308, 0.06521683],
- [0.12170407, 0.07180033, 0.06797886],
- [0.12649389, 0.07464115, 0.07071655],
- [0.13127865, 0.07745608, 0.07343050],
- [0.13605859, 0.08024633, 0.07612206],
- [0.14083442, 0.08301272, 0.07879214],
- [0.14560739, 0.08575571, 0.08144127],
- [0.15037747, 0.08847639, 0.08407069],
- [0.15514549, 0.09117531, 0.08668104],
- [0.15991236, 0.09385292, 0.08927285],
- [0.16467809, 0.09651012, 0.09184714],
- [0.16944330, 0.09914740, 0.09440453],
- [0.17420898, 0.10176500, 0.09694534],
- [0.17897501, 0.10436377, 0.09947053],
- [0.18374186, 0.10694415, 0.10198068],
- [0.18851032, 0.10950638, 0.10447612],
- [0.19328066, 0.11205096, 0.10695746],
- [0.19805304, 0.11457841, 0.10942536],
- [0.20282784, 0.11708911, 0.11188030],
- [0.20760568, 0.11958326, 0.11432260],
- [0.21238691, 0.12206118, 0.11675273],
- [0.21717159, 0.12452337, 0.11917127],
- [0.22196006, 0.12697011, 0.12157867],
- [0.22675264, 0.12940169, 0.12397533],
- [0.23154967, 0.13181835, 0.12636162],
- [0.23635169, 0.13422019, 0.12873779],
- [0.24115866, 0.13660766, 0.13110443],
- [0.24597085, 0.13898099, 0.13346189],
- [0.25078852, 0.14134040, 0.13581055],
- [0.25561194, 0.14368610, 0.13815077],
- [0.26044133, 0.14601829, 0.14048290],
- [0.26527695, 0.14833718, 0.14280729],
- [0.27011902, 0.15064293, 0.14512427],
- [0.27496776, 0.15293573, 0.14743419],
- [0.27982338, 0.15521573, 0.14973739],
- [0.28468611, 0.15748312, 0.15203418],
- [0.28955612, 0.15973802, 0.15432491],
- [0.29443362, 0.16198060, 0.15660989],
- [0.29931880, 0.16421099, 0.15888946],
- [0.30421183, 0.16642934, 0.16116393],
- [0.30911289, 0.16863576, 0.16343364],
- [0.31402214, 0.17083039, 0.16569890],
- [0.31893974, 0.17301336, 0.16796005],
- [0.32386585, 0.17518477, 0.17021741],
- [0.32880061, 0.17734474, 0.17247131],
- [0.33374416, 0.17949339, 0.17472208],
- [0.33869688, 0.18163066, 0.17696993],
- [0.34365890, 0.18375664, 0.17921518],
- [0.34863013, 0.18587157, 0.18145829],
- [0.35361070, 0.18797558, 0.18369962],
- [0.35860075, 0.19006871, 0.18593949],
- [0.36360097, 0.19215064, 0.18817793],
- [0.36861088, 0.19422189, 0.19041564],
- [0.37363054, 0.19628257, 0.19265299],
- [0.37866073, 0.19833226, 0.19488998],
- [0.38370103, 0.20037141, 0.19712728],
- [0.38875150, 0.20240014, 0.19936529],
- [0.39381290, 0.20441799, 0.20160403],
- [0.39888446, 0.20642569, 0.20384437],
- [0.40396721, 0.20842258, 0.20608622],
- [0.40906038, 0.21040937, 0.20833044],
- [0.41416490, 0.21238546, 0.21057702],
- [0.41927998, 0.21435158, 0.21282685],
- [0.42440678, 0.21630693, 0.21507983],
- [0.42954445, 0.21825226, 0.21733690],
- [0.43469347, 0.22018732, 0.21959834],
- [0.43985414, 0.22211195, 0.22186452],
- [0.44502609, 0.22402653, 0.22413618],
- [0.45020946, 0.22593104, 0.22641381],
- [0.45540484, 0.22782507, 0.22869772],
- [0.46061186, 0.22970898, 0.23098868],
- [0.46583058, 0.23158282, 0.23328730],
- [0.47106109, 0.23344656, 0.23559419],
- [0.47630346, 0.23530020, 0.23790998],
- [0.48155773, 0.23714376, 0.24023537],
- [0.48682395, 0.23897724, 0.24257107],
- [0.49210212, 0.24080067, 0.24491785],
- [0.49739222, 0.24261411, 0.24727653],
- [0.50269421, 0.24441763, 0.24964797],
- [0.50800800, 0.24621130, 0.25203310],
- [0.51333405, 0.24799476, 0.25443268],
- [0.51867183, 0.24976844, 0.25684792],
- [0.52402108, 0.25153260, 0.25927997],
- [0.52938250, 0.25328658, 0.26172969],
- [0.53475505, 0.25503130, 0.26419866],
- [0.54013945, 0.25676607, 0.26668789],
- [0.54553478, 0.25849166, 0.26919906],
- [0.55094122, 0.26020788, 0.27173358],
- [0.55635867, 0.26191473, 0.27429305],
- [0.56178653, 0.26361267, 0.27687935],
- [0.56722452, 0.26530186, 0.27949441],
- [0.57267225, 0.26698255, 0.28214032],
- [0.57812919, 0.26865509, 0.28481940],
- [0.58359479, 0.27031983, 0.28753414],
- [0.58906873, 0.27197689, 0.29028723],
- [0.59454953, 0.27362746, 0.29308184],
- [0.60003697, 0.27527150, 0.29592117],
- [0.60552938, 0.27691035, 0.29880900],
- [0.61102567, 0.27854474, 0.30174937],
- [0.61652439, 0.28017571, 0.30474683],
- [0.62202368, 0.28180467, 0.30780643],
- [0.62752118, 0.28343348, 0.31093380],
- [0.63301430, 0.28506416, 0.31413523],
- [0.63849988, 0.28669926, 0.31741773],
- [0.64397428, 0.28834174, 0.32078919],
- [0.64943269, 0.28999568, 0.32425826],
- [0.65486982, 0.29166555, 0.32783471],
- [0.66027858, 0.29335766, 0.33152897],
- [0.66565119, 0.29507892, 0.33535259],
- [0.67097809, 0.29683808, 0.33931770],
- [0.67624771, 0.29864601, 0.34343651],
- [0.68144701, 0.30051520, 0.34772093],
- [0.68656112, 0.30246028, 0.35218124],
- [0.69157408, 0.30449739, 0.35682492],
- [0.69646972, 0.30664336, 0.36165516],
- [0.70123281, 0.30891470, 0.36666901],
- [0.70585094, 0.31132560, 0.37185705],
- [0.71031581, 0.31388648, 0.37720343],
- [0.71462422, 0.31660274, 0.38268732],
- [0.71877805, 0.31947452, 0.38828516],
- [0.72278353, 0.32249720, 0.39397311],
- [0.72664996, 0.32566256, 0.39972887],
- [0.73038834, 0.32896017, 0.40553317],
- [0.73401027, 0.33237858, 0.41136994],
- [0.73752706, 0.33590626, 0.41722654],
- [0.74094929, 0.33953219, 0.42309315],
- [0.74428662, 0.34324619, 0.42896216],
- [0.74754752, 0.34703913, 0.43482831],
- [0.75073960, 0.35090280, 0.44068725],
- [0.75386934, 0.35483006, 0.44653633],
- [0.75694247, 0.35881465, 0.45237351],
- [0.75996410, 0.36285095, 0.45819705],
- [0.76293837, 0.36693431, 0.46400651],
- [0.76586930, 0.37106038, 0.46980083],
- [0.76876007, 0.37522559, 0.47557999],
- [0.77161366, 0.37942670, 0.48134375],
- [0.77443271, 0.38366085, 0.48709203],
- [0.77721952, 0.38792555, 0.49282494],
- [0.77997612, 0.39221863, 0.49854268],
- [0.78270437, 0.39653814, 0.50424542],
- [0.78540608, 0.40088226, 0.50993318],
- [0.78808251, 0.40524962, 0.51560658],
- [0.79073534, 0.40963865, 0.52126544],
- [0.79336559, 0.41404829, 0.52691033],
- [0.79597444, 0.41847741, 0.53254148],
- [0.79856309, 0.42292497, 0.53815897],
- [0.80113247, 0.42739010, 0.54376310],
- [0.80368345, 0.43187204, 0.54935418],
- [0.80621690, 0.43637007, 0.55493241],
- [0.80873363, 0.44088353, 0.56049800],
- [0.81123438, 0.44541186, 0.56605118],
- [0.81371987, 0.44995451, 0.57159213],
- [0.81619085, 0.45451095, 0.57712094],
- [0.81864786, 0.45908082, 0.58263792],
- [0.82109148, 0.46366373, 0.58814326],
- [0.82352232, 0.46825931, 0.59363707],
- [0.82594104, 0.47286716, 0.59911941],
- [0.82834799, 0.47748711, 0.60459061],
- [0.83074384, 0.48211879, 0.61005065],
- [0.83312898, 0.48676202, 0.61549975],
- [0.83550393, 0.49141655, 0.62093799],
- [0.83786914, 0.49608219, 0.62636551],
- [0.84022509, 0.50075874, 0.63178238],
- [0.84257213, 0.50544608, 0.63718879],
- [0.84491085, 0.51014398, 0.64258469],
- [0.84724148, 0.51485239, 0.64797032],
- [0.84956454, 0.51957115, 0.65334568],
- [0.85188043, 0.52430013, 0.65871085],
- [0.85418946, 0.52903928, 0.66406597],
- [0.85649206, 0.53378849, 0.66941107],
- [0.85878868, 0.53854764, 0.67474616],
- [0.86107960, 0.54331671, 0.68007139],
- [0.86336519, 0.54809564, 0.68538681],
- [0.86564582, 0.55288438, 0.69069246],
- [0.86792194, 0.55768282, 0.69598833],
- [0.87019382, 0.56249097, 0.70127454],
- [0.87246181, 0.56730880, 0.70655113],
- [0.87472627, 0.57213627, 0.71181813],
- [0.87698756, 0.57697337, 0.71707558],
- [0.87924600, 0.58182006, 0.72232352],
- [0.88150199, 0.58667633, 0.72756195],
- [0.88375583, 0.59154217, 0.73279092],
- [0.88600786, 0.59641759, 0.73801047],
- [0.88825842, 0.60130257, 0.74322062],
- [0.89050785, 0.60619714, 0.74842137],
- [0.89275649, 0.61110128, 0.75361277],
- [0.89500466, 0.61601501, 0.75879481],
- [0.89725272, 0.62093834, 0.76396752],
- [0.89950099, 0.62587128, 0.76913089],
- [0.90174981, 0.63081386, 0.77428495],
- [0.90399951, 0.63576610, 0.77942969],
- [0.90625044, 0.64072801, 0.78456512],
- [0.90850293, 0.64569962, 0.78969124],
- [0.91075731, 0.65068097, 0.79480803],
- [0.91301392, 0.65567207, 0.79991551],
- [0.91527310, 0.66067297, 0.80501365],
- [0.91753519, 0.66568370, 0.81010244],
- [0.91980053, 0.67070429, 0.81518188],
- [0.92206946, 0.67573479, 0.82025194],
- [0.92434232, 0.68077522, 0.82531259],
- [0.92661945, 0.68582564, 0.83036382],
- [0.92890121, 0.69088609, 0.83540560],
- [0.93118794, 0.69595660, 0.84043788],
- [0.93347999, 0.70103723, 0.84546064],
- [0.93577771, 0.70612803, 0.85047383],
- [0.93808145, 0.71122903, 0.85547742],
- [0.94039158, 0.71634030, 0.86047134],
- [0.94270844, 0.72146188, 0.86545555],
- [0.94503241, 0.72659383, 0.87042998],
- [0.94736385, 0.73173619, 0.87539457],
- [0.94970311, 0.73688902, 0.88034926],
- [0.95205059, 0.74205239, 0.88529397],
- [0.95440664, 0.74722633, 0.89022861],
- [0.95677164, 0.75241092, 0.89515310],
- [0.95914597, 0.75760622, 0.90006735],
- [0.96153002, 0.76281227, 0.90497125],
- [0.96392418, 0.76802914, 0.90986471],
- [0.96632887, 0.77325687, 0.91474759],
- [0.96874447, 0.77849554, 0.91961978],
- [0.97117140, 0.78374520, 0.92448115],
- [0.97361006, 0.78900592, 0.92933156],
- [0.97606083, 0.79427777, 0.93417087],
- [0.97852419, 0.79956078, 0.93899891],
- [0.98100057, 0.80485502, 0.94381552],
- [0.98349043, 0.81016054, 0.94862050]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.59357707, 0.98983624, 0.10298105],
+ [0.58543490, 0.98586376, 0.10747761],
+ [0.57729897, 0.98189469, 0.11181264],
+ [0.56916921, 0.97792875, 0.11600264],
+ [0.56104561, 0.97396567, 0.12006166],
+ [0.55292825, 0.97000517, 0.12400180],
+ [0.54481726, 0.96604696, 0.12783355],
+ [0.53671258, 0.96209078, 0.13156672],
+ [0.52861493, 0.95813624, 0.13520830],
+ [0.52052475, 0.95418301, 0.13876532],
+ [0.51244252, 0.95023076, 0.14224406],
+ [0.50436874, 0.94627914, 0.14565037],
+ [0.49630389, 0.94232783, 0.14898971],
+ [0.48824904, 0.93837643, 0.15226599],
+ [0.48020519, 0.93442455, 0.15548315],
+ [0.47217347, 0.93047178, 0.15864467],
+ [0.46415519, 0.92651773, 0.16175370],
+ [0.45615107, 0.92256205, 0.16481446],
+ [0.44816294, 0.91860430, 0.16782905],
+ [0.44019310, 0.91464397, 0.17079872],
+ [0.43224265, 0.91068072, 0.17372726],
+ [0.42431417, 0.90671406, 0.17661570],
+ [0.41641017, 0.90274351, 0.17946547],
+ [0.40853278, 0.89876866, 0.18227902],
+ [0.40068544, 0.89478897, 0.18505658],
+ [0.39287107, 0.89080400, 0.18779975],
+ [0.38509301, 0.88681328, 0.19050973],
+ [0.37735564, 0.88281626, 0.19318616],
+ [0.36966256, 0.87881249, 0.19583070],
+ [0.36201838, 0.87480149, 0.19844353],
+ [0.35442831, 0.87078274, 0.20102431],
+ [0.34689758, 0.86675575, 0.20357323],
+ [0.33943185, 0.86272004, 0.20609025],
+ [0.33203722, 0.85867516, 0.20857518],
+ [0.32472025, 0.85462063, 0.21102760],
+ [0.31748795, 0.85055602, 0.21344693],
+ [0.31034775, 0.84648090, 0.21583243],
+ [0.30330751, 0.84239486, 0.21818320],
+ [0.29637553, 0.83829753, 0.22049822],
+ [0.28956046, 0.83418857, 0.22277634],
+ [0.28287131, 0.83006765, 0.22501628],
+ [0.27631742, 0.82593451, 0.22721671],
+ [0.26990833, 0.82178892, 0.22937628],
+ [0.26365374, 0.81763069, 0.23149389],
+ [0.25756372, 0.81345968, 0.23356748],
+ [0.25164822, 0.80927581, 0.23559549],
+ [0.24591708, 0.80507904, 0.23757683],
+ [0.24038016, 0.80086939, 0.23950942],
+ [0.23504696, 0.79664694, 0.24139178],
+ [0.22992658, 0.79241182, 0.24322256],
+ [0.22502766, 0.78816421, 0.24499995],
+ [0.22035816, 0.78390435, 0.24672285],
+ [0.21592528, 0.77963255, 0.24838964],
+ [0.21173529, 0.77534914, 0.24999924],
+ [0.20779347, 0.77105451, 0.25155039],
+ [0.20410395, 0.76674911, 0.25304214],
+ [0.20066962, 0.76243339, 0.25447357],
+ [0.19749207, 0.75810789, 0.25584391],
+ [0.19457156, 0.75377313, 0.25715255],
+ [0.19190693, 0.74942970, 0.25839900],
+ [0.18949565, 0.74507816, 0.25958292],
+ [0.18733385, 0.74071915, 0.26070413],
+ [0.18541627, 0.73635326, 0.26176250],
+ [0.18373660, 0.73198114, 0.26275823],
+ [0.18228709, 0.72760342, 0.26369128],
+ [0.18105939, 0.72322073, 0.26456221],
+ [0.18004387, 0.71883370, 0.26537122],
+ [0.17923045, 0.71444295, 0.26611895],
+ [0.17860845, 0.71004908, 0.26680607],
+ [0.17816638, 0.70565274, 0.26743301],
+ [0.17789306, 0.70125447, 0.26800081],
+ [0.17777682, 0.69685486, 0.26851024],
+ [0.17780567, 0.69245449, 0.26896199],
+ [0.17796837, 0.68805386, 0.26935721],
+ [0.17825354, 0.68365350, 0.26969688],
+ [0.17864991, 0.67925392, 0.26998191],
+ [0.17914666, 0.67485561, 0.27021328],
+ [0.17973362, 0.67045901, 0.27039219],
+ [0.18040090, 0.66606455, 0.27051968],
+ [0.18113908, 0.66167266, 0.27059683],
+ [0.18193923, 0.65728373, 0.27062473],
+ [0.18279292, 0.65289815, 0.27060442],
+ [0.18369221, 0.64851629, 0.27053695],
+ [0.18462988, 0.64413847, 0.27042348],
+ [0.18559909, 0.63976501, 0.27026507],
+ [0.18659349, 0.63539622, 0.27006278],
+ [0.18760720, 0.63103238, 0.26981765],
+ [0.18863480, 0.62667375, 0.26953070],
+ [0.18967131, 0.62232060, 0.26920296],
+ [0.19071216, 0.61797316, 0.26883542],
+ [0.19175317, 0.61363164, 0.26842906],
+ [0.19279039, 0.60929627, 0.26798477],
+ [0.19382040, 0.60496724, 0.26750351],
+ [0.19484008, 0.60064473, 0.26698623],
+ [0.19584656, 0.59632889, 0.26643382],
+ [0.19683725, 0.59201988, 0.26584716],
+ [0.19780982, 0.58771785, 0.26522710],
+ [0.19876208, 0.58342294, 0.26457444],
+ [0.19969193, 0.57913530, 0.26388989],
+ [0.20059794, 0.57485500, 0.26317436],
+ [0.20147859, 0.57058214, 0.26242862],
+ [0.20233248, 0.56631684, 0.26165339],
+ [0.20315812, 0.56205922, 0.26084926],
+ [0.20395477, 0.55780930, 0.26001707],
+ [0.20472152, 0.55356716, 0.25915753],
+ [0.20545721, 0.54933290, 0.25827113],
+ [0.20616137, 0.54510656, 0.25735864],
+ [0.20683348, 0.54088816, 0.25642071],
+ [0.20747262, 0.53667781, 0.25545777],
+ [0.20807868, 0.53247549, 0.25447057],
+ [0.20865122, 0.52828126, 0.25345965],
+ [0.20918971, 0.52409515, 0.25242546],
+ [0.20969425, 0.51991715, 0.25136868],
+ [0.21016426, 0.51574734, 0.25028967],
+ [0.21059989, 0.51158567, 0.24918907],
+ [0.21100088, 0.50743218, 0.24806729],
+ [0.21136719, 0.50328687, 0.24692481],
+ [0.21169885, 0.49914973, 0.24576212],
+ [0.21199575, 0.49502077, 0.24457961],
+ [0.21225808, 0.49089997, 0.24337778],
+ [0.21248571, 0.48678734, 0.24215696],
+ [0.21267891, 0.48268283, 0.24091764],
+ [0.21283762, 0.47858647, 0.23966014],
+ [0.21296211, 0.47449819, 0.23838490],
+ [0.21305240, 0.47041800, 0.23709224],
+ [0.21310872, 0.46634585, 0.23578254],
+ [0.21313121, 0.46228173, 0.23445615],
+ [0.21312003, 0.45822559, 0.23311339],
+ [0.21307544, 0.45417741, 0.23175461],
+ [0.21299752, 0.45013715, 0.23038007],
+ [0.21288663, 0.44610475, 0.22899016],
+ [0.21274279, 0.44208020, 0.22758508],
+ [0.21256639, 0.43806343, 0.22616519],
+ [0.21235755, 0.43405441, 0.22473074],
+ [0.21211652, 0.43005308, 0.22328199],
+ [0.21184357, 0.42605938, 0.22181924],
+ [0.21153882, 0.42207329, 0.22034267],
+ [0.21120261, 0.41809472, 0.21885260],
+ [0.21083510, 0.41412363, 0.21734923],
+ [0.21043655, 0.41015996, 0.21583278],
+ [0.21000720, 0.40620364, 0.21430350],
+ [0.20954722, 0.40225463, 0.21276157],
+ [0.20905690, 0.39831284, 0.21120724],
+ [0.20853642, 0.39437821, 0.20964067],
+ [0.20798603, 0.39045069, 0.20806208],
+ [0.20740594, 0.38653018, 0.20647165],
+ [0.20679635, 0.38261664, 0.20486955],
+ [0.20615750, 0.37870997, 0.20325598],
+ [0.20548959, 0.37481011, 0.20163108],
+ [0.20479282, 0.37091699, 0.19999504],
+ [0.20406740, 0.36703051, 0.19834800],
+ [0.20331352, 0.36315061, 0.19669012],
+ [0.20253138, 0.35927720, 0.19502154],
+ [0.20172116, 0.35541020, 0.19334241],
+ [0.20088307, 0.35154952, 0.19165286],
+ [0.20001726, 0.34769508, 0.18995302],
+ [0.19912392, 0.34384679, 0.18824301],
+ [0.19820323, 0.34000455, 0.18652297],
+ [0.19725533, 0.33616828, 0.18479298],
+ [0.19628040, 0.33233788, 0.18305319],
+ [0.19527859, 0.32851326, 0.18130368],
+ [0.19425003, 0.32469433, 0.17954455],
+ [0.19319491, 0.32088096, 0.17777593],
+ [0.19211332, 0.31707308, 0.17599786],
+ [0.19100541, 0.31327058, 0.17421046],
+ [0.18987132, 0.30947334, 0.17241382],
+ [0.18871111, 0.30568128, 0.17060798],
+ [0.18752499, 0.30189426, 0.16879306],
+ [0.18631298, 0.29811219, 0.16696909],
+ [0.18507521, 0.29433495, 0.16513615],
+ [0.18381180, 0.29056242, 0.16329431],
+ [0.18252277, 0.28679449, 0.16144360],
+ [0.18120829, 0.28303103, 0.15958412],
+ [0.17986834, 0.27927193, 0.15771585],
+ [0.17850307, 0.27551705, 0.15583890],
+ [0.17711247, 0.27176627, 0.15395325],
+ [0.17569663, 0.26801945, 0.15205898],
+ [0.17425557, 0.26427647, 0.15015608],
+ [0.17278935, 0.26053718, 0.14824461],
+ [0.17129797, 0.25680145, 0.14632457],
+ [0.16978147, 0.25306913, 0.14439598],
+ [0.16823984, 0.24934008, 0.14245885],
+ [0.16667310, 0.24561414, 0.14051320],
+ [0.16508122, 0.24189116, 0.13855900],
+ [0.16346421, 0.23817098, 0.13659629],
+ [0.16182200, 0.23445346, 0.13462501],
+ [0.16015463, 0.23073840, 0.13264522],
+ [0.15846194, 0.22702567, 0.13065680],
+ [0.15674402, 0.22331504, 0.12865984],
+ [0.15500067, 0.21960639, 0.12665422],
+ [0.15323187, 0.21589950, 0.12463995],
+ [0.15143754, 0.21219419, 0.12261699],
+ [0.14961751, 0.20849029, 0.12058525],
+ [0.14777176, 0.20478755, 0.11854474],
+ [0.14590010, 0.20108579, 0.11649537],
+ [0.14400236, 0.19738482, 0.11443703],
+ [0.14207847, 0.19368438, 0.11236973],
+ [0.14012821, 0.18998427, 0.11029335],
+ [0.13815136, 0.18628425, 0.10820778],
+ [0.13614773, 0.18258409, 0.10611291],
+ [0.13411718, 0.17888350, 0.10400873],
+ [0.13205940, 0.17518226, 0.10189504],
+ [0.12997412, 0.17148010, 0.09977172],
+ [0.12786107, 0.16777674, 0.09763865],
+ [0.12571996, 0.16407188, 0.09549567],
+ [0.12355049, 0.16036523, 0.09334265],
+ [0.12135232, 0.15665646, 0.09117943],
+ [0.11912504, 0.15294527, 0.08900579],
+ [0.11686828, 0.14923132, 0.08682155],
+ [0.11458160, 0.14551424, 0.08462648],
+ [0.11226456, 0.14179369, 0.08242036],
+ [0.10991666, 0.13806926, 0.08020294],
+ [0.10753739, 0.13434057, 0.07797395],
+ [0.10512619, 0.13060718, 0.07573309],
+ [0.10268247, 0.12686865, 0.07348006],
+ [0.10020561, 0.12312452, 0.07121454],
+ [0.09769494, 0.11937428, 0.06893616],
+ [0.09514971, 0.11561744, 0.06664450],
+ [0.09256912, 0.11185344, 0.06433911],
+ [0.08995234, 0.10808172, 0.06201951],
+ [0.08729854, 0.10430163, 0.05968528],
+ [0.08460672, 0.10051254, 0.05733578],
+ [0.08187581, 0.09671377, 0.05497037],
+ [0.07910481, 0.09290454, 0.05258851],
+ [0.07629244, 0.08908410, 0.05018930],
+ [0.07343748, 0.08525157, 0.04777207],
+ [0.07053851, 0.08140606, 0.04533580],
+ [0.06759412, 0.07754654, 0.04287963],
+ [0.06460262, 0.07367200, 0.04040157],
+ [0.06156235, 0.06978122, 0.03790755],
+ [0.05847142, 0.06587296, 0.03548345],
+ [0.05532777, 0.06194584, 0.03312947],
