Detect and merge redundant definitions for lighter svg files
First step, installation. Be sure to have node.js installed on your system then :
npm install -g svg-dev-cleaner
To clean a svg file juste write in your shell :
svg-dev-cleaner inputFile.svg outputFile.svg
To use it as module :
var sdc = require('svg-def-cleaner');
// string api
var cleanedSvgString = sdc.cleanSvgContent('<xml>redundantSvg</xml>');
// file api
sdc.main('sourceFile.svg', 'targetFile.svg');
You need node.js and git then run :
git clone
cd svg-def-cleaner
npm install
node_modules/coffee-script/bin/cake watch
start coding !
- factorize identical elements excepted the transformation part (one element in and in replacement of duplicated elements)
- factorize style attribute when possible (put them on group if all child have the same or override it)