Docker container for building packer images with QEMU and Ansible.
The repository also contain a docker-packer
script which is a wrapper
around the packer which segregates the packer artifacts
directory into a
temporary directory. This makes it possible to build the same OS in parallel.
E.g when running in a CD/CI pipeline.
docker-packer [<options>] | command
-h | --help This message
-b | --build-dir <path> Mount the build root from given path.
-i | --images-dir <path> Mount the images directory from given path.
-I | --iso-dir <path> Mount the iso directory from given path.
-p | --provisioners-dir <path> Mount the provisioniers from given path.
-V | --version Display version and exit.
Wrapper script for use with container.
Mounts the current working directory 'iso', 'images', 'artifacts'
into the docker container and runs the provided command as
pass through inside the container.
Change into your packer project directory and run the script
followed by the packer
command. E.g.
docker-packer packer build -parallel-builds=1 ubuntu.pkr.hcl
When the ISO files and the images are located on a separate disk or mount point directory the docker packer can be given options to mount from somewhere else.
docker-packer \
--iso-dir /external-disk/iso-files --images-dir /nfs-share/images -- \
packer build -parallel-builds=1 ubuntu.pkr.hcl
The docker-packer wrapper script is tailored to the build frame work found