+ [0.05212920, 0.05799834, 0.03084584],
+ [0.04887329, 0.05402876, 0.02863281],
+ [0.04555743, 0.05003522, 0.02649069],
+ [0.04217872, 0.04601566, 0.02441974],
+ [0.03872659, 0.04196773, 0.02242030],
+ [0.03533289, 0.03789383, 0.02049279],
+ [0.03205406, 0.03399100, 0.01863764],
+ [0.02889486, 0.03030111, 0.01685540],
+ [0.02586033, 0.02682294, 0.01514673],
+ [0.02295578, 0.02355537, 0.01351242],
+ [0.02018686, 0.02049736, 0.01195353],
+ [0.01755949, 0.01764806, 0.01047122],
+ [0.01508002, 0.01500676, 0.00906704],
+ [0.01275517, 0.01257298, 0.00774287],
+ [0.01059209, 0.01034650, 0.00650110],
+ [0.00859844, 0.00832749, 0.00534470],
+ [0.00678244, 0.00651659, 0.00427743],
+ [0.00515301, 0.00491508, 0.00330407],
+ [0.00371991, 0.00352518, 0.00243075],
+ [0.00249411, 0.00235040, 0.00166547],
+ [0.00148836, 0.00139629, 0.00101895],
+ [0.00071850, 0.00067188, 0.00050625],
+ [0.00020697, 0.00019319, 0.00015064],
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00023800, 0.00017868, 0.00017286],
+ [0.00084374, 0.00061372, 0.00059183],
+ [0.00178352, 0.00126017, 0.00121164],
+ [0.00304723, 0.00209698, 0.00201086],
+ [0.00463082, 0.00311039, 0.00297550],
+ [0.00653328, 0.00429023, 0.00409511],
+ [0.00875486, 0.00562860, 0.00536167],
+ [0.01129704, 0.00711895, 0.00676851],
+ [0.01416189, 0.00875579, 0.00831006],
+ [0.01735178, 0.01053444, 0.00998163],
+ [0.02086992, 0.01245066, 0.01177893],
+ [0.02471901, 0.01450091, 0.01369849],
+ [0.02890298, 0.01668170, 0.01573683],
+ [0.03342483, 0.01899023, 0.01789126],
+ [0.03828875, 0.02142358, 0.02015893],
+ [0.04338362, 0.02397938, 0.02253761],
+ [0.04843960, 0.02665518, 0.02502496],
+ [0.05346256, 0.02944888, 0.02761907],
+ [0.05845609, 0.03235840, 0.03031801],
+ [0.06342306, 0.03538187, 0.03312013],
+ [0.06836626, 0.03851744, 0.03602377],
+ [0.07328787, 0.04172937, 0.03902756],
+ [0.07819027, 0.04489411, 0.04208216],
+ [0.08307501, 0.04801929, 0.04508916],
+ [0.08794429, 0.05110668, 0.04805962],
+ [0.09279903, 0.05415845, 0.05099586],
+ [0.09764151, 0.05717583, 0.05389914],
+ [0.10247216, 0.06016079, 0.05677161],
+ [0.10729289, 0.06311436, 0.05961434],
+ [0.11210435, 0.06603808, 0.06242901],
+ [0.11690768, 0.06893308, 0.06521683],
+ [0.12170407, 0.07180033, 0.06797886],
+ [0.12649389, 0.07464115, 0.07071655],
+ [0.13127865, 0.07745608, 0.07343050],
+ [0.13605859, 0.08024633, 0.07612206],
+ [0.14083442, 0.08301272, 0.07879214],
+ [0.14560739, 0.08575571, 0.08144127],
+ [0.15037747, 0.08847639, 0.08407069],
+ [0.15514549, 0.09117531, 0.08668104],
+ [0.15991236, 0.09385292, 0.08927285],
+ [0.16467809, 0.09651012, 0.09184714],
+ [0.16944330, 0.09914740, 0.09440453],
+ [0.17420898, 0.10176500, 0.09694534],
+ [0.17897501, 0.10436377, 0.09947053],
+ [0.18374186, 0.10694415, 0.10198068],
+ [0.18851032, 0.10950638, 0.10447612],
+ [0.19328066, 0.11205096, 0.10695746],
+ [0.19805304, 0.11457841, 0.10942536],
+ [0.20282784, 0.11708911, 0.11188030],
+ [0.20760568, 0.11958326, 0.11432260],
+ [0.21238691, 0.12206118, 0.11675273],
+ [0.21717159, 0.12452337, 0.11917127],
+ [0.22196006, 0.12697011, 0.12157867],
+ [0.22675264, 0.12940169, 0.12397533],
+ [0.23154967, 0.13181835, 0.12636162],
+ [0.23635169, 0.13422019, 0.12873779],
+ [0.24115866, 0.13660766, 0.13110443],
+ [0.24597085, 0.13898099, 0.13346189],
+ [0.25078852, 0.14134040, 0.13581055],
+ [0.25561194, 0.14368610, 0.13815077],
+ [0.26044133, 0.14601829, 0.14048290],
+ [0.26527695, 0.14833718, 0.14280729],
+ [0.27011902, 0.15064293, 0.14512427],
+ [0.27496776, 0.15293573, 0.14743419],
+ [0.27982338, 0.15521573, 0.14973739],
+ [0.28468611, 0.15748312, 0.15203418],
+ [0.28955612, 0.15973802, 0.15432491],
+ [0.29443362, 0.16198060, 0.15660989],
+ [0.29931880, 0.16421099, 0.15888946],
+ [0.30421183, 0.16642934, 0.16116393],
+ [0.30911289, 0.16863576, 0.16343364],
+ [0.31402214, 0.17083039, 0.16569890],
+ [0.31893974, 0.17301336, 0.16796005],
+ [0.32386585, 0.17518477, 0.17021741],
+ [0.32880061, 0.17734474, 0.17247131],
+ [0.33374416, 0.17949339, 0.17472208],
+ [0.33869688, 0.18163066, 0.17696993],
+ [0.34365890, 0.18375664, 0.17921518],
+ [0.34863013, 0.18587157, 0.18145829],
+ [0.35361070, 0.18797558, 0.18369962],
+ [0.35860075, 0.19006871, 0.18593949],
+ [0.36360097, 0.19215064, 0.18817793],
+ [0.36861088, 0.19422189, 0.19041564],
+ [0.37363054, 0.19628257, 0.19265299],
+ [0.37866073, 0.19833226, 0.19488998],
+ [0.38370103, 0.20037141, 0.19712728],
+ [0.38875150, 0.20240014, 0.19936529],
+ [0.39381290, 0.20441799, 0.20160403],
+ [0.39888446, 0.20642569, 0.20384437],
+ [0.40396721, 0.20842258, 0.20608622],
+ [0.40906038, 0.21040937, 0.20833044],
+ [0.41416490, 0.21238546, 0.21057702],
+ [0.41927998, 0.21435158, 0.21282685],
+ [0.42440678, 0.21630693, 0.21507983],
+ [0.42954445, 0.21825226, 0.21733690],
+ [0.43469347, 0.22018732, 0.21959834],
+ [0.43985414, 0.22211195, 0.22186452],
+ [0.44502609, 0.22402653, 0.22413618],
+ [0.45020946, 0.22593104, 0.22641381],
+ [0.45540484, 0.22782507, 0.22869772],
+ [0.46061186, 0.22970898, 0.23098868],
+ [0.46583058, 0.23158282, 0.23328730],
+ [0.47106109, 0.23344656, 0.23559419],
+ [0.47630346, 0.23530020, 0.23790998],
+ [0.48155773, 0.23714376, 0.24023537],
+ [0.48682395, 0.23897724, 0.24257107],
+ [0.49210212, 0.24080067, 0.24491785],
+ [0.49739222, 0.24261411, 0.24727653],
+ [0.50269421, 0.24441763, 0.24964797],
+ [0.50800800, 0.24621130, 0.25203310],
+ [0.51333405, 0.24799476, 0.25443268],
+ [0.51867183, 0.24976844, 0.25684792],
+ [0.52402108, 0.25153260, 0.25927997],
+ [0.52938250, 0.25328658, 0.26172969],
+ [0.53475505, 0.25503130, 0.26419866],
+ [0.54013945, 0.25676607, 0.26668789],
+ [0.54553478, 0.25849166, 0.26919906],
+ [0.55094122, 0.26020788, 0.27173358],
+ [0.55635867, 0.26191473, 0.27429305],
+ [0.56178653, 0.26361267, 0.27687935],
+ [0.56722452, 0.26530186, 0.27949441],
+ [0.57267225, 0.26698255, 0.28214032],
+ [0.57812919, 0.26865509, 0.28481940],
+ [0.58359479, 0.27031983, 0.28753414],
+ [0.58906873, 0.27197689, 0.29028723],
+ [0.59454953, 0.27362746, 0.29308184],
+ [0.60003697, 0.27527150, 0.29592117],
+ [0.60552938, 0.27691035, 0.29880900],
+ [0.61102567, 0.27854474, 0.30174937],
+ [0.61652439, 0.28017571, 0.30474683],
+ [0.62202368, 0.28180467, 0.30780643],
+ [0.62752118, 0.28343348, 0.31093380],
+ [0.63301430, 0.28506416, 0.31413523],
+ [0.63849988, 0.28669926, 0.31741773],
+ [0.64397428, 0.28834174, 0.32078919],
+ [0.64943269, 0.28999568, 0.32425826],
+ [0.65486982, 0.29166555, 0.32783471],
+ [0.66027858, 0.29335766, 0.33152897],
+ [0.66565119, 0.29507892, 0.33535259],
+ [0.67097809, 0.29683808, 0.33931770],
+ [0.67624771, 0.29864601, 0.34343651],
+ [0.68144701, 0.30051520, 0.34772093],
+ [0.68656112, 0.30246028, 0.35218124],
+ [0.69157408, 0.30449739, 0.35682492],
+ [0.69646972, 0.30664336, 0.36165516],
+ [0.70123281, 0.30891470, 0.36666901],
+ [0.70585094, 0.31132560, 0.37185705],
+ [0.71031581, 0.31388648, 0.37720343],
+ [0.71462422, 0.31660274, 0.38268732],
+ [0.71877805, 0.31947452, 0.38828516],
+ [0.72278353, 0.32249720, 0.39397311],
+ [0.72664996, 0.32566256, 0.39972887],
+ [0.73038834, 0.32896017, 0.40553317],
+ [0.73401027, 0.33237858, 0.41136994],
+ [0.73752706, 0.33590626, 0.41722654],
+ [0.74094929, 0.33953219, 0.42309315],
+ [0.74428662, 0.34324619, 0.42896216],
+ [0.74754752, 0.34703913, 0.43482831],
+ [0.75073960, 0.35090280, 0.44068725],
+ [0.75386934, 0.35483006, 0.44653633],
+ [0.75694247, 0.35881465, 0.45237351],
+ [0.75996410, 0.36285095, 0.45819705],
+ [0.76293837, 0.36693431, 0.46400651],
+ [0.76586930, 0.37106038, 0.46980083],
+ [0.76876007, 0.37522559, 0.47557999],
+ [0.77161366, 0.37942670, 0.48134375],
+ [0.77443271, 0.38366085, 0.48709203],
+ [0.77721952, 0.38792555, 0.49282494],
+ [0.77997612, 0.39221863, 0.49854268],
+ [0.78270437, 0.39653814, 0.50424542],
+ [0.78540608, 0.40088226, 0.50993318],
+ [0.78808251, 0.40524962, 0.51560658],
+ [0.79073534, 0.40963865, 0.52126544],
+ [0.79336559, 0.41404829, 0.52691033],
+ [0.79597444, 0.41847741, 0.53254148],
+ [0.79856309, 0.42292497, 0.53815897],
+ [0.80113247, 0.42739010, 0.54376310],
+ [0.80368345, 0.43187204, 0.54935418],
+ [0.80621690, 0.43637007, 0.55493241],
+ [0.80873363, 0.44088353, 0.56049800],
+ [0.81123438, 0.44541186, 0.56605118],
+ [0.81371987, 0.44995451, 0.57159213],
+ [0.81619085, 0.45451095, 0.57712094],
+ [0.81864786, 0.45908082, 0.58263792],
+ [0.82109148, 0.46366373, 0.58814326],
+ [0.82352232, 0.46825931, 0.59363707],
+ [0.82594104, 0.47286716, 0.59911941],
+ [0.82834799, 0.47748711, 0.60459061],
+ [0.83074384, 0.48211879, 0.61005065],
+ [0.83312898, 0.48676202, 0.61549975],
+ [0.83550393, 0.49141655, 0.62093799],
+ [0.83786914, 0.49608219, 0.62636551],
+ [0.84022509, 0.50075874, 0.63178238],
+ [0.84257213, 0.50544608, 0.63718879],
+ [0.84491085, 0.51014398, 0.64258469],
+ [0.84724148, 0.51485239, 0.64797032],
+ [0.84956454, 0.51957115, 0.65334568],
+ [0.85188043, 0.52430013, 0.65871085],
+ [0.85418946, 0.52903928, 0.66406597],
+ [0.85649206, 0.53378849, 0.66941107],
+ [0.85878868, 0.53854764, 0.67474616],
+ [0.86107960, 0.54331671, 0.68007139],
+ [0.86336519, 0.54809564, 0.68538681],
+ [0.86564582, 0.55288438, 0.69069246],
+ [0.86792194, 0.55768282, 0.69598833],
+ [0.87019382, 0.56249097, 0.70127454],
+ [0.87246181, 0.56730880, 0.70655113],
+ [0.87472627, 0.57213627, 0.71181813],
+ [0.87698756, 0.57697337, 0.71707558],
+ [0.87924600, 0.58182006, 0.72232352],
+ [0.88150199, 0.58667633, 0.72756195],
+ [0.88375583, 0.59154217, 0.73279092],
+ [0.88600786, 0.59641759, 0.73801047],
+ [0.88825842, 0.60130257, 0.74322062],
+ [0.89050785, 0.60619714, 0.74842137],
+ [0.89275649, 0.61110128, 0.75361277],
+ [0.89500466, 0.61601501, 0.75879481],
+ [0.89725272, 0.62093834, 0.76396752],
+ [0.89950099, 0.62587128, 0.76913089],
+ [0.90174981, 0.63081386, 0.77428495],
+ [0.90399951, 0.63576610, 0.77942969],
+ [0.90625044, 0.64072801, 0.78456512],
+ [0.90850293, 0.64569962, 0.78969124],
+ [0.91075731, 0.65068097, 0.79480803],
+ [0.91301392, 0.65567207, 0.79991551],
+ [0.91527310, 0.66067297, 0.80501365],
+ [0.91753519, 0.66568370, 0.81010244],
+ [0.91980053, 0.67070429, 0.81518188],
+ [0.92206946, 0.67573479, 0.82025194],
+ [0.92434232, 0.68077522, 0.82531259],
+ [0.92661945, 0.68582564, 0.83036382],
+ [0.92890121, 0.69088609, 0.83540560],
+ [0.93118794, 0.69595660, 0.84043788],
+ [0.93347999, 0.70103723, 0.84546064],
+ [0.93577771, 0.70612803, 0.85047383],
+ [0.93808145, 0.71122903, 0.85547742],
+ [0.94039158, 0.71634030, 0.86047134],
+ [0.94270844, 0.72146188, 0.86545555],
+ [0.94503241, 0.72659383, 0.87042998],
+ [0.94736385, 0.73173619, 0.87539457],
+ [0.94970311, 0.73688902, 0.88034926],
+ [0.95205059, 0.74205239, 0.88529397],
+ [0.95440664, 0.74722633, 0.89022861],
+ [0.95677164, 0.75241092, 0.89515310],
+ [0.95914597, 0.75760622, 0.90006735],
+ [0.96153002, 0.76281227, 0.90497125],
+ [0.96392418, 0.76802914, 0.90986471],
+ [0.96632887, 0.77325687, 0.91474759],
+ [0.96874447, 0.77849554, 0.91961978],
+ [0.97117140, 0.78374520, 0.92448115],
+ [0.97361006, 0.78900592, 0.92933156],
+ [0.97606083, 0.79427777, 0.93417087],
+ [0.97852419, 0.79956078, 0.93899891],
+ [0.98100057, 0.80485502, 0.94381552],
+ [0.98349043, 0.81016054, 0.94862050],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.watermelon', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.watermelon", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/wildfire/wildfire.jscm b/cmasher/colormaps/wildfire/wildfire.jscm
index a703d2b7..338f7cec 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/wildfire/wildfire.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/wildfire/wildfire.jscm
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/colormaps/wildfire/wildfire.py b/cmasher/colormaps/wildfire/wildfire.py
index 54cce62e..ac594c8f 100644
--- a/cmasher/colormaps/wildfire/wildfire.py
+++ b/cmasher/colormaps/wildfire/wildfire.py
@@ -1,539 +1,541 @@
# Package imports
-from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['cmap']
+__all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
-__package__ = 'cmasher'
+__package__ = "cmasher"
# Type of this colormap
-cm_type = 'diverging'
+cm_type = "diverging"
# RGB-values of this colormap
-cm_data = [[0.57485263, 0.99275064, 0.16421752],
- [0.56464724, 0.98896648, 0.17653725],
- [0.55461961, 0.98513831, 0.18815192],
- [0.54476509, 0.98126883, 0.19915582],
- [0.53507971, 0.97736050, 0.20962063],
- [0.52555760, 0.97341588, 0.21960867],
- [0.51619551, 0.96943706, 0.22916466],
- [0.50698852, 0.96542624, 0.23833024],
- [0.49793242, 0.96138539, 0.24713932],
- [0.48902386, 0.95731631, 0.25561922],
- [0.48025937, 0.95322069, 0.26379409],
- [0.47163519, 0.94910019, 0.27168636],
- [0.46314819, 0.94495629, 0.27931453],
- [0.45479545, 0.94079040, 0.28669502],
- [0.44657421, 0.93660383, 0.29384246],
- [0.43848188, 0.93239782, 0.30076995],
- [0.43051604, 0.92817353, 0.30748929],
- [0.42267481, 0.92393202, 0.31401005],
- [0.41495587, 0.91967434, 0.32034255],
- [0.40735719, 0.91540146, 0.32649586],
- [0.39987697, 0.91111429, 0.33247803],
- [0.39251407, 0.90681366, 0.33829489],
- [0.38526665, 0.90250042, 0.34395418],
- [0.37813317, 0.89817531, 0.34946261],
- [0.37111306, 0.89383908, 0.35482363],
- [0.36420449, 0.88949241, 0.36004481],
- [0.35740693, 0.88513596, 0.36512935],
- [0.35071915, 0.88077035, 0.37008281],
- [0.34414059, 0.87639618, 0.37490844],
- [0.33767027, 0.87201402, 0.37961112],
- [0.33130786, 0.86762442, 0.38419320],
- [0.32505246, 0.86322787, 0.38865956],
- [0.31890392, 0.85882490, 0.39301187],
- [0.31286160, 0.85441597, 0.39725417],
- [0.30692517, 0.85000151, 0.40138928],
- [0.30109452, 0.84558202, 0.40541879],
- [0.29536925, 0.84115787, 0.40934629],
- [0.28974921, 0.83672946, 0.41317404],
- [0.28423438, 0.83229723, 0.41690336],
- [0.27882459, 0.82786152, 0.42053714],
- [0.27351979, 0.82342270, 0.42407739],
- [0.26831998, 0.81898111, 0.42752596],
- [0.26322520, 0.81453713, 0.43088400],
- [0.25823545, 0.81009106, 0.43415386],
- [0.25335077, 0.80564323, 0.43733715],
- [0.24857123, 0.80119394, 0.44043540],
- [0.24389688, 0.79674350, 0.44345006],
- [0.23932773, 0.79229223, 0.44638226],
- [0.23486384, 0.78784039, 0.44923363],
- [0.23050522, 0.78338827, 0.45200552],
- [0.22625186, 0.77893613, 0.45469917],
- [0.22210370, 0.77448426, 0.45731577],
- [0.21806063, 0.77003291, 0.45985650],
- [0.21412251, 0.76558234, 0.46232247],
- [0.21028912, 0.76113281, 0.46471474],
- [0.20656013, 0.75668456, 0.46703427],
- [0.20293521, 0.75223784, 0.46928219],
- [0.19941392, 0.74779289, 0.47145950],
- [0.19599569, 0.74334993, 0.47356715],
- [0.19267989, 0.73890921, 0.47560608],
- [0.18946575, 0.73447095, 0.47757719],
- [0.18635237, 0.73003537, 0.47948138],
- [0.18333876, 0.72560270, 0.48131953],
- [0.18042378, 0.72117316, 0.48309247],
- [0.17760615, 0.71674696, 0.48480107],
- [0.17488446, 0.71232432, 0.48644613],
- [0.17225714, 0.70790544, 0.48802848],
- [0.16972249, 0.70349055, 0.48954892],
- [0.16727864, 0.69907984, 0.49100825],
- [0.16492361, 0.69467352, 0.49240726],
- [0.16265523, 0.69027178, 0.49374674],
- [0.16047121, 0.68587484, 0.49502746],
- [0.15836911, 0.68148288, 0.49625020],
- [0.15634635, 0.67709609, 0.49741574],
- [0.15440023, 0.67271468, 0.49852486],
- [0.15252791, 0.66833883, 0.49957833],
- [0.15072643, 0.66396871, 0.50057693],
- [0.14899274, 0.65960453, 0.50152146],
- [0.14732368, 0.65524645, 0.50241269],
- [0.14571600, 0.65089466, 0.50325142],
- [0.14416637, 0.64654932, 0.50403845],
- [0.14267139, 0.64221060, 0.50477460],
- [0.14122763, 0.63787868, 0.50546068],
- [0.13983159, 0.63355370, 0.50609752],
- [0.13847975, 0.62923584, 0.50668596],
- [0.13716856, 0.62492523, 0.50722684],
- [0.13589447, 0.62062203, 0.50772104],
- [0.13465396, 0.61632637, 0.50816941],
- [0.13344347, 0.61203840, 0.50857286],
- [0.13225953, 0.60775823, 0.50893228],
- [0.13109867, 0.60348600, 0.50924858],
- [0.12995748, 0.59922181, 0.50952270],
- [0.12883260, 0.59496577, 0.50975558],
- [0.12772076, 0.59071799, 0.50994817],
- [0.12661875, 0.58647855, 0.51010146],
- [0.12552343, 0.58224754, 0.51021642],
- [0.12443179, 0.57802502, 0.51029407],
- [0.12334090, 0.57381106, 0.51033543],
- [0.12224792, 0.56960570, 0.51034151],
- [0.12115015, 0.56540900, 0.51031338],
- [0.12004498, 0.56122098, 0.51025208],
- [0.11893009, 0.55704163, 0.51015879],
- [0.11780301, 0.55287097, 0.51003450],
- [0.11666152, 0.54870900, 0.50988031],
- [0.11550355, 0.54455570, 0.50969734],
- [0.11432716, 0.54041101, 0.50948668],
- [0.11313055, 0.53627490, 0.50924947],
- [0.11191209, 0.53214730, 0.50898683],
- [0.11067042, 0.52802810, 0.50870000],
- [0.10940421, 0.52391720, 0.50839010],
- [0.10811214, 0.51981450, 0.50805821],
- [0.10679321, 0.51571987, 0.50770546],
- [0.10544657, 0.51163317, 0.50733299],
- [0.10407174, 0.50755418, 0.50694207],
- [0.10266826, 0.50348273, 0.50653385],
- [0.10123561, 0.49941863, 0.50610933],
- [0.09977366, 0.49536167, 0.50566962],
- [0.09828277, 0.49131156, 0.50521601],
- [0.09676323, 0.48726803, 0.50474958],
- [0.09521525, 0.48323084, 0.50427126],
- [0.09363972, 0.47919967, 0.50378221],
- [0.09203798, 0.47517415, 0.50328369],
- [0.09041069, 0.47115399, 0.50277642],
- [0.08875965, 0.46713879, 0.50226158],
- [0.08708679, 0.46312815, 0.50174024],
- [0.08539361, 0.45912173, 0.50121306],
- [0.08368337, 0.45511898, 0.50068146],
- [0.08195794, 0.45111956, 0.50014584],
- [0.08022102, 0.44712291, 0.49960743],
- [0.07847564, 0.44312860, 0.49906680],
- [0.07672604, 0.43913606, 0.49852495],
- [0.07497612, 0.43514480, 0.49798239],
- [0.07323122, 0.43115418, 0.49744013],
- [0.07149576, 0.42716372, 0.49689835],
- [0.06977668, 0.42317268, 0.49635826],
- [0.06807932, 0.41918055, 0.49581988],
- [0.06641073, 0.41518664, 0.49528376],
- [0.06477913, 0.41119020, 0.49475068],
- [0.06319179, 0.40719062, 0.49422058],
- [0.06165747, 0.40318718, 0.49369377],
- [0.06018582, 0.39917907, 0.49317060],
- [0.05878681, 0.39516551, 0.49265125],
- [0.05747043, 0.39114576, 0.49213556],
- [0.05624755, 0.38711898, 0.49162347],
- [0.05512938, 0.38308433, 0.49111482],
- [0.05412738, 0.37904092, 0.49060933],
- [0.05325305, 0.37498787, 0.49010659],
- [0.05251780, 0.37092426, 0.48960607],
- [0.05193270, 0.36684914, 0.48910707],
- [0.05150826, 0.36276156, 0.48860872],
- [0.05125418, 0.35866054, 0.48810997],
- [0.05117992, 0.35454498, 0.48760989],
- [0.05129280, 0.35041389, 0.48710695],
- [0.05159831, 0.34626629, 0.48659929],
