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Gregory Ristow edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 8 revisions


In vexflow, a tuplet (triplet, quintuplet, etc...) is created by providing an array of notes and defining a tuplet ratio for how to rhythmically fit those notes into a different duration. A triplet, for instance, fits three notes into the space of two; it has the tuplet ratio 3:2. A quintuplet fits five notes in the space of four, and has the ratio 5:4. Vexflow supports both simple tuplets and highly-complex tuplets, including the nesting of tuplets within tuplets.


var tuplet = new Vex.Flow.Tuplet(notes_array[, options_object]);



  • The notes array is typically made up of StaveNotes, but can be made up of any type of note that inherits from StemmableNote, including GhostNote and TabNote.


  • The properties of the options_object are:
  • num_notes: fit this many notes...
  • notes_occupied: ...into the space of this many notes.
  • location: 1 (above notes, ┌─3─┐) or -1 (below, └─3─┘). Defaults to 1 (above). For code legibility, you may use Vex.Flow.Tuplet.LOCATION_TOP and Vex.Flow.Tuplet.LOCATION_BOTTOM
  • bracketed: boolean, whether to draw a bracket or show only the number(s). Defaults false if all of the tuplet notes are beamed, true otherwise. Note: If you are relying on the default, you should apply beams before you create the tuplet, as this is checked only on tuplet creation.
  • ratioed: boolean, whether to show both numbers of the tuplet ratio. True: ┌─5:4─┐ False: ┌─5─┐. Defaults true if the difference between num_notes and notes_occupied is greater than 1.
  • y_offset: The distance by which the entire tuplet should be offset, to avoid (for instance) an articulation. (Use negative values to raise the tuplet, positive values to lower it.)

Caution: despite its slightly misleading name, num_notes does not refer to the number of notes within the tuplet itself. Rather, it refers to the upper value of the tuplet ratio.

num_notes and notes_occupied together make up the tuplet ratio, and when ratioed is true, the ratio will be displayed as ┌─num_notes:notes_occupied─┐.

While num_notes and notes_occupied are not strictly required, for code legibility they are highly recommended. When omitted, num_notes defaults to the number of notes in notes_array, so if those notes are not all the same duration, you should be sure to include num_notes. Because notes_occupied defaults to 2, you should be sure to specify a value for anything other than a basic triplet.


These options are illustrated in this image: Tuplet example image

Which is generated using this code:

// Setup the notes_array
var notes = [
  ["c/4", "16"],
  ["d/4", "16"],
  ["e/4", "16"],
  ["f/4", "16"],
  ["g/4", "16"],
  ["a/4", "4"],
  ["b/4", "4"],
  ["c/5", "8"],
  ["b/4", "16"],
  ["a/4", "16"],
  ["g/4", "16"],
  ["f/4", "16"],
  ["e/4", "16"],
  ["d/4", "16"],
  ["c/4", "8"],
  ["b/3", "8"],
  ["c/4", "8"]
  return new Vex.Flow.StaveNote({
    keys: [noteStruct[0]], 
    duration: noteStruct[1]

// Setup the beams: we do this before defining tuplets so that default bracketing will work.
var beams = [
  [0, 5], // c/4 - g/4
  [8, 13], // b/4 - e/4
  [14, 17] // c/4, b/3, c/4
  return new Vex.Flow.Beam(notes.slice(i[0], i[1]));

// Now create the tuplets:
var quarterNoteTriplet = new Vex.Flow.Tuplet(notes.slice(0, 8), {
  num_notes: 3, notes_occupied: 2, ratioed: true

var nestedQuintuplet = new Vex.Flow.Tuplet(notes.slice(0,5), {
  num_notes: 5, notes_occupied: 4, location: -1, bracketed: true

var nestedTriplet = new Vex.Flow.Tuplet(notes.slice(6,8), {
  num_notes: 3, notes_occupied: 2, location: -1

var complexQuintuplet = new Vex.Flow.Tuplet(notes.slice(8,13), {
  num_notes: 5, notes_occupied: 3

var simpleTriplet = new Vex.Flow.Tuplet(notes.slice(14,17));

// Create the voice:
var voice = new Vex.Flow.Voice({num_beats:4, resolution:Vex.Flow.RESOLUTION})

// Format the voice:
var formatter = new Vex.Flow.Formatter();
formatter.format([voice], 775);

// Draw the voice:
voice.draw(ctx, stave);

// Draw the beams:

// Draw the tuplets:
[ quarterNoteTriplet, nestedQuintuplet, nestedTriplet, complexQuintuplet, simpleTriplet ]