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Building From Source

This guide will walk you through the process of building bisq from source.

NOTE: For most users, building from source is not necessary. See the releases page, where you'll find installers for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

There is an install script (2 parts) for setup (JDK, git, maven, Bitcoinj, bisq) on Linux in that directory (,

System requirements

The prerequisite for building bisq is installing the Java Development Kit (JDK), version 8u131 or better (as well as maven and git).

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk maven git

In Debian/Ubuntu with OpenJDK you'll need OpenJFX as well, i.e. you'll need the openjfx package besides the openjdk-8-jdk package.

$ sudo apt-get install openjfx

1. Check the version of Java you currently have installed

$ java -version

If java is not found, or your version is anything less than 1.8.0_121, then follow the next steps, otherwise you can skip to step 2:

1.1 Debian based systems (Ubuntu)

You can use either OpenJDK or Oracle JDK.

To install OpenJDK use:

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk maven libopenjfx-java

Unfortunately, Ubuntu 14.04 & Linux Mint 17.3 are missing OpenJdk 8 and OpenJFX, so this might be useful:

If openjdk-8-jdk is not found you can add this ppa, update, then try again:

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa && sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

If libopenjfx-java is not found you can build & install it yourself:

To install the Oracle JDK use:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install oracle-java8-installer

Check if $JAVA_HOME is set:

$ echo $JAVA_HOME

If $JAVA_HOME is not present, open your .bashrc file:

$ touch ~/.bashrc
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
  • For OpenJDK add: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
  • For Oracle JDK add: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
  • For your current alternative JDK add: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
    (or /usr/lib/jvm/default for Arch or /usr/lib/jvm/java for Fedora)

Save and close the file.

Reload the file in your shell:

$ . ~/.bashrc
$ echo $JAVA_HOME

1.2 Other systems

Download and install the latest Oracle JDK for your platform.

For Mac OSX, you will need to set JAVA_HOME as:

$ echo 'export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)' >> ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc


Note that Bisq use protobuf during maven build. Installation is done via the maven build.

2.1 Increase the Intellij Idea Code insight limit, because it breaks on the generated protobuffer files:

Go to Help > Edit custom properties => paste the following line: idea.max.intellisense.filesize=12500 Source:

At IntelliJ 14 you need to edit the in the app container: /Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ 14\

2.2 If using Intellij install the Lombok plugin

Build bisq

1. Build final bisq jar

Now we have all prepared to build the correct bisq jar.

$ git clone exchange
$ cd exchange
$ mvn clean package verify -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

When the build completes, you will find an executable jar: gui/target/shaded.jar and a ./lib directory. To run it use:

$ java -jar gui/target/shaded.jar

Build binaries

If you want to build the binaries check out the build scripts under the package directory. Use the shaded.jar and the lib directory.

DAO full node

If you want to run your own BSQ transaction verification node you have to run Bitcoin Core with RPC enabled and use dedicated program arguments for the bisq node. See for more details.

Development mode

Please check out our wiki for more information about testing and how to use regtest

Here are example program arguments for using regtest with localhost environment (not using Tor):

$ java -jar seednode/target/SeedNode.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --useLocalhost=true --myAddress=localhost:2002 --nodePort=2002 --appName=bisq_seed_node_localhost_2002

$ java -jar gui/target/shaded.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --useLocalhost=true --myAddress=localhost:2222 --nodePort=2222 --appName=bisq-Local-Regtest-Arbitrator

$ java -jar gui/target/shaded.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --useLocalhost=true --myAddress=localhost:3333 --nodePort=3333 --appName=bisq-Local-Regtest-Alice

$ java -jar gui/target/shaded.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --useLocalhost=true --myAddress=localhost:4444 --nodePort=4444 --appName=bisq-Local-Regtest-Bob

Running local seed node with Tor and RegTest

If you want to run locally a seed node via Tor you need to add your seed node's hidden service address to the class. You can find the hidden service address after you started once a seed node. Start it with a placeholder address like:

$ java -jar seednode/target/SeedNode.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --nodePort=8002 --myAddress=xxxxxxxx.onion:8002 --appName=bisq_seed_node_xxxxxxxx.onion_8000

Once the hidden service is published (check console output) quit the seed node and copy the hidden service address from the console output. Alternatively you can navigate to the application directory and open bisq_seed_node_xxxxxxx.onion_8002/tor/hiddenservice/hostname. use that hidden service address also to rename the xxxxxxx placeholder of your bisq_seed_node_xxxxxxx.onion_8002 directory. Start again the SeedNode.jar now with the correct hidden service address. Instructions are also at the SeedNodesRepository class.

Here are example program arguments for using regtest and using the Tor network (example onion address is ewdkppp3vicnbgqt):

 $ java -jar seednode/target/SeedNode.jar ewdkppp3vicnbgqt.onion:8002 2 50

 $ java -jar seednode/target/SeedNode.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --nodePort=8002 --myAddress=ewdkppp3vicnbgqt.onion:8002 --appName=bisq_seed_node_ewdkppp3vicnbgqt.oinion_8002

 $ java -jar gui/target/shaded.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --myAddress=localhost:2222 --nodePort=2222 --appName=bisq-Local-Regtest-Arbitrator

 $ java -jar gui/target/shaded.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --myAddress=localhost:3333 --nodePort=3333 --appName=bisq-Local-Regtest-Alice

 $ java -jar gui/target/shaded.jar --baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST --myAddress=localhost:4444 --nodePort=4444 --appName=bisq-Local-Regtest-Bob


If the instructions above don't work for you, please raise an issue. Thanks!