- [0.05210194, 0.34210100, 0.48608536],
- [0.05280636, 0.33791698, 0.48556290],
- [0.05371263, 0.33371314, 0.48502939],
- [0.05482038, 0.32948837, 0.48448210],
- [0.05612804, 0.32524150, 0.48391803],
- [0.05763104, 0.32097154, 0.48333325],
- [0.05932471, 0.31667739, 0.48272381],
- [0.06120305, 0.31235795, 0.48208518],
- [0.06325899, 0.30801220, 0.48141219],
- [0.06548446, 0.30363921, 0.48069893],
- [0.06787059, 0.29923814, 0.47993870],
- [0.07040780, 0.29480830, 0.47912384],
- [0.07308589, 0.29034920, 0.47824569],
- [0.07589655, 0.28586020, 0.47729515],
- [0.07882727, 0.28134152, 0.47626070],
- [0.08186889, 0.27679313, 0.47513051],
- [0.08500959, 0.27221577, 0.47389054],
- [0.08823742, 0.26761062, 0.47252515],
- [0.09153983, 0.26297950, 0.47101683],
- [0.09490407, 0.25832486, 0.46934624],
- [0.09831472, 0.25365033, 0.46749157],
- [0.10175555, 0.24896054, 0.46542912],
- [0.10520793, 0.24426148, 0.46313312],
- [0.10865141, 0.23956048, 0.46057630],
- [0.11206238, 0.23486657, 0.45773032],
- [0.11541399, 0.23019043, 0.45456690],
- [0.11867643, 0.22554427, 0.45105926],
- [0.12181820, 0.22094136, 0.44718393],
- [0.12480484, 0.21639591, 0.44292296],
- [0.12760265, 0.21192184, 0.43826590],
- [0.13017920, 0.20753211, 0.43321163],
- [0.13250599, 0.20323768, 0.42776918],
- [0.13456028, 0.19904671, 0.42195753],
- [0.13632609, 0.19496406, 0.41580436],
- [0.13779558, 0.19099117, 0.40934341],
- [0.13896744, 0.18712642, 0.40261260],
- [0.13984692, 0.18336560, 0.39565082],
- [0.14044426, 0.17970256, 0.38849595],
- [0.14077271, 0.17612997, 0.38118385],
- [0.14084773, 0.17263983, 0.37374703],
- [0.14068607, 0.16922392, 0.36621387],
- [0.14030427, 0.16587419, 0.35860952],
- [0.13971839, 0.16258291, 0.35095575],
- [0.13894392, 0.15934286, 0.34327080],
- [0.13799554, 0.15614736, 0.33556965],
- [0.13688623, 0.15299027, 0.32786606],
- [0.13562863, 0.14986606, 0.32016992],
- [0.13423354, 0.14676965, 0.31249103],
- [0.13271115, 0.14369647, 0.30483673],
- [0.13107066, 0.14064243, 0.29721305],
- [0.12932016, 0.13760376, 0.28962551],
- [0.12746735, 0.13457716, 0.28207756],
- [0.12551892, 0.13155960, 0.27457253],
- [0.12348065, 0.12854822, 0.26711403],
- [0.12135821, 0.12554057, 0.25970340],
- [0.11915653, 0.12253437, 0.25234221],
- [0.11687988, 0.11952744, 0.24503219],
- [0.11453221, 0.11651781, 0.23777437],
- [0.11211720, 0.11350372, 0.23056892],
- [0.10963805, 0.11048349, 0.22341618],
- [0.10709749, 0.10745543, 0.21631692],
- [0.10449823, 0.10441812, 0.20927048],
- [0.10184258, 0.10137016, 0.20227642],
- [0.09913259, 0.09831016, 0.19533433],
- [0.09636987, 0.09523669, 0.18844473],
- [0.09355628, 0.09214863, 0.18160531],
- [0.09069290, 0.08904451, 0.17481711],
- [0.08778116, 0.08592327, 0.16807754],
- [0.08482185, 0.08278348, 0.16138699],
- [0.08181586, 0.07962396, 0.15474372],
- [0.07876386, 0.07644344, 0.14814639],
- [0.07566624, 0.07324056, 0.14159410],
- [0.07252324, 0.07001390, 0.13508595],
- [0.06933504, 0.06676212, 0.12861995],
- [0.06610157, 0.06348370, 0.12219465],
- [0.06282257, 0.06017708, 0.11580851],
- [0.05949760, 0.05684058, 0.10945983],
- [0.05612603, 0.05347242, 0.10314679],
- [0.05270701, 0.05007067, 0.09686741],
- [0.04923947, 0.04663324, 0.09061956],
- [0.04572208, 0.04315787, 0.08440096],
- [0.04215323, 0.03963315, 0.07820914],
- [0.03852558, 0.03614980, 0.07204189],
- [0.03498922, 0.03281022, 0.06589571],
- [0.03159839, 0.02961573, 0.05976727],
- [0.02835646, 0.02656776, 0.05365288],
- [0.02526674, 0.02366781, 0.04754929],
- [0.02233259, 0.02091770, 0.04145094],
- [0.01955737, 0.01831935, 0.03545787],
- [0.01694444, 0.01587484, 0.02997821],
- [0.01449736, 0.01358663, 0.02501654],
- [0.01221977, 0.01145735, 0.02055504],
- [0.01011558, 0.00949005, 0.01657565],
- [0.00818899, 0.00768818, 0.01306145],
- [0.00644464, 0.00605575, 0.00999606],
- [0.00488778, 0.00459750, 0.00736401],
- [0.00352455, 0.00331910, 0.00515064],
- [0.00236233, 0.00222760, 0.00334267],
- [0.00141057, 0.00133213, 0.00192816],
- [0.00068213, 0.00064530, 0.00089820],
- [0.00019708, 0.00018679, 0.00024924],
- [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
- [0.00024679, 0.00017019, 0.00022111],
- [0.00088035, 0.00057941, 0.00078303],
- [0.00187179, 0.00117945, 0.00165384],
- [0.00321570, 0.00194617, 0.00282411],
- [0.00491285, 0.00286286, 0.00429037],
- [0.00696675, 0.00391660, 0.00605184],
- [0.00938248, 0.00509671, 0.00810922],
- [0.01216631, 0.00639393, 0.01046418],
- [0.01532533, 0.00780002, 0.01311907],
- [0.01886691, 0.00930762, 0.01607644],
- [0.02279924, 0.01090979, 0.01933936],
- [0.02713084, 0.01260008, 0.02291104],
- [0.03187023, 0.01437255, 0.02679458],
- [0.03702716, 0.01622113, 0.03099380],
- [0.04254197, 0.01814052, 0.03551173],
- [0.04806349, 0.02012509, 0.04035220],
- [0.05356639, 0.02216978, 0.04526231],
- [0.05905509, 0.02426925, 0.05013904],
- [0.06453269, 0.02641871, 0.05498659],
- [0.07000286, 0.02861286, 0.05980782],
- [0.07546776, 0.03084723, 0.06460446],
- [0.08093057, 0.03311649, 0.06937882],
- [0.08639303, 0.03541619, 0.07413210],
- [0.09185724, 0.03774156, 0.07886569],
- [0.09732554, 0.04008743, 0.08358102],
- [0.10279913, 0.04238828, 0.08827869],
- [0.10827964, 0.04462123, 0.09295953],
- [0.11376894, 0.04679193, 0.09762442],
- [0.11926812, 0.04890129, 0.10227369],
- [0.12477838, 0.05094996, 0.10690766],
- [0.13030093, 0.05293839, 0.11152661],
- [0.13583690, 0.05486687, 0.11613068],
- [0.14138736, 0.05673563, 0.12071992],
- [0.14695343, 0.05854467, 0.12529433],
- [0.15253590, 0.06029416, 0.12985368],
- [0.15813561, 0.06198409, 0.13439767],
- [0.16375338, 0.06361436, 0.13892595],
- [0.16939000, 0.06518477, 0.14343805],
- [0.17504634, 0.06669493, 0.14793351],
- [0.18072304, 0.06814456, 0.15241165],
- [0.18642069, 0.06953335, 0.15687170],
- [0.19213987, 0.07086089, 0.16131281],
- [0.19788112, 0.07212672, 0.16573403],
- [0.20364513, 0.07333016, 0.17013441],
- [0.20943266, 0.07447029, 0.17451293],
- [0.21524371, 0.07554702, 0.17886813],
- [0.22107897, 0.07655934, 0.18319880],
- [0.22693903, 0.07750633, 0.18750356],
- [0.23282382, 0.07838770, 0.19178067],
- [0.23873430, 0.07920189, 0.19602870],
- [0.24467024, 0.07994870, 0.20024563],
- [0.25063215, 0.08062696, 0.20442964],
- [0.25662044, 0.08123548, 0.20857874],
- [0.26263492, 0.08177383, 0.21269059],
- [0.26867584, 0.08224095, 0.21676290],
- [0.27474355, 0.08263552, 0.22079326],
- [0.28083800, 0.08295673, 0.22477899],
- [0.28695905, 0.08320381, 0.22871727],
- [0.29310665, 0.08337583, 0.23260511],
- [0.29928065, 0.08347197, 0.23643938],
- [0.30548083, 0.08349142, 0.24021676],
- [0.31170721, 0.08343300, 0.24393379],
- [0.31795905, 0.08329666, 0.24758671],
- [0.32423576, 0.08308211, 0.25117161],
- [0.33053715, 0.08278845, 0.25468445],
- [0.33686226, 0.08241602, 0.25812093],
- [0.34321037, 0.08196482, 0.26147657],
- [0.34958030, 0.08143569, 0.26474669],
- [0.35597147, 0.08082863, 0.26792643],
- [0.36238213, 0.08014571, 0.27101076],
- [0.36881094, 0.07938857, 0.27399448],
- [0.37525633, 0.07855951, 0.27687227],
- [0.38171647, 0.07766161, 0.27963865],
- [0.38818931, 0.07669883, 0.28228811],
- [0.39467251, 0.07567611, 0.28481507],
- [0.40116350, 0.07459954, 0.28721402],
- [0.40765996, 0.07347532, 0.28947929],
- [0.41415834, 0.07231305, 0.29160575],
- [0.42065576, 0.07112184, 0.29358807],
- [0.42714840, 0.06991393, 0.29542159],
- [0.43363289, 0.06870177, 0.29710167],
- [0.44010507, 0.06750081, 0.29862446],
- [0.44656082, 0.06632787, 0.29998663],
- [0.45299588, 0.06520145, 0.30118552],
- [0.45940586, 0.06414175, 0.30221926],
- [0.46578632, 0.06317037, 0.30308687],
- [0.47213282, 0.06231001, 0.30378834],
- [0.47844098, 0.06158396, 0.30432464],
- [0.48470663, 0.06101544, 0.30469770],
- [0.49092573, 0.06062716, 0.30491053],
- [0.49709450, 0.06044049, 0.30496713],
- [0.50320955, 0.06047455, 0.30487237],
- [0.50926787, 0.06074561, 0.30463188],
- [0.51526682, 0.06126659, 0.30425210],
- [0.52120423, 0.06204645, 0.30373998],
- [0.52707838, 0.06309009, 0.30310294],
- [0.53288800, 0.06439819, 0.30234864],
- [0.53863226, 0.06596756, 0.30148492],
- [0.54431069, 0.06779155, 0.30051978],
- [0.54992327, 0.06986035, 0.29946091],
- [0.55547031, 0.07216184, 0.29831594],
- [0.56095236, 0.07468217, 0.29709222],
- [0.56637028, 0.07740636, 0.29579679],
- [0.57172511, 0.08031884, 0.29443637],
- [0.57701807, 0.08340395, 0.29301716],
- [0.58225053, 0.08664630, 0.29154498],
- [0.58742395, 0.09003112, 0.29002530],
- [0.59253985, 0.09354439, 0.28846303],
- [0.59759983, 0.09717305, 0.28686269],
- [0.60260548, 0.10090502, 0.28522836],
- [0.60755841, 0.10472928, 0.28356383],
- [0.61246014, 0.10863582, 0.28187280],
- [0.61731230, 0.11261560, 0.28015783],
- [0.62211636, 0.11666054, 0.27842211],
- [0.62687384, 0.12076342, 0.27666770],
- [0.63158612, 0.12491781, 0.27489723],
- [0.63625460, 0.12911806, 0.27311215],
- [0.64088058, 0.13335915, 0.27131453],
- [0.64546532, 0.13763665, 0.26950586],
- [0.65001000, 0.14194673, 0.26768727],
- [0.65451578, 0.14628600, 0.26586000],
- [0.65898370, 0.15065150, 0.26402506],
- [0.66341480, 0.15504065, 0.26218337],
- [0.66781002, 0.15945121, 0.26033569],
- [0.67217027, 0.16388125, 0.25848266],
- [0.67649640, 0.16832910, 0.25662479],
- [0.68078921, 0.17279333, 0.25476254],
- [0.68504943, 0.17727270, 0.25289624],
- [0.68927777, 0.18176619, 0.25102615],
- [0.69347488, 0.18627291, 0.24915247],
- [0.69764136, 0.19079206, 0.24727561],
- [0.70177779, 0.19532303, 0.24539560],
- [0.70588468, 0.19986538, 0.24351228],
- [0.70996253, 0.20441861, 0.24162599],
- [0.71401178, 0.20898241, 0.23973663],
- [0.71803284, 0.21355657, 0.23784397],
- [0.72202613, 0.21814078, 0.23594836],
- [0.72599195, 0.22273505, 0.23404922],
- [0.72993067, 0.22733916, 0.23214693],
- [0.73384254, 0.23195316, 0.23024095],
- [0.73772784, 0.23657701, 0.22833130],
- [0.74158684, 0.24121071, 0.22641794],
- [0.74541969, 0.24585440, 0.22450036],
- [0.74922664, 0.25050809, 0.22257865],
- [0.75300784, 0.25517188, 0.22065262],
- [0.75676343, 0.25984595, 0.21872183],
- [0.76049352, 0.26453044, 0.21678611],
- [0.76419826, 0.26922545, 0.21484541],
- [0.76787772, 0.27393115, 0.21289948],
- [0.77153197, 0.27864775, 0.21094795],
- [0.77516106, 0.28337544, 0.20899059],
- [0.77876502, 0.28811441, 0.20702718],
- [0.78234389, 0.29286484, 0.20505749],
- [0.78589767, 0.29762694, 0.20308128],
- [0.78942636, 0.30240091, 0.20109831],
- [0.79292994, 0.30718696, 0.19910833],
- [0.79640839, 0.31198530, 0.19711112],
- [0.79986165, 0.31679613, 0.19510642],
- [0.80328968, 0.32161967, 0.19309400],
- [0.80669240, 0.32645613, 0.19107362],
- [0.81006975, 0.33130571, 0.18904504],
- [0.81342163, 0.33616864, 0.18700804],
- [0.81674796, 0.34104511, 0.18496237],
- [0.82004861, 0.34593533, 0.18290783],
- [0.82332349, 0.35083952, 0.18084418],
- [0.82657250, 0.35575780, 0.17877142],
- [0.82979551, 0.36069040, 0.17668927],
- [0.83299235, 0.36563755, 0.17459745],
- [0.83616288, 0.37059944, 0.17249576],
- [0.83930696, 0.37557626, 0.17038406],
- [0.84242451, 0.38056805, 0.16826258],
- [0.84551529, 0.38557513, 0.16613079],
- [0.84857913, 0.39059768, 0.16398855],
- [0.85161591, 0.39563579, 0.16183603],
- [0.85462546, 0.40068962, 0.15967312],
- [0.85760753, 0.40575941, 0.15749951],
- [0.86056203, 0.41084524, 0.15531548],
- [0.86348875, 0.41594725, 0.15312096],
- [0.86638742, 0.42106569, 0.15091568],
- [0.86925801, 0.42620052, 0.14870029],
- [0.87210018, 0.43135204, 0.14647433],
- [0.87491381, 0.43652030, 0.14423819],
- [0.87769870, 0.44170542, 0.14199206],
- [0.88045458, 0.44690759, 0.13973593],
- [0.88318138, 0.45212679, 0.13747047],
- [0.88587873, 0.45736330, 0.13519549],
- [0.88854662, 0.46261704, 0.13291195],
- [0.89118464, 0.46788830, 0.13061970],
- [0.89379279, 0.47317700, 0.12831982],
- [0.89637067, 0.47848337, 0.12601242],
- [0.89891822, 0.48380740, 0.12369855],
- [0.90143516, 0.48914922, 0.12137877],
- [0.90392127, 0.49450893, 0.11905396],
- [0.90637644, 0.49988650, 0.11672538],
- [0.90880029, 0.50528217, 0.11439364],
- [0.91119283, 0.51069579, 0.11206068],
- [0.91355368, 0.51612760, 0.10972738],
- [0.91588265, 0.52157762, 0.10739534],
- [0.91817969, 0.52704578, 0.10506682],
- [0.92044441, 0.53253229, 0.10274320],
- [0.92267663, 0.53803715, 0.10042680],
- [0.92487632, 0.54356029, 0.09812048],
- [0.92704308, 0.54910189, 0.09582637],
- [0.92917671, 0.55466200, 0.09354746],
- [0.93127721, 0.56024047, 0.09128759],
- [0.93334421, 0.56583747, 0.08904991],
- [0.93537750, 0.57145305, 0.08683834],
- [0.93737687, 0.57708722, 0.08465724],
- [0.93934233, 0.58273985, 0.08251195],
- [0.94127350, 0.58841111, 0.08040717],
- [0.94317017, 0.59410101, 0.07834858],
- [0.94503216, 0.59980956, 0.07634235],
- [0.94685929, 0.60553676, 0.07439524],
- [0.94865149, 0.61128252, 0.07251478],
- [0.95040844, 0.61704696, 0.07070824],
- [0.95212992, 0.62283009, 0.06898383],
- [0.95381576, 0.62863190, 0.06735020],
- [0.95546577, 0.63445240, 0.06581646],
- [0.95707974, 0.64029160, 0.06439206],
- [0.95865750, 0.64614949, 0.06308675],
- [0.96019894, 0.65202600, 0.06191071],
- [0.96170378, 0.65792122, 0.06087362],
- [0.96317181, 0.66383514, 0.05998532],
- [0.96460283, 0.66976776, 0.05925536],
- [0.96599664, 0.67571909, 0.05869286],
- [0.96735306, 0.68168912, 0.05830624],
- [0.96867186, 0.68767786, 0.05810308],
- [0.96995286, 0.69368531, 0.05808993],
- [0.97119584, 0.69971148, 0.05827213],
- [0.97240058, 0.70575637, 0.05865370],
- [0.97356688, 0.71181999, 0.05923726],
- [0.97469452, 0.71790234, 0.06002398],
- [0.97578327, 0.72400344, 0.06101358],
- [0.97683290, 0.73012330, 0.06220440],
- [0.97784319, 0.73626193, 0.06359348],
- [0.97881389, 0.74241935, 0.06517672],
- [0.97974476, 0.74859557, 0.06694899],
- [0.98063554, 0.75479062, 0.06890435],
- [0.98148604, 0.76100449, 0.07103627],
- [0.98229605, 0.76723717, 0.07333776],
- [0.98306521, 0.77348874, 0.07580124],
- [0.98379322, 0.77975924, 0.07841916],
- [0.98447981, 0.78604871, 0.08118390],
- [0.98512466, 0.79235717, 0.08408793],
- [0.98572748, 0.79868467, 0.08712388],
- [0.98628794, 0.80503125, 0.09028461],
- [0.98680604, 0.81139681, 0.09356356],
- [0.98728112, 0.81778154, 0.09695391],
- [0.98771284, 0.82418550, 0.10044947],
- [0.98810083, 0.83060877, 0.10404443],
- [0.98844472, 0.83705138, 0.10773336],
- [0.98874455, 0.84351319, 0.11151145],
- [0.98899948, 0.84999450, 0.11537365],
- [0.98920909, 0.85649538, 0.11931560],
- [0.98937293, 0.86301591, 0.12333321]]
+cm_data = [
+ [0.57485263, 0.99275064, 0.16421752],
+ [0.56464724, 0.98896648, 0.17653725],
+ [0.55461961, 0.98513831, 0.18815192],
+ [0.54476509, 0.98126883, 0.19915582],
+ [0.53507971, 0.97736050, 0.20962063],
+ [0.52555760, 0.97341588, 0.21960867],
+ [0.51619551, 0.96943706, 0.22916466],
+ [0.50698852, 0.96542624, 0.23833024],
+ [0.49793242, 0.96138539, 0.24713932],
+ [0.48902386, 0.95731631, 0.25561922],
+ [0.48025937, 0.95322069, 0.26379409],
+ [0.47163519, 0.94910019, 0.27168636],
+ [0.46314819, 0.94495629, 0.27931453],
+ [0.45479545, 0.94079040, 0.28669502],
+ [0.44657421, 0.93660383, 0.29384246],
+ [0.43848188, 0.93239782, 0.30076995],
+ [0.43051604, 0.92817353, 0.30748929],
+ [0.42267481, 0.92393202, 0.31401005],
+ [0.41495587, 0.91967434, 0.32034255],
+ [0.40735719, 0.91540146, 0.32649586],
+ [0.39987697, 0.91111429, 0.33247803],
+ [0.39251407, 0.90681366, 0.33829489],
+ [0.38526665, 0.90250042, 0.34395418],
+ [0.37813317, 0.89817531, 0.34946261],
+ [0.37111306, 0.89383908, 0.35482363],
+ [0.36420449, 0.88949241, 0.36004481],
+ [0.35740693, 0.88513596, 0.36512935],
+ [0.35071915, 0.88077035, 0.37008281],
+ [0.34414059, 0.87639618, 0.37490844],
+ [0.33767027, 0.87201402, 0.37961112],
+ [0.33130786, 0.86762442, 0.38419320],
+ [0.32505246, 0.86322787, 0.38865956],
+ [0.31890392, 0.85882490, 0.39301187],
+ [0.31286160, 0.85441597, 0.39725417],
+ [0.30692517, 0.85000151, 0.40138928],
+ [0.30109452, 0.84558202, 0.40541879],
+ [0.29536925, 0.84115787, 0.40934629],
+ [0.28974921, 0.83672946, 0.41317404],
+ [0.28423438, 0.83229723, 0.41690336],
+ [0.27882459, 0.82786152, 0.42053714],
+ [0.27351979, 0.82342270, 0.42407739],
+ [0.26831998, 0.81898111, 0.42752596],
+ [0.26322520, 0.81453713, 0.43088400],
+ [0.25823545, 0.81009106, 0.43415386],
+ [0.25335077, 0.80564323, 0.43733715],
+ [0.24857123, 0.80119394, 0.44043540],
+ [0.24389688, 0.79674350, 0.44345006],
+ [0.23932773, 0.79229223, 0.44638226],
+ [0.23486384, 0.78784039, 0.44923363],
+ [0.23050522, 0.78338827, 0.45200552],
+ [0.22625186, 0.77893613, 0.45469917],
+ [0.22210370, 0.77448426, 0.45731577],
+ [0.21806063, 0.77003291, 0.45985650],
+ [0.21412251, 0.76558234, 0.46232247],
+ [0.21028912, 0.76113281, 0.46471474],
+ [0.20656013, 0.75668456, 0.46703427],
+ [0.20293521, 0.75223784, 0.46928219],
+ [0.19941392, 0.74779289, 0.47145950],
+ [0.19599569, 0.74334993, 0.47356715],
+ [0.19267989, 0.73890921, 0.47560608],
+ [0.18946575, 0.73447095, 0.47757719],
+ [0.18635237, 0.73003537, 0.47948138],
+ [0.18333876, 0.72560270, 0.48131953],
+ [0.18042378, 0.72117316, 0.48309247],
+ [0.17760615, 0.71674696, 0.48480107],
+ [0.17488446, 0.71232432, 0.48644613],
+ [0.17225714, 0.70790544, 0.48802848],
+ [0.16972249, 0.70349055, 0.48954892],
+ [0.16727864, 0.69907984, 0.49100825],
+ [0.16492361, 0.69467352, 0.49240726],
+ [0.16265523, 0.69027178, 0.49374674],
+ [0.16047121, 0.68587484, 0.49502746],
+ [0.15836911, 0.68148288, 0.49625020],
+ [0.15634635, 0.67709609, 0.49741574],
+ [0.15440023, 0.67271468, 0.49852486],
+ [0.15252791, 0.66833883, 0.49957833],
+ [0.15072643, 0.66396871, 0.50057693],
+ [0.14899274, 0.65960453, 0.50152146],
+ [0.14732368, 0.65524645, 0.50241269],
+ [0.14571600, 0.65089466, 0.50325142],
+ [0.14416637, 0.64654932, 0.50403845],
+ [0.14267139, 0.64221060, 0.50477460],
+ [0.14122763, 0.63787868, 0.50546068],
+ [0.13983159, 0.63355370, 0.50609752],
+ [0.13847975, 0.62923584, 0.50668596],
+ [0.13716856, 0.62492523, 0.50722684],
+ [0.13589447, 0.62062203, 0.50772104],
+ [0.13465396, 0.61632637, 0.50816941],
+ [0.13344347, 0.61203840, 0.50857286],
+ [0.13225953, 0.60775823, 0.50893228],
+ [0.13109867, 0.60348600, 0.50924858],
+ [0.12995748, 0.59922181, 0.50952270],
+ [0.12883260, 0.59496577, 0.50975558],
+ [0.12772076, 0.59071799, 0.50994817],
+ [0.12661875, 0.58647855, 0.51010146],
+ [0.12552343, 0.58224754, 0.51021642],
+ [0.12443179, 0.57802502, 0.51029407],
+ [0.12334090, 0.57381106, 0.51033543],
+ [0.12224792, 0.56960570, 0.51034151],
+ [0.12115015, 0.56540900, 0.51031338],
+ [0.12004498, 0.56122098, 0.51025208],
+ [0.11893009, 0.55704163, 0.51015879],
+ [0.11780301, 0.55287097, 0.51003450],
+ [0.11666152, 0.54870900, 0.50988031],
+ [0.11550355, 0.54455570, 0.50969734],
+ [0.11432716, 0.54041101, 0.50948668],
+ [0.11313055, 0.53627490, 0.50924947],
+ [0.11191209, 0.53214730, 0.50898683],
+ [0.11067042, 0.52802810, 0.50870000],
+ [0.10940421, 0.52391720, 0.50839010],
+ [0.10811214, 0.51981450, 0.50805821],
+ [0.10679321, 0.51571987, 0.50770546],
+ [0.10544657, 0.51163317, 0.50733299],
+ [0.10407174, 0.50755418, 0.50694207],
+ [0.10266826, 0.50348273, 0.50653385],
+ [0.10123561, 0.49941863, 0.50610933],
+ [0.09977366, 0.49536167, 0.50566962],
+ [0.09828277, 0.49131156, 0.50521601],
+ [0.09676323, 0.48726803, 0.50474958],
+ [0.09521525, 0.48323084, 0.50427126],
+ [0.09363972, 0.47919967, 0.50378221],
+ [0.09203798, 0.47517415, 0.50328369],
+ [0.09041069, 0.47115399, 0.50277642],
+ [0.08875965, 0.46713879, 0.50226158],
+ [0.08708679, 0.46312815, 0.50174024],
+ [0.08539361, 0.45912173, 0.50121306],
+ [0.08368337, 0.45511898, 0.50068146],
+ [0.08195794, 0.45111956, 0.50014584],
+ [0.08022102, 0.44712291, 0.49960743],
+ [0.07847564, 0.44312860, 0.49906680],
+ [0.07672604, 0.43913606, 0.49852495],
+ [0.07497612, 0.43514480, 0.49798239],
+ [0.07323122, 0.43115418, 0.49744013],
+ [0.07149576, 0.42716372, 0.49689835],
+ [0.06977668, 0.42317268, 0.49635826],
+ [0.06807932, 0.41918055, 0.49581988],
+ [0.06641073, 0.41518664, 0.49528376],
+ [0.06477913, 0.41119020, 0.49475068],
+ [0.06319179, 0.40719062, 0.49422058],
+ [0.06165747, 0.40318718, 0.49369377],
+ [0.06018582, 0.39917907, 0.49317060],
+ [0.05878681, 0.39516551, 0.49265125],
+ [0.05747043, 0.39114576, 0.49213556],
+ [0.05624755, 0.38711898, 0.49162347],
+ [0.05512938, 0.38308433, 0.49111482],
+ [0.05412738, 0.37904092, 0.49060933],
+ [0.05325305, 0.37498787, 0.49010659],
+ [0.05251780, 0.37092426, 0.48960607],
+ [0.05193270, 0.36684914, 0.48910707],
+ [0.05150826, 0.36276156, 0.48860872],
+ [0.05125418, 0.35866054, 0.48810997],
+ [0.05117992, 0.35454498, 0.48760989],
+ [0.05129280, 0.35041389, 0.48710695],
+ [0.05159831, 0.34626629, 0.48659929],
+ [0.05210194, 0.34210100, 0.48608536],
+ [0.05280636, 0.33791698, 0.48556290],
+ [0.05371263, 0.33371314, 0.48502939],
+ [0.05482038, 0.32948837, 0.48448210],
+ [0.05612804, 0.32524150, 0.48391803],
+ [0.05763104, 0.32097154, 0.48333325],
+ [0.05932471, 0.31667739, 0.48272381],
+ [0.06120305, 0.31235795, 0.48208518],
+ [0.06325899, 0.30801220, 0.48141219],
+ [0.06548446, 0.30363921, 0.48069893],
+ [0.06787059, 0.29923814, 0.47993870],
+ [0.07040780, 0.29480830, 0.47912384],
+ [0.07308589, 0.29034920, 0.47824569],
+ [0.07589655, 0.28586020, 0.47729515],
+ [0.07882727, 0.28134152, 0.47626070],
+ [0.08186889, 0.27679313, 0.47513051],
+ [0.08500959, 0.27221577, 0.47389054],
+ [0.08823742, 0.26761062, 0.47252515],
+ [0.09153983, 0.26297950, 0.47101683],
+ [0.09490407, 0.25832486, 0.46934624],
+ [0.09831472, 0.25365033, 0.46749157],
+ [0.10175555, 0.24896054, 0.46542912],
+ [0.10520793, 0.24426148, 0.46313312],
+ [0.10865141, 0.23956048, 0.46057630],
+ [0.11206238, 0.23486657, 0.45773032],
+ [0.11541399, 0.23019043, 0.45456690],
+ [0.11867643, 0.22554427, 0.45105926],
+ [0.12181820, 0.22094136, 0.44718393],
+ [0.12480484, 0.21639591, 0.44292296],
+ [0.12760265, 0.21192184, 0.43826590],
+ [0.13017920, 0.20753211, 0.43321163],
+ [0.13250599, 0.20323768, 0.42776918],
+ [0.13456028, 0.19904671, 0.42195753],
+ [0.13632609, 0.19496406, 0.41580436],
+ [0.13779558, 0.19099117, 0.40934341],
+ [0.13896744, 0.18712642, 0.40261260],
+ [0.13984692, 0.18336560, 0.39565082],
+ [0.14044426, 0.17970256, 0.38849595],
+ [0.14077271, 0.17612997, 0.38118385],
+ [0.14084773, 0.17263983, 0.37374703],
+ [0.14068607, 0.16922392, 0.36621387],
+ [0.14030427, 0.16587419, 0.35860952],
+ [0.13971839, 0.16258291, 0.35095575],
+ [0.13894392, 0.15934286, 0.34327080],
+ [0.13799554, 0.15614736, 0.33556965],
+ [0.13688623, 0.15299027, 0.32786606],
+ [0.13562863, 0.14986606, 0.32016992],
+ [0.13423354, 0.14676965, 0.31249103],
+ [0.13271115, 0.14369647, 0.30483673],
+ [0.13107066, 0.14064243, 0.29721305],
+ [0.12932016, 0.13760376, 0.28962551],
+ [0.12746735, 0.13457716, 0.28207756],
+ [0.12551892, 0.13155960, 0.27457253],
+ [0.12348065, 0.12854822, 0.26711403],
+ [0.12135821, 0.12554057, 0.25970340],
+ [0.11915653, 0.12253437, 0.25234221],
+ [0.11687988, 0.11952744, 0.24503219],
+ [0.11453221, 0.11651781, 0.23777437],
+ [0.11211720, 0.11350372, 0.23056892],
+ [0.10963805, 0.11048349, 0.22341618],
+ [0.10709749, 0.10745543, 0.21631692],
+ [0.10449823, 0.10441812, 0.20927048],
+ [0.10184258, 0.10137016, 0.20227642],
+ [0.09913259, 0.09831016, 0.19533433],
+ [0.09636987, 0.09523669, 0.18844473],
+ [0.09355628, 0.09214863, 0.18160531],
+ [0.09069290, 0.08904451, 0.17481711],
+ [0.08778116, 0.08592327, 0.16807754],
+ [0.08482185, 0.08278348, 0.16138699],
+ [0.08181586, 0.07962396, 0.15474372],
+ [0.07876386, 0.07644344, 0.14814639],
+ [0.07566624, 0.07324056, 0.14159410],
+ [0.07252324, 0.07001390, 0.13508595],
+ [0.06933504, 0.06676212, 0.12861995],
+ [0.06610157, 0.06348370, 0.12219465],
+ [0.06282257, 0.06017708, 0.11580851],
+ [0.05949760, 0.05684058, 0.10945983],
+ [0.05612603, 0.05347242, 0.10314679],
+ [0.05270701, 0.05007067, 0.09686741],
+ [0.04923947, 0.04663324, 0.09061956],
+ [0.04572208, 0.04315787, 0.08440096],
+ [0.04215323, 0.03963315, 0.07820914],
+ [0.03852558, 0.03614980, 0.07204189],
+ [0.03498922, 0.03281022, 0.06589571],
+ [0.03159839, 0.02961573, 0.05976727],
+ [0.02835646, 0.02656776, 0.05365288],
+ [0.02526674, 0.02366781, 0.04754929],
+ [0.02233259, 0.02091770, 0.04145094],
+ [0.01955737, 0.01831935, 0.03545787],
+ [0.01694444, 0.01587484, 0.02997821],
+ [0.01449736, 0.01358663, 0.02501654],
+ [0.01221977, 0.01145735, 0.02055504],
+ [0.01011558, 0.00949005, 0.01657565],
+ [0.00818899, 0.00768818, 0.01306145],
+ [0.00644464, 0.00605575, 0.00999606],
+ [0.00488778, 0.00459750, 0.00736401],
+ [0.00352455, 0.00331910, 0.00515064],
+ [0.00236233, 0.00222760, 0.00334267],
+ [0.00141057, 0.00133213, 0.00192816],
+ [0.00068213, 0.00064530, 0.00089820],
+ [0.00019708, 0.00018679, 0.00024924],
+ [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000],
+ [0.00024679, 0.00017019, 0.00022111],
+ [0.00088035, 0.00057941, 0.00078303],
+ [0.00187179, 0.00117945, 0.00165384],
+ [0.00321570, 0.00194617, 0.00282411],
+ [0.00491285, 0.00286286, 0.00429037],
+ [0.00696675, 0.00391660, 0.00605184],
+ [0.00938248, 0.00509671, 0.00810922],
+ [0.01216631, 0.00639393, 0.01046418],
+ [0.01532533, 0.00780002, 0.01311907],
+ [0.01886691, 0.00930762, 0.01607644],
+ [0.02279924, 0.01090979, 0.01933936],
+ [0.02713084, 0.01260008, 0.02291104],
+ [0.03187023, 0.01437255, 0.02679458],
+ [0.03702716, 0.01622113, 0.03099380],
+ [0.04254197, 0.01814052, 0.03551173],
+ [0.04806349, 0.02012509, 0.04035220],
+ [0.05356639, 0.02216978, 0.04526231],
+ [0.05905509, 0.02426925, 0.05013904],
+ [0.06453269, 0.02641871, 0.05498659],
+ [0.07000286, 0.02861286, 0.05980782],
+ [0.07546776, 0.03084723, 0.06460446],
+ [0.08093057, 0.03311649, 0.06937882],
+ [0.08639303, 0.03541619, 0.07413210],
+ [0.09185724, 0.03774156, 0.07886569],
+ [0.09732554, 0.04008743, 0.08358102],
+ [0.10279913, 0.04238828, 0.08827869],
+ [0.10827964, 0.04462123, 0.09295953],
+ [0.11376894, 0.04679193, 0.09762442],
+ [0.11926812, 0.04890129, 0.10227369],
+ [0.12477838, 0.05094996, 0.10690766],
+ [0.13030093, 0.05293839, 0.11152661],
+ [0.13583690, 0.05486687, 0.11613068],
+ [0.14138736, 0.05673563, 0.12071992],
+ [0.14695343, 0.05854467, 0.12529433],
+ [0.15253590, 0.06029416, 0.12985368],
+ [0.15813561, 0.06198409, 0.13439767],
+ [0.16375338, 0.06361436, 0.13892595],
+ [0.16939000, 0.06518477, 0.14343805],
+ [0.17504634, 0.06669493, 0.14793351],
+ [0.18072304, 0.06814456, 0.15241165],
+ [0.18642069, 0.06953335, 0.15687170],
+ [0.19213987, 0.07086089, 0.16131281],
+ [0.19788112, 0.07212672, 0.16573403],
+ [0.20364513, 0.07333016, 0.17013441],
+ [0.20943266, 0.07447029, 0.17451293],
+ [0.21524371, 0.07554702, 0.17886813],
+ [0.22107897, 0.07655934, 0.18319880],
+ [0.22693903, 0.07750633, 0.18750356],
+ [0.23282382, 0.07838770, 0.19178067],
+ [0.23873430, 0.07920189, 0.19602870],
+ [0.24467024, 0.07994870, 0.20024563],
+ [0.25063215, 0.08062696, 0.20442964],
+ [0.25662044, 0.08123548, 0.20857874],
+ [0.26263492, 0.08177383, 0.21269059],
+ [0.26867584, 0.08224095, 0.21676290],
+ [0.27474355, 0.08263552, 0.22079326],
+ [0.28083800, 0.08295673, 0.22477899],
+ [0.28695905, 0.08320381, 0.22871727],
+ [0.29310665, 0.08337583, 0.23260511],
+ [0.29928065, 0.08347197, 0.23643938],
+ [0.30548083, 0.08349142, 0.24021676],
+ [0.31170721, 0.08343300, 0.24393379],
+ [0.31795905, 0.08329666, 0.24758671],
+ [0.32423576, 0.08308211, 0.25117161],
+ [0.33053715, 0.08278845, 0.25468445],
+ [0.33686226, 0.08241602, 0.25812093],
+ [0.34321037, 0.08196482, 0.26147657],
+ [0.34958030, 0.08143569, 0.26474669],
+ [0.35597147, 0.08082863, 0.26792643],
+ [0.36238213, 0.08014571, 0.27101076],
+ [0.36881094, 0.07938857, 0.27399448],
+ [0.37525633, 0.07855951, 0.27687227],
+ [0.38171647, 0.07766161, 0.27963865],
+ [0.38818931, 0.07669883, 0.28228811],
+ [0.39467251, 0.07567611, 0.28481507],
+ [0.40116350, 0.07459954, 0.28721402],
+ [0.40765996, 0.07347532, 0.28947929],
+ [0.41415834, 0.07231305, 0.29160575],
+ [0.42065576, 0.07112184, 0.29358807],
+ [0.42714840, 0.06991393, 0.29542159],
+ [0.43363289, 0.06870177, 0.29710167],
+ [0.44010507, 0.06750081, 0.29862446],
+ [0.44656082, 0.06632787, 0.29998663],
+ [0.45299588, 0.06520145, 0.30118552],
+ [0.45940586, 0.06414175, 0.30221926],
+ [0.46578632, 0.06317037, 0.30308687],
+ [0.47213282, 0.06231001, 0.30378834],
+ [0.47844098, 0.06158396, 0.30432464],
+ [0.48470663, 0.06101544, 0.30469770],
+ [0.49092573, 0.06062716, 0.30491053],
+ [0.49709450, 0.06044049, 0.30496713],
+ [0.50320955, 0.06047455, 0.30487237],
+ [0.50926787, 0.06074561, 0.30463188],
+ [0.51526682, 0.06126659, 0.30425210],
+ [0.52120423, 0.06204645, 0.30373998],
+ [0.52707838, 0.06309009, 0.30310294],
+ [0.53288800, 0.06439819, 0.30234864],
+ [0.53863226, 0.06596756, 0.30148492],
+ [0.54431069, 0.06779155, 0.30051978],
+ [0.54992327, 0.06986035, 0.29946091],
+ [0.55547031, 0.07216184, 0.29831594],
+ [0.56095236, 0.07468217, 0.29709222],
+ [0.56637028, 0.07740636, 0.29579679],
+ [0.57172511, 0.08031884, 0.29443637],
+ [0.57701807, 0.08340395, 0.29301716],
+ [0.58225053, 0.08664630, 0.29154498],
+ [0.58742395, 0.09003112, 0.29002530],
+ [0.59253985, 0.09354439, 0.28846303],
+ [0.59759983, 0.09717305, 0.28686269],
+ [0.60260548, 0.10090502, 0.28522836],
+ [0.60755841, 0.10472928, 0.28356383],
+ [0.61246014, 0.10863582, 0.28187280],
+ [0.61731230, 0.11261560, 0.28015783],
+ [0.62211636, 0.11666054, 0.27842211],
+ [0.62687384, 0.12076342, 0.27666770],
+ [0.63158612, 0.12491781, 0.27489723],
+ [0.63625460, 0.12911806, 0.27311215],
+ [0.64088058, 0.13335915, 0.27131453],
+ [0.64546532, 0.13763665, 0.26950586],
+ [0.65001000, 0.14194673, 0.26768727],
+ [0.65451578, 0.14628600, 0.26586000],
+ [0.65898370, 0.15065150, 0.26402506],
+ [0.66341480, 0.15504065, 0.26218337],
+ [0.66781002, 0.15945121, 0.26033569],
+ [0.67217027, 0.16388125, 0.25848266],
+ [0.67649640, 0.16832910, 0.25662479],
+ [0.68078921, 0.17279333, 0.25476254],
+ [0.68504943, 0.17727270, 0.25289624],
+ [0.68927777, 0.18176619, 0.25102615],
+ [0.69347488, 0.18627291, 0.24915247],
+ [0.69764136, 0.19079206, 0.24727561],
+ [0.70177779, 0.19532303, 0.24539560],
+ [0.70588468, 0.19986538, 0.24351228],
+ [0.70996253, 0.20441861, 0.24162599],
+ [0.71401178, 0.20898241, 0.23973663],
+ [0.71803284, 0.21355657, 0.23784397],
+ [0.72202613, 0.21814078, 0.23594836],
+ [0.72599195, 0.22273505, 0.23404922],
+ [0.72993067, 0.22733916, 0.23214693],
+ [0.73384254, 0.23195316, 0.23024095],
+ [0.73772784, 0.23657701, 0.22833130],
+ [0.74158684, 0.24121071, 0.22641794],
+ [0.74541969, 0.24585440, 0.22450036],
+ [0.74922664, 0.25050809, 0.22257865],
+ [0.75300784, 0.25517188, 0.22065262],
+ [0.75676343, 0.25984595, 0.21872183],
+ [0.76049352, 0.26453044, 0.21678611],
+ [0.76419826, 0.26922545, 0.21484541],
+ [0.76787772, 0.27393115, 0.21289948],
+ [0.77153197, 0.27864775, 0.21094795],
+ [0.77516106, 0.28337544, 0.20899059],
+ [0.77876502, 0.28811441, 0.20702718],
+ [0.78234389, 0.29286484, 0.20505749],
+ [0.78589767, 0.29762694, 0.20308128],
+ [0.78942636, 0.30240091, 0.20109831],
+ [0.79292994, 0.30718696, 0.19910833],
+ [0.79640839, 0.31198530, 0.19711112],
+ [0.79986165, 0.31679613, 0.19510642],
+ [0.80328968, 0.32161967, 0.19309400],
+ [0.80669240, 0.32645613, 0.19107362],
+ [0.81006975, 0.33130571, 0.18904504],
+ [0.81342163, 0.33616864, 0.18700804],
+ [0.81674796, 0.34104511, 0.18496237],
+ [0.82004861, 0.34593533, 0.18290783],
+ [0.82332349, 0.35083952, 0.18084418],
+ [0.82657250, 0.35575780, 0.17877142],
+ [0.82979551, 0.36069040, 0.17668927],
+ [0.83299235, 0.36563755, 0.17459745],
+ [0.83616288, 0.37059944, 0.17249576],
+ [0.83930696, 0.37557626, 0.17038406],
+ [0.84242451, 0.38056805, 0.16826258],
+ [0.84551529, 0.38557513, 0.16613079],
+ [0.84857913, 0.39059768, 0.16398855],
+ [0.85161591, 0.39563579, 0.16183603],
+ [0.85462546, 0.40068962, 0.15967312],
+ [0.85760753, 0.40575941, 0.15749951],
+ [0.86056203, 0.41084524, 0.15531548],
+ [0.86348875, 0.41594725, 0.15312096],
+ [0.86638742, 0.42106569, 0.15091568],
+ [0.86925801, 0.42620052, 0.14870029],
+ [0.87210018, 0.43135204, 0.14647433],
+ [0.87491381, 0.43652030, 0.14423819],
+ [0.87769870, 0.44170542, 0.14199206],
+ [0.88045458, 0.44690759, 0.13973593],
+ [0.88318138, 0.45212679, 0.13747047],
+ [0.88587873, 0.45736330, 0.13519549],
+ [0.88854662, 0.46261704, 0.13291195],
+ [0.89118464, 0.46788830, 0.13061970],
+ [0.89379279, 0.47317700, 0.12831982],
+ [0.89637067, 0.47848337, 0.12601242],
+ [0.89891822, 0.48380740, 0.12369855],
+ [0.90143516, 0.48914922, 0.12137877],
+ [0.90392127, 0.49450893, 0.11905396],
+ [0.90637644, 0.49988650, 0.11672538],
+ [0.90880029, 0.50528217, 0.11439364],
+ [0.91119283, 0.51069579, 0.11206068],
+ [0.91355368, 0.51612760, 0.10972738],
+ [0.91588265, 0.52157762, 0.10739534],
+ [0.91817969, 0.52704578, 0.10506682],
+ [0.92044441, 0.53253229, 0.10274320],
+ [0.92267663, 0.53803715, 0.10042680],
+ [0.92487632, 0.54356029, 0.09812048],
+ [0.92704308, 0.54910189, 0.09582637],
+ [0.92917671, 0.55466200, 0.09354746],
+ [0.93127721, 0.56024047, 0.09128759],
+ [0.93334421, 0.56583747, 0.08904991],
+ [0.93537750, 0.57145305, 0.08683834],
+ [0.93737687, 0.57708722, 0.08465724],
+ [0.93934233, 0.58273985, 0.08251195],
+ [0.94127350, 0.58841111, 0.08040717],
+ [0.94317017, 0.59410101, 0.07834858],
+ [0.94503216, 0.59980956, 0.07634235],
+ [0.94685929, 0.60553676, 0.07439524],
+ [0.94865149, 0.61128252, 0.07251478],
+ [0.95040844, 0.61704696, 0.07070824],
+ [0.95212992, 0.62283009, 0.06898383],
+ [0.95381576, 0.62863190, 0.06735020],
+ [0.95546577, 0.63445240, 0.06581646],
+ [0.95707974, 0.64029160, 0.06439206],
+ [0.95865750, 0.64614949, 0.06308675],
+ [0.96019894, 0.65202600, 0.06191071],
+ [0.96170378, 0.65792122, 0.06087362],
+ [0.96317181, 0.66383514, 0.05998532],
+ [0.96460283, 0.66976776, 0.05925536],
+ [0.96599664, 0.67571909, 0.05869286],
+ [0.96735306, 0.68168912, 0.05830624],
+ [0.96867186, 0.68767786, 0.05810308],
+ [0.96995286, 0.69368531, 0.05808993],
+ [0.97119584, 0.69971148, 0.05827213],
+ [0.97240058, 0.70575637, 0.05865370],
+ [0.97356688, 0.71181999, 0.05923726],
+ [0.97469452, 0.71790234, 0.06002398],
+ [0.97578327, 0.72400344, 0.06101358],
+ [0.97683290, 0.73012330, 0.06220440],
+ [0.97784319, 0.73626193, 0.06359348],
+ [0.97881389, 0.74241935, 0.06517672],
+ [0.97974476, 0.74859557, 0.06694899],
+ [0.98063554, 0.75479062, 0.06890435],
+ [0.98148604, 0.76100449, 0.07103627],
+ [0.98229605, 0.76723717, 0.07333776],
+ [0.98306521, 0.77348874, 0.07580124],
+ [0.98379322, 0.77975924, 0.07841916],
+ [0.98447981, 0.78604871, 0.08118390],
+ [0.98512466, 0.79235717, 0.08408793],
+ [0.98572748, 0.79868467, 0.08712388],
+ [0.98628794, 0.80503125, 0.09028461],
+ [0.98680604, 0.81139681, 0.09356356],
+ [0.98728112, 0.81778154, 0.09695391],
+ [0.98771284, 0.82418550, 0.10044947],
+ [0.98810083, 0.83060877, 0.10404443],
+ [0.98844472, 0.83705138, 0.10773336],
+ [0.98874455, 0.84351319, 0.11151145],
+ [0.98899948, 0.84999450, 0.11537365],
+ [0.98920909, 0.85649538, 0.11931560],
+ [0.98937293, 0.86301591, 0.12333321],
# Create ListedColormap object for this colormap
-cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.wildfire', N=511)
+cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name="cmr.wildfire", N=511)
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
diff --git a/cmasher/tests/__init__.py b/cmasher/tests/__init__.py
index 40a96afc..e69de29b 100644
--- a/cmasher/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/cmasher/tests/__init__.py
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
diff --git a/cmasher/tests/data/cm_rainforest_jscm.jscm b/cmasher/tests/data/cm_rainforest_jscm.jscm
index 2a66042d..44066437 100644
--- a/cmasher/tests/data/cm_rainforest_jscm.jscm
+++ b/cmasher/tests/data/cm_rainforest_jscm.jscm
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
"spline_method": "Bezier"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmasher/tests/test_utils.py b/cmasher/tests/test_utils.py
index 170a93fd..d9defcae 100644
--- a/cmasher/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/cmasher/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -1,27 +1,51 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Built-in imports
-from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
import os
+from importlib.util import find_spec, module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
from os import path
# Package imports
-import cmocean as cmo
+import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from matplotlib import cm as mplcm
-from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap as LC
-from matplotlib.legend import Legend
import numpy as np
import pytest
+from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap as LC
+from matplotlib.legend import Legend
# CMasher imports
import cmasher as cmr
from cmasher import cm as cmrcm
from cmasher.utils import (
- create_cmap_mod, create_cmap_overview, get_bibtex, get_cmap_list,
- get_sub_cmap, import_cmaps, set_cmap_legend_entry, take_cmap_colors,
- view_cmap)
+ create_cmap_mod,
+ create_cmap_overview,
+ get_bibtex,
+ get_cmap_list,
+ get_sub_cmap,
+ import_cmaps,
+ set_cmap_legend_entry,
+ take_cmap_colors,
+ view_cmap,
+HAS_VISCM = find_spec("viscm") is not None
+def _MPL38_colormap_eq(cmap, other) -> bool:
+ # equality check for two colormaps
+ # this is adapted from Colormap.__eq__ (mpl 3.8)
+ # in previous versions, colormaps compared as != unless they
+ # had the exact same name, which is not what we care about here
+ from matplotlib.colors import Colormap
+ if not isinstance(other, Colormap) or cmap.colorbar_extend != other.colorbar_extend:
+ return False
+ # To compare lookup tables the Colormaps have to be initialized
+ if not cmap._isinit:
+ cmap._init()
+ if not other._isinit:
+ other._init()
+ return np.array_equal(cmap._lut, other._lut)
# Save the path to this directory
dirpath = path.dirname(__file__)
@@ -29,15 +53,15 @@
# Obtain path to directory with colormaps
-cmap_dir = path.abspath(path.join(dirpath, '../colormaps'))
+cmap_dir = path.abspath(path.join(dirpath, "../colormaps"))
# Obtain list of all colormaps defined in CMasher
# As all colormaps have their own directories, save them instead
cm_names = sorted(next(os.walk(cmap_dir))[1])
# Make sure that the 'PROJECTS' folder is removed
-if 'PROJECTS' in cm_names:
- cm_names.remove('PROJECTS')
+if "PROJECTS" in cm_names:
+ cm_names.remove("PROJECTS")
# Obtain list of all colormaps registered in MPL
mpl_cmaps = plt.colormaps()
@@ -45,24 +69,31 @@
# Pytest class for create_cmap_mod
-class Test_create_cmap_mod(object):
+class Test_create_cmap_mod:
# Test if a standalone module of rainforest can be created
def test_standalone_rainforest(self):
# Obtain the currently registered version of rainforest
- cmap_old = mplcm.get_cmap('cmr.rainforest')
+ cmap_old = mpl.colormaps["cmr.rainforest"]
# Create standalone module for rainforest
- cmap_path = create_cmap_mod('rainforest')
+ cmap_path = create_cmap_mod("rainforest", _copy_name="rainforest_copy")
# Try to import this module
- spec = spec_from_file_location('rainforest', cmap_path)
+ spec = spec_from_file_location("rainforest_copy", cmap_path)
mod = module_from_spec(spec)
# Check if the colormap in MPL has been updated
- cmap_new = mplcm.get_cmap('cmr.rainforest')
- assert cmap_new is mod.cmap
- assert cmap_old is not cmap_new
+ cmap_new = mpl.colormaps["cmr.rainforest_copy"]
+ # identity equality isn't achievable since mpl.colormaps.__getitem__
+ # may return a copy
+ assert cmap_new == mod.cmap
+ if mpl.__version_info__ >= (3, 8):
+ assert cmap_old == cmap_new
+ else:
+ assert _MPL38_colormap_eq(cmap_old, cmap_new)
# Check if the values in both colormaps are the same
assert np.allclose(cmap_old.colors, cmap_new.colors)
@@ -70,58 +101,63 @@ def test_standalone_rainforest(self):
# Test if a standalone module of infinity can be created
def test_standalone_infinity(self):
# Obtain the currently registered version of infinity
- cmap_old = mplcm.get_cmap('cmr.infinity')
+ cmap_old = mpl.colormaps["cmr.infinity"]
# Create standalone module for infinity
- cmap_path = create_cmap_mod('infinity')
+ cmap_path = create_cmap_mod("infinity", _copy_name="inifinity_copy")
# Try to import this module
- spec = spec_from_file_location('infinity', cmap_path)
+ spec = spec_from_file_location("infinity_copy", cmap_path)
mod = module_from_spec(spec)
# Check if the colormap in MPL has been updated
- cmap_new = mplcm.get_cmap('cmr.infinity')
- assert cmap_new is mod.cmap
- assert cmap_old is not cmap_new
+ cmap_new = mpl.colormaps["cmr.infinity"]
+ if mpl.__version_info__ >= (3, 8):
+ assert cmap_old == cmap_new
+ else:
+ assert _MPL38_colormap_eq(cmap_old, cmap_new)
+ assert cmap_old == cmap_new
# Check if the values in both colormaps are the same
assert np.allclose(cmap_old.colors, cmap_new.colors)
# Check that the shifted version of infinity also exists
- assert 'cmr.infinity_s' in plt.colormaps()
+ assert "cmr.infinity_s" in plt.colormaps()
# Test if providing an invalid colormap name fails
def test_invalid_cmap(self):
# Check if a ValueError is raised
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- create_cmap_mod('this is an incorrect colormap name')
+ create_cmap_mod("this is an incorrect colormap name")
# Pytest class for create_cmap_overview
-class Test_create_cmap_overview(object):
+class Test_create_cmap_overview:
# Test if default arguments work
def test_default(self):
# Test if providing a custom list of colormaps works
def test_list_no_types(self):
- create_cmap_overview([cmrcm.rainforest], use_types=0, sort='lightness')
- create_cmap_overview(['cmr.rainforest', 'cmr.rainforest_r'],
- use_types=0, title=0)
+ create_cmap_overview([cmrcm.rainforest], use_types=0, sort="lightness")
+ create_cmap_overview(
+ ["cmr.rainforest", "cmr.rainforest_r"], use_types=0, title=0
+ )
# Test if providing a custom list of colormaps works
def test_list_cat(self):
- create_cmap_overview(['cmr.rainforest'])
+ create_cmap_overview(["cmr.rainforest"])
# Test if providing all MPL colormap objects works
def test_mpl_cmaps_objs(self):
- cmaps = map(mplcm.get_cmap, mpl_cmaps)
- create_cmap_overview(cmaps, sort='perceptual')
+ cmaps = map(mpl.colormaps.__getitem__, mpl_cmaps)
+ create_cmap_overview(cmaps, sort="perceptual")
# Test if providing all MPL colormap names works
def test_mpl_cmaps_names(self):
- create_cmap_overview(mpl_cmaps, sort='lightness')
+ create_cmap_overview(mpl_cmaps, sort="lightness")
# Test if the lightness profiles can be plotted
def test_lightness_profiles(self):
@@ -141,8 +177,7 @@ def test_show_info(self):
# Test if providing a custom dict of colormaps works
def test_dict(self):
- create_cmap_overview({'test1': [cmrcm.rainforest],
- 'test2': ['cmr.rainforest']})
+ create_cmap_overview({"test1": [cmrcm.rainforest], "test2": ["cmr.rainforest"]})
# Test if the figure can be saved
def test_savefig(self):
@@ -152,7 +187,7 @@ def test_savefig(self):
# test if providing an invalid sort value raises an error
def test_invalid_sort_value(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- create_cmap_overview(sort='test')
+ create_cmap_overview(sort="test")
# Pytest for get_bibtex()-function
@@ -162,60 +197,61 @@ def test_get_bibtex():
# Pytest class for get_cmap_list()-function
-class Test_get_cmap_list(object):
+class Test_get_cmap_list:
# Test default arguments
def test_default(self):
- assert (get_cmap_list() == list(cmrcm.cmap_d))
+ assert get_cmap_list() == list(cmrcm.cmap_d)
# Test obtaining all sequential colormaps
def test_seq(self):
- assert (get_cmap_list('seq') == list(cmrcm.cmap_cd['sequential']))
+ assert get_cmap_list("seq") == list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["sequential"])
# Test obtaining all diverging colormaps
def test_div(self):
- assert (get_cmap_list('div') == list(cmrcm.cmap_cd['diverging']))
+ assert get_cmap_list("div") == list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["diverging"])
# Test obtaining all cyclic colormaps
def test_cyc(self):
- assert (get_cmap_list('cyc') == list(cmrcm.cmap_cd['cyclic']))
+ assert get_cmap_list("cyc") == list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["cyclic"])
# Pytest class for get_sub_cmap()-function
-class Test_get_sub_cmap(object):
+class Test_get_sub_cmap:
# Test if a copy can be made of the 'rainforest' colormap
def test_rainforest_copy(self):
- assert np.allclose(get_sub_cmap('cmr.rainforest', 0, 1).colors,
- cmrcm.rainforest.colors)
+ assert np.allclose(
+ get_sub_cmap("cmr.rainforest", 0, 1).colors, cmrcm.rainforest.colors
+ )
# Test if a sub can be made
def test_rainforest_sub(self):
- sub_cmap = get_sub_cmap('cmr.rainforest', 0.2, 0.8)
+ sub_cmap = get_sub_cmap("cmr.rainforest", 0.2, 0.8)
assert np.allclose(sub_cmap(0.0), cmrcm.rainforest(51))
assert np.allclose(sub_cmap(1.0), cmrcm.rainforest(204))
- assert (sub_cmap.N == 154)
+ assert sub_cmap.N == 154
# Test if a qualitative colormap can be made
def test_lilac_qual(self):
- qual_cmap = get_sub_cmap('cmr.lilac', 0.2, 0.8, N=5)
+ qual_cmap = get_sub_cmap("cmr.lilac", 0.2, 0.8, N=5)
assert np.allclose(qual_cmap(0.0), cmrcm.lilac(51))
assert np.allclose(qual_cmap(1.0), cmrcm.lilac(204))
- assert (qual_cmap.N == 5)
+ assert qual_cmap.N == 5
# Test if providing an incorrect range raises an error
def test_invalid_range(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- get_sub_cmap('cmr.rainforest', -1, 1.5)
+ get_sub_cmap("cmr.rainforest", -1, 1.5)
# Pytest class for import_cmaps()-function
-class Test_import_cmaps(object):
+class Test_import_cmaps:
# Test if all colormaps in cmasher/colormaps are loaded into CMasher/MPL
- @pytest.mark.parametrize('cm_name', cm_names)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("cm_name", cm_names)
def test_CMasher_cmaps(self, cm_name):
# Check if provided cm_name is registered in CMasher and MPL
- for name in (cm_name, cm_name+'_r'):
+ for name in (cm_name, cm_name + "_r"):
cmr_cmap = getattr(cmr, name)
- mpl_cmap = mplcm.get_cmap('cmr.'+name)
+ mpl_cmap = mpl.colormaps["cmr." + name]
assert isinstance(cmr_cmap, LC)
assert isinstance(mpl_cmap, LC)
assert getattr(cmrcm, name) is cmr_cmap
@@ -224,62 +260,65 @@ def test_CMasher_cmaps(self, cm_name):
# Test if providing a cmap .txt-file works
def test_cmap_file_txt(self):
- import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, '../colormaps/cm_rainforest.txt'))
+ import_cmaps(
+ path.join(dirpath, "../colormaps/cm_rainforest.txt"),
+ _skip_registration=True,
+ )
# Test if providing a cmap .txt-file with 8-bit values works
def test_cmap_file_8bit(self):
- import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, 'data/cm_8bit.txt'))
+ import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, "data/cm_8bit.txt"))
# Test if providing a cmap .txt-file with HEX values works
def test_cmap_file_HEX(self):
- import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, 'data/cm_hex.txt'))
+ import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, "data/cm_hex.txt"))
# Test if providing a cmap .jscm-file works
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_VISCM, reason="viscm is required")
def test_cmap_file_jscm(self):
- cmap_path = path.join(dirpath, 'data/cm_rainforest_jscm.jscm')
+ cmap_path = path.join(dirpath, "data/cm_rainforest_jscm.jscm")
# Test if providing a cyclic colormap works
def test_cyclic_cmap(self):
- name = 'cyclic'
- import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, 'data/cm_{0}.txt'.format(name)))
- for cmap in [name, name+'_r', name+'_s', name+'_s_r']:
- assert 'cmr.'+cmap in plt.colormaps()
+ name = "cyclic"
+ import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, f"data/cm_{name}.txt"))
+ for cmap in [name, name + "_r", name + "_s", name + "_s_r"]:
+ assert "cmr." + cmap in plt.colormaps()
assert getattr(cmrcm, cmap, None) is not None
assert cmap in cmrcm.cmap_d
- assert cmap in cmrcm.cmap_cd['cyclic']
+ assert cmap in cmrcm.cmap_cd["cyclic"]
# Test if providing a non-existing directory raises an error
def test_non_existing_dir(self):
with pytest.raises(OSError):
- import_cmaps('./test')
+ import_cmaps("./test")
# Test if providing an invalid cmap file raises an error
def test_invalid_cmap_file(self):
with pytest.raises(OSError):
- import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, 'data/test.txt'))
+ import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, "data/test.txt"))
# Test if providing an invalid cmap .npy-file raises an error
def test_invalid_cmap_npy_file(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, 'data/cm_test2.npy'))
+ import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, "data/cm_test2.npy"))
# Test if providing a custom directory with invalid cmaps raises an error
def test_invalid_cmap_dir(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, 'data'))
+ import_cmaps(path.join(dirpath, "data"))
# Pytest class for set_cmap_legend_entry()-function
-class Test_set_cmap_legend_entry(object):
+class Test_set_cmap_legend_entry:
# Test if providing a PathCollection object works
def test_path_collection(self):
# Create a small scatter plot
- plot = plt.scatter([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], c=[3, 4, 5],
- cmap=cmr.rainforest)
+ plot = plt.scatter([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], c=[3, 4, 5], cmap=cmr.rainforest)
# Add a cmap legend entry
- set_cmap_legend_entry(plot, 'Test')
+ set_cmap_legend_entry(plot, "Test")
# Check if the plot now has a special handler
assert plot in Legend.get_default_handler_map()
@@ -297,63 +336,71 @@ def test_line2d(self):
# Attempt to add the cmap legend entry
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- set_cmap_legend_entry(plot, 'Test')
+ set_cmap_legend_entry(plot, "Test")
# Close the plot
# Pytest class for take_cmap_colors()-function
-class Test_take_cmap_colors(object):
+class Test_take_cmap_colors:
# Test if all colors can be taken from the 'rainforest' colormap
def test_rainforest_all(self):
- assert np.allclose(take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', None),
- cmr.rainforest.colors)
+ assert np.allclose(
+ take_cmap_colors("cmr.rainforest", None), cmr.rainforest.colors
+ )
# Test if five colors can be taken from the 'rainforest' colormap
def test_rainforest_five(self):
- assert np.allclose(take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5),
- [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- (0.226123592, 0.124584033, 0.562997277),
- (0.0548210513, 0.515835251, 0.45667819),
- (0.709615979, 0.722863985, 0.0834727592),
- (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)])
+ assert np.allclose(
+ take_cmap_colors("cmr.rainforest", 5),
+ [
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.226123592, 0.124584033, 0.562997277),
+ (0.0548210513, 0.515835251, 0.45667819),
+ (0.709615979, 0.722863985, 0.0834727592),
+ (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ ],
+ )
# Test if their 8-bit RGB values can be requested as well
def test_rainforest_five_8bit(self):
- assert np.allclose(take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5,
- return_fmt='int'),
- [(0, 0, 0),
- (58, 32, 144),
- (14, 132, 116),
- (181, 184, 21),
- (255, 255, 255)])
+ assert np.allclose(
+ take_cmap_colors("cmr.rainforest", 5, return_fmt="int"),
+ [(0, 0, 0), (58, 32, 144), (14, 132, 116), (181, 184, 21), (255, 255, 255)],
+ )
# Test if their HEX-code values can be requested as well
def test_rainforest_five_hex(self):
- assert (take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5, return_fmt='hex') ==
- ['#000000', '#3A2090', '#0E8474', '#B5B815', '#FFFFFF'])
+ assert take_cmap_colors("cmr.rainforest", 5, return_fmt="hex") == [
+ "#000000",
+ "#3A2090",
+ "#0E8474",
+ "#B5B815",
+ "#FFFFFF",
+ ]
# Test if only a subrange can be used for picking colors
def test_rainforest_sub_five(self):
- assert (take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5, cmap_range=(0.2, 0.8),
- return_fmt='hex') ==
- ['#3E0374', '#10528A', '#0E8474', '#5CAD3C', '#D6BF4A'])
+ assert take_cmap_colors(
+ "cmr.rainforest", 5, cmap_range=(0.2, 0.8), return_fmt="hex"
+ ) == ["#3E0374", "#10528A", "#0E8474", "#5CAD3C", "#D6BF4A"]
# Test if providing an incorrect range raises an error
def test_invalid_range(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5, cmap_range=(-1, 1.5))
+ take_cmap_colors("cmr.rainforest", 5, cmap_range=(-1, 1.5))
# Pytest class for view_cmap()-function
-class Test_view_cmap(object):
+class Test_view_cmap:
# Test if default arguments work
def test_default(self):
- view_cmap('cmr.rainforest')
+ view_cmap("cmr.rainforest")
# Test if the figure can be saved
def test_savefig(self):
- view_cmap('cmr.rainforest', show_test=True, show_grayscale=True,
- savefig="test.png")
+ view_cmap(
+ "cmr.rainforest", show_test=True, show_grayscale=True, savefig="test.png"
+ )
assert path.exists("./test.png")
diff --git a/cmasher/utils.py b/cmasher/utils.py
index 39c1ff52..23926d02 100644
--- a/cmasher/utils.py
+++ b/cmasher/utils.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@@ -10,33 +8,40 @@
# Built-in imports
+import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
+from collections.abc import Iterable
from glob import glob
from os import path
from textwrap import dedent
-from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import warnings
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Union
+import matplotlib as mpl
+import numpy as np
# Package imports
from colorspacious import cspace_converter
-from matplotlib import cm as mplcm
-from matplotlib.artist import Artist
-from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.colors import Colormap, ListedColormap as LC, to_hex, to_rgb
-from matplotlib.legend import Legend
-from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerBase
-from matplotlib.image import AxesImage
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import numpy as np
# CMasher imports
from cmasher import cm as cmrcm
+ from matplotlib.artist import Artist
# All declaration
-__all__ = ['create_cmap_mod', 'create_cmap_overview', 'get_bibtex',
- 'get_cmap_list', 'get_cmap_type', 'get_sub_cmap', 'import_cmaps',
- 'register_cmap', 'set_cmap_legend_entry', 'take_cmap_colors',
- 'view_cmap']
+__all__ = [
+ "create_cmap_mod",
+ "create_cmap_overview",
+ "get_bibtex",
+ "get_cmap_list",
+ "get_cmap_type",
+ "get_sub_cmap",
+ "import_cmaps",
+ "register_cmap",
+ "set_cmap_legend_entry",
+ "take_cmap_colors",
+ "view_cmap",
@@ -48,33 +53,9 @@
RGB = Union[Iterable[Iterable[Union[float, int]]], Iterable[str]]
-# Define legend handler class for artists that use colormaps
-class _HandlerColorPolyCollection(HandlerBase):
- # Override create_artists to create an AxesImage resembling a colormap
- def create_artists(self, legend, artist, xdescent, ydescent, width, height,
- fontsize, trans):
- # Obtain the Axes object of this legend
- ax = legend.axes
- # Obtain the colormap of the artist
- cmap = artist.cmap
- # Create an AxesImage to contain the colormap with proper dimensions
- image = AxesImage(ax, cmap=cmap, transform=trans,
- extent=[xdescent, width, ydescent, height])
- # Set the data of the image
- image.set_data(np.arange(cmap.N)[np.newaxis, ...])
- # Return the AxesImage object
- return([image])
# Define function for obtaining the sorting order for lightness ranking
-def _get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> Tuple[
- int, int, float, float, float, str]:
+def _get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> tuple[int, int, float, float, float, str]:
Returns a tuple of objects used for sorting the provided `cmap` based
on its lightness profile.
@@ -106,13 +87,14 @@ def _get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> Tuple[
that is used.
# Obtain the colormap
- cmap = mplcm.get_cmap(cmap)
+ if isinstance(cmap, str):
+ cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]
cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap)
# Determine lightness profile stats for sequential/diverging/cyclic
- if cm_type in ('sequential', 'diverging', 'cyclic'):
+ if cm_type in ("sequential", "diverging", "cyclic"):
# Get RGB values for colormap
rgb = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N))[:, :3]
@@ -121,21 +103,21 @@ def _get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> Tuple[
L = lab[:, 0]
# If cyclic colormap, add first L at the end
- if(cm_type == 'cyclic'):
+ if cm_type == "cyclic":
L = np.r_[L, [L[0]]]
# Determine number of values that will be in deltas
- N_deltas = len(L)-1
+ N_deltas = len(L) - 1
# Determine the deltas of the lightness profile
deltas = np.diff(L)
- derivs = N_deltas*deltas
+ derivs = N_deltas * deltas
# Set lightness profile type to 0
L_type = 0
# Determine the RMSE of the lightness profile of a sequential colormap
- if(cm_type == 'sequential'):
+ if cm_type == "sequential":
# Take RMSE of entire lightness profile
L_rmse = np.around(np.std(derivs), 0)
@@ -143,39 +125,43 @@ def _get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> Tuple[
L_start = np.around(L[0], 0)
# Determine type of lightness profile
- L_type += (not np.allclose(rgb[0], [0, 0, 0]))*2
- L_type += (np.allclose(rgb[0], [0, 0, 0]) ==
- np.allclose(rgb[-1], [1, 1, 1]))
+ L_type += (not np.allclose(rgb[0], [0, 0, 0])) * 2
+ L_type += np.allclose(rgb[0], [0, 0, 0]) == np.allclose(rgb[-1], [1, 1, 1])
# Diverging/cyclic colormaps
# Determine the center of the colormap
- central_i = [int(np.ceil(N_deltas/2)), int(np.floor(N_deltas/2))]
+ central_i = [int(np.ceil(N_deltas / 2)), int(np.floor(N_deltas / 2))]
# Calculate RMSE of both halves
- L_rmse = np.max([np.around(np.std(derivs[:central_i[0]]), 0),
- np.around(np.std(derivs[central_i[1]:]), 0)])
+ L_rmse = np.max(
+ [
+ np.around(np.std(derivs[: central_i[0]]), 0),
+ np.around(np.std(derivs[central_i[1] :]), 0),
+ ]
+ )
# Calculate central lightness value
L_start = np.around(np.average(L[central_i]), 0)
# Determine lightness range
- L_rng = np.around(np.max(L)-np.min(L), 0)
+ L_rng = np.around(np.max(L) - np.min(L), 0)
# Determine if cmap goes from dark to light or the opposite
- L_slope = (L_start > L[-1])*2-1
+ L_slope = (L_start > L[-1]) * 2 - 1
# For qualitative/misc colormaps, set all lightness values to zero
L_slope = L_type = L_start = L_rng = L_rmse = 0
# Return lightness contributions to the rank
- return(L_slope, L_type, L_start, L_rng, L_rmse, cmap.name)
+ return (L_slope, L_type, L_start, L_rng, L_rmse, cmap.name)
# Define function for obtaining the sorting order for perceptual ranking
-def _get_cmap_perceptual_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> Tuple[
- int, int, float, float, float, float, str]:
+def _get_cmap_perceptual_rank(
+ cmap: CMAP
+) -> tuple[int, int, float, float, float, float, str]:
In addition to returning the lightness rank as given by
:func:`~_get_cmap_lightness_rank`, also returns the length of the
@@ -201,13 +187,14 @@ def _get_cmap_perceptual_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> Tuple[
that is used.
# Obtain the colormap
- cmap = mplcm.get_cmap(cmap)
+ if isinstance(cmap, str):
+ cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]
cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap)
# Determine perceptual range for sequential/diverging/cyclic
- if cm_type in ('sequential', 'diverging', 'cyclic'):
+ if cm_type in ("sequential", "diverging", "cyclic"):
# Get RGB values for colormap
rgb = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N))[:, :3]
@@ -215,11 +202,11 @@ def _get_cmap_perceptual_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> Tuple[
lab = cspace_converter("sRGB1", "CAM02-UCS")(rgb)
# If cyclic colormap, add first lab at the end
- if(cm_type == 'cyclic'):
+ if cm_type == "cyclic":
lab = np.r_[lab, [lab[0]]]
# Determine the deltas of the lightness profile
- deltas = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(lab, axis=0)**2, axis=-1))
+ deltas = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(lab, axis=0) ** 2, axis=-1))
# Determine perceptual range
P_rng = np.around(np.sum(deltas), 0)
@@ -229,12 +216,14 @@ def _get_cmap_perceptual_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> Tuple[
P_rng = 0
# Return perceptual contributions to the rank
- return(*_get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap)[:-1], P_rng, cmap.name)
+ return (*_get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap)[:-1], P_rng, cmap.name)
# This function creates a standalone module of a CMasher colormap
-def create_cmap_mod(cmap: str, *, save_dir: str = '.') -> str:
+def create_cmap_mod(
+ cmap: str, *, save_dir: str = ".", _copy_name: Optional[str] = None
+) -> str:
Creates a standalone Python module of the provided *CMasher* `cmap` and
saves it in the given `save_dir` as '<`cmap`>.py'.
@@ -277,45 +266,54 @@ def create_cmap_mod(cmap: str, *, save_dir: str = '.') -> str:
colormaps that are registered in *CMasher* (:mod:`cmasher.cm`).
# Get absolute value to provided save_dir
save_dir = path.abspath(save_dir)
# Remove any 'cmr.' prefix from provided cmap
- name = cmap.replace('cmr.', '')
+ name = cmap.replace("cmr.", "")
# Obtain the CMasher colormap associated with the provided cmap
cmap = cmrcm.cmap_d.get(name, None)
+ if cmap is None:
+ raise ValueError(f"{name!r} is not a valid cmasher colormap name")
cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap)
# If cmap is None, raise error
if cmap is None:
- raise ValueError("Input argument 'cmap' is not a valid CMasher "
- "colormap (%r)!" % (name))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Input argument 'cmap' is not a valid CMasher " "colormap (%r)!" % (name)
+ )
# Obtain the RGB tuples of provided cmap
rgb = np.array(cmap.colors)
# Convert RGB values to string
- array_str = np.array2string(rgb, max_line_width=79, prefix='cm_data = ',
- separator=', ', threshold=rgb.size,
- formatter={'float': lambda x: "%.8f" % (x)})
+ array_str = np.array2string(
+ rgb,
+ max_line_width=79,
+ prefix="cm_data = ",
+ separator=", ",
+ threshold=rgb.size,
+ formatter={"float": lambda x: "%.8f" % (x)},
+ )
# Create Python module template and add obtained RGB data to it
- cm_py_file = dedent("""
+ cm_py_file = dedent(
+ """
# Package imports
- from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
+ import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
# All declaration
- __all__ = ['cmap']
+ __all__ = ["cmap"]
# Author declaration
__author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)"
# Package declaration
- __package__ = 'cmasher'
+ __package__ = "cmasher"
@@ -330,13 +328,15 @@ def create_cmap_mod(cmap: str, *, save_dir: str = '.') -> str:
cmap_r = cmap.reversed()
# Register (reversed) cmap in MPL
- register_cmap(cmap=cmap)
- register_cmap(cmap=cmap_r)
- """)
+ mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap)
+ mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_r)
+ """
+ )
# If this colormap is cyclic, add code to register shifted version as well
- if(cm_type == 'cyclic'):
- cm_py_file += dedent("""
+ if cm_type == "cyclic":
+ cm_py_file += dedent(
+ """
# Shift the entire colormap by half of its length
cm_data_s = list(cm_data[{4}:])
@@ -346,39 +346,42 @@ def create_cmap_mod(cmap: str, *, save_dir: str = '.') -> str:
cmap_s_r = cmap_s.reversed()
# Register shifted versions in MPL as well
- register_cmap(cmap=cmap_s)
- register_cmap(cmap=cmap_s_r)
- """)
+ mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_s)
+ mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_s_r)
+ """
+ )
# Format py-file string
- cm_py_file = cm_py_file.format(cm_type, array_str, name, len(rgb),
- len(rgb)//2)
+ cm_py_file = cm_py_file.format(
+ cm_type, array_str, _copy_name or name, len(rgb), len(rgb) // 2
+ )
# Obtain the path to the module
- cmap_path = path.join(save_dir, "{0}.py".format(name))
+ cmap_path = path.join(save_dir, f"{_copy_name or name}.py")
# Create Python module
- with open(cmap_path, 'w') as f:
+ with open(cmap_path, "w") as f:
# Return cmap_path
- return(cmap_path)
+ return cmap_path
# This function creates an overview plot of all colormaps specified
def create_cmap_overview(
- cmaps: Optional[List[CMAP]] = None,
- *,
- savefig: Optional[str] = None,
- use_types: bool = True,
- sort: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = 'alphabetical',
- show_grayscale: bool = True,
- show_info: bool = False,
- plot_profile: Union[bool, float] = False,
- dark_mode: bool = False,
- title: Optional[str] = "Colormap Overview",
- wscale: float = 1,
- hscale: float = 1) -> None:
+ cmaps: Optional[list[CMAP]] = None,
+ *,
+ savefig: Optional[str] = None,
+ use_types: bool = True,
+ sort: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = "alphabetical",
+ show_grayscale: bool = True,
+ show_info: bool = False,
+ plot_profile: Union[bool, float] = False,
+ dark_mode: bool = False,
+ title: Optional[str] = "Colormap Overview",
+ wscale: float = 1,
+ hscale: float = 1,
+) -> None:
Creates an overview plot containing all colormaps defined in the provided
@@ -459,6 +462,7 @@ def create_cmap_overview(
The lightness profile transitions between black and white at 50% lightness.
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# If cmaps is None, use cmap_d.values
if cmaps is None:
@@ -470,16 +474,18 @@ def create_cmap_overview(
sort = sort.lower()
# Check what string was provided and obtain sorting function
- if sort in ('alphabetical', 'name'):
+ if sort in ("alphabetical", "name"):
def sort(x):
- return(x.name)
- elif(sort == 'lightness'):
+ return x.name
+ elif sort == "lightness":
sort = _get_cmap_lightness_rank
- elif(sort == 'perceptual'):
+ elif sort == "perceptual":
sort = _get_cmap_perceptual_rank
- raise ValueError("Input argument 'sort' has invalid string value "
- "%r!" % (sort))
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Input argument 'sort' has invalid string value " "%r!" % (sort)
+ )
# Create empty list of cmaps
cmaps_list = []
@@ -503,7 +509,7 @@ def sort(x):
# Loop over all cmaps and add their Colormap objects
for cmap in cmaps:
if isinstance(cmap, str):
- cmaps_dict[cm_type].append(mplcm.get_cmap(cmap))
+ cmaps_dict[cm_type].append(mpl.colormaps[cmap])
@@ -512,22 +518,21 @@ def sort(x):
# If cm_types are requested
if use_types:
# Define empty dict with the base cm_types
- cm_types = ['sequential', 'diverging', 'cyclic', 'qualitative',
- 'misc']
+ cm_types = ["sequential", "diverging", "cyclic", "qualitative", "misc"]
cmaps_dict = odict([[cm_type, []] for cm_type in cm_types])
# Loop over all cmaps and add their Colormap objects
for cmap in cmaps:
cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap)
if isinstance(cmap, str):
- cmaps_dict[cm_type].append(mplcm.get_cmap(cmap))
+ cmaps_dict[cm_type].append(mpl.colormaps[cmap])
# Loop over all cmaps and add their Colormap objects
for cmap in cmaps:
if isinstance(cmap, str):
- cmaps_list.append(mplcm.get_cmap(cmap))
+ cmaps_list.append(mpl.colormaps[cmap])
@@ -541,10 +546,10 @@ def sort(x):
names = [x.name for x in value]
# Remove all reversed colormaps that also have their original
- off_dex = len(names)-1
+ off_dex = len(names) - 1
for i, name in enumerate(reversed(names)):
- if name.endswith('_r') and name[:-2] in names:
- value.pop(off_dex-i)
+ if name.endswith("_r") and name[:-2] in names:
+ value.pop(off_dex - i)
# Sort the colormaps if requested
if sort is not None:
@@ -560,10 +565,10 @@ def sort(x):
names = [x.name for x in cmaps_list]
# Remove all reversed colormaps that also have their original
- off_dex = len(names)-1
+ off_dex = len(names) - 1
for i, name in enumerate(reversed(names)):
- if name.endswith('_r') and name[:-2] in names:
- cmaps_list.pop(off_dex-i)
+ if name.endswith("_r") and name[:-2] in names:
+ cmaps_list.pop(off_dex - i)
# Sort the colormaps if requested
if sort is not None:
@@ -583,10 +588,10 @@ def sort(x):
wscale *= 0.5
# Determine text/element positions
- wscale = 0.2+0.8*wscale
- left_pos = 0.2/wscale
- spacing = 0.01/wscale
- title_pos = left_pos+(1-spacing-left_pos)/2
+ wscale = 0.2 + 0.8 * wscale
+ left_pos = 0.2 / wscale
+ spacing = 0.01 / wscale
+ title_pos = left_pos + (1 - spacing - left_pos) / 2
# If plot_profile is True, set it to its default value
if plot_profile is True:
@@ -595,27 +600,36 @@ def sort(x):
# Check if dark mode is requested
if dark_mode:
# If so, use dark gray for the background and light gray for the text
- edge_color = '#24292E'
- face_color = '#24292E'
- text_color = '#9DA5B4'
+ edge_color = "#24292E"
+ face_color = "#24292E"
+ text_color = "#9DA5B4"
# If not, use white for the background and black for the text
- edge_color = '#FFFFFF'
- face_color = '#FFFFFF'
- text_color = '#000000'
+ edge_color = "#FFFFFF"
+ face_color = "#FFFFFF"
+ text_color = "#000000"
# Create figure instance
- height = (0.4*len(cmaps_list)+0.1)*hscale
- fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.4*wscale, height),
- nrows=len(cmaps_list), ncols=ncols,
- edgecolor=edge_color, facecolor=face_color)
+ height = (0.4 * len(cmaps_list) + 0.1) * hscale
+ fig, axs = plt.subplots(
+ figsize=(6.4 * wscale, height),
+ nrows=len(cmaps_list),
+ ncols=ncols,
+ edgecolor=edge_color,
+ facecolor=face_color,
+ )
# Adjust subplot positioning
- fig.subplots_adjust(top=(1-0.05/height), bottom=0.05/height, left=left_pos,
- right=1.0-spacing, wspace=0.05)
+ fig.subplots_adjust(
+ top=(1 - 0.05 / height),
+ bottom=0.05 / height,
+ left=left_pos,
+ right=1.0 - spacing,
+ wspace=0.05,
+ )
# If cmaps_list only has a single element, make sure axs is a list
- if(len(cmaps_list) == 1):
+ if len(cmaps_list) == 1:
axs = [axs]
# Loop over all cmaps defined in cmaps list
@@ -643,14 +657,28 @@ def sort(x):
# If it is a title
if cmap[1]:
# Write the title as text in the correct position
- fig.text(title_pos, pos0.y0+pos0.height/2, cmap[0],
- va='center', ha='center', fontsize=18, c=text_color)
+ fig.text(
+ title_pos,
+ pos0.y0 + pos0.height / 2,
+ cmap[0],
+ va="center",
+ ha="center",
+ fontsize=18,
+ c=text_color,
+ )
# If it is a cm_type
# Write the cm_type as text in the correct position
- fig.text(title_pos, pos0.y0, cmap[0],
- va='bottom', ha='center', fontsize=14, c=text_color)
+ fig.text(
+ title_pos,
+ pos0.y0,
+ cmap[0],
+ va="bottom",
+ ha="center",
+ fontsize=14,
+ c=text_color,
+ )
# Else, this is a colormap
@@ -664,7 +692,7 @@ def sort(x):
rgb = cmap(x)[:, :3]
# Add colormap subplot
- ax0.imshow(rgb[np.newaxis, ...], aspect='auto')
+ ax0.imshow(rgb[np.newaxis, ...], aspect="auto")
# Add gray-scale colormap subplot if requested
if show_grayscale:
@@ -679,12 +707,12 @@ def sort(x):
rgb_L = cmrcm.neutral(L)[:, :3]
# Add gray-scale colormap subplot
- ax1.imshow(rgb_L[np.newaxis, ...], aspect='auto')
+ ax1.imshow(rgb_L[np.newaxis, ...], aspect="auto")
# Check if the lightness profile was requested
- if plot_profile and (cm_type != 'qualitative'):
+ if plot_profile and (cm_type != "qualitative"):
# Determine the points that need to be plotted
- plot_L = -(L-0.5)
+ plot_L = -(L - 0.5)
points = np.stack([x, plot_L], axis=1)
# Determine the colors that each point must have
@@ -693,23 +721,25 @@ def sort(x):
colors[plot_L >= 0] = 1
# Split points up into segments with the same color
- s_idx = np.nonzero(np.diff(colors))[0]+1
+ s_idx = np.nonzero(np.diff(colors))[0] + 1
segments = np.split(points, s_idx)
# Loop over all pairs of adjacent segments
- for i, (seg1, seg2) in enumerate(zip(segments[:-1],
- segments[1:])):
+ for i, (seg1, seg2) in enumerate(zip(segments[:-1], segments[1:])):
# Determine the point in the center of these segments
- central_point = (seg1[-1]+seg2[0])/2
+ central_point = (seg1[-1] + seg2[0]) / 2
# Add this point to the ends of these segments
# This ensures that color changes in between segments
segments[i] = np.r_[segments[i], [central_point]]
- segments[i+1] = np.r_[[central_point], segments[i+1]]
+ segments[i + 1] = np.r_[[central_point], segments[i + 1]]
+ from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
# Create an MPL LineCollection object with these segments
- lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmrcm.neutral,
- alpha=plot_profile)
+ lc = LineCollection(
+ segments, cmap=cmrcm.neutral, alpha=plot_profile
+ )
# Determine the colors of each segment
@@ -724,32 +754,51 @@ def sort(x):
# Determine positions of colormap name
- x_text = pos0.x0-spacing
- y_text = pos0.y0+pos0.height/2
+ x_text = pos0.x0 - spacing
+ y_text = pos0.y0 + pos0.height / 2
# Check if lightness information was requested for valid cm_type
- if show_info and cm_type in ('sequential', 'diverging', 'cyclic'):
+ if show_info and cm_type in ("sequential", "diverging", "cyclic"):
# If so, obtain lightness/perceptual profile information
rank = _get_cmap_perceptual_rank(cmap)[0:6]
# Write name of colormap in the correct position
- fig.text(x_text, y_text, cmap.name,
- va='bottom', ha='right', fontsize=10, c=text_color)
+ fig.text(
+ x_text,
+ y_text,
+ cmap.name,
+ va="bottom",
+ ha="right",
+ fontsize=10,
+ c=text_color,
+ )
# Write lightness profile information in the correct position
- fig.text(x_text, y_text, "(%.3g, %.3g, %.3g)" %
- (rank[2], rank[2]-rank[0]*rank[3], rank[5]),
- va='top', ha='right', fontsize=10, c=text_color)
+ fig.text(
+ x_text,
+ y_text,
+ f"({rank[2]:.3g}, {rank[2]-rank[0]*rank[3]:.3g}, {rank[5]:.3g})",
+ va="top",
+ ha="right",
+ fontsize=10,
+ c=text_color,
+ )
# If not, just write the name of the colormap
- fig.text(x_text, y_text, cmap.name,
- va='center', ha='right', fontsize=10, c=text_color)
+ fig.text(
+ x_text,
+ y_text,
+ cmap.name,
+ va="center",
+ ha="right",
+ fontsize=10,
+ c=text_color,
+ )
# If savefig is not None, save the figure
if savefig is not None:
- dpi = 100 if (path.splitext(savefig)[1] == '.svg') else 250
- plt.savefig(savefig, dpi=dpi, facecolor=face_color,
- edgecolor=edge_color)
+ dpi = 100 if (path.splitext(savefig)[1] == ".svg") else 250
+ plt.savefig(savefig, dpi=dpi, facecolor=face_color, edgecolor=edge_color)
# Else, simply show it
@@ -764,7 +813,6 @@ def get_bibtex() -> None:
(Van der Velden 2020, JOSS, 5, 2004).
# Create string with BibTeX entry
bibtex = dedent(
@@ -790,14 +838,15 @@ def get_bibtex() -> None:
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020JOSS....5.2004V},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
- """)
+ """
+ )
# Print the string
# This function returns a list of all colormaps available in CMasher
-def get_cmap_list(cmap_type: str = 'all') -> List[str]:
+def get_cmap_list(cmap_type: str = "all") -> list[str]:
Returns a list with the names of all colormaps available in *CMasher* of
the given `cmap_type`.
@@ -817,22 +866,21 @@ def get_cmap_list(cmap_type: str = 'all') -> List[str]:
List containing the names of all colormaps available in *CMasher*.
# Convert cmap_type to lowercase
cmap_type = cmap_type.lower()
# Obtain proper list
- if cmap_type in ('a', 'all'):
- cmaps = [cmap for cmap in cmrcm.cmap_d]
- elif cmap_type in ('s', 'seq', 'sequential'):
- cmaps = [cmap for cmap in cmrcm.cmap_cd['sequential']]
- elif cmap_type in ('d', 'div', 'diverging'):
- cmaps = [cmap for cmap in cmrcm.cmap_cd['diverging']]
- elif cmap_type in ('c', 'cyc', 'cyclic'):
- cmaps = [cmap for cmap in cmrcm.cmap_cd['cyclic']]
+ if cmap_type in ("a", "all"):
+ cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_d)
+ elif cmap_type in ("s", "seq", "sequential"):
+ cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["sequential"])
+ elif cmap_type in ("d", "div", "diverging"):
+ cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["diverging"])
+ elif cmap_type in ("c", "cyc", "cyclic"):
+ cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["cyclic"])
# Return cmaps
- return(cmaps)
+ return cmaps
# This function determines the colormap type of a given colormap
@@ -854,9 +902,9 @@ def get_cmap_type(cmap: CMAP) -> str:
`cmap` has.
# Obtain the colormap
- cmap = mplcm.get_cmap(cmap)
+ if isinstance(cmap, str):
+ cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]
# Get RGB values for colormap
rgb = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N))[:, :3]
@@ -867,59 +915,56 @@ def get_cmap_type(cmap: CMAP) -> str:
diff_L = np.diff(L)
# Obtain central values of lightness
- N = cmap.N-1
- central_i = [int(np.floor(N/2)), int(np.ceil(N/2))]
- diff_L0 = np.diff(L[:central_i[0]+1])
- diff_L1 = np.diff(L[central_i[1]:])
+ N = cmap.N - 1
+ central_i = [int(np.floor(N / 2)), int(np.ceil(N / 2))]
+ diff_L0 = np.diff(L[: central_i[0] + 1])
+ diff_L1 = np.diff(L[central_i[1] :])
# Obtain perceptual differences of last two and first two values
lab_red = lab[[-2, -1, 0, 1]]
- deltas = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(lab_red, axis=0)**2, axis=-1))
+ deltas = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(lab_red, axis=0) ** 2, axis=-1))
# Check the statistics of cmap and determine the colormap type
# If the colormap has less than 40 values, assume it is qualitative
- if(cmap.N < 40):
- return('qualitative')
+ if cmap.N < 40:
+ return "qualitative"
# MISC 1
# If the colormap has only a single lightness, it is misc
elif np.allclose(diff_L, 0):
- return('misc')
+ return "misc"
# If the lightness values always increase or decrease, it is sequential
elif np.isclose(np.abs(np.sum(diff_L)), np.sum(np.abs(diff_L))):
- return('sequential')
+ return "sequential"
# If the lightness values have a central extreme and sequential sides
# Then it is diverging
- elif (np.isclose(np.abs(np.sum(diff_L0)), np.sum(np.abs(diff_L0))) and
- np.isclose(np.abs(np.sum(diff_L1)), np.sum(np.abs(diff_L1)))):
+ elif np.isclose(np.abs(np.sum(diff_L0)), np.sum(np.abs(diff_L0))) and np.isclose(
+ np.abs(np.sum(diff_L1)), np.sum(np.abs(diff_L1))
+ ):
# If the perceptual difference between the last and first value is
# comparable to the other perceptual differences, it is cyclic
- if(np.all(np.abs(np.diff(deltas)) < deltas[::2]) and
- np.diff(deltas[::2])):
- return('cyclic')
+ if np.all(np.abs(np.diff(deltas)) < deltas[::2]) and np.diff(deltas[::2]):
+ return "cyclic"
# Otherwise, it is a normal diverging colormap
- return('diverging')
+ return "diverging"
# MISC 2
# If none of the criteria above apply, it is misc
- return('misc')
+ return "misc"
# Function create a colormap using a subset of the colors in an existing one
def get_sub_cmap(
- cmap: CMAP,
- start: float,
- stop: float,
- *,
- N: Optional[int] = None) -> LC:
+ cmap: CMAP, start: float, stop: float, *, N: Optional[int] = None
+) -> LC:
Creates a :obj:`~matplotlib.cm.ListedColormap` object using the colors in
the range `[start, stop]` of the provided `cmap` and returns it.
@@ -978,25 +1023,24 @@ def get_sub_cmap(
*CMasher* or *MPL*.
# Obtain the colormap
- cmap = mplcm.get_cmap(cmap)
+ cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]
# Check value of N to determine suffix for the name
- suffix = '_sub' if N is None else '_qual'
+ suffix = "_sub" if N is None else "_qual"
# Obtain colors
colors = take_cmap_colors(cmap, N, cmap_range=(start, stop))
# Create new colormap
- sub_cmap = LC(colors, cmap.name+suffix, N=len(colors))
+ sub_cmap = LC(colors, cmap.name + suffix, N=len(colors))
# Return sub_cmap
- return(sub_cmap)
+ return sub_cmap
# Function to import all custom colormaps in a file or directory
-def import_cmaps(cmap_path: str) -> None:
+def import_cmaps(cmap_path: str, *, _skip_registration: bool = False) -> None:
Reads in custom colormaps from a provided file or directory `cmap_path`;
transforms them into :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` objects; and
@@ -1038,14 +1082,14 @@ def import_cmaps(cmap_path: str) -> None:
>>> plt.get_cmap('cmr.test') # MPL
# Obtain path to file or directory with colormaps
cmap_path = path.abspath(cmap_path)
# Check if provided file or directory exists
if not path.exists(cmap_path):
- raise OSError("Input argument 'cmap_path' is a non-existing path (%r)!"
- % (cmap_path))
+ raise OSError(
+ "Input argument 'cmap_path' is a non-existing path (%r)!" % (cmap_path)
+ )
# Check if cmap_path is a file or directory and act accordingly
if path.isfile(cmap_path):
@@ -1053,9 +1097,11 @@ def import_cmaps(cmap_path: str) -> None:
cmap_dir, cmap_file = path.split(cmap_path)
# Check if its name starts with 'cm_' and raise error if not
- if not cmap_file.startswith('cm_'):
- raise OSError("Input argument 'cmap_path' does not lead to a file "
- "with the 'cm_' prefix (%r)!" % (cmap_path))
+ if not cmap_file.startswith("cm_"):
+ raise OSError(
+ "Input argument 'cmap_path' does not lead to a file "
+ "with the 'cm_' prefix (%r)!" % (cmap_path)
+ )
# Set cm_files to be the sole read-in file
cm_files = [cmap_file]
@@ -1077,18 +1123,19 @@ def import_cmaps(cmap_path: str) -> None:
# Process colormap files
# If file is a NumPy binary file
- if(ext_str == '.npy'):
+ if ext_str == ".npy":
rgb = np.load(cm_file_path)
# If file is viscm source file
- elif(ext_str == '.jscm'):
+ elif ext_str == ".jscm":
# Check if viscm is available
import viscm
# If that fails, raise error
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
- raise ImportError("The 'viscm' package is required to read"
- " '.jscm' files!")
+ raise ImportError(
+ "The 'viscm' package is required to read" " '.jscm' files!"
+ ) from None
# If that succeeds, load RGB values from source file
# Load colormap
@@ -1096,36 +1143,42 @@ def import_cmaps(cmap_path: str) -> None:
# Create editor and obtain RGB values
- v = viscm.viscm_editor(uniform_space=cmap.uniform_space,
- cmtype=cmap.cmtype,
- method=cmap.method,
- **cmap.params)
+ v = viscm.viscm_editor(
+ uniform_space=cmap.uniform_space,
+ cmtype=cmap.cmtype,
+ method=cmap.method,
+ **cmap.params,
+ )
rgb, _ = v.cmap_model.get_sRGB()
# If file is anything else
- rgb = np.genfromtxt(cm_file_path, dtype=None, comments='//',
- encoding=None)
+ rgb = np.genfromtxt(
+ cm_file_path, dtype=None, comments="//", encoding=None
+ )
- # Register colormap
- register_cmap(cm_name, rgb)
+ if not _skip_registration:
+ # Register colormap
+ register_cmap(cm_name, rgb)
# Check if provided cmap is a cyclic colormap
# If so, obtain its shifted (reversed) versions as well
- if(get_cmap_type('cmr.'+cm_name) == 'cyclic'):
+ if get_cmap_type("cmr." + cm_name) == "cyclic":
# Determine the central value index of the colormap
- idx = len(rgb)//2
+ idx = len(rgb) // 2
# Shift the entire colormap by this index
rgb_s = np.r_[rgb[idx:], rgb[:idx]]
- # Register this colormap as well
- register_cmap(cm_name+'_s', rgb_s)
+ if not _skip_registration:
+ # Register this colormap as well
+ register_cmap(cm_name + "_s", rgb_s)
# If any error is raised, reraise it
except Exception as error:
- raise ValueError("Provided colormap %r is invalid! (%s)"
- % (cm_name, error))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Provided colormap {cm_name} is invalid! ({error})"
+ ) from None
# Function to register a custom colormap in MPL and CMasher
@@ -1153,32 +1206,38 @@ def register_cmap(name: str, data: RGB) -> None:
# Convert provided data to a NumPy array
cm_data = np.array(data)
# Check the type of the data
if issubclass(cm_data.dtype.type, str):
# If the values are strings, make sure they start with a '#'
- cm_data = map(lambda x: '#'+x if not x.startswith('#') else x, cm_data)
- # Convert all values to floats
- colorlist = list(map(to_rgb, cm_data))
+ if cm_data.ndim == 0:
+ cm_data = [cm_data.item()]
+ else:
+ cm_data = ("#" + x if not x.startswith("#") else x for x in cm_data)
+ try:
+ # Convert all values to floats
+ colorlist = [to_rgb(_) for _ in cm_data]
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Input data isn't valid hexadecimal RGB values: {data=}"
+ ) from None
# Make sure that cm_data is 2D
cm_data = np.array(cm_data, copy=False, ndmin=2)
# If the values are integers, divide them by 255
if issubclass(cm_data.dtype.type, np.integer):
- cm_data = cm_data/255
+ cm_data = cm_data / 255
# Convert cm_data to a list
colorlist = cm_data.tolist()
# Transform colorlist into a Colormap
cmap_N = len(colorlist)
- cmap_mpl = LC(colorlist, 'cmr.'+name, N=cmap_N)
+ cmap_mpl = LC(colorlist, "cmr." + name, N=cmap_N)
cmap_cmr = LC(colorlist, name, N=cmap_N)
cmap_mpl_r = cmap_mpl.reversed()
cmap_cmr_r = cmap_cmr.reversed()
@@ -1191,14 +1250,14 @@ def register_cmap(name: str, data: RGB) -> None:
cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap_mpl)
# Add cmap to matplotlib's cmap list
- mplcm.register_cmap(cmap=cmap_mpl)
+ mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_mpl)
setattr(cmrcm, cmap_cmr.name, cmap_cmr)
cmrcm.cmap_d[cmap_cmr.name] = cmap_cmr
cmrcm.cmap_cd[cm_type][cmap_cmr.name] = cmap_cmr
# Add reversed cmap to matplotlib's cmap list
- mplcm.register_cmap(cmap=cmap_mpl_r)
+ mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_mpl_r)
setattr(cmrcm, cmap_cmr_r.name, cmap_cmr_r)
cmrcm.cmap_d[cmap_cmr_r.name] = cmap_cmr_r
@@ -1206,7 +1265,7 @@ def register_cmap(name: str, data: RGB) -> None:
# Function to set the legend label of an artist that uses a colormap
-def set_cmap_legend_entry(artist: Artist, label: str) -> None:
+def set_cmap_legend_entry(artist: "Artist", label: str) -> None:
Sets the label of the provided `artist` to `label`, and creates a legend
entry using a miniature version of the colormap of `artist` as the legend
@@ -1229,29 +1288,32 @@ def set_cmap_legend_entry(artist: Artist, label: str) -> None:
The string that must be set as the label of `artist`.
+ from matplotlib.legend import Legend
# Obtain the colormap of the provided artist
- cmap = getattr(artist, 'cmap', None)
+ cmap = getattr(artist, "cmap", None)
# If cmap is None, raise error
if cmap is None:
- raise ValueError("Input argument 'artist' does not have attribute "
- "'cmap'!")
+ raise ValueError("Input argument 'artist' does not have attribute " "'cmap'!")
# Set the label of this artist
# Add the HandlerColorPolyCollection to the default handler map for artist
+ from ._handlercolorpolycollection import _HandlerColorPolyCollection
Legend.get_default_handler_map()[artist] = _HandlerColorPolyCollection()
# Function to take N equally spaced colors from a colormap
def take_cmap_colors(
- cmap: CMAP,
- N: Optional[int],
- *,
- cmap_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 1),
- return_fmt: str = 'float') -> RGB:
+ cmap: CMAP,
+ N: Optional[int],
+ *,
+ cmap_range: tuple[float, float] = (0, 1),
+ return_fmt: str = "float",
+) -> RGB:
Takes `N` equally spaced colors from the provided colormap `cmap` and
returns them.
@@ -1323,49 +1385,51 @@ def take_cmap_colors(
that describe the same property, but have a different initial state.
# Convert provided fmt to lowercase
return_fmt = return_fmt.lower()
# Obtain the colormap
- cmap = mplcm.get_cmap(cmap)
+ if isinstance(cmap, str):
+ cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]
# Check if provided cmap_range is valid
if not ((0 <= cmap_range[0] <= 1) and (0 <= cmap_range[1] <= 1)):
- raise ValueError("Input argument 'cmap_range' does not contain "
- "normalized values!")
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Input argument 'cmap_range' does not contain " "normalized values!"
+ )
# Extract and convert start and stop to their integer indices (inclusive)
- start = int(np.floor(cmap_range[0]*cmap.N))
- stop = int(np.ceil(cmap_range[1]*cmap.N))-1
+ start = int(np.floor(cmap_range[0] * cmap.N))
+ stop = int(np.ceil(cmap_range[1] * cmap.N)) - 1
# Pick colors
if N is None:
- index = np.arange(start, stop+1, dtype=int)
+ index = np.arange(start, stop + 1, dtype=int)
index = np.array(np.rint(np.linspace(start, stop, num=N)), dtype=int)
colors = cmap(index)
# Convert colors to proper format
- if return_fmt in ('float', 'norm', 'int', '8bit'):
+ if return_fmt in ("float", "norm", "int", "8bit"):
colors = np.apply_along_axis(to_rgb, 1, colors)
- if return_fmt in ('int', '8bit'):
- colors = np.array(np.rint(colors*255), dtype=int)
+ if return_fmt in ("int", "8bit"):
+ colors = np.array(np.rint(colors * 255), dtype=int)
colors = list(map(tuple, colors))
- colors = list(map((lambda x: to_hex(x).upper()), colors))
+ colors = [to_hex(x).upper() for x in colors]
# Return colors
- return(colors)
+ return colors
# Function to view what a colormap looks like
def view_cmap(
- cmap: CMAP,
- *,
- savefig: Optional[str] = None,
- show_test: bool = False,
- show_grayscale: bool = False) -> None:
+ cmap: CMAP,
+ *,
+ savefig: Optional[str] = None,
+ show_test: bool = False,
+ show_grayscale: bool = False,
+) -> None:
Shows a simple plot of the provided `cmap`.
@@ -1386,9 +1450,10 @@ def view_cmap(
If *True*, also show the grayscale version of `cmap`.
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Obtain cmap
- cmap = mplcm.get_cmap(cmap)
+ cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]
# Check if show_grayscale is True
if show_grayscale:
@@ -1406,25 +1471,24 @@ def view_cmap(
nplots = 1
# Create figure
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=nplots, figsize=(12.8*nplots, 3.2))
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=nplots, figsize=(12.8 * nplots, 3.2))
# Check if show_test is True
if show_test:
# If so, use a colormap test data file
- data = np.load(path.join(path.dirname(__file__),
- 'data/colormaptest.npy'))
+ data = np.load(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "data/colormaptest.npy"))
# If not, just plot the colormap
data = [np.linspace(0, 1, cmap.N)]
# If show_grayscale is True, show both plots instead of just one
if show_grayscale:
- ax[0].imshow(data, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto')
+ ax[0].imshow(data, cmap=cmap, aspect="auto")
- ax[1].imshow(data, cmap=cmap_L, aspect='auto')
+ ax[1].imshow(data, cmap=cmap_L, aspect="auto")
- ax.imshow(data, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto')
+ ax.imshow(data, cmap=cmap, aspect="auto")
# Use tight layout
@@ -1432,7 +1496,7 @@ def view_cmap(
# If savefig is not None, save the figure
if savefig is not None:
- plt.savefig(savefig, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
+ plt.savefig(savefig, dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0)
# Else, simply show it
@@ -1442,22 +1506,4 @@ def view_cmap(
# Import all colormaps defined in './colormaps'
-import_cmaps(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'colormaps'))
-# Raise warning about 'heat' being renamed to 'torch' in v1.6.1
-class LC_heat(LC): # pragma: no cover
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- warnings.warn("The 'heat' colormap was renamed to 'torch' in v1.6.1 "
- "and will be removed in v1.7.", FutureWarning,
- stacklevel=2)
- return(super().__call__(*args, **kwargs))
-# Use this special LC class for 'heat'
-_LC = LC
-LC = LC_heat
-with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
- register_cmap('heat', cmrcm.torch.colors)
-LC = _LC
+import_cmaps(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "colormaps"))
diff --git a/conftest.py b/conftest.py
index 52751183..be37e69b 100644
--- a/conftest.py
+++ b/conftest.py
@@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Package imports
import matplotlib as mpl
from py.path import local
# Set MPL backend
# This makes the pytest report header mention the tested CMasher version
def pytest_report_header(config):
from cmasher.__version__ import __version__
- return("CMasher: %s" % (__version__))
+ return "CMasher: %s" % (__version__)
diff --git a/docs/requirements_docs.txt b/docs/requirements_docs.txt
index bb36d126..f2083c6c 100644
--- a/docs/requirements_docs.txt
+++ b/docs/requirements_docs.txt
@@ -2,4 +2,3 @@
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index 8074ac4d..137ae921 100644
--- a/docs/source/_static/Preferences.tps
+++ b/docs/source/_static/Preferences.tps
@@ -22104,4 +22104,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/docs/source/_static/google3ccf0e77d0aa4c22.html
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
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# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
@@ -13,22 +12,23 @@
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
import os
+import re
import sys
from codecs import open
-import re
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../.."))
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
-project = 'CMasher'
-copyright = '2019-2021, Ellert van der Velden'
-author = 'Ellert van der Velden'
+project = "CMasher"
+copyright = "2019-2021, Ellert van der Velden"
+author = "Ellert van der Velden"
# The short X.Y version
-version = 'latest'
+version = "latest"
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
-with open('../../cmasher/__version__.py', 'r') as f:
+with open("../../cmasher/__version__.py", "r") as f:
vf = f.read()
# Obtain version from read-in __version__.py file
@@ -39,30 +39,34 @@
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# for a list of supported languages.
@@ -100,9 +103,9 @@
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# a list of builtin themes.
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# to template names.
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@@ -179,15 +183,12 @@
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@@ -197,8 +198,7 @@
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# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
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- (master_doc, 'CMasher.tex', html_title,
- author, 'manual'),
+ (master_doc, "CMasher.tex", html_title, author, "manual"),
@@ -206,9 +206,7 @@
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# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
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# dir menu entry, description, category)
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- (master_doc, project, html_title,
- author, project, ("Scientific colormaps for making accessible, "
- "informative and 'cmashing' plots"),
- 'Miscellaneous'),
+ (
+ master_doc,
+ project,
+ html_title,
+ author,
+ project,
+ (
+ "Scientific colormaps for making accessible, "
+ "informative and 'cmashing' plots"
+ ),
+ "Miscellaneous",
+ ),
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index f32fe183..a14394c9 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The documentation of *CMasher* is spread out over several sections:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
:caption: User Documentation
@@ -30,17 +30,16 @@ The documentation of *CMasher* is spread out over several sections:
.. _api-docs:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4
:caption: API Reference
.. role:: pycode(code)
:language: python3
:class: highlight
diff --git a/docs/source/user/FAQ.rst b/docs/source/user/FAQ.rst
index f626e049..f175f427 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/FAQ.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/FAQ.rst
@@ -80,4 +80,3 @@ One look at the *viscm* output of :ref:`watermelon` tells you immediately that t
Of course, it is possible to make diverging colormaps without blue that are still CVD-friendly.
However, these colormaps usually tend to end up looking very boring and dull, as I have to prioritize using CVD-friendly colors over colorful colors.
And while this could be useful, this also means that they end up having low perceptual ranges, which kind of defeats the entire purpose of a diverging colormap.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/categories.rst b/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/categories.rst
index b74ca9aa..ad488efc 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/categories.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/categories.rst
@@ -70,4 +70,4 @@ The overview uses dark mode and the colormaps are not sorted within each categor
# Create colormap overview of selected colormaps, divided into categories
- cmr.create_cmap_overview(cmaps_dct, sort=None, dark_mode=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ cmr.create_cmap_overview(cmaps_dct, sort=None, dark_mode=True)
diff --git a/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/mpl_cmaps.rst b/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/mpl_cmaps.rst
index c38efeba..ba2c0a79 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/mpl_cmaps.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/mpl_cmaps.rst
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ Note that perceptually uniform sequential colormaps should show no curves or cha
cmaps = plt.colormaps()
# Create colormap overview of all colormaps in MPL
- cmr.create_cmap_overview(cmaps, plot_profile=True, sort='lightness')
\ No newline at end of file
+ cmr.create_cmap_overview(cmaps, plot_profile=True, sort='lightness')
diff --git a/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/seq_mpl_cmaps.rst b/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/seq_mpl_cmaps.rst
index 413859c3..375133b4 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/seq_mpl_cmaps.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/cmap_overviews/seq_mpl_cmaps.rst
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ The overview has its title set to :pycode:`"Sequential MPL Colormaps"` instead o
if cmr.get_cmap_type(cmap) == 'sequential']
# Create colormap overview of all sequential colormaps in MPL and CMasher
- cmr.create_cmap_overview(cmaps, use_types=False, title="Sequential MPL Colormaps")
\ No newline at end of file
+ cmr.create_cmap_overview(cmaps, use_types=False, title="Sequential MPL Colormaps")
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging.rst
index a7a995be..24d09f32 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging.rst
@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ Because of this, *CMasher* provides a few cyclic colormaps of its own as well, w
- diverging/wildfire
\ No newline at end of file
+ diverging/wildfire
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/emergency.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/emergency.rst
index fcd74ea6..f830b3a9 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/emergency.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/emergency.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ emergency
The *emergency* colormap is a visual representation of the emergency warning lights on emergency vehicles in many countries.
Unlike many other diverging colormaps, *emergency* is a cyclic colormap, covering the full lightness range and using the colors red and blue.
-Because *emergency* is a cyclic colormap that is CVD-friendly, it is the main colormap to use for plots with cyclic or periodic information.
\ No newline at end of file
+Because *emergency* is a cyclic colormap that is CVD-friendly, it is the main colormap to use for plots with cyclic or periodic information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/iceburn.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/iceburn.rst
index a0c263de..eb8846a0 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/iceburn.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/iceburn.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ iceburn
The *iceburn* colormap is a visual representation of ice and fire colliding.
It covers almost the full lightness range (:math:`[0, 90]`) and uses the colors blue and orange.
It is special in that, unlike most other diverging colormaps, it reaches its lowest lightness value in the center and increases in lightness towards the ends.
-This makes it ideal for representing information where the deviation from the common center should be highlighted or when plotting data values where the sign of a value is used as an indicator, like in a radial velocity or rotation measure map (where the sign is an indicator of direction).
\ No newline at end of file
+This makes it ideal for representing information where the deviation from the common center should be highlighted or when plotting data values where the sign of a value is used as an indicator, like in a radial velocity or rotation measure map (where the sign is an indicator of direction).
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/infinity.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/infinity.rst
index 2f1eec8d..f1bb0eac 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/infinity.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/infinity.rst
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ The *infinity* colormap is a visual representation of the infiniteness of a circ
It covers the special :math:`[25, 75]` lightness range and uses basically all colors in roughly equal ratio.
Unlike other diverging colormaps, *infinity* is a cyclic colormap.
Due to *infinity* using all colors, this colormap is great for use in very dense cyclic information plots.
-It can also be used as an alternative to :ref:`pride` as a diverging colormap by removing a small part at the beginning and end.
\ No newline at end of file
+It can also be used as an alternative to :ref:`pride` as a diverging colormap by removing a small part at the beginning and end.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/pride.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/pride.rst
index e9efc1c9..fee8a354 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/pride.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/pride.rst
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ The *pride* colormap is a visual representation of the equality of all communiti
It covers the special lightness range of :math:`[10, 90]` and uses all major colors.
Like the :ref:`fusion` and :ref:`seasons` colormaps, this colormap has an exceptionally high perceptual range, making it ideal for dense information plots where the distance to the common center should be highlighted.
Note that unlike most other colormaps, *pride* does not feature a black or white area, making it easier to write annotations on top of it.
-Also note that, like the :ref:`chroma` sequential colormap, *pride* is not as CVD-friendly as other colormaps in *CMasher*.
\ No newline at end of file
+Also note that, like the :ref:`chroma` sequential colormap, *pride* is not as CVD-friendly as other colormaps in *CMasher*.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/redshift.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/redshift.rst
index 099908f3..ab288548 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/redshift.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/redshift.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ redshift
The *redshift* colormap is a visual representation of the (mostly) astronomical phenomenon with the same name, where electromagnetic radiation (such as light) undergoes an increase in wavelength.
It covers almost the full lightness range (i.e., :math:`[0, 90]`) and uses red and blue as its main colors.
-As with the :ref:`iceburn` colormap, this colormap reaches its lowest lightness value in the center.
\ No newline at end of file
+As with the :ref:`iceburn` colormap, this colormap reaches its lowest lightness value in the center.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/seaweed.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/seaweed.rst
index 9d310433..0b6c5b7e 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/seaweed.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/seaweed.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ seaweed
The *seaweed* colormap is a visual representation of the type of sea algae with the same name.
It covers the :math:`[0, 90]` lightness range and uses the colors blue and green.
-As with the :ref:`iceburn` and :ref:`redshift` colormaps, *watermelon* reaches its lowest lightness value in the center, making it great for representing information where the distance towards the common center should be highlighted.
\ No newline at end of file
+As with the :ref:`iceburn` and :ref:`redshift` colormaps, *watermelon* reaches its lowest lightness value in the center, making it great for representing information where the distance towards the common center should be highlighted.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/viola.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/viola.rst
index c6d20823..cc4dd555 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/viola.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/viola.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ viola
The *viola* colormap is a visual representation of the flower family with the same name.
It covers the :math:`[10, 100]` lightness range and uses the colors blue and pink/purple.
-It reaches its highest lightness value in the center, making it great for density maps.
\ No newline at end of file
+It reaches its highest lightness value in the center, making it great for density maps.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/waterlily.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/waterlily.rst
index e988fc8c..3730ae91 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/waterlily.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/waterlily.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ waterlily
The *waterlily* colormap is a visual representation of the water flower with the same name.
Like :ref:`fusion` and :ref:`viola`, it covers the :math:`[10, 100]` lightness range and it uses the colors blue and green.
-As with those two colormaps, *waterlily* is great for use in density maps.
\ No newline at end of file
+As with those two colormaps, *waterlily* is great for use in density maps.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/diverging/wildfire.rst b/docs/source/user/diverging/wildfire.rst
index c9d9a657..9ef3fead 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/diverging/wildfire.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/diverging/wildfire.rst
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ The *wildfire* colormap is a visual representation of the natural disaster with
Like a few other diverging colormaps, it covers the special :math:`[0, 90]` lightness range and it uses basically all colors.
Due to its exceptionally high perceptual range, *wildfire* is great for use in plots with very dense information.
Note that, like :ref:`pride` and :ref:`seasons`, this colormap is not as CVD-friendly as other diverging colormaps.
-A good alternative that is CVD-friendly is :ref:`iceburn`.
\ No newline at end of file
+A good alternative that is CVD-friendly is :ref:`iceburn`.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential.rst
index 9847efca..3ee4827b 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential.rst
@@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ These colormaps are shown in an overview and described individually below.
- sequential/voltage
\ No newline at end of file
+ sequential/voltage
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/amber.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/amber.rst
index 0ee52b0d..75705967 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/amber.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/amber.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ amber
The *amber* colormap is a visual representation of the gemstone with the same name.
It covers almost the full lightness range (:math:`[0, 95]`) and uses the color orange/yellow.
-Its smoothly varying colors make it great for representing smooth information.
\ No newline at end of file
+Its smoothly varying colors make it great for representing smooth information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/apple.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/apple.rst
index f6cedef3..220c263a 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/apple.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/apple.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ apple
The *apple* colormap is a visual representation of the fruit with the same name, in particular an `Elstar `_ apple.
It covers the full lightness range and uses the colors red and green.
Its bright colors near the maximum make it great for representing information where higher values should be the main focus.
-Despite *apple* using red and green, the colors are far enough apart from each other to still be relatively CVD-friendly.
\ No newline at end of file
+Despite *apple* using red and green, the colors are far enough apart from each other to still be relatively CVD-friendly.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/arctic.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/arctic.rst
index 8eb87e12..9b21d0e6 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/arctic.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/arctic.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ arctic
The *arctic* colormap is a visual representation of the cold landscape of the Arctic.
It covers the full lightness range and solely uses the color blue.
As the *arctic* colormap uses softer colors, it can be used as an alternative to the :ref:`freeze` colormap.
-This is useful for plots where the colormap is not the only/main focus.
\ No newline at end of file
+This is useful for plots where the colormap is not the only/main focus.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/bubblegum.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/bubblegum.rst
index ad2052e8..c8b6e68b 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/bubblegum.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/bubblegum.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ bubblegum
The *bubblegum* colormap is a visual representation of the candy with the same name.
It covers the special :math:`[15, 85]` lightness range and uses the colors purple and pink.
-Due to its low perceptual range and unique lightness range, *bubblegum* is excellent for representing discrete information and can easily be annotated over.
\ No newline at end of file
+Due to its low perceptual range and unique lightness range, *bubblegum* is excellent for representing discrete information and can easily be annotated over.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/cosmic.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/cosmic.rst
index da7a27ce..c0013ff3 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/cosmic.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/cosmic.rst
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ cosmic
:width: 100%
:align: center
-The *cosmic* colormap is a visual representation of the cosmos, with the black/purple representing the vast emptiness of space and the purple/blue the bright stars and galaxies.
+The *cosmic* colormap is a visual representation of the cosmos, with the black/purple representing the vast emptiness of space and the purple/blue the bright stars and galaxies.
It covers almost the full lightness range (:math:`[0, 90]`) and uses several shades of blue.
-As with other colormaps that only use a single color, this colormap is great for representing smooth information.
\ No newline at end of file
+As with other colormaps that only use a single color, this colormap is great for representing smooth information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/dusk.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/dusk.rst
index b5c0db4f..1da4a3d1 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/dusk.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/dusk.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ dusk
The *dusk* colormap is a visual representation of what the sky looks like during dusk (with the black/blue representing the dark sky and the orange/red the last few sunrays above the horizon).
It covers the :math:`[0, 85]` lightness range and has the colors blue and orange as its main colors.
-It features a greyish area in the middle, making it great for representing ordered information where the extremes should be the main focus of the image.
\ No newline at end of file
+It features a greyish area in the middle, making it great for representing ordered information where the extremes should be the main focus of the image.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/eclipse.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/eclipse.rst
index 5a37ac43..21db3467 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/eclipse.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/eclipse.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ eclipse
The *eclipse* colormap is a visual representation of a solar eclipse (with the black/blue representing the Moon and the yellow the Sun's corona).
It covers almost the full lightness range (:math:`[0, 95]`) and uses the colors blue and yellow.
-It is excellent for representing information where the upper half should be the focus.
\ No newline at end of file
+It is excellent for representing information where the upper half should be the focus.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/ember.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/ember.rst
index 8ed5440f..05b11495 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/ember.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/ember.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ ember
The *ember* colormap is a visual representation of coal embers.
It covers almost the full lightness range (:math:`[0, 90]`) and uses the colors red and yellow.
-As with some other colormaps in *CMasher*, its smoothly varying colors make it a good choice for representing intensity maps.
\ No newline at end of file
+As with some other colormaps in *CMasher*, its smoothly varying colors make it a good choice for representing intensity maps.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/fall.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/fall.rst
index fe3acca2..e339e27e 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/fall.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/fall.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ fall
The *fall* colormap is a visual representation of the season with the same name, in particular its characteristic leaf colors.
It covers the :math:`[10, 100]` lightness range and uses the colors red and yellow.
Its calming colors make it great for representing background information in a plot or temperature scales.
-Note that *fall* does not start at :math:`0` lightness, unlike most other colormaps in *CMasher*.
\ No newline at end of file
+Note that *fall* does not start at :math:`0` lightness, unlike most other colormaps in *CMasher*.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/flamingo.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/flamingo.rst
index 500cf17b..579eac5f 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/flamingo.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/flamingo.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ flamingo
The *flamingo* colormap is a visual representation of the bird with the same name.
It covers the full lightness range and solely uses the color red.
-It is the most useful for representing information where the center should be the main focus, but is also great for smoothly varying information.
\ No newline at end of file
+It is the most useful for representing information where the center should be the main focus, but is also great for smoothly varying information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/freeze.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/freeze.rst
index 5324cd25..7afff67f 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/freeze.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/freeze.rst
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ The *freeze* colormap is one of the two main colormaps used in `PRISM`_, and is
It covers the full lightness range and solely uses the color blue.
As it only uses a single color, this colormap is excellent for representing information that varies smoothly, like density/intensity values in a scientific plot.
-.. _PRISM: https://github.com/1313e/PRISM
\ No newline at end of file
+.. _PRISM: https://github.com/1313e/PRISM
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/gem.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/gem.rst
index d19474db..479b6031 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/gem.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/gem.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ gem
The *gem* colormap is a visual representation of the amethyst and aquamarine gemstones.
It covers the special :math:`[15, 85]` lightness range and uses the colors purple and blue.
-Its very distinctive colors make it useful for representing dense information while not overloading on distractive colors, while also being easy to annotate over.
\ No newline at end of file
+Its very distinctive colors make it useful for representing dense information while not overloading on distractive colors, while also being easy to annotate over.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/gothic.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/gothic.rst
index a02f17fd..a9146046 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/gothic.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/gothic.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ gothic
The *gothic* colormap is a visual representation of the stereotypical gothic colors.
It covers the full lightness range and solely uses the color purple.
-As with the :ref:`freeze` colormap, this colormap is excellent for representing information that varies smoothly.
\ No newline at end of file
+As with the :ref:`freeze` colormap, this colormap is excellent for representing information that varies smoothly.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/horizon.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/horizon.rst
index 61e57f3c..16b5f537 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/horizon.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/horizon.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ horizon
The *horizon* colormap is a visual representation of the horizon, from the green colors of the land to the calm colors of the clouds.
It covers the :math:`[20, 100]` lightness range and has the colors green and blue as its main colors.
Similarly to :ref:`ocean`, this colormap is great for representing background information.
-Also note that, like :ref:`ocean`, *horizon* does not start at :math:`0` lightness.
\ No newline at end of file
+Also note that, like :ref:`ocean`, *horizon* does not start at :math:`0` lightness.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/jungle.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/jungle.rst
index a5b54c99..dfdd8c3f 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/jungle.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/jungle.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ jungle
The *jungle* colormap is a visual representation of a jungle.
It covers the full lightness range and solely uses the color green.
-As with the other single-color colormaps, this colormap is excellent for representing smooth information.
\ No newline at end of file
+As with the other single-color colormaps, this colormap is excellent for representing smooth information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/lavender.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/lavender.rst
index d24021f4..cab5d195 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/lavender.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/lavender.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ lavender
The *lavender* colormap is a visual representation of the flower with the same name.
It covers the :math:`[0, 80]` lightness range and uses the colors green and purple.
-Its soft and very distinctive coloring makes it great for representing dense information.
\ No newline at end of file
+Its soft and very distinctive coloring makes it great for representing dense information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/lilac.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/lilac.rst
index c871a623..75a0655d 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/lilac.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/lilac.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ lilac
The *lilac* colormap is a visual representation of the flower species with the same name (also known as 'syringa').
It covers almost the full lightness range (:math:`[0, 90]`) and uses the green and purple.
-Its smoothly varying colors make it great for representing dense information, whereas the green end also makes it great for representing information where the higher values should be the main focus.
\ No newline at end of file
+Its smoothly varying colors make it great for representing dense information, whereas the green end also makes it great for representing information where the higher values should be the main focus.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/neon.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/neon.rst
index 48ca3183..ffbf15da 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/neon.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/neon.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ neon
The *neon* colormap is a visual representation of the typical neon signs found in leisure areas.
It covers the very restricted :math:`[40, 90]` lightness range and basically uses all colors.
-Its bright colors make it a great alternative to the :ref:`chroma` colormap while being easy to annotate over.
\ No newline at end of file
+Its bright colors make it a great alternative to the :ref:`chroma` colormap while being easy to annotate over.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/neutral.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/neutral.rst
index 1d1f16f9..b5eda316 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/neutral.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/neutral.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ neutral
The *neutral* colormap is a neutral, colorless colormap.
It covers the full lightness range and uses no colors.
-Whereas MPL's *binary* colormap changes uniformly in colorspace, *neutral* changes uniformly in lightness space.
\ No newline at end of file
+Whereas MPL's *binary* colormap changes uniformly in colorspace, *neutral* changes uniformly in lightness space.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/nuclear.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/nuclear.rst
index 55c69f98..36c2b35a 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/nuclear.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/nuclear.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ nuclear
The *nuclear* colormap is a visual representation of the colors commonly associated with nuclear radiation.
Keep in mind that this is a misconception, as the Cherenkov radiation coming from a nuclear reactor is usually bright blue, and nuclear/gamma radiation itself is colorless.
It covers the lightness range of :math:`[0, 90]` and uses the color green.
-Like other colormaps, it is great at representing smooth information.
\ No newline at end of file
+Like other colormaps, it is great at representing smooth information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/ocean.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/ocean.rst
index 08954159..c6b8ab98 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/ocean.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/ocean.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ ocean
The *ocean* colormap is a visual representation of an ocean wave.
It covers almost the full lightness range (:math:`[10, 100]`) and uses the color green-blue.
Its calming, non-distracting colors make it great for representing background information in a plot.
-Note that unlike most other colormaps, *ocean* does not start at :math:`0` lightness.
\ No newline at end of file
+Note that unlike most other colormaps, *ocean* does not start at :math:`0` lightness.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/pepper.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/pepper.rst
index 9eace7de..f384a679 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/pepper.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/pepper.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ pepper
The *pepper* colormap is a visual representation of the vegetable with the same name (also known as 'bell pepper'; 'paprika'; 'capsicum'; etc.).
It covers the special :math:`[15, 85]` lightness range and uses the colors red and green.
-Like the :ref:`bubblegum` and :ref:`gem` colormaps, *pepper* is excellent for representing discrete information and can easily be annotated over due to its low perceptual range and unique lightness range.
\ No newline at end of file
+Like the :ref:`bubblegum` and :ref:`gem` colormaps, *pepper* is excellent for representing discrete information and can easily be annotated over due to its low perceptual range and unique lightness range.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/rainforest.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/rainforest.rst
index 2edae892..1e9844c5 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/rainforest.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/rainforest.rst
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ It covers the full lightness range and uses basically all major colors (red migh
Because it uses all major colors, this colormap has a high perceptual range, making it excellent for representing information where small adjacent differences should be clearly visible.
This also makes *rainforest* a good standard colormap choice as it treats all information as equally important, in addition to being CVD-friendly.
-.. _PRISM: https://github.com/1313e/PRISM
\ No newline at end of file
+.. _PRISM: https://github.com/1313e/PRISM
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/savanna.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/savanna.rst
index f96c8851..ba3afb16 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/savanna.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/savanna.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ savanna
The *savanna* colormap is a visual representation of the tropical savanna ecosystems.
It covers the full lightness range and uses the colors green and orange.
As with a few other colormaps, its smoothly varying colors makes *savanna* great for intensity maps.
-Note that the colors in *savanna* are chosen such to still be CVD-friendly.
\ No newline at end of file
+Note that the colors in *savanna* are chosen such to still be CVD-friendly.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/sepia.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/sepia.rst
index 4dd55b6b..3efd2b84 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/sepia.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/sepia.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ sepia
The *sepia* colormap is a visual representation of the sepia toning often used in photography.
It almost covers the full lightness range (:math:`[0, 95]`) and uses many shades of the color brown.
-Its soft and non-distracting colors make it great for representing background information.
\ No newline at end of file
+Its soft and non-distracting colors make it great for representing background information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/sunburst.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/sunburst.rst
index b1247037..78193d06 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/sunburst.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/sunburst.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ sunburst
The *sunburst* colormap is a visual representation of a sunburst or solar flare.
It covers the full lightness range and uses the colors red and orange.
-Its smoothly varying coloring makes it a good choice for representing data that varies smoothly as well (like intensity or temperature maps).
\ No newline at end of file
+Its smoothly varying coloring makes it a good choice for representing data that varies smoothly as well (like intensity or temperature maps).
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/swamp.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/swamp.rst
index 1f5bbc9b..f8594766 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/swamp.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/swamp.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ swamp
The *swamp* colormap is a visual representation of the wet swamp ecosystems.
It covers the full lightness range and uses the colors blue and green.
Its smoothly varying colors makes it great for intensity maps.
-As the *swamp* colormap uses softer colors, it can be used as an alternative to the :ref:`toxic` colormap.
\ No newline at end of file
+As the *swamp* colormap uses softer colors, it can be used as an alternative to the :ref:`toxic` colormap.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/toxic.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/toxic.rst
index 98e055b5..35d7bb23 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/toxic.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/toxic.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ toxic
The *toxic* colormap is a visual representation of the colors commonly associated with toxic substances.
It covers the :math:`[0, 90]` lightness range and uses the colors blue and green.
-As with :ref:`lavender` and :ref:`gem`, it is great at representing dense information.
\ No newline at end of file
+As with :ref:`lavender` and :ref:`gem`, it is great at representing dense information.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/tree.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/tree.rst
index 0fe78045..4450ac5c 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/tree.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/tree.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ tree
The *tree* colormap is a visual representation of the woody plants with the same name (there is, funnily enough, no accepted definition of what a `tree `_ is).
It covers the :math:`[0, 85]` lightness range and uses the colors green and brown.
-This colormap is excellent for representing information where the higher values should be the main focus.
\ No newline at end of file
+This colormap is excellent for representing information where the higher values should be the main focus.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/tropical.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/tropical.rst
index 116c4ec9..94e8e979 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/tropical.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/tropical.rst
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ tropical
The *tropical* colormap is a visual representation of the tropical colors of beach parties and flower leis.
It covers the very restricted :math:`[40, 90]` lightness range and basically uses all colors.
-As the counterpart to the :ref:`neon` colormap, its bright colors make it a great alternative to the :ref:`chroma` colormap while being easy to annotate over.
\ No newline at end of file
+As the counterpart to the :ref:`neon` colormap, its bright colors make it a great alternative to the :ref:`chroma` colormap while being easy to annotate over.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/sequential/voltage.rst b/docs/source/user/sequential/voltage.rst
index 7f97aa10..16aa0d10 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/sequential/voltage.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/sequential/voltage.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ voltage
The *voltage* colormap is a visual representation of the high voltage electricity in a tesla coil or lightning strike.
It covers the full lightness range and uses the colors purple and blue.
As with :ref:`arctic` and :ref:`freeze`, it is excellent at representing information that is smooth.
-This colormap is also a great alternative to the :ref:`gem` colormap, as it uses softer colors.
\ No newline at end of file
+This colormap is also a great alternative to the :ref:`gem` colormap, as it uses softer colors.
diff --git a/docs/source/user/usage.rst b/docs/source/user/usage.rst
index 256adf45..00f29442 100644
--- a/docs/source/user/usage.rst
+++ b/docs/source/user/usage.rst
@@ -339,10 +339,10 @@ For example, the qualitative sub-colormap made of :ref:`lilac` shown in :numref:
# Import CMasher
import cmasher as cmr
# Create sub-colormap
cmap = cmr.get_sub_cmap('cmr.lilac', 0.2, 0.8, N=5)
# View colormap
diff --git a/joss_paper/paper.bib b/joss_paper/paper.bib
index 43890d8c..678afeed 100644
--- a/joss_paper/paper.bib
+++ b/joss_paper/paper.bib
@@ -148,17 +148,17 @@ @inproceedings{Kindlmann02
-author={D. A. Szafir},
-journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
-title={Modeling Color Difference for Visualization Design},
-keywords={data visualisation;image coding;image colour analysis;modeling color difference;visualization design;color encodings;color perceptions;uniform fields;optimal viewing environments;qualitative intuitions;data misinterpretation;color difference perceptions;color differences;probabilistic models;effective encoding design;Image color analysis;Color;Encoding;Visualization;Measurement;Data visualization;Computational modeling;Color Perception;Graphical Perception;Color Models;Crowdsourcing},
+author={D. A. Szafir},
+journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
+title={Modeling Color Difference for Visualization Design},
+keywords={data visualisation;image coding;image colour analysis;modeling color difference;visualization design;color encodings;color perceptions;uniform fields;optimal viewing environments;qualitative intuitions;data misinterpretation;color difference perceptions;color differences;probabilistic models;effective encoding design;Image color analysis;Color;Encoding;Visualization;Measurement;Data visualization;Computational modeling;Color Perception;Graphical Perception;Color Models;Crowdsourcing},
diff --git a/joss_paper/paper.md b/joss_paper/paper.md
index 25985b87..761a8a3a 100644
--- a/joss_paper/paper.md
+++ b/joss_paper/paper.md
@@ -80,4 +80,3 @@ Parts of this research were supported by the Australian Research Council Centre
# References
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f491967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+requires = ["setuptools>=61.2"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+name = "cmasher"
+version = "1.7.0" # keep in sync with __version__
+authors = [{name = "Ellert van der Velden", email = "ellert_vandervelden@outlook.com"}]
+description = "Scientific colormaps for making accessible, informative and 'cmashing' plots"
+readme = "README.rst"
+license = {text = "BSD-3"}
+classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",
+ "Natural Language :: English",
+ "Operating System :: MacOS",
+ "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows",
+ "Operating System :: Unix",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
+ "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization",
+ "Topic :: Utilities",
+ "Framework :: Matplotlib",
+keywords = ["cmasher perceptually uniform sequential colormaps plotting python visualization"]
+requires-python = ">=3.9, <4"
+# keep in sync with requirements.txt
+dependencies = [
+ "colorspacious>=1.1.0",
+ "matplotlib>=3.5",
+ "numpy>=1.19.3",
+Homepage = "https://cmasher.readthedocs.io"
+Documentation = "https://cmasher.readthedocs.io"
+"Source Code" = "https://github.com/1313e/CMasher"
+cmr = "cmasher.cli_tools:main"
+package-dir = {cmasher = "cmasher"}
+include-package-data = true
+zip-safe = false
+platforms = [
+ "Windows",
+ "Mac OS-X",
+ "Linux",
+ "Unix",
+find = {namespaces = false}
+universal = 0
+addopts = "-v"
+filterwarnings = [
+ "error",
+ "ignore:FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive:UserWarning",
+ "ignore:Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend:UserWarning",
+ # this future warning is internal to viscm
+ "ignore: Deprecated. CatmulClark builds nicer splines.:FutureWarning",
+ # internal to colorspacious
+ "ignore:invalid value encountered in divide:RuntimeWarning",
+# https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil/pull/1285
+ 'ignore:datetime\.datetime\.utcfromtimestamp\(\) is deprecated:DeprecationWarning',
+include = ["cmasher/*"]
+omit = [
+ "cmasher/__version__*",
+ "cmasher/app_usage.py",
+ignore = [
+ "E501",
+ "D101",
+ "E226",
+ "F401",
+ "F403",
+select = [
+ "E",
+ "F",
+ "W",
+ #"D", # pydocstyle
+ "C4", # flake8-comprehensions
+ "B", # flake8-bugbear
+ "YTT", # flake8-2020
+ "I", # isort
+ "UP", # pyupgrade
+ "NPY", # numpy specific rules
+combine-as-imports = true
+known-first-party = ["cmasher"]
+convention = "numpy"
+"cmasher/tests/**" = ["D"]
+"_backports.py" = ["D"]
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 7989fbcb..35cc701c 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+# keep in sync with pyproject.toml
diff --git a/requirements_dev.txt b/requirements_dev.txt
index c99a53f2..ce102a7a 100644
--- a/requirements_dev.txt
+++ b/requirements_dev.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
-e .
diff --git a/scripts/pin_requirements.py b/scripts/pin_requirements.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80afad45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/pin_requirements.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import sys
+import tomli_w
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ import tomllib
+ import tomli as tomllib
+with open("pyproject.toml", "rb") as fr:
+ conf = tomllib.load(fr)
+conf["project"]["dependencies"] = [
+ req.replace(">=", "==") for req in conf["project"]["dependencies"]
+with open("pyproject.toml", "wb") as fw:
+ tomli_w.dump(conf, fw)
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b22d6e6..00000000
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-universal = 0
-addopts = --mpl --flake8 -v --cov --cov-config=setup.cfg --cov-report=term-missing
-testpaths = ./cmasher
-flake8-ignore =
- E226
- F401
- F403
- W503
- W504
-include = cmasher/*
-omit =
- cmasher/__version__*
- cmasher/app_usage.py
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 10030788..00000000
--- a/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Setup file for the *CMasher* package.
-# Built-in imports
-from codecs import open
-import re
-# Package imports
-from setuptools import find_packages, setup
-# Get the long description from the README file
-with open('README.rst', 'r') as f:
- long_description = f.read()
-# Get the requirements list
-with open('requirements.txt', 'r') as f:
- requirements = f.read().splitlines()
-# Read the __version__.py file
-with open('cmasher/__version__.py', 'r') as f:
- vf = f.read()
-# Obtain version from read-in __version__.py file
-version = re.search(r"^_*version_* = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]", vf, re.M).group(1)
-# Setup function declaration
- version=version,
- author="Ellert van der Velden",
- author_email='ellert_vandervelden@outlook.com',
- description=("Scientific colormaps for making accessible, informative "
- "and 'cmashing' plots"),
- long_description=long_description,
- url="https://cmasher.readthedocs.io",
- project_urls={
- 'Documentation': "https://cmasher.readthedocs.io",
- 'Source Code': "https://github.com/1313e/CMasher",
- },
- license='BSD-3',
- platforms=['Windows', 'Mac OS-X', 'Linux', 'Unix'],
- classifiers=[
- 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
- 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
- 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
- 'Natural Language :: English',
- 'Operating System :: MacOS',
- 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
- 'Operating System :: Unix',
- 'Programming Language :: Python',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9',
- 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization',
- 'Topic :: Utilities',
- 'Framework :: Matplotlib',
- ],
- keywords=("cmasher perceptually uniform sequential colormaps plotting "
- "python visualization"),
- python_requires='>=3.6, <4',
- packages=find_packages(),
- package_dir={'cmasher': "cmasher"},
- entry_points={
- 'console_scripts': [
- "cmr = cmasher.cli_tools:main"]},
- include_package_data=True,
- install_requires=requirements,
- zip_safe=False,
